What is communication training. Effective communication training methodological development on the topic

"We can communicate"

The peer environment is one of the most important areas of adolescent social behavior. Communication with peers is necessary for an emerging personality to develop communication skills and self-awareness. Communication experience acquired in adolescence plays an important role in entering adulthood. Communicating, adolescents work out the skills of social interaction.

Communication gives the teenager the opportunity to experience emotional contact with the group, a sense of solidarity, group belonging, mutual support. And this leads to the adolescent experiencing not only a sense of autonomy from adults, but also a sense of stability and emotional comfort. Communication is the basis of social comparison of a teenager with peers equal in age, but having different personal qualities. It also contributes to the development of self-awareness of the personality of a teenager.

The teenage team is a kind of social “testing ground” where male and female roles are worked out and assimilated, more mature relationships with peers are established, and socially responsible behavior is formed.

Purpose of the program : the formation of students' communication skills, the ability to cooperate and team building


    Formation of a friendly attitude of children to each other;

    Creation of a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of trust;

    Formation of an adequate assessment of oneself and others;

    Activation of the process of knowing oneself and others;

    Development of communication and interaction skills with people.

By the end of the program, students should be able to:

Control your behavior

Different ways of interacting with people;

Be aware of your emotions and motives for behavior, as well as understand the motives, feelings and behavior of other people.

Respect yourself and those around you.

Lesson form: group.

A group of 6-8 people. Age 12-13 years.

Class mode: There are three two-hour sessions.

The program assumes 6 hours.

skill – Effective communication
1 skill - recognition of non-verbal signals:

Dry exercise "Show feeling with facial expressions." the goal is to work out the skills of perceiving various emotional states with the help of facial expressions.

P / dry exercise "Thick glass", the goal is to compare and understand the perception of verbal and non-verbal signals.

Role-playing game "Hint to a friend", the goal is to work out non-verbal signals.

Skill 2: - Awareness and respect for personal boundaries "

Dry exercise "Circle of trust". goal -

P / dry exercise "Borders", goal - pom

Role-playing game "The border is locked", the goal is to develop sensitivity to borders in the group, to develop ways of constructive interaction.

Habit 3 - Active Listening

Dry exercise"To whom to complain ". the goal is to remember the rules of active listening

P / dry exercise "Active listening", the goal is to work out the techniques of active listening

Role-playing game "At a psychologist's appointment", the goal is to consolidate the acquired skills of active listening.

Skill 4 - Making contact using Iannex

Dry exercise"Three positions ". the goal is to remember the rules of the extension.

P / dry exercise "I'm in a hurry", the goal is to work out extension techniques

5 - skill Establishing contact with the help of adjustment.

Dry exercise" ". the goal is to remember the rules of adjustment

P / dry exercise "", the goal is to work out the adjustment techniques

Role-playing game "", the goal is to consolidate the acquired skills of making contact.

Program content.

Lesson number 1.

Introduction (10 min)

Hello Guys. We are starting our classes on the formation of communication skills and interaction with the opposite sex. In order to successfully get acquainted and be an interesting interlocutor, you need to know some secrets of communication.

So what are you going to learn
At the training, you can learn to perceive yourself and others in a new way (more positively, more constructively), you can learn effective communication skills, you can learn to feel better about yourself and other people, to be aware of yourself and your condition.

The topic of communication will be devoted to three meetings of 2 hours each. We will meet in this office, on Mondays at 15.00.

In order for our classes to be useful and interesting for us, it is necessary to introduce some rules.

What rules do you think can help us?

Group rules:

  1. Talk one by one.

Acquaintance -20 minutes.

We already know each other, but I suggest trying to get to know each other better.

    An exercise. Name + what no one knows about me . - 10 min

Purpose: to introduce. Open new facets of classmates for participants.


Now the one who has the ball in his hands must give his name and that no one knows about him, and throw the ball to any participant. Everyone else should listen carefully and remember what they say. Example: “I am Margarita Nikolaevna, no one knows what I am ... ..”

Part 2: And now we are doing the opposite, the one who has the ball throws it to any participant and calls his name and what he learned about him. For example: Vanya, I found out that you ... "

    An exercise. Continue the sentence. - 10 min.

Target. To know each other. Self-reflection.

Instruction. Now in a circle, I will pass the phrase. Your task is not to hesitate to continue it. Example I especially like it when people around me…. (smiling at me). The next phrase is in a different direction.


I especially like it when people around me.

What really annoys me is that I...

I feel ashamed when I...

I believe that I...

What I really want sometimes is...

Sometimes people don't understand me because I...

Stage of creating motivation - 35min

Purpose: To show participants that communication skills need to be learned.

    Warm up. - 10 min

I want to tell you a parable: In one village the head of a large family was dying. He asked to bring a broom and invited his sons to break it. Everyone tried, but although they were all strong people, none of them managed to cope. Then the father asked to cut the wire connecting the broom, and suggested that his sons break the crumbling rods. They did it with ease. Father said: “When I am gone, stick together, and you will not be afraid of any trials. And one by one you are easy to break like these rods.

And now we'll see how you can work together. Begin.

Exercise "Build" . -10 min.

Purpose: Warm-up, group interaction, group cohesion.

    Exercise "Discussion" - 10 min

Target: the formation of non-verbal communication skills; improvement of mutual understanding of communication partners.


You split into threes. In each trio, responsibilities are distributed. One of the participants plays the role of "deaf and dumb": he hears nothing, cannot speak, but he has vision, gestures, pantomime at his disposal; the second participant plays the role of "deaf and paralytic": he can speak and see; the third is "blind and dumb": he is only able to hear and show. The whole trio is offered a task, for example, to agree on the place, time and purpose of the meeting.

    Circle discussion – 10 min.

What worked, what didn't, did you manage to reach an agreement?

What prevents us from communicating?

Now we will take a short break and get back to work.

Hygienic break - 10 min.

Learning phase : - 35

Skill: identifying and separating verbal and non-verbal information

Theory: 5 minutes

Purpose: Obtaining and consolidating information about verbal and non-verbal communication.

Before the break, we found out what prevents us from communicating, (List what the group called).

So, communication is the establishment and development of contacts between people.

Our communication consists of words, i.e. the verbal part and body movements, the non-verbal part. Scientists have calculatedthat verbal, verbal information in communication is 1/6, and the language of postures, intonations, breathing and rhythm - non-verbal information - 5/6.

At the same time, 55% is Body Language (poses, movements, facial expressions),

Naturally, in different contexts, these ratios may differ slightly, but the general trend will remain. For example, during telephone conversation, Body Language will be almost non-existent, and most of the information will be transmitted using the Voice.

And this is precisely the part of communication that we are not aware of, but which is the main one in any communication. From childhood, we were taught a lot about what to say, but very little about how.

There is another very funny rule. If the conscious mind says one thing and the subconscious says something completely different, the subconscious usually wins. And consciousness finds a logical explanation for the already perfect act. This is exactly what professional scammers use. The most vigilant people can entrust them with guarding things, and then they are very surprised that not only a new extremely pleasant acquaintance has disappeared, but also suitcases.

When communicating, we express what we want to say (and what we don’t want too) in the form of gestures, facial expressions, postures, movements, intonations, and only last but not least, the words themselves. But due to the fact that we are not aware of this large non-verbal part, we usually receive only messages that are not entirely clear to us from our unconscious. And often it is not at all clear what caused tension in the interlocutor or why he was so happy about something. (pictures or slides with postures, facial expressions.)

1. Dry exercise. 1. Exercise : Convey the feeling with facial expressions. - 5 minutes

Purpose: To develop the skill of non-verbal expression of emotions.

Instructions: A phrase is written on the board. A feeling is written on a piece of paper, your task is to demonstrate the feeling, only with the help of facial expressions. The task of the audience is to determine what the feeling is.

1.2. Exercise. Convey the feeling, only with your voice. - 5 minutes

Instruction: A feeling is written on a piece of paper, your task is to pronounce a phrase, putting this feeling into it. The face is closed, or the child must turn away. The task of the rest is to determine the feeling.

1.3. Discussion in a circle: In which exercise was it easier to understand a person.-5 min

2. Semi-dry exercise. 2 .one. An exercise . Thick glass. - 5 minutes

Goal: developing the skill of verbal communication.

Instruction. Imagine that there is thick glass between you and your partner. Your task is to agree on a jailbreak with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Speech cannot be used.
3. Role-playing game "Hint to a friend." -10 min

Instructions: The student is at the blackboard. The group is given phrases from the poem. One student. One teacher. The task of the group, without the help of speech, is to determine the order of phrases in the poem and, in turn, “prompt” the student. The task of the student is to verbally reproduce the poem. The task of the teacher is to check the narrated poem with the original.

Analysis of results : What happened, what didn't. What types of communication were used, what other options are there.

End stage – 5-8 min

Today we talked about verbal, non-verbal communication. We learned that in most cases we perceive the information that the body of the interlocutor gives us, learned to recognize non-verbal communication signals.

What was new for you today? What have you learned? Your feelings, emotions.

Well, this is where our lesson ends. Next time we will talk about the territories of communication, and what it means to be able to listen.

And in conclusion, I will ask you to stand in a circle, and passing a smile around the circle, thank each other for the work. Thank you Masha, I was pleased to be paired with you today.


End of lesson 1

Lesson number 2.

Introduction (5 minutes)

Hello guys. I'm glad to see you. In the last lesson, we talked about what verbal and non-verbal communication is. They learned to recognize non-verbal signals, postures, gestures. Today we will learn about the most favorable distances for communication and formulate some techniques for effective conversation.

Let's remember our rules:

Group rules:

  1. Talk one by one.

  2. Everyone listens attentively to the speaker without interrupting.

    To join a conversation out of turn, you need to raise your hand.

    Be honest: what you feel and think at the moment.

    Do not offend anyone: evaluate only the deed, not the person.

Well, it's time to say hello, and let's do it like this:

Warm up "Hello yourself" - 10 min.

Goal: Greet each other. Demonstrate misrepresentation of information

The group stands in a circle, with their backs to the center. The participant passes to the neighbor on the right, in a whisper, any message that he himself would like to hear. The neighbor whispers this message to the next one, and so on, until the message reaches the sender. Each next participant. In the meantime, he sends his message when the previous participant's message is 2-3 people away from him.

Instructions: “Whisper the hello to your neighbor that you yourself would like to hear. When you whispered hello to the neighbor on the right from the neighbor on the left, and he passed it on to his neighbor on the right, you can whisper your hello.

Discussion: How did you feel when you received your greetings? How different was the received message from the sent one? What led to the distortion?

Stage of creating motivation -15 min

Procedure: My limits.

Purpose: to feel the difference when communicating at different distances.

For fruitful communication, your facial expressions, gestures and body position in space are important.

Let's try an experiment.

One of you stands near the window, the rest in turn will come to him. The task of the subject is to say stop, where other participants should stop. Several members.

A short discussion of how they felt. At what distance did you feel discomfort?

Learning phase: -30 min

Purpose: To learn about the distances of communication, to learn to determine the personal boundary of the interlocutors.

theory -15 minutes:

Each person has their own personal territory. It would be more correct to say that this is not a territory, but a space, an air shell that surrounds the human body from all sides. The size of the shell depends on the population density of people in their places of residence. And although no one teaches us how much we can approach another person, we subconsciously know at what distance it is more convenient to talk with a close friend, and at what distance with a suspicious stranger.

The science of proxemics is now engaged in the norms of the spatial and temporal organization of communication.

This concept was introduced by the American anthropologist Edward Hall in the early 60s. Word "proximic " (from the English word "proximity") means proximity.

Interpersonal space is the most important factor in non-verbal communication.Our ideas about him are reflected in everyday speech - "stay away", for example, from superiors, or "stay close" to someone in whom we are interested.

General rule: the more partners are interested in each other, the closer they can be in relation to each other.However, there are certain norms and rules that should be considered when interacting with the interlocutor. Each person has his own field, his own aura, to violate which in specific situations means damaging the cause.

Especially when it comes to dating or communicating with the opposite sex.

Four spatial zones are distinguished, which, like concentric circles on a target or on water, surround each other: (drawing on a blackboard or presentation)

Communication distances:

Trust, Intimate area (15 - 50 cm) . Of all the zones, this is the most important, since it is her that a person guards as if it were his property. Only children, parents, spouses, lovers, close friends and relatives are allowed in this zone. This zone is characterized by trust, a quiet voice in communication, tactile contact, touch. Studies show that violation of the intimate zone entails certain physiological changes in the body: increased heart rate, increased release of adrenaline, a rush of blood to the head. Premature intrusion into the intimate zone in the process of communication is always perceived by the interlocutor as an attack on his inviolability.

In this zone, it is possible to distinguish, as it were,subzone with a radius of 15 cmwhich can only be penetrated through physical contact. In fact, this is already a zone of touch to another person. Very few are allowed to touch. Therefore it is calledsuper intimate zone.

Personal or personal zone (0.5 - 1.2 m) for an ordinary conversation with friends and colleagues, it involves only visual-visual contact between partners who support the conversation. Remember how far away you are when you visit your neighbors. This distance usually separates us when we are at receptions, official evenings and friendly parties.

Social zone (1.2 - 3.7 m) usually observed during social, business meetings in offices, halls and other office spaces, as a rule, with those who are not very well known. Each of us was called to the board more than once at school. How far from the teacher did you stay? We also meet a plumber or a carpenter who has come to do repairs in our house, a postman, a new employee at work. The upper limit corresponds to formal relations.

Public area (over 3.7 m) implies communication with a large group of people - in a lecture hall, at a rally. When communicating with large groups of people, it will be more convenient for both the lecturer and the listeners to transmit and perceive information at such a distance from each other. Remember the design of the arena in the circus, the stage in the theater, the pulpit in the church - in each case, the need to communicate with a large audience is taken into account. Violation of this distance can cause different consequences. If a clown in a circus climbs over a barrier and sits on someone's lap, this causes laughter, and if the teacher leaves his seat and approaches the student, then this is perceived as a threat.

Excessively close or distant distance can adversely affect communication!

The closer the interlocutors are to each other, the more difficult it is to maintain eye contact and the less they should look at each other as a sign of mutual respect. At a distance, it is easier to look at each other for a longer time, you can use gestures to maintain attention.

These rules vary by age, gender, culture. So, children and old people try to be closer to the interlocutor. Teenagers, young people, middle-aged people keep a certain distance. Women try to be closer than men.

Dry Exercise: Circle of Trust Exercise -5 minutes

Goal: Defining your own boundaries

On a piece of paper. Draw a circle of trust, mark yourself in the center on it, and around your loved ones, at the distance at which you consider comfortable, your loved ones.

Great, now you can consider your relationship with loved ones, think about why everything is the way it is, and whether something needs to be changed. And we will move on to the next exercise.

Semi-dry: Exercise "Borders" - 10

Purpose: Pom Help participants become more sensitive to the boundaries of group members with whom they find it difficult to get along.


To maintain our integrity, we draw invisible boundaries around ourselves. We allow others to approach us physically and psychologically only up to a certain distance, protecting ourselves from harmful influence or from excessive influence. Those who cannot defend their boundaries create difficulties for themselves and for others. On the other hand, when we set boundaries at a great distance from ourselves or make them impenetrable, we become lonely. When communicating with others, we often do not notice these psychological boundaries. Inadvertently transgressing them, we turn out to be tactless in relation to a person, and the one who violates our boundaries seems to us arrogant or burdens us.

Many conflicts arise because Everyday life we do not clearly define the boundaries around our personal territory and we ourselves are immune to signs indicating approaching someone else's borders.

“This exercise will help you become more sensitive to the boundaries that each person uses to protect their individuality.

Look at all the members of the group and choose someone with whom you find it difficult to communicate for some reason. Sit opposite each other and think for a moment about how you can imagine at this moment that invisible psychological boundary that your partner draws around him. How close do you think he will let you get to him? How? Under what conditions? How does he tell you "stop!" or "come closer"?

Try silently experimenting with each other. Stand facing each other and stretch your arms out in front of you. Touch your partner's palms with your palms so that your hands are gently pressed against each other. Look into each other's eyes and make various movements with the touching palms and fingers. While experimenting with movements, try to learn something new about your partner.

What do the partner's movements express? Which of you is more likely to be the initiator of movements, and who is more likely to conduct reconnaissance? Who says “stop!” more often?

Now find that individual boundary that the partner outlines around his body and which he is ready to defend. Bringing your hands closer to your partner from different sides, at different heights from the feet to the top of your head, find out to what extent he allows you to approach him in different places. How do you feel yourself, approaching its borders? How confident are you and to what extent do you allow your partner to approach your boundaries? Be sensitive to resistance from both sides, as well as retreats. Where is your own border and how do you protect it?

Now stop and sit down with your partner. Talk about what you've noticed, what "border politics" each of you is using, and how you can use what you've seen to make it easier to get along with each other in the future."

Role-playing game "Border at the castle": -5 min.

In pairs at different distances, it is necessary to agree on something. (roles: little red riding hood and a wolf, a fox and a gingerbread man, etc. - fairy-tale characters).

To short discussion: At what distance was it more comfortable to negotiate?.

Hygienic break -5 minutes

Warm up: Exercise "Interview" - 5 min

The purpose of the exercise: - to develop the ability to listen to a partner and improve communication skills, - to reduce the communication distance between the training participants.
Participants break into pairs and talk with their partner for 5 minutes, trying to find out as much as possible about him, and change roles. Then everyone prepares a brief introduction to their interlocutor. The main task is to emphasize his individuality, dissimilarity to others. After that, the participants take turns introducing each other, speaking on behalf of their interlocutor.

Theory-5 minutes

The most important non-verbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen. When a person carefully listens to another person, literally everything is in him - his eyes, posture, facial expression are turned to the speaker, which, in turn, influences the interlocutor, helps him formulate his thoughts, open up, be as sincere as possible. Absent-mindedness, indifference, indifference can lead to the opposite result.

"Now we will do an exercise during which we will need the rules for good listening. Write them down, please (you can distribute cards with printed rules to group members).
Rules for good listening:
1. Completely concentrate your attention on the interlocutor.

2. Pay attention not only to words, but also to posture, facial expressions, and gestures.

3.Check if you understood the words of the interlocutor correctly.

4. React calmly to everything that the interlocutor says. No personal assessments and comments to what has been said.
5. Don't ask questions. Build sentences in affirmative form.
6. Take a break. Give the interviewee time to think.
7. Do not be afraid to make erroneous assumptions about the feelings experienced by the interlocutor. If something is wrong, the interlocutor will correct you.
8. Eye contact: the eyes of the interlocutors are at the same level.
9. If you understand that the interlocutor is not in the mood for conversations and frankness, then leave him alone.

Dry exercise "To whom to complain."

Now we will learn how to listen correctly. Your task is to come up with a request (complaint) and turn to the neighbor on the right. The neighbor on the right must answer according to the scheme.

Semi-dry. Active listening exercise . - 20 minutes

Objective: To develop active listening skills.

And now we will do one exercise where everyone will be in the role of a listener and a speaker, and will be able to compare these two positions. We will do the exercise in pairs. Choose for yourself one of the members of our group whom you have known less than others so far, but would like to get to know better. " Or we share in some way.
"Distribute roles among yourself: one of you will be" speaking "and the other - "listening." The task will consist of several steps (stages). Each step (stage) is designed for a certain time, but you do not need to keep track of time. each time I will tell you what to do and when to complete the task.At first, the "hearer" is guided by the rules of good listening.The "speaker" can put them aside for the time being.
So, the "speaking" for 5 minutes tells the "listener" about his difficulties, problems in communication. At the same time, he pays special attention to those qualities that give rise to these difficulties. The "listener" observes the rules of good listening and thereby helps the "speaker" to talk about himself.
After 5 minutes, I stop the conversation.
"Now the "speaker" will have 1 minute, during which he will need to tell the "listener" what in the behavior of the latter helped him to speak openly, talk about himself, and what made this story difficult. Please take this task very seriously, because it is from you that your interlocutor can learn what in his behavior encourages other people to speak openly, talk about themselves, and what makes such a story difficult, and it is very important for everyone to know this.
After 1 minute has passed, I give the following task: “Now the “speaking” will tell the “listener” for five minutes about his strengths in communication, about what helps him to establish contacts, build relationships with people. The “listener”, not forgetting to follow the rules of good listening, must take into account all that information which he received from the "speaker" during the previous minute".
After 5 minutes, the conversation stops again and it is proposed to go to the next step.
The "listener" in five minutes must repeat to the "speaker" what he understood from his two stories about himself, that is, about the difficulties and problems in communication and his strengths in communication. During these 5 minutes, the “speaker” is silent all the time and only by moving his head shows whether he agrees or not with what the “listener” says. If he makes a negative head movement as a sign that he was misunderstood, then the “listener” should get better until he receives confirmation of the correctness of his words. After the "hearer" has said everything that he remembered from the two stories of the "speaker", the latter can say what was omitted or distorted.
In the second part of the exercise, the participants of the couple change roles: the one who was "listening" becomes "speaking" and vice versa. All four steps of the exercise are repeated, while the coach himself gives the task for the next step each time.

Discussion: -5 min.

: "How did you manage to follow the proposed rules, which rules were easier to follow, which ones were more difficult?".

"Which was easier for you to talk about - about your difficulties and problems in communication or about your strengths?", "What impression did that part of the exercise make on you when you were" speaking ", what effect did the various actions of the" listener" have on you, How did you perceive them?" .

Role-playing game "At a psychologist's appointment" - demonstration by roles:

Now you will have the opportunity to try yourself as a real psychologist. I'm inviting a couple of volunteers. One of you is a psychologist. Second client. The rest carefully observe and record the techniques used by the psychologist.

Instruction. You are a psychologist, a client will come to your appointment. Your task is to calm him down using the rules of active listening.

You can lose several times by changing pairs.

Clients: Old Woman Shapoklyak, Pinocchio, Malvina, Cheburashka, Karabas Barabas, etc.

End stage - 10 min
Our lesson is coming to an end. Today we learned about the distances of comfortable communication and the rules of active listening.

An exercise "Handshake" (1 minute)

“We all worked productively today, and everyone deserves gratitude. While I count to five, you should have time to thank each other with a handshake.

Reflection at the end of the training: (9 minutes)

“So, let’s sum up…”, What do you take with you?

I bid you farewell until next week. Goodbye.

End of class 2.

Lesson #3

Introduction- 10 min.

Hello guys. I'm glad to see you here again. At our previous meetings, we learned about the language of facial expressions and gestures, about personal boundaries, and how important it is to be able to listen to the interlocutor. But any communication begins with an acquaintance. And today we will talk about how to establish contacts and, most importantly, how to continue this acquaintance. Well, it's time to start. And first, let's greet each other. Today we will do it like this.

An exercise. "Compliment"

Instruction: Now we have to say hello to each other, adding a compliment to the greeting. For example: "Petya, hello, you performed well in class today."

Great. Let's loosen up a bit.

Warm-up: Jumping in line - 8 min.

The goal is team building, an introduction to the theory of adjustment and extension.

Instructions: You stand in a row facing me, I will count, you must jump and turn 90 degrees in any direction for each count. Your task for the least possible number of accounts to stand again in a line, facing in one direction. All actions are performed in silence.

Discussion: Did you like the game? What prevented you from building quickly? What helped?

Learning phase: -35 min

theory -15 minutes:

The ability to establish contacts allows a person to feel more confident in this world. Establishing contacts, getting to know us is sometimes not easy.

All rapport techniques and tips involve working up front to make a good first impression.

The time allotted for the formation of the first impression is small - 4 minutes. During this period, the subject manages to answer for himself three questions regarding you: “Who is he?”, “What is his mood / condition?”, “How does he feel about me?”. It is not worth arguing about whether the first impression is correct or, conversely, false. The important thing is that it is unusually strong, and changes slowly and intricately.

Trying to make a favorable impression at the first meeting, one should remember the general patterns of perception of people, which are especially strongly manifested at the first meeting. First of all, we evaluate the appearance of a stranger. Moreover, our perception is always holistic, so a single unpleasant detail (uncleaned shoes or extravagant clothes) instantly spreads to the overall impression of a person. Further, our perception is emotional, so the mood or state of the future partner is immediately evident. We feel excitement, irritation, shyness, enthusiasm of the future partner and construct our attitude towards him and behavior towards him, depending on the general attitude towards his emotions. Experts identify several factors that always affect the first impression. Keeping these factors in mind and adjusting your appearance and behavior accordingly can provide you with optimal communication comfort.

So there are rules for making contact.


Contact from Greek - "to be in the world"


"Extension on top"

ATExternally, it can look like teachings, condemnations, advice, censure, remarks, appeals “you”, “son”, arrogant or patronizing intonations, a pat on the shoulder, the desire to take a higher place, shaking hands palm down, looking down and much more.

"Addendum from below"

It looks like a request, an apology, an excuse, guilty or fawning intonations, tilts of the body, lowering the head, giving a hand with the palm up, etc.

"Addition near"

The absence of extensions from above or below, the desire for cooperation, information exchange, competition; narrative intonations, questions, etc. are characteristic. (for example, among colleagues of the same age and position)

Dry "Three Positions" for an extension. From the position of a parent - a child - an adult, say a phrase in a circle.

Now we will see what these positions look like. And learn to distinguish between them. Your task is to pronounce a phrase from each position. We will do this exercise in a circle.

Semi-dry "I'm in a hurry." The goal is to work out the skill for the annex: The queue at the buffet, ask to skip the queue, from three positions.

In the next direction, we will learn how to use the extension correctly.

Imagine a situation, there is a huge line at the buffet, and you urgently need to buy a pie. Your task is to agree to be let through without a queue, using the positions of the extension. With each person is different.

Hygienic break -5 min.

Theory -7 min

In addition to the fact that there are positions from which we communicate, in the process of making contact it is important to know one more tool for successful communication.

Is this building or Bringing yourself into the rhythm in which the interlocutor now lives.

That is, our task is to adapt to the interlocutor, in order for him to be comfortable communicating with us.

Adjustment types:

Adjustment to body language - when we "Copy the pose, movements of the arms, legs, turn of the head";

Adjustment to speech - tempo, rhythm, volume;

Breathing adjustment.

Now we'll see what it looks like.

Dry “I am this, I am different”: The goal is to demonstrate the difference, communicating with and without adjustment.

Instructions: In this exercise we will try to determine how we are more comfortable communicating.Now we will break into threes. Two talk, the third shows cards with actions.

In the first part of the exercise, the task of the interlocutor is to move and speak in the opposite way as the partner does.

In the second part. The interlocutors should try to repeat all the movements of the partner. The third participant is watching. Partners change.

Discussion: What are your impressions?

Semi-dry "Entrance to communication"

We remember from the language of gestures, postures of closeness and openness. What do the poses of people who are ready to let you into a conversation look like? Sometimes it happens that it is important for us to say something to someone, and at that time he is talking with someone. Now we will practice joining the conversation so that the interviewers do not experience discomfort.

Instructions: Divide into threes again. One of the three will now enter into a conversation between two who are talking to each other. The task - with the help of non-verbal methods (adjustment) - to join the conversation. The task of the couple is to let the third in - when it is comfortable for them.

Discussion: What worked? Why didn't it work. What were the feelings when they tried to wedged into your conversation?

Role-playing game "Contacts".

the goal is to develop the skills of making contact using the attachment and adjustment techniques.

An exercise "Contacts" - 15 min.
We often meet different people, sometimes complete strangers. And it is very important at the first meeting to make a good impression, to be able to keep up the conversation. This needs to be learned.

Now we will hold a series of meetings, each time with a new person. You need to easily and pleasantly get in touch, keep up the conversation and just as pleased to part with him. Using the techniques of adjustments and extensions.
Members of the group become (sit down) according to the “carousel” principle, i.e. facing each other, and form two circles: the inner motionless (they stand with their backs to the center of the circle) and the outer movable (they are located facing the center of the circle). In my At a signal, all participants in the outer circle take 1 or 2 steps to the right at the same time (or change to a chair to their right) and find themselves in front of a new partner. There will be several such transitions. Moreover, each time participants are offered new roles. The first four situations - the roles are played by the participants of the inner circle, the remaining ones - by the outer one.
Situation examples:
1. Before you is a person whom you know well, but have not seen for a long time. You are happy about this chance meeting.
Time to establish contact, greeting and conversation - 2-3 minutes. Then, on a signal, the participants must finish the conversation they started within 1 minute, say goodbye and move to the right to a new partner. These rules apply to the following situations.
2. An unknown person is in front of you. Get to know him, find out his name, where he studies, works.
3. Before you at all Small child, he was frightened of something and is about to burst into tears. Approach him, start a conversation, calm him down.
4. You were pushed hard on the bus. Looking around, you saw an old man.
5. After a long separation, you meet your beloved (beloved) and are very happy about this meeting. Finally, he (she) is next to us.
6. Before you is a person whom you see for the first time, but you really liked him and made you want to get to know him. You think for a while, and then you turn to him.
7. In the subway car, you happened to be next to a fairly famous actor. You adore him and, of course, would like to talk to him. After all, this is such a great success. The role of the actor is played by those sitting in the inner circle.

Discussion: With whom it was possible to establish a good personal contact, who helped, supported the conversation, and whom it was not possible to talk to. During this discussion, it is necessary to pay attention to the feelings of the group members, their feelings while being in a new given situation.

Holistic Action: Our class on dating and socializing is coming to an end. And to summarize, I propose as follows. You need to break into teams. Each team has a sheet, paints, brushes, etc.

For 10 minutes, depict in any way "The ability to communicate."

Drawing on all the topics covered.

Sharing in a circle.

Parting. We've done a great job and it's time to say goodbye. Now we will shake hands with each other with the words “Congratulations, now you know how to communicate!”.

End of lesson 3.

Communication training for children and adolescents is gaining more and more popularity. It is just as important to develop the communication skills of schoolchildren as it is to give them a good education. Effective communication training is a course that will help children look at building relationships differently.

What is special about communication programs for children?

  • Participants learn to be conscious about communication
  • Understand what it means to set a goal for a conversation
  • How to be interesting and talk about yourself
  • Learn to build dialogues, listen to the interlocutor
  • Understand what conflict is.

Trainings for teenagers on the formation of communication will help to build a conversation correctly, become more self-confident, choose a contingent of communication, and be intense in society.

Communication training for younger students has its own characteristics

  • many games and interactive tasks
  • All knowledge comes from experience
  • followed by a discussion of the exercises
  • in the process of discussion, the guys connect knowledge with life and learn to use it

Communication training for teenagers is similar in structure to classes for younger children, but the older the participants, the more attention is paid to discussing the game tasks, the experience of the participants, and using the acquired skills in creating relationships in real life. One of the cities where communication training is especially popular is Moscow. Often in small towns, the formation of communication skills occurs more naturally. And in megacities like Moscow, guys are often limited by distances and safety requirements.

What are the benefits of social groups?

  • Here the children receive structured knowledge about communication.
  • The game teaches the skill of effective communication
  • Expand your social circle and make friends.
  • Parents, in turn, receive support from a psychologist,
  • information on how to develop your child more effectively and are sure of his safety.

Remember, paying attention to developing communication skills is just as important as developing intelligence and imparting knowledge. It is the harmonious combination of knowledge, confidence and ability to communicate that is the key to success in the future life.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely everyone. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight”. In other words, anxiety does not arise from scratch, but has evolutionary grounds. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but an evolutionary mechanism that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. The disturbing impulses that were once necessary for survival have now lost their purpose, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the life of anxious people.


§ 4. Socio-psychological training of business communication

Traditionally, in organizational and methodological terms, 3 main stages of conducting a socio-psychological training of business communication are considered: 1) preparatory stage, including such elements as solving organizational problems of the training, staffing the group, drawing up a psychological portrait of the group and its participants, an introductory lecture, developing a training program; 2) main stage, implementing the solution of the tasks set using the methods of socio-psychological training of business communication; 3) The final stage, summarizing the results of the training, containing an analysis of the effectiveness of the leader, the success of achieving the goals indicated at the beginning of the course.

Preparatory stage involves the implementation of certain measures to ensure the success of all further work. The most favorable is the conduct of group work, when group members are disconnected from everyday life, from solving everyday problems, they do not have certain associations that prevent them from fully engaging in group activities and following the principles of training. It is advisable to conduct classes in conditions of isolation of group members from communication with people who are not members of the group (outside the city, on board the ship). Discussion of the events taking place in the training with friends and relatives usually weakens the effect of training, and the interpretations and advice of outsiders can have an uncontrollable effect on the behavior of a person in a group. If possible, it is recommended to limit the communication of participants even with each other outside of classes until the end of the course, since the facilitator does not have the ability to control the processes occurring in the group and may encounter unpredictable phenomena during classes.

You should not conduct classes in the organization where the group members work, since the hidden and obvious influence of organizational culture, the hierarchy of power and unspoken rules can have a strong influence on the processes taking place in the group, prevent the establishment of trusting communication between participants. It may be difficult for the facilitator to neutralize such influences and may fail to do so. If it is not possible to choose a suitable room outside the organization, it is necessary to carefully prepare the existing one, changing, for example, the arrangement of furniture, removing posters, tables and slogans, replacing them with flowers, posters with the listed training rules, and other materials as conceived by the facilitator. The room should have good soundproofing properties, be warm and spacious enough for the participants to move around. It is advisable to use a square-shaped room. Psychological relaxation rooms should be avoided, which group members associate with relaxation procedures and can create a completely undesirable atmosphere of relaxation. Armchairs, in particular, should be comfortable, but not conducive to relaxation, it is desirable to use tables that are light, not creating bulky barriers. Some professional presenters use special designs that make it easy to structure the space depending on the requirements of the situation (for example, these can be small triangular tables from which you can assemble a round, square, rectangular table of any size for any purpose).

It is very good if the problem of organizing a training, in particular the problem of choosing and designing a room for classes, is dealt with under the control of a leading administrator or another specially appointed person.

For the duration of the training, participants should be released from work if the training is conducted at the request of the head of the organization. Personal free time should not be used as it reduces the motivation to work in the training. An exception is allowed only with the special wishes of the members of the group.

Question periodicity and duration Each lesson is decided by the leader, his choice is determined by personal abilities and preferences, as well as the characteristics of the tasks. One-time weekly meetings lasting about three hours are undesirable. Large intervals between meetings lead to the fact that for each next lesson a lot is forgotten, the unified fabric of the training is torn, as a result of which the emotional climate of the group suffers, developing interpersonal relationships, an atmosphere of trust and openness. However, sometimes, due to various practical reasons (usually the participants and the moderator are busy), this option is the only possible one. In this case, you should strive to ensure that each lesson is logically completed.

A round-the-clock “training marathon” is possible, requiring extreme mental and physical stress from the participants, and especially from the host. This form of training ensures the removal of psychological defenses and barriers of group members (due to extreme circumstances), provokes deep personal changes and a sustainable effect of training. The trainer who chooses this option of conducting the training has high professionalism, stable mental and physical health, and has a fairly large experience in group work. Typically, there are two leaders.

The following options for conducting classes are optimal: from two to four meetings per week for four or five weeks; four to five days for 8 hours daily.

An important element of organizational and psychological work is the acquisition of the group. The number of participants in the training usually does not exceed 12 people, all of them must be included in the group on the basis of the principles of voluntariness and free choice. Compliance with these principles is essential for the recruitment of motivated, active participants in the training, which has a positive effect on group processes. When forming a group, one should take into account the principle of heterogeneity in terms of age (it is not recommended to combine people with a large age difference in one group), gender, profession, degree of acquaintance, but avoid strong differences in the level of education.

Little developed in the theory of socio-psychological training is the problem of working with real groups, having their own history of development and consisting of people who know each other. These can be groups of people working together or studying, they are characterized by the presence of established power structures and interpersonal relationships, its members have common memories of the past of their group, a more or less complex system of conditional language. In most cases, in a real group there are unresolved, extinguished conflicts that can suddenly appear with great force. In addition, a real group always has its own system of norms and values, unspoken rules, for the violation of which members of the group are subject to certain sanctions.

When the coach works with the so-called artificial, laboratory group, which begins its existence in his presence, he has the ability to control all group processes: the formation of group norms and values, the rules of behavior for group members, etc. In addition, the presenter does not waste time and energy on overcoming the undesirable influence of the group's existing culture, he, as it were, begins to "write on a clean slate." Jokes, references to events that took place in the group, allusions to other members of the group do not contain information about what the leader did not witness. This allows him to adequately diagnose the situation and take the necessary measures to successfully resolve emerging problems.

A different situation develops when working with a real group: the facilitator may miss important moments in the development of intra-group relations due to ignorance of the group's past and insufficient understanding of its culture. In addition, conflicts that unfold unexpectedly for the facilitator, which have acquired explosive potential over time, can destroy all the intentions of the facilitator and “take away” a lot of training time. Of course, in such a situation, the trainer must first regulate the relations of the participants and only then proceed with further work, otherwise the effectiveness of the training will be jeopardized.

In order to avoid adverse consequences when working with a real group, the leader must have extensive professional experience and qualifications; novice trainers are not recommended to conduct training in such a situation.

After the group is completed, many experienced facilitators conduct a comprehensive psychological diagnostics and make up psychological portraits of future participants using a battery of specially selected tests (this can be, for example, the 16F personality questionnaire, the Leary test, the Luscher color test, the Rosenzweig test, other special tests and expert sheets, determined depending on the tasks solved in the training). The conducted testing gives the leader the opportunity to predict the behavior of group members in conflict situations, the style of communication with other people, to identify the compatibility of group members with each other, possible likes and dislikes. An analysis of such characteristics of participants as the degree of conformity, lability of behavioral reactions, readiness to perceive new information, inclination to leadership, etc. is important for planning the work of the leader. great importance in the future work of the trainer: to help navigate in difficult training situations, as well as to determine the line of conduct and strategy of influence in relation to each individual member of the group. It is more convenient to carry out testing and data processing with an assistant.

An interview with the participants of the training before the start of classes gives the facilitator additional information about professional experience, length of service, motivation for future work in the group and other important parameters. You can use a specially designed questionnaire. In addition to providing information, the initial interview performs a number of other functions: establishing contact, starting individual relationships with each member of the group, setting up training participants for serious socio-psychological work, increasing motivation for classes, reducing group members' anxiety at the first meeting. As a result of personal observations, the trainer creates an emotional image of the group and each participant individually, which helps to prepare for working with a particular group.

Drawing up a training program determination of the main and secondary goals of the work is also a task to be solved at the preliminary stage. First of all, the facilitator determines the degree of structure of the training: most often this is an intermediate option between the free organization of classes, when the work of the group is built spontaneously, based on problems that arise right during the lesson, and strict planning of classes that does not allow for variations in the training process.

Socio-psychological training of business communication is carried out on the basis of a fairly clear program that defines the range of problems to be solved, the goals and objectives of the course, the main topic of each lesson, an approximate set of games and exercises used during the training. The presence of a specific program does not exclude the possibility of changing the sequence of training elements, including new exercises depending on the characteristics of the group process and the needs of the group members. The facilitator can make changes to the program directly during the classes, as well as as a result of the analysis of the past working day, and a rather serious correction of the planned course of the training is not ruled out.

The basis for drawing up a program of socio-psychological training is the definition general and specific goals and objectives, which must be addressed in the course: this may be an increase in communicative competence in general, the acquisition of special skills and abilities, etc. Depending on which area of ​​business communication is chosen as the focus, the main topic of the training is formulated - negotiations, business conversations, organizing a meeting, conflict resolution, public speaking and many others. In essence, the form of training depends on the chosen topic and is a means of learning within the framework of the tasks. This does not mean that other goals not indicated in the program are not achieved in the course of the training: the topic of the training only sets the focus of the work, but does not exclude the possibility of addressing the solution of related problems.

Below we will consider the principles of building a non-specialized business communication training, which includes various blocks of tasks to be solved and is aimed at developing a whole range of skills and abilities.

Another important element of preparation for the training is introductory lecture, read by the facilitator immediately before the start of classes. During the lecture, future participants get acquainted with the topic of the upcoming training, the main points of the program, find out where, when and with what frequency the classes will be held. The facilitator has the opportunity to increase the level of motivation of participants with the help of a lecture, to acquaint them with the basic rules for participation in the training, to introduce the basic socio-psychological concepts used in the training. Sometimes the facilitators give several lectures, devoting them to the consideration of psychological theories, the knowledge of which will be necessary for the group members: these can be, for example, the theories of transactional analysis, group dynamics, principles for conducting role-playing games and discussions, and other necessary information.

The main stage of the socio-psychological training includes the work of the facilitator and group members to implement the tasks set by means of two main methods: role-playing (or simulation) games and discussions. A third method of training abilities is also possible - psycho-gymnastic, which involves performing various exercises without words. Psycho-gymnastics is used to develop a wide range of psychological skills, from developing attention to increasing the level of sensitivity of group members. Another important function that psycho-gymnastic exercises perform in training is the regulation of the emotional mood of group members. For example, it is recommended to start each session with activities that increase the activity (physical and emotional) of the participants, setting them up for the included work in the group. Finish classes with well-relaxing procedures that relieve excessive tension and fatigue.

During each training session, various diagnostic methods are used: specially designed questionnaires, SAN-type tests, sociometric measurements, tests that determine the level of development of psychological qualities. The latter are good to use at the beginning of a discussion (they provide background material for discussion); tests are also carried out to labilize participants.

With the help of formalized questionnaires, such indicators as the emotional state of group members, their readiness for work, the structure of power relations and the distribution of likes and dislikes in the group, the degree of labilization of participants, the effectiveness of learning, etc. are analyzed. The data obtained are analyzed by the facilitator after the lesson, and further work is based on them. With the help of questionnaires, you can also ask the group a certain direction of activity.

It is advisable to organize the training of business communication in blocks: team building training, then holding meetings, negotiating, business conversations and, finally, training in public speaking. Such a sequence of blocks is determined by the logic of group dynamics: at the beginning of group activity, when the group has not yet formed, it poses a danger to each individual participant due to the uncertainty of his position, and each member of the group is more willing to be included in the common work than acts as a special object of attention and analysis. The need to determine the structure of the group and the place of each of its members comes first, so team building training aimed at achieving precisely this goal turns out to be appropriate at the first stage of activity. Further work is aimed at developing the skills of dialogic (business conversation) and monologue (public speaking) communication. It is much easier to speak to a group with a message, to develop communication skills with an audience at that stage of group dynamics, when a stable, trusting, safe atmosphere has developed.

The training program proposed below is designed for 60 training hours, consists of 20 three-hour sessions, which allows for variation of the meeting scheme (combining several sessions into logical groups). The description of each block contains goals, objectives, a brief program of its implementation with instructions for the facilitator, as well as basic games and exercises. When conducting the training, it is necessary to take into account that the description of the classes did not include the questionnaires presented to the group members at the beginning and at the end of the lesson, the exercises that the facilitator includes in the classes, based on the requirements of the situation in a particular group at a particular time. It is assumed that the facilitator has some experience in the training and can independently vary the proposed program, using additional material. We recommend that each lesson include, in addition to the proposed elements, suitable procedures that “work” to achieve the set goals, as well as regulate the emotional state of the group members (active and cheerful at the beginning of the lesson and relaxed at the end).

Almost all the proposed games and exercises involve the use of video equipment.

Block 1. Establishing contact and the beginning of the formation of favorable interpersonal relationships in the group.

Time - 3 hours (1 lesson).

The goal is to form a favorable climate in the group, establish trusting relationships between the participants, determine the direction of further work.

Much of how interpersonal relationships will develop in a group depends on the first meeting.

It is necessary to start the training with the procedure for introducing the members of the group to each other (if the participants are familiar, the procedure is also carried out, but the instructions change somewhat). There are many options for conducting an acquaintance: a free story about yourself, your strengths (it is better to build the first lesson in a positive way, without using any negative assessments); about the distinctive features of their character, emphasizing individuality in communication. It is effective to use elements of art therapy (drawing, individual and group, modeling from plasticine, etc.), when each member of the group is invited to introduce himself to others with the help of some images. Such a beginning allows you to emphasize the peculiarity of the character of each person present in the group, and also gives the participants the opportunity to begin to define themselves in the group structure. After getting to know each other, the trainer can organize a discussion of what happened, invite participants to express their impressions and describe emotional reactions.

The first stage of group development is characterized by the beginning of the consolidation of its members, this process is stimulated with the help of specially selected exercises.

1. "Group Drawing".

Purpose: the beginning of unifying processes in the group, the development of reflection skills, the development of sensitivity.

Time: 30 min.

Materials: felt-tip pens, a large sheet of paper (board and colored crayons). The participants are given the task - in 5-10 minutes, without talking to each other, to express their idea of ​​​​what is happening in the group and with them at the moment. It is necessary to create an integral representation using individual experiences.

The facilitator organizes further discussion with the help of questions: “How do you feel?”, “How can words describe what we see in the picture?” etc.

2. "Orchestra".

Purpose: stimulating the processes of group cohesion, creating an appropriate emotional background.

Time: 10 min.

Materials: no.

Each participant chooses a musical instrument that he will represent. The conductor (this may be the presenter) organizes the sounding of the selected melody. A few minutes can be devoted to discussing the impressions of the work done.

At the stage of establishing contact, the facilitator can invite the group to discuss the training program, identify those problems of business communication that are most relevant to the participants. It is also possible to encourage the members of the group to express their opinion on the rules for participation in the training by summing up certain results of the discussion.

Further work during the contacting phase depends on the strategy that the facilitator has chosen for this particular group based on previous work.

Block 2. Team building training.

Time - 12 hours (4 lessons of 3 hours).

The goal is to achieve such a state of the working group when it is able to solve various problems in the most effective way.

Training helps the group to establish a system of relationships, in which each participant gets the opportunity to most successfully demonstrate their qualities and abilities, in accordance, however, with common goals and the ultimate effectiveness of joint activities.

Training objectives:

1) assistance to the group in the process of going through the main extreme phases of group dynamics, creating and maintaining a climate of trust and security;

2) awareness by the training participants of the leading role of the cooperation strategy, the formation of appropriate group norms;

3) demonstration of a synergistic effect in group problem solving, development of criteria for effective interaction;

4) mastering the technologies of group decision making;

5) identifying the advantages of situational leadership in joint activities, revealing the leadership properties of each participant;

6) determining the strengths and weaknesses of the group, providing an opportunity for each participant to demonstrate and use their personal strengths in group work;

7) awareness by members of the group of their position, repertoire of roles and strategies of behavior in group activities;

8) creation of a special role structure, in which the optimal ratio and complementarity of roles are presented;

9) mastering by the participants the rules for submitting and accepting feedback;

10) formation of a group culture, taking into account the rules and principles of joint activities (as a result of consistent compliance with the principles of training).

As part of the team building training, the main technical elements are the modeling of group decision-making situations and the analysis of the material received. The most effective use of a video camera is to record the process of group work, since not only the activity of the group as a whole, but also the behavior of each individual participant is subjected to subsequent analysis. Only a video camera allows you to explore in detail the complex system of intragroup interaction, namely, a thorough analysis and discussion of the results of the situation play a key role in teaching skills and abilities.

The first step of the training is modeling the process of group decision making. High efficiency is shown by the team building training in the group (the exercise "Shipwrecked", described by K. Rudestam, makes it possible to calculate the magnitude of the synergistic effect).

1. "Shipwrecked".

Purpose: to study the decision-making process in a group, teaching effective behavior to reach agreement, informing about behavioral styles, leadership and dominance in a group, group cohesion.

Time: 3 hours

Materials: video equipment, paper, pens.

Each member of the group is asked to complete the task within 10 minutes and given the following instruction: “You are drifting on a yacht in the South Pacific. The fire destroyed most of the yacht and its cargo. The yacht is slowly sinking. Your location is obscure due to the failure of the main navigational instruments, but you are approximately a thousand miles southwest of the nearest land. Below is a list of 15 items that remained intact after the fire. In addition to these items, you have a sturdy inflatable life raft with oars, large enough to support you, the crew, and all the items listed below. The property of the survivors consists of a pack of cigarettes, several boxes of matches and five banknotes. Your task is to classify the 15 items listed below according to their survival value. Put the number 1 next to the most important item, the number 2 - the second most important, and so on up to the fifteenth, the least important to you.


Shaving mirror.

Five gallon canister of water.

Mosquito net.

One box of US Army rations.

Pacific maps.

Pillow (watercraft authorized by the Coast Guard),

Two gallon canister of oil and gas mixture.

Small transistor radio.

Shark repellant.

Twenty square feet of opaque plastic.

One quart of Puerto Rican rum, 80% proof.

Fifteen feet of nylon rope.

Two boxes of chocolate.

Fishing tackle.

The group is invited to solve the problem first individually, and then develop and make a common decision, and it is not allowed to use the voting method and other methods of compromise decision making. Mathematical processing of the results allows you to determine the presence and strength of the synergistic effect, after which you can begin to analyze the causes of success or failure.

The facilitator stimulates discussion by asking questions such as: “What behaviors hindered or helped the consensus-building process?”, “What patterns of leadership emerged?”, “Who influenced the work of the group?”, “What was the atmosphere in the group during the discussion?”, “What actions did the participants take to carry out their opinion?”, “How to improve group decision making?”

The video material is discussed element by element, phases of group work are distinguished, the most active and most passive members of the group, their contribution to group work and the significance of this contribution are determined. The facilitator invites group members to develop recommendations for successful group activities, after which he distributes information sheets containing a list of principles for group work. The further work of the group is aimed at isolating those principles that were observed in the group in the best way, and those that were observed the least actively. The first step ends with a discussion of what each participant in the previous work gave, and the formulation of the results.

The next step is a group solution of another game problem, however, at this stage, the main focus is on the discussion of the problem of leadership and the analysis of leadership functions.

2. “My own “neuropathologist”.

Purpose: teaching effective group behavior aimed at reaching consensus, training in giving and receiving feedback in the communication process, analysis of leadership functions.

Time: 3.5 hours

Materials: video equipment, handouts.

Each participant is given a copy of the individual worksheet. The leader offers to rank the items of the presented list within 10 minutes in accordance with the instructions on the worksheet.

Further, the group can work both in full strength (12 people) and divided into subgroups (6 people each). The facilitator proposes to solve the problem jointly, achieving a common decision based on consensus, without using the voting method and without deriving an average score. 20 minutes are given for group decision-making. (The process of group work is filmed on a video camera.)

After the decision is made, the host organizes the processing of the results. Individual, average individual and group results are analyzed, group and individual opportunities and means are compared.

The facilitator invites the participants to share their impressions about the work, to talk about their feelings and reactions.

The next stage of the discussion can be devoted to giving and receiving feedback, when the group (or subgroup) discusses the activities of each individual participant, as well as the work of the group as a whole.

In the process of watching the video, those who performed the roles of a leader, organizer, manager are determined, the success of their work and the reasons that led to certain results are assessed. Sometimes it is useful to direct the attention of the group to an analysis of the struggle for leading positions, to evaluate the methods of this struggle and its effectiveness.

The purpose of the facilitator at this stage is to lead the group to realize the benefits of situational leadership and to develop joint recommendations for its implementation. An accompanying process is work with the principles of group activity in a different version than before (observance of each principle can be assessed on a five-point scale).

At the final stage of the training, the focus is on identifying the role structure as a whole.

3. Create symbols of group unity: anthem, motto, distinctive sign.

Purpose: group cohesion, analysis of the role structure, teaching the skills of effective group activity.

Time: 3 hours

Materials: video equipment, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, musical instruments (if at least one participant knows how to handle them).

The facilitator gives the group complete freedom of action without interfering with the work process. Video filming is carried out, the materials of which are further analyzed in detail.

After making a decision, the trainer organizes a discussion of the work done, asks the participants about the feelings they experienced during the group activity.

Each participant fills in a special table, where he defines and names the roles of all group members individually, including himself. Further discussion reveals similarities or dissimilarities in the definition of the role of each by other members of the group, the reasons for these coincidences or discrepancies. The effectiveness of this role structure in decision-making is assessed, recommendations are developed for its correction. Work continues with the list of principles of group activity: now the observance of the principles by each participant is assessed on a five-point scale, and the necessary conclusions are drawn.

The main line of work in team building training has been described above. However, this line is not the only one. In parallel, exercises and games are carried out in the group that increase the cohesion of the group, work out the rules of feedback, regulate the emotional background of work, and develop the sensitivity of participants in all directions. The ability to successfully behave in conflict situations and participate in their resolution is trained.

The effectiveness of the training is determined by the following indicators:

1) members of the group adhere to the principles of group activity;

2) there are no unresolved deep conflicts in the group, the participants are not afraid to express their thoughts and feelings;

3) an expert who is recognized by everyone acts as a leader;

4) the role of critic is not played, the number of organizers and performers is minimal, a larger number of participants play the role of generators of ideas, erudite people, etc.;

5) the main strategy is an agreed group decision, in some cases the decision of the majority.

At the end of the team building training, group members evaluate the degree of mastering new experience, acquiring skills and abilities of working in a group, developing sensitivity, and other parameters as decided by the facilitator.

Block 3. Meeting training.

At this stage of working with the group, the main emphasis is on acquiring the skills of organizing and participating in various kinds of meetings. It should be borne in mind that the very concept of a meeting is largely related to the concept of a business conversation, so the elements of the “Training for conducting a business conversation” block can be implemented during the training for holding meetings. Training objectives:

1) developing the skill of diagnosing various types of group phenomena, increasing sensitivity to group processes;

2) mastering the technique of organizing a discussion;

3) optimization of behavior in the process of group work;

4) development of the ability to resolve conflicts;

5) mastering the skills of active listening, argumentation, establishing contact with the audience, regulation of group processes.

The first step in meeting training is to develop patterns of initial contact with the audience through the following exercises.

1. "Meeting start".

Purpose: teaching techniques and skills to establish contact with the audience.

Time: 1 hour

Materials: video equipment.

Two or three members of the group, taking turns entering the audience, organize the beginning of the meeting on any topic they have thought up. Each participant has the right to improvise, not limited by any instructions, using even the most daring methods of attracting the attention and motivating group members to work (his role is the head of a certain unit, the details are specified together with the group). The rest of the participants, in turn, are also encouraged to improvise, they are not given specific instructions.

After each situation has been acted out for several minutes, the bosses who played the role talk about what kind of reaction they wanted to achieve, what methods they used to achieve this, what result they think they got. "Subordinates" evaluate the effectiveness of the actions of the "boss", describe their feelings and reactions to his behavior. The footage is analyzed, the most effective techniques and styles of behavior of the participants are highlighted, and conclusions are drawn. At the end of the training, the facilitator can offer the group a list of possible behaviors at the first meeting with the group for discussion.

It is very important at the beginning of the meeting training to form a bank of the main problems that group members face in their work. This will allow in the future not only to plan the course of the training, taking into account current difficulties, but also to determine the topics of group discussions that simulate meetings.

2. "Brainstorm".

Purpose: teaching the method of "brainstorming" as one of the forms of holding a meeting.

Time: 2 hours

Materials: large sheets of paper with a list of rules, a description of the stages of brainstorming, blank sheets of paper or a board for recording the results of group work.

The group is asked to compile a list of the 10 most actual problems(specific situations) that cause difficulties in real work. We will omit the description of the method itself due to its popularity.

3. "Analysis of the phase structure of the discussion process".

Purpose: highlighting the main stages of the group discussion, the beginning of the analysis of the phenomenon of leadership, the development of sensitivity to group processes.

Time: 1.5 hours

From among the group members, two equal subgroups are formed, one of which is located in the center, the other forms an outer circle. Each member of the outer circle observes the behavior of one of the members of the inner circle, fixing the main characteristics of his behavior, determining his motives and ways to achieve the goal.

The central subgroup is given the task to develop a plan for joint rest on Sunday within 15 minutes. It is assumed that the members of this subgroup are great friends and cannot imagine rest without each other. The time and place must be real.

After the final decision is made, the facilitator organizes a discussion of the results of the work: the participants of the inner circle are interviewed first, then the outer circle. A possible list of questions for members of the “friendly company”: “What did you feel during the discussion?”, “Are you satisfied with the decision-making process and its results?”, “How did your attitude to the problem and the proposed solutions change at different stages of the discussion?” etc. Variants of questions for observers: “What role did your “mentee” play in the process of group work?”, “What is his style of presenting and defending his point of view?”, “What was his influence on the course of the group’s work?” Together, all participants single out the phases of decision-making (the leader at this stage of the discussion can distribute information sheets that contain a description of the main phases of the activity), the leader of the subgroup and the style of his participation in the work are determined. One can also analyze the way in which agreement is reached: compromise, pressure from the majority or an active minority, voting.

4. "Discussion about discussion".

Purpose: formation of the ability to participate in discussions, increasing sensitivity to group processes.

Time: 1 hour

The trainer organizes a discussion, as a result of which the group members should develop recommendations for the moderator, develop a list of necessary skills. It is advisable to divide the group into 2-3 subgroups, giving each group the opportunity to develop their own project (for example, from 10 points). The general list can be limited to 5-10 items, which will provoke a greater activity of the group.

Further activities are built taking into account the material developed by the group: it is possible to work in pairs to develop self-confidence, the ability to conduct a dialogue from a standpoint of cooperation, develop active listening techniques, strengthen the ability to successfully overcome unexpected difficulties, etc. In general, at this stage it is most effective the use of those games and exercises that are recommended for use in the training of conducting a business conversation (the presenter can combine these two blocks, use various games and exercises, interspersing them). To enliven the course of the training and follow the logic of events, it is good to conduct the following exercise.

5. "Everyone's attention".

Purpose: increasing the activity of the training participants, discharging excessive tension in the group, training the ability to attract and hold the attention of the audience.

Time: 15 min.

All participants in the game are invited to perform the same task by any means, without resorting, of course, to physical influence: to try to attract the attention of others. The task is complicated by the fact that all participants are trying to complete it at once. After the exercise, the winners (those who attracted the attention of the largest number of participants) are identified and the most effectively used funds are determined.

6. Role-playing game "Meeting" .

Goal: developing the ability to organize and conduct meetings, increase sensitivity to group processes, experiment participants with their behavior, learn how to motivate participants with different settings.

Time: 2 hours

Materials: video equipment.

Everyone chooses a topic that excites him, serious (tasks for the future, report) or playful (do aliens exist, whether to believe astrology). In succession, as many participants as possible play the role of the meeting organizer, the rest of the group members work in a predetermined role. You can choose any role: “talker”, “bore”, “fair”, “critic”, “oppositionist”, “supporter”, etc. Everyone independently determines his role and writes it down on a piece of paper that he does not show to others. The speaker, who is also the moderator of the meeting, begins the meeting with a short report (3-5 minutes), after which the other participants make comments, put forward objections, remarks and suggestions from the standpoint of their roles. Group members at this stage get the opportunity to experiment within a given style of behavior, to feel the advantages and disadvantages of various roles.

After each episode, the group members in a special table determine the roles of the meeting participants. Further discussion (at the end of all meetings) clarifies overlaps and differences in the definition of roles. The video is watched, the success of playing each role is evaluated, the winners are determined (those with the largest number of matches). The analysis of the methods of organizing the work of the group, the processes of group dynamics is carried out. Summing up.

More difficult is the task of developing the ability to regulate and resolve conflict situations. It is best to use the moment when the beginning of intragroup disagreements is indicated in the group and the group enters the conflict phase. At this stage, even the most innocuous and playful topic of discussion can provoke group members to sort things out, and an experienced trainer uses this situation to demonstrate and train conflict resolution skills. If the conflict phase in the group has already passed or has not yet arrived, the leader can set its conditions artificially with the help of instructions to the participants. It is only important to predict and control the consequences of such an artificial conflict for the development of group relations as accurately as possible.

7. Role-playing game "Supplier's Choice".

Purpose: training the ability to regulate conflict relations, experimenting with behavior models, understanding the advantages of a particular behavior strategy in a conflict situation.

Time: 3-4 hours

Materials: video equipment (mandatory).

The group is invited to hold a meeting on an issue that causes a clash of interests and provokes a conflict (it is planned and set in advance through a certain distribution of roles and topic selection).

For example, the situation can be set as follows: a meeting is held, as a result of which it is necessary to choose one of several organizations for the regular supply of certain products. Obviously, many enterprises want to receive an order, but the organization making the choice is interested in the most profitable option. The leader, together with the group, determines the name of "his" organization, the nature of its activities, goals, and selects the products that will be supplied to it. The composition of the meeting participants is determined: it can be the director, his deputies, specialists from the marketing department, representatives of the supply department, and other participants at will. Two or three people are appointed to the role of representatives of potential suppliers, they are given time to develop and present projects (10-15 minutes). You can finish a lesson with this task and continue work at the next meeting. Another option: the host himself pre-compiles necessary instructions and hands them out at the start of the game.

After the proposals of competitors have been made, the leader forms “support groups” (with approximately the same number of members) of one or another candidate, but in such a way that the group does not know who is in which coalition. The facilitator also gives instructions to each participant about why he supports “his” candidate, what are his motives. If desired, to complicate the process of the meeting, the facilitator can determine the role of each participant in advance.

The “Director” organizes and leads the “meeting”, trying to coordinate the positions of those present and work out a common solution. "Competitors" are present in the room, but only answer the questions of the participants. Video recording is in progress (required, since the group in this game can accumulate a huge amount of material for analysis and it will be lost during the discussion). To conduct a "meeting" the group is given 30 minutes, the options are at the discretion of the facilitator.

Further work is carried out along several lines: 1) the study of the feelings of participants in the process of group work, the degree of job satisfaction; 2) determination (guessing) by the members of the group of the role structure and composition of "support groups", assessment of the degree of sensitivity of each participant to social positions; 3) analysis of the strategies of behavior of each member of the group in conflict situations, determination of the effectiveness of the identified strategies; 4) assessment of the success of the actions of the organizer of the "meeting"; 5) development of recommendations for a participant in a conflict situation. At the beginning or at the end of the lesson, it is possible to diagnose the behavior of training participants in conflicts (using various tests) and compare the results of testing and group analysis.

Block 4. Negotiation training.

As part of this block, work continues on resolving conflicts and mastering models of effective behavior in difficult situations. The purpose of the training is to master the techniques and skills of non-violent behavior in conflict, to improve the culture of negotiations in various areas of business communication, to master the technology of productive problem solving.

Training objectives:

1) increasing the creativity of thinking of participants;

2) strengthening the ability to regulate and control emotional manifestations;

3) development of participants' sensitivity;

4) the assimilation of theoretical knowledge about the techniques and methods of psychological influence;

5) familiarity with the theory of the negotiation process;

6) development of negotiation strategies, forecasting their effectiveness;

7) awareness of the importance of information interaction in business communication, and in particular in negotiations;

8) development of the ability to successfully act in conflict situations and regulate them;

The first stage of the training is aimed at the labilization of the participants, at their understanding of the stereotypical attitudes with which they protect their interests. It is important to demonstrate the exaggerated importance attached to achieving victory at any cost and the consequences such tactics can have in negotiations. To achieve this goal, the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma game can be used, which reveals the benefits of a collaborative strategy.

The next game is built on the basis of a well-known fascinating plot, so the participants willingly participate in it and remain active until the end of the lesson.

1. Role-playing game "Military actions".

Purpose: to study in practice the features of group decision-making and interaction in an extreme situation, to show the importance of cooperation when working in a small group, to demonstrate the effects of the "win-win" and "win-lose" approaches to resolving intergroup conflicts.

Time: 2 hours

Materials: video equipment (optional), handouts. The facilitator explains to the participants that they will all operate in a situation that involves only offensive actions. The success of the team will depend only on its own efforts and skills.

Two people are appointed by the coach to be captains, who in turn choose one person each from the remaining competitors. Then they decide together who will be the third member of the team, and so on until all have been chosen. The main criterion for the formation of a team is the belief that its members will be able to work successfully together in extreme circumstances. The facilitator can gain useful information at this stage by carefully recording the selection process, especially those who were selected first and last.

The leader distributes preliminary instructions to each team and allocates 15 minutes to complete the specified task. When the task is completed, the leader distributes to the teams a copy of the "tablet card" and shows how the "military equipment" and "troops" are unfolding. The teams are tasked with keeping as much of their army as possible at the end of hostilities. The winner is the one who has the greater advantage in strength. The facilitator gives each participant "Instructions in case of conflict" and makes sure that they are clear to everyone.

At the command of the leader of the subgroup, they take their places in different corners of the room (where a coffee table and chairs are placed in advance). Teams are given 10 minutes to secretly deploy their forces in the "Our Army" fragment. Before the opening of the "fighting" is given another 5 minutes to plan the strategy. The leader warns that if either team lingers and spends more time preparing, the other team has the right to attack them first. After the signal, any team can start "fighting" by designating their first three "shots" ("bombing" continues in turn).

This activity continues until any of the teams receives a total of 5 direct hits, incapacitating 5 pieces of equipment or personnel units. At this point, the team must give one of its members as a "prisoner". "Prisoners" are placed in neutral territory, they can talk to each other, but not to communicate with former teammates. "Fighting" stops when one of the teams loses all of its members. The winner is announced and the entire group sings the anthem of the winning subgroup. The host proposes to interrupt the "fighting" and declare a "truce". The group comes together and the facilitator organizes the discussion using the following questions:

1) which team won, what is the impact of winning;

2) which team lost, what is the impact of losing;

3) what feelings did those who were captured by the team experience, and what effect did their reaction have on further activities;

4) what was the nature of the participation of teams in the conflict, what was the level of involvement in achieving victory;

5) what features of leadership behavior appeared during the game;

6) how informal leaders can be characterized and whether they were, how they correlated with the position of formal leadership;

7) what kind of strategic plans were used during the battles, what effect did they have on the morale of the teams?

In the future, you can hold the games "Tic-tac-toe", "Giveaway", etc. in a similar variant to test mastery of skills.

2. Role-playing game "Strike".

Purpose: development of the skill of regulating conflict situations, mastering the techniques and methods of behavior in extreme situations, teaching the rules of negotiation in the economic sphere.

Time: 2 hours

Materials: video equipment.

The moderator announces the beginning of the meeting on the occasion of an emergency: there is a danger of social conflict and it is necessary to develop measures to resolve it. The meeting is attended by experts in matters of social conflict, representatives of the "strike committee", as well as representatives of all "ministries" and "departments" interested in solving the problem. The group is given 15 minutes to determine who will play which role. After the report of the experts, the meeting begins. The chairman organizes the discussion: everyone present introduces himself and expresses his point of view on this problem, after which the commission is tasked to develop proposals and find a compromise. The purpose of the meeting is to prevent a strike. Time to work 25 min.

After the meeting is over, a discussion of the work itself is held using video recording. The results are summarized: a set of successful and unsuccessful methods of negotiating and achieving a goal is formulated, the advantages and disadvantages of various negotiating strategies, successful and unsuccessful styles of behavior are discussed.

3. Role-playing game "Hostage release".

Purpose: developing the skill of negotiating in an extreme situation, learning how to seize the initiative in a conversation, persuasion and argumentation.

Time: 1.5h

Materials: video equipment or audio tape recorder.

The host makes an introductory message: “This morning, four unknown people broke into the city hall building of city N, fired three shots into the air and captured the city mayor and two of his assistants. Currently, the bus with terrorists and hostages is blocked by police and traffic police. The terrorists are demanding:

1) provide a helicopter with a crew for departure to a neighboring republic;

2) deliver and transfer to them a large amount of money in rubles and foreign currency;

3) provide food, medicines, alcohol, drugs;

4) provide weapons and ammunition;

5) ensure the escort of the bus with the hostages of the traffic police before boarding the helicopter.

When discussing the requirements between the terrorists, a quarrel broke out. There is a pronounced leader, whose opinion is decisive.

The group is invited to divide the roles within 20 minutes (in addition to terrorists, the game includes the roles of government officials, negotiators, representatives of law enforcement agencies, etc., by the decision of the players). Negotiations are given as much time as necessary to make a certain decision and logically complete the negotiations. The facilitator helps to formulate the goals of the work for terrorists and government officials. Participants have the right to act at their own discretion, to pause, to take any forceful actions (only naming them).

After playing the situation, the facilitator organizes watching the video and discussing what happened, drawing the attention of the group members to the successfully applied techniques and methods of conducting a conversation, seizing the initiative in a conversation, to the results of demonstrating the confidence and uncertainty of the negotiators.

The host should pay attention to the well-being of those players who acted as terrorists. It is also necessary to diagnose the relationship of the participants (in general, in negotiation training it is important to regularly monitor the state of interpersonal relations, since all games and exercises involve the artificial creation of conflict situations). If required, the trainer should carry out such a procedure in the group that would help to correct the relationship.

This block contains only basic games and exercises. If negotiation training is organized separately, the leader needs to supplement the program with other elements that train the psychological properties and qualities that are required for effective negotiation.

Block 5. Business conversation training.

Time - 12 hours (4 three-hour lessons).

The goal is to teach participants the techniques and methods of conducting a business conversation, the development of those abilities that determine success in situations of interpersonal interaction.

Training objectives:

1) training in methods of establishing contact with a communication partner and getting out of it;

2) mastering the active listening technique by the participants;

3) the study of the theoretical foundations of transactional analysis and the practical development of the elements of this method;

4) development of the ability to empathize;

5) acquisition of skills to intercept and hold the initiative in a conversation;

6) awareness of the factors of the emergence of sympathy and antipathy in communication, the creation of a benevolent atmosphere of conversation, the disposition of the interlocutor;

7) self-confidence training;

8) diagnosis and correction of individual style of behavior in a conflict situation.

If this block is included in a single training and follows block 4, it is worth starting it with training those skills and abilities that were paid attention to at the end of the previous lesson. If you do your own business conversation training, you can determine the list of required skills by having a group discussion on the topic “What determines the success of a business conversation” or “What someone who wants to effectively conduct a conversation should be able to do.” It is very useful for further work to form a bank of specific problem situations, which will allow you to set interesting game plots that are relevant for a particular group. The general logical scheme of the training can be defined as follows: a) establishing contact with the interlocutor; b) conducting a conversation; c) out of contact.

1. Role-playing game "Introduction".

Purpose: to develop methods of establishing contact and trusting relationships.

Time: 1.5 hours

Materials: video equipment.

The leader, on a voluntary basis, creates three pairs from among the members of the group and instructs the participants. One of each pair receives the following information: “You are on a plane from Russia to America. You have a long way to go, but, unfortunately, you forgot to take a book or magazine with you. You pay attention to your neighbor."

Each second participant in the game is given one of the following roles: “an elderly man in military uniform”, “a young attractive girl”, “a middle-aged man studying some papers and making notes”. Each pair must, improvising, play out the situation until the moment when both participants establish communication with each other. After playing all three scenes, the facilitator organizes a group discussion using the received video materials. The results are summarized in the following way: which methods of establishing contact are effective and which are not.

The next game is played with those members of the group who did not participate in the previous situation.

2. Role-playing game "Invitation to talk".

Purpose: development of methods for establishing contact in the relationship "boss-subordinate", awareness of the significance of the initial interaction in subsequent communication, awareness of the stereotypes of communication "boss-subordinate" and their consequences in communication.

Time: 1.5 hours

Materials: video equipment.

The leader forms 2-3 pairs of participants and gives them instructions: “One of you is the boss, the other is the subordinate. Some time ago, a worker was entrusted with an important task. It is not yet known if he did it or not. The boss wants to find out." Further actions of both participants are built on the basis of improvisation. The discussion and analysis of the behavior of the players are carried out using the questions: “What did you feel during this or that action of your partner?”, “How did your feelings affect the further course of the conversation?”, “How did your role affect your style of behavior and why?”

In this way, the facilitator prepares the group to work with transactional analysis techniques. Before starting to act out situations, the trainer gives the group information about the theoretical foundations of the method (for no more than 15 minutes).

The next stage in the block is the development of the partner's active listening technique. At the beginning of the lesson, the facilitator conducts the following exercise.

3. "Broken phone".

Purpose: demonstration of how much depends on the ability to listen, labilization of participants, creation of a favorable emotional atmosphere in the group.

Time: 30 min.

Materials: pre-prepared text (150-250 words), tape recorder.

The facilitator instructs the participants: “You will pass on the message you received as a baton. Your overall task is to convey the content of the message as completely and without distortion as possible to the last one in the chain. At the same time, it is forbidden to take notes and talk to each other until the end of the exercise. In succession, each pair (transmitting and receiving) moves away from the group so that the spoken words are not heard. Messages are recorded on a tape recorder. After the last participant has received the message, the tape recordings are made public and an analysis of the reasons for the distortion of the text is carried out.

The facilitator gives a lecture on the topic “Rules of active listening” for 15 minutes, explaining that insufficient attention to the words of the interlocutor not only interferes with the perception of information, but also prevents the establishment of trusting relationships during the conversation.

The following exercise is carried out.

4. "Active listening".

Purpose: mastering the technique of active listening, understanding the significance that it has in interaction with a partner.

Time: 30 min.

Materials: video equipment.

First, the facilitator invites all participants to break into pairs. One of the partners tells the second a story from his life or shares his thoughts with him about some significant problem for him. The task of the listener is to use the techniques of active listening and "talk" to his interlocutor. After 5 minutes, the participants switch roles.

When all participants have followed the instructions, the facilitator invites those who are satisfied with the conversation to raise their hands. From their number, two pairs are formed, whose task is to conduct a conversation in front of the group. A video recording is made and discussed at the end of the exercise.

During the next 1.5 hours, it is recommended to conduct a role-playing game using the plots of a business conversation developed in the group, and analyze the success or failure of using active listening techniques. Further, during the training (in the process of analyzing situations), the attention of the group should be drawn to the use of these techniques and their effectiveness in the conversation.

5. "Attacker and Defender".

Purpose: awareness of the conflicting aspects of the personality, gaining experience in active struggle, developing self-confidence, analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed roles in communication.

Time: 45 min.

The group is divided into pairs, and the participants sit facing each other. It is determined who will play the role of attacker and defender.

Instructions for the attacker:"Have a dialogue. Stand firm in your position, try not to give up. Tell your partner what and how he should do, scold him from positions of clear superiority and self-confidence.

Instructions to the defender:“Constantly apologize and make excuses. Tell your partner how you want to please him and how something is preventing you from fulfilling his demands. After 5-10 minutes, the partners change roles.

Group members share their impressions of the work done, talk about the difficulties they encountered in completing the task. The facilitator asks everyone to compare the roles played with the usual style of behavior, to talk about the feelings that arose during the work.

6. Role-playing game "Sympathy-antipathy".

Purpose: analysis and mastering of techniques for winning the sympathy of the interlocutor, the development of the ability to diagnose manifestations of sympathy and antipathy.

Time: 30 min.

Materials: video equipment.

The host determines two pairs of volunteers who will be shown two studies: "Introduction" and "Presentation".

First plot: a charming man is trying to attract the attention of a charming stranger.

Second plot: an energetic entrepreneur must arouse interest in his ideas and win their support from a wealthy businessman.

Participants are invited to improvise, acting out the situation until the facilitator considers it logically complete. Analysis in the group is carried out using video recording and the participants' answers to the questions: “What feelings did your partner’s actions cause you?”, “What methods did you use to achieve your goal?”, “How would you evaluate the effectiveness of communication in terms of sympathy - antipathy?” etc.

7. Role-playing game "Confidence-worry".

Purpose: confidence training, analysis of gestures and body movements that reflect inner anxiety and, conversely, calmness.

Time: 30 min.

Materials: video equipment.

Two etudes are played out: "Interview" and "Investigation".

Plot one: an aspiring journalist interviews the most influential and likely contender for the presidency of the country. Last TV interview before the elections. If a journalist manages to make a vivid report by asking sharp questions and knocking off a touch of self-confidence from the interlocutor, he will become famous. The applicant must not succumb to provocations, but show his strength and character.

Plot two: participants - an investigator who is investigating a complicated case, and a witness who can become an accused at any time if he says something wrong. The role-playing of situations is given as much time as it takes for one of the participants to complete the task. The analysis of the video recording and observations of other participants, as well as the statements of the players, is carried out in the direction of fixing the most informative gestures of the performers, as well as successful and unsuccessful methods of provoking the interlocutor.

8. Role-playing game "Conflict".

Purpose: expanding the experience of interaction in a conflict, teaching the skills of argumentation in a dispute.

Time: 1 hour

Materials: video equipment.

Three volunteers play, one of which is the “leader”, the other two are “subordinates”, who challenge each other for any advantages. For example, a dispute might arise over who should go on their next vacation in the summer, or who should buy a car at a reduced price, or for any other reason. The goal of the leader is, if possible, to resolve the conflict, smooth it out, the goal of the conflicting parties is to bring the conflict out and win. You can play this situation with two groups of participants. Questions for discussion: “What techniques did the leader use to resolve the conflict, how successful were they?”, “How well-argued were the subordinates, did anyone manage to win and why?”

9. "Out of contact".

Purpose: mastering the techniques of getting out of contact, training self-confidence in communication.

Time: 1 hour

Materials: video equipment.

The exercise can be performed by several pairs of participants. The instruction is as follows: “You have met a not very close acquaintance who starts a conversation with you, asks about business, about the family, and is annoying. You enter into a conversation, however, after looking at your watch, you understand that you need to go. Do not forget, you are required to have a decent exit from contact. After the work of the last pair is completed, the facilitator organizes a discussion of the behavior of the participants, asks the group to evaluate the results of each study.

Training in conducting a business conversation can be supplemented by the development of a variety of qualities and properties required for successful interaction. Well, when this training is, as it were, woven into the course of the previous blocks, this allows you to avoid the monotony and monotony of training. In addition, which is very important, many elements of a business conversation are present during meetings, negotiations and public speaking, so “mixed” training is more effective.

Block 6. Public speaking training.

Time - 9 hours (3 three-hour lessons).

The goal is to train participants to successfully perform in front of an audience, achieving the goals set before the performance.

Training objectives:

1) acquaintance with the theoretical foundations of constructing a speech;

2) mastering the techniques and methods of argumentation;

3) study and assimilation in practice of the rules of informing, persuading and motivating listeners;

4) development of sensitivity to the audience;

5) development of self-confidence and skills of adequate self-representation;

6) development of skills to establish contact with the audience.

The training is structured so that the participants both master the techniques for constructing the content structure of a speech and learn the technique of psychological interaction with a group of listeners. You should start with an exercise that activates and mobilizes the participants. The following two exercises are proposed in the work of Yu. M. Zhukov, L. A. Petrovskaya, P. V. Rastyannikov "Diagnostics and development of competence in communication."

1. "Warm-up".

Purpose: inclusion in active work on the problems of public speaking, providing feedback to speakers.

Time: 45 min.

Materials: video equipment.

Trainees are encouraged to find a place in the room that would allow them to feel comfortable when interacting with the group. It is recommended to pause and relax the muscles of the face, body, look around those present, establishing the first contact. Then you should turn to the audience, torii. Each speaker is tasked with finding a form of address that has not yet been used before. Thus, all participants must complete this exercise in turn. The resulting video is viewed without comment and analysis, only novelty and especially successful appeals are encouraged. Group members receive information about how the audience sees them.

The next exercise contains a complicated task.

2. "Speech without preparation".

Purpose: express diagnostics of the non-verbal component of the speech, acquisition of the skill of orientation in time, training of the skill of establishing contact with the audience, training of self-confidence during the speech.

Time: 1.5 hours

Materials: video equipment.

Each participant must make a presentation on a previously unprepared topic within 2 minutes. Possible topics are thought up by the group, grouped into three lists and written down on separate pieces of paper. It is desirable that the list of themes of the first group contains the names of well-known objects, animals and plants: a cow, a guitar, a parachute, etc. The second group of names contains words denoting those phenomena and processes that do not have a clear material shell, but can be depicted with the help of body movements: running, swimming, applause, flight, etc. The third list is made up of concepts denoting those phenomena that do not have an external texture: holiday, hurricane, democracy, revelation, etc. The facilitator invites everyone to familiarize themselves with the plan for compiling the formal content of the message.

Participants take it in turns to come out in front of the audience and take out a piece of paper with the name of the topic from a mixed pile. The video recording is analyzed after 4-6 performances. The following parameters are discussed: did the speaker manage to meet the time (without referring to the clock), did he manage to establish contact with the audience, how were the expressive means used - facial expressions, body movements, intonations, etc., did the speaker cope with his excitement.

At the next stage of the training, the facilitator organizes a discussion, as a result of which the group should make a list of the main problems of public speaking, on the basis of which certain training techniques are applied. necessary qualities speaker. During the discussion, the facilitator has the opportunity to inform the participants about theoretical foundations public speaking (types, structure of speech, etc.).

The following exercises can be used as both a useful and entertaining element:

3. "Joke".

Purpose: optimization of the emotional climate in the group, awareness of the importance of humor and jokes in a speech.

Time: 30 min.

The group members are divided into pairs. The facilitator gives instructions: “Try to discuss a serious topic, for example, factors for increasing labor productivity or economic recovery, using aphorisms, anecdotes, jokes. Your task is to organize the dialogue, but in such a way that one of these elements is used after each phrase. The most successful options can be presented to the whole group.

The next exercise is aimed at practicing the tactics of persuasion, motivation and information in speech. Beforehand, the host can give a short lecture about the types of performances, special techniques used in each of them.

4. "Types of performances".

Purpose: practicing the techniques and techniques of various types of public speaking, developing the skill of communicating with the audience.

Time: 1.5-2 hours

Materials: video equipment.

This procedure can be carried out with all members of the group, or 6-9 people can be selected. Lists of speech topics are preliminarily prepared, grouped by type: message-informing, message-persuasion, message-incentive. Each message should not take more than 3 minutes. After the last message is made, the facilitator organizes a group discussion of the speeches, taking into account the materials of the lecture he read before doing the exercise.

All the while, the participants were learning how to make “good speeches.” Let the participants rest and paradoxically end the training so that the memory of it is preserved for a long time, the following exercise will allow.

5. "Bad performance."

Purpose: to provide participants with the opportunity to evaluate their achievements in comparison, to create a positive emotional background for the end of the course.

Time: 1 hour

Materials: video equipment (optional).

Each or several (as decided by the facilitator) participants are given the task of preparing and delivering a speech that would be distinguished by flagrant mediocrity. Speakers must break as many rules of public speech as possible in their speech. The scores are given by the entire group, with the highest score given to the "worst" performance.

Block 7. Final lesson.

Time - 3 hours (1 lesson).

The goal is a successful completion of the training, as well as obtaining detailed feedback from the participants.

Throughout the course, the facilitator is faced with the task of structuring the sessions so that the training does not end at the conflict phase of the group's development. The fact is that the end of the meetings during the period of unfavorable interaction of participants with each other, as well as with the leader himself, reinforces in all members of the group a negative and wary attitude not only to the course, but also to psychology in general. It seems that the training was conducted for this, that the participants were used by the manipulative trainer for their unknown purposes, that the course not only did not help in solving the problems of business communication and group cohesion, but also completely quarreled everyone. In order to prevent this from happening, you should, if possible, even increase the time allotted for training. If it was not possible to avoid ending the course in the conflict phase, the final session should be dedicated to resolving it. Let the participants leave with a sense of incompleteness of the course, but friendly and ready for further work (independent or in another training).

In the case of a successful outcome of the work, the final lesson is built according to the scheme: first, a discussion of the results and results of the training in the group, then filling in the final questionnaires. During the preliminary discussion, the facilitator interviews each participant using the same questions that are included in the questionnaire. This procedure allows group members to verbalize in advance their feelings about the entire cycle of classes, other participants, including the leader, formulate conclusions that he can draw as a result of the training, and also evaluate the success of his training. It is the results expressed in words that will enable the participants in the future to more clearly imagine the positive consequences of their work in the group to themselves and others.

Materials on the socio-psychological training of business communication can and should be varied in order to teach, in particular:

1) negotiating:

a) for the conclusion of transactions;

b) conflict resolution;

c) release of hostages;

2) public speaking, including addressing the crowd, etc.

Effective communication training is a form of training where people communicate a lot, there is an opportunity to openly express their opinions and listen to the opinions of other participants, try themselves in different situations, learn something new about themselves.

Training goals:

Analyze your behavior in different situations. We will learn effective ways of communication, namely:

Establish contact with other people;

the ability to communicate information effectively;

Consider the importance in communication of such a skill as the ability to listen;

Practice giving and receiving feedback.



Effective communication training


Introductory remarks by the coach

"Hello. We are starting a training called “Effective Communication Training. Training is a form of training where people communicate a lot, there is an opportunity to openly express their opinions and listen to the opinions of other participants, try themselves in different situations, learn something new about themselves.”

Training goals:

Analyze your behavior in different situations. We will learn effective ways of communication, namely:

  • the ability to communicate information effectively;
  • consider the importance in communication of such a skill as the ability to listen;
  • Let's practice giving and receiving feedback.

1 exercise Acquaintance

"Now let's get to know each other. Now everyone in a circle will call his name, then how he wanted to be called at the training (for “you”, or for “you”; name modifications if there are the same names in the group, for example, Irina, Irochka, Ira, etc. etc.) and two qualities of character - bad and good in the form of an adjective with the same letter as the name.

Exercise 2 "Eye to eye"

In ordinary life, people are content with superficial, shallow contacts with each other, not trying to see what the other feels and experiences. I want to offer you now for 3-5 minutes. Look into the eyes of others, trying to establish contact with each member of the group.

Questions for discussion: “What feeling? Was it difficult for someone? Why?"


In order for our work to be effective, it is necessary to adopt some rules:

1. Physical and psychological closeness of the group.

Physical closeness - i.e. the composition of the group is permanent, no one new to the group can come and no one can not come to class. We start the lesson only when all the participants arrive. If someone is late, then we all wait for him.

Psychological closeness means that what each participant will say about himself cannot be told outside of this circle. We can talk about the ideas that have arisen, but what everyone says about himself is impossible.

Think, can you follow this rule? Let everyone answer...

2. sincerity rule.

If I say something in a circle, then this is what I feel, i.e. deliberate untruth is excluded. Do you accept this rule?

3. Circle rule.

We listen to everyone who speaks without interrupting. If you want to say something, then speak in a circle.

4. "Here and now."

The subject of our discussion will be the processes taking place in the group at the moment; experiencing feelings; emerging thoughts.

5. Principle I. Everyone speaks on their own behalf (i.e. we use personal pronouns “I feel”, “I think” ...).

6. Activity . The exercises involve the inclusion of all participants.

3 exercise "Stand by number"

All participants sit in a circle.

Instruction: " I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number sounded should stand up (no more and no less). For example, if I say "four", then four of you should get up as quickly as possible. They can sit down only after I say "thank you". You must complete the task in silence. Tactics for completing the task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on the actions of each other.».

The trainer calls out different numbers to the group several times. At the beginning it is better to call 5-7, in the middle - 1-2. During the exercise, the trainer blocks the attempts of the group members to discuss and accept any form of work algorithmization.

When discussing, the trainer can ask the group several questions: “What helped us cope with the task and what made it difficult to complete it”, “What did you focus on when you made the decision to get up?”, “What tactics did we have?”. “How could we organize our work if we had the opportunity to discuss in advance how to solve this problem?”

4 exercise "Adding machine"

The group members sit in a circle.

“Imagine that we are all a big adding machine. He thinks this way: one of us will name a number, the next one sitting next to him (we will move clockwise), the sign of an arithmetic operation (“plus” or “minus”), the next one will call a number again, etc. The numbers will alternate with signs, and any member of the group who has to name the sign can say “equals”, and then his friend, whose turn it is to speak, will have to say the result of the calculations. For example, I say "seven", Lena - "plus". Katya - "eight". Yura - "minus", Oleg - "two", Zina - "equal", and Tanya calls the number "thirteen". The next participant, i.e. Natasha, again calls the sign, and the count will continue.

5 exercise "Telegraph"

Participants sit in a circle. “Let each of you name an animal. At the same time, we will listen carefully to each other and try to remember which animal each will name.

Everyone takes turns naming the animals, and enough time must be spent for everyone to remember which animal each named. To simplify, you can ask to call the animals in a queue (in a circle), and each, before calling the animal, will repeat everything that the previous participants said.

“Now let's memorize the rhythm that will accompany the exercise. The trainer demonstrates the rhythm: two hand claps and two blows of the palms on the knees.

“Throughout the exercise, we will maintain this rhythm. I will ask him. The one of you who starts first will clap his hands 2 times and say the name of his animal: for example, “wolf”, and then, clapping 2 times on his knees, the name of the animal of the one to whom he wants to pass the move. The one whose animal will be named, in turn, clapping his hands 2 times, will call him, and then, clapping 2 times on his knees, he will name someone else's animal. At the same time, you can’t get out of the rhythm and you can’t turn to the one who just passed you the move. We will be very careful, because those who made a mistake will receive an additional task.

During the exercise, the trainer gradually increases the pace of its implementation. The one who made a mistake should, instead of the name of his animal, clapping his hands 2 times, depict the characteristic sound made by this animal. And everyone else from now on must refer to it, reproducing this sound.

6 exercise "Expectations and fears"

Participants write their expectations and fears about the training on sheets of paper (on the right side of the sheet - expectations, on the left - fears). Sheets may not be signed. The trainer collects the papers and reads them out while commenting.

As a result, participants express their impressions and feelings from the first lesson.


Introductory remarks by the coach

"Hello. We continue the training, which is called “Training for effective communication. Training is a form of training where people communicate a lot, there is an opportunity to openly express their opinions and listen to the opinions of other participants, try themselves in different situations, learn something new about themselves.”

Training goals:

Analyze your behavior in different situations. Learn effective ways to communicate.

At the first lesson of our training, we learned, or rather tried:

  • establish contact with other people;

1 exercise "Greeting. Swap places"

Participants sit in a circle, the coach stands in the center of the circle.

Instruction: “Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: standing in the center of the circle (to begin with, I will be it) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common feature. He names this sign. For example, if I say, "Change all those who have sisters," and everyone who has sisters should switch places. At the same time, the one who stands in the center of the circle should try to have time to take one of the places, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a place will continue the game. We use this situation to learn more about each other.

Discussion Questions: How do you feel? or “How are you feeling now?”

2 exercise "Conversation"

The group sits in a circle. “For this exercise, we will create pairs. (The trainer can invite the group to pair up at will or make pairs himself. If the group has an odd number of participants, the trainer can take part in the exercise himself). Let each couple take a place convenient for her so as not to interfere with anyone. You are given 6 minutes to talk (the trainer may suggest contextual groups or neutral topics for discussion). At my direction, during the conversation, we will change position without stopping the conversation. Now let's turn our backs to each other and start a conversation."

Participants talk for 1.5 minutes, sitting with their backs to each other, for 1.5 minutes - one sitting, the other standing and vice versa (facing each other), 1.5 minutes - sitting facing each other.

Questions for discussion: In what position was the conversation most difficult, difficult, and in which more comfortable?

3 exercise "Depict an emotion or feelings"

The group members are divided into two subgroups.

“Each subgroup is given 7 minutes to prepare, during which they will have to choose a feeling or emotion (emotional state) and think about how it can be portrayed. It can be either a sculptural image or a non-verbal action. All members of the subgroup must participate in the image. While the first subgroup shows what they have prepared, the second subgroup guesses what feeling or emotion is depicted. Then the subgroups switch places.

Subgroups prepare in different rooms. After the preparation is over, the trainer invites one of the subgroups to depict the feeling or state that they have chosen, without naming it. Another subgroup is watching. Then she is given one minute to discuss and one person expresses the opinion of the group. After that, the trainer turns to the subgroup that demonstrated his feeling or state so that they say what feeling or state they wanted to portray. The subgroups then switch roles.

Starting a discussion of the results of this exercise, the trainer focuses on whether the participants in the subgroups made mistakes and what their nature is.

As a rule, the mistakes made in this exercise are associated with the following circumstances:

participants did not understand the image that was offered by another subgroup;

participants did not find the exact word for the depicted feeling or state;

the participants failed to convey the content of the emotion or feeling in their image.

If a mistake is made, then during the discussion you can talk about what it is connected with. Often the cause of errors is inconsistency in the work of the subgroup, the inability to listen and hear everyone.

4 exercise "Confusion"

“Let's stand closer to each other, form a tighter circle and all stretch out our hands to its middle. At my command, we all join hands at the same time and do it so that each of us has one hand in each hand. At the same time, we will wash ourselves not to join hands with those who are standing next to you. So let's get started. One two Three".

After the coach makes sure that all hands are connected in pairs, he invites the group members to “unravel” without separating their hands. The trainer also takes part in the exercise, but at the same time does not actively influence the “unraveling”. During the exercise, the idea of ​​the impossibility of solving the problem quite often arises. In this case, the coach should calmly say: "This problem is solvable, you can always unravel." The exercise can end in one of three ways:

1. All members of the group will be in the same circle (at the same time, someone can stand facing in a circle, someone with their back, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that everyone consistently forms a circle).

2. Group members form two or more independent circles.

3. Group members form circles that are connected to each other like links in a chain. The time spent by groups on this exercise can be very different, in our experience it ranged from 3-5 minutes to 1 hour. One group refused to continue searching for a solution.

When the task is completed, you can turn to the group with the question: “What helped us to cope with the task?” or “What could be done differently to get the job done faster?” (The last option is more preferable, from our point of view, a modification of the question “What prevented us from completing the task faster. The exercise unites the group.

Exercise 5 “Reflection. Compliment"

Target: improving the atmosphere and reducing the distance in communication.
Lead time: 5 minutes.
Materials: ball.
Carrying out procedure:the host throws the ball to the participant, having previously called him by name, and says a compliment. Catching the ball, thanks for the compliment with the word "thank you", looking into the eyes of the host. Then he throws the ball to someone else.

As a result, participants express their impressions and feelings from the second lesson.


Introductory remarks by the coach

1 exercise "Greeting. Let's line up"

Target: training in the ability to distribute roles in a team, compare oneself with another participant on similar grounds, as well as the inclusion of participants in the training.
Time spending: 15 minutes.
Carrying out procedure:"Now we'll see how your common features are manifested in each of you individually!". The task of the participants is to line up in one line in height. At the same time, you can't talk. Then the task becomes more difficult - they need to line up by the date and month of birth, by the length of their hair, by the remoteness of their place of residence from the college, by the colors of the rainbow in their clothes.
Reflection: Was it difficult for you to do this exercise? Why? What role have you chosen for yourself? Which execution strategy was the most effective?

2 exercise "You are being filmed by a hidden camera ..."

All participants sit in a circle. Video (audio) equipment is prepared for shooting.

“We have already seen how important it is to be accurate and attentive when receiving and transmitting information. (This exercise can be done after the group has had ideas about the processes of receiving and transmitting information during communication, and also after exercise 1, Block 2.) Now (the trainer calls out the names of 5 or 6 people whom he has previously chosen to participate in the exercise) will participate in the exercise. Your task will be to receive and transmit messages. Let Andrei (the trainer names one of the participants in the exercise) stay here, and everyone else will wait for some time outside the door. The coach reads the text to Andrey, after reminding him once again that he will have to pass it on to the next participant. All participants sit in a circle. Audio equipment prepared for shooting. From this moment on, video recording of the work is being carried out (it is possible to use only tape recording without video sequence). The trainer invites the participants waiting outside the door in sequence, each of whom listens to the previous participant's message and then retells it to the next participant. The last participant to receive the message is asked by the coach, “Oleg, you just received a message. Tell me, please, what will you do after you have received the information? When the participant answers this question, the video recording stops.

Variant of the text: “Ivan Petrovich left at 11 o’clock without waiting for you, he was very upset that he could not talk to you personally, and asked me to tell you that if he does not return by dinner, and this will depend on what time it is will stay at a meeting in the ministry, then the meeting at 15.30 should be held without him. By the way, the meeting will discuss the supply of new computers, which are no worse than imported ones. And yet, at the meeting, one must not forget to announce that all heads of departments must be examined by psychologists who will work in room 20 from 10 am daily until October 2.

The discussion of the exercise is conducted using an audio recording.

3 exercise "Pupsik"

We will now conduct one exercise, but the conditions of the game must be fully fulfilled. The coach takes out a toy - "baby". Turn on the image and imagine that we are a collection of ancient sorcerers. A new man has been born, and we must endow him with something special. We will pass this child in a circle from hand to hand. When the child is in your hands, you must reward him with some gift. For example, you can say: I REWARD YOU with a good heart. In this case, you need to kiss the baby doll in the heart. We run in a circle. When everyone said what he was being awarded, the coach says: And now, in order for your wishes to come true, you must kiss your neighbor on the right where you kissed the baby.

4 exercise "Bus"

The group is divided in half (if there is an odd number of participants in the group, the coach also takes part in the exercise), forming two lines, everyone sits facing each other so that someone is sitting in front of each “Imagine that we all ride in buses: one a subgroup travels in one bus, and the second in another. Buses stopped nearby in a traffic jam. You are sitting by the window and you see that in another bus, directly opposite you, your friend is also sitting at the window. This is a great success, because you urgently need to convey important information to him, and you, taking advantage of the situation, do this. But you can do this only silently, without words, not verbally. You have little time. The one to whom the information is conveyed should try to understand what his acquaintance is telling him.

This part of the exercise can be modified as follows. The trainer can prepare in advance for each participant the text of the message to be transmitted. This makes it possible to take into account the characteristics and success in the training of each participant.

At the first stage of the exercise, the trainer invites one line to act as the transmitter of information, and the second one to receive the message. Participants should be given the opportunity to prepare for the exercise. When everyone is ready, the coach invites someone from the first line to start transmitting information, and asks everyone else to watch carefully. After the information is transmitted, the member of the group to whom it was intended says that he understood. Other participants at this time can express their versions of the verbalization of this text. This activates the work and allows you to acquire more extensive material for discussion, reduces tension. After that, the person who transmitted the information says whether he was understood correctly, and, if necessary, makes adjustments.

5 exercise "History of life"

Participants are paired up.

“Now each of you will take turns telling your partner a story. It is better if it is a story with a complete plot, revealing various feelings, experiences of its participants, psychological problems, i.e. should not be limited to a simple narrative: I got up, washed, had breakfast, got dressed, left the house, waited for the bus, etc. But it should be a story that you could tell all of us. Each partner will have 3 minutes to tell their story. I will keep track of the time and tell you when it ends for the first narrator and when it ends for the second.” Group members tell each other their stories. “Now in each of the pairs, one of the partners passes in a circle (clockwise) to the other pair. In new couples, you tell each other the same stories that you heard from your partners in previous couples.

After the stories are told, everyone returns to the circle, and the coach invites everyone to tell the story they heard the second time. After each story, the trainer turns to the one from whom the narrator heard this story, and to the one who told it for the first time, i.e. to the author of the story with questions: “What was missing from what you told? What is distorted?”, “Maybe something new has appeared, something that you didn’t talk about?”.

Exercise 6 "Lemon"

Sit comfortably: put your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Repeat the exercise with your left hand. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do this exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of rest.

As a result, participants express their impressions and feelings from the third lesson.


Introductory remarks by the coach

"Hello. We continue the training, which is called "Training for effective communication."

1 exercise "Greeting. Portrait of a friend»

The exercise is done in pairs. The division into pairs is carried out by lot (at the request of the members of the group or with a certain intention of the coach himself).

Participants stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner. Then the descriptions are compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the participant was.

Exercise 2 "Listening"

Participants sit in a circle.

“Now we will do an exercise in which we will need the rules of good listening. Write them down please.


  • Concentrate your full attention on the interlocutor. Pay attention not only to words, but also to posture, facial expressions, and gestures.
  • Check if you understood the words of the interlocutor correctly.
  • Don't give advice.
  • Don't give ratings.

We will do the exercise in pairs. Choose for yourself one of the members of our group whom you have known less than others so far, but would like to get to know better.

The coach waits until all participants sit in pairs.

“Distribute roles among yourself: “one of you is partner “A”, the other is “B”. The task will consist of several stages. Each stage is designed for a certain time, I will follow the time. At first, the rules of good listening are guided by "B". "A" can put them aside for the time being.

So, "A" speaks for 5 minutesabout your difficulties, communication problems. At the same time, he pays special attention to those qualities that give rise to these difficulties. 'B' follows the rules of good listening while helping 'A' talk about himself.

After 5 minutes, the trainer stops the conversation.

"Now at A" there will be 1 minute to to tell what's in behavior "B"helped him speak openly, talk about his problems, and what made this story difficult».

After one minute has passed, the coach gives the next task.

"Now "A" talks about his strengths in communicationthat helps him to establish contacts, build relationships. "B", not forgetting the rules of good listening, must take into account all the information that he received from "A" during the previous minute.

After 5 minutes, the trainer stops the conversation and suggests moving on to the next step.

"B" in 5 minutes must repeat"And what he understood from his two storiesabout yourself (Problems and advantages in communication). During these 5 minutes"A" all the time is silent and only shows with a movement of the head, whether he agrees or notwith what "B" says. If he makes a negative movement of his head as a sign that he was misunderstood, then "B" must recover until he receives confirmation of his words. After "B" says everything that he remembered from the 2 stories "A", the latter can say what was omitted or distorted.

Exercise 3 "Words starting with the letter M"

You have a competition. Within 30 seconds, find and memorize in this room all the objects that begin with the letter M. At the end of the time, the teams take turns calling the words. The last team to say the word wins.

4 exercise "Walking along the seashore"

“Now we will take a short walk along the seashore. Please sit in a comfortable position and slowly close your eyes. Pay attention to your breath, feel it: the air passes through your nose, throat, enters your chest, fills your lungs, feel how with each breath energy enters your body and with each exhalation, unnecessary worries, worries, tension go away ... Pay attention on your body, feel it from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. You are sitting on a chair (in an armchair), you hear some sounds, you feel a breath of breeze on your face. Maybe you want to change your posture, do it. Now imagine that you are by the sea. You slowly walk along the shore. Look around carefully, what colors, sounds, smells surround you... Look at the sky, at the sea. Pay attention to your state: what emotions, feelings you have, how they change during the walk. You are not in a hurry and you can safely move on. You may want to go into the water and swim or sit on the shore.

Do it. And now it's time to return to this room, to our circle. Do this at a pace that is comfortable for you: you can immediately open your eyes or sit still with your eyes closed.

Now we will share our impressions with each other. To do this, we will create groups of 4 people. Try to have in the same group with you mostly those with whom you have not worked in a small group.

After the groups have formed, the trainer continues the instruction: “Now everyone will tell in turn about their impressions, about those images, experiences, states that they had during our “walk”, and the rest will carefully listen to the narrator without asking questions, without commenting or interpreting what they heard. Try to catch those moments when you stop listening. Spend about 3-4 minutes on each story.

Exercise 5 "Change"

The exercise is used to sum up the results of the training, the mutual control of the participants increases the likelihood that the knowledge gained will be implemented by them in real activities.

Necessary materials:cards from thick paper with the size of a business card, pencils.

Time: 10 minutes.

Group size: 6-30 people.

Description. All participants of the training receive a card, after which they listen to the following instructions: “During the training, we received a lot of knowledge and skills, the purpose of which is to make our life easier in the workplace. Unfortunately, skills learned in training tend to go away unless extra effort is made to use them more and practice them in real-life situations. In order to think about what and how you will put into practice in the near future, we propose to write on your card three changes that everyone will make at their workplace in the next week after the training.

Everyone writes their name and phone number on the cards.

Participants in pairs exchange cards and agree that they will call in a week to find out how the other is doing, whether the goals have been met.