Periodic system of elements D. Mendeleev Electronic reference book

Larin Artem

To assist students in studying the topic “The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements of D. I. Mendeleev”, I have developed an author’s educational product - “Interactive Periodic Table”, which runs on its own engine.



Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory

State budget professional educational institution

"Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College"

research project


I've done the work:

student gr. P-11Larin Artem

Scientific adviser:

Chemistry teacher

Rakcheeva Natalia Alexandrovna

Stavropol, 2017


Chapter 1. The structure of the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev……………….4

Chapter 2. Stages of writing a software product………………………...6


Internet sources………………………………………………………….....10


There is science in the world, without which today it is impossible to realize the most fantastic projects and fabulous dreams. This is CHEMISTRY. She feeds, waters, clothes, heals, washes, extracts minerals, allows you to rise into space and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

One of the greatest scientific discoveries of the 19th century in the field of chemistry is considered to be the Periodic Law and Periodic system chemical elements that bear the name of the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev (this year he turned 110 years old).

The periodic system of chemical elements (Mendeleev's table) is a classification of chemical elements that establishes the dependence of various properties of elements on the charge of the atomic nucleus.

To assist students in studying the topic “The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements of D. I. Mendeleev”, I have developed the author’s educational product - “Interactive Periodic Table”, whichruns on its own engine.

The purpose of this work:create a simple and user-friendly dynamic model of the Periodic System.
expand horizons in the field of chemistry of elements;
deepen knowledge of chemistry;
to form the skills of creating websites and working with various information applications.

Chapter 1. The structure of the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev

The original version of the table was developed by D. I. Mendeleev in 1869–1871 and included 63 elements. Over the past 50 years, Mendeleev's periodic table has been replenished with 17 new elements (serial numbers 102-118).

November 2016 international union Theoretical and Applied Chemistry announced the official introduction of four new chemical elements into the periodic table of Mendeleev. The new elements are numbered 113, 115, 117 and 118.

The element with serial number 113 was named "nihonium" by the Japanese scientists who discovered it, which translates into Russian as "The Land of the Rising Sun".

The 115th element was named "moscovium" in honor of the Moscow region, where the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna is located.

Element 117 was entered in the table under the name "tennessine" (the name was proposed by specialists from the Tennessee National Laboratory, USA, who made a great contribution to the study of superheavy chemical elements) and No. 118 - "ganesson" (named after Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR Yuri Oganesyan).

This program has an intuitive interface with which any user can remove the necessary information (description; obtaining; application; being in nature; biological role) about each chemical element of the periodic table by highlighting the desired element.

The program includes an interactive game "Periodic Table", which can be used as a simulator to test the knowledge of chemical elements. To run the simulator, you need to connect your computer to the Internet.

The game offers to find chemical elements by different options: their name, designation, atomic mass. You can search by the option that is convenient for you, choosing, for example, the simplest elements, the top of the table, or the entire table. The game can be made more difficult by setting a timer. You can also remove the names or designations of chemical elements. In general, try! The game is taken .

To demonstrate their intellectual abilities, demonstrate acquired knowledge and logical thinking in the field of chemistry, the program includes an intellectual game "Tournament of experts in chemistry", which can be used to test knowledge

The program includes information about the history of the creation of the table D.I. Mendeleev, its structure and significance of the periodic system for science.

The program also contains information about the authors and links to Internet sources.

Chapter 2 Stages of writing a software product

The main stages that were passed when writing a software product:

  1. Stage of visual programming.
  2. Programming stage in source code.
  3. Checking the functionality of the program.

The program does not require installation, has a small size. With its small size, it has the functionality of its counterparts, which are much larger. An executable (*.exe) file, which is automatically specified during program compilation, is a completely independent application.

To run the program, you need to double-click on the file with the resolution (Table.exe), after which the program window will be displayed on the screen, which has a convenient, attractive user interface.

This electronic edition can be used in various ways, depending on the equipment of the office:

  • one computer + projector per office;
  • one student - one computer.

The program was created in the Borland Delphi 7.0 integrated development environment in the Object Pascal programming language. The VC L component library was used to create the graphical user interface.

Minimum system requirements:

  • operating system Windows XP, 7; Linux (using a virtual machine or using Wine);
  • video card 32MB of memory (minimum);
  • processor with a clock frequency of 233 MHz;
  • 10 MB of free hard disk space;
  • video adapter and monitorVGA (1024x720);
  • screen resolution of at least 1280 X 960;
  • USB - drives;
  • keyboard, mouse
  • programs reading (*.pdf) and (*.doc) files.


The Periodic Table of the Elements is implemented in an interactive format and displays the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in a traditional way.

This program is a quick guide to the periodic system of chemical elements.

The program contains information about each element:

Description of the chemical element;

Methods of obtaining;

Areas of use;

Being in nature;

biological role.

The interactive game "Periodic Table", which is included in this program, can be used as a simulator to test the knowledge of chemical elements.

The intellectual game "Chemistry Connoisseurs Tournament" can be used to test knowledgestudents on the topic "Periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev" in a playful way.

With the help of the interactive periodic system, it will be possible to quickly and easily find information about the history of the creation of the D.I. table. Mendeleev, its structure and significance of the periodic system for science and prepare additional material for chemistry classes.

This educational product can be useful for students who find interesting information about chemical elements, as well as chemistry teachers to improve the quality of education in the discipline.
During the work on this project, the following tasks were solved:
deepened knowledge of chemistry;

Expanded horizons in the field of chemistry of elements;
the skills of creating websites and working with various information applications have been formed.

Since all tasks have been solved research project, it can be argued that the goalto create a simple and user-friendly dynamic model of the Periodic Table” has been achieved.

The periodic table is one of the greatest discoveries of mankind, which made it possible to streamline knowledge about the world around us and discover new chemical elements. It is necessary for schoolchildren, as well as for everyone who is interested in chemistry. In addition, this scheme is indispensable in other areas of science.

This scheme contains all the elements known to man, and they are grouped depending on atomic mass and serial number. These characteristics affect the properties of the elements. In total, there are 8 groups in the short version of the table, the elements included in one group have very similar properties. The first group contains hydrogen, lithium, potassium, copper, the Latin pronunciation in Russian of which is cuprum. And also argentum - silver, cesium, gold - aurum and francium. The second group contains beryllium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, followed by strontium, cadmium, barium, and the group ends with mercury and radium.

The third group includes boron, aluminum, scandium, gallium, then yttrium, indium, lanthanum, and the group ends with thallium and actinium. The fourth group begins with carbon, silicon, titanium, continues with germanium, zirconium, tin, and ends with hafnium, lead, and rutherfordium. In the fifth group there are elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, vanadium, arsenic, niobium, antimony are located below, then bismuth tantalum comes and completes the dubnium group. The sixth begins with oxygen, followed by sulfur, chromium, selenium, then molybdenum, tellurium, then tungsten, polonium and seaborgium.

In the seventh group, the first element is fluorine, followed by chlorine, manganese, bromine, technetium, followed by iodine, then rhenium, astatine and borium. The last group is the most numerous. It includes gases such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. This group also includes the metals iron, cobalt, nickel, rhodium, palladium, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, platinum. Next come hannium and meitnerium. Separately located elements that form the actinide series and the lanthanide series. They have similar properties to lanthanum and actinium.

This scheme includes all types of elements, which are divided into 2 large groups - metals and non-metals with different properties. How to determine whether an element belongs to a particular group, a conditional line will help, which must be drawn from boron to astatine. It should be remembered that such a line can only be drawn in the full version of the table. All elements that are above this line and are located in the main subgroups are considered non-metals. And which are lower, in the main subgroups - metals. Also, metals are substances that are in side subgroups. There are special pictures and photos on which you can get acquainted with the position of these elements in detail. It is worth noting that those elements that are on this line exhibit the same properties of both metals and non-metals.

A separate list is also made up of amphoteric elements, which have dual properties and can form 2 types of compounds as a result of reactions. At the same time, they manifest equally both basic and acid properties. The predominance of certain properties depends on the reaction conditions and the substances with which the amphoteric element reacts.

It should be noted that this scheme in the traditional execution of good quality is color. At the same time, different colors for ease of orientation are indicated main and secondary subgroups. And also elements are grouped depending on the similarity of their properties.
However, at present, along with the color scheme, the black-and-white periodic table of Mendeleev is very common. This form is used for black and white printing. Despite the apparent complexity, working with it is just as convenient, given some of the nuances. So, in this case, it is possible to distinguish the main subgroup from the secondary one by differences in shades that are clearly visible. In addition, in the color version, elements with the presence of electrons on different layers are indicated different colors.
It is worth noting that in a single-color design it is not very difficult to navigate the scheme. For this, the information indicated in each individual cell of the element will be enough.

The exam today is the main type of test at the end of school, which means that special attention must be paid to preparing for it. Therefore, when choosing final exam in chemistry, you need to pay attention to the materials that can help in its delivery. As a rule, schoolchildren are allowed to use some tables during the exam, in particular, the periodic table in good quality. Therefore, in order for it to bring only benefit in tests, attention should be paid in advance to its structure and the study of the properties of the elements, as well as their sequence. You also need to learn use the black and white version of the table so that you don't face any difficulties in the exam.

In addition to the main table characterizing the properties of elements and their dependence on atomic mass, there are other schemes that can help in the study of chemistry. For example, there are tables of solubility and electronegativity of substances. The first one can determine how soluble a particular compound is in water at ordinary temperature. In this case, anions are located horizontally - negatively charged ions, and cations, that is, positively charged ions, are located vertically. To find out degree of solubility of one or another compound, it is necessary to find its components in the table. And at the place of their intersection there will be the necessary designation.

If it is the letter "r", then the substance is completely soluble in water under normal conditions. In the presence of the letter "m" - the substance is slightly soluble, and in the presence of the letter "n" - it almost does not dissolve. If there is a “+” sign, the compound does not form a precipitate and reacts with the solvent without residue. If a "-" sign is present, it means that such a substance does not exist. Sometimes you can also see the sign “?” in the table, then this means that the degree of solubility of this compound is not known for certain. Electronegativity of the elements can vary from 1 to 8, there is also a special table to determine this parameter.

Another useful table is the metal activity series. All metals are located in it by increasing the degree of electrochemical potential. A series of stress metals begins with lithium, ends with gold. It is believed that the more to the left a metal occupies in this row, the more active it is in chemical reactions. In this way, the most active metal Lithium is considered to be an alkaline metal. Hydrogen is also present at the end of the list of elements. It is believed that the metals that are located after it are practically inactive. Among them are elements such as copper, mercury, silver, platinum and gold.

Periodic table pictures in good quality

This scheme is one of the greatest achievements in the field of chemistry. Wherein There are many types of this table.- a short version, a long one, as well as an extra long one. The most common is the short table, and the long version of the schema is also common. It is worth noting that the short version of the scheme is not currently recommended by IUPAC for use.
Total was more than a hundred types of tables have been developed, which differ in presentation, shape, and graphical representation. They are used in various fields of science, or not used at all. Currently, new circuit configurations continue to be developed by researchers. As the main option, either a short or a long circuit in excellent quality is used.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev dreamed of a table of chemical elements in the middle of the 19th century. It is true that it was a dream, or is it just a beautiful legend, but students and scientists still use the periodic table, it turned out to be such a convenient reference book. The program, which is called "D.I. Mendeleev's Periodic Table of Elements", is a free electronic reference book containing the periodic table of chemical elements, detailed information about each element, as well as the theory of the development of the periodic system of chemical elements.

Electronic periodic table

The program is easy to use, just hover over a chemical element in the periodic table to get detailed information about it:

  • element name in Russian, German, English, French, Spanish and Latin;
  • electronic structure;
  • serial number in the table of chemical elements;
  • Group;
  • period;
  • atomic mass;
  • electronegativity;
  • density;
  • atomic radius;
  • atomic volume;
  • covalent radius;
  • element content in the earth's crust;
  • characteristic oxidation states;
  • melting and boiling point;
  • first and second ionization potentials;
  • color of a chemical element;
  • who opened it, when and in what country.

The program has a nice interface, transparency and image quality are adjusted. The application can run in full screen mode, combined with a projector, it turns out a beautiful, visual and interactive reference tool that can be used for educational purposes. The periodic table does not require pre-installation, you can write the program to a USB flash drive so that it is always at hand.

Screenshots of the program Periodic system of elements D.I. Mendeleev

Program author: Feofanov Alexander
Operating Systems: Windows All
Supported languages: Russian
Version: 2.2
License:freeware (free)

File size 737 Kb

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