Intense stressful rhythm of work are examples of professions. Professional self-determination Compiled by: A.V.

Practice #1 Give examples of professions that are characterized by the listed adverse health effects. Factors affecting health Day after day, constant psycho-emotional stress Intense exhausting rhythm of work Prolonged exposure to heat or cold, outdoors, in an unheated room Noise and vibration Exposure to industrial dust or toxic substances Prolonged eye strain Necessity to work at night Long exposure to legs, exercise Increased risk of injury. Examples of professions or activities that accompany them.

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Social science grade 8

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used to characterize individual professions. physiological classification of labor activity , according to which there are six forms of work:

1. Work requiring significant muscle tension . Currently, this type of labor activity takes place in the absence of mechanized means for work ( work of a loader, excavator, blacksmith ). These works are characterized increased energy costs 17-25 MJ ( 4000-6000 kcal) per day.

Physical labor, developing muscle strength and stimulating metabolic processes, but also has a number of negative consequences . This is:

§ social inefficiency associated with low productivity,

§ high stress of physical forces,

§ the need for a long rest (up to 50% of working time).

2. Group forms of labor - assembly line.

Features of this form of labor

§ splitting the process into operations,

§ given rhythm,

§ strict sequence of operations,

§ automatic supply of parts to the workplace using a moving conveyor belt.

Conveyor form of labor requires synchronous work of its participants in accordance with a given tempo and rhythm.

The less time an employee spends on an operation, the monotonous work.

monotony - the leading negative feature of labor, leading topremature fatigue and rapid nervous exhaustion.

Basis of monotony - the predominance of the process of inhibition in cortical activity, which develops under the action of monotonous repeated stimuli.


- the excitability of analyzers decreases,

- attention is scattered

- the rate of reactions decreases

And it's coming fast fatigue .

3. Mechanized forms of labor.

With this form of labor energy costs workers are in the range of 12.5-17 MJ (3000-4000 kcal) per day.

In conditions of mechanized production, there is

Decreased muscle activity

The small muscles of the limbs are involved in the work, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of movements necessary to control the mechanisms.

The monotony of simple actions, the monotony and the small amount of information in the labor process lead to monotony of work.

4. Forms of work associated with partially automated production.

In semi-automatic production, a person is excluded from the process

direct processing of the object of labor, which is entirely performed by the mechanism.

The task of a person is limited to performing simple machine maintenance operations: feed material for processing, start the mechanism, remove the machined part .

Characteristic features of this type of work

Ø Monotony,

Ø increased pace and rhythm of work,

Ø loss of creativity.

Physiological featurelargely automated labor is:

§ willingness of employees to act and associated speed of response to troubleshooting.

This functional state "operational waiting" varies in the degree of fatigue and depending on the attitude of a person to work, the urgency of the necessary action, the responsibility of the work ahead.

5. Forms of labor associated with the management of production processes and mechanisms.

A person is included in the control system as a necessary operational link - the less automated the management process, the greater its participation.

6. Intellectual (mental) labor.

This work is presented:

§ professions related to the sphere of material production ( designers, engineers, technicians, dispatchers, operators ),

§ and outside material production ( doctors, teachers, writers, artists, artists ).

Intellectual labor is characterized

§ the need to process a large amount of information

mobilization of memory, attention,

§ activation of thinking processes,

§ tension of the emotional sphere.

This type of work is characterized hypokinesia, i.e. a significant decrease in human motor activity, leading to deterioration of the body's reactivity and increased emotional stress .

Hypokinesia is an unfavorable production factor, one of the conditions for the formation cardiovascular pathology in mental workers.

When an employee's performance declines, expressed in the quantitative and qualitative deterioration of the results of labor, resulting from the performance of labor of great severity, intensity or duration, arises fatigue.

Fatigue - this is a physiological state accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, a decrease in work capacity, caused by intensive or prolonged work, expressed in a deterioration in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of work and ending after rest.

order two main types of fatigue , related to the nature of the activity.

fatigue physical due to intense physical activity

and fatigue mental due to the intensity of higher functions, such as memory, attention, information activity, creative activity .

Depending on theload intensity allocate fatigue acute and chronic.

Ø Acute fatigue occurs due to extreme stress.

Characterized speed of development, a sharp decrease in efficiency,

until the activity fails.

Ø chronic fatigue slow development, formed as a result of prolonged exposure to a labor load that is not of an emergency nature.

In the course of ongoing work, a state arises lack of compensatory capabilities of the body and normalization of functions does not occur.

If a the recovery time of the initial performance exceeds 16-24 hours, then chronic fatigue occurs, i.e. overwork.

Fatigue Prevention:

· rational movements - they should be smooth, excluding a sharp change in pace and tension;

· elliptical trajectory shape - expediently rectilinear, corresponding to the anatomical structure of the joints;

· rational elimination of unnecessary movements,

periodic posture changes during work .

· Alternate work and breaks It is very important for the organization of a rational mode of work and rest.

Ø Breaks during the working day are necessary for improve performance and prevent fatigue .

Ø Than harder and harder work, the earlier after the start of the shift (or for the second half of the day - after the lunch break), a regulated break is introduced, and in some casestwoorthree.

Ø Their duration: from 5-10 to 15-30 minutes, and the harder and more intense the work, the longer the breaks.

Rest must be rationally organized: it is advisable to conduct industrial gymnastics which reduces fatigue, increases labor productivity by3-15%.

Active rest is more effective than passive.

Passive rest suitable for hard work or work in high air temperature conditions.

Labor intensity- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of labor.

Impact on the human body

Mental work is associated with the perception and processing of a large amount of information. Mental labor combines work related to the reception and transmission of information, requiring activation of the processes of thinking, attention, memory. This type of labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity. The main indicator of mental labor is tension, which reflects the load on the central nervous system. Energy consumption during mental work is 2500 - 3000 kcal per day.

Picture 1

But energy costs vary depending on the working posture. So, in a working posture sitting, energy costs exceed the level of basal metabolism by 5–10%; standing - by 10 - 25%, with a forced uncomfortable position - by 40 - 50%. With intensive intellectual work, the brain's need for energy is 15-20% of the total metabolism in the body. The increase in total energy costs during mental work is determined by the degree of neuro-emotional tension. The daily energy consumption during mental work increases by 48% when reading aloud while sitting, by 90% when lecturing, by 90-100% - for computer operators. In addition, the brain is prone to inertia, because after the cessation of work, the thought process continues, which leads to greater fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system than during physical labor.

Mental work is associated with nervous tension, which depends on the significance, danger and responsibility of the work. With nervous tension, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, an ECG change, and an increase in oxygen consumption occur. For the correct organization of mental activity, it is necessary: ​​gradually “enter” the work, observe the rhythm, systematicity.

This type of labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity (hypokinesia), which leads to cardiovascular pathology; prolonged mental stress depresses the psyche, impairs the functions of attention, memory. The main indicator of mental labor is tension, which reflects the load on the central nervous system.

Normalized indicators

All indicators have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads:

  • intellectual;
  • sensory;
  • emotional;
  • monotonous;
  • mode loads.

The intensity of the labor process should be assessed at each workplace. The assessment of labor intensity is based on an analysis of the labor activity of employees, job descriptions, chronometric observations (photos of the working day) and expert evaluation. Classes of working conditions must be determined according to all 23 estimated indicators presented in Table 18 of Guideline R 2.2.2006-05.

Classes of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process

Indicators of intensity of the labor processOptimal class of working conditions. Mild tensionPermissible class of working conditions. Medium tensionHarmful class 3.1Harmful class 3.2
1.Intelligent load
1.1Content of the workNo need to make a decisionSolving simple problems according to instructionsSolving complex problems with the choice of known algorithms (work on a series of instructions)Heuristic (creative) activity requiring the solution of an algorithm, sole leadership in difficult situations
1.2 Perception of signals (information) and their evaluationPerception of signals, but no action correction requiredPerception of signals with subsequent correction of actions and operationsPerception of signals with subsequent comparison of the actual values ​​of the parameters with their nominal values. Final evaluation of actual parameter valuesPerception of signals followed by a comprehensive assessment of related parameters. Comprehensive assessment of all production activities
1.3 Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the taskJob Processing and ExecutionProcessing, execution of the task and its verificationProcessing, checking and monitoring the execution of the taskControl and preliminary work on the distribution of tasks to other persons
1.4Nature of work performedWork according to an individual planWork according to the established schedule with its possible correction in the course of activitiesWorking under time pressureWork in conditions of time and information deficit with increased responsibility for the final result
2. Sensory loads
2.1 Duration of focused observation (% shift time)up to 2526 – 50 51 – 75 over 75
2.2 Density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of workup to 7576 – 175 176 – 300 over 300
2.3 Number of facilities for simultaneous monitoringup to 56 – 10 11 – 25 over 25
2.4 The size of the object of distinction (with a distance from the eyes of the worker to the object of distinction of not more than 0.5 m) in mm with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)more than 5 mm - 100%5 - 1.1 mm - more than 50%; 1 - 0.3 mm - up to 50%; less than 0.3 mm - up to 25%- 0.3 mm - more than 50%; less than 0.3 mm - 26 - 50%less than 0.3 mm - more than 50%
2.5 Working with optical instruments (microscopes, magnifiers, etc.) during the duration of concentrated observation (% of shift time)up to 2526 – 50 51 – 75 over 75
2.6 Monitoring the screens of video terminals (hours per shift):
with alphanumeric type of information displayup to 2until 3up to 4over 4
with a graphical type of information displayuntil 3up to 5until 6over 6
2.7 Load on the auditory analyzer (when it is necessary to perceive speech or differentiated signals)Intelligibility of words and signals from 100 to 90%. No interferenceThe intelligibility of words and signals is from 90 to 70%. There is interference against which speech is heard at a distance of up to 3.5 mThe intelligibility of words and signals is from 70 to 50%. There are interferences against which speech can be heard at a distance of up to 2 mThe intelligibility of words and signals is less than 50%. There is interference, against which speech is audible at a distance of up to 1.5 m
2.8 Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)up to 16up to 20up to 25over 25
3. Emotional loads
3.1 The degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities. Significance of errorResponsible for the implementation of individual elements of tasks. It entails additional efforts in work on the part of the employeeResponsible for the functional quality of auxiliary work (tasks). Requires additional effort from senior managementResponsible for the functional quality of the main work (task). It entails corrections due to the additional efforts of the entire team (groups, brigades, etc.)Responsible for the functional quality of the final product, work, task. Causes damage to equipment, stop technological process and may be life threatening
3.2 Degree of risk to own lifeExcludedLikely
3.3 Degree of responsibility for the safety of othersExcludedPossible
3.4 Number of conflict situations caused by professional activity per shiftMissing1 –3 4 – 8 Over 8
4. Monotony of loads
4.1 The number of elements (methods) required to implement a simple task or in repetitive operationsover 109 – 6 5 – 3 less than 3
4.2 Duration (in seconds) of simple tasks or repetitive operationsover 100100 – 25 24 –10 less than 10
4.3 Time of active actions (as a percentage of the duration of the shift). The rest of the time - monitoring the progress of the production process20 or more19 – 10 9 – 5 less than 5
4.4 The monotony of the production environment (the time of passive monitoring of the progress of the technical process in% of the shift time)less than 7576 – 80 81 – 90 over 90
5. Mode of operation
5.1 Actual working hours6 – 7 h8 – 9 am10 – 12 hmore than 12 hours
5.2 Shift workOne shift work (no night shift)Two shift work (no night shift)Three shift work (night shift)Irregular shifts with night work
5.3 Presence of regulated breaks and their durationBreaks are regulated, of sufficient duration: 7% or more of working timeBreaks are regulated, insufficient duration: from 3 to 7% of working timeBreaks are not regulated and of insufficient duration: up to 3% of working timeNo breaks

1. Intellectual loads

Example: the simplest tasks are solved by cleaners, loaders (class 1 of working conditions), and activities that require solving simple tasks, but with a choice (according to instructions) are typical for laboratory assistants, nurses, telephone operators, repairmen, storekeepers, track fitters, inspectors wagons, signalmen, electricians, etc. (grade 2). Complex tasks solved according to a well-known algorithm (work according to a series of instructions) take place in the work of managers (directors, heads of workshops), foremen, vehicle drivers, foremen, machinists, train compilers, station attendants, etc. (class 3.1.) . The most complex work in terms of content, requiring to some extent heuristic (creative) activity, was found among scientists, designers, surgeons, etc. (class 3.2.).

Figure 2

1.2. "Perception of signals (information) and their evaluation" - according to this factor of the labor process, the perception of signals (information) with subsequent correction of actions and operations performed belongs to the 2nd class (laboratory assistants, accountants, economists, turners, locksmiths, carpenters, cooks). Class 3.1 includes work when the performer must compare the signals (results of his work) with existing standards (norms), the values ​​​​of which he must keep in memory, bring the results of his own activity in line with these standards and make sure that the work is correct. This nature of work is characteristic of operator professions, locomotive drivers, craftsmen, electricians, etc. , heads of workshops), scientists, station attendants, etc.).

1.3. "Distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task" . Any labor activity is characterized by the distribution of functions between employees. Accordingly, the more functions assigned to the employee, the higher the intensity of his work. So, labor activity, containing simple functions aimed at processing and performing a specific task, does not lead to significant labor intensity. An example of such activity is the work of a laboratory assistant, cleaner, loader (class 1). Tension increases when processing, execution and subsequent verification of the task (class 2), which is typical for such professions as an accountant, department engineer, nurse, driver, electrician, telephone operator, repairman, plumber, etc. In this case, verification means verification of the results of one's work (self-control). Processing, verification and, in addition, control over the execution of the task indicates a greater degree of complexity of the functions performed by the employee, and, accordingly, the intensity of labor is more pronounced (foremen of enterprises, heads of departments, - class 3.1). The most difficult function is preliminary preparatory work with subsequent distribution of tasks to other persons (class 3.2), which is typical for such professions as business leaders (directors, heads of workshops), air traffic controllers, doctors, etc.

1.4. "The nature of the work performed." In the case when the work is carried out according to an individual plan, the level of labor intensity is low (grade 1 - laboratory assistants, cleaners, track fitters). If the work proceeds according to a strictly established schedule with its possible correction as necessary, then the tension rises (grade 2 - nurses, locksmiths, accountants, craftsmen, shop managers, etc.). Even greater labor intensity is characteristic when work is performed under time pressure (class 3.1 - drivers, locomotive drivers, duty officer at the railway station). At the same time, work should be characterized by a shortage of time in daily activities, and not in emergency situations. The greatest tension (class -3.2) is characterized by work in conditions of lack of time and information. At the same time, there is a high responsibility for the final result of the work (surgeons, resuscitators, nuclear reactor control engineers, air traffic controllers).

2. Sensory loads

2.1. "Duration of focused observation (in % of shift time)". The greater the percentage of time devoted to concentrated observation during a shift, the higher the tension. The total time of the working shift is taken as 100%. Concentrated observation means that the employee looks at the object of observation without taking his eyes off. The longest duration of concentrated monitoring of the technological process is observed in operator professions: telephonists, air traffic controllers, drivers (more than 75% of the shift - class 3.2). A slightly lower value of this parameter (51 - 75%) is found among doctors, control panel operators, PC operators, accountants (class 3.1) (see Figure 4). From 26 to 50% of the value of this indicator fluctuated among nurses, chiefs and foremen of industrial enterprises, teachers, locksmiths (grade 2). The lowest level of this indicator is observed among directors, cleaners, loaders, track fitters (grade 1 - up to 25% of the total shift time).

Figure 3

2.2. "The density of signals (light, sound) and messages on average for 1 hour of work" . The number of perceived and transmitted signals (messages, orders) allows you to assess the employment, the specifics of the employee's activities. The greater the number of incoming and transmitted signals or messages, the higher the information load, leading to an increase in tension. According to the form (or method) of presenting information, signals can be given from special devices (light, sound signal devices, instrument scales, tables, graphs and diagrams, symbols, text, formulas, etc.) and with a voice message (by phone, by radio, with direct direct contact of workers).

For example: the largest number of communications and signals with ground services and with aircraft crews is observed with air traffic controllers - more than 300 (class 3.2). Production activities of the driver during driving vehicles somewhat lower - on average, about 200 signals per hour (class 3.1). The work of telegraph operators also belongs to this class. In the range from 75 to 175 signals are received by telephone operators within an hour (the number of serviced subscriptions per hour is from 25 to 150). For nurses and doctors of intensive care units (urgent call to the patient, alarm from monitors about the patient's condition) - class 2. The smallest number of signals and messages is typical for such professions as laboratory assistants, managers, craftsmen, carpenters, plumbers - class 1.

2.3. "Number of production facilities for simultaneous monitoring" indicates that with an increase in the number of objects of simultaneous observation, the intensity of labor increases. For the operator type of activity, various indicators, displays, controls, keyboard, etc. serve as objects of simultaneous observation. The largest number of objects of simultaneous observation was found for air traffic controllers - 13, which corresponds to cash desk 3.1, this number is somewhat lower for telegraph operators - 8 - 9 teletypes, for drivers vehicles- 6 - 7 (grade 2). Up to 5 objects of simultaneous observation are noted among telephone operators, masters, managers, nurses, doctors, etc. (grade 1). For locomotive drivers, the objects of simultaneous observation are objects located in front of a moving locomotive (signals, track condition, contact wire condition, etc.), but their number, as a rule, does not exceed 8 - 10.

2.4. "The size of the object of distinction with the duration of focused attention (% of the shift time)" . The smaller the size of the object under consideration (product, part, digital or alphabetic information, etc.) and the longer the observation time, the higher the load on the visual analyzer. Accordingly, the class of labor intensity increases. The categories of visual works from SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting" were taken as the basis for the size of the object of distinction.

For example, for a loader, we choose the size of the object of distinction more than 5 mm - class 1, for an accountant, when working with documents and a PC, the size of the object of distinction is 1 - 0.3 mm with an observation concentration of up to 50% of the shift - class 2, more than 50% of the shift - class 3.1 . The smallest size of the object of distinction - less than 0.3 mm - is chosen when working with a microscope.

2.5. "Working with optical instruments (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.) with the duration of concentrated observation (% of the shift time)". On the basis of chronometric observations, the time (hours, minutes) of working with an optical device is determined. The duration of the working day is taken as 100%, and the time of a fixed gaze using a microscope, magnifying glass is translated into%. The greater the percentage of time, the greater the load, leading to the development of tension in the visual analyzer.

2.6. "Monitoring the video terminal screen (hours per shift)". According to this indicator, the time (hours, minutes) of the direct work of the VDT user with the display screen during the entire working day is recorded when entering data, editing text or programs, reading alphabetic, numeric and graphic information from the screen. The longer the time of fixing the gaze on the screen of the VDT user, the greater the load on the visual analyzer and the higher the labor intensity. The greatest load will be for PC operators and programmers (6 - 7 hours). For an accountant, this is a maximum of 4 hours, because it also works with documents (the gaze moves from screen to document, from document to screen, i.e. the time of working with a PC can be conditionally divided in half, this will be the real time of fixed observation of the PC screen).

. The degree of tension of the auditory analyzer is determined by the dependence of the intelligibility of words as a percentage of the ratio between the level of speech intensity and "white" noise. When there is no interference, word intelligibility is 100% - 1 class. The 2nd class includes cases where the noise level is 70 - 80 dBA, and corresponds to the intelligibility of words equal to 90 - 70% or at a distance of up to 3.5 m. If the noise level is more than 80 dBA, then an assessment is already underway for class 3.1 or 3.2.

2.8. "Load on the vocal apparatus (total number of hours spoken per week)" . The degree of tension of the vocal apparatus depends on the duration of speech loads. Overstrain of the voice is observed with prolonged, without rest, voice activity. The greatest loads (class 3.1 or 3.2) are observed in persons of voice-speech professions (teachers, educators of children's institutions, vocalists, readers, actors, announcers, guides, etc.). To a lesser extent, this type of workload is typical for other professional groups (managers, foremen, doctors, etc. - Grade 2). The lowest values ​​of the criterion can be noted in the work of other professions, such as laboratory assistants, turners, drivers of vehicles (grade 1).

3. Emotional loads

3.1. "The degree of responsibility for the result of one's own activities . The significance of the error. This indicator indicates the extent to which an employee can influence the result of his own work at various levels of complexity of the activities carried out. With increasing complexity, the degree of responsibility increases, since erroneous actions lead to additional efforts on the part of the employee or the whole team, which accordingly leads to an increase in emotional stress. For such professions, air traffic controllers, doctors, drivers of vehicles, a nuclear reactor control engineer, the highest degree of responsibility for the final result of the work is characteristic, and the mistakes made can lead to a shutdown of the technological process, the emergence of dangerous situations for people's lives (class 3.2). If the employee is responsible for the main type of task, and mistakes lead to additional efforts on the part of the whole team, then the emotional burden in this case is already somewhat lower (class 3.1): managers and foremen of industrial enterprises, foremen, shift supervisors, nurses. In the case when the degree of responsibility is related to the quality of the auxiliary task, and errors lead to additional efforts on the part of higher management (in particular, the foreman, shift supervisor, etc.), then such work according to this indicator is characterized by even less manifestation of emotional stress (grade 2): laboratory assistants, repairmen, equipment installers, electricians, cooks. The least significance of the criterion is noted in the work of a laboratory assistant, cleaner, loader, where the employee is responsible only for the implementation of individual elements of the product, and in the event of an error, additional efforts are only on the part of the employee himself (grade 1).

3.2. "The degree of risk to one's own life." The presence of a risk to one's own life is characterized only by those workplaces where there is a direct danger, when the risk is present, subject to the observance of safety rules by workers, that is, potentially dangerous jobs and areas. Examples are work at heights, work related to the maintenance of high voltage electrical equipment, work on railway tracks during train traffic, etc.

3.3. "Degree of responsibility for the safety of others" reflects factors of emotional significance. A number of professions are characterized by responsibility only for the safety of others (air traffic controllers, resuscitators, surgeons, electric train drivers, foremen of industrial enterprises, if they issue work permits for especially dangerous types of work, etc.), or only for personal safety (a tower crane driver , miner, electrician of high-voltage power lines, industrial climber, etc.) - 3.2 class. But there are a number of categories of work where a combination of risk for oneself and responsibility for the lives of other persons is possible (infectious disease doctors, drivers of vehicles, assistant train drivers, etc.). In this case, the emotional load is significantly higher, so these indicators should be assessed as separate independent stimuli. There are a number of professions where these factors are completely absent (directors, heads of workshops, departments, laboratory assistants, accountants, telephone operators, cooks, nurses, massage therapists, etc.) - their work is rated as 1st class of labor intensity.

Figure 4

4. Monotony of loads

4.1. "The number of elements (techniques) necessary to implement a simple task or repetitive operations". The smaller the number of techniques performed, the higher the intensity of labor due to repeated loads. The highest intensity according to this indicator is typical for assembly line workers (class 3.1 - 3.2) (see Figure 6).

4.2. "Duration (in seconds) of simple production tasks or repetitive operations" . The shorter the time, the correspondingly higher the monotony of the loads. This indicator, as well as the previous one, is most pronounced during conveyor labor (class 3.1–3.2).

4.3. "Time of active actions (in% of the duration of the shift)" . Observation of the progress of the technological process does not refer to "active actions". The shorter the time for performing active actions and the longer the time for monitoring the progress of the production process, the higher the monotony of the loads, respectively. The highest monotonicity in this indicator is typical for operators of chemical production control panels (class 3.1 - 3.2).

4.4. "The monotony of the production environment (the time of passive monitoring of the progress of the technical process in% of the shift time)". The longer the time of passive observation of the course of the technological process, the more monotonous the work is. This indicator, as well as the previous one, is most pronounced for operator types of work working in the standby mode (operators of control panels for chemical production, power plants, etc.) - class 3.2.

5. Mode of operation

5.1. "Actual working hours" . It is allocated in an independent heading unlike other classifications. This is due to the fact that, regardless of the number of shifts and the rhythm of work in production conditions, the actual length of the working day ranges from 6 to 8 hours (teachers, doctors, heads of enterprises and organizations, accountants, etc.; it is important to consider that irregular working hours , for example, for directors, heads of departments, is not taken into account, the calculation is based on 40 hours of the working week). A number of professions have shifts of 12 hours or more (doctors, nurses, security guards, watchmen, etc.). The longer the work in time, the greater the total load per shift, and, accordingly, the higher the intensity of labor.

5.2. "shift work" is determined on the basis of internal production documents regulating the work schedule at a given enterprise, organization. The highest class 3.2 is characterized by irregular shifts with night work (nurses, doctors, railway station dispatchers, long-distance train conductors, etc.).

Figure 5

5.3. "Availability of regulated breaks and their duration (without a lunch break)" . Regulated breaks include only those breaks that are included in the working time regulations on the basis of internal production documents ( orders, internal labor regulations), or in accordance with the requirements of state documents (Labor Code Russian Federation, sanitary norms and rules, labor protection rules and other). They are provided for short-term rest and personal physiological needs and should be introduced for types of work when the performer, according to the accepted technology, cannot leave the workplace on his own even for a short time ( the majority of ticket tellers, hump operators during intensive work, operators of television surveillance posts, checkpoint controllers, etc.) or the continuation of high-quality work is possible only if there are breaks for rest ( the work of computer operators, heavy physical work, work at low ambient temperatures, etc.). For these purposes, it is considered optimal to have several regulated breaks with a total duration of at least 7% of the shift (the number and duration of breaks should depend on specific conditions).

General assessment of the intensity of the labor process

The overall assessment of the intensity of the labor process is carried out as follows:

  1. Regardless of professional affiliation (profession), all 23 indicators listed in Table 8 are taken into account. Guides. It is not allowed to selectively take into account any individual indicators for a general assessment of labor intensity.
  2. For each of the 22 indicators, a separate class of working conditions is determined. In the event that, according to the nature or characteristics of professional activity, any indicator is not presented (for example, there is no work with a video terminal screen or optical devices), then class 1 (optimal) is assigned for this indicator - labor intensity of a mild degree.
  3. In the final assessment of labor intensity:

3.1. "Optimal" (grade 1) is set in cases where 17 or more indicators have a grade of 1, and the rest belong to the 2nd grade. At the same time, there are no indicators related to the 3rd (harmful) class.

3.2. "Permissible" (grade 2) is set in the following cases:

  • when 6 or more indicators are assigned to class 2, and the rest - to class 1;
  • when 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to 3.1. and/or 3.2. degrees of harmfulness, and the remaining indicators have an assessment of the 1st and / or 2nd classes.

3.3. "Harmful" (grade 3) is set when 6 or more indicators are assigned to grade 3.

At the same time, intense labor of the 1st degree (3.1.) Is established in the following cases:

  • when 6 indicators have a score of only 3.1, and the remaining indicators belong to 1 and / or 2 classes;
  • when 3 to 5 indicators belong to class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 indicators belong to class 3.2.

Intense labor of the 2nd degree (3.2) is established in the following cases:

  • when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.2;
  • when more than 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1;
  • when from 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to class 3.1, and from 4 to 5 indicators - to class 3.2;
  • when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1 and there are from 1 to 5 indicators of class 3.2.

4. In cases where more than six indicators have a score of 3.2, the intensity of the labor process is rated one degree higher - class 3.3.

Methodology for assessing labor intensity

The methodology for assessing labor intensity is carried out in accordance with the “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions” R 2.2.2006-05 Appendix 16.

Measuring instruments

A stopwatch is used as a means of measurement (see Figure 6).

“Technology” is one of the complex disciplines of pedagogy. The electronic manual compiled by me on the basis of the “Technology” program belongs to the section “ Professional self-determination» The electronic manual compiled by me on the basis of the “Technology” program belongs to the “Professional self-determination” section. The content of the manual is aimed at self-knowledge, self-expression, professional testing, taking into account the characteristics of health, life plans and other motives. The content of the manual is aimed at self-knowledge, self-expression, professional testing, taking into account the characteristics of health, life plans and other motives. The goal is to form the readiness of students for a reasonable choice of professions, taking into account their inclinations, health status and the needs of the labor market. The goal is to form the readiness of students for a reasonable choice of professions, taking into account their inclinations, health status and the needs of the labor market.

Thematic planning The inner world of a person and the system of ideas about oneself. 2 hours The inner world of a person and the system of ideas about oneself. 2 hours Professional interests and inclinations 2 hours Professional interests and inclinations 2 hours Abilities, conditions for their manifestation and development 2 hours Abilities, conditions for their manifestation and development 2 hours Natural properties of the nervous system 2 hours Natural properties of the nervous system 2 hours Mental processes and their role in professional Mental processes and their role in professional activity 2 hours of activity 2 hours Motives, value orientations and their role in professional self-determination 2 hours Motives, value orientations and their role in professional self-determination 2 hours Professional and life plans. Professional Professional and life plans. Professional suitability 2 hours Suitability 2 hours Health and choice of profession 2 hours Health and choice of profession 2 hours Branches of social production professions, specialties, positions 2 hours Branches of social production professions, specialties, positions 2 hours Professional trial 2 hours Professional trial 2 hours Total: 20 hours Total: 20 hours

The most effective methods and techniques of pedagogical activity at technology lessons in the section "Professional self-determination" Reverse brainstorming method Reverse brainstorming method Synetics Synetics Morphological analysis Morphological analysis Functional value analysis Functional value analysis Creative projects Creative projects

Suggested forms of lessons Lesson - immersions Lesson - immersions Lesson - business games Lesson - business games Lesson - press conference Lesson - press conference Lesson - competitions Lesson - competitions Theatrical lessons Theatrical lessons Lesson - consultation Lesson - consultation Computer lessons Computer lessons Lesson - mutual learning Lesson - mutual learning Lessons with group work Lessons with group work Lesson - auction Lesson - auction Lesson - creativity Lesson - creativity Lesson - test Lesson - test Lesson - doubts Lesson - doubts Lesson - creative report Lesson - creative report Lesson - competition Lesson - competition Lesson - generalizations Lesson - generalizations Lesson - fantasy Lesson - fantasy Lesson - game Lesson - game Lesson - search for truth Lesson - search for truth Lesson - lectures "Paradoxes" Lesson - lectures "Paradoxes" Lesson - dialogues Lesson - dialogues Lessons - business games Lessons – business games Lessons – role-playing game Lessons – role-playing games Integrated lessons Integrated lessons Lesson – excursion Lesson – excursion I Lesson - the game "Field of Miracles" Lesson - the game "Field of Miracles"

Psycho-gymnastics and its structure Psycho-gymnastics is intended for children with excessive fatigue, short-tempered, neuropsychiatric disorders on the border of health and illness. Psycho-gymnastics is intended for children with excessive fatigue, quick-tempered, neuropsychic disorders on the border of health and illness. Psycho-gymnastics is aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressiveness of movements, cultivating emotions of higher feelings and acquiring skills in self-relaxation. Psycho-gymnastics is aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressiveness of movements, cultivating emotions of higher feelings and acquiring skills in self-relaxation. Psycho-gymnastics - helps to overcome barriers in communication, better understand yourself and others, relieve mental stress, provides an opportunity for self-expression. Psycho-gymnastics - helps to overcome barriers in communication, better understand yourself and others, relieve mental stress, provides an opportunity for self-expression. There are many psycho-gymnastics exercises that help the teacher maintain the mental health of students. Etudes for the expression of the qualities of character, emotions. Psychomuscular training. Writing stories. The structure of psycho-gymnastics 1. Warm-up. 1. Warm up. 2. Gymnastics (Various muscle - emotional loads) 2. Gymnastics (Various muscle - emotional loads) - "Evil cats" (do not touch anyone with your hands, working in pairs) - "Evil cats" (do not touch anyone with your hands, working in pairs) - "Hares knock on the drum" (alternation of tension and relaxation) - "Hares knock on the drum" (alternation of tension and relaxation) 3. Emotions (control of emotions) 3. Emotions (control of emotions) 4. Communication (handshake) 4. Communication ( handshake) 5. Behavior (play typical situations) 5. Behavior (play typical situations) 6. Completion (reinforcement of a positive effect, "mirror") 6. Completion (reinforcement of a positive effect, "mirror")

Lesson - Press - conference Topic: The industrial significance of professions in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Purpose: Briefly and reasonably show the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular professions in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Purpose: To briefly and reasonably show the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular professions in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. Objectives: Develop structured response skills. The ability to defend one's opinion. Use a PC to prepare your answer. Raise interest in a professional career. Objectives: Develop structured response skills. The ability to defend one's opinion. Use a PC to prepare your answer. Raise interest in a professional career. Material support of the lesson: matrices, tables, computer, screen Material support of the lesson: matrices, tables, computer, screen Course of the lesson Game situation: Seminar passed Best profession 21st century". At the press conference, the seminar participants share their impressions with journalists. Game situation: The seminar "The Best Profession of the 21st Century" was held. At the press conference, the seminar participants share their impressions with journalists. Students are divided into two groups - journalists and presenters, one of the students (or teacher) becomes the leader of the press conference. Students are divided into two groups - journalists and presenters, one of the students (or teacher) becomes the leader of the press conference. Preparatory work: make a list of questions, "Choice of a profession according to the morphological matrix", a table of comparative characteristics of professions, technological support for the answers of the conference participants. Preparatory work: make a list of questions, "Choice of a profession according to the morphological matrix", a table of comparative characteristics of professions, technological support for the answers of the conference participants. Practical work: make a table "Rating of professions in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra", electronic presentation of professions. Practical work: make a table "Rating of professions in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra", electronic presentation of professions. Material support of the lesson: matrices, tables, computer, screen Material support of the lesson: matrices, tables, computer, screen Outcome of the lesson: evaluate the quality of presentation of professions chosen by students. Determine the most popular professions in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The result of the lesson: evaluate the quality of the representation of the professions chosen by the students. Determine the most popular professions in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Lesson - fantasy Topic: Professions of the future Purpose: Prospective development of the industrial sector in Russia and the demand for professions in resolving the social needs of the population. Purpose: Prospective development of the industrial sector in Russia and the demand for professions, in resolving the social needs of the population. Tasks: To develop the ability to predict the demand for professions in the labor market. Tasks: To develop the ability to predict the demand for professions in the labor market. To form the skill of joining the characteristic qualities of several professions into one. To form the skill of joining the characteristic qualities of several professions into one. Develop creative thinking. Develop creative thinking. Material support of the lesson: computer, screen, tape recorder, video recorder. Material support of the lesson: computer, screen, tape recorder, video recorder. Course of the lesson Stage 1: Introductory briefing of the teacher. Stage 1: Introductory briefing of the teacher. Stage 2: Presentation of student design work Stage 2: Presentation of student design work Using diagrams, pictograms, symbols, photographs, videos, drawings, slides. Using diagrams, pictograms, symbols, photographs, videos, drawings, slides. Stage 3: Practical work: students fill in the table, noting the advantages and disadvantages of the professions presented. Come up with versions of the names of future professions. Stage 3: Practical work: students fill in the table, noting the advantages and disadvantages of the professions presented. Come up with versions of the names of future professions. Lesson analysis: evaluate the quality of the presented design robots, note the success of the analysis of the industrial development of Russia, knowledge of the social problems of society. Lesson analysis: evaluate the quality of the presented design robots, note the success of the analysis of the industrial development of Russia, knowledge of the social problems of society.

Organization and conduct of role-playing and business games in the study of the section "Professional self-determination" Requirement for the organization and conduct of role-playing and business games in the classroom. Readiness of students to discuss issues of choosing a profession. Readiness of students to discuss issues of choosing a profession. The presence of certain (program) knowledge The presence of certain (program) knowledge The desire of students to get into the game group The desire of students to get into the game group The emotional activity of the group The emotional activity of the group The desire of students for independence and self-expression The desire of students for independence and self-expression to the game Pre-playing the game situation by the teacher, in the lessons Pre-playing the game situation by the teacher, in the lessons Warm-up "Resolution of problem situations" Warm-up "Resolution of problem situations" The main content of the game should be the analysis of a specific career guidance situation The main content of the game should be the analysis of a specific career guidance situation Development by players options for solving problems, discussing various options, presenting and defending the optimal solution Development by players of options for solving problems, discussing various th options, presentation and defense of the optimal solution Summing up the game. Summing up the game.

Guidelines for the project activities of students in the study of the module "Professional Self-Determination" professions you consider yourself to Determine what type of profession you belong to Choose the profession you are interested in Choose the profession you are interested in Collect and process information about the chosen profession, position, specialty Collect and process information about the chosen profession, position, specialty Compile a professiogram and a psychogram of the profession you need Compose professiogram and psychogram of the profession you need Develop the content of a professional test. Determine the level of its complexity Develop the content of a professional test. Determine the level of its complexity Perform the practical part of the work Perform the practical part of the work Analyze the success of your professional test Analyze the success of your professional test Prepare a presentation of the project work Prepare a presentation of the project work

Options for analyzing the success and productivity of a lesson Algorithm for reviewing the educational process of a lesson Algorithm for reviewing the educational process of a lesson Analysis of all components of a lesson Analysis of all components of a lesson Level of achievement of the objectives of the lesson Level of achievement of the objectives of the lesson Error analysis (if any) Error analysis (if any)

Independent work Activity in the lesson creative work Answers Practical work introspection Homework Compliance with safety rules Lesson analysis Spider diagram Students independently analyze Students independently analyze the success of studying the topic of the lesson, evaluating the activity at each stage

List of control and evaluation activities and tasks. Competition of research papers on the topic Professional self-determination. Competition of research papers on the topic Professional self-determination. Creative project. Creative project. Tours and impressions. Tours and impressions. Video project. Video project. Media appearance. Media appearance. Special fixation on the stages of studying the topic. Special fixation on the stages of studying the topic. Development of scenarios for business games. Development of scenarios for business games. Exposition practice "Choice of profession". Exposition practice "Choice of profession". Role-playing games. Role-playing games. Compilation of test tasks. Compilation of test tasks. Development of questionnaires and their processing. Development of questionnaires and their processing. Competition "Professional show". Competition "Professional show". Evaluation and review of projects. Evaluation and review of projects. Multi-stage competition for each lesson. Multi-stage competition for each lesson. Journal of self-education on the theme "Professional self-determination" Journal of self-education on the theme "Professional self-determination" Design of the stand Design of the stand Development of the position of the contest "The Best Profession" Development of the position of the competition "The Best Profession" Presentation of the profession. Profession presentation. Report with multimedia support. Report with multimedia support. Excursion to the website. Excursion to the website. Rating assessment of professions in the city of Yugorsk. Rating assessment of professions in the city of Yugorsk. Compile a catalog of special literature on the study of the topic "Professional self-determination". Compile a catalog of special literature on the study of the topic "Professional self-determination". List of excursion routes with photo comments. List of excursion routes with photo comments. Plan of self-education and self-development on the topic "Professional self-determination". Plan of self-education and self-development on the topic "Professional self-determination".

The system for monitoring and evaluating the activities of students on the topic "Professional self-determination" courses Thematic readings Thematic readings Pre-profile competitions Pre-profile competitions Express Express Multi-stage competitions Multi-stage competitions Game tests Game tests External classes External classes

List of practical, creative tasks 1 "I am a concept" 1 "I am a concept" 2 Performance evaluation professional advice 2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of professional recommendations 3 Choosing a profession according to the morphological matrix 3 Choosing a profession according to the morphological matrix 4 Drawing up a resume 4 Drawing up a resume Drawing up a diagram “My mental processes” Drawing up a diagram “My mental processes” Virtual tour Virtual tour Mini project (situational) Mini project (situational) ) Mini project "My life professional plans" Mini project "My life professional plans" Mini project "How to achieve professional success", "Health and choice of profession" Mini project "How to achieve professional success", "Health and choice of profession" Drawing up a selection formula professions Drawing up a formula for choosing a profession Project "Professional success of a person of the 21st century" Project "Professional success of a person of the 21st century" I "Popularity and demand for the profession" Research "Popularity and demand for the profession"

Themes of creative projects Prospects for after-school life Prospects for after-school life Variants of the EP "Know the world and yourself" Variants of the EP "Know the world and yourself" Where and how to get a designer's profession Where and how to get a designer's profession Professions of the future (fantastic reality) Professions of the future (fantastic reality) Most promising professions Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug The most promising professions of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Healthy people - a healthy society (video film) Healthy people - a healthy society (video film) The most common professions in the city of Yugorsk The most common professions in the city of Yugorsk

Situational project for the Technology section "Professional self-determination" Sequence of project work 1. Problematic question "What should be the result of the work?" 2. Purpose ………….. Studying information Studying information Description of the main idea Description of the main idea Perform actions Perform actions 3. Opportunity to try your hand, determine the depth and stability of personal interests and inclinations. Define, refine and develop your abilities. 4. The list of the main characteristics of professions subject of labor subject of labor goals of labor goals of labor means of labor means of labor working conditions working conditions nature of communication in work nature of communication in work responsibility in work responsibility in work features of work features of work typical difficulties typical difficulties minimum level of education for work minimum level of education for work 5. Show the interdisciplinary connection of basic disciplines (coordinating them with the chosen specialty) (coordinating them with the chosen specialty) 6. Final result (Application: professional test) (Application: professional test) 7. Analysis, conclusion The success of the project work The success of the project work 8 Presentation of the project work. Electronic version

How to write a resume Option 1 Date of writing a resume Date of writing a resume Full name Full name Position Position Registration address Registration address Actual residence address Actual residence address Date and place of birth: Date and place of birth: Purpose: work Purpose: work Education: (in reverse chronological order ) Education: (in reverse chronological order) Work experience: (in reverse chronological order) Work experience: (in reverse chronological order) Additional information Additional information Option 2 Full name Full name Personal information Personal information Address Address Contact phone (home, work) Contact phone (home, work) Age Age Marital status: Marital status: Education: Education: Labor activity: Labor activity: Professional skills: Professional skills: Additional information: Additional information: Hobbies: Hobbies:

An example of a resume plan The purpose of writing a resume is to influence the employer, to draw attention to you at the moment when it is read for the first time. As a rule, it takes no more than 1-2 minutes to view a resume. Your goal is to get the reading employer to want to meet with you in person. The purpose of writing a resume is to influence the employer, to draw attention to you at the moment when it is read for the first time. As a rule, it takes no more than 1-2 minutes to view a resume. Your goal is to get the reading employer to want to meet with you in person. The main requirements for the style of writing a resume: brevity, specificity, honesty, “activity” of the style of presentation (use energetic verbs that show your activity; do not use the words: “participated”, “assisted”, etc., as it may seem that you stood aside or occasionally provided one-time services). The main requirements for the style of writing a resume: brevity, specificity, honesty, “activity” of the style of presentation (use energetic verbs that show your activity; do not use the words: “participated”, “assisted”, etc., as it may seem that you stood aside or occasionally provided one-time services). Sample resume plan Sample resume plan Last name, first name, patronymic (title) Last name, first name, patronymic (header) Basic personal data (address, telephone, date and place of birth, citizenship, marital status) place of birth, citizenship, marital status) Purpose of job search. It should be clear from the statement of purpose what kind of work you want to do, and sometimes also under what conditions. What you claim indirectly shows what kind of specialist you consider yourself to be. The goal is to find a job. It should be clear from the statement of purpose what kind of work you want to do, and sometimes also under what conditions. What you claim indirectly shows what kind of specialist you consider yourself to be. Work experience (if you have one): in reverse chronological order, indicate dates, places of work, positions, main functions and achievements. Work experience (if you have one): in reverse chronological order, indicate dates, places of work, positions, main functions and achievements. Education. The more time has passed since graduation, the less space this part should occupy in the resume. For graduates and students, it is better to place this item before the previous one, since work experience is not significant. You can add awards, emphasize the studied disciplines that correspond to your goal. Education. The more time has passed since graduation, the less space this part should occupy in the resume. For graduates and students, it is better to place this item before the previous one, since work experience is not significant. You can add awards, emphasize the studied disciplines that correspond to your goal. Additional Information. Additional information is recommended here. This is where the summary date is recommended. This adds clarity and correctness to it. It is desirable that the summary submitted should always have a recent date. The date the resume was written. This adds clarity and correctness to it. It is desirable that the summary submitted should always have a recent date.

Practical task 1 Give examples of professions that are characterized by the listed adverse effects on health Factors affecting health Constant psycho-emotional stress day after day Constant psycho-emotional stress day after day Intense exhausting rhythm of work Intensive exhausting rhythm of work Prolonged exposure to heat or cold, outdoors , in an unheated room Prolonged exposure to heat or cold, outdoors, in an unheated room Noise and vibration Noise and vibration Exposure to industrial dust or toxic substances Exposure to industrial dust or toxic substances Prolonged eye strain Long-term visual strain Need to work at night Necessity work at night Prolonged standing, strenuous exercise Prolonged standing, strenuous exercise Increased risk of injury Increased risk of injury Examples of occupations or the activities that accompany them.

Practical task 2 Here are specially selected examples of several professions. Try to determine which remark refers to the description of a particular profession. Explain why you think so Professions Merchant - Entrepreneur Merchant - Entrepreneur Finisher (painter, tiler) Finisher (painter, tiler) Secretary - referent Secretary - referent Diseases in which the profession is contraindicated 1. stomach ulcer and hypertension 2. flat feet 3. kidney disease 1. gastric ulcer and hypertension 2. flat feet 3. neurotic disorders 1. respiratory disease 2. hand joint disease 3. liver disease

Practical task 3 Here is a list of some possible effects of professional activity on the body that may adversely affect the state of health: A - neuro-emotional health A - neuro-emotional health B - intensive rhythm of work; B - intensive rhythm of work; B - increased responsibility; B - increased responsibility; D - microclimate D - microclimate E - weather conditions E - weather conditions E - noise E - noise W - vibration W - vibration H - electromagnetic fields H - electromagnetic fields I - exposure to industrial dust I - exposure to industrial dust K - exposure to toxic substances K - exposure toxic substances L - uncomfortable working posture L - uncomfortable working position M - significant visual load M - significant visual load H - walking, standing, carrying loads H - walking, standing, carrying loads O - physical stress O - physical stress P - work on height P - work at height P - work with moving mechanisms P - work with moving mechanisms C - transport control C - transport control T - risk of general injury T - risk of general injury Y - need to work at night Y - need to work at night Which of the following health effects do you think the following professions face (specify only) corresponding letters): Air traffic controller ____________________________ Air Traffic Controller ____________________________ Programmer ______________________________ Programmer ______________________________ Seller with tray _____________________________________ Seller with tray _____________________________________ Confectioner _________________________________ Confectioner _________________________________ Doctor Recovery _______________________________ Doctor Recovery _______________________________ insurance agent _____________________________________ insurance agent _____________________________________ Seamstress _____________________________________ Seamstress _____________________________________ Manager ________________________________ Manager ________________________________ Hairdresser _______________________________ waiter ________________________________ Hairdresser _______________________________ waiter ________________________________ Driver special automobile ___________________________ Driver special automobile __________ _________________ Variant of practical work 1 INTERESTS OF INTENTION 1. Man - sign system1. Man - artistic image 2. Man-creator 2 SUGGESTED PROFESSIONS 1. Accountant1. Designer 2. Economist2. Fashion designer 3. Programmer 3. Writer 4. Secretary4. Graphic designer 5. Dispatcher5. Actor 3 ABILITIES 3.1. REQUIRED my REQUIRED mine 1. Ability to work with PKV*1. PerseveranceC 2. Ability to perform calculationsC2. FantasyB 3. LogicB3. Working with color 4. Fantasy

An example of evaluating the effectiveness of finding a path in choosing a profession CONCLUSION: considering my interests and knowing my abilities, I can choose such professions as a programmer (namely, a programmer-economist) or a fashion designer. For the profession of a programmer, I need to learn how to do calculations better. For the profession of fashion designer, I need to develop perseverance. taking into account my interests and knowing my abilities, I can choose such professions as: a programmer (namely, a programmer-economist) or a fashion designer. For the profession of a programmer, I need to learn how to do calculations better. For the profession of fashion designer, I need to develop perseverance. -(B - high level C - average level L - low level) -(B - high level C - average level L - low level)

References I.P. Arefiev Shuya 1994 "Entertaining career guidance" I.P. Arefiev Shuya 1994 "Entertaining career guidance" M.A. Bendyukova, I.L. Solomin, L.A. Yasyukova St. Petersburg 2002 "Your compass in the labor market" M.A. Bendyukova, I.L. Solomin, L.A. Yasyukova St. Petersburg 2002 "Your compass in the labor market" E.E. Smirnova St. Petersburg 2003 "Karo" "On the way to choosing a profession" E.E. Smirnova St. Petersburg 2003 "Karo" "On the way to choosing a profession" "Collection of programs and guidelines for elective courses within the vocational training Grade 8-9 "Collection of programs and methodological recommendations of elective courses in the framework of vocational training grades 8-9" S.N. Chistyakova Moscow Enlightenment 2003 "Technology of professional success" S.N. Chistyakova Moscow Enlightenment 2003 "Technology of professional success" A.P. Chernyakovskaya Vlados - press 2001 "Psychological counseling" A.P. Chernyakovskaya Vlados - press 2001 "Psychological counseling" S.N. Chistyakova Moscow Enlightenment 2000 "Your professional career" S.N. Chistyakova Moscow Enlightenment 2000 "Your professional career"

Question 1. Draw arrows on the diagram. In red, indicate the most important connections, in blue - less important, in black - those that interfere with the path to success.

Red arrows - perseverance, hard work, dedication, the desire to learn something new, assertiveness, diligence, luck, honesty.

Blue arrows - exactingness, the ability to sympathize, tact.

The black arrow is intransigence.

Question 2. Explain what connection exists between the words "to be in time" and "success".

Success is the achievement of goals in a conceived business, a positive result of something, public recognition of something or someone.

To be in time - 1) at the right time, on time to do something, to arrive somewhere; 2) achieve success, achieve something.

Success is the process itself, being in time is the result of the process.

Question 4. In the fairy tale G.-Kh. Andersen's "Galoshes of Happiness" tells how the Fairy of Happiness and the Fairy of Sorrow argued that they bring people happiness galoshes.

The Fairy of Happiness claimed that galoshes have a wonderful property: they can instantly transfer the one who puts them on to any place and any era, and from this he will feel completely happy.

The Fairy of Sorrow claimed that the owner of the galoshes of happiness would be the most unfortunate person on earth and would bless the moment when he got rid of these galoshes.

Whose side will you take in the argument? Write down why you need galoshes of happiness.

I will take the side of the fairy of sadness, because such galoshes are needed not for traveling, but in order to get meaningful happiness.

How do you agree with fairies? What is ready to argue with them?

I agree with the Fairy of Happiness that traveling is good, but it is impossible to spend all the time traveling, you need to do other things, otherwise traveling will get boring and will not bring happiness.

Question 5. Fill in the table and draw a conclusion from the information presented in it.

Intense, stressful rhythm of work - doctor

Noise and vibration - builder

Prolonged exposure to heat or cold, outdoors - plowman, cattle driver

Prolonged eye strain - IT manager, office worker

The need to work at night - on duty, security guard

Increased danger of traumatizing being on your feet - coach

Various poma activities - firefighters, policemen

Physical activity will continue to affect health in different ways, there is no such work that would be 100% useful. Therefore, it is necessary to rest and take breaks in work and, if possible, change activities.

Question 6. Come up with a fable, the moral of which has already been formulated by I. A. Krylov: “Take care of what you are akin to, if you want the end to be successful in business.”

Every talent has its own; But often, seduced by someone else's success, He grabs for something else, In which he is completely unsuitable. And my advice is this: Take care of what you are akin to, If you want a successful end in business. Some young Starling So learned to sing like a goldfinch, As if he himself was born a goldfinch. With a playful voice he cheered the whole forest, And every Skvorushka praised. Another would be so pleased with the part; But Skvorushka hear that the nightingale is praised - And Skvorushka was envious, unfortunately - And he thinks: "Wait, friends, I'll sing no worse And in a nightingale way." And he truly sang, Yes, only in a very special way: Now he squeaked, then he wheezed, Now he squealed like a goat, Then he meowed like a kitten in a foolish way; And, in a word, he dispersed all the birds with his singing. My dear Skvorushka, well, what kind of profit is that? Better sing well as a goldfinch Than badly as a nightingale.

Question 7. Using the letters already available, solve a crossword puzzle that encodes the personality traits necessary to achieve success in life.

Horizontally: 1 - ability, 2 - talent, 3 - interest, 4 - character.

Vertical: 1 - temperament

Question 8. Write a short story on the topic "What I want to become."

I often dream about my future: what will it be like? You have to study hard and hard to become a sea captain. I am already preparing for this profession: I am studying a map, reading literature about great navigators and geographical discoveries. My favorite character is Jules Verne's Captain Nemo. There is also a lot of technical literature on my bookshelf. I read a lot about sailing ships, about modern civil and military ships. The submarine fleet is very interesting. The submariners have very sophisticated equipment, they have to serve in difficult conditions, but they see the very depths of the ocean. But the captain must know more than just geography. The most complex instruments are installed on modern ships; in order to control them, you need to know mathematics, physics, and biology. To do this, you need to get the basics of knowledge in school, and then study further. I will definitely learn to be a captain, I will surf the world's oceans.