Culinary corporate. Team building "culinary duel" - event-agency "comandante

Culinary team building is a great way to have fun with colleagues in an informal setting, fighting in an exciting duel to cook various dishes. Plus, this is an opportunity to teach people how to work in a team.

All the action takes place under the guidance of an experienced chef, who reveals his culinary secrets to the participants and controls the process of creating mouth-watering treats.

At this taste festival, everyone will be able to feel like a professional chef and replenish their own piggy bank with new interesting recipes.

Stages of the culinary competition

  1. First of all, the participants of the culinary battle are divided into several equal teams, each of which has some kind of detail - an apron, a cap or a dressing gown - becomes the hallmark of each of them.
  2. All teams receive the same food packages, from which they must eventually prepare a culinary dish at their discretion.
  3. If some ingredients are missing, they have to be "extracted" by correctly answering a question or completing a specific task. The entire process takes an average of 1.5-2 hours.
  4. At the end of the culinary battle there is a presentation of the resulting masterpieces and the announcement of the winner by the jury members and the most "delicious" part of the event - tasting the prepared dishes.
  5. And the highlight of the evening is a master class from the chef on cooking several dishes from the cuisine of any country. The show is accompanied by cheerful music and dances that charge the audience with a wonderful mood.

Culinary team building services

Many specialized agencies offer their clients the following culinary team building services:

  • Search and preparation of a platform for a culinary duel.
  • Delivery of employees to the venue of the event.
  • Procurement of the necessary equipment: dishes, food, overalls.
  • Organization of a buffet or banquet for guests.
  • Musical and lighting design of the culinary battle.
  • Photo and video filming.

Agency is no exception. We successfully organize

Psychologists believe that the main thing in human motivation is a creative approach. Therefore, now it is becoming more and more popular to conduct team building team building using non-standard approaches. So there were: creative team building, interactive team building, drum team building and the latest development of the event workers in 2014 - woolen team building.

Culinary team building is a rather unusual way to turn company employees into a close-knit team that always strives to win.

The participants of the culinary team building will be divided into 2 teams and will compete in cooking beautiful and delicious dishes under the guidance of a professional chef who will answer all questions and share his cooking secrets. At the end of the culinary battle, the teams present their dishes, and, of course, start the meal.

Culinary team building is interesting not only for its competitive part, but also for the fact that at the end of the training, participants will be able to arrange a banquet from their own dishes!

If you are looking for a way to rally your employees, improve the climate in the team, increase motivation, and at the same time provide a pleasant and interesting pastime, then culinary team building is exactly what you need!

Culinary team building is one of the activities for trust. After all, everything that your colleagues cook (and during the game they are members of your team) you will then eat. You will most likely prefer dinner in a restaurant or cafe that you know, so to speak, where you trust the chef and are confident in the quality of the dishes prepared. The same goes for culinary team building. Culinary team building can be organized at any time of the year and in any format close to you.

There are many options for culinary team building:

Master classes from famous Chefs, repetition of their masterpieces and recognition of the best dish;

Barbecue - party for your team from teams of daredevils from your employees;

Culinary team building combined with interactive or active-game team building in which participants compete or earn points, money or products from which they must prepare certain dishes.

Interpretation of famous TV shows (Master Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Best Baker, etc.)

And here are more detailed options for culinary team building:

Cooking War

The essence of the Game is to pass all the tests and gain access to the food supply. During the course of the game, participants are divided into teams. Participants are waiting for unusual tests, difficult routes, exciting adventures in which they will have to show all their knowledge and abilities and prove that the “Company…….” - This is a real, friendly team!

Black box

Suitable for rooms. Each team is given a black box. What is in it and what to do with it all the participants will find out only when they open it!

Ask the chef

The task of the game is to repeat the cooking process after the chef. It is necessary to reproduce the dish as accurately as possible. The responsibility is great. The Chief will judge.

Thematic culinary team building

The main idea is the joint preparation by the participants of various dishes from the national cuisines of the world. During the program, participants will learn about the culture of food and the peculiarities of cooking in different countries (the choice of the country is determined in advance by the customer).

Culinary Incentive tours. Master classes in restaurants around the world.

We can organize culinary team building for you in any country in the world, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory, Abrau-Durso. For example, in Spain you will compete in cooking paella, in Turkey - vegetables and lamb, and in Italy - of course pasta, pizza and lasagna. Each country has its own culinary specialties. Culinary team building necessarily includes a master class from famous chefs.

Hell's Kitchen

Teams get into the real conditions of the restaurant kitchen. Your dishes will be judged by real guests of the restaurant. You will succeed if you comply with one condition - to work only in a team.

Culinary checkers.

The Teambuilding Pro company offers culinary teambuildings for you in any area: indoors, outdoors, on a ship and even in the office. Culinary team building can be organized for 2 people or for a large company. As judges for your culinary team building, we will invite the best chefs, members of the National Chefs Guild of Russia.

Culinary team building is corporate event designed to teach people how to work in a team. Under the guidance of a professional chef, participants will prepare several dishes and learn a lot of new things from the world of cooking. The event is developed taking into account the wishes of the participants and the venue.

The venue can be a specialized restaurant, an open-air venue, and even a customer's office. Culinary team building can become a bright part of a weekend in a boarding house, a corporate party, a boat trip or a client holiday.

Team building program:

  • Acquaintance. The chef will tell you about the features of the master class and the dishes to be prepared.
  • Team formation. The choice of captains, the creation of the name and motto.
  • Training. Participants receive props (aprons, chef's hats, etc.) and disperse to the "working areas" of the kitchen, equipped with everything necessary.
  • Cooking. Appetizers, Italian pasta, main course (meat, fish or vegetarian), desserts and flavored drinks.
  • Presentation-tasting. Each team presents their culinary masterpieces to the jury.
  • Award ceremony. Each participant is given a diploma signed by the chef. General buffet, summing up, awarding the winners.

You will get a huge boost of energy, fun and wonderful memories. At the end, you can taste everything you cook and enjoy delicious dishes. As a gift, you will receive a booklet with a signature recipe from the chef. Such team building can be arranged in the format of "Culinary duel" or "Division of labor in the kitchen".

I single out two areas - the cuisines of the countries of the world and thematic culinary master classes. For each option there is a menu, I will send it to the mail at your request.

The estimate will indicate those options that are included in the master class. All additional services and their cost will be listed below (presenter, DJ, welcome buffet, hall decoration, wine list).

Cuisines of the countries of the world


Who among us is not familiar with the main delicious symbols of Italy - pizza and spaghetti? However, to think that this is the end of the country's culinary assortment is very mistaken. Each separate region of Italy has its own gastronomic traditions, and when traveling around the country, you can taste a huge number of rare and unusual dishes. Fragrant pasta, risotto popular in Milan, tender lasagne or ravioli with delicious sauce - all this is undoubtedly worthy of your attention and tasting. The master class is very impressive, get a lot of fun!


Why is it so difficult, you say, everyone knows how to cook soups and cereals! But in fact, Russian cuisine is very, very diverse - and, by the way, many foreign gourmets recognize it as one of the best. You will learn how to bake pancakes from various cereals, cook delicious pies and kurniki, learn about dishes that you have never tried before. Discover new facets of your national cuisine!


France has long been a symbol of gastronomic luxury. The ubiquitous dishes and the individual culinary traditions of the provinces together form a unique bouquet of flavors. Soups or desserts, cheeses or meat dishes - choose and try! Or maybe you have long dreamed of trying something from " business cards» France - ratoutuille, foie gras or even frog legs? Exquisite Masterclass…


For many, the phrase "Japanese cuisine" first of all creates an association with sushi and rolls. However, few people know that in Japan these dishes are considered quite modest, inexpensive and do not arouse much interest. There are many other unique dishes, although, of course, seafood occupies a paramount position among the ingredients. Learn how to cook Japanese dishes at home and miso soup, tempura and fried eel will no longer be delicacies for you, available only in expensive restaurants! Special attention, of course, will be given to the tradition of eating with chopsticks.


There are legends about Georgian cuisine - few people have not heard about its richness, diversity, generosity and extremely spicy taste. Here the meat occupies the main pedestal, from where it can hardly be pushed aside. Learn about the convergence and how the methods of its preparation differ. Are you able to try spicy sauces that not every gourmet will “pull”?

Asian cuisine

So, summarizing, they call the cuisines of Central, Far Eastern and South Asia. This includes many countries with a large culinary assortment - only the brightest and most delicious recipes will be involved in the lesson. The basis of all the dishes of these countries is noodles and rice, they are also famous for spicy sauces, seasonings, spices. These unusually tasty dishes, moreover, are not too difficult to prepare. Try it - and see for yourself! This is the most "spicy" culinary master class ...

Thematic master classes:

Grilled dishes

Grill - a special device for cooking meat and other dishes on fire or coals. Meat "smoky" is much tastier than what is cooked in a pan. In addition, it is also more useful, because during frying, excess fat drains, and the dish becomes much less high-calorie. You will learn how to properly grill not only meat, but also vegetables, learn the features of this technology and, of course, enjoy the result!

healthy eating

How should you eat to prevent disease? Which foods are healthy and which are not? What is the best way to balance your diet? You can learn about this from the corresponding master class. See how natural food can taste amazing, learn about steam cooking to keep its health benefits. The children's stereotype that healthy is most often tasteless will be debunked!

Cold snacks

Appetizers look wonderful on the festive table and perfectly complement the taste of the main dishes. They have many advantages: ease of preparation, no need to heat them up and cook them directly for the arrival of guests. Now the products will not be filled up in your refrigerator - you will learn how to cook unusual snacks from them that can surprise guests and make them attractive. appearance, and taste. Great tutorial, friends!

Wine degustation

There are countless varieties of wine in the world. And tasting is a special event. In many countries there are special holidays dedicated to wine tasting, gathering thousands of people. Such an event with its accompanying warm and cheerful atmosphere will not leave you indifferent and will help you decide on your favorite wine drink.


Even those who do not like sweets in principle will like these desserts! Fresh fruits and berries are often used in the preparation of these delicacies, and desserts will look modern. Learn all about how to make the best desserts that are pleasing to the eye and serve as a source of vitamins and energy, which means a great mood!

New Year's table

New Year is perhaps the most significant holiday in our country. What would you like to please your guests, except for the banal fried chicken and Olivier? Find out what dishes will be appropriate on New Year's Eve, what is traditionally eaten at Christmas in other countries, how to associate dishes with New Year's symbols. After such a master class, you will have several signature dishes, the guests will be surprised, definitely!

romantic dinner

Who has not dreamed of an evening spent next to a loved one, with delicious dishes and foaming champagne? We learn to organize this little magic ourselves and make our soul mate happy! A master class on preparing a romantic dinner is one of the most popular, as everything is done quickly, easily and sensually.

Children's holiday meals

creative team building "Culinary duel » in last years is gaining more and more popularity among companies that want not only to create a close-knit team, but also to bring notes of a fun game and spicy flavors of dishes from different cuisines of the world into their workdays. Within three hours, employees will have to take part in various competitions, prepare delicious meals and cope with new non-standard tasks!

The basis of this corporate team building consists in teamwork in preparing, decorating, serving and presenting various dishes, aimed at increasing team spirit, improving communication and team building. In fact, the participants will have an exciting project in unusual conditions. The time limit has a great effect on the cohesive work of the team, helps to clearly distribute responsibilities among team members, teaches you how to build productive working relationships with colleagues, and also develops the ability to plan time optimally.

Team building in most cases takes place indoors with a flat floor, kitchen tables, stationary electricity and running water. For extreme lovers who are found among our clients, we held "Cooking duel" and outdoors, one might say, in the field. The difficulties associated with the environment, such as rain or scorching sun, wind and insects, only add drive to our participants.

When determining the culinary content of the program, we recommend choosing well-known cuisines with vibrant culinary traditions. Most often, participants prepare popular dishes of Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian and French cuisine, although in general our choice is not limited in any way.

For example, in the summer of 2018 in our team-building program "Culinary duel" more than 100 guests took part, divided into 8 teams, who had to master the following national menus:

1. Greece (Greek salad, Greek gyros in pita, Greek appetizer)

2. Georgia (chicken chakhokhbili, Ajapsandal, lobio in Georgian)

3. India (Indian vegetable salad, chicken curry, Puri flatbread)

4. Spain (Chicken Paella, Tuna Salad, Spanish Tortilla)

5. Italy (Carbonara pasta, Caprese salad, bruschetta)

6. Mexico (Mexican quesadilla, ceviche salad, beef nachos)

7. Poland (homemade bigos, tuna salad, chicken pies)

8. Thailand (Tom kha soup, rice noodles with vegetables, Thai chicken with cashews)

The variety was dizzying. But during the tasting, each guest of the event was able to make an incredible gastronomic journey across several continents!

During the program "Cooking duel" the host of the festive event and the chef, who has developed technological maps for all prepared dishes, work with the teams. In addition, professional chefs-mentors work with each team. They instruct the teams, prompt the participants, monitor compliance with safety regulations, but they themselves do not take part in the cooking process.

According to the results of joint creativity, each team presents three dishes of the theme of the country, whose chefs they became at the time of the event. A professional jury consisting of the presenter, chef and company executives evaluates the work according to several criteria: the originality of the dish, taste, the beauty of serving and serving, as well as the creative presentation of the product.

When all teams successfully complete the task, the most delicious part of team building begins: you have to eat it all.

Team building "Culinary duel" consists of the following steps:

1. Gathering of all participants on the site, greeting the leader.

2. Formation of teams and selection of captains.

3. Draw of teams, choice of their national cuisine and specific dishes.

4. Provision of props: aprons, chef's hats or bandanas.

5. Distribution of team members by "work zones".

6. Creation of culinary masterpieces, preparation of serving and presentations from each team.

7. Ceremony of presentation and tasting of prepared dishes.

8. General banquet or buffet. Summing up and awarding the winners.

One of the main advantages culinary team building is its versatility and easy adaptation to existing conditions. The venue can be a specialized restaurant, an open-air venue, and even a customer's office. Of course, each site has its own characteristics, which we take into account when developing the program. A "culinary duel" can become a bright part of a weekend in a boarding house, a corporate party, a boat trip or a client holiday.

How culinary team building helping the business?

* Team building with bright positive emotions will increase the level of trust within the company

* Joint cooking will strengthen friendly relations in the team and help to adapt newcomers

* Will reveal the abilities of employees, help to see and evaluate the actions of each in a non-standard environment

* Unforgettable experiences will increase employee loyalty and dedication to their employer

* The result of participation in the culinary team building will be an increase in the efficiency of employees

And you are capable of culinary exploits!