PC related work. What are the professions of a computer?

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L. KOROLEV.

According to teachers, in every school release there are guys who dream of acquiring a profession related to computers. They enter institutes and universities in faculties, which are called differently: computational mathematics, cybernetics, applied mathematics, informatics. What exactly will they do after graduation? The answer to this question is often not known not only by parents and teachers, but also by the children themselves, whose desire to "be with a computer" is not weighed down by a clear idea of ​​​​the specialty. The article published below is an attempt to fill this gap, to talk about specialties related to mathematical and software computing machines and systems. In this issue, the "Man and Computer" section is led by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, V. Ivannikov, Director of the Institute for System Programming.

"Tree" of computer specialties.

The second educational building of Moscow State University, where the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (VMiK) is located, is the leader in the training of specialists in computer specialties.

Classes at the faculty of VMiK MSU. The faculty was established in 1970 on the initiative of the outstanding mathematician A. N. Tikhonov.

You can take a chance and compare the computer with some musical instrument, a piano, for example. Before you touch the keys, your instrument had to be built by masters, and composers had to write music in a language understandable to everyone - musical notation. It's the same with computers: there are people who create equipment, and those who write music - computer programs. It is customary to call the equipment "hard" (from English hard - hard, hard, or even simpler - "hardware"), and software - "soft" (from English soft - soft). The creators of "software" are precisely the "composers" of the computer world. And just like in music, there are several specializations, which we will talk about below. For now, a little history.

How it was before

Electronic computers appeared in the mid-40s of our century. The first in the world is ENIAC, created in 1946 in the United States. In the Soviet Union, the first machine began work in 1951, it was called MESM (Small Computing Electronic Machine). The honor of its creation belongs to the group of S. A. Lebedev, later a famous academician, who is called the father of domestic computer technology.

The first computers were unique installations, and the circle of specialists who could make them solve complex computational problems remained very limited. Programming was carried out at the level of machine instructions, that is, the machine needed a detailed and detailed list of operations that all its nodes were to perform. Commands were encoded with numbers represented in octal, hexadecimal, or binary. The programmer was required not only to know many details related to the device of the machine, but also great intuition, resourcefulness of the mind, in order to squeeze into the Procrustean bed of very modest, according to modern concepts, possibilities of the electronic machine.

The process of coding programs was very slow, a large number of errors appeared, and the quality of the programmer was determined by his ability to quickly find his own mistakes. At that time, two kinds of specialists arose - algorithmists and programmers-coders. The task of the algorithmist was to accurately describe the chosen method of calculation, the task of the programmer was to encode the algorithm in a digital language understandable to the machine. It soon became clear, however, that the last operation was technical work, provided, of course, that the algorithm was described in detail and accurately. The idea was to make the electronic machine do the work itself.

Translators - specialists in programming systems

Today, representatives of a wide variety of professions, students and even schoolchildren are engaged in writing programs for computers. This became possible thanks to the emergence of special languages ​​in which we give commands to the computer. Machine languages ​​are created by representatives of a new profession - specialists in programming systems, or, as they are also called, translators.

Simply put, there are two types of computer languages: machine-dependent and machine-independent. The first (assemblers, or autocode languages) are used to communicate with the machine in its own language. Assemblers are still used by highly qualified specialists.

Fortran is considered the father of machine-independent programming languages. This name is an abbreviation of two English words FORmula TRANslation (formula translator). It is close to the generally accepted mathematical notation.

Then other languages ​​​​appeared (Basic, Prolog, the C family). It is by mastering these machine-independent languages ​​that a philologist or accountant can write a specific application program. But in order for the machine to work with it, a translator is needed - a program that translates what is written into the language of the computer. The creation of a computer language and translators requires highly qualified specialists. In addition, there are many problems in this area that require theoretical solutions.

A new direction of research and a new specialty emerged - theoretical programming. It is based on such branches of mathematics as the theory of algorithms, mathematical logic, algebra, the theoretical foundations of approximate calculation methods, theoretical basis search methods, graph theory, theory of formal languages ​​and grammars. That is why these disciplines are given great importance at the faculties of computational mathematics.

In the mid-1980s, mass production of personal computers began. At first, several hundred thousand were produced a year, then several million, and at the present time - about thirty million computers annually.

The problem of a simple and accessible form of communication with a computer - a friendly interface, as they say, has acquired a different social sound. Therefore, the tasks of system programmers have expanded and changed qualitatively. In fact, in order to navigate through the many columns with English abbreviations, a certain amount of preparation is required, and even a junior schoolboy can "click" the mouse on an icon or on a clear inscription.

The user-friendly interface is based on the idea of ​​human-machine interaction. The computer in such a dialogue is assigned the role of a guide along the roads of its unique capabilities and an unobtrusive leader of the user's actions. The user is required to correctly formulate his requests and choose further steps from the options offered by the computer.

In general, we can say that the professional baggage of a system programmer includes programming languages, compilers, methods for assembling programs from ready-made pieces, debugging programs in terms of high-level languages, libraries of ready-made blanks.

Operators - developers of operating systems

Operating systems are the heart of all computer software. They control the input into the machine of information coming from the keyboard or from disks, the placement of input and output data in storage devices and their manipulation. These programs include translators, loaders, search for the necessary library programs, are responsible for the operation of the monitor, highlighting the necessary information, and much more.

The complexity of operating systems is increasing every year, because both the requirements of the mass user and the needs of science and technology are growing. Therefore, a new specialty, as it were, spun off from the specialty of system programming - developers of operating systems, operators, as they are called.

With the advent of multiprogramming (the simultaneous solution of several tasks on a computer that are at different stages of execution), the functions of operating systems have become especially complicated and several complex problems have arisen.

The first problem is related to the strategy of distributing machine resources between programs competing with each other in the counting dynamics. If the distribution strategy is not well chosen, then the efficiency of the machine will be significantly reduced and the user will have to wait a long time for the results, wasting precious time and sometimes money. With a good strategy, users can save both. The second problem is to exclude the influence of some tasks on the solution of others that are simultaneously being worked on. The third problem is in the distribution of RAM between independent tasks. Naturally, all these problems are hidden from the average user, and he should not take into account that many others are in the machine at the same time as his task.

The remote multiterminal access mode delivered a lot of new puzzles to the operators. This mode occurs when terminals are connected to the central computer, allowing several independent users to work on the machine at the same time. Terminals are a keyboard for typing data and a monitor located at a great distance from the computer, in another room or even a city. The terminal access mode is a kind of forerunner of network interaction.

Networkers - developers of networking programs

The unification of computers, the creation of local and global networks required the performance of new functions from operating systems. Relatively recently, a new specialty of network programmers has emerged.

The entire computer network, from the point of view of its management, is divided into interconnected levels. Programs that implement control algorithms at these levels are called network programs. The rules of work here are strictly standardized by special protocols of the corresponding levels. Therefore, specialists developing network programs should be well aware of the system of protocols adopted in a given network, the rules for generating addresses of network points, methods of transporting information, etc.

Currently, global computer networks, the most famous of which is the Internet, are capable of transmitting to their subscribers not only text information, but also audiovisual information. Their property was called "multimedia". The development of programs that control it is quite complicated. The fact is that the transmission of image and sound codes requires a high speed and, generally speaking, leads to a large load on communication lines. Therefore, programs are needed that can "compress" textual and audiovisual information at the input and decrypt it at the output. In addition, at all levels of the network, there are ways to control the correctness of transmission, ways to protect information from accidental and deliberate distortion. So there was a need for specialists in protecting information from unauthorized access. This area, which is closely related to the theory of coding and cryptography, has its own approaches, its own methodology and its own techniques.

Basics - database specialists

The main meaning of the development of global networks is to create a single information space that does not have state borders and distance limits. This means that each network subscriber should be given the opportunity to access the knowledge accumulated by mankind and located in numerous institutions in different countries and continents. This information is stored in special databases.

Previously, computer databases contained mostly alphanumeric information. Currently, there is audiovisual and other information in encoded form, such as formulas of chemical compounds, tables of integrals, information about physical processes, software products, etc.

The network subscriber is not interested in how this or that database is arranged, he needs to get an answer to his request to the network. For example, he is interested in which libraries you can find a rare book in. A search system that responds to queries of this kind must access all databases of libraries accessible to the network and formulate for each of them a query corresponding to the requirements of a particular model. It is the basics, the database specialists, who create these systems. This is quite difficult, because the search system must determine how this or that database is arranged and how to access it.

Machine Graphics - Virtual Reality Specialists

The natural desire to give the things that we see on a computer display a familiar look led to the need to study optical effects in translucent bodies and other subtleties associated with a realistic vision of scenes displayed on a display. The results of these studies are embodied in algorithms and computer graphics programs.

Here we should mention computer games, in which the actions of the player and the objects of the game are of paramount importance. Many condemn the hobby for computer games, but as for computer graphics, its development was largely stimulated by the popularity of computer games.

There are two-dimensional graphics, which create images of flat figures, and three-dimensional graphics, which project spatial images onto the screen. Work is underway to create computer-assisted holographic pictures that create the effect of spatial reality.

Since the 1970s, computer-controlled simulators have been widely developed. In front of the human eye is a large screen on which the external situation is displayed by means of computer graphics. It changes depending on the actions of a person or at the behest of a computer that creates the situations necessary for training. For example, a simulator that teaches the rules of takeoff and landing imitates what the pilot should see from his cockpit during the flight.

At the behest of the developers' imagination, their own world is created in the depths of the computer, inhabited by objects and creatures capable of acting and communicating. The computer enables a person to interact with an imaginary world. This scientific and technical direction is called virtual reality.

I note that many scientists believe that immersing a person in such an artificial world can have a very harmful effect on the psyche.

But virtual reality has an important and useful purpose. Its tools allow you to explore and study the phenomena of the real world, physical and biological processes. You can "see" what is happening inside the body, inside the cell, see "from the inside", how a jet engine works, "walk" on the Moon or on Mars.

Virtual reality systems require colossal computing power, special sophisticated equipment such as stereoscopic screens, and various kinds of sensory impact simulators. To solve problems related to virtual reality, the speed of a single machine is not enough. Such tasks have to be parallelized and multiprocessor supercomputers used.

New specialties will appear tomorrow

Computer specialties can be compared to multiple shoots that gave a single root. We only talked about professions that require serious mathematical training, and we saw how one after another new specializations spun off from systems programming.

The same thing happens in other areas related to computers. Applied programs today are created by physicists and philologists, chemists and biologists, economists and social scientists.

Service professionals have appeared who can install the necessary programs on the computer, set the modes of its use, network administrators, specialists in protecting computers from viruses, etc.

Therefore, it is possible only in general terms to say about the specialties that are in demand today, but there is no doubt that tomorrow more and more new computer professions will be required.

See in a room on the same topic

Information technology has already entered into all spheres of our life. The economy, administrative and other government structures, healthcare, law enforcement agencies, private life and much more - everything is closely related to information communications, office equipment, software. The introduction of computers in the organization of state institutions contributed to the acceleration of the development of the economy and infrastructure, the reduction of bureaucracy and paperwork.

With the reasonable use of information technologies in the spheres of activity of states, in the future, it would be possible to fully solve the problems of corruption. All this, together with a fairly high salary for IT specialists, contributes to the fact that professions related to computer technology, programming and information technology are gaining more and more popularity among young people. Below are some examples current professions from the IT sector.

1. ERP consultant

ERP system - a set of applications that automate the management and accounting of enterprises, linking their various departments. This complex is a single repository of information from all segments of the company's structure - about marketing, personnel, sales, production, forecasts and much more. There are three most common ERP systems in Russia: Oracle, SAP and Microsoft.

Here are the responsibilities of an ERP consultant:

  1. To coordinate the work of a specific module of the project: marketing, financial, logistics or any other.
  2. Rigorous research and description of the processes taking place in the client's business.
  3. Identification, in these processes, problem areas.
  4. Definition of change, business needs customer.
  5. Making proposals for actions to be taken to eliminate the shortcomings of the customer's business. Creation of theoretical models for optimizing business processes.
  6. Creation of technical specifications for developers, formation of solutions.
  7. Tuning modules, ensuring its integration and optimal interaction with other modules, as well as other systems.
  8. Training of users of the system in the organization (trainings, seminars, preparation of educational materials).
  9. Implementation of technical support of the system at the final stages and after the completion of the project (consulting, providing additions and adjustments).

2. ERP programmer

A specialist of this type is engaged in the implementation of the project, the direct implementation of the concepts of analysts, and the implementation of ideas. He writes software codes, adapts software to the specifics of a particular company. An ERP programmer sets up user interfaces, troubleshoots the system, advises staff, and makes adjustments. A professional ERP programmer must have a perfect knowledge of at least one of the variations of ERP systems and a thorough knowledge of various programming languages ​​(Visual Basic, Pascal, C++, Delphi, etc.).

Also, such a specialist needs to understand the logic of the business. If the module concerns finances, a non-programmer cannot do without knowledge of the basics of accounting.

3. IT evangelist

Also, such a specialist is called an expert in software development technologies. This profession has nothing to do with religion, although euangélion in Greek means all good. The specialist in this area is engaged in the promotion of software. In a sense, he is, of course, a missionary - informs potential clients information about the advertised program. His task is not only to attract new customers, but also to strengthen existing customers' confidence in the software he promotes.

In some ways, the duties of an IT evangelist are similar to those of a copywriter or PR specialist, because he blogs, communicates with a consumer audience through interviews, writing articles and even books. Otherwise, such a specialist can be called a "programming journalist", because, in addition to the ability to promote the company's products, he must also be an expert in the field of information technology.

4. Web designer

For successful work in this profession, a specialist needs to combine artistic taste and talent in the visual arts with knowledge of Internet technologies and programming skills. The main task of a web designer is to design a site in such a way that it is visually attractive to the widest possible audience of users. Such a designer creates Web pages and combines them into sites.

As one of the experts in this field put it, Web design is a mix of psychology, art and computer science.

Main responsibilities of a web designer:

5. Web programmer

This profession brings together various specialists in the field of IT technologies, in the field of web programming. Web programmers bring the ideas of web designers to life. Their task is to create a full-fledged, working site according to the “layout”. A web programmer must be proficient in languages ​​such as JAVAScript, HTML, PHP, JAVA, Perl and CGI, as well as have experience with a variety of web development tools such as ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Flash (etc.). Such programs and programming languages ​​significantly expand the functionality of sites and the possibility of filling them with various multimedia content. A web programmer works directly with the Internet. Its activity is assigned to the creation of programs that will function exclusively within this network.


Any profession in the field of IT technologies, programming, will suit you if you:

  1. Ready for purely intellectual, creative work.
  2. They are able to sit at a computer monitor for days, solving problems and eliminating errors.
  3. Attentive, pedantic, consistent.
  4. Prone to rationalism, logical thinking; love the exact sciences, mathematics.
  5. We are ready to sacrifice an active lifestyle, fresh air, sun and various benefits that could be derived from close communication with society.
  6. Don't be afraid to lose your sight.
  7. You love to develop intellectually, constantly learn and improve.

Every year, all high school students face the question: where to go and how to find your calling in life. After all, if a few years ago legal and economic professions were in great demand, now vacancies that require a thorough knowledge of computer technology are becoming more and more popular.

Computers in our life have become such a commonplace that without them almost any sphere of human activity is simply impossible. Computer-related professions make up a fairly large group today. Let's figure out what specialty can be mastered in this area.

This is perhaps the most common work related to local computer networks. Ideally, a system administrator is a master who knows the computer thoroughly. As an experienced doctor, he must know everything about his ward and be able to work with him. Moreover, the work is of varying degrees of complexity.

The responsibilities of a system administrator include:

  1. Strict control over the safety and integrity of various operating systems.
  2. Installation of all types of programs, including anti-virus.
  3. Connecting drivers and other equipment.
  4. Setting up computer networks and maintaining them in working order.

The popularity of this specialty is also facilitated by a decent wage. The income of a system administrator can reach 70,000 rubles. Of course, in this matter, everything depends on the region, on the company in which the person works, and on his abilities, skills and abilities.

Note! In big cities and in decent companies, the salary of a system administrator will be much higher than the income of the same specialist in a modest organization in the outback.


The list of specialists working on a computer continues with a profession called "programmer". This is also a very promising specialty, which does not lose its popularity, but, on the contrary, is becoming more and more in demand.

The professional activity of programmers is dominated by one task: writing new programs. Such people are developing codes, creating new software. Programmers must also have great skills and skills than system administrators.

Such a profession requires perseverance, patience, perseverance and outstanding intellectual abilities. After all, the creation of new codes requires a special effort of the mind and endurance of the nervous system. The programmer should not be afraid of difficulties and be able to overcome them. Of course, for such work and material reward appropriate.

The salary of programmers is even higher than that of system administrators. Although in many ways these professions have something in common, and a programmer can perform the duties of a system administrator, or vice versa.


Computers in the work of a designer are an essential attribute of the profession. In our modern times, any design is developed exclusively on computer technology.

And you need to be able to own a PC for this, be on “you” with special programs, because all the necessary sketches and sketches are now performed exclusively on a computer, tablet or laptop. The times when the main tool of the designer was a pencil and paper, irretrievably sunk into oblivion.

All designers are now implementing their projects - modeling, drawing, sketching - exclusively on computer technology. Of course, now their work has been greatly simplified. But in order to qualitatively and quickly implement your ideas, you need to own the appropriate computer programs.

Since designers began to actively use computers, this profession has become even more in demand. Yes, today there are different directions their work:

  1. 3D designers: develop 3D designs.
  2. Web designers: create appearance Internet pages.
  3. Interior designers: do interior design, etc.

Such professions are suitable for creative and creative people. They are also well paid.


Of course, such work can only conditionally be called a computer profession, but still it also involves working with PCs, which have confidently replaced typewriters. Writing has also become much easier with the invention of computer technology.

After all, now there is no need to rewrite the same thing several times, scrupulously proofread the text in search of errors. The program itself will tell you what needs to be corrected, and unsuccessful fragments of text can be easily deleted.

The material side of such a profession is somewhat different. If you have not yet become a world-famous writer, then you should not expect a decent monetary reward either. Therefore, writing is usually done in their free time from the main job, and it is perceived more as a hobby, and not as a main specialization.

Rewriter and copywriter

This kind of occupation appeared relatively recently and is associated with the rapid spread of the Internet. Beginners are sometimes intimidated by such innovative terms. However, to understand what is hidden behind such terminology is quite simple.

The name of the specialty "rewriter" implies the uniqueization of already finished articles. That is, a person finds information on a certain topic on the Internet and rewrites it in his own words, thus making the text written before him unique.

The name "copywriter" implies writing your own articles on a given topic. Such a profession requires certain skills and abilities. Perseverance and literacy are also necessary in order to engage in this activity.

In this field of activity, there is no initially stable income. To start receiving at least some tangible income, you must first work hard and earn credibility in order to have regular orders.

The degree of material reward in this matter is also influenced by natural ingenuity, the intellectual abilities of a person, as well as the ability to quickly work on the keyboard. As a rule, freelancers, that is, people who work independently, do this.

Note! Every educated person who is fluent in Russian can become a rewriter and copywriter, but it is worth remembering that this specialty implies good self-organization and responsibility.

Other specialties

As already mentioned, today a computer is needed in almost any field of activity, it is an indispensable tool for many professionals. But there are professions where the degree of PC proficiency affects how well a person will cope with their duties. Here are just a few of them.


Such a specialty cannot be called new. It is familiar to everyone and everyone, only with the advent of scientific and technological progress in our everyday life, the work of a secretary also became closely related to computers.

All documentation of any firm and structure, both private and budgetary, is now maintained exclusively on a computer. On it, modern secretaries draw up reports, summary statements, send and receive mail, etc.


Even the good old bookkeeping in the modern world is closely connected with working on a computer. A variety of statements, reports, calculations are carried out on a PC. A modern accountant needs to own the computer programs necessary for his work.


The profession of a photographer is also now impossible without owning a PC, with which they process and print pictures. The photographer now not only takes pictures, but also independently edits, retouches them and prints them. For this profession, you will also need creative creative thinking, as well as certain skills and knowledge in the field of photography, because you will not surprise anyone with an ordinary passport photo.

Perseverance, patience and the ability to work with different computer programs are also necessary. A photographer's earnings depend entirely on his skills, reputation, and the quality of the camera. The profession of a photographer can be both the main activity and a hobby, a hobby, in your free time.

Useful video

Summing up

We figured out what professions are associated with a computer. As you can see, the list is huge. In general, they can be divided into those in which the computer is a necessary tool for work, and those whose task is to ensure the operability of the PC and local networks, as well as to create new programs. One thing is certain: the ability to work on a computer is simply necessary in modern life for everyone and everyone.

In contact with

1. Introduction

2. Composers of the computer world

3. New specialties will appear tomorrow

5. Literature

1. Introduction

According to teachers, in every school release there are guys who dream of acquiring a profession related to computers. They enter institutes and universities in faculties, which are called differently: computational mathematics, cybernetics, applied mathematics, informatics. What exactly will they do after graduation? The answer to this question is often not known not only by parents and teachers, but also by the children themselves, whose desire to "be with a computer" is not weighed down by a clear idea of ​​​​the specialty. The article published below is an attempt to fill this gap, to talk about specialties related to mathematical and software computing machines and systems.

2. Composers of the computer world

You can take a chance and compare the computer with some musical instrument, a piano, for example. Before you touch the keys, your instrument had to be built by masters, and composers had to write music in a language understandable to everyone - musical notation. It's the same with computers: there are people who create equipment, and those who write music - computer programs. It is customary to call the equipment "hard" (from English hard - hard, hard, or even simpler - "hardware"), and software - "soft" (from English soft - soft). The creators of "software" are precisely the "composers" of the computer world. And just like in music, there are several specializations, which we will talk about below. For now, a little history.

How it was before

Electronic computers appeared in the mid-40s of our century. The first in the world is ENIAC, created in 1946 in the United States. In the Soviet Union, the first machine began work in 1951, it was called MESM (Small Computing Electronic Machine). The honor of its creation belongs to the group of S. A. Lebedev, later a famous academician, who is called the father of domestic computer technology.

The first computers were unique installations, and the circle of specialists who could make them solve complex computational problems remained very limited. Programming was carried out at the level of machine instructions, that is, the machine needed a detailed and detailed list of operations that all its nodes were to perform. Commands were encoded with numbers represented in octal, hexadecimal, or binary. The programmer was required not only to know many details related to the device of the machine, but also great intuition, resourcefulness of the mind, in order to squeeze into the Procrustean bed of very modest, according to modern concepts, possibilities of the electronic machine.

The process of coding programs was very slow, a large number of errors appeared, and the quality of the programmer was determined by his ability to quickly find his own mistakes. At that time, two kinds of specialists arose - algorithmists and programmers-coders. The task of the algorithmist was to accurately describe the chosen method of calculation, the task of the programmer was to encode the algorithm in a digital language understandable to the machine. It soon became clear, however, that the last operation was technical work, provided, of course, that the algorithm was described in detail and accurately. The idea was to make the electronic machine do the work itself.

Translators - specialists in programming systems

Today, representatives of a wide variety of professions, students and even schoolchildren are engaged in writing programs for computers. This became possible thanks to the emergence of special languages ​​in which we give commands to the computer. Machine languages ​​are created by representatives of a new profession - specialists in programming systems, or, as they are also called, translators.

Simply put, there are two types of computer languages: machine-dependent and machine-independent. The first (assemblers, or autocode languages) are used to communicate with the machine in its own language. Assemblers are still used by highly qualified specialists.

Fortran is considered the father of machine-independent programming languages. This name is an abbreviation of two English words FORmula TRANslation (formula translator). It is close to the generally accepted mathematical notation.

Then other languages ​​​​appeared (Basic, Prolog, the C family). It is by mastering these machine-independent languages ​​that a philologist or accountant can write a specific application program. But in order for the machine to work with it, a translator is needed - a program that translates what is written into the language of the computer. The creation of a computer language and translators requires highly qualified specialists. In addition, there are many problems in this area that require theoretical solutions.

A new direction of research and a new specialty emerged - theoretical programming. It is based on such branches of mathematics as the theory of algorithms, mathematical logic, algebra, the theoretical foundations of approximate calculation methods, the theoretical foundations of search methods, graph theory, the theory of formal languages ​​and grammars. That is why these disciplines are given great importance at the faculties of computational mathematics.

In the mid-1980s, mass production of personal computers began. At first, several hundred thousand were produced a year, then several million, and at the present time - about thirty million computers annually.

The problem of a simple and accessible form of communication with a computer - a friendly interface, as they say, has acquired a different social sound. Therefore, the tasks of system programmers have expanded and changed qualitatively. In fact, in order to navigate through the many columns with English abbreviations, a certain amount of preparation is required, and even a junior schoolboy can "click" the mouse on an icon or on a clear inscription.

The user-friendly interface is based on the idea of ​​human-machine interaction. The computer in such a dialogue is assigned the role of a guide along the roads of its unique capabilities and an unobtrusive leader of the user's actions. The user is required to correctly formulate his requests and choose further steps from the options offered by the computer.

In general, we can say that the professional baggage of a system programmer includes programming languages, compilers, methods for assembling programs from ready-made pieces, debugging programs in terms of high-level languages, libraries of ready-made blanks.

Operators - developers of operating systems

Operating systems are the heart of all computer software. They control the input into the machine of information coming from the keyboard or from disks, the placement of input and output data in storage devices and their manipulation. These programs include translators, loaders, search for the necessary library programs, are responsible for the operation of the monitor, highlighting the necessary information, and much more.

The complexity of operating systems is increasing every year, because both the requirements of the mass user and the needs of science and technology are growing. Therefore, a new specialty, as it were, spun off from the specialty of system programming - developers of operating systems, operators, as they are called.

With the advent of multiprogramming (the simultaneous solution of several tasks on a computer that are at different stages of execution), the functions of operating systems have become especially complicated and several complex problems have arisen.

The first problem is related to the strategy of distributing machine resources between programs competing with each other in the counting dynamics. If the distribution strategy is not well chosen, then the efficiency of the machine will be significantly reduced and the user will have to wait a long time for the results, wasting precious time and sometimes money. With a good strategy, users can save both. The second problem is to exclude the influence of some tasks on the solution of others that are simultaneously being worked on. The third problem is in the distribution of RAM between independent tasks. Naturally, all these problems are hidden from the average user, and he should not take into account that many others are in the machine at the same time as his task.

The remote multiterminal access mode delivered a lot of new puzzles to the operators. This mode occurs when terminals are connected to the central computer, allowing several independent users to work on the machine at the same time. Terminals are a keyboard for typing data and a monitor located at a great distance from the computer, in another room or even a city. The terminal access mode is a kind of forerunner of network interaction.

Networkers - developers of networking programs

The unification of computers, the creation of local and global networks required the performance of new functions from operating systems. Relatively recently, a new specialty of network programmers has emerged.

The entire computer network, from the point of view of its management, is divided into interconnected levels. Programs that implement control algorithms at these levels are called network programs. The rules of work here are strictly standardized by special protocols of the corresponding levels. Therefore, specialists developing network programs should be well aware of the system of protocols adopted in a given network, the rules for generating addresses of network points, methods of transporting information, etc.

Currently, global computer networks, the most famous of which is the Internet, are capable of transmitting to their subscribers not only text information, but also audiovisual information. Their property was called "multimedia". The development of programs that control it is quite complicated. The fact is that the transmission of image and sound codes requires a high speed and, generally speaking, leads to a large load on communication lines. Therefore, programs are needed that can "compress" textual and audiovisual information at the input and decrypt it at the output. In addition, at all levels of the network, there are ways to control the correctness of transmission, ways to protect information from accidental and deliberate distortion. So there was a need for specialists in protecting information from unauthorized access. This area, which is closely related to the theory of coding and cryptography, has its own approaches, its own methodology and its own techniques.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without information technology. They are used in almost all areas in the form of specialized equipment, software, game projects, etc. Almost all professions are related to the computer to a greater or lesser extent.

In private and public organizations, computers have already become an integral part of the work process, due to which it was possible to speed up the interaction of employees and reduce bureaucracy. For this reason, information technology is so popular among employers.

Professions related to the computer may be of interest also because they are promising and profitable. All areas of activity in which information technologies are involved in one way or another should not be listed, since there are a lot of them. This review will consider some professions related to the computer.

Network Programming

Every year, educational institutions leave a huge number of web-programmers. However, the demand for skilled workers not only does not decrease, but also increases. But this characterizes many computer-related professions.

To work in this area, you need to be able to create Internet projects, implement, optimize codes, develop scripts, write various interfaces and understand what databases are.

It should be immediately noted that in order to master this profession, it is not at all necessary to receive the appropriate education. You can also develop skills through self-study. Luckily, learning materials are available to the public. The main thing is to have a desire to develop in this field of activity. In this profession, knowledge and skills are valued, but a diploma does not play a special role.

It should also be noted that this profession requires constant development of skills, study of educational materials. This is due to the fact that new programming languages ​​appear or existing ones are improved. And without constant training, a specialist will simply lose his qualification.

World Wide Web Artists

Professions related to computers and the Internet can be included in separate lists. But it is worth talking about WEB-designers. To become a highly qualified specialist in this field, you need to have an artistic taste, be creative. You can't do without programming skills. Although in a minimal amount, they are still needed. A specialist working in this field is engaged in the formation of pages for Internet projects, their design.

Main responsibilities include:

  • work on the design of sites;
  • drawing layouts;
  • selection of formats, colors, sizes of various site components;
  • development of interfaces, logos, corporate identity.

About brilliant career growth you can not even think about it, since in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity as such it is not observed. However, you can always switch to related professions related to computers. It should be noted that this specialty is well paid and is quite promising.

ERP consultant

Modern entrepreneurial business will not do without constant development, without the introduction of the latest management systems, without increasing productivity. It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve great heights due to standard accounting optimization.

In order for a business to develop and make a profit, it is not necessary to forget about such components as personnel management, finance department, supplies and sales. Keeping in mind requires a huge number of different factors and aspects. This will help systems that allow you to link together the accounting of absolutely all processes in the company. They are called ERP. And to work with them, you need a qualified specialist.

Responsibilities of ERP consultants include:

  • analysis of the features of business processes;
  • search and elimination of shortcomings;
  • search for opportunities to improve business activities;
  • creating models that will help take your business to the next level;
  • development of technical specifications;
  • introduction of the latest modules into existing systems;
  • system maintenance, staff training.

System Administrator

Professions related to informatics and computers are quite diverse. It is necessary to allocate such a position in many companies as a system administrator.

This employee must ensure the operation of computer equipment, networks and servers. Also in his official duties includes granting and restricting access to a variety of resources.

It is very difficult to become a good specialist if there is no resistance to stress, because you will have to face various mistakes every day, look for ways to eliminate them. The routine of this work also contributes. Due to the loss of concentration, apathy may also appear over time.

Also, among the main features of a system administrator, attention and patience should be highlighted. Without all this, it is extremely difficult to achieve great success in this profession.


Software testing is a fairly important task that not everyone can handle. Testers are specialists who are able to find in software error and correct it. Highly qualified personnel are required by many companies whose main specialization is the development of programs, Internet projects, games.

Career growth in this profession is possible. However, this will require studying foreign languages. This circumstance is connected with the fact that many development companies are primarily focused on the Western segment.

The tester must:

  • good understanding of operating systems;
  • be able to model user behavior in order to identify software errors;
  • prepare all necessary documentation.

These types of computer-related professions cause a lot of controversy. Some experts believe that testing is too boring and tedious. But there are those who are able to find creative moments even in such a field of activity.


Photographer is a profession with which almost everyone is connected in one way or another, albeit at an amateur level. Of course, all you need to take a photo is a camera. However, processing and printing pictures is not possible without computers.

To become a good photographer, it is not necessary to receive an appropriate diploma. Naturally, its presence will be a huge plus, but even without it, the reputation will not suffer. Due to the huge amount of various equipment, the number of photographers has increased many times over. You can work in this field, both at an amateur and professional level.

Masters of the printed word

In modern conditions, such professions related to working on a computer, which involve typing, have begun to gain great popularity. It can be a rewrite or a copyright. In the first case, we are talking about a simple rewriting of existing articles, in the second - about creating original texts, personal, which is a more difficult task, since good knowledge in a particular area is required.

Naturally, these professions have nothing to do with writing. The earnings of a copywriter and rewriter will largely depend on professionalism. Having a portfolio can also play a role. To achieve great heights, you will have to make a lot of effort.

A few more areas of activity

The list of professions related to the computer is quite large. Some have been detailed above. It is worth giving as an example a few more interesting areas of activity, where information technology plays an important role.

  1. IT evangelist is a field of activity that is closely related to the promotion of software products.
  2. A game designer is a specialist who works on the creation of game projects. He is primarily responsible for the design, creativity.
  3. A cybersportsman is a person who participates in computer games at a professional level.
  4. Forum moderator - a specialist who monitors the work of the forums, communicates with users. He must monitor compliance with the rules and recommendations on a particular Internet resource.
  5. A programmer is a person who writes computer programs.


Every day there are new professions related to computers. Above were listed only the main ones that are in demand today. However, there is no doubt that every day more and more new areas of activity will appear in which information technologies will be used. We hope that this review answered the question of what professions are associated with a computer.