Timekeeping sample filling. Timing of working hours and labor rationing

For smart planning work schedule, calculation of the daily workload and the optimal number of full-time employees to perform the tasks at the enterprises, timekeeping of working hours should be carried out. A sample of filling out the reporting form for the study is a document that is compiled at each enterprise depending on the requirements of the management.

Preparation of measurements

In order to correctly calculate the course of the production process at enterprises with a complex technological cycle, it is necessary to carry out constant planning labor activity. A well-chosen balance of working time allows you to optimize the number of employees in the state and the wage fund. To strictly take into account all the parameters necessary for the calculation of the balance of parameters, the timing of working hours is carried out.

An order is issued for timing at the enterprise. The document defines the action plan, start and end dates, tasks and responsibilities of officials. The order signed by the head is the basis for the start of timing.

The timing process includes three steps

  1. Preparation of accounting forms

    Various official duties imply a different approach to the formation of a timekeeping map. However, a common set of actions is:

    • selection of the unit of measurement (days, hours, minutes, seconds);
    • determination of the timing object (workshop, workplace, a separate operation).

    Timing involves fixing the full set of actions of an employee when performing specific tasks for a given amount of time.

  2. Data collection and analytics

    The selection of information on a task can be carried out in two ways: manually or using automated accounting tools. Which method to choose in a particular situation depends on several factors:

    • amount of information;
    • technical equipment of the enterprise.

    At the stage of preparation for the analysis, it is necessary to systematize the obtained information.

  3. Processing of information, preparation of a report and conclusions based on the results of the timing

    The process of deciphering the received data in relation to each employee of the enterprise includes several ways to solve problems:

    • visual control of the effectiveness of actions;
    • comparison of factorial and comparative analysis of statistical calculations;
    • search for the relationship between changes in the performance of the enterprise and the dynamics of the actions of individual employees.

Timing Documentation

The Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/2004 No. 1 does not contain information on the approval of a unified reporting form based on the results of the timekeeping of working hours. Thus, the management of a business entity has the right to independently determine in what form and with what set of indicators to conduct timing. The main task is to obtain comprehensive information on the level of productivity and efficiency of monitoring the work of employees using the minimum amount of time and money.

The template for a results documentation form may include a variety of data. Common to various documents is the presence of the following background information:

  • date and time of the event;
  • breakdown into periods (decades, days, hours);
  • object of study (position, workplace);
  • enumeration of measurement parameters (operations);
  • timing duration.

Timing of employees involved in different types activity, can be aimed at studying the time spent on various operations, for example:

  • nurse - dressing, injection, physiotherapy;
  • doctor - receiving a patient, performing an operation;
  • driver - trips based on the received waybill;
  • social worker - issuing pensions at home;
  • cook - making one dish;
  • turner - turning parts;
  • assembly line worker– performing the operation in accordance with the assembly map.

The calculation of time is carried out in two indicators: absolute and relative. The last calculation involves determining the proportion of the actual duration of the operation to the set total work time during the day.

Balance accounting

Based on the data obtained, the analysis and determination of the main coefficients are carried out, showing the efficiency of the use of working time funds:

  1. Coefficient of use of calendar time -

    Kkvf \u003d Total number of hours worked / calendar time fund

  2. Time utilization ratio -

    Ktvf \u003d Total hours worked / time fund

  3. Max Time Utilization Factor -

    Kmvf = Total number of hours worked / maximum possible fund

The calculation of the fund in the formulas is carried out in man-days.

In the process of planning tasks, it is imperative to take into account two factors that are directly related to working time.

Actual Availability

We are talking about the sum of three indicators when calculating the working time fund.

Tf \u003d Tk + Tm + Tmax,

Tk - calendar time;
Tt - time off;
Tmax is the maximum allowable time.

When calculating the third indicator, it is necessary to take into account the possible absenteeism of employees and the time of permissible absence (for example, the absence of an employee due to temporary disability that rolls over to the next calendar period).

Usage efficiency

In 2019, it is permissible to use three methods for forming the regulations for the time used:

  1. Actual.

    This method assumes a full accounting of all available indicators of working time. For editing, the search and elimination of sources that reduce the overall efficiency of employees' activities is used. Using the actual method, the management of the enterprise can obtain complete and objective information about the prospects for increasing the productivity of employees.

  2. Planned.

    The method is used when calculating the planned indicator of average output at a particular workplace. Accounting is maintained for each employee separately.

  3. Normative.

    The method is applied if there are standards for all stages of the working day with the possibility of timing: preparation for the start of work, completing tasks, lunch break, fixing the results.

Correct timing allows management to:

  • determine the efficiency of the load map and reduce equipment downtime;
  • calculate the return and share of useful actions of each employee at a particular workplace;
  • obtain data on the dynamics of operations at all stages of the production process;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of business decisions regarding individual projects.

To conduct timing, an accountant and an economist must be involved without fail. Timing of working hours and conducting a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the enterprise's work is the basis for the management's conclusions about the expediency of staying a particular employee in his position.

All observations consist of four stages:

1) preparation for observation: setting the goal of observation, selection of the object of observation, selection of the subject based on the purpose of observation, familiarization with the organizational and technical conditions of work and working conditions at the selected objects, filling out observation sheets and checking technical means for measuring time or registering processes, as well as explanation to the performers of the work under study, the goals and objectives of observation;

2) monitoring: fixing the sequence of elements of the work performed, identifying the compliance of the actual operating modes of the equipment with the recommended technologies, determining the duration of breaks and their causes, filling out the observation documentation;

3) processing the results of observations: deciphering and checking the correctness of recording, when filming - developing materials, calculating the duration of each of the elements of the work performed and the duration of each of them, determining the duration of breaks and their causes, filling out observational documentation;

4) final stage: analysis of materials, identification of opportunities for streamlining processes, development of measures to eliminate failures in work, proposals for improving workplaces.

The processing of the obtained data is a rather laborious process, especially when the observations are carried out by the method of direct measurements. It is exacerbated by the need to assess the quality of observations. It follows from this that the complexity of processing is determined by the type of observations, the accuracy of time measurements and the form of data recording.

According to the form of recording the results of observation, digital, index, graphic, combined methods and filming are distinguished.

With the digital method, the record of the current work execution time is made in numbers. If you need high accuracy of the observation results, this method is preferable.

The index method involves recording data with previously known conditional abbreviations (indices). It is used for group or team photography. However, it is necessary that the objects of observation be homogeneous (workers of the same profession, performing work of the same composition).

In the case when digital and index are inconvenient, a graphical method is used. Its essence is that the amount of time spent is fixed in the form of straight horizontal lines, the length of which, on a certain scale, corresponds to the amount of time spent on a particular action. The graphical method gives a visual representation of the duration and alternation of certain types of work, however, if the number of workers exceeds 6, then the quality of registration of actions is sharply reduced.

Combined recording is a combination of digital and graphic recording, in which segments of horizontal lines are applied in the observation sheet, and a digital designation is placed above them.

However, a detailed study of labor methods by these methods is difficult, and sometimes impossible, because. the observer does not have time in the short periods of time during which some actions take place, to follow the readings of the instruments, while simultaneously recording their readings on the form.

In this case, filming helps, because. it allows you to accurately capture the labor process, and when playing back, view some details in slow motion. This type of recording is used when choosing the most rational methods of observation. However, filming is very laborious and costly compared to visual observations. A large amount of time is spent on preparing the equipment, processing the film, deciphering the footage. High material costs are due to the high cost of filming and auxiliary equipment, film, equipment for viewing and deciphering the footage. Therefore, it is expedient to use filming with repeated use of materials generalized and developed on its basis.

Modern means of studying labor processes include video-magnetic recording. Its advantages are:

1) high level remote control;

2) the presence of a synchronous sound signal (for explanations of time signals);

3) no need to process the film, use appropriate equipment and a special room;

4) the possibility of playback immediately after the end of the recording;

5) the possibility of synchronous demonstration on several screens at once;

6) the possibility of playing several takes on one screen;

7) the possibility of computer processing of the recording, which, in particular, facilitates the editing process.

Timing is the study and measurement of individual, cyclically repeating elements of an operation.

It is carried out, as a rule, at works that are characterized by frequent repetition and constancy of the degree of influence of factors on the time of their execution. The main task of timing is to determine the factors that affect the duration of each element of the operation under study in order to design its rational structure as a whole and the normal duration of its individual elements.

With the help of timing, only the actions that are part of the operational work are determined, because. of all types of productive work, only this is cyclically repeated.

Although the duration of operations studied in the course of timing is not theoretically limited by limit values, it is not advisable to use it to observe an operation of a long duration. Such data is accumulated by means of a photograph of a working day, which we will consider below. It is most appropriate to use this method to study short-term operations that cannot be measured in the process of photographing a working day.

Timing is divided into individual and group (brigade) depending on the number of observed workers.

With the help of individual timing, the time spent by individual performers is determined, which allows you to study the work with the maximum degree of detail.

With group timing, one observer studies the work of a group of workers performing one production operation. It is used to study the composition of the group and the rational distribution of work among the workers in it. To achieve greater accuracy, two timekeepers are set up to observe independently of each other, and at the end of the work, the data obtained by each of the observers are compared.

Chronometric observations of all varieties are carried out only by the method of direct measurements of time.

Time studies are distinguished by the completeness of coverage of the elements of operational work, as well as by the method of fixing time. Based on these features, continuous and selective timing is distinguished.

With continuous timing, continuous study and measurements of the duration of all elements of the operation in their technological sequence are carried out.

With selective timing, the duration of not all operational work, but only its individual elements, is studied and measured.

Since during timing they encounter unevenness in work, it should be determined at what number of cycles the deviations will be mutually canceled. It is obvious that one cannot limit oneself to a small number of observations, since the results may be random, however, starting from a certain number, an increase does little to increase the degree of reliability, while at the same time increasing the complexity of observation in direct proportion.

There are several most used methods for determining the number of observations:

1. The number of measurements is determined by calculation, using mathematical methods, according to statistical tables.

2. The number of measurements during timing is set depending on the required accuracy of the norms as a percentage of the normative coefficient of stability of the chronological order (table 5).

3. The number of observations is set depending on the type of production and the duration of operations (table 6).

4. The number of necessary measurements is determined depending on the duration of the operation under study, the nature of the work and the participation of the performer in it (table 7).

5. The number of observations required for each identified element depends on the type of production, the duration of the manual work and the total duration (Table 8).

Table 5 - Required number of observations during timing

Table 6 - Approximate number of observations (at least)

Table 7 - Number of observations required for timing

Table 8 - Required number of observations during timing and allowable stability factors of the timing series

Type of production

Duration of operation elements, s

Permissible coefficient of stability of the time series K y

Number of measurements

For machine work

For manual work

Observation accuracy, %

Machine work






There are also no unified recommendations for determining the required number of observations in the practice of foreign enterprises. Thus, at the enterprises of the General Electric Company (USA), it is considered necessary to make the number of observations dependent on the duration of the operation (Table 9).

Table 9 - Dependence of the number of observations on the duration of operations

Another company, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, takes into account not only the duration of elements and operations, but also their frequency during the year (table 10).

Table 10 - Influence of the duration of operations and their frequency during the year on the number of measurements

Number of operations per year

Number of measurements at the duration of operations, min

Preparation for it significantly affects the quality of timekeeping. Determining the content, volume and timing of the preparatory work, the choice of research objects, proceed from the goals of timing. Its main goal is to obtain scientifically based materials that allow for the rationalization of production, increase the efficiency and content of labor. Subgoals include:

1) accumulation of data on the duration of individual elements of the operation in order to use them for the subsequent development of time standards, the calculation of reasonable standards in the absence of standards or their insufficient completeness;

2) adjustment of existing and establishment of new standards in large-scale and mass production, assessment of the time spent on performing an operation in terms of their rationality and expediency;

3) studying the achievements of production innovators, selecting the best methods of work before designing rational labor processes based on them;

4) identification of irrational, redundant methods for determining the optimal composition and sequence of elements of the operation;

5) assessment of organizational and technical conditions and their impact on the time spent in the performance of individual elements of the operation.

When choosing objects, it should be borne in mind that they must have a certain generality and comparability.

In all cases, except when it is used to identify the causes of non-compliance, the workplace should be carefully prepared in terms of equipment, order, lighting and work safety.

Having chosen the object of observation, they make up a detailed description of the operation under study. A special place in the description is occupied by the organization and maintenance of the workplace. You should carefully understand the layout of the workplace, the location of the tool, and the supply of the workplace with everything necessary for work.

The operation under study is divided into constituent elements.

The degree of division of the operation depends on the type of production, the purpose of the observation, the design of the measuring device, the method of measurement, and the qualifications of the observer.

To correctly determine the duration of each element of the operation for each measurement, they are clearly delimited by fixing points.

Fixpoints are distinct external signs that determine the start and end points of each of the measured elements of the operation.

If continuous observation is carried out, the final fixing point of the previous element is at the same time the starting point for the next one.

Consider the measurement of time spent and the analysis of its results on the example of the timing of the operational time of the cashier (table 11).

Table 11 - Chronocard

Organisation: ZAO Gradient

Department: Showroom

Operation timeline

Date of observation

Start of observation

End of observation

Observed Kuznetsova S.A.

Cash payment processing


Kuznetsova S.A.



Experience in the specialty

Experience for this job

Kuznetsova S.A.


Cash payment processing

The stability coefficient, which characterizes the degree of fluctuations in the time series, is calculated by the formula, where t max is the maximum duration of the operation element, and t min is the minimum.

We determine the normative coefficients according to table 12.

Table 12 - Normative values ​​of the coefficients of stability of the chrono-series

In our case, all coefficients do not exceed the standard, therefore, the observation was carried out qualitatively. The average duration of each element of the operation is determined as the arithmetic mean of all valid measurements of the time series.

The obtained values ​​of the duration of the operation element are recorded in the timing variation series, where the top line - option - is the measurements in ascending (descending) order of the measurement duration (t), and the bottom line of frequencies (p) - shows how often this option occurs in the timing series.

The total sum of frequencies must be equal to the number of measurements.

Inaccurate (defective) measurements are preliminarily excluded, and then the quality of the time series is evaluated using the following indicators:

1) coefficient of stability: Bush. = tmax / tmin(1)

If the actual stability coefficient is less than the normative stability coefficient, then the series is stable (not scattered), otherwise the observation should be repeated;

2) modality coefficient: Kmo = Pmo / ∑p (2)

where Pmo is the frequency of the mode (the most common variant);

p is the sum of all frequencies of the time series.

If Kmo > 1/3, then the series is modal and qualitative, and, therefore, it is possible to calculate the average duration of the execution of each element of the operation (which will be taken as the norm) using the weighted arithmetic mean formula:

tav = t*p / ∑p (3)

Time series processing methods cannot be uniform and constant for all industries and in all cases. In each industry, the most appropriate method can be adopted, depending on the nature and conditions of work.

Timing studies make it possible to study, first of all, operational time, and therefore, when using timing to establish standards, one has to use normative materials and photographs of the working day.

In addition, timing has a number of disadvantages:

1. The labor rate in the traditional order of timing is based on the average actual expenditure of working time by those performers whose workplaces were the objects of observation. Therefore, the reliability of the obtained materials also depends on the correct choice of the latter.

2. The method of labor is not fully fixed in the course of research, although it is he who determines the time and quality of work.

3. Fixing the real time of performing techniques, the researcher cannot claim that this level is comprehensively justified, because the rater determines the achieved level of productivity, which does not at all mean the productivity possible under the given conditions at each workplace with an average (normative) level of performers' abilities.

4. Because the norm of time is set according to only one criterion - according to the total duration of the execution of the elements of the labor process, then the data obtained through timing will always be more or less subjective.

5. Chronometric data on the time spent on performing individual operations usually contain time losses associated with shortcomings in the organization of labor. To identify them, you need to design a rational labor process.

6. A normative study can be carried out only after the start of production and the full mastery of the work operations.

7. It is almost impossible to avoid errors when measuring individual actions, especially in short-term operations.

It is also difficult to compare timing data for the same operations that were obtained at different enterprises, in different production conditions and at different times. To some extent, these shortcomings can be reduced if more accurate methods of studying labor processes are used.

Working time photo - this is a type of observation, with the help of which they study and analyze the time spent by one worker or group associated with the implementation of a particular process throughout the entire working day (shift) or part of it, regardless of what this time was spent on. The PDF does not reveal the technology and methods of the process, but only fixes its flow.

The purpose of the PDF is to identify reserves for increasing productivity, improving the use of equipment. This is achieved by identifying the expediency, the sequence of certain time costs, their measurement, establishing the degree of possible compaction of the working day of performers, eliminating the loss of working time and equipment downtime.

The purpose of working time photography is to identify deficiencies in the organization of labor and production, causing losses or irrational use of working time, designing a more rational distribution of work shift time by time consumption categories, determining the actual production of products, the rate of its release and uniformity of work during the shift.

By the number of objects of observation, forms of labor organization, etc. PDF is subdivided into individual, group, brigade, mass, route, multi-machine, target, photo of the production process and photo of the use of equipment. A distinction is also made between dubbed and picket photography of a working day.

A duplicate photo of a working day is taken by two workers at the same time. This method is used when the visibility of the object of observation is limited. The observers work independently of each other, and at the end of the work they compare the results to get the big picture.

A picket photograph of a working day is carried out by several observers who are located at certain points and record the moment the observed object passes through this point. This method is most often used in the study of the operation of transport, because. according to the security rules, the observer cannot move along with the transport all the time. In the course of an individual PDF, the observer examines the time spent by one performer working at one workplace, or the time spent using equipment during a work shift or part of it.

Let's consider an example: FRV of a sales manager of a commercial firm.

Date of observation: 20.03.2009

Start of observation: 8 h 30 min.

End of observation: 17:30

Work: customer service, work with suppliers, sales analysis

Working conditions: normal

Sales manager: Novgorodtsev A.A.

Age: 28 years old.

Work experience: 4 years. Work experience: 2 years.

Attitude towards work: conscientious

Observer Kuznetsova S.A.

Name of working hours

Current time in hours and minutes

Duration (min)

Arrival at the workplace

Workplace preparation

Customer Service

Receipt and familiarization with email

Obtaining a list of paid invoices from the accounting department, familiarization with it

Checking the availability of paid goods in stock

Customer Service

personal care

Placing orders to suppliers

Customer service

Discussion of the order with suppliers by phone

Customer service

Customer service

personal care

Conversation with a colleague on a personal topic

Customer service

Making a plan for the next day

Turn off the computer, clean up the workplace

Leaving work




Conclusions and development of organizational and technical measures to eliminate unnecessary time costs are based on a summary of time costs of the same name, in which the total time is put down for each of their categories and the ratio to the total time is determined. The percentage of operating time is determined:

Ko.v \u003d (top / Tn) 100, (4)

where Tn is the observation time, min;

- percentage of loss of working time, depending on the workers;

Kpr = tot.f. - tot.r+tp.r / Tn * 100%, (5)

where tot.f is the time of actual rest;

tot.r - regulated time for rest and personal needs;

tp.r - loss of working time allowed by the worker;

- the percentage of lost working time, not dependent on the worker:

Kpn = tn.r + tp.o. * 100%, (6)

where tn.r. and tp.o - loss of time for production work and for organizational and technical reasons, respectively.

Losses of working time are a reserve for increasing labor productivity. To determine the possible increase in labor productivity, a normal and actual balance of working time is drawn up. The normal balance is drawn up according to the standards, without seeing the work performed, and the actual balance is based on photographic materials.

The percentages of a possible increase in labor productivity are established by eliminating the loss of working time, depending on the worker:

a1 = (100 Kp.r) / (100 – Kp.r) , (7)

as well as loss of working time due to organizational and technical reasons and unproductive work:

а2 = (100 Kp.n) / (100 – Kp.n) (8)

Overall possible increase in labor productivity:

a = a1 + a2, (9)

Group PDF

A group photograph is called a photograph of working time, in which one observer studies the work of several performers at the same time.

Preparation for observation differs from individual photography in only a few ways:

1. Set in advance and write down on the front side of the photo card the conditional abbreviations for the time spent.

2. Pre-select intervals of time records, which are noted in the observation sheet.

3. Establish a sequence for monitoring jobs.

Group photo features:

1. The observer determines in advance the types of costs and losses to be studied, since he cannot continuously record all the time spent at each location.

2. The observation time is divided into intervals. The accuracy of the results will directly depend on the size of the intervals.

3. To facilitate the entry in the observation sheet, the costs are indicated by easily remembered numerical or alphabetic designations.

In terms of completeness, detail and accuracy, group photography is significantly inferior to individual photography, however, the advantages of group photography include the possibility of simultaneous coverage of large groups of workers by one observer, as well as ease of recording and processing, which leads to a reduction in labor intensity.

Instant Observations

Since the method of direct measurements requires large expenses for their implementation, in the case when it is supposed to cover a large number of objects, the so-called momentary observations are expedient.

A characteristic feature of the method of momentary observations is that the observer is not continuously at the workplace, but visits them periodically at random intervals. With the help of momentary observations, it is possible to analyze the structure of working time at almost any number of objects.

Observations are carried out by sequentially bypassing the selected workplaces and marking the type of activity at the fixing points with conventional signs in the observation sheet. If there are special moment counters, the observation sheet is not used.

According to the results of momentary observations, you can:

1. Determine the degree of use of working time by a large number of performers and the degree of use of a large number of equipment in time.

2. To study the structure and establish the specific gravity and absolute values ​​of individual elements of the costs of the contractor's working time.

3. Establish the causes and determine the proportion and absolute values ​​of downtime for workers and equipment and develop measures to eliminate them.

4. Analyze the state of labor organization and develop measures to improve them.

5. Obtain the necessary initial data for the development of standards for the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace, as well as service standards.

To ensure the reliability of the results obtained, which should reflect the actual use of working time, the following conditions must be observed: observations of certain expenditures of working time must be random and equally possible; the number of observations should be large enough to reliably characterize the observed phenomenon as a whole.

The volume of observations is determined using the rules of statistics for sample surveys. It is found by the formula:

M \u003d a² * (1-K) * 100² / K * R², (10)

where M is the sample size or the number of momentary observations;

K is the approximate share of working time spent on the performance of the work under study or the approximate share of equipment operation time in fractions of a second (its value is taken from the results of previous observations or is taken approximately on the basis of reporting data);

(1-K) - the proportion of breaks or downtime, i.e. the likelihood of finding a worker or machine inactive,

P is the predetermined accuracy of the observation results, i.e. the permissible value of the relative error of the results of observation (in the practice of studying working time, it is taken in the range of 0.03 - 0.1);

a is the coefficient associated with the confidence probability that the error P does not go beyond the established limits.

In mass and large-scale production, they are usually satisfied with a confidence level of 0.64, which corresponds to a2=2.

In medium- and small-scale production, in order to obtain greater confidence in the reliability of the observational results, a confidence level of 0.92 is used. Depending on the type of production, special tables have been developed to determine the number of observation moments.

The duration of one bypass Tobx is determined by the formula

Tobx \u003d Lbx / 0.6 * 0.01, (11)

where Lobx is the length of the route bypassing workplaces, m;

0.6 – average length of one step, m;

0.01 – average duration of one step, min.

The number of moments M "fixed in one shift will be:

M" \u003d Volume * p / T * m, (12)

where p is the coefficient taking into account the discrepancy between the round trip times (deviations), 0.5< р < 0,7;

m is the number of observation objects during one round.

The number of work shifts C required for observation is determined by formula (13):

Cn \u003d M / M", (13)

To obtain objective and accurate results, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. Each detour must be carried out along the intended route, in a uniform step, without accelerating or slowing down the walk, and begin strictly at the appointed time.

2. Only being in the fixing point for these workers, the observer can register what is happening at the workplace. Even if the observer, being at one point, sees that the worker is idle at another point, he has no right to make a mark until he arrives at that point.

3. If at the moment the observer approaches the object of observation, one state of activity has ended and another begins, then the first state should always be recorded in the observation chart.

The results of momentary observations serve as the basis for the development of measures to eliminate the loss of working time. For their implementation, a plan is drawn up, which indicates the timing of its implementation and those responsible for carrying out the activities. The results of the analysis and the activities developed on its basis are discussed at production meetings.

Thus, the method of instantaneous observations gives very reliable material at a much lower labor input.

self photography

The method of studying labor processes, in which the performers themselves record the duration and reasons for the loss of working time on special forms, is called self-photography.

Self-photography may be due to various circumstances.

First of all, the successful and comprehensive implementation of NAT requires the involvement of all workers, because involving them in the study of the labor process provides an inexhaustible source for improving the organization of labor and production.

The conclusions drawn on the basis of a photograph of a working day may turn out to be characteristic only of the observed object and the corresponding time interval. In order to obtain generalized conclusions about the state of labor organization and production, an objective idea of ​​the use of working time, it is necessary to cover at least half of the working section, department, workshop with a photograph of the working day. The study of working time will be effective only if it is carried out systematically and covers a large group of workers and if the workers themselves take an active part in it. It is the workers who can suggest what exactly causes the loss of time, what reserves of labor productivity growth are at a given workplace.

Although self-photography characterizes the loss of working time due to organizational and technical reasons no less objectively than the FRV, it does not give an idea of ​​the loss of working time due to the fault of the performer himself. Therefore, along with self-photography, it is also necessary to carry out PDF.

Self-photography is divided into individual, group and brigade.

The most common is individual self-photography, with the help of which they study the loss of working time from one performer. With the help of group self-photography, they study the loss of working time for performers serving one unit. Less common is brigade self-photography. Unlike individual and group self-photography, not all of its members, but one person, record the loss of working time in a brigade. The map of the brigade self-photo shows not only the loss of working time, their cause and duration, but also how many people from the brigade were idle at the same time.

Depending on the object of study, a self-photograph of the working hours of workers and working hours of employees is distinguished.

Employees consistently take into account all the costs of working time throughout the working day, especially those that are not related to their immediate duties. This is due to the fact that the labor process of employees has hidden phases that can only be revealed by participating in the study of the performer himself.

When preparing for self-photography, the areas where losses and unproductive costs are the highest are most often chosen as the object of observation. The following procedure for taking self-photographs is recommended. By order of the enterprise (or its division), they approve the dates for the self-photography and designate those responsible for its preparation.

Then they make a list of performers who will be engaged in self-photography, distribute them into groups of 30-40 people, each of which is assigned instructors from among specialists.

A few days before the appointed date, instructors are given lists of participants for self-photography and observation sheets. On the eve of self-photography, instructors distribute forms and explain in detail the purpose, tasks and technique of observations.

On the day of the self-photography, the instructors periodically help the members of their group to correctly and promptly keep records of data on breaks in work, and after the end of the observation, to formulate and formalize proposals for improving the organization of work. Then the instructors collect the completed cards and hand them over to the administration of the enterprise.

Based on the proposals of the self-photographers, a draft action plan is drawn up to improve the organization of work and the maintenance of workplaces.


Through timing working time are studied when, for organizational and technical reasons or in connection with special rules for production work, it is not possible to conduct timing.

Photochronometry is a combined method of studying working time, based on the combination of timekeeping and photography of working time. Its essence is that the photograph of working time in certain periods of time is supplemented by timekeeping.

A significant advantage of separate timekeeping and FRV is that for the same period of time it is possible to obtain data on the advisability of using shift time, and on the structure of operational time and the rationality of techniques when performing the main work.

This method is of particular importance when studying the work time of performers employed during a shift in several types of work, characterized by cyclical repetition, when it is impossible to predetermine the time and sequence of their performance.

Depending on the objectives of the observation, the number of observed objects, the number of observers and the nature of the production process, individual, group, duplicated and complex photochronometry is distinguished.

Individual photo timing, which studies the work of one performer, is used when increased accuracy of time measurements and a greater degree of detail in the workflow are required.

The main purpose of group photo timing is to study the coherence of the work of the team members, the degree of their workload, the organization of work, identify the causes and duration of lost working time, and explore other issues that do not require accurate time measurements.

Duplicated supervision means that two timekeepers simultaneously observe the workflow. In this case, both observers can work independently or one of them fixes the time, and the other describes the working methods.

Comprehensive observations make it possible to reveal the relationship between individual production processes, study the production rhythm of work, determine the degree of rational use of machines, and develop specific measures to improve work and increase labor productivity. With this type of observation, a group of observers studies the work of a team, workshop, department or enterprise as a whole, allowing them to cover the entire set of production processes or a significant part of them.

The system of labor rationing in healthcare institutions is established by the employer on the basis of standard labor standards. If there are no standard labor standards, the medical organization can independently develop such standards or contact specialists (clause 16 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 30, 2017 No. 504).

In the recommendation, the experts presented step by step plan how to conduct timing in the clinic, prepared a regulation on timing, a list of timing observations, and other documents that can be downloaded and used in the work.

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Ways to measure the cost of working time

To measure the cost of working time, timing, photography of working time and photo timing are used. This is necessary in order to determine the norms of labor and norms of time.

Timing is carried out with the frequency prescribed in the collective agreement.

The methodology for timing working time is contained in the order of the Ministry of Labor dated May 31, 2013 No. 235. When conducting timing, also be guided by the order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 30, 2013 No. 504.

Presentation. Rationing of the work of outpatient doctors

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Algorithm of actions to conduct timing

  1. Issue an order to conduct labor rationing.
  2. Select an employee to supervise. Such a specialist must have work experience, high qualifications and a good knowledge of the technology of the diagnostic and treatment process.
  3. Gather all the information and describe the workflows that need to be measured. Also determine the "point" of the beginning and end of the workflow, the cyclical nature of the work. Such "points" are called fixing points.
  4. Prepare timesheets.
  5. Warn the worker about timing. The law does not set a specific time limit. We recommend doing this within a week. When timing, be sure to follow the diagnostic and treatment process. Eliminate all conversations with the employee.
  6. Make a protocol in any form. If you are timing the doctor's working time, record all his labor operations in relation to the patient, regardless of what disease it is associated with.
  7. Based on the results of photochronometric observations, calculate the average time spent on each labor operation. Based on these data and the expert coefficient of repeatability of labor operations, determine the estimated time for the labor process.

Example of an observation time sheet

Time Card

  • Date of observation: December 1, 2016
  • Start of observation: 9 hours 00 minutes
  • End of observation: 18 hours 00 minutes
  • Purpose of observation: optimization of planning and organization of work of office workers
  • Position: clerk
  • Structural unit: office
  • Full name of the observed: Ivanova A.A.
  • Education: secondary vocational
  • Experience: 10 years

No. p / p

the name of the operation

Time of completion

Duration, minutes


the ending

Workplace preparation

Working time tracking is a way to study the time spent on a particular job by measuring and fixing the duration of the actions that your employees perform. This procedure is carried out in order to analyze the labor process, improve the efficiency of the company's personnel. In order to conduct it, you need to define the timing objects, as well as the units of measurement.

The employer is usually primarily interested in timing the working time of employees, since correctly conducted timing allows you to evaluate and noticeably work to improve the efficiency of staff work, to review work processes. In addition, timing can also be used to:

  • assessment of the load of equipment that is used in the labor process;
  • evaluating the effectiveness of certain management decisions regarding certain business processes (and subsequently determining the ways for their necessary adjustment, refinement and increase in efficiency).

How to track working time

The conduct of the timing process itself is very dependent on the purpose of the study and on the work processes being studied. So, for example, if the time planned for the execution of a particular process, determined by the results of timing, should be used in the wage system (to determine the amount wages), then the requirements for the process of timing will be different from the case when the data obtained in the process of timing is determined to calculate the level of utilization of capital goods.

Keep in mind that in order to time your working hours, you need to carefully prepare, including warning the relevant people who will be monitored about such events. Further, before conducting timing, it is necessary to determine the method of measuring time and the instruments used for this purpose for measuring time, timing sheets. All these issues should be resolved in advance - this will allow you to achieve your goals when conducting timing.

In general, there are 3 main operations in the organization of timekeeping of working time:

  • prepare timing forms. Forms may be designed for a specific position or a specific job function;
  • organize the collection of data (it consists in filling out the appropriate forms) regarding the time the employee is at work;
  • systematize and analyze the data that were obtained in the process of timing.

When conducting such a process in a company as the timing of the working day, a number of basic rules can be determined:

  • The observer of the process must be sufficiently versed in the specifics of the activity he observes to be able to separate and describe the process. In addition, he must master the timing technique.
  • The observer must be at the enterprise in such a way as not to interfere with the labor process, not to have any impact on the observed, but must see him well;
  • To ensure the continuity of the process, the observer must be impartial, not engage in polemics or discussions with the employees involved in the timing, not take actions that interfere with the procedure or in any way affect its result;
  • Observe the terms of the collective agreement, and, if necessary, other regulations of the enterprise regarding informing employees and management about the timing;
  • Timing cannot be carried out without warning the objects of observation. Therefore, workers who will be observed during the timekeeping must be warned about the ongoing process and its purpose before starting the study.
  • The timing sheet is a document and this should be taken into account when filling out - it should not contain blots and corrections; where possible, recordings should be made using a special technique that does not allow corrections.
  • When conducting timing, compliance with safety requirements must be ensured.

The procedure itself consists of certain stages - time intervals, each of which has an initial and final event. The end event of each time step being measured is the start event of the next time step. The start event of each stage of the process is set by the beginning of the first element of the process (for example, the stage is to carve a gear, the start event is to take a gear). The end event of a process step is the end of the last element of the process (for example, putting a gear on a conveyor).

We have described the "classic" timing method. However, timing can also be carried out using a special software(if most of the time the employee works at the computer). In addition, earlier the results of observations were read and entered into the forms manually. But now, for the same purposes, as a rule, electronic devices for measuring time are used. This allows you to make the process of measuring time more accurate.

Order of timing of working hours

There is no unified form of the order of working time timing. You need to make an order in free form. It should include the following information:

  1. Description of the timing period;
  2. Indication of the department or individual employees who will take part in the procedure;
  3. Instruction on the formation of a commission for timing (the composition of the commission);
  4. An indication of who will record the data, in what order;
  5. Deadlines for the transfer of chronometric studies;
  6. In what order will the analysis of the data be carried out, who and in what time frame should draw up the final report and provide conclusions about the study.

Time management is a very handy tool that allows you to evaluate the performance of both individual employees and entire departments. This useful information can also be useful if downsizing is needed.

To identify the most productive employees, you should evaluate how they manage their time. For this, there are several effective methods, one of which is the timing of working hours. it employee appraisal tool, which occurs according to a certain algorithm.

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What is work time tracking?

Such a method is necessary in order to carefully study, how exactly the employee spends his time at the enterprise.

With the help of timekeeping, you can determine in percentage terms how many hours or minutes it takes to rest, how much to fruitful work, and how much is required to prepare the workflow.

But in order to conduct a correct assessment, it is necessary to track all the actions of an employee in a certain period. Most often this is one working day, but it is not always possible to see an accurate picture of what is happening in such a short time.

That's why certification can last for several days. Next, averages are taken out, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn.

With the help of timekeeping, you can not only identify labor efficiency, but also create more favorable conditions for a particular position.

If it turns out that the workload of an employee is too large, assistants can be given to him. In general, timing data is a good way to to optimize the working system.

This is especially convenient for large enterprises and mass production with repetitive workflow elements.

If such certification is carried out periodically, it is possible to reduce the risk of poor company performance. But for this it is necessary to make timekeeping at the first hints of a problem. The employer has the right to independently initiate such checks.

Timing is not mandatory, but if there is a production need employees cannot refuse to undergo such certification.

Such a procedure is carried out by a special commission, which includes, that is, observers, as well as personnel department specialists and non-core employees on the orders of superiors. Furthermore, the employee has the right to independently conduct timing. This can be both a plus and a minus for him.

On the one hand, in this way it can be proved that a person recycles. But with self-fixing of workflows and entering all the information into the document, additional time will be spent. This will lead to research will be biased. Therefore, most often independent timing is replaced by the usual one.

This process can be done in several ways. It can be continuous, that is, continue all working hours, as well as selective with the measurement of time spent only on certain operations.

Timing can also be cyclic. Here, the time spent is measured only for cyclically repeating operations. When compiling reporting documents, and can be used. This is called photo timing.

Purposes and functions

The main purpose for which such certification is carried out is determining the performance of an employee or department. Moreover, properly conducted timing allows you to optimize the production and the number of personnel in a particular position.

If it turns out that people spend too much time to complete a particular process, and productivity suffers, new vacancies should be opened. On the other hand, if some employees are found to be wasting too much time, the staff can either be streamlined.

Monitoring the efficiency of work at the enterprise is one of the main functions of time management, including such a tool as timing. Therefore, this the method is widely used in enterprises with a large staff.

Rules and requirements

This procedure has its own characteristics. Therefore, when an employer or employee initiates timing, they must prepare Required documents to make sure everything is in line with the rules..

In addition, there are other requirements for this type of certification. They concern, among other things, the ability of controllers to view the place of work of a person who is being monitored. There should not be any barriers to this. Nonetheless, employees are not allowed to contact observers.

One of the important requirements for timing is that employees must be notified in advance of the upcoming inspection. To initiate certification, the employer must comply with the provisions of labor law.

In the process of collecting data and compiling timing documents, all safety rules in the enterprise should be observed.

If observers have not previously encountered work in a particular department where there is a presence of dangerous equipment, before starting the check, they must.

Also responsible persons are required to know exactly how the timekeeping documents of working time are filled out. If the finished sheet of the chronocard contains errors and blots, the paper will be invalidated.

Main steps

In order to qualitatively conduct the process of attestation of the employee's working time, it is necessary to act according to a certain algorithm. In total, the timing is divided into three main stages:

  1. Preparatory when the necessary documentation is prepared, employees are notified and briefings are given to observers;
  2. Directly verification stage;
  3. conclusions, which are made on the basis of data from the chronocard. Most often, this procedure is carried out by the head of the enterprise or high-ranking managers.

The process itself is carried out according to a certain scheme. To begin with, inspectors must read the work rules. This will allow you to more clearly determine deviations from the established parameters. Most often, the enterprise already has specific working standards.

If the department is new, timing can be used to identify them. To do this, monitoring is carried out for the best and most advanced employees of the company. Their indicators should become working standards for all employees of the company working in a certain area.

The procedure for measuring working time involves fixing in the document each workflow on which the employee spends time. Here the beginning and end of the period of execution of a separate operation or group of works is recorded.

The task of the observer will be to write to the table all data regarding not only work, but also rest of the employee. There should be a special column where the number of breaks and their duration are noted.

Ultimately, it will be possible to determine exactly how much time was spent on the performance of work duties, how much for rest and preparation for the labor process. Prepared papers are transferred to higher management for consideration, which will draw the final conclusions.


Certification can be carried out not only in relation to ordinary employees, but also to any head of the department, if the chief director needs it. For example, he can initiate a check of the chief accountant's working time.

For this, a paper is drawn up, where the name of the enterprise, the position and full name of the employee, his work experience and length of service are mandatory indicated. Further in the document, the date of the timing is prescribed.

After filling in the upper part of the document, you can move on to the central part, which is convenient to make in the form of a table. Here will be entered information about the beginning and end of measurements with the obligatory name of the operation. The free time of the employee is also fixed, for example, for his personal needs.

The unit of measurement must be minutes. Additional elapsed time can be displayed as a percentage, which will be more convenient for perception.

As an example, you can take the table of timing of the chief accountant's working hours:

  • Timing of the working day of the chief accountant of LLC "Company" Ivanova Maria Ivanovna;
  • Work experience at the enterprise 10 years.
Date of measurement Timing object Duration
Hour Minute Interest
August 19, 2018 Working with a computer and 1C program 3 20 41,7%
Writing emails 0 40 8,3%
Telephone conversations 1 00 12,5%
Participation in meetings 1 00 12,5%
Waiting for software and system updates 0 15 3,1%
Workplace preparation and completion 0 10 2%
Breaks at work (including an hour for a legal lunch) 1 35 19,8%
  • Check starts at 9:00;
  • Completion of the check 17:00.

Based on this table, it becomes clear that the workload of the chief accountant is quite normal. Working hours are sufficient to carry out the main work, while, at the same time, the employee does not have to work and stay longer than the allotted time to complete your business.

For rest, including for a legitimate lunch from 12:00 to 13:00, the chief accountant receives enough hours and minutes. In such a timing table, it is very convenient that data is entered here not only in time, but also in percentage terms.

Features of filling out the form

In order for the company to conduct timekeeping of working hours, the initiative must come from the manager or from the employee himself which happens quite rarely. At the same time, the management must create an order where inspectors and employees who will pass the certification will be appointed.

All parties should be familiar with this document, as notification of the upcoming timing is a mandatory step such a procedure.

From the side of the law, there are no specific rules for the creation of an order. That's why the document can be formatted in any form. But the main thing is that there should be the signature and seal of the head. Also, the order specifies the time of the timing, indicates the responsible persons and representatives of the commission.

After all the parties involved in this process are familiar with the document, everyone signs the paper.

An example of filling out the timekeeping form of working hours:

Data collection and interpretation

After that, at the appointed time, you can start collecting data. There is no special form for the timing of working hours. Therefore, you can make it up to your liking. Often in large companies create their own corporate forms.

It is most convenient if the document has table to record all the necessary data. This makes it possible to more effectively draw conclusions and qualitatively interpret the obtained figures.

Final verdict after review will be issued by the head of the enterprise. Timekeeping can show fairly accurate information about how much time is spent on specific jobs in a particular position. This allows you to qualitatively optimize the workflow.

Working hours are great assistant to the head of a department or an entire enterprise. Due to the obtained data, you can successfully control the cost of staff and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Moreover, this method allows accurately identify candidates for dismissal if it is necessary to optimize the work team, as well as create standards for the labor process, which will identify lagging behind and encourage leaders.

Find out more about applying timing from video: