The best days to quit are in June. What days do you need to work

Find out the official date of birth of the company you want to work for. Your future role, position in it will depend on what month relative to this date your birth falls on. There are 12 positions in total, as well as 12 months in a year.

In the table, at the intersection of the month in which the company's birthday falls and the serial number of the month of your birth relative to this date, you will find a position - that's what you have to take.

If your date of birth falls within the first 6 months after the company's birthday, then you will not be able to influence its activities.

1 item - "self-realization". At work, you will feel organic, easy to make independent decisions, spend a lot of energy. Often you will have to stay in the office for a long time after the end of the working day - as a result, severe overwork.

2 position - "welfare". You will receive decent pay for your work, provide yourself with everything you need and even acquire luxury items. It is the financial issue, and not a sincere interest in the case, that will stimulate you to work hard.

3 position - "communicator". You expect a lot of telephone conversations, business trips to other cities and countries, work with documents. You will become a link between colleagues, and you will succeed in this.

4 position - “work-family”. At work, you will feel at home. You will begin to show maternal care to colleagues, and it will be mutual.

5 position - "merry fellow". At work, you will feel a surge of creative forces, you will be perfectly realized on corporate events as an actor. Office romances await you.

6 position - "performer". You will be constantly loaded with work. At the same time, you will feel that you have to serve in the truest sense of the word.

If your date of birth falls within the second 6 months from the birth of the company, then by your actions you will influence its activities:

7 position - "partner". You will be able to establish partnerships at all levels, including with management. This will make you a significant figure in the company. It is likely that you will meet your marriage partner at work.

8 position - Crisis manager. Hopes will be pinned on you in crisis situations. You will have direct access to company money.

9 position - "education". You are a guru whose opinion is not contested. You will be sent to advanced training courses, as the company is interested in your further development.

10 position - "career". You will be a good leader, gain authority, gain power. Your career will grow rapidly from the first months of work in a new place.

11 position - informal leader You will be popular, you can engage in trade union activities. Your innovative proposals will be heard by the management.

12 position - "psychologist". Often you will experience loneliness in the workplace. You will treat your colleagues with compassion and understanding. The folk path will not grow to you, just as the number of secret ill-wishers will not decrease.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 09 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

When not to quit your job

If a person quits his job on an unfavorable date, then for a long time he will not find another place for himself, and having found it, he may soon leave from there.

JANUARY - 1, 13, 20.

FEBRUARY - 17, 18, 27, 29.

MARCH - 1, 3, 6, 24.

APRIL - 24, 27, 29.

MAY - 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 27.

JUNE - 7, 10, 22, 26.

JULY - 2, 7, 13.

AUGUST - 3, 4, 5, 9.

SEPTEMBER - 1, 2, 27, 28.

OCTOBER - 3, 6, 12, 14, 22.

NOVEMBER - 4, 12, 16, 18, 21, 27.

DECEMBER - 14, 18.

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There are days filled with negative energy in every month, however, they can also be spent with benefit .. Having driven away negative thoughts, you can find pluses in any situation. On positive days, try to be as active as possible and not miss the chances of success.


The first month of 2018 will go pretty well. However, it is still small, so it is not worth burdening yourself with a large number of cases.

auspicious days to resolve business issues will be November 4, 9, 11. These days, activity should be shown in matters that will bring you material stability. For the search for a new love or further development of existing relationships, January 14, 17, 25 will be successful.

bad days months for working with serious projects, starting important things and making responsible decisions will be 2, 24, 31. These dates will be the most unfortunate for active work and solving complex issues.


In February, people experience some upsurge. This time is intended for a detailed study of the field. future work. Making changes to plans, adjusting activities - all this will help to more accurately determine the goals and start the path to achieving them.

auspicious days in February there will be 6, 7, 13, 15, 21, 22. This time is intended for active learning and application of the acquired knowledge in practice. For business meetings, business development and job changes, February 13, 14, 15 are suitable.

bad days for active cooperation and financial affairs will be February 3, 11, 19, 27. During these periods, refrain from large expenses, try to avoid spontaneous investment decisions.


March thaws, awakening nature, give people an additional impetus to action. In the first month of spring, it is important to take action in order to initiate future achievements.

auspicious days will be March 1, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23. At this time, establish business and personal relationships, strive not to miss the opportunity provided to change life for the better. The most successful for solving material issues will be February 14, 15, 20.

unfavorable in March there will be 2, 19, 25, 26, 31 numbers. This is the time of maximum caution and concentration. Do not let your emotions overwhelm the voice of reason, otherwise all your efforts may go down the drain.


In April, an increase in vitality allows you to come to grips with business issues, develop your own business, and build your personal life.

auspicious days this month will be April 3, 10, 11, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26. This is the time to make responsible decisions, implement bold ideas, and purchase real estate. The most successful days for important steps in business will be April 16-20, 21.

bad days in April: 1, 14, 15, 30. This time is fraught with deceit, so preference should be given to routine matters. Do not tempt fate and do not provoke conflict situations. Avoid the bad guys..


In May comes the most fruitful time for active work. In addition, romantic May evenings promise many pleasant moments for those who are looking for a soul mate.

auspicious days in May fall on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 31st. These days you should not miss the opportunity to build relationships with your loved ones, so try to communicate more with loved ones. There will also be success in cases related to obtaining additional profit.

bad days will be 11-14, May 19. This time is fraught with failures of long-term projects and conflicts. To avoid failure, use proven ways to attract capricious Fortune.


The middle of the year is suitable for summing up the first results of the efforts invested earlier. You can succeed in all areas of life if you do not procrastinate.

auspicious days in June there will be 5.6, 11, 12, 14, 30. This time is intended for active actions in the business field. Hold meetings, share experiences and develop your abilities. June 18, 19, 20, 26, 27 will be very successful for personal relationships.

bad days this month can be considered June 2, 3, 9, 22, 28. These days, be vigilant so as not to deceive your own expectations. Mood swings are not the best way to affect the work. Use herbal infusions to avoid stress and overwork.


In July there is a peak of energy. This is a time of active work in all sectors. Do not put off important projects, make responsible decisions and listen to your inner voice.

Happy July days fall on the 4th, 10th, 11th, 18th, 19th, 24th. These dates are for maximum effort. Spend them actively in order to reap the fruits of your labors in the near future.

bad days will be 1, 6, 22, 31 July. These days, new beginnings can turn into failure. Before embarking on an important matter, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Be careful with finances. Spending and buying unnecessary things can worsen the state of your budget.


In August, the energy is gradually declining, but positive attitude and a desire to excel in your industry will help you get things done. Do not avoid communication with the opposite sex, especially for single people. Fateful meetings and pleasant surprises are quite likely.

auspicious days in August they will become 4, 7, 9, 12, 16-18, 28, 31. These days are filled with positive energy, which you can dispose of at your own discretion. At the end of the month, a surge of creative energy will allow you to turn your hobby into an additional source of income.

bad days, in which it is important to lie low and not make mistakes, will be on August 26, 29, 30. During this time, avoid impulsive behavior. Give up conflicts in favor of solitude and routine work.


A stable autumn month is suitable for the next summing up of work, planning further steps and establishing a personal life. In September, it is good to buy real estate or draw up a project for building a house.

auspicious days for business activity, looking for a new job, moving and other important issues will be September 1, 2, 4, 10, 14-16, 20, 30 September. At this time, improved mental activity will allow you to quickly solve everything. organizational issues, achieve success in the business field and try your luck in love .

bad days for financial transactions and responsible affairs will be September 3, 6, 9, 25. At this time, try to avoid mood swings so as not to quarrel with loved ones.


In October, vital energy continues to decline, but the month will be quite active. This is a time not only for summing up, but also for spiritual development, gaining new knowledge.

auspicious days months will be 1, 6, 7, 10, 16, 25, 26, 30, 31 October. These days, luck will be on the side of businessmen and people involved in financial matters. Also these days it is worth considering Signs of Fate. They will help you choose the right path in resolving contentious issues.

bad days will be October 8, 9, 14, 23, 24. This time is fraught with rash acts that can lead to quarrels, as well as an outflow of funds. Use these days to work on the bugs and find ways to move forward.


November takes away vitality, and this time is worth spending on measured work. The start of new global affairs, which will take a long time, should be postponed until next year. small but significant projects can be successfully performed on auspicious days of the month.

auspicious days can be considered 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 21, 24, 28, 29 November. This is a good time for making responsible decisions, finding a way out of difficult situations, planning and implementing ideas and ideas. Be active on the love front on the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 27th. These days will be filled with harmonious energy that will allow you to improve relationships or bring new love into life.

bad days will be November 19, 20, 25. This time is not intended for active work. Give preference to rest and activities that do not take too much energy from you.


The final month of the year is the right time to complete things, summing up the final results. In December, there will be quite a few energy-harmonious days on which you can

When it is better to look for a job, the lunar calendar will tell you. In it you can find answers to questions about which days are favorable for interviews, and which days you should not even try to solve the problem of employment and submit documents, since all the efforts made will be in vain.

Choose the right day

The best lunar days for changing jobs include, lunar days:

  • If your workplace ceased to satisfy you both morally and financial plan Today is a great time to look for a new job.
  • It doesn’t matter at all whether this desire has matured in you over a long period or it came to your mind spontaneously. On the best day for a job change, you will succeed, be sure of this!
  • Today, the moon has a beneficial effect on the business sphere, patronizing the brave, risky and courageous people.
  • Do not forget that these days there is still a chance for a productive conversation with your superiors. Perhaps your claims and demands will be heard.
  • Well, if not, be bolder and without hesitation write a letter of resignation from work.

  • If you have clearly decided for yourself to change the organization - in good luck, astrologers see nothing wrong with this.
  • If, nevertheless, you are tormented by doubts, move the adoption of such an important decision to a more favorable day for getting a job.
  • Spontaneous decisions can lead to a lot of problems that will affect material well-being. The expected work will actually not be as positive as it seemed.
  • In a new place, you will have to seek the favor of your superiors and colleagues, as they say, with sweat and blood.
  • If you decide to change on this day, do not expect support from colleagues. Your former team will be envy, and the new bosses will look at you with apprehension and caution for a long time.

Lunar days can be considered a bad time to quit and get a job.

1. Today the moon is not in a position to change employers. A new place can bring a lot of negativity, you will feel dissatisfied.

2. It will seem to you on this day that everything is set against you, everyone is trying to put spokes in your wheels.

3. At a new job, it will be difficult to find common ground with colleagues, and you should completely forget about help.

4. The decision to change jobs can seriously undermine your career.

5. It's not about others at all, it's just that today's energy is not conducive to your decision.

4. On a piece of paper you need to write your desire, indicating desired position and place of work. After cutting the leaf into small pieces, burn it, mix the ashes with finely chopped bay leaf and wrap it in a bill. Such a talisman must be taken with you to interviews.

Here are some more tips for finding a job during the moon phases:

  • - this is a period when you need to carefully consider your decision, weigh all the pros and cons. You need to be specific about what exactly you want.
  • Having thought everything over well, during the period of the growing moon, you can make an attempt to achieve your goal. But don't expect everything to be easy. At this time, you need to write a resume, register on a job search site.
  • Feel free to try to get noticed by the right people. will contribute to your good luck. Send your details to every agency you know, call employers. Keep in mind, sitting still, you will not be able to find the job of your dreams.
  • The 4th phase of the moon is the time of debriefing. If you successfully passed the interview, then now is the best time to inform your former employer about the dismissal. During this period, it is recommended to transfer cases, “clean up the tails”, return debts so that nothing else connects you with your old work.

Write your opinion

Calculation example.

28:12 = 2.33 vacation days.
2.33 x 8 = 18 days.

Two weeks of work

- retirement;

Looking for a new job

There are many reasons why employees leave their jobs in a hurry. It is not easy to find a worthy employee with a certain experience that meets all the requirements of the organization, it is much easier to keep an existing employee in his place.


Low wages

The most important reason for voluntary dismissal of employees is because the wages for their work do not meet their expectations. Review the salaries of your employees, perhaps they leave much to be desired and can only satisfy the primary requirements of people. It makes sense to raise wages, motivating this work.

Limited career opportunities

Often, employees run away from their previous jobs due to the fact that during employment they received spectacular offers with the condition of career growth. Since the promises of the boss are not fulfilled for a long time, employees get tired of waiting, and they. Try to talk alone with valuable employees for the organization, it's probably time to promote them.

Unnoticed merits to the employer

Try to notice distinguished employees. Ambitious people who constantly introduce new ideas into production, into the activities of the company, need constant encouragement. Let it be verbal remarks or even letters, but people will be pleased to realize that they have contributed to the organization through their actions. A job where the boss is attentive to his employees, a person will not want to quit.

Lack of employment or routine work

Take a look at the responsibilities of your employees. Most likely among the majority of them there are people who are busy too little or just the same type of work. If a person is not lazy, then sooner or later anyone will run away from such work. Try to add more interesting, exciting work to such employees. An option may be the deprivation of any duties of another employee, who already has a lot of work to do.

Social package

Bonuses, bonuses, annual payments - all this also motivates employees. The absence of these methods of stimulation can also affect the desire to work.

Relations with superiors

Think back to your last conversation with one of your employees. How did you behave, what did you do, what did you talk about? In what mood did the person leave you? Perhaps you speak rudely to employees, threaten, or demand the impossible. Watch yourself during such negotiations, it may be you, and employees are simply afraid to have a relationship with you, which is why they apply.


  • Dismissal at will. Why employees leave

Dismissal is always stressful, even if it is a voluntary and deliberate decision. Before leaving work, calculate the most profitable moment so that you don’t lose money and don’t miss time. Nowadays, there is no way without work, therefore, they leave most often in two situations, if they have already found a new job or when they are just going to look for it.

Before putting a letter of resignation on the table to the authorities, it is necessary to find out the vacation period from a specialist in the personnel department. You should find out by which working date the previous vacation was used. There is a chance that you walked it off in advance, without having completed the reporting, working year. In this case, you will have to return part of the vacation pay. If you did not go on vacation, then compensation is due upon dismissal.

When calculating unused vacation days, full months are considered. Incomplete months are taken into account as follows: if the number of calendar days is less than 15 - the month is discarded, more - it is considered as full. Next, you need to divide the number of vacation days by twelve months and multiply them by the actual number of days worked.

Calculation example.
If eight months have passed since the previous vacation, and the vacation is 28 calendar days a year, then the calculation is as follows:
28:12 = 2.33 vacation days.
2.33 x 8 = 18 days.
Thus, the employer is obliged to pay you vacation pay for 18 days upon dismissal.

Two weeks of work

According to the current legislation, the employee is obliged to notify the employer of dismissal two weeks in advance. This time is also called working off. This situation sometimes makes it difficult for an employee to transfer to another job, especially when the new place refuses to wait for this period.

You can quit on the day of application, without working out in the following situations:
- mutual termination of the employment contract;
- admission to an educational institution for full-time education;
- retirement;
- moving to a new place of residence;
- an illness that prevents further work in the position;
- caring for a sick family member;
- Dismissal at own request of invalids and pensioners;
- dismissal of pregnant women;
- dismissal to care for a child under the age of 14;
- Parents of children under the age of 16 can also quit without working off.

There is also a shortened working period of three calendar days. Employees on probation, seasonal workers and employees who have concluded an employment contract with the employer for a period of less than two months fall under such working off.

Looking for a new job

Looking for a job is also a job that takes a lot of time and effort, but sometimes the schedule at the current workplace is such that there is absolutely no time left to visit potential employers. If you do not have free time, and the work does not bring any money or moral satisfaction, you can do the most daring and even reckless way - quit without having alternative options. In this case, you should calculate the payments and compensation due to you upon dismissal, since you will have to live on these funds for some time. Before making a final decision to quit, look at several job sites, post a resume, and map out ways for yourself to fall back in the form of part-time jobs or temporary work. You can not relax and arrange a long rest for yourself. The maximum amount of time you can afford is two days off. Now you have a new task - finding the perfect workplace where you will find career and financial stability.

In any company, there are times when, for whatever reason, you need to lay off several employees. How do you know if you are the next candidate to be eliminated? These signs literally lie on the surface, but many do not want to notice them until they receive a calculation, and with it serious stress.

One of the signs of a quick dismissal is a demotion, especially if you work as before and did not do anything wrong. If the company has positions that duplicate yours, then the sign is true, and the authorities consider you the least effective employee.

In some companies, there are seasonal reductions and increases in salaries, however, if only you were “cut off” your salary, this is also an alarming signal. Perhaps the boss simply does not want to sort things out with you, and thus makes it clear that your work does not suit him. Or unobtrusively pushes for voluntary dismissal.

If the attitude of the head towards you has changed, it is worth thinking about its reasons. It could be professional or personal qualities, it needs to be understood. Perhaps the boss is already looking for a replacement for you and in mind he has a more valuable, in his opinion, employee. This is especially noticeable if the attitude has changed dramatically in recent years.

In some companies, it is customary to criticize employees in writing - this is how the personnel department collects material that will prove your mistakes and mistakes over a certain period of time. This is done in order not to waste time on unnecessary conversations, but to immediately present written evidence, providing grounds for dismissal. If such criticism of you has become frequent, this can also be considered a sign of an imminent dismissal.

If employees stop listening to your opinion, ignore your ideas and suggestions, this is a signal that they know something negative about you that comes from management. Perhaps they have heard that they are planning to fire you, and therefore do not want to do business with you. The same is true if the attitude of the boss and his associates has changed.

Frequent checks of work and nit-picking over trifles also indicate that the trust of the authorities has been lost, and they began to look at you as a candidate for dismissal. This is especially true if you have made a serious mistake before. In another case, the checks may be a sign that they want to promote you and just decided to get to know the candidate for a higher position better.

In the event of a merger of companies, it is worthwhile to carefully study your prospects for further work in the new structure: are there duplicate positions in a friendly company or specialists whose professional level is higher than yours? Is your boss satisfied with the way you are performing in this position? And other nuances that are unique to your company.

If it is customary in your company to wage so-called "office wars" - try to calmly assess your role in them. It is best to take a neutral stance, but do not lose vigilance. If you are no longer given important tasks, and folders and documents disappear, this is a bad sign. So most often, an unwanted employee is forced to quit voluntarily.

Take Action

If you notice one or more signs of such an attitude towards yourself, do not passively wait for the management's decision. If you want to stay in this job, you should definitely talk to your boss and find out how you are suitable for your position, what you can change in your work to become a more effective employee.

Ideally, if you offer something of your own to improve the work. Often such a conversation becomes the only way to stay in this position. Or help you transfer to another position in the same company. If this does not help, at least you will find out the reasons for the dismissal, which can save you from unnecessary stress.

Tip 5: 5 signs you need to quit right now!

At work, a person spends 160 hours a month if he has an 8-hour working day and a 5-day week. When working daily - more. If the work does not bring satisfaction, then with such a waste of time, a person risks burnout, stress or depression. Therefore, if the feeling of fatigue from work does not go away, colleagues are annoying, there are no positive emotions - it's time to change something.

To leave in time is an important skill. It allows you to save resources: life, time and money. But it is not easy to recognize that the moment for dismissal has come: it seems that the fatigue is temporary, it is scary not to find a new job, to regret the loss of the old one, etc. However, there are signs that can help you make a decision.

No development

When in the course of work a person receives new knowledge, meets new people, acquires new skills, he develops and grows. And even if the development is difficult, the work will not seem boring. There will be no routine, but professional growth.

If work causes boredom, perhaps the person stopped at professional development. This is not yet a reason to write a letter of resignation, but already a bell. In this case, you can ask the boss to transfer to another position or independently expand the scope of activities.

No career growth

This may have natural reasons - the employee does not have the necessary qualifications, as an option. And there may be reasons for concern:

  1. The boss does not see people as professionals, but judges according to purely subjective criteria: “like / dislike”. These people usually have “favorites” who get promoted not for merit in their work, but for the fact that the boss enjoys spending time with them. This is an alarming signal, even if a person has fallen into the circle of "favorites", since he can fly out of it at any time and for any reason.
  2. There is basically no career growth. This can be found if you look closely at your colleagues: when was the last time any of them received a promotion? And if people work in the same position for years, this is the policy of the company. In this case, no matter how hard the employee tries, no matter how hard he works, there will be no increase.

These are serious signs. Any one of them is enough to consider quitting.

No satisfaction

Satisfaction here is considered in 2 aspects: financial and moral. If a person works full time, there are overtime, but the salary does not change - this is a bad sign. Even wages enough for life, labor efforts and pay for them are not equal. In the future, for a person, this may result in an increase in responsibilities and a fixed salary. Reason enough to quit.

The moral aspect means that, while working, a person knows that his work is not in vain. And if he tried for a month on a project that was turned off, and this is repeated more than once, burnout is inevitable. Staying at such a job means making yourself stressed or depressed. This work must be abandoned, despite the fear of unemployment.

There is no peace in the team

The atmosphere in the team is largely a guarantee that the work will be loved. If you have to work in a team of gossips, intriguers, or people “on your mind” that are not inclined to any kind of communication, there is a risk of a nervous breakdown. In addition, intriguers and gossips can not only exhaust the nerves, but also ensure that a person does not have a promotion, that the authorities think badly of him, etc.

In this case, you don't have to be patient. It is better to mentally prepare, muster up the courage and write a letter of resignation, because the team will not change.

Have your own project

If a person has everything ready to open his own business, he will have to quit, because he will not be able to combine his business and work for his “uncle”. Here, either one or the other, or everything will burn out at once, because your project requires complete dedication, which means that you won’t be able to work well in another place. And vice versa, if you waste energy at work, they will not be enough for business. Therefore, as soon as the preparation stage is completed, the business plan is drawn up, investors are found, you need to decide on dismissal and start a new life, deal with your project.

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