How to open a plastic bag manufacturing business? What does it take to open a small factory. Market trends

The amount of initial investment is 1 979 400 rubles.

The break-even point is reached on the third month of work.

Payback period 13 months.

Average net profit 177 000 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

T-shirt bags are one of the most sought-after products in this industry, because they are used as packaging for goods in shops and supermarkets. Handleless bags and trash bag bags are also common. Prior to the launch of production, it is necessary to determine the types of products to be manufactured, make a full calculation of the cost and draw up a sales plan.

The full production cycle consists of the following steps:

  • granules heated to 180-250 degrees are loaded into the extruder;
  • they turn into a viscous mass, which is squeezed out of the device in the form of a film;
  • polyethylene is cooled, then rolled out using rollers and wound into rolls;
  • a pattern is applied to the material;
  • the material is again packed into rolls;
  • the rolls are then placed on a bag making machine which creates templates of the desired size.

In production, 2 types of raw materials can be used: low-pressure polyethylene and high-pressure polyethylene. Prices range from 12,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles depending on the quality of raw materials (per ton).

In this business plan, the option of producing T-shirt bags will be considered:

Product type

price, rub.

T-shirt bags 16*30

T-shirt bags 28*50

T-shirt bags 30*55

T-shirt bags 30*60

T-shirt bags 43*64

T-shirt bags 42*75

Company working hours: the production workshop operates from 9:00 to 18:00 from Mon to Fri, the office is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00.

3. Description of the market

Bag manufacturers typically market products to the following types of audiences:

  • Supermarkets and shops. The need for the product in this group of customers is obvious: bags are needed to package products for customers. According to official data, in 2013 the Magnit company made a profit of 70 million rubles only from the sale of packages that are offered to customers at the checkout. Needless to say, this market and the demand for packages is quite extensive. Usually packages are offered by cashiers when selling goods, and a rare buyer refuses this offer;
  • Manufacturing plants that need bags for packaging goods. Products can be offered to both large industrialists and beginner workshops. Usually, food products, plastic, wooden products, clothing and other textile products, toys, etc. are packed in bags. Further, the products are sold to wholesalers and retail outlets in appropriate plastic packaging.

Thus, customers will be legal entities that will buy goods in large quantities in bulk. In this case, it is inappropriate to work with individuals in retail, because production works on volume and the margin will be insignificant.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

7. Financial plan

Due to the high demand for such products, a business in the production of plastic bags can be a profitable investment. Despite the large number of workshops that produce such a product, with the right prioritization and a good choice of location, such entrepreneurial activity can bring a stable income in a significant amount.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - 3,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 8/10.

The main advantages of a business - why is it worth opening a workshop?

In order to open a plant for the production of plastic bags in Russia, you will have to spend a significant amount of money, in this regard, a novice businessman must understand what prospects he may have and what advantages this type of activity may have. It would seem that the production of food bags made of polyethylene, as well as household products, is no longer original and rare. However, until now, such products are in great demand, without losing their former popularity and still bring profit to their owners.

Plastic bags and packages are used very widely as packaging for food and household products, the material itself allows you to apply information about the product or any manufacturer's logo on them (in this case, advertising and promotion of the depicted brand are carried out in parallel). Packages made of such material are not expensive, and therefore, as a rule, they are used a limited number of times, if necessary, acquiring new ones. In addition, most supermarkets can even offer the consumer a package for free when making a purchase - just imagine how many customers pass through the cash registers of huge stores across the country every day.

The only drawback of such a business is that polyethylene is one of the least environmentally friendly materials from which bags and packaging materials are currently produced. On the other hand, the low price of such products and periodic actions to improve and improve the technology of recycling waste for many years will allow manufacturers of plastic bags to confidently stay afloat, earning large sums of money.

Business organization plan

In order to organize any type of entrepreneurial activity, first of all, you need to draw up an action plan, following which you can set up production in the shortest possible time and in the right sequence.

The business plan for the production of plastic bags is presented by the following points:

Bag production technology - the main operations for their manufacture

One of the most important aspects of organizing a business will be a detailed acquaintance with the production process, since it is precisely this that helps to determine necessary equipment and its quantity, parameters of the premises and employees who will be employed at the enterprise.

The technology for the production of plastic bags and bags begins with the loading of raw materials (granules) into a special receiving hopper. Further, the line for the production of plastic bags using separate devices ensures a uniform supply of material to the extruder, where the main operation takes place to change the physical state of the raw material - under the influence of high temperature and pressure, it melts and turns into a dense homogeneous mass. It should be noted that initially the raw materials are supplied in the form of colorless crystals, from which transparent bags are produced. If it is necessary to give a certain color or shade, a dye is placed in the loading chamber in a certain amount, set by the technology.

After processing in an extruder, the molten mass is squeezed out of a special hole - a die and exits it in the form of a polyethylene sleeve, the diameter of which fully corresponds to the required dimensions of future packages. After the release, the film is cooled by blowing with an air mass, rolled out with special rollers, and the formed sleeve acquires a flat shape. Further, the machine for the production of plastic bags, according to predetermined parameters, cuts the sleeve into segments of a certain length, which will later correspond to the length of the bags, of course, if it is not planned to bend them. The size of the segments is determined in advance and is set by the operator, who enters the necessary parameters before starting the line.

In the event that you plan to manufacture plastic bags with a custom logo, each of the bags must pass through rollers that apply a specific pattern. After the image has been applied, if necessary, holes for handles are cut out (if they are provided in a particular product) and transferred for sealing - in this way the bottom is formed and the handles are glued together. Next, the finished packages are stacked, batches are formed according to a certain quantity, and packaging is carried out.

Necessary equipment for equipping production

In order to buy equipment for the production of plastic bags, you need to decide what machines and devices you need. The standard line includes the following units:

  • The extruder is designed for the primary processing of polyethylene granulate to form a homogeneous plastic mass;
  • The machine for cutting packages. As it is mainly used a unit operating on the principle of a guillotine knife;
  • Equipment for sealing bags - it will be required for any types of manufactured products, since after cutting a sleeve of a certain length, it is necessary to form the bottom of the product;
  • Punching presses - their purpose is to cut holes for future bag handles;
  • Apparatus for printing. Currently, the equipment that allows printing of sufficient quality at the lowest cost of funds is flexographic devices;
  • Auxiliary equipment - its list and dimensions will depend on the volume of products and production features.

When buying equipment, you should pay attention to the already completed lines, in which all devices are selected in accordance with the available performance and their power is used with maximum efficiency for the business owner. The price of equipment representing a serial line will fluctuate from 1 to 2 million rubles.

What products can be produced?

Determining the main range of finished products should be carried out with a mandatory study of demand in the region where production is located, as well as taking into account the needs of those customers with whom you plan to sign (or have already signed) cooperation agreements. The main packages that are most in demand are ordinary products used for packing bulk or weight products - transparent and without handles. In second place in demand are T-shirt bags used for packaging goods on outlets and stores - in this case, it will be possible to have special advertising logos for certain retail chains and other trademarks. In addition, it is possible to produce specialized bags for packaging various products - in this case, most likely, you will not even have to cut the products. Basically, for such purposes, they supply reels of polyethylene sleeves with a print applied to them - cutting and sealing is carried out after the necessary products are packed in them. You can also set up the production of garbage bags, gift and special banana bags.

Ways to sell products

The sale of manufactured products is no less important than the rest of the steps in organizing a business. Packages can be implemented in the following ways:

  • Sale of plastic bags in bulk - both to retailers and wholesalers;
  • Retail sale - for this you can equip a separate point of sale;
  • Implementation by large retail chains under the concluded supply contracts;
  • Sale of products through an online store;
  • Sales to manufacturers of products as the main packaging.

In general, capital investments, the amount of which will range from one to three and a half million rubles, can pay off in a period of two to three years, bringing in the future a stable income of 150-300 thousand rubles a month.

Relatively recently - just a few decades ago - a plastic bag was used extremely rarely. But today everything has changed in the most dramatic way - polyethylene bags are used in all areas, from food delivery to garbage packaging. That is why the production of bags can become a profitable business, since the demand for such products remains stable.

To start producing polyethylene and making bags from it, specific knowledge is not required. But before starting a business, an entrepreneur must marketing research. This will allow you to find out the saturation of the local market and determine the minimum cost of production.

Note! The most profitable business option is to produce packages to order. But for this it is necessary to conclude agreements with shops and other organizations.

Choosing a form of ownership

Before opening a bag manufacturing business, an entrepreneur must register a form of ownership. For this type of activity, the legislation provides for the opening of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The best choice for the production of packages will be the design legal entity. It is desirable to use a simplified taxation system. When registering an enterprise, we indicate the OKVED codes:

  • 25.2 - production of plastic products;
  • 25.22 - manufacture of plastic products for packaging;
  • 51.47 – wholesale other non-food consumer goods.

Portfolio of documents for opening a company

Deciding to start a bag manufacturing business, an entrepreneur must assemble a package required documents. It must include permissions from the following organizations:

  • city ​​administration;
  • electrical supervision;
  • ecological service of the city;
  • fire department.

The entrepreneur must take into account that during operation the packages will come into contact with food. For this reason, the production should have its own sanitary control service. Before starting an activity, it must obtain the appropriate certification.

Note! Products must comply with GOST 10354-82. To pass the certification procedure, it is necessary to launch a production line and provide product samples to an expert organization. It is necessary to confirm the certificate of conformity every three months.

The choice of location, the nuances of the internal location

When choosing a room for opening a shop for the production of plastic bags, an entrepreneur must take into account that the selected building must meet certain criteria:

  • The room must have very high ceilings. Their height must be more than 10 meters.
  • In the area equipped for the manufacture of polyethylene, a certain temperature regime must be maintained. The quality of the products produced directly depends on compliance with this requirement.
  • The manufacture of products involves the use of chemicals. For this reason, the workshop should be located as far as possible from residential areas, i.e. in the industrial zone of the city.
  • The room should have a high-quality exhaust and ventilation.
  • The permissible minimum working area should start from 180 sq. m. The total area of ​​the workshop is 300 square meters.
  • The voltage in the workshop should correspond to 220-280 W.
  • The room must be equipped with a fire alarm and have emergency exits in case of a fire.
  • Walls and ceilings must be finished with materials that are not subject to combustion.

Note! For the production of plastic bags, water as such is not required. But the central water supply to the room must be available. Otherwise, permission from the SES will not work.

Type of equipment and cost

To create a film from polyethylene and make bags from it, it is required to organize a production line. It includes:

  • extruder. A device is needed to convert raw material granules. The device is capable of producing up to forty kilograms of polyethylene in one hour.
  • Flexo printing machine. It is used for drawing drawings on finished products.
  • Machine for making plastic clips for packaging.
  • Bag making multifunctional machine. It is used to give products of different sizes and shapes.

The cost of purchasing equipment for the shop for the production of bags (average):

Table. Average cost of required equipment

Raw material

For the manufacture of bags, polyethylene in granules is used. It can be purchased abroad or purchased from domestic manufacturers. There are two types of material:

  • Low-pressure polyethylene. It is used for the manufacture of bags intended for the storage of bulk / dry products.
  • High density polyethylene. It is used for food packaging.

Recycled materials can also be used to make bags. Its cost is much lower. The material can be used for the production of garbage bags and polyethylene for non-food purposes.
In addition to granular polyethylene, dye is required to make the bag. To form the desired color of the product, it is added to the liquid mass.

Business is good because it does not require specific knowledge from workers. Everyone will be able to master the line for the production of bags, so there will be no special problems with the recruitment of personnel. An employee of the workshop will be able to master all the nuances of production during the shift.

For the full functioning of production, about ten people will be required (but the indicator is individual and depends on the scale of production).

Business costs and payback

The initial investment in the business will be about 3 million rubles. The cost of the package is affected by:

  • the size;
  • design;
  • thickness;
  • the presence of a reinforced handle and bottom masonry;
  • the presence of a color pattern or logo.

On average, the cost of manufacturing 1 package is 13 kopecks. The wholesale cost of the product is 40 kopecks.

Monthly expenses for the maintenance of the shop for the production of bags (average):

Table. Workshop maintenance costs

Net profit will reach about 200 thousand rubles. With this amount of income, the business will fully pay off in 1 year and 9 months.

Note! The amount of profit depends on the demand and saturation of the sales market in each specific region. The original sale price may be significantly higher. The wholesale cost of some types of packages can reach up to 70 kopecks per 1 piece.

It should be borne in mind that the opening of a large production facility requires a significant investment of capital. To reduce costs at the initial stage, an entrepreneur can start producing bags from ready-made material. But you need to understand that in the future you will have to open an independent production of polyethylene. Otherwise, the business will be uncompetitive.

The equipment allows to produce packages of different colors, sizes and purposes. You can put advertising on finished products and get additional profit for it.

The production of paper bags is promising production with a payback period of initial costs ~ 1.5-2 years and a profitability of ~ 30%. Organization technological process does not require specific knowledge and large initial costs. Ease of entry into the data market segment has provoked the presence of many small companies and a high level of competition and struggle for large orders.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Paper Bag Making Business

Paper bags are made mainly from safe and inexpensive materials. The production of such products is rapidly gaining momentum. While plastic bags are practical and convenient to use, they are not intended for storing materials such as charcoal. Coffee, flour, spices, sugar, bakery products lose their original properties when stored in plastic bags. It is not recommended to use them for packaging building mixtures: alabaster, gypsum, cement, because. they contribute to the formation of condensate. Paper bags are also often used in marketing promotions, because advertising or a logo is easily applied to their surface. Consider the key advantages and disadvantages of starting a business.

Advantages Flaws
Simplicity of technology and organization of production of paper bags (2-3 machines) The main risk is the difficulty of creating a sales network and ensuring the required volume of product sales
There are no special requirements for the premises, no large areas are required High competition among small firms
Food products do not lose their properties. It is possible to apply logos, inscriptions, instructions Large initial equipment purchase costs

Paper bag manufacturing business plan

Main consumers of paper packages

The main consumers of paper bags are companies, not individuals. The table below shows the main consumers of this product.

Main consumers Purpose of using paper bags
Retail stores, bakeries Preservation of pleasant taste properties of food products, bakery products
Marketing agencies Packaging of booklets at exhibitions and promotions
Manufacturing plants Packing and transportation charcoal, dry building mixes, agricultural fertilizers
Catering establishments Fast food packaging in express restaurants and cafes
Flower shops, gift shops Beautiful design of flower bouquets, souvenirs and gifts in company stores

Production of paper bags: technological process

The production of paper bags consists of several technological stages.

The first stage is the manufacture of a multilayer paper glued tube (bag blank) with transverse or longitudinal sizing. For gluing, a special installation is used that stirs soluble glue. If the bottom of the bags is glued, the tube should have longitudinal cuts and, if necessary, an air outlet hole when filling the paper bag with cement, dry mortars, and other bulk materials.

The second stage is the application of information about the product, trademark, etc. on the front side of the package or bag. Logos and drawings are applied in the following ways:

  • Offset printing - is performed on the development of the product, used for numerous runs.
  • Silk-screen printing - used for small drawings and logos, applied to a scan or finished product, produced in small runs (up to 1000 pieces). It is not suitable for full-color printing, it does not convey halftones well.
  • Flexography - printing with ink using flexible forms, it can be multi-color and monochrome, used for large runs.
  • Embossing - is used only on paper printed sheets, when it is necessary to highlight any fragment of the drawing in a special way, there are no restrictions on the number of copies.

The third stage - the bottom of the paper bag is glued and stitched, the valve blank is prepared using a special semi-automatic machine for cutting paper tape. The valves themselves are made on a valve machine. For open bags and packages, this operation is not needed, the valve is made only for closed (valve) bags. Paper bags (open and closed) are divided into stitched and glued. Stitched ones are stronger, but more expensive, since a nylon thread is required in their production.

The fourth stage is different for stitched and glued paper bags and bags. For glued, final gluing by pressing is used. For stitched ones, the bottom is stitched with a “chain” stitch with two or one backing threads (depending on the required strength).

The fifth stage is pressing and packing into bales at the packaging plant. The bales are then labeled and stored, or sent directly to the buyer.

Bag making equipment

For the production of paper bags, special equipment is needed. For glued and stitched bags, you will need different machines. In the business plan for the production of paper bags, we include the cost of high-quality equipment.

The price of equipment is affected by the type of line and the power of the machine. The cost of a simple machine is about 190,000 rubles. A machine for producing a multilayer tube costs 430,000 rubles, a mixed-type machine costs 880,000 rubles.

Mixed-type machines, despite the considerable price, pay off quickly, since per hour of work they can produce 210 blanks in 2 layers. The automated line for the production of paper bags and bags has even more power.

Optional equipment:

  • a device that performs multilayer stitching of the bottom of the paper product;
  • special equipment for loading paper;
  • punching machine;
  • hydraulic press for boiling products;
  • printing device for multi-color or monochrome printing.

The video below shows the operation of the Fidia Shopper paper bag making machine.

For the premises where the equipment is installed, there are no special requirements for compliance with building codes. We choose any room with access to electricity and water supply. The only requirement for the premises is compliance with fire safety standards.

Types of raw materials

For the production of thin bags, efalin, cardboard, coated paper, moisture-resistant artlibris and luxpack paper, special kraft wrapping paper are used. In the production of paper bags, thick paper is used from recycled materials, for example, from recycled waste paper (see ""). For reliability and durability of products, paper is glued together in several layers and additional transverse sizing is applied.


It will take 3-4 workers to work in 2 shifts. When selecting staff, it is necessary to take workers with work experience! Special education and qualifications are not required.

Company start-up costs

Renting a suitable room will cost 55,000-95,000 rubles. Special equipment for the production of paper bags for a small company costs about 600,000 rubles. Equipment for larger enterprises with several production workshops - at least 900,000 rubles.

The purchase of equipment is the main financial investment in our business, we will spend 600,000 - 900,000 rubles on this.

To purchase a fully equipped line, you will need 2-4 million rubles.

It will take 60,000-95,000 rubles per month to pay four workers. They work in shifts, no special qualifications are required. At the initial stage, 2 workers are enough with a monthly salary fund - 30,000-40,000 rubles. Additional expenses will amount to 10,000-15,000 rubles, payment of taxes - 95,000-120,000 rubles. per month.


The production of paper bags and bags is a highly profitable business. At the initial stage, the proceeds from the sale of packages can amount to 250,000-400,000 rubles per month. The payback period is 1.5 years.

The cost of raw materials is 35,000 rubles per ton. For 1 package you will need 0.09 kg of paper (package size 120x150x50). The cost of paper for the release of 1 package is 35000x0.09 / 1000 = 3.15 rubles.

With salary costs for the release of 1 package in the amount of 0.05 rubles. and other expenses - 0.03 rubles. the cost of 1 package will be 3.23 rubles.

We set the selling price at least 10 rubles. We receive profit from the sale of 1 package - 6.77 rubles.

Having 2-3 machines in a small production facility, working in 2 shifts, it is possible to produce 6,000 paper bags per day, and at least 132,000 bags per month.

Net income from the sale of packages - 893,600 rubles. per month.

Business risks

The main problem affecting the profitability of the production of paper bags and bags is the search for cheap raw materials. It is recommended to use secondary raw materials. The production of bags consumes a lot of electricity. The solution to the problem is the acquisition of high-tech modern equipment.

The main problem is finding buyers. Before starting production, you must create agreements for future package deliveries. Packages may be of interest to grocery Retail Stores, agricultural and industrial enterprises producing mineral fertilizers and building materials.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.8 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(2.0 out of 5)
The production of paper bags is a profitable ~30% and a fast payback business (~1.5-2 years) provided that a stable distribution network is created. To open production, an initial investment of 2-4 million rubles will be required. to purchase technological equipment. For a room with machines, no special permits are required, except for firefighters.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Business plan for creating shopping bags and others

How it all started

I have always dreamed of starting my own business. However, it had to meet several requirements:

  • do not require significant, initial investment;
  • be competitive;
  • do not depend on the crisis, default and other cataclysms in the foreign exchange market;
  • be in demand.

Only one thing stopped me - I did not know which products are most suitable for this. And so, somehow walking along the streets of the city, I noticed that passers-by were running, hurrying about their business and everyone was holding packages with a wide variety of things - food, books, clothes.

Thus, the idea was born to create a private business for the production of plastic bags, at minimal cost.

Why did I carefully calculate everything?

Initially, I made a list of the necessary equipment:

  • Extruder for making film from raw materials;
  • Machine for cutting and soldering polyethylene;
  • Punching press for the manufacture of handles;
  • Flexographic machine to print attractive logos, designs.

Roughly calculated the cost of buying machine tools by looking at their prices on the Internet. I needed about 600,000 rubles, which, in our time, would not be a problem to get.

Not much, given that I planned to find companies that would be willing to pay good money for advertising - their logo on my packages.

It would seem that, in general, everything is ready, but I understood that without a well-written business plan, my production could fail at the initial stage.

  • competitiveness;
  • gradation of demand for goods;
  • raw material costs;
  • payback of the project;
  • regulations, laws and many more details.

Where can I get a business plan template?

Realizing the inexpediency of spending on the services of a consulting agency (as I roughly calculated, in order to recoup them, my factory would need three days of work), I decided to create an economic program on my own.

To do this, I downloaded an inexpensive business plan template on the Internet. It should be noted here that the network is full of free ones. Of course, I tried to download them, but the data there is so outdated that even if I substituted my derivatives, it would be impossible to achieve a clearly calibrated program.

But the template bought for 500 rubles pleasantly pleased with real analysis modern market sales-consumption. I substituted my values ​​​​into it and brought the data together in a special program, of which there are also a lot on the Internet, and I received a ready-made business plan.

Having carefully studied it, without a drop of doubt, I decided to establish my own derivative line, since the results of the payback were 100% satisfactory to me.

The next month, I spent in endless running around - I registered an IP, registered a company, looked for premises and workers, agreed on the placement of advertising logos and points of sale, and purchased equipment.

Soon, my workshop was opened and it works clearly, fully complying with the parameters of the business plan. Daily revenue is about 30,000 rubles, respectively, monthly - 900,000 rubles.

Within a year, taking into account all the costs of rent, salaries, raw materials, paying taxes and bills, I fully paid off my investment and began to receive quite stable profits.

Production of plastic bags

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the business plan for the production of bags:

Business plan for the production of plastic bags

We propose to consider a business project with low financial costs - the production of packages. Many who are already in the manufacturing business today say that this niche is the most promising.

This is a field of activity with great potential, because these products are in demand in all spheres of life. Polyethylene products are in high demand in trade, industry and everyday life.

Business bag making equipment

Modern extruders are in several price ranges. The equipment is characterized by product performance, the presence of advanced functions.

Inexpensive equipment segment within $10,000–12,000. The average price range of cars reaches $15,000. To organize a full-fledged production in a mini-factory for the manufacture of various polyethylene products, such equipment will cost $ 30,000.

The range of imported and domestic equipment representatives is diverse.

According to expert estimates, such a business has a rapid payback period of 2-3 years on average. Given the high demand for plastic packaging, the reported payback figures are realistic.

According to experts in the field of production, it is desirable to purchase several types of equipment. The fact is that by expanding the range of production resources, you will provide large quantities of goods to any customer. It is more profitable to form a loyal price against the background of large-scale production.

Types of production of polyethylene products:

  • production of bags - T-shirts, different density, sizes, colors. The choice will attract potential customers;
  • production of plastic bags of all standard sizes, colors, shapes;
  • production of paper bags;
  • production of garbage bags;
  • production of packages with a logo. Shops, supermarkets, shopping centers use packaging bags with their logo as promotional products - they are your potential customers.

The more directions you choose, the more functional devices will be required.

You will be able to reach a large audience of customers, and deliver your products consistently.

Modern equipment for the production of bags is automated, so one person per shift can manage and control the process.

The production equipment is easy to operate and maintain.

As a rule, companies that sell equipment perform commissioning and start-up of production.

financial calculation

Any entrepreneur is interested in the financial benefits of the future enterprise. Let's predict the financial costs of the future project.

You buy simple equipment that costs 300,000 rubles. Its capacity is 50 bags per minute. Material costs for the production of one package costs 10 kopecks.

Table number 1. Potential of package consumers in Russia

Our wholesale customers buy for 40 kopecks. In total, the profit from one package will be 30 kopecks. We calculate the average daily operation of the machine (10-12 hours) - we get the production of 30,000 units.

In monetary terms, products worth 9,000 rubles are produced in one day.

For one working week from simple equipment, the income will be 198,000 rubles. It should be noted that from this amount should be deducted the cost of wages, transport, consumables for machines.

The salary of one worker on production equipment per month is about 18,000 rubles.

In addition to organizing production activities, it is necessary to design a sales plan. In large industries, this is done by marketers and sales specialists.

Table number 2. Growth of participants in the bag manufacturing market in Russia

If your plans include launching a large-scale production line, then, of course, professionals should be involved in sales. In a small business, this function is performed by business partners and entrepreneurs.

From strategic marketing plan development to delivery commercial offer potential customers. Activities in this area of ​​production, with the right calculation, pay off from six months to several years.

We are confident that the organization of the production of bags on the shoulder of purposeful entrepreneurs will become a profitable enterprise for you.