Ways of manipulation in the management process. Types of manipulation: economic, political, bureaucratic, ideological, psychological

It is difficult to imagine a manager who does not use manipulation. But let's try to imagine the management of an organization, from which manipulative tactics are completely excluded. The halo of the leader will disappear. Management is a process that inevitably gives rise to its own internal mythology. Strength is where there are myths. The latter always accompany good managers, as well as good teachers, as well as good specialists in general: there are legends and fables about them, you can make fun of them, they can be angry with them - but they will always listen. This halo is a symbol of power, a sign of strength and an obligatory burden for their owner.

The leader's halo is an effective way to inspire subordinates. It is much more natural to yield and surrender to the mercy of the strong, to trust his qualifications.

Without manipulation, the psychological quality of management decreases: with the elimination of manipulation, the subtlety of management disappears, and the palette of means used decreases. A manager who does not use or does not own manipulation runs the risk of slipping to coarser controls. Manipulation softens. Something resembling tact arises: the boss has the right to give orders, but, sparing the pride of the worker, expresses only his concern about some problem, counting on the "understanding" of the subordinate.

There are growing cases of abuse of manipulation, when it becomes a means of self-affirmation of the boss at the expense of subordinates, solving their personal problems. It often happens that concern for the interests of the organization serves as an excuse for infringing on the rights of subordinates.

When a person gets a job, he offers for sale his professionalism, his health, strength, time and even human qualities: abilities, character traits, competence in communication. Salaries are paid even for character and for the ability to get along with people. This is expressed in the fact that people are selected for certain positions on the basis of personality traits, and when staff are reduced - all other things being equal - brawlers and inconvenient ones are fired first of all. Offering for use his qualifications and everything that is required for work, under normal conditions, the worker is not going to sell his mental properties.

It is this human line that the leader crosses, who, having the right to dispose of subordinates by position, arrogates to himself the right to dispose of a person as a person. This attitude towards a subordinate can manifest itself in various forms: in suppression or direct dominance, in manipulation, in humiliation - explicit or rude or subtle and veiled. Manipulation is better than grossly trampling on the dignity of people. But manipulative confrontation is noticeably harder to recognize and harder to resolve constructively. In manipulation, the struggle with the other is complicated by the struggle with oneself.

One circumstance makes manipulation especially attractive. Manipulation allows you to shift the responsibility for the decision to subordinates. Regular practice leads to the fact that power accumulates in the hands of the rulers, while the ruled are overloaded with hyper-responsibility. You have to pay for any pleasure - not every worker wants to take on such a burden.

There are situations in management when manipulation cannot be avoided. But the ability to manipulate must be tightly coupled with the ability not to manipulate. Manipulation is effective when used as an adjunct to the task, and not as an obsessive desire, an end in itself, or a trap for the manipulator.

Such sciences as psychology, sociology of management have been studying the psychological impact of people on each other for a long time. One of the interesting and, according to the generally accepted opinion, rather “dirty” types of influence is manipulation.

The media, politics, leadership - our lives are influenced by manipulation on a daily basis, but, unfortunately, often we are not only unable to resist, but also unwilling.

Manipulation, as a tool of influence, is common in modern business practice, despite its destructive impact. Most managers have a habit of using manipulation methods, which not only harms their work, but also increases the negative attitude of subordinates.

This is one of the types of communication that is used everywhere. We are so accustomed to the fact of controlling us and our consciousness that we fully admit it and do not resist, because. it has become an integral part of life.

The topic of manipulation is quite relevant and should be studied from the school bench in order to allow the individual to independently make choices in his life.

Manipulation is a rather broad topic, therefore, in the context of this article, we will talk specifically about manipulation in the field of managerial activity and professional management. To begin with, it is worth clarifying the theoretical basis of manipulation as a process.

In the scientific literature, there are various definitions of the concept of "manipulation", here are some of them:

Manipulation is a special case of hidden control, which is done to the detriment of the object of influence.

Manipulation is one of the types of influence on the human mind, carried out in the process of communication.

The main goal of manipulation is covert control, which, in a more specific view, pursues such goals as:

- make the object of manipulation a tool to achieve their goals;

- transfer part of your work to another employee;

- delegate responsibility, while removing it from oneself;

- resolve their intrapersonal conflicts;

- to benefit through the work of the object of manipulation.

When talking about manipulation in the field of management, it is very important to consider inter-role communications and the peculiarity of hidden control within them.

The most common method of manipulation is considered to be the manipulation of subordinates, which is understandable. Having authority, managers are often unnecessarily demanding of subordinates, sometimes assigning tasks that are exclusively personal in relation to the leader.

There is also the opposite effect - manipulation of the leader. In this type of influence, the leader is no longer the subject, but the object of subordination. With this option, subordinates make a victim out of their leader, massively or individually manipulating him.

No less common is hidden management between colleagues or manipulation of colleagues. The peculiarity of this type of management is that it can be both direct, based on direct contact, and indirect - through the head of the department or superiors, i.e. when someone else's authority is used to exercise influence.

There are a large number of writers and scientists whose works describe the processes of manipulation from the point of view of methodology. We will look at those techniques that have become the most popular in recent years. But first, let's do a brief review of the literature.

There are many books on the topic of manipulation, but of the majority, only a dozen differ in really different material. Vadim Shlahter in his book "How to Fuck the World" considers manipulation as a way to achieve success. Sergei Zelinsky in his work "Analysis of the use of manipulative methods of mass control in the study of the destructiveness of the modern era on the example of Russia" considered management, taking Freud's psychoanalysis as a basis. Those. manipulations based on the model of Freud's psyche, which describes the ongoing processes in sufficient detail, differentiating various methods by areas of influence: influence on the subconscious, unconscious and conscious. Robert Cialdini in the book "Psychology of Influence" described in sufficient detail not only the methods and techniques themselves, but also the methods of protection, as well as the details of the processes of manipulation. It is worth considering in more detail part of Cialdini's techniques.

The most popular method of manipulation is the "Reciprocity Rule". Hare Krishnas in America collected a lot of money through this technique. They collected roses and gave them to passers-by with an invitation to help the church. At this time, people passing by felt uncomfortable - they were given a gift, and they became "must". People started throwing money. But they didn’t need roses, so the flowers were thrown away in the nearest garbage heap. The Hare Krishnas, when the flowers ran out, collected the discarded ones and returned to the passers-by. An amazingly simple method and quite effective.

The next method is Rejection and Retreat. This technique takes place in two stages: first, a person turns to his interlocutor with a request that he cannot fulfill. Then he makes a less weighty request, to which, by inertia, feeling his awkward position because of the refusal, the interlocutor must agree.

The author also revealed an interesting method based on authority - the use of social proof. It consists in bringing a person to action by referring to what most people do (Buy, because everyone buys).

A good method is to enter the zone of trust. Manipulation through flattery or other means of gaining trust.

Another interesting method that does not lose strength over the years is a reference to authority. The persuasion of a person, using a reference to the opinion of a person who is a respected and revered person for the interlocutor.

This is only a part of the methods developed by Cialdini and all of them are applicable in practice. I would like to note that they are quite unique in the practice of manipulatory techniques, which makes them more attractive for study.

With a sufficiently broad consideration of the topic of hidden control, it is possible to reveal a dozen classifications and techniques, from games to NLP, but the question remains open, and is manipulation good or bad?

Most look at manipulation as a way to "coerce them into something they don't want for the benefit of the coercive." But, let's say, when parents force a child to go to school and go to college, they are unlikely to have mercenary goals and wish the child harm. From this point of view, manipulation is good, albeit against the will. You can give more analogies to describe the positive impact of manipulation, but the essence is still not clear.

It is also important to note that along with manipulation, there is the concept of assertiveness - freedom from someone else's will. A person allows himself to be controlled, but now it has become popular to be independent and free, often going against the general trend of morality. Within the framework of assertiveness, manipulation is considered as unreasonable behavior, because it is much more reasonable to negotiate with greater efficiency.

The essence of assertiveness is revealed in its rules:

  1. You have the right to decide everything about your goals and actions - if you are ready to be responsible for the consequences yourself
  2. You have the right to change your beliefs and views.
  3. You have the right to act illogically (for others)
  4. You have the right not to depend on the goodwill of others
  5. You have the right to decide / be responsible for other people
  6. You have the right to be wrong
  7. You have the right not to know something
  8. You have the right not to respond to criticism and reproaches
  9. You have the right not to explain or justify your actions in any way.
  10. You have the right to ask, to clarify everything that is not clear

The bottom line is that you are in charge of your own life and can manage it. In this vein, manipulation becomes negative, already from the point of view of restricting human freedom. Those. manipulation is a restriction of freedom. As for the assertiveness itself, the fact that manipulation is more popular becomes quite interesting. If people respect the right of everyone to freedom of expression, to allow each other to make mistakes, will everyday communication become easier?

Upon further consideration, the following can be determined:

- manipulation can exist as “compulsion to act for the benefit of oneself and to the detriment of another”, when the object “loses”, and the subject of manipulation “gains”, for example, a beggar on the street tearfully begs for more money for the treatment of a dying child (who, according to legend, is not exist);

- manipulation can exist as "bringing an object to an action that will be equally useful for both the object and the subject." An example would be parents forcing a child to study.

Manipulation is popular and actively used in various areas of our lives, but what does it represent from the inside - a dangerous formula for human existence or a useful tool for achieving success? All explanations are situational and individual for each case, so whether this is good or evil remains a mystery ..

The next mechanism of influence is manipulation, usually used in the absence of formal power, therefore it is more often used by subordinates. Manipulation differs from the manifestation of power in that, firstly, it hides its goals; secondly, it requires more information about the person, which the authorities do not need; thirdly, the results of this influence come more slowly; and also this mechanism is difficult to apply.

Another way of influence is cooperation. The main idea of ​​this mechanism is that a person, entering into cooperation, assumes the obligation to restructure his behavior. The value of this method lies in the fact that it gives a person freedom, independence in making a decision about his new form of behavior.

It is not easy to apply this mechanism, and the results are not immediately visible, but over time, cooperation is very beneficial for the organization.

A factor in the success of managerial communication is also the manager's awareness of one or another type of "relationship of interdependence". Relations of interdependence should be understood as special relations that arise as a result of solving various contradictions between the organization and individuals. Their essence lies in the coordination of the interests of the organization and the employee, that is, the relationship of interdependence is a mechanism of mediation between the individual and the organization. This mechanism can act, on the one hand, as a self-regulating, associated with cultural phenomena, and in particular, with organizational culture. On the other hand, as a controlled mechanism associated with the principles and methods of management.

1.2 Management and manipulation. Types of manipulation

Manipulation is a kind of psychological influence, the skillful execution of which leads to the hidden excitation of intentions in another person that do not coincide with his actual existing desires.

In practice, there are situations everywhere when, due to the conditions for solving the problem facing the control system, it turns out to be incompatible with the goals of the participants. This may be due to the selfish orientation of the goals of the control system; unsolvability of contradictions within the controlled system. In these cases, the subject of control resorts to a technique called manipulation. He not only manages by influencing the object, but completely ignores it, neglects its own interests. In manipulations, the object of control - a person - begins to be seriously considered only as an object of control. The value and significance of the human personality is reduced by the manipulator to usefulness in terms of their own momentary tasks. In terms of content, manipulation is a form of management in which one's own goals and interests of the object of management are ignored. They can be completely ignored or recognized formally (fictitiously), but when making management decisions, they are not taken into account as part of the management goal.

In form, manipulation is a socio-psychological impact, deceit, fraud, built on a fictitious recognition of the partner's interests.

Economic manipulation begins with the use of a difficult, or better, hopeless financial situation of a partner, when he is ready to agree to any work that is most undesirable for himself for an insignificant reward. More subtle methods of economic manipulation include such as an increase in the nominal wage rate, the payment of an insignificant bonus, additional payments, compensation in the face of incomparably high inflation and a reduction in purchasing power; unreasonable reduction in the level of wages, delays and non-payment, the same kind of actions can have the opposite direction - when the owner of material resources, the employer, becomes the object of manipulation. Strikes and lockouts, timed to coincide with the moment when the organization will not be able to resist the pressure of the labor collective, are the same manipulations. These include any other deliberate non-compliance with formal or implied agreements of an economic nature.

Political manipulation is based on the use of political mechanisms for purposes other than those declared. This may be a declarative following by a politician of the interests of political groups, the use of their support and the subsequent failure to fulfill political promises; deliberate distortion by the media of the real alignment of political forces (informational); embellishing some facts of political significance and hushing up others or making public their sequence, creating a misleading idea about political leaders, parties, movements. Bureaucratic or organizational manipulations imply any pseudo-activity of an administrative or organizational nature: delaying the deadlines for resolving issues, confusing the applicant in the labyrinth of numerous instances and responsible persons; failure to perform managerial functions and their replacement by obviously useless, but outwardly effective activities; expansion of the organization. Ideological manipulation involves insincerity and falseness in the realm of public and personal ideals. They can be built on a fictitious adherence to existing social ideals or by creating new ideologies that justify the use of immoral and immoral means with unrealistic ends. The same manipulations include the formation of a certain and, as a rule, harmful system of values, cultural clichés, and stereotypes of behavior. Psychological manipulations are actually the simplest and are part of all of the above. Any manipulation of individual or collective consciousness necessarily takes into account the peculiarities of mental perception and structure of the manipulated. This does not exclude, however, the existence of psychological manipulations aimed at psychological values. A person can be manipulated in order to win his respect, friendship, love, gratitude. Purely psychological manipulations can act as a prelude to others, prepare the ground, remove suspicion. The manifestations of such manipulations include: external attentiveness and tact with internal indifference to the psychological problems of the object; artificial identification of oneself with the object, the formation of sympathies; using personal trust for their own purposes.

Forms of manipulation: scam, fraud, fraud, intrigue, hoax, provocation, etc.

Chapter 2. Analysis of processes and methods of manipulation in business

Let's analyze the various processes taking place in business from the point of view of the presence of manipulative actions.

2.1 Manipulation in management

There are three main components in management: planning, organization and control. Each of these elements has its own manipulative moments.

In planning, the leader must be able to "throw" himself for several years ahead in order to see the future in which he and his team will find themselves. Someone can see the prospects of 10-20 years, and someone with great difficulty can only see what will happen in a month or two. The fact is that a manager really should be able to create a vision of the future, because sometimes it is simply impossible for subordinates to do this. After all, they (as they believe) should not plan the growth and movement of fixed and circulating assets that do not belong to them. In any case, even if you ask them about it, they will do it much worse and still leave their boss unsatisfied. Well, it's none of their business, strategic planning. Therefore, the leader has to look into his future and see where his people will be located and what they will do. And then talk about what he saw to his team, motivating her to work hard. At the same time, he will manipulate his subordinates with a simple thought: "Here, guys, your bright future, follow me and you will have everything." It's amazing, but I want to believe in fairy tales. This creates a motivation for good work. And, only after some time, you understand that it was a manipulation and you become somewhat offended for yourself, for the lost time and the dead hope.

The leader must be able to plan and set achievable goals. Perhaps this can be called manipulation, but rather even programming the future of each member of the team. That is why it is useful to speak the future more often, thereby motivating people. At the same time, it must be remembered that small exaggerations of plans are forgiven by people (after all, they understand the difficulties and reasons that changed the course of events), but never big ones (it is at this moment that they feel offended and deceived).

I must say that the emotions that someone's manipulation causes are usually negative. That is why we feel "somehow not very". Who would like such tweaks from below, such as, for example, "You think slowly as always" or "Don't slow down, think faster", or "You don't have enough brains to get this position" .

essence of manipulation

Management in social systems is rarely limited to simply agreeing on the existing goals of the participants. The intensification of management implies an active influence on the complex of goals of the object of management and the system of its values. From these positions, social management can be represented as a kind of marketing, when the owner of the product (the manager who distributes a certain set of benefits) diligently exaggerates its merits compared to the price that must be paid for it. It is on these principles that a significant number of methods of socio-psychological management are based.

In practice, there are situations everywhere when, due to the conditions for solving the problem facing the control system, it turns out to be incompatible with the goals of the participants. This may be due to the selfish orientation of the goals of the control system; unsolvability of contradictions within the controlled system. Examples abound: the entrepreneur whose only social goal is profit maximization; a politician who, for the sake of his victory in elections, seeks to attract voters at any cost; a doctor who encounters a patient who denies the need for treatment. All of them are forced to overcome the natural resistance of the controlled system.

In these cases, the subject of control resorts to a technique called manipulation. He not only manages by influencing the object, but completely ignores it, neglects its own interests. In manipulations, the object of control - a person - begins to be seriously considered only as an object of control. The value and significance of the human personality is reduced by the manipulator to usefulness in terms of their own momentary tasks.

In terms of content, manipulation is a form of management in which one's own goals and interests of the object of management are ignored. They can be completely ignored or recognized formally (fictitiously), but when making management decisions, they are not taken into account as part of the management goal. In form, manipulation is a socio-psychological impact, deceit, fraud, built on a fictitious recognition of the partner's interests.

The term "manipulation" in the refraction of human relations has a psychological and even psychiatric nature. Manipulations include acts of hypnosis, when the consciousness of the hypnotized is actually turned off. His goals, in addition to his will, bypassing his mind, are replaced by the goals of a hypnotist - a manipulator. When applied to sociology, manipulation should not have such a sinister meaning. This is not hypnosis, but simple falsification.

Thus, manipulation can be represented as a socio-psychological influence of a hidden nature, as an irrational way to achieve goals. Manipulation is based on the desire of its subject to obtain a one-sided benefit. The object of manipulation is perceived as a means of achieving the subject's own selfish goals. When manipulating, there is no direct physical violence, and changing the behavior of the object in the interests of the manipulator is based on the "construction of reality".

Types of manipulation

There are an infinite number of techniques that provide the possibility of manipulating both individual and mass consciousness. Manipulative influences in the system of managerial relations can be differentiated on the following grounds:

- depending on the management level manipulations at the organizational, local, regional, federal levels of power are highlighted;

- on communicative orientation manipulative influence can be distinguished manipulations "from above", manipulations "from below", double manipulation;

- on the specifics of information impact distinguish between such types of manipulation as disinformation, silence, neurolinguistic programming, the use of stereotypes, labeling, manipulation of public opinion polls, etc.;

- depending on the subject area economic, political, bureaucratic, ideological, psychological manipulation are distinguished.

economic manipulation begins with the use of a difficult, or better, hopeless financial situation of a partner, when he is ready to agree to any work that is most undesirable for himself for an insignificant reward. More subtle methods of economic manipulation include such as an increase in the nominal wage rate, the payment of an insignificant bonus, additional payments, compensation in the face of incomparably high inflation and a reduction in purchasing power; unreasonable reduction in the level of wages, delays and non-payment. The same kind of actions can have the opposite direction - when the owner of material resources, the employer, becomes the object of manipulation. Strikes and lockouts, timed to coincide with the moment when the organization will not be able to resist the pressure of the labor collective, are the same manipulations. These include any other deliberate non-compliance with formal or implied agreements of an economic nature.

Political manipulation are based on the use of political mechanisms for purposes other than those declared. This may be a declarative following by a politician of the interests of political groups, the use of their support and the subsequent failure to fulfill political promises; deliberate distortion by the media of the real alignment of political forces (informational); embellishing some facts of political significance and hushing up others or making public their sequence, creating a misleading idea about political leaders, parties, movements.

Bureaucratic or organizational manipulation imply any pseudo-activity of an administrative or organizational nature: delaying the resolution of issues, confusing the applicant in the labyrinth of numerous instances and responsible persons; failure to perform managerial functions and their replacement by obviously useless, but outwardly effective activities; expansion of the organization.

Ideological manipulation suggest insincerity and falsity in the sphere of public and personal ideals. They can be built on a fictitious adherence to existing social ideals or by creating new ideologies that justify the use of immoral and immoral means by unrealistic final goals. The same manipulations include the formation of a certain and, as a rule, harmful system of values, cultural clichés, and stereotypes of behavior.

Psychological manipulation in fact, they are the simplest and are part of all of the above. Any manipulation of individual or collective consciousness necessarily takes into account the peculiarities of mental perception and structure of the manipulated. This does not exclude, however, the existence of psychological manipulations aimed at psychological values. A person can be manipulated in order to win his respect, friendship, love, gratitude. Purely psychological manipulations can act as a prelude to other manipulations, prepare the ground, remove suspicion. The manifestations of such manipulations include: external attentiveness and tact with internal indifference to the psychological problems of the object; artificial identification of oneself with the object; the formation of sympathy; using personal trust for their own purposes.

Externally, manipulations are extremely effective, because they allow you to achieve sometimes unimaginable results. Awareness of the opportunities offered by manipulative technologies has had such a huge impact on the development of mankind that almost the entire history of the twentieth century can be considered as the result and consequence of manipulations implemented in various fields and scales. These are revolutions and various changes of political regimes, and the functioning of racism, fascism, the imposition of artificial values, ways of thinking, ways of life, the introduction of new technologies, new products, the manipulation of production and consumption.

Theories of manipulation

It cannot be said that manipulation is a discovery of the 20th or 19th century. Many sociologists and especially psychologists have tried to comprehend the nature of manipulation.

R.S. Rafikova proposed the following classification of the concepts of manipulative influence:

– psychological concepts of manipulation;

- concepts that characterize the manipulative activity of the media and the problem of massization associated with it;

- concepts that define manipulation as a type of social and public administration.

The first group is represented psychological concepts of manipulation. The analysis of psychological manipulations in modern psychological science has led to the development of an appropriate conceptual apparatus as a working tool for their study and systematization. So, E. Burn extended the ideas of Freudianism to the social communication of people. He introduced into scientific circulation the concepts of hidden transactions and games, with the help of which to analyze the fate and social activity of a person. There are three states of Ego in every person - Parent, Adult and Child. From the position of this or that state, a person communicates with other people. However, in addition to these basic ones, a person develops many additional persona images with appropriate behaviors. From the positions of various role images, people often enter into games, i.e. standardized communication schemes that "outwardly look quite natural, but contain an implicit motivation." Similar internal schemes, scenarios of life can be identified in people's lives. The names of such scenarios are curious: "Cinderella", "Sisyphus", etc., artistic images that become life. The analysis of "fairy tales" helps to better understand the life and behavior of people, especially in cases where the line between fairy tale and reality is blurred. E. Berne himself said that his approach lies in the field of "social psychiatry". But it easily turns into "applied social psychiatry" when his ideas are applied to the management process.

The American researcher E. Shostrom singled out the types of manipulators based on the study of the practice of people using stable combinations of manipulations in interpersonal interaction. Their positions boiled down to the fact that the manipulators are moving on to acting out and implementing in Everyday life entire typical scenarios of manipulation in interpersonal interaction, which becomes the basis for the formation of a typical style of behavior and communication with others.

The second group of concepts is represented by theories characterizing manipulative activities of the media and the consequences of such activities. Manipulation as a function of the media was considered primarily by representatives of the Frankfurt School, in particular, by the followers of the neo-Marxist approach T. Adorno, A. Gouldner, M. Horkheimer. Their main conclusion was that the media have an impact on the mass consciousness and behavior of the population, which acts as a passive object of manipulation, subordination and control. To control and manipulate, to create false needs and form the necessary ideology, an entire industry has been created - the cultural industry, which both supplies a sensually given reality and controls the mechanism for processing this reality within a person.

The representative of the critical approach G. Marcuse wrote about the inspiring role of "noise" (media). He wonders "is it possible to draw a line between the media as a tool of information and entertainment and as agents of manipulation, influencing the mass consciousness of a person." According to Marcuse, the media act as the language of the total administration of the state, which generates a "one-dimensional consciousness" and focuses on maintaining the existing order in society.

Such information processing of consciousness leads to the transformation of social society into a mass one and contributes to the formation of masses that are malleable to social manipulation. The point of view of many theorists of this direction is that the influence of the media forms a "mass society", a "crowd".

Manipulative activity with the help of the media, which popularizes ideas in the public mind, is characterized by the category propaganda. L. Flezer, M. Chukas pointed to the manipulative nature of any propaganda, emphasizing that it is the art of forcing people to take actions that are undesirable for them, that in essence it is a controlled dissemination of deliberately distorted ideas in order to induce people to take actions that meet predetermined goals interest groups.

Representatives of postmodernism (G. Debord, J. Baudrillard), unlike neo-Marxists, were more radical in their positions on the manipulative activities of the media, they argued that reality does not exist, but there are only simulacra (appearances), simulations and performances. Modern manipulative technologies are capable of destroying the knowledge gained as a result of historical experience in a person, replacing it with artificially constructed knowledge. Truth, reality no longer exist, the spectacle takes their place. Performance management concentrates all the possibilities for falsification of both the entire system of human perception and the entire system of social production.

The next group of concepts focuses on manipulation as an integral attribute of state and social management. Manipulative control technologies have been generalized in many works of ancient authors - Plato, Aristotle, in the teachings of the ancient Chinese thinker Confucius. The famous Chinese statesman Sun Tzu in his works "Treatise on 36 Stratagems" and "Treatise on the Art of War" presented an analysis of specific schemes and methods of manipulative influence.

In one of the oldest sources of ancient India, the Arthashastra, attributed to the Brahmin Kautilo, describes 4 policy tools: peace negotiations, bribery, sowing discord and open attack. “If there is a choice between two possibilities: whether to resort to the help of a stronger one or to pursue a dual policy, then one should lean towards the latter. For leading a dual policy helps himself. The one who resorts to the help of a stronger one helps another, but not himself. Manipulation as a policy is justified here and recognized as more effective than direct reliance on the help of a stronger one, since it is fraught with the loss of one's own independence.

To the concepts of this group can be attributed to the teachings of the famous Italian thinker, diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli. His treatise "The Sovereign" has become a kind of textbook on political behavior, which strikes with its modern sound even at the beginning of the 21st century. His name has become a household name for a specific approach to social interaction and management, involving the use of various methods and means of covert coercion of people. N. Machiavelli was the first of the theoreticians of the state to declare that power rests on strength and consent, and the Sovereign must continuously carry out special work to win and hold the consent of his subjects.

A special group of theories that characterize manipulation in the system of social and public administration are concepts that reflect the use of manipulation of public opinion and the results of its measurement. In this regard, one cannot fail to mention the famous polemical article by Pierre Bourdieu “Public opinion does not exist”, in which he also warns against the incorrect and uncritical inclusion of mass assessments in public administration processes. The problem of conditions, boundaries and opportunities for the influence of public opinion on the functioning and development of social systems was also discussed in the works of A. Lowell, W. Lippman, G. Schiller, D.P. Gavra and others.

Thus, the selected groups of concepts not only represent the theoretical basis for the study of this phenomenon, but also allow a comprehensive analysis of manipulation as an integral part of management activity.

test questions

1. What is the essence of manipulation as a special form of management? What is its danger to the individual?

2. Is it possible to say that manipulation is universal and infinite?

3. Answer why people tend to manipulate each other? In what and in what areas does this manifest itself?

4. What are the types of manipulation?

5. What is the essence of economic manipulation?

6. What are the manifestations of political and ideological manipulation? Give examples.

7. What manipulation theories do you know?



Faculty of Management

Graduate work

On the topic: "Technologies of manipulation in the activities of the leader"

Graduate student

Kulkov Alexander Sergeevich


Bakhtin Maxim Borisovich

Moscow 2012


3 Manipulation as a method of psychological influence in the activities of the leader

3 Analysis of the effectiveness of management activities of the heads of the organization of the bank "Home Credit"




"For the well-being and prosperity of society, the leader must first of all be a moral leader - virtuous and decent, and develop these qualities in others."


Among the variety of problems in the theory and practice of management, the main place, of course, belongs to a complex of issues related to the content of managerial activity, with the individual activity of the leader.

In order to form a correct and complete picture of managerial activity, one should take into account the main difficulties in the psychological study of the leader's activity, the difficulty of distinguishing activity problems from the general organizational one. The main ones are as follows.

Firstly, the activities of the leader are objectively and inextricably linked with all other aspects of the functioning of the organization. Consequently, the problem of managerial activity is also organically woven into all other managerial and organizational problems and cannot be adequately solved outside of them. The study of management activity is a specific aspect when considering all existing management problems, which determines the relevance of the topic.

Based on the goal, the following tasks are set:

To study the specifics of management activities,

consider the concept and functions of a leader,

to study the socio-psychological competence of the leader and the problem of sanctions,

analyze the interaction, impact and influence in the activities of the leader,

consider the methods of psychological influence in the activities of the leader,

to study the concepts, criteria, signs of manipulation,

analyze manipulative technologies and mechanisms of manipulative influence,

consider the destructiveness of manipulative influence,

to study the mechanism of neutralization of manipulations in communication,

consider the information and psychological security of the personality of the leader,

present a general description, organizational structure of the organization under study, personnel characteristics for the last 3-5 years,

to consider the studied problem of the effectiveness of the use of manipulative techniques in management practice in relation to the activities of the organization, defined as the object of study,

give a reasoned assessment of the effectiveness of management activities in the organization under study,

The object of the thesis is the bank "Home Credit". The subject is manipulation technologies as a management tool for the head of Home Credit Bank.

The information base of this work consists of printed and electronic materials of authors who write and work in this field, banking statistics and the results of a specific study conducted by the author.

The main research methods in this work are the analysis of information and sociological surveys of bank employees.

Only those who have knowledge of the functional mechanisms of management processes can correctly determine the situation, analyze problems and find appropriate methods for solving them. Only the one who comprehensively understands the specifics of management decisions in their relationship can most successfully and productively manage the processes of a company (organization). These phrases contain the practical significance of the thesis.

Chapter 1

1 The concept of management activity and its specifics

Among the variety of problems in the theory and practice of management, the main place, of course, belongs to a complex of issues related to the content of managerial activity, with the individual activity of the leader. Just as the leader plays the central and most important role in any organizational system, so the study of this activity is objectively the main problem of management theory.

Management activity is a complex intellectual activity of a person that requires certain knowledge and experience.

Management activity is not something independent, isolated in society. First of all, in its internal content, it reflects the properties inherent in public administration in general: systemicity, state domination, universality, multidirectionality, etc. Management activity is the result of a set of human actions (mental, physical, etc.). Thus, management activity, having the properties of public administration, contains a subjective factor through which it is implemented.

Management activity has certain features:

) It has an applied character. By itself, it has no value, but is intended to implement the goals and functions of public administration. Therefore, it can be represented as a set of skills, abilities, methods, means and actions of a person in the field of management developed by people.

) Differs in intellectual content. This quality manifests itself in two ways: on the one hand, the development of a solution and its implementation is not possible without the intellectual activity of government officials, on the other hand, it requires the same from the managed object - people, their awareness of the managerial impact. In addition, the main meaning of management activity is to obtain a new quality of the managed process, which is impossible without mental, creative efforts.

) Information content. At its core, management activity is largely associated with the search and processing of a huge array of information, on the basis of which management decisions are made. In modern conditions, the flow of information has increased many times over, so the methods of work of the administrative apparatus with information must be constantly improved, new techniques and methods, new technical means of the program and information processing system should be developed. The effectiveness of decisions made and, in general, public administration depends on the quality of information, its reliability.

) Socio-psychological character with a pronounced manifestation of the will. The specificity of managerial activity is associated with the constant performance of certain obligatory actions, subordination and execution, work in a certain team, as part of a “team”, requires the subordination of one’s own “I” to the execution of a public position, the tension of personal qualities and the coordination of one’s actions with common goals. Therefore, even the appearance of a “man of power” is different, and a special psychological microclimate is formed in the collective of government bodies that forms a certain type of behavior and activity.

) Collectivity. Management activity is always carried out in a team, it involves the interaction of some teams with others, both within the managing subject and with teams of objects of managerial influence, social groups, etc. The formal construction of a management body according to departments and positions creates only a logical scheme for streamlining the collective work of many. The higher the consistency of individual links of the management system, individual officials among themselves, the higher the efficiency of public administration, in particular, more economical.

) A complex phenomenon. Management activity includes many components: people, information, technical means and much more. Only a balanced implementation of all controls gives it rationality and efficiency.

) Legal assignment. Despite the influence of the subjective human factor on the nature of managerial activity, many of its elements are legally fixed, "attached" to specific state bodies, positions: competence, scope, methods of performing managerial functions, etc.

Control functions are a real power, purposeful, organizing and regulating influence on a controlled object (phenomenon, relationship, state, etc.). The subject of management functions indicates the aspects of the manifestation of the social system, subject to control by the state. For example, for the function of regulation, the subject matter is specific relations between people that are important for society. The content of management functions expresses the meaning and nature of the control action: for the regulatory function, this is the creation or application of the necessary social norms. The way functions are implemented determines the means or (opportunities) for changing managerial relationships: for the specified function, this is the ability to streamline relations between people by influencing their consciousness, behavior or activity.

Control functions, taking into account their specifics, are divided into types. Depending on the direction and place of influence, one can distinguish: internal and external functions.

Internal functions are related to control within the control system itself. The purpose of such functions is to give dynamism and legitimacy to the management of each state body, to improve them depending on changing conditions. public life.

External management functions characterize the impact of the organization on social processes, managed objects. It is in these functions that the main meaning and content, the public purpose of management.

The division of functions into internal and external is of great practical importance. In some cases, the holding of various organizational events (meetings, planning meetings, discussion of development programs, inspections of lower subordinate structures, personnel transfers) is presented as a means of strengthening the control impact on the social system, managed objects, which is not really the case. At the same time, the importance of internal functions should not be underestimated, since the uncoordinated work of the team will not give effective results, and all plans for the development of a certain direction will remain only on paper.

Managers have a huge personal responsibility for the success of the business. This requires encyclopedic knowledge in various fields, primarily in economics and management.

A leader is a person who directs and coordinates the activities of performers, who must obey him without fail and fulfill all his requirements within the established framework. The manager himself can take on the functions of an executor only in order to understand the specifics of the work.

The essence of the duties of a leader is to organize the work of subordinates. This is a special kind of creative activity, and as the complexity of the object of management and the position occupied increases, the requirements for creativity increase.

In fulfilling his duties, the leader acts in a certain social role, the nature of which changes with the development of society.

With the growth of education and cultural level of employees, their awareness of themselves as individuals, the role of the leader ceased to meet the real needs of management practice. Under these conditions, the manager has a new role of the father of the family, not only giving orders, punishing or rewarding, but also creating a favorable moral and psychological climate, resolving interpersonal conflicts, supporting his subordinates at work, and sometimes in everyday life.

The modern scientific and technological revolution has radically changed the conditions and nature of production. Technological and social processes have become extremely complex, and the knowledge and qualifications of the performers, their independence have increased so much that the manager was no longer able to manage everything alone. Therefore, his role is changing again - he becomes the organizer of the independent work of performers united in teams. Dictatorial habits and paternalism in this situation are practically excluded, because it is unacceptable for the first among equals to use them, and their place is taken by business cooperation and consulting.

The functions of a leader are those components and guidelines that ensure the integral life of a subordinate precisely as an employee, precisely as a managed employee.

The leader is the leading and organizing link in social management systems. Speaking about the functions of a leader, the author characterizes the main duties performed by him, in particular: the development and adoption of managerial decisions, organization, regulation and correction, accounting and control, collection and transformation of information.

Modern research takes as a basis for the classification of functions no longer individual cycles of production management, but the entire structure of the leader's activities in a team. At the same time, the functions of the leader are considered not only within the framework of his administrative role, but also his social, socio-psychological and educational responsibilities are taken into account. To the listed functions, one can add organizational activity, which consists in the integration of individuals into the team and communication, which consists in establishing horizontal links within the team and external vertical links with higher organizational structures. They also single out the pedagogical function of the leader (education and training), as well as experimental consultative, representative and psychotherapeutic. Moreover, the functions of managing teams are carried out not separately from each other and sequentially, but in parallel and simultaneously.

The main functions of the leader:

Administrative and organizational. The manager, in accordance with the rights and obligations officially granted to him, must combine the individual actions of the team members into a single common force: distribute duties between employees, control the process of completing tasks, evaluate the result and be responsible for the activities of individual employees and the entire group to higher authorities.

Strategic, associated with setting goals, choosing methods to achieve them. The implementation of these functions allows you to show the creative potential of the leader, resourcefulness, endurance, the ability to put forward new ideas. The structure of strategic functions includes the ability to predict, foresee the final result, to promptly process large amounts of information coming from subordinate and higher authorities, the results of the team's activities. The leader must also accumulate a large amount of professional information in his memory.

Planning is also added to the functions of this type as the most important manifestation of forecasting. Planning should define specific tasks, time and means of their solution and answer the following questions:

At what stage of the work are we currently (assessment of the real capabilities of the group, taking into account external and internal factors)?

Where do we want to move, what tactical tasks to solve?

By what means are we going to do this?

Expert advisory. In the process of group activity, the leader is usually the competent person to whom everyone turns as a source of reliable information and the most qualified specialist. High professional qualification is one of the main components of the manager's authority. A leader appointed from above, but not competent in terms of the tasks solved by the team, quickly loses authority, they obey him only because of fear of disciplinary sanctions, and they are looking for a true consultant in the person of an informal leader.

Communicative. The leader is the main source of important information that is essential for the successful functioning of the working group. This information is transmitted in the process of communication with the group and its individual members. Communication skills, the ability to communicate with people, the availability of communication - important qualities leader. The leader can be open to communication with the group and then acts as a leader. But he can build a system of communication links only in accordance with the principle of clear subordination, i.e. communicates only with other leaders of equal rank and is distant from the group. Then he dooms himself to emotional loneliness and cannot count on any other influence than official, official.

Educational. Making important decisions and directing the team to achieve the set goals, the manager at the same time provides an educational effect in shaping the personality of his subordinates. The function of education includes disciplinary methods of encouragement and punishment if employees violate the rules of work or the moral principles of the life of the team. The head of the team, if he wants to be his educator, should strive to become an "opinion leader" with the greatest amount of information. He must be perceived by employees as "one of us and the best of us."

The duties of the leader-leader also include the formation of adequate professional motivation among employees. It is obvious that even the most perfect planning of the work of the group leader does not work if people do not want to do their job well. According to motivation theories, people will always work harder if there is an opportunity to earn more. Research by modern psychologists has shown that motivation as an internal motivation for activity is the product of a complex interaction of various human needs. As the cultural level rises, money does not always make people work harder. For people, interest in work, understanding the essence of the tasks being solved, communication, mutual understanding, humanity are important. The leader must be able to identify the needs of his subordinates and create conditions that will satisfy these needs with good work.

Psychotherapeutic functions can also be attributed to the number of educational functions. The leader must take into account the emotional state of his employees, since it largely affects their livelihoods and the psychological climate in the team. Optimism and a sense of humor, rather than despondency and irritability, should be inherent in the leader-leader, because this helps to prevent and resolve conflict situations.

Representation function. Leader - an official representing the team in the external social environment. At meetings, conferences, he speaks on behalf of all members of the team, by his behavior they judge the team as a whole. Therefore, the behavior of the leader-leader must meet high standards of social behavior. He must have a good command of cultural communication skills, decent manners, culture of speech. It is also important to know how to dress properly, taking into account the appearance and age, as well as the situation.

An analysis of the functions, roles, and types of activity performed by the manager allows us to conclude that he needs socio-psychological competence, which means:

) the ability to understand oneself (which involves awareness of one's own motives, opportunities in the field of communication, behavioral patterns);

) the ability to understand other people (which involves understanding the needs, motives of other people, their behavioral patterns, used psychological defenses);

) the ability to understand the relationship of people (which means the ability to adequately perceive the situation of communication, the relationships that develop in the process of communication, to be aware of one's own influence on the communication process, to understand the causes of difficulties that arise);

) the ability to predict interpersonal situations (which is impossible without the development of all the above abilities, and also requires knowledge of the obstacles to mutual understanding and the use of constructive communication techniques).

L. Iacocca (1990) once wrote about the importance of the socio-psychological, or communicative, competence of managers. The fact that students with brilliant abilities became very mediocre managers, he explained by the fact that they were not sociable. Later, the concept of social intelligence appeared as required by managers more so than general intelligence measured in IQ. For managers to be highly effective, it is sufficient to have a general intelligence of an average level.

Turning to modern approaches to human resource management, it is possible to be even more convinced that communications permeate all areas in which the manager and his subordinates are involved. Let's take a look at the most important areas.

Recruitment. To achieve the goals of this line of activity, it is necessary at least to inform the potential employee about the enterprise: about its location, size, production capabilities, competition, financial situation, internal policy, organizational structure; about the position for which the employee is selected, about his prospects, etc.

At the same time, you need to find out as much as possible about the applicant in order to establish to what extent he meets the requirements for vacant position. The hiring decision must be correct. It is needless to stress how important it is that this communication be of high quality.

Orientation. The purpose of communication at this stage is to form a sense of confidence in the employee, a sense of the organization as one's own, not someone else's. For this: the “newbie” is introduced to colleagues, managers and subordinates, the policy and philosophy of the organization are explained, they are informed about the procedures, working conditions, working hours, show the main divisions, premises, etc.

If the listed tasks are not performed well enough, the “newbie” may quit very soon.

Functioning. To perform their work, performers need timely, undistorted, reliable information, which is usually transmitted in the course of communication through one of the possible channels. In addition, the employee needs information about his role in the organization, about how he copes with tasks. These tasks are also solved in the process of communication.

Individual assessment. Evaluation of employees and their performance is one of the important areas in human resource management. In order for the evaluation process not to turn into an opportunity to once again criticize employees, it is important to teach managers how to do it correctly: so that after a conversation, employees' motivation to work increases, not decreases. Thus, evaluation is also carried out in the process of communication between the leader and subordinates. And the quality of this communication is very important for solving many issues, and most importantly, for creating motivation to work better and for achieving job satisfaction among employees.

Thus, it is clear that at the present stage, human resource management requires the manager to have knowledge and skills in the field of personality psychology, groups, and communication. From the point of view of psychologists, we can talk about the development of the socio-psychological competence of a leader, which is determined by his skills: to navigate the patterns of behavior of a person and groups, to form his personal authority, to form his leadership style, relationships with people, to influence people, to convince them, to organize interaction their subordinates in such a way that it leads to satisfaction and effectiveness of joint activities.

The sources of acquiring communicative competence include: experience, art, general erudition and special scientific methods.

The most effective are active learning methods in the form of socio-psychological training and business games, with the help of which you can develop general communication skills and acquire specific management skills.

2 Universal mechanisms of influence on employees in management practice

Before considering the universal mechanisms of influence on employees, it is necessary to immediately introduce the concept of influence in order to make it clear what categorical apparatus the author uses in this work.

Impact - in psychology, this is the goal-intentional transfer of any movement, information from one area of ​​​​correlation to another, or the impact of some neurostructures on others. The impact can be classified as directly convergent, when the very dynamics of movement and lies in the movement itself, the code information is extrapalated in the form of impulse signals-movements.

Influence is the process and result of a change by an individual or a social group of the behavior of other people, their positions, assessments and attitudes. The mechanism of directional influence is persuasion and suggestion, the mechanism of non-directional influence is imitation and infection. The influence can be direct and indirect. The criterion of its usefulness is the social values ​​realized in it.

Psychological influence is the impact on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people with the help of exclusively psychological means: verbal, paralinguistic or non-verbal.

Psychological influence is the impact on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person with the help of exclusively psychological means, with the provision of the right and time to respond to this impact.

In literary sources there is no unity in the definition of the concepts of psychological influence and psychological impact, therefore, in this thesis, the author will not differentiate them.

F. Zimbardo identifies three whales of influence: attitude, behavior, cognition.

A setting is a value disposition in relation to a particular object. The attitude is dispositional in the sense that it is acquired, acquired by learning the tendency to think about any object, person or problem in any particular way.

Behavioral intentions are intentions, expectations, or action plans that precede the actions themselves: like promises, these plans do not always translate into reality.

Cognitions are cognitions that have developed as a result of cognitive processes and include both beliefs and elements of information about a given object, how we should behave towards it.

Affective reactions are emotions, feelings that reflect our attitudes at the level of physical arousal.

Attitudes are complex, total evaluation reactions that include all other components.

The effect of direct influence depends on the presence of an authoritative person, according to S. Milrgam. He conducted a series of experiments in which he varied the factor of the experimenter's physical proximity to the subject and the degree of his supervision of the latter. In one situation, the experimenter was next to the subject, in another, after instructing the subject, he left the laboratory and then gave orders by phone; in the third situation, the experimenter never appeared before the subject, all instructions were recorded on a tape recorder. The removal of the experimenter from the room led to a sharp reduction in the indicator of obedience, and hence the impact was not very effective. The number of obedient subjects in the first situation was three times higher than in the second situation. Talking with the experimenter on the phone, the subjects showed greater perseverance. In the third situation, the subjects could not follow the instructions at all.

The initiator of influence is the one of the partners who first attempts to influence in any of the known (or unknown) ways.

The addressee of influence is the one of the partners to whom the first attempt to influence is addressed. In further interaction, the initiative can pass from one partner to another in an attempt to influence each other, but every time the one who first started a series of interactions will be called the initiator, and the one who first experienced his influence will be called the addressee.

Methods of influence - a set of methods, techniques and procedures for influencing a person to change personal positions, assessments and attitudes.

References to the possibility of applying social sanctions or physical means of influence should also be considered psychological means, at least until these threats are put into action. A characteristic of psychological influence is that the partner who is influenced has the opportunity to respond to it with psychological means. In other words, he is given the right to answer and the time for this answer.

Many types of people's influence on each other are mixed, combining psychological, social, and sometimes physical means. Psychological influence is the prerogative of more civilized human relations. Here the interaction takes on the character of psychological contact between two spiritual worlds. All external means are too coarse for his thin fabric.

Psychologically correct will be such a form of influence in which:

a) the psychological characteristics of the partner and the current situation are taken into account;

b) the correct psychological methods of influence are applied.

For an influence to be considered psychologically constructive, all two of the above criteria must be met. For example, it is obvious that a destructive influence on another person can also be psychologically infallible. Therefore, the concepts of psychological constructiveness and psychological correctness are intersecting, but not coinciding.

One of the most important abilities of a leader in modern business culture is his flexibility, the ability to be influenced and change his behavior and his assessments.

The ability to succumb to constructive influence is a sign of the predominance of a task orientation over a momentary desire to confirm one's own significance. Ultimately, the successful completion of the task will to a greater extent contribute to the confirmation of one's own significance, inflexibility in a dispute. If the partner's arguments are convincing, people simply agree with him without resorting to counterargument methods; in the event that his goals and requests, as well as the level of competence demonstrated by him, satisfy, people do not interfere with his self-promotion, but simply hire him. Similarly, one can agree to be infected by someone else's enthusiasm or voluntarily begin to imitate a high-class professional acceptable in raising children and in transferring skills from a high-class professional to a young professional.

The classification of methods of psychological influence on a person can be presented in the form of the following table proposed by Sidorenko.

Table 1. Classification of methods of psychological influence on personality.

Method of influenceDefinition1. Persuasion A conscious reasoned influence on another person or group of people, with the aim of changing their judgment, attitude, intention or decision.2. Suggestion A conscious, unreasoned impact on a person or a group of people, with the aim of changing their state, attitude to something and predisposition to certain actions.3. Self-promotionDeclaring one's goals and presenting evidence of one's competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in elections, appointments, etc.4. Contagion The transfer of one's state or attitude to another person or group of people who somehow (as yet unexplained) adopt this state or attitude. The state can be transmitted both involuntarily and arbitrarily, assimilated - also involuntarily or arbitrarily. According to other sources: the process of transition of an emotional state from one individual to another at the psychophysiological level of contact, a factor of spontaneous social cohesion. However, when it gets out of control, mental infection (induction) leads to the disintegration of normative-role behavior, and a destructive "crowd effect" occurs5. Awakening the impulse to imitate The ability to cause the desire to be like oneself. This ability can be both involuntary manifested and arbitrarily used. The desire to imitate and imitation (copying someone else's command and way of thinking) can also be both arbitrary and involuntary.6. Formation of benevolence Attracting the addressee's involuntary attention to himself by showing the initiator his own originality and attractiveness, expressing favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or rendering him a service.7. Request Appeal to the addressee with an appeal to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the impact8. Coercion The threat that the initiator will use his or her control capabilities in order to get the desired behavior from the addressee. Controlling capabilities are the powers to deprive the addressee of any benefits or to change the conditions of his life and work. In the most brutal forms of coercion, threats of physical violence may be used. Subjectively, coercion is experienced as pressure: by the initiator - as their own pressure, by the addressee - as pressure on him from the initiator or "circumstances".9. Destructive criticism Expressing disparaging or offensive judgments about a person's personality and / or rude aggressive condemnation, reproach or ridicule of his deeds and actions. The destructiveness of such criticism is that that it does not allow a person to "save face", diverts his strength to fight the negative emotions that have arisen, takes away his faith in himself.10. Manipulation Hidden motivation of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and / or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals.

The purpose and results of psychological impact is the restructuring of the psyche of the object of influence, the achievement of certain mental shifts and changes that affect activity and behavior.

The theme of this thesis work is "Technologies of manipulation in the activities of a leader", so the author proceeds to a detailed consideration of the phenomenon of manipulation.

1.3 Manipulation as a method of psychological influence in the activities of the leader

Therefore, for everyone except the manipulator himself, manipulation appears rather as a result of reconstruction, interpretation of certain of his actions, and not direct discretion.

There are three sources of information about the existence of manipulation:

position of the manipulator. Each person has visited it many times: either as a child weaving ropes from adults, or as a parent, driving the child into a position of guilt, or as a subordinate, avoiding responsibility for omissions in work.

The position of the victim of manipulation. It is enough to change the role pairs noted above and recall situations when the insincerity of partners was revealed, when annoyance was felt for having fallen for someone's bait.

The position of the external observer. A person who is not involved in manipulative interaction has to reconstruct its details and character: restore the missing links, think for the participants. However, the removal of both positions allows you to see additional details. The observer, as a rule, discovers larger units of living interaction, such as "continues to evade", "flutters helplessly", etc. True, one has to pay for this both by the loss of natural emotional inclusion in the situation, and by a decrease in the reliability of judgments.

The pay is so significant that a theoretical problem arises, and the practical task is to learn to distinguish manipulation from other types of psychological influence. You need a tool that allows you to accurately do this. Such a tool - a kind of pointing finger - should be the definition of manipulation as a type of psychological influence. - The Latin progenitor of the term "manipulation" - has two meanings:

a) a handful, a handful (manus - hand + ple - to fill),

b) a small group, a bunch, a handful (manus + pl - a weak form of the root). In the second meaning, this word, in particular, denoted a small detachment of soldiers (about 120 people) in the Roman army. In the Oxford English Dictionary manipulation (manipulation) in the most general sense is defined as handling objects with a special intention, a special purpose, as manual control, as movements made by hands, manual actions. For example, in medicine, this is an examination, examination of a certain part of the body with the help of hands, or medical procedures. The presence of dexterity, dexterity in performing actions-manipulations is specially noted.

Close to the indicated meaning (as a result of expanding the scope of use) is the use of the term "manipulation" in technology. First of all, these are skillful actions with levers made by hands. The levers and handles themselves are often called manipulators. As the mechanisms became more complex, manipulators began to be called imitators or artificial substitutes for hands: special devices for the complex movement of objects with remote control.

In a figurative sense, the Oxford Dictionary defines manipulation as "the act of influencing or controlling people or things with dexterity, especially with disparaging overtones, as covert control or manipulation."

In accordance with the definition we have adopted, the following criteria for manipulation can be distinguished: the manipulator's awareness of his goals and means, the secrecy of the manipulator's goals, the secrecy of the manipulator's means, and the addressee's taking responsibility for what is happening.

Signs of manipulation include:

Imbalance - inconsistency, ambivalence of emotions, for example, a combination of pride and resentment, joy and distrust, tenderness and anxiety, or, as one of the participants in the training put it, "when it's funny and unpleasant at the same time", etc.;

"Strangeness" of emotions, for example, an outburst of rage at the moment of discussing irrelevant details of the action plan; unconscious fear in the process of peaceful discussion of the volume of future deliveries, etc.;

The repetition of emotions, for example, the systematic occurrence of the same emotions when meeting with a certain person, feelings of guilt, professional incompetence, humiliation, protest, etc.;

A sharp outburst of emotion that does not seem justified by the objective characteristics of the situation.

The main components of manipulative influence:

Purposeful transformation of information.

Distortion of information ranges from outright lies to partial deformations, such as juggling facts or shifting the semantic field of the concept, when, say, the struggle for the rights of a minority is presented as a struggle against the interests of the majority.

Withholding information in the most complete form is manifested in the default - the concealment of certain topics. Much more often, the method of partial illumination or selective presentation of the material is used.

The way information is presented often plays a decisive role in ensuring that the reported content is perceived in the way it is necessary for its sender.

Hiding impact. The secret nature of manipulative influence is subjected to condemnation and debunking. Schiller points out how important is the purposeful creation of a myth about the neutrality of social institutions in relation to political forces. The desire to keep the fact of exposure secret gave rise to subthreshold exposure technologies - both in visual and auditory modalities. In this case, the problem of concealment is solved so radically that the presence of influence can be detected only with the help of special equipment.

It is important to note that the manipulator does not always intentionally hide his goals and the fact of manipulative influence. Often this happens unconsciously and for the manipulator himself.

means of coercion. A frequently discussed topic is the nature of the use of force (power). As a rule, we are talking about the strength of power structures.

The degree of coercion of force pressure, its irresistibility, methods of covert or overt coercion, prerequisites for force pressure are also discussed.

With regard to interpersonal influence within official social structures, the manifestation of strong or weak positions is discussed.

Impact targets. The most psychological topic, of course, is the problem of objects of manipulative influence.

In the literature under consideration, the fact that the impact is based on the base inclinations of a person or his aggressive aspirations is often exposed to denunciation.

Specialization and precise direction of the mass impact is possible when the organizer of the impact knows the specific qualities of the segment of the population or group of people that interests him. Accordingly, the narrower the intended audience, the more accurate the adjustment to its features should be.

Robotization. Of particular note is the leitmotif of roboticity, which consists in the fact that people - objects of manipulative processing turn into puppets controlled by those in power with the help of "strings". At the social-role level, the dependence of subordinates on the pressure of the organization is discussed. At the interpersonal level, attention is drawn to the existence of programmed actions in response to certain influences from communication partners.

This range of problems includes many works on the study and discussion of the effects of the use of stereotypes of mass consciousness, individual habits.

a) the main acting agent - something that starts the work of mental mechanisms;

b) methods of motivation - means of motivational switching (connection);

c) targets - those mental structures, the change of which ensures the achievement of the desired goal by the manipulator;

d) automatisms that are involved in this type of motivation - a scheme for transferring the energy of influence from the agent to the target, the "strings of the soul" played by the manipulator.

Perceptual puppets:

the main acting agent is the image,

methods of motivation - direct actualization of the motive, seduction, provocation, awakening of interest,

targets - desires, interests,

automatisms - intermodal associations, the relevance of the image to the motive, intended as a target of influence.

Conventional robots:

the main acting agent is social schematisms: scenarios, rules, norms,

methods of motivation - creating a mosaic of key stimuli that determine the characteristics of the communication situation: the distribution of roles, the placement of scenario identifiers, the placement of reminders (about the agreement, about the due, about the forbidden, about the expected ...),

targets - ready-made patterns of behavior,

automatisms are socially given and individually assimilated life programs, behavioral scenarios accepted by a person, personally appropriated ideas about what is due, etc.

Living weapons:

the main acting agent - operational schemes of activity, their inertia, habits, logic of action execution,

methods of motivation - a push, giving acceleration, acceleration, working out, addiction,

targets - ways of behavior, structure of activity,

automatisms - inertia, the desire for completion.

Managed Inference:

the main acting agent is the cognitive scheme, the internal logic of the task, the standard inference,

methods of motivation - a hint, setting a task, imitation of the process of solving a problem,

targets - cognitive processes, cognitive attitudes,

automatisms - controlled inference, removal of cognitive dissonance.

Exploitation of the identity of the addressee:

the main acting agent is an act, decision making,

methods of motivation - actualization of intrapersonal conflict, imitation of the decision-making process,

targets - motivational structures,

automatisms - taking responsibility for the choice suffered in doubt.

Spiritual guidance:

the main acting agent is the search for meaning,

methods of motivation - actualization of existing meanings and values, pushing towards semantic destabilization and reassessment of values, imitation of the search for meaning,

targets - relationships between motives, meanings,

automatisms are ways of coping with semantic disorientation and filling the semantic vacuum that are familiar to a given particular person.

Bringing into a state of heightened humility:

disintegration of mental processes, for example, dull attention, broken thinking, impaired skills,

euphoria, and in a weakened form - a condescending or condoning attitude to life events,

muffled desires, indifference to what is happening,

increased irresponsibility in conditions of collective interaction (“the more crowded, the more irresponsible”), etc.

.Compliments and praise. Subordinates are very strongly motivated by compliments to the mind, success, experience. Experienced bank managers know that a compliment and praise to an employee for a job well done can even replace the last one with another salary increase. Arouse the love of subordinates and influence their positive emotions is one of the methods of manipulation.

Instilling fear and negative emotions. In contrast to compliments and praise, the “whip” is also found in the arsenal of leadership. In other words, in addition to love, fear and other negative emotions can be awakened in subordinates. For example, as if casually saying to a negligent employee: “Something has been coming in a lot of resumes for your position lately.” With these words, managers cause fear in subordinates to lose their jobs and force them to improve their performance. This, of course, is just one example of how to arouse fear in subordinates, there are many options for having such an impact.

Awakening of insecurity. Another way of manipulation is the awakening in employees of self-doubt. The use of abstruse obscure words in the speech of superiors, belittling the abilities of employees, the constant desire to "put them in their place" and much more. Most accurately, the principle of exerting such influence on the part of managers reflects the old proverb: "I am the boss, you are a fool." The subordinates of such leaders are recruited by various complexes and begin to consider themselves incapable of taking even the smallest step without instructions from their leader.

Instilling a sense of guilt. In addition to feeling insecure, experienced manipulative leaders are also able to influence feelings of guilt. Making comments for delays, mistakes, faults and constantly reminding a subordinate about them, you can awaken a sense of guilt in him and make him work more for less money.

Call for pity. Cause pity - another way to manipulate. Above the majority of bosses there are even higher managers. If a manager constantly complains that he is given unrealistic deadlines, scolded, and goes out of his way to “cover” his employees at meetings, he may be manipulating, trying to arouse pity and sympathy, so that employees do more work.

4 Mechanisms for neutralizing manipulations and the problem of psychological safety in the practice of personnel management

The rules for neutralizing manipulation are aimed at helping a person not to become an object of manipulation by immoral partners. Countering manipulative influence requires the ability, firstly, to recognize manipulations and, secondly, to neutralize them. In search of ways to recognize manipulative influence, one can go in the following ways: tracking changes in the situation, analyzing the mechanisms of manipulative influence.

Tracking changes in the situation allows you to detect the effects that make up the features of the manipulation. Even the most naive recipient of manipulative influence, to one degree or another, is able to respond to a very wide range of signs of manipulation. A common sign of manipulation is an imbalance in certain elements of the interaction, such as:

imbalance in the distribution of responsibility for actions taken and decisions made,

the presence of force pressure,

violation of the balance of the elements of the situation, the unusual layout or presentation of information, the confusion of emphasis on minor details, etc.),

inconsistencies in partner behavior,

desire to stereotype behavior.

Based on the analysis of the mechanisms of manipulative influence, the task of detecting manipulations is to be attentive to the reactions of the addressee. You can specify the following types of such indicators:

unjustifiably frequent occurrence or emphasized obvious manifestation of "mental automatisms" in the behavior of the addressee of the impact;

regression to infantile reactions - crying, aggression, longing, feeling of loneliness, etc., especially if it is precisely timed to certain situations or events;

lack of time allotted for decision-making (it is important to find out who creates this effect);

a state of narrowed consciousness, which can manifest itself in a limited range of discussed ideas, in “cyclical” statements, setting only situational goals, etc.

an unexpected change in background conditions, i.e., the emotional reaction of the addressee - deterioration in mood, irritation, dull resentment and other shifts towards negative emotions (cases of emotional shifts that are unjustified from the point of view of the situation should be especially alert).

There are several ways to neutralize manipulative tricks. The most commonly used are:

an open announcement about the inadmissibility of using manipulations (usually on the eve of a discussion, polemic or dispute, the parties openly agree not to resort to tricks in relation to each other);

exposing the trick, i.e. revealing its essence (it is especially effective if you can not only name the trick used “by name”, but also explain in detail to others its purpose and features of use in a given situation);

repeated reminder of the inadmissibility of the use of tricks;

“informational dialogue” (if a communication partner emotionally demands something or accuses of something, you need to find out everything that happens to him as accurately and in detail as possible, without entering into arguments or explanations). If a partner changes pressure, causing you to resist, you need to firmly hold on to the positions of a person who wants to find out the opinion of another. The ability to raise a question that requires a meaningful and detailed answer also activates one's own intellectual efforts;

“constructive criticism” (when a partner uses manipulative techniques, constructive criticism allows you to bring the conversation to the level of an open intellectual struggle; this allows you to protect yourself from manipulation and remain ethical in relation to the interlocutor);

“civilized confrontation” (when all methods have been unsuccessfully used, you should firmly make it clear to your partner that communication in this vein does not seem constructive to you, and if he insists on his own, you are ready to interrupt communication).

"trick to trick" (this method of neutralization can be used when all the previous ones did not give a positive result).

"psychological sambo" (psychological self-defense, to protect oneself from the devastating consequences of a barbaric attack and manipulation, a way to help oneself cope with stunnedness, confusion, an emotional storm in the soul). Sambo technique allows you to win the time necessary to restore self-control and your ability to communicate intellectually with a partner.

The success of the functioning of the management system is largely determined by the leadership, its abilities, skills, experience, ability to bring to life the energy and mental strength of the entire team.

Manipulation is a type of psychological influence, the skillful execution of which leads to the open excitation of intentions in another person that do not coincide with his actual desires.

The peculiarity of manipulation is that the manipulator seeks to hide his intentions.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the effectiveness of management activities of managers on the example of Home Credit Bank

1 Analysis of the personnel management system and analysis of human resources in Home Credit Bank

Home Credit Bank occupies a leading position in the financial retail market, is in the top 10 in terms of retail lending and has one of the largest branch banking networks in Russia. This geographical distribution was achieved thanks to a centralized system that allows providing the same set of services, the level of service for all regions of Russia, taking into account their risk characteristics.

Home Credit went through all the stages - unbridled growth, overcoming growth pains, attempts to enter segments that seemed very successful, and abandoning them, tough optimization, new qualitative growth. Despite its young age, 9 years old, this organization has enormous potential for further development.

According to one of the board chairs, Home Credit is the first bank to successfully transition from a monoliner strategy to a universal retail bank model. The competitive advantages of the organization are flexibility and proximity to the client. Bank employees are able to anticipate the needs of the client and fulfill them faster, more conveniently and cheaper than other banks. The employees are innovative and responsible at the same time. And they are not afraid to make mistakes. Employees work by learning lessons, taking them into account in their work and moving forward. The organization's management plans to become the best private bank for individuals in Russia.

Home Credit Bank is a member of the Home Credit Group. Home Credit Group companies operate in the financial markets of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Central Asia and the Far East. The total amount of loans issued by the Group at the end of 2007 amounted to 3.3 billion euros. The Home Credit Group is one of the leaders in the consumer lending markets of the Czech Republic (since 1997), the Slovak Republic (since 1999), Russian Federation(since 2002) and the Republic of Kazakhstan (since December 2005). In 2006, the Home Credit Group also entered the markets of Ukraine, Belarus, and in December 2007 - the Chinese market.

Home Credit Bank has its own Blue Bird project. It was created for children from different cities of Russia, whose desire to study and get an education does not coincide with their ability. It is for them that the “Blue Bird”, as in Maeterlinck's play, fulfills wishes.<#"justify">

The organizational structure of the enterprise refers to the composition and relationships of the production units included in it.

The organizational structure of Home Credit Bank is as follows:

Figure 1. Organizational structure of Home Credit Bank.

Consider the characteristics of personnel over the past 3-5 years.

The Bank's staff in December 2011 was about 15,000 people.

The composition of the staff is approximately the same, which can be clearly seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Composition of the staff of Home Credit Bank

According to Figure 3, it can be determined that the predominant age of workers is from 18 to 25 years. Heads and heads of departments make up the age category from 26 to 35 years. The highest levels of management are headed by people from 36 to 55 years old, who work with the advent of Home Credit Bank on the market.

Figure 3. Age of workers.

The main part of the staff has a completed higher education, this is about 60%, 30% of the staff are university students, the remaining 10% have a secondary vocational education, these are mainly service personnel, 70% of the staff aged 20 to 35 years. This can be seen schematically in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Degree of personnel qualification.

Figure 5 shows a chart of staff experience. Most of the low-level managers have about a year of work experience in the Bank. Middle managers have more than a year of work experience in the Bank. The managers have been working mainly since the day the Bank was founded.

Figure 5. Work experience of staff.

Staff turnover is shown in Figure 6. The percentage of turnover in general is 25%. Of these, 19% are low-level managers and 6% are middle and top managers.

Figure 6. Staff turnover.

The reasons for staff turnover are shown in Figure 7. The main reason for staff turnover is the inability to combine training and work. Next comes dissatisfaction with wages.

Figure 7. Reasons for staff turnover.

2 Assessment of management methods and technologies for manipulating personnel in Home Credit Bank

The author of this thesis conducted a survey of the heads of all departments in one of the branches of the Home Credit Bank, which identified the main methods of personnel management. The form of the questionnaire is presented in table 2.

"Identification of the main methods of personnel management"

.What methods of influence do you mainly use in relation to your subordinates?



legal regulation



.What methods of influence do you use in relation to subordinates?

What goals and objectives do you pursue in relation to your subordinates?

Give an example of using your chosen methodology in personnel management:

What do you think is usually the result of using your technique?


As a result, it turned out that the overwhelming majority in their practice use psychological methods.

Figure 8. Control methods.

Further, the author decided to find out from the leaders, who made up the very 30%, what methods of psychological influence they use in their professional practice. The survey results are shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Methods of psychological influence.

The author of this thesis in his study had to consider the researched problem of the effectiveness of the use of manipulative techniques in management practice in relation to the activities of the organization.

Based on a further survey of managers who use manipulation in their practice, the author found out what goals and objectives they pursue in relation to subordinates. The results of the study are presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Goals and objectives of manipulations in relation to subordinates in the Home Credit Bank.

Having found out what goals the managers pursue in their practice, the author tried to find out exactly what situations occur in the bank, which prove the existence of manipulation situations.

2.3 Analysis of the effectiveness of management activities of the leaders of the organization Home Credit Bank

He has been carrying out this reception with his subordinates for quite a long time. It uses the office setting to give the relationship the desired look by evoking insecurity.

The leader places a chair for receiving visitors so far from his desk that the subordinate, having entered and sat down on a chair, feels insignificance - his own and the question with which he came.

A chair for visitors can be placed in the office of an investigator, that is, simply in plain sight, in the center, for everyone to see.

In another version, this leader can seat the visitor in a deep easy chair, while he himself sits at a distance on a high chair, being at the same time higher than his visitor.

Being in one of these positions, either far, or lower, or “in plain sight”, it is already much more difficult for a subordinate to demand, to defend his position, even if he is right.

The head exercises his influence due to the relative movement of his body and the body of the addressee in space. Or he can sit down to the interlocutor on a soft sofa, demonstrating his disposition towards him. However, if the manipulator does not like anything that his interlocutor is talking about, he can get up and start walking around a little way, sometimes going behind his visitor.

This is truly influential behavior - to call everyone to a meeting, sit down at a round table, announce the agenda for discussion, and then stand up and slowly walk around, listening to the reports and proposals of subordinates.

Such manipulations work because words that go from top to bottom are perceived as more significant.

This can be confirmed by the facts of the use of tools such as:

the awakening of uncertainty in strength, as a result of which subordinates of various complexes begin to consider themselves unable to take even the smallest step without the instructions of their leader,

instilling a sense of guilt, which infringes on the rights of the employee, in which a sense of guilt may awaken and he will start working more for less money,

a call of pity that can lead to exhaustion of employees who will be doing more work.

The author of this thesis considered a situation where the manipulation of subordinates was used, which is carried out using the environment of the office in order to take the desired form of the relationship by awakening uncertainty in the forces.

Thus, in the minds of subordinates, the leader looks like an unconditional leader, an authority that can be trusted and must be obeyed.

It is even convenient to obey the orders of true authorities: after all, they are actually knowledgeable, wise and strong, which means they know what they are doing or commanding. These qualities inspire respect. Therefore, the subconscious of subordinates has developed an attitude: to obey the authorities is rational.

After talking with the staff, the author found out that the method of persuasion is indeed used in this organization. Employees are confident that this method actually bears fruit. Once having tested it in practice, they began to implement it as much as possible in their work. They are constantly told about this method in seminars held specifically to improve the skills of leaders. Since the persuasion method began to be actively used at Home Credit Bank, the number of successful negotiations has increased. This method allows you to maintain a "friendly", but at the same time businesslike atmosphere in the organization. This, in turn, improves the level of labor productivity.

The research conducted by the author allows us to outline some recommendations for managers who want to constructively influence the team. In particular, these are recommendations on the use of methods of influence and persuasion, since they work much more efficiently than manipulation.

A competent leader will not do the work for his employees, but will always be ready to help and support them. It is necessary to find a balance between authoritarian and liberal leadership styles and get as close as possible to the image of a democratic leader.

Undoubtedly, sometimes it is necessary to show “who is the boss in the house,” but one should not take on the role of a dictator. As practice shows, the level of labor increases if the leader begins to use the methods of encouragement and persuasion, instead of punishment, orders and manipulation. But in everything you need to know the measure. As you know, "people quickly get used to good things."

It is also worth noting that, using psychological control methods, it is worth paying attention to the type of opponent's temperament. This factor significantly affects how it is necessary to influence a person. That is, each type of temperament has its own distinctive features, and, therefore, a certain approach is required for each type. So, for example, when communicating with a choleric person, you must first state all the details and details, and only then say the main essence. But when communicating with a phlegmatic, on the contrary, it is initially necessary to state the main essence of the conversation, that is, to interest him, and then, when his attention is already drawn, tell all the details and details.

Harsh criticism and reproaches almost invariably prove fruitless, while encouragement and praise produce far greater results.

One of the most valuable qualities in a leader can be considered the ability to arouse enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person through his recognition and encouragement. Nothing else hits a person's ambition so hard as criticism from the authorities. Never criticize anyone. If you like something in a person, then you need to sincerely evaluate him and be generous with praise.

It is worth recognizing that we are all only interested in achieving what we want. This must be remembered when dealing with people. Turning to a person with any request, you need to interest him in this as much as possible, show him all the positive aspects for him, which he will extract if he satisfies your request and agrees to help you.

Regular and systematic evaluation of employees provides the management of the organization with the opportunity to make informed decisions about salary increases (rewarding the best employees has a motivating effect on their colleagues), promotion or dismissal. In the latter case, the presence of documented information about the systematic unsatisfactory performance of the dismissed employee of his official duties greatly facilitates the position of the organization in the event of a lawsuit. An example of such a document is the questionnaire presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Form of certification sheet

Weight (%)FactorEvaluationCommentQuality of work. Accuracy and diligence in the performance of work. Continuous compliance with quality standardsPlanning. Demonstrated ability to set goals, develop and implement action plans and adapt them to change. Organization. Ability to coordinate resources and time to achieve results Leadership. Demonstrated ability to lead and motivate others, set standards, evaluate the work of others and contribute to its improvement. Communication skills. Ability to effectively influence and inform others through clear written and verbal communication. Attitude towards work. Ability to work under heavy load and stress

It consists of several criteria:

quality of work,





attitude to work.

Compliance with these principles is achieved through:

universality of the assessment system. A unified assessment system is being developed for the entire bank and ensures a uniform understanding and application of this system in all departments,

establishing standards and norms for evaluation. To do this, the bank needs to determine what determines success when working in this position, i.e. highlight the critical factors. For this, the method of workplace analysis is used, which consists in a thorough study of the functions performed by the employee holding a certain position and highlighting the most important from the point of view of achieving his goals,

choice of evaluation methods. To effectively assess employee performance, you need easy-to-use, reliable, and accurate assessments of the critical factors. As estimates, both quantitative indicators (time, productivity, costs, etc.) and qualitative characteristics given by the person performing the assessment can be used - well , bad , above average etc. Naturally, quantitative assessments are preferable both in terms of their accuracy and objectivity in relation to the assessed employee. However, in real life it is not always possible to use quantitative estimates for many positions, so organizations are often forced to use subjective estimates.

The object of this thesis is the bank "Home Credit".

The task of the leaders of the object of this thesis is to build such an organization management structure that would best meet its goals and objectives.

Human resources are the greatest value of Home Credit Bank.

The management seeks to create all conditions for the staff to strive to work most efficiently.

At meetings and planning meetings, management evaluates the work of various departments and groups. With positive results, gratitude is expressed, both to individual employees and groups, which would not have been possible without the participation of experienced managers of Home Credit Bank.

After conducting a study on managers, the author conducted a survey of employees, in respect of whom the manipulation method presented above was applied. As a result, it was found that the use of manipulation techniques in management activities has a negative impact on the performance of the organization's staff.

However, the author, observing the work of the leaders of the Home Credit Bank, and, directly, the staff subordinate to them, drew attention to the fact that employees react in completely different ways to instructions coming from different leaders. Having received a task from one of the managers, the employees began to carry it out without further questions, and after talking with another, they began to argue and reluctantly left to complete the task assigned to them.

The author decided to talk with the leaders, whose orders the subordinates carry out without hesitation. As a result, it was found that they favored the use of the method of persuasion and that it really gives results.

Naturally, the employees of the organization perform their production duties differently - any organization has its own leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to carry out this differentiation, it is necessary to have a unified system for regular assessment of the effectiveness of each employee in their job functions.

Positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on the motivation of employees, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace and achieve increased productivity,

vocational training planning. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify shortcomings in the qualification level of each employee and provide for measures to correct them,

professional development and career planning. Employee evaluation reveals their strengths and weaknesses professional quality, which allows you to prepare individual development plans and effectively plan their work,

making decisions about remuneration, promotion, dismissal.

The above benefits obtained by an organization using a personnel assessment system are most fully realized with the objectivity of the assessment, the openness of its criteria, the observance of strict confidentiality of the results, and the active participation of the employee.

With the help of the information obtained from the questionnaire, it is possible to select the most effective forms of psychological impact for each employee. It is not necessary to intimidate each employee with manipulations or, on the contrary, encourage them. Not all employees can be manipulated, so the author recommends using other methods of influencing subordinates in managerial activities, such as persuasion or the formation of favor.


The success of the functioning of the management system is largely determined by the leadership, its abilities, skills, experience, ability to bring to life the energy and mental strength of the entire team.

The leader is the leading and organizing link in social management systems. The duties of the leader-leader also include the formation of adequate professional motivation among employees.

At the present stage, human resource management requires the manager to have knowledge and skills in the field of personality psychology, groups, and communication. From the point of view of psychologists, we can talk about the development of the socio-psychological competence of the leader, which is determined by his skills.

The result of the activities of managers is the optimization of the functioning of the system that implements these types of services, as well as obtaining the greatest possible beneficial effect with the least effort and cost.

In addition to the position of the leader in the system of formal relationships, it is necessary to take into account the content of his activities. Depending on the specifics of the activity, there are noticeable differences in the content of the activities of managers occupying the same status. But at the same time, regardless of the industry and the level of management, the scale of activity, the activity of the leader itself has something in common, namely, they plan, organize, and regulate the activities of the teams entrusted to them. Methods and techniques, due to which the solution of control problems is achieved, are called control methods. So, there are five groups of management methods: administrative, organizational, methods of legal regulation, economic and psychological methods.

Psychological management methods are designed to influence the psychological patterns of people's activities and socio-psychological relations. The purpose and results of psychological impact is the restructuring of the psyche of the object of influence, the achievement of certain mental shifts and changes that affect activity and behavior.

In modern management science with socio-psychological management methods, there are quite a lot of problems related to the fact that, firstly, these methods are insignificantly represented in the overall management structure, and, secondly, with the fact that psychological management methods are being replaced by psychological ones. influence, in particular, manipulative technologies.

Manipulation is a type of psychological influence, the skillful execution of which leads to the open excitation of intentions in another person that do not coincide with his actual desires.

The peculiarity of manipulation is that the manipulator seeks to hide his intentions.

The rules for neutralizing manipulation are aimed at helping a person not to become an object. Countering manipulative influence requires the ability to recognize manipulations and neutralize them. In search of ways to recognize manipulative influence, one can go in the following ways: tracking changes in the situation, analyzing the mechanisms of manipulative influence.

The object of this thesis is the bank "Home Credit".

The task of the leaders of the object of this thesis is to build such an organization management structure that would best meet its goals and objectives.

Human resources are the greatest value of Home Credit Bank.

The management seeks to create all conditions for the staff to strive to work most efficiently.

At meetings and planning meetings, management evaluates the work of various departments and groups. With positive results, gratitude is expressed, both to individual employees and groups, which would not have been possible without the participation of experienced managers of Home Credit Bank.

The author of the thesis conducted a survey of the heads of all departments in one of the branches of the Home Credit Bank, which identified the main methods of personnel management. As a result, it turned out that the overwhelming majority in their practice use psychological methods.

Since one of the objectives of this work is to study the technologies of manipulation in the activities of the leader, the author considered a situation in which the environment of the office is used in order to take the desired form of relationships by awakening uncertainty in strength.

After conducting a study on managers, the author conducted a survey of employees, in respect of whom the manipulation method presented above was applied. As a result, it was found that the use of manipulation techniques in management activities has a negative impact on the performance of the organization's staff.

However, the author, observing the work of the leaders of the Home Credit Bank, and, directly, the staff subordinate to them, drew attention to the fact that employees react in completely different ways to instructions coming from different leaders. Having received a task from one of the managers, the employees began to carry it out without further questions, and after talking with another, they began to argue and reluctantly left to complete the task assigned to them.

The author decided to talk with the leaders, whose orders the subordinates carry out without hesitation. As a result, it was found that they favored the use of the method of persuasion and that it really gives results.

The research conducted by the author made it possible to outline some recommendations for managers who want to constructively influence the team. In particular, these are recommendations on the use of methods of influence and persuasion, since they work much more efficiently than manipulation.

Naturally, the employees of the organization perform their production duties differently - any organization has its own leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to carry out this differentiation, it is necessary to have a unified system for regular assessment of the effectiveness of each employee in their job functions.

Positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on the motivation of employees, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace and achieve increased productivity,

vocational training planning. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify shortcomings in the qualification level of each employee and provide for measures to correct them,

professional development and career planning. Evaluation of employees reveals their weak and strong professional qualities, which allows preparing individual development plans and effectively planning their work,

making decisions about remuneration, promotion, dismissal.

Regular and systematic evaluation of employees provides the management of the organization with the opportunity to make informed decisions.

An example of a document that can record the effectiveness of a manager's activities is a questionnaire.

It may consist of several criteria: quality of work, planning, organization, leadership, sociability, attitude to work.

The above benefits obtained by an organization using a personnel assessment system are most fully realized with the objectivity of the assessment, the openness of its criteria, the observance of strict confidentiality of the results, and the active participation of the employee.

With the help of the information obtained from the questionnaire, it is possible to select the most effective forms of psychological impact for each employee. It is not necessary to intimidate each employee with manipulations or, on the contrary, encourage them. Not all employees can be manipulated, so the author recommends using other methods of influencing subordinates in managerial activities, such as persuasion or the formation of favor.

management head manipulation bank


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