Types man man man technique. Psychological requirements of professions such as "man-man", "man-sign", "man-artistic image", "man-nature

"man - man", "man - technology", "man - nature", "man - sign system", "man - artistic image"

The first feature of professions type "Man - man" is that the main content of labor here is reduced to the interaction between people. If this interaction does not go well, then the work does not go well either. For example, if a leader, propagandist, educator does not establish good relationships with those people whom he leads, convinces of something, whom he must educate, then the most important thing in work is missing. Success is not possible here. So, strictly speaking, there is no genuine work.

The second feature of professions of this type is that each of them requires a kind of double preparation from a person:
a) you need to learn, be able to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand people, understand their characteristics;
b) you need to be trained in a particular field of production, science, technology, art, etc.
If the organizer manages a group of working people, then he must know well the essence of the work they perform. Without this, he will not be able to correctly understand the actions, behavior, thoughts and intentions of his subordinates. This does not mean that he should know and be able to do everything better than any of the subordinates. Often this is not possible or necessary. The director of the theater should not dance better than the prima ballerina, the director of the factory should not be the best toolmaker, the director of the school cannot know all the subjects as thoroughly as each of the subject teachers knows his business. But many features of the work of subordinates, the leader, nevertheless, must clearly imagine.

The service worker also deals not only with people, but also with the values ​​that he conveys to consumers. Values ​​can be material or spiritual. Material - food, clothing, household items. Spiritual - useful information, works of science, art. It is clear that you need to deeply understand what you are trying to convey to people.

In the field of professions of the type "Man - man", we distinguish several subtypes:
1. Professions related to production management, management of people, teams.
2. Professions related to the education and upbringing of people, the organization of children's groups, professional training.
3. Professions related to material and domestic, commercial services to people.
4. Professions related to the information service of people.
5. Professions related to the information and artistic service of people and the leadership of art groups.
6. Professions related to the medical care of people.

"Man - technology". In professions of this type, such subjects as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and drawing help to navigate. It should be noted that the field of technical objects includes not only "pieces of iron", but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials, semi-finished products. The field of technology must be understood broadly.

This is the largest (in terms of the number of professions and specialties) type of professions. The work of professionals here is directed, of course, not only to technology. So, a radio equipment installer takes care, in particular, about the beauty of installation, a trolley bus driver communicates with people in the course of work, an operator or a mechanic can calculate something, calculate, and a crane driver can be busy loading cages, say, with zoo inhabitants sent on tour. But, nevertheless, the main subject of professional attention and concern of workers in this case is the area of ​​technical objects and their properties. Still, the crane operator (crane operator) is a specialist in managing a crane, a mechanic is a metalworker.
Professions type "Man - technology" so many that we have to distinguish several subtypes:
1. Professions related to the processing, extraction of soil, rocks.
2. Professions in the processing and use of non-metallic industrial materials, products, semi-finished products.
3. Professions in the production and processing of metal, mechanical assembly, installation of machines, instruments, equipment.
4. Professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of mechanical equipment, technological machines, installations, vehicles.
5. Professions in the installation, repair of buildings, structures, structures.
6. Professions in the assembly, installation of electrical and radio equipment, instruments, devices.
7. Professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of electrical equipment, instruments, apparatus.
8. Professions related to the use of lifting, transport vehicles, their management.
9. Professions in the processing of agricultural products.

Along with a creative approach to business in the field of technology, a high performance discipline is expected and required from a person. Discipline is everywhere, of course, needed. But technology, with its precision, is especially sensitive to this quality of workers.

"Man is nature". At the same time, we mean exactly wildlife, in which biological subjects and sciences (botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, general biology) help to navigate. The work of a person in the field of professions of the type "Man - nature" is directed only to the objects mentioned above. So, for example, plant breeders use various and complex techniques in their practice. Working in a team, they, in particular, are busy building interpersonal relationships. They also have to deal with accounting and economic evaluation of their work. There are even such professions of this type that necessarily require artistic inclinations (along with inclinations for biology, botany). For example, there are flower growers-decorators, green building technicians (specialists in landscaping cities, populated areas). But, nevertheless, the main subject of attention and concern of workers in this case is plants and their environment.

The same is true of the animal husbandry professions. Animal husbandry today is increasingly transferred to an industrial basis, equipped with machinery. The livestock breeder is also a machine operator. But if he does not have a special relationship, special inclinations to work specifically with animals (and there is only an interest in technology), then animal husbandry is in trouble.

The microbiologist is surrounded on all sides by laboratory equipment, and the biological object itself is not even visible to the naked eye. But here, too, the main thing is the interest in the phenomena of living life. And technology is a means, but not the main subject of labor.

When choosing a profession such as "Man - nature" it is very important to take into account the following. For many people, nature acts as an attractive environment associated with recreation. Residents of the city tend to go to nature after work or during vacations, the guys go to pioneer camps, etc. But this is not the love for nature that is expected from a professional in the field of "Man - nature." It is very important for you to figure out exactly how you love nature: as a workshop in which you are going to give all your strength to the production of this or that product, or maybe you just like to take a walk in the forest, breathe, lie on the lawn? You need to test your love for nature for strength in practical socially useful work.

If you are going to think seriously about choosing a profession like "Human - Nature", it is important to consider the following as well. The peculiarity of biological objects of labor is that they are complex, changeable, non-standard. They change according to their own internal laws. And plants, and animals, and microorganisms live, grow, develop (and also get sick, die) without any days off. The worker needs not only to “keep in mind” a lot, but also mentally foresee changes in the objects of labor.

The employee is required to take initiative and independence in solving specific labor tasks. Such qualities as caring and foresight are important. Indeed, many changes in animal and plant organisms may turn out to be irreversible (plants may wither, die from pests, epidemic diseases of livestock may begin, etc.). Changing working conditions require the employee to creatively solve emerging problems.

"Man is a sign"(or "Man - sign system"). A test of strength for you in this area in the past could be doing written work on various subjects, keeping records, diaries, orderly accumulation and storage of various kinds of information (cuttings, extracts, card files), translating from one language to another, performing calculations, calculations, drawings, diagrams. Even N.V. Gogol once noticed that one can have an inclination in such a special reality as letters, signs. His hero is engaged in an important business for that time - he rewrites business papers (there were no typewriters then): “It was hardly possible to find a person who would live like that in his position. It is not enough to say that he served zealously—no, he served with love. There, in this rewriting, he saw his own diverse and pleasant world. Pleasure was expressed on his face; some letters he had favorites, to which, if he got to, he was not himself: he laughed, and winked, and helped with his lips, so that in his face, it seemed, one could read every letter that his pen drew.

Yes, you can love signs, sign systems. And this is no worse and no less important than loving machines or, say, plant crops as objects of labor. Modern man is immersed in the world of signs and sign systems: drawings, diagrams, topographic and geographical maps, numerical data, tables, formulas, signatures, inscriptions, texts, road signs, various kinds of conventional signals - all these are integral features of the manifestation of modern civilization and culture. This means that appropriate specialists are also needed.

Professions type "Man is a sign" so diverse that it's time to talk about their varieties, subtypes.
1. Professions in which work is aimed at the creation and execution of documents (in native or foreign language), office work, text analysis or their transformation, transcoding.
2. Professions in which labor is directed to numbers, quantitative ratios.
3. Professions in which work is directed to systems of conventional signs, schematic representations of objects.

In the conditions of modern culture, signs that do not have a pictorial resemblance to the designated object play an important role (words do not look like the objects in question, notes do not look like music, money does not look like goods, mathematical formulas that describe and allow you to determine the course of the aircraft, do not look like an airplane, nor the trajectory of its flight, etc.). Therefore, in order to work successfully in any of the professions of this type, one needs special inclinations to mentally immerse himself in the world of seemingly dry designations, to be distracted from the actual objective properties of the surrounding world and to focus on the information that certain signs carry with them. When working with signs, as well as when working with other realities, there are tasks of control, verification, accounting, processing of information, as well as tasks of inventing new signs, sign systems. In other words, in this area of ​​labor, as in any other, there are unique opportunities for creativity.

You more often choose professions in which work is aimed at art objects or the conditions for their creation. These are specialties, professions such as "Man is a work of art."
The whole field of professions of the "Man - an artistic image" type can be divided into subtypes in accordance with the historically isolated types of artistic representation of reality.
1. Professions related to fine arts.
2. Professions related to musical activity.
3. Professions related to literary and artistic activities.
4. Professions related to acting and stage activities.
The first manifestations and forms of art in the history of mankind (image, song, dance) have always been by no means idle, but the most important public matter, not the work of individuals, but of the collective. The song organized the rhythm of joint work or created the necessary mood (mournful, joyful or fighting). A drawing or dance defined and clarified intentions, goals, plans, served as a kind of preparation, for example, for hunting, combat, etc. Art was associated with the life support of society, with labor.
In the process of human development, the separation and isolation of the production of artistic values ​​from the production of material values ​​gradually took place. Artists have emerged. They satisfy their material needs at the expense of those who work in the field of agriculture, the production of industrial products, and in return for this they bring aesthetic values ​​​​to the common cause. There is a natural exchange of products of labor.
One of the features of professions of this type is that a significant proportion of the worker's labor costs remain hidden from an outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness, ease of the final effect of labor. So, the performance of the artist can last in public for several minutes. But for its implementation, the artist daily and for many hours works to improve and maintain his skills at the required level, strictly observes a special regime, etc.

When choosing an appropriate professional path, it is important to think about this implicit side of work, which can also be an unbearable price for success. In order for work to bring satisfaction, it is important to cultivate a realistic level of claims to social recognition (not to claim more recognition than what you deserve based on the real results of your work). However, this is not easy to achieve if someone has already managed to praise a person. A person with an unrealistic level of ambition repels the idea that the true reason for the lack of resounding success is in himself. He is inclined to see these reasons in the actions of other people (“they interfered”, “they don’t let me go”, “envy”, “slow down”, etc.). Beware of being in this position.

: typology E.A. Klimov, which classifies professions according to and the Dutch typology of professions, which connects the type of personality and the type of professional environment chosen by a person.

Typology of professions E.A. Klimov

Klimov identified five objects of labor: , technique, sign, nature. In the first part of the name of the type of profession, the subject of labor is indicated, which is always a person.

Man is man- all professions related to the upbringing, service, training of people, communication with them. This group includes all teaching and medical professions, professions in the service sector and others.

Man is technology- all professions related to the creation, maintenance and operation of equipment. These are such professions as: design engineer, car mechanic, system administrator and others.

Man is a work of art- all professions related to the creation, copying, reproduction and study of artistic images. This group includes such professions as: artist, actor, singer, restorer, art critic and others.

Man is nature- all professions related to the study, protection and transformation of nature. This group includes such professions as: veterinarian, gardener, agronomist, ecologist and others.

Man is a sign- all professions related to the creation and use of sign systems (digital, alphabetic, musical). This group includes translators of artistic and technical texts, analysts, financiers and others.

The peculiarity of the application of this classification in our time is that simple professions with one object of labor are becoming a thing of the past and they are being replaced by professions with several objects of labor, or with a complex object of labor. For example, the profession of a landscape designer simultaneously belongs to the type of man-nature and to the type of man-artistic image.

Typology of professions by J. L. Holland

Holland proceeded in his classification from the fact that a person's choice of professional space is an expression of his personality. A person's achievements in one or another type of career depend on the correspondence between the characteristics of the individual and the characteristics of the professional environment.

He singled out six personality types and six types of professional environment.


Personality type

Type of professional environment


People who are action oriented, decision making, unemotional, athletic or mechanical, love technique, take risks

Activities related to the manipulation of tools, with technology. As well as most of the "male" professions.


People who are focused on cognitive activity, who love to observe, analyze, explore, decide.

Research work. Experts in various fields, analysts.


People who are focused on self-expression and the attention of others, creative, expressive, original, prone to non-conformity, have rich intuition and imagination, are informal.

The sphere of art, professions associated with attracting attention, presenting something.


People who are focused on communication, on relationships with other people, vulnerable, sensitive, prone to altruism, do not like systematic activity, love the collective nature of work, and have communication skills.

Most professions aimed at working with people are social activities.


People who are ambitious, focused on influence, on the creation and implementation of their own ideas, management, search for solutions, high social activity.

Business, politics, lawyer services, etc.


People focused on the systematization and reproduction of information, data manipulation. Little emotional, accurate, punctual, pedantic, executive.

Work on systematization of storage and reproduction of any information. A job that requires a lot of perseverance and precision. Work in areas such as accounting, finance, archives, libraries, etc.

There are certain patterns of combination of personality type and environment type

Personality type

Medium type







  • "+" - favorable
  • "++" - very favorable
  • "-" - not favorable
  • "- -" - very unfavorable

Subtypes of professions "Man - technology" Processing, mining of rocks; control vehicles Processing, use of industrial materials, semi-finished products mechanical assembly, equipment installation; installation, repair of buildings Processing of agricultural products Assembly, installation of electrical and radio equipment

The content of labor. - Designs, constructs, monitors the condition of equipment, observes safety precautions Must know - drawing, theoretical mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, computer technology, economics Professional quality:- constructive, logical thinking, ability to make decisions, organizational skills. Medical contraindications: dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, nervous diseases, poor eyesight and hearing.

The content of labor - manages construction work, controls the quality of building materials, develops projects for the organization of construction, and is engaged in budgeting. Must know - descriptive geometry and drawing resistance of materials, construction technology, methods of calculation and quality control of building structures, the basics of budgeting. Professional qualities - Broad outlook in the field of construction, Integrity, good eye, high level of spatial Representations Medical contraindications - diseases associated with loss of consciousness, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, poor eyesight, nervous and mental diseases.

Content of work Develops and implements technological processes, establishes the order of work, determines the main methods of quality control, maintains technical documentation, participates in experimental work, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency. Should know: Normative materials on technological preparation of production, production technology, economic indicators of the best domestic and foreign analog technologies, basics of physics, chemistry, technical mechanics, etc., psychology, sociology, labor legislation. : Professional qualities - logic, analytics, organizational and communication skills Medical contraindications - Hypertension, mental illness

Popularity and demand for professions "lawyer" 31% "economist" 22% "manager" 11% "programmer" 6% "actor" 5% "businessman" 4% "accountant" 4% "designer" 3% "artist" 2% "doctor" 2% "translator" 2% "journalist" 1% less than 1%* 7% To the question: "I think that the most popular profession today is ..." : To the question: "I think that the most popular profession today is ... "high school students answered as follows: To the question:" I think that the most popular profession today is ... "high school students answered as follows

Educational institutions teaching professions "Engineer": Educational institutions teaching professions "Engineer": Educational institutions teaching professions "Engineer": Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI), Moscow, Sokolniki / Preobrazhenskaya Square, st. Stromynka, d. 20; * Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI), Moscow, m. Sokolniki / Preobrazhenskaya Square, st. Stromynka, 20; * Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA), Moscow, metro station Vodny Stadion, Kronstadtsky Boulevard, 20; Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA), Moscow, m. Vodny stadium, Kronstadtsky Boulevard, 20; Moscow State Mining University (MGGU), Moscow, metro station Oktyabrskaya, Leninsky Prospekt, 6; * Moscow State Mining University (MGGU), Moscow, metro station Oktyabrskaya, Leninsky Prospekt, 6; * Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (MGOSGI), Moscow Region, Kolomna, st. Green, 30; * Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (MGOSGI), Moscow Region, Kolomna, st. Green, 30; * Moscow State Forest University (MGUL) Moscow region, Mytishchi, st. 1st Institutskaya, 1; * Moscow State Forest University (MGUL) Moscow region, Mytishchi, st. 1st Institutskaya, 1; * Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MGAVT), Moscow, Tulskaya metro station, Novodanilovskaya nab., 2, building 1; Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MGAVT), Moscow, Tulskaya metro station, Novodanilovskaya nab., 2, building 1; MSTU named after E.N. Bauman Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5 MSTU named after E.N. Bauman Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5

The project was completed by Markarova Margarita Borisovna, teacher of drawing, Lyceum 1568, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow My page on the all-Russian site About school. ru/Margarita1568/folder/

Choosing a profession is one of the main life choices made by a person at a young age, since choosing a profession, he chooses a way of life.

A person who chooses his future profession is called an optant (from Latin optacio - desire, election). The selection stage should end with the formation of a realistic and fairly clear idea of ​​the professional community into which the growing person will include himself in the future.

The number of professions today is measured in five figures, and their world is a moving picture. According to various researchers, ninth-graders, for example, can name only 20-26 professions on average, so career guidance is often spontaneous. A study of the motives for choosing a profession by schoolchildren showed that the advice of others plays a significant role in this: 25% of children choose a profession under the influence of a friend who is more independent, 17% - on the advice of their parents, 9% - under the influence of the media. Another 9% are guided by insignificant factors, for example, the proximity of the university to home, and only 40% of adolescents choose a profession, focusing on the content of the activity. But professional intentions turn out to be more stable, and mastering the activity is faster and more efficient if the main reason for the choice is the orientation towards the content of the upcoming activity.

When choosing a future profession, a high school student, as a rule, focuses on his interests, inclinations, without taking into account his own adequacy to the requirements of a particular area of ​​professional activity: the presence of psycho-physiological capabilities, intellectual potential, professionally significant personality traits.

For many, the situation of choice is stressful. The reasons for this lie in the fact that, on the one hand, a person is afraid to take responsibility for his actions, on the other hand, he simply does not know how to correctly make a decision so that it corresponds to his interests and goals.

Turning to a specialist, a person asks to determine what type of activity he is most capable of, expecting to receive unambiguous recommendations about his professional purpose. Behind this is not only a common misconception about the predisposition of each of us to a certain type of activity (and only to it), but also, perhaps, an unconscious desire to shift the solution of the most important life problem to another person, even a specialist.

Qualified assistance lies in the fact that the consultant helps a person to determine the presence and direction of their professional interests and inclinations, personal and business qualities necessary to master a certain area professional labor; informs him about the content and working conditions within the profession of interest; introduces you to the rules of decision-making and planning your professional path. The final choice future profession remains with the person.

Psychological classification of professions (specialties)

A specialty is a limited (due to the division of labor) area of ​​application of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, necessary for society, which gives him the opportunity to receive the necessary means of subsistence and development in return for the labor applied (expended) by him. Profession (from Latin professio - officially specified occupation, profiteor - I declare my business) is a group of related specialties. For example, there is no turner at all, there is a carousel turner, a borer turner, a turret turner, a station wagon turner, etc. All these specialties are theoretically united in a group referred to as the "turning profession".

There are thousands of specialties, and for the convenience of orientation in them, their classification is needed. Various classifications are possible: by branches of the national economy, by the level of required qualifications, by the similarity of psychological requirements, and for many other reasons.

For a rough distinction and "trying on" by each person to himself different professions a four-tier overview of their classification according to the characteristics of the subject, goals, means and working conditions, developed by the scientist E.A. Klimov and his staff.

In accordance with the distinguishable varieties of object systems, five types of professions are distinguished: "man - nature" (P), "man - technology" (T), "man - man" (H), "man - sign" (3), "man - artistic image" (X).

Professions world map

Conditional name of the type of professions Characteristics of the object of labor Vocational education Secondary special education Higher education
"Man-Nature"Living organisms, biological, microbiological processesFruit grower, livestock breederTechnician-arborist, livestock specialist, floristAnimal engineer, agronomist, veterinarian
"Man-Technology"Technical systems, energy, artificial and inanimate natural materialsLocksmith, truck crane operator, apparatchikTechnician-technologist, construction technicianEngineer
"Man-Man"People, collectives, groups, social processesSalesperson, hairdresserNurse, preschool teacherTeacher, engineer, manager
"Man-Sign"Symbols, numbers, codes, natural and artificial languages ​​(formulas)Typesetter, draftsman, PC operatorfinancial inspector, economistEngineer-economist, editor, theoretical scientist
"Man-Artistic Image"Artistic images, their properties, elementsEngraver, modeler of architectural detailsDecorator-designer, sculptor-performerDesigner, interior designer, fashion designer, actor

Professions like "Man - Nature"

These are professions where the labor of workers is directed to objects of wildlife. Academic subjects help to navigate in this area: botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, general biology.

The peculiarity of biological objects of labor is that they are complex, changeable, non-standard. They transform according to their own internal laws. And plants, and animals, and microorganisms live, grow, develop (and also get sick, die). The worker needs not only to know a lot, but also to mentally foresee changes in the objects of labor.

The employee is required to take initiative and independence in solving specific labor tasks. Care and foresight are important, because many changes in animal and plant organisms may turn out to be irreversible (plants may wither, die from pests, epidemic diseases of livestock may begin, etc.). Changing working conditions require the employee to creatively solve emerging problems.

Human labor in the field of professions "man - nature" is directed not only at the objects mentioned above. So, for example, plant breeders use various and complex techniques in their practice. Working in a team, they, in particular, are busy building interpersonal relationships. They have to delve into the issues of accounting, economic evaluation of their work. There are even such professions of this type that necessarily require artistic inclinations (along with inclinations to biology, botany), for example, flower growers-decorators (florists), green building technicians (specialists in landscaping cities, populated areas). But still, the main subject of attention and concern of workers in this case is plants and the environment for their existence.

The same is true of the animal husbandry professions. Animal husbandry is increasingly transferred to an industrial basis, equipped with machinery. The livestock breeder is also a machine operator. But if he does not have a special relationship, special inclinations to work specifically with animals (and there is only an interest in technology), then this negatively affects his work.

The microbiologist is surrounded on all sides by laboratory equipment, and the biological subject of research is not even visible to the naked eye. But here, too, the main thing is the interest in the phenomena of living nature. And technology is a means, but not the main subject of labor.

When choosing a profession such as "man - nature" it is very important to take into account the following. For many people, nature acts as an attractive environment associated with recreation. Residents of the city tend to go to the forest or mountains after work or during their holidays. But all this is not the kind of love for nature that is expected from a professional in the field of "man - nature." Therefore, it is very important to figure out exactly how a person loves nature: as a workshop in which he is going to give all his strength to the production of a particular product, or he just likes to take a walk in the forest, breathe fresh air, lie on the lawn. You need to test your love for nature for strength in practical work.

Professions like "Human - Technique"

These are professions where the labor of workers is directed to technical objects (machines, mechanisms, materials, types of energy). In professions of this type, such subjects as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and drawing help to navigate. It should be noted that the field of technical objects includes not only "pieces of iron", but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials, semi-finished products. The field of technology must be understood broadly.

The peculiarity of technical (and inanimate natural) objects is that they, as a rule, can be accurately measured, determined by many features.

It is impossible to invent such machines that would be very exhausting, wear out a person, would be very inconvenient and dangerous for him.

Designers, together with psychologists and designers, strive to make the equipment as convenient, safe, and comfortable as possible.

In the world of technology, there are many opportunities for innovation and invention. In this regard, technical imagination, the ability to mentally connect and disconnect technical objects and their parts are important conditions for success in this area. It is possible to invent not only new products of labor (products in technology are often strictly defined by a drawing, technical assignment), but also ways of working.

Innovators come up with new types of tools, devices, improve the technology of processing products. Therefore, the division of professions into creative and non-creative is wrong. There are creative and uncreative people. One worker was assigned to crack nuts. No one would call it a creative activity. And this man came up with the following: he made a tight-fitting metal container (a large cylinder), filled nuts into it, closed the container, pumped air into it, and then abruptly released it. And all the nuts at one point neatly cracked. It remained only to select the kernels and throw away the husks.

Along with a creative approach to business in the field of technology, a high performance discipline is required from a person. Discipline is needed everywhere, but technology, with its precision, is especially sensitive to this quality of workers.

This is the largest (in terms of the number of professions and specialties) type of professions. The work of professionals here is directed, of course, not only to technology. Thus, a radio equipment installer cares, in particular, about the beauty of installation, a trolley bus driver communicates with people during work, an operator or a mechanic can calculate something, calculate, and a crane driver can be busy loading cages, for example, with zoo inhabitants sent on tour. But still, the main subject of professional attention and concern of workers in this case is technical objects and their properties. Still, the crane operator (crane operator) is a specialist in managing a crane, a mechanic is a specialist in metal processing.

It is important to bear in mind the following. Some names indicate the predominantly female character of labor (a knitter of textile and haberdashery products, etc.). But most of the names of professions are usually used traditionally in the masculine gender, although both men and women can work here (cook, projectionist, apparatchik, turner, etc.).

Professions like "Man - Man"

These are professions, the object of attention of which is a person. They are associated with training, education, service, leadership. In this area, such subjects as history, literature and others related to the study of people and society help to navigate.

The first feature of professions of the “man-to-man” type is that the main content of labor here is reduced to the interaction between people.

The second feature of professions of this type is that each of them requires a kind of double preparation from a person:

1) you need to be able to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand them, understand their characteristics;

2) it is necessary to be trained in one or another area of ​​production, science, technology, art, etc.

Professions of the type "Man - Sign" ("Man - Sign System")

People with these professions are engaged in the processing of information (information), presented in the form of conventional signs, numbers, formulas, texts.

Modern man is immersed in the world of signs and sign systems. Drawings, diagrams, topographic and geographical maps, numerical data, tables, formulas, signatures, inscriptions, texts, road signs, various conventional signals - all these are integral features of the manifestation of modern civilization.

In the conditions of modern culture, signs that do not have a pictorial resemblance to the designated object play an important role (words do not look like the objects in question, notes do not look like music, money does not look like goods, mathematical formulas that describe and allow you to determine the course of the aircraft, do not look like an airplane, nor the trajectory of its flight, etc.). Therefore, in order to work successfully in any of the professions of this type, special inclinations are needed for mental immersion in the world of dry designations, for abstracting from the actual objective properties of the surrounding world and focusing on the information that certain signs carry with them. When working with signs, as well as when working with any objects, there are tasks of control, verification, accounting, processing of information, as well as tasks of inventing new signs, sign systems. In other words, in this area of ​​work, as in any other, there are unique opportunities for creativity.

Professions like "Man - Artistic Image"

These are professions in which work is directed to artistic objects or the conditions for their creation. All professions of the “man-artistic image” type can be divided into subtypes in accordance with historically isolated types of artistic representation of reality.

  • Professions related to fine arts.
  • Professions related to music.
  • Professions related to literary and artistic activities.
  • Professions related to acting and stage activities.

The listed subtypes are not strictly limited from each other and are more or less strongly intertwined.

The first manifestations and forms of art in the history of mankind (image, song, dance) have always been by no means idle, but the most important public affair - the affair of the collective. The song set the rhythm of joint work or created the necessary mood (mournful, joyful or fighting). A drawing or dance determined and specified intentions, goals, plans, served as a kind of preparation for hunting, combat, etc. Art was associated with the life support of society, labor.

In the process of human development, there was a separation and isolation of the production of artistic values ​​from the production of material values. Artists have emerged. They satisfy their material needs at the expense of those who work in the field of agriculture, industry, and in return for this they bring aesthetic values ​​​​to the common cause.

There is a natural exchange of products of labor. Of course, from time to time a “piano freaked out” appears, to which it begins to seem that “it plays for itself”, in other words, ideas appear that art is something exceptional (“art for art’s sake”, etc.) This is not a more witty position than if someone proclaimed: "industry for industry", "beekeeping for beekeeping", etc. In any field of work, skill can be unattainably high; however, not in any area it is expressed in spectacular effects. Therefore, not all areas of labor have the same conditions for “pride” to take possession of a person.

One of the features of professions of this type is that a significant proportion of the worker's labor costs remain hidden from an outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness, ease of the final product of labor. So, the performance of the artist can last in public for several minutes. But in order for it to take place, the artist works daily and for many hours to improve and maintain his skills at the required level, strictly observes a special regime, etc.

When choosing an appropriate professional path, it is important to think about this implicit side of work, which can turn out to be an unbearable price for success. In order for work to bring satisfaction, it is important to cultivate a realistic level of claims to social recognition actual performance results). However, this is not easy to achieve if someone has already managed to praise a person. A person with an unrealistic level of claims drives away the thought that the true reason for the lack of resounding success is in himself. He is inclined to explain failures by the actions of other people (“interfered”, “do not let pass”, “envy”, “slow down”, etc.)

Based on the materials of the book by T.L. Pavlova “Vocational guidance for high school students.
Diagnostics and development of professional maturity»

These are professions where the labor of workers is directed to technical objects (machines, mechanisms, materials, types of energy). In professions of this type, such subjects as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and drawing help to navigate. It should be noted that the field of technical objects includes not only "pieces of iron", but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials, semi-finished products. The field of technology must be understood broadly.

The peculiarity of technical (and inanimate natural) objects is that they, as a rule, can be accurately measured and determined by many features. And when processing, transforming, moving or evaluating the worker, accuracy and certainty of actions are required. It is impossible to invent such machines that would be very exhausting, wear out a person, would be very inconvenient for him, dangerous. Designers, together with psychologists and designers, strive to make technology as convenient, safe, and comfortable as possible.

In the world of technology, there are many opportunities for innovation and invention. In this regard, technical imagination, the ability to mentally connect and disconnect technical objects and their parts are important conditions for success in this area. It is possible to invent not only new products of labor (products in technology are often strictly defined by a drawing, a labor task), but also methods of work.

Innovators come up with new types of tools, devices, improve the technology of processing products. Therefore, the division of professions into creative and non-creative is wrong. There are creative and uncreative people. One worker was assigned to crack nuts. No one would call it a creative activity. And this man came up with the following: he made a tight-fitting metal container (a large cylinder), filled nuts into it, closed the container, pumped air into it, and then abruptly released it. And all the nuts at one point neatly cracked. It remained only to select the kernels and throw away the husks.

Along with a creative approach to business in the field of technology, a high performance discipline is required from a person. Discipline is needed everywhere, but technology, with its precision, is especially sensitive to this quality of workers.

This is the largest (in terms of the number of professions and specialties) type of professions. The work of professionals here is directed, of course, not only to technology. Thus, a radio equipment installer cares, in particular, about the beauty of installation, a trolley bus driver communicates with people during work, an operator or a mechanic can calculate something, calculate, and a crane driver can be busy loading cages, for example, with zoo inhabitants sent on tour. But still, the main subject of professional attention and concern of workers in this case is technical objects and their properties. Still, the crane operator (crane operator) is a specialist in managing a crane, a locksmith is a specialist in metal processing.

It is important to bear in mind the following. Some names indicate the predominantly female character of labor (a knitter of textile and haberdashery products, etc.). But most of the names of professions are usually used traditionally in the masculine gender, although both men and women can work here (cook, projectionist, apparatchik, turner, etc.)

Subtypes of professions of the type "Human - Technique"

Professions related to the processing, extraction of soil, rocks:

Drifter, bulldozer driver, geophysicist, well sampling and testing engineer

Professions related to the processing and use of non-metallic industrial materials, products:

Shoe upper assembler, joiner, carpenter, optician, weaver, plastics presser

Professions related to the production and processing of metal, mechanical assembly, installation of machines, instruments, equipment:

Gornovoi, turner, miller, grinder, operator of machine tools with program control, assembler-completion ship.

Professions related to the repair, adjustment, maintenance of mechanical equipment, technological machines, installations, vehicles:

Locksmith-repairman, inspector-repairer of wagons, mechanic.

Professions related to the installation, repair of buildings, structures, structures:

Bricklayer, electric welder, builder, architect, ship repairer, fitter

Professions related to the installation, assembly of electrical and radio equipment, instruments, devices:

Electrician, electronic clock assembler, computer technician, chip assembler, vacuum fitter

Professions related to the repair, adjustment, maintenance of electrical equipment, instruments, apparatus:

Radio mechanic, controller of radio electronic equipment and instruments, radio communication engineer, electrical technician, watchmaker.