Animal group presentation for preschoolers. Presentation for children of the senior group "Wild animals

Birds of the National Park More than 159 species of birds live in the Mari Chodra National Park. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El of September 4, 2001 No. 37 species of birds were classified as rare and endangered species, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El and 11 are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. This is a black-throated loon, black stork, short-toed eagle, osprey, golden eagle, etc.

Birds: Black stork Large and rather beautiful bird, its weight reaches 2.2-3 kg. Feather attire consists of two colors - black and white. The legs and beak are bright red. The plumage of the head, neck and back is black with a metallic sheen, and the abdomen is white. Juveniles are greyish-brown in color. The black stork is a forest bird. Nest in a tree. Voice: quiet sounds of “che-lin” and low crackling of the beak.

The Short-eared Owl is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El. Often sits on the ground. In flight, the underside of the body and wings appear almost white. The eyes are yellow. Body length up to 40 cm, wingspan up to 120 cm, weight up to 450 g. The nest in the form of a trampled hole is located on bumps, less often on rotten stumps. Never nests in trees. Unlike other owls, it is regularly active during the daytime. Feeds on small mammals. Periodically catches small birds, frogs, lizards.

The gray shrike is listed in the Red Book of the RME. The upper side of the body is ash-gray. Bottom white. Wings and tail are black. There is a dark line at eye level. Lives in river valleys. By the nature of food - a predator. He catches mice, lizards, birds, insects. Prey pierces on sharp thorns and branches. The nest is built in small shrubs from twigs, grass stems and lined from the inside with feathers and animal hair. The bird uses the sounds of the songs of other bird species. Hence its name shrike.

Corncrake Listed in the Red Book of the RME. Body length up to 30 cm, wingspan up to 53 cm. Inhabits open grassy spaces (meadows, fields, hayfields). The nest is on the ground, under dry grass. Active around the clock, but sings more often at night. The flight is clumsy, the legs "hard" dangle. The basis of the diet are insects, earthworms. It also eats grains of cereals, grass seeds, frogs.

Mammals of the national park "Mariy Chodra" The fauna of the national park is diverse and interesting. In the park, there are animals that are characteristic not only for mixed forests, but also for forest-steppe regions. The total number of mammals in the national park is 53, of which 2 are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, and 17 in the Red Book of the RME.

Mammals: Beaver In the oxbows and tributaries of the Ilet River, there is a beaver brought to the RME from the Voronezh Reserve. Beavers are excellent parade grounds and skilled builders, building dams on streams. In summer, beavers feed on aquatic and coastal plants, in autumn and winter - aspen and willow bark. Birch and other trees, rhizomes of aquatic plants.

Mammals: Forest Marten Lives in dense, high-stemmed forests of the park. It feeds on rodents, hares, birds, berries, nuts and insects. Hunts at night. Marten lair in a hollow, sometimes in an old magpie or squirrel nest. In ancient Russia, the skin of the pine marten served as a monetary unit (one kuna).

Victoria Olegovna
Presentation for children senior group"Wild animals"

Preschool education is the first step in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to form interest in the learning process and its motivation, development and correction of speech.

Working with children with various speech pathologies and facing problems in their learning, a speech therapist has to look for aids that facilitate, systematize and guide the process of learning new material by children. One of these means is to use presentations.

Presentation contains materials on 28 slides for a lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech and vocabulary activation older children preschool age.

Slideshow is able to attract any child to view. The screen displays vivid images of various forest animals. Each illustration has a text entry for the teacher, which reports his habitat, housing, way of eating. This feature of the display can allow the child to independently activate the sound production of speech and compose a short descriptive story on any topic. animal.

Some wild animals are presented in the presentation in full family (mom, dad and baby). Their habitat is clearly shown. On the slides you can see brown and polar bears, hare, squirrel, wild boar, wolf, elk and fox.

Related publications:

"Wild Animals" for children of the senior speech therapy group with health-saving technologies PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON SPEECH THERAPIST: Hello guys! I am glad to see you all, my name is Oksana Viktorovna, and today we will play with you and learn a lot.

Presentation for children of the senior group "Pets and their cubs" Presentation for older children. Purpose: the formation in children of ideas about domestic animals and their cubs. Tasks: 1. Introduce.

Summary of GCD for children of the middle group on the development of speech using ICT "Wild Animals" Organizational moment: - Hello guys! I'll give you a riddle now. When you guess it, you will find out who will come to your lesson.

Summary of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the form of a game situation for children of the middle group "Wild and Domestic Animals" Prepared by: Educator - Vasilyeva N.V. Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about wild and domestic animals. Tasks: Educational: Form.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of the first junior group "Wild and Domestic Animals" Purpose: To consolidate the material covered with the children. Type of activity: Acquaintance with the environment. Program content: Reinforcing tasks: Reinforce.

Purpose: Expanding children's ideas about wild animals and their cubs. Tasks: Educational: Consolidation of ideas about features.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech "Wild Animals" for children of the older group (5–6 years old) Purpose: To form the ability of children to guess riddles, understand their meaning, select definitions for words. Exercise in understanding and right.

MBDOU Kindergarten"Teremok"

"Take care of animals"

Project team leader

Donina T.A.

Teachers: Kuzmina N.I.

Kislitsina V.G.

Semenova L.V.

Garanina T.A.

Busurina G.N.

Bulina N.A.

Pedagogical problems:

Insufficient cognitive activity in some children in relation to the animal world, lack of desire for further knowledge in 10% of children. Fear of dogs in 8% of children, cats lack of respect for animals in 2% of children. Low interest of parents in the cognitive development of children. Teachers have insufficiently mastered such active ways of children's knowledge of the world around them as children's scientific readings, project children's activities.

Child problem:

We don't know enough about animals. We are a little afraid of them, some we do not like. We do not know the characteristics of animals.

Pedagogical goal:

To promote independence and initiative, the activity of children of the preparatory group for school in the knowledge of the animal world. To promote personal growth, development of communicative qualities, creativity of each child through the creation of situations of success in project activities.


  • Arm children with knowledge of different ways of obtaining information.
  • Deepen and expand children's ideas about the diversity of animals. Expand the concept of features appearance, life manifestations of animals, habitat role in human life. Exercise in establishing the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to extract information, summarize it and analyze it.
  • To develop curiosity, independence with the support of adults, coherent speech, communication skills, to cultivate a desire for further knowledge.
  • Cultivate respect for animals.
  • Children's goal:

    Learn as much as possible about animals and tell parents, all children and adults of the kindergarten about it.

    Project participants: children of the preparatory group, teachers, the Magic Brush circle, parents.

    Types of work for the project:

  • Exhibition of collective works of children “Love, cherish, protect.
  • Cognitive activity through the pages of books, magazines (i.e. collecting information about the animal world, educational evenings).
  • Creation of albums by groups "Our Favorites".
  • Photo exhibition "Take care of animals"
  • Exhibition of children's art "My beloved friend".
  • Consideration of children's magazines "Anthill", "Murzilka", "Young Naturalist".
  • Competition of drawings, works on the application "Those whom we love and protect"
  • Competition of stories on the topic "How we protect animals"
  • Reminder on the rules of communication with animals.
  • Presentation "About those we love"
  • Distribution of roles in the children's team:


    Type of work


  • Reading encyclopedias, books, magazines "Anthill", "Young Naturalist", "Murzilka"
  • View photos, postcards about different animals.
  • Training scientific works about different animals and their presentation to all children.
  • Collect and study as much information about animals as possible. Prepare messages for all kindergarten children about animals.


  • Evenings of writing stories about your favorite animals.
  • Write stories about animals. Captions for drawings.


  • Examining illustrations and pictures about animals.
  • Design and presentation of the exhibition.
  • Tell about the world of animals through art, using different visual means.

  • Concert for project participants.
  • Tell about the world of animals in songs, poems and dances.

    Prepare a concert for the project participants.

  • Visiting a photo exhibition about animals.
  • Visiting an exhibition of drawings.
  • Visit to the Kindergarten Museum.
  • Project presentation.
  • Prepare a project presentation.

    Participation of parents in project activities:

    The role of the child

    Parents activities

    Help in collecting information on the pages of books and magazines about animals. Assistance in the selection and processing of information. Participation in the work of the conference.


    Reading fiction and educational literature about animals. Share stories about your favorite pets.


    Discussion of ideas for creating images of animals. Participation in the presentation of the exhibition of children's creativity "My beloved friend".

    Assistance in creating costumes, preparing concert numbers.

    Assistance in preparing for competitions and presentation of participation in the competition.

    Participation of teachers in project activities

    Project Manager


    Musical director

    Head of the circle "Magic Tassel"

    Organizational work at the stages of the project, advising parents and teachers in choosing methods to promote children's project activities, assistance upon request.

    Help children to set a children's goal. Assistance in the preparation and implementation of all types of work on the project.

    Help children and parents in preparing a concert for project participants.

    Assistance to children in the preparation, design and presentation of the exhibition of children's creativity "My beloved friend".

    Distribution of work by project stages








    Adoption of the nursery

    pedagogical goals,


    problems and goals

    helping children in


    definition of tasks for

    problem posing and

    assistance in

    June July

    definition of children's



    goals, participants

    goals in line with


    with a role

    types of work on

    roles, tasks and

    project, role

    According to


    Help children in

    Participation in

    Assistance in

    preparation for



    achieving group

    activities for

    goals through

    and individual



    goals and objectives in

    goals and objectives in

    communication with the child and

    in accordance with the role

    According to

    participation in


    role (see



    table above)


    activities for



    * promotion

    * performance

    * Assistance in

    fulfillment of all

    all types of work


    July August

    types of project work


    types of work on

    project, help

    children in accordance




    Participation in preparation

    project presentations,

    and presentations

    children encouragement,

    project, preparation


    surprises and

    further knowledge

    gifts for

    encouraging children.

    Project performance:

    1. The development environment in the group has been replenished with magazines:

    “All about dogs”, “My favorite animals”, “A cat is a cat”

    2. A photo exhibition and an exhibition of children's drawings "Those whom we love and protect" were arranged.

    3. The didactic game "Find out by description" was designed.

    4. Purchased encyclopedias " Animal world”, “All about dogs”, “Puppies”, “Cats”.

    5. Fiction literature about dogs, cats, rabbits, wild animals was selected; a binder of magazines "Drug" was collected.

    6. Children have increased cognitive activity, the desire to learn new things about animals, they learned a lot about the breeds of dogs, cats and other animals.

    7. Parents took an active part in the work of the project. The Dog Show program aroused great interest, where parents, children and kindergarten staff took part.

    8. Children have become noticeably kinder towards animals.

    Kislitsyna Valentina Grigorievna

    To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

    Slides captions:

    HOW ANIMALS DEFEND FROM ENEMIES Most animals, even predators, can themselves become prey for other animals, so each species has its own ways of protecting itself from enemies.

    Ways of protection Escape Camouflage Warning coloration Intimidation Hide in a hole Hit with horns, foot or hoof Carapace Needles


    DEFENSE WITH KITS AND HORN Strong legs and mighty horns help the moose to fight off even such a dangerous predator as a wolf. YAKIs protect themselves from wolves by forming a circle. Zebras and ostriches fight off predators with strong kicks.

    The hare, as you know, is saved by its long legs. Fleeing

    USE OF PROTECTIVE COLORING For some animals, protective coloring or a surprising shape help them blend in with their surroundings. And some of them (for example, a chameleon) can even change color to match the environment.

    Leaf-tailed or satanic gecko (lizard).

    Mimic toad.

    HIDING In an effort to divert the attention of enemies, some animals pretend to be dead, and in case of danger, lizards are even ready to sacrifice their wonderful tail (in a few weeks it will grow back). Deer and roe deer hide very well in the forest.

    Frightening Cats arch their backs, rear their fur and hiss in case of danger to appear scarier than they really are. This technique is also used by some types of lizards.

    Needles - hedgehog and porcupine

    REMEMBER! Animals have claws, teeth, hooves, protective coloration to protect themselves from predators, but they have no protection from man and his modern weapons. TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS! DON'T LET THEM DESTROY!

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Acquaintance of children with the first historical facts of the formation of Russia, with the way of life of the ancient Slavs. with folk heroes - heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich ....

    Forest detective or "Red Book" protects nature!

    The scenario of an ecological fairy tale for older preschoolers about love for the native land, animals and birds....

    Open lesson on patriotic education "There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland"

    The purpose of the holiday: to promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships; to acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day; consolidate knowledge about military professions, names ...

    MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 65", Cherepovets.

    Lesson on the topic "Take care of animals"

    Developed by: teacher Vaganova Natalia Nikolaevna, deputy head Krepysheva Maria Sergeevna

    Target: Teach children to love and protect nature.


    • cultivate respect for plants and animals,
    • to form ideas that plants and animals need protection and protection,
    • give a concept of the Red Book: introduce plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book.

    At the lesson, such principles and methods as connection with life, reliance on the personal experience of children, mastering the culture of development, accessibility, scientific character, creative principle (think, try, seek), explanatory and illustrative method were applied. The material for the lesson was selected at an accessible level for children, corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational for solving the tasks.


    Layout "Dinosaurs", "Animals of the Forest", slides depicting ancient animals and plants, animals and plants today, photographs of rare and endangered animals, colored pencils, emblem blanks.

    Preliminary work:

    Conversations about prehistoric animals, about the natural wealth of our Motherland, viewing encyclopedias, watching presentations "Ancient Animals", "The World of Animals".

    Expected Result: Children have an interest in the natural environment. Expanded children's understanding of the diversity of animals. Children independently make conclusions about protection environment and animal life.

    Principles and methods used in the lesson:

    Connection with life, reliance on the personal experience of children; mastering the culture of development; availability; scientific character; creative principle (think, try, seek); explanatory and illustrative method. The age characteristics of children aged 5-6 require the use of a game form of activity to a greater extent. Acquaintance with new material is carried out on the basis of an activity approach (search method). Pedagogy of cooperation throughout the lesson.

    Funds: Conversation, dialogical and monologue speech, illustrations, receiving an answer "by ear", ICT technologies.

    Lesson progress:

    Q: We will talk about

    That the whole Earth is our common home -

    Our kind house, spacious house -

    We all live in it from birth.

    Also, we are talking about

    That we must protect our home.

    Let's prove that it's not in vain

    The earth is relying on us.

    Q: Once upon a time, the planet Earth looked very different than it does today. (slide show, looking at the layout) Other trees grew on it and other animals lived. Do you remember what animals inhabited the ancient world? Why did the ancient animals disappear? (children's answers)

    Q: A lot of time has passed and a great variety of plants and animals have appeared on Earth. See how big and diverse the world of nature is! (consideration of slides and layout) One can only admire the invention of nature. In ancient times, man approached the realm of nature with caution. Time passed, and people more and more boldly used natural resources for their own needs - they exterminated birds and animals, destroyed forests and reservoirs. Once people realized that if you don’t stop and help nature, then the time will come and life on the planet will be in danger of extinction.

    A game situation is being played out that an SOS signal has been received.

    Guys, do any of you know what this signal means? (Children's answers are heard).

    SOS is an international radio signal. It is served from sinking ships. Everyone who hears him, no matter what language he speaks himself, no matter what country he lives in, knows that people are dying somewhere, they are asking for salvation. But today I did not hear this signal on the radio, it was not transmitted by people. This signal was transmitted to me by the wind. He gave it all over the world, to all people: SOS, SOS, SOS.

    It is nature calling for help. Why do you think nature calls for help? children's answers

    Nature, like a wounded bird, screams, asks us for help. We must know how to preserve natural resources: forests, water, air, flora and fauna.

    Imagine for a moment our planet without the singing of birds, without animals, without communication with them. Imagine that there are no more dogs and cats in our homes and you can only see animals in pictures. Such thoughts do not bring joy, do they? (Inciting children to logical, mental operations).

    To protect natural resources, a Red Book was created (showing a book and slides), endangered species of animals and plants are listed in this book, which is why it is so big. Each country has its own book. But you can make it in a separate area - so many representatives of wildlife need protection. Why do you guys think the red book is exactly red? (children's answers)

    That's right, the red color of the book signals an approaching danger, an alarm. Stop, look around, think man! Think about nature! Are we taking advantage of her generosity too freely? Children, please watch the video for O. Gazmanov's song "Red Book".

    The Red Book has been reprinted many times. Why do you think? (children's answers). Yes, the world is constantly changing, some plants and animals are endangered and need help.

    Physical education "Fun in the forest"

    The hares got up early in the morning,

    They had fun playing in the forest. (Jumping in place.)

    On the tracks jump-jump-jump!

    Who is not used to charging? (Walking in place.)

    The fox is walking through the forest.

    Who jumps there, I wonder? (Sipping - hands forward.)

    To answer the question

    The fox is pulling its nose. (Jumping in place.)

    But hares run fast.

    How could it be otherwise? (Running in place.)

    Workouts help!

    And the rabbits run away. (Walking in place.)

    Here is a hungry fox

    Looks sadly at the sky. (Sipping - hands up.)

    He sighs heavily, (Deep breath in and out.)

    Sits down, rests. (Sits down, rests.)

    Q: Do you want to know who is protected by the Red Book? Listen carefully to the riddle. If you guess right, the answer will be in front of you (using an interactive presentation)

    Riddles about the following representatives were used:

    Swan, tiger, white bear.

    Do you want to become animal advocates and try to help them? Animals came to us for help, here are their questions:

    I don't bother anyone, I eat mosquitoes. Everyone is throwing stones at me. Ugly - I know, I just sing out loud. (the toad keeps the garden from worms and caterpillars)

    What can you say to these animals?

    Of course, everyone needs each other. It doesn't matter if you're beautiful or not.

    Tell me, do those animals that are not listed in the Red Book need our help and protection? (children's answers)

    Yes. You need to take care of the most common animals that live in nature.

    Riddles about the animals of the forest. (squirrel, elk, wolf, fox, hare, wild boar)

    Which animal did you recognize (slide show) These animals are constantly in danger. Poachers who destroy some animals lead to the death of others. In nature, everything is interconnected - there is nothing unnecessary and useless.

    Q: And now I suggest you play the game "Kind Animal"

    We are one big kind animal, let's depict how it breathes (inhale-exhale-3 times). This is how our animal not only breathes, but its kind heart beats so clearly and evenly. We take the breath and heartbeat of this animal to ourselves. We take away a piece of goodness and warmth from him.

    It has long been said: Man is the king of nature. It can both help nature and harm.

    I offer you the game "Good - bad." You need to divide the images into two groups. Green circle on the table - positive influence man on nature, and red - negative. Summary of the game.

    Guys, if you want, we will make our own “Red Book”, which will be in our group.

    (Children's answers are heard)

    Now each of you will choose a picture with the image of an animal that he would like to protect, protect. Then we will collect all the pictures together, and we will get our own group "Red Book". I already made the cover.

    (Cover shown)

    Guys, today we got acquainted with the Red Book, the variety of animals that inhabit our planet. We talked about the need to protect any animal, regardless of its appearance. We can provide all possible assistance to animals by drawing our own rules for the treatment of animals. (children's work)

    Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!

    We will take care of birds, insects, animals. This will only make us better!