Non-material motivation of personnel at the enterprise. Staff motivation: main types and methods

As both the global and the experience of each of us show, monetary reward cannot be the only incentive for a person. Conscientious fulfillment of duties, enthusiasm in work, constant improvement of a specialist, inspiration in one's work - for this, a good salary, bonuses, and allowances are not enough. A whole system of non-material motivation should also stimulate the employee. What is it, what are its methods, methods, as well as specific examples, we will consider further.

What is it?

Non-material motivation is the style of personnel management with the use of various non-monetary incentives. This is a whole complex of social work, the main goals of which are:

It is a whole system with its own laws. We will talk about them further.

Fundamental rules

The non-material motivation of the team is based on five basic rules:

Now let's move on to something more specific.

Maslow's motivation

A. Maslow's pyramid of needs is a good framework for non-material and material motivation of employees. Here it is important to determine (this is achieved with the help of simple psychological tests) which group is closer to the employee. Based on this, a motivation system is selected.

Needs Incentive Example
Physiological Decent salary.
Security, protection Comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the team. A minimum of news about the problems of the company.
Social Support from the team and management. A sense of community - joint events, holidays.
Respect and self respect Approval from peers and boss. Constant attention to human achievements.
Self-realization The opportunity to engage in creative, non-standard work. Solving complex and important tasks for the company.

Remember that each person soon or slowly moves up this pyramid. Therefore, with its development, incentive tools should also change.

TOP 10 ways to motivate

And now let's move on to examples of non-material motivation of employees:

The most effective methods of non-material motivation

A lot of employee incentive systems have been developed and are being developed. We present the most time-tested:

Motivation for every day

Inspiring employees is the daily task of a leader. Here are some simple tips on how to do it without much effort:

Non-standard motivation

The reward system can be unusual and original. From this, interest arises in it, in general, the mood of employees rises, and the microclimate becomes friendly. For example, some leaders practiced:

Classic Mistakes

Consider the common mistakes that managers make when building a system of non-material motivation:

Examples from leaders

Now we give real examples of non-material motivation, already successfully applied by managers:

Non-material motivation can be very different. The main thing is that it should not run counter to the interests of the company, it should seem attractive to every employee.

If we turn to Maslow's theory, it becomes clear that financial incentives do not completely cover a person's needs. The intangible of employees allows you to inspire the team to fulfill the achievement of the goals of the organization. This is a powerful tool that leaders should use.

Most Useful Tools

It is necessary to choose the right types of non-material motivation of personnel. The impact of motivation can be divided into unaddressed and targeted. The first group includes those measures that are aimed at improving the quality of work of all specialists. This is the holding of corporate holidays, outdoor events. The staff will be interested in an extended social package, specialists will highly appreciate participation in trainings aimed at improving their skills.

It is possible to increase the interest of employees in professional activities by creating better working conditions for especially successful people. It can be more modern technology, a flexible work schedule, comfortable and beautiful furniture and a coffee maker in the office, or other non-material motivation of the staff. Personnel for whom the organization creates all working conditions are unlikely to quit and look for work from competitors.

Targeted motivation includes praise from management and congratulations to the employee on his birthday. Others will appreciate a move to a higher status position. This contributes to the satisfaction of the need for recognition.

Methods of non-material motivation of personnel should be clear to everyone. The same applies to the criteria for selecting winners. In this case, other members of the team will be interested in the work.

To maintain healthy competition within the team, you can hold a competition. If the leader is assembling a game system, then the teams must clearly know what the competition is for. You should not adopt the Soviet experience, when photos of the winners were posted on the honor roll. This is not enough.

Participation in an international conference or accompanying the director during his working trip will be a powerful incentive. The employee does not have to be present at the negotiations, but the very fact of his invitation and presentation by the partner as a valuable employee will increase his status. Motivate a specialist and other methods aimed at increasing its significance.

The main prize in the competition can be a week-long vacation trip. This is an excellent non-material motivation of salespeople and other team members. Staff must understand that everyone can win the grand prize if they put in the effort. The judging system must be transparent.

Ambitious employees should use other methods of non-material motivation. The main thing will be the opportunity for career growth. By itself, it cannot be considered an incentive; it is a common tool for motivation. An incentive can also be called the valuable benefits that an employee receives after a promotion. This is a higher level of remuneration, own office, recognition of management and colleagues. This also includes the presence of subordinates, responsibility for large projects, the opportunity to prove themselves at a higher level.

The staff will appreciate the ability to choose a flexible schedule and additional days off with wages.

Among the methods of non-material motivation, it is worth highlighting the participation of team members in training programs. It can be personal, when an invited expert conducts classes with an employee. When training in groups, the trainer works with specialists who are united by a common specialization. Collective training is aimed at improving the professionalism of all employees.

Public praise is a powerful tool. Unfortunately, managers very often neglect it. If the employee completed the task, coped with it perfectly, then his success should be noticed. Public praise in front of the whole team supports a healthy zeal for work.

Types of material motivation

Leaders often use material motivation. It can take the following forms:

  • bonus payments;
  • increase in remuneration for the successful completion of the project;
  • extended social package.

Material methods of motivation are introduced in order to increase the profit of the enterprise due to the well-coordinated work of the team. In an effort to get more money, employees overfulfill their plans.

The system of material motivation should be developed by professionals, because it increases the loyalty of employees. It is advisable to involve experienced psychologists in its creation. Stimulus measures will keep highly qualified personnel in the field. Besides, different types financial assistance will increase the level of discipline. The fact is that experts are afraid of losing material wealth due to faults.

An enterprise that has introduced a system of material motivation increases the level of social protection of employees. This has a positive effect on the image of the company, because in the eyes of society it appears as a solid employer.

Material and non-material motivation is a set of measures aimed at achieving the company's goals. Management should use combined methods of stimulating employees - then labor productivity will be increased.

Monetary remuneration and bonuses are the main types of material motivation for staff. You can evaluate the work of specialists quarterly or once a year. In the latter case, the premium should be substantial. Other types of incentives are percentage of sales, insurance and benefits.

An experienced leader uses different types of motivation, skillfully managing a team. The combination of methods allows to achieve high results of labor.


Measures of non-material incentives should be used at enterprises together with material incentives. This approach creates healthy competition in the team, creates comfortable working conditions and increases work productivity.

What amazing examples, ideas of non-material motivation of employees can be found if you study the experience of modern enterprises! And it's not just about companies trying to save money by not raising wages. Sometimes financial instruments simply do not give results, and non-material motivation of store employees comes to the rescue, manufacturing enterprise, office. As experts say, in many respects it is the originality of this method of increasing interest as a result that determines the success of an entrepreneur in working with a team.

Forward to success!

All currently known types of non-material motivation of employees help the employer to achieve from employees an increase in the efficiency of the work process. Some call these events "love potions", and not by chance. The classic version, by the way, has been known since the days of the Soviet Union - this is a luxurious Board of Honor, where photos of the best workers are posted. Of course, everyone is pleased to see their image on such a stand, but this is far from the only possible option.

Analyzing what non-material motivations of employees are, it is necessary to mention corporate events. They increase team spirit, help to establish connections between team members. However, the most advanced HR managers and enterprise strategists say that such approaches are outdated, these days it is necessary to try new, more effective options and means.

Popular Approach

Currently, most often in enterprises, non-material motivation of employees is realized through the features of corporate culture. However, some people think that this is quite intrusive, so it definitely cannot be considered the best option. Employees are forced to attend seminars and trainings, and in some companies, methods of non-material motivation of employees even involve mass cultural events. In some places memorable dates are celebrated by the whole team.

On the one hand, such tools of non-material motivation of employees can be useful, but only often lead to a negative result in practice. People feel obliged to attend events where they are not drawn at all, to communicate with colleagues not only during work, but also in their free time, although many would prefer to spend it with their families. Indeed, parties are accompanied by songs, and such a culture of non-material incentives for employees at first glance seems to be effective, but the gaiety is often simulated. The task of an entrepreneur is to look for new, more efficient approaches so that the mood of the working team is at its best, the desire to achieve better results is even higher.

Non-material motivation of employees is especially curious in the implementation of large companies. So, Walt Disney, having organized his own animation studio, invented a unique motivational tool - he made any workplace in his enterprise prestigious. This truly great man understood that even a large salary would not stimulate an employee who realizes that his place is not the best. The approach to non-financial incentives for employees developed by Disney at that time had no analogues - he literally turned all the company's jobs into really enviable ones with his own hands, such that the staff proudly talked about their position.

A good example is laundromats at branded amusement parks. It was decided to rename all such departments as textile services, which, both in name and in internal hierarchical structure, put them on the same level as marketers or customer support. However, getting here was definitely easier.

Second Life Approach

The methods of non-material motivation of employees used at this enterprise are also quite curious. The company specializes in supporting the 3D social network. It was decided within the company to launch a software platform that allows those who wish to leave feedback on the work activity of colleagues. This method of non-material motivation of employees made it possible for everyone to send a note to another person, encouraging his activity or indicating his appreciation for the help, a job well done.

Information published through the internal system is publicly available. Each employee with access to the network can view the notes. At the same time, such an example of non-material motivation of employees provides enough information for managers, allowing them to evaluate the performance of each individual employee. The system allows you to collect data, evaluate labor productivity, and based on the information received, you can make management decisions in personnel policy. What is not a perfect example of non-material motivation of employees?

Option from Hime & Co

The example of non-material motivation of employees developed in this company is rather unusual in its essence. The enterprise declares its strategy as the idea of ​​supporting any undertakings, spiritual impulses of employees. If someone needs it, a person can easily leave for half a day, explaining to the leaders the reason for the act. Even visiting a seasonal sale can be a good reason!

In our country, it is difficult to imagine that such an example of non-material motivation of employees would be implemented in practice, at the same time, the approach is really interesting and unusual. Or, say, you can take a day off because of a mental trauma - for example, a quarrel with your husband. However, it is important to control the behavior of employees in order not to encounter abuse.

More examples!

A good option in any company, in any conditions, regardless of the field of activity of the enterprise, will be public recognition of the success of a particular employee. Merit awards can be issued in different forms - it is not necessary to be limited to the classic Board of Honor. As an additional reward, you can give gifts to employees, not only on occasion, but also without it, to maintain the working spirit and loyalty of the organization.

If an entrepreneur is looking for options for intangible rewards due to budget problems, that is, in other words, there is no money for bonuses, then you can probably choose a more economical reward method - an unscheduled day off or some other alternative advantage. The most valuable workers can be offered the opportunity to switch to a free work schedule. This is also not associated with additional costs, but it has a good effect on motivation. Valuable personnel will be happy with this opportunity, and other employees will be interested in moving into the category of the most important for the company. This has a positive effect on staff loyalty.

What else to think?

A cash bonus is, of course, good, but what do employees usually spend it on? If we are talking about a fairly well-paid position, they probably attend gyms or sports, fitness rooms, swimming pools and cinemas, as well as other entertainment complexes. You can pay them a premium, or you can offer a subscription or a gift certificate - by the way, it will probably cost less for the company, since you can conclude an agreement on special prices, a kind of "wholesale" purchase.

Another good option is sports events where everyone is invited. An important motivational point: you should not force everyone to arrive without exception, threatening punishment in case of absence. This will not only not increase motivation, but will reduce it. But to properly advertise the event so that all employees want to take part is a great opportunity. In addition, the staff will feel liberated, perhaps new friendships will be formed, which will then have a positive effect on the work process. The most fashionable world trends are yachting, karting, football matches, dance evenings. Well, the winner can be offered a special gift.

Motivation: a multifaceted approach

If we recall the times of the Soviet Socialist Republic, in addition to the boards of honor as a keepsake, boards of shame will surely come, where they posted photographs of drunkards, truants and other individuals who distinguished themselves by violation of discipline. It was extremely unpleasant to be on such a board, and everyone around was immediately aware of the offense. This is a thing of the past these days, but some companies use a similar tool of motivation: delinquent employees are punished, albeit playfully. For example, they can come up with a special title that one or another employee receives every month. Let's say "Best turtle of the month", which is assigned to the slowest worker. The main thing is a comic, cheerful form, so that this does not become a reason for resentment and conflict.

But positive motivation can extend not only to the team, but also to their loved ones. Some firms offer trips to a sanatorium where both employees and their children can go. In other companies, medical insurance is practiced not only for all staff, but also for close relatives.

Work and play: one does not interfere with the other

Many large modern companies, especially American and European ones, do not just open offices and arrange workplaces, but also create a fairly large recreation area with a variety of opportunities for pastime. It is pleasant to work here, but it is no less good to spend time for entertainment. And this is not just a zone with coffee and buns familiar to many, but also playgrounds, staff rest rooms. You can play console video games, ride a hoverboard or skateboard, read a book or watch a movie.

The peculiarity of this approach lies in the idea that has been actively promoted recently that working hours are more productive, the better a person can relax during breaks. Switching attention, changing the task to a fundamentally different one, the ability to choose a way to your liking - all this is possible for those who work in an advanced modern organization. Relaxation is the key to success, since the organization of a recreation area is beneficial primarily to the enterprise itself. Yes, and people like to have the opportunity to change the situation to a relaxed one, especially during stressful deadlines.

Alternative approach to the problem

The listed motivational methods and ways are quite good, although they are associated with certain costs. But companies that pay good wages, where the work is stable and prestigious, and the management system is built in a dictatorial form, may not invest anything at all in motivational aspects. At such enterprises, workers are already glad that there is no criticism from the authorities. No comments - here's your motivation. However, only a stress-resistant person can work at such an enterprise, so the option is not suitable for everyone and not always. For a small company, the path is hardly reasonable, and large organizations, monopolists in their field may well resort to this option.

An equally important aspect that helps motivate staff is career opportunities. Development is not always associated with an increase in wages, or in a new position, the payment will be slightly higher than it was in the previous one, but ideally satisfies ambitious people. In addition, a person understands that he is valued, his efforts are not in vain.

With people - humanly

One of the good motivational tools is an attentive attitude towards the staff. This is not about relationships with the team as a whole, but about simple human participation in the fate of each employee. You can help and give advice to those who have a difficult life situation, as well as go forward in various requests within reason. A leader who evokes warm, friendly feelings among the staff is a guarantee of team loyalty, which means motivation and success.

Why is this needed?

Any modern entrepreneur is forced to work in an economic crisis, a difficult market situation. This means that you need to look for all possible ways to reduce the costs associated with the workflow. Naturally, monetary incentives, wage increases do not fit with the desire for savings. In addition, not always only money can give the desired positive result. So you have to combine different methods in order to achieve a positive result.

As the experience of many enterprises shows, positive attitude employees, provoked by the employer's motivational tools, helps to improve results. This is most noticeable in the sales department, that is, the work of managers interacting with customers. If a person is not only interested in maintaining the workplace, but he is in a good mood, it is easier for him to work with customers, to resolve any issues promptly and constructively.

Combine for profit

Intangible incentives are such a system that will only work in an enterprise where employees receive decent wages. With low labor costs in the company, no motivational tools will help - except, of course, bonuses. Symbolic gratitude is appreciated only by employees who are completely satisfied with the financial component. A responsible entrepreneur interested in the success of his business must combine monetary and intangible methods so that each of his employees feels part of the team and understands that he has a personal interest in solving all work tasks.

Summing up

When developing a system of non-material incentives at an enterprise, it is necessary to find out which of the company's personnel is interested in what, what difficult life situations, features they have. It is necessary to be aware of marital status, the availability of credit programs and other important aspects that allow you to understand how you can motivate an employee. It will not be superfluous to carefully identify the positioning of the employee in relation to the company, and on the basis of this information, develop a program to stimulate the workflow.

Non-monetary stimulation is a double-edged sword, and does work as one of the methods of intensifying the workflow, but does not perform well as the only approach. Choosing the right option, you need to take into account the features specific enterprise, introduce only relevant methods that correspond to the spirit of the times.

Staff motivation is an effective system of methods for increasing labor productivity.

The concept and essence of the term

Staff motivation includes a set of incentives that determine the behavior of a particular individual. Therefore, this is a set of actions on the part of the manager, aimed at improving the working capacity of employees, as well as ways to attract qualified and talented specialists and retain them.

Each employer independently determines the methods that encourage the entire team to be active in order to meet their own needs and to achieve a common goal.

A motivated employee enjoys the work to which he is attached by soul and body, and experiences joy. This cannot be achieved by force. Recognition of achievements and encouragement of employees is a difficult process that requires taking into account the quantity and quality of labor, and all the circumstances of the emergence and development of behavioral motives. Therefore, it is extremely important for a leader to choose the right motivation system for subordinates, and each requires a special approach.

Personnel motivation system: concept, development

This is a set of measures aimed at the internal values ​​and needs of subordinates, stimulating not only to work in general, but above all to diligence, initiative and the desire to work. And also to achieve the goals set in their activities, to self-improvement of the professional level, and to increase the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

The personnel motivation system consists of two components.

Compensation system

It includes the following components:

  1. Labor payment.
  2. Disability payments.
  3. Employee insurance.
  4. Overtime pay.
  5. Compensation for loss of seat.
  6. Payment equivalent to the income received.

Let's consider another component.

Not a compensation system

It includes the following methods:

  1. Improving the state of mind and mood, various sets of programs for advanced training, intelligence, erudition, self-improvement.
  2. Activities aimed at raising self-esteem and self-esteem, to satisfaction from their work.
  3. Uniting and encouraging the team through cooperatives.
  4. Setting goals and objectives.
  5. control over their implementation.
  6. Offer to take the lead.

These methods do not involve any payments.

Steps to implement a motivation system in a company

  1. Setting goals and objectives, defining a clear mission of the enterprise.
  2. Organization of the working group.
  3. Working on a plan to introduce a system of staff incentives.
  4. His statement.
  5. Development of reward programs for achieving set goals.
  6. Creation of the above systems of personnel motivation.
  7. Preparation of documentation.
  8. Implementation of motivational measures and necessary adjustments.
  9. Analysis of the work of subordinates of the enterprise.

It is necessary to introduce this system gradually so that employees are not afraid of the upcoming changes, but can get used to them, find positive sides and improve labor efficiency.

Types of staff motivation

    Material. It provides for remuneration in monetary terms, as services and material objects. It is applicable to one employee or group, to the entire organization is extremely rare, because it is considered an ineffective method.

    Intangible. The employee receives emotional benefits, this is the elimination of complexes, peace of mind, recognition of one's own merits, etc. It is applicable to one employee, and to the entire team, as it helps to form the attitude of each individual to the organization.

    Positive motivation is characterized by the use of positive incentives.

    Negative motivation is based on negative incentives.

    External. A favorable or unfavorable effect on personnel that leads to a desired outcome. As a reward, a boon or a punishment is supposed;

    Internal. It involves the independent development of employee motivation. The implementation of certain tasks brings them moral satisfaction. But at the same time, staff can remain in search of benefits. External motivational levers with internal motivation are not enough to obtain the desired benefit.

External motivation of personnel is designed to develop and activate internal motivation. This can be achieved by constantly evaluating the methods used, as well as using special methods.

Motivation and stimulation of staff: what is their difference

Labor motivation is the motivation of an employee to work effectively. And stimulation is an external influence on a specialist in order to make him work even better, to increase his productivity.

Examples of staff motivation

Examples of leadership actions include:

  1. Six employees with the best results for the work performed according to the results summed up for the quarter will be awarded a bonus in the amount of double salary.
  2. The photo of the best employee will be posted on the board of honor of the enterprise;
  3. Salary includes a 2% bonus on personal sales.

Now let's look at another term.

Incentive examples

There is already a completely different approach. For example:

  1. Those who do not fulfill the implementation plan this month will be deprived of the bonus.
  2. You will not leave your workplace until you close the annual report.
  3. Whoever does not like working conditions can put a letter of resignation on the table, there are no irreplaceable people.

The examples show that the motivation and stimulation of staff is like the folk method of "carrot and stick". This means that motivation awakens the employee's inner desire to work, and stimulation makes him work if there is no such desire.

But it’s still not worth focusing on incentives, because most people hate their work for this very reason and are forced to stay because of hopelessness. In some cases, it can be used if the subordinate does not cope with his direct duties at all.

Often, employers resort to incentives because it does not require costs, and it is easier. But workers from this method arrive in a state of stress. The consequence of this is poor working capacity and frequent layoffs, which leads to staff turnover, and this is a big minus for the enterprise.

Therefore, it is necessary to combine these methods, but focus on motivation. Then the manager will be able to create an effectively working well-coordinated team, whose employees will fight in conditions of healthy competition.

The main groups of motivation methods

Staff motivation methods are divided into two groups. This is:

  1. Material motivation (monetary reward).
  2. Non-material motivation of personnel.

To avoid the problem of dismissal of qualified personnel, the motivation of personnel should include different methods and non-material ones too.

In each group, it is possible to consider predominantly important methods of motivating staff:

Non-material motivation

It includes a wider range of methods:

  1. Growth by career ladder. The employee tries to work better than others in order to get the desired promotion, and this is an increase in remuneration, and another status.
  2. Good team atmosphere. A close-knit team serves as an additional motivation for effective labor productivity.
  3. Employment and a full social package, in accordance with the current legislation, are a significant aspect in finding a job, and when getting it, a good motivation.
  4. Organization of cultural and sports events. As a rule, the joint pastime of the whole team promotes cohesion and a good working microclimate, and also provides an excellent opportunity for quality rest and relaxation.
  5. Enterprise prestige. Work in a company whose name is well known to everyone will also serve as an incentive for productive cooperation;
  6. Opportunity for company-sponsored training. This great opportunity allows you to improve your skills.
  7. Approving word from the leader. The praise of the manager is expensive. Companies still use for this purpose the actual honor boards and virtual ones on the official websites of the enterprise.

Forms of staff motivation

These include:

  1. Wage.
  2. The system of benefits within the enterprise: bonuses, additional payments for seniority, payment for travel to and from work, health insurance, and so on.
  3. Moral encouragement of subordinates.
  4. Increasing the qualification level of workers and moving up the career ladder.
  5. Development of trusting relationships between colleagues, elimination of psychological and administrative barriers.

Motivation of personnel activity is a very important aspect for any leader, if he is interested in the fact that employees work with the greatest efficiency. And those, in turn, have different goals and vision of work in the company: one is only interested in money, the other is in a career, the third is in a different aspect. And the manager is puzzling over how to arouse the interest of employees.

However, as a rule, not all entrepreneurs and managers have experience in implementing the system described above. Therefore, the search for suitable ways of effective motivation takes a lot of time and occurs through trial and error.

A competent and highly qualified staff is half the success of any organization. It often happens that a new specialist in the first two months tries and burns with a great desire to work, although he has little experience and knowledge. And having mastered them and having passed the trial period, he becomes lazy and less active.

This suggests that any staff is characterized by one regularity - a periodic decline in motivation, and, consequently, a decrease in the efficiency of workers. Managers who own such weapons as personnel motivation management can not only notice the waning interest of their subordinates in time, but also react with lightning speed and take appropriate measures.

Each person needs an individual approach, you need to know what psychotype he belongs to. And this will help to understand socionics - the concept of personality types and the relationship between them.

This science allows you to find out how a person thinks, how he perceives information and how he will act in a given situation. It helps to determine the compatibility of people in a team. And at the same time, more competently study such an issue as staff motivation.


Socionics has a clear description of all types of intelligence, and also describes the possible behaviors of these types in a business environment and divides them into four groups (main incentives):

  1. Prestige (power, status). People from this group strive for career growth and the recognition of others. This is their main goal. If the manager does not plan the vertical promotion of employees, he can be transferred to an adjacent, more interesting position, thereby a person will receive moral satisfaction from assessing his importance in the company.
  2. Uniqueness (recognition of merit, an exciting activity). People from this stimulus group cannot stand monotonous work, they are capable of more. New technologies and a free schedule are the best motivation for them for fresh ideas and projects, discoveries or inventions. Willingly improve their qualification level and become indispensable specialists.
  3. Welfare. People of this type tend to satisfy their own desires. The best method of personnel management for them will be the conviction that their interests coincide with the company one hundred percent. This will be confirmed by the provision of all kinds of soft loans, for example. They love to acquire new knowledge and willingly share it with others. These professionals make great consultants.
  4. Self-sufficiency (security). For people in this group, comfort in everyday life and well-being are important. A favorable atmosphere and convenience of the workplace, plus good pay and the provision of a full social package for them is the best method of managing staff motivation.

If TIM (type of “information metabolism”, sociotype) is correctly and accurately determined, there is no doubt which group the employee belongs to, it is possible to select the necessary incentives that will work productively for a long time.

Of course, the general system of incentives for all employees of the organization through the prism of socionics seems to be ineffective. Four is the minimum number of ways to induce, for a large company there should be sixteen (according to the number of TIMs). And with all this, money is the most universal stimulus.

Today the labor market has a shortage of qualified specialists. And for the successful development of the company requires a stable efficient team. All of the above staff motivation tools will help the manager find out the goals of each employee, solve the problem of staff turnover. This will also save valuable time and money on finding and adapting new specialists, as well as help form a strong reliable team of professionals and like-minded people.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is non-material motivation of employees
  • What is the difference between non-material motivation of employees and material
  • What methods of non-material motivation can be applied at the enterprise
  • How non-material motivation of employees is implemented
  • How non-material motivation of employees in an organization can be harmful
  • What needs to be done so that the non-material motivation of employees works for the benefit of the company

According to statistics, more than half of the people quit due to insufficient, in their opinion, wages. However, almost 40%, which is also important, leaves for other reasons. This is an alarming signal and suggests that the motivation of employees to achieve good results in work by intangible means is at a low level or is completely absent. Therefore, let's look at what non-material motivation is and the principles of its operation.

Material and non-material aspects of staff incentives: what is the difference?

Unfortunately, the importance of the degree of interest of subordinates in the results of their activities is most often underestimated. Dean Spitzer in his book "Super Motivation" cites the following indicators:

  • 50% of people do exactly the amount of work that is necessary to hold a position;
  • 80%, if desired, can work much more efficiently.

In 1996, the consulting firm Hay Group, with the support of Fortune magazine, launched a project in which it annually ranks the "Most Successful Companies in the World." According to the study, when the most successful companies in the world want to push employees to achieve certain results, they begin to pay an average of 5% less than the market and more actively use other methods to increase motivation. Do you know that the material motivation of employees does not always work? And that sometimes a situation arises when non-material motivation is needed to motivate a particular employee. Complete the training program "Real Motivation" and create an employee motivation system for your company.
Any organization is able to quickly begin to develop if it creates conditions for a consistently high degree of motivation of employees to achieve goals. How can this be achieved? There are many well-known methods. They are conditionally divided into material and non-material motivation of personnel.
What are the differences between these species? Consider A. Maslow's pyramid. According to his theory, needs are the basis of human behavior. They can be roughly divided into five levels (from bottom to top): physiological, safety requirements, social needs, the need for respect and recognition, and interest in creative self-expression. The needs of the lower levels are quite often satisfied in the modern world, at the same time, only well-developed moral incentives can satisfy the desires that make up the top of the pyramid.

material motivation(usually it is the most expensive) is implemented at the first levels at the base of the pyramid. What are its varieties? Let's consider them.

  • Salary increase. Unfortunately, this method is the most inefficient method of motivation. According to statistics, this method is valid for no more than three months. In addition, it cannot be used too often.
  • Prizes and bonuses. The division of salary into the main, permanent, part and bonuses, depending on the performance, turns out to be a more useful tool. This is often done in the field of trade or with employees who are in direct contact with the client. The employee clearly sees the dependence of the salary on the level of indicators, which encourages him to work even more energetically. The volume of material motivation of specialists can be determined depending on the business tasks that currently exist. Money can be awarded for the implementation of the plan, for finding and attracting customers, for a good level of sales.
  • Social package. This technique will allow you to solve two problems at once: attract the most qualified specialists and keep them in your organization. Sometimes the set of free benefits includes a voluntary medical insurance policy for workers and their immediate family members, additional pension insurance, discounts for visiting gyms, etc.

In stock any manager should have ideas to encourage subordinates to work in accordance with their requirements at minimal cost. Please note that many of you already manage your team, it is now important to bring this process to a systematic basis. This will allow you to easily save money that is usually spent on bonuses.
The main thing in the system of moral motivation- Attention to your staff. He must understand that you, as a leader, are grateful to him. In order for them to appreciate it, they will have to do the maximum. You need to achieve, firstly, that people begin to correlate their own interests and plans with corporate ones. And secondly, they perceived themselves as an important and valuable part of the company. This will be their main motivation. More actively involve the team in the life of the organization - this will raise the performance indicators.
Remember that encouragement and praise should be heard by all employees. However non-material incentives should be directed, first of all, to the best: those who made the largest deal, achieved the highest performance, and so on. This will increase their desire to achieve excellent results again.
Learn how to get the most out of your staff with the least amount of training effort.

Factors of non-material motivation of employees

    • Strength and competitiveness of the organization. The good reputation of the entire enterprise makes it easy to stimulate employees to self-development and increase the efficiency of their activities.
    • Competent management team throughout the company. Be especially careful when choosing leaders for all departments of the company. Only an experienced and demanding manager is able to inspire the staff to highly productive activities by his example and thereby create an additional desire to work. It happens that people with great experience or significant length of service are appointed to the head of the department. At the same time, they may not be able to lead and, in terms of knowledge, be equal to subordinates or be at a lower level of skill. By hiring such a manager, you will face a complete demotivation of strong employees. This may cause them to leave the company or reduce the quality of work.
  • Labor Code Compliance. Following this point allows you to characterize the organization as stable and reliable, makes it clear that it can protect the interests of its people. Here, an excellent reason for further activity at the enterprise is transparent conditions for calculating wages, issuing vacation pay and sick leave. Also, these bonuses will allow your subordinates to forget about the possibility of moving to competing organizations. In case of non-compliance with the law, the company will be regarded by the team as a temporary shelter. Since it makes no sense to strive for career heights in an enterprise that has forgotten about the interests of employees.
  • Current corporate culture. Your basic rule in this case sounds like this: "Each employee is an important member of my company, and in his hands the success of the entire enterprise." This axiom forms a person's commitment to a common cause and responsibility towards the enterprise.

All of the above factors are indispensable in the process of building staff confidence in you, as well as respect and love for the enterprise as a whole. They are fundamental for moral stimulation.
The socio-psychological characteristics of your subordinates can also help you identify suitable motivation methods for you.

Psychotype Features Drivers Reasons for demotivation
Critic Communication with colleagues is based on criticism and irony. In a conversation, he uses complex phrases: "In essence ...", "objectively ...", "abstracting ...". Performs well as a controller and auditor.
  • comfortable, calm psychological climate in the team;
  • boss approval;
  • performance of verification functions.
  • employee objections;
  • lack of friendly atmosphere.
Idealist This is the exact opposite of "criticism". Kind, non-confrontational and attentive to others. In order to avoid a showdown, I am ready to agree with colleagues.
  • ethics and humanity in the company;
  • recognition of the usefulness of his work;
  • participation in social events.
  • unfriendly;
  • lack of moral guidelines for the development of the organization.
Analyst Best suited for an expert position. Thoughtful and attentive, listens to speakers at meetings, takes notes.
  • respectability, comfort of the workplace;
  • realistic growth prospects;
  • opportunity to improve skills;
  • participation in professional events.
  • excessive fuss in the organization;
  • prescriptive control;
  • emotionality of leadership in decision-making.
Realist Most often deals with organizational issues, is able to make decisions. Based on own experience and on existing prescriptions.
  • family principle;
  • attraction to managerial actions;
  • attention to the physical condition of employees.
  • lack of colleagues with a high level of qualification;
  • performing unimportant functions.
Pragmatist Actively participates in the changes taking place in the life of the company. It is the antipode of the analyst, it is characterized by high mobility and intolerance to long meetings. Can quickly solve the problem with a sharp change in the situation.
  • obtaining results in a short time;
  • implementation of new projects or opening of branches;
  • delegation of authority to achieve results in the fight against any difficulties.
  • monotonous activity;
  • protracted projects.

How non-material motivation is introduced in an organization

Remember: different ways of motivating are effective for different people. For purposeful, young workers, most likely, more important than the material part will be the possibility of career growth. For an aged specialist, it is especially pleasant to respect him, to recognize his role in the success of the entire company. Therefore, you will sometimes have to check what exactly will be the most effective.

However, we note that in this case a logical question arises: how to check? Under no circumstances try to ask directly, because you will hear a lot of forced and the same answers. In addition, such questions instill a sense of tension: “Do they want to motivate me? Am I not working hard enough? Where did I go wrong?"
If you want to get the most accurate feedback on the best way to non-monetary rewards for subordinates, ask them: “What do you think motivates people to perform with maximum efficiency?”. Everyone, without hesitation, will describe their main incentives. Make a short questionnaire where you can insert this question as well - it will look most at ease there.
The questionnaire might look like this.

  1. Describe your ideal boss in a few words.
  2. What motivates people to do their best work?
  3. What do you find most attractive in your work?
  4. What needs to change in the department?
  5. What is the difference between a flower and a brick?

Give out a questionnaire to your subordinates before the meeting and ask them to answer questions in one minute. Now you know how you can motivate each of them. Use this information when assigning tasks and organizing departmental activities.
If in response to a question regarding the moral interest of the staff, there are creative tasks, flexible schedules and the possibility of professional growth, such a person is unlikely to be able to cope with routine matters for a long time. It will be most useful to transfer it to the sphere of PR. And if the respondent indicated stability, a comfortable workplace and a comfortable atmosphere in the team, he is able to perform routine work with high quality.
An incentive based on pleasant emotions and team spirit will contribute well to the growth of your business. And most importantly, it practically does not require financial costs. True, you will have to pay attention to the needs of your employees and be ready to encourage them.

The most effective classical methods of non-material motivation of employees

  1. Meetings, meetings, meetings. You can use these key tools to create conditions for employee ownership. Meetings allow people to keep up with what is happening, share news and feel involved in the life of the organization, as any person is curious to know what is happening around him.
  2. Congratulations on significant events. Important dates may include the completion of the first year of employment, an appointment to a new position, or a person's personal holidays such as an anniversary, birthday, and others. There is room for your imagination here, gifts can be completely different: from an award to a hand-drawn poster. Do not give in private, invite everyone to watch and join in the wishes.
  3. Education. Encourage your subordinates by sending them to various training courses, internships and scientific conferences. Purposeful employees who are able to generate income usually like to develop.
  4. The right to choose. Consult with the staff, where and how to hold a corporate party, which method of encouragement to choose: payment of telephone expenses, gasoline or something else - there are many options. Allow the best members of your team to be the first to choose vacation times.
  5. Possibility feedback . Give experts a chance to speak. They can do this by leaving their recommendations and comments in a makeshift letter box, on whiteboards, or by speaking out loud in meetings. Do not forget, it is important for people to understand that they are ready to listen to their opinion. You can also reward unusual offers. In world practice, this is called rewarding initiatives.
  6. Equip places for recreation. First of all, take care of the kitchen area and a place for outerwear. You should always dine not at the desktop, but in the room designated for this, where no one will disturb and you can switch. This method will positively affect the work and emotional state of the team.
  7. Communication on achievements and evaluation distinguished. Non-material motivation can be expressed in the form of well-deserved praise. Remember, everyone loves kind words. You can praise an employee both in the corporate newspaper and on the intranet.
  8. Contests and competitions. As the experience of Russian and foreign organizations shows, subordinates are greatly stimulated by participation in such nominations as "The best manager of the quarter", "The most accurate employee" or "Mr. Positive". It is important that this method of motivation is able to function independently.
  9. Personal or personal work space. Everyone is pleased when they are known by sight and addressed by name. Therefore, a simple designation on the door, a table sign, and even business cards can be your tool for non-monetary staff motivation.
  10. Discounts on company services or products. The price reduction may be quite small. The value is that there is only a narrow circle of people who can use it - this increases the credibility of the enterprise and management.
  11. Incentive internal events. Create and strengthen corporate spirit by using forms of motivation such as celebratory banquets, barbecue trips, football or theater trips. Even a subbotnik in your office or in the surrounding area will be beneficial, especially if team-building games are introduced into them.

Non-material motivation of subordinates: examples of Russian companies

  • Giving special powers. Appoint an employee as the head of one of the areas, this will allow him to gain new experience and grow in the eyes of colleagues. He will learn how to manage a team and then he will be able to indicate this competence in his resume. Watching him, you will decide whether to trust him to solve more serious problems. Try to put one or another specialist in a managerial position - this is effective, as many businessmen already do. Thus, almost the entire team of the company can be interested in the work.
  • Attendance at important meetings. Invite your subordinates to meetings of the highest level, they will take it as a sign of your confidence. The very fact of a person's participation in such a meeting guarantees him the respect of his colleagues, even if he was simply present at the negotiations. True, an employee may lose loyalty to the management by talking with representatives of a competing company. In order to avoid trouble, eradicate the unfavorable climate and try to ensure that each person is materially satisfied.
  • Please advise. Seek advice from experts who demonstrate in-depth knowledge in one of the areas. So the person will feel that he is respected, and the opinion is considered significant.
  • public expression of gratitude. Praise in public, and if you want to scold, do it in private.
  • Improving the psychological climate in the team. Make an effort to create a comfortable atmosphere, so it will be easier for you to lead people.

Think carefully about ways to motivate staff, and they will create the basis for a good progressive growth of the company: by developing your own incentive program and applying it, you will see that subordinates have become more purposeful and loyal.

Original ways of non-material motivation from market leaders

  • Leave due to heartbreak. Hime & Company is an all-female marketing company, so its founder included a "heartbreak" vacation in her incentive program. This innovation was introduced after a staff survey. It turned out that some were very worried about the break with their "halves", so they could not think about work. Now, when parting with a loved one, women workers under the age of 24 are entitled to one day of vacation, ladies from 25 to 29 years old - two, and after 30 years they are entitled to three days off.
  • Unusual job titles. Walt Disney, the famous founder of the company of the same name, succeeded in managing the team. He believed that the level of job satisfaction depends not only on the salary received, but also on the prestige of the position and department. For example, under him, hotel laundries were renamed textile services. Since then, these divisions have been equated with marketing and customer service. However, they are much easier to get into, which means they are popular among young people who dream of starting a career in an organization. And Steve Jobs gave the consultants of his Apple office in New York the position of "genius", and the number of layoffs fell several times.
  • Lottery salary increase. The idea is very unusual, although, of course, this method can hardly be attributed to the non-material motivation of the staff. The management of a major Japanese internet service company has thwarted talk of annual pay raises with simple dice. Workers roll the die and their salary increases by 1-6% depending on the number of dots rolled.
  • Encouraging marriages between employees. Nihon Shoken, a product manufacturing company, has been positively treating the conclusion of marriage unions in the team for several years, giving newlyweds a monthly bonus.
  • Breaks during sales. Marketing company Hime & Company allows professionals to take half a day off during the sales season.
  • Compensation for those who keep pets. "Kyoritsu Seiyaku Corp" deals with veterinary equipment. Therefore, in accordance with its activities, it gives presents to owners of cats or dogs.
  • Newbie gift. At Commerce Sciences, it's customary to give a welcome souvenir to all newcomers. Moreover, the last hired one prepares it. There are no restrictions, anything can be a gift: from a solid service to a chocolate bar. Newcomers are pleased when their service begins with such a surprise, and this creates an additional incentive for the productive activity of young staff.
  • Bell in the office. Hang up a bell or a gong - this method is used by many enterprises. Its sound is intended to announce important events, for example, the signing of a contract for a large sum. Expertcity has a rule: you can ring the bell only on business. If an employee used it without a good reason, he will have to treat everyone to breakfast the next morning. For example, from time to time someone rings a bell to announce that they have a baby.
  • Job change. HubSpot has an interesting custom: every three months, specialists change their workplace within the office. What is it for? No one is offended that he did not get the best place, communication is being established, as new neighbors periodically appear. And also this tradition contributes to the observance of order in its zone.
  • Families friendship. The Icelandic company OZ encourages communication with families. Sometimes subordinates are allowed to invite their parents to the office to have lunch together. This method brings the members of the team together. The management is convinced that in this way it is possible to increase labor productivity.