Financial calculations for a business plan for the production of corrugated board. Raw materials for production

Construction technologies have undergone significant changes in recent decades. Increasing attention is paid to the fastest possible turnover of funds invested in capital construction. Considering that the majority of new production capacities are created with the attraction of credit resources, perhaps the most important indicator of any project is the payback period.

Therefore, the construction of various modular frame-type structures is becoming increasingly popular. It is this technology that is used to build buildings of various supermarkets, warehouse complexes, covered parking lots, buildings of most newly built industrial enterprises. At the same time, new technologies require the use of new building materials, one of which is a metal profiled sheet.

The versatility of corrugated board, its high technical and operational characteristics, as well as relatively low cost, have made profiled sheet one of the most popular and sought-after building materials. The demand for corrugated board is growing from year to year, which makes the production of corrugated board a profitable and profitable business.

It is also important that the metal sheet profiling technology is quite simple and does not require the use of sophisticated equipment. But the organization of the production of corrugated board, like the organization of any other production with high competition, requires careful preparation.

The first stage is the analysis of the local market

The most important thing for the organization of new production, including corrugated board, is the possibility of selling finished products. In addition, it is very important to assess how the current price for a profiled sheet in the region will ensure the profitability of the business. The presence in the area of ​​other enterprises for the production of corrugated board will require additional costs for advertising products, as well as reducing its price to attract buyers. All this can make production simply unprofitable.

But if the construction demand for corrugated sheet was met by supplies from other regions, the products of the new production can be quite competitive, since its price will be less than the prevailing one by at least the value of the transport component.

An important competitive advantage will be the presence in the region of a large wholesale supplier or manufacturer of high-quality rolled metal products - feedstock for the production of profiled sheets. Purchasing cold-rolled sheet at manufacturer's prices will significantly reduce the cost of production.

The next thing you should definitely pay attention to is the volume of sales of corrugated board in this region, as well as the prospect of increasing the volume of individual, civil and industrial construction. It is important to study the range of profiles that are in greatest demand. This will allow you to optimally select the equipment necessary for the organization of production.

Having outlined a business development strategy, taking into account all available competitive advantages, you can take up financial calculations.

After studying the market and competition, if favorable trends are identified, it is necessary to proceed to the second stage of calculating the profitability of corrugated board production - this is a business plan.

Corrugated board business - basic rules for drawing up a plan

The term "business plan" is understood as a set of financial and economic calculations that allow planning the future income and expenses of a new business, the movement of working capital, as well as the payback period for organizing production costs.

When creating a business plan, the following factors are taken into account:

  • costs of construction or rent of industrial premises
  • the cost of the main and auxiliary equipment, the amount of depreciation costs
  • costs for materials and energy carriers
  • funds for wages and payments to the budget
  • expenses for service maintenance and equipment repair
  • transport costs
  • planned volume of product sales
  • expenses for the promotion of products and their sale (including advertising, the creation of a dealer network, participation in various exhibitions, etc.)

Only a thorough analysis of all these factors will make it possible to fairly realistically determine the income from the work of production. So, for example, it is generally accepted that in order to receive a tangible income from the business of manufacturing corrugated board, at least 100 m2 of this product must be sold daily. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the business of selling any building materials, including corrugated board, has a pronounced seasonal nature.

Below is an example of the structure and design of a business plan for the organization of production for the manufacture of corrugated board, prepared to attract external investment.

Profiled sheet production - business plan in examples and tables. Key financial indicators

As an example, I will give a calculation when purchasing one machine for S-8 corrugated board, as for one of the most popular brands of profiled sheet. All numbers are rounded up at the time of creating a business plan for the production of corrugated board.

To get an accurate calculation, you need to substitute your data in the tables and recalculate the results.

Equipment costs

So, the first category of costs is the direct costs of production facilities. This includes the cost of a line for the production of corrugated sheet, a beam crane needed to reload steel coils, and a forklift to transport ready-made stacks of corrugated board.

Equipment costs are a significant part of the initial production costs. Therefore, if you want to save money, then I advise you to take a closer look at Chinese brands. However, be careful here and carefully choose the supplier, as you can get equipment of inadequate quality.

It will not be superfluous to fly to China and see the machines on the spot before buying, if you take directly. Or use the services of reputable intermediaries.

In addition, you can consider buying used equipment. However, it may have hidden defects which, combined with the lack of a warranty (or a short warranty period), is a big risk if you do not have experience in evaluating and inspecting such equipment.

The same category will include the cost of the production premises and, if necessary, the warehouse in the event that they are purchased and not rented. For our business plan for the production of profiled sheets, rent will be taken into account.

payroll fund

The next item of expenditure is wages for hired workers. Naturally, it is very different, depending on the region. In particular, in Moscow and the region, it is more than twice the average for Russia, therefore, in this region, a particularly accurate calculation of the cost of production is necessary.

To maintain one line, you will need 3 regular workers and 1 master. If you plan to purchase several lines, then the number of workers does not have to be proportionally increased. As a rule, it is 1-2 people per line, depending on the quality of the equipment and the degree of its automation.

Financing the project and forecasting the level of production based on seasonality and cyclical demand for products

After calculating the base costs, you must decide on the sources of funding. These are either personal funds, or credit resources, or attracted funds from investors. If you are starting a corrugated board production business from scratch without a built-in sales chain and without experience in a similar industry, then it is highly undesirable to use credit resources.

Firstly, in a new kind of business for yourself, you can easily not take into account some costs, or incorrectly estimate the market volume, which will affect the loan repayment schedule. Secondly, current bank interest even for legal entities are often unfounded. An exception, perhaps, is the attraction of credit resources from abroad, but this requires an appropriate scale of production.

Schedule for the production of corrugated board - a plan for increasing production volumes

Since the demand for corrugated board is highly seasonal, its production also needs to be increased during the season and reduced during failures. With this scheme of work, you can hire part of the workers for the season, which will reduce overall costs. This option is not suitable for a senior foreman and an employee working with a CNC machine, but it may well be used for a loader driver and a crane operator.

If you are confident that sales volumes are predictable, then you can split the total volume evenly throughout the year, which will allow you to fully utilize your workers and avoid downtime, but require additional storage space.

Planned revenue

Production cost

This section takes into account the cost of consumables - rolls of sheet steel with a thickness of 0.6 and payment for electricity.

Production costs

In this section, it is necessary to take into account the costs of ensuring production. You also need to take into account the cost of renting production and storage facilities or the cost of utilities for these premises.

Planned quarterly profit of the enterprise for the production of profiled sheets

When calculating this indicator, it is worth considering the need to pay VAT in the amount of 18%. To facilitate calculations, we assume that all contractors that supply materials and services for our corrugated board business are not VAT payers. Therefore, its volume is calculated from revenue.

In real conditions, at least 30% of expenses fall on VAT payers, however, in this case, we take into account the most difficult option in terms of tax burden.

You also need to take into account income tax - we take it equal to 20%, since this business plan does not consider various special taxation schemes.

So, let's calculate the revenue for each quarter based on the assumption of the sale of 100% of manufactured products. Since in the first months there will be no access to the required production volume, it is necessary to apply the appropriate coefficient to the previously calculated cost of consumables.

As an example, I will give a complete calculation of revenue and profit using the example of the first quarter.

This quarter, based on the schedule, it is planned to produce 9000 sq.m. corrugated board. At a cost of 250 rubles per 1 sq.m. and the full purchase of products, the proceeds will amount to 2,250,000 rubles.

The costs will be:

  1. 351,000 rubles (117,000 * 3) as payments to workers.
  2. The cost of materials will be 1,507,059 rubles (3*2,009,412/4).
  3. 405,000 rubles will be VAT.
  4. Production costs associated with providing work and renting premises will amount to 540,000 rubles;
  5. In total, all costs will be 2,803,059 rubles.

Therefore, your profit will be negative and equal to -553,059 rubles. It's ok for just running business, which has not yet reached the planned production volumes.

It is worth considering that you are unlikely to be able to sell all the products in the first quarter of your entry into the market, but do not forget that payment of VAT on all proceeds is accepted for calculations. In addition, unsold products are rolled over to the next quarter.

There is no point in further calculation. However, it should be borne in mind that profit is calculated on the basis of uniform production without seasonality.

Period Planned
Net profit,
1st quarter 2015 2 250 000 -553 059
2nd quarter 2015 6 750 000 98 258,4
3rd quarter 2015 9 000 000 368 611,2
4th quarter 2015 9 000 000 368 611,2
1st quarter 2016 9 000 000 368 611,2
2nd quarter 2016 9 000 000 368 611,2
3rd quarter 2016 9 000 000 368 611,2
4th quarter 2016 9 000 000 368 611,2
1st quarter 2017 9 000 000 368 611,2
2nd quarter 2017 9 000 000 368 611,2
3rd quarter 2017 9 000 000 368 611,2
4th quarter 2017 9 000 000 368 611,2
TOTAL 3 231 311

Conclusions on the feasibility of implementing a business plan for the production of profiled sheets

Based on the above calculations, the implementation of this business plan is expedient for the regions, subject to a preliminary analysis of the local market. At the same time, the estimated payback period should be increased by at least 50%, since there is no guarantee of the complete purchase of all corrugated board produced. In addition, there may be unrecorded costs, in particular for marketing and advertising.

After analyzing the above calculated data, it can be seen that almost 2/3 of the total cost required for the organization of production is the cost of the main and auxiliary equipment. It follows from this that the right choice of equipment is of great importance for the organization of cost-effective, highly profitable production.

When choosing a manufacturer, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of the purchased equipment, but the level of future costs required for its maintenance and repair.

It is necessary to take into account the performance of the equipment, which significantly affects its cost. It is better to select a line for the production of corrugated board, taking into account the expected volume of sales of products, which will ensure its maximum load at the minimum cost of energy resources necessary for the operation of the equipment.

To organize the production of profiled sheets, you need:

  • 1) premises, production equipment, personnel;
  • 2) stock of metal (for the current month) + metal in transit (paid for the next month);
  • 3) sales of products, advertising.

Brief production requirements


The room should be spacious (for installation of lines, organizing a warehouse for rolls and finished products), with a flat floor and a crane beam with a lifting capacity of 5 tons or more.

To ensure the range of products, it is advisable to install several lines in the workshop at once (for example, the most popular profiles of corrugated board C8, C21, MP20, Monterey, Cascade metal tiles).

The workshop requires the following personnel:

  • 1 person per line
  • storekeeper,
  • one or more auxiliary workers, depending on the volume of production (loading and unloading).

Warehouse stock of metal

Metal is ordered from large dealers or directly from metallurgical plants (large deliveries). For the production of profiled sheets, metal in rolls must be available in at least four popular colors (chocolate, green, blue, cherry).

The workshop should have enough metal for at least a month of work. Metal for the next month must be ordered and paid to the supplier in the current month.

Calculation of the profitability of the production of corrugated board

Profiled sheets are sold by linear meters, so we will calculate the cost per linear meter. Metal is sold in rolls weighing usually about 5 tons. The number of linear meters per ton depends on the thickness of the metal and is indicated in the table.

Realization price of profiled sheet C8 (NLMK steel) in Lipetsk in December 2014


In Lipetsk, the markup on the cost of metal (the cost of profiled sheet rolling) is 11%. In other regions, the margin ranges from 10% to 25% and depends on the state of the local market.

According to statistics, for an 11-hour shift, one line on average profiles from 13 to 16 tons of rolled products, on long sheets - up to 24 tons. It all depends on the ordered sizes and the number of colors.

Calculation of the profitability of the production of metal tiles

Similarly, the cost of production of metal tiles is calculated. It, unlike corrugated board, is sold by square meters, which are considered by the total width.

Overall width - 1 170 ±8 mm
Step height - 21 mm
Step between steps - 350 mm

December 2014 prices for NLMK painted steel (after price increase)

For the production of 1 p.m. m/tile required 1 063 mm smooth sheet, because in one running meter 3 steps of 21 mm.

Thus, for a metal tile with a thickness of 0.5 mm:

  • cost price 1 p.m.- 238 * 1.063 = 253 rubles,
  • cost price 1 m 2 - 253/1,17 = 216 rub.(total width - 1 170 mm).


The selling price in Lipetsk in December is 240 rubles / m 2 (thickness 0.5 mm), which means that the mark-up per 1 m 2 will be 240-16 = 24 rubles, or the same 11% mark-up on the cost of the metal.

According to statistics, one line produces from 3 to 5 tons of metal tiles per shift. Productivity depends on the specified lengths and the number of colors.

Ways to deceive the consumer

There are several ways to deceive end consumers by unscrupulous suppliers.

  • According to the documents, 0.5 mm metal is shipped, in fact - thinner.
  • According to the documents, NLMK metal is shipped (a certificate is usually attached), in fact - metal from another manufacturer (for example, cheaper Chinese metal).
  • Sales of products in rubles per square meter. At the same time, inflated figures are involved in the calculation of the price. For example, instead of a total width of 1,190 ± 8 mm, indicate 1,200 mm. With such figures, the price per m 2 is less than that of competitors.

These methods allow unscrupulous manufacturers to cut prices and make high profits to the detriment of the buyer.

So, you have decided - let's start corrugated board production plant. What to do for this, where to start and how much will it cost to start a business? We will talk about this in this article.

Overall Market Analysis

The production of corrugated board is considered cost-effective and promising business despite high competition. The prospects of the direction can be assessed on the basis of the following parameters:

Features of the climate of the region, volumes of various types of construction, including long-term construction, etc.;
sales volumes, prices, competitive advantages, range of competitors;
is there a metallurgical plant in the area for the supply of raw materials;
are there factories in the area that specialize in the manufacture of metal profiles (the absence of a factory within a radius of 200 km gives good chances for business development).

Issues of organizing the work of the enterprise

Factory for the production of corrugated board it is best to register in the form of an LLC and focus on the general taxation system. Among the OKVED codes, you must choose:

27.33 "Manufacture of bent steel profiles",
51.53.24 "Wholesale trade in other building materials",
52.46.73 "Retail trade in metal and non-metal structures, etc."

Production of corrugated board must comply with GOST 24045-94, but it is not necessary to certify it.

Sales market

So, we are launching a plant for the production of corrugated board. The question logically arises, where are we going to sell it? There are several options:

Production of products to order, including non-standard;
wholesale sales to enterprises of the corresponding profile;
retail and wholesale sales through dealers and shops.

Raw materials for production

The production of corrugated board requires the use of rolled products of the highest or first category. It includes:

Aluzinc coated steel (TU 14-11-247-88).
rolled steel with a polymeric protective and decorative coating (GOST 30246-94);
galvanized rolled steel (GOST 14918-80).

There are raw materials of different price categories on the market: both domestic, Chinese, and from European factories.

Manufacturing facility

The plant for the production of corrugated board should have a workshop with a total area of ​​300 m2, zoned for a warehouse of finished products, raw materials and a production area: 100 m2, 50 m2 and 150 m2, respectively. It is better to provide several exits so that loading and unloading can be carried out simultaneously.

Production of corrugated board must meet the following requirements:

The presence of a monorail, a beam crane and other special equipment, carrying capacity (from 5 tons);
room temperature from 4 C (if the line is running - from 10 C);
concrete flat floor;
industrial power grid;
communications and heating.

Equipment for the production of corrugated board

The production of corrugated board will require investments in:

1. Automated line for the production of corrugated board (1,430,000 rubles), which includes:

Automatic control system;
reception table;
hydraulic cutting knife;
rolling mill;
uncoiler drum.

2. A beam crane, which has a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons. A used crane will cost 200 thousand rubles.

3. A forklift that will transport the finished corrugated board to the warehouse (300 thousand rubles).

The total equipment will require 1,700,000 rubles.


The production of corrugated board is carried out by a staff of four people who will work in an 8-hour shift:

One master operator (responsible for the machine for the production of corrugated board and work on it);
two auxiliary workers (loading and unloading);
one manager (sales, deliveries, contracts).

Technology for the production of corrugated board

The roll of steel is mounted on the unwinder so that one of its ends is fixed in the filling stand. Then you need to program the line. In this case, the width remains unchanged.

Steel is passed through several pairs of special working stands, in which it receives the required shape. Automated line for the production of corrugated board allows you to produce corrugated board without defects and quickly.

Then the sheet enters the press, where it is cut with guillotine shears and sent to the receiving table. Here the sheets are stacked and sent to the warehouse for storage.

Transport and storage requirements

All necessary requirements are fixed in GOST 15150. Sheets should be stored in packs tied with polypropylene tie-down straps. Below should be a wooden stand to which they are securely attached. Gaskets must be installed under the constriction and at the corners.

Unloading and loading is carried out with soft slings. Sheets are stored in one tier, you can outdoors.

Video plot of the technological process of corrugated board production:

Business plan for the production of corrugated board

A square meter of S-8 corrugated board is made of galvanized steel 0.45 mm thick, weighing 4.42 kg/m2. The roll is taken with a standard width of 1250 mm. It should be borne in mind that after profiling, this figure will decrease. Let's say if the corrugation is 8 mm, then the sheet will become 1,195 mm wide. and weighing 3.70 kg. In total, 270 m2 of S-8 corrugated board with a cost of 185.93 rubles will be obtained from a ton of steel.

500 m2 of corrugated board is produced per shift, and 12 thousand m2 per month. A square meter costs 240 rubles, so you can earn 2,880,000 rubles per month. Taking into account the deduction, this will amount to 648,840 rubles.

In terms of costs, production will require approximately 338,923 rubles. per month:

Transport - 90,000 rubles;
taxes - 107,739 rubles;
accounting for outsourcing - 5000 rubles;
electricity - 5184 rubles;
utilities - 12,000 rubles;
rent - 45,000 rubles;
salary - 74,000 rubles.

Net profit will amount to 309,917 rubles per month. Accordingly, investments will pay off in about six months. All this says one thing: we are launching a corrugated board production plant!

The production of corrugated board as a business is becoming more and more popular. The manufacturing technology is quite simple and standard, and the cost of equipment will pay off in the first year of operation. True, in this type of activity there are some nuances that you need to know about even before starting a business organization.

Profiled sheets of various shapes, sizes and appearance do not lose their popularity for many decades. And in connection with the growth of construction in certain regions, they are considered a universal material for various purposes. And even despite the volume of their production, large firms have the opportunity to occupy their niche.

Studying the market

To make your project successful and profitable, you should first analyze the presence of competitors and consumer demand in the selected region. The expected result largely depends on this. Assess the situation according to the following parameters:

  1. Are there nearby, for example, within a radius of 200-300 km, large plants for metal profiles. If there is a serious competitor, your financial investments should be large, and profitability will be low.
  2. It is desirable that a manufacturer of metallurgical billets be present nearby. By purchasing raw materials almost at cost and not overpaying for shipping, you can significantly reduce your costs.
  3. Check in specialized stores what exactly competitors offer (sales volumes, sheet sizes, their cost and assortment). Check out the most requested items.
  4. It is also important to take into account the climatic zone of the region, plans for construction in the coming years by large developers, the presence of private sectors, etc. Remember that the greatest demand for such products appears in the spring and summer, so you need to offer finished products in early spring or even at the end of winter .

After studying what buyers need, draw up a competent plan for the implementation of the conceived idea. It might make sense to focus on individual sheet sizes or fill the market with a particular type of product that will compete well with existing options.

Organizational moments

The production of corrugated board as a business, like any other, must be registered. To do this, you need to open an LLC with common system taxation. Among the OKVED codes, choose the following:

  • 33 - for the manufacture of profile sheets;
  • 52 - involving the processing of metal products according to relevant technologies;
  • 53.24 - at wholesale trade building materials;
  • 46.73 - for permission to retail sale of finished products.

It is not required to create a special certification for the product, but for high-quality corrugated board it is recommended to adhere to the standards in accordance with GOST 24045-94.

It is important to take into account the availability of sales on the basis. So, if it is supposed retail, then it is required to register UTII and deduct 5-15% of income. At the same time, an individual entrepreneur may not have a cash register, but issue a check to the buyer. In wholesale trade, a simplified simplified taxation system is available. Do not forget to open a separate bank account for the company.

Among the permits must be documents from the SES and the fire inspectorate. To ensure that your premises meet their requirements, it is advisable to find out about them before you start looking for a suitable building. When hiring employees, you will also have to register with the pension fund and the employment service.

Download a free sample.

Production technology

The manufacture of corrugated board involves such a simple process:

  1. Steel sheet in the form of rolls is placed on a special unwinding drum. One side of it is fixed and served at the desired speed.
  2. The line is programmed according to special requirements for finished corrugated sheets. In this case, only its width remains unchanged, and the length is set as desired, for example, taking into account the dimensions of the loading machine or the individual parameters of the client.
  3. The profiling machine has special shafts with a set of rollers. It is they that provide special deflections, sheet geometry, height, corrugation shape and its other parameters.
  4. At the end of the line, the guillotine shears cut the rolled sheet at a predetermined mark.
  5. Further the professional flooring gets on a receiving table where it is completed in piles. They are sent to the warehouse.

Accordingly, this process needs to purchase the required equipment.

Features of transportation

The standards for storage and movement of finished metal profile products are noted in GOST 15150. According to this, the sheets must be packed in identical bundles and tightened with special tie-down straps. The goods are laid strictly on a fixed wooden platform of a suitable size. In order to preserve the quality of products in the corners, it is closed with gaskets.

When loading, be sure to use soft slings so as not to damage the metal sheets. In a car or in a warehouse, corrugated board is placed in only one tier. Occasionally, it is allowed to create two layers of packages only with their total weight up to 3000 kg/m2.

The advantages of this product is that it does not require special weather, climatic, temperature conditions. Therefore, it is permissible to store sheets in an open area. And since there is no expiration date for them, this product can stand in the warehouse until a buyer appears.

Choose a room

It is not so important where the building for the production of corrugated board will be located - outside the city or not. The presence of access roads for trucks will be much more tangible. It is very good if there is a Railway, as it will increase the ability to transport goods.

The room itself must meet the following criteria:

  • The total area is not less than 250-300 m2. In addition to the production area, equip warehouses for raw materials (50 m2) and finished products (100 m2) separately.
  • Some utilities are optional. But having a 380kW power supply and ventilation is essential. Heating and water supply are less critical, but it is good to think over them for the convenience of people working all year round.
  • A perfectly flat concrete floor is considered a separate requirement.
  • In order to maintain comfortable conditions in the workshop, it is desirable to install plastic windows so that the room temperature does not fall below +4 ° when the equipment is turned off.
  • It is necessary to install several gates through which it is possible to conveniently receive raw materials and load finished products.
  • It also requires the availability of special equipment in the form of a crane that can withstand 5 tons.

Raw material

To create high-quality corrugated board suitable:

  1. Galvanized steel in rolls, manufactured in accordance with GOST 14918-80.
  2. Steel with a special polymeric protective and decorative coating, according to GOST 30246-94.
  3. Aluzinc steel (TU 14-11-247-88).

The thickness of the sheets varies between 0.4 - 1.2 mm.

You can find this material in our state. Ideal for you - in the same region, so that delivery from the manufacturer takes a minimum of time and money. But some manufacturers buy quality raw materials from China, South Korea, England, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, etc. It is important that the benefits of the transaction do not run counter to the established criteria for the quality of your products.

We buy equipment

The biggest expense at the initial stage will be the cost of the required equipment. And this:

  • Automated line for the production of corrugated board, which consists of an unwinding drum, a rolling machine, a sheet bender, a hydraulic knife, a receiving table and a control system.
  • A beam crane that can withstand 5-10 tons of products.
  • Forklift.

In addition to direct equipment in the workshop and in the warehouse, transport is also needed. After all, the possibility of delivering finished products to the client is a special advantage. You will also need office furniture and office equipment in the manager's office.

Hiring staff

Since this business is seasonal, five people will be enough for permanent work. Only a technologist, a shift foreman, should have a high specialized qualification. During the summer period, you can increase the number of employees to fulfill orders around the clock in a short time.

One person is enough in the warehouse, and drivers will be required for transport services. It is very important to properly organize work with customers and suppliers. To do this, you need to hire an experienced manager or perform such activities on your own. In order to competently maintain financial and tax reports, it is advisable to hire an accountant.

General expenses and business payback

You can calculate how much it will take to start this type of business with your own hands. To do this, you need to collect all the numbers in one table. Even before registration, it is desirable to make detailed business plan with calculations. Approximate costs will be as follows.

But in order to fully assess the profitability of the project and the rate of its payback, you also need to take into account monthly deductions. This includes:

For a correct assessment of the finished corrugated board, it is required to accurately calculate its cost. So, 270 m2 of common sheets of grade S-8 come out of 1 ton of steel roll. This means that the cost of raw materials amounted to about 185 rubles.

If you sell at a wholesale price of 240 rubles per square meter, then the monthly income will be (with a production of 12,000 m2) 2,880,000. Net profit is 680,000 rubles. With a cost of 450,000, a monthly income of 230,000 is obtained.

As a result, the initial investment will pay off in 14-15 months. But a lot will depend on your rates, the number of clients, the level of competition, etc. These figures are only given as averages.

Looking for a market

To achieve the desired results, you need to find your buyer as early as possible. Products are available in the following ways:

  1. Supply of material to specialized stores, supermarkets, wholesalers or distribution through dealers.
  2. Sale of corrugated board industrial enterprises through tenders or through participation in construction auctions.
  3. Production of individual orders for private clients.

Choosing a marketing strategy

If there is a lot of competition in your area, then this is a minus. Because it will take a thoughtful advertising campaign to attract new customers. Among modern workers marketing strategies you can choose the most suitable:

  • Use the Internet - create a website with a catalog of finished products, make contextual advertising to attract visitors.
  • Post information about the product at various wholesale bases and construction markets, in the private sector, where all the plots have not yet been built up.
  • Use conventional advertising in regional media and specialized magazines.
  • Establish cooperation with large hypermarkets selling Construction Materials Wholesale and Retail.
  • Participate in industry exhibitions and forums.
  • Offer products to construction companies, providing them with certificates and other documentation confirming that you produce corrugated board in accordance with GOST, interest them in a wide range.
  • Attract new customers with seasonal discounts, etc.

Video: line for the production of corrugated board.

The organization of a business for the production of corrugated board and metal tiles is a very relevant area today. The number of buildings under construction for various purposes is steadily growing every day. Moreover, buildings of supermarkets, all kinds of hangars, production workshops, covered parking lots are being built - this is an incomplete list of objects in which the roofing project provides for the use of profiled flooring for it, or corrugated flooring for short. Also, this material is used as temporary fencing for construction sites, and can also be used for fencing suburban buildings. To all of the above, we can add that metal tiles are used as roofing, its use is more suitable for private households, office buildings, various retail facilities and other buildings, both in urban and rural areas. As practice shows recent years, such production has a high profitability.

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Technological process

The process of production of metal tiles is in a certain way connected with the production of corrugated board. The method of obtaining corrugated board is based on the fact that a galvanized steel strip is rolled on a profile bending mill and subsequently cut into sheets of a given length. As a result, at the output there are steel sheets having waves in their profile, which gives an aesthetic appearance and rigidity to the sheets.

The production of metal tiles occurs in much the same way, a strip is profiled, and then, by cold pressure, transverse ribs are stamped, which gives the sheets the look of a classic tile.

The plan for creating a business has its own characteristics.

For the profitability of production and reaching the required level of sales of finished products, it is necessary to obtain high quality corrugated board or metal tiles.

This requirement is related to the equipment on which the products are manufactured. Modern lines for the production of corrugated board or metal tiles include a whole range of technological equipment. Various manufacturers of roll forming mills supply seemingly the same type of equipment, but, in the end, the correct choice of the line fundamentally affects the final consumer properties of the product. Mill automation, roll banding accuracy and calibration, mill drive are global factors for obtaining the products required by the market.

The metal tile, as a rule, is made from a steel strip with a polymer coating, the corrugated board is made from a conventional galvanized strip, sometimes from a strip with a polymer coating. When purchasing equipment, this factor should be taken into account. In other words, the business plan must take into account what metal will be profiled.

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Drawing up a business plan for organizing the production of corrugated board

One of the key areas in the organization of production is a well-written business plan.

For successful work line of roll forming equipment will require a room of about 250-300 sq.m. The profile bending mill includes: decoiler, setting mechanism, looper, directly roll forming stands, guillotine shears. The production plan provides for a crane with a lifting capacity of 10-15 tons and a loader.

In the future workshop, preparatory work, general repairs, the foundation for the mill should be carried out, and permission should also be obtained for the use of a three-phase electrical network.

The organization of the work of the workshop is planned in one shift, 8 hours. Number of shifts - 24 per month. For the full production and maintenance of equipment, 5 people are enough: maintenance personnel - 4 people and an accountant - 1 person.

The average power characteristic of the production line is 600 sq.m of corrugated board per day.

Approximate start-up costs

Planned production - 600 sq.m of corrugated board per shift. Initial material - galvanized steel with a polymeric covering. Assumed wholesale products at a price of 230 rubles / sq.m.

As a result, daily production: 600 sq.m;

Price per sq.m: 245 rubles;

Price for 600 sq.m, that is, for a shift: 147,000 rubles;

Monthly production: 3,528,000 rubles.

Costs associated with the production of corrugated board:

Total: 380,000 rubles

Cost plan

As can be seen from the calculation, the approximate profit per month will be 437,000.

This is a theoretical calculation and does not include contingencies. Special permits, laboratory examinations of the quality of the produced corrugated board, design and installation of fire safety systems may be required.