Unusual modern professions. The most interesting professions and ways to make money

45th place. Lift ladies.
Their responsibilities include:
- wish the passengers of the elevator a happy journey;
- indicate the floors on which the elevator will stop;
- to bow.
44th place. Air Taster.
With the help of this unusual profession in Japan, they investigate the purity of the air. The air taster has to sniff everything out, write it to the computer and process the data.
43rd place. constructor assembler

This is perhaps the most childish profession for adults. Her responsibilities include the design of sales points for designers in stores. So, on the first day you create a city, on the second - a Ninja castle, then you play the World Cup, and with Jack Sparrow you fight against Blackbeard.
And so that the assemblers of designers always remain children in their hearts, they are even allowed to enter work through the window and ride on the stair railing.
42nd place. Shoe levelers.
In shoe stores, they even out creases in shoes that appear after inaccurate fitting.
41st place. Pillow levelers.
For some furniture showroom owners, pillow wrinkles seem much worse than forehead wrinkles. That's why they hire pillow levelers.
40th place. Clacker.
A playwright almost 2,500 years ago hired a spectator to boo another playwright. But another playwright acted more cunningly - she paid several spectators to applaud him loudly.
Now hired spectators are called clackers.
39th place. Servant for punishment.
"You're fired!" - this is exactly the phrase some people hear in their address dozens of times a day in American supermarkets. Every time the buyer doesn't like something, the administrator calls a special employee for punishment, scolds him wholeheartedly and publicly dismisses him. In the end, everyone is happy: you and he. After all, his salary depends on the number of such “layoffs”.
And the next two places in our ranking of unusual professions are given to Chinese toilet workers.
38th place. Toilet guides.
They are on duty on the streets of the city to indicate to passers-by where the nearest toilet is.
37th place. Toilet masseurs.
Their duties include stretching the muscles and joints of clients while they visit the toilet.
36th place. Waiter in line.

All citizens of the Soviet Union worked part-time in this position. But it received official status only in Great Britain. A special agency provides such a service - for 30 pounds per hour you will stand in any queue.
35th place. Beach Tester.
Recently, a Swedish women's magazine announced a competition for the position of beach tester. Their requirements: for a whole year to relax on the beaches, swim, sunbathe, visit bars and discos, read books and ... flirt. The editors even agreed to pay some expenses for holiday novels. The only condition was that all this had to be colorfully described in the heading of the magazine.
34th place. Relatives on call.
- 10 yuan per hour for cute Lini;
- 8 yuan for Aunt Zhong;
- 4 yuan for grandmother Hoa Ju.
And you will get Grandpa Hyun Jong as a bonus if you order this whole gop company to portray your relatives at the wedding.
This is a regular check for the Chinese Calling Relatives Agency.
The next three places have earned the old English unusual professions.
33rd place. Long hammers.
This was the name of the people who walked the streets early in the morning and knocked on the windows of houses with long sticks to wake their owners for money.
32nd place. Sea mail opener.
In the 16th century, the queen kept with her a man who was the only one in the country who had the right to open bottles of sea mail.
31st place. Following Napoleon.
In the British army for another century and a half after the death of Napoleon, there was one who watched to see if the late emperor would come to them.
30th place. Sweets taster.

A 12-year-old boy named Harry got into a real fairy tale. He won the competition, after which he was appointed the official candy taster in one of the English factories. His duties: every day to try new varieties of sweets and describe his impressions. For this, he will be provided with sweets for 5 years in advance.
The next two places are devoted to unusual professions in hotels.
29th place. Bed warmers.
The duties of these people: in special suits, climb into the beds of the guests so that they already go to bed in warm beds.
28th place. Coin launderers.
In one of the hotels in San Francisco, for several centuries, all the coins have been washed to a shine. Previously, they did this so that the ladies would not get their white gloves dirty, but now the coins are washed simply according to tradition.
27th place. Listeners.
On the streets of Tokyo, you can meet people with signs "I'm listening to you." For a small fee, they are ready to just listen to you, nod, smile, sometimes laugh. The only negative is that these listeners do not give advice.
26th place. Train pushers.
They are called "bass-bass" in Japan, and "pusher" in the US. When at rush hour you cannot get into the car, they come to the rescue. Some say that they are paid for each person who climbed into the car. Perhaps that is why the pushers on the train try as best they can.
25th place. Horror movie tester.

Dozens of directors work to make him sweat. Ones manage to make him shiver. And the limit of their dreams is for him to put it in his pants. Then you can count on an Oscar.
24th place. "Cursor" of curses.
At crossroads in ancient Rome, clerks sat and hollowed out the most sophisticated curses on lead and clay boards. They believed that the gods would read these boards and punish the offender.
23rd place. Tears sellers.
In Asian countries, people are used to restraining themselves, so funerals are served by special mourners. The prices for the services of such personnel look something like this:
crying - 1 coin;
crying with howling - 3 coins;
hysterical crying with howling and falling to your knees - 7 coins;
sobbing with being in the chest, tearing clothes and rolling on the ground - 20 coins.
Before starting work, you must pass a test on knowledge of traditions, the ability to sob dramatically and instantly calm down.
22nd place. Dress Namer.
A person of this profession comes up with sonorous names for the clothes of the new collection. "Drops of Blood on Garibaldi", "Jawaharlava Rice Pudding", "The Seduction of the Prince of Bohemia" and even "Hippie Boy Take Me!" is his handiwork.
21st place. Breath Taster.
Tests the effectiveness of chewing gums by sniffing the breath of people with bad teeth after eating garlic or alcohol. A good chewing gum should drown it all out.
20th place. Ear cleaners.
They work in Chinese baths. These are men and women with cotton buds in their hands, who offer their services to bathhouse visitors. Once - and the cleaner has already extracted all the sulfur from your ears, and now you will perfectly hear even the quietest whisper.
19th place. The best job in the world.

11th place. Rattlesnake milker.
This man extracts venom from snakes for medicinal purposes. Just imagine how he risks! For example, a taipan snake can kill 250,000 mice in one bite.
10th place. Doyar karakurtov.
And this person gets up to 30 meters of web at a time. This material is used in optics. For example, the threads of this optical sight are made from the web of karakurt.
9th place. Monkey Man.
Recently, terrorist monkeys almost captured the railway station of the large city of Lucknow (India). They attacked passengers, obstructed trains. And salvation came unexpectedly. One of the locals, Achkan Mian, runs around the station in a monkey costume for just $7 a day, to the delight of children and to the misfortune of real monkeys. The latter are frightened and the station is no longer attacked.
8th place. Heel tickler.
The kings of Ancient Persia did not deny themselves various pleasures: they kept harems, ate to their heart's content, hunted, rode elephants and bathed in gold. And to excite the sacred laughter, so necessary to improve the mood, they kept a heel tickler at court. A person of this profession had a whole set of bird feathers (from nightingale to peacock), thanks to which he received different shades of laughter: from light laughter to real laughter with tears.
7th place. Funeral clown.
The dead man dances around his own coffin, jokes, sings and laughs - this is a typical picture from ancient Roman life. No, the Romans did not resurrect the dead, but simply arranged a real holiday from the funeral. The head of this fun was the funeral clown, who dressed up as the deceased and parodied him as best he could. And the most talented clowns came to watch for money.
6th place. Food taster.

Mr. Simon Ellison has three cats at home. Everything they eat, as well as millions of other dogs and cats, has passed through Simon's stomach. After all, he is a full-time feed taster. Ellison trained his receptors for a long time, eating with shepherds and Persians. Now he knows exactly how to chew pieces of dry food and clearly distinguishes the flavor notes of the heart or liver. Unless it just meows.
5th place. Tasters from Amsterdam.
At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, weed producers compete in many categories: the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful in color, the most fun, with the strongest effect ... The winner is determined by judges who have to taste up to 30 varieties of weed a day. And while the winners are being awarded for the most striking effect, they are trying to return the tasters from the Land of Laughter.
4th place. Therapy testers.
For three weeks you are tied to the bed, three weeks without a single movement, the bed is tilted towards the head, from which it constantly buzzes, and red spots appear before your eyes ... This is not medieval torture, but research that can help astronauts. 15 volunteers agreed to it. After that, they were tested rehabilitative therapy. By the way, the volunteers received 6 thousand dollars for this.
3rd place. Wiper.
Kings and princes can't always do everything. According to the traditions of many peoples, they do not even have the right to touch some intimate parts of their bodies. Worthless for a royal person. And then the royal wiper gets down to business. He is responsible for the purity of the imperial 5th point with his head. This position was very prestigious and there was, for example, a wiper general.
2nd place. parmesan listeners
Do you know what absolute pitch is? In Italy, for example, it is the ability to clearly perform the song "O sole mia" on Parmesan cheese. In the factories where it is produced, people with a musical education work. They tap the heads of the cheese with a silver mallet to determine if it is ripe. And it matures for 3 years, giving out new notes every day. The further you go, the louder the Parmesan.
1st place. Barking detective dogs.
Imagine that you are a resident of Stockholm (Sweden). You bought yourself a dog, but you don't want to pay tax on it. Then the tax office sends Elfrida Carlson to you. This woman goes from house to house and barks in 20 different frets. And 100% of dogs respond, posing as head, paws and tail. By barking, Elfrida determines the breed and age of the dog, and then issues invoices to the owners of the four-legged ones.

These were the most interesting and unusual professions from all over the world. Now, I think you can easily answer the question, do you like your job?
Source - http://chynga-changa.ru/

All professions are important, all professions are needed! I did not come up with this, it was said by the great Italian writer Gianni Rodari. It was like he was looking into the water. Neither add nor subtract! But there are, in addition to the important and necessary - rich, cheerful and active! Professions that force you to leave your wife / husband and run headlong. Let's talk about them.

The list is closed by that woman with a bang "Carlson", which is proudly called "Receptionist" This is a very fun job! You can sit there. You can sit and politely communicate with visitors and be rude to people who come for all sorts of information.

You can play "who has the longest line of people" for slits. You can close the working window 2-3 times a day and say: “I don’t know anything, we have lunch, come after the New Year.” This is a very fun and understated job.

But not as fun as "Call Center Operator". What you! Tons of entertainment. In general, according to rumors, operators are the most cheerful people. Protective, perky. It is they who write monologues for all modern humorists in Russia.

Usually the call center operator is the soul of the company, the toastmaster at the wedding and a storehouse of jokes about Petka and Vasily Ivanovich. In general, in order to get a job as an operator, you need to sell a pen at an interview using Dzhigan's songs. The best creative producers in the past were cinematographers. This is a very fun and creative job.

More fun only "The Penguin Flipper at the North Pole". These are powerful people with a huge store of knowledge! Ah, no, it's a hump ... These people are always very perky and busy. After all, the work of the turner is extremely important for the penguin.

Vital! The penguin, which has unsuccessfully fallen on its back, cannot roll over by itself, and the North Pole worker runs to help him. They're like Malibu lifeguards, only in everything cold. This profession is as dangerous and intense as it is interesting and varied. This is a very fun and dangerous job.

Almost as funny as "Assembly Worker". These people are one example of causeless courage. After all, from morning to evening they have to watch how life escapes along with the conveyor belt.

But to continue to bravely stand for the good of the Motherland and any petty garbage that is collected in such workshops, for example. This is a very fun and courageous job.

But it is incomparable with the profession "Cashier". These beautiful people in half-caps sit with their feet and constantly count other people's money. Through the cashier's hands of individual stores in the center of Moscow, the budget of a small African state can pass in a day.

Cashiers are, theoretically, very rich people. Practically - not a fact. In addition to being the most fun and rich profession, it is also the most developing and calm. As you know, counting money develops fine motor skills of the hands and pacifies. This is a very fun and richly-developing-calm work.

Perhaps a little more fun "Cleaner". This is a fun and romantic profession. In the morning, when the sun is just barely peeking out from behind Moscow City, they come out onto the streets of the city - romantics with brooms and in bright clothes.

Smiling (let me remind you, this is a very fun profession), waving brooms and clattering their tongues in unison, they appreciate the beauty of the rising sun, and then nod their heads approvingly, creating a wind that sweeps away all the debris from the pavements. Some of them shout in their own language: "Avada Kedavra"! But what that means, only they know. Very fun and amazing work.

But it doesn't compare to the above professions. "Security guard". Oh, that god of front doors and anus! This master of the thickest collections of scanwords, a professional sleep with open eyes, the world champion in eating sausages in the dough.

This smart man can be found everywhere - from the mall to the free toilet. Money, you know, doesn't smell. But you need to choose the profession of a security guard wisely, having prepared. You need to pass a minimum, which consists of three exercises of 10 sets each: sitting sitting, lying lying down and ... That is, two in total. This is a very fun and sporty profession.

But the most fun profession is our winner, of course, "Subway Warden". God, this is just amazing!

America is in the lead. In the United States, there is even a ranking that allows you to find out which of the professions became the most interesting on the planet last year.

It is much more profitable for companies to hire people to collect balls lost during the game than to buy these balls again. Such workers must have excellent eyesight, as they must find all the balls lost on the golf courses.

penguin flipper

People of this interesting profession usually work in the vicinity of airports where they live. The fact is that penguins love to follow the planes during their takeoffs. As a result, they raise their heads so high that they simply fall on their backs.

And while it may look funny from the outside, in reality the situation has serious consequences. The fact is that when a penguin falls on its back, it is no longer able to get up on its own.

At this moment, a representative of an unusual profession comes to the aid of poor birds - a penguin flipper. The "rescuers" themselves say that the penguins thank them with a peculiar gesture. It is expressed by a slight pinching of the hands or feet of workers.

The most unusual professions

And here are some other very unusual and extremely interesting professions that you most likely have not heard of:

  • Striptease dancer researcher. The goal of such workers is to visit different striptease bars for several months. During this time, they must record the parameters of the various dancers;
  • Condom tester (an interesting fact is that these products should be used both for their intended purpose and for other purposes);
  • Paint dry monitor. The work includes carefully observing the changing colors and particles of paint as it dries, both on the walls and under a microscope;
  • Ant catcher. The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which later will serve to procreate on artificial ant farms;
  • Professional sleeper. We are talking about participants in scientific research on the process of sleep;
  • Brain extractor. There is a man in the slaughterhouse whose job it is to place the head of a slaughtered animal on the table, split the skull and take out the brain. This mass is then sent to restaurants, where delicacies are prepared from it.

What interesting and unusual professions do you know? Write about it in the comments.

There are quite a lot of extremely rare professions in the world, for which applicants undergo a serious selection and a major competition. To get an unusual entry into the labor force, the applicant must have specific qualities that are not taught anywhere. The rarity of the profession is determined by the geographical features of the place, the increased requirements for the candidate and the low demand for specialists. Considering what rare professions are, you can divide them by novelty, place of work, gender of employees and demand in the labor market.

New rare professions are constantly appearing in the world, which require workers of a specific profile. So, in rare professions of the 21st century, vacancies in the field of IT can be considered. Among programmers, it is extremely rare to find specialists who know lisp and haskell. In the field of development, gui designers and information systems architects are rare. Erlang developers and agents of influence are no less rare in the high-tech sphere.

The rarest professions

However, the most interesting, rare and unusual professions still require moving to an equally exotic place. The rarest works are on the Australian island of Hamilton and in Antarctica.

Perhaps, considering all the rare highly paid professions, you will not find more entertaining than the caretaker of a paradise island. One of the travel companies, after a serious selection, hired a person who would look after the tourist island for 6 months. His duties included diving, golfing, swimming and blogging. For six months of "work" the caretaker received 110 thousand dollars.

There are also less than 10 penguin flippers in the world. They live near the airport and go out daily to rescue fallen birds. The fact is that penguins in their natural environment always fall on their stomachs. However, upon spotting the aircraft, the curious bird tips over backwards and is unable to get up on its own. Therefore, specially hired people come to the aid of penguins.

Rare professions in Russia

There are also rare professions in Russia, the list of which can be divided by place of employment:

  • scent specialists in the perfume industry;
  • postigers and prompters in theaters;
  • operators of determining the sex of chickens on a poultry farm;
  • bell casters and icon painters in churches;
  • gerontologists in medicine.

Smellers or sniffers are the rarest professions in Russia that require a unique sense of smell. The specialist is required to distinguish and determine the qualities of the aroma in the manufacture and on the human body.

Almost all jobs from the list are rare professions in demand. The chick sexing operator must distribute day-old chicks by sex in huge numbers. Makers of false beards, mustaches, eyelashes and sideburns, as well as prompters of actors, are required in a small amount, but the level of productions depends on them.

Few people can cast bells and paint icons, but the demand for such work is very high. Gerontology as a field of medicine requires qualified specialists, while the theoretical basis for this profession has not yet been collected.

Rare professions in the world

You can also highlight 5 rare professions known all over the world, but practically not common:

  • sign language interpreter;
  • astronaut;
  • paleontologist;
  • glass blower;
  • oserivitel.

Quite a few people know the specific language of the deaf and dumb, although there is a demand for such specialists in various institutions. Enough is already known about the profession of an astronaut, but the financial costs of launching rockets make this specialty almost unique. Professors of paleontology conducting scientific excavations are also extremely rare. The once common professions of glass blowers and chimney sweeps can now be attributed to the rarest professions in the world. In the production of matches, a person is required to apply sulfur - there are very few specialists in this field.

There are also less known, rare and interesting professions. For example, in Sweden, due to the tax on pets, some owners hide them. It is the duty of the detective of dogs to detect such animals by any legal means. A specific position also exists on ant farms that breed ornamental insects. Ant catchers evaluate and select healthy insects before sending them to pet store shelves.

The rarest male profession

Since the end of the 19th century, there has been a rare male profession of a greenkeeper. The duties of such an employee include maintaining lawns of fields for football, rugby and baseball in proper condition. Although specialists from the USA and Great Britain are more often involved in the preparation of fields for competitions, in Moscow there is also a The educational center in this specialty.

In elite restaurants, there are very rare professions of fumeliers. Specialists select drinks for cigars, taking into account all their features, tastes and preferences of each individual client. For a candidate for the position of fumelier, a mandatory requirement is to thoroughly know the brands of spirits and cigars, as well as be able to find an approach to the client.

A rare profession for girls

In our time, the line between women and male professions is gradually being erased, but it is still possible to single out rare professions in the list. If you rank the five rarest professions, it will look something like this:

  1. Trucker.
  2. Glass blower.
  3. Bodyguard.
  4. Balloon pilot.
  5. Gondolier.

Given the peculiarities of the profession of long-distance cargo transportation, there are practically no women among drivers, but there are exceptions. It is a physically demanding and specific job to create glass pieces, and although women rarely do it, ladies' pieces are considered more refined. Men are traditionally hired for the position of bodyguard, but if a girl can demonstrate necessary qualities, it may well protect important persons.

One of the rarest female specialties is the pilot of a pleasure balloon, there are only a few of them in the world. And finally, the most rare profession in girls, on which for the whole modern history only one representative of the fair sex works - the gondolier in Venice.

What is better - to have an ordinary earthly profession or a rare one that has no analogues? This question is surely asked by those who are faced with a choice - to be a school teacher or a cigar color sorter? The first is understandable, reliable and stable. The second is a big question. However, many at some point in their lives dream of changing from a successful clerk to something less tie-dyed and more fun. Tell me, would you like to move from the waters of the office swamp to the coast of the azure ocean? Then there is a reason to talk about rare professions!

What specialties fall into the category of rare


A person is professionally in demand when there is a demand for what he does. No requests - no questions. Therefore, the first reason for the "rarity" of the profession is the lack of need for it.

In the staffing of many enterprises today, you will rarely meet the profession of a packer, because the goods are now laid out in packaging automatic lines. Conductors on public transport remained only in small settlements. Fewer postmen bring the good news to our homes because letters have become electronic, and fresh press is easy and quick to "get" on the Internet.

Even in the countryside, which is always more conservative than in the city, some yesterday's professions are losing their relevance today. In few villages you will meet shepherds and mowers. Handymen in the fields and fruit pickers were replaced by handy cars. And for some time, blacksmiths and potters turned from professions into an entourage to attract tourists. And only thanks to the revival of crafts, their labor was again used for its intended purpose.

highly specialized

Torcedor - a person who knows how to properly roll a cigar. To qualify for this specialty, you need to spend at least 10 years on training and practice.

Burgerologist - a specialist who knows the rules for making burgers and comes up with new recipes for them. We give you a tip: burgerologists are produced by the Burger Institute, which operates under McDonald’s Corporation in the United States.

fumelier - a professional in the selection of cigars and spirits. This person should not only be well versed in elite alcohol and cigars, but also be able to combine them with each other.

Epidemiologist-cartographer - a doctor, geographer, meteorologist and IT specialist in the same profession. He assesses the epidemiological situation in the country and makes a forecast for the emergence and spread of possible epidemics. The annual income of such a specialist can be up to $150,000.

Pearl diver . It is in demand in the regions where this natural jewelry material is mined - off the coast of the Red Sea, India, Iran, the Persian Gulf, Ceylon and Tahiti.

Milker of poisonous snakes . This man is engaged in extracting venom from snakes for medical purposes. Hard and life-threatening work is well paid and requires special skill, so that extracting the poison does not harm one's own health and prevent a snake bite.

Rating TOP-7 best online schools

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.


There are professions that are one of a kind. They arise, as a rule, out of necessity and do not require a diploma of education. Such specialties are attracted not so much by working conditions or income, but by exoticism. A few examples interesting professions.

Tropical Island Caretaker . A person applying for this vacancy must be able to swim, dive under water, manage watercraft and, most importantly, be interesting to talk about the island in Internet blogs and travel sites. It's not that easy, but profitable job. For example, the caretaker of Hamilton Island in Australia was given a salary of $154,000 for six months. 35,000 people from 200 countries applied for the vacancy.

Pimp Specialist . This position is available in some hotels. Cupid concierges, romantic concierges, and those in charge of marriage proposals are all about arranging romantic dates for people and “leading” them to a marriage proposal.

Dog Surf Instructor . These people teach our smaller brothers how to master the board for moving along the waves. There are no statistics on how much this specialty is in demand.

Wrinkle Remover . The specialist works in expensive stores and restores the original appearance of goods that customers have tried on or touched.

The seller of tears . This is a special mourner in Asian countries who works at funerals. His salary depends on the intensity of the crying and the dramaturgy of the action. The person who sobs loudly, tears his clothes and falls “out of grief” to the ground gets the most.

hugger . This profession can be found in countries where there is a high level of stress, and people need psychological support. In Japan, for example, it is common to call home not a plumber, but a hugger.

parmesan listener . A rare specialist who has absolute pitch and is able to determine the maturity of parmesan with his ears. Cheese factories resort to the services of such professionals.


The professions that disappeared as useless were replaced by new specialties. Perhaps soon they will become as common as a dentist, chef or designer, but so far they are rare. Basically, these professions are associated with new technologies and scientific fields. Let's pay attention to some of them.

radiosurgeon . A doctor who uses a type of radiation therapy to treat, remove, or reduce the function of malignant, benign tumors, and other conditions without surgery. Radiosurgery is a new method in the treatment of many diseases, so there are still few such specialists.

Palliatologist . Provides medical care to patients suffering from chronic diseases in the terminal stage, and improves the quality of life of terminally ill people. In the civilized world, the profession is quite common, but there are still few such specialists in Russia.

brader . A hairdresser who specializes in braiding. Very in demand, because hairstyles with braids in last years very popular with women.

Valveologist . Knows how to be healthy, professionally deals with issues of maintaining health. Works in the areas of labor protection, mental hygiene and ergonomics.

This list can be continued, because the 21st century has become a real breakthrough in the field of new professions.

Rare professions in Russia

flavorist- Smell Specialist. Distinguishes the nuances of aromas, knows how to choose the compatible components and determine their proportions, participates in the preparation of a blend of perfumes. Works in the perfume industry. In the food industry, it is involved in the creation of flavors.

shopper- style consultant, helps to choose wardrobe items, knows how to combine colors and styles. Understands fashion news, knows what, where and when to buy, so as not to spend extra money. Stylist, psychologist and professional "shopaholic" all rolled into one.

rammer- Helps people get into a crowded subway car. How he does it is hard to say. In order to understand, you can go to Japan, where, they say, there are a lot of rammers.

arborist- knows everything about tree diseases, knows how to treat them, knows the secrets of preserving green spaces. Despite the fact that there are a lot of forests in Russia, for some reason the profession is not very common.

Gerontologist- a doctor involved in the treatment, prevention of health and prolongation of life of elderly and senile people.

IT evangelist- a specialist who is engaged in propaganda (sermon) in the field of information technology.

Conflictologist- a person who professionally knows how to predict, prevent and resolve conflict.

Environmental consultant- is engaged in advising enterprises and organizations on issues of environmental support of activities, resource saving and prevention of environmental pollution.

It is curious that back in 2013, the professions of a farmer, a mobile game programmer, and a mobile application manager were considered rare. Today, these specialties are already quite widespread in the service market.

Rare professions in the world

In the list of rare professions, IT-specialties are in the lead. Among them:

  • programmers developing IT products using lisp, haskell and erlang languages;
  • gui designers are specialists in creating ergonomic solutions for users;
  • architects of information systems, designing databases, controlling the quality, logic of storage and retrieval of information, developing algorithms for working with information storages;
  • robot programmers are pros involved in developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

All over the world, professionals who own rare specialties in the field of medicine are valued, such as:

  • audiologist - treats the organs of the hearing aid;
  • genetic therapist - predicts diseases in children based on genetic analysis;
  • hepatologist - deals with the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases;
  • emetologist - establishes the causes of nausea, vomiting and treats these troubles;
  • podologist - treats the foot, helps to choose the right shoes.

Other rare professions include, as a rule, unusual specialties:

  • Dog detective. Looks for pets that the owners hide in order not to pay tax. The specialist can bark like a dog, and by his voice he will know what breed and age the pet has.
  • Cow pedicurist. Maintains healthy hooves of cattle.
  • Ant catcher. Collects insects to create ant farms that are sold in pet stores.
  • Panda hugger. Embraces rare black and white bears, improves their mood and prolongs their life.
  • Water attractions tester. Tests for convenience and safety objects for entertainment on the water.
  • professional interlocutor. Listens to people who have no one to talk to, keeps up a conversation with them.


If you do not take into account some of the nuances that are in most rare professions, it is safe to say that it is great to have an uncommon specialty. There is confidence that no one will replace you, you will not be fired and your salary will not be reduced. If the specialty is rare, but in demand, the interest in your person will be high, and the salary will allow you to look into the future with confidence and feel comfortable in the present. And of course, a rare profession is a chance to move, finally, from the water area of ​​​​the office swamp to the coast of a real azure ocean. At least as a caretaker of a paradise island!