Who are the crowd entertainers at school. Natalya Sergeevna Gorlinskaya


Note to teapot


The culprit for many mysterious electrical faults is poor ground contact.

Anatoly SUKHOV

Let's start with a quote that came across to us in one of the books about the device and car repair. “The method of connecting electricity consumers to power sources is single-wire. The second “wire” is the car body (body).

The idea of ​​connecting a "minus" to a steel body to simplify the electrical circuit (at the same time to reduce the cost and lighten the car) is quite natural. The power unit (an engine with a gearbox) also entered the “share” - after all, both the starter and the carburetor solenoid valve need a “minus” (on foreign cars, there can be much more consumers “attached” to the power unit). However, if the “positive” wire usually starts and ends with traditional, quite reliable “father-mother” terminals (less often with a “bolt” hole, as on the output of the generator), then the “mass” conducts current according to the principle “water will find a hole”.

Even a novice electrician knows: copper and aluminum cannot be connected - you will not achieve good contact. And yet, quite often on the aluminum gearbox housing or engine head, you can see a screwed copper terminal of the "mass" wire. Factory terminals are tinned, but under a layer of tin, which is also easy to tear off, is the same copper alloy. Steel and copper also form an electrochemical pair, while the steel will “take off” for two - it will rust much faster.

As you can see, "mass" connections are already initially less reliable than copper wire with copper lugs. And in order to reach, for example, the solenoid valve in the Zhiguli carburetor, the current must pass through the copper bus from the battery to the body, then - along the other bus - to the power unit, the intake manifold studs (through the thread!) And again through the thread - in this case the valve itself. Lack of contact anywhere (for example, sealant got on the valve threads) - and the circuit is broken. Therefore, in a modern car, you will increasingly find full-fledged "negative" wires: on-board electronics will not work at all without them - reliable contact is especially important here.

Experienced people learned long ago: there are only two malfunctions in the electrician - there is a contact where it is not needed, and there is no contact where it is needed.

Here are typical symptoms of a bad "mass": one headlight shines brighter than the other; when the “turn signals” are turned on, the adjacent lamp in the rear light or the headlight flashes, and alternately, and both glow dimly; wheezes - especially at peak power - radio; at the same time, seemingly unrelated devices work: when the “turn signals” are turned on, the “wipers”, washers, etc. come to life.

Often - even at the factory - the "mass" terminal of the headlight is put on the bolt of its body and so tightened. Everything seems to be correct - the bolt is welded to the body. However, the plastic housing of the headlight is malleable - it is impossible to tighten the nut to failure, otherwise the plastic will crack. So it turns out that the contact, excuse me, is “on snot”: the car shook a little on potholes - and it is gone. And a standard lamp (55/60 W) consumes a fairly large current (up to 10 A), if both of its filaments are energized - high beam and low beam. The contact begins to burn, and after all, the greater its resistance, the more heat is released on it during the passage of current, etc. ... - a school physics course. There is a vicious circle, sometimes, however, interrupted by a fire.

The only way out is to put the terminal not on the headlight mounting bolt, but on any other bolt welded to the body, where it can be tightened well. If this is not nearby, it is not forbidden to drill a hole in the body and press the terminal with a separate bolt or, in extreme cases, with a self-tapping screw (it must enter with a good tightness). Be sure to clean the area of ​​​​the body under the terminal to the metal; do not be afraid of corrosion - the thresholds and wings will rot much earlier than this hole will rust. In addition, no one bothers to cover the connection with Movil or other anticorrosive after tightening. It is advisable to put a toothed washer under the bolt or nut - it will provide better contact. Of course, if the body of the headlight is metal (as on a “penny” or “six”), then it makes no sense to fence the garden: the terminal can be tightened to its fullest anyway.

Rear lights with printed circuit boards- a headache for our car owners. Not only does their connector quickly become loose and rot (the worse the contact, the faster the connector becomes completely unusable), but the tracks themselves are short-lived. The antennae of the lamp holders vibrate - and simply rip off a thin layer of copper on the boards, and moisture completes the destruction. When replacing the right lamp on the Zhiguli, do not forget to attach its mounts and the “mass” of the gas tank to the stud - otherwise your fuel gauge will show the weather on Mars.

Low speed or starter failure is also often caused by the loss of "mass". On the Zhiguli, for example, two tires fit the power unit: one connects the front of the body to the cylinder head (on some models, the wire goes directly from the “negative” battery terminal), the other connects the bottom to the clutch housing. If the latter fell off - and this is not uncommon on older machines, the starter current will go through the threads of the block head bolts. However, it happens even worse: if there is no contact in the upper tire (or they simply forgot about it during assembly), then when you try to start the engine, the suction cable - the only remaining bridge from the body to the engine - will literally melt from the huge current.

Sometimes, with poor contact with the "mass", the voltage on consumers does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases. If the bulbs began to burn out suspiciously often, and the battery is “thirsty” even in cold weather, the charge voltage is probably higher than the maximum allowable (14.5–14.6 V). A common cause is poor contact between the voltage regulator housing and ground. In this case, the voltage measured by it is lower than the voltage in the on-board network (Fig. 1). Thus, if the regulator maintains the voltage within the specified limits at its input (between terminal "15" and the case), then at the battery terminals it will be the higher, the worse the contact.

But sometimes the "massive entertainer" presents such surprises that even worldly-wise people shrug their shoulders. Somehow, “on a tie”, they dragged a Samara with a stalled engine. The "autopsy" showed: the wiring harness near the switch block melted. Replacing the harness and switch (its contacts were tightly fused with the block) did not help - the motor did not start. When checking for a spark, a stunning picture opened up: as soon as the ignition was turned on (without starting the engine), a real welding arc appeared in the gap between the central wire and the “ground” - crimson-yellow, half a finger thick, plasma tail. It is not surprising that the switch has died for a long time - it is clearly not designed for such a regime. Well, apparently, the Hall sensor is also broken. After replacing it, a spark appeared, but only on the central wire (of course, so as not to inadvertently damage the system, the gap between the wire and the "ground" was left no more than 10 mm). Finally, after installing a new runner, the motor came to life. But what was the cause of this magnificent bouquet of faults?

The solution dawned as soon as we checked the operation of the headlights. They did not turn on, but under the instrument panel there was a buzzer like a buzzer. Turned off the headlights - the buzzing stopped. The sound quickly found the source - the ignition relay. And they immediately understood that the “minuses” of the ignition relay windings and headlights are connected to a common bolt, under the instrument cluster. When they got to it, they made sure: under the terminals - factory enamel and primer (the car did not pass even 5000 km). They know how to paint, where it is not necessary! Ruthlessly exposing the metal, we breathed a sigh of relief: both the headlights started working and the “buzzer” died down.

And the events, apparently, developed as follows (Fig. 2): while the headlights were turned off, a relatively small current flowed through the painted bolt and it was enough for the ignition relay to work normally. As soon as the headlight relay was energized, the load on the ill-fated bolt increased; the current through the ignition relay coil decreased and it was no longer enough to keep the contacts closed. They opened, the battery voltage rose slightly (the non-contact ignition system consumes significant current), which caused the contacts to close again, etc. Such an opening-closing of the switch supply circuit generated impulses in the primary winding of the ignition coil, and since they did not depend on the position of the camshaft, then the spark did not jump in accordance with the order of operation of the cylinders, but “sewed” randomly, out of place, damaging both the slider and the Hall sensor. So, if something inexplicable is happening with the electrician - look for the "mass"!


How to convert a four-speed Zhiguli gearbox into a five-speed one?

For rework, along with the experience of repairing boxes, about two dozen new parts will be needed. Their main differences are in the material "From Four to Five", published in the June issue of the magazine for this year.

As practice shows, the results of such an alteration do not justify the time and effort spent, not to mention the costs. Worn parts often do not get along with new ones and fail prematurely. Combine modification with overhaul boxes are too expensive - the costs are approaching the price of a new unit. Remodeling a new box means adding to the additional cost of spare parts the risk of getting an unreliable unit. So, if "well, you really want to", it's better to buy a ready-made "five-step" and sell the old one.

On other people's mistakes


Pull the key or push it? Motorists rarely think about this when tightening wheel bolts. Many simply stand on the end of the key - and you're done. But not all drivers are heavyweights, and bouncing on the key, you can not only break the “secret”, but also damage your leg and warp the disk - it is afraid of constriction. If you pull the key with your hand, the bolts can be tightened no worse than with your foot - after all, a normally developed person is able to lift a load exceeding his own weight. And most importantly - it is easier to control the tightening force.

God forbid you to press the “balloon” with your hands, bending over the wing: as soon as the key breaks off the edges, you risk getting into the Guinness Book of Records by biting through the wing of your own car! Which, by the way, happened to one of our readers - a noticeable dent appeared on the new Volkswagen, and a crack appeared on the tooth. But science went for the future - now he only pulls the wheel bolts "up".

Inspiration: "A poet and a snag. About the poet Krasnobaev-51" Alexander Tokarev 19

The poet Krasnobaev walked more often,
Walked in wanderings, so, of course, come back,
Krasnobaev is a real man,
Wandered to where the thicket is worse
Here the snag swayed insidiously,
The poet fell into an anthill forehead,
But he rose! Started a song about the "Varangian",
And pochapal in his creative home!

Once upon a time there was a poet-rake,
Farm at the edge of the forest.
There is no Internet,
He wrote poetry to Polina.

So having eaten oil,
He wrote about pigs.
About cows, hedgehogs, horses
And about the light from the lanterns.

And when at the milking of the Field,
He went out into the open field.
A verse to read to the animals of the forest,
He was intoxicated from the air.

The animals were delighted,
Approached, not shy.
It's a pity they can't shout: Bravo!
These inhabitants of the oak forest.

And at the crucial moment
The monument came up.
From a branch slammed into an anthill
Massovik, poet-entertainer.

I chose a weak snag,
They bit the poor guy.
Rushed home, that was the spirit,
Heal mead.

And Polina that night
All whispered: - Stupid ...
On a snag so that "no-no",
Oh, Lord, forgive me.

March 2017


Good evening, Yuri! Once again I came to visit you for a good mood! And got it in full! No psychotherapist is needed with you! You start reading and involuntarily smile, and life begins to smile at you!
Thank you for your poetry! You are doing a good deed for your readers - correcting their mood, charging them with good energy.
With warmth and sympathy, Larissa.

The Poetry.ru portal provides authors with the opportunity to freely publish their literary works on the Internet on the basis of a user agreement. All copyrights to works belong to the authors and are protected by law. Reprinting of works is possible only with the consent of its author, which you can refer to on its author page. The authors are solely responsible for the texts of works on the basis of


The idea behind this book is not new. But the information that I posted here is usually in a fragmented form in different sources, while often everything is required at once. Therefore, the idea arose to create a kind of desktop express guide on how to competently, quickly, with minimal losses and maximize the benefits of organizing a corporate event.

So, to whom and how is this book useful?
What will it be about?
The intended readership is people involved in the organization of entertainment events. In principle, the materials contained in the book can be easily used for corporate and family festive evenings, gatherings, sessions and celebrations.

First of all, I recommend reading it to those who are just starting their activities as a corporate mass entertainer (often the organization of this kind of event falls on an ordinary personnel manager). A business coach or a TLR specialist can find something useful for themselves in it. (The games presented here can be used in training and perform functions from warm-up to diagnostic and even therapeutic). In addition, I advise you to read this manual and leaders of different ranks. Especially the chapters on etiquette, motivation. And also for those for whom the "organization and holding of holidays" is work, the main source of income.
The topics of the chapters may overlap, but the information in different sections is devoted to different aspects of the holiday. The sections are independent, so you can safely read the book from the beginning, from the end, or diagonally. You won't miss out on anything you want to know.
The topics are listed in the table of contents, therefore, in my opinion, it makes no sense to retell the content of the book in the introduction. Let me just say that I tried to create a complete picture of the preparation of a corporate party, not to miss anything. As the builders say: "From the project to the keys to the apartment." In this case, the "apartment" is already with furniture and interior items - call in and live.
I just want to clarify how the material was collected. The sources were my own experience, the experience of the hosts of such events known to me, business coaches and personnel managers, as well as various printed publications and websites (see links in the text).
About what happened, judge for yourself.
Sincerely, Natalya Gorlinskaya

Who needs and why corporate events

Teambuilding at a corporate party

The word “team building” has not only become fashionable lately, but also managed to get the directors of enterprises and organizations on edge. It sounds pretentious, but in fact, few people know what it looks like (that is, what a team is and how it differs from a team).
Team- these are people who are united by common goals, values, leader, means to achieve the goal, resources, motives. To turn a collective into a team, it is necessary that the members of the collective have at least the same leader and values.
A joint holiday will help to fix a common leader in the minds of employees, identify values ​​and their discrepancy, and help reveal the potential resources of employees.
For a HR director, a psychologist or a manager, a joint holiday is a source of information for thinking about how to organize employees into a team (of course, you must be able to see, hear and analyze what you see and hear).
For example, one can analyze who did what during the preparation of the party:
- someone was cutting sandwiches and setting the table (setting for a clear execution job description);
- someone rushed to prepare a cultural program (creative personality, impulsiveness, desire to lead and stand out);
- someone walked around with a bored look, complaining that there would again be a scandal at home (setting: everything should be clearly regulated; irresponsibility:
“So that we have everything, but we don’t have anything for it”);
- someone, having drunk 2 glasses, began to behave unusually, unnaturally (enslaved in life, secretive, can be vindictive, notorious);
- someone with a pretentious expression said banal toasts;
- someone tried to emphasize attachment to the company and superiors;
- someone sat silently all evening, while the other communicated with everyone and took part in the general holiday, but without anguish;
- someone lit it;
- someone laughed the loudest;
- someone left to clear the table;
- someone arrived 15 minutes early the next day to connect computers after yesterday's fun.

All this can be analyzed, observations made on HF can help a lot, save a lot from a lot.

How to help a burned-out employee

If your employees show more than one of the following:
- Recently, they get annoyed over trifles;
- continuously drink tea and run to the smoking room;
- constantly, here and there, phrases like “It won’t work, we can’t handle it” are heard;
- Complaints about the difficult financial situation have become more frequent;
- often conflict
- enthusiasm - zero;
- involvement in work - a minimum;
– no interest in achieving results;
you need to think: is your team “burning”?
It has been noted that the symptoms of professional burnout have an “infectious” ability to manifest itself not only in individual workers. Often found professional burnout of organizations, which manifests itself in the fact that the vast majority of employees have an internal physical or emotional state with the same symptoms, as well as the same forms of behavior. In such cases, individual differences between workers are noticeably "erased", they become unnaturally similar and the same, as if "on the same face." People become pessimists who do not have faith in positive changes at work and the ability to change something with their own efforts.
If we are talking about a single employee, then by watching him, you can see or hear the following:
the working regime of the day changes (early comes to work and leaves late, or, conversely, comes to work late and leaves early);
constantly takes work home (even if it is not necessary), but does not do it at home;
the leader refuses to make decisions, formulating various reasons for explanations to himself and others;
disbelief in improvement, decreased enthusiasm for work, indifference to results;
"Stuck" on small details instead of performing primary tasks;
isolation, increased criticality;
alcohol abuse, a sharp increase in cigarettes smoked per day.

Who is on fire?

1. Emotionally involved in the profession: insurers, teachers, doctors, journalists, psychologists, sales managers, executives, etc. In general, people who are the face of the company, on which the company's profit, its "image" and reputation directly depend.
2. Hyperactive specialists: anti-crisis managers or managers of travel companies who need to mobilize internal forces in the "hot" season. They, like the previous group, need to relieve constant emotional stress.
3. Employees who constantly deal with negativity: conflict managers, claims managers, hotline consultants. Such specialists need to switch to other activities.

Why does a company need such employees?

The most susceptible to the “burnout syndrome” are conscientious and career-oriented employees who, day after day, have to think about how to do everything in time, not be late for an important meeting, keep information in their heads, and be in sight all the time. All these factors are excellent "fuel" for the rapid "burning" of good managers. After all, they are the workhorses.
According to statistics, training a good manager will cost an organization about 2.5–3 thousand USD. e.
Does it make sense to scatter valuable personnel?
HR specialists say: “The basis of any proper motivation is, first of all, positive reinforcement. It is quite difficult to achieve a positive result with punishments.” This means that a corporate party can be used as a tool to increase motivation, including the fight against burnout.
"Emotional stress is relieved by sports loads." So, you can have a party in nature or present employees as a gift with a subscription to the gym.
"Don't forget to rest! Rest is also part of the work. Work "for wear and tear" is not only harmful, but also inefficient. According to physiologists, prolonged concentration of attention leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. Therefore, periodically arranging an entertainment event is not only pleasant, but also useful, and even necessary.
“A very important moment for the prevention of burnout is the understanding by the employee of his place in the company.” In the HF mode, you can not only have a heart-to-heart talk, but also illustrate the importance and need of a particular person (department or group of employees) in a song and game form.
“Saturated communication is recommended to be compensated by periods of complete loneliness. In Japan, for example, many top managers practice daytime naps for their employees during the working day.
A competent leader is simply obliged to pay attention to how his employees recover during and after a hard day. Having psychologically unloaded his wards, the manager can count on more effective work in the future.
The first impressions of an employee about the organization are the strongest and can affect the motivation to work and attitudes in the work team. Use the party as part of an "induction program" to introduce new hires to the organization's general rules, work environment, corporate customs and code of conduct.
It is good to surround yourself in the workplace with corporate gifts that will create a warm emotional background in the workplace. Gifts, by the way, are also given during the HF, when the positive effect will be enhanced by the general mood. In addition, publicly drawing attention to the merits of the employee for some time will increase work motivation.

So, in order for your organization to pass the "smell of burning psychological wiring", it is necessary in the process of preparing an entertainment event to remember that it can perform more diagnostic and rescue function.

The process of "firefighting"
In the HF mode, it is easiest to find out the psychological mood of a person. An informal or even semi-formal atmosphere has a relaxing effect, reduces the business distance and allows you to find out or just see and understand what to do with a person whose motivation has fallen, as they say, "below the plinth".
So, in your company there is one or more employees who are (or were previously) good specialists, but recently attend work only for the sake of a salary, or even out of inertia. It should be noted that the "burnout syndrome" occurs most often in the case of previous intensive work or in case of strong demotivation.
First, before the CT, it is necessary to find out what caused the cooling to work. During the party, you can spend an unobtrusive diagnostics: look at participation in competitions, at relations with the team, try to find out plans for the future in a conversation, ask to make a toast in honor of the company.
All these actions will help to understand whether there really is a “fire” or a matter of temporary fatigue, or a damaged relationship with one of your colleagues.
In the process of "returning to life" you need to use unrealized motivational levers(It is worth groping in the sphere of human needs). For example, it is possible to increase the formal or informal status of a person (self-affirmation); give as an example another famous person who has overcome life's hardships and achieved success (identify with an idol); offer to lead a project or a small group of people (the desire for power is one of the most important driving forces of human action), etc.
It is necessary to talk with a person in the key you have chosen: for example, find out his attitude to the transfer to another unit or the study of a new area; "committing a labor feat to resolve some terribly difficult situation that requires the participation of an expert."
In this case, CV will help to learn more about the employee's motivation and, therefore, increase the chances of keeping him in the team.

CV as a way for employees to get to know each other better

It is easiest to get acquainted with the team (or with a new employee) in a relaxed atmosphere. A party is perfect for this.
Indeed, when a team appears new employee, events can develop quite predictably: if the subject is “active in life”, then he begins to ask a lot of questions, asks to take him to the dining room, accounting, gets acquainted, brings photos, talks about himself and in every possible way involves any “free” ears and mouths in communication . As a result, he can secure the glory of sticky.
If the newcomer is timid, then he keeps silent, trying not to disturb anyone. Such silence can negatively affect the work, as well as the psychological state of a person. As a result, such a silent person can become an outcast in the team.
There is, of course, an intermediate option, when a person easily and painlessly for himself and others integrates into the team. But during the first three months at work (the adaptation period), any new employee needs additional attention and support. And the party in this case is a great help, because in an atmosphere of free communication, the timid one has the opportunity to talk, and the chatty one has the opportunity to speak out; someone can get in an informal setting feedback about their actions, etc.

The process of turning dating into a show
1. Start with the fact that the leader will make a toast "for joining the team".
2. You can prepare the "Tacit Code of the Company" and read it in a solemn atmosphere.
3. You can invite the newcomer to prepare a self-presentation (a short story, a song, a verse about yourself) 1 day before the party. And in response, organize a presentation of the company: perform ditties about employees, prepare a digest about interesting facts about the company.
4. Another option for implementation at a party: arrange a fun, harmless prank. The main thing is to imagine why this or that action is performed, and what reaction it can cause among the participants.
So, there are a lot of reasons for regularly organizing collective "sabantu" of various nature and orientation, as well as a lot of ways to implement them. About interesting ways, extraordinary ideas and the intricacies of organizing parties, read in the following chapters.

What are successful parties made of?

Briefly, a typical event looks something like this: the host comes out, greets the audience and announces upcoming events.
The entertainment program is built from 3-4 blocks of 20-30 minutes each with breaks between them of 15-20 minutes. In the first two breaks, a musical group plays (the same as during the gathering of guests), the next breaks usually become “dance” - there is a gradual transition to a disco.
Each block has 2-3 performances (depending on the "condition" of those present and the duration of the contests themselves). The location of the rooms in the block is not accidental. Dance numbers are usually used as the beginning and end of the block, a kind of "curtain". The numbers inside the block are arranged in such a way that there are no genre overlaps. Between the performances there is a presenter who makes toasts, gives the floor to the guests, holds contests, drawings according to the theme of the event. The remaining blocks will be built according to a similar scheme, without repeating it.
The last (“shock”) block of the program is something special, something that should become the “highlight” of the evening. This may be the presentation of the “main” gift to the hero of the occasion: for example, inside the ice sculpture, which has been melting all evening, it turns out (the main congratulation of the hero of the occasion, of course, occurs at the beginning of the party) festive fireworks or (which is becoming increasingly popular) the performance of the “star » stages. Perhaps both, and another, and the third, but it is important not to overdo it. "A lot" doesn't always mean "good".
On average, the entire program at the banquet, including breaks and dance breaks, takes from 4 to 6 hours. As experience shows, after this time, people who have received an emotional charge (and a certain degree) are more interested in dancing and communicating. Some of the guests go home, the most persistent stay until the end, as a rule, for another 2-3 hours. Thus, the total time of the event is 5-6 hours.
I must say that such a "deployed" program is by no means a dogma. Sometimes it is advisable to focus on attracting 2-3 artists (or artistic groups) and focus on the work of the presenter. In each specific case, the structure of the program is developed based on the following technical data:
cause for celebration;
the location of the event;
number of guests;
the age of the guests;
ratio: male/female;
social status.
Only when all these factors are taken into account can the entertainment program at the banquet be successful.

What is a script and a plan, why are they needed and how to write them

The plan for the development of events at the party reflects the general theme and idea of ​​the party, the main events and costs for them. After reading the plan, the goal and result of the event will become clear to the manager, customer or the organizer of the event.

Having an approximate scheme of events in hand, you:
– Insured against a large number of accidents.
- Increase the rating of the party itself and the customer.
– You can manage group processes and events.
To write a script, you need to have an arsenal of various games and pranks in stock, think over the original idea and beat it. And here it is necessary to describe everything to the smallest detail: who said what, who answered what, all the musical and theatrical numbers, who comes out when and what he does.
To play with an idea, it's a good idea to first define or invent attributes that reflect it. For example, if the idea is a beach party, then the attributes can be invitations stylized in a beach style (a postcard in the form of a deck chair, an umbrella, a panama hat), a form of clothing and accessories (shorts, elements of swimsuits, Hawaiian shirts, bright beads and bracelets), decoration of the room ( a bar decorated with flowers, shells, glass boxes with sand in which cacti grow, a lying beach ball, badminton rackets, etc., etc.)
Next, you need to understand and describe what kind of musical accompaniment is appropriate in this case. The style of the music (to match the party) and the musical accompaniment of special actions (for example, carcasses during the presentation of gifts).
The next step is to write the main sequence of mini-events: contests, sweepstakes, etc. with a detailed description and indication of names and characters, for example:
(Screaming from hallway): And who needs gifts here?
Leading (addressing those at the tables): Let's speak out loud!
Employees at the tables: Us! To me! Here!
The door opens. A man dressed as Santa Claus enters.
Father Frost: Did I misheard? Turned around here? Etc.
It’s a good idea to schedule smoking breaks, take-out time for second courses and dessert in the script.
You may not be able to implement all the planned actions, but this should be strived for. Especially when artists and various exotics such as fireworks, explosions, artificial snow and wind, melting ice sculptures, etc. are ordered. Everything must be done in time, because custom events are not cheap. Therefore, when the script is written, it is necessary to estimate again how long it will take and, perhaps, to reduce or add something.
Now I will describe in more detail the “skeleton” of the event, so as not to miss anything and, so to speak, “take a look around the area with the eyes of an eagle”.
Mark the day of the EC on the calendar with a red marker and start compiling preparation plan. Without it, your whole party can fail - at the last moment it turns out that half of the ideas have not been implemented, and the most necessary things are missing.
So, you will need:
list of all invitees(including also those who may “show up”);
approved by CEO event budget;
organizational plan of the event which will describe the main items of expenditure (venue; expenses for a festive feast, including catering; decoration of the premises; transportation costs, the need for which is dictated by the scenario);
event idea: This may be staging a skit or filming a video. Maybe it will be a stylized party, like a Chinese tea ceremony or a Hawaiian party. Throw a nasty celebration (for example, a New Year's Eve-style party for a "summer" birthday). There are many options, we will talk about them in more detail below. By the way, you can conduct a survey of employees to find out the type of holiday that is most acceptable for most of the employees.

The idea behind this book is not new. But the information that I posted here is usually in a fragmented form in different sources, while often everything is required at once. Therefore, the idea arose to create a kind of desktop express guide on how to competently, quickly, with minimal losses and maximize the benefits of organizing a corporate event.

So, to whom and how is this book useful?

What will it be about?

The intended readership is people involved in the organization of entertainment events. In principle, the materials contained in the book can easily be used for corporate and family celebrations, gatherings, "sessions" and celebrations.

First of all, I recommend reading it to those who are just starting their activities as a corporate mass entertainer (often the organization of this kind of event falls on an ordinary personnel manager). A business coach or a TLR specialist can find something useful for themselves in it. (The games presented here can be used in training and perform functions from warm-up to diagnostic and even therapeutic). In addition, I advise you to read this manual and leaders of different ranks. Especially the chapters on etiquette, motivation. And also for those for whom the "organization and holding of holidays" is work, the main source of income.

The topics of the chapters may overlap, but the information in different sections is devoted to different aspects of the holiday. The sections are independent, so you can safely read the book from the beginning, from the end, or diagonally. You won't miss out on anything you want to know.

The topics are listed in the table of contents, therefore, in my opinion, it makes no sense to retell the content of the book in the introduction. Let me just say that I tried to create a complete picture of the preparation of a corporate party, not to miss anything. As the builders say: "From the project to the keys to the apartment." In this case, the "apartment" is already with furniture and interior items - call in and live.

I just want to clarify how the material was collected. The sources were my own experience, the experience of the hosts of such events known to me, business coaches and personnel managers, as well as various printed publications and websites (see links in the text).

About what happened, judge for yourself.

Sincerely, Natalya Gorlinskaya

Who needs corporate events and why

corporatism- valuable for the employer quality of the employee. That is why the demand for events that increase employee loyalty and their commitment to the organization has recently increased.

Corporate, means owned by a corporation, being a part of it.

The term originates in ... Japan during the end of World War II, when survival in difficult conditions required mutual assistance and labor participation from all members of the clan or social group. Unconditional acceptance by a member of a social group of the concept of constant hard work and struggle received the material and spiritual support of the group. In turn, full and unconditional support under any circumstances required from a group member his full and unconditional loyalty and devotion to his group. The purposeful development of the industriousness of workers, supported by qualifications, was the main advantage of Japanese corporations in their struggle with foreign competitors for high productivity and quality. By producing high quality goods at low cost, corporate employees contributed to the social and economic development of the country, helped their companies to conquer new markets and increase profits. The more a person demonstrates his desire to sacrifice himself to the company (free overtime, unused paid vacation, etc.), the more his value as a corporate person increases and promotes his promotion.

The psychological literature describes interesting fact: it turns out that 90% of employees who quit in the first year of work at the enterprise decide to quit ... Get ready! .. On the first working day !!!

The question is, why are they still working after the decision is made? Someone out of inertia, someone because it’s a pity to leave, it’s difficult for someone to change the team, etc., etc. But why do they still leave? The “row edge effect” is triggered (it is often used in advertising, merchandising, pedagogy, etc.) - what is on the edges is remembered better - and it doesn’t matter if it concerns cans of condensed milk on the store shelf or a rude word spoken by the director to a newcomer .

How to form this corporatism in people, and from the very first day of their appearance in the team? There are many events that meet this goal: training seminars, cultural or sports trips, thematic planning meetings, excursions around the enterprise or its branches, acquaintance with the first persons of the company, acceptance of a newcomer into the corporate clan, etc. At the junction of almost all of the above, there is just entertaining corporate event - a corporate party (KV), where one gets acquainted with the cultural traditions of the enterprise and joins the team.

As for the parties and their types, they can be dissected in order to give meaning from the very beginning to the order and form of the presentation of the material about HF.

So, I propose to divide the parties according to the signs: “reason” (calendar event, presentation, random event), “venue” (office; restaurant or similar institution; nature), “type of feast” (buffet; tea-coffee-drinking; cocktail; traditional feast); "style of the event" (purely business; with official and entertainment parts; entertaining).

Teambuilding at a corporate party

The word “team building” has not only become fashionable lately, but also managed to get the directors of enterprises and organizations on edge. It sounds pretentious, but in fact, few people know what it looks like (that is, what a team is and how it differs from a team).

Team- these are people who are united by common goals, values, leader, means to achieve the goal, resources, motives. To turn a collective into a team, it is necessary that the members of the collective have at least the same leader and values.

A joint holiday will help to fix a common leader in the minds of employees, identify values ​​and their discrepancy, and help reveal the potential resources of employees.

For a HR director, a psychologist or a manager, a joint holiday is a source of information for thinking about how to organize employees into a team (of course, you must be able to see, hear and analyze what you see and hear).

For example, one can analyze who did what during the preparation of the party:

- someone cut sandwiches and set the table (setting for a clear execution of the job description);

- someone rushed to prepare a cultural program (creative personality, impulsiveness, desire to lead and stand out);

- someone walked around with a bored look, complaining that there would again be a scandal at home (setting: everything should be clearly regulated; irresponsibility:

“So that we have everything, but we don’t have anything for it”);

- someone, having drunk 2 glasses, began to behave unusually, unnaturally (enslaved in life, secretive, can be vindictive, notorious);

- someone with a pretentious expression said banal toasts;

- someone tried to emphasize attachment to the company and superiors;

- someone sat silently all evening, while the other communicated with everyone and took part in the general holiday, but without anguish;

They say about another person: "Well, he's just an artist." People of such a warehouse, as a rule, are cheerful, resourceful, relaxed, energetic, loud-voiced. From childhood, they are the "soul of the company", and, as they say, "they won't climb into their pocket for a word." During a game or a feast, they boldly take the initiative into their own hands, and all other participants willy-nilly obey them. It is from them that mass-entertainers “grow up”.

In the Soviet Union, the position of "mass entertainer" was mandatory in the staff list of all Palaces and Houses of Culture, Palaces of Pioneers. And if we recall the Sanatoriums and Rest Houses of that time and their cultural programs: quizzes, chess and checkers tournaments, dances to the button accordion .... And the most stereotypical undertaking of all the masses is running in bags.

By the way, there were special educational establishments, where the future mass activists - cultural workers, were trained, with a mandatory specialization in the bayan class - "Cultural enlightenment of the school", and then "Institutes of Culture". In one form or another, they still exist.

The concept of "massovik-entertainer" sounds somewhat naive now, but we must not forget that at one time this profession was in great demand by society and fully met the needs in the field of cultural events.

Modern Hosts of entertainment programs and DJs are the successors of the best traditions of mass entertainers, and are also called upon to create a festive mood.

The latest sound-reproducing equipment allows to significantly expand and diversify the quality of vocal and instrumental performance, and it is simply difficult to imagine a leader without a microphone.

Naturally, the requirements for professional qualities Leading. His duties include, in addition to conducting entertainment programs, the organization of corporate parties itself. This includes writing original script and coordinating it with the customer. Selection of musical groups and performers for filling entertainment program, provision of transport. Budgeting and coordination of all services involved in a corporate event.

For various competitions, lotteries, promotions, the services of one Host are not enough. Animators are brought in to help him. These are decorators. They are costumed as some well-known characters, and are auxiliary artists, set to "warm up" the public. Animators are busy distributing advertising and other products, and directly "on the hook" from the Host.

When organizing a festive event of a significant scale, customers, as a rule, turn to specialized companies that are professionally engaged in "Show business". Such firms have administrative and human resources, which allows them to take on the organization and conduct of corporate events, which is called "turnkey". And they know of course how to prepare New Year's celebration. How to create that unique New Year's mood. What should be the real Santa Claus, with his fabulous surprises ...

If you want a real festive mood - trust the professionals!

Perhaps you will be interested.