A customs pervert of the Belennins. Organizational structure of the FTS of Russia Sergey Komlichenko FTS biography

The government has decided on the candidacy of the new head of the Federal Agency for the Arrangement of the State Border (Rosgranitsa). Kommersant has learned that Sergey Komlichenko, who is now deputy head of the Federal Customs Service (FTS), may head the agency. His candidacy has been agreed with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who will soon recommend his appointment to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

As a high-ranking source in the government apparatus told Kommersant, yesterday afternoon Mr. Komlichenko arrived at the White House, where he met with Dmitry Rogozin (he oversees the activities of Rosgranitsa). Despite the fact that the agenda of the meeting was not formally disclosed, the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service, according to Kommersant's information, was aware of a possible proposal to become head of Rosgranitsa. According to Kommersant's interlocutor in the government, Dmitry Rogozin considered Mr. Komlichenko's candidacy suitable for the leadership of the department. In the near future, the Deputy Prime Minister will send a corresponding proposal on the appointment of Sergei Komlichenko to Dmitry Medvedev.

Created by the decree of President Vladimir Putin on October 11, 2007, the department is responsible for the arrangement of the state border, the creation, development and operation of checkpoints. Most of the time it was headed by Dmitry Bezdelov, who was fired on October 21, 2013. As Kommersant reported, the reason was the results of the work of the audit commission, which revealed serious violations both in the department itself (the distribution of money under the FTP "Development of the state border of the Russian Federation for 2003-2011" in the amount of about 150 billion rubles was reduced to "banal development of budget funds"), and in the activities of Mr. Bezdelov (about 1 billion rubles from the same target program ended up on the accounts of the Agrosoyuz bank, the main beneficiary of which is the father of the ex-head of the department). A day later, in Rosgranitsa and the federal state department Rosgranstroy controlled by it, FSB officers detained him. Questions arose to the head of the capital construction and operation department, Danila Vavilov, and several other employees (see Kommersant dated October 23, 2013).

The search for a new head was carried out with the assistance of the Federal Security Service (it includes the border service, which is the main customer for the services of Rosgranitsa). According to Kommersant's information, Mr. Komlichenko was not the only contender for this position. In addition to him, three more candidates were considered - the acting head of the department, Yuri Maltsev, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Sergei Zhigarev (LDPR), as well as one of the high-ranking employees of the special services. According to Kommersant's interlocutor in the government, although Mr. Zhigarev was included in the short list, he had no real chances to take this position - the FSB did not suit the option of his appointment. The candidacy of Yury Maltsev was lobbied to the last in the Rosgranitsa itself, however, in his case, the fact of many years of work with Dmitry Bezdelov negatively affected. Moreover, according to Kommersant's information, a few weeks ago Dmitry Rogozin called the official to his place for a conversation, demanding from him a return on his work - the Deputy Prime Minister considered that Mr. Maltsev was not coping with his duties. Putting a "pure silovik", according to a government source to Kommersant, was also not entirely desirable: despite the specifics of the work, the department needed a person with managerial experience in state structures.

However, Sergei Komlichenko, apparently, has experience in the state security agencies: there is very little information about his activities in open sources. It is known that he was born on May 15, 1971 in Ukraine, in the Kyiv region. From the late 1990s, he worked at the state company Rosvooruzhenie (since 2000, Rosoboronexport), and later became head of the FCS's main logistics department. In March 2010, he was promoted to deputy head of the department, Andrei Belyaninov, but he retained the range of issues he supervised. Subsequently, by decree of President Putin, he was also promoted in rank, becoming a lieutenant general of the customs service. According to the opinions of Mr. Komlichenko's colleagues, during his work at the FCS, he has developed good relations with Mr. Belyaninov, so, if necessary, the latter can give positive recommendations to him.

One of the main tasks that will be set before Mr. Komlichenko will be to restore financial order in the department, taking into account the updated federal target program for 2012-2020, the budget of which is envisaged at the level of 134 billion rubles.

There was a major scandal around the appointment of a new head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border (Rosgranitsa). After all, the main contender for this position, Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service Sergey Komlichenko, according to rumors, has already come to the attention of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Post correspondent was told in the TFR

Selection from Rogozin

The fact that it is the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Sergey Komlichenko who will be appointed to the post of head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border (Rosgranitsa) was confirmed to journalists by several sources in the Government of the Russian Federation at once. The thing is that on the eve of Sergei Komlichenko visited the White House, where he met with Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the activities of Rosgranitsa.

It was at this meeting with Rogozin that Komlichenko, according to rumors, was informed about the upcoming appointment.

Moreover, in the near future, the Deputy Prime Minister will send a corresponding proposal on the appointment of Sergei Komlichenko to Dmitry Medvedev.

It should be noted that experts see a considerable risk in this appointment, because one of the main tasks that will be set for Mr. Komlichenko will be to restore financial order in the department, taking into account the updated federal target program (FTP) for 2012-2020, the budget of which is provided for at the level 134 billion rubles.

However, whether Komlichenko will be able and willing to save this FTP from “kickbacks” and “cuts” is a big question!

How Bezdelov was left without work

Recall that Rosgranitsa was established by decree of President Vladimir Putin on October 11, 2007, as an agency responsible for the arrangement of the state border, the creation, development and operation of checkpoints.

So most of the time it was headed by Dmitry Bezdelov, who was dismissed with a scandal on October 21, 2013.

Dmitry Bezdelov

By the way, Bezdelov's resignation was preceded by an inspection of the department initiated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

In its course, it turned out that about 1 billion rubles. from the target program "Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation for 2003-2011" ended up on the accounts of Agrosoyuz Bank, the largest beneficiary of which is the father of the ex-head of Rosgranitsa, Alexander Bezdelov. The audit materials are expected to be sent to law enforcement agencies.

Moreover, many suspicious frauds were recorded in the transactions of Rosgranitsa!

Here, for example, what happened with the construction of a checkpoint on the highway Kraskino - the state border with China, where they were supposed to provide a pass for 250 cars a day!

So at the beginning of 2013, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District opened a criminal case under the article “fraud” against the general director of the contracting company Stroykonstruktsiya. It turned out that he signed with one of the deputy heads of Rosgranitsa an act of acceptance of actually uncompleted work. In addition, the contractor arbitrarily changed the design of the checkpoint, which changed the calculations of the volume and cost of work. The total damage to the federal budget is estimated at half a billion rubles.

In the summer, Rosgranitsa with difficulty terminated this contract in an arbitration court. However, the Kraskino checkpoint has not yet been built.

A similar situation has developed with the Pogranichny checkpoint, which is the largest automobile hub in the Far East on the Russian-Chinese border. The contractor LLC "Stroycity" broke the deadlines, and Rosgranitsa again had to cancel the contract in the Moscow Arbitration Court and collect an advance payment and penalties for 1.2 billion rubles. Similar things happened in other places, for example, during the reconstruction of the Adler railway checkpoint in Sochi. Litigation for 1.5 billion rubles. with the contractor RSU No. 5 is still ongoing

As a result, questions arose to the head of the capital construction and operation department, Danila Vavilov, and several other employees.

But did Mr. Bezdelov know about these scams?! Experts assure that he not only knew about these scams, but may have been one of their organizers!..

List of "technical" contenders

And now, Sergey Komlichenko has been called from the Federal Customs Service to fight such dubious schemes. However, so far he has formal competitors - this is the acting head of the department, Yuri Maltsev, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Sergei Zhigarev (LDPR), as well as one of the high-ranking employees of the special services.

Sergei Komlichenko

Moreover, due to his connections with a number of corruption scandals, Zhigarev’s candidacy was immediately rejected by the FSB, the security official in Rosgranitsa allegedly did not want to see the White House, and Yuri Maltsev, whose appointment was lobbied by the Rosgranitsa employees themselves, was rumored to not suit the Kremlin (as a native of the Bezdelov team)

Thus, Sergey Komlichenko was actually left without competitors!

Ordinary lobbying?

At the same time, according to rumors, the appointment of Sergei Komlichenko to the post of head of Rosgranitsa is the result of efforts to lobby his protégé on the part of the head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov.

To be honest, such a reaction to the first material about the situation in the Russian Federal Customs Service ( FCS), I, as the author, did not expect. After the publication of the article “Customs does not give back”, several, let’s say, “not ordinary” employees of the central office of the FCS met with me at once. And besides the fact that they handed over a number of sensational documents, we had a very serious conversation. We talked, of course, about corruption, but mainly about a failed idea Customs Union and, most importantly, that customs can be a real brake on the economic development of the whole country.

You started with ROSTEK, but you need to understand that this is just a tool - we are talking about the fact that the entire customs service has turned into a huge mechanism for extracting commercial profit in favor of a strictly specific circle of people. Andrey Yurievich Belyaninov(head of the FCS. - Ed.) often likes to repeat, especially at a meeting with the country's leadership, that the Russian customs is 57% of the country's budget (about 6 trillion rubles last year), my interlocutors say. - The paradox of the situation is that if we proceed from the total flow of goods crossing our border, then our budget should receive from 8 to 12 trillion rubles. The difference between the 6.5 trillion actually transferred to the budget and these amounts is the price of direct corruption at customs!

Bring at least an atomic bomb

To prove their words, my interlocutors present a number of documents - both analysts and specific facts. In particular, the calculations of a special group led by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Tsvetkov, which, by order State Duma made calculations based on the actual export and import of goods through the Russian customs.

But that's not even the problem. The fact is that the customs does not actually collect these planned figures today, my interlocutors say. - In fact, for 2013, approximately one sixth of the payments (for two months) were collected in advance. That is for 2014. In other words, the plan has not been fulfilled by about 1 trillion rubles. Roughly speaking, the customs had a kind of cash gap, and in order to close it in 2013, in December, the FCS turned to the main participants foreign economic activity, desperately demanding that they pay fees upfront for the first quarter of 2014. A clear example confirming how the customs works with these financial holes was the initiation of a criminal case against the Central Energy Customs (CET) on the fact of the execution of a court decision. Customs took the wrong payment from merchants in the region of 3 billion rubles. She lost all arbitration courts, but still refused to return this money for one simple reason: they had already been officially credited to the payment. If CET had returned this money at a time when the fulfillment of the payment plan had not yet been shown to the president, then a hole would immediately form in it. This situation, by the way, well shows the fact that the whole story is really a financial pyramid and can collapse at any moment. And, among other things, this is also a real fraud, a deception of the whole country. This is the reverse side of the corrupt ties that have been established at the customs. The system is built in such a way that now the department works for the state according to the residual principle - first draws a luxurious image for itself, and then thinks about fulfilling the targets. In my opinion, the worst thing is that many customs officers understand this very well, but they can’t change anything anymore - the management simply doesn’t give. Today, our customs is managed, as they say, in manual mode. God forbid to change this system in any territorial administration - a formidable shout from the leadership from above will immediately follow: do not dare to touch, this is our clearing! Sometimes these screams happen literally. As, for example, with the well-known story at the customs in Kubinka, when under the guise of a charitable cargo for the Unity Foundation, 400 tons of consumer goods were simply impudently brought in. After all, the operational services directly reported this to the leadership, that it was just some kind of lawlessness, but, in my opinion, they were instructed not to touch anyone. People correctly “cleared” everything, that is, through controlled by them and ROSTEK firms, which means they had no right to touch. Bring at least an atomic bomb.

What retinue makes a king?

[...] In the last article, I spoke in detail about the activities of the head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov, let's say, about his personal contribution to the current situation. Today it is worth telling what retinue makes this “king”. Moreover, there are more than enough reasons for this.

Person #2: Hidden Sensation

On December 13 last year, two businessmen, Igor Beregovsky and Stanislav Sorokin, were caught red-handed in a Moscow restaurant. The operatives took the entrepreneurs when they received 7 million rubles, as the investigation suggests, to transfer them to allegedly the first persons of the Russian customs. At the very first interrogations, the detainees began to cooperate with the investigation and named the names of the first persons, and also allegedly mentioned the first deputy head of the Federal Customs Service, General Vladimir Malinin .

One point should be noted here: this case is really high-profile by all standards. Since, as the reader will understand from the future, it concerned, if not the first persons of the FCS, then at least very large-scale corruption in the central customs office. Moreover, judging by the video sent to me, in the wake of these arrests in the main building of the Federal Customs Service, there were very serious, so-called "forced" searches, with the participation of special forces. But not a single line about these events appeared in any media, even in the most “draining” ones - imagine what forces were involved in order to prevent even the slightest leak.

In my opinion, the meaning of such efforts was precisely that the threads of this case could lead to Vladimir Malinin, who is called person No. 2 at Russian customs. This man became known to the general public a few months ago by a joke. Allegedly, he was smart enough to come in a company car with a flashing light on to take his trousers to the dry cleaners. However, he is well known to the professional community primarily for the scandal surrounding the blocking of the Green Corridor payment system by the customs (and now open lobbying of the Customs Card payment system introduced instead).

As a number of publications wrote then, the Green Corridor payment system was ousted from customs by Malinin's order. And until now, customs brokers point to one important circumstance: the Green Corridor system guaranteed equal access to customs financial services to a whole consortium of banks (several dozen), and the system that replaced it, the collection of customs payments called "Customs Card" is actually " departmental payment system.

And, as noted by the media, although this system also works with other banks, only two banks withdraw the main cream in the form of the largest payments. Guess what? That's right, I wrote about them in the last material - "Novik" and "Neftekhimprom" - banks where, in my opinion, the interests of Belyaninov and his entourage can be traced. Perhaps, as part of this investigation, I will try to deal with this situation - who would still benefit from the “Customs Card” replacing the “Green Corridor” and, most importantly, how does the huge money circulating in the new payment system work? In the meantime, let's get back to Mr. Malinin.

When Belyaninov, immediately after his appointment in 2006, put this man in the chair of the first deputy, the expert community was slightly perplexed: Malinin was little known to anyone. Moreover, some assumptions were made that at one time this person allegedly “moved” Belyaninov to be promoted to Rosoboronexport and now, in gratitude, he arranged for him to be appointed as his deputy. Nevertheless, it was believed that he was a strong economist and auditor who knew the intricacies of financial affairs. Please note that the most authoritative publications then openly wrote that Malinin was such an anti-corruption person, called by Belyaninov to rake the Augean stables left after the previous head of the FCS. That is, they believed and hoped for this person.

And suddenly such a disappointment - a criminal case in which he can be implicated. The point is this: even if the investigators cannot prove the general's direct interest in the said money, in my opinion, he still will not be able to get out of this situation without damage. Since the story that the investigators uncovered is simply blatant in itself and very clearly illustrates what is happening in the direct area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility of this official.

Disappointing Auditor

Let's get back to our detainees. I present the version that Beregovsky and Sorokin told. The essence of the story is that some time ago, at the end of the financial year, in the General Directorate information technologies, as well as in the Central Information and Technical Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service, parallel to it, began to decide where to spend the 330 million rubles allocated for software. Here it must be explained that both departments are directly subordinate to Malinin. And for some time now, these units have been criticized precisely for inflated finances. Here, for example, is what State Duma deputy Dmitry Gorovtsov, a member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Control, the head of the section on interaction with law enforcement agencies, who has been conducting his own investigation into the activities of top officials of the FCS for more than a year, says:

Last year, a monstrous amount of 6.5 billion rubles was allocated for the information and technical support of the FCS. Moreover, if you look at the dynamics, then from year to year - more and more. That is, they do not spare money for this, but at the same time look at how they are spent. Take the official website of the FCS, which, from my point of view, is simply miserable. According to official figures, 40 million rubles were spent on it, and 12 more were requested this year. And experts estimate the maximum cost of such a site no more than 10 million rubles, and with all the declared gadgets and bells and whistles like a direct feedback which are not currently available on the site. The question is, where did the money go? Who generally controls the spending of funds under these items?

Actually, when it became necessary to spend the indicated 330 million rubles, Beregovsky and Sorokin, according to one version, introducing themselves as people close to Malinin, turned to a certain entrepreneur with a proposal to create a software product for the entire FCS based on the Oracle platform. The entrepreneur thought, calculated - and said that he could do this work for 120 million rubles. He was told - excellent, but you have to mark everything for 330 million. And you will return the difference to us, and 50 million in cash. In return, Beregovsky and Sorokin allegedly promised to put the entrepreneur's firm through the sieve of public procurement.

The public procurement system has monstrous holes

And here I want to draw your attention again: Beregovsky and Sorokin easily bypass this entire supposedly very perfect system of public procurement and actually conclude a state contract with the specified businessman for an amount that is at least three times overpriced. Once again: with ease! Literally in a matter of days to meet the financial year! That is, at least our public procurement system has monstrous holes. And the conclusion here is the most obvious - without the help of the first persons of customs in the central office of the Federal Customs Service, such a contract is simply impossible to conclude in such a time frame.

But nevertheless we go further. Our entrepreneur (his name was not disclosed in the interests of the investigation) at this stage thought and thought - and wrote a statement to the authorities. And in fact, during the transfer of the first payment, the gentlemen of the intermediaries were tied up.

Even if the matter were limited only to this, there would still be a very serious stain on some leadership of the FCS. Here there are at least questions for General Malinin - how did he even allow this in his department? But the investigators began, as they say, to dig deep. According to one version of the investigation, these comrades - Beregovsky and Sorokin - since they worked with Malinin for a long time, generally played the role of such, I would say, "general mediators." The Oracle operation appears to be just one of many. In particular, now, as far as is known, the investigators, at the suggestion of these detainees, are actively studying the situation with the supply of office equipment for the Federal Customs Service.

Investigators came across interesting fact- for many years, the FCS has been using equipment exclusively from an American company Hewlett Packard (NR). This in itself is a question - why do suppliers of this particular firm win all auctions? And now, according to investigators, it is alleged that a woman named Mirkotan works in the Russian representative office of this company, who may be a close friend of Malinin. That is, from the closest, who are called fighting girlfriends. This woman, working for HP, allegedly could receive some personal discounts on the supply of HP equipment. In some cases - up to 40%. But the most interesting thing is that, despite the colossal discounts that could be used to save the budget, a company was selected that won the FCS competitions, setting the price on the lot without taking into account this discount. Thus, the entire budget amount was mastered, bringing the company a crazy profit. Of course, we can say that this is a personal matter for everyone, but everything can change here if the investigation establishes close relations between Mirkotan and Malinin. In addition, you need to know that all contracts for the supply of HP are concluded at the beginning of the year, but in fact they arrive, as a rule, at the end. The trick is also in the fact that the equipment, which was announced at the beginning of the year as the newest, becomes obsolete by the end of the year and most often is generally sold as commodity leftovers. And if you put everything together, it turns out that the total discount on these deliveries can be up to 90%. That is, "fat" at least can be just astronomical amounts. According to my information, last year the FCS spent 1.2 billion rubles on the purchase of equipment. Here, consider yourself.

And here is my question. Will the investigation be able to establish the involvement in this case of the alleged friends of General Malinin: Berezovsky, Sorokin, Mirkotan? When it comes, in the end, to Malinin himself? And most importantly, this person came to the department under the guise of a fighter against corruption. What a disappointment! And now this is happening in his department - I will laugh very much (bitterly, of course) if we are told once again that this general knew nothing about corruption under his nose. And, of course, I didn’t cut any coupons from this.

The pyramid could collapse at any moment

Thus, if we summarize all of the above, expressing only my personal opinion, then we can probably say this: Belyaninov perverted the system of customs payments, driving it into the advance sphere. That is, as economists often say, just stupidly drawing statements on paper. And this, by the way, runs counter to the position of Vladimir Putin, who demands the actual transfer of payments. That is, the budget should work not with what is drawn on paper, but with what is available. In other words, we are talking about the real economy. You don't even need special calculations to understand that the customs office is on the edge - at any moment the financial pyramid it has built can collapse, and then what will be the consequences for the country? After all, these fees are half the budget?

Marat Khairullin


Shame on customs

According to State Duma deputy Dmitry Gorovtsov, in 2012, about 80% of all customs payments transferred by customs to the budget were duties and excises for carbon exports. And in 2013, this ratio presumably exceeded 90%. Can you imagine what's going on? Everywhere we declare that our country's GDP is growing, foreign trade is expanding, we are transferring the economy to innovative tracks, and based on official data, by the way, from customs itself, we are becoming an exclusively oil province of the world. What's the matter here? Here is what my interlocutors say.

I continue my conversation with the employees of the central office of the Federal Customs Service (FCS), who offered to meet after the first publication.

In the first article, I referred to a video published on YouTube, where a man who looks like the head of the Federal Customs Service sings songs. Many took it as a personal matter - they say, a person has such a hobby. Karaoke performed by the first person is already a byword for us. AT last years almost every field meeting of the FCS with the participation of the first person of the department turns into a corporate party. Moreover, as they say, without leaving the workplace - right in the customs premises. At some point, Andrey Yuryevich, figuratively speaking, having had enough of the atmosphere, goes on stage and sometimes sings songs for hours. Of course, he has a beautiful voice, but there is also a downside to these speeches - after such “events”, the head of the department is sometimes not seen at the workplace for a long time. You know, the situation in the country is actually very difficult, especially with the budget - the economy is slowing down, payments and fees are falling accordingly. And the head of the department, which collects more than half of the budget, is not at work. How does this generally correspond to the status of a statesman of this magnitude?

50 thousand bureaucrats

In support of their words, the interlocutors from the Federal Customs Service showed me a video from the phone, where an unsteadily standing man selflessly sang a song. The man really looked very much like the head of the Federal Customs Service.

But the most important thing, as many in the department believe, is that the result of such an attitude to business has become a very dangerous situation that has developed with payments to the country's budget, for the transfer of which customs is responsible.

If we take these figures as a starting point, then the question arises: why do we need such customs at all? Now its staff is more than 60 thousand people and continues to grow. With such a bloated staff, no more than a thousand people bring real income to the budget. This is the apparatus of the Central Energy Customs and the actual apparatus of the FCS. Why then the other 59,000 bureaucrats? What do they do if the structure of payments to the budget does not reflect the results of their activities?

But the most important question here is: where does the money go, primarily from the many times increased imports to Russia? Let's go back to the research of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Tsvetkov. He compares the figures of official imports to Russia by the UN and the World Trade Organization with those officially provided by the Russian FCS. And here it turns out that for some groups of goods, our Russian customs gives almost two times lower figures. And without underestimating the volume of deliveries. That is, figuratively speaking, it turns out that when crossing the Russian border, a number of foreign goods suddenly become cheaper - two, sometimes three or four times.

What is the focus here? - the customs officers explain to me. - The system is built in such a way that in a number of areas, we emphasize, on a massive scale, the supply of goods to Russia is supposedly carried out through the so-called tax havens by special intermediary firms. Roughly speaking, the entrepreneur wants to import a consignment of goods. He can declare the real price at the border with Russia and conditionally pay 20% of 100 rubles. Or he can apply to such an intermediary firm that re-registers the goods in a tax haven, for example, in Estonia, for itself and already declares, for example, the price of the goods is not 100 rubles, but 30 and already pays 20% of the fee from 30 rubles. It is clear that under such conditions, it is probably necessary to pay a “kickback”. To whom? It is very easy to guess, because, as a rule, most of the paths from such firms lead to ROSTEK, so beloved by Andrey Yuryevich.

The funny and bitter thing about this whole situation is that these frauds are an open secret only for Russians, the rest of the world can see this very clearly. Because in Europe, such an underestimation of the commodity value in order to evade taxes is a serious criminal offense. That is why our country is one of the leaders in all kinds of corruption ratings. Because the compilers of these ratings perfectly see what is happening en masse on our border! And by this alone one can judge what is happening in the country.

Nevertheless, now it is worth continuing the enumeration of the first persons of our Russian customs, who, in my opinion, are personally responsible for the creation of such a system.

Person number three: driver general

Today, another scandal flares up on the Web. around this time federal agency for the arrangement of the state border of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa). Information appeared on some sites that the head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov was fired due to suspicion of corruption: allegedly, through his connivance, a serious overspending of public funds allocated for the improvement of the Russian border was allowed. And interestingly, a number of media outlets, when Bezdelov was appointed, openly wrote that he was a direct creature of the head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov. And now he was removed in general for serious reasons. But, attention, information immediately appeared on the same sites that Andrei Yuryevich is now busy with the appointment of his deputy for logistic support, General Sergei Komlichenko, to this place.

Here you need to understand who Komlichenko is. He is called the number three man in terms of influence in the Russian customs. For many years he worked as Belyaninov's personal driver, and then went on promotion. And in fact, in four years (!) He became a lieutenant general. As they write on the Web, Belyaninov seemed to take him to a meeting with Rogozin. Imagine what will happen if such a person without actual experience in managing complex state structures becomes the head of Rosgranitsa!

Here the conclusion suggests itself: it turns out that Belyaninov is very interested that not just “his” person, but “completely his”, such as a former personal driver (who probably knows more about his affairs than, for example, his wife or closest friends), as they say, proven, who has been with him for many years. For what? Only one explanation comes to mind: to cover Belyaninov himself from something.

And here it is useful to take a close look at the person who is called number three in the FCS hierarchy. Last year, the same deputy Gorovtsov published documents concerning the Tu-134 official aircraft transferred to the FCS for operational purposes. By order of Belyaninov, Komlichenko equipped him with a VIP lounge at the expense of the budget. And most importantly, the deputy suspects that Belyaninov could use it for "non-official" purposes, in particular for trips to Tel Aviv, Istanbul and even Italy.

But, from my point of view, the most revealing is the scandal with the so-called operational support coupons, which also erupted last summer. These are special coupons that guarantee that cars with customs operatives who track down smugglers will not be inspected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is necessary in order to guarantee the operatives from information leakage, for example, from corrupt traffic cops and so on. What happens to these coupons? Until last year, according to my information, about 200 such coupons were allocated to approximately four operational units of the FCS. Some of them were allegedly transferred to the central office. How they were used, for the time being, no one knew. But, apparently, they play some very important role for the leadership of the FCS. Because this year, in connection with the reduction in the operational functions of the customs, the FCS issued about 50 coupons. And the head of the FCS allegedly took about 25 of them to the central office.

And then the following situation happened. Quite by accident, the Interior Ministry officers stopped a car with such a ticket as part of a special operation. And behind the wheel was a complete stranger. Yes, even deprived of a license for drunk driving. The only merit of this citizen was that he was a neighbor in Belyaninov's dacha.

A terrible scandal erupted. Because these are very serious documents, but at the same time their direct use for other purposes was allowed. But that's not even the point. When they came to the rear service and the fleet of the central office of the Federal Customs Service with a check, it turned out that not only the first deputies, but, for example, his adviser by the name of Lobanov, received such coupons. According to some information, such coupons were also issued to other unauthorized persons. And here I want to ask questions: why do all these people need these coupons and where are the other two dozen coupons? Who has them?

It's actually about very serious matters. Just think what a convenient thing - these coupons! For example, under their cover it is very convenient to carry large sums. Remember the case of Alexander Romanov. I have already talked about the fact that, according to the materials of the investigation, large sums of bribes were allegedly transferred to Romanov in one of the restaurants. Sometimes up to 30 million rubles or more could change hands. Can you imagine how convenient it would be to carry this money under such cover?

Only this situation with special tickets can demonstrate the level of Komlichenko's involvement in these matters. Not only does this person, from my point of view, deserve the title of general very little, but he may well be related to matters relating to the shadow life of the FCS. And he was tipped to the leaders of the Russian border ...

Customs misalliance - instead of an epilogue

You know, the situation with the Customs Union best shows the state of affairs in the Russian customs. Concluding it, our statesmen proceeded from the fact that Russia is still the leader among our three countries in terms of trade and, accordingly, in the development of customs. That is, we expected that our FCS would become such a locomotive for the development of the Customs Union. What actually happened? With all the obvious advantages of the Russian customs, did suppliers of goods prefer to transport goods through Belarusian and even Kazakh customs? Why? The answer is openly printed in our and international media. Just think about it - not a single car, not a single consignment of goods can pass through the Russian customs without requisitions. And that is why importers are ready to make many-kilometer long loops, to stand in many-kilometer queues. Just for the sake of not having to deal with our customs. That is, instead of an equal union, we had a misalliance. We actively supported the economy of fraternal Kazakhstan and Belarus. Or rather, from my point of view, Mr. Belyaninov and Co.


Customs octopus

After three publications of a journalistic investigation on the situation at the Russian customs, no reaction was received from the departments concerned. Why could this happen?

The point here is not even that the Federal Customs Service (FTS) did not react at all to these publications. Although if you think about it, it's rather strange - sensational materials are voiced that may indicate direct corruption of the first persons, they are called "appearances", "passwords", "sums". And silence - no denials, no trials, no just attempts to explain their position. I'm not talking about apologies - it's clear that we don't accept repentance for corruption after journalistic articles. But nevertheless, from my point of view, the head of the department, keeping silent after such accusations, still somewhat loses his face in the eyes of society.

Manipulations for 336 million

Well, let's leave it at the discretion of the official the right not to notice the criticism of journalists and not condescend to dialogue with them. But here's what is strange: the departments that are obliged to respond to such materials, including the prosecutor's office, are also silent. After these publications, as far as I know, several deputy requests went to the Prosecutor General's Office, and a number of respected experts publicly expressed their point of view. And nothing - silence. Here you need to understand that I did not write from scratch - in relation to the first persons of the FCS, as far as I know, a check by the investigating authorities is underway in a number of episodes. Moreover, today we are talking about concrete results. For example, it has already been said more than once about manipulations with purchases. software for customs in the amount of approximately 336 million rubles. In this case, two intermediaries were arrested red-handed in December.

Already after the publication of the article, seizures and searches took place in a number of offices located in Moscow City. “Today, according to my information, the investigation found that the software should have been delivered to the FCS at a cost not exceeding 100 million rubles, and intermediaries affiliated with the customs authorities, it turns out, pocketed more than 200 million,” Deputy Dmitry told us Gorovtsov. Only on one operation - wow - 2%! But, most importantly, in the article I directly ask the question: how could such a state contract be passed through the sieve of purchases and concluded in a few days before the New Year? Who could carry out all this in the central apparatus? Given that the contract is signed by the first persons of the Federal Customs Service, how could these officials stay away from the division of the said 2%? I ask these direct questions, but there is still no answer. Here, for example, is how one of those who also tried to ask these questions comments on the situation, Dmitry Gorovtsov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, who has been conducting his own anti-corruption investigation at the Federal Customs Service for several years.

“I have appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office, probably dozens of times, about the revealed facts of corruption and abuse,” says the deputy. - And what do we see here, what kind of prosecutor's reaction? In a number of cases, there was no response at all to direct deputy requests. As, for example, there was no response from the prosecutor's office to the signals I published about the crazy costs of re-equipping the cabin of an aircraft assigned to the Federal Customs Service, in the interests of which “main passenger” is clear. They do not want to find out what this plane did in Spain and Israel, who were the passengers on these flights. With such examples, doubts arise regarding the prospects for achieving the truth with the help of prosecutors. Here I am now accumulating materials on the issues of allocation by the same leaders of the FCS to their own beloved Money, which were allocated by the state for the purchase of apartments for needy employees of the Federal Customs Service. But colleagues advise: an appeal to the prosecutor's office must be accompanied by a publication in the media. I will allow only one, I emphasize, the mildest assumption ... It seems to me that this fraternity could be facilitated by the peculiarities of staffing the supervisory department. The fact is that in the apparatus of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, and more specifically, in the department for supervision over the implementation of laws in transport and in the customs sphere, people from the Federal Customs Service ended up in important positions. I think that the situation when people from the audited organization take root in the controlling body is not the best. Still, personal relationships will always influence the decisions made, and here we are talking about assessments related to the application of criminal law. In practice, conditions are being created for the formation of a “friendly team” of those being checked and those who check. I would immediately name several names of the employees of the above department - E. Glebov - V. Mironov, E. Zharova ... Yes, perhaps I would add that there are “reverse options” - for example, in the summer of last year, he became the head of the Southern Operational Customs former employee of this department A. Turko. But, you must admit, I emphasize that my opinion is not based on legislative prohibitions - such mutual pollination is not prohibited ...

That's it, no more, no less. You know, I personally take off my hat, dear reader, just think about how well everything is arranged here! With such a system, you can even take not 2, but all 3%. And how this system is being built, I wrote in a previous article when I talked about the “general driver” named Komlichenko, whom Andrey Belyaninov is actively trying to arrange for the post of head of the Russian border. That is, it is really such a corrupt octopus that hit the justice system at the highest level.

Scandals continue

Meanwhile, as it turns out, the scandals around customs and ROSTEK are already reaching the international level. The Association of International Road Carriers today openly accuses the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov of arbitrariness - he, allegedly violating international law, canceled the so-called guarantees under TIR books (TIR). Now, in addition to them, carriers must present some additional guarantees. And these guarantees are issued, of course, for a fee - six firms selected by the leadership of the FCS (I wrote about them in the first publication). So, by a strange coincidence, these firms, in my version, can be affiliated either with ROSTEK or with two banks, in which, in my opinion, the personal commercial interests of the FCS leadership can be traced.

Here is what Dmitry Gorovtsov says about this.

- In the spring of 2012, as you know, the carriers' complaints about extortions from ROSTEK were heard - the president gave a direct order to liquidate this structure. But the head of the Federal Customs Service, as they say in certain circles, “does not give up his own”, and now, instead of ROSTEK, he has brought in some “magnificent six” of the firms he has selected. Previously, it was enough for the carrier to present the so-called TIR Carnet, provided for by the international TIR Convention of 1975, which performed a dual function: a customs declaration that allowed crossing the borders of various states, and a guarantee of payment of customs duties in case of non-delivery of goods. Now this document, after Belyaninov signed his order 58-p, was made null and void, since customs officers do not let a single truck pass without paying a certain fee to this “six”. In my opinion, the octopus just changed color ...

On this topic

- One can only guess about the degree of interest of Andrei Belyaninov, maybe he unilaterally decided to cancel the provisions of the international convention? the deputy asks directly. - At the same time, the head of the Federal Customs Service, in his public speeches, portraying a concerned patriot, is trying to introduce a political component here. A purely technological convention that civilly provides for cargo transportation between Russia and the European Union is trying to pass off as an act that violates Russia's national interests. And these speculations work to a certain extent - such weighty structures as the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not actively interfere in the situation. But against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis, I think it is especially dangerous. The European Union today is looking for any excuse to present our country in an unfavorable light. Although the logic here should be unambiguous: is the FCS not satisfied with some norms of the convention? Let him submit the relevant proposals! But nothing of the kind is being done - only demagogy ...

But the most important thing here is not even politics, the Association of Carriers has already announced today that since the summer of last year, members of the association have lost about 83 million rubles on these additional payments. And therefore, the question of excluding Russia as a transit route is acute. Carriers predict direct losses from the reduction of transit traffic for the Russian budget in the amount of at least $10 billion next year. You know, I think that among the favorable consequences of the Ukrainian crisis, there is one more thing - the actions of our “sworn” friends, among other things, will make us finally count state money. In conditions when our country is surrounded by such "overseas partners", we can no longer afford such expensive corruption. And in this regard, the question immediately arises: $ 10 billion is not too much high price for the arbitrariness of one particular official?

Retirees are involved too

And here I would like to once again return to the words of Dmitry Gorovtsov, in particular, about certain payments for "housing improvement". It's just very typical for our customs. Especially in the light of Andrey Belyaninov's famous request to the President - to let customs work for themselves at least half a day. About us, they say, the state has completely forgotten - about these unmercenaries of the customs business. And here I want to tell you how these people are in poverty at the expense of the budget.

Our Dmitry Gorovtsov spoke about an interesting practice of double content:

- During the inspection of the central office of the FCS and in particular the logistics service department, which is headed by the same driver general Komlichenko, it turned out that a number of senior employees, by the way, also generals, allegedly receive some kind of double maintenance from the state - pensions and salaries as employees of the FCS . In particular, we are talking about the head of the Personnel and Civil Service Department of the Federal Customs Service, Colonel Sergey Khanutin, who is called “general without five minutes,” since the submission for a new rank has already been signed by the head of the Federal Customs Service. In 2007, he seems to have retired from the Rosoboronzakaz, where Andrei Belyaninov also worked at one time. He probably registered with the commissariat as a pensioner, and six months later he was seen again at work - already at the Federal Customs Service. But at the same time, the general, apparently, “forgot” to warn his previous commissariat about this. And he could easily receive a pension all these years, and this, by the way, can be regarded as a criminal offense - there is a special article in the Criminal Code for fraud with pensions. Apparently, another pensioner acted in exactly the same way - the head of the Customs Cooperation Department of the Federal Customs Service Sergey Konovalenko. Without five minutes, the state overpaid about 1 million 200 thousand rubles to General Sergei Khanutin in this way, Konovalenko - about 600 thousand. Pay attention to what amounts are insignificant for these people, why mess around? But no, they, apparently, simply physically could not get past even these "penny".

To make it clear to the reader: these generals, if we continue the line started in previous materials, about “what kind of retinue makes a king”, are a kind of second circle of associates. Or the “retinue of the retinue”, in this case, direct subordinates and the creature of the driver, and now the general of the rear service, Sergei Komlichenko.

On this topic

The police officers who were the first to examine the Skripals found in the park said that they thought the state of the victims was strange. The ex-scout could not change the position of his body and did not respond to external stimuli.

But that's not all. In 2013, you know, at the very time when Belyaninov asks the President of the Russian Federation to work for himself for half a day, the head of the Federal Customs Service signs a number of orders to provide one-time financial assistance for the purchase of housing for customs officers. According to the rules, such assistance, of course, is provided to people who do not have housing or need to improve it. And suddenly among these "needy" are the heads of services. We found out that some of them manage to earn money from two feeders anyway. These are the people in need! It is clear that this in itself can be a serious violation, this person did not need any improvement in housing. The reader will probably be interested in how much social payments are in the central office of the Federal Customs Service - do not fall:.

But this is not all, in order, as journalists say, to completely “loop” the topic. Simultaneously with all these events, “red-handedly, the investigating authorities arrested a colonel of the Control Department of the Federal Customs Service, a certain Abramov. According to investigators, this comrade extorted money from a citizen - about 12 thousand euros for employment in the central office of the Federal Customs Service. Upon receiving a bribe of 5 thousand euros, they took him. And here, probably, one does not have to be a great logician to understand that the head of the Personnel Department could directly draw up documents for employment in the central office of the Federal Customs Service, Dmitry Gorovtsov shares with us.

I ask myself: how many of these 12 thousand could be intended for him personally?

Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Dmitry Gorovtsov explains:

- You know, the video of Abramov's detention contains footage of a search at the dacha of a simple colonel of the customs service. Here, as they say, everything is included - a sauna, a pool with a fountain, a boat, luxury foreign cars (two pieces), antique weapons, a set of imported hunting rifles, skins of wild animals, and so on and so forth. Everything is arranged very expensively and with "barbarian" luxury. At the same time, the investigation says that, being a leading employee of the FCS, a criminal case could be initiated against this colonel for attacking a government official.

I wonder if ordinary customs colonels live like this, then what is going on at the generals' dachas?

The system, one might say, is built perfectly. The investigation can investigate crimes as honestly as it likes, deputies write requests, we journalists can make any kind of revelations - all this gets stuck in one single department of the prosecutor's office, because it is it that should give an assessment and decide whether to proceed with the case.
And in order to completely complete the picture of what is happening in only one rear department, I will tell you about another criminal case, since for some reason the media do not write about it either. In April last year, two entrepreneurs, Lagutkin and Peshkov, were arrested red-handed. They were supposed to supply some equipment for the central office of the FCS, in particular equipment for a cinema hall. The real cost of this equipment was about 40 million rubles, these same figures managed to double the price of this equipment and get a government contract. And guess who was responsible for this contract? That's right, the head of the logistics support of the customs, Sergei Komlichenko, who will soon grow from a driver, apparently, to the head of the state border.

Instead of an epilogue

Do you know what is one of the advantages of my profession? I, as a journalist, can easily meet both people with a criminal past and representatives of the special services. And quite often, when talking to people in “authoritative” tattoos, they sometimes ask me a question:

- And why is our gang worse than some gang of generals? We are dandelions compared to them ...

I don't know about dandelions, of course. But as for the gang - look at the situation in only one separate department of the Federal Customs Service. The general sits on the general and drives the general, and the drunken colonels run errands for them. And this group, organized in a strictly defined community, sweeps literally everything that its hands can reach - pensions, financial assistance, labor contracts, film equipment, software, special coupons, TIR Carnets, customs fees, Iveco armored cars, smuggling. In a word, everything. And when I come across such stories, I am sincerely surprised: when these servants of the people finally eat up, where does so much fit into them?

Why don't they ever stop themselves? Take the same Andrey Belyaninov - after all, so much is already known about a person. How nice it would be if he finally heard it all. I would take it and gather my generals and wide staff in some favorite restaurant in a state-owned hotel on the embankment of the Moscow River. He warmed his own microphone in his hands, would have sung a song about a young drummer for an encore, and would have retired with honor. And the whole hall with tears in their eyes would applaud him standing. How beautiful…

And here is the main riddle: why don't they do it? They have enough mind for all the ingenious and puzzling combinations, for example, to deceive the head of state. But this simple and logical action - to get away from the "gaming machine" in time - no. What's wrong with them? When will they eat?

The source of information:

"New Vedomosti"

Marat Khairullin

During a search at the head of Russian customs, Andrei Belyaninov, investigators found a one-kilogram gold bar, five 200-gram gold nuggets, and about 100 million rubles in cash. This is not counting the defiant splendor of collections of watches, jewelry and paintings. They searched the publican, clearly for show, deliberately demonstrating to the country his untold wealth.

I remember that similar searches were carried out at the governors Vyacheslav Gaizer and Alexandra Khoroshavina, but for some reason they did not begin to “close” Belyaninov, unlike these two. Even though it seemed to go that way. But it all ended in a banal resignation. Why?

Is it because the head of the FCS, unlike the stealing governors, is not a manager in himself? Behind Gaiser and Khoroshavin there were no tall people - there is nowhere higher! - patrons representing one of the "Kremlin towers". And Belyaninov is a man from the clip from head to toe Sergei Ivanov, head of the presidential administration. It would seem that Ivanov's position at court looks stable - the Polit.ru portal even reads him as Dmitry Medvedev's quick successor. Why, then, is it indicative to press his protégé, parading the whole country with precious tsatski and placers of large bills? Here's how the political scientist Lev Vershinin explained what was happening: Belyaninov, in his words, "is very close to a certain top-level official" - to Sergei Ivanov. “There is reason to believe,” Vershinin continues, “that it is this official who is seen in the West as a figure ready for compromises, capable, under certain circumstances, of maintaining the continuity of power and control over the situation in the country.” “The arrest of Belyaninov,” the expert believes, “is a very serious, deep red signal to him and the group he represents.” To imprison the owner of untold wealth, therefore, there is no point. So they allowed the chief publican to carry off his feet in good health - to retire.

“A hen pecks grain by grain, but it is full”

About the scandals around the FCS and its leadership, Our Version has published more than a dozen articles in recent years. Of course, it is a pity that the disgraced official was finally removed as a result of political games, and not investigative actions. However, "on the track", perhaps, Belyaninov should have been reminded of at least a small part of his "arts". Standing apart in the publican's track record is the episode with the importation of IVECO army armored vehicles into Russia. The former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov instructed to stick red crosses on imported armored cars, and put stretchers and various medical utensils inside each car - in this way, military products turned into medical equipment, and a 20 percent duty was saved on its import - to the delight of Minister Serdyukov. What does Belyaninov have to do with it? - you ask. Yes, despite the fact that it was he who endorsed the document, which read: “The Federal Customs Service of Russia considers it possible to classify these cars in subheading 8703 33 1910 of the TN VED CU (cars specially designed for medical purposes. - Ed.). In February 2012, the issue of removing the duty was brought to a meeting of a special subcommittee of the Russian government, where they recognized “it is inappropriate to cancel the import duty rate,” recalled State Duma deputy Dmitry Gorovtsov. “Thus, the government directly told the cunning guys Serdyukov and Belyaninov: please pay to the budget.” But, despite this seemingly direct indication, 57 declarations for armored vehicles were registered with a zero customs rate. “The damage to only one batch of armored cars amounted to up to 10 million dollars,” the deputy laments.

Shyness Belyaninov, it seems, was not characteristic in principle. In 2008, the head of the FCS “joked” that it would be nice to give customs officers “at least half a day to work for themselves” as an encouragement.

And how do you like this story: once, through the Domodedovo customs, the attackers tried to import an Il-76 aircraft of the Armenian Ministry of Defense - allegedly for repairs. “In order not to pay the customs fee, they announced that the plane was temporarily imported as an exhibition model,” Dmitry Gorovtsov recalled. - Although in fact it was taken for repairs and, therefore, they had to pay a fee - 4 million rubles. The money is small, but this is precisely what is remarkable: the structure of Belyaninov never shunned small things. According to the documents, the Russian military company acted as the declarant of the aircraft, and the customs post of the Domodedovo airport (cargo) of the Domodedovo customs stamped all the documents.

Rosgranitsa could be headed by an official's driver

With a zealous hen, Belyaninov pecked at small things from truck drivers. It was he who introduced, instead of international road transport books (TIR) ​​worth 2 thousand rubles, a system of insurance certificates for securing customs payments, which were issued by insurance companies accredited by the Federal Customs Service. At the border, customs formalized the procedure for internal customs transit (ITT), and instead of a “closed” TIR carnet, the carrier was obliged to buy an insurance policy. The pleasure was not cheap: those who drove trucks from Russia to Kazakhstan had to pay up to 160 thousand rubles instead of 2 thousand! At the same time, Belyaninov, having canceled the procedure for issuing TIR carnets, did not introduce a clear system for issuing insurance certificates, in fact, leaving it at the mercy of customs posts. The result is many kilometers of traffic jams at the border. And, of course, bribes.

However, this is far from the worst of what Belyaninov can remember, there have been scandals and worse. So, a couple of years ago, the head of the FCS was busy about appointing his deputy for logistics, General Sergei Komlichenko, “man number three” in terms of influence in the Russian customs, as head of Rosgranitsa. This same Komlichenko at one time worked as Belyaninov's personal driver, and then, in just some four years, he rose to the rank of lieutenant general. Now that's a career! Just imagine what the appointment of a person without experience in managing state structures as the head of Rosgranitsa can be fraught with for the country! But Belyaninov was not embarrassed at all. Apparently, he was extremely interested in the fact that his protégé, even a former driver, would take the high post. The subordinates of the chief customs officer scoffed: say thank you for being a driver - but he could have offered a horse, like Caligula.

We work half a day for Russia, another half a day for ourselves?

Indeed, the subordinates knew what they were saying: Belyaninov's shyness, it seems, was not characteristic in principle. In 2008, meeting with Vladimir Putin, who then headed the government, the head of the FCS “joked” that it would be nice as an encouragement for Good work give the customs officers "at least half a day to work for themselves." True, Putin did not appreciate the "joke", harshly pulling the head of the FCS. But Belyaninov, meanwhile, issued Order No. 532, according to which the owners of goods illegally imported into the country were given the opportunity to legalize it at customs. Within five days, the smugglers were offered to pay all the necessary duties, and then the illegal goods were not confiscated, but allowed for free sale on a par with goods imported legally. The share of "gray imports" thus exceeded all conceivable dimensions. In fact, Belyaninov legalized smuggling, leaving his subordinates to "work for themselves" to their fullest. In this regard, it is interesting: how much will the procedures in the Russian customs change with the arrival of a new chief to the post of head of the FCS?

Three years ago, it seemed that Belyaninov finally went too far and his career was about to be put an end to. The Investigative Committee then opened a criminal case on abuse of authority against the head of the department of the Main Logistics Department of the Federal Customs Service Dmitry Kuznetsov - he was accused of "organizing the illegal execution and issuance of special operational cover documents to third parties." Assess the scale of the phenomenon: upon presentation of the operational "all-terrain vehicle", law enforcement officers did not have the right to check either the driver's license, or the registration documents for the car, or the waybill, or vehicle and the cargo carried, not even the driver and accompanying passengers. "All-terrain vehicles" were issued from the Federal Customs Service and for personal vehicles, which, in general, is illegal. "ATVs" without a twinge of conscience were used by citizens deprived of a driver's license for driving while intoxicated. After the scandal with special tickets and searches in the FCS building, it seemed that the chair under Belyaninov seriously staggered, but for “his man”, apparently, the high patron put in a word, and Belyaninov sat then.