Description of the commercial offer. Commercial offer - the secrets of drafting

Each company, in any field of activity, offers customers a commercial offer. This is a popular working tool for interacting with current and future partners, which is actively used in small and large businesses. A commercial offer is one of the options for a selling text, but such a tool is created according to special rules, since its purpose is to induce action.

A commercial offer can take different forms, but its goal is always to encourage the client to take certain actions, which will further lead to an increase in conversions for companies.

But it is believed that such a document should not be too voluminous, optimally if its length is 2-3 pages. This parameter is individual, depending on the specifics of the industry and the complexity of the services provided, the length of the CP (commercial offer) can reach 15-20 pages.

If this is your first time preparing such a document, a commercial offer in Word or another program. But we do not recommend using ready-made templates, since the specifics of the business determine the composition of the CP. Before you get started, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Who is the offer for? Who is the target audience for your business? it main question, which defines the format for submitting information.
  2. What action should the target audience take? For example, call you, leave your coordinates, make a conversion.
  3. Is your proposal aimed at a wide audience, or is it intended for a specific organization, group of people?

Mandatory components of a commercial offer

Now let's talk about the content of the document, a good commercial offer must contain the following items:

  1. Main page with brief information about the company. It has a header with data: address, full name of the company, logo.
  2. Be sure to indicate the addressee - the person for whom the letter is intended.
  3. Title, explanation of the title and date.
  4. Opportunities and.
  5. Description of each product or service on a separate page, pagination is also required.
  6. Image or photos of products with a description of the functionality and their features.
  7. Terms and conditions of delivery (if any).
  8. Organization seal.
  9. Name and contacts of the head responsible for communication with clients.

All these points should be reflected in your commercial offer so that the client can immediately find the necessary information and determine the degree of trust in the company.

Types of commercial offers

All types of CP can be divided into 3 main types:

Be sure to send a commercial offer along with cover letter. The letter should briefly describe what the sent document is, and additional documents can be attached to it. For example, the price of services.

Standard sentence structure

The Word Quote Template includes:

Before compiling a quotation, you need to familiarize yourself with the templates, but you do not need to copy them completely. You need to rely on advice and samples, but any document should have personal, individual features that distinguish it from the rest.

A good business proposal should be specific, clear and concise. Information should be presented in such a way as to show all the benefits of cooperation and convince the client to place an order with you. The nature of the proposal cannot be too advertising, but most importantly, it should not contain semantic, grammatical and lexical errors.

By the way, a "cold" sentence should not be long, optimal size- 1 page A4.

The process of drawing up a CP

It is necessary to draw up a commercial offer on the company's letterhead, as it is a powerful KP amplifier.

We start with a greeting, it is appropriate in both the “hot” and “cold” versions. Then we write the title. In a non-personal offer, this is the most important part, since only a catchy and attractive headline can make the recipient read the letter. Intrigue, use "customer pains", use celebrity names, give guarantees, ask questions and even scare - all means are good.

For personal offers, such tricks in the title are not needed, it is enough that this element reflects the content of the document.

After a specific description of your services, you need to use a powerful offer. You should not just provide a list of services, but show a specific benefit from using them. Say specifically how your services or products will help the client, what problems and “pains” they can get rid of. For example, you can say that you provide for a metallurgical plant, or you can say that your equipment will help reduce labor costs for production by at least 50%. The second option is more attractive to the client.

You don’t have to be shy about using marketing techniques, you can add testimonials from real customers to the CP, talk about partners who have already appreciated the level of your services, as well as provide discounts or offer “unique” favorable conditions. By the way, when using the last method, be sure to limit the time of its action. This enhances the effect.

Write your question in the form below

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    A commercial offer, as a document, is mostly not used by the parties now. If every (practically) organization has its own website on the Internet, then there is no need for it.


The main task at the beginning of any business, and even when expanding one, is to be aware of the fact of your existence in principle and the nature of the services provided, work performed, and so on.

In this case, it is difficult to do without the use of commercial proposals. How to competently and effectively draw up such an appeal, how and when to apply them - the question is far from being idle.

How to present your capabilities to the client

Let's conditionally divide the types of commercial proposals into two types - primary and final.

Initial offer - from the term itself it is clear that we are talking about the first appeal to a potential client. Depending on the results of the initial presentation, the final one is formulated. Of course, the fact of sending such a document implies some kind of reaction of a potential partner to the initial appeal. This may be an initiative telephone conversation, a face-to-face meeting or a written response to a proposal expressing a certain interest in the subject of communication.

Initial contact with a potential client

By the time of distribution, samples of a commercial offer for each treatment option should be thought out and developed. The initial proposal is a written analogue of the initial communication with a potential client, when something is known about him, but he knows nothing about your capabilities. The task is to interest the future consumer of services in a brief and unobtrusive form.

Such a commercial offer to customers is the subject of mass mailing. are sent to a wide range of potential consumers of the company's services with the initial presentation of services or works.

Primary appeals are characterized by a number of advantages:

  • The development of commercial proposals is carried out according to a single model designed for the target audience. This approach provides advertising without spending a lot of money and time.
  • Rapidly produced wide coverage potential clients- quick notification of a wide segment of consumers about the occurrence new service or a new service provider in the market.
  • It is possible to establish direct contacts with many customers in the shortest possible time thanks to personal telephone contact. The right to such contact gives the initial appeal.

However, the initial proposals also have a number of disadvantages:

  • impossibility specific proposal to the client, which can only be generated from the awareness of his personal needs and preferences.
  • Most of the sent requests will not even be read by customers and will go to the trash. This is wasted money and time.

If for fifty sent letters you get connections with five clients, consider your actions successful. Sooner or later they will be effective.

final commercial offer

Such a proposal differs from the primary one in that it has the character of a strictly specific document sent to a specific person. Usually the direction of the second appeal is preceded by:

  • one-on-one personal negotiations;
  • initial telephone conversation.

This in itself is an important advantage. It becomes optional to "warm up" the client, the discussion can already go on specific issues and clarify mutual further actions.

Several rules have been developed to make the design of a commercial offer as effective as possible:

  1. Samples of commercial proposals are developed on the basis of the collected information about a potential client, his need for services or works. Therefore, during the first communication, it should be clarified, at least as a first approximation, what goods or services the client needs, which prompts him to accept the offer of cooperation, what goals he pursues by accepting the offer, what kind of information he expects to receive.
  2. The proposal for the text of the appeal should have the most specific content, it is better to work out several solutions to choose from.

Mixed quotation

This is the most perfect form of initial appeal to a potential client. It requires a more rigorous approach and involves preliminary preparation. It is necessary to collect primary information about the client's enterprise:

  • to determine the person for the first person of the organization is not always effective, it is necessary to calculate the person interested in the proposals of your activity profile);
  • collect information about the main activities of the enterprise, make it clear to the client about the interest in cooperation;
  • if possible, identify the problematic issues of the future client, sort out those that suit your profile and preliminarily work out several options for possible mutually beneficial cooperation.

Designed of this type will not be treated at random, they will demonstrate the seriousness of intentions and interest. It would be wise to think through and prepare samples of each type of quotation in advance.

Being able to sell a product or service is an art. The ability to correctly draw up a commercial proposal for the performance of work or the provision of services is an assessment of the ability of a manager of any level to be successful.

It must be remembered that the human brain is able to store no more than a tenth of the information received during the day. In this tenth part, there is a chance to interest the client. A poor-quality commercial proposal will lead to a loss of time, money and a client.

Ten Principles for Writing a Good Sales Proposal

  1. Benefits Statement. When writing a proposal, you need to start by indicating the benefits that the client will gain by buying a product or service. To do this, you need to understand what problems the client is concerned about and pay attention to the possibility of eliminating or smoothing out their impact.
  2. Determine the benefits that the client will acquire from cooperation. Formulate 6-8 benefits, even if they seem fantastic, and arrange them in the sentence in descending order of importance.
  3. An indication of uniqueness. A potential client must immediately understand that only the proposed service can solve all his problems, that is, the proposed service or product is unique.
  4. You are not for us, but we are for you. You should not praise yourself, pay attention to your usefulness to the client - he is not interested in your advantages, but in his own problems.
  5. You need to sell the result. Relatively speaking, it is not a fishing rod that is sold, but the pleasure of fishing and outdoor recreation.
  6. Your client is the best. It is necessary to convince the partner of his importance and significance.
  7. Evidence. The most convincing thing about advertising is positive feedback from other customers.
  8. Build action algorithm. The client needs to know exactly the sequence of actions for acquiring No "dregs" and ambiguities.
  9. Push. Three days after your conversation, the client will completely forget about you, so you need to gently encourage him to take immediate action.
  10. Ease of perception. Consider how to write a commercial proposal correctly so that it is concise, extremely informative and specific.

Commercial offer samples

Strictly speaking, giving specific samples is more harmful than helpful. When composing an appeal to a potential client, you need to take into account his problems and needs and your capabilities.

A commercial offer for the performance of work or the provision of services should not contain some typical errors.

The first mistake is that you cannot be sure that the client will not read a long letter. If you managed to interest him in the first few phrases, he will read it. The footnote "P.S." will also help. at the end of the text, oddly enough, it is also read first and it should also be interesting.

The second mistake is to slavishly follow grammatical rules. The text of the letter is best written in a conversational style, but without jargon.

Mistake four - claiming that your product is the best, do not provide evidence of this in the form of reviews and recommendations.


The importance of a properly drafted and executed commercial offer cannot be underestimated. The success of the organization's activities largely depends on this step, especially at the beginning of the journey. Sample commercial proposals are easy to find, but remember: they must be personalized and specific to the client. I wish you success!

The commercial offer plays an important role in the promotion and development of the company.

With a properly drawn up commercial offer, the volume of orders and sales increases, which, accordingly, increases profits.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of them: "cold" and "hot" commercial offer.

  • With a "cold" commercial offer, sending is carried out to an unprepared client. In other words, spam is coming. People most often do not experience much enthusiasm for such a mailing, but the main task of a commercial offer is to interest a potential client and to ensure that the letter is read to the end. The most important advantage of a "cold" commercial offer is its mass character, large audience coverage. However, in practice, the responses are more responsive from commercial proposals received by a specific, specific person.
  • The second type of commercial offer is "hot", which is sent at the request of the client himself or with whom negotiations have already been conducted. Increasingly popular in recent years is the commercial offer, designed in the form of a presentation.

The structure of the offer

It is desirable for each company to have its own quotation template.

  1. Title. It plays a huge role, especially with a "cold" commercial offer. The title should be catchy, intriguing, attract attention as much as possible and make you want to read the letter in its entirety.
  2. Offer. At this stage, it is necessary to arouse interest in the recipient of the letter with a potential benefit for him so that he continues to read the offer letter.
  3. Belief. Here you need to convince the client that it is this product (service) that he needs, and he must place the order through the company that sent the letter.
  4. Limitation. Many people forget about this point, but it is necessary. On a subconscious level, it makes a person study the product more carefully (with a limit on the quantity of goods in the commercial offer) or immediately navigate the timing (if the commercial offer is valid only for a certain period).
  5. Next comes the call. It should be short, but strong, calling for specific action.
  6. Do not forget about contacts, indicate the most complete data.

Try to indicate in the commercial offer reviews on the work of the company, visual images, photographs.

And remember that a well-written commercial offer is already half the success!

Below is a standard form and a sample proposal template, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

To turn a commercial offer from spam into a working tool, you need to follow three simple rules.

  1. The quotation should be based on the needs of the firm you are sending it to. A story about what a wonderful company you are, how much you know and can do, what a wide range of products you have and smart suppliers - a direct way to the basket. Fewer pronouns "we" and more "you".

Not properly:

We will help you double your website conversion.
Our antivirus program will save you forever from cyber threats.
We offer laundry services for your restaurant.


You can increase the conversion of the site by 2 times.
Your computers will be protected 24 hours a day.
Do you want to always have a supply of clean tablecloths and aprons and forget about stains forever?

2. The RFP must be addressed (and sent too) directly to the decision maker. Letters sent to the commercial department, to a marketer, to an unnamed director or manager, and to the village of grandfather will not reach the addressee.
3. How do you choose a book and browse the news on the Internet? By headings. The same rule applies in the right commercial offer - if you are interested in a catchy, bright and interesting headline, then the KP will be read. If the header is slurred or completely absent, then it is likely that the letter will be sent to the trash.

How to find out the needs for CP

Before writing a commercial offer, you need to collect and analyze information about a potential client. The KP is not a reason for acquaintance, it is the final document, after which cooperation begins. First, think about what needs your products or services can satisfy. After studying a potential client, you can guess what needs from your list he has. In an ideal situation, all this information is confirmed during telephone conversation or personal meeting.

What you need to find out to draw up the right commercial offer:

  • Client's business goals
  • When are these goals expected to be achieved?
  • Problems and difficulties of the client
  • The cost of customer inactivity
  • What evaluation metrics does the client use?

If you know the needs of the client, then you can easily write how your services meet these needs.

But what to do when, instead of a meeting, following which you can write a beautiful and correct commercial offer, you are offered to immediately send a quotation?

How to write a cold business proposal

You should immediately take into account that "cold" commercial offers practically do not work. The only plus of a cold commercial offer is mass character. Most recipients perceive them as spam and delete them without reading them. Therefore, the main task of such a CP is not to sell your service, but to make you read it to the end. Only in this case there is a real chance for cooperation.

The main danger that lies in wait for a “cold” CP is that it can be removed. And to do both at the time of receipt of the letter, and in the process of reading. Therefore, when drafting a cold sales proposal, you have to deal with three risks.

  • Deleting a letter at the receiving stage. To prevent this from happening, you need to attract attention. In the case of sending by e-mail, there is only one option - the subject of the letter. If the quotation is sent by mail or courier, you can try non-standard envelopes.
  • Deleting an email at the opening stage. Your offer must be attractive to the client. Moreover, the offer should be at the very beginning of the letter and catch the eye. This will force him to read further.
  • Deleting an email while reading. Congratulations, your offer has interested a potential client. But this does not mean at all that he will read the letter to the end. The arguments in favor of cooperation with you and the benefits for the reader must be undeniable. But more on that below.

A cold sales pitch should be as short as possible. The recipient is doing you a favor by reading it, so don't divert their attention for too long. And remember that a “cold” CP can be sent to the trash at any time.

Another important point is to whom to address the "cold" KP? If you have the decision maker's email address, that's good. But more often, such letters are sent to one of the company's public mailboxes, and people who do not make decisions will read it. It must look convincing enough to be passed on to management.

The structure of the offer

The structure of the commercial offer, regardless of whether it is "cold" or "hot", is always the same. It’s just that in the “cold” one you are trying to predict the needs of the client, and in the “hot” one you argue your usefulness for the company based on real facts. A “cold” CP should not exceed 1 page, a “hot” one can be much longer, and this is not always a text document, CPs in presentation format are quite acceptable.


The title in a commercial proposal is similar in its significance to the title in the media - if it catches, then the document will be read. For a cold gearbox, this is the most important element. The headline should tell how the problem will be solved or how the company will benefit, and at the same time hook the reader. The optimal header length is one line.

What to avoid in headlines:

  • Spam. Free, warranty, limited offer and the like are best forgotten. If you use numbers in the title, then it should be a description, not a call.
  • blur.
    Not properly: Thousands of potential customers per day It is not clear where these clients will come from) .
    Correctly: Placement of advertising on the site with an attendance of 10,000 unique visitors per day.
  • Lack of specifics. Any "beautiful, but worthless" headlines: the secrets of doing business, revealing the secret of millionaires. Facts will look more attractive: Connecting the widget increased the conversion of company X's website by 30%.
  • Grade. Avoid evaluative words - profitable, fastest, best, unique.


What the CP is written for is the essence of your proposal. It should be presented from the point of view of benefit for the client, that is, not “we offer”, but “you get”. How to do it? First, briefly outline the client's problem, and then tell how it is solved. There should not be lengthy eyeliners and phrases that do not carry specifics. Study well the needs of the client and the offers of competitors. In essence, the offer is unique trade offer your KP (read how to formulate a working USP).

What to avoid in offers:

  • Vague wording. The offer should correspond to the values ​​of the client and talk about specific benefits.
    Not properly: Our widget can be connected to any site.
    Correctly: The widget adapts to the design of your site.
    You will get all the ways to communicate with customers on one panel.
  • Implausibility. Promises should not cause doubts in the client. The proposals “only fresh fish” and “office renovation in 1 day” are sure to raise questions. But “delivery of freshly caught fish by helicopter from Vladivostok” or “painting office walls in 1 day” are already quite real.
  • Stamps and cliches. We cross out the phrases: affordable prices, exclusive offer, a team of professionals, etc.


You told what benefits the client will receive. Now you have to prove to the client that only your company can best deal with his problem. And again we avoid common phrases and praises like "we are chosen for reliability and quality." The phrase “our system is used by Gazprom and the FSB is much more convincing, because no one manages to hack it.”

Any client has a list of criteria that he is guided by when choosing business partners. These can be delivery times, speed of work, price, technical support, payment scheme for services, and much more. Give an argument for each item. Cases, certificates, reviews can serve as evidence, but general words and value judgments should be avoided. It is important to put the benefits in the right order. We have the strongest argument in the offer. The rest are ranked from weakest to strongest. Do not forget the characteristics of the product or the description of the service to translate into benefits. Don't promise what you can't deliver.


We built arguments from weak to strong for a reason. When the price of your service appears after a criterion that is significant for the client, it does not scare. Cost must be justified:

  • service advantage
  • description of what is included
  • benefits from using
  • price comparison

Experts advise avoiding the word “price”, it is better to replace it with the word “cost”, and where appropriate, use “investment”.

We dispel doubts

  • Offer a trial period
  • Risk reduction. For example, postpaid
  • Guarantees. For example, round the clock technical support.

As the response showed, this topic was very interested in a large number of readers. Which is quite understandable.

By and large, its further destiny depends on the introductory part of the commercial offer.

A person reads one page of text (attentively) for 2-3 minutes. Commercial offers are “scanned” in a few seconds. And if in these seconds we were not able to “hook” the reader, the idiom immediately comes to mind - “write wasted”.

To continue the topic, we decided to prepare another article, only to approach the issue from a completely different angle: to show with what expressions you can start original commercial offers.

Follow the rules of the game

A commercial offer does not begin with the first line, but with thinking. First, it is thought out in the head in the form of a “fish”, and then it passes to paper. And only then various "gadgets" are connected.

Never forget the specific purpose of your sales pitch. There are a lot of them, and in the arsenal of the company there should be several "blanks" for different purposes.

I want to be precise and clear: the title of the article “10 phrases to start a commercial proposal with” is absurd in itself. For stereotyped today is far from held in high esteem.

It would be more correct and more accurate to say this: 10 Scenarios for Starting a Commercial Proposal". Words (as well as phrases) can always be used differently, but the essence must remain inviolable.

For clarity, we will not shake the air with our imagination and “invent” convenient examples, as many authors of educational articles do.

We will give 10 scenarios for starting the formation of individual commercial proposals and support them with examples from our personal practice - that is, fragments of commercial proposals that we prepared for Denis Kaplunov Studio clients.

No. 1 - the answer to the request

The very first scenario. The situation is simple: we send a commercial offer to a specific customer request. That is, the client himself wants to study our CP.

The situation is very favorable, because we no longer need to “warm up” the client. It is enough for him to tell what he himself asks, and to do it brightly.

In such a situation, the easiest way to start a commercial offer is to remind the client that he himself asked and show that we are doing just that.

Purely on a subconscious level, the client begins to read carefully, because he himself asked for this information.

Natalia, hello!

We have carefully studied your request and fulfill it immediately so that you can quickly receive all the information on stationery.

These are the conditions for exactly those positions that you requested.

At the same time, we can select analogues based on the invoice (or price list) of another store so that you can compare prices and make the best choice.

Or another example of a commercial offer after a telephone conversation with a client:

Good morning, Ivan Ivanovich!

As we agreed during a telephone conversation, we are sending interesting information about your company's website.

To date, it is visited by an average of 75 potential customers per day.

At the same time, we found out that the audience of potential customers for your services is MUCH WIDE! Simple forecast: 420 leads per day.

Are you more interested in 420 leads per day or 75?

Here are just the results of a small study of the main search queries that are entered by representatives of your target audience:

  1. Request #1 - __ people
  2. Request #2 - __ people
  3. Request #3 - __ people

And there are only 24 such requests. More detailed information is attached to this letter.

As you understand, such a scenario is suitable for "hot" commercial offers. Although, with certain skills and abilities, they can be turned into “warm” ones and even workpieces can be made. But that's another conversation.

And a little piece of advice in the end: if you have been asked for a price, do not send a bare table. Before it, add personalization - address the client by name, remind that he himself requested this information from you. It brings you closer.

No. 2 - a blow to the main problem

Every business has problems. Every area of ​​business has common problems. And there are also problems that cannot yet be solved by existing capabilities.

This scenario is ideal when selling a new, unique solution that helps the customer get rid of a critical problem.

See how we played with this situation when preparing a commercial proposal for a new widget for online stores, which allows you to take and present accurate measurements of things. It is important that buyers be sure that the indicated sizes correspond to their personal natural data:

If you are selling clothes , then you know that at least 40% of things are returned by customers for the most banal reason - the size does not fit ...

You use size charts, make detailed descriptions, attach high quality photos, but things keep coming back...

We focused on a real problem that is relevant for the target audience - the systematic return of goods due to size discrepancies. For online clothing stores, this is a real weak point, since the buyer sees only the picture and does not have the opportunity to try on the item before buying.

No. 3 - current need

Needs are constant. One is replaced by another, and so it goes on almost non-stop. It's like buying a dress with your lady. Bought, and then it turns out that there are no shoes for him in the wardrobe. A-ya-yay. We need to fix this. Bought shoes. Well, what about without a handbag? Well, and so on.

So it is in business. There are always current needs. Therefore, if the client thinks about them, we can wrap it in our favor and start a commercial offer from this very point.

You have created a website and are puzzled by questions:

  1. How to make it popular?
  2. How to send a stream of potential customers to its pages?
  3. How can you increase sales with it?

There are several answers to these questions. At the same time, the most effective and high-quality answer is search promotion.

Why? Because the result of search promotion is “warm customers” who themselves are looking for companies that provide the necessary services.

That is, they already want to buy.

Won't pass? It will not work? Oh well. People also did not believe at first that the Earth was round.

#4 - shocking statement

Here we connect the effect of surprise. Words ask a light cold shower. Man reads and thinks Oh come on. How can this be

Do you know that 10-20% of the numbers in your phone base are inactive?

Let's imagine that you decide to send SMS to your customer base. You collected data, and you have 10,000 customer numbers in your database.

You plan to send SMS at least once a week. According to general statistics, from 10 to 20 percent of subscriber numbers are inactive for various reasons. That is, your messages go "to nowhere".

Which exit?

No. 5 - a more rational solution

We remember from kindergarten that there are several ways to tie shoelaces. Now men are learning how to tie ties, and girls are learning how to tie scarves.

There are always several ways to achieve an interesting goal. If your product is one of those ways, you might consider a tactic to decouple it from other alternatives. And hit the benefits of this difference.

We used this tactic when preparing a commercial offer for a printer rental service:

"Printer rental from 1000 rubles / day"

There are many situations where buying a printer (and then maintaining and maintaining it) is not economically justified, especially if it can be rented.

Examples of situations from our clients:

  1. Taking part in an exhibition or forum
  2. Business trip and the inability to take the printer with you
  3. The need for a printer for one-time jobs (for example, printing in color)
  4. The need for an additional printer during the tax audit
  5. You need to quickly and quickly print a large amount of documents.

No. 6 - strict presentation of the product

I will say this: when there is correspondence between serious companies, it is customary to use a certain style. Classic copywriting and dexterity techniques may not work here.

Sometimes it is enough to maintain a clear and specific language. Don't beat around the bush, but get straight to the point.

It is advisable to use this technique when the client already knows what the text will be about. For example, if our commercial offer is formulated on the page of the site, where the reader comes already with a specific goal.

See an example of the text in which we presented "autogas":

Autogas - the choice of modern drivers who know how to count their money. It allows you to significantly reduce fuel consumption at every kilometer of the road, while maintaining the usual comfort and power of the car.

More than 10 thousand drivers in Latvia and 20 million drivers in Europe have chosen autogas because it is much more profitable than gasoline and even diesel fuel.

And here is proof of that:

Also, this method can be used for cold and warm mailings or when publishing a commercial offer in the form of a leaflet and other printed products.

By the way, one of the company's clients admitted that before our competent example, he read a commercial offer for diesel fuel and rejected it.

#7 - new benefit in the near future

Any businessman is looking for new ways to generate value for his product or service package. And, of course, he is ready to study information about such opportunities.

Here it is very important to know and understand the landmarks of such "profitable" directions. And sometimes they are just in front of the nose.

Here is an example of starting a KP to promote one technological improvement in the production of sausages and smoked meats:

Tomorrow you will be able to reduce the cost of producing deli meats by 30-35%.

This will allow you to offer the market a better price without losing product quality. Consequently - you get a new competitive advantage and the opportunity to increase the profitable part of your business.

And all this can give one simple technological solution.

No. 8 - the language of the business plan

I love this style when you need to sell the opportunity to save money or earn money, and when we have an audience of entrepreneurs and investors. Especially not beginners.

Such people do not need slow dancing and foreplay. Give them "meat" right away. "To the point," as they say.

So, if we are selling a business, we need to approach it accordingly.

Your mini aerated concrete plant

  1. Investment pays off within 2 to 6 months
  2. Profit - from 600,000 rubles per month
  3. It takes no more than 3 working hours per day

The beginning is interesting, because it feels like a benefit. Then we just open the proposal. And we build it according to the scenario of the business plan. Just don't need 100 pages.

Briefly, to the point.

No. 9 - "Product face"

If your task is to draw attention to the product with the help of a commercial offer, take a closer look at this technique.

“Product face” is when you offer really interesting things. Ideal - when they have pronounced differences that are useful to the target audience.

But even if you can’t brag about it, the Commodity Face technique will come in handy. Its main feature is to use product images at the very beginning of a commercial offer.

The reader will definitely look at the pictures, and if they attract him with at least something, your text will be read more carefully.

An example from a commercial offer that we prepared for a representative of a manufacturer of women's bags (the text was aimed at wholesale buyers).

We immediately connected several “hot spots” to the power of images:

New fashionable women's bags in Moscow - wholesale!

  • Wholesale/retail price margin - 300%
  • Free delivery in Moscow
  • Range - more than 1500 models per season
  • The minimum order for the wholesale price is 10,000 rubles.
  • All documents for inspection bodies

Look at these bags:

The redhead is very good, isn't she? Therefore, she is in the center.

No. 10 - "Sweet Candy"

Children love sweets. Adults love money. By and large, money can be called sweets.

Each of us wants to earn even more than it turns out today. And if the offer is worthy, we are ready to consider the possibility of additional income.

This is the basis of the “Sweet Candy” technique, when we show at the very beginning of a commercial offer how and by what means the reader can earn extra money.

See an example that we prepared for one regular customer. Audience - heads of car dealerships. They are offered additional income by selling cars to buyers. Such an offline affiliate program:

Good morning, Ivan Ivanovich!

TOYOTA is a legendary brand. Cars of this brand were bought, bought and will always be bought.

What if you start by selling each car and earning from $125 to $750 extra? And for this you do not need to invest a penny and do not violate the mode of your work.

Let's say if you sell 100 cars a month, that's an additional $12,500 - $75,000. Every month.

Thus, already in 1-2 months you can easily earn money for yourself (or your loved ones) for a brand new Toyota.

Noticed the personalization? That's right, the brand name. Naturally, an offer was sent to the Ford dealership with information on cars and the Ford brand, and so on.

Personalization is always good for sales pitches.

Instead of a postscript

You've just reviewed 10 techniques for developing the introductory part of your sales pitch. And you see that they are all different. In fact, there are even more of them, and every time we discover new ways.

Because very often you have to take into account the personal task of a commercial offer, its audience, the degree of uniqueness and attractiveness, the delivery factor, the development of printing design, “hot spots” and a lot of other subtleties that affect efficiency.

If you need a working commercial offer - contact us at the Studio, we will definitely come up with an original performance for your task.