General and specific proposals aimed at improving the work of employees. Chaos, farewell! or First steps to the Lean Office Improving the workflow of the organization in the office

Based on the analysis of the scientific organization of labor in the Administration of the Central District, we can assume the following improvement measures.

1. The introduction of regulated breaks in the work of administration employees (every 2 hours lasting 5-10 minutes) or every hour for 5 minutes.

Such regulated breaks should help reduce the workload on the Administration staff. Breaks should be necessarily regulated because they are more effective than breaks arranged by the employees themselves.

2. Allocation of space for a staff rest room.

Employees will have the opportunity to better relax during the break, which will give a new burst of energy to continue working.

Rest room requirements

According to SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings", the area of ​​​​the premises for recreation in working time calculated based on the norm of 0.9 sq. m per person. But considering that 84 people work in the administrations, the area of ​​84 sq. m it is not possible to provide, then we suggest making a room of 30 sq. m, given the fact that employees will not all come there at the same time.

Sofas and armchairs must be present

If organizations have the opportunity, then you can put sports equipment (for example, an exercise bike or table tennis);

The room should be bright, a person experiences joy when the lighting is at least 2500 Lux (as on a sunny day), but for employees who can take a nap in 5-10 minutes, you need to hang a dark curtain.

The design and color of the room itself should be different from the colors and design of offices in the organization.

Maintain the air temperature in the rest rooms at least 22 ° C (during the cold season) as required by SNiP 2.09.04-87

The influx of fresh air per hour must be at least 30 cubic meters per person.

The presence of silence.

3. Allocation of 1 car for the Administration - so that employees can move on official business, not by bus or spend time waiting for a car

4. Further improvement of working conditions

Improving working conditions plays a big role in enhancing the prestige of the organization. Material interest is not always brought to the fore, an employee who experiences discomfort in the workplace will try to change jobs. The employee is interested in the duration of the working day, weeks, the possibility of breaks in work. Catering at lunch break.

An important role is played by the attitude of the authorities to proposals for the improvement of the workplace. Working conditions, in addition to the prestige of the organization, have a huge impact on the attitude of employees to their duties, productivity and quality of work performed.

Bringing offices and workplaces in line with state standards for labor protection.

Installation of newer and more powerful air conditioners, since in the summer some air conditioners simply do not cope with the functions assigned to them.

Installation of plastic double-glazed windows, they save heat better and are much easier to operate. They do not need to be glued, and they have several types of ventilation functions.

Rearrangement in offices or exchange of offices between employees based on the number of employees and the area of ​​​​the office, since each employee with a modern work computer relies on at least 4.5 m2? area and the distance between desktops on which the monitors are installed should be at least 2 m on the front side. Lateral distance between the edges of the monitors - at least 1.2 m. there are mismanagement).

5. Increasing Organizational Loyalty - This suggestion is based on the results found in testing.

Devotion strongly binds a person to certain ideas or certain actions. An employee may be committed to people, to goals, to their organization, to a task, to a job, or to some ideal or value. Employee loyalty can be strong or weak, conditional or unconditional.

Ways to increase devotion can be material and non-material. Let's focus on the non-material.

The word "intangible" in the name of the methods should not be misleading. Many of the methods discussed below are costly (and considerable). The essence of their intangibility lies in the fact that the employee does not directly receive material benefits or receives them as a symbol of success and achievement.

Ways to increase devotion can be divided into two groups of rewards.

1. Visible rewards, these include:

Providing an employee with a separate office;

Equipping the workplace with prestigious furniture and equipment;

Allocation by the organization of a service (for use for work purposes) or personal car;

Provision of mobile communications;

Parking spaces for the employee's own car.

This type of remuneration is close in essence to benefits and compensations, but differs in that it is less tied to professional activity worker, and to a greater extent - to his personality. Since such rewards are often used to reward those who have made a great contribution to the development of the organization, they contribute to the formation of commitment (loyalty) to the organization.

2. The second group of rewards are public:

Expressing gratitude in an order or sending a personal letter of thanks for achievements in work or for participation in the liquidation of a force majeure situation in the organization;

Introduction to organizations of honorary titles, for example, the Best employee of the month (quarter, half year, year), assigned either by departments and types of activities or by the organization as a whole.

Hanging photos the best employees to the Board of Honor;

Introduction of the book of honor;

Entering their names in the Book of Honor of the organization;

Prizes for winning competitions and contests.

Competition in the administration can be announced on a one-time basis. In this case, the purpose of the competition may be to solve a specific problem.

The competition can also be permanent, aimed at encouraging any ideas aimed at developing the organization of labor. According to the results of the competition, as well as according to the results of the competition, you can pay cash bonuses, but they will not have a major impact on the motivation of employees participating in the competition. In general, competition as a means of motivation helps, first of all, to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of employees, but to a certain extent supports their devotion to the organization.

The organization may allow its own newspaper to be produced, and it is appropriate to use it to celebrate the one-time or systematic, collective or individual successes of employees.

A very peculiar encouragement is a lunch with the head of administration, at which the employee can share his proposals and plans for work.

Most of the listed public awards, although linked to performance, are also aimed at maintaining and developing loyalty to the organization.

Training of other employees, mentoring is a kind of encouragement for the most qualified and experienced employees.

Another type of non-material incentive (however, often costing the organization a significant amount) is gifts. An example of the least expensive gift would be to allow an employee to occasionally shorten their workday if necessary, while retaining full pay. Gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, important events (wedding, birth of a child) are quite common.

The problem of staff loyalty is one of the key factors in the formation of its stability as a socio-economic system, and hence the increase in the productivity of its employees (including municipal employees).

In Western literature, the term commitment is widely used in relation to the issue of staff loyalty. In this case, different types of commitment are distinguished.

The first is the so-called commitment due to long-term cooperation. It is based on the advantages acquired as a result of a long-term stay in the organization in the form of seniority of the position, as well as the privileges received. In connection with these conditions, leaving the organization becomes expensive and unprofitable for the employee.

There is also the concept of affective commitment or loyalty to the organization. In this case, we are talking about the employee's emotional attachment to the organization and identification with its goals, in other words, a positive attitude towards the organization. With this type of commitment, employees are more willing to help each other, tend to generate ideas and be more innovative.

The literature also mentions the so-called normative loyalty, defined as the employee's awareness that he must continue to work in this organization.

The combination of three types of devotion is recognized as optimal, when an employee feels a desire to work in an organization, combined with a need to remain in it, also supported by a sense of duty. Loyalty, therefore, is an emotional attachment to one's organization, a desire to remain a member of it. The basis for the formation of loyalty can be:

strict but fair remuneration policy,

satisfaction with the content of the work performed in the organization,

feeling of attention and care from the organization,

satisfaction with their career in the organization,

confidence in the expediency of long-term work in this organization.

There are three key factors in fostering loyalty.

The first one is material incentives. A strict but fair reward policy will help build loyalty. The staff must see how the personal contribution to the work of the administration affects the amount of the bonus received. Very often, the problems associated with unfair pay divide people, creating a feeling of envy towards colleagues and dissatisfaction with management.

Employee loyalty is based on more than just money. Non-financial incentive factors are becoming increasingly important. And this is the second condition of loyalty.

Recognition by colleagues and management, understanding of the importance of activities, responsibility and a sense of competence, the ability to professional development, the prestige of work - very important conditions for benevolence and respect for one's organizations. Their absence, as a rule, depersonalizes the relationship. If the management is used to not noticing the achievements of the staff, it is very easy to get personnel instability and even the flight of employees. People who do not feel connected to the employer leave as soon as there is a chance to earn more.

As part of non-material incentives, loyalty can also be raised through social packages (preferential rest, payment for sports clubs). However, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics employees. After all, people have different goals - both life and professional. Inattention to this factor can negate all the efforts of management.

The use of feedback technology, the third important factor of loyalty, will help to avoid this. With its help, bosses learn more about the personal needs of employees. Feedback is a conductor of leadership ideas to subordinates at different levels, allowing you to avoid misunderstanding of the strategic and tactical goals of organizations. At the same time, the opinions of ordinary employees about departments become the object of attention of management.

The significance of these factors is explained by the fact that the lack or lack of information about the results of the work of subordinates often becomes the main reason for low loyalty.

Salary is the shortest term motivator. Usually, after 3 months after its increase, the desire of people to work "not remembering themselves" disappears.

Employee Loyalty Principles:

1. Fair remuneration. The law of fair remuneration states: material remuneration for the work done should be proportional to the efforts invested and the proportions should be approximately equal for workers of the same level.

2. Satisfaction of important needs. A person spends at least a third of his adult, active life at work. Someone can be content with little and is not interested in anything other than a salary, but for the majority it is important to feel necessary, to be on the path of personal realization, etc.

3. Honest relationships, fulfillment of the terms of the contract. When a person agrees to start work, he first of all relies on the terms of the contract known to him. It is very important that the reality does not diverge from what was said before entering the job. Many treaty changes are perceived by people as unfair, especially if they are adopted unilaterally.

4. Favorable environmental conditions in the workplace. More and more people are realizing that it is nice to be both healthy and rich at the same time. Now the level of radiation of the monitor, the illumination of the workplace, the noise level, and the purity of the air become important.

5. Satisfaction with management.

Based on all this, we can draw some conclusions. We propose to consider the concept of loyalty as an emotional, affective characteristic of the staff, which is formed under the influence of a huge number of factors, among which either material or non-material incentives come first, and, as a rule, this depends on the position that the employee occupies in the organization.

Experts emphasize the fact that in leadership positions the material component of loyalty begins to fade into the background. In addition, an important role in ensuring a high level of staff loyalty is played by communications within the organization and Feedback which ensures the formation of trusting relationships.

The relationship between loyalty and organizational performance undoubtedly exists at least in this form: not too loyal employees spend more time on their own needs than on the needs of the organization (using the resources of the organization, in particular, telephone, copier, stationery). Although more traditionally, the problem of "loyalty" is not associated with performance, but with such direct damage caused by such disloyal behavior as the disclosure of confidential information, etc.

Measure losses from disloyalty, but only in those organizations where:

a) there is a measuring scale or scales (for example, the KPI-key performance index system has been introduced),

b) there are more and less loyal employees, and we can separate the first from the second (for a comparative analysis of efficiency).

In order to achieve the second condition, create a tool to measure the level of loyalty. But, since to create a tool it is required to justify what the savings will be from its implementation, the circle turns out to be closed.

Measuring the level of loyalty is at least a difficult task. The main recommendation for obtaining statistically significant information is to conduct a comprehensive study using questionnaires, research and interviews. In addition, data collection should be open, transparent, and the purpose of the survey should be clear. The main task is to search or create a questionnaire, obtaining consent for an interview.

For the emergence and increase of employee loyalty, 7 requirements must be observed.

Stage 1: "Love at first sight."

At this stage, the first impression that the employee receives about the administration is of great importance. How did the meeting of the new employee go, how was the first working day, which experts compare with the first date, how did they support the employee during the period of his adaptation to the new place. It is important that the first day goes well, including the workplace and the set clear tasks.

An important factor at this stage is the team itself, its readiness to meet a new employee. Colleagues need to know the clear functions of the new employee and how their work will improve the organization's achievements.

Some organizations have developed special measures that are aimed at the adaptation of a new specialist with assigned persons who are responsible for the effective implementation of the onboarding process for a new employee.

You won’t get used to the workplace in one day, while this process proceeds individually for each person, so it is necessary to find a personal approach to each employee. The whole point is that the manager should take a closer look at the new employee, and the employee, in turn, could examine the organization from the inside.

Stage 2: "We are one team."

Employees should feel like members of one whole mechanism, a single team. To achieve such a mechanism, the corporate spirit of organizations is formed. Training sessions, brainstorming sessions, informal communication during leisure (i.e. serious and directed team-building activities). Organization of various competitions and competitions that unite and unite the team.

The main goal of such events is to create a team spirit among employees, this must be remembered by the leader.

Stage 3: "My wealth is my employees."

An important postulate that plays a significant role in building a system for the development, training of personnel and its career development is the thesis - "My wealth - my employees."

Investments made in employees return to the organization, but for this you need to create a development strategy for your team. Employees will understand what they should strive for, and the organization will be able to properly allocate and use its resources.

To improve the qualifications of an individual specialist or train personnel, you can involve a trainer “from outside” or hire a specialist who will be engaged in the development of personnel, including determining the need for training and the organizational process of personnel training itself.

From the beginning, it will seem that staff training brings high costs, but with a shortage of managers and specialists in the labor market, it is staff training that becomes a motivating factor that increases the degree of employee loyalty to the organization and their productivity.

Stage 4: "Love is not for sale."

A decent level of salary is, of course, an important factor, but it must be remembered that employees will definitely appreciate the attention and care for themselves. For example, delivery by company transport, organization of lunches, health tours or a subscription to a sports club will positively affect the attitude towards the organization and one's work, increasing the loyalty and productivity of employees.

Stage 5: "The principle of open doors".

The “open door” policy, which consists in the fact that the head of the organization is always available to subordinates, also has a positive effect on employees. It is necessary to organize meetings of the manager with the team, plan an accessible schedule according to which the employee could personally communicate with the boss if necessary.

Employees must know that they are not random people and not pawns in someone else's game, they are a team working together in the first team. People should be able to express their thoughts without the threat that the initiative is punishable, and so on. understand that such communication can have an impact on the organization of their work.

Stage 6: "I'm with you along the way."

A team of like-minded people must know the mission of the organization, which she needs to clearly convey, and not formally, but so that people know the idea for which they will go to work every early morning. The main condition for effective work is the coincidence of the goals of the organization with the personal goals of employees.

Stage 7: You just need to love your employees and their loyalty to the organization will be ensured.

It happens sometimes that it is easy and simple to work, any task is on the shoulder. One difficult task after another is being solved. And there are days when nothing works, even the most elementary. In any job, productivity and efficiency are important. One of the ways to increase them is to improve working conditions, namely proper organization workplace.

Buy white light bulbs

If you notice that productivity increases in the evening, to increase it, use light bulbs not with yellow, but with white light. Yellow light is softer and induces relaxation, while white light is brighter and promotes focus on the task at hand.


The first thing to do to increase productivity is to set up your desktop so that it gets daylight for most of the day. It plays an important role in the growth of productivity, it inspires and wakes up. If you often have to work at a computer, you need to choose the right place for your desktop. To do this, you need to walk with a laptop around the room and find the best place.

Remove everything from the table

This tip will help you avoid a destructive mood. If there is nothing else on the table, except for a laptop and records, it will be possible to concentrate on the computer screen, not be distracted and work more efficiently. By the way, the computer should also not have anything superfluous that could be distracting. Make yourself a minimalist when it comes to desktop order. In order to make this easier, choose a desktop with drawers where you can put away the excess. Before going to bed, it is worth clearing everything from the desktop so that in the morning you can start working enthusiastically again, not thinking about what unfinished business is waiting for.

Find a comfortable chair

Most people spend a lot of time sitting at the table, so it is very important that the chair not only looks beautiful, but is also comfortable. While searching, you need to remember that it is for you to sit on it, so look for a chair with a comfortable back and armrests (at least one). But the chair should not be too comfortable and relaxing. It is worth thinking about the position, the need for an ottoman under your feet. Before buying everything you need to try and experience.

Try standing up

Working while standing is more beneficial for the spine and blood circulation than sitting. There are many ways to secure a comfortable standing workspace:
- you can install shelves at the level of your height;
- you can purchase a table so that the tabletop rises to the required height;
- You can install a special laptop stand to make it convenient to work while standing.

Put your table in a place of power

By the way, this is one of the rules of feng shui. The place of Power for the desktop is the position from which, sitting at the table, one can see the front door to the office. Psychologists say that if you can’t see the door, you don’t know who is coming in, it’s annoying, and you work less efficiently.

Use different textures in your office decor

If you want the office to stimulate you to work, then you need to use different materials and textures in the decor to excite tactile receptors. For example, you can upholster chairs and armchairs in the office with different fabrics, hang curtains, put a pillow and a blanket in the chair (which is useful in winter). The use of rough natural materials, such as wood, is also a good idea.


Often very difficult to articulate ultimate goal or a dream, but having formulated, convict it in a certain image. It can be a picture, photograph, poster or just an inscription, looking at which you will remember your goal and go towards it.

Set up a reading nook

It is convenient to read in the office, as it is quiet here, and no one interferes. Ideally, if you organize a reading corner separately from the desktop, in order to move away from the desktop, move around, change the situation. This technique will help you get distracted, and, therefore, streamline your thoughts and continue working.

Find a place for your desktop

If there is no place in the house for arranging an office, then find a secluded place where people go least of all and organize a workplace, a kind of mini-office. You can put a table in the corner of the room or a folding table against the wall, hang shelves and get to work. Don't be fooled by the fact that a coffee table in front of a working TV screen will suffice. But it won't hurt at all.

The key to increasing creativity in any organization is to start acting like a creative organization. If you wanted to be an artist, you would draw every day. You may not become another Vincent van Gogh, but you will definitely surpass someone who has never even tried to paint. The same is true in your organization: you will become a more creative team if you start thinking creatively. Below are 15 tips to help you and your colleagues get more creative today.

1 per day

Ask each person to improve one aspect of their work daily. At the end of the day, colleagues should meet and discuss what they did that day differently and better than they did the day before.

2. Brainstorming board

Hang a bulletin board in a prominent place in the office and ask colleagues to use it for new ideas. Write a topic or problem on a colored card and stick it in the center of the board. Place pieces of white paper nearby that employees can use to publicize their thoughts on a given topic. For example, if your company is having difficulty closing a particular deal, describe the situation on a colored card, post it on a whiteboard, and ask people to post their ideas and suggestions.

3. Lottery of ideas

Run an idea lottery every month. Every time an employee has creative idea, he receives a lottery ticket. At the end of the month, discuss ideas with the team, and then pull the ticket. If the number on someone's ticket matches the one drawn, they win a prize. If no one wins, double the prize next month.

4. Creative corner

Designate an area in the office for people to think creatively. Make sure there are books, videos about creativity, educational games and materials for needlework (for example, model clay). You could even decorate this corner with childhood photographs of employees to show that we are all born spontaneous and creative.

5. Symbols of creativity

Ask co-workers to put items on their desks that express their personal ideas about creativity in business. For example, a crystal ball could represent the pursuit of future deals, a jar of Heinz ketchup could represent a personal goal and 57 new ideas on how to cut costs, and a set of cables could symbolize the transition from idea to result.

6. Shared lunch

Have lunch with three to five co-workers weekly and share creative ideas with each other. Have everyone do their homework first. For example, read a book about creativity. Each participant of the meeting can read only one chapter, and at lunch talk about how creative techniques can be applied in work.

7. Notebook of brilliant ideas

Let each employee have a notebook, let's call it the "Brilliant Ideas Notebook". Ask colleagues to write down three ideas each day about how they can improve their work. At the end of the month, collect your notebooks, sort through ideas, and bring out the most interesting ones for discussion.

8. Silly Idea Week

Make the creative process as fun as possible. Have a "Stupid Idea Week" and run a competition for the dumbest idea. Post notes with them on the "bulletin board" and hold an awards ceremony for the winner. Events like this boost camaraderie, and you can see how stupid ideas spur really good ideas.

9. Creative committee

Create a "creativity committee" of your fellow volunteers. Its main goal will be to clarify, discuss and implement the ideas of employees. The committee may keep records on a thermometer chart, and the company should reward employees according to the amount and quality of creative input.

10. Hall of Fame

Turn your office corridor into an "Employee Hall of Fame". Place there photos of those whose ideas were implemented. Let the pictures be accompanied by information about the person and how his idea affected the company.

11. Left and right hemispheres of the brain.

When brainstorming, divide the team into two halves: those who think rationally (left brain) and those who think intuitively (right brain). Ask left-brainers to come up with practical, habitual, and logical ideas. Let the "right hemisphere" talk about strange, unconventional and illogical ideas. Then bring the groups together and discuss the ideas.

12. Quotas for ideas

American inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Edison ensured productive thinking by assigning idea quotas to himself and his assistants. His personal quota was one minor invention every 10 days and a major invention every six months. The way to guarantee creativity at work is to give each employee a quota of, say, five new ideas per week.

13. Pass ticket

Require all employees to bring one new idea which will be their ticket to any event. The idea should be focused on some aspect of their work and how they can improve what they do.

14. Change "Yes, but..." to "Yes, and..."

When someone comes up with an idea, many of us are tempted to say "Yes, but...". To change this mood, every time someone says “Yes, but…”, you need to have the person change this wording to “Yes, and…”, continuing to develop the colleague's idea.

15. Three options

Employees shouldn't waste time thinking about the reasons why something can't work or can't be done. Instead, they should think about how to make it work and get it done. Ask employees to think of three goals or objectives that they feel cannot be achieved. Then ask them to find three ways to do each. And do the same.

16. Fresh look

American virologist and developer of early polio vaccines, Jonas Salk, has made it common practice to hold group meetings with men and women with different skills and job responsibilities. He felt that it helps to generate new ideas that could not arise in the minds of people engaged in only one area. Invite people from other departments to your brainstorming sessions and ask them how they would solve the problems you are facing.

And the last. Don't forget to thank people for their ideas. Create your own "Thank you for a great idea" postcards and give them to colleagues. Ask CEO personally sign each postcard expressing your appreciation.

Translation: publishing house "MIF"

5C is the management philosophy with which effective production begins and without which it simply cannot exist.

5C is in second place after mapping in terms of popularity in TECHNONICOL. We started the implementation of 5C in the Company about 10 years ago and continue to this day. This tool helps to achieve customer satisfaction, cost leadership, safety, high productivity. Problems are not visible until the workplace is organized. Cleaning and tidying the workplace helps uncover problems, and finding problems is the first step to improvement. 5C are five words that begin with the letter "c":

Step 1 - "sorting" - a clear division of things into necessary and unnecessary and getting rid of the latter.

Step 2 - "keeping order" (neatness) - organizing the storage of necessary things, which makes it quick and easy to find and use them.

Step 4 - "standardization" (maintenance of order) - the implementation of the established procedures of the first three steps.

Step 5 - "improvement" or "self-discipline" (forming a habit) - improving, maintaining the results achieved previously.

Figure 1. Organization of the workspace according to the 5C principle

The main goals of 5S:

  1. Ensuring cleanliness in the workplace.
  2. Saving time, mainly for searching for what is needed in the work.
  3. Ensuring safe work, reducing the number of accidents.
  4. Increasing the level of product quality, reducing the number of defects.
  5. Creating a comfortable psychological climate, stimulating the desire to work.
  6. Exclusion of all types of losses.
  7. Increasing labor productivity (which in turn leads to an increase in the profits of the enterprise and, accordingly, an increase in the level of income of workers).

Step 1 "1C"

Sorting involves:

  1. Separation of all items in the operating area into necessary and unnecessary.
  2. Removal of unnecessary items from the operating area.

To remove unnecessary items from the operating area at the initial stage of implementation, we used the so-called "red label campaign", when a red label (flag) is glued or hung out on each item - a candidate for removal. All employees of the department where the sorting took place were involved in this process, as a result, they identified items that:

  • must be immediately taken out, thrown away, disposed of;
  • should be moved to a more suitable storage location;
  • must be abandoned and their places must be created and designated.

For items with red flags, a “quarantine zone” was organized, which was sorted out once a month. Items that had lain in the quarantine area for more than 30 days were either moved to a permanent storage location, usually in a storage area, or sold and sometimes disposed of.

The red label can be a regular red sticker with the date of moving this item to the quarantine zone, or it can be more complex in form: with information about the unit, the reasons for moving to the quarantine zone, those responsible, etc. An example of a red label in Figure 2.

Figure 2. "Quarantine zone" with items placed in it with red flags

Step 2 "2C"

It is not enough to put everything in its place once, this order must be observed always and by everyone. When going around workplaces at the initial stage of 5C implementation, there were many problems with the return of tools and inventory to their place. It took a certain time until they picked up optimal location for items in the operating area, which allowed any employee to easily use, quickly find and return documentation, tools, materials, and components to their place. When marking the place of storage of items, they tried to use the principles that allow, at the first glance at any of the places, to immediately determine what should be there, what is the number of items and the period of their storage. For these purposes, different visualization methods were used:

1. Outlining objects - drawing the outline of an object on the surface where this object should be stored

Figure 3. Quality table, mineral insulation production, Ryazan

Figure 4. Outlining objects on the quality table, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 5. Stand with tools, locksmith shop, Yurga

Figure 6. Tool stand (vertical placement and storage of tools), production site, Khabarovsk

Figure 7. Table with tools (horizontal placement and storage of tools), production site, Khabarovsk

2. Color coding, in which different types of tools and fixtures correspond to different colors

Figure 8. Photo of centrifuge connectors with a mating part matching in color, mineral insulation production, Ryazan

Figure 9. Color marking of pipelines at the binder preparation site, Khabarovsk

3. Paint markings to highlight storage space on floors and/or aisles

Figure 10. Designation of saw storage locations in the production workshop, Ryazan

Figure 11. Locksmith shop, production of mineral insulation, Zainsk

Figure 12. Open storage area, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 13. Warehouse of spare parts, production of mineral insulation, Yurga

Paint marking is also used to mark dividing lines between work areas or traffic lanes.

Figure 14. Workshop for the production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Step 3 "3C"

There is such a saying “it’s clean not where they sweep, but where they don’t litter”. Of course, cleanliness involves cleaning workplaces, making equipment and workplace neat enough to carry out control, but the main thing was to create such conditions under which the formation of dirt and dust was reduced to the minimum allowable amount. This process is still ongoing, and many proposals are being submitted on this topic to improve the equipment or the workplace.

It would seem that everyone understands the benefits of cleaning:

  • a clean workplace that is pleasant to work in (which increases the emotional state of the employee and makes the workplace more attractive);
  • constant readiness for work of everything that may be required to perform production tasks;
  • ensuring the safety of work (for example, spilled engine oil and puddles on the floor can lead to injury);
  • ensuring the operability of the equipment (there is no risk of dust and dirt getting into the working mechanisms);
  • absence of marriage.

However, the transition from persuasion to action, especially in old factories with 50 years of history, was anything but easy. In all departments, we carry out cleanliness checks in accordance with predetermined cleanliness criteria (cleanliness in the office and in the production hall are not the same), which are indicated in the checklist. The checklist at a number of sites describes in detail the content and procedure for cleaning up, there are photographs of the places where they were carried out:

To facilitate periodic inspection, checklists have been affixed next to the relevant equipment to quickly check for correct filling and correct identified deficiencies.

There is another simple tool to control the workplace cleanliness standard - this is a photograph of the workplace in the form in which it should be. Below is an example.

Figure 15. Purity standard, mineral insulation production, Ryazan

Step 4 "4C"

Standardization - the creation of a unified approach to the implementation of tasks and procedures. The main purpose of this phase is to prevent a backtracking on the ongoing implementation of the first three phases. To standardize means to develop a checklist that everyone understands and is easy to use. Below is an example of a tabular part of a checklist for production unit and office.

Checklist for the production department

office checklist

Compliance with the requirements of 5C is part of the professional certification of workers and engineers and has long become a common cultural norm - from the director's office to production and auxiliary premises.

Figure 16. Workplace standard in the industrial area of ​​Ryazan

Figure 17. Board 5C in the warehouse of finished products, production of mineral insulation, Khabarovsk

Figure 18. Workplace standard for chief power engineer, mineral insulation production, Khabarovsk

Figure 19. Workplace safety standard, mineral insulation production, Chelyabinsk

Step 5 "5S"

The fifth stage is improvement or self-discipline, maintaining the results achieved earlier. The stability of the 5S system does not depend on how well the procedures of the first four stages are implemented, but on whether the first four stages are supported by the fifth.

Unlike the first four Cs, improvement cannot be implemented as a technique, the results of improvement cannot be measured, but it is possible to create conditions that will encourage employees to continue working within the 5C system. The TECHNONICOL Company uses different tools for this: 5C slogans, 5C posters, information boards "WAS" - "BECOMING", 5C mailing lists, visits to departments where 5C is being implemented, etc.

Figure 20. 5C posters, mineral insulation production, Cherkasy

Figure 21. Fragment of the information board 5C "WAS" - "BECOMING", Ryazan

Figure 22. Attachment of personal responsibility in the warehouse of finished products, Zainsk

The average adult spends more time at work. In fact, throughout a lifetime, a person can spend the equivalent of 11 continuous years at one desk. To increase labor productivity in this case, unwillingly decreases.

Employees spend a lot of their time in the same building. Not surprisingly, a boring and monotonous environment can have an impact on their productivity and how they approach their work. Workplace, in fact, is a second home for them. And this is logical, considering how much time they spent there. So the design and layout of your office should really reflect this. After all, you don't want your family to live in a cramped and uncomfortable room for hours on end.

When it comes to the architecture of your office, you should think about the mood it should create. Small areas with artificial lighting are an instant performance drain. Your employees will not be in the right mood to fully express themselves. Understanding that even small improvements in an office environment can make a big difference in productivity. And often they can become the key to most of your employees.

Let your creative team breathe

Creativity cannot exist in a crowded office. However, many traditional departmental office layouts, such as marketing and copywriting, have limited space in the center. Also with leaders occupying a lighted place by the window.

One study found that employees who worked in offices with windows spent 15 percent more time at work than those in more enclosed spaces with artificial lighting. These notable performance improvements signal the need for an idea to keep people closer to the outside world.

Of course, this does not mean that your executives can do without natural light. Installing interior windows that let you see outside can be an effective solution.

Choose a softer approach

Bold, bright, intrusive colors have been proven to irritate workers a lot, which has now sparked a trend towards softer hues in interiors. office space. Red is definitely one of those to be avoided. This is thought to be due to increased levels of anxiety and an inability to focus on mental tasks. But this does not mean that you should choose the exact opposite color scheme. An employee surrounded on all sides by impeccably white walls is even more likely to be in an inactive mood. This interior evokes associations with a hospital.

In general, you'd be better off choosing warm colors, such as a light shade of blue. Blue is considered not only as the most productive color, namely, in desaturated shades, it can have a noticeable calming effect.

Don't settle for limits on office furniture

The comfort of your employees is paramount in terms of the amount of work they can get done. If an employee constantly has to adjust his chair or is limited to a secluded workplace all day, then he will not be able to achieve success in his activities. Arrange furniture in such a way as to allow freedom and movement of employees. This can be a great way to motivate your team to get the job done. It could even mean simply upgrading your fixed seat chairs to adjustable chairs, rearranging the furniture, or it could be a complete refurbishment of the office with new furniture.

Long hours of sitting behind a worker should not be a measure of labor productivity. In order for your brain to come up with more innovations and ideas, you must explore the world from more than one point of view. Studies have proven that, in fact, sitting for more than three consecutive hours during the day can cause serious health problems. Think of something for employees to avoid sitting in one place all the time and thereby ease tension and increase their mood and the productivity of your employees.

When designing an office space, consider and create areas where employees can walk around with tablets, phones or even just a cup of coffee and you will see how their creativity will develop.

Try to reduce distractions when designing your office

If you constantly hear the noise of the printer or chatter near the cooler, then it can be very difficult for your head to focus on anything else. Arrange your workspaces in a way that avoids these kinds of distractions. This will help you create a much more harmonious and comfortable work environment.

Try to separate the common areas from the offices to minimize noise coming through the door and walls. If you are working in a confined space, consider options to attenuate sound by using sound deadening materials. Avoid hard, reflective, and sound-transmitting surfaces in favor of fabric partitions, which may be one option, or you can add more potted plants to your office. Both of these materials are effective acoustic sponges and instantly absorb excessive noise.

Create a favorable atmosphere

It's all good to move tables and develop creativity, but if you don't have the basics - the most important thing, then all this will not help. Keep your offices well ventilated and maintain a constant comfortable room temperature to keep your employees comfortable throughout the day.

Designs that promote good airflow and ventilate employee workspaces with an optimal ventilation system will result in a much more comfortable work environment. By designing buildings using cross-ventilation, which actively dissipates hot air from the walls, a significant amount of money can be saved compared to installing an air conditioning system. Other important factors environment factors to consider are light intensity and humidity.

By understanding and considering the needs of your employees, you can begin to create the ideal environment for their workplaces. Just remember, if you want your employees to work hard, make it as easy as possible for them to stay focused on the work process.