Ready-made business plan for an extended day group. Private extension for elementary grades to open a business

There must be comfortable conditions for children to do their homework here. In addition, the ideal option would be to decorate walls or stands with the work of students. For example, if children are engaged in a circle of fine arts, then it would be advisable to put their work on public display. On the stand, you can post information about the achievements of the pupils and a plan for upcoming events. You can also arrange a stand for parents. 6 Also, do not forget that when organizing an extended day group, you need to develop a special program of outdoor games. After all, children should walk, so outdoor exercises are included in the mandatory aftercare program. In a number of wedding ceremonies, since ancient times held in Russia, the engagement (conspiracy) followed the matchmaking, before the betrothal and wedding.

Business idea for opening an aftercare group

If you take lessons, then you will need to allocate a suitable place in the house (desk, chair, lighting). – Let's calculate the cost of services, let's say you can organize a group of 5 children. With the level of payment for your efforts in the amount of 20 thousand rubles per month, one parent will pay you 4 thousand rubles.
rubles for this period or 200 rubles per lesson.


It turns out that the cost of one lesson is quite acceptable. At the same time, parents provide their child with safety, fun leisure, and help with lessons. And with sufficient work experience, groups can be collected even more.

- If you have a child and he is 7 - 12 years old, then you can offer your services to the parents of his classmates. Good publicity, this is a posting of ads, where your phone number and a list of services offered are indicated.

You can use the Internet.

Organization of a paid after-school group as an idea for a private business!

By the way, if you use the extension as a “root tenant” as the basis for business, then this business can be expanded both in breadth and depth. For example, add to it such a direction Preparing children for school and such a School of Young Technician And there can be a lot of such directions here.


And then you can even start preparing lunches yourself and also expand this direction up to the supply of food to schools. The idea is especially good because you can start it from absolute zero without investing anything.

Just negotiate and work. Profit in the first month. We are discussing in general. ZY Yes, and put the children to bed, you, unlike schools, will not be required.

Day care center

On the other hand, the necessary minimum should be the one who will directly work with children. Kindness, strictness, attentiveness - this is the minimum set of qualities required for a "tutor".

Children after school lessons need to be carried away with something, so you should come up with a variety of but not too tiring activities. If there are already such initiatives in your area, or if the school itself provides after-school services for children, you can still compete with them.
For example, by offering escort services for children from school to home, or by keeping the kids busy doing homework while you work. Many parents will be grateful for the opportunity to relax in the evening from standing behind the shoulders of young students, and less worry about how the child got home is worth a lot.

Extension for children


You will need

  • - room;
  • - lesson plan;
  • - information stands.

Instruction 1 Decide on the room. Afterschool classes should not interfere with the main educational process.

Therefore, it is necessary to clearly present the overall schedule educational institution to enter the plan of work of the extended day group. Ideally, this group should have a separate room, which will be decorated in a certain style, reflecting the activities of children here. The office must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards - this is illumination, size and ventilation. When organizing an extended day group, also take into account the general occupancy of the school's assembly or sports halls. This is necessary so that you, together with your pupils, can arrange your extracurricular activities there without interference.

Forum of business ideas: business idea: aftercare for children

For the engagement ceremony, book tables in a restaurant, cafe, etc. Beautiful atmosphere, live music, lighting design will create an unforgettable atmosphere of a real holiday. Prepare bouquets of flowers for the bride and her mother.

Invite the closest family members to this ceremony - parents, sisters and brothers. 3 Announce your engagement. Ask the future father-in-law for the hand of the bride. Having received a parental blessing and after listening to congratulations on the engagement, invite everyone present to the festive table.

And give the bride a gold engagement ring with pebbles, it would be nice with diamonds. It will be passed down through your family. The engagement ring accepted by the girl indicates her consent to marry you.

After the wedding, she will wear it over her wedding ring. 4 Discuss at the festive table the issues of the wedding day. Agree on the distribution of responsibilities.
Thus, your competitiveness will significantly increase against the background of other urban after-school groups for elementary school students. Payback The profit of a paid extension business depends on the number of students - students. The more visitors, the greater the income of the enterprise. An important factor affecting the amount of income received is the cost of one day of stay in an extension, as well as the number of working days in a week.

Having formed a group of 6-7 people, you can earn an average of 10-12 thousand rubles a month. Considering that you will have to work only a few hours a day, it is worth agreeing with the recognition of the GPA organization business as a very profitable enterprise.

At the same time, it is important to understand what responsibility you take on by organizing a paid extension.

How to open an extension program for children step by step instructions

Oksana, after 3 o'clock not everyone wants to go somewhere else, many just want to take a walk. Or go to the music. schools, sections. Of course, they can also come to our classes.

But after 4 o’clock we also have a “boom” - there are enough of our classes, I don’t know where to put the after-school. Although I agree that if the child has nowhere to go, then the parents will agree. There is also a very important issue of price. When we did the extension, we calculated that the cost of an hour should be small, otherwise it would not make sense for parents to spend so many hours with us. We must, accordingly, take in quantity, otherwise there will be no point. Plus, the room still needs to be recouped, which in the evening is very much in demand in other areas.
If the GPA will work outside the school premises, then you can report the enrollment of children by posting announcements near educational institutions, in residential buildings, and on the Internet. No more advertising is required to attract customers to the extended day group.

Next, word of mouth will start working for you. The main thing is to provide an interesting, informative and effective pastime for children after school. Competition In most modern general education schools there are extended day groups, including paid ones.

This points to potential competition. However, it should be understood that the extension is different. Not every HPR works successfully. It all depends on the program of events, the location of the premises, the teacher.

Management educational institution often meets the organizers of the paid after-school program halfway, as the school budget is replenished from this, which is important in the context of insufficient state funding. What is required to maintain a GPA? Working in an extended day group requires professional skills.

Namely, the presence of pedagogical education, knowledge of a child psychologist, understanding of the school curriculum. If these constituent factors are not present, then you can resort to the help of specialists - experienced teachers.

You can also find a teacher for a paid GPA at the school. An important point is the organization of the program and schedule of the extended day group.

It should include a walk in the fresh air, educational games and activities with children, homework, free time, lunch. It is important to understand that the extended day group replaces after-school leisure for children in the absence of their parents.
Remember that children are recruited into the extended day group at the written request of their parents. However, keep in mind the fact that it cannot accommodate very many people. As a rule, the number of children in afterschool varies within the same class, i.e. 25 people. More, according to experts, is already inappropriate. 3

Observe another very important condition for organizing an extended day group - this is an experienced and professional staff of teachers who will work with children. As a rule, full-time teachers and leaders of various circles and sections of the school where children study are recruited to work in afterschool.

Also, when preparing an extended day group for work, do not forget about menu planning and catering. As a rule, for children in after-school, hot meals are organized twice.

5 Also take care of the design of your room, where the group is located.

Organization of extended day groups.

An extended day group with accompaniment (to school, for aftercare, home) will come to the aid of parents whose children are in grades 1-5 (possibly 6 grades).

Here it is important to take into account that not everyone has the opportunity to see off, meet, teach lessons with them.

Organizing an after-school group will help parents relieve anxiety for their children:

  • children will be supervised after school;
  • no need to do homework with children until midnight.
  • during the road home - school, school - home;

Who is this type of business for? This business is suitable for mothers who do not work, grandmothers whose children are around this age. You need a room that can accommodate such a group.

I was thinking about something like this.

But in theory, the payback of such a project is unlikely, if it is relatively inexpensive for parents and everything is done officially and according to the rules.

That's why I thought it didn't exist. For 5-6 thousand, many would want it, cheap. But if it's not official. fraught with both parents and organizers. I wouldn't give my child away for anything. The nanny will bring the child to your apartment and feed you food. The child will be there alone, which increases the share of attention to him and reduces the risk of injury. And if God forbid something happens. with whom to ask if it is a private office not registered anywhere.

It seems that the teacher of the after-school in the hall of the school meets at the end of the lessons Another question.

I won't let my child carry a backpack in first grade.

Paid extension

And I remembered how a few years ago schools were allowed to provide commercial services in terms of education - they were allowed to engage in legal tutoring within the walls of the school.

As an English teacher explained: “If I provide paid services to my own students, their parents will then demand a positive grade from me in the lessons. I don't want to be dependent on them."

Therefore, parents who are indignant at the widespread paid extension can be understood. But in fact, a paid after-school is needed, just as our children need high-class tutors, nannies, overseers and animators in the daytime.

Related article: Organization of leisure in the extended day group

Related article: Organization of leisure in the extended day group The article describes how to organize leisure in the GPA.

To some extent, we now have nannies, and tutors, and hobby groups. But usually all these services are distributed in space.

Preview: Organization of children's leisure in the extended day group. Students' extra-curricular time can be divided into two periods: after school hours before doing homework and after doing homework before going home. After the children have gathered in a group, we go to dinner. After lunch we go for a walk. A walk helps to strengthen their health, increases the body's resistance to colds.

Movement, running, play have a positive effect on the growth and development of children, contribute to the improvement of breathing skills and abilities. Outdoor recreation is very important, as it has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the central nervous system of children and helps to better prepare for subsequent activities that require great mental stress.

Day care center

In schools, as a rule, there is an extended day group only in elementary school.

There are no extensions for older children.

Not all schools have such groups. And sometimes they just don't meet the requirements.

Yes, and such a service as escorting students to classes and home from school is not provided. Who is this type of business suitable for? This business is suitable for grandmothers whose child is in elementary school.

Same for moms who don't work.

Afternoon group: planning

Afternoon group: program Explanation

General provisions The teacher in the afterschool should take an individual approach to each child and create all the conditions so that the baby can develop comprehensively.

Thus, an extended day group is an excellent replacement for various circles.

Any occupation has a number of its own characteristics and principles.

In addition, in the aftercare, it is necessary to maintain emotional integrity and a favorable environment. During the training, the guys should be trained in speed, agility, good manners, flexibility, endurance.

With their help, a work plan is drawn up.

The extended day group is guided by the age and personality characteristics of each child in order to make every day spent in class as informative and interesting as possible.

Extension at home

Home business from scratch Rubric: Business ideas from scratch You don't have a job?

Do you want to do business yourself, but do not know how and where to start? Think about "renewal at home." If you had to deal with the problem of schoolchildren's leisure time, you know what I'm talking about.

If the answer to all questions is yes, then you can safely begin to build your business. So, what you need for this: a free room where children can do homework, play, have fun. Mandatory included mobile phone so that parents can always find out what their child is doing.

Of course, it’s good if you are an experienced teacher, but even if this is not the case, then remembering what you did with your children, you can easily organize the leisure of other people’s kids. Let's say you calculated that the full package for one child costs 130 rubles per day.

Day care center

For you parents! Lessons at school every day go for four or five hours.

And the working day for parents lasts, as a rule, twice as long. What to do if grandparents, who substitute their reliable shoulder in such cases, are not nearby?

Alternatively, you can hire a nanny who will not only pick up the child from school, but feed him, “walk” and listen carefully. True, parental salaries do not always allow using the services of modern Arina Rodionovna. In this case, there is only one way out - EXTENSION.

Many parents are interested in the question: who decides whether or not to open an after-school group at school? This right is assigned to the department of education paradise - and city executive committees.

By the way, it can decide to open a group only if certain conditions are met.

Organization of a paid after-school group as an idea for a private business!

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  • The presence of a pedagogical education or experience is an excellent reason to organize your own business.

    As an idea, we can consider the organization of an extended day group for schoolchildren. Such entrepreneurial activity is characterized by the absence of the need for large initial investments.

    At the beginning of the academic autumn of 2014, the Russian school Internet was buzzing about the widespread introduction of paid after-school programs in Russian schools. The Ministry of Education gave the go-ahead to the introduction of such a paid service by schools, and parents were very outraged.

    And I remembered how a few years ago schools were allowed to provide commercial services in terms of education - they were allowed to engage in legal tutoring within the walls of the school.

    I don’t know how it is in other schools, but in our school this service was not popular. Neither the teachers nor the parents of the children liked this innovation. And it's not just about the cost of the service (of which the teacher received only a part, and the parent, in principle, was ready to pay for the services of tutors).

    As an English teacher explained: “If I provide paid services to my own students, their parents will then demand a positive grade from me in the lessons. I don't want to be dependent on them."

    On the other hand, we parents know very well HOW teachers teach children at school. I would not pay most of these teachers for tutoring. There are too many random, illiterate and indifferent to knowledge people in the school. Including teachers working on an after-school program (we usually use teachers in this role who were not useful to the school in professionally). And I will also pay such a “teacher”?

    Therefore, parents who are indignant at the widespread paid extension can be understood.

    But in fact, a paid after-school is needed, just as our children need high-class tutors, nannies, overseers and animators in the daytime.

    Babysitters are needed - so that children are supervised (now it is such a time that it is dangerous to leave a child unattended until the very end of school). Overseers are needed so that the child does all the lessons before the evening, otherwise they will remain undone. We also need tutors who could explain a difficult topic to a child. And we need teachers-animators who could entertain the child and teach something good that is not included in the school curriculum.

    To some extent, we now have nannies, and tutors, and hobby groups. But usually all these services are distributed in space. And the child has to move alone during the day from place to place (from school to home, from home to a tutor. From a tutor to art school or to the gym).

    The more a child moves independently around the city, the greater the risk of becoming a victim of an accident, crime, deceit, bad company, etc. (even in our quiet city, drug addicts, alcoholics and criminals just walk around the city during the day - and anyone can become their victim, not just a child).

    Therefore, it will be calmer for parents if the child does everything he needs in one place at once, all day long (about 4 hours until they return from work).

    And it is desirable that such a paid after-school program does not take place within the walls of the school - simply because the child needs to take a break from school (I really loved mathematics, but I never stayed at school for a mathematical circle, because after the 6th lesson I was so tired, that I could no longer see this school. First I had to crawl to the house, change clothes, eat, and only then I was again reborn into a normal person and could perceive something adequately).

    And recently I found out that a paid after-school program was opened in Minsk not on the basis of some school, but on the basis of the NewTon training center (this and the following photos are from the center’s page on VKontakte -

    In the rooms where adults gather for trainings in the evenings, children are engaged in the afternoon and morning (for the second shift of students).

    They not only do their homework under the guidance of experienced teachers and study English every day. For them, there are also creative classes in yoga, dancing, stage speech (in a theater group).

    For children with problems - classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist.

    In this center there are also classes in the science laboratory (for serious children):

    There are three paid extension packages - the minimum one (which includes only homework and entertainment for children); temporary stay (where, in addition to doing homework, children study English and additionally with tutors in school subjects plus creative classes) and a group engaged in a full package of services (more specialized and more complete in all creative classes).

    That is, for each wallet and for each set of needs - its own set of services.

    You can see the list of paid Minsk extension services on the center’s page –

    This, it seems to me, is the option that may appeal to those parents who are willing to pay for after-school, but not to their own school.

    Any training or Training Center, whose premises are empty during the day, can implement this service. (Maybe it will be possible to negotiate with them and sublease their space?)

    But you can, I think, open a similar business from scratch. Schoolchildren are such a huge the target audience, they are so tormented by the requirements of the school, and parents are so worried about their children - that there will definitely be those who want to go to such an after-school program.

    Start small - with homework and psychological relaxation (this alone can already attract a large number of applicants), and there you will already complicate your activities (yoga, stage skills and university preparation).

    Parents have already been shaken by the Ministry of Education, many of them are morally ready to pay for after-school. So no one is shocked by such a service. Moreover, a stand-alone service - not within the walls of your own school - can attract customers even more (as we usually think, as I personally think, and apparently it is - any paid tutor is better than a paid native teacher).