What can you dedicate a summer corporate picnic to? Corporate picnic: little secrets of a big event

Looking for help organizing a group picnic? Our tips will not only help you cope with the main tasks, but also give you a couple of interesting ideas.

A corporate picnic is always very difficult. It is necessary to comply with all the rules and norms of behavior, do not forget that among the vacationers are not only office workers, but also heads of departments and entire branches. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the organization of such an event with all responsibility.

When organizing a corporate picnic, you must immediately decide on several main points:

  • Estimated budget;
  • Number of participants;
  • Age and gender of those present.

If the number of people is large enough, it is better to seek help from companies that organize such events. They will not only be able to offer you an interesting entertainment program, but they will also prepare everything you need - places for recreation, entertainment and, of course, a large number of treats.

If you decide to do all the necessary preparations yourself, then you should start with ...

1. Choosing a place of rest. If the rest will be held in a family format, then the river is not the best choice. Children love to walk unsupervised, and the presence of a river can play a fatal role. An ideal place would be a large forest glade, where there are not only lawns for games, but also a shade for relaxation.

The picnic area must be equipped with tents or other convenient facilities. It is worth taking care of the availability of tables, chairs, barbecues and other attributes for a comfortable pastime.

All necessary items can be rented from field service companies. This way, you don't have to worry about whether there is enough space for everyone.

2. Making a picnic. Here it is advisable not to show excessive imagination, because a collective vacation is not the place where your impulses can be appreciated. Minimal table decoration will be a great decoration for your picnic.

3. Picnic invitations it is better to send to organizations in advance so that people can adjust their plans. Use a couple of interesting templates that can serve as a bright and original invitation to the holiday.

4. Food and drinks. When thinking about what you need for a picnic with a team, we recommend that you do not opt ​​for traditional kebabs, baked fish or. Such dishes require careful preparation and attention. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the various, and.

Also an interesting solution would be the packaging of products in paper bags - so you can divide all the food into separate portions.

5. Entertainment. A corporate picnic is a great opportunity to rally the team. That is why it is necessary to think over various team competitions, as well as hold "champions" in team sports - volleyball, football, running in bags or pulling the rope. If there are children at the picnic, then you can divide those present into a team of children and adults.

When deciding what you need for a picnic with a team, you can also opt for a cartoonist. Such an artist will not only create a cheerful atmosphere, but also leave original drawings as a memory of a good day.

Corporate picnic: little secrets of a big event. Do you agree that it's just great when there is time to go out into the countryside with the whole team, wearing comfortable jeans and tracksuits instead of business suits ... far, far from boring telephone conversations and various things planned in the daily planner!

Of course, it is realistic to organize such a picnic at all times of the year. However, in our state, such cases are “turned around” mainly from May to November, soaking the air with the aroma of barbecue ...

A picnic is a good competitor to a party

The first thing I would like to note is that colleagues will not have to sit at the table all the time. Because, you see, it's so great to stretch out in a deck chair or lie down on soft fluffy grass. A picnic does not require chic outfits, ties and snow-white shirts, which are simply necessary for special occasions. All this clothing will be successfully replaced with more comfortable T-shirts, sneakers and jeans.

All the city noise, bustle and crowds of people will be left somewhere behind, and you will have the opportunity to fish, play football or badminton? Such simple entertainment can not only help strengthen the collective spirit, each picnic participant will be able to have a good time.

Organizing a picnic is a responsible event

So, collectively decided to go on a picnic!

You might think that the first issue you need to decide is choosing a picnic spot. It wasn't there! The most important thing to start with is to try to remember earlier trips or trips, or rather, their positive aspects and, most importantly, negative ones. This is especially necessary if you resorted to the help of an event agency, a catering company, etc. in organizing a picnic. Then it is more expedient to specify everything to the smallest detail, from the number of seats required in transport to the names of drinks.

Entrust the organization of the “sally” to professionals and do not forget that even such an unpleasant trifle as forgotten paper napkins can significantly lower the “combat spirit” of the team.

This is followed by the most enjoyable activity: choosing a place for cultural recreation in the bosom of nature

It's not bad when you already have a tried-and-true camp site or sanatorium in mind. Even if you do not have such a place, you should not rush and contact a travel agency, it would be better to ask employees from other departments or your friends.

But under any circumstances, you have the bank of a nearby river, the green cover of a forest or park, etc. Even though this place of leisure is very familiar to you, it would be better if you first send a “scout” there to find out how clean is it, is it possible to make fires and put on a barbecue, is there a place for entertainment, etc.

The spring sun bakes with renewed vigor every day, and soon there will not even be a puddle of snow left. It's time to think about going out into nature, picnics, barbecues and other spring activities. If you are faced with the task of organizing a corporate party, then take advantage of the weather conditions and invite colleagues to a picnic.

Arranging field trips for employees is very simple. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to get out of stuffy offices to breathe fresh air. Before your trip, read our material to find out how to have a corporate picnic without any problems.

Picking a picnic spot

The ideal option for a picnic, of course, is a cottage. If one of the employees or the management of the company is ready to sacrifice their personal plot for the sake of the rest of their native team, then you are very lucky. The cottage has all the conditions for a pleasant stay: clean water, table and chairs, deck chairs, toilet, shower, barbecue. You do not have to bring dishes, tablecloths and other small things with you.

If you still decide to take a break from civilization, then choose a place that is not too far from settlements. It is desirable that it be easy to get to. Perhaps one of the colleagues will be able to suggest a good place for a picnic. It is easier to relax on a proven forest glade or near a familiar river. You will already know where you can leave your car there, whether there are places for swimming, firewood and where to make a fire.

Transport for the team

Before organizing a corporate party, make a list of employees who will come to it. And it’s better to plan a picnic on Friday, otherwise not all colleagues will want to sacrifice a day off for the sake of their own team. Make sure that everyone gets to the place, tell in detail how to get there. Colleagues can agree and come to the picnic together. If this is not possible, then order a bus for everyone, which will then take them home.

Menu for a corporate picnic

Preparing a menu for a picnic is the most fertile occupation. Everyone has a brutal appetite in nature, so think in advance how much meat you will take for barbecue. It should be marinated at home a few hours before the trip. Count on 500 grams of barbecue per person. For barbecue, of course, bring a lot of greens, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers. Do not rush to cut salads, leave them for gatherings in the office.

Picnic food should be easy to prepare, juicy and fresh. Sandwiches, bread, baked potatoes will be received by vacationers with a bang. If there are true gourmets among colleagues, then they can cook fish soup on a fire or pilaf. But, as a rule, barbecue from pork or chicken, greens and bread is enough.

Alternatively, skewers of fish, king prawns and vegetables on skewers. Such a dish will look original, and cook faster than meat on the grill. Meat can be served with homemade tomato sauce, adjika or onion salad.

Before dessert, the queue in nature rarely comes. But if you still decide to drink tea, then buy pies with apples, lemon or dried apricots, sweets and cookies as a sweet. Layered cakes, cakes with butter cream will be an extra treat. As alcoholic beverages, give preference to wine and beer. In this case, colleagues will not be carried away, and they will save their face in front of their superiors.

Outdoor activities

The main entertainment in nature is the picnic itself, barbecue, swimming in the river or fishing. If a company of about 20 people is going, then you should take care of music, dancing and games around the fire. Traditionally they play "Mafia", "Crocodile". Take badminton rackets and a soccer ball with you. If one of the colleagues knows how to play the guitar, then you don’t have to worry about entertainment. Few things can bring the team together as much as songs around the campfire.

When the evening in nature is over, do not forget to put all the garbage in bags and take it with you to the trash can. Make sure the fire is extinguished. To do this, it is better to fill it with earth. Take your colleagues home and thank them for the joint vacation. A few weeks after a field trip, you can collect a corporate newspaper with original headlines and photos of colleagues at a picnic. By doing this, you will remind them of a fun time, and perhaps encourage them to get together for a corporate party again.

Picnic shopping list:

    • disposable tableware,
    • tablecloth,
    • several blankets, pillows, folding chairs,
    • paper and wet wipes
    • drinking water,
    • salt and spices
    • necessary products,
    • drinks and alcohol,
    • matches, lighters,
    • garbage bags,
    • barbecue and skewers,
    • charcoal,
    • thermos with tea and coffee
    • details for active games,
    • mini first aid kit,
    • insect repellents,
    • sunscreen.

Company management tends to bear all the financial burden on the organization corporate picnic takes on himself. And not unreasonably, because this view corporate events one of the most effective ways to establish intra-corporate communication within the team. Like no other, it allows employees to communicate with each other in a relaxed, friendly environment without the conventions and subordination inherent in their office environment. Reason for corporate picnic it can be any: one of the calendar holidays, an internal corporate celebration, a birthday, the arrival of partners.

Corporate picnic, based on the foregoing, this is really an ideal vacation option for both the company's management and its employees.

As a rule, we traditionally associate a corporate picnic with summer, and summer with water. Therefore, it is preferable to start the event with a spectacular boat trip, and continue it on the picturesque coast. By the way, finding a place for a picnic is a very responsible and not easy task.

In view of the above, we have smoothly approached the organizational part of our Events those corporate picnic.
Organization of a picnic according to Eastern concepts, “a delicate matter”, but in our harsh corporate reality, where it is thin, it breaks there. We cannot afford this luxury.
The most optimal option suggests itself, to entrust the organization of a field trip and the conduct itself corporate event- professionals, that is event agency.
Corporate picnic in this case, it will succeed for two reasons, firstly, the agency has experience and its own mercenary interest in holding such events and will most likely hold it professionally. Secondly, the initiators and ideological inspirers of the event from among its employees will be deprived of the opportunity to "show themselves" and will be able to quite safely relieve themselves of all possible responsibility for an unsuccessful event.
In the case of the implementation of the plan, we can step by step describe the main organizational issues which you should pay attention to when talking with event agency ohm:
  • 1. Date
  • 2. Number of participants
  • 3. Age and division % (gender)
  • 4. The theme of the picnic (taking into account the occasion)
  • 5. Create a script
  • 6. Entourage of participants (thematic)
  • 7. Transport services
  • 8. Choice of ship
  • 9. Program on the ship (entertaining or team building, background music)
  • 10. Catering on the ship (lunch or coffee break)
  • 11. Thematic design of the ship
  • 12. Preparation of the site on the shore (awnings, pavilions, dry closets)
  • 13. Competitive and sport program on the shore
  • 14. Team building and team building program
  • 15. Host of the event (professional selection)
  • 16. Technical support(sound, light)
  • 17. Show program (artists, musicians)
  • 18. Catering on the shore and its service (catering)
  • 19. Special kitchen equipment (barbecue, barbecue, champagne buckets, etc.)
  • 20. Refrigeration mobile equipment
  • 21. Attractions, sports equipment
  • 22. Final fireworks
  • 23. This list can be continued indefinitely, but we will limit ourselves to this; as an example.
First, you must decide on the amount of the budget that the company's management is ready to allocate for a corporate picnic. And if this is difficult to do (the price policy of all participants in the action is unfamiliar to you), then choose from our list what you would like to see on the menu or hear in the holiday show and event agency promptly acquaint you with the order of numbers.
After the most, in our opinion, the best option for conducting corporate picnic, we will get acquainted with its antipode.
This is a corporate picnic organized and conducted by the vacationers themselves.
Personally, my opinion is the most that not to eat corporate rake!
You can discuss the pros and cons of the first and second options for a long time, but the conclusion is the same - you need to try both. Personal experience is the most invaluable.
As practice shows, the first option is usually supported by the women of the team, the second - by men and leaders (gender does not matter).
Implementing the first option, women, regardless of the format Events, fall into the atmosphere of a corporate holiday, where they can abstract from all domestic and work problems (if any) and the performance of routine women's duties.
The second option is supported by men, as it allows them to show themselves most advantageously in conditions wildlife against the background of the "weak half", and by the leaders - as the most economically profitable, among the people "free".
For this case (option number 2), the list below will fit, in which all your body movements in the organization are also described step by step corporate picnic :
  • 1.Date of the event
  • 2. Number of participants
  • 3. Choice of participants of the initiative group (on a voluntary-compulsory basis)
  • 4.Formation of the budget of the event
  • 5. Rent a ship
  • 6. Sorting of team members according to the level of artistry, with the aim of their further participation in the entertainment program
  • 7. Selection from the most creative part of the staff of the screenwriter and presenter
  • 8. The most responsible colleagues - in supermarkets, for the purchase of kitchen equipment and products
  • 9.Tents, awnings, tables, chairs, refrigerators - find and rent
  • 10.Transport - find and rent
  • 11. Disco with a DJ (as an option, a powerful music center with the owner of the equipment) or rent
  • 12. Dry closet (based on one shovel for ten people)
  • 13.Biowash basin (options - the sea)
  • 14. Determine by name which of the representatives of the "beautiful half" will cut food, serve the glade and serve dishes, followed by cleaning after all
  • 15. All kinds of force majeure circumstances

Of course, organize and have a great time corporate picnic on their own, not only possible, but necessary. But provided that the number of participants will be within 10-20 people. Then there will be less worries, and more positive. Although bright and unforgettable, you will provide yourself with memories and impressions in any case.
So, the choice is yours.

A corporate picnic is a one-day trip to nature for all employees of your organization or company after a busy working week.
In nature, instead of a noisy city, the kingdom of the forest awaits, and under your feet - soft green grass. A picnic in nature is an ideal vacation option for those who are really tired of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For a while here everyone will be able to escape from production problems, relax and restore their strength for further and fruitful work.

At a real picnic, its participants do not set themselves any other goals (acquaintance with local attractions, visiting some historical ruins, etc.), except for food and relaxation, because a picnic is not a hike or tourism. And it's also a great excuse to just chat with colleagues outside the office walls. As a rule, a corporate vacation in the summer involves a trip on a boat if there is a river or sea in the place where it is supposed to relax or go to the forest.

A successful firm or company usually takes all the expenses for organizing a holiday, if it is a state institution, usually the trade union committee organizes such a holiday.

As a rule, if the rest takes place along the reservoir, the river, summer pavilions and barbecue areas are located, with a capacity of up to 200 people, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable outdoor recreation.

In order for a picnic to be fun and relaxed, it must be carefully organized - it must have a "master" who leads and is responsible for its conduct. Nothing in the organization of a picnic should be left to chance, it is necessary to think over in advance all the nuances that may suddenly arise, starting from the composition of the invited guests and ending with their return home.

If through travel company recreation is organized, the guests are offered a paintball club, a shooting range, table tennis, volleyball court, water activities and much more. An active show program can be specially organized, artists and clowns are invited.

However, special attention should be paid nutrition. After all, a picnic can turn into a real open-air buffet, where guests will be offered various snacks and cocktails. It's so festive and unique!

Sometimes a professional chef, waiters are invited to a corporate picnic, who prepare the menu agreed by the organizers.

And if vacationers have to cook for themselves, what do you need to take care of?
An important component of a successful outdoor recreation is deliciously cooked food. And in order for the meal to be a success, you should take care of the accessories necessary for this. Now stores offer a variety of equipment that allows you to cook outdoors during a picnic with the highest quality and fastest.
Charcoal grills made of stainless steel of different diameters and heights, as well as a variety of accessories: grates for cooking fish and meat, skewers, forks, skewers, firewood, coal.
Some grills are equipped with a spit and a fixed or folding table, on which it is convenient to place everything you need for cooking, as well as a double split grate that allows you to clamp food. Such a grill is always supplied with wire or wooden handles.
Unlike grills, the assortment of barbecues in metropolitan shopping centers is not so wide - as a rule, only a few types are offered.
You can purchase both reusable and disposable, cheap barbecue models. The latter are a foil tray sealed in polyethylene. In it are successively laid: a layer of coal, a lattice made of a thin metal rod and a wire stand.
Almost any supermarket or mall you can get hold of the fuel you need for a picnic. Avid campfirers are convinced that the best kind is charcoal, produced in different packaging containers (from 0.5 to 20 kg). It is usually made from birch, although it can also be beech or alder. It is also worth taking care of the means of making a fire: paraffin-peat briquettes, special ignition fluid (from 10 UAH), dry alcohol tablets, etc. frying device from rapid burnout and warping.
During cooking, a battery-powered fan in the form of a small hair dryer will be extremely useful, providing additional air supply to the burning zone of the fuel.

During the hot season, drinks heat up quickly - as soon as you get to the picnic area and arrange your belongings, your wine, champagne or mineral water will acquire the temperature of the air. In this situation, compact cooler bags will come to the rescue.

Camping picnic sets include: plates, salt and pepper shaker, spoons, tablecloth, forks, knives, corkscrew, napkins, cutting board, cheese knife, plastic wine glasses, dirty dish bag, bowls. There is also an insulated compartment for food and drinks, as well as additional pockets.

Menu for a corporate picnic:

First you need to carefully calculate the number of picnic participants, select a menu for clubbing and prepare products in accordance with it, taking into account the tastes of your guests as well. It is advisable not to take perishable foods with you, unless they can be eaten in the next 1.5-2 hours.
Meat for kebabs can be bought in advance and marinated, or you can buy it on the way to a picnic, but then you will have to wait a little longer for kebabs. In any case, the meat must be fresh, not frozen.
If you are planning to cook fish soup, it does not hurt to take the fish with you if there is no firm confidence and hope for the one that the picnic participants can catch or buy from the fishermen.
It is very practical if the menu includes cold appetizers from fried chicken or other poultry.
It is best to fry the bird at home, in the oven and take it with you already cooked and well cooled. If conditions allow you to cook soup or stew on the fire, you can take the bird with you and frozen.
Alcoholic drinks are taken from the calculation - wine - one bottle for three people, vodka, a bottle for two people.

Picnic Dishes

Ear from ruffs
Gut the ruff, cut off the fins (do not remove the scales and do not wash off the mucus covering the ruff), rinse, pour hot water and cook over low heat until tender. Remove the largest fish from the pan, cook the rest until tender. Strain the broth, add the onion, peppercorns, bay leaf, after 10 minutes, lower the large fish taken out earlier into it. Add dill, lemon juice.

Fish baked in ash
Do not gut the fish, rub with salt. Pour hot coals with ashes, put prepared fish on them, sprinkle it with ashes and coals. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Sausage skewers

sausages - 4 pcs., onions - 2 pcs., tomatoes - 5 pcs., prunes - 5 pcs., brisket - 50g, cheese - 25g, parsley - to taste.

Cut the sausages into pieces 3-4 cm long. Soak the prunes in warm water for 6-8 hours, remove the stones from it and wrap each plum with a slice of chopped brisket. Cut onions and tomatoes into quarters. Mix sausages, rolled parsley leaves, onion, tomato, prunes in the brisket, a slice of cheese, sausage again on a skewer. Serve kebab hot with bean salad: soak the beans for 8-10 hours, boil in this same water, drain and mix with finely chopped onion and mustard, rubbing it with vegetable oil, salt, sugar and vinegar beforehand.

B-B-Q. Corn on the cob
Carefully peel the cobs from the shells and remove the hairs. Rub melted corn butter and sprinkle with salt or lemon pepper. Wrap the cobs back in the shell and tie with twine or wire.
Place on a wire rack and smoke for about 1.5 hours until done. If wrapping the cobs is not an option, or if you don't want the corn to have a "smoked" flavor, rub the cobs with melted butter, sprinkle with spices, and wrap in foil.

Fruit skewers

Bananas - 5 pcs., Strawberries - 500 g.

Peel banana and strawberries, cut into circles and string on skewers, alternating with each other. Can be sprinkled with brown sugar and lightly barbecued until caramelized. Serve with whipped cream.

Chocolate toast (serves 2)
Toasted white bread is dipped in a mixture of two yolks, mashed with a tablespoon of sugar, ground cinnamon, cardamom and fried on a wire rack on both sides. Then the toasts are sprinkled with grated dark chocolate and white raisins soaked in white wine and baked in a barbecue cauldron (the chocolate should melt). Ready!

In any case, no matter what form of picnic you choose, what menu you develop, what show program you prepare, a corporate outdoor recreation will bring a lot of joy and fun to the guests of the event, help restore strength and invigorate.
And how many wonderful memories of a fun corporate holiday will remain in your memory!