Telephone communication etiquette. telephone etiquette

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the rules of business telephone etiquette if you call
  • What are the secretary's telephone etiquette rules
  • What are the rules of telephone etiquette for a call center

Being polite on the phone is the key to a successful conversation. Never forget the rules of telephone etiquette. You are mistaken if you think that a telephone conversation does not matter. Compliance with the rules of telephone etiquette contributes to the development of a constructive dialogue between the interlocutors, allows you to direct relations in the right direction long before the scheduled meeting. In our article we will talk in detail about why, to whom and how to use the rules of telephone etiquette.

Why are telephone etiquette necessary?

Proper telephone conversation is a complex and important form of communication. Your interlocutor cannot see your eyes, face, facial expressions, posture and gestures. He only hears your voice. Even though you don't know that either. Maybe he's just pretending to listen to you. And he himself watches his favorite TV series, makes a sandwich and, humming sluggishly in response, waits for you to finish your monologue. Studying the rules of telephone etiquette will help you to always be an interesting conversationalist, keep the conversation concise and understandable, without wasting too much time, end the conversation with a positive result . This is especially important for a business conversation, when frequent mistakes reduce its effectiveness.

The interlocutor does not see your clothes, facial expressions, gestures, or any other non-verbal aspects that help to suggest the nature of communication. However, a well-chosen pause, its duration, or the right intonation will help turn the dialogue in the right direction.

Telephone communication dictates its own terms and rules of communication. It is the knowledge and observance of the rules of conducting a telephone conversation - etiquette that distinguishes a professional. Business communication does not take anything for granted. Your partner should not guess what you meant. The success of negotiations very often depends on the correctness of the conversation and clarity of presentation. The lack of a greeting or a respectful treatment can turn potential partners away from you for a long time. A frivolous attitude to a business conversation can give rise to the same attitude towards you as a business partner. Knowing the elementary rules of telephone etiquette is essential for a successful person.

Telephone etiquette and its basic rules that are not related to the conversation

Nowadays, few people imagine their life without a mobile phone. It has become a part of our life. Convenient and important part of it. In order for mobile devices not to interfere, but to help your life, you need to know and follow the rules of telephone etiquette. Consider some of the most relevant to mobile phones.

Being in a public place, set your mobile phone to a certain mode. Business calls can also be made as usual. Reduce the volume to a minimum during a meeting or an important conversation. When you go to a library, cinema, museum, or exhibition, mute your phone so you can enjoy the art without disturbing other visitors. Also, turn down the ringer volume when visiting a restaurant or coffee shop. You can use vibration mode.

Mobile etiquette recommends turning on the silent button set if you're in a public place. By typing the text of the message and accompanying each letter with a sound signal, you can irritate the people around you, giving rise to their negative attitude towards you.

Don't put your cell phone down phone on the table if you came to a restaurant or cafe. The call will be perfectly audible if the phone is put in a pocket or bag. But this rule of telephone etiquette does not apply at all to sports bars, where it is very noisy.

Being driving a car, you can only use the mobile phone with the headset (hands-free). But it's still very distracting from the road. You should not talk on the phone while driving a car, this will lead to at least a fine, but I don’t want to remind you of other consequences.

Etiquette rules prohibit the use of ringtones containing obscene words or swearing, offensive expressions, statements that are offensive to a certain group of people.

Silent mode mobile phone is specially designed to mute the ringer at the right moments. These are business negotiations, meetings, visits to the library, cinema or exhibition, etc. When answering a call is important to you and cannot be postponed, apologize to your colleagues and go out to talk. If you know in advance about a possible important call, warn about it even before the meeting or negotiations begin.

turn off mobile required during an airplane flight or hospital visit to avoid its effect on the equipment. Rules of etiquette recommend that you turn off the sound of the phone before the start of a performance or movie. Cell phones must also be turned off in church. You need to turn off your mobile phone wherever there are signs with such a request. If you need an urgent call, you just need to leave the restricted zone.

going to talk on a cell phone move away from people nearby. In order not to disturb them with your conversation, walk about five meters to the side or call the interlocutor later. You should not talk on a mobile phone while in a crowd of people. An underpass, a tunnel, or a crowded vehicle is no place for a business conversation or idle chatter. If the call is important to you, then pick up the phone and say that you will call back later. Think about the fact that people around you can be annoyed by a long-playing ringtone. The best way out of the situation is to send an SMS message explaining the reason and a promise to call back.

If the environment allows you to talk on the phone, then try to do it as quietly and calmly as possible, without attracting the attention of other people.

According to the rules of telephone etiquette, SMS messages can be sent at any time of the day. If the subscriber does not want to hear them, he will turn off the sound of notifications. He will read them as soon as possible.

Rules of telephone etiquette categorically forbid view the content of SMS messages and call logs in other people's phones. This rule applies to everyone, including the closest people. This is considered bad manners.

You should not use another person's phone unless they have given you permission to do so. Also, do not give someone else's cell phone number without consulting with its owner. This can make him irritated and negative towards you.

Basic rules of business telephone etiquette

  1. hello

The first rule of business telephone etiquette is the obligatory greeting of the interlocutor. It seems to be a common truth, and no one needs to be taught this, but statistics on verbal business communication show that more than 55% of telephone conversations remain without a greeting. On the advice of psychologists, it is better to say “Good afternoon” at the beginning of a conversation than “Hello”, because the second word is difficult to perceive due to the large number of consonants. It is also better to avoid good morning or good evening wishes, as negotiations take place during the working day.

  1. Have writing tools

Always be ready to write something down. The presence of note paper and a pencil is the second rule of telephone etiquette.

  1. Don't juggle things

While on the phone, try not to get distracted by other things. The third rule of telephone etiquette categorically prohibits combining food and business conversation over the phone. It's disrespectful to say the least. Your interlocutor may think that you are as careless about business as you are about a telephone conversation with him.

  1. Politeness

Polite and courteous conversation is the fourth rule of business telephone etiquette. Screams and irritation during a telephone conversation are strictly prohibited, especially if it is a business conversation. Insults and swearing are unacceptable in interpersonal and business communication, in any form.

  1. If someone came

The rules of telephone etiquette recommend that you correctly end the conversation immediately when a client comes to you or guests come to your house. Apologize, briefly state the reason for interrupting the conversation and agree on a second call. Such behavior will endear you to both the visitor and the telephone interlocutor. If you are at home, then tell him that you are sorry, but since a guest has come to you, you will call back tomorrow morning. If you are in the office, then also apologize, but since the client came to you, you will call back in an hour. And never forget to keep your promises.

  1. If the connection is broken

The rules of telephone etiquette stipulate that in the event of an unexpected interruption in communication, the initiator of the call should call back. If during a conversation between an employee of the company and a client or customer, the connection is interrupted, then the representative of the company calls back.

  1. Right Voice

The rules of telephone etiquette state that it is the first words and the sound of your voice that determine the further style of communication. Facial expressions and gestures do not accompany a telephone conversation. Only the ability to politely and competently express your thoughts will help you make a favorable impression on the interlocutor. In a telephone conversation, your voice replaces everything - and appearance, and temperament.

Start the conversation with calm phrases. Do not immediately cover the interlocutor with a waterfall of information. Try setting it up for a conversation first. When changing intonation, try to highlight the most important words. Communicate information in short messages so that one sentence contains one thought. But there is no need to replay, portraying a deep and velvety voice. Falsehood is heard immediately. You can simply adapt to the interlocutor, using his rhythm and pace of conversation. Such conformity will flatter him. Posture, facial expression, posture - it all determines your voice. It is necessary to tune in to the conversation both literally and figuratively. Polite, concise, calm speech and competent posing of questions is the key to successful telephone conversations. And no cigarettes in your mouth, chewing gum, lollipops, tea during a telephone conversation. Try to keep it quiet around, and nothing interferes with the goal of the conversation.

  1. Active listening technique

Business telephone etiquette emphasizes the importance of active listening. The interlocutor should feel that you are listening carefully to him. Support his speech with the words “yes”, “clear”, etc. Keep the conversation under control, not allowing the interlocutor to stray from the topic and drag out the conversation. Try to answer a question with a question, thereby leading the interlocutor to a personal meeting.

  1. Abstract
  1. Intonation

It is a well-known fact that three channels are involved in the transmission of information - body language, intonation and words. In personal communication, sign language takes center stage. However, during a telephone conversation, this channel disappears, and the main role is played by the intonation with which the message is transmitted. The rules of telephone etiquette urge you to carefully monitor your intonation, especially when conducting business negotiations over the phone.

The positive intonation of your voice allows you to favorably set the interlocutor to conduct a conversation, creates his mood, and you a good reputation. With the help of intonation, charge the interlocutor with your smile, energy and enthusiasm.

  1. Pose

The rules of telephone etiquette do not advise you to fall apart in an armchair or put your feet on the table during telephone conversations. While in this position, you change the angle of the diaphragm, which causes a change in the timbre of the voice, making it indifferent and disinterested. Do not allow this, because the interlocutor will immediately understand that you do not need this conversation.

  1. Speech rate

If your interlocutor is slow, then you try not to rush, giving him information. From the fact that you speak faster, he will not think faster. Just the opposite. Not keeping up with the speed of obtaining information, the train of thought is lost, and the person eventually becomes completely confused.

Another case is if the interlocutor quickly grasps and analyzes information. His speech is short, and the decision does not require much thought. In this case, your slowness and slowness can annoy him, he needs action. When communicating with this type of person, speed up your speech, but carefully control everything so as not to look ridiculous.

  1. listen to yourself

Try saying "Hello" in a few different ways. Record on a voice recorder. Listen to everything. Choose the most appropriate option that you think is inviting and sounds positive.

Choose synonyms for the word "Hello". For example, "yes" or "I'm listening." And now record with them. All this will help you hear your voice from the outside and choose the most successful version of timbre and intonation. Do this exercise until you achieve the desired effect. Remember it and try to always stick to it later.

By observing your negotiation, you will realize that many problems disappear by themselves as soon as you begin to adhere to the rules of telephone etiquette. Observance of the simplest truths can win over people, help you achieve results and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Taking into account these simple rules of telephone etiquette, you will be able to establish yourself as a correct, competent person and a stable business partner.

  1. Brevity

Do not delay telephone conversations. The call should be short and clear. The rules of business telephone etiquette provide for the duration of a business conversation for about five minutes. If the issue requires a long discussion, then it is better to arrange a personal meeting.

When calling, first ask if it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk at the moment, and if not, then apologize and specify when to call you back.

  1. Right Priorities

Telephone etiquette teaches you to prioritize. If you are unable to answer incoming calls, then turn off your phone or entrust answers to the secretary. During personal communication with a client or visitor, you should not talk on the phone for a long time. Briefly communicate that you will call back later and specify when it is most convenient to do this. If you need to call in front of the visitor, apologize to him and make the call as short as possible.

  1. Don't talk in noisy places

The rules of telephone etiquette do not recommend conducting business conversations on the phone, being among a large number of people, in public places, cinemas or transport. The noisy environment around to a minimum reduces the effectiveness of such a conversation, interfering with the correct perception of information.

  1. Who ends the conversation

The rules of telephone etiquette stipulate that the conversation on equal terms should be completed by the one who started it. If the conversation takes place with a higher management, then only on his initiative the conversation stops. The woman has the same privilege. Realizing that the conversation has dragged on, and you will not hear anything new, try to restrain your impatience. Try to correctly end the conversation, for example, with the phrase: “Thank you for your time and successful discussion of issues.” Politeness will form a positive opinion about you.

  1. What to do with an annoying interlocutor

When communicating with an annoying interlocutor, the rules of telephone etiquette recommend not wasting your time on him and correctly explaining that you are unable to continue the conversation further.

  • The rules of telephone etiquette advise you to prepare in advance for all important conversations. Make a list of questions to discuss so you don't miss anything and don't call back several times for the same reason. This makes a negative impression.
  • The rules of telephone etiquette consider calls to the interlocutor's home or personal phone to discuss business issues with him a sign of bad taste. Even the fact that he himself gave you these numbers is not a reason to solve cases after hours. Successful businessmen should have time to discuss such issues during the day. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. If you have just such a case, and you have previously agreed on a call, then choose a time no earlier than eight in the morning and no later than eleven in the evening.
  • The rules of telephone etiquette recommend composing a message in advance if you want to send it through an intermediary or an answering machine. This will enable you to compose the text more capaciously and correctly.
  • Try to find out in advance from the interlocutor when it will be convenient for you to call him. When you get through, check again if he can now devote time to you. The rules of telephone etiquette do not advise you to wait a long time for an answer to your call, 5-6 beeps will be enough. Always be ready to join the conversation if you do not call yourself, but instructed the secretary.
  • According to the rules of telephone etiquette, calls made before eight in the morning and after nine in the evening are considered unacceptable. And on a day off, you should not disturb anyone until eleven o'clock in the morning. But if you have to conduct business negotiations at such an early time, then you should not show your irritation, it is possible that this news cannot be postponed. Otherwise, hint to the interlocutor that you should not call you at such a time.

What to consider the rules of business telephone conversation etiquette if you call

  1. introduce yourself

Always state your name. Even despite the absolute certainty that you were recognized. The rules of telephone etiquette do not recommend the use of phrases like "you are bothered", etc. - this puts you in a bad light. It will be correct to first introduce yourself, giving your name, and, if necessary, position, and proceed to discuss the issues outlined.

  1. Find out if you're talking to the right person

Before starting a conversation, you should make sure that the one you need is on the other end of the wire. If you do not know for sure that the interlocutor you need picked up the phone, ask to invite him to the phone as follows: “Can I hear Nikolai Petrovich?” or "Please invite Maria to the phone." You should not guess who exactly answered the phone, listing all the familiar names, for example: “Hello, is this Masha? Not? Glasha? etc. You will look ridiculous and ridiculous. And you are unlikely to give the impression of a successful person with whom you can conduct common business. Just at the very beginning of the conversation, briefly ask, for example: “Vadim Petrovich?”. If this is the person you need, then say hello, introduce yourself and get down to business.

  1. Don't find out who's on the phone

It is not recommended to find out who picked up the phone by asking: "Who is this?". If you have doubts about the correct dialing of the number, check whether you got through: “Hello! Is this the Phoenix Company? etc. If you find out that the number is dialed incorrectly, try not to call back several times, but simply find the correct number, for example, on the website of the desired company.

  1. What to do if the right person is not there

Specify when it is more convenient to call back if the person you need is not at the place.

  1. How to leave a message on the answering machine

Thinking through the text of the message for the autoresponder, do not forget the order: first - greet, introduce yourself, specify the date and time, then briefly state the question and ask if possible to contact you, at the end - say goodbye.

  1. At the start of a conversation

The rules of telephone etiquette advise at the very beginning of a conversation to always clarify whether it is convenient for your interlocutor to give you time at the moment. An untimely call can ruin a million dollar deal. If your interlocutor is busy with something more important to him, then all your suggestions will be ignored. Without delving into the little things, it is easier for him to refuse you than to be distracted from what he is doing. By calling at a more convenient moment, you could easily persuade him to make a deal, giving serious arguments, but now his thoughts are completely different, and your plans are thwarted.

  1. save time

The rules of telephone etiquette advise you to explain the subject of the call for no longer than one minute. It makes no sense for ten minutes to develop the topic of why you decided to call. Speak clearly and specifically so as not to waste time from the interlocutor.

  1. Don't Apologize, But Be Thankful

Don't apologize for taking up the other person's time, even if you feel like you're taking up a lot of their time. Your apologies will not do you any good, because the interlocutor will think that:

  • wasted time talking to you;
  • you are not confident enough in your abilities;
  • you don't value your time.

The rules of telephone etiquette advise replacing apologies with gratitude. Simply thank the other person for making time for you by saying, “Thank you for your time.”

What are the rules of telephone etiquette if they call you

  1. When to pick up the phone

Try to answer the call immediately, before about the fifth ring. Telephone etiquette recommends answering the third ring. The first is needed to postpone things. The second is to tune in. The third is to smile and pick up the phone. This is what demonstrates a respectful attitude towards the client and the corporate ethics of the company. Failure to comply with business etiquette indicates a low level of corporate ethics in the company.

Do not immediately grab the phone. Put things aside, tune in, smile and pick up the phone.

  1. How to answer

The rules of telephone etiquette strongly recommend not to use the words “Hello”, “Yes”, etc. in a business setting. When you pick up the phone, you should say the name of the company you represent. For example: “Company Triumph, hello!”. We advise you to think in advance of a greeting related to the specifics of your company. It is not necessary to give your first and last name, it is enough to indicate your position or department of the company. The main thing is that it becomes clear to the interlocutor which company he called and who is talking to him. And you don't need to find out who is calling if your colleague is asked.

  1. If there is no time

The rules of telephone etiquette consider it unacceptable to pick up the phone and, saying: “Wait a second,” make you wait for the caller until you are free. It is much more appropriate to say that you are busy at the moment and will call back later or name a time when it will be more convenient for you to talk.

While in a business meeting or meeting, mute your phone, giving priority to live communication. When finished, you can call back.

  1. If another person is asked

If you are asked to invite another person to the phone, answer, for example, like this: "Wait a second, I'm passing the phone to him." In turn, the one who is invited to the phone should thank for this.

  1. If he's not there

If you cannot invite an employee to the phone due to his absence, be sure to offer to call back after some time. For example: "Please call back in 15 minutes."

  1. When you are already talking to someone

The rules of telephone etiquette advise against picking up two phones at the same time, so as not to make one of the interlocutors wait while you talk to the other. You need to pick up the phone, apologize, and briefly explain the situation, offer to call back later. Or apologize to the first interlocutor, and after completing the first conversation, start the next one.

  1. If outsiders are around

What are the rules of telephone etiquette for the secretary

  1. Always introduce yourself when you answer the phone. The interlocutor must know who is answering him. Introduce yourself and greet him. State the name of the company you represent.
  2. Always keep your emotions under control, especially negative ones. The person needs to hear that you are interested in his call and are friendly. Conduct conversation politely, correctly and with a smile.
  3. When answering a call, try to take the phone in your left hand. This will help, without changing hands, to make the necessary notes. Place note paper and a pencil or pen next to your phone. You can not interrupt the conversation in search of them.
  4. Priority for calls addressed to management. The rules of telephone etiquette do not recommend leaving a client calling management on the line. You should always be aware of whether your boss is in place. It is unacceptable to first connect the client, and later, having found out that the director is absent, tell them to call back later.
  5. According to the rules of telephone etiquette, the secretary needs to ask: “How to introduce you?”. The client must answer by stating his first and last name. After that, the secretary connects and holds the line until the director picks up the phone, returning to the client every 30 seconds.
  6. In the absence of guidance, all call data must be recorded by the assistant secretary. Records should contain information about who called, at what time, for what reason, to whom and when to call back. Subsequently, all information is reported to the head.
  7. To avoid mistakes, the rules of telephone etiquette advise you to immediately check them with the dictating person when recording data.
  8. There are many small issues that can be resolved and not at the management level. An experienced secretary-referent competently and correctly regulates telephone calls to management, if possible distributing them to other specialists.
  9. The rules of telephone etiquette oblige the assistant secretary to give the most complete information about the manager’s reception schedule, his ability to receive a call, and, if necessary, report the planned time of the call.
  10. Each institution may have a range of information that is not reported over the phone. In this case, the assistant secretary recommends that the subscriber contact the manager in writing or in person.
  11. The rules of telephone etiquette recommend keeping a short, tactful style in a business conversation. The conversation should be complete and clear, not allowing any other interpretation.
  12. With a parallel call, the secretary must apologize to the interlocutor, briefly explain the situation and end the conversation.
  13. When a question is received to which the secretary does not know the answer, he should apologize and ask the interlocutor to give time for clarification and agree on a second call.
  14. Telephone etiquette emphasizes that restrained, tactful, friendly and respectful communication with any partner will be correct. You must always keep your emotions and actions under control.

Phone calls have long been an important part of life. We discuss household chores with relatives, chat with friends, and solve problems with business partners, colleagues, and superiors. Conversation styles should be different, and business communication requires a special approach.

The telephone occupies an important place in the life of a modern person: communication with relatives, friends, but, most importantly, with colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, when talking with different people, we use our own way of communication, and it would never occur to anyone to talk to their boss in the same way as with their best friend or even just a colleague. In this case, the conversation will be about business communication.

Also, business etiquette should be used by those employees whose duties include telephone conversations, various opinion polls and all other conversations that are usually conducted from a cool center, that is, a call center.

Unfortunately, some in a telephone conversation behave quite familiarly, not at all like when they meet in person. Since employees feel at a safe distance, they easily hang up, and sometimes dissuade an invisible interlocutor with a couple of not very polite phrases, and this goes against the etiquette of telephone communication.

But sometimes it is a telephone conversation that becomes the starting point of good business relations. Here, in contrast to a personal meeting, a strict business suit, office furnishings, smiles and gestures on duty are not so important. In fact, the image of the enterprise may entirely depend on the manner of its employees to conduct telephone conversations.

Things to consider before talking on the phone

  • the goal you are going to achieve in the upcoming conversation;
  • is it possible to do without this conversation;
  • how ready the interlocutor is to discuss the topic of conversation;
  • Do you have confidence in the successful completion of the conversation;
  • what specific questions you need to ask;
  • what questions you may be asked during the interview;
  • what outcome of the negotiations can be considered successful and what can be secured in case of failure;
  • what methods of influence on your interlocutor can be used during a conversation;
  • how you will behave if your interlocutor starts to object, switches to a raised tone or does not respond to your arguments;
  • how will you respond if they do not trust your information.

Preparing for a conversation

Before starting a telephone conversation, you must do the following:

  • Prepare documents that will be required during the conversation: reports, prospectuses, correspondence, acts of work, etc.
  • To record information, prepare paper, tablet or other device. In the case of using a voice recorder, it is necessary to warn and ask for consent to use it.
  • Have before your eyes a list of officials with whom the conversation is supposed to be addressed in order to address the right person only by name and patronymic.
  • Put in front of you a conversation plan, with the most significant points highlighted with a marker.

Conversation Plan

The telephone conversation should not exceed 3 minutes of time, at least your opening monologue. Here's what a rough plan for such an introduction looks like:

  • introduction of the interlocutor to the essence of the problem (40-45 seconds)
  • mutual introduction with the naming of the position and level of competence in this matter (20-25 minutes)
  • discussion of the situation itself, problems (from 1 to 2 minutes)
  • conclusion, summary (20-25 seconds)

If the problem has not been finally resolved, you need to agree on a second call at a certain time. At the same time, it is important to clarify with whom the conversation will continue - with the same person or another employee who is more competent in this matter or has a wider range of powers.

Telephone etiquette rules

Always greet the person calling you and use etiquette when you call yourself. These can be words of greeting associated with a certain time of day ("Good afternoon!", "Good morning!", "Good evening!"). It is better to avoid such expressions: "I listen", "Hello", "Company".

Watch your intonation. It is with the help of the voice that one can cause the disposition of the interlocutor, create the correct perception in him, and for this, of course, you need to speak with kindness, calmly, but without unnecessary exclamations: excessive enthusiasm can also repel.

Be sure to introduce yourself. After greeting the interlocutor, name your organization so that the person knows where he turned. To make it easier for him to start a conversation, give your name and position so that the interlocutor can determine if he can continue the conversation with you, or if he needs to talk to a representative of a higher level.

When you yourself call an organization, try not to start the conversation with such phrases as: "You are worried about ..." or "It bothered you ...". Such expressions make the interlocutor alert, and your call may be perceived as unwanted.

Having called a specific interlocutor, specify how convenient it is for him to talk to you now. After making sure that they can communicate with you, immediately go to the subject of the call: business people should be brief and not deviate from the topic of negotiations.

When your company is called, etiquette is to pick up the phone after the second or third ring. If this is done after the first call, the potential interlocutor may decide that your company is not too burdened with work.

If the caller needs some other representative of the company, you do not need to hang up, "cutting off" the caller. It is necessary, using the hold function, to transfer to standby mode or switch to the desired person. If the right person is not in place, you can ask if you can advise him or provide other assistance. If he refuses to help, ask what needs to be conveyed, what message to leave.

When listening to a new interlocutor, try to adjust to his pace of speech: if a person speaks slowly, perhaps he not only perceives information, but also immediately analyzes it. If he speaks quickly, impatiently asks, he may be annoyed by your slowness and slowness.

During the entire conversation on the phone, you do not need to smoke, chew or drink something. Be sure to put aside a cigarette or a sandwich, push aside a cup of coffee or tea.

At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to the interlocutor, but before that, ask if he has any questions for you. If you initiated the conversation, don't apologize for taking up the other person's time. It will be better if you thank the interlocutor in words: "Thank you for giving us your time. We look forward to further cooperation."

Instead of a conclusion

If your speech is not very developed, then talking on the phone exacerbates speech deficiencies. Therefore, you should try to avoid words that you are not very good at pronunciation, or words that you are not very sure about the accent. Names that are poorly perceived by ear are best pronounced in syllables or even spelled.

Talking on the phone is really a whole art that can and should be learned. Because sometimes there is only one phone call can do what was impossible to achieve in the process of preliminary meetings and negotiations.

It must be remembered that a look, smile, facial expressions, friendly handshakes can have a strong influence on your partner, and this is excluded in telephone communication. You can offend an unknown interlocutor with a careless word. Sometimes it is a telephone conversation that forms the first impression of a person. Make sure it's correct.

In the modern world, the telephone has become such a familiar means of communication that many do not even think about whether they use it correctly for business communication. Phone call- this is a way of communication that allows you to solve many issues as quickly as possible, without requiring a personal meeting of the interlocutors. Proper use of the phone allows you to achieve a favorable microclimate both between employees within the company and in negotiations with customers. From this article you will learn how to communicate with a client on the phone, what are the rules for business negotiations over the phone and how to achieve maximum efficiency from the very first call to the company.

If the person hasn't responded, don't send an audio charging up a response, or send a thousand question marks requiring a response. If it's urgent, call, but don't be inconvenient. Like a traditional cell phone, a boring call is worth blocking. Spreading images and videos with jokes and pornographic content around? What image are you creating in people's minds? And the same goes for the chains that spread faith and terror on him unless you give the image to 33 more people on your list in 30 seconds.

Do not run away from the topic for which the group was created. There are people who do not know the word focus! Respect the purpose of the group and see if your post has anything to do with vibration. Don't be so mean. If we use it with moderation and respect, everything will be fine. The tool is wonderful, it depends on who uses it.

1. Greeting the interlocutor

So, the long-awaited phone call rang out. You don't need to immediately rush to the phone, as this can give the impression that the company has no other business than answering calls. It is customary to endure 2-3 beeps, but you should not delay the answer either, otherwise the caller will start to get nervous and the effectiveness of the upcoming communication will drop sharply.

Pick up the phone to greet the interlocutor. Many organizations use this greeting scheme:

Very often, business people think that a contract can only legally exist if it is written in the form of a letter. In other words, they say, nothing can record them unless they have previously signed the document in the proper form. In the same vein, these people believe they can say almost anything to their business dealings: no problem, nothing written!

In this case, plaintiff Renzo sued the brokerage firm and its representative for damages resulting from losses incurred on the stock exchange. After the representative in question was subjected to serious cross-examination by Renzo's lawyer, the latter asked the Court to allow the recording of the telephone conversation between this representative. and Renzo himself. With this entry, the plaintiff wanted to attack the credibility of the representative and confirm the fact that certain representations had been made to him.

Depending on the time when the call comes in, they say: "Good morning!", "Good afternoon!", "Good evening!";
- further, pronounce the name of the organization;
- and then they introduce themselves, naming their name (sometimes, also their position).

Such a beginning of a telephone conversation helps the caller to get the maximum information in just a few seconds. A person, having heard such a greeting, will feel more comfortable, which will affect the effectiveness of the conversation. It is always a pleasure to deal with competent and educated people. From the point of view of psychology, such a greeting scheme allows the interlocutor to get comfortable and feel psychologically safe.

Of course, the defendant, whose telephone conversation was collected without his prior consent, strongly objected to this request for authorization. Judgment. In his opinion, the judge had first pointed out that the civil courts had repeatedly admitted the recording of the telephone conversation into evidence, although some of them had admissibility criteria. On the other hand, he stated that the recording by the applicant of a telephone conversation with the defendant, even without his knowledge, was not contrary to criminal law. He then stated that the Canadian charter did not apply to a civil dispute between individuals.

2. During a conversation - smile

The interlocutor cannot see what you are doing, so the slightest irritation or dislike will be immediately felt by ear. When communicating on the phone, almost 90% of the information a person perceives due to the intonation with which you are talking. The remaining 10% convey the meaning of the conversation directly in words.

When talking, do not take a reclining position on a chair, this will immediately affect the timbre of your voice. Thus, you will only aggravate the situation by showing your disrespect and indifference to the caller. With a smile and interest in your voice, you will not only win over the interlocutor, but also create a favorable impression of your entire company as a whole.

Finally, he ruled that the Tribunal should be concerned with the search for the truth, and this is absolutely necessary. These judgments and many others emphasize the principle that the end justifies the means. Therefore, the search for truth offers modern tools that receive the blessing of the courts. Will you have to be careful with everyone?

Civil Code of Quebec: The Civil Code of Quebec contains specific provisions on the elements and means of proof. Art. "Evidence of any fact relevant to the dispute is admissible and may be made by any means." The above information is of a general nature and is provided to you without warranty of any kind, especially as to its accuracy or lack of it. This information should not be construed as constituting any legal advice or opinion.

3. Respect your interlocutor

If a long conversation is expected, ask if it is convenient for the person to talk now. If necessary, offer to reschedule the conversation to a more convenient time. Communication on the phone for some people is a kind of stress, since he does not see the second participant in the conversation and cannot accurately assess his attitude towards himself. It only focuses on your voice and intonation.

4. Do not get distracted by extraneous topics

During a business conversation, do not jump to abstract topics. Leave questions about the weather, the war in Iraq, the solar eclipse for conversations with your friends and loved ones. Keep your thoughts short and to the point. By doing this, you show your interlocutor your professionalism and business spirit.

5. Typical phrases.

Don't use phrases like: “Are you worried ...”, “It's okay if I disturb you ...”, “Wait a minute!”. With such phrases, you provoke your interlocutor to really start to get nervous and worried. Try to explain to the person why he should wait a while before you can give him an answer to his question. After that, politely thank you for waiting and continue the conversation.

6. Ask clarifying questions

After listening carefully to the client, do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions. You must make sure that you understand your interlocutor correctly. It is a mistake to assume that by asking again, a person shows his incompetence and unprofessionalism. On the contrary, by asking counter questions, you let the person know that you have listened carefully and do not want to miss important details.

7. Do not interrupt the interlocutor

Even if you are sure that your interlocutor has digressed from the topic and started to lead the conversation in the wrong direction, in no case do not interrupt it. Let the person finish, and then politely remind them of the essence of your conversation.

8. Do not put the phone on the table during a call

If you need to interrupt the conversation, the best way to do this is to use the special function "Hold" ("Hold"), or "Mute" ("Mute the microphone"). Now almost every telephone is endowed with such buttons. This is necessary in order not to embarrass the caller with their extraneous conversations. In addition, he may hear extra information that he should not know.

When using the hold function when talking on the phone, it is worth remembering that this should take less than one minute. If you know in advance that you need more time to resolve the issue, for example, move to the next office or make a parallel call, it would be best to offer to reschedule the conversation. Politely explain to the person that you will contact him as soon as you receive the necessary information.

If you need special legal advice, contact a lawyer or notary. And if you're wondering if there are any excuses to get your phone plugged in, we'll reassure you - there, you should expect the baby to be born for you. Here are other important business meeting situations, as well as options to avoid them.

Some people are known to be always late for meetings. Others are delayed less frequently, usually due to unforeseen circumstances. Regardless of the reason, a delay always makes a bad impression. When you realize you'll be late, let yourself know by phone - you still have a cell phone. It is important to call not when you are already late, but when it becomes clear that you are not showing up on time. If you don't call, it will make the waiting person wonder what's going on and give them the impression that they don't value their time.

9. Don't hang up immediately

If your company is called by a person who needs to contact a specific employee, but this employee is not at the workplace, do not hang up immediately. Inform that the person of interest to him is currently absent. Be sure to offer your help. You may be able to help with a number of issues. But, when a client categorically refuses your help, ask him to leave contact details or information that you can pass on to your colleague when he returns.

10. Don't switch to parallel calls

While talking on the phone, do not be distracted by other calls. First you need to end the current conversation, and only then move on to the next one. Jumping from one call to another will only show your disorganization and inability to prioritize.

11. Don't do other things

Many people think that if the interlocutor does not see them, then you can combine several things at the same time. For example, drinking coffee or eating a sandwich. This is unacceptable and will certainly be noticed by your interlocutor. The sounds of chewing food or sipping a cigarette are always clearly audible during a telephone conversation, and listening to this is extremely unpleasant.

12. Say goodbye to the interlocutor

Most people end a phone call by simply hanging up without saying goodbye. This is absolutely inappropriate, especially at the time of business communication on the phone. Before you end the conversation, ask if there is anything else you can do to help. And only after a negative answer, hang up, saying: "Goodbye!". It is important that the conversation ends in a positive way.

Telephone etiquette rules not taken from the ceiling. This is the result of numerous psychological studies, practical experience and analysis of many telephone conversations.

When you finally arrive, it's enough to apologize for the delay. Don't forget that your own time is also valuable. If you have to wait more than twenty or thirty minutes, it's best to apologize for having another engagement and ask you to contact you to set up a new appointment.

Do this even if you're not in a hurry - sitting and waiting will make you nervous, tense, and even after half an hour waiting for an appointment, it's unlikely to be very fruitful. At a business meeting, at a business or social event, at lunch or dinner, the rule is mandatory. Exceptions are allowed only if you are expecting a baby or have a seriously ill relative. Then let your phone vibrate. Of course, this does not mean putting it on a table or table because you are looking at it hour after hour.

70% of business communications are carried out by phone, which means that the success of the whole business depends on compliance with the rules of business telephone communication etiquette. Of course, interlocutors are different. The surest thing in any situation is to keep your own style of a polite person who is armed with the rules of etiquette in any case.

Can you speak on a cell phone? If the answer is a resounding yes, the second question arises: do the people around you share your confidence? In light of the rapid "mobilization" of the population, the issue of mobile etiquette is becoming more relevant every day. The etiquette of mobile communication is still in its infancy, but some rules of conduct are already considered the norm.

In addition, this good idea at the beginning of the meeting to warn you that you might have to go for a quick chat. If you forgot to turn off the sound and make a phone call, it's best to press the red headset. And to make sure you don't have to worry about it anymore, turn off your device completely.

When you have to wait in a meeting room, they usually invite you to sit down. Choose a seat, but avoid the "chair". You can wait and go to the window. You are advised not to read company magazines or brochures, or remove documents or a notebook from your bag where you can take notes during a meeting. This is done when your client comes in and starts the business part of the conversation.

Good manners rules

■ It is necessary to set the minimum ringer volume in places where we are together with other people, such as in a restaurant or cafe, in the office, at an exhibition, in museums, cinemas and libraries. During the working day in the office, the silent mode of pressing the buttons should be turned on. Often, your colleagues are distracted not so much by conversations as by the “beeping” of the phone (for example, when typing text messages).

If you are waiting for drinks, you can ask for water. Drinking coffee and tea requires more attention, and a cup of coffee or tea in front of you will look too personal, which is not very convenient for business contacts. Proper acknowledgment requires that we pass our fingers forward with the thumb up. If we stick our fingers in or don't stretch our thumbs, we will definitely only give thumbs.

Another important condition is sliding the palm into the palm of another person until we completely cover it, i.e. touch the connection between the thumb and the other fingers of our hand. Then comes the moment of clasping hands. Squeeze hard, but not too hard. Shake the hand from the elbow, not from the palm or shoulder, no more than once or twice, and hold the other's hand for about three seconds.

■ Don't put your phone on the table in a restaurant just because you might get a call. You will hear the call perfectly if you leave your mobile in your bag.

■ If you are in a business meeting, set your phone to silent.

■ In no case should you use as an incoming call melody something that can offend others (rude words or harsh sounds, obscene language, etc.).

When you tremble, remember to smile and look the person in the eye. Take a picture when you meet someone, for a "good day" and "goodbye" meeting with clients or partners, as well as with everyone you interact with at business or social events.

On a social label, a woman places her hand first, like an older woman or a man. In a business label, it doesn't matter who puts their hand first, it's important to do it. In business meetings and negotiations, when you introduce yourself and shake hands, it is recommended to send your business card. This way your partners will be able to read the title - it's not always good to know when you find it out. This is especially important in contacts with foreigners who find it difficult to immediately remember Bulgarian names.

■ If you're expecting an important call during a meeting, it's a good idea to let your colleagues know ahead of time. To talk on the phone, you have to apologize and go out into the corridor.

■ If you need to turn off your phone, turn it off. In hospitals and aircraft, a mobile phone can disrupt equipment. In churches, theaters, etc. These rules are also introduced for a reason. You need to urgently call - leave the restricted area. In any case, use common sense, and if you are not sure that you can talk on a mobile phone in a given place, it is better to refrain from calling.

According to the business label's rules, business cards must not be taken out of the pocket, but must be placed in the box beforehand. Never put your business card on the table - this is an expression of disrespect. If necessary, get up, go to the person and give it to him. This way, you will surely make a much better impression. Fold the card with your right hand or both, but never with your left.

Language is constantly changing, and there are many words in our speech that reflect changes in social and technological areas. However, it's important to be grammatical, concise and precise, and not use words that are considered jargon in your industry. Choose your vocabulary carefully. Your professional image will benefit from this. You will give a different and much better impression if you use the Bulgarian equivalents of foreign words.

■ Considering that each person has a personal space, try to move at least 5 meters away in order to talk on the phone. If this is not possible, please call back later. Crowded rooms, tunnels and passages are not the place to talk on the mobile. If you need to answer in a crowded room, take the call, but don't start talking until you leave the room. Nothing annoys others more than a long ringing phone.

In general, people who speak their native language using bulk words in a foreign language do so for two reasons: either they have a poor vocabulary in their native language, or they want to demonstrate how well they speak a foreign language. According to them, if someone does not understand them, it is his fault, not theirs. Apart from this behavior, he definitely makes a bad impression and may alienate clients and partners instead of gaining respect.

He is the author of many publications, he is also a frequent guest on various TV shows. Kristina Krancheva is a renowned lecturer with over 7 years of experience. Her trainings and seminars are devoted to topics related to business etiquette, international protocol, corporate image and are of great interest. Among his numerous clients are Bulgarian and international companies. He also works with individual clients.

■ In public places, it is advisable to talk on the phone in an undertone so as not to disturb others.

■ When making a call, first of all ask if it is convenient for your interlocutor to speak at the moment.

■ A business conversation lasts an average of three to seven minutes. During this time, you need to have time not only to formulate the thought correctly, but also to address the interlocutor by name several times. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to introduce yourself. According to the Slavic tradition, the name is first called, and then the surname.

Today - unlike the First Republic - everyone has a telephone. The social counselor of the thirties begins with good advice that not everything can be resolved over the phone. And maybe that's what we forget today. While it's time, and it's perfectly fine to do business on the phone, we can't even answer the phone today on printed invitations. Of course, it's better than not reporting at all, but a written response will tell us that we can deal with the label. Similarly, this is required for bookings - many of these are taken over the phone, but it is always necessary to confirm each one in writing.

■ During a conversation, the interlocutor should not be silent for a long time, listening to a monologue on the other end of the wire. From time to time it is not forbidden to agree, to respond to words, to clarify something. Secretaries are advised to smile while talking on the phone - they say that a smile is “heard”.

■ According to the rules of etiquette, the initiator of the call calls back and ends the conversation first. At the beginning of the conversation, it is advisable to ask the interlocutor how much time he has to talk. When you finish the call, wait for the other person to hang up first. In this case, he will not have the opinion that you cut off the conversation.

It cannot happen that one of the participants in the call misheard and ordered something else or by mistake. Then we ask who is on the other end of the line. Currently, mobile phones always have to do this when we are not sure if the caller has our stored number or if we are calling a mobile or fixed number. According to the social consultant, the length of the caller's call is determined. However, it is always necessary to first ask if the person concerned can speak, so as not to embarrass him in unnecessary embarrassment.

■ Don't forget to thank the other person at the end of the conversation for taking the time to provide you with the information you need.

■ It is considered bad manners to call your mobile (and home) phone earlier than 08:00 and after 22:00 on weekdays. The number of beeps should not exceed five. It is not recommended to call on Monday morning; Friday afternoon; during the first and last hour of working hours; during the lunch break, if there is one.

■ You can send SMS messages at any time of the day. If the subscriber's device is turned off or is outside the network coverage area, then SMS will be received immediately after turning it on.

■ If you were busy and did not answer an incoming call, you must call the person back within two hours. Later than this time, the subscriber may disturb you with his call again.

■ Do not forget about the need to use a hands-free headset while driving (paragraph 12.36 of the Rules of the Road, the fine for this offense is 300 rubles). But keep in mind that while talking on the phone, your concentration decreases anyway.

■ Other people's phones are a restricted area. You should not read SMS messages and view the list of calls on someone else's phone. Do not call from someone else's device without the permission of the owner. Do not give mobile numbers to third parties. Respect the individual's right to privacy.

Telephone taboos

Always remember that the person on the other end of the wire is sensitive to your attitude towards him. Your communication style generates a response. During telephone conversations, you should not:

● frown, speak in a monotonous and tired voice;

● put the interlocutor in an awkward position with his mumbling and fuzzy diction;

● jump from one topic to another, interrupt;

● evade the topic of conversation;

● make accusatory remarks, conflict;

● combine talking on the phone with other things;

● not to give "signs of life" for too long, not to express interest in the conversation;

● drag out the conversation;

● abruptly hang up the phone.

To some, what they read may seem empty and long moralizing. However, it makes sense not just to look at seemingly obvious recommendations, but to compare them with your own communication style. Those who regretted the time lost reading can look at it from the point of view of savings: for example, a well-known company charges from 150 to 200 dollars per hour (!) for their trainings “Telephone Etiquette”.

Mobile phone is dangerous to health

As a result of various long-term studies, evidence of the negative impact of mobile communications on our body has been found.

■ British, Swedish and American doctors claim that mobile phones increase the risk of brain cancer due to electromagnetic radiation.

■ Scientists from the Swedish National Institute of Labor have concluded that those who talk on the mobile for a long time every day experience headaches, increased drowsiness, or vice versa - insomnia, distraction and even memory lapses.

■ According to the WHO, if you talk on a cell phone for more than an hour a day, your vision and hearing deteriorate noticeably. The pulsating electromagnetic field is to blame for these ailments.

■ British researchers trumpet that electromagnetic waves emanating from a cell destroy the immune system. Consequently, we begin to catch colds more often, get infected faster and get sick longer. Also, British doctors came to the conclusion that the constant radiation of a mobile phone negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract.

■ It was reported on CNews that mobile phones can provoke asthma and eczema, destroy blood cells and harm men's health. But they pose a particular danger to a growing child's body. By the way, the sale of mobile phones designed specifically for children has been discontinued in the UK.

■ Irish experts believe that mobile phones provoke some skin diseases (rashes, irritation), because studies have shown that the handset is almost a breeding ground for bacteria.

■ It is dangerous to use a mobile phone during a thunderstorm because it is a conductor of electrical discharge and can provoke a person to be struck by lightning. In this case, it is not at all necessary to talk on the phone, it is enough that it be turned on.

Is it possible to somehow minimize the negative consequences of using cell phones? There are some easy rules.

When buying a new mobile, be sure to check that it meets the requirements of the FCC standard. Request a copy of the certificate for a specific model.

■ Choose a cellular company that provides the highest density of repeaters. The more the phone strains to find a base station, the more harmful it is to your brain.

■ You shouldn't talk on your mobile while in the car - phone radiation is reflected from the metal body of the car and increases several times. Radiation increases tenfold when you talk on the phone in a weak signal area (stations, airports, subways, tunnels).

■ Do not put your phone next to your bed at night, a more or less safe distance is 2 meters, because even a mobile phone that is not working can prevent you from sleeping. According to Russian scientists, the radiation of a mobile phone, even in an inactive state, negatively affects the nervous system, disrupting the normal alternation of sleep phases.

According to experts, today over 50% of all business issues are resolved by phone. This is the most fast way communication, which allows you to establish contacts, arrange a meeting, business conversation, negotiations, without resorting to direct communication. But how your voice sounds, how you talk on the phone, depends largely on the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly on the phone is now becoming an integral part of the company's image policy.

The culture of business communication involves knowledge of: general rules of telephone conversation and basic rules telephone business etiquette.

General rules for telephone conversation:

1. Pick up the phone before the fourth ring: the first impression of you or your company is already formed and how long you have to wait for an answer;

2. When talking on the phone, you should leave all extraneous conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has every right to attention to himself;

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent to eat, drink, smoke, rustle paper, chew gum;

4. It is unacceptable to pick up the phone and answer: "Wait a minute", make the caller wait until you do your business. This is only possible as a last resort and only within one minute. If at the moment you are very busy and cannot talk, it is better to apologize and offer to call back;

5. Call back whenever they are waiting for your call;

6. If you “hit the wrong place”, you should not find out: “What is your number?”. You can clarify: “Is this number such and such ...?”, Having heard a negative answer, apologize and hang up;

7. Calling home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask if you are calling at a convenient time: “Do you have time to talk to me?”, “Are you very busy right now?” etc. If the answer is yes, you can talk at your own pleasure, but when you hear the first signs of a desire to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. In the service, the time of a telephone conversation is also limited;

8. Talking on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to shout and get annoyed during a telephone conversation, this is gross violation ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to the insult, they hang up. Swearing on the phone is illegal;

9. A conversation on the phone should be courteous, but immediately terminated if a guest or a visitor to the office comes to your house. You should apologize and, briefly stating the reason, arrange a call. At home, you can say: “I beg your pardon, guests have come to me, I will call you back tomorrow evening (morning)”; at work: "Sorry, a visitor came to me, I'll call you back in about an hour." Be sure to keep your promise.

10. If during a conversation the connection is interrupted, you should hang up; the caller dials the number again. If a company representative was talking to a customer or client, then he must dial the number;

11. The initiative to end a telephone conversation belongs to the one who called. The exception is a conversation with elders in age or social status;

12. Nothing can replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation, conversation. At the same time, it should be remembered that the words of farewell should contain the possibility of future contact: “Let's call you next Tuesday”, “see you tomorrow”, etc.

Main regulations business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that a business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

you need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, upon hearing the subscriber's answer:

Greeting and introducing during a conversation with a stranger is a mutual and mandatory procedure.

The main rule of business protocol is that a telephone conversation must be personalized. If the subscriber does not introduce himself, you should politely ask: "Excuse me, who am I talking to?", "Let me know who I'm talking to?" etc.

2. If the call goes through the secretary and where you are calling, they do not know you, the secretary has the right to ask about the reason for the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to win over the interlocutor.

4. Always keep a notepad and pen handy for necessary notes.

5. As you prepare for the phone call, make a list of things to discuss. Calling back with apologies for missing something leaves an unfavorable impression and should only be done as a last resort.

6. If you could not find the person you need, ask when it is more convenient to call back.

7. Schedule a message in advance if you know the information will be relayed through a third party or through an autoresponder.

8. If you are leaving a message on the answering machine, after the greeting and introduction, state the date and time of the call, followed by a short message and a goodbye.

When they call you

According to the rules of etiquette, after picking up the phone, you need to:

1. If they want to talk not with you, but with someone else: "Just a minute, I'll hand over the phone now"; the one who is called to the phone should thank: "Thank you", "Thank you, I'll come right now."

2. If the required person is not in place at that moment, then the approacher clarifies that this person is absent. Such responses should include a request to call back after a certain time: "Could you call back in an hour," etc.

3. If the phone rings, and at this time you are talking on another device, you should, after picking up the phone, apologize, if possible, end the first conversation, hang up, then start talking with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back after a certain time. It is unacceptable to make the caller wait for more than one minute.

4. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you are holding a business meeting or business meeting. Priority always belongs to the live voice.

5. If you are called on an important matter when there are people in the office, it is better to answer the call from the next room or, in the absence of such an opportunity, ask to call back after a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In the modern business culture of communication, special attention is paid to telephone conversation. A few axioms of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

The art of talking on a cell phone.

Mobile phones have firmly entered our lives. Probably, the necessity and advantages of this means of communication are indisputable, and mobile communications should be accepted as a fruit of civilization.

Therefore, it is possible to formulate some general rules of etiquette when using a cell phone.

Learn its features and functions, in other words, read the manual.

Remember when to turn off your phone or set it to vibrate.

Switched off: meetings, movies, sports games, worship, seminars, communication with the client.

In vibration mode: in public places where you can answer the phone without disturbing others.

If there are people around you but you need to talk, don't shout. A cell phone is indeed more sensitive to sound and voice than a regular phone. You can even speak a little quieter than usual, and your caller (and not other people in the room) will hear you.

Avoid talking on the phone at a restaurant table. If you need to answer a call, ask the caller to wait a minute, excuse yourself, leave the table, and talk to pay phones in a restaurant or on the street.

Avoid talking where you can divert people's attention.

Avoid talking on personal topics where you can be heard. Be aware of who is around you. Do not sort dirty laundry in public.

Turn down the ringer volume.

If you still did wrong, it is better to avoid unnecessary excuses. Saying "Sorry, I forgot to turn it off" is just as bad as leaving the phone to ring.

Be brief. If you get a call and you are not alone, 30 seconds is the maximum.

If you get a call in a public place or in a private meeting, this is unpleasant in three ways: 1) makes you look bad, and you come across as impolite and stupid; 2) confuses everyone; 3) you put the caller in an uncomfortable position, letting him know that "you are in a meeting" (big deal!), And he pesters with chatter.

Reality shows: answering a call during a meeting, you thereby tell your future client or customer: “I do not appreciate you and my time spent with you. You are not as important as the person who can call."

But keep in mind: there are situations when you have to answer the phone- a sick child, expectation of a big deal, an important message.

According to the rules of etiquette, before the meeting, be sure to warn those present that you are waiting for an important call, and get permission.

A modern person spends a huge amount of time talking on the phone. And this can happen not only at work, but also during various trips or at home. However, practice shows that not everyone knows how to talk on the phone. Without seeing your interlocutor and hearing him for the first time, you can say a lot of unnecessary, offensive or incomprehensible words. But if you are pursuing the goal of being correctly understood and gaining trust from the interlocutor, the speech etiquette of telephone conversations will help you.

Telephone etiquette rules

Quite often, people whose activities are inevitably connected with talking on the phone are faced with all sorts of misconceptions. For example, such that since the interlocutor does not see them, then you can conduct a conversation in a free and unconstrained form. However, if you represent any company or your services as an individual, it is worth remembering that the image of the company directly depends on the manner in which you speak with potential client. If in real life they meet “by clothes”, then in communication on the phone that very “clothes” will just be your manner of speaking. It is your speech that will make a positive impression on the interlocutor or, conversely, make him refuse to cooperate with you. So what are the rules of a business conversation on the phone?

Telephone etiquette is a skill that is acquired through constant practice. There are very few people in the world who by nature have the ability to convince an interlocutor, being on different sides of the same city, region, country, and even abroad. And before you pick up the phone for another conversation, learn to speak in the manner required by telephone etiquette:

These are just some of the recommendations that are important to know for everyone who is somehow connected by the bonds of telephone communication. You don't have to learn them by heart. It is enough to treat your interlocutors in the same way as you treat yourself.