What can you do professionally? How to correctly describe professional qualities in a resume: examples and explanations

Professional skills for a resume are an integral part of the document, most often a separate block. According to them, the employer determines the possibilities of the applicant in the role of an employee of the company. You need to choose them carefully in order to attract a recruiter with whom a further conversation will take place.

What is - Professional Skills for a Resume

Professional qualities are a set of personal qualities and skills that a specialist has acquired during. They help to improve in the future, to benefit the organization.

Often, qualities are found in a resume that are only conditionally professional. For example, a developed sense of humor. If a recruiter is looking for a person for a lawyer position, he will not appreciate this quality highly. But for a leading corporate party, it can be considered professional.

Before delving into the definition of professional skills, we recommend that all applicants, or those who are just about to find a new promising job, familiarize themselves with the online course: "New work: strategy, preparation, search." In three days you will be taught how to present yourself in the best possible way.

What professional skills to include in a resume

Basic 3 rules for writing a resume

To describe professional knowledge and skills in a sales resume, simply follow three principles:

  • Conciseness. If you write little information, there will be doubts about it. If there are too many points, it will be difficult to read the summary. It is better to choose the average number of skills - 6-9;
  • Compliance with the requirements specific vacancy. It is necessary to position yourself at the level of "executor-manager", so that when viewing a resume, the recruiter immediately understands who he is dealing with;
  • Presentability. The information in the resume should sound strong and beautiful. You must write specifically. For example, sales experience (5 years in the wholesale department). If you have experience in personnel management, you need to indicate in the document how many people were in the team.

General Skills

The employer will definitely appreciate the ability to establish contact with counterparties in writing and orally, achievements in the service sector, organization of the work process, oratorical experience and other abilities. But in any field, employees with high motivation for results, initiative, energy in solving issues, competent speech, speed in making decisions, and responsibility are valued. This is what will help

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Applicants often indicate that the candidate must have:

  • technical skills;
  • Leadership qualities;
  • Marketing skills;
  • Experience in organizing and managing processes.

The modern labor market requires new knowledge modern technologies. To get a sought-after Internet profession, it is often required

Special Skills

There are special skills that professionals have. The list is generalized and is not suitable for every specialty.

Professional skills in the resume are as follows:

  • (specific language and level);
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Business communication skills (written and oral);
  • Efficiency in information search;
  • Planning;
  • Procurement experience;
  • Sales analysis;
  • Negotiation experience;
  • Experience in dealing with objections
  • Care in preparing reports;
  • Willingness to work in a team;
  • Independence in decision making;
  • Ability to use methods of persuasion;
  • Experience with programs (1C, Word, Excel);
  • Ability to handle office equipment;
  • Telephone sales experience (cold and hot calls);
  • Collection and preparation of statistical data;
  • Direct sales experience;
  • Work with commercial offers;
  • Merchandising experience;
  • Motivation and training of employees.

Every profession requires certain abilities. They must be indicated in the appropriate section of the resume. Among the listed skills, you can find suitable for a particular specialty.

To determine your professional abilities, take the Career Guidance Test

The optimal number of skills in a resume is 6-9

Skill Description Examples

It is important to understand that the list of professional skills in the resume must be consistent with the requirements for a particular position. For example, accuracy can hardly be called a mandatory professional quality of a top manager. But for the secretary, this will be a tangible advantage. Therefore, when writing a resume, you should consider how relevant the skill is to your profession.

You can see the standards and examples of the most successful resumes in the book by Vladimir Yakub. A certified specialist and teacher, one of the best headhunters in Russia shares his experience and examples in his book “A Winning Resume. 1:0 in your favor!” Buy a book, sell yourself and have a successful career!

An example of a description of the professional skills of a sales assistant

The position of a sales assistant attracts many. But not everyone stays in this role for long. For quick-tempered and conflicting people, the profession is not suitable. Sanguine and phlegmatic people usually achieve great results in it.

Essential Skills for a Sales Consultant Resume:

  • Ability to interest buyers;
  • Ability to work with objections, conflict prevention;
  • Knowledge about goods in a particular store (clothes, appliances);
  • Individual approach to the buyer, determination of his needs and assistance in choosing.

An example of an accountant's professional skills description

Consider what qualities an accountant needs for a resume:

  • Punctuality;
  • organization;
  • performance;
  • Accuracy.

Skills that need to be indicated in the document:

  • Preparation of primary documents;
  • Working with large volumes of information;
  • Knowledge of Civil Code, Labor Code and Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Knowledge and experience in bookkeeping and taxation.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a driver

Key skills for a resume can be the following:

  • Driving experience (15 years);
  • Knowledge of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • Careful driving style;
  • Polite communication with clients;
  • Driving license category C, driving experience without accidents - 7 years.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a lawyer

Professional skills and abilities in the resume of a lawyer:

  • Knowledge of the programs "Consultant Plus" and;
  • Knowledge of contract, labor and economic law;
  • Experience in using the services "My arbitrator", "Card file of arbitration cases";
  • Competent preparation of procedural and legal documentation.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a manager (director)

Executive Resume Skills:

  • Creation from "0" of effective activity of a commercial service (marketing, sales department)
  • Experience in personnel management up to 1 thousand people (motivation, training, recruitment and dismissal);
  • Market research (analysis of the competitiveness of the organization and customer requests);
  • Forecast and implementation of the sales plan.

Example of a job description for a secretary

Essential Skills for a Secretary:

  • English proficiency (level);
  • Knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • Experience in using MS Office programs;
  • Ownership of office equipment.

Online resume writing

Dozens and hundreds of candidates count on one place, so it is important to stand out. It is impossible to attract attention by personal charm at this stage. Therefore, in order to write professional skills in a non-standard and correct way, you should use the original services for compiling a resume online:

  • Zerply. This social network has received high praise among developers and designers, as it will be possible to publish a portfolio there;
  • cvmaker. The service is suitable for creating a standard, but stylishly made resume. It provides six free templates designed in a classic style.
  • Everyone has their own skills, which must be taken into account. After compiling a resume, you should imagine yourself in the role of a manager who needs an employee for your position. Make changes until you are satisfied with the result. You don't need to make a very long list, otherwise the resume will be put aside.

The "Professional Skills" section of a resume can also be called "Technical Skills" (for programmers and other technical workers) or "Qualifications".

In this section, you must provide a brief list of skills (skills) and describe your professional achievements, which were obtained in previous jobs. The list should be four to six items long. The main thing to remember is that all listed professional skills must strictly correspond to the proposed vacancy and you should not indicate personal qualities here, such as: efficient, stress-resistant, etc.

Learning is actually a group of skills, some of which are self-learning and can be improved with practice, while others are likely to be born. Chances are you will learn some types of material much faster than others, and learn much better at some than others. your potential employer It may not matter if you are a visual or auditory learner, but if you know your own style, you can be a much more effective learner.

Examples of writing the right key skills for a resume

Problem Solving All jobs have problems, so you'll do a lot more. the best employee. Depending on your responsibilities, the extent of the problem you are expected to solve, and your level of independence, the degree to which you solve the problem may vary. For some positions, the ability to solve problems will be considered critical, while in others you will only have to follow instructions. And yet, recognized or not, problem solving will help you improve your work.

It is this section that is the best way to achieve the main goal of the resume - to get the employer to call you and invite you for an interview.

Examples of wording and phrases

Professional qualities of a journalist:

  • Professional knowledge in the field of journalism. Seven years of experience. Skills: writing, editing and airing news articles and reports.
  • High qualifications in oral and written interaction with respondents, for which he was twice awarded the Journalism Prize in 2000.

Technical skills of the programmer:

Employers are looking for employees who can use reasoning and analysis to solve complex problems. In your resume, cover letter, and interview, share any examples of times you have used creative problem solving to find an inventive solution to a job problem.

Teamwork Almost every job is related to it. Whether you work regularly on team projects or just work in a department, you will need to get along well with others. The ability to work in a team is critical in some jobs and almost incidental in others. But even the most independent positions are sometimes associated with common goals and difficulties. The company is a team, so the better you can work in a team, the better you can become its employee.

  • Operating systems: Windows 95/98, UNIX by Sun SPARC and MS-DOS.
  • Programming languages: C, C++, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Software : Microsoft FrontPage, Image Composer and Word; Lotus 1-2-3 and mSQL.

IT director (head of IT department):

  • Experience in managing an IT department (15 subordinates).
  • Department budget management.
  • Development of IT in the company.
  • Participation in making management decisions in the company.
  • Market analysis of ERP-systems, selection of a suitable company for the needs.
  • Experience in selecting partners for the implementation of ERP-systems (management of the implementation project, participation in the pre-project survey, writing technical specifications on the part of the customer).
  • Additional analysis and participation in the selection of information systems.
  • Automation of the company's activities.
  • Management of internal projects.
  • Ensuring information security.
  • Technical support office, organization of renewal of the fleet of vehicles.
  • Ensuring the smooth operation of corporate LAN and office equipment.

Director of logistics:

Key Skills on a Resume: Examples

In my resume and cover letter and also in your interviews, highlight your ability to work with others to succeed. One of the hardest aspects of writing a resume is highlighting your skills. You don't want to sound like you're showing off, but you do want to clearly demonstrate that you have the job skills the employer is looking for. How do you know what skills to highlight?

Determining which skills to highlight on your resume

Employer needs assessment. The best way to determine which skills you need to highlight on your resume is to put yourself in the employer's shoes. What are the employer's needs? How can you meet these needs? To do this, look at the employer's job description. Everything you need to know should be there. If this is not the case, you can contact the company for more information about the job. You can do this by requesting an informational interview. Many employers are willing to do this.

  • Development and implementation of a warehouse accounting system.
  • Creation of regional warehouses and regional logistics.
  • Optimization of the entire supply chain.
  • Optimization of warehouse accounting and workflow in the warehouse.
  • Optimization of the work of the transport department.
  • Negotiating and concluding contracts with logistics service providers.
  • Experience in automation and modeling solutions using IT tools.
  • Building an integrated reporting system for departments.
  • Budget planning and cost optimization.

PHP programmer:

Read the job description carefully. This will give you a clue as to what the employer is looking for. It will also provide you with the keywords you need to use to get your resume through the initial computer screening that so many companies use today. Even a brief four-line job description can contain all the keywords needed to compile an appropriate assessment of your skills.

For example, the following list is quite short. If necessary, someone who knows how to type on a printer and is capable of doing graphic work. If you don't have good experience and just want to know it's not for me. We have a small growing store and we need from time to time to help get our orders, process customers and so on. Must be able to print and do graphic work.

  • Knowledge of PHP.
  • Practical application of object-oriented programming (OOP).
  • Experience with programming frameworks (CMF).
  • Knowledge of template engines.
  • Experience with databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle), knowledge of the SQL language.
  • Knowledge of JavaScript, HTML+CSS.
  • Knowledge of the principles of building and operating websites and servers.
  • Ability to read someone else's code and documentation in English.

Sales Manager:

The key skills are the ability to print and create graphic works. They also mention the ability to process orders and that they are growing. The skills you should highlight for this position are experience screen printing and graphic experience.

The job skills listed by the employer are the ones you want to highlight on your resume. Don't worry if you can't use all of the skills listed. If you have experience in the industry, you will know which are the most important. If you're trying to get inside, pick a skill you know you have and go for it.

  • Knowledge of sales techniques.
  • Ability to negotiate.
  • Maintaining and expanding the client base.
  • Advising and providing customers with information on the conditions of sale and the range of products of the company.
  • Work at exhibitions, product presentation.
  • Telephone conversations, receiving and processing orders.
  • Drafting and conclusion of contracts.
  • Primary accounting.
  • Documentation control.
  • Maintaining an archive of documents.
  • Control of shipment and delivery of goods.
  • Confident PC skills.


You also want to define the needs for which only recommendations are published. In the short sheet above, the employer is hinting that they need to deal with business growth, solve problems in fulfilling their orders, and have someone who can handle clients. When you identify the "hidden" needs of an employer, you can highlight those skills on your resume.

How to rate your skills highly

The best way to highlight your skills is to imagine yourself already at work. Then look at your past work experiences. Think about the specific responsibilities you have fulfilled and the benefits you have provided. Now use words of power to describe your skills in action. Don't say "Printed T-shirts." Say: Ready Screens for Four Color Artwork. Open and developed screens. Describe some of the steps. Give life to the activities you do at work.

  • Knowledge of wholesale trade.
  • Excellent knowledge of the 1C program, areas: bank, cash desk, current account.
  • Accounting for settlements with suppliers.
  • Accounting inventory and costing.
  • Accounting for fixed assets, including the calculation of depreciation (accounting and tax accounting).
  • Preparation of certificates and documentation to confirm export to the State Tax Service.
  • Maintaining account analytics.
  • Knowledge of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Accounting of the Russian Federation.

Assistant Secretary

You must provide information about the place of study

Express your skills in a way that is effective, powerful and persuasive - no matter what your job is - with action-oriented verbs like. Determine the benefits your job provided to your employer. Things like "Increase profits by 10%" or "Reduce waste by 10%" show that your skills will also benefit your future employer.

How to describe professional skills

As you develop your list of skills, share them in a way that demonstrates that you have become more responsible and valuable as time goes by. If at all possible, make sure that the most valuable skills stand out in the most recent work activities.

  • Planning the working day of the head.
  • Document management.
  • Office work.
  • Business correspondence.
  • Office life support.
  • Organization of reception of visitors.
  • Confident user of office equipment and PC.
  • General idea about the work of mini-ATS.
  • Proficiency in 10-finger typing.

Personal/family driver:

Key Skills for Project Managers

You also want to avoid repeating the same information. If you can't demonstrate how your skills grow from one job to another, focus all of your skills in one section. Instead of listing the skills of each employer, consider listing specific projects and their results. This is another subtle way to highlight your ability in favor of the employer.

Your resume is your opportunity to not only highlight your skills, but also sell the benefits that those skills offer to a potential employer. Successful resumes assess the needs of the employer, make a strong impression with action-oriented verbs, and prove the candidate's worth of the employer by quantifying skills, accomplishments, and professional growth. If successfully executed, these strategies will effectively highlight your skills in the constrained space of your resume and give you a competitive edge in the job market.

  • Categories "B", "C".
  • Experience driving Volvo S-80, Mercedes 600\220, Audi A-8 (Long), Mitsubishi Pajero.
  • Experience "accompanied" (the ability to keep a distance between cars at high speed).
  • Experience in completing small orders.
  • Experience working with children.
  • Good knowledge of Moscow.
  • Long distance travel experience.

Described the purpose and professional skills in the resume? Consider that the most difficult part is over, because the most important part of the resume is already written.

Front desk salaries are rising and competition for skilled talent is heating up as companies expand their front desk teams across the United States. While this means it's easier to find a job, you'll still need a top-notch registration resume to align with the position you need. Make sure you highlight these eight skills on your resume to stand out from the competition.

First of all, you should focus on your oral and written communication skills as well as your keen listening abilities. By highlighting this critical skill of our profession, your resume will shine. Replicate your customer service successes and your office support track record.

In today's rapidly changing world, leadership and the ability to make strategic decisions has become an important defining attribute. These are the traits that leaders believe employees need to have in order to use the necessary flexibility and ingenuity to be able to cope with all the changes around them.

There is only one problem: as the organization (CEB) notes, this particular set of skills is “scarce”, and most “employees simply lack the ideal combination of skills and competencies to achieve the desired result.” This news is unlikely to be reassuring to senior management or human resources.

Handling multiple tasks at the same time is the status quo for registrars. Some examples include juggling multiple phone lines; personal contact with customers, visitors and employees; and clerical duties. Notice on your resume the types of tasks and situations you handled regularly - and how you handled them calmly and efficiently.

The front desk is often tasked with handling multiple cases at once, with many requests arriving on the fly, requiring you to act with grace under fire. Learn how to prioritize multiple projects and requests. The last thing an employer wants is a slightly agitated receptionist.

Increasingly, lower levels of management are making strategic decisions that affect key stakeholders. Therefore, the workplace needs to make significant changes in corporate culture and strategic thinking among new hires.

Fortunately, there is a certain type of job seeker for whom it is important to make a contribution to the organization they work for, and their career development may be better positioned to learn new skills, success, and rules of leadership.

What to focus on

The star recorder's message shows that you got organized on every task or project you take on. A great receptionist should be able to instantly find files and phone numbers and maintain a neat work area. On your receptionist resume, highlight the filing system you have implemented or how you usually organize key contacts so you always have them at your fingertips.

Initiative and problem solving capabilities

Your administrator resume should include your experience with phone systems, copiers, and printers. Be sure to play these assets. Pay attention to your ability to maintain good relations with employees at all levels of the company, including managers. In the same survey, a majority of managers surveyed said support staff had taken on other key tasks, including helping companies manage their social media profiles and screening job seekers.

Keep the following seven characteristics in mind when interviewing new hires to determine if they have the skills you need to work on your team.

1. Communication skills

The general term "communication skills" includes the ability to listen, write and speak. This is one of the main qualities that employers are looking for in today's candidates. The person must understand, interpret and be able to give the necessary instructions. In addition, a sense of social intelligence is very important: employees must be able to understand who their colleagues, managers and strategic partners are so that they can better understand and act accordingly.

Prove how important it is for you to be in past managers by highlighting on your resume resume examples of how you took the initiative to solve problems and take on special projects. Because receivers interact with nearly every customer and employee - whether they're in person or over the phone - they must be very reliable. Find out that your recorder is renewing your track record, preventing you from slipping through the cracks.

While some of these skills may seem like a given, it's important to show them off on your receptionist resume. Showing that you are well-rounded in these eight areas can give you an edge during the hiring process. To make sure you can apply your teachings to real scenarios, Instructor Abdul Wali includes short quizzes at the end of some sections.

2. Multitasking

Your employees will simultaneously participate in several projects, tasks and initiatives. Thus, the ability to combine all this with your main duties is a very valuable skill. Effective multitasking is achieved when the task is done correctly and efficiently, with minimal stress. Tomorrow's employees must be well savvy to handle multiple tasks at the same time.

3. Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a valuable asset, as it shows how much an employee "cheers" for the work they do for the organization. It goes hand in hand with positivity, which is essential for a positive work environment. In addition, according to Professor Sigal Barsade of the University of Pennsylvania, a positive attitude is not only transmitted, but also has an impact on overall work efficiency, decision-making, creativity and employee turnover. A positive attitude has an invaluable impact on everyone around.

4. Decision making

The ability to solve problems is a skill that sits somewhere at the intersection of creativity, balance, and logic. Those who possess it prove their ability to objectively interpret incoming signals, as well as make informed decisions. Such workers are not only strategic thinkers; they must remain calm when a problem arises and capable without micro-management from the outside.

5. Organization

Every employee must have organizational skills. They are necessary for self-discipline - the employee can independently collect all the necessary information and data in order to manage his work or the production process according to the schedule or deadlines. These traits are important for any leader. Powerful organizational skills don't by themselves make great managers, but they do help candidates be more professional, successful, and productive.

6. Honesty, sincerity

You need to be honest with others and with yourself. This suggests that a person knows his strengths and weaknesses, is not afraid to make mistakes and take responsibility, and also has a high degree of loyalty. "Honesty is the best policy" is a great slogan for any business.

7. Sympathy

Your open positions require employees to be able to easily find a common language with other people. So you want your candidate to be friendly, honest, calm, and open-minded who you can rely on. Today, teamwork is the key to business success, so look for people who are ready and willing to be a meaningful part of your organization.

As a result, workers are needed

1. The ability to prioritize.

2. Ability to work in a team.

3. Organizational awareness.

4. Effective problem solving.

5. Self-awareness.

6. Proactive.

7. Ability to influence.

8. Effective decision making.

9. Ability to learn.

10. Technical savvy.

Scott Steinberg, mashable.com
Translation by Tatyana Gorban

You can interest the employer if you immediately write in your resume about what you know how to do. This will help him determine how quickly you can adapt and understand the nuances of the work. To understand how to properly write about your skills, you can look at an example of professional skills in a resume. Just be sure to make adjustments for your personal experience, the requirements of the employer and the specifics of the future position.

Possible professional skills

It should be understood that in this section of the resume you need to indicate your main skills. If you do not have work experience yet, then you can enter the results of undergraduate practice. In almost all resumes, you can enter the following skills:

  • work with PC;
  • knowledge foreign languages(indicating your level) - this may be fluency, the ability to perceive written information and translate it with a dictionary;
  • ability to analyze documents;
  • work planning and organization of the labor process;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

But they should be used in cases where you do not have practical experience and any achievements.

Communication Skills

When sending a resume to a vacancy for a sales assistant, you need to describe your experience and indicate what you can do. Selling skills may include:

  • experience in communication and direct sales;
  • the ability to adapt and look for an approach to the client;
  • the ability to work in stressful situations, under pressure;
  • readiness to communicate politely, without imposing one's own position;
  • the ability to step aside, but at the same time fulfill their duties;
  • the ability to solve problems without the involvement of the administration.

You need to convince the employer that you can communicate with people and sell products.

But for a psychologist there will be other requirements. You can tell him what he worked with and what he can do best. He may have the following professional skills:

  • implementation of personality diagnostics, relationships;
  • solving problems in the team and family;
  • conducting tests and interpreting their results;
  • conducting trainings;
  • solutions to problems of personal growth;
  • listening, empathy, soothing;
  • finding approaches to each client;
  • implementation of psychological rehabilitation measures;
  • work with phobias, shocks, stresses.

Skills of narrow specialists

The selection of candidates begins with the assessment of resumes. If you want to be interviewed, then indicate your main skills, not hoping that a couple of general phrases will be enough. You can look at the example of professional knowledge for a system administrator resume to understand what needs to be indicated. The following skills can be distinguished:

  • practical experience in laying and diagnosing networks;
  • technical support and customer service;
  • diagnostics of failures and malfunctions;
  • experience with servers, their installation and tuning for certain tasks;
  • monitoring the operation of systems;
  • risk planning and development of IT structure recovery schemes;
  • ability to work with Windows programs;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • installation of equipment, adjustment of its operation;
  • control of the appropriate level of information security;
  • work with technical documents.

Don't overdo the listing! Too many declared programs may raise doubts about your level of proficiency in each of them. After all, real competence is not acquired even in one month.

But professional skills in an accountant resume may look like this:

  • tax and accounting;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • ability to work with accounting entries;
  • inventory skills;
  • ability to manage primary documents;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating sick leave, payroll;
  • writing and reporting skills;
  • knowledge of the "Client-bank" system, specialized accounting programs;
  • ability to conduct mutual settlements, acts of reconciliation.

Don't write skills you don't have. After all, this can be revealed at the interview or on the first working day.

For an employee or head of the legal department, one must be able to work with documents and search for the necessary information.

As a lawyer, the following professional skills are generally expected:

  • ability to draft and analyze submitted contracts;
  • Negotiation;
  • representation in courts;
  • implementation of claims and claims activities;
  • drafting legal documents;
  • support of the company's activities;
  • legal support for the work of the organization;
  • representing the company in government bodies and various authorities;
  • ability to work with legal documents and legislative bases submitted electronically.

Having indicated such skills, be prepared to confirm them at the interview. The employer may ask for concrete examples or give you a practical task that will require these skills.

professional skills and personal qualities- this is mandatory item when filling out an application or for any vacancy. In this section, you have the opportunity to make yourself known by telling a potential employer about all your pluses. Some applicants are sure that the section of professional skills is considered the key. But they are not quite right. Staff search staff pay the same attention to him, as well as personal qualities. And often their inconsistency with a certain vacancy can be the reason for rejecting a candidate.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what should be avoided?

When filling out these items, follow one simple rule: be sincere. You don't need to invent something that doesn't exist. The deception will be revealed, and then the employer

will be extremely disappointed. Do not write that you know how, for example, to work with the Photoshop program, although in fact you have opened it only a couple of times. Very often, recruiters give a test task to a candidate they like to determine the level of his knowledge, and here you risk getting into trouble. Also, you don’t need to write in the “personal qualities” column, for example, that you are a very sociable, sociable person who quickly finds a common language with other people, if this is not true. One more piece of advice: do not write too much or, on the contrary, too little about yourself in these paragraphs, observe the measure.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what to write?

When listing your professional skills, indicate only what is significant and significant. For example, if you are writing a resume for a programmer job, then you will not need to indicate that you are good at computers, as this is already implied.


  • knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, C++, OOP;
  • with MySQL;
  • ability to optimize queries and do database tuning;
  • working with the Zend framework.

Specify everything you see fit. You can also open the job requirements (if possible) and add everything that applies to you from there.

Personal qualities of the employer's candidate are not fully interested. It is about what may be required of an employee. For example, it is not necessary to write that you are a kind and warm-hearted person, since this does not apply to work. Here is a list of what you can include in your resume:

  • performance;
  • ambition (if we are talking about leadership positions, vacancies that require a creative and creative approach);
  • organization (meaning both self-organization and the ability to organize the work of the team);
  • punctuality;
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability (implies several concepts: the ability to quickly establish contact with other people, sociability, talkativeness);
  • initiative (the ability to take the situation into their own hands and develop new ideas, proposals);
  • good learning ability (the ability to quickly acquire new knowledge);
  • stress tolerance (ability to work under stressful conditions).

Professional skills and personal qualities are two very important points, so take them very carefully and do not try to deceive a potential employer.

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities - this is how you can characterize the totality personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire throughout their professional activities. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, referring to them as “a developed sense of humor”, the applicant is unlikely to attract the attention of a recruiter. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host - then a sense of humor can still be called professional.

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • desire for professional growth;
  • the ability to convince;
  • increased performance;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to navigate and understand how to build communication with you and what your qualities should be better revealed at the interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be supplemented with qualities such as result orientation and a quick learner. Thus, the employer, realizing that there is no need to expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the specialist that is required. If your future employer is forward-thinking, you stand a good chance.

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, it is necessary to coordinate this list with the requirements that apply to the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be attributed to professional qualities and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a top manager vacancy. But it can be a very tangible plus for the post of secretary. Therefore, choosing professional quality for a resume, consider how one or another of them will be relevant for you in a future position.

Here are a few situations related to certain professions that require some specific qualities.

An example of professional qualities for a manager's resume

  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • enterprise;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

An example of professional qualities for an accountant resume

  • performance;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • organization.

An example of professional qualities for a sales manager resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • public speaking skills;
  • the ability to quickly navigate the situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, there is a difference in professional qualities. It all depends on what position you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are just praising yourself. Show moderation - and the recruiter will appreciate your professional qualities in the resume.