Test which job suits me. Test "Which profession suits you?" material on psychology on the topic

To choose the best profession for yourself or your child, you first need to decide on the area to which you or your child is closer. After passing a simple test, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of school, college or technical school. Our test [Choice future profession] will give your child or you the right to independently choose a future profession, help you better realize your abilities in life. Answer all questions very sincerely, be sure to believe in yourself and that you or your child will be able to do any work. Testing for children is best done between the ages of 12 and 13. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of the area of ​​activity that is closest to you or your child. Our online test: [Choice of future profession] is completely free without SMS and registration! The result will be shown immediately after the answer to the last question!

The test contains 20 questions!

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  • The more questions, the stronger your knowledge of geography and countries of the world will be!

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  • The database contains 285 road signs of the Russian Federation, approved by the rules of the road (SDA)

Present Continuous - Present Continuous
Group Times continuous indicate a process, an action that continues at a certain moment in the past, present or future.
Time Present Continuous usually indicates a process lasting directly at the moment of speech. This can be indicated by the context or words such as now (now), at the moment (at the current moment), etc.:
Sally is doing her homework at the moment.
Sally is doing her homework now.

Dad and me are fishing now.
My dad and I are fishing now.
Education Present Continuous
affirmative sentences:

I am playingWe are playing
You are playingYou are playing
He/she/it is playingThey are playing
Interrogative sentences:
Am I playing?Are we playing?
Are you playing?Are you playing?
Is he/she/it playing?Are they playing?
Negative suggestions:
I am not playingWe are not playing
You are not playingYou are not playing
He/she/it is not playingThey are not playing
To put a verb into the tense form Present Continuous, an auxiliary is required verb to be in the present tense and present participle(Participle I) semantic verb.
to be currently has three forms:
  • am- 1 person, unit h. (I am shaving.)
  • is- 3rd person, unit. h. (He is reading.)
  • are- 2 person unit. hours and all forms pl. h. (They are sleeping.)
Personal pronouns and the auxiliary verb are often shortened to I'm, he's, she's, it's, we're, you're, they're.
The present participle (Participle I) can be obtained by adding the ending to the initial form of a significant verb -ing:
jump-jump ing, live - live ng
AT interrogative sentence The auxiliary verb is put in place before the subject, and the meaningful verb remains after it:
why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing?

Are you using this dictionary?
Do you use this dictionary?
AT negative sentences the auxiliary verb is followed by a negative particle not. Forms is and are and can be reduced to isn't and aren't respectively.
Radio is not (isnt) working.
The radio does not work.
Cases of using Present Continuous

  • An indication of the process occurring directly at the moment of the conversation:
The doctor is leading an operation now.
The doctor is now performing the operation.
  • Description of the characteristic properties of a person, often with a negative connotation:
why are you always interrupting people?
Why are you always interrupting people?

He is always shouting at me.
He always yells at me.

  • Planned action in the future, often with verbs of motion:
We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.
We land at Heathrow in 20 minutes.
English verbs associated with perception (notice, hear, see, feel ...), emotions (love, hate, like ...), mental processes (think, believe, understand ...), possession (have, possess .. .) are not used in Continuous tenses, because they themselves denote a process. Time is used instead present simple:
I hear you, don't shout. I hear you, don't scream.
I love pancakes. I love pancakes.

Test "Which profession suits you?"

To take the test, you will need a piece of paper and a pen.


All professions are important, all professions are needed. But among such a huge professional diversity, you must find your place in the sun so that work for you is both a holiday and a way to earn money. After all, the result of your work depends on how much you like your work. Find out if you made a mistake in your choice of profession?

Test questions:

1. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

A. I don’t even remember (0 points).
B. Teacher (1 point).
Q. What I just did not want to become! (2 points).
G. President (3 points).

2. What was your favorite subject at school?

A. Labor lesson (Amateur floriculture and gardening) (0 points).
B. Drawing (2 points).
B. Mathematics (1 point).
D. There were many favorite subjects (3 points).

3. What school subject did you dislike the most?

A. Languages ​​and Literature (1 point).
B. Physical education (3 points).
B. Mathematics (2 points).
D. Chemistry (0 points).

8. What were you guided by when choosing a university?

A. Chose in accordance with their hobbies (2 points).
B. I selected a specialty based on the knowledge of certain school subjects (1 point).
C. Assessing the demand for the profession in the market in the near future (3 points).
D. On the advice of parents (0 points).

3. By what criteria do you choose a job?

A. Level of earnings (3 points).
B. Opportunity career development(0 points).
B. Official employment (1 point).
D. Opportunity for creativity, lack of routine (2 points).

4. How often do you change jobs?

A. 2-3 times a year (2 points).
B. 1 time per year (0 points).
B. 1 time in three years (3 points).
D. 1 time in five years (1 point).

5. What companies do you prefer to work for?

A. With foreign investment (3 points).
B. With a friendly team (0 points).
B. Those who offer a good social package and health insurance (1 point).
D. With a good reputation (2 points).

6. What did you spend your first paycheck on?

A. I did not spend it and saved money (1 point).
B. On parents (0 points).
B. Updated wardrobe (2 points).
G. Made himself business cards and bought a good cell phone (3 points).

Test results:

0-4 points. You are an excellent performer, a very diligent and price tag employee in any company. You are very hardworking and capable of working for results, but you lack special ambitions, you do not know how to express yourself at work, you are not able to take matters into your own hands and you are not able to make constructive proposals. Ideal positions for you: middle manager, administrator, support staff (including medical specialties, osteopath, for example), athlete.

5-10 points. Your logical thinking is very well developed. The exact sciences and the world of numbers are your element. You love accuracy and pedantry in your work, diligently fulfill your duties. But also appreciate the stability of the company you work for, it is very important for you to be confident in the future. Ideal positions for you: cashier, accountant, financial analyst, bank employee.

11-14 points. Since childhood, you have been distinguished by a craving for creativity, you have always had a wild imagination and very bold desires. In the wardrobe you love originality, and in dealing with people - their out-of-the-box thinking. You choose the appropriate profession. Ideal positions for you: interior designer, fashion designer, print designer, photographer, stylist, makeup artist, journalist.

15-18 points. You always clearly set goals and, as a rule, always achieve them. Your element is a huge team in submission. You are very competently able to organize a workflow, create a department or project from scratch. You are able to think ahead, developing important strategic plans for the company. Ideal positions for you: manager of any profile, top manager, director, businessman

It often happens that a person is guided through life by the opinion of other people, whether they are parents, friends or some kind of authority. We all live and make decisions under the pressure of society. Decisions about choosing a place of work and, a life partner, a place of residence. But are these solutions always optimal? Of course not! Most people in the world do not do what they want. They seem to be living a different life. To be like them, every day to trudge longingly to an unloved job - is this what you want? It is not necessary to waste your life on a job that does not suit you! Sometimes it’s enough to look at yourself from the outside and understand that something is wrong with your life, it’s time to change something!

Magazine IQR developed an online psychological test " what job suits me ". We invite everyone to take our rapid career guidance test for free - it only takes two minutes. You do not have to spend money and time filling out long boring questionnaires offered by various career guidance centers. The main professional inclinations of a person can also be identified by short testing.

How to choose a profession - test

How to choose a profession

This is choice test type professions. By answering just 12 short questions, you will get a percentage propensity for various types of employment according to your psychotype. An approximate list of professions that would suit you best will be indicated.


Each of us at least once in our lives thought about our purpose.

What would you like to do so that the work brings both pleasure and a good income? What occupation is ideal for you?

Take this simple quiz and find out which job is right for you.

You have 10 seconds for each question. Simply select answer A, B, C, D or E and then add up the scores.

Which job is right for you

Question #1:

How would your friends describe you?

A. Irresponsible, fond of fooling around;

B. Convenient, trouble-free;

C. Creative, talkative;

D. Friendly, easy-going;

E. Smart, sociable.


Question #2:

Are you a lazy person?

A. Like every person, I have moments of rest.

B. Too busy, no time to rest. And I would like...

C. I would like not to rest, but I really have nothing to do.

D. No, but sometimes I miss.

E. I'm being lazy all the time! And I'm proud to be a couch potato!


Question #3:

What is your favorite subject or topic that interests you?

A. Health/History/English.

B. Technology/horticulture.

C. Mathematics/economics/computer.

D. Art/drama/music.

E. I have no interests, I hate school and learning!


Question #4:

What do you do in your free time?

A. Gym / video games / apartment renovation or decoration.

B. Have fun/chat/go to parties.

C. I drink and fool around.

D. Surfing the Internet/tidying up the room.

E. Doing what I love/going to the movies.


Question #5:

Who will you join at the party?

A. To a small group having a lively conversation.

B. To someone who looks interesting.

C. To no one!

D. To a group of people playing the game / only to their friends.

E. To a large group that laughs a lot.


Question #6:

What section of the press do you prefer to read?

A. Entertainment.

B. None, I don't read newspapers and magazines.

C. News or real estate section.

d. Main page/sport.

E. Science/medicine/breaking news.


Question #7:

What is your favorite movie genre?

A. Comedy/historical/documentary.

B. Action/Horror/Adventure.

C. Sci-fi/political/substantial dramas.

D. Erotic/parody.

E. Romantic/fantastic/inspirational movie.


Question #8:

You have the opportunity to participate in a reality show. What show would you choose?

A. A show that will give me good hands-on experience.

B. Show where I can show my talent.

C. Extreme, nerve-wracking show.

D. A show where I can apply my communication skills.

E. All reality shows are a waste of time.


Question #9:

In the future, are you going to rely on someone?

A. Never to anyone!

B. Yes, I can only rely on someone!

C. Only if in some things for work.

D. If only as a last resort, then yes.

E. If I say no, I'm lying.


Question number 10:

Which of these activities do you prefer?

A. All I want is to make love all the time.

B. To teach, give advice or help someone with their problems.

C. Use your creative (musical) abilities to create something beautiful.

D. Develop a business plan.

E. Use your skills to solve complex problems.


Now add up all your points.


From 0 to 70 points:

Possible work options:

Thief, professional beggar, scavenger, charity worker, volunteer, and other low-income activity.

From 80 to 150 points:

Possible work options:

Cook, athlete, repairman, waiter, mechanic, electrician, plumber, tradesman, sales agent, trainer, etc.

From 160 to 240 points:

Possible work options:

Teacher, policeman, firefighter, doctor, caregiver, human resources officer, flight attendant, social worker, etc.

From 250 to 320 points:

Possible work options:

Writer, singer, actor/actress, artist, designer, fashion designer, journalist, engineer, photographer, fashion writer, etc.

From 330 to 400 points:

Possible work options:

Event organizer, accountant, private detective, lawyer, web developer, programmer, publisher, etc.