Presentation on the topic "social norms and deviant behavior". Presentation for the lesson "social norms and deviant behavior" Social science grade 10 lesson presentation social norms

  • Types of social norms
Types of social norms
  • 1) moral standards- these are norms in which people's ideas about good and bad, about good and evil, about justice and injustice are expressed, the implementation of which is ensured by the internal conviction of people or the power of public opinion;
Types of social norms
  • 2) Traditions and customs are a historically established rule of conduct that has become a habit as a result of its repeated repetition. The implementation of this kind of norms is provided by the force of habit of people;
Types of social norms
  • 3) Religious norms- these are the rules of conduct contained in the texts of sacred books or established religious organizations(church). People follow these rules, guided by their faith or under the threat of being punished (by God or the church);
Types of social norms
  • 4) Political norms - norms established by various political organizations. These rules of conduct must be observed first of all by the members of these organizations. The implementation of such norms is ensured by the internal convictions of the people who are members of these organizations, or by the fear of being excluded from them;
Types of social norms
  • 5) Legal regulations - formally defined rules of conduct, established or sanctioned by the state, the implementation of which is ensured by its authority or coercive power.
  • social control
  • The system for regulating people's behavior and maintaining
  • public order
  • External
  • Interior
  • (self-control)
  • It is carried out by social
  • institutions - the court, the army,
  • education, production
  • It is carried out informally
  • environment, relatives
  • friends, colleagues, acquaintances
  • Individual on one's own
  • regulates his behavior
  • coordinating it with
  • generally accepted
  • social norms
  • Social sanctions
  • Rewards or punishments that encourage people
  • comply with social norms and rules of conduct.
  • positive
  • negative
  • government award,
  • career advancement,
  • awarding a degree
  • friendly praise,
  • compliment,
  • positive feedback
  • Reprimand, rebuke, break
  • friendly relations
  • Fine, demotion,
  • dismissal, arrest,
  • imprisonment
  • Deviant (deviant) behavior - behavior that
  • inconsistent with social norms
  • the expectations of a group or the whole society.
The two main types of deviant behavior are:
  • Deviant behavior - violation of social norms, do not correspond to written and unwritten norms, causes disapproval of others, violates traditions. In the narrow sense, not causing criminal punishment. Relative in their manifestation - violations are not perceived by some groups of people as deviations from the norm.
  • Delinquent behavior - illegal,
  • guilty, socially dangerous; entails criminal penalties. Absolute character in relation to laws.
Deviant behavior
  • Collective character
  • Individual character
  • Distribution m.b. associated with the influence of the criminal subculture, the carriers of which are the declassed parts of society
  • Categories of the population more prone to commit deviant acts - risk groups
Explanations for deviant behavior
  • 1. Biological predisposition to ODA. type of behaviour. Appears in form
  • 2.Psychological-internal qualities: character traits, life attitudes, psychological traits, orientation. Partly innate, partly formed by the environment.
Types of deviant behavior
  • Innovation (acceptance of socially approved goals, but denial of legal means to achieve them). Often the innovator is a criminal
  • Ritualism - non-recognition of goals, values, while recognizing legal means and methods
Types of deviant behavior
  • Retreatism - rejection of both the goals and means of their implementation, "escape from reality"
  • Rebellion, rebellion is not only the rejection of goals and means, but the desire to replace them with their own (ideal, perfect).
Deviant behavior is inevitable
  • No task of complete eradication
  • sociologist E. Durkheim: deviation helps society to get a more complete picture of the diversity of social norms, leads to their improvement, promotes social change, revealing alternatives to already existing norms.
  • Deviant behavior
  • positive character
  • Negative character
conformist (from lat. conformis - similar, similar)
  • The opposite of deviant
  • social behavior that corresponds to the norms and values ​​accepted in society.
  • Ultimately, the main task regulation and social control is the reproduction in society of precisely the conformist type of behavior
  • What are the consequences of establishing an exclusively conformist type of behavior in society?
  • The most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior, causing the greatest harm to society
  • A crime that violates the rule of law is a socially dangerous act provided for by the Criminal Code
  • Deviant is social behavior that deviates from 1) political programs 2) family traditions 3) corporate norms 4) accepted moral, legal norms
  • A2. Which of the following is not deviant behavior? 1) speaking out against the existing political regime 2) alcohol abuse 3) drug use 4) football hooliganism
  • Sociology studies deviant behavior in connection with the mechanisms of 1) socialization 2) material incentives 3) group influence 4) conflict resolution
  • Are the following statements about deviant behavior correct? A. Deviant behavior can be beneficial to society. B. A manifestation of positive deviant behavior in society is scientific and inventive activity. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong
  • Find the features of deviant behavior in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated 1) focused on spending free time, leisure 2) deviates from accepted moral norms 3) teenagers search for other, different from adult culture, cultural grounds for their existence 4) is subject to social condemnation 5) deviates from accepted legal norms 6) develops most often on the basis of peculiar styles in clothing and music 7) is socially determined Answer ____________________
A6. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a letter. A.) In our opinion, deviant behavior is very different from the requirements of social norms. B.) It is to improve that entails the application of sanctions - from the desire to improve to the punishment and isolation of the offender from society. C.) Evaluation of human behavior as "deviant" is extremely dependent on the era, the norms and values ​​that have developed in society: what is deviant today may become the norm tomorrow. D.) In sociology, there are several reasons for deviant behavior: biological (congenital predisposition of some people to alcoholism, drug addiction, crime); psychological (associated with mental deviations of the personality) Determine which provisions are 1. factual in nature 2. the nature of value judgments. Write under the letter of the position a number indicating its nature.
  • A6. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a letter. A.) In our opinion, deviant behavior is very different from the requirements of social norms. B.) It is to improve that entails the application of sanctions - from the desire to improve to the punishment and isolation of the offender from society. C.) Evaluation of human behavior as "deviant" is extremely dependent on the era, the norms and values ​​that have developed in society: what is deviant today may become the norm tomorrow. D.) In sociology, there are several reasons for deviant behavior: biological (congenital predisposition of some people to alcoholism, drug addiction, crime); psychological (associated with mental deviations of the personality) Determine which provisions are 1. factual in nature 2. the nature of value judgments. Write under the letter of the position a number indicating its nature.

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Social norms and deviant behavior

Under the social norms understand the rules established in society, patterns, standards of human behavior that regulate social life.

Moral norms Traditions and customs Religious norms Political norms Legal norms Types of social norms

Types of social norms 1) Moral norms are those norms in which people's ideas about good and bad, good and evil, about justice and injustice are expressed, the implementation of which is ensured by the internal conviction of people or the power of public opinion;

Types of social norms 2) Traditions and customs are a historically established rule of behavior that has become a habit as a result of its repeated repetition. The implementation of this kind of norms is provided by the force of habit of people;

Types of social norms 3) Religious norms are the rules of conduct contained in the texts of sacred books or established by religious organizations (church). People follow these rules, guided by their faith or under the threat of being punished (by God or the church);

Types of social norms 4) Political norms - norms established by various political organizations. These rules of conduct must be observed first of all by the members of these organizations. The implementation of such norms is ensured by the internal convictions of the people who are members of these organizations, or by the fear of being excluded from them;

Types of social norms 5) Legal norms - formally defined rules of conduct, established or sanctioned by the state, the implementation of which is ensured by its authority or coercive force.

Social norms define the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in relation to the specific conditions of their life. As already mentioned above, compliance with these norms is usually ensured by the internal beliefs of people or by applying social rewards and social punishments to them in the form of so-called social sanctions. Social sanction is usually understood as the reaction of society or social group on the behavior of an individual in a socially significant situation. According to their content, sanctions can be positive (encouraging) and negative (punishing).

In reality, the behavior of people in society does not always correspond to established social norms, and even, on the contrary, they are violated. In this case, one speaks of deviant behavior of the subject. Deviant (deviant) is usually called such behavior that does not meet the requirements of social norms accepted in society. Sometimes such deviations can be positive and lead to positive consequences. But in most cases, deviant behavior is spoken of as a negative social phenomenon that is harmful to society. The most serious manifestations of such behavior are crime, drug addiction and alcoholism.

Alcoholism and drug addiction is a type of chronic disease that develops as a result of the systematic use of alcohol or drugs by a person. A crime is a socially dangerous guilty act, provided for in the Special Part of the Criminal Code. The totality of crimes in sociology has a special name - delinquent behavior.

The theory of psychoanalysis by Z. Freud
The Austrian psychiatrist Z. Freud claimed
that deviant behavior is associated with congenital
human inherent aggressiveness
not removed in the process of socialization and manifested not only in the subconscious
but also in reality. The reasons
The behavior of criminals is often to be looked for in childhood.
Read item 6. Prepare for testing on the topic; Write an essay on the topic: “Alcoholism gives more devastation
than three historical scourges combined: famine
plague and war" (W.
Meeting of Robinson Crusoe and Friday
In D. Defoe's novel "The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" there is an episode of the main character's meeting with an aborigine. Let's remember it and answer the following questions: 1. Why
obinzon decided to sew pants and a jacket for naked Friday
was it warm on the island? 2. Why did he begin to teach the savage to eat boiled food? 3. What would you call these rules
, c
with whom did Robinson introduce the aborigine?
Deviant behavior


In a narrow sense, this deviation
This is a serious offense - a crime
entailing criminal liability
Biological theory of a scientist
Italian psychiatrist C.
that deviant behavior is associated with personality degeneration
who is endowed with criminal inclinations from birth.

A born criminal has specific anatomical and physiological characteristics (portraits of criminals from the scientist's book).
Answers to tasks:
1 task: invention - positive
piercing - neutral

nail design - neutral
football fanaticism - negative
andalism - negative
gambling addiction - negative
animosity - positive
fascism is negative
eccentricity is neutral. 2
task: "Working with the table." Answers: H+
F+. one.
The presentation was made by the teacher of history and social studies "MOU "Secondary School No. 10" in Ukhta Sukhoparova S.L.
Social norms and deviant behavior
Negative environmental factors
Appropriate upbringing of the child's individuality
Disadvantages in child rearing
Correspondence of education to originality
Deviations in mental and physical development
Negative personality position of the child
Types of social norms

Christmas celebration
national anthem at the Olympics
Legal regulations
32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation "The right to participate in the administration of justice"
moral standards
don't lie
Political norms
Art. 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation "The President is the head of state"
Aesthetic standards
"Golden Ratio
in painting"
Religious norms
dangerous deviations
Ways to regulate people's behavior by social norms
Permission (what can be done)
Prohibition (what not to do)

(What do we have to do
Working with a histogram
Examples of social sanctions
Using the symbols Ф+
rate them
1. Applause
2. Dismissal of an employee
3. Boycott
4. Compliment
Presentation of a diploma

Deprivation of the award
7. Taunt
8. Criticism in the media
9. Election
deputy for the next term
10. Award
honorary title
Working with a table

Textbook, ed. Bogolyubova L.N. "Social science. Grade 10"


Basic concepts of the lesson
Social norms are rules
instructions and
Norm (lat.) - rule
standards associated with them
patterns of behavior
of people
Sanctions - measures of encouragement or punishment
encouraging people to comply with social norms
behavior - all behavior
deviating from social norms.
behavior - criminal behavior according to the law of a given state
Social sanctions
social norms
Formal Positive F+ Negative F-
Social control and self-control
Informal Positive H+ Negative H-
Sociological theory of E. Durkheim
The French scientist E. Durkheim was the first of the scientists
who concluded
that deviant behavior depends on social conditions.

In times of crisis
violent upheavals in society, social norms are collapsing
people lose their bearings

slide 2

Purpose and Lesson Plan

Lesson objectives: to give concepts: social norms, deviant behavior, deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, formal, informal sanctions, crime

Lesson plan:

  1. social norms;
  2. social control;
  3. Deviant deviant behavior;
  4. Fixation tests;
  5. Practical conclusions.
  • slide 3

    social norms

    A social norm is a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relations between people, social life.

    Functions of social norms:

    • regulate the general course of socialization; integrate personality into social
    • environment; serve as models, standards of appropriate behavior; control deviant behavior
  • slide 4

    Ways to regulate people's behavior by social norms

    • Permission - indications of behaviors that are desirable, but not required.
    • Prescription - an indication of the required action
    • Prohibition - an indication of an action that should not be performed

    The norms differ from each other in the degree of obligatory execution: encouraging; forbidding; imperative.

    slide 5

    social norms

    • Customs and traditions
    • moral standards
    • Aesthetic standards
    • Etiquette
    • Political norms
    • Religious norms
    • Legal regulations
  • slide 6

    Characteristics of social norms

  • Slide 7

    Slide 9

    • Internal (self-control).
      A form of social control in which an individual independently regulates his behavior, coordinating it with generally accepted norms
    • External.
      A set of institutions and mechanisms that guarantee the observance of generally accepted norms of behavior and laws.
  • Slide 10

    Types of sanctions

    Formal positive sanctions - public approval from official organizations (government, institution, creative union): government awards, state prizes and scholarships, bestowed titles, academic degrees and titles, construction of a monument, presentation of diplomas, admission to high positions and honorary functions.

    slide 11

    Informal positive sanctions - public approval that does not come from official organizations: friendly praise, compliments, tacit recognition, benevolent disposition, applause, fame, honor, flattering reviews, recognition of leadership or expert qualities, a smile.

    slide 12

    • Formal negative sanctions - punishments provided for by legal laws, government decrees, administrative instructions, orders, orders (reprimand, arrest, fine, etc.)
    • Informal negative sanctions - punishments that are not provided for by official authorities (reprimand, remarks, ridicule, mockery, cruel joke, unflattering nickname, etc.)
  • slide 13

    Methods of social control

  • Slide 14

    Deviant (deviant behavior)

    Deviant behavior is a form of disorganization of the behavior of an individual in a group or category of persons in society, which reveals a discrepancy between established expectations, moral and legal requirements of society.

    slide 15

    • Deviant. Deviation that does not entail criminal punishment.
    • Delinquent. Violation of the norms falling under the category of illegal action.
  • slide 16

    Reasons for deviant behavior

  • Slide 17

    Types of deviant behavior

  • Slide 18

    Slide 19

    Evaluation of deviations

    Negative, i.e. harmful to society:

    • Offenses
    • Alcoholism
    • Addiction
    • Terrorism
    • Corruption
    • Vandalism
    • Other

    Positive, i.e. beneficial to society:

    • Heroism
    • Initiative
    • innovation talent
    • self-sacrifice
    • Other

    Neutral, not affecting society:

    • Non-observance of customs and traditions
    • eccentricity
    • Eccentricity
    • Other
  • Slide 20


    Crime is the most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior, causing the greatest damage to society. A crime is a socially dangerous act that encroaches on the right to order and is provided for by the Criminal Code. The totality of crimes committed in a given society and in a given period of time is denoted by the concept of "crime". It causes serious consequences for the development of society and its members like none of the other negative phenomena of social development.

    slide 21

    Criminal Code Russian Federation indicates the following types of crimes: against the person, in the sphere of the economy, against public safety and public order, against state power, against military service, against peace and security. Crime is not only a social, but also a legal phenomenon, since only what is enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is criminal.

    slide 22

    The fight against crime includes, firstly, political and economic measures. social, socio-psychological, managerial, cultural nature, allowing to eliminate the conditions conducive to crime; secondly, the development of the legal consciousness of citizens; thirdly, special preventive activities aimed at identifying and eliminating the immediate causes of crime; fourthly, the application of criminal law in relation to persons who have committed a crime of a crime.

  • slide 23

    Fixation tests

    Does not apply to social norms

    1. prohibition to disassemble an electrical appliance if it is connected to electricity;
    2. obligation to greet when a person enters the premises;
    3. obligation to take care of elderly parents;
    4. prohibition to cross the street at a red traffic light.

    Establish a correspondence between the types of sanctions and their forms: A) formal B) informal

    1. government award, compliment, academic degree, applause, smile, flattering reviews, demotion, slander.
  • slide 24

    Find the features of deviant behavior in the list below.

    1. focused on spending free time, leisure
    2. deviates from accepted moral standards
    3. the search by adolescents for other, different from the culture of adults, cultural grounds for their existence
    4. exposed to social stigma
    5. deviates from accepted legal norms
    Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "offense". Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.
    • Guilt, intent, deed, alcoholism, robbery, hooliganism.
  • Slide 25

    Practical Conclusions

    1. Knowledge of social norms is necessary for Everyday life a person striving to integrate into modern society.
    2. Behavior that meets generally accepted social norms will ensure that you feel comfortable in society.
    3. Since the norms that arise in small informal groups sometimes contradict those existing in society, everyone who is part of such groups should make an independent choice and subsequently bear responsibility for it.
    4. Bargaining with conscience, i.e., self-justification of actions that go against one's own convictions, weakens self-control and, repeated, can open the way to deviant behavior that is detrimental to the individual and society.
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