Features of the business qualities of the employee. Professional and personal qualities

Applicants often have a question about which personality traits can be indicated in a resume, and which ones are better left unsaid.

The first stage of selection is very important, especially in serious companies and responsible positions.

Therefore, the resume should be well-written and carefully checked.

It would be useful to use psychological techniques that allow you to create more about yourself. favorable impression.

Why indicate?

What does this mean for the candidate and the company?

Why do you need to list some of your qualities on your resume?

At first glance, it seems that it is enough to list work experience, training, certificates, and the recruiter will be able to make a choice.

However, the HR manager focuses not only on your work experience but also whether you are suitable for a particular position in general.

A competent leader selects a team in such a way that employees not only find a common language with each other, but also can work effectively for the benefit of the organization. And this is the most difficult task of the HR manager.

Some professions require skill easily find a common language with people. In other positions, it is important to have attentiveness, patience, and a high level of responsibility. The way you communicate with the team is also equally important, especially if there is group work to be done.

Why do you need to indicate additional personal information about yourself:

  • the employer wants to know how you are;
  • he wants to see how you evaluate yourself;
  • it is important for the employer that, according to personal characteristics, you correspond to a certain position;
  • he wants to know if you are really ready to work for the position you are applying for or if you have doubts.

The resume is the first stage in the selection of a candidate for a job, therefore, attention is paid to any, even at first glance, insignificant things.

Qualities that seem neutral to you can become obstacle to getting a job.

Or, conversely, negative characteristics may have an advantage in some positions.

Employers' requirements

Business qualities include those abilities that help a person perform the task assigned to him and work in a certain position. Plays a big role special education, previous experience work.

Assessing the professional and business qualities, the recruiter focuses on what benefits the applicant is able to bring to the company, whether it is profitable to hire and train him.

Wrong choice of employee- this is the loss, first of all, of the company's money and profit, the need to look for a new person.

Each position has set of preferred characteristics that an employee must have:

There are no ideal candidates, but there are the most suitable for work in certain positions. There are those who will not be able to work in a certain specialty due to the characteristics of their personality, psyche, abilities and previous experience.

In addition to personal qualities, motivation is also revealed - whether the applicant really came with a desire to get a job or he doubts the need for this.

What to write?

So, you have a resume, and there is a difficult task: what to indicate in it. Do not write too many personal qualities, choose the most basic and those that are most important for admission to the chosen position.

The optimal number is five. So it is easier for the employer to navigate in assessing your personality and he sees that you are able to rationally approach the description of your characteristics.

If an employee writes too many positive qualities about himself, this may indicate that he wants to show himself as best as possible. in a more favorable light, and also that it is difficult for him to choose his most important characteristics.

Positive, strengths

What positive things to write about yourself so that the HR manager when applying for a job paid attention to you? First of all, study the requirements for the position you are applying for.

What does the employer expect from you? Look at the requirements that the company has for its employees.

If possible, talk to past and present employees. You can do this in social networks by finding special groups.

If you are just starting to work, are at the beginning of your career, then the best qualities can be considered:

  • ability to learn;
  • ability to adapt to corporate requirements;
  • the ability to find a common language with the team, to join the working environment;
  • punctuality;
  • honesty;
  • openness to communication;
  • purposefulness;
  • non-standard approach to work - this is especially important in creative teams.

For a leader, the main qualities will be slightly different:

  • flexibility of thinking, ability to cope with complex tasks;
  • stress tolerance;
  • the presence of leadership qualities, charisma;
  • independence;
  • ability to solve non-standard tasks;
  • ability to lead a team, the ability to find an approach to different employees;
  • understanding of his responsibility.

If the position involves working with people, then the presence of communication skills is advantage. It also takes into account the absence of conflict, the ability to calmly resolve controversial situations.

The employer may ask why you quit your job and whether your work in the team interferes.

Negative, weak aspects

Negative qualities in the resume must also be described. And here the applicant has to be especially careful. It doesn't happen like that that a person does not have.

They must be indicated in the resume, but you need to choose those that will not alienate the employer. That is, positive qualities should stand out, and negative ones come as an addition, personality traits that you can put up with.

Among the negative qualities you can specify the following:

The negative aspects of personality can be deciphered.

For example, what does pedantry You like to have perfect order on your desk.

That is, the personality property seems to be negative, but it can benefit the workflow.

Key qualities

Your resume should reflect your core qualities. Conventionally, they can be divided into four types:

Attitude towards other people:

  • sociability;
  • conflict-free;
  • the ability to find a common language with colleagues;
  • the ability to communicate with clients and achieve results;
  • benevolence.

Attitude to work:

  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • interest in the position;
  • achievement motivation;
  • desire to learn.

Attitude to things and property of the company:

Attitude towards yourself:

  • purposefulness - knows what he wants;
  • self-respect;
  • availability of abilities necessary for a particular position;
  • an adequate assessment of oneself and one's abilities.


Additional qualities allow you to more fully reveal the personality traits, reduce the severity of negative characteristics.

They can talk about the presence of creative abilities, taking courses that are not directly related to the position held, but give the applicant some advantages.

This may be knowledge of English, hobbies for sports, travel, volunteering.

Highlight your business side. Even if some skills and abilities seem insignificant to you, pointing them out can be a plus.

In addition, if you do not qualify for one position, it is likely that you will be offered another in accordance with the presented characteristics.


For girls

As already mentioned, the presence of certain qualities largely depends on the position for which the applicant enters.

For girls, first of all, it is important to have modesty.

AT creative teams can pay attention to the individual style of clothing. In the business world, it is preferable to use formal clothes with a minimum of jewelry and bright elements.

Girls are expected performance, communication skills. It is important to be able to correctly present yourself in the team, not to separate from it and find a common language with the majority of its members.

Girls most often work as sellers. Due to their developed communication skills, friendliness and charm, it is easier for them to find a common language with buyers.

If a girl is a representative of a pedagogical specialty, then patience, love for children, interest in pedagogical activities and the availability of special knowledge are required. Experience is not always important, but the desire to work and develop in a particular position matters.

By the presence of leadership qualities, girls are less demanding than the stronger sex. The exception is managerial positions, as well as specialties related to coaching,.

In this way, list of main features for women looks like this:

  • punctuality;
  • perseverance;
  • communication skills;
  • friendliness.

However, it cannot be said that there are only male characteristics and only women, in many respects it all depends on the position.

For a man

Men tend to do to more responsible positions.

For construction and engineering specialties the following characteristics are important:

  • attentiveness;
  • a responsibility;
  • good physical preparation;
  • work experience and education.

It will be useful to have leadership qualities. Also taken into account no bad habits.

For the leader

The success of the company and the cohesion of the team largely depend on the leader. Therefore, for serious positions selection is made with the utmost care.

It looks how easy and fast the applicant builds communication. Does he have fears - these qualities are an obstacle to entering a leadership position.

The leader must be demanding, but at the same time be able to show gentleness and indulgence at certain moments in order to obtain certain goals and effective management team.

The leader of the despot will keep the staff in fear, but at the same time, fear will become an obstacle to high achievements and affect staff turnover. A director who is too soft also cannot effectively manage staff and monitor their activities.

For high positions the presence of a high level of energy is important, since the work requires a lot of return and is associated with constant movement and stress.

An important property is independence. The top manager has to rely on himself in making decisions. He must be able to take responsibility for his actions, not doubt the choice and set an example for other employees how to act.

A dependent leader will try shift responsibility on subordinates or higher-ranking managers, which will eventually lead to loss of money and inefficient work.

Thus, the ability to correctly compose a resume and enter the necessary professional and personal characteristics into it - important quality of a candidate.

How to write a good resume:

Today, to get a job, it is enough to send your resume to e-mail. The part where they will be registered professional quality personality is one of the most important for the employer, thanks to the list of characteristics, you can learn a lot about a person without communicating with him.

An employer will understand a lot about a person by reading a list of his professional qualities.

How to present yourself correctly

When compiling a list of qualities of an employee of an organization, it is necessary to list and explain:

  • Personal qualities of a person. These are the characteristics that appeared during his socialization.
  • Business qualities of the employee. These are the characteristics that describe a person as a potential specialist.
  • Key skills. It is necessary to indicate the skills acquired at school, university or in the process of working in another company that will help to cope with tasks in a new place.

When compiling this list, you do not need to move away from the main goal of the resume - further employment in a prestigious organization. Do not list those personal qualities that you do not possess. The deception will be revealed quickly, and the feeling of shame will remain for a long time.

What to write about in a resume

Many people think that a cheerful person will quickly join the team. A good sense of humor can help informal communication with colleagues, but such a characteristic will not give the desired result, unless you apply for employment as a toastmaster or animator. Which professional important qualities personalities should be indicated in the resume:

  • If you want to emphasize that you are ready for hard work, then you should indicate the desire to develop, the presence of increased efficiency, the desire to career growth, stress tolerance.
  • If you want to indicate the presence of leadership potential, then the following phrases will help: the ability to distribute powers and responsibilities, responsible, there is the skill of negotiating, there is the ability to quickly navigate in a situation and get out of it.
  • If you are attracted to a position that requires deep knowledge and good mental abilities, then you need to write about enterprise, the ability to quickly solve problems, accuracy, organization, and analytical thinking.
  • If the vacancy requires frequent public speaking, then it is necessary to declare such useful qualities as emotional balance, the ability to control oneself even with a large crowd of people, the ability to find a common language with people, self-confidence, oratory.
  • If in the process of work you need to show creativity, then it does not hurt to say about the presence of creative thinking, a non-standard approach to standard things.

Creativity is necessary for creative work

  • In addition to the typical useful qualities of a true professional, it is worth pointing out such characteristics that could replace the lack of something in a potential specialist. If there is no experience in a certain area, then you should indicate the ability to grasp everything on the fly and learn quickly.
  • Before including this or that characteristic, you should think and soberly evaluate yourself. To confirm or refute the presence of a particular personal quality, you need to give an example of a life situation.
  • When compiling a resume, you need to rely on the characteristics that are necessary for working in this position. If an employee will be entrusted with the management of a team or a project, and he has the skills of a leader, then you need to focus on this.

Personal qualities

What other qualities should a specialist have, personal qualities in a resume:

  • Knowledge and experience in the use of technologies that are applied during work.
  • Clear and prompt resolution of complex issues and tasks. The ability to quickly move on to another task after completing the first one.
  • Attentiveness when working with important documents.
  • Responsiveness to requests and suggestions.
  • Ability to self-motivate and control yourself.
  • Focus on quality, not quantity.
  • Good speech and presentable appearance. Punctuality.
  • Sociability, ability to work in a group and distribute tasks to a certain number of people.
  • Quick adaptation to various changes. Rational use of the provided resources.
  • Self-criticism and the ability to listen to criticism and the opinions of others.

Don't write resume templates. There are many letters filled with similar texts.

Unusual works, filled not only with typical professional qualities for a resume, but also with interesting nuances, will be worthy of attention.

professional skills and personal qualities- this is mandatory item when filling out an application or for any vacancy. In this section, you have the opportunity to express yourself by telling potential employer about all its benefits. Some applicants are sure that the section of professional skills is considered the key. But they are not quite right. Staff search staff pay the same attention to him, as well as personal qualities. And often their inconsistency with a certain vacancy can be the reason for rejecting a candidate.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what should be avoided?

When filling out these items, follow one simple rule: be sincere. You don't need to invent something that doesn't exist. The deception will be revealed, and then the employer

will be extremely disappointed. Do not write that you know how, for example, to work with the Photoshop program, although in fact you have opened it only a couple of times. Very often, recruiters give a test task to a candidate they like to determine the level of his knowledge, and here you risk getting into trouble. Also, you do not need to write in the “personal qualities” column, for example, that you are a very sociable, sociable person who quickly finds a common language with other people, if this is not true. One more piece of advice: do not write too much or, on the contrary, too little about yourself in these paragraphs, observe the measure.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what to write?

When listing your professional skills, indicate only what is significant and significant. For example, if you are writing a resume for a programmer job, then you will not need to indicate that you are good at computers, as this is already implied.


  • knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, C++, OOP;
  • with MySQL;
  • ability to optimize queries and do database tuning;
  • working with the Zend framework.

Specify everything you see fit. You can also open the job requirements (if possible) and add everything that applies to you from there.

Personal qualities of the employer's candidate are not fully interested. It is about what may be required of an employee. For example, it is not necessary to write that you are a kind and warm-hearted person, since this does not apply to work. Here is a list of what you can include in your resume:

  • performance;
  • ambition (if we are talking about leadership positions, vacancies that require a creative and creative approach);
  • organization (meaning both self-organization and the ability to organize the work of the team);
  • punctuality;
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability (implies several concepts: the ability to quickly establish contact with other people, sociability, talkativeness);
  • initiative (the ability to take the situation into their own hands and develop new ideas, proposals);
  • good learning ability (the ability to quickly acquire new knowledge);
  • stress tolerance (ability to work under stressful conditions).

Professional skills and personal qualities are two very important points, so treat them very carefully and do not try to deceive a potential employer.

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Sociable, responsible, blah blah blah ... Who said that you are? Former employer or mom?

You need to prove who you are! Nobody will take your word for it. To do this, indicate specific examples of your qualities from the past, life or relationships.

Managers always appreciate employees who, in addition to their official duties, also know how to listen to others, are endowed with a sense of humor, are the soul of the company, are interesting in communication, have time everywhere and, moreover, are proactive.

Good people are needed everywhere! Therefore, in addition to professional experience, education and additional information, the employer is interested in personal qualities for a resume. Your profile will become much more attractive if you approach this issue from the right side and observe moderation. You should not delve too deeply into the details of your character.

Your resume should include only your strongest points. If the qualities in the resume for the job are described correctly, the employer will be able to distinguish your candidacy from other applications.

In fact, there are no good or, there is a suitable or not suitable candidate for a certain position - so prove that the company needs you!

How to reflect personal qualities in a resume when applying for a job

Job searches can drag on for a long time: someone cannot find a suitable option for months, others are interrupted by labor-intensive and unstable earnings. You can level the situation with the help of a resume. It should, first of all, be well-written, adequate, memorable and extremely informative.

How to reflect personal and professional qualities for a resume so that the employer notices you and gives you a free vacancy? What do experts and psychologists think about this?

In their opinion, it is necessary to describe informatively their personal qualities so that they look their best:

  • follow the structure of the document;
  • don't use templates;
  • get creative.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Before you begin, please review the requirements for the position you are interested in. Adjust your profile as much as possible to the conditions put forward by the employer for this position.

Some applicants mindlessly enter data in the "business qualities" column for a resume. There is no need to hope that the future boss will not even pay attention to her, although it happens. We strongly recommend that you take this item as seriously as those that you consider important.

Sane leaders not only pay attention to your personal qualities, but also carefully study them. Based on the data provided, the recruiter decides whether to enroll the applicant in the number of priority candidates or leave his request on the bench.

What to write in the personal qualities section of a resume

In order for the list of qualities for a resume to have a presentable look, you need to learn how to present yourself beautifully. There is simply no standard set of parameters. We are all different and therefore choose different areas of activity.

Psychologists advise writing only about those personal qualities of a person that are inherent in you. You should not be cunning, because, once at the interview, the employer will certainly ask you to demonstrate them at some specific example. Think about what character traits can be considered winning.

The number of your strengths should be limited to five points - this will increase your chances of getting a vacancy.

What qualities of an employee are important when hiring

When submitting a resume, the applicant must carefully assess his professional abilities, analyze and sort through all aspects of his character.

A template set of personal qualities in a resume, an example might look like this:

  • Balance, self-control, perseverance, diligence, discipline;
  • ability to convince, ambitiousness, good diction, purposefulness;
  • self-confidence, ability to adapt to change, ability to work in a team;
  • accuracy, fast learning, good diction, perseverance;
  • oratory, decency, presentable appearance;
  • striving for development, result orientation, punctuality;
  • honesty, justice, sense of humor, vigor, organization.

Many people ask themselves: is it necessary to list? In cases where the employer does not ask you to dwell on your negative qualities, it is better to omit this item and limit yourself to only strong character traits. But what if, the recruiter still insistently requires you to indicate your cons?

What negative qualities to indicate in the resume

This is one of those points where frankness will not do you any good. Describe only the neutral sides of your character that will not be able to affect you in any way. desired position or in this field of activity will be interpreted as virtues.

The description of personal qualities in a resume for a sales manager may sound, for example, as follows: excessive sociability, workaholism, restlessness, distrust.

Here are some versions of the qualities that you can painlessly present to the employer as negative:

  • simplicity, straightforwardness, intolerance to rudeness, inability to lie;
  • pedantry, selfishness, exactingness to oneself, excessive scrupulousness;
  • excessive emotionality, increased sense of responsibility.

What qualities to write in a resume in accordance with the profession

A good manager must have organizational skills, be pleasant in communication, interest and find contact with people. Knowing this, you need to be able to determine which of these characteristics you possess.

Remember, indicate only those qualities that will best suit the position for which you are applying. Each industry has its own set of requirements.

Manager Qualities

can indicate the following personal and business qualities in a resume, examples:

  • persistence,
  • persuasion skills,
  • activity,
  • enterprise,
  • sociability,
  • creative approach to problem solving,
  • good diction,
  • ability to be interested.

Qualities for a leadership position

When applying for leadership positions, personal qualities of character are considered much more scrupulously than ordinary employees. All the data that is indicated in the resume, the applicant will be asked to confirm at the interview.

Examples of leadership qualities include:

  • ability to direct
  • lead,
  • to lead,
  • loyalty.

The leader must have:

  • analytical skills,
  • strong character and be fair.
  • This position requires flexibility of thinking,
  • consistency,
  • observation,
  • objectivity.

The recruiter will require you to:

  • ability to work in a team,
  • stress tolerance,
  • perseverance
  • decency
  • vigor.

Qualities of a secretary

This is the right hand of the leader. He must not only bring coffee to the chef, but also have:

  • organizational skills,
  • literate speech,
  • control the manager's schedule,
  • plan business meetings.

In addition, the following qualities are required for this position:

  • presentable appearance,
  • accuracy,
  • contact,
  • creativity.

The secretary girl is characterized by:

  • punctuality,
  • grammatically correct speech,
  • ability to complete assigned tasks.

The position of secretary requires:

  • stable psychological state,
  • conflict-free
  • patience.
  • The secretary must have good diction,
  • ability to work in a team,
  • have creative ability.
  • Professions are inherent in quickness,
  • self control,
  • the ability to dialogue
  • honesty,
  • flexibility of thinking.

The female secretary must be:

  • conscientious,
  • creative,
  • attentive to nuances
  • striving for self-development,
  • be able to organize the workflow.

Qualities of a lawyer

The position involves communication with ordinary people. Professionals in this profession should be endowed with the following qualities:

Alexander Yurievich

Director of recruitment agency

Hi all! The business qualities of a person are, first of all, the abilities and opportunities necessary directly for his professional activity. Agree, charisma or sociability is not needed for lumberjacks to perform their duties.

But there are certain criteria that will help "build" a career and achieve the desired success, regardless of what he does.


So, the list of characteristics that a modern person should have:


This means the ability to make decisions, make choices and take responsibility for it. Such is the mix of characteristics.

Management usually highly appreciates employees who do not turn to colleagues for help every half an hour, but know their job and are ready to do it without being distracted and without needing additional attention.

If a person needs to be controlled, this means that extra resources will be spent on him, and this is usually not profitable for enterprises.

For reference own business without this quality certainly can not do.

Stress tolerance

It is not necessary to be insensitive and impenetrable like a robot. It is clear that the life of a modern person is filled with daily stresses, especially if he is a resident of a big city.

And it is impossible not to react to them, since at one moment the retention of tension threatens to collapse. That is, a person can either fall into hysterics, rage, or get sick. In general, you will learn more about the effect of stress on the human body by going to.

So, it is important to know how to release excess tension before it transforms into something else and destroys life. You need to express your anger in a safe environment, for example, through sports. Swimming in the pool or blowing off steam in boxing training can be a relief. So, again go into battle with new difficulties.

You need to rest, and not work for wear, and, moreover, have a good rest, filling up during the holidays or weekends. That is, do not wallow in front of the TV for days with a can of beer in your hand, but do what brings pleasure. Yes, sometimes you want a TV with beer, but if it becomes a habit, you will spend your resources, not fill them up.


Not the main, but very important character trait business man. Confidence is like the foundation on which the rest of the characteristics rest. If a person does not trust himself, then no matter how brilliant and unique he is, he will slow himself down, preventing him from revealing himself fully.

Earning the trust and respect of others in this case is quite difficult. And if the boss, colleagues, friends give recognition, then it is still not assimilated in the internal structure of the personality.

Adequate self-esteem, that is, not underestimated or overestimated, is necessary in the life of absolutely every person, regardless of his profession and occupation.

It is difficult to achieve what you want without doing anything for it.

Also, things are not going well with overly self-confident people. In submission, they usually do not linger for a long time, as employers cannot stand the arrogance and complacency radiated by them.

Similar difficulties arise in the position of leader. Establishing relationships with partners means being able to notice other people, and they are usually not visible behind your own crown.

Ability to cooperate

This point appears by itself thanks to the previous one. There are few professions in the world that do not require even the slightest interaction with the people around them.

At least none come to my mind at the moment. Except for the hermits who live somewhere in the mountains or forests in splendid isolation. And their whole job is to get water and food for themselves.

So, it is important to be able to cooperate and find a common language with completely different people. Even in my free time. Do you know why? To "grow" useful connections.

There is even such a direction as. It consists in getting to know people who may well be useful in the future. It doesn't matter what industry they work in, we use different services. Accordingly, even an installer can help out one day.

Motivation for success

The desire for victory, success and simply the realization of one's desires is a rather valuable personal quality. Otherwise, the employee will not need to give all the best.

Ambition gives you the energy to take action rather than sit back and watch others move up the ladder. career ladder. It motivates to take risks, without which it is sometimes difficult to get new experience and results.


This is the ability to bring something new, unusual and unusual to the work and to the space as a whole. This will facilitate working conditions and help achieve better performance of employees and colleagues.

If you absolutely do not consider yourself a creative person capable of creating something new, do not be discouraged, the recommendations will help you develop your creativity.


Sometimes it is not an easy task to try to convert the 3D picture that is in front of your eyes into simple words. Yes, so that the interlocutors will also be able to see this picture in full. But you need to practice and develop this skill in yourself.

Reaction speed

A slow, measured pace is useful, but in the business world, you can't survive with it. Here, the speed of reaction is valued, since a lot of events requiring attention can occur at the same time.

And if you do not have time to cope with them, you can "die" under the pile that they form over time. Since the tasks will overlap one another, gradually calling into question the reality of their implementation.


A person who is not able to control his own is unlikely to inspire respect and trust. Outbursts of anger or too violent reactions to any irritants will only alienate colleagues and call into question her professional stability. Especially if she allows herself to use foul language at such moments against her colleagues and partners.

If you are unable to maintain balance and calmness in critical situations, use . They will help you focus on the present moment and your own well-being.

Ability to manage time

Each person, regardless of the field of activity, should be able to plan, distribute tasks and rank them according to complexity, urgency. These are the first but important steps to success.

Those who carelessly treat gliders and do not structure their activities run the risk of periodically losing sight of valuable moments that can play a decisive role in their professional development.

Business correspondence

It's more of a skill than a personality trait, but still. Literacy is important not only for public speaking or in conversation with senior management. A rare person does not correspond with employees, partners, clients, who can simply be repelled by ignorance of grammar or ethics.