Mobile cafe on wheels. Profitable business: cafe on wheels

A restaurant on wheels or a mobile cafe is relatively new for Russian conditions. Establishments of this type gradually occupy their own niche among restaurants and cafes and become popular with the population. The proposed material details all the nuances of opening such a diner.

Features of starting a business

A restaurant on wheels has its own specific features that must be taken into account both when planning an enterprise and in the process economic activity. With the right arrangement of economic accents, it can bring good profits and represent serious competition for stationary establishments. Catering.

Among the main tasks that arise when opening a restaurant on wheels, it is conditionally possible to single out several important points, which are detailed below.

Composition of visitors

Already at the design stage of such a specific business as a mobile restaurant, it is necessary to clearly understand who will be its visitors. Depending on the orientation to certain categories of customers, the concept of the future activity of the mobile snack bar is built.

When designing a restaurant, it is necessary to consider who will be its visitors.

If you count on young people, students and high school students, then you need, for example, to provide for affordable prices, modern youth cuisine with a lot of invigorating tonic drinks. It is advisable to arrange in accordance with youth tastes - with trendy music, youth entertainment programs on TV.

If the restaurant is aimed at tourists, as is preferred in Western European countries, it is necessary to have more refined and high-calorie cuisine, as well as provide for a guide talking about the sights that the cafe on wheels passes by.

Many entrepreneurs dream of owning their food service business. One of the pretty good business ideas is a cafe on wheels.

Such a cafe is unusual in its appearance and attracts with low prices. An establishment of this type can compete with ordinary cafes and restaurants quite well.

Business ideas on wheels are new to our country. It doesn't take much to make this idea a reality. You can fulfill such desires of a guest that an ordinary restaurant cannot - come to your guest.

The specifics of a mini-cafe on wheels

Before you open an institution of this type, you need to decide on the contingent of visitors. Based on the type of your establishment and product prices, children, schoolchildren and students will visit you more often.

Each entrepreneur of such a business must come up with an original style for his institution. First of all, you need to think about the interior of the cafe on wheels. Since the cafe is mobile, you need to take care of soundproofing so that it does not disturb your customers.

It would be nice to have audio and video acoustics, which can be used not only during a banquet, but also on weekdays. If you decide to hold events in your institution that will bring you a lot of additional profit, then do not forget about the entertainment program and the banquet menu.

Also, you need to think about the routes of the cafe in advance, do not forget about all the sights of your city. You can come up with various promotions suitable for your establishment, for example, discounts for regular customers, as well as birthday discounts. Do not forget to make a book of regular customers whom you would notify about your promotions by SMS or by phone.

Cafe on wheels menu

As for the menu, a special approach is needed here for such an institution. For your visitors it is necessary to exclude alcoholic products. In extreme cases, you can include low-alcohol cocktails. A mobile cafe on wheels cannot have its own kitchen, which means that the cafe will work on semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, that is, which you just need to warm up.

It can be such dishes: soups, side dishes and bakery products. You can conclude an agreement with any restaurant, cafe, and even with a canteen - it's up to you. If the budget allows, then, of course, it is better to order in a good institution. Do not forget that if you buy fried salmon at a restaurant at one price, you will not be able to sell it at your own place at the same price, it will be too expensive for your cafe.

Hiring workers

For customer service, you will need a driver, a waiter and a so-called chef who will warm up and prepare coffee. If you want your establishment to work seven days a week, and this is desirable, then you need to hire 2 or 3 people (1 person per shift). It is desirable that the drivers were with experience.

Necessary kitchen utensils

For a cafe on wheels you need to pick up necessary equipment, but keep in mind the following: if it suddenly gets very dirty, there will be nowhere to wash it. Your cafe is moving, and a standing glass cup on the table can fall at any moment. Having broken 100 glasses, you will have to count the loss.

Necessary equipment for a cafe:

  • Kitchen.
  • 2 tables for equipment.
  • Microwave.
  • Coffee machine.
  • A couple of refrigerators.
  • Cupboards for storing dishes.
  • Dishwasher (if the dishes are reusable) or containers for used disposable dishes.
  • Forks, spoons, half-portion plates, small tableware, saucers, trays, napkin holders, bread bins, etc.
  • Chairs and tables are plastic or wooden. All furniture must be screwed to the wall and floor of the bus.

Necessary conditions for a cafe

Do not forget about heating in winter, heating the lower steps, and in hot weather - air conditioning. As for parking, you can agree on it with one motor transport company in your city. There are two ways to organize this kind of business:

  • Buy a franchise.
  • Create your own brand.

The franchise price is quite high, it is 90 thousand euros, today it is 4,410,000 rubles. This includes: double-decker bus (American made), right to use trademark, initial advertising campaign and recipe. But in Russia they try not to get involved with this type of transport, but buy our domestic ones and make a cafe-bus to their liking. In addition, you need to collect the necessary documents:

  • Permission to open a cafe on the bus.
  • Certificate of medical examination of all employees.
  • Permission from the fire safety authorities.
  • License to sell goods and alcohol.
  • A document with positive results of sanitary checks.

Planned start-up costs

Bus - 2,800,000 rubles.
Equipment - about 150 thousand rubles, depending on how much you will bet.
Cafe and interior design - 90-120 thousand rubles.
Total: 3,050,000-3,070,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:
For fuel - (consumption 30l / 100 km, 100 km per day, 25 rubles per liter) - 23.25 thousand rubles.
Bus service - 15 thousand rubles.
Wages of employees: 2 drivers - 20 thousand rubles, a waiter - 15 thousand rubles, a cook - 10 thousand rubles, an accountant - 7 thousand rubles.
Total: 142.25 thousand rubles.

Enterprise profit

If we take on average that a mobile cafe on wheels will pay off in a couple of years, then every month you can receive 125 thousand rubles in revenue. With an average check of one hundred rubles per client and a markup of 50%, the institution must serve 100-120 visitors every day, these figures are quite real. With such a profit, the company will not work at a loss for itself.

Problems of opening an unusual cafe

The cafe-bus is an unusual establishment and quite interesting, but unfortunately, the sanitary-epidemiological station and other stations responsible for the cleanliness of the enterprise are under a big question. The question is whether this type of business can be unrealistic. Maybe even easy, consider the reasons.

Rospotrebnadzor will be against such a bus, so that it travels around the city, because the catering company must be connected to city communications. Fire safety rules state that catering establishments, without exception, must have two emergency exits, and the bus has only one door.

If in your city the population does not exceed 200 thousand people, then such a cafe should not be opened. The population of such cities has its own opinion, it is cheaper for them to go home for dinner than to go to a cafe. The next problem is Russian roads. Any stop provokes a spill of drinks and hot dishes. Based on this, only packaged dishes should be present in the cafe menu.

Pros of a mobile cafe

Not every day and not every season will be profitable. For example, in the warm season, your business will be useful for the population, and on frosty or stormy days, no one will come to you. Although the authorities themselves are negative about this kind of business, such a cafe would be useful on big holidays, such as the parade on May 1 and 9, and other events.

Having listed all the shortcomings of such an institution, we doubt whether such a business will pay off and whether it will bring profit at all. A normal profit is brought by an institution with 50 seats or more, and such a bus places about 20-30 people. Despite this, nothing can stop a purposeful entrepreneur, and he will make it a reality. With a lot of effort and patience, you can make such a business quite good.

In different countries, a mobile cafe on wheels is considered acceptable, for example, in Japan. Only in this country are prepared snacks such as takoyaki dough balls, the main component of which is octopus. In addition to cafes on wheels, there are many such businesses around the world, for example, San Francisco.

There is a mobile restaurant made from an old school bus, and this restaurant is very popular. It is regarded more as an entertainment option with an assortment of fast food menus.

The first project of such a mobile restaurant was launched in Los Angeles in 2008 by chef Roy Choi. He offered Korean and Mexican cuisine to visitors. There is also such a business in China, where it is also very popular due to the huge population.

A few years ago, the Moscow government gave the green light to entrepreneurs to open such a business, but so far only drinks are served there. In summer, cafe-trams or cafe-trolleybuses travel in many cities of Russia. This type of establishment will look good in cities with a large influx of tourists. If the population wants to see this type of catering establishments, then the government will allow such a business to exist in every city.

The post has been changed:

Autocafe on wheels is a profitable low-budget business

Cafes on wheels are no longer a rarity in large, densely populated cities. Most of the entrepreneurs involved in the catering industry have already considered the possibility of implementing this business idea in one way or another. In this publication, we decided to consider this project in detail.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 1.7-2.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 300 thousand
Situation in the industry:low level of competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1.2-2 years

The owners of many catering outlets have probably complained more than once that their establishment is “tied” to one place. It seems that they chose the location according to all the rules: the first line of houses, busy traffic, the availability of the necessary communications. But it was not there! The tastes and demands of the consumer are changeable, like the sea in inclement weather, and all subtle calculations go to waste. And how many times does this thought arise: “Take and move your point to another place”?

And this is just not a problem! Take and carry, or rather - transport. Today here, tomorrow there, and next week in a completely different area. Cafe on wheels is a solution to this problem. And not only for owners of existing catering establishments, but also for those who do not have enough start-up capital to open a full-fledged stationary cafe.

Can you imagine an inexpensive, cozy mobile cafe on wheels that moves around the city in search of the busiest crowded spots? Everything can be clearly seen in the photo in the article. Meanwhile, such a business on wheels is not new in the cities of our country for a long time. It should be noted that the “mobile” business is generally “gaining momentum” - now mobile coffee shops are far from uncommon, where you can buy a glass of hot, invigorating drink, and for this you don’t need to go anywhere specially.

Car broke down on the road? A mobile car service will come to the rescue! In the mobile planetarium, schoolchildren will get a lot of new knowledge and pleasure from watching, and a disco on wheels will provide an opportunity to have great fun exactly where you want!

Can you imagine what kind of “profit” a mobile cafe on wheels will bring on holidays or weekends? After all, such a stall on wheels can be placed anywhere: on the square, in the park, on weekdays - near educational institutions, station or other place.

And the costs of starting such an enterprise are ten times less than opening a stationary food outlet. One of the most “pleasant” bonuses is the absence of rent for the premises, which is one of the most significant cost items in many business projects.

This is interesting: in the USA, business on wheels has been implemented for several decades, therefore, when you meet fast food on wheels, no one is surprised. Therefore, a 20-year-old girl, Shadi Farsi, decided to bring her “zest” to this business by organizing fast food on wheels, where visitors are served by girls in bikinis (we talked about something similar in the Topless Cleaning article. I must say that from there is no end to visitors, and Shadi, after a year of work, is already thinking about opening a whole network of such kitchens on wheels.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to decide on target audience your future visitors (read how to do this). It is this knowledge that will determine the assortment of your establishment on wheels, and the routes along which you will move around the city, and the strategy advertising campaign, and much more. In general, the best option is to have a competent business plan on hand, which will allow you not only to see the whole “picture” of your future business, but also allow you to foresee most of the difficulties that await a novice entrepreneur.

What do you need to start a business

The most important thing, of course, is the vehicle. No wonder your establishment will be called a mobile cafe on wheels. These can be converted buses, vans, or trailers, like motorhomes. In Moscow, we visited one such cafe on wheels, under which we adapted a double decker - a double-decker English bus. Needless to say, it turned out amazing! A stall on wheels is different from, for example, mobile coffee shop in the fact that in the first one, visitors have the opportunity to sit and have a quiet meal, drink coffee, watch TV, listen to music, etc.

There is also the option of a mini-cafe on wheels, in which, in the place where the mobile kitchen on wheels stops, several folding tables and chairs are placed, and if necessary, sheds are thrown near the car. At the same time, the vehicle completely dedicated to the kitchen.

Your mobile space must meet the following requirements:

  • sanitary and epidemiological service - to have certificates of conformity for the equipment used, a number of contracts for the provision of imported water, disposal of waste, disposal of solid waste and cleaning of the surrounding area;
  • fire safety standards - this is the serviceability of electrical equipment, the availability of fire extinguishing means;
  • technical rules. To do this, you need to provide a copy of the technical passport of the trailer (van), its photo, and a certificate of conformity. In addition to this package of documents, you must additionally have an agreement with the enterprise - the supplier of products, and the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the transport on which the products are delivered.
  • And one more thing: according to the rules, the introduction of products and the removal of waste should be done through different doors. Quantity required documents impressive, but to open an ordinary cafe they need even more. And then - you can always agree with everyone.

By the way, a little tip: make sure that appearance your autocafe on wheels was exclusively in bright, iridescent colors, and equipped with an attractive sign - the influx of customers will increase exponentially. In addition, vehicles must be completely soundproofed so that as little sound as possible penetrates the outside. I think it is superfluous to say that the room on wheels should be warm and have air conditioning, and none of the visitors will sit in the cold and stuffiness.

Assortment of menus in a cafe on wheels

A cafe, especially a mobile one, is not a restaurant after all. Therefore, the main emphasis in the menu should be on dishes that do not require a long cooking time. It can be snacks, salads, pastries, fast food, sandwiches, confectionery. From drinks - hot (tea, coffee, chocolate), juices, soda. Trade in any alcoholic products in mobile outlets less than the area established by law is prohibited.

Although the organization of the kitchen is often provided for by such projects right in the car, many owners of such establishments are trying to get rid of the extra hassle associated with cooking on the spot. And therefore they keep ready-made dishes in the refrigerators, which, if necessary, can be heated in the microwave. In general, it is up to you to decide whether or not to have a kitchen in your cafe on wheels, it is impossible to give unambiguous advice here.

Necessary equipment

In principle, you will need most of the equipment from the "arsenal" of an ordinary stationary cafe, these are:

  • a couple of refrigerators;
  • microwave;
  • oven for cooking;
  • coffee machine;
  • water heater;
  • required amount disposable tableware(using another would be impractical), napkins, hygiene items.

Place a container inside under the used disposable tableware. If the furniture is inside, then it should be attached to the floor so that nothing “leaves” along with the table during movement.

From the "non-standard" equipment you will need:

  • television;
  • voltage converter to 220 volts;
  • audio system with speakers located throughout the car.

Traffic routes

A few words need to be said about which routes you need to choose to move through the streets of the city. If the institution is rented for several hours by one company, then the route, of course, is chosen by the one who pays. In other situations, streets with even pavement should be chosen so that, if possible, visitors do not experience all the inconveniences inherent in Russian roads.

As an option, you can take a walk around the sights of your city (for tourists), focusing on the audience present, drive through romantic places (for couples in love), or deliver couples with children to amusement parks. Of course, you need to have in advance in the navigator (which will avoid traffic jams) several options for movement.


With the selection of employees should not be a problem. Find applicants with experience in enterprises fast food will not be labor. The main thing is that they have medical books available. It will be enough for two cooks-waiters and a driver-loader in one shift.

Another point is obtaining permission from the municipal authorities to conduct trade. . Usually, the administrations of settlements go towards such undertakings - after all, taxes from incomes go to the local budget.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the implementation of this business idea. The constant expansion of the assortment, the organization of food delivery to order (read how to arrange delivery here -), will only have a positive effect on your business, and in every possible way contribute to advertising. With a little effort and creativity, your trolley will become the most famous fast food outlet in the area and in the city.

By the way, the opinions of business experts regarding this business idea are contradictory. Here is what the opponents of the mobile cafe refer to (taken from the materials of the magazine “Choj delo”):

  • Most likely, the cost of maintenance and operation of this bus will be comparable (or even more) with the cost of maintaining a stationary cafe of a comparable area: the cost of gasoline, staff salaries, technical maintenance. At the same time, income will certainly be less - own production always more profitable, and in this case, you will have to buy finished products on the side.
  • Secondly, this idea will not be approved by the sanitary services of the city. If we take on this project, it might make sense to reorient it to corporate services (birthdays, parties, graduations) and focus on entertainment program and drinks.
  • The project is not viable. Firstly, Rospotrebnadzor will never release such a bus on the route (any catering establishment must be connected to a stationary water supply and sewerage system). Secondly, according to the fire safety rules, there should be at least two entrances. The project has only one input.

A restaurant on wheels is a very unusual type of catering establishment and profitable idea for business. For example, in San Francisco there is an old bus that used to transport schoolchildren. The owners of the vehicle are very enterprising people, they converted the bus that had served its purpose into a restaurant. Of course, its menu does not shine with a significant variety and has about six items. However, such a modest choice does not affect the number of visitors at all. There are always more than enough customers in the restaurant. The bus route is designed to make stops in crowded places.

In Moscow, they acted somewhat differently - entrepreneurs created a restaurant in a tram. The design of this "institution" pleases both outside and inside. The domestic cafe on wheels looks much better compared to the American one. The implementation of this business idea will cost, of course, a large amount, but believe me, it will pay for itself pretty quickly. Most of the money will go to the purchase and "tuning" of the vehicle itself.

Due to mobility and originality, the business will bring much more profit than a typical catering establishment. The most important thing is to stand out, to perform catchy styling. The restaurant should look absolutely extraordinary and have a colorful design. For example, you can turn a bus or other means of transport into a huge fish and choose a suitable menu for this design solution. For children, you can organize a children's cafe by designing a vehicle specifically for them, for example, in the style of animation.

You can also get a good profit from renting such a vehicle. Customers will be companies for corporate events and individuals, for example, for a romantic dinner. Customers will like the opportunity not only to spend time in an attractive place and have a delicious meal, but also to ride around the city at the same time. The most attractive will be such a walk in the evening, when the streets of the city turn into a lot of luminous advertising signs, shop windows, lights.

Another advantage of running such a restaurant on wheels is that you don't need a huge team. Only two people will be enough to prepare meals. One of them performs the duties of a cook, the second is his assistant. But still the main person in the team is the driver.

It is worth mentioning the disadvantages of such an institution. For example, it is impossible to serve a large number of clients at the same time. The reason is obvious - the "format" of the institution and its small area. But the turnover of customers will not decrease from this, since there will be more visitor flows.

If we talk about the assortment of the menu, then it should be optimal - not too small, but not as diverse as in an ordinary restaurant. A large kitchen in a restaurant on wheels simply does not fit. Such restaurants are perceived by customers mainly as an entertainment establishment. A set of dishes can be created like McDonald's. Automating a restaurant on wheels will help speed up customer service.
In the summer, many couples prefer to organize weddings in nature. In such conditions, ordering food from a restaurant is not always the best way out. Cafe on wheels is able to offer a fairly wide range of dishes. Moreover, it can be not only snacks, but also hearty hot dishes prepared specifically to make it convenient to eat them outdoors.

Advertising for a cafe on wheels will not be a difficult issue. Due to its unusualness, it will become known fairly quickly. A good way to attract customers is a loudspeaker through which you can call customers for lunch or for a walk.

Good luck in the restaurant business!

Reading 10 min. Views 72 Published on 04.11.2018

Every entrepreneur dreams of occupying an empty niche. The choice of such a market segment allows you to organize a business that has no analogues. As a rule, these types of entrepreneurial activities bring the maximum level of income. One of the rather promising areas is the opening of a mobile cafe. This project has a unique specificity and can compete with the classic formats of establishments. In this article, we propose to consider a business plan for a cafe on wheels.

Cafe on wheels is a format of an inexpensive, but decent and cozy establishment, which is quite capable of competing with stationary cafes

Mini-cafe on wheels: relevance and business benefits

Many experts in the field of entrepreneurship express their doubts about the effectiveness of this direction. To obtain high profits from a catering point, an area is required to install fifty seats. The capacity of the bus, which is used to organize a business in this format, is about thirty people. Despite this factor, many entrepreneurs are willing to work in this direction. Some of them say that the profitability of the project can be increased due to a higher margin than in classic establishments.

In order to create a full-fledged business, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort.

The first mobile restaurants appeared in Japan. The menu of these food trucks has a variety of dishes. Takoyaki is used as the main dish. This product has a high resemblance to dumplings familiar to Russian citizens. The only difference is that octopus is used instead of the meat filling. Much later, similar projects began to open in China and other Asian countries.

The American pioneer of this format is the famous chef Roy Choi. In 2008, this man opened the first food truck. Residents of Los Angeles could try Mexican and Korean national dishes. Today, establishments in this format are opening all over the world. In America, a small restaurant is popular, where an old school bus was used as a mobile platform. This restaurant serves a variety of fast food snacks.

The Russian government approved this format of doing business just a few years ago. Quite often, in many regions of Russia, trolleybuses and trams using this format can be observed. As a rule, such establishments operate only at the height of the summer season. According to experts, this business format should be used in those regions where tourist destinations are well developed. It is important to note that the regional authorities independently establish rules for such establishments. In some regions of Russia, this idea is prohibited.

Also, the entrepreneur needs to understand that this line of business is closely tied to the climatic conditions of the region and has a high degree of dependence on seasonality. In the summer months, the profit of the institution will be several times higher than the income during the winter. According to experts, the demand for the services of such cafes will increase during public holidays. Also, mobile catering points are in demand among young people and those people who want to unusually hold a solemn event.

A cafe on wheels will cost much less than a stationary cafe, and it is able to come to visitors on its own

The specifics of this type of activity

As we said above, this business has a unique specificity. At the time of preparation, the entrepreneur needs to form a concept for the future project. Establishments with a low cost of meals are aimed at students and schoolchildren. It is important to understand that such a format of a mobile restaurant is unlikely to be able to quickly recoup the invested capital.

When developing the concept, it is necessary to take into account the interior design of the cafe on wheels. The interior deserves special attention. A novice entrepreneur can turn a vehicle body into a real advertising tool that will attract the attention of people around him. The bus itself must be equipped with a soundproofing system. This step must be completed in order not to disturb the peace of local residents in the evening.

Many entrepreneurs recommend installing a high-quality video and audio system in the bus. Such technical equipment may be needed during ceremonial events. It is through banquets that such projects receive the main profit. In order to hold such events on a mobile platform, it will be necessary to develop a special entertainment program.

A mobile cafe must move along a pre-designed route. When developing a route, it is necessary to include in the project a passage near various sights and cultural monuments. In order to advertise their business, an entrepreneur needs to develop various promotions. As such promotions, you can distribute discount cards and give bonuses to birthday people. In addition, you need to advertise the project on social networks.

How to organize a business

The organization of this business requires a titanic effort. An entrepreneur who wants to occupy this niche will need to obtain many different documents and coordinate the work of the cafe with state authorities. Below we propose to study a short list of organizational nuances that need to be resolved at the preparation stage.

The necessary conditions

Today, entrepreneurs can choose between creating a project on their own and acquiring a franchise. The cost of the franchise of such a project is more than four and a half million rubles. Franchise owners provide their customers with not only the right to use the brand, but also a vehicle equipped with all the necessary equipment. In addition, franchise owners independently advertise the business of their new partners. It is important to note that the use of a double-decker bus provided by franchisees can add additional organizational complexity.

The high cost of this franchise makes many entrepreneurs independently engage in business development. In order to open an institution in this format, you must go through official registration. In addition, you will need to obtain documents authorizing the opening of a mobile catering point. Since opening a cafe involves the retail sale of various goods, the entrepreneur will need to obtain an appropriate license. If you want to sell alcoholic beverages, you must obtain additional permits.

In addition to all of the above papers, the entrepreneur will need to obtain permits from the sanitary service and the fire safety service. Also, all employees of this institution must undergo a mandatory medical examination. Many businessmen recommend that beginners conclude a contract in advance with the motor transport service of their city to rent a parking lot or a special box.

The mobile cafe on wheels is a van with a fully functional kitchen and necessary equipment

Purchase of the necessary equipment

When choosing kitchen utensils, you also need to take into account the specifics of this project. Among all the nuances, one should highlight the lack of a sink where you can wash the soiled dishes. It should also be understood that glassware can break if the bus stops abruptly. In this case, the entrepreneur will need to include in the expense item the cost of purchasing new dishes. In addition, small pieces of glass can injure customers of the establishment.

To equip the kitchen, you will need two special tables where various appliances will be installed. You will also need to buy a coffee machine, refrigerators and a microwave. In addition, you need special cabinets for storing disposable tableware and containers where used plates will be stored. When buying kitchen utensils, every little thing must be taken into account, from forks and spoons to trays.

In the part of the bus that will be reserved for the organization of the hall, it is necessary to install tables and chairs. As a rule, all furniture used in such establishments is made of wood or plastic. . All interior items must be carefully screwed to the floor and walls of the vehicle. In the bus itself, it is necessary to install air conditioning and adjust the heating system.

Development of a successful menu

Menu development requires a competent approach from the owner of the establishment. Many businessmen recommend that beginners give up strong alcohol in favor of low-alcohol cocktails. It is important to note that these establishments cannot be equipped with traditional cuisine. This means that the menu will be based on dishes from semi-finished products. The chef of the restaurant on wheels only needs to reheat the main product and add additional ingredients.

Some entrepreneurs prefer to cooperate with classical establishments, ordering various side dishes and soups. This approach is more appropriate in the presence of large capital. You also need to understand that in this case it is necessary to cooperate only with budgetary institutions. Many visitors to mobile cafes will not be able to afford exquisite and expensive dishes.


Considering a cafe on wheels as a business, it is necessary to pay special attention to hiring staff. The staff of this establishment should include a waiter, a cook and a driver. The duties of the chef include not only cooking, but also making cocktails. If such a project involves working seven days a week, you will need to implement shift work. In this case, the number of staff units should be doubled. It is very important that all hired employees have experience in a similar field.

The triumph of such an institution largely depends on the imagination of the owner - the entrepreneur must try to make his institution special, give it a "raisin"

Decide on the route of travel

The issue related to the choice of the route of movement of the mobile cafe is of paramount importance at the preparation stage. In the case when the bus is rented by a company of several people, it is necessary to give customers the right to choose the route themselves. In other cases, the business owner is advised to explore his city on his own, choosing streets with high-quality road surfaces.

One of the rather promising options is to include various city attractions in the route. Such a program is suitable for tourists and those people who first visited a particular city. On weekends, it is more advisable to include city parks in the itinerary. Such a schedule of movement will be in demand among couples. When developing a route, it is necessary to take into account city traffic jams and other nuances associated with the movement of the bus.

The financial part of the question: costs and payback

Having considered all the key nuances associated with this business format, you should move on to the financial component. The following costs should be included in the initial cost:

  1. Purchase of a bus and its subsequent re-equipment- three million rubles.
  2. Purchase of furniture and kitchen utensils- from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, depending on the number of seats.

Thus, the amount of initial investment in this business will be more than three million rubles. To this amount must be added the cost of Maintenance equipment and purchase of fuel. Special attention should be paid to the issue related to the formation of the salary fund. The size wages drivers must be at least twenty thousand rubles per person. Waiters' earnings can vary from ten to fifteen thousand per month, plus a certain percentage of each order. The amount of earnings of the cook should be about ten thousand a month. A business owner can do bookkeeping on their own, which will save a lot of money. total amount monthly expenses will be about one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

If there is a revenue of one hundred twenty-five thousand per month, these investments will pay off within a few years. This revenue can be obtained by serving more than a hundred customers during the day. The margin on the goods should be about fifty percent. Only after reaching this indicator, the company will make a profit.

Catering on wheels requires careful planning of the route and determination of the correct and advantageous stopping points

What problems can you face

The implementation of the project in question makes it possible to create a unique institution operating in an unusual format. However, many entrepreneurs face the difficulty of obtaining permits from the sanitary and epidemiological control service. These authorities may refuse to issue permits, which puts an end to such an idea.

Obstacles on the part of the control authorities are explained by the requirement that catering establishments be connected to city communication networks. It is also necessary to take into account the rules of fire safety. According to these rules, a catering point must be equipped with two emergency exits. As a rule, in most mobile cafes equipped on the basis of a bus, there is only one door.

Conclusions (+ video)

An entrepreneur who wants to implement this project can buy a mobile cafe on wheels under a franchise or independently deal with all organizational issues. The creation of such a business is advisable only in those cities where the number of inhabitants is more than half a million people. Most residents of provincial cities prefer to have lunch and dinner at home. It is also imperative to take into account problems with the quality of the road surface.

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