What is the difference between research and project? The difference between project activity and research.pptx - Presentation "The difference between project activity and research"


In the traditional views of school teachers, exploratory learning is understood as a method of projects. Many teachers do not see the difference between research and design. Most of the difficulties are due, first of all, to a lack of understanding of the nature of both research and abstract, experimental, and other creative works of students. The teacher, as the leader of the study, must himself be prepared and competent.

We will try to eliminate this gap in the competencies of teachers. So let's look at the definitions first.

The research activity of students is the activity of students associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with an UNKNOWN solution in advance (as opposed to a workshop that serves to illustrate certain laws of nature) and implies the presence of MAIN STAGES CHARACTERISTIC FOR RESEARCH in the scientific field, normalized based on STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM, STUDY OF THE THEORY DEVOTED TO THIS PROBLEM, SELECTION OF RESEARCH METHODS AND PRACTICAL MASTERING THEM, COLLECTION OF OWN MATERIAL, ITS ANALYSIS AND GENERALIZATION, SCIENTIFIC COMMENTARY, OWN CONCLUSIONS. Any research, no matter in what field of natural sciences or humanities it is carried out, has a similar structure. Such a chain is an integral part of research activity, the norm of its implementation.

The project activity of students is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or play activity of students that has a GENERAL PURPOSE, AGREED METHODS, WAYS OF ACTIVITY, AIMED TO ACHIEVING THE GENERAL RESULTS OF ACTIVITY. An indispensable condition for project activity is the availability of pre -developed ideas about the final product of activity, design stages (development of a concept, determining the goals and objectives of the project, available and optimal resources of activity, creating a plan, programs and organization of project implementation) and the implementation of the project) and the implementation of the project, including its comprehension AND REFLECTION OF THE RESULTS OF ACTIVITIES.

Both definitions show that research and projects have e there are common features. But this does not mean that they can be used as synonyms. Let us recall our reasoning about pedagogical technologies: a technology is such as long as all its stages are being implemented. If the sequence of stages is missing or violated, the technology is destroyed and ceases to be such. So, let's try to highlight the common features of these DIFFERENT pedagogical technologies.


  1. socially significant goals and objectives of research and project activities: as a rule, the results of research, and in particular, project activities have a specific practical value, are intended for public use
  2. the structure of design and research activities includes common components:
  • analysis of the relevance of these works;
  • goal setting, formulation of tasks to be solved;
  • choice of means and methods adequate to the set goals;
  • planning, determining the sequence and timing of work stages;
  • actually carrying out design work or scientific research;
  • registration of the results of the work in accordance with the design of the project or the objectives of the study;
  • presentation of the results of work in a usable form;
  • carrying out design and research activities requires developers to have high competence in the chosen field, creative activity, composure, accuracy, purposefulness, high motivation;
  • the results of project and research activities are not only their substantive results, but also the intellectual, personal development of schoolchildren, the growth of their competence in the field chosen for research or project, the formation of the ability to cooperate in a team and the ability to work independently, understanding the essence of creative research or project work.


Any project is aimed at obtaining a very specific result conceived, conceived by the developer - a product that has a certain system of properties, intended for a certain specific use. Whereas in the course of scientific research, as a rule, a search is organized in a certain area, and at the same time, at the initial stage, only the direction of research is indicated, it may be that certain (by no means all) characteristics of the results of the work are formulated.

The implementation of design work is preceded by an accurate speculative representation of the future product, the developer mentally designs the results of design work and only after that proceeds to the actual executive stage of activity. The result of the project must be accurately correlated with all the characteristics formulated in its plan. Whereas at the initial stages of research activity, only a hypothesis is formulated, that is, “a scientific assumption or assumption, the truth value of which is uncertain.” A scientific hypothesis is always put forward in the context of the development of a given area of ​​scientific knowledge, to solve a specific problem, therefore, the formulation of a hypothesis is always associated with the formulation of a research problem. Awareness of a scientific problem and its formulation is a significant stage of research activity. So, the logic of building research activity requires, without fail, the formulation of the research problem, the formulation of a hypothesis (to solve this problem) and the subsequent experimental or model verification of the proposed assumptions.

A significant feature of research activity, which significantly distinguishes it from project activity, is that scientific research can lead to a variety of, sometimes unexpected results - in the scientific community they say: "a negative result is also a result." That is, the researcher often cannot predict all the exact characteristics of the result of his activity, often does not know all the areas where the results of his work can find their practical application.

The project is aimed at practical application. In scientific research, practical significance is often very indirect, it is not the main thing - the research process itself is more important.

The study cannot different types activity is a strictly scientific genre. Research work must be written in a certain genre, and this genre is reasoning. Its composition can be built differently by different researchers, but the stages of work will be repeated. In the project, everything will depend on the genre that the author is striving for. An article can be written in the genre, for example, a reportage, combine the research and design components of the project. Thus, in the project, as in a single whole, very different directions activities.

Let's compare the main stages of scientific research and design work.

Scientific research

Choosing a field of activity, proof of the relevance of the planned work.

Project intent statement:

  • Preliminary description of the design work product.
  • Its compliance with the conditions of future use.
  • Awareness of the problem that exists in this scientific field.
  • Formulation of a hypothesis aimed at solving this problem.

Goal Formulation:

  • to fulfill the project intent (very specific)
  • to solve a scientific problem (great degree of freedom)

Interpretation of goals in the language of tasks:

  • obtaining a specific product of design work
  • versatile scientific research of the object of study

Choice of methodological tools

Basically, specific methods subject areas, operations and techniques for obtaining the specified properties of the product of project activities, etc.

Includes all methodological tools: general scientific methods, specific methods, various necessary operations of research activities

Carrying out design or research work

Implementation of design work in accordance with the plan, goals and objectives, using the selected tools - obtaining a specific product of project activity.

Conducting scientific research aimed at solving an existing scientific problem, experimental verification of the hypothesis put forward, achieving the goals of the research, solving problems that specify the goals of the research.

Evaluation of the compliance of all properties of the development product with the design intent. Preparation of the resulting product for its further use: development of recommendations and instructions for use.

Clarification, analysis, processing of the results of scientific research. Registration of research results for their subsequent presentation.

Checking the possibility of using the resulting product in specific conditions.

Discussion of the results of scientific research with competent persons.

Practical use received product.

Forecast of further development of scientific research in this area.

After such a comparison, it is clearly seen that the project and the study are DIFFERENT pedagogical technologies, they consist of different stages, different products of activity, etc.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY of a schoolchild - the activity of students in solving a creative, research problem with an UNKNOWN RESULT in advance; There are MAIN STAGES characteristic of research in the scientific field. The main RESULT OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY IS AN INTELLECTUAL PRODUCT ESTABLISHING THIS OR OTHER TRUTH AS A RESULT OF THE RESEARCH PROCEDURE AND PRESENTED IN A STANDARD FORM. There are several such standards in science: theses, scientific article, oral report, dissertation, monograph, popular article. Each of the standards defines the nature of the language, scope, structure.

PROJECT, PROJECT ACTIVITY of students - a joint educational and cognitive, creative or game activity of students, having a common goal, agreed methods of activity, AIMED TO ACHIEVING A SPECIFIC GENERAL RESULT OF ACTIVITY (PRODUCT). AN ESSENTIAL CONDITION OF PROJECT ACTIVITY IS THE AVAILABILITY OF PREVIOUSLY DEVELOPED IDEAS ABOUT THE FINAL PRODUCT OF ACTIVITY. Its main value is accomplishment, transformation, therefore all means are subordinated to the achievement of the result. AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF THE PROJECT, RESEARCH PROBLEMS SHOULD BE SOLVED FOR THE PROJECT TO BE REAL, BUT RESEARCH PERFORMS PURE SERVICE FUNCTIONS HERE.

The main tasks of the researcher are to conscientiously and accurately conduct a scientific search, obtain reliable results, find a reasonable interpretation for them, and make them available to other specialists working in this field. In contrast to research activities, the result of design work is always precisely defined: it is difficult to imagine that the designer intended to produce a car, but made a telephone ...

The project is aimed at PRACTICAL USE. In a scientific study PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE IS OFTEN HIGHLY INDIRECT, it is not the main thing - the research process itself is more important.


The project is "a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently performed by the children, culminating in the creation of a product consisting of an object of labor made in the design process and its presentation in the framework of an oral or written presentation." A project is literally “thrown forward”, that is, a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, and design turns into a process of creating a project. Thus, the project creates something that does not yet exist, it always requires a different quality or shows the way to obtain it. Research Research is understood primarily as a process of developing new knowledge, one of the types of human cognitive activity. The fundamental difference between research and design is that research does not involve the creation of any pre-planned object, even its model or prototype. Research is the process of searching for the unknown, new knowledge, one of the types of cognitive activity. Research is the search for truth or the unknown, and design is the solution of a specific, clearly perceived task. four

The purpose of the design activity is the implementation of the design intent. The purpose of research activity is to understand the essence of the phenomenon, the truth, the discovery of new patterns, etc. Both types of activity, depending on the goal, can be subsystems of each other. That is, in the case of the implementation of the project, research will be one of the means, and, in the case of a study, design can be one of the means. 5

The study involves putting forward hypotheses and theories, their experimental and theoretical verification. Projects can be without research (creative, social, informational). There may not always be a hypothesis in the project, there is no research in the project, there is no hypothesis. 6

The main stages of the project activity: Definition of the project topic, search and analysis of the problem, setting the project goal, choosing the name of the project; Discussing possible research options, comparing proposed strategies, choosing methods, collecting and studying information, determining the form of the product and product requirements, drawing up a work plan, assigning responsibilities; Implementation of planned technological operations, making the necessary changes; Preparing and defending a presentation; Analysis of the results of the project, evaluation of the quality of the project. 7

Formulation of the problem, substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic. Putting forward a hypothesis. Statement of the purpose and specific objectives of the study. Definition of the object and subject of research. The choice of methods and methodology for conducting research. Description of the research process. Discussion of the research results. Formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the results. eight


Problem (a contradiction that the child could not initially understand) Problem (a contradiction that the child could not initially understand) Object (this is the name of the general process that must be explored in order to propose a solution to the problem). Object (this is the name of the general process that needs to be investigated in order to propose a solution to the problem). Purpose (designation as a process of what I want to get as a result of research; Why I will investigate in order to ....) Purpose (designation as a process of what I want to receive as a result of research; Why I will investigate in order to ....) Hypothesis (formulates what the child proposes to do in the process of research and with the help of what methods to solve the problem; If you do this - this and this - then with the help of this - this and that - that, then you can get this - this and that - that") Hypothesis (formulates what the child intends to do in the process of research and with the help of what methods to solve the problem; If you do this - that and that - that with the help of this - that and that - that, then you can get this - that and that - that") Subject (this is part of the overall process, its aspect or perspective) Subject (this is part of the overall process, its aspect or perspective) Tasks (determining the stages on the way to achieving the goal, what will I do step by step to achieve the goal) Tasks (determining the stages on the way to achieving the goal what i will do step by step to achieve the goal) Research methods (how to complete the tasks? With what methods?) Research methods (how to complete tasks? With what methods?)

A project is an idea, a plan, creativity according to a plan. Design can be thought of as the sequential execution of a series of well-defined, algorithmic steps to produce a result. Project activity always involves drawing up a clear plan for ongoing research, requires a clear formulation and awareness of the problem under study, the development of real hypotheses, their verification in accordance with a clear plan, etc. Research is the process of developing new knowledge, true creativity. Research is a search for truth, the unknown, new knowledge. At the same time, the researcher does not always know what the discovery made during the research will bring him. eleven

A project is an idea, a plan, creativity according to a plan. Research is the process of developing new knowledge, true creativity. Research activity should initially be free, not regulated by any external settings, it is more flexible, it has much more room for improvisation. When organizing any activity, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren, to create conditions for their development. 12

The main result of research activity is an intellectual product. For research, it is valuable in itself. The method of projects is a way of effectively building any type of activity (including research). Thus, the research activity of students can be organized by the method of projects. 13

14 Design Research 1. Development and creation of a planned object or its specific state 1. Does not involve the creation of a pre-planned object 2. Solution of a practical problem 2. Creation of a new intellectual product 3. Preparation of a specific option for changing the elements of the environment 3. The process of searching for the unknown, obtaining new knowledge

Abstract - works written on the basis of several literary sources, involving the task of collecting and presenting the most complete information on a chosen topic. Example: “Who is he, the hero of our time?”, “What methods of preserving the world does modern humanity use?”, “What are the modern ideas about the problem of ozone holes?” fifteen

Naturalistic descriptions are works aimed at observing and qualitatively describing a phenomenon according to a certain method with fixing the result. At the same time, no hypotheses are put forward and no attempts are made to interpret the result. Example: “What are the parameters of air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure in the winter months in our village?”, “How many new words and which ones did you meet in the story / article ..?”, “What colors are represented on the flags of the countries of the world?” 16

Research - works performed using a method that is correct from a scientific point of view, having their own experimental material obtained using this technique, on the basis of which an analysis and conclusions are made about the nature of the phenomenon under study. A feature of such works is the uncertainty of the result that research can give. Example: “How residents of N-sky vote in elections municipality and why?”, “What determines the actions of the heroes of a literary work?”, “What are the features of the geological history of the river ..?” 17

Design - work related to planning, achieving and describing a certain result (building an installation, finding an object, etc.). May include a research phase as a way to achieve the final result. Example: "How to make interesting school holiday?”, “Why are school desks uncomfortable?”, Why does youth vocabulary exist?” eighteen

Experimental - works that are written on the basis of performing an experiment described in science and having a known result. They are rather illustrative in nature, suggesting an independent interpretation of the features of the result, depending on changes in the initial conditions. Example: “How does the brightness of the glow of a tungsten wire depend on its temperature?”, “What are the differences in the ideas of my peers about civil society depending on their social activity?” 19

(the following indicators may be common to all) the research question is formulated, the authorship is indicated; the goal is formulated; the hypothesis is formulated; the objectives and course of the study are clear; research methods are clear; the experiment was carried out (depending on the type of project); results are received; conclusions are made; the result / conclusions correspond to the goal; ways of using the results are suggested; the resources used are indicated. twenty

How is research activity different from project activity?
Balan E.V.
MBOU secondary school No. 145 with in-depth study of individual subjects of the city of Samara

Quite often, teachers ask the question “How is research activity different from project activity?”. This is a rather serious question.
First, the main difference between project and research activities is the goal:
the purpose of the project activity is the implementation of the project intent,
and the purpose of research activity is to understand the essence of the phenomenon, the truth, the discovery of new patterns, etc.
Both types of activity, depending on the goal, can be subsystems of each other. That is, in the case of the implementation of the project, research will be one of the means, and in the case of a study, design can be one of the means.
Secondly, the study involves putting forward hypotheses and theories, their experimental and theoretical verification. Projects can be without research (creative, social, informational). And from this it follows that the hypothesis in the project may not always be, there is no research in the project, there is no hypothesis.
Thirdly, design and research activities differ in their stages.
The main stages of the project activity are:
Determination of the thematic field and theme of the project, search and analysis of the problem, setting the goal of the project, choosing the name of the project;
Discussing possible research options, comparing proposed strategies, choosing methods, collecting and studying information, determining the form of the product and product requirements, drawing up a work plan, assigning responsibilities;
Implementation of planned technological operations, making the necessary changes;
Preparing and defending a presentation;
Analysis of the results of the project, evaluation of the quality of the project.
Stages of scientific research:
Formulation of the problem, substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic.
Statement of the purpose and specific objectives of the study.
Definition of the object and subject of research.
Choice of a method (technique) of carrying out research.
Description of the research process.
Discussion of the research results.
Formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the results.
Fourthly, the project is an idea, a plan, creativity according to a plan. Research is the process of developing new knowledge, true creativity.

How to ensure the effectiveness of student project activities?
In order to create conditions for effective independent creative project activity, students need to:
1. Carry out preparatory work.
Before starting work, the student should be able to necessary knowledge, skills and abilities (starting ZUN) in the content area of ​​the project. The teacher can give new knowledge to students during the project, but in a very small amount and only at the time of its demand by students. The student will need to a certain extent formed specific skills and design skills for independent work.
The formation of specific skills and abilities of independent project activity is advisable to carry out not only in the process of working on a project, but also within the framework of traditional classes, when they are mastered in stages as school-wide (over-subject).
The following skills and abilities of project activities need to be formed in the process of working on a project or outside it:
a) mental-activity: putting forward an idea (brainstorming), problematization, goal-setting and formulating a task, putting forward a hypothesis, posing a question (search for a hypothesis), formulating an assumption (hypothesis), a reasonable choice of a method or method, a path in activity, planning one’s activity, introspection and reflection;
b) presentation: construction of an oral report (message) on the work done, the choice of methods and forms of visual presentation (product) of the results of activities, the production of visual objects, the preparation of a written report on the work done;
c) communicative: listen and understand others, express yourself, find a compromise, interact within the group, find consensus;
d) search: find information in catalogs, contextual search, in hypertext, on the Internet, formulating keywords;
e) informational: structuring information, highlighting the main thing, receiving and transmitting information, presenting it in various forms, orderly storage and search;
f) conducting an instrumental experiment: organization of the workplace, selection necessary equipment, selection and preparation of materials (reagents), conducting the actual experiment, observing the progress of the experiment, measuring parameters, understanding the results.
Each project must be provided with everything necessary:
material and technical and educational and methodological equipment,
staffing (additionally involved participants, specialists),
informational resources(fund and catalogs of the library, Internet, CD-Rom audio and video materials, etc.).
information technology resources (computers and other equipment with software),
organizational support (special schedule of classes, classrooms, library work, Internet access),
a place separate from lessons (a room with the necessary resources and equipment that does not restrict free activity - a media library).
At the same time, different projects will require different support. All required collateral must be in place prior to starting work on the project. Otherwise, the project should not be taken on, or it should be redone, adapted to the available resources. Insufficient provision of project activities can negate all the expected positive results.
2. Take into account the age and individual characteristics of students.
As part of the project activity, it is assumed that students propose a problematic issue. But in the conditions of elementary school, it is acceptable for the teacher to present the question or help the students during its formulation.
3. Ensure the interest of children in working on the project - motivation.
4. Carefully choose the fundamental question of the project.
5. Create a group of no more than 5 people.
To work on the project, the class is divided into groups. It is optimal to create a group of no more than 5 people. Each of these groups will work on one of the sub-questions, the so-called "problem question". This question is like a hypothesis, but unlike a hypothesis, it has a different structure. The hypothesis has the form "if ... then", and the problematic question cannot contain the intended answer or new terms. But he narrows the scope of the project for this group to the size of their part of the work.
6. Take into account the possibility of educational subjects for the implementation of project activities.
The most effective are such subjects as the world(natural history), foreign languages, informatics, iso, technology. The teaching of these disciplines not only allows, but also requires the introduction of the project method into both classroom and extracurricular activities of students.
7. Consider and avoid "pitfalls".
The first danger is to replace the activity with the fulfillment of the task, to do a lot for the children, to delegate to the parents. To prevent this from happening, the teacher needs to work in the style of pedagogical support.
The second danger is not to turn the project into an abstract when doing a research project.
Of course, a research project involves the study of any scientific papers, a competent presentation of their content. But the designer must have his own point of view on the phenomenon under consideration, his own point of view, from which he will consider the refereed sources.
The third danger is the overestimation of the result of the project and the underestimation of its process.
This is due to the fact that the assessment is given based on the results of the presentation, and it is the result of the project that is presented. In order for the assessment of the score to be as objective and versatile as possible, it is necessary to carefully consider the preparation and subsequent analysis of the student's report or project portfolio (“project folder”). A well-written report (portfolio) characterizes the progress of the project when the project itself has already been completed.

Predicted personal result:
 educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem;
 focus on understanding the reasons for success, on self-analysis and self-control of the result, on the analysis of the compliance of the results with the requirements of a specific task;
 ability to self-evaluate based on success criteria learning activities;
Metasubject result:
Regulatory universal learning activities
 the ability to plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;
 the ability to take into account the established rules in planning and controlling the solution method;
 ability to carry out final and step-by-step control on the result;
 the ability to assess the correctness of the performance of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment of the compliance of the results with the requirements of a given task and task area;
 adequately perceive the suggestions and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents and other people.
Cognitive universal learning activities
 search for the necessary information to perform extracurricular tasks using educational literature and in the open information space, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), controlled Internet space;
 to record (fix) selective information about the world around and about oneself, including with the help of ICT tools;
 build messages, projects in oral and written form;
 compare and classify according to specified criteria;
 establish causal relationships in the studied range of phenomena;
 build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and relationships.

Communicative universal learning activities
 adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communicative tasks, build a monologue message, master the dialogic form of communication, using, among other things, the means and tools of ICT and remote communication;
 admit the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner's position in communication and interaction;
 take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;
 to formulate own opinion and position;
 negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interest;
 ask questions;
 use speech to regulate their actions;
 adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks, build a monologue statement, own a dialogic form of speech.


Topics focused on the development of non-existent, fantastic phenomena and objects.
Topics that involve conducting their own observations, experiments and experiments.
Topics focused on the study and generalization of facts, materials contained in various theoretical sources.

Bibliographic list
1. Bezrukova V.S. Pedagogy. Projective Pedagogy. Yekaterinburg, 1996
2. Bychkov A.V. Method of projects in modern school. - M., 2000.
3. Matyash N.V., Simonenko V.D. Project activity of younger schoolchildren: A book for primary school teachers. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2004.
4. Chechel I.D. Research projects in school practice. Management of research activities of a teacher and a student in a modern school. M., September, 1998, pp. 83-128.
5. V.Ya. Potanin Introduction to project activities in primary school: - V.Ya. Potanina, M.: Academy, 2009 - 12s.
6. Design technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. - M .: "People's education". - 2010, No. 7
Internet resources on the problems of project activities
Polat E.S. Project method
Khutorskoy A.V.
http://www.educom.ru/ru/documents/archive/advices.php Guidelines for the organization of project and research activities of students in educational institutions
- Methodological website of the laboratory of methodology and information support for the development of education MIEO
- nsportal.ru/nachalnaya-shkola/obshc... 24 Nov 2012 ... Pedagogical project

A project is a joint step-by-step activity of a student (students) that has a common goal, agreed methods and methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result. A prerequisite for project activity is the presence of pre-developed ideas about the final result of the activity.

Research is an activity related to the solution of a creative or research problem with an unknown solution in advance and involves the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field: problem statement, study of theory, selection of research methods, collection of own material, its analysis, generalization, conclusions.

When thinking about a project, we must clearly understand the design intent, i.e. the idea and the result that we plan initially and for the sake of which we carry out the project. The main result of the research is an intellectual product unknown in advance, which establishes this or that truth as a result of the research.

What is the difference between educational research and scientific research? Educational research is aimed at acquiring by students the functional skill of research as a way of mastering reality. The main thing is the experience acquired by individuals. Scientific research is obtaining an objectively new result, new knowledge.

Design and research activities Activities for designing your own research, involving the allocation of goals and objectives in it, the selection of principles for selecting methods, planning the course of the study, determining expected results, assessing the feasibility of the study, determining the necessary resources.

Development of design and research activities in the educational institution. What a leader needs to know What gives students project and research activities along with the traditional way of learning How the role of a teacher and a student in the educational process is changing How to teach students to manage the work of students How to attract scientists and specialists from the scientific field to school How the organization of the educational process of an educational institution is changing How success is assessed student's work

Development of design and research activities in the educational institution. What teachers need to know How to coordinate course plans for subjects in which a study or project is being carried out How to select study projects or studies that are appropriate for the school How to prepare students for work on a study project or research How to develop educational project or research What forms of educational activities to use in the implementation of the project or research

Stages of work on a project or research Preparatory (aimed at removing the state of anxiety inherent in schoolchildren in the process of their direct participation in a non-standard situation of extracurricular activities) Organizational (significant stimulation of independent activity of schoolchildren in the search for the necessary information, development of adequate self-esteem) Generalizing (involving high school students in a variety of personal significant for them professional activity, activation of cognitive processes)

Stages of work on a project or research Search phase (development of the project activity situation, search for information, expansion of the number of resources) Strategic phase (difficulties associated with the development of an individual personal professional plan that allows to fulfill professional intention) Presentation phase (search for effective ways of self-presentation, self-realization, minimization of neuropsychic stress in a situation of public speaking)

Criteria for the success of a project or research The degree of independence in the implementation of various stages of work The practical use of ZUN The amount of new information used to perform The degree of understanding of the information used The level of complexity and the degree of mastering the methods The originality of the idea The level of organization and presentation Possession of reflection Creative approach in the preparation of visual objects Social and applied the meaning of the results

Today we will talk about what is design and research activities. It is worth saying that this is a progressive method in teaching, which is used relatively recently, but has already managed to bring great results. Today you will find out what advantages it has and why it is being implemented even at the state level. Moreover, the article will be useful to anyone who plans or has children, because it will allow you to look at the learning process from a completely different angle. This is especially useful for those parents who are afraid of the moment when it will be necessary to encourage or force the child to study for the sake of his future by unknown forces. You will be surprised, but this can be done without effort, but only with the right approach.


Currently, one can often find the wrong conceptual design of various educational processes. Some textbooks and methodologies give educators and teachers some idea of ​​what correctional developmental education and level differentiation are. Only a few specialists can apply all these methods in practice and achieve results. As for the methods and techniques that are associated with work outside the mainstream, there is a huge variety of opinions of various scientists and researchers, which is often contradictory. We will consider the design and research activities of students, which many people write through the union “and”, not realizing that these are not identical, but different directions. They differ in the way they are organized, the skills they develop, and other important indicators.

Design and research activities are activities aimed at developing the creative and research qualities of students. It is a search for a solution to a problem where the answer is not known in advance. This is the main difference between this activity and a simple workshop, in which everything is known and you just need to go through the thumb. students implies the presence of stages that are typical for a typical scientific research: problem statement, study of theoretical material, choice of method or tactics, practice, the process of collecting the results obtained, analyzing and summarizing data, deriving specific results and own conclusions. Each research, in whatever area it is conducted, consists of the steps listed above, which are necessary for appropriate research activities.

Differences between design and research activities

The organization of project research activities involves a set of methods that are separately attributed to each of the two types of activities. It should be understood that they complement each other and have a number of differences. As a result of research activity, we get an intellectual product, which is created by establishing the truth using traditional research methods. Project activity involves the search for truth by choosing the most effective way of knowing. The value of design and research activities is that it brings a comprehensive result and trains a group of important skills at once. Separately, project activity is very important, but it does not teach practice and how to search for information, process and submit it. Research activity in itself is not of such great importance. So she needs a project.

Design and research activities in kindergarten

This activity can be carried out at different levels of a person's maturation: in kindergarten, at school, in higher education and even at work. Design and research activities in kindergarten are various cognitive, playful and creative activities that are aimed at educating the child in the initial inclinations for right decision problems. From birth, a child strives for contact and interaction with the outside world, he is very inquisitive and wants to find, learn and solve. Every kid is a pioneer, and the most important task of educators is to maintain and develop the properties of curiosity in the child. As the Chinese proverb says, a person understands something only when he tries it himself. Project-exploratory activity with young children is almost entirely based on the fact that they decide how to act in a certain situation. Of course, the endless abundance of options will deprive the child of stability, and he will get confused, so at first the baby can choose from several options, but he must come to them on his own.

junior schoolchildren

The design and research activities of younger students are very similar to the work that is carried out in the kindergarten. In elementary school, children experience stress when they have to obey a strict routine, solve incomprehensible tasks, do homework every day and constantly learn something. This period is difficult, but if you spend it correctly, you can achieve significant results. The design and research activities of younger schoolchildren are full of independent tasks in which the child must not only come to a decision, but also find the most correct and rational way out of the situation. The tasks of a person who deals with research activities are as follows:

  • ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the team;
  • development of creative qualities;
  • development of independence and the ability to make decisions that differ from the opinion of the majority;
  • development of communication skills, friendship, conflict management;
  • development of imagination and fantasy.

Ways of implementation

We already know about the key concept of our article. It's time to find out how the design and research activities are implemented. It is worth saying that there are several of them, but in no case should you choose any particular one and get hung up on it, considering it a priority. Each method should be alternated with others in order to develop the various skills of children as harmoniously as possible.

Design and research activities in a preschool educational institution can be manifested in the following:

  1. Projects in which children conduct experiments. The results may be different, the main thing is the ability to receive and fix. After completing the work, the child must arrange the information received in the album in the form of a collage, drawing or booklet.
  2. Role-playing games that resemble theatrical performances. This exercise is very effective, and even adults often use it in various psychological trainings. Children should learn to be artistic, try on different roles in order to better feel their own uniqueness and individuality. Role-playing games are not held for fun, because during the staging, the child must not only try on a new image, but also solve a certain problem within its boundaries. A very important point here is that the problem must be solved exactly in the style of the chosen character.
  3. Information practices that focus on the collection and presentation of information. Children must collect certain information and arrange it in any way. Here it is important to teach kids not just to draw or tell, but to demonstrate something through exhibitions, shows, performances, fairy tales, etc. In other words, it is necessary to teach a person to express his ideas in a variety of ways.
  4. Creative competitions that are aimed at developing organizational skills. Children individually or in a group should organize some kind of small event. Then there is a presentation of your event. In this way, children learn to independently see their advantages and differences from others, as well as notice weaknesses and subsequently focus on them.

Subject relations

Design and research activities are most often implemented within the framework of the subjective relationship "teacher - student". The teacher transmits some knowledge, and the students must perceive it. This scheme has long been established and is always used by those who are critical of progressive teaching methods. The inefficiency of this technique lies in the fact that many situations cannot be entered into its framework. There are many cases when the student's unbiased opinion turns out to be more expedient, logical and correct than the teacher's book opinion. Children look at the world without a film of prejudice and a mass of information that limits the perception of reality, so they can see it from a different angle. Many teachers simply do not want to develop on their own, because it is much easier to act according to a well-established scheme, which seems to give good results, so even the conscience will be clear. And yet this is a big mistake, which forms in the child the fear of contradicting the teacher and the rejection of critical thinking.

Design and research activities in modern education

Today in Russia there are old traditions of implementing this approach, which are already becoming obsolete, because they are ineffective and do not meet modern requirements. Small academies of sciences and scientific and technical societies are created and operate throughout the country, which are the "executive body" of project activities. They bring great benefits, but they can bring even more. The main goal of such institutions is to create a model for the functioning of academic research associations. Children who take part in such events are future scientists and professionals who will move the wheel of history. Education in such societies is carried out in a more individualized and high-quality way, there is time to listen to everyone, and everyone can implement any of their projects. Modern educational standards aimed at minimizing the burden on children. Reduce the quantity but increase the quality.

What could it be? For example, the design and research activities of students in physics lessons are manifested in practice. Children should not memorize formulas and laws, but conduct experiments on their own and see visual confirmation of book knowledge. Only in this case, the educational process ceases to be perceived by the child as imposed and becomes interesting. And only in this way the student will understand, and not learn the necessary information, and will also be able to draw parallels and use it in various areas of life.


The design and research activities of students within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards are prescribed by the state. Modern pedagogy is impossible without design and research activities, since only during it the necessary skills of independent thinking and decision-making are formed. These qualities cannot be taught by a book: practice is needed. The activity approach is the basis for modern pedagogical science, and it is best implemented thanks to thoughtful design and research activities. In many ways, it is independent, especially for high school students. Self-organization of their own learning process allows a person to plan and track their actions.

Design and research activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard differ from other areas of its application. Young children require a special approach, because they are still developing skills such as comparison, analysis and planning. Nevertheless, state standards of project activity are being introduced at all stages of education.

Positive Factors

Design and research activities in kindergarten as a means of teaching independence, responsibility and determination have a number of advantages. Children who study with such educators will be able to learn from an early age what some learn half their lives. The described activity has a number of positive qualities:

  • a multiple increase in the motivation of children in solving various problems;
  • fostering a genuine interest, and not the mechanical performance of the required tasks;
  • education of responsibility;
  • formation of a technological approach to solving problems;
  • communication skills training;
  • the ability to independently compare and analyze in order to draw only the best for oneself;
  • education of perseverance, concentration;
  • training in public speaking skills;
  • formation of collective communication skills;
  • the ability to organize your workspace, plan;
  • the ability to find a common language with people who have a different point of view;
  • formation of a positive outlook on life;
  • development of cooperation skills.

Additional education

Design and research activities in additional education is becoming more and more popular. Initially, the introduction of this activity took place only in the main learning process, but later it became clear that it could be useful and applicable in various circles, electives and courses. This area of ​​education is just beginning to develop, so there are practically no printed works on this topic. Anyone can apply to the FGOS. The design and research activities described in the state standard will make it possible to understand the main points of this approach. It is most actively used in the field of information technology. This allows you to educate a computer literate person who will be able to express his ideas and projects with the help of modern technology and equipment. The first experiments with this approach have already yielded positive results. Training is conducted with students 7-16 years old. Since the work must be creative, everyone is free to choose the desired topic and ways of presenting it.