Coursework analysis of the soap market. Marketing research of the soap market Main research blocks

Marketing research"Soap market. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Audit of retail sales."

Report release date

June 2001

Report Format/Delivery Format

Word file/ electronically

Purpose of the study, objectives of the study

  • to launch a new brand of soap
  • Determining the shares of brands of competitors
  • major competitor brands
  • Estimation of throughput capacity of product distribution channels

1. Research methodology
2. Description and population
3. Key indicators of the soap market in the surveyed cities
5. Shares of major soap brands
5.1 Shares of major soap brands in total sales in real terms
5.2 Shares of major soap brands in total sales in value terms
6. Average weighted prices for the main brands of soap
7. Shares of soap of various types and compositions in total sales in the surveyed cities
Fig. 8. Distribution of total sales of soap of various types and compositions in each of the surveyed cities by price ranges
8.1 Breakdown by Price Range of Total Solid Toilet Soap Sales
8.2 Price Range Breakdown of Total Baby Bar Soap Sales
8.3 Breakdown by price range of total antibacterial soap sales
8.4 Breakdown by Price Range of Total Solid Laundry Soap Sales
9. Specific sales of soap of various types and compositions by price ranges
9.1 Unit Sales of Solid Toilet Soap by Price Range
9.2 Unit Sales of Baby Bar Soap by Price Range
9.3 Unit sales of solid antibacterial soap by price range
9.4 Unit sales of solid laundry soap by price range
10. Specific sales of solid toilet soap by price ranges by city
10.1 Moscow
10.2 St. Petersburg
10.3 Nizhny Novgorod
11. Brands of solid toilet soap by price segments by city
12. Specific sales of solid antibacterial soap by price ranges by city
12.1 Moscow
12.2 Saint Petersburg
12.3 Nizhny Novgorod
13. Brands of solid antibacterial soap by price segments by city
14. Specific sales of solid baby soap by price ranges by city
14.1 Moscow
14.2 Saint Petersburg
14.3 Nizhny Novgorod
15. Brands of solid baby soap by price segments by city
16. Specific sales of solid laundry soap by price ranges by city
16.1 Moscow
16.2 St. Petersburg
16.3 Nizhny Novgorod
17. Brands of solid laundry soap by price segments by city

Diagram 1. Dynamics of soap market capacity in kind (2007-2009) in tons.
Diagram 2. Dynamics of soap production in physical terms and annual increase / decrease in percentage, according to the Federal State Statistics Service. Forecast estimate for 2010
Diagram 3. Structure Russian market soap in physical terms, in %.
Diagram 4. Soap export dynamics by countries in physical terms for 2007-2009, in tons
Diagram 5. Soap export dynamics by countries in value terms for 2007 - 2009, thousand USD
Diagram 6. Soap export structure by countries in kind for 2009, in %.
Diagram 7. Soap export structure by countries in value terms for 2009, in %.
Diagram 8. Soap export volumes by main categories in physical and value terms for 2009 (tons; thousand USD)
Diagram 9. Soap export volumes by main categories in kind and average export prices for 2009 (tons, USD per kg)
Diagram 10. Soap export structure by market segments in physical terms in 2009, in %
Diagram 11. Soap export structure by market segments in value terms in 2009, in %
Diagram 12. Structure of foreign economic activity by main segments for 2009 (USD)
Diagram 13. Structure of foreign economic activity by main segments for 2009 (kg)
Diagram 14. The structure of exports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by market subsegments in kind for 2009, in %
Diagram 15. The structure of exports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by market sub-segments in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 16. Export volumes of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by subsegments in kind and in value terms for 2009 (tons; USD)
Diagram 17. Export volumes of the "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" segment by sub-segments in natural terms and average export prices for 2009 (tons and USD per kg)
Diagram 18. Export structure of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by countries in kind for 2009, in %.
Diagram 19. Export structure of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by countries in value terms for 2009, in %.
Diagram 20. The structure of exports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by market sub-segments in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 21. The structure of exports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by market sub-segments in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 22. Export volumes of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by sub-segments in kind and in value terms for 2009 (tons; thousand USD).
Diagram 23. Export volumes of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by sub-segments in real terms and average export prices for 2009 (tons and USD per kg)
Diagram 24. The structure of exports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by countries in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 25. The structure of exports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by countries in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 26. The structure of exports of the "Laundry soap" segment by countries in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 27. The structure of exports of the segment "Laundry soap" by country in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 28. Soap import dynamics by countries in physical terms for 2007-2009, in tons.
Diagram 29. Dynamics of soap imports by countries in value terms for 2007-2009, thousand USD.
Diagram 30. Soap import structure by countries in kind for 2009, in %.
Diagram 31. Soap import structure by countries in value terms for 2009, in %.
Diagram 32. Volumes of soap imports by main categories in physical and value terms for 2009 (tons; thousand USD)
Diagram 33. Volumes of soap imports by main categories in kind and average import prices for 2009 (tons, USD per kg)
Diagram 34. Soap import structure by market segments in kind for 2009, in %
Diagram 35. Soap import structure by market segments in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 36. Structure of imports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by market sub-segments in kind for 2009, in %
Diagram 37. Structure of imports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by market sub-segments in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 38. Volumes of imports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by subsegments in kind and in value terms for 2009 (tons; thousand USD)
Diagram 39. Import volumes of the "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" segment by sub-segments in natural terms and average import prices for 2009 (tons and USD per kg)
Diagram 40. Structure of imports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by countries in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 41. Structure of imports of the segment "Liquid toilet soaps and skin washing products" by countries in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 42. The structure of imports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by market sub-segments in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 43. The structure of imports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by market sub-segments in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 44. Volumes of imports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by sub-segments in physical terms and average import prices for 2009 (tons and USD per kg)
Diagram 45. Volumes of imports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by sub-segments in kind and in value terms for 2009 (tons; thousand USD)
Diagram 46. Structure of imports of the "Hard toilet soap" segment by countries in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 47. The structure of imports of the "Solid toilet soap" segment by country in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 48. Structure of imports of the "Laundry soap" segment by countries in physical terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 49. Structure of imports of the "Laundry soap" segment by countries in value terms for 2009, in %
Diagram 50. The ratio of sales of liquid and solid soap in the supermarket chain of the South-Eastern district of Moscow in value terms for 2008-2009, in%.
Diagram 51. Frequency of buying soap, in % (according to the survey data).
Diagram 52. Preferences by channel for purchasing soap, in % (according to the survey data)
Diagram 53. Selection criteria when buying soap in% (according to the survey data)
Diagram 54. Brand preferences and brand awareness, in % (according to the survey data)
Diagram 55. Characteristics of the sample: age
Diagram 56. Characteristics of the sample: gender
Diagram 57. Characteristics of the sample: number of family members
Diagram 58. Characteristics of the sample: income


1 Basic principles of marketing

1.1 Principles of marketing………………………………………………………...5

1.2 Basic principles of marketing in Russia………………………………..7

2 Soap marketing research

2.1 Characteristics of the assortment of the trading network of IP "Vinogradova" ...... ..14

2.2 Features of the external environment of the enterprise………………………………… 14

2.3 Analysis of the macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise. PEST and

EFAS analysis…………………………………………………………………..16

2.4 Competitive analysis……………………………………………………..20

2.5 SWOT analysis…………………………………………………………………25


List of used literature…………………………………………...31


Today's world is a world of dynamics and speed. To survive in it, you must constantly change with it and constantly acquire new knowledge and skills. Moreover, it is not enough to have them. They must be able to competently use them so that they bring the greatest benefit to their owner.

Today we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

Knowing marketing allows us to be smarter as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as retailers, advertisers, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, and the like. They need to know how to describe the market and break it down into segments; how to assess the needs, requests and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties necessary for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe value of the product through the price; how to choose skilled intermediaries so that the product is widely available and well presented; how to advertise and promote a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it.

The main goal of the socio-economic reforms being carried out in modern Russia is to build an open market-type economy in the country. For the successful development of such an economy, it is necessary that the main reference point for the production and sale of goods be the needs and demand of specific consumer groups. Effective work in the domestic and foreign markets requires knowledge and consideration of objective market laws, the ability to organize the regular receipt and prompt use of market information, the ability to increase the competitiveness of one's products, etc. All these are elements of marketing - one of the most effective concepts market economy. It is on the basis of the results of marketing activities that most commercial operations in the world market are carried out. The growing importance of marketing on a global scale is evidenced, in particular, by the results of special studies, according to which more than 75% of commercial failures in the world market occur for reasons related to errors in marketing activities, and only less than a quarter of them are due to other reasons. Each product certainly requires promotion on the market, which means the need for high-quality and original advertising, various promotions that promote the product. In addition, it is highly desirable for an enterprise to have the widest possible network of retail sales or a network of intermediary organizations, unless, of course, it is engaged in very large and expensive production. Such a network should have a high level of service, as today's buyer is accustomed to quality service and a wide range of additional services. And only by fulfilling all these requirements, the company can count on the fact that it will be able to take a firm place in the heart of the buyer. At the same time, one should not forget about the effectiveness of market behavior and the development of the company. The most important thing in knowing and satisfying the needs of the buyer is to study his opinion about the company's products, competing products, problems and prospects for the life and work of consumers. Only having this knowledge can satisfy the needs of consumers to the fullest extent. And this is precisely what the firm should be doing within the distribution system - where it is closest to the buyer.

1 Basic principles of marketing

1.1 Marketing principles

The principles of marketing are the fundamental provisions, circumstances, requirements that underlie marketing and reveal its essence and purpose. The essence of marketing is that the production of goods and services must be oriented to the consumer, to demand, to the constant coordination of production capabilities with market requirements.

In accordance with the essence of marketing, the following basic principles are distinguished:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making business decisions.

Consumers often do not know exactly what they want. They only want to solve their problems in the best possible way.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of marketing is to understand what consumers want.

2. Creation of conditions for the maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand, based not on momentary benefits, but on a long-term perspective.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise (scientific and technical, production, in the field of capital investments, marketing, maintenance, etc.) are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. Marketing means developing, producing and marketing something for which there is really a consumer demand. The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and volume required by the consumer. When implementing the concept of marketing, the center for making economic decisions is shifted from the production links of enterprises to the links that feel the pulse of the market. The marketing service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for the market, but also for the production, scientific, technical and financial policies of enterprises. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and business conditions, the question of the necessity, prospects, and profitability of the production of a particular product is decided.

3. Impact on the market, on the buyer with the help of all available means, primarily advertising.

West German marketer Günther von Brieskorn in one of his lectures, characterizing the content and principles of marketing, gives the following diagram (Fig. 1.):

Fig. 1 - Scheme G. von Brieskorn

He talks like this. The market is the sea. On the waves of the market there are consumers whose behavior on the market characterizes the vector of their needs. It is subject to frequent changes. The market is our boss (boss) and, going to it (going to see the boss), you need to prepare well. The consumer is our king, any requirements of which we must unconditionally fulfill.

The concept of marketing can be characterized as follows: from the producer to the consumer there is a general flow of money necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise and in order to satisfy future needs even more efficiently than at the moment. And the task of marketing is precisely to ensure that the manufacturer and consumer during the meeting on the market most fully realize their goals and needs.

Thus, marketing is the process of coordinating the capabilities of the company and the needs of consumers. The result of this process is the provision of goods to consumers that satisfy their needs, and the receipt of the profit necessary for the company to exist and better satisfy the needs of consumers in the future.

      Basic principles of marketing in Russia

The main principles of marketing in Russia are:

Maximum adaptation of production and all production and marketing activities of the manufacturer to the requirements of the market;

Taking into account the needs of the consumer, business conditions, the state and dynamics of demand;

Active influence on demand by various methods that do not contradict the law;

Making strategic decisions as a sales problem is discovered (situational management);

The presence of multivariate solutions to emerging sales problems;

Orientation to ensure long-term commercial success; manifestation of a marketing initiative as a form of production and sales management.

The marketing mix in Russia is a combination of marketing elements that influence the demand for a product and provide the desired market response. All these elements are combined into four groups: product (service); price; distribution (sales); stimulation (promotion).

The principles and complex of Russian marketing are applicable to all areas of activity: production, marketing, finance. Each of them has its own area of ​​application. Therefore, the principles and elements of the marketing mix are useful to everyone: doctors, lawyers, economists, financiers, engineers, management consultants, researchers, trade workers.

Goals are the basis of marketing activities. They may not only be commercial. In addition, they must be formulated in such a way that they can be expressed quantitatively. For example, by the end of the year, increase the market share of the product to 20%, or get 20% profit. The more clearly the goal is formulated and communicated to each employee, the more benefit the marketing service will bring. In marketing, goals are grouped into 5 groups:

Market (market share, market conquest, identification of promising markets);

Marketing (creating the company's image, public opinion formation activities (Public Relations), sales volume, profit volume, competition);

Structural and managerial (improvement of the management structure);

Providing (pricing policy, sales promotion, consumer properties of goods, product distribution parameters);


    Definition of the problem, goals and objectives of the study. Development of a working concept of marketing research……………………………..……2
    Development of a marketing research plan
      Formation of the information base of marketing research. The choice of methods for conducting marketing research………………………………………………………………....3
      Development of a selective marketing research plan .............................. 7
      Development of marketing research data collection tools………………………………………….……………………....9
    Implementation of the marketing research plan
      Data collection………………………………………………………….. ….13
      Preliminary processing of the received marketing research data……………………………………………………………...13
      Analysis of the obtained marketing research data……………………………………..…… ………………….17
      Conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the study………………..22
    Preparation of a report and presentation

1 Development of a working concept of marketing research
The object of study is a phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study.
Subject - everything that is within the boundaries of the object of study, in a certain aspect of consideration.
A problem is a contradiction between the achieved knowledge and new facts.
The goal is the planned end result, which is of great theoretical and practical importance for a particular branch of scientific knowledge.
Tasks - specific areas of study of individual aspects of the problem under study.
A hypothesis is a scientific assumption put forward to explain some phenomena.
Object - consumers of soap in the city of Kirov.
The subject is consumer preference for soap.
The problem is what kind of soap is most preferred by consumers.
The goal is to determine consumer preference for soap.
Tasks: to study the types of soap most preferred by consumers;
determine the purpose of the purchase of soap;
to identify how income affects the choice of types of soap;
explore places to buy soap;
determine what effect price has on consumer preferences for soap;
study the impact of packaging on consumer choice of soap;
explore the most important properties soaps that influence consumer preferences.
Hypothesis - as a result of a quantitative marketing research, it was revealed that the type of soap most preferred by consumers is toilet soap.

2 Development of a marketing research plan
2.1 Development of information base of marketing research. Choice of marketing research methods
Marketing information - facts, figures, information and other data used in the analysis and forecasting of the marketing situation.
According to the method of obtaining marketing information is divided into primary and secondary.
This study uses secondary information.
Table 1 - Advantages and disadvantages of secondary information

Advantages of Secondary Information
Disadvantages of Secondary Information
Many types of information are inexpensive
May not be suitable for the purposes of the study
Usually quickly assembled
May be old or obsolete
Often has multiple sources
There may be conflicting data
Sources may contain data that cannot be obtained independently
Many research projects cannot be repeated
The information collected from independent sources is usually very reliable.
Data collection methodology may not be known and secondary information may be insufficient
Forms a more complete picture of the problems under consideration

In the course of a desk marketing research, information was obtained and processed on the types, average retail price, packaging, and properties of soap.

Soap - a washing mass (piece or thick liquid) that dissolves in water, obtained by the interaction of fats and alkalis, used either as a cosmetic product - for cleansing and caring for the skin; or as a means of household chemicals - a detergent.
There are several types of soap. (see diagram 1). All of them are obtained using the same chemical reaction that occurs when cooking fats with caustic soda. As a result, its fats break down into its constituent parts - glycerin and fatty acids, which, when combined with soda, form sodium salts.
Scheme 1 - Types of soap
Laundry soap is one of the most economical and traditional ways to solve the problem of cleanliness. Laundry soap is made from natural raw materials, or from synthetic fatty acids. Laundry soap is intended for sanitary and household purposes - washing hands, dishes, it washes efficiently in hot and cold water, perfectly removes old dirty stains, and is indispensable for washing work clothes. Laundry soap is absolutely harmless to humans and many people use laundry soap or shavings from it to wash their things, which is justified due to the hypoallergenicity of laundry soap.
Soap self made is an environmentally friendly product. Its basis is natural baby soap, glycerin, essential oils, herbs and spices. Soap has a cleansing effect and has a cosmetic effect. Handmade soap is attractive in appearance. This is not a close store-bought bar of soap with chemical aromas, each batch is interesting and unique in its own way. Handmade soap takes into account the tastes and needs of the client. Composition, color, shape, size - everything can be selected and made exclusively to order.
Toilet soap. Toilette in French means "cleansing", "putting in order". Therefore, this soap fully justifies its name, including components that tidy up the skin. Very often, extracts of medicinal plants are added to toilet soap, which protect the skin from various damages and help to always maintain a healthy look. In addition to the fact that toilet soap is the most common cosmetic product, it has a lot of useful properties: it softens the skin, protecting it from overdrying, improves metabolic processes and relieves irritation. Toilet soap protects against germs, relieves inflammation and prevents allergies.
Liquid soap is the most hygienic, as it has a dispenser that protects the contents of the bottle from contact with dirty hands. It is easier to introduce additional ingredients into a liquid substance - essential oils, herbal extracts, ascorbic acid, which restores the natural acidity of the skin and serves as a natural preservative. Liquid soap is convenient for short trips: you can not only wash yourself with it, but also wash it, and even wash your hair if necessary.

Table 2 - Average retail price of 1 pc. soap in Kirov

Almost every soap should have a package that meets several conditions:

      tightness, providing a long shelf life without loss of basic qualities;
      resistance to moisture;
      aesthetics, motivating to sell;
      manufacturability of use;
      complete environmental safety.
Table 3 - Types of soap packaging

Conducting marketing research is based on a quantitative method, and specifically on a questionnaire survey.
A survey is a method of collecting information about the object under study in the course of direct or indirect socio-psychological communication between the interviewer and the respondent by recording the latter's answers to questions.
Questioning (questionnaire survey) is a method of collecting information that provides for a rigidly fixed order, content and form of questions, a clear indication of the methods of answering which the respondent answers independently.
Of all the types of polling, the most effective is street polling, because:
      the interviewer can elaborate on the purpose of the study;
      the opportunity to interview a large number of respondents due to the fact that the questionnaire is short and simple;
      high speed of the survey;
      relatively low cost of conducting a survey.
The disadvantages of this method are:
      restrictions on the duration of the interview (up to 10 minutes);
      the relative complexity of organizing control over the work of interviewers;
      Strong influence of weather conditions (snow/rain/frost/wind).
2.2 Development of a sample marketing research plan
The second stage in the development of a marketing research plan is the development of a sampling plan, which includes the definition of the general population of the study, the contour of the sample, methods of selection and sample size.
The general population is the totality of all potential respondents, determined by the objectives of the study.
The general population of marketing research is people who buy goods - soap and live in the city of Kirov.
The sample outline is a list of all units in the population from which the sample units are selected.
The sample contour is missing.
In order to fulfill the rule of representativeness of the study being conducted, it is necessary to choose the method by which the sample units are selected from the sample outline, i.e. sampling is carried out.

Scheme 2 - Sampling methods
This study was carried out at shopping center"European", a non-random sampling method was used, namely selection based on the principle of convenience. A random method was also chosen, namely simple random selection, which assumes that the probability of being selected in the sample is known and is the same for all units of the population.
The sample size is set on the basis of predetermined conditions - 30 people.
The method of achieving the required sample size is the formation of a repeated sample. This method consists in the fact that if the percentage of answers is much lower than expected, then the contours of the original sample are expanded with additional names found at random.

2.3 Development of marketing research data collection tools
Questionnaire - a research tool in the collection of primary data by the survey method, which is a formalized composition of surveys to which the respondent must answer.
The process of creating a questionnaire is as follows:

Scheme 3 - Stages of questionnaire development
The questionnaire consists of four main blocks:

    Introduction/Introduction. The purpose of this block is to present the study to the respondent and to generate a sense of interest;
    Screening part/Filter. The goal is to prevent participation in the detailed survey of respondents who do not meet the requirements for the sample;
    Main body/Fish. Purpose - to obtain information in accordance with the purpose of the study;
    Props / Passport. The goal is to study the characteristics of the respondents.

The questionnaire is based on questions and answers.
Question Formulation Technology

Scheme 4 - Classification of questionnaire questions by content

Scheme 5 - Classification of questions of the questionnaire according to their functional purpose

Scheme 6 - Classification of questions in the questionnaire according to the form

At the first stage, pilot testing No. 1 was carried out. (See Appendix A)
Testing showed that the questions were not fully disclosed in the questionnaire. For example, in question Q4 you need to add some types of liquid soap packages, and in question Q11 you need to add the level of income up to 2000. Also in questions Q5 and Q7 you need to clarify how many answer options can be checked. In order for the questionnaire to be readable, you need to swap questions Q3 and Q4, and therefore change the transitions in question Q2, as well as make the transition from Q3 to Q5.
All shortcomings have been corrected and taken into account. (See Appendix B)
Next, we conduct pilot testing No. 2. Respondents did not find any shortcomings, therefore, this is the final version of the questionnaire. 30 people took part in the survey. All who were asked to complete the questionnaire participated.
Table 4 - Question type

question number
Question type
By content
By shape
By function
By scale type
About the facts...
Question - filter
About the facts...
About feelings...
About feelings...
About feelings...
About the facts...
About feelings...
About feelings...
About the facts...
About the facts...
About the facts...

For each question, it is necessary to know its informational content, thanks to which it is possible to identify its role in the survey.
Table 5 - Information content of questions

Information content of the question
With this question, you can find out whether consumers buy soap or not.
Use this question to find out which soap consumers buy most often.
Using this question, you can find out in which package the respondent prefers to buy liquid soap
Using this question, you can find out in which package the respondent prefers to buy bar soap
With this question, you can find out for what purposes the respondent purchases soap
Using this question, you can find out where the respondent most often purchases soap.
Using this question, you can find out what properties the respondent pays attention to when buying soap
With this question, you can find out how satisfied the consumer is with the price of soap in general.
This question can be used to find out the gender of the respondent.
This question can be used to find out the age of the respondent.
This question can be used to find out the income level of the respondent.

3 Implementation of the marketing research plan
3.1 Data collection
This study was conducted near the European shopping center, because there is a large flow of people who can take part in the survey. In this study, a non-random sampling method was used, namely selection based on the principle of convenience. The essence of the selection method is that the sampling is carried out in the most convenient way from the position of the researcher. A random method was also chosen, namely simple random selection, which assumes that the probability of being selected in the sample is known and is the same for all units of the population. This survey does not have strict age restrictions, therefore, everyone could participate in the questionnaire. Thanks to this, the highest percentage of answers to questions was achieved.
3.2 Pre-processing of the obtained marketing research data
Editing - an accurate comprehensive check and correction of completed data collection forms.
As a result of editing, the questionnaire was viewed. No omissions or inaccuracies were found.
Encoding is the process of presenting the collected data in a form suitable for processing by a PC.
Through encoding, raw data is converted into numbers. It is necessary to encode both questions and their answers. It is recommended to encode them in numbers, it is better to use the numbers as they were recorded in the data collection form.
A code book is a book that describes each variable, gives it a code name, and identifies its location in the record.

Table 6 - Book of codes

question number
Specific encoding
Q1 You buy soap
1. Yes
2. No
3. No response
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q2 What kind of soap do you buy most often?
1. Laundry soap
2. Handmade soap
3. Toilet soap
4. Liquid soap
5. No response
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q3 Which liquid soap package do you prefer
1.Glass bottle with dispenser
2.Glass bottle without dispenser
3. Polyethylene bottle with dispenser
4.Polyethylene bottle without dispenser
5.No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q4 Which soap package do you prefer
1. Carton packing
2.Polyethylene packaging
3.Plastic packaging
4.Without packaging
6.No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2

Continuation of Table 6

Q5 For what purpose do you buy soap
1.Personal care
2. Sanitary - hygienic purposes
3.household purposes
4.Cosmetic purposes
6.No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q6 Where do you most often buy soap
1. Supermarket
2. Hypermarket
3.Wholesale base
4.Specialized shops
5. Household goods store
6. Store of industrial goods
8. No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q7 What properties of soap do you pay attention to when buying
1.Moisturizing properties
2.Soothing properties
3.Cleansing properties
4.Anti-allergenic properties
5. Anti-aging properties
6.Regenerating properties
7. Antibacterial properties
8. Anti-inflammatory properties
10. No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2

Table 6 continued

Q8 How satisfied are you overall with the price of soap
12. No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q9 Your gender
3.No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q10 Your age
1.Up to 18 years old
2.18-25 years old
3.More than 25 years
4. No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2
Q11 Please indicate the level of income in your family per person
1.Up to 2000 rubles
2.2001 - 5000 rubles
3.5001 - 9000 rubles
4.More than 9001 rubles
5.No answer
Chosen – 1
Not selected - 0
No answer - 2

3.3 Analysis of the received marketing research data
Tabulation - counting the number of events that fall into different categories.
Distinguish between simple and cross tabulation.
A simple tab is a count of the number of events that fall into a category based on 1 variable.
Cross tabulation - counting the number of events that fall into a category based on multiple (2 or 3) variables at the same time.

Tab 1 - Purchased Products

Conclusion: The tabulation shows that the largest number of respondents purchase toilet soap more often, the smallest number purchase laundry soap. And none of the surveyed respondents use handmade soap

Tab 2 - Purpose of buying soap

Number of respondents
Personal hygiene
Sanitary - hygienic

Conclusion: This tabulation shows that respondents most often purchase soap for personal hygiene and least of all for cosmetic purposes.

Tab 3 - Place of purchase of soap

Conclusion: This tabulation shows that the largest number of respondents purchase soap in supermarkets, the smallest number of respondents in hypermarkets.

Tab 4 - The most important properties of soap

Soap properties
Number of respondents
Moisturizing properties
Softening properties
Purifying properties
Anti-allergic properties
Anti-aging properties
Regenerating properties
Antibacterial properties
Anti-inflammatory properties

Conclusion: This tabulation shows that for the consumer when buying soap, the most important property is antibacterial. The least attention is paid to anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Tabulation 5 - Dependence of the purchase of soap on the level of income of the consumer

Conclusion: This tabulation shows that not a single respondent purchases handmade soap. The highest percentage was 57% - this is the level of income from 2001 to 5000 rubles. That is, 7% - purchase laundry soap, 30% - toilet soap, 20% - liquid soap.

Tabulation 6 - Dependence of the choice of soap on the purpose of purchase

Acquisition Purposes
Soap type
Laundry soap
Handmade soap
Toilet soap
Liquid soap
Personal hygiene
10 (23%)
8 (19%)
18 (42%)
Sanitary and hygienic purposes
1 (2%)
6 (14%)
5 (12%)
12 (28%)
Economic goals
2 (5%)
1 (2%)
3 (7%)
6 (14%)
cosmetic purposes
1 (2%)
2 (5%)
4 (9%)
7 (16%)
Other purposes
4 (9%)
19 (44%)
20 (47%)
43 (100%)

Conclusion: This table shows that toilet soap is bought by 23% for personal hygiene, 14% for sanitary purposes, 2% for household purposes, 5% for cosmetic purposes. Liquid soap is purchased by 47% of which 19% for personal hygiene, 12% for sanitary purposes, 7% for household purposes, 9% for cosmetic purposes.

Tab 7 - Dependence of the choice of soap on the price

Point score
Soap type
Laundry soap
Handmade soap
Toilet soap
Liquid soap
1 (3%)
2 (7%)
1 (3%)
4 (13%)
1 (3%)
3 (10%)
4 (13%)
8 (27%)
1 (3%)
1 (3%)
3 (10%)
5 (17%)
3 (10%)
2 (7%)
5 (17%)
1 (3%)
2 (7%)
2 (7%)
2 (7%)
1 (3%)
1 (3%)
1 (3%)
1 (3%)
2 (7%)
3 (10%)
14 (47%)
13 (43%)
30 (100%)

Conclusion: This tabulation shows that 91% of respondents are satisfied with the price of soap and only 9% are not satisfied. 3% are satisfied with the price of laundry soap, 40% are satisfied with the price of toilet soap, 40% of respondents are satisfied with the price of liquid soap.

Tab 8 - Dependence of consumer choice of soap properties on the purpose of purchase

Soap properties
Purpose of acquisition
Personal hygiene
Sanitary and hygiene purposes
Economic goals
cosmetic purposes
Moisturizing properties
7 (8%)
4 (4%)
2 (2%)
4 (4%)
17 (19%)
Softening properties
6 (7%)
4 (4%)
1 (1%)
3 (3%)
14 (15%)
Purifying properties
6 (7%)
4 (4%)
3 (3%)
3 (3%)
16 (18%)
1 (1%)
2 (2%)
1 (1%)
2 (2%)
6 (7%)
14 (16%)
7 (8%)
5 (6%)
6 (7%)
32 (36%)
2 (2%)
2 (2%)
1 (1%)
5 (6%)
36 (40%)
23 (26%)
13 (14%)
18 (20%)
90 (100%)

Conclusion: This tabulation shows that for personal hygiene, 16% of respondents choose the antibacterial properties of soap, for sanitary and hygienic purposes, 8% of respondents also choose antibacterial properties, for household purposes, 6% of respondents choose the antibacterial properties of soap, and 1 percent - anti-allergenic properties. , for cosmetic purposes, 7% of respondents choose antibacterial properties and only 3% softening properties.

3.4 Conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the study

As a result of the quantitative marketing research, it was revealed:

    48% of respondents prefer toilet soap, 43% liquid soap and only 10% laundry soap. Not a single respondent prefers handmade soap, perhaps because of its high price;
    42% of respondents purchase soap for personal hygiene, and only 14% for household purposes;
    43% of respondents buy soap in supermarkets, and only 7% - in hypermarkets;
    For 33% of respondents, the most important antibacterial property of soap;
    23% of respondents use toilet soap for personal hygiene;
    91% of respondents are satisfied with soap prices
Based on the findings, it is necessary:
    Soap is in great demand, therefore, it is possible to increase prices, thereby the enterprise will receive a large profit;
    Create an active advertisement for handmade soap, reflecting in it: usefulness, rationality of purchase, environmental friendliness of soap;
    Apply sales promotion to handmade soap to increase sales and profits of the enterprise, for example: promotions, sales;
    Diversify the range of liquid soap;
    Diversify the range of soaps in household goods stores, industrial goods;
    Increase specialty stores that sell handmade soap.


    Annex A

    Annex B
    Pilot Test Questionnaire #1

    Annex B
    Redesigned questionnaire

    Annex D
    Data array

    Annex D
    Bibliographic list

      Vanchikova E.N. Marketing research. Tutorial.
    Ulan-Ude: ESGTU Publishing House, 2009. - 160 p.
      Galitskaya, E. L.: Marketing research. Textbook for masters / edited by: Feoktistova T.A. / / E. L. Galitskaya, E. B. Galitsky. - Publisher: Yurayt, 2011 - 540 p.
      Golubkov E.P. Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice. - M.: Publishing house "Finpress", 2009. - 416 p.
      Krylov I.V. Marketing Research: Sociology marketing communications. - M.: center, 1998. - 189 p. Soap

    2.3 Analysis of the structure of the range of toilet soap

    Let's analyze the structure of the assortment of toilet soap in Tornado Cosmetics LLC for 2008 by manufacturing companies, trademarks, consistency, cost, groups.

    The initial data on the structure of the range of toilet soap in LLC "Tornado Cosmetics" are given in the dynamics of sales in physical terms.

    Table 4 - The structure of the range of toilet soap, sold in LLC "Tornado Cosmetics" by manufacturing firms for 2008

    Manufacturing firm Offer, pcs. Share, % Realization, pcs. Share, % Implementation level, %
    viburnum 6519746 63,9 6148040 63,8 94,3
    Schwarzkopf & Henkel 1510051 14,8 1440242 14,9 95,4
    Colgate-Palmolive 948883 9,3 903115 9,4 95,2
    Red line 704010 6,9 673491 7,0 95,7
    Unilever 520355 5,1 477608 4,9 91,8
    Total 10203045 100,0 9642496 100,0 94,5

    In Tornado Cosmetics, toilet soap is presented in a wide range, both domestic (Kalina, Krasnaya Liniya) and foreign manufacturers (Schwarzkopf & Henkel, Colgate-Palmolive, Unilever).

    The largest amount of toilet soap from the manufacturer "Kalina" - 6519746 pcs. or 63.9% in physical terms, which is explained by the presence of a wide range, various brands.

    The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the manufacturer "Unilever" - 520355 pcs. or 5.1% in kind due to the high cost of goods.

    A high share of sales was found in the toilet soap manufacturer "Kalina" - 63.8% or 6148040 pieces, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name, consistency. The level of implementation is 94.3%.

    The smallest share in the sale of toilet soap to the manufacturer "Unilever" - 4.9% or 477608 pieces, which is explained by their high cost. The level of implementation is 91.8%.

    Table 5 - The structure of the assortment of toilet soap sold by Tornado Cosmetics LLC by trademarks for 2008

    Trademark Offer, pcs. Share, % Realization, pcs. Share, % Implementation level, %
    Fa 1510051 14,8 1440242 14,9 95,4
    Dove 520355 5,1 477608 4,9 91,8
    Palmolive 948883 9,3 903115 9,4 95,2
    sissy 931392 9,1 878291 9,1 94,3
    Cosmetic 908677 8,9 899622 9,3 99,0
    L,Aroma 874566 8,6 866546 9,0 99,1
    Nature 955621 6,4 880905 9,1 92,2
    dragon 788420 7,7 758903 7,9 96,3
    Clean line 973009 9,5 947633 9,8 97,4
    Velvet hands 1088061 10,7 916140 9,5 84,2
    Cliven 176006 1,7 168373 1,7 95,7
    Babushkina Pharmacy 181340 1,8 170577 1,8 94,1
    Special Series 199455 2,0 194070 2,0 97,3
    Red line 147209 1,4 140471 1,5 95,4
    Total 10203045 100,0 9642496 100,0 94,5

    In "Tornado Cosmetics" toilet soap is presented in a wide range according to trademarks.

    The largest amount of toilet soap is from the brand "Fa" - 1510051 pcs. or 14.8%, which is explained by the presence of a wide number of brand names.

    The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the Cliven trademark - 176,006 pcs. or 1.7% due to the high cost of goods.

    A high share of sales was found in the toilet soap brand "Fa" - 14.9% or 1440242 pieces, due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name, consistency. The level of implementation is 95.4%. The smallest share of supply belongs to the trade mark "Cliven" – 1.7%. The level of implementation is 95.7%.

    Table 6 - The structure of the range of toilet soap, sold in LLC "Tornado Cosmetics" by consistency for 2008

    Consistency Offer, pcs. Share, % Realization, pcs. Share, % Implementation level, %
    Liquid 4764822 46,7 4339124 45,0 91,1
    Solid 5438223 53,3 5303372 55,0 97,5
    Total 10203045 100,0 9642496 100,0 94,5

    In "Tornado Cosmetics" toilet soap is presented in solid and liquid consistency.

    The largest amount of solid consistency toilet soap - 5438223 pcs. or 53.3%, which is explained by consumer demand for standard products. The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to liquid consistency - 4764822 pcs. or 46.7% due to the high cost of goods.

    A high share of sales was established for toilet soap of solid consistency - 55% or 5303372 pieces, which is associated with the presence of a wide range of such products by names, brands, volume. The level of implementation is 97.5%. Liquid toilet soap has the smallest share of supply – 45%. The level of implementation is 91.1%.

    Table 7 - The structure of the range of toilet soaps sold by LLC "Tornado Cosmetics" at a cost for 2008

    Cost, rub. Offer, pcs. Share, % Realization, pcs. Share, % Implementation level, %
    9-17 4795403 47,0 4664476 48,4 97,3
    18-30 4081218 40,0 3644863 37,8 89,3
    over 31 1326424 13,0 1133157 13,8 85,4
    Total 10203045 100,0 9642496 100,0 94,5

    In "Tornado Cosmetics" toilet soap is presented in different price positions.

    The largest amount of toilet soap is offered at a cost of up to 18 rubles - 4795403 pcs. or 47.0%, which is explained by consumer demand for products. The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the cost of more than 31 rubles - 1326424 pieces. or 13.0%.

    A high share of sales was found in toilet soap worth up to 18 rubles - 48.4%, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name, brand, volume. The level of implementation is 97.3%. Toilet soap costing more than 31 rubles has the smallest share of supply - 13.8%. The level of implementation is 85.4%.

    Table 8 - The structure of the range of toilet soap, sold in LLC "Tornado Cosmetics" by groups for 2008

    Group Offer, pcs. Share, % Realization, pcs. Share, % Implementation level, %
    BUT 1 2 3 4 5
    BUT 1 2 3 4 5
    Extra 1123456 15,6 1013471 88,1 90,2
    baby 955621 13,2 880905 12,9 92,2
    Neutral 5144679 71,2 4927155 72,2 95,8
    Total 7223756 100,0 6821531 100,0 94,4

    In "Tornado Cosmetics" toilet soap of domestic manufacturers is presented in different groups (Extra, children's and neutral) according to the standard classification of goods.

    The largest amount of toilet soap is offered in the "neutral" group - 5144679 pcs. or 71.2%, which is explained by the presence of a wide number of names of such a group among manufacturers. The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the "children's" group - 955621 pieces. or 13.2%, since such soap is available only for the Drakosha trademark (manufacturer: Kalina concern).

    A high share of sales was found in toilet soap of the "neutral" group - 72.2%, which is associated with the presence of a wide range of such products by names and brands. The level of implementation is 95.8%. The smallest share of supply belongs to toilet soap of the “children's” group – 12.9%. The level of implementation is 92.2%.