Short unusual performance on the last call. Last Call Scenario Ideas

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The script "Last call" is designed for students of grade 9 of the 1st parallel, consists of four consecutive scenes: "First teacher", "My class", "My teachers", "For you parents", the development contains lyrics - alterations, poems, humorous prose, skits, designed for students, most of whom will remain in grade 10.

Good afternoon dear friends, -
Guests, parents, teachers!
We are very glad to see you
At this moment and at this hour.

This May morning, this warm spring
Everything is as before, as if everything is going on in succession.
Only everything at the parade, with smiles, flowers,
Hall in a beautiful outfit and tears in the eyes
We know that today you do not need a lesson.
We gathered for a holiday
For the last call.

We are glad to see you in this hall, at the most beautiful and at the same time the most exciting holiday - the Last Bell.

Nine school years flew by. These guys have grown up and now they understand well that there is good and evil, good and bad, beautiful and noble in the world. At school, they learned justice and honesty. And already, it's time to take stock of 9 years of study.

Under the general murmur of jubilation
Meet joyfully, without words
Worthy of general attention
Our real graduates!

(Entrance of graduates -Lera "Last call".)

(Against the background of the melody "Navai Russia".)

Daniel: We study in the most beautiful school in the world, and all other schools envy us.

Olya: Only we have something that hurts before physical education, and after that everything goes away abruptly.

Sergey: Only we know that whoever goes to school in the morning enters ... universities!

Kirill: Only we traditionally improve Russian martial arts - the fight against laziness.

Daniel: Only we know that education makes a good person out of a good person, and an excellent student out of an excellent one.

Olya: Only we are fluent in Russian, English ... and in other lessons too.

Sergey: We, without hesitation, perceive everything bad, and reflect on whether we can do something good, good.

Kirill: At the lessons we fall into a long hibernation, or indulge in deep reflections on the topic "Where to get money?"

Daniel: Our favorite subject is change, when life is in full swing, though sometimes even in the head.

Olya: Great scientists and inventors are likely to come out of us, since it has long been known that laziness is the main engine of scientific and technological progress.

Sergey: We laugh at ourselves, and that's probably a good thing.

Kirill: But God forbid we forget how to laugh. So let's laugh and laugh together.

We are not sent to study in London,
We do not dress in fashion boutiques,
We study at our beloved Borovskaya school,
And we are reluctant to leave.

We do not rest in the southern resorts,
Sunbathing in the school yard in shorts.
We don't eat in expensive restaurants
We eat in the school canteen, oddly enough.

Some people find this life boring.
But real feelings are in full swing here.
Doors will open, we will turn all the mountains ...
Open spaces are open to all graduates.

Time flies so imperceptibly
Years go by.
Graduates so quickly
9th grade, goodbye forever!


Check it out, we're real graduates.
For the development of the minds of our nation!

Nine years have passed faster than a fairy tale
New roads ahead
Good parting word
There is no extra on the way.

- Word director Borovskaya school - Nepomnyashchaya T.E.

(Reading postcards and flowers to the director.)

There are guests in our hall -
Praise and honor to all guests!
Let's give them a word now
And we want to introduce you.

- Word for congratulations chapter Zyabinsky rural settlement - Fatfulina Elena Anatolyevna.

And it all started with the first call,
When with bouquets and a satchel behind
You met your first teacher.
Then you were called a class for the first time,
When fate brought you together...

Vedas: Let's remember how it was - 9 years ago. So, 2008...


The janitor-old woman enters the stage, begins to sweep the floor, sings:

Ouch! Flying ducks and two geese
Whom I love-at that fight-at-Xia!
MOM 1 appears, leads her son by the hand

Mom 1. Tell me, please, are they enrolling in school here?

janitor. Tuta, tuta!

Mom 1. Who is the oldest here? I need to enroll the boy in school.

janitor. I am the oldest. Only Pushkin is older than me. Have you prepared your child for school?

Mom 1. Of course we are prepared! The boy knows three languages, higher mathematics, the theory of relativity...

Janitor. Well, can you walk, lie, snap with teachers and spit at the ceiling with chewing gum?

Mom 1. Ouch! No, we haven't gone through that yet! But he is capable!

Janitor. So, boom to learn!

Dad runs in, dragging his son by the hand, hung with weapons.

Dad. Hurry! Get this juvenile delinquent in first grade! The kid is perfect for learning! In the brains - a complete vacuum, absolute emptiness, one might even say - a real virgin. So sow - reasonable, kind, eternal ...

The son points a machine gun at the janitor. She raises her hands.

janitor frightened: Boo-boom-boom sow. Ouch! Fly ducks and two geese!

(Runs off the stage.)

On the first day of autumn, how you once went to school,
They brought a flock of funny kids.
They have been studying here for a whole year,
And you say parting words came.

First-graders are marching (Masha and the Bear About Jam minus).

  1. And the sun is laughing
    Hurrying from afar
    And we hurry to the holiday
    ALL: Last call!
  2. From your youngest shift,
    From everyone who is a little old,
    Ninth graders of their favorite school
    ALL: Our fiery big hello!
  3. We've only been in this school for a year.
    They ran through the corridors
    But kids are attentive people,
    We have made many observations.
  4. They were a meter tall with a hat,
    When you came to the first class.
    Now you are taller than dad
    And your voice is called bass.
  5. What good adults!
    In our only school you can meet you!
    All boys are handsome
    And Olya is a Madonna.
    And among them there are no talkers, windbags.
    smart, talented,
    sporty, naughty,
  6. Let the excitement in the chest -
    After all, the exam is ahead
    Don't worry, you'll solve everything
    compose an essay
    With your miraculous intellect
    You will amaze everyone!
  7. Within the walls of the school you had time
    A lot to know
    We would like to answer you
    All exams on "5".


Dear our first class
We thank you for everything
We will give you gifts now
And we will give this order:
To get up on time
Ran to school on time
So that you do not go astray,
And nowhere got lost
And one more tip:
Take care of our school
And love your teachers!

(Presenting gifts to first graders.)

Kirill: How quickly 9 years flew by. It seems like we just started 1st grade. And we were met in a bright classroom by the first teacher - the kindest and most beautiful. Dear Elena Vasilievna, thank you for the love, patience and knowledge that you have passed on to us.

(Reading a postcard by E.V., presenting flowers.)

- Word for congratulations first teacher– Romanova E.V.


Daniel: Do you remember when you were in 5th grade?

Olya: On the very first day of our arrival at the school, we immediately found out exactly where the three strategic points were located in the school: a toilet, a dining room and a teacher's room.

Kirill: We found out that the teacher's think tank schools, parking teachers during breaks.

Sergey: The toilet is a place of safe psychological unloading in the classroom.

Daniel: Lesson - a period of time between breaks that interferes with playing on the phone.

Olya: And the dining room is a place where you can be at the lesson, going to the toilet for a minute.

Kirill: Recess - time to do homework.

Sergey: A teacher is a person - a star that always shines, but does not always warm, but it happens that it shines and warms.

Daniel: Exams are black holes into which no matter how much knowledge you put in, it is still not enough.

Olya: And we are individuals from whom it is impossible to achieve intelligible articulate sounds in the lesson.

Sergey: Add to them ... A bunch of virtues!

Daniel: Share ... Joys and failures with classmates!

Olya: And every day to multiply, multiply and multiply our knowledge!

Kirill: And our Lyudmila Ivanovna was always with us!


Everyone will say - the most important teacher
In the life of every student
This is the class teacher
They all know this for sure.


You are the main teacher for everyone,
Hard work is assigned to you.
After all, not just a class leader
Be responsible for the whole class!

(Song "Without you" by S. Mikhailov)

Forgive us folks
For all bad deeds -
They just didn't grow up.

You didn't have peace
Every day cost you nerves,
Try to understand us (2 times).

Tried not to upset you
It didn't always work out that way
We just believed you in everything.

And without you, and without you
It will be very difficult for us in life without you,
Only for a visit we will now come to our class,
But we will remember your concern many times ... (2 times)

(Reading a postcard and presenting flowers to the class teacher.)

- Word for congratulations class teacher– Lishik L.I.

What should a teacher be?
The teacher you are waiting for?
It's a tricky question, mind you.
You won't answer in five minutes.
He knows how to be human
Do not lie, do not prevaricate.
He will help to become a child
Not by anyone - by yourself!

Melody from the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring",voice-over, teachers come out.

They do not sleep deeply and calmly, and at exactly 6:00 they will wake up, and at 8:00 they will run to school. These are habits developed over the years.

Their character is balanced, very persistent. Vigilant, merciless to troublemakers and sloths who do not perform homework.

People are fair, kind, were repeatedly seen surrounded by students.

Their favorite pastime is to worry. For your knowledge, your happy future.

Year after year, they give students knowledge, care, life experience, and just a piece of their soul.

Teachers' speech

THOSE.: So much has happened over the years! Do you remember? With what only masterpieces we did not have to deal with in the classroom!

BUT.:“I won’t go to school anymore,” Kirill, a first grader, said after the first day of school, “I can’t read or write, and you don’t allow me to talk.

L.N.:- And I ask Seryozha: “What does the phraseological phrase “Chickens do not peck” mean?”, And he answers me: “It means that they are full!”

L.I.:- And I ask Daniil a question at the lesson: “How much will it be if eight is divided in half?” - “If along, then two threes, and if across, then two zeros.”

T.V.: And I have another problem. Olya asks me: “I don’t understand why I need to learn English? I convince her: “But half the world speaks English!” And she objects to me: “So is this really not enough?”

L.N.: And I ask Olya: "What kind of word" egg "?" She told me: "It's impossible to know!" "Why?" - I'm interested. “Because you don’t know who will hatch: a chicken or a rooster,” she tells me. Imagine!

L.V: And my answer to the question “What is in the middle of the flower?” Sergey replies: "The bee that bites"

G.A.: And I ask: “So, who in our class runs the fastest?” And Cyril replies: “Well, if a hundred meters, then me. And, if in the school cafeteria, then Seryozhka! How to work?

THOSE. I tell in the lesson the law of Archimedes “A body immersed in a liquid pushes out a volume equal to the volume of this body” And Daniel says “It does not push anything out! I checked yesterday! I plunged my body into the bath, sat, sat for 3 hours, got cold and got out.

L.V."At what temperature does water boil?" - I ask Cyril. He paused and said: “I don’t remember, but I know for sure that at 40 degrees ... water turns into a completely different liquid!

Song of teachers. ("It's time to go-road").

We came to meet, we meet, we meet,
A pleasant duty fell on our shoulders.
We would like to say to our graduates:
"You will live life on the" five ",
Learn more and strive to win"


Ah, dear children!
We can't, we can't, we can't help but love you,
Be happy!
We wish you value your friendship!

It's not hard to pass the exam in the 11th!
We will follow closely!

We all like you, like, like
And you are famous for your upbringing everywhere
And on this day and at this hour
Any of us will confirm
We will be glad to meet you in 10th grade.


Ah, dear children!
We wish you happiness, love, success and good luck!
We are glad to congratulate you!
Graduates for us you are just a class!
And let it be easy for you to study in the 10th,
It's not hard to pass the exam in the 11th!
We will follow closely!
We wish you always good luck!

All the guys are brave, brave, brave,
And with them Olechka is beautiful and glorious!
Now we will tell you: good luck
Oh, how we want to cry...
But you will not notice our tears at all!


Beloved children!
Strive to do good deeds!
Ah, dear children!
And remember the school you always!
And let it be easy for you to study in the 10th,
It's not hard to pass the exam in the 11th!
We will follow closely!
We wish you always good luck!

Word for congratulations - deputy director for UVR Kazakova L.V.

You know I still believe
What if the Earth remains to live, -
The highest dignity of mankind
Someday there will be teachers.


The teachers were with us side by side,
Raised us all these nine years,
How they worried about the children of their relatives -
We will never forget this.


How much was during the school years
Various lines, meetings,
We will remember them for a long time
We will protect with all our hearts.


Thank you for every school moment,
What we lived with you.
And every student bows to you -
Trust me, you deserve it all!

(Song "Lakes of Kindness")

We love you, your dear faces,
You wings gave us a ticket to life,
So that we can fly like birds,
To the wisdom of snow-capped peaks.

Teachers for us, you are the light in the window,
Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you get a little angry

And even if you get a little angry,
You have lakes of kindness in your eyes.

Thank you for the simple truths
Thanks for your patience and hard work.
Thank you for defining us
A delightful route to the world of knowledge.

(Reading postcards and presenting flowers to teachers.)

Who loved children, caressed?
Who didn't get enough sleep at night?
Who worried about them
And, at times, strict?
Patient day by day
They were brought up with a belt,
Helped the teacher?
Who is it?...


Dad. Come on, quickly confess, where did you hide it?

Mother. OH! What are you talking about? What are we hiding from you?

Dad. And a diary with deuces of this taiga elk, this Central Asian pokemon! (Gives a crack.)

Grandmother. Yes, no one hides him from you, there he lies under the sofa!

Dad. And why is this diary under the sofa, if its place is right here, under a frying pan with fried potatoes? Who put it there?

Son. It was I who put it under the leg so that the sofa would not sway.

Dad. So, I build a logical chain: if the diary suddenly appears under the sofa, then there is a parent meeting at school again. The question arises…

Mother. I won’t go to the parent meeting, I have nothing to wear!

Grandmother. Yeah, they say on TV every day that if a woman does not have diamonds, then consider her naked!

Son. I will grow up, go to work and buy you diamonds.

Dad. Buy! You already bought! Over there in the diary, three carat diamonds sparkle on the whole page: one, one, one.

Grandmother. Well, why are you scolding a child, this is not at all a unit!

Dad. And what do you think it is?

Grandmother. Well, it's like on TV on the first channel: this is the first, first, first! Look, the real kid is growing!


Dear our parents!
We want to thank you
For caring, for being with us
Everyone is ready to take their exams.

You went from class to class,
Gain knowledge and grow.
Everything we were taught in school
You helped us to master everything.


We all owe you support
Adult life comprehending the essence,
We will justify your hopes
Among the hundreds we will find the way.


Thank you dear parents.
Forgive us if you have been offended by something,
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience.

(Sing the song "The Last Fight")

You haven't rested for so long, you haven't rested for so long,
You were just not up to rest with me
You have been solving problems for us for so many years,
2 more years and then graduation!

A little more, a little more,
And this day is the most important...
We would return nine years ago,
For us to be with you...

Let it be sometimes hard for you with us,
Let us not always be obedient sometimes...
How long have we been writing sticks in notebooks,
And there is still a graduation exam

We'll sing a little more
Well, then we'll cry a little ...
And with you we will begin adulthood,
Almost from scratch ... but how else?

Real graduates of the 21st century are welcomed by graduates of the 20th century. ( Word for congratulations parents alumni).

Vedas: Serious exams are ahead of the guys. Everything that you have learned over the years will have to be shown: knowledge, ingenuity, and the ability to find the right answer in time. I propose now to check our graduates. Teachers, moms, dads, be careful. It is possible that your help will be needed.

So, I will ask questions, and you answer them amicably, clearly and loudly, those whom I show with my hand, but only “yes” or “no”.

Waltz sounded,
The lights sparkled in the school.
And the guys in our hall
Waiting for a call today?
Graduates: NO

How nice to hear that!
You are as friendly as ever. (referring to teachers)
Well, did you forgive the kids
For sins? We will answer ...

It was difficult for teachers
You are lazy - it's no secret.
They had to be strict
Did it work?
Graduates: NO!

School team is great
Masters of everything!
Maybe we'll teach the kids
Shall we leave them for a year?
Teachers: YES!
Graduates: NO

There is no agreement in the hall
Mom and dad advice needed.
Are you for leaving
They are still for a year?
Parents: NO!

Okay, one more question...
Historic answer!
Are you ready for exams?
Well, let's be honest...
Graduates: NO!

You are real guys!
Raised anywhere!
Such obstacles are not terrible.
Are we proud of them?
Teachers: YES!

Vedas: Who are the graduates of 2017? Serious and funny, sociable and silent, obedient and not very. In a word, different. But it is precisely in this individuality that their charm and originality lie.

Song ("Wind in the head" Trofim).

Wise books
Thrown into the table
Change - under the arm
I got up and went.
Going to school today is clearly a thrill for us.
So let's fire up the drive!

glorious day,
Birds are singing
I sit at the desk
Lesson repeat
Notebook with homework seems to be intact
So there won't be 2, huh?

Wind in my head, and I'm in love
In all the girls of our yard
There are so many places in the world where I have never been before.
Wind in my head, and I'm in love
I can not sleep with an iPhone until the morning
And overhead the open sky.


Here is the last lesson
Ordinary and unusual.
Now the last bell will ring -
Habitual and unusual.


We have a lot of things on the way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the start.


And we will remember, of course, more than once,
On good days and in bad weather
Last call and 9th grade
And children's school happiness!

Vedas: Well, that's all, perhaps?

Olya: As everybody? What about the call?

Vedas: Or maybe, well, this call? The call means farewell, but somehow you don’t feel like saying goodbye at all.

Olya: But we won’t, the doors of the school are open for us! Let this last call in 9th grade be an invitation to 10th grade. And I know that many of us will accept this invitation with pleasure!

Dreams, hopes, expectations -
Everything is in the future, everything is ahead.
Well, now in a quiet building
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring

The right to give the last bell is given to a 9th grade student Olga Alekseeva and a 1st grade student Yashchuk Matvey.

(The bell rings, they leave to applause.)

Only in the 10th,
Toli into a big life, who knows
Where will fate take them?
And we wish all of them together:
Break a leg!!!

The month of May is, as many say, the month of kebabs. But usually trips to nature and barbecues are the beginning of the month. But at the end of May, completely different concerns, and first of all - the last calls at schools. This event is being prepared for a long time and everything is carefully thought out. For example, preparing new funny scenes on the last bell in 11th grade. They try to make sketches according to subjects so that all teachers like them and no one is offended. We have prepared a small material from which you can choose what is right for you.

The scene is a drawing lesson.

Class. The children are sitting at their desks, the drawing teacher enters.

Children, today we will draw spring! Spring is a wonderful time of the year. Spring is the revived nature. It is the singing of birds and the sun. And so, we begin to draw.

The students draw, and the teacher walks near them and says:
- oh, beautiful! This is amazing! Wonderful!

Approaches one student and stops. He examines the drawing for a long time, picks it up and turns it around in every possible way. Then he says:
- what's this?!


The teacher rotates the drawing again:
Spring?! And why are there different people sitting, lying, and bottles lying next to them?

So it's spring - people are resting. Maria Ivanovna! You, as a teacher of art and a representative of the profession of artists, must understand. What are we, creative individuals. We can represent the drawing and the plot in different ways. This is how I imagine spring!

Okay, give me the diary.

The teacher takes the diary and puts the mark.

The student looks into the diary and is surprised:
- deuce? But why?

You, Ivanov, as a student, must understand that I, as a creative person, must appreciate your work, and it is beautiful! But as a teacher, I have to give you a grade, and I did. And if you think. That this is two, then I see that this is five, only five in my understanding!

Scene - geography

A funny scene where a student who did not study this subject mistakenly appropriated the Ural mountains to Kazakhstan, populated Kazakhstan with Georgians, and sent the inhabitants of Africa to live in Alaska! Watch and repeat the scene.

Scene - on mathematics

In this skit, a math lesson will be shown. In general, everything is as usual - the bell rings, the student bursts into the classroom right in front of the teacher, and the lesson begins.

Scene - history and social studies

Few students like history lessons. This is how many dates you need to remember and events. But after this scene, all the children will immediately take their textbooks in their hands, otherwise this is what can happen ....

The scene is for physical education lessons.

The physical education teacher enters the hall and, without looking in the direction of the students, says:
Calculate the first second!

The teacher looks in bewilderment and sees only one student.

Not understood? Why one, Ignatiev, where are the others?

Don't know. I just ran into the dining room during recess and immediately came here.

So, did you run into the dining room?! Then run back to the cafeteria and bring the whole class. Now we will understand. And if they don’t come, then tell me that I will be ill for a month, and instead of physical education, they will have physics during these hours!

The student runs away and a minute later the whole class appears with him.

Here they are beautiful. Tightened. Just athletes, just the pride of the school! Why didn't you come to the lesson, where is the uniform?

Is that why you have a bandage on your shoulder?

Oh, she slipped, I guess.

Okay, angina. And what about you, Selezneva - a broken nail and a broken arm?

No, I have this ... a dog.

Dog? And that she - forbids you to engage in physical education?

No, I just washed my uniform yesterday and hung it up to dry in front of the house. And then the dog came running and tore the whole uniform.

Oh, my young friend - Petrov! Do you have: a dog, a sore throat, or maybe an elephant wound up?

No, I have a diary.

What's a diary?! - won't open without a spell, and you couldn't look at today's lessons?

Nearly. I mean, not really. It's just that there is a mistake in the diary and instead of Tuesday, it immediately goes Wednesday. I looked - there was no fizra, so I did not take the form. It's not my fault, it's the way the diary was printed.

Stepochkin! – what do you say?

And what can I say - I'm like everyone else ...

Will you lie?

Yes, that is, no! Why lie? I really have this... this... this...

Well, it's clear - you're stuck! In general, so, now we all sit down right on the floor, take a notebook on the Russian language and write an essay on the topic - the incredible stories of my life. After a break, we run to the Russian language class, hand over notebooks and run home for uniforms.
And you, Ignatiev, are running right now, as it should be for a five-kilometer cross!

Traditionally, the last bell at the school is organized by the eleventh-graders themselves - it is they who choose the form of the celebration, the storyline of the entertainer, prepare the main concert numbers and congratulations to the teachers.

The success of this holiday largely depends on how accurately the chosen plot fits into the specific school situation of specific graduates. Other people's brilliant jokes and the script will remain strangers if they do not overlap with the traditions and relationships that have developed at the school.

And one more secret: the chosen scenario should be liked, first of all, by graduates, and then the Last Bell will sound like magical music for everyone!

The best option is to take as a basis the idea you like or finished script and fill it with your content by changing, omitting or adding something. We offer a choice of several ideas for the last call scenario.

1. Original ideas for the Last Call script.

Life in our country is constantly changing, and we are changing with it. Many modern graduates, savvy in television and media shows, want something unusual or stylized as a certain program or movie as a plot for their last call holiday.

It is no coincidence that awarding them various nominations, prizes, etc. has become a very popular form of congratulating teachers. So, by analogy with the annual Golden Gramophone award, the plot of congratulating teachers . It is also very dynamic, modern and unobtrusive, all the moments traditional for the last call are inscribed in such a plot as "A movie is being shot" - you can see it in the document:

Of course, the classic presentation with beautiful touching poems and dedication songs to each teacher is a wonderful and proven way to hold such events, but if the release is active, artistic and creative, they will feel cramped within this framework. As an alternative, you can take as a basis for KVN - an entertainer and concert numbers as a gift, as in "Trip in a Balloon", adjusting it for yourself.

In the "Journey to the Island" scenario, the theme of adventure is revealed in a more traditional way. And graduates who are "obsessed" with IT technologies will most likely like the idea of ​​​​holding the Last Call in computer style, as an example, we advise you to look at the script "Supersite School".

(to download - click the file)

It is better to decide which plot to choose by majority vote, because it may turn out that the idea associated with, for example, any of the popular shows on television will win: "Minute of Glory", "Dom-2", "Star Factory" or a parody show. If it is interesting for graduates, why not, because in any story you can include traditional greetings for kids, and words of gratitude to teachers and parents, and touching words of farewell.

2. The idea of ​​the script "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and

Doctor Watson."

A very winning idea is to hold the last call in the style of any popular movie, for example, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."

Let the main intrigue be that famous detectives are investigating what event they managed to be on. Such naive ignorance can be explained by the fact that our heroes are English and are not familiar with Russian school traditions.

Detectives appear only after the high school students, to the sound of fanfare, enter the hall and line up on the ruler. Visiting guests, as it were, break into the planned order of the holiday. It will look plausible if the school administration itself - the director, the head teachers - play along with Holmes and Watson, saying that they will deal with them later, but for now let the detectives stand on the sidelines.

It is best if the detectives stand at the opposite end of the hall from the director and head teacher: this way the event will have two “poles”. The administration will set the official tone, the guests from England will give their comments.

We advise you to make the person of the director himself the first “evidence”: Holmes says that he has data on this person. He reads them out: “A teacher by profession ..., she / he is the mother / father of school experiments. The character is balanced, persistent. Vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has a sharp ear and an authoritative voice. Sees all, hears all, knows all." So the assumption is born that this is the head of this institution.

As if confirming his conclusion, the director read out the order for the admission of children to the exams.

This is followed by a performance by the first-graders, which focuses on the idea of ​​growing up quickly. The detectives conclude that the assembled youth once dreamed of the same thing. The parents' lyrical speech about the transience of time gives a hint that young people have reached a certain milestone in their lives.

The performance of the eleventh-graders with a comic oath of fidelity to the precepts of their “senior comrades” is a reason to assume that those gathered in the hall are leaving their native land. In general, any concert number or performance should encourage Holmes and Watson to think that they are graduates. And the traditional procession of first-graders with a bell makes them think that for these teenagers the school bell sounds for the last time.

Well-recognized phrases from the film, well matched to the plot of the entertainer, will create an atmosphere of humor and light sadness, which, against the backdrop of the solemnity of the moment, will be a very good shade.

The script of the holiday Last Bell in the style of your favorite cartoon "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians" can be viewed .

When organizing this holiday, one should not forget that in addition to the solemn and official component, the last bell at school is also a symbol of farewell to childhood, and therefore it is quite possible to “invite” the heroes of fairy tales or books beloved from childhood to the role of presenters. Here are some ideas on how this can be implemented:

3. The idea of ​​the script "The Little Prince".

To have a holiday with the storyline associated with the work of Exupery, you need to think carefully about the musical accompaniment. It will be great if the graduates at the beginning of the holiday are met not only by their parents and teachers, but also by the characters from Exupery's fairy tale: the Rose, the Fox, the King and, of course, the Little Prince - such a reception will set a special mood from the very beginning.

Let such a last call be opened by the opening speech of the Prince, who will continue to lead the event in the manner and style of his hero.

Taking a course on such a reverent literary image, we suggest that you make the performance of couples involved in ballroom dancing the first number of the program. After a beautiful waltz, it is appropriate to read a poem about strong friendship. Let it be a duet of the Prince and the Fox.

We advise you to preface the official speeches of the director and head teachers with warm words about their merits, for example, from the lips of another character in the fairy tale - Rose.

But the stubborn King could well announce such numbers as the staged song of the first-graders "What they teach at school." It would be nice for graduates to receive a kind of greeting from ninth-graders, who are also faced with the problem of choosing their path - this idea can be played out in a small scene or sung about it in ditties.

4. The idea of ​​the script "The last call - farewell to childhood."

This option may also be a good idea - invite to
last call eleventh-graders of fairy-tale and cartoon characters from their childhood: Cheburashka, Thumbelina, ninja turtles, tin soldier, etc. And it is better to invite professional animators for these roles, who will take an active part in the program and set the tone for the whole event.

It is these characters that are dear to any youthful heart, even at the entrance to the school, they will present graduates with badges in the form of bells, and then they will be taken to the assembly hall.

After the official greeting, you can arrange a small concert, something like in kindergarten. Why not? Invite high school students to remake different popular songs on a school theme in advance: each class can perform one or two verses.

Prepare humorous riddles about teachers, about first love or school life. For example, “In the white field, blue / Stretched lines. / And friends go under them, / Lead each other by the hand ”(alphabet and script).

An excellent entertainment moment can be a general round dance (or a round dance of those who wish, if there are more than 40 graduates). At the same time, we advise you to sing a funny song from the cartoon " Big secret for a small company” (“It's no secret that friends don't grow in a garden”). Also arrange a physical minute or fun starts. To do this, you need to call those who wish from the hall.

It is quite appropriate to give each class a letter with a comic inscription and wishes for excellent exams and a fun graduation. This will be a good end to the holiday.

If a fairy-tale plot is chosen, then it is also better to spend it in a fairy-tale style, to see how this can be done, we offer in this scenario:

(to download - click on the file)

5. The idea of ​​the script "Kidnapping the school bell".

In this case, start the holiday as it should be: a hymn, reading an order on admission to exams, good parting words from teachers. Suddenly, a noise passes through the “ranks” of the school administration: the director and the head teachers are talking, looking around. Let someone with a bewildered face run into the hall and loudly announce that everything is gone - the school bell has been stolen! Hence the whole drama: how to make a call last? We strongly advise at this moment to appear dressed up in costumes of all kinds of evil spirits and unceremoniously start the dance, simultaneously pestering the graduates.

Then the leader of the mummers must demand five (or as many as there are) "excellent students" as hostages, whom he will subject to various tests: dance the macarena, fight evil spirits in a tug of war, sing a famous excerpt from the opera under karaoke (for example, "The Heart of Beauties" from "Rigoletto" by Verdi).

So that the rest of the people do not get bored, the main villain can make them compose verses: give the beginning of the lines that need to be continued into rhyme (In our class ... / "Deuce" is the best ...).

With each completed task, there are fewer and fewer “devils striped” in the hall, then their crying leader gives the school bell.

Parents can also offer their ideas or come up with a couple of surprises for graduates (for example, invite artists or animators - for the solemn part or order a buffet, bowling, field trip - after it ends).

When organizing a holiday, try to make a quality mix of obligatory official ceremonies, established traditions and entertainment moments. The heroes of the occasion, along with the awareness of the importance of what is happening, should feel the atmosphere of the holiday, attention to themselves and, in turn, be sure to have time to say their words of gratitude to teachers and parents.

Scenario of the last call "Real graduates"

(Music sounds, audience sits down)
Assistant: Attention, dear Krasnoperevaltsy and all all respected guests! Today and only today in your village will be shooting the film "Real Graduates". Film directing meter, famous screenwriter, winner of such awards as Toaster and Birch Broom Torun Mikhalkov-Khudoyan invites everyone to take part in the film. I repeat, we invite everyone to act in the film "Real Graduates".
(The director exits to the music)
Producer: All right! It's time to work. Let's list the artists and let's get started! (assistant gives him a list of artists). So, are the teachers ready for filming?
(Teachers say they are ready)
Producer: Parents and friends of graduates are ready for filming in the film?
(Parents answer that they are ready)
Producer: Where are THEY?
Assistant: Who are they?
Producer: Real school graduates 60?
Assistant: So they go! Meet!
Producer: Attention! Motor! Shooting is on!
11s come out to the music
Cl. hands Under the general murmur of jubilation, welcome joyfully now
Worthy of general attention
Our Eleventh Grade.
Guys are leaders by right,
Organizers of all cases,
And they won glory for themselves,
Fun, holiday - their lot.
That's not the point, perhaps.
The fact is that among the guys
There are no stupid, inept,
Whatever the personality - the talent!

Here - about each - a few words
Cl hands. Our unique and irresistible smart girls, beauties, hostesses, sportswomen:

  1. Avdovskaya Julia -
  2. Alekseeva Victoria
  3. Gribova Anastasia
  4. Zhukova Ekaterina
  5. Kosareva Victoria
  6. Mochalova Alena
  7. Soboleva Ekaterina
  8. Sokolova Alena
  9. Fomicheva Alena
  10. Chizhova Alena
  11. Yunok Anna

And just three heroes -

  1. Yagilev Roman
  2. Dmitriev Ivan
  3. Khudoyan Torun


(minus "Real boys") (Nastya goes to change into a gypsy)

We are not sent to study in London,
We do not dress in fashion boutiques,
We study at our favorite 60th school,
And we are reluctant to leave.
We do not rest in the southern resorts,
Sunbathing on the field in crosses and shorts.
We don't eat in expensive restaurants
We eat in the school canteen, oddly enough.
To some this life will seem dull,
But real feelings are in full swing here.
Doors will open, we will turn all the mountains ...
What open spaces are open to graduates?!
Time flies so imperceptibly
Years go by.
Graduates so quickly
But we won't stay here forever!
Check it out, we're real graduates.

We are for the development of the minds of our nation!
Uch. Let's take a look at this youth.
When else the case will turn up like this:
Clothes, speech and manners all over!
At the age of 17-18, teachers will be taught!
Yes, here we are - real graduates!

Graduates descend from the stage and sit down

Producer: We express our gratitude to those without whose help the shooting of our film would not have taken place. This is the school's favorite administration! Thank you for providing a location for filming!
(Gypsy music sounds. A gypsy appears)
Producer: What kind of outsiders are in the frame! Vikulya!! I'll fire you!!
Gypsy: Hey, gadja, don't swear! My appearance will brighten up your famous film. Moreover, only I can accurately tell about them, about these lovely women and about this handsome man!
So let me guess their names (at first he confuses, then he looks at the paper and corrects himself): Svetlana Lvovna, Maria Vasilievna, Olga Sergeevna, Svetlana Evgenievna, Yuri Borisovich.
So, before you is the color of the Russian intelligentsia. Let's look at them carefully.
Wide-open eyes speak of their openness and sociability,
Nothing human is alien to them. And what a Gioconda smile they have. The hands of Venus Miloskaya speak of their hard work: tirelessly typing, typing orders, and then signing and signing them.
(referring to the director): And tell me, dear Svetlana Lvovna, how did you manage to keep such a wonderful team of teachers around you in such a difficult time?
(Director answers)
(addressing Maria Vasilievna) Oh, I see, through your hands, Mary Ivana ... oh ... Maria Vasilievna, so many students have passed, and sometimes very difficult ones. I see the police - your assistant. So tell me, how did you manage to keep a kind and sweet smile on your face?
(MIA answers)
(addressing Olga Sergeevna and Svetlana Evgenievna) I see all the hardships of your work. Tell me, kindly Olga Sergeevna and Svetlana Evgenievna, are you familiar with the phrase "Call on the carpet"? How often do you use it at work?

(memorize answer)
Do you have such a carpet, and where does it hang? (answer)

Well, you, kind, sweet person - YurBOrisych, tell us about your hard work. You say, and the head teacher, and the teacher and the class teacher. How are you even coping? (answers)
Assistant: That's enough, dear. I also found a "Gypsy King"! Go already, otherwise I'll be fired because of you!
(Gypsy leaves)
Producer: According to the tradition of the school art genre of cinema, the word to the director - Svetlana Lvovna
(Director's speech. The guys listen while standing)
Alekseeva: At the beginning, mother and father began forever,
And relatives, friends and colleagues - all after.
And a laurel wreath and a crown of thorns
Someone teaches to wear, well, someone wears it.
How many joyful meetings the human age
Prepared for everyone. However, please note:
There is a special person in our life.
Whose high rank is the first teacher.

Scene - the first teacher (3 parents, 3 children, 1 teacher)

(Disguised parents come out with their children to enter the 1st grade. They are met by the first teacher)
Parent1: Dear, tell me, please, is this a school for gifted children?
Teacher: Yeah, and for the stupefied, and for the gifted!
Parent2: Do you teach children from what age?
Teacher: We teach from the hospital to the madhouse. Are your kids creative?
Parent3 A: Oh, awfully creative!
Parent1: They do that!
Parent2: Mine, for example, recently made cubes from a computer.
Parent3: And my frying pan and iron.
Parent1: And mine, just like she was born, she immediately learned to cry in English (pushing her daughter in the side)
Daughter (drawn out): Wow Wow.
Parent2: And my English reads more and more. Then he took $ 100 from his father, so he read it right to the holes, we can’t find it anywhere.
Teacher: So he probably already translated them.
Parent2 (looks hopefully at his son) Translated from English into Russian?
Son (fingers fanned): No, in pounds, in euros and back!
Parent2 (proud) Yes, he is capable of me! (strokes head)
Teacher Q: Do your children know how to count?
Parent3: Of course they can! These are the kids of today!
Parent1: I learned to count up to three million. Son, count!
Son: 1 million, 2 million, 3 million!
Teacher: Okay, you are my talented! I take everyone to study! Let's go to school in the first grade!
Producer (thoughtfully): Thank you, but for the overall picture of childhood memories, there are not enough real kids - first graders. Come on, first-graders, all in the frame!
(Music sounds. First graders come out to the music of "Perpetual Motion")

We are good guys.
Take us seriously.
To you - graduates, of course,
First graders have questions.

You have become big
Men, not boys
Questions arise here:
How much "Rastishki" should be eaten?

To look beautiful
You tried very hard.
I have a naive question:
Have you already fallen in love?

glamorous girl
I will be in 10 years.
Among you potential
Grooms, by chance, no?

I want to know about one thing:
If you cheated
Dads hit you with a belt
Or put in a corner?

You wrote control
For 4 and 5.
You wouldn't tell us
What is the best way to write off?

Boys, boys
I need answers:
How to solve math?
How to kiss girls

I have 200 questions
And you have 100 answers.
Somewhere in the future, I hope
We'll see you again.

On this May day radiant
We want to wish you
For any question from life
Just answer right!
Song of first graders

(Sounds music. "Captain, captain ...")
A graduate lived in the world,
He lamented many books.
Feel free to show your diary.
He passed the exams
Falling down and getting up again
But he did not lose hope for the best.
On the exam and in battle
He sang his song everywhere.

Graduate, graduate, smile!
And may you be lucky in life.
Graduate, graduate, pull up!
Let your heart sing with happiness!

11-ki give gifts to first graders. The first graders leave

Producer: Thanks to our kids! I'm sure you also remember how you were little first-graders and how you loved your first teachers. Now, I think they will share their memories with us. Why do you remember them so long. Who was loved the most, and who was the most naughty ?! We invite Elena Alexandrovna, Svetlana Nikolaevna and Isabella Terentievna.

(The first teachers come out. They give parting words to the 11th. They are handed flowers)

Producer: Something I do not understand. All some gypsies, first-graders, directors, teachers are performing. And the main characters do nothing. They said - talent, uniqueness. Let them show you something. Prove that they are worthy of their main role!

It turns out - Vanya (Roma) a scene about an entertainer without a butterfly "do not trust anyone all April" 5.10)

Vania: Dear friends! Well, we finally got the word! We are extremely happy to see you all here... (Roma comes out, hides behind his back)

Roma: What are you doing? What are you doing? Vanya, are you nuts?

Vania: Are you sick? (tries to turn around)

Roma: Don't shoot me! At least they didn't burn me! Are you completely crazy or what?

Vania: You're crazy!

Roma: Don't shoot me! Well, you do!

Vania: Are you out of your mind? I'm actually performing!

Roma: Well, what are you doing? Don't you understand?

Vania: What am I doing?

Roma: You're ruining our performance! Well, you do…

Vania: You're ruining our performance! You got out, and I'm performing here! (turned their foreheads to each other, exchanged words, waved their hands)

Roma: You just dig our performance deeper and deeper! Don't you understand??

Roma: Well, you're an entertainer!

Vania: Yes, entertainer!

Roma: entertainer!

Vania: Entertainer (loudly)

Roma: So where is your butterfly? (in a lost voice)

Vania: looking for a butterfly, looking

Roma: leaves with an angry look

Vania: Oh what a shame (covers face with hands). How embarrassing, how embarrassing... ahhh. I'm an entertainer without a butterfly! Came out without a butterfly .. What to do? Ah, ah, guys, well, cover me!

The guys run out with the cloth.

Vania: Here she is - an entertainer butterfly! And so dear friends! Dear… (cheerfully turns from side to side, the guys with the cloth also run) What are you running? Well, let's start the show! Dear friends, We have prepared a surprise for you - according to your numerous requests - today, only one day, Real Radio is working for you! Sponsored by Russian Post! We begin!!! Vanya is wrapped up and he leaves


Music. Real radio screensaver. 2 people. They sit down at a table littered with letters. Headphones on the head.

1. Good morning, our dear listeners and viewers!

2. Our radio is so real - that you can not only hear us, but also see us!

1. Today all day long we read letters from our regular listeners!

2. They just bombarded our studio with their letters about sore spots and with requests to put on good music!

1. And on our radio it only sounds like this!

Torun with flowers. Dear Svetlana Lvovna, Olga Sergeevna, Maria Vasilievna, Yuri Borisovich and Svetlana Evgenievna, thank you for your work! You are the best school administration ever! (to the music they give flowers and parcels to all five)

Radio (two go out, cutscene)

  1. We're back on the air! Real radio is always with you!
  2. We are accustomed to sitting in in social networks and completely forgot how to write letters!
  3. Let's not leave the post of Russia without work (screen saver)
  4. But very interesting letter. Dear presenters of real radio! I write about the most painful! How tired I am of these eleventh graders. They don't learn anything and they don't know anything! You have already forgotten how to write and read! But I fall asleep and wake up with only one thought that they will eventually fall in love with classical literature! This is my wildest dream! Be sure to read my letter and put on a good song! (Song - Sveta is not harmful to dream. Getting ready for the scene)

Scene literature and Russian

Teacher: Kosareva Vika, it is simply unbelievable that one person made so many mistakes in homework! But as always!
Student (proudly): Why is it one person? Four: mom, dad, sister and cat!
Teacher: Why do they do your homework for you?
Student: Because I have no time! It is necessary to sit in contact, in classmates, on Facebook ...
Teacher: Very sorry! Again 2. Yagilev, what work of Gorky did we study in the last lesson?
Student (makes a scary face) Old Baskerville.
Teacher: Well, what is it about?
Student: Oh, Oksana Viktorovna, I didn’t read this old woman, but translated it.
Teacher: How is that possible?
Student: Well, I took the old lady and took her across the road.
Teacher: Okay, I’ll add one point for a good deed, you get a deuce, not a one!
So let's check our homework. Gribova, what can you say about
"Hero of our time?"
Student: Oh, I would like to be as cool, tear-off, stylish, fashionable, as well as good at computers!
Teacher: Wait, wait, who do you mean?
(Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" music plays)
Teacher: Everything is clear. And I meant Pechorin. Well, how is it? Don't read classical literature? After all, you can take something good, kind from the classics! Here, for example, from Pierre Bezukhov, what can we take for ourselves, Kosareva?
Student: Well, I don't know!
Teacher: Well, what do you miss?
Student: Money!
Teacher: Yes, you all lack conscience! Has anyone ever read "War and Peace"?
Students in unison: No, we all read poems about love, about love for you, Oksana Viktorovna and all our dear teachers! ( Bouquets a parcel - Oksana Viktorovna) Thank you very much!
Radio (screensaver)

  1. And again, real radio pleases you with real letters from real people!
  2. Don't switch! We love you!
  3. Here is a letter from a long time ago. Let's read!
  4. “AAAA.. how tired I am! I am tired of everything! I want to go far away! Grade 11 is never ready for lessons and is always on their phones and tablets! One Katya Soboleva pleases! So I’ll take her with me to rest ... for example, to London!
  5. Of course, go, relax and gain new strength!

Song I'm going to London. Getting ready for the scene!

Scene. English language

Voice-over: Everyone in the class speaks only English. In addition to the principal of the school.
(Teacher exits foreign language, headmaster and four 11s).
Teacher: So, I warn you in our lesson director (smiles at her) she doesn't understand English. But wants to hear how well you answer (terribly)! Got it?? We check our homework. (All bow their heads.) Who is ready?? ( silence) So I knew that no one is ready, you don’t know anything! Lazybones, loafers, loafers, blush now because of you! (Smiles sweetly at the director). Dmitriev! What are you looking at me like a rabbit on a boa constrictor! Answer in English, what do you know about the English parliament?
Ivanov: My name is Vanya. I'm a pupil. I'm on duty today.
Teacher: Enough! We opened the books to page 55. Sokolova, read aloud!
Pertova: Happy birthday….
Teacher: Soboleva, go on!
Sidorov: To be o not to be ...
Teacher: And now a brief retelling of the text. Khudoyan, tell me what you understand!
Student: Madame and Monsieur .. Zhenima spa sizhure ..
Teacher: What are you? You speak French! (bell rings) God bless! Lesson over!
Director: Excuse me, but I speak Russian! I liked the lesson! Everyone reads fluently, the classics are quoted in English. We will not be lost in Europe!
All: Yes!

1. Thank you Natalya Adeksandrovna for your work and patience! We love you very much! And forgive us for tablets and phones! (give flowers and a message)
(Everyone leaves. Song - I'll go to London)

Radio (screensaver)

1. Dear listeners of our real radio, you probably noticed that we not only read your letters, but also show interesting stories from the life of one class and one school!

2. This is such an unrealistically real radio! Don't switch!

3. Moreover, now we have a school graduate with his favorite teacher as our guest!

4. We meet Khudoyan Torun and Nadezhda Aleksandrovna! (to the music of "Kolyan" they rise to the stage)

Torun: A few words about us, about real graduates. We are active, athletic, moderately aggressive and progressive. Favorite school subject (after math) is recess when life is in full swing. At the lessons we fall into a long hibernation, or indulge in deep reflections on the topic "Where to get money?" Most likely, great scientists and inventors will come out of us, since it has long been known that laziness is the main engine of scientific and technological progress.

Radio: Yes, we see that you are real real (like our radio) graduates! Who taught you all this?

Torun: Our mental abilities were taken care of by a really cool math teacher Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Say hello to her!

Radio: Dear Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, a letter has come from your students asking if you know the answer to the following question: "If we subtract from the total number of girls in grade 11 total young men, what result of mathematical abilities will come out?

Nadezhda Alexandrovna says
Torun: You see, cool graduates have cool teachers. Nadezhda Alexandrovna knows all the answers to all questions! Thank you for your knowledge and for sharing it with us! We also say thank you to Valentina Vasilievna! And for cool teachers - a cool song sounds! Performed by Gribova Anastasia. (Torun gives flowers and a parcel to Nadezhda Alexandrovna and Valentina Vasilievna)

To the melody of the song by Lera MASKVA, their t / s "Everything is mixed up in the house"

We can't sleep today

It's spring outside again

And all in lilac office.

Goodbye flowers to you

Let's give our dreams

Thank you for your item!

For you, it matters

Will we solve all the equations

In examples and in life they taught us

Always find the answer!

Our friendly class says goodbye to you,

We will always remember you

Let this song decorate our concert!

Radio (screensaver)

1. We are back in live and again we delight you with real letters from real listeners of our radio!

2. Here is another letter. “Physical education hello, real radio! We would like to say hello to the 11th grade graduates, who for the whole year did not want to go in for sports at all. They hid from physical education in the corridors, locker rooms and toilets! But you can't run away from us! In class, they whined and chirped endlessly. Let them behave like this in front of their husbands later, and we will look at them! They think that if they take an interest in our business, they can get away with it! But ... the prosecutor's business, and we have a job! It will not work! Real radio, teach 11th grade to the mind of the mind! After all, without sports, nowhere!

1. Well, the most sports song sounds for you! (football march and getting ready for the skit. Shadow of knowledge, part 1, min 20))

Sketch of a physical education lesson (AM, Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1 student and 2 students)

AM. Lined up ... Hello, my beloved and respected de ...

AM. Let's start the gym class...

AM. So boy, what's my name? Do not tell anyone ... Andrei Mikhailovich ...

AM. No. Mikhailovi..

AM. No, Andrei Mikhailovi ...

AM. New?

AM. Andrei Mikhailovich ... h

AM. So, children, now I will announce the marks for th ...

AM. Indeed, why am I going to announce the grades, if it's only the beginning of the quarter? So, who is not interested in my lesson, he may not want ...

All. child

AM. That's right, do not walk, but run! It's a gym class! (MVD enters) Opa.. Everyone stand up! Sit down (everyone sit down) What did you want, Maria Vasilievna?

MIA. I would like a couple of strong guys... A couple of strong guys from the island of the Caribbean, lie down to sunbathe and not think about anything... but for now, just a couple of strong guys.. They brought new furniture to computer science there! (leaves. Everyone gets up)

2. Andrey Mikhailovich, why don't you finish speaking?

AM. Yes, because every physical education teacher should have a zaga ...

AM. No, damn...

All. Schnik

AM - no, zaga ... that's right - ZAGA. Run! March! Cross pass! (everyone leaves, only 1 remains)

1. Ah, dear physical education.
We reach out to you with our souls
But to strain the muscles -
It's such a big job for us!
Oleg Vlanetinych

Let's not forget Andrei Mikhalych
We never and never!
Thanks to you we will be healthy
Probably another hundred years!

AM and OB - you are wonderful physical education teachers! We were really wrong that we did little sports! We promise we'll fix it! (give flowers and parcels)

Radio (screensaver)

1. Yes, we hope that physical education will soon become the favorite subject of the majority!

2. Our real radio will help physical education become popular!

1. Well, we return to our letters. Here is one letter sent to us by the graduates themselves.

2. “We want to send our regards and best wishes to our beloved teachers - Yuri Borisovich, Lyubov Sergeevna and Elena Viktorovna! They told us in their lessons unreal amazing things about our land and nature! Because these are teachers from nature itself! Thank them for everything! We know for sure that they deserve the biggest award for their contribution to our education!”

1. After we read this letter, we decided not to leave this matter so simply. And now the whole country knows about these teachers, but what is there .. the whole world!

2. Here is a live broadcast from Zhirinovsky's speech!

Video and voice acting of Zhirinovsky's speech.

1. And now live from Los Angeles!

2. The famous film academy Oscar decided to change its profile and now rewards teachers for their contribution to modern Russian and international education! And the first to receive Oscar awards are Yuri Borisovich, Elena Viktorovna and Lyubov Sergeevna! We ask you to take the stage to your awards! (awarding music sounds, teachers go on stage, they are awarded awards, flowers) Say a few words! (saying thanks)

Radio (screensaver)

1. How nice when our radio helps people become famous!

2. Because we are a real radio and really ready to help everyone!

1. There are not many letters left. Here is one of them. “Good afternoon, real radio! I don't know where to turn with my problem! I hope that at least you, dear radio, will help. Graduates do not understand at all and do not want to understand physics and its laws. I conducted experiments, and set up experiments, and scared with deuces. Nothing helps. They don't know anything!"

2. Of course, we will help. To lift your spirits now sounds a song about the law of Archimedes! (song the law of Archimedes and getting ready for the scene)

Scene Lesson of physics. (ME, 2 students and Katya Soboleva)
Teacher: Hello, sit down! Let's start the repetition lesson. What is the law of Archimedes?
All I!
Cunning (pulls hand): A body immersed in a liquid pushes out a volume equal to the volume of this body.
Lazybones: Doesn't push anything! I checked yesterday!
Teacher: And how did you check?
Lazy man: Well, I put my body in the bath, sat, sat for 3 hours, got cold and got out.
Teacher: And what observation did you make?
Lazy man: I made an observation that the water was turned off: both cold and hot.
Teacher: And what does Archimedes have to do with it?
Lazy man: Very much to do with it. Let him just get me!
Cunning: What did he do wrong to you?
Lazybones: Well, I took a full bath, plunged my body into it ...
All in unison: So what?
Lazy man: Neighbors came running and said that 5 buckets of water had leaked from their ceiling!
Teacher (perks up): Here! So what can be the conclusion?
Lazy man: And the conclusion is that let this Archimedes do the repairs himself!
Zubrilka (showing his tongue): Yes, Khudoyan! You don't understand anything in physics!
Teacher: Dmitriev! Well, do you know anything? Are you passing the exam?
Lazy man 2: Yes, I remember everything, Maria Evgenievna, but I don’t know anything!
Teacher: Answer a simple question: At what temperature does water boil?
Lazy2: I don’t remember, but I know for sure that at a temperature of 40 degrees ...
Teacher: That's it... I can't talk to you anymore. I'll give you two! Tomorrow is the trial exam!
The students are all in unison (addressing the physics teachers in the hall):
Maria Evgenievna
We are ready to stand for hours!
And ready to learn physics
We are every day! While healthy! (give flowers and parcel)
Radio (screensaver)

1. And we have guests on the real radio again. 2 graduates. Hello guys!

Student 1 hello!

2. Here you are about to graduate from school, you probably have many different desires, dream of something. Just imagine that we caught a goldfish - what would you ask her now?

Uch.2 I myself would ask her what she needs and I would get everything she wants! (shows fat wallet)

Uch 1. No, it is necessary not to stand out with steepness, but with intelligence. I recently took part in the game “What? Where? How much?

Uch.2 And I have already read almost all the books at home, in alphabetical order. Here he stopped at the letter X. Yesterday he overcame the cover - He-min-gu-hey! I carry it with me so that I can read when I have time.

Account 1. Listen, I'm still thinking, if it weren't for our teachers .. we wouldn't be able to do a damn thing.

Uch. 2 Yes, and would not know anything. Only Ekaterina Nikolaevna told how many different stories in a history lesson! Tell us something else interesting, Ekaterina Nikolaevna!

EN. Why words? I better show you!

Scene "History" (Funny Valentine's Day 13-21) (EN, 3 students)

1. Will you write off?

EN. Hello children! Hello! (students stand up). No, don't get up, because I'm a good teacher, because I'm the teacher of the year!

3. (included)

EN. Oh, Alenochka, I'm late again! It's okay, come on, sit down! The main thing is that you came! What a good teacher! I'm teacher of the year! Well kids, let's see how you prepared your homework! And so, Dmitriev, tell me, please, who was the French commander of 1812?

1. (shrugs)

EN. It's OK. I will help. On the…

1. On…sides?

EN. Napo…

1. Napokov?

EN. On the field…

1. On the field… a tractor?

EN. Tractor - who is this?

EN, Napoleon...

1. Napoleon?

EN. That's right, Napoleon! Correctly! (the student turns away) And the full name .. Napoleon Bo ...

EN. Nearly. Napoleon Bona...

1. Napoleon Bonacqua?

EN. Bonaqua?

1. Bonaqua.

EN. And what is the cost of bonaqua?

1. On the desk. (looks at the bottle)

EN, And a lot of things?

1. Many desks!

EH, Taak., Napoleon Bona..

1. Napoleon Bonamnopart!

EN. Without a lot, without a lot!

1. Bonaparte

EN, Napoleon Bonaparte! Well done Vanya! Five! And now, answer me, who was the Russian commander at the same time?

2. shrugs

EN. No problem, I'll help! After all, I'm the teacher of the year! So.. Ku…

2. Kuzmin?

EN. Kutu…

2. Cutugno?

EN. Kutuz…

2. Kutuz ...

EN. Kutuzo…

2. Kutuzo..

EN. Kutuzov

2. Kutuzov

EN. Correctly. Kutuzov. And what was his name? Kutuzov Mi…

EN. Micha..

2. Mikhalych..

The end of the 9th grade is a significant event for all schoolchildren. Someone after that leaves school, someone continues their studies, but all the guys feel that they have become a little more mature. That is why the last call is so important.

Scenes of the last call in grade 9 must be funny so that this gala evening brought joy to all participants. Thanks to humor, it is these performances that will allow students to express their gratitude to their teachers, and teachers, in turn, will be able to see themselves through the eyes of their children.

Scenes for the last call Grade 9 (funny)

Throughout the training, the guys had a mentor - a class teacher. It is this teacher who knows them best. When preparing a presentation, it (it) cannot be ignored.

An interesting option would be scenes for the last call (grade 9) about class teachers. One of them is shown below.

Class decor on the stage. Hanging poster "Welcome, graduates .... of the year!" An elderly teacher is sitting at the teacher's table - the class teacher, adult men and women are at their desks. They can be played by today's graduates in disguise, as well as by their parents.

Former students begin to remember their school years.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how we put a button on your chair once in the 6th grade, and poured glue the other time?

The teacher smiles, the graduates laugh merrily.

- Maria Ivanovna, do you remember how we hid our magazine, did you look for it for more than 2 weeks? You were almost deprived of the bonus even then.

Everyone starts laughing again, and the teacher continues to smile sadly.

- Maria Ivanovna, remember how in the 10th grade we ran away from the lessons, and a dead mouse was thrown on your table?

Again, the friendly laughter of graduates and the smile of the teacher.

Then she gets up, adjusts her glasses and declares:

- Do you, my beloved students, remember how in the 6th grade I gave everyone a deuce on the control, because of which you stayed after school for a whole week? And our trip, when we supposedly got lost? It was just after the story with the magazine. Have you forgotten how I made you learn War and Peace by heart with whole chapters? Indeed, it was fun.

Now the teacher is already starting to laugh, looking at the bewildered faces of her former students.

Such miniatures will be great entertainment for both the guests of the evening and the graduates themselves. So, we decided that the obligatory attribute of this celebration should be skits for the last call (Grade 9). Subject teachers are especially interested in what their graduates have prepared for the last call.

Sketches for a teacher of Russian language and literature

The first teacher that any student remembers is the teacher of Russian language and literature.

Most of the classes, endless dictations, presentations, essays - all this is about lessons in the main school subject. That is why funny skits on the last call (grade 9) about teachers begin with the Russian language.

Miniature 1.

- Popov, name the gender of the words "wardrobe", "forest", "house", "stocking".

- Wardrobe, forest, house - masculine, stocking - feminine.

- I wonder where you got it from?

- Since only women wear stockings.

Miniature 2.

- Krasnova, come up with a sentence with homogeneous members.

There was no grass, no trees, no bushes in the forest.

Miniature 3.

The teacher explains:

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For example, long - short, fast - slow, easy - difficult. Vasiliev, think of an example.

Vasiliev says:

- Cat dog.

- How why? They are opposite and fight all the time.

Sketches for teachers of mathematics and computer science

When students begin to come up with sketches for the last call (grade 9) to subject teachers, mathematics occupies a special place in them.

Miniature 1.

- Petushkov, you finally learned how to count to ten with difficulty. I can't even imagine what you'll be after high school.

- Boxing judge, Natalya Sergeevna.

Miniature 2.

- Petrov, imagine that you have 10 rubles in your pocket, and you asked your dad for another 10. How many rubles will you have?

- 10, Irina Sergeevna.

- Petrov! No knowledge of mathematics!

- I'm afraid you have no knowledge about my dad.

Miniature 3.

- Pugovkin, multiply five by eight.

- Elena Andreevna, I agree to give answers to your questions only in the presence of my lawyer.

Also, we should not forget about computer science teachers.

Miniature 1.

A computer science teacher walks into the library department and sees that the librarian is not there. He asks the students where he is. They answer him:

- He's in the archive.

Teacher persistently:

- Unzip it, please.

Miniature 2.

- Pavel Sergeevich, my computer has caught a virus.

- And what did you do?

- Got vaccinated.

- Where?

- Under the arm.

Sketches for a biology teacher

The last call in the 9th grade, students must also dedicate to the biology teacher.

Miniature 1.

The teacher asks in class:

- Who can tell me what is the difference between the river and the ocean?

One of the students answers:

A river has two banks, but an ocean has only one.

Miniature 2.

- Lepeshkin, why do people need a nervous system?

- To be nervous, Lidia Andreevna.

Miniature 3.

- Myagkov, where do you think the bird with the straw in its beak is heading?

- To the cocktail bar, Irina Sergeevna.

Sketch for an English teacher

Funny skits on the last call (Grade 9) about English will cheer up everyone present. An example of such a thumbnail is shown below.

There is an English exam. The teacher mutters under his breath:

- They know absolutely nothing .. What an easy question to ask .. Okay ...What is the capital of Great Britain?

The student is silent. The teacher gets nervous

- Well, what is the name of the capital of Great Britain?

- Bucharest.

Teacher annoyed:

- Not! London! Two! Let the next one go!

The student leaves, in the corridor another asks him:

- Well, what do they ask?

He explains to him that they ask the capital of Great Britain and must answer that the capital is London. Suggest to a classmate:

- Let me glue a cheat sheet on your sole, just in case - "Lan-dan".

On the way to class, the cheat sheet comes off.

The teacher says to the visitor:

- Come in, come in! My question is: "What is the capital of Great Britain?"

The student quickly glances at the sole and confidently answers:

- Adidas.

In addition, sketches for the last call (grade 9) to teachers may consist of short funny dialogues.

Miniature 1.

Conversation between mother and daughter.Daughter asks:

- Mom, say "fun".

Mom is confused

- Why? What is it all about?

- Well, what's the difference? Just repeat and that's it, it's not difficult.

- Why do I have to repeat what I don't understand? I won't!

- Here! Why are you forcing me to learn English?

Miniature 2.

- Well, how is England? Were there language problems?

- I don’t, but the British had ...

Scene for a geography teacher

Schoolchildren, inventing funny scenes for the last call (grade 9), do not bypass geography teachers either.

Miniature 1.

- Petrov, what do you know about the Panama Canal?

- Nothing, Lidia Andreevna, our antenna does not catch him.

Miniature 2.

The teacher explains the topic, talks about New Guinea.

The student specifies:

So it's always summer there?

The teacher answers:

Student sighing.

- Lucky. Eternal holidays.

Miniature 3.

- Peshkov, can you tell me the capital of Argentina?

- I'm sorry, Yulia Vladimirovna, but I don't know either.

Sketches for teachers of history and social studies

Compiling scenes for the last call (Grade 9) in subjects, students do not forget about the teachers of history and social studies. Here is a small scene that you can put on a gala evening.

The teacher starts checking homework.

- So, in the last lesson we talked about Napoleon. Please, Sinichkin, tell me what you remember.

The student stands up solemnly and says:

- Lydia Yurievna, why listen to me? Let Napoleon speak for himself.

Teacher, surprised

- But how do you imagine it?

Sinichkin proudly replies:

- And now we will arrange to call Napoleon and ask about everything.

The teacher agrees, everyone sits around the table. Sinichkin begins to call on Napolen, who, a few seconds later, appears in the corner of the class in the famous cocked hat and says in a sepulchral voice:

- In the name of the Emperor, I order to put Sergei Sinichkin "5" in the year of history.

The teacher is scared

- Your Imperial Highness .. But how .. He doesn’t know anything on the subject .. Your voice seems familiar to me ... But why are you wearing sneakers?

He quickly approaches Napoleon, tears off his cocked hat and recognizes Lisichkin.

The teacher says with satisfaction:

- So Lisichkin. I almost didn't believe it... Well, let's continue our session.

Everyone sits around the table again and the teacher says:

- I'm calling the parents of Sinichkin and Lisichkin.

The confused faces of the perpetrators of the incident and the laughter of classmates complete the scene.

You can also play out a few short dialogues on the topic of history and social studies.

Miniature 1.

The teacher asks:

- Vovochka, what did the noble knights do with the defeated opponents?

Wolf answers:

- Handed over for scrap, Irina Sergeevna.

Miniature 2.

- So, as I warned you in the last lesson, today we have a test.

- Can I use a calculator, Marya Ivanovna?

- You can, Vovochka, you can.

- What about a transporter?

- Please, Vovochka, on health. So, we write down the topic “The Spiritual World of Man”.

Sketches for teachers of physics and chemistry

When composing sketches for the last call (grade 9), the script of which they begin to come up with long before the holiday, one cannot leave a single teacher without attention. Below are the options for miniatures for teachers of physics and chemistry.

Physics lesson.

The teacher starts the survey:

- So, let me listen to you. Remind me of the law of Archimedes.

Excellent student answers:

- A body that is immersed in a liquid will push out a volume equivalent to the mass of the given body.

The doppelgänger resolutely objects:

- Absolutely wrong law! I checked yesterday!

The teacher is interested

- Come on, let's take a closer look, Vasya, what did you do there?

Doppelgänger says:

- Well, how what? He immersed his own body in a bath of liquid, sat for 4 hours and got out, frozen.

What is the scientist's fault?

- How is it in what? Just let me get it, I'll fix it for him!

The excellent student lost her patience:

- What did he do?

Doppelgänger in response:

- Well, I poured water into the bath, climbed into it ...

Chorus class:

Doppelgänger says:

- Neighbors ran up, shouting that a whole lake had flowed from their ceiling!

The teacher is happy

- Exactly! And what follows from this?

The doppelgänger says irritably:

- Why let Archimedes himself make repairs now!

Excellent student, showing tongue:

- Yes, Teplov, you know nothing about physics!

The teacher, addressing another student:

- Zaitsev, do you remember anything? Are you going to take the exam?

The second student in a calm tone replies:

“I remember everything, Elena Andreevna, but I don’t know anything!

Sigh teacher:

- No, it's impossible to talk to you! Both get two. Tomorrow I'm waiting for everyone for the trial exam!

Chemistry lesson.

The teacher will say:

Did everyone write down their homework? I'm washing.

Doppelgänger in response:

- Wait! I haven't fully copied this picture yet!

The teacher is perplexed:

- This is not a picture, Kruglov, but a structural form of a halogen.

Loser, making an exhausted face:

- What is the formula? It's just the "Black Square" by the artist Repin!

The teacher is surprised

- That is so ingenious?

Double with a sigh:

- That is so incomprehensible.

- Well, you, as always, learned the topic for a deuce.

- And if I want "excellent"?

The teacher replied:

- Well, if you want a five, write us the formula for ethyl alcohol.

- I need a friend's advice. Hello, grandmother, rather tell me the formula of ethyl alcohol, then the issue of my five is solved.

Grandma says:

- So I don’t know chemistry at all, granddaughter. Tse two..

The doppelgänger sadly repeats:

- Tse two.

Teacher waiting to continue:

- Yes, and then what?

- Granny, you almost guessed it, try to remember further!

Grandma replies:

- Yes, what is there to remember, I already remembered, as many as five times!

The student asks:

- Already five?

The teacher says in an affirmative tone:

- Correctly! c-2, ash-5.


The teacher nods his head.

- Well, almost so! c-2, ash-5, o - ash. Okay, you get a five with a minus.

Sketch for a physical education teacher

Of course, no scenes of the last call (grade 9) can do without your favorite physical education.

The school bell rings. On the stage, in a sports uniform, is the student Pugovkin in splendid isolation. The PE teacher enters the gym, burying his head in a magazine, and says without looking up:

- Hello! Class, line up! Pay for one or two!

Pugovkin, looking around, says:

- One.

Pause. The teacher raises his eyes, sees that there is no one else and asks menacingly:

- Soooo, where are the others? Skip class, right?

Pugovkin is frightened:

- No, no, Valery Semenovich, they have good reasons.

Teacher, no less menacing:

- Respectful, you say? Come on, quickly them all here!

Pugovkin runs out of the gym and returns a minute later with the whole class.

The teacher praises Pugovkin:

- Well done, Pugovkin. Now we will understand. You are the first, Legkov. Where is the form?

Legkov in reply:

- Imagine, in the evening I washed the uniform and hung it to dry on the fence. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an angry dog ​​appeared and tore everything up.

The teacher is perplexed:

- Of course, I understand everything, but where does the fence come from, because you live on the 7th floor? Okay, everything is clear with you. What do you say, Petrova?

Petrova says:

- Oh, I hurt my ankle yesterday. Right .. That is, left .. Well, in general, both ..

- It's clear. What about you, Simonova? Did you hurt your ankle too?

Simonova playfully says:

- No, I have angina.

The teacher in a suspicious tone:

- Sore throat, so ... Therefore, a bandage on the leg, right?

Simonova quickly reacted:

- Nuuuu, she, it .. slipped ..

The teacher nods his head and says:

- Oh well. Shishkov, how are you going to explain yourself?

Shishkov in a dreamy tone:

- Can you imagine, Valery Semenovich, yesterday the boys from 11 "A" told me that you would not be at school at all today. That they left for gymnastics competitions!

The teacher is very surprised:

- Well, it’s necessary ... Gymnastics .. They came up with the same .. Well, well, what about you Vorobyov?

Vorobyov absentmindedly:

- And I mixed up the days today. Thought it was Wednesday, but it turned out to be Thursday. I even brought textbooks for Wednesday, I can show you.

Teacher in an affirmative tone:

- So, I give the whole class a “two” for the lack of uniform. Now we sit down, take out notebooks and write down the topic “Daily routine”.

Pugovkin is perplexed:

- Valery Semenovich, what about me?

Confused teacher:

- Oh, yes, Pugovkin. And you, according to the plan, run a cross for 2 kilometers.

Sketches for teachers of fine arts and technology

Funny skits on the last call (Grade 9) will not do without mentioning the lessons of fine arts.

Children sit at their desks and diligently draw. The teacher walks between the rows, checks the work. He stops near Kukushkin's desk and asks:

- What did you draw?

Kukushkin in reply:

- Like what? vase. You yourself asked.

- What I asked, I remember. I don't understand what you drew.

- Well, Olga Mikhailovna, this is a vase! It's just how I see it. You are an artist, you must understand me.

The teacher says:

- Okay, give me the diary.

Calmly takes the diary, puts a deuce. Kukushkin is indignant:

- Deuce? For what?

The teacher answers him:

- Why are you, Petya, this is not a deuce, this is a five. It's just how I see it.

Sketches for the last call grade 9 (funny) will be in place in all subjects. Technology is no exception.

The technology teacher scolds the class:

- Who broke the plywood? I ask you, answer!

The students stand with their heads bowed. Finally, one says:

- Why plywood? Maybe glass?

Teacher angrily:

I broke the glass myself this morning. I installed plywood. For the last time I ask the question, who broke the plywood?

Thus, it is possible to compose a wide variety of scenes for the last call (Grade 9). The script is cheerful, the mood is excellent, the students, teachers and parents are beautiful, smart, happy. This is exactly what a gala evening dedicated to the end of grade 9 should look like.