Physics and Mathematics of the profession after 11. Online test for the profession: Which profession to choose? Biology and chemistry

Final exams - time to think about the future

The closer the final exams, the more acute the question arises of where to go after grade 11. Graduates decide what specialty they will receive and which educational institution to apply to. After all, it depends on what exams they will need to pass. Probably, every child in childhood was "exhausted" with the question of who he would become when he grew up. AT

At such moments, the children answer simply: who will be an astronaut, who will be a doctor. That is, they say the first thing that comes to their mind. Almost none of them take into account their hobbies and interests. Of course, things change over time.

Should you go to the first university you come across?

But nevertheless, most of the schoolchildren, right up to the last call, cannot decide on the final choice of their future specialty and do not know where to go after the 11th grade. Usually they go where they pass on the USE scores. They go like blind kittens, not knowing and not knowing what lies ahead for them, and after a couple of months of study they realize that they have chosen “not that”, “not their own”. More courageous individuals take the documents and leave, while others endure in the hope of obtaining a diploma, which, in their opinion, will give at least some guarantee of well-being in life. On the one hand, they are right. But I would like to note that you will not get anything real, because a real specialist is obtained only if a person really loves the business he is doing. Therefore, initially, when choosing a profession, you need to understand yourself, in your inner world, understand what you like, and only then pick up booklets and choose an educational institution.

Where to go after 11th grade?

First of all, figure out the direction. At this time, there are only two of them: humanitarian and technical. They are completely opposite to each other. The techie prefers the exact sciences, while the humanist is prone to reading, writing and creativity. You should not enter a technical university if you do not understand physics, even though such specialties are considered prestigious in our time. All your years of study will be torture for you. Love to read and write? Go to the Faculty of Humanities. The second stage in solving the current problem is the choice of specialty. This must be done in a calm environment, silence and without pressure. Left alone, take a sheet of paper and write on it all the professions that you are actually interested in. Now analyze the list and choose the most demanded and promising specialty.

Choosing an educational institution

The last point in deciding where to go after grade 11 is the choice of an educational institution. If the universities of your locality do not teach in the specialty that you have chosen, feel free to enter other cities. Distance should not stand in the way of your dreams. Moreover, with the advent of the Unified State Examination, it has become easier to enter a university in any city in our country: everywhere the same admission rules. Just be confident in your own abilities. Check availability educational institutions can be from special brochures for applicants. It is also easy to find information about where you can go after college.

Drawing conclusions

Never rely on someone else's opinion. Of course, listen to what adults say and advise you, but remember: you create your own future and therefore must make your own choice. And believe me, the decision of the question of where to enter after the 11th grade is already within you. Listen to yourself, and you will definitely succeed!

Here it rang last call, all exams are passed, and every graduate of the eleventh grade thinks about after school. Perhaps this is the most important choice in a person's life, because it determines his future destiny. Finding a job you love is no easy task.

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D so that in the future you will not regret the wrong step taken, now it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, how to study everything that universities offer and measure your desires with opportunities.

Which institution you end up going to is entirely up to you. Please note that the more serious the institution, the higher the scores for crossing the threshold. When choosing a profession, it is important to take into account the amount of money you can afford to study, the number of points you get on the Unified State Examination, as well as your preparedness for entrance exams and competitions that are established in many educational institutions.

It is not so difficult to enter somewhere in Moscow as it seems at first glance. The minimum number of points scored should not be less than one hundred and seventy, but the maximum number is four hundred.

Of course, the more prestigious and popular the university you have chosen, the easier it is to find a job after graduation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start studying the structure of entrance exams and preparing for competitions as early as possible, because your future life depends on it.

The most popular universities in Moscow

So, the list of the most famous and prestigious universities in Moscow is as follows:

Of course, the above list of institutions where you can go to study both in absentia and in person is not complete, because our capital is full of first-class educational institutions. It is rather difficult to enter all of them, but it is worth it, because by doing so you not only strengthen your position and can hope to get a good and, importantly, desired specialty, but the program itself, subjects and highly qualified teachers will make your student life unforgettable and interesting.

Medical Universities

Doctor - no doubt, a very important and useful profession to society. Every year more and more people decide to become specialists in the field of medicine, guided by very different principles and desires: someone wants to help people, someone is interested in studying human nature, some want to achieve financial well-being.

However, no matter what your goal is, it should be borne in mind that the competition in the medical field is incredibly tough, and in order to get the best job possible, it is advisable to have a diploma that you are a graduate of a fairly prestigious educational institution. . List of the most popular and best-of-its-kind institutes in Moscow preparing future surgeons, dentists and other specialists is as follows:

Where to go to study after the 11th grade, who wish to acquire a creative profession?

Creative professions are still in demand and important, as well as work in the field of medicine, education and economics. Moscow on a par with St. Petersburg is full of a variety of educational institutions, from which you can go out as an excellent designer, animator, artist, fashion designer or architect.

Each of us understands that the education received is in some way the foundation of our life. Choice future profession- an important and responsible step, which must be approached with all seriousness. And, of course, our parents always want to take part in this process. The first thing you need to do with such a step is to remove relatives from this. Despite the fact that they wish their children all the best, this decision should be made purely individually and without pressure from outside.

Carefully study all the directions and faculties of the institute where you would like to go to study after 11th grade. A complete list of them is presented on the official websites of the educational institution. And you can learn about student life on special forums.

The list of professions after grade 11 is huge, and some of them look very tempting and promise to be in demand in the future. But always measure your abilities against your desires. If you want to become a doctor, however, the scores for the Unified State Examination in biology are quite a bit higher than the threshold, then this means that you simply do not need to enter medical schools. Always listen to your inner voice and know that you should not adapt to your career, but, on the contrary, the rhythm of life should remain familiar and comfortable, and work should bring pleasure.

Whom to go to study for: 5 useful tips + 5 sources of help + 30 specialties after grade 9 + 37 professions available to eleventh graders.

While you are small, you can afford to choose professions at least every year.

But the older you get, the more seriously you need to take the choice of your future profession.

All high school students are concerned about the question who to study after finishing 9th or 11th grade?

I really want the future specialty to be interesting, while bringing pleasure and good money at the same time.

Can you combine both?

Of course - you can, if you treat the choice of profession wisely.

Why is it so difficult to decide who to go to study?

Remember how many times you changed your dream of a future profession in childhood and adolescence.

I probably 10 times.

Whatever I planned to be: a teacher, a doctor, a banker, a director, an archaeologist, a journalist, an entrepreneur, etc.

But the real agony of choice had to be experienced in high school, when it was necessary to move from dreams to concrete decisions and decide on a future profession.

If you are also trying to decide who to go to study, useful tips for you will not be superfluous:

    Do you dream of a career as a banker, but only the kindness of your math allows you to get an annual grade of 4 points, instead of a well-deserved one?

    Well, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get an economic or financial education.

    Think about what you would like to do.

    Cold calculation when choosing a future profession is, of course, a good thing, but it cannot be limited only to it.

    Going day in and day out to a job you hate is very hard.

    However, work should be fun.

    Look at the amount of your future salary.

    While you are on the maintenance of your parents, you can afford the uncompromising “I will go to study as a philosopher, because money is not the main thing,” but your beliefs will change when you start living separately.

    The profession should feed you.

    If it does not feed, then you made a mistake with the choice.

    Consider the prospects of the profession in the future.

    When thinking about who to go to study, do not forget that your career path is just beginning, which means it is stupid to choose a profession that will soon go into oblivion.

    Specialties that will disappear in 10 years, experts include: a librarian, an archivist, a travel agent, a driller, a notary, a stuntman, a stenographer, a logistician and some others.

    Do not forget about the demand for specialty.

    Let's say archeology beckons you.

    You dream about how you will go to excavations, look for treasures, discover civilizations.

    But think about how much this industry is in demand and will it be easy for you if you decide to go to study as an archaeologist?

    I don't think so.

It is also important to realistically assess your chances of entering the chosen university, college, technical school or some other educational institution.

If there is too much competition in it, your average score is so-so, and you practically failed the ZNO or the Unified State Examination, and your parents can’t afford paid education, you may have to say goodbye to the dream and go to study for someone else.

Who will help you decide who to go to study?

Deciding who you can go to study with is very difficult, because both the right and the wrong choice will affect your future life. Of course, it is very difficult to do without help in such a serious matter.

Here is someone who can help you decide who you can go to study with:


    Letting them make decisions for you is wrong, but you can’t completely reject their advice either.

    They are older and clearly more versed in the realities of this life.

    You can still judge it, only focusing on someone else's experience.

    And if so, why not take advantage of the experience of parents who will definitely advise only what will benefit you?

    There are a great variety of tests, the results of which will help you in choosing a profession.

    They can be found on these:

    • and many other sites.
  1. Personnel officers.

    If your parents have acquaintances who work in a recruitment agency or in the state Labor Exchange, ask them to give you information:

    • what specialties are in demand;
    • which ones pay best;
    • people with what education and work experience find it most difficult to find a vacancy, etc.
  2. And I also think that girls should go to study at a university or institute, so that in the future they don’t work hard for 15 hours a day and don’t risk their health.

    1. The hairdresser
    2. Visagiste
    3. Teacher
    4. museum worker
    5. Designer
    6. Art critic
    7. Librarian
    8. Beautician
    9. Florist
    10. Confectioner

    3. Whom can you go to study after the 11th grade with both?

    Of course, most of the specialties that can be obtained after grade 11 are available to both boys and girls.

    Thinking about who to go to study, consider these universal options.

    1. Lawyer
    2. Banker
    3. Interpreter
    4. Journalist
    5. Marketer
    6. Actor / actress
    7. Musician
    8. advertiser
    9. Chemist
    10. food industry technologist
    11. Manager
    12. Pharmacist
    13. Agronomist

    Of course, this is not the whole list of professions that 11th grade graduates can get.

    Many other specialties are available to you.

    A smart, stubborn, hardworking, grasping, responsible, endowed with many talents person can realize himself in any field.

    considering your talents:

    Decide who to study, focusing on your personal preferences, the prospects and profitability of the profession, and you definitely won’t go wrong with the choice.

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Choosing a profession is one of the most significant moments in a graduate's life. The right choice determines the interest in future work and training, income level, career advancement.

For the right choice of profession, the physiological and mental inclinations of the child, the demand for specialists in the labor market are important.

What affects the prestige of the profession:

  • Wage level.
  • Geographic location of the future place of work.
  • Additional bonuses (foreign business trips, shortened working hours, long holidays).

What must be taken into account when choosing a specialty:

  • interest in the chosen activity.
  • Correspondence of abilities and psyche to the peculiarities of the profession.

The choice of a profession is determined by the interest, prestige and gender of a person.

There are women's professions and men's specialties. But most areas of education are suitable for both boys and girls.

Here is a list of professions that are equally interesting to men and women:

  1. Doctor.
  2. Lawyer, advocate.
  3. Teacher, trainer.
  4. Scientist, researcher.
  5. Employee of the bank.
  6. Journalist.
  7. Artist, musician.
  8. Designer, photographer, stylist.
  9. Manager.
  10. Farmer, gardener, agricultural worker.

List of specialties for girls

The female psyche is distinguished by the ability to be patient and perform routine work. Predominantly female professions are considered where they demonstrate appearance and attractiveness.

  • Primary school teacher and kindergarten, psychologist.
  • Nurse, pharmacist, nanny, nurse.
  • Hairdresser, beautician.
  • Secretary.
  • Accountant.
  • Seamstress.
  • Call center operator.
  • Dancer and actress.
  • Stewardess.
  • Model.

List of majors for boys

Professions that require endurance and physical strength, as well as specialties related to mechanisms and technical devices are considered purely masculine.

  • Military, policeman, firefighter, sailor, lifeguard, law enforcement officer.
  • Driver, locomotive driver, pilot
  • Miner, oilman.
  • Welder, turner, auto mechanic.
  • Butcher, chef.
  • Builder, loader.
  • Automotive engineer.
  • Specialist in assembling and configuring computers, creator of computer programs, network administrator.

Professions at the institute (at the university) at the end of grade 11

Higher education is necessary where a large amount of theoretical and practical knowledge is used:

  • Middle and high school teacher, university lecturer.
  • Doctor of any profile.
  • An engineer in any specialty - vehicles, materials, processing technologies, etc.
  • Lawyer.

College, technical school, school - educational institutions of an average rank. They give a lot of real skills and abilities. A number of professions are difficult to obtain without prior training at a college or technical school. The difference between a college, a technical school and a school is the quality of general education.

College careers after 11th grade

College is a cross between a high school and just a college. This is a secondary educational institution with an application for a high culture of communication, with an in-depth education program and an increased scholarship. Here is a list of popular colleges.

  • To study at a music university (conservatory), you must graduate from a music college. The name of schools has been assigned to many medium-sized musical institutions, although in fact they are colleges.
  • College of Medicine - gives extra points for admission to medical school.
  • Acting College - often a stepping stone for admission to the specialty of the director.
  • College of Education - provides a lot of real skills in teaching applied arts and early childhood education.
  • Art College - gives useful skills in the field of artistic craft - fine arts, design, computer graphics, architecture.

Professions in a technical school for students who have graduated from grade 11

The technical school is almost a college. It differs in that the high school course is not deepened. The technical school and college provide a good basis for further education at the university. Most colleges produce technical specialists, give them real work skills and a decent level of education for future admission to the institute. Here are the popular types of colleges:

  • Building.
  • Engineering, industrial, electro-radio engineering.
  • Aviation, electric locomotive repair, transport.
  • Commercial technical school (prepares representatives of middle-ranking trade - managers, sales managers, marketers).
  • Agrarian.

Specialties in the school after 11 classes

A number of professional skills can only be given to a person by training in a vocational school. Vocational schools enjoy minimal prestige. The school gives knowledge of the trade, for which there is no need for higher education. Only real skills and abilities.

  • Production and construction workers - welders and casters, builders and painters.
  • Employees Agriculture- Tractor drivers, livestock specialists.
  • Catering workers - culinary specialists, cooks.
  • Service sector workers - hairdressers, cosmetologists.

The training here is short. A year later, the graduate becomes a specialist.

The issue of admission should be decided not by parents and teachers, but by the graduate. Their advice and reasoning are invaluable, but the final decision is made (without offense from relatives and teachers) by the adult himself.

Continuation. . .

The variety of metropolitan educational institutions makes the graduate confused. Not only the list of professions varies, but also whether you can study in absentia or full-time, the level of accreditation of universities. Where to go after grade 11 is an important issue that determines the future. It is necessary to decide not only which profession to choose, but also which educational institution to give preference to.

The question of where you can go after grade 11 begins to disturb schoolchildren not only in the last graduation year. It is better to decide where to go after the 11-year-old in advance. This allows you to better prepare for exams in specialized disciplines, choose the best educational institution, weigh all the pros and cons.

It is recommended to decide where it is best to do while still studying in grades 8-9. In this case, the student will be able to choose profile disciplines at 10-11, start studying them in depth, and as a result, pass all the exams required for admission with excellent marks. Moscow universities are quite strict about the admission of applicants.

Here is the biggest competition Russian Federation. Of course, a student is going to choose a profession that is practically not quoted, then he will not meet with a lot of competition. But it is worthwhile to understand that, having resolved the issue of your future profession in this way, it will ultimately be difficult to find a job in your specialty.

There are a lot of educational institutions in the capital, each of which puts forward certain requirements for applicants. Even if a student wants to enter a paid department, and not on a budget, this may not work either.

Note! Education, which is received in the capital, is considered one of the best, there is a lot of competition in paid departments.

Who can learn

Higher education is valued more than special education. Most simple operations will eventually come under the control of automatic mechanisms. It is possible that those who received qualifications from a technical school or college will be out of work in thirty years, and specialists with higher education will be in demand.

It doesn't matter if you're wondering where to go as a techie after 11 years of high school, it will be important to understand - you need to choose a university. Then you can borrow high positions that a person with a secondary education is not given.

All kinds of specialties are available to those who graduated from school and did not leave after grade 9: from lawyers to engineers, from doctors, from mathematicians to zoologists, from musicians to designers.

It is agreed that the following specialties will be in demand in the coming years:

  • construction business;
  • Computer techologies;
  • engineering workers;
  • doctors;
  • banking.

It is important to understand that the question depends not only on whether you can then get a job in your specialty and how much you will receive.

Sometimes a student gravitates towards one thing, and this may not be a profitable and little-known business at all. Studying will bring joy if you do what you like. And after training, there is a high probability that you will be able to occupy a new, uncompetitive niche.

List of professions

The list of universities and faculties where you can enter after grade 11 is quite large. Now many educational institutions for all specialties accept both boys and girls (if there are no restrictions on physical requirements). The list of professions that Moscow residents can learn after grade 11 is the same for applicants and applicants, but it should be understood that in some specialties it is easier to study for a representative of one sex or another.

List of professions after grade 11 for guys:

  • Computer techologies;
  • engineering;
  • medical worker;
  • service industries;
  • creative professions;
  • trade.

There are always more guys in computer science departments. This is due not only to the fact that young people are used to handling computers.

The fact is that the brain of men is more imprisoned for processing accurate information, so it is easier for guys to learn the basics of computer science. Girls, in general, have a humanitarian mindset.

The list of professions after grade 11 for them looks like this:

  • medicine and veterinary business;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • economy;
  • psychology;
  • linguistics;
  • Office Manager;
  • Sales Representative;
  • tourism.

Most women's specialties involve the need to work with people. As a rule, the fair sex quickly finds a common language with others, it is easier for them to agree. Therefore, sales managers, economists, sales representatives, tour guides are mostly girls.


It’s not easy to get into popular universities in Moscow. It is required not only to finish school well, but also to pass exams with excellent marks, to stand out from the general mass of other applicants. Institutes value their reputation, therefore, they recruit students in whom they are confident.

It is sometimes impossible to enter Moscow universities, even if we are talking about a paid department. Residents of the hinterland who intend to "conquer the capital" often leave empty-handed. If you want to be accepted, preparation must be taken care of several years before applying.

Popular and prestigious institutions in Moscow:

  • MGIMO;
  • MSTU.

Most of these educational institutions have a certain specification (some are aimed at graduating scientists, others - at specialists in the humanities). There are also those in which various directions are presented that relate to different areas activities.

Moscow educational institutions

Who can you learn after grade 11 is an individual question. You need to evaluate not only your desires, but also your skills. It would be foolish if a student who passed the exams in physics and mathematics satisfactorily decides to enroll in computer technology. You need to adequately assess your skills and abilities.

When choosing between educational institutions in Moscow, it is important to determine their level. There is a risk of meeting a one-day university that lures gullible students with low tuition prices and sky-high prospects. This does not happen - the better the university, the more difficult it is to enter it.

Where can I go after 11th grade

Where to go to study after grade 11 depends on the level of preparation, gender and desire of the applicant. As mentioned above, it is best to enter the specialties that are familiar and most interesting. The list of educational institutions is huge, among them there are both popular and prestigious, and little-known ones.

The choice should also depend on what kind of workers are required in the region where the graduate is going to live after graduation. Study the features of the labor market, and then you will understand whether there is a place for you.

A complete list of academic institutions and the specialties they provide can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Education. You must specify the region there. If you go to the websites of universities, you can find out the exams required for admission, the time and cost of training, the number of disciplines taught, information about teachers and much more. These details will allow the applicant to decide how well the organization suits him.

After the 11th grade in Moscow, you can enter any university. Do not think that the issue here is solved only by money and connections. Of course, no one denies "nepotism", but due to thorough checks of educational institutions on this fact, even the simplest applicant can hope to get into a prestigious institution. The main thing is perseverance and excellent knowledge of the subject.

Universities, academies and institutes

After the applicant has decided who you can go to study, you should choose a university in the capital.

Those who are self-confident choose:

  • Moscow State University - the oldest university in Russia, trains specialists in various fields;
  • MGIMO - is known not only in the country, but throughout the world, most of the specialties are humanitarian;
  • HSE - graduates specialists who work abroad, teach not only economics, but also advertising, journalism;
  • FA - practices studying abroad on exchange, graduates financiers;
  • REA - provides high-quality economic education, much attention is paid to scientific work;
  • MSTU - education is considered one of the best in Europe;
  • Moscow Medical Academy Sechenov - a prestigious institution that graduates doctors of all specialties;
  • Pirogov Medical University - not only a high-quality knowledge base is given, but also the opportunity to engage in research work;
  • Peoples' Friendship University - produces few specialists, but has a high reputation;
  • Stroganov Academy of Art and Industry - graduates multidisciplinary students of creative fields;
  • Moscow Art Theater - it is very difficult to get here, but most of the graduates become high-class actors.
  • The Gnessin Academy is difficult for students to enter, but studying here gives a start to a great musical career.

humanitarian direction

It is not difficult to choose a specialty for the humanities. A lot of universities are engaged in training future journalists, managers, economists, guides.

Note! You should choose depending on your talents and experience. A specialist in the humanities who has mediocre knowledge will not be in demand.

The forum will tell you how to choose a specialty and university. Just enter this query into Google. There will be a lot of options where to go to study after grade 11 on the forum. Users share real stories and impressions.

Where to go to study in absentia

Those who are forced to work want to know where to go to study in absentia.

There are many options, some of which are popular:

  • Moscow Technological Institute;
  • State University for Land Management;
  • City Pedagogical;
  • Technical University of Civil Aviation;
  • Kosygin University;
  • Institute of Economics and Culture;
  • Witte University;
  • Institute liberal education and information technologies.

Useful video

Summing up

In Russia today, graduates are given a lot of opportunities, so you can choose an institution without any problems. Another issue is the demand for a specialty and the problem of employment in it in the future. When choosing, you need to take into account these aspects.

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