The best research projects. Children's research project in elementary school

Project activities of schoolchildren

What is a learning project for the student and for the teacher

The project activity of schoolchildren is a cognitive, educational, research and creative activity, as a result of which a solution to the problem appears, which is presented in the form of a project.
For a student, a project is an opportunity to maximize their creative potential. This is an activity that allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit, show a publicly achieved result. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves. The result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is of a practical nature and significant for the discoverers themselves.
And for a teacher, an educational project is an integrative didactic tool for development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design skills: problematization, goal setting, activity planning, reflection and introspection, presentation and self-presentation, as well as information search, practical application of academic knowledge, self-study, research and creative activities.

Design and research work at school is a new, innovative method that combines an educational and cognitive component, a game, scientific and creative one. The main difference between such activities for elementary school- this is that students, first of all, receive the first research skills, due to which the specific qualities of a special way of thinking develop.

Organization of project activities

When organizing project activities in elementary school, the teacher must take into account the following aspects:

1. The project task must correspond to the age and level of development of the student.
2. The problems of future projects should be taken into account, which should be in the field of interests of students.
3. Conditions must be created for the successful implementation of projects (availability of materials, data, multimedia).
4. Before giving the students a project assignment, one should first prepare for the conduct of such activities.
5. Manage projects, help students and advise them.
6. Work out with schoolchildren the methods of project activities, while improving general educational skills.
7. When choosing a project topic - do not impose information, but interest them, motivating them to search independently.
8. Discuss with students the choice of sources of information: library, reference books, Internet, periodicals etc.
9. In the process of preparing for project activities, it is advisable to organize joint excursions, walks, observations, experiments, actions for students.

Project types

Research projects. Schoolchildren conduct experiments, study any area, and then draw up the results in the form of wall newspapers, booklets or computer presentations. Such research projects have a positive impact on professional self-determination student, and can also become the basis for future term papers, theses in the student years.
Game projects. They are presented in the form of games and performances, where, playing the role of any heroes, students offer their own solution to the problems being studied.
information projects. Students collect and analyze information on any topic, presenting it in the form of a magazine, newspaper, almanac.
Creative projects. There is a lot of room for imagination here: the project can be performed in the form of an extracurricular activity, an environmental action, a video film and much more. Fantasy has no limits.

Choosing a topic and setting a project goal

The choice of project topics can be based on an in-depth study of any educational material in order to expand knowledge, interest children in studying the subject, and improve the learning process.
The project must have a clear, realistically achievable goal. In the most general sense, the goal of the project is always to solve the original problem, but in each specific case this solution has its own unique solution and implementation. This incarnation is a project product that is created by the author in the course of his work and also becomes a means of solving the problem of the project.

Project type

Objective of the project

Project product

Type of student activity

Formed competence

Practice Oriented

Solving practical problems of the project customer

Tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, memos, recommendations

Practical activities in a specific educational subject area


research project

Proof or refutation of a hypothesis

The result of the study, designed in the form of presentations, wall newspapers, booklets

Activities related to experimentation, logical mental operations


Information project

Collecting information about any object or phenomenon

Statistical data, results of public opinion polls, summarizing the statements of various authors on any issue, presented in the form of a magazine, newspaper, almanac, presentation

Activities related to the collection, verification, systematization of information from various sources; communication with people as sources of information


creative project

Attracting public interest to the project problem

Literary works, works of fine or decorative art, videos, promotions, extracurricular activities

Creative activities related to obtaining feedback from the public


Game or role-playing project

Providing the public with the experience of participating in solving the problem of the project

Event (game, competition, quiz, excursion, etc.)

Activities related to group communication


Stages of work on the project

Stages of work on the project

Student activities

Teacher activity


Definition of the theme and goals of the project, its initial position. Working group selection

Discuss the topic of the project with the teacher and get additional information if necessary

Introduces the meaning of the project approach and motivates students. Helps in defining the purpose of the project. Supervises student work.


a) Identification of the sources of the necessary information.
b) Determine how information is collected and analyzed.
c) Determining how the results will be presented (project form)
d) Establishment of procedures and criteria for evaluating project results.
e) Distribution of tasks (duties) between members of the working group

Form the tasks of the project. Develop an action plan. They choose and justify their criteria for the success of project activities.

Offers ideas, makes assumptions. Supervises student work.


1. Collecting and clarifying information (main tools: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, etc.)
2. Identification ("brainstorming") and discussion of alternatives that have arisen during the implementation of the project.
3. Choice of the optimal variant of the project progress.
4.Step-by-step implementation of the research tasks of the project

Perform project tasks step by step

Observes, advises, indirectly directs the activities of students

Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions

Perform research and work on a project by analyzing information. Draw up a project

Observes, advises (at the request of students)

Presentation (defense) of the project and evaluation of its results

Preparation of a report on the progress of the project with an explanation of the results obtained (possible forms of the report: oral report, oral report with demonstration of materials, written report). Analysis of project implementation, results achieved (successes and failures) and the reasons for this

Represent the project, participate in its collective self-analysis and evaluation.

Listens, asks appropriate questions in the role of an ordinary participant. Directs the review process as needed. Assesses student effort, report quality, creativity, quality of use of sources, project continuation potential

Stage evaluation

Criteria for evaluation


Job evaluation

Relevance and novelty of the proposed solutions, the complexity of the topic

Scope of development and number of proposed solutions

Practical value

Level of autonomy of participants

The quality of the design of notes, posters, etc.

Evaluation by the project reviewer

Protection rating

Report quality

The manifestation of the depth and breadth of ideas on the topic being presented

The manifestation of the depth and breadth of ideas on a given subject

Answers to teacher's questions

Answers to teacher's questions

180 - 140 points - "excellent";
135 - 100 points - "good";
95 - 65 points - "satisfactory";
less than 65 points - "unsatisfactory".

General view and structure of the explanatory note of the project

Title page.
Table of contents (content).
Main chapters.

Structural elements of the explanatory note.

Title page

The title page is the first page of the explanatory note and is filled out according to certain rules.
The top field contains the full name. educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word "subject" and quotation marks. It should be as short and precise as possible - correspond to the main content of the project. If it is necessary to specify the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be as short as possible and not turn into a new title. Next, the surname, first name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case) are indicated. Then the surname and initials of the project leader.
The bottom field indicates the place and year of the work (without the word "year").

After title page a table of contents is placed, which lists all the headings of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. It is impossible to reduce them or give them in a different formulation, sequence and subordination. All blanks are written with a capital letter and without a dot at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by a dot to the corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

Introduction to work

It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project, indicates interdisciplinary connections, informs who the project is intended for and what is its novelty. The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic). It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used in the course of the project.

Heads of the main body

The following is the formulation of the goal, and the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it.

The first chapter of the project discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation, provides a brief review of the literature and other materials on the topic.

In the next chapter (search) it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project.

In the technological part of the project, it is necessary to develop a sequence for the implementation of the object. It may include a list of stages, a flow chart that describes the algorithm of operations, indicating tools, materials and processing methods.

Next, it is necessary to consider the economic and environmental assessment of the project. In the economic part, a complete calculation of the costs of manufacturing the designed product is presented. Further advertising of the project and marketing research. Particular attention should be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: the justification that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in environment, disturbances in human life.


At the end of the project, the results are presented, their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the Introduction is determined, and self-assessment by students of the work done by them is given.


After the Conclusion, a list of used literature is placed. All borrowings must necessarily have subscript references from where the cited materials are taken.


Auxiliary or Additional materials, which clutter up the bulk of the work, are placed in applications. The application contains tables, text, graphs, maps, drawings. Each application must start on a new sheet (page) with the word "Application" in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in operation, they are numbered with Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: "Appendix 1", "Appendix 2", etc. The numbering of pages on which applications are given should be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Through it, with applications, it is carried out through references that are used with the word "look" (see), enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses ..

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© Kunkova V.V. Kunkova Victoria Vladimirovna MOU "Stroevskaya secondary school" primary school teacher [email protected]

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© Kunkova V.V. Updating the content of school education requires the widespread use of research teaching methods. The world around the child is dynamic, changeable, but there is always an opportunity to offer children topics for research related to the countryside in which he lives, its past and present.

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© Kunkova V.V. Experience shows that the child himself is very inquisitive by nature. He is interested in everything. And I, as a teacher, can satisfy his search activity through participation in research activities.

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© Kunkova V.V. A support in the organization of research work with children is the methodology of research education of junior schoolchildren A. Savenkov, as well as the materials of advanced training courses "Intel® Education for the Future". The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience is the formation of an active, independent and initiative position of students in learning. Next, you are offered experience from the practice of specific research papers.

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© Kunkova V.V. Pages from the history of the cuisine of the northern village In the course of the study, children received practice in developing the following skills: independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, the skill of interviewing (parents and adults), questioning (school students), writing essays and poems; hypotheses, explanations and defense of their own ideas. Children got the opportunity to develop computer skills: work in Excel (composed crosswords and tests), work in Publisher, Power Point.

Slide 7

© Kunkova V.V. The history of the creation of the monument-sculpture "Soldier" The object of study is the monument-sculpture "Soldier" in the village of Stroevskoye, Ustyansky district, Arkhangelsk region. The subject of the research is the study of the history of the creation of the monument. This work helped to work deeper on topics related to the study of the Great Patriotic War in the lessons of literary reading and the world around. The participants are 4th grade students.

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© Kunkova V.V. Research methods: interviews, meetings with participants and witnesses of events, work with reference literature.

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© Kunkova V.V. The goal is to study the history of the language of the village of Stroevskoye, Ustyansky district, Arkhangelsk region. The object of the study is the speech of the indigenous population. In the course of the study, in addition to those learned earlier, new methods were used, such as observation of the speech of relatives and friends, questioning, analysis of fiction, and work with reference literature. The product of the study is the “Dictionary of Lost Words”, which contains the material of the oral dialect speech of the local population. Participants are 4th graders. Research work "Dictionary of Lost Words"

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© Kunkova V.V. Great-grandmother's tales Andrey Tropin, 1st grade student The object of the research is the memories of the great-grandmother. The subject of study is great-grandmother's tales.

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© Kunkova V.V. The history of the Christmas tree Reva Nastya, 1st grade student The goal is to study the history of the Christmas tree. The object of research is the New Year holiday. The subject is a Christmas tree.

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© Kunkova V.V. Parents played a big role in all the work. The help of parents was invaluable: information, advice, showing interest, supporting motivation. Joint work with parents gave a positive result for the development of intra-family relations, for instilling respect for the older generation.

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© Kunkova V.V. The use of technology for the development of research skills of younger students over the course of three years gave the following results in the formation of general educational skills and abilities.

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© Kunkova V.V. As a result of the work carried out, the children directly saw the result of their own research activities: the research work “Pages from the history of the cuisine of the northern village” was presented by the children at the parent meeting, at an open lesson in front of teachers; performed at a school concert dedicated to Victory Day, with a presentation of the research work “The history of the creation of the monument-sculpture “Soldier” in the village of Stroevskoye, Ustyansky district, Arkhangelsk region”; - took part in the collection of material (dialect words) for the publication of the Dictionary of Lost Words.

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© Kunkova V.V. “We were very proud if mom and dad remembered obsolete words all evening ...” “Our grandmothers were very active, they worried about us ...” “We value this book very much, because it was made with our own hands.” “We believe that our work was not done in vain, because: - this dictionary will now be stored in our school museum of local lore and children from other classes will also be able to refer to it; - as a result of the research work, our class became friends, we learned about life in the old days, about people's relationships; - we realized that the speech of our ancestors was very well-aimed and interesting. And we will try to preserve the beauty of the northern word.” The best confirmation of the positive result of the research activity was the statements of my children:

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© Kunkova V.V. The described research works were presented in the following children's competitions: "History of the New Year Tree" - the district educational and practical conference for younger students "Young Researchers". year 2009. "Dictionary of Lost Words" - a regional educational and practical conference for younger students "Young Researchers". year 2009. Outcome: The work was especially noted. "Great-grandmother's Tales" - a regional educational and practical conference for younger students "Young Researchers". year 2009. The competition also presented the work "History of the creation of the monument-sculpture "Soldier" in the village of Stroevskoye, Ustyansky district of the Arkhangelsk region." 2008 Methodical competitions for the teacher: regional competition of methods for implementing the program "Talk about Proper Nutrition", topic: "Research work of 4th grade students" Pages from the history of the cuisine of the northern village ". 2008 Outcome: 3rd place. - regional competition of manuals (methodological materials) "Raising Patriots of Russia" in the nomination "Organization and holding of "Lessons of Courage", solemn events dedicated to memorable dates", topic: "Methodology for conducting research work" The history of the creation of the monument ". 2008 Outcome: Diploma of the 2nd degree.

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© Kunkova V.V. 1. Intel® Learning for the Future: Tutorial– 8th ed., corrected and supplemented. Under the general editorship of E.N. Yastrebtseva and Y.S. Bykhovsky. Moscow: Internet University Information technologies, 2006. 2. Butorina T.S. and others. Moryanka: Reader about the Russian North for reading in elementary grades. Arkhangelsk. Pomeranian University. 2005. 3. Zemlyanskaya N.E., Chugreeva M.K. Educational projects junior schoolchildren: the role of parents.//Primary education. No. 5, 2006. 4. Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching of younger schoolchildren. - Samara.: Educational literature. 2004. 5. Skepner L.S. Verbal art of the Russian North in literary education and development of schoolchildren. Arkhangelsk. PSU named after M.V. Lomonosov. 2002. P.238. Resources

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Project activity is a trend in school life relatively new. Parents, and sometimes teachers, squint at the mere mention. Is the beast so scary? Whom does he serve? And how to direct it for the benefit of your child?

Modern realities dictate their own rules: the successful live well. A successful person is one who can set goals, mobilize resources, achieve goals, manage a team, and so on. Yes, now not every adult will cope with all this list, but our children will be better than us. And the Ministry of Education is sure that the qualities of a successful person should be started to be formed right in the first grade.

What is it all about project activity? Many people think that a project is a report. Or an abstract. Or, seriously, a whole study. The project activity contains elements of the preparation of a report, an abstract and may include a study.

The project activity of students is an educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activity, the result of which is the solution of a problem, presented in the form of its detailed description (project).

Project methods:

1. Study of literature and other sources of information on the topic

Do not forget that the information may have a different degree of reliability, make links to sources of information.

2. Surveillance

Make an observation plan (when, where, how long and what to observe). Write down the results of your observations.

There are 3 types of survey: conversation, interview, questionnaire. Survey results can be presented in text or in the form of charts.

4. Experiment

This is a series of experiments. Experience includes creating certain conditions, observing what is happening and fixing the results. The conditions, the course of the experiment, the results obtained should be described in detail in the work.

5. Text analysis

It is the process of obtaining information through the interpretation of a text. In the text you can find words with one meaning or another, means of artistic expression, rhymes ... You can compare the text on foreign language and its translation.

What does project activity teach

When presented correctly, project activities give the child good skills in goal setting, understanding "what I want" and "why it is needed."

However, the pitch often suffers. Well, really, Mary Ivanna cannot put her soul into it 30 times a week, she is physically not enough for this. Therefore, topics come across uninteresting, insipid, where the only, very dubious skill is developed - to endure what you do not like.

What to do?

Delve into yourself. Not to conduct research, not to write reports at night, but to help find a topic, at least by asking - what are you interested in now? Dig into hobbies, show encyclopedias and take on a pencil the pages on which the eyes light up!

Topics of research papers and projects for younger students:

climate, plants

  • The meteorological center "People's Signs" reports.
  • Why don't seeds germinate in an apple?
  • Amber - magic tears of trees
  • Growing cacti at home
  • Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar
  • Mold is also a fungus!
  • Is there water in the air?
  • colorful seas
  • The influence of kind and abusive words on a plant: an experiment
  • Were about the dust
  • What and why draws frost on the glass?
  • Why do flower buds close at night?
  • Where do washcloths grow?
  • Bow for seven ailments
  • Bean experience. Germination
  • organic farming
  • I don’t go to the field, I go to the pharmacy ..
  • Do houseplants cure colds?
  • Why does nettle sting?

Animals, birds, insects

  • Differences between large and small dogs
  • feathered architects
  • Help wintering birds
  • The frog princess, or how I raised a frog myself
  • Why do flounders have eyes on one side
  • Observations on the development of the anthill
  • Do we understand animals, or how to attract butterflies to your garden
  • Praise bee!
  • Hippotherapy: communication with horses is the best medicine.
  • Homeless animals are a problem for each of us
  • Can animals count?
  • How to teach a dog to follow commands?
  • Why don't cats like to swim?
  • Why don't dogs like cats?
  • Effect of music on aquarium fish.

Family, people, society

  • A little story about my big family
  • My grandmother's favorite songs
  • Sights of our city
  • Oxygen starvation of city dwellers
  • It’s good in the countryside in the summer: how village life differs from city life
  • What kind of work can I do now?
  • How to organize your time?
  • Cleanliness on my street. What can I do with trash?
  • Russian and European snowman: what is common and what are the differences?

Psycho-social research

  • How does weather affect mood?
  • Why do people talk in their sleep?
  • Why do teachers put deuces?
  • Why do we need social networks?
  • Lie theory: how to notice when a person is lying.
  • What do gestures say about mood?
  • Politeness norms in different countries: what are the commonalities and what are the differences?
  • Name and character are connected: truth or myth?
  • How does fear work?
  • How to respond to rudeness?
  • Thought is material: truth or myth.
  • What do classmates think about the desire or unwillingness to study?

Health and Nutrition

  • 5 hardening rules that I have experienced for myself
  • How does charging affect a person?
  • How cartoons affect the psyche of a child
  • My diet
  • Yard Perils
  • What are the benefits of cold and hunger?
  • Healthy sweets without sugar
  • Homebaked bread
  • healthy eating habits
  • What is good to eat for breakfast and why?
  • Where are the holes in the bread?

Science (literature, history, mathematics..)

  • Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren
  • The image of a dragon / unicorn / .... in children's literature
  • Units of measurement in Ancient Russia
  • Mathematical proverbs
  • Quick Counting Techniques
  • How to write a poem?
  • Story in music.


  • How to choose a ripe watermelon
  • Salt is a material for creativity.
  • Scotch tape is a material for all occasions.

In contact with

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A detailed plan for creating a research paper.