Work in China for the CIS. Jobs and available vacancies in China

Work in China for Russians, vacancies 2019 without knowledge of the language - is it real? A review about working in China, about finding a job and salary for a foreigner in China was written by Pavel Andreevsky. This traveler traveled all over China. πŸ™‚

In the comments to the article, a large number of vacancies for working in China for Russians without knowledge of the language and resumes have been collected. You can also leave a short summary of job search in China. Comments are published after checking for spam.

The Chinese work very hard. Many work hard for 12-14 hours a day. They have about 10-12 business days, i.e. not always recruited even two weeks. And pensions, as I understand it, are not provided. Well, it should be noted that they are not the most efficient and productive workers in China.

Therefore, they do not travel much and plan their vacation carefully. Now I understand why Chinese tourists come to some places in Europe, take pictures with their brand new Canons, then quickly get on the bus and leave. With such a length of vacation, there is no time left for anything.

Is it easy to earn $1500 in China?

Many acquaintances, when they find out how long I travel, are sincerely surprised and ask who gave me such a long vacation??? But even the Chinese cannot be compared in their diligence with the Japanese. Those generally work their whole lives for one company and allow themselves to rest only in retirement.

Review about China: work in China for Russians, vacancies 2019 without knowledge of the language

It seems to me that China is a unique place for foreigners. Usually to be a foreigner in a foreign country means to drag out not the best existence. And if you still don’t know the language, then write wasted. But not in China.

But work in China for Russians without knowledge of the language is quite real. Here I β€œlaow”, i.e. "White man" is very comfortable to live and work. And it's not that the Chinese love foreigners, but also how easy it is to find a job here. The simplest option is job in china as an english teacher. If you are the owner of a European appearance, it will be easy for you to find a job. For some 20 hours a week, you can earn $ 1,500 and live for your own pleasure in one of the largest cities in China.

So, how much will you earn if you get a job as an English teacher in China? The minimum is 100 yuan per hour. Now it is equal to 1000 rubles. That's how much they'll pay me with no work experience. If your level is higher, you can get 150-250 yuan per hour (1500-2500 rubles).

Russian language teachers are also needed here. The Chinese everywhere study Russian, just like we do Chinese. And again, European appearance will help you with this. For the Chinese, it is like a symbol of success. Salaries are the same as those of English teachers.

Therefore, many are interested in working in China for Russians, vacancies 2019. Many people come here just to earn some money, but in such comfortable conditions they forget about everything and stay to live much longer than planned. A little later, I will talk about people separately. creative professions working in China.

Average salary in China

In China average salary 5,000 yuan (50,000 rubles). Today you can live here in peace and rent a separate small apartment. Sellers in supermarkets receive 2,500 yuan (25,000 rubles), engineers 7,500 yuan (75,000 rubles), teachers at the university 5,000 yuan (50,000 rubles). Handymen receive 2,000-3,000 yuan (20,000-30,000 rubles).

Good salary in China 10,000 yuan, which is approximately equal to 100,000 rubles. Therefore, the laowai, who can earn 15,000 yuan (150,000 rubles), live well and still save money for what they need.

How to quickly find a job in China

A few words about how to quickly find a job in China for Russians without knowing the language. Of course, through social networks. Subscribe to the public on the social network and receive a dozen job offers every day as a teacher. Model work is very popular, go-go dancers, singers, gymnasts, musicians, DJs and other talents are in great demand here. And everywhere there are burning opportunities marked "urgently". Hundreds of intermediary agents offer work in China for Russians and visiting foreigners with and without work experience.

I noticed that a huge number of Russians, Ukrainians and, probably, Belarusians write to these publics and offer their services. Every few hours, someone is looking for European or Slavic girls with good looks to the newly opened club with a note that they will have to drink with customers. As for go-go, it's a hit - with so many go-go dance job openings, it feels like China is preparing its foreign legion of go-go dancers to take over the world.

For me, "go-go" is depicted in the picture and this is the prayer that the Chinese say so that his moped in the picture does not suddenly stall. πŸ™‚

Another proven way

Don't want to be on social media? Then need to come to China as a tourist, go around 10-20 places and negotiate with the employer live. It is one thing to write messages on the Internet and look at pictures, and quite another to see everything with your own eyes, see the future place of work and talk with your boss. This is how we met the singer at the Moscow restaurant in Sanya. She arrived and went to restaurants herself, asking about vacancies, until she found a job. Then she came again with a work visa, an invitation was sent to her by a new employer.

A little about the Chinese themselves

The modern world has changed the Chinese. Many of my friends and acquaintances who have been working here for a long time say that the traditions of the Chinese are increasingly fading into the background, and "the cult of money" for the first. Everyone loves money, but only the Chinese are frank about it.

Chinese girls and their parents have a very high requirements to the choice of the groom. For some time, the story was publicized about how a girl left her lover for the sake of his friend, who had a newer iPhone model. So arranged marriages are very common here.

At the same time, the norms of morality somehow more and more come to naught. Married men are free to come to the club, buy themselves a pair of pretty Slavs who will drink and have fun with him. And some Chinese drink worse than Russians and at the same time try to get their interlocutors drunk as much as possible.

In general, if you need a job in China for Russians, vacancies 2019, then only the lazy will not find employment here. Do not limit yourself to one resume that you will not immediately be offered a job in China for Russians, actively look for vacancies and respond to them yourself.

China is a dynamically developing country. Despite the high level of unemployment, many foreigners want to come to one of the industrial centers of this country in order to earn money. Indeed, work in China for foreigners is quite profitable, as there is a shortage of skilled labor. But it is necessary to leave for permanent residence competently, having prepared for yourself in advance workplace.

Today, China has entered into an active confrontation with the US economy. There are tendencies to depreciate the yuan to stimulate exports. This makes it possible to increase production volumes, so the country needs qualified personnel.

The unemployment rate in the country is about 5%, but it will decrease if the trend towards the weakening of the yuan continues. Given its depreciation, not only in the external, but also in the domestic market, the level of wages is gradually increasing. Today it is about $1,000 a month. At the same time, there is an increase of 50-70 dollars a year.

The advantages of employment here are that the Chinese are willing to pay big money for work in narrow specialties. The country lacks a skilled labor force, and its influx is achieved by providing high wages.

Demand for workers from Russia and Ukraine

Specialists from Russia and Ukraine are in demand in China in narrow areas.

Most often they are hired in the following areas:

  • industry and construction;
  • education;
  • the medicine;
  • aviation;
  • model business;
  • services sector.

The low-skilled labor force from Russia and Ukraine faces stiff competition from the Chinese themselves, so it is not practical for ordinary workers to travel to this country to work in a restaurant or in a factory. But most often they are interested in how much you can earn if you get a job in a technical specialty. A man in China will receive a similar salary with a woman in the same position in a particular company.

The most in-demand professions in China

There is a list of the most demanded professions in China for foreigners. Applying for these positions, you can get a good job in the country, since the salary is slightly higher than the average income of the average Chinese.

  • subway train driver
  • IT specialist;
  • engineer;
  • middle and top managers;
  • English teachers;
  • civil aviation pilots;
  • models;
  • translators;
  • doctors;
  • scientists;
  • other specialized professions.

Oddly enough, leaving for Beijing is not difficult. It is much more difficult to find work in industrial centers like Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen or Shanghai.

Wage levels in China by profession

There are several categories where it is quite easy for Russians and Ukrainians to get a job. In some areas, it is not even necessary to know Chinese, since all communication there takes place directly in the native language or in English. Today, China needs the following specialists:

Profession Salary, per month
English teacher900–1200 USD in public schools and up to 3000 USD in private schools
English teacherFrom 1000 USD
Engineers1000–6000 USD
civil aviation pilotBoeing pilots – USD 15,000 + bonuses and overtime payments

Airbus pilot - 17,000 USD+ bonuses and additional payment for processing

ModelFrom 200 USD per shoot
Interpreter100 USD per day
Consular and embassy staffUp to 1200 USD
Club staff900–1200 USD
Doctor2000–5000 USD
DancerUp to 1500 USD
MusicianUp to 1200 USD
ArtistUp to 2000USD
DJ700–1500 USD
Trainerup to 2000 USD

In China, there is not much difference: a girl or a guy takes vacant position. Payment is made by agreement without discrimination.

These are the main professions that are in demand in the Chinese market today. A Kazakh, Ukrainian or Russian who went through the Soviet school is especially welcome in the market, so it is especially profitable for them to go to live in China and work there in their specialty.

How to find a job without intermediaries

It is rather difficult to find a job in China on your own if you do not plan employment in a specialty that does not require special skills. There are specialized websites and agencies that are ready to assist in finding a suitable job.

Popular sites

  • . It operates with the support of the Chinese government, so vacancies are posted here even for those municipal positions that foreigners can take.
  • . Specialized in job search in Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taiwan.

recruitment agencies

There are several companies that are ready to help in finding employment and obtaining a work visa. These include:

  • China recruitment agency. Official site
  • China chief recruitment agency. Official site

These companies have been operating in the market for a long time and provide a full range of services. By contacting here, it will be much easier to get a work visa, as specialists will independently draw up all the required documents.

Types of employment

Immigrants who have various specialties can easily find work. Particularly appreciated are specialists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus who have experience in the IT field, in the field of personnel management, have technical specialties or are fluent in English.

Work without knowing the language

Ignorance of the language is the main barrier to employment. But there are several options available.

Usually this:

  • branches of Russian companies that work with Russian tourists;
  • professions that do not require special qualifications and do not require communication with customers (driver, cook);
  • professions where communication takes place in English.

It is quite easy to find a job where specialists with knowledge of English are in demand. To do this, just go to one of the above sites.

Seasonal work

Students usually apply for it. They come on their own or on an exchange program. Most often it is service personnel in the tourism sector. But you can also find other specialties in the field Agriculture. Using the experience exchange program, you can find a decent option. But the payment, as a rule, does not exceed 700-1000 dollars per month.

Temporary job

Most often it is associated with the construction of various objects. China needs highly qualified specialists to work with drawings, supervise the work, and so on. When the object is rented out, specialists need to return home.

Other options

These include work on a rotational basis and under a contract. All working and living conditions are discussed individually. Most often, the host party independently pays for accommodation and medical insurance, and also deals with the preparation of specialist documents for obtaining a work permit.

The official recruitment process

Chinese law defines the categories of persons who need to obtain a work permit. The procedure for issuing a complete list of documents is also prescribed.

Priority of actions

Citizens of foreign countries are allowed to cooperate only with companies that have received a work permit for a foreigner.

Here are the steps you need to take to start working in China:

  • Contact the employer and provide him with a full package of documents for issuing an invitation.
  • Obtaining a work permit for a foreign specialist.

  • Appeal to the visa center or the consulate of the People's Republic of China (located in Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk).
  • Filling out an application form for a work visa and providing a full package of documents.
  • Obtaining a visa.

After arriving in China, it is necessary to issue a work book from the employer and obtain a work permit. You also need to apply to the local security authorities to obtain a temporary residence permit in China.

Types of work permits

Who does not need a work permit in China

A work permit is required for all foreigners, according to current legislation. The exception is bipatrides, that is, persons with dual citizenship. In this case, one of the citizenships must be Chinese.

List of main documents

To obtain a work permit, an employer must provide:

  • valid passport;
  • diploma with translation into Chinese;
  • summary in Chinese or English;
  • photograph, as on a passport;
  • work book with translation into English or Chinese;
  • certificate of passing a medical commission with a translation if necessary.

To obtain a work visa, you will need to provide the visa center with:

  • application form;

  • international passport;
  • contract with the employer;
  • work permit;

It is important that the passport at the time of submission of documents is valid for at least another 6 months.

Arriving in China, you will need to obtain a residence permit by providing:

  • The order of acceptance to work;
  • summary;
  • international passport and its translation into Chinese;
  • 2 photographs 3.5 by 4.5 mm;
  • certificate of registration of the employer;
  • certificate of registration with the local migration service.

This is a complete list of documents required for legal work in China.

Features of obtaining a work visa

Eligibility Criteria for Work Visa Candidates

The criteria for selecting candidates for obtaining a visa are usually limited to having a diploma and work experience in the field of interest. Proficiency in English or Chinese is also required. There are no other employment restrictions.

P If you have an outstanding criminal record or have persona non grata status, you will not be granted a visa.

Work visa extension

You can extend your visa directly in China as long as the contract with the employer is valid. To do this, you must contact the migration center and provide a passport, contract and a valid visa.

Business immigration

Many firms open their representative offices in China, as the conditions for the existence of a business are quite loyal.

Here are the main benefits:

  • Low authorized capital.
  • It is easy to get a work visa and residence permit.
  • Low pay.

Most often, representative offices are opened, joint venture with a Chinese partner or register an individual entrepreneur. During the first 4 years, a businessman must open a company and expand it. If during this period he manages to create 10 jobs and regularly pay taxes, then you can get a permanent residence permit.

Features of an internship in China

There are various programs that students and young professionals can come to China for internships. Some of them are paid, in connection with which work and study are combined. So, the maximum salary is $700 per month.

Most often, internships come in the following areas:

  • restaurant business;
  • hotel business;
  • model business;
  • the medicine;
  • marketing and advertising;
  • public relations;
  • personnel Management.

During the internship, which lasts from 3.5 to 9 months, you can learn the basics of the Chinese language. Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine are actively exchanging specialists, which allows them to improve their skills and increase their value in the labor market.

Consequences of illegal work

For a foreigner, there are three scenarios for the development of events:

  • Fine 5,000–10,000 yuan.
  • Fine up to 10,000 yuan and arrest pending clarification.
  • Deportation.

Usually, the Chinese do not make a big deal of the problem by offering a foreigner to leave the country on his own within 15 days. If the requirement is not met, then one has to resort to forced deportation using administrative resources and coordinating actions through diplomatic channels. The border for such a citizen will be closed in the future.

Thus, it is profitable to work in China if you have a narrow specialty. Unskilled labor is paid low, so it will be difficult to survive in this country. If a foreigner decides to live and work in China, then it is best to do it legally, since the level of control over enterprises in the country is quite strict. Violation of the law can make life difficult for the employee and the organization itself.

About how to find a job in China, you will best be told by acquaintances or relatives who personally searched for vacancies in China in 2017-2016 and are currently working in China. They were convinced from their own experience of the reality of getting a job in China for Russians, and they will be able to suggest how to act correctly. In addition, they may be aware of the latest job openings at their jobs in China.

You need to start looking for a job in China while still in Russia. Once you find a Chinese employer, you need to be issued with a valid work license. Based on the provided work license, you must apply for a work visa at the consular center at the place of residence. All this time you need to be in touch with the employer and the employee of the diplomatic department, because. The procedure for obtaining a work visa is rather complicated and has a number of unique differences (unlike other countries). Once you become the proud owner of a work visa and arrive in China, you should register within the first 24 hours and begin the process of obtaining a work permit at the labor office.

One of the best sources of information about fresh vacancies in China is social. networks, for example, you can find out about work in China for Russians (vacancies in 2017) by registering at In addition, the Major Industrial Centers of China (Beijing, Shanghai) have their own social networks, where they post information about vacancies in China in 2017. Major Chinese companies FAW group, China National Petroleum Corporation or SAIC Motor) post information about new vacancies on their websites. Therefore, if you have the appropriate qualifications, you can send your resume to such companies.

When deciding to look for a job in China, it should be remembered that, despite the booming economy, Chinese salaries cannot be compared with incomes in China. Western Europe, USA and Canada. However, the relatively low income is compensated by the invaluable experience gained in China, work experience abroad and low living expenses.

Jobs in China without knowing the language

For Russians who decide to go to work in China, the main difficulty is the knowledge of the Chinese language. This is the main problem when looking for a job, however, if you speak English at a good level, prestigious vacancies will be available to you. However, work in China for Russians without knowledge foreign languages also available. First of all, these are vacancies in Russian companies operating in China. In addition, it is possible to get a job as a Russian language teacher in China.

In addition to knowledge of the language, the main requirement for successful employment in China is a higher education diploma. In addition to a diploma, high qualifications and work experience will be a big advantage - there is an abundance of unskilled labor in China. Graduated engineers, representatives of various technical specialties, cooks, civil aviation pilots are especially in demand in China.

Today in China there is a special demand for teachers of English. This is due to the boom in learning English, everyone is learning it - from preschool children to adults who have taken place. Therefore, if you have a teaching diploma and you speak English well, you have a great chance to get a job as an English teacher in China, which is very well paid. By and large, a job as a teacher in China is considered prestigious and well paid. If you are looking for a job as a teacher in China, then such vacancies can be viewed on sites where vacancies are published.

In addition to publications about the availability of vacancies from direct employers, there are a huge number of recruiting companies in China where, for a fee, they will look for you suitable job. Such agencies should be treated very carefully, and, if possible, contact trusted and well-reviewed agencies from acquaintances.

Jobs in China for girls

It is quite easy for girls to find a job in China. Areas of activity where you can find yourself Good work girl quite diverse:

entertainment industry;

Service sector;



IT sphere.

There are plenty of vacancies for a girl to quickly find a job in China. The main condition is the presence of professional skills, decency and knowledge of languages. However, there are vacancies, having received which a girl can work in China without knowing the language. The owners of a bright, attractive appearance have the greatest chances to find a job in China; such girls are happy to be hired in all areas of activity.

For attractive girls, there are always vacancies in modeling agencies, nightclubs, entertainment shows. Working as a model or dancer in China pays well. However, working in such institutions can be associated with unpleasant moments. Even with an official contract with an employer, with professional security, models and dancers run the risk of becoming the object of harassment.

In order to minimize such risks, when choosing a place of work, read reviews about it, find out how long this or that agency has been working, and carefully study the contract before signing. It is advisable to sign a contract even before flying to China, this will allow you to save on flights and speed up the processing of permits in China.

Summing up the above, it can be argued that working in China is comfortable and interesting. Many who go there to work do whatever it takes to stay in China as long as possible.

China is a specific Asian country with a special culture, history and traditions. In 2019, the state occupies a leading world position not only in terms of the number of population, which is about 1417.4 million people but also in terms of economic development. For example, in terms of GDP (PPP), China is ahead of the rest, ahead of even the United States. Unemployment in the country area 3.8%.

Work in China for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners in 2019, with due perseverance and determination, is quite an achievable task. True, it has its own characteristics and differences in comparison with Europe or North America. But more on that later. If we take available vacancies, for example, girls may well apply for jobs in China as models or dancers, guys have a chance to break into IT and industry.

Despite a powerful economy, China's per capita income is not comparable to that of developed European countries. This must be taken into account and understood that it is most likely not possible to earn big money. However, this aspect can be offset by relatively low living costs. Next, we will talk in more detail about the procedure for finding employment in China for foreigners, in particular, we will indicate the available vacancies and salaries in 2019, and also consider options for finding a job.

Features of employment in China

The first and perhaps the most significant barrier to labor migration to China is knowledge of the language . As you know, Chinese is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Therefore, a good command of English is a necessary skill for a foreign applicant. In principle, there is also work in China without knowing the language. For example, there are often vacancies for teachers and teachers, including Russian. However, in this case everyday life in a foreign country will be difficult.

Next, there is the presence higher education . There is plenty of cheap labor in the country. Therefore, if the goal is to find a job in China with a high level of wages, a university degree is clearly needed. The ideal option is to study at a Chinese university. Professional experience, skills and qualifications are also of great importance for successful employment. This is especially true for engineers and technical specialists generally.

Cultural and mental differences Chinese from Europeans or citizens of the post-Soviet space are huge. This applies to many areas. Starting from a specific cuisine and ending with the mode of operation. Many foreign workers simply cannot stand it and leave Chinese territory ahead of schedule. Study the features of life in China in advance, for example, chat with experienced immigrants on the forums, or better, visit the country on a tourist visa and see everything with your own eyes.

By analogy with most countries of the world, in order to move to China for the purpose of employment, foreigners, including Russians and Ukrainians, must first find a Chinese employer who is ready to hire a foreign specialist and arrange a special work license. After that, in the diplomatic department of China in their country, Work Visa (type Z). This procedure is rather complicated, certain features, for example, depending on the region or vacancy, the requirements for foreigners may differ.

All actions must be coordinated with representatives of the Chinese company and employees of the Consulate. You may need the help of special intermediaries. Upon arrival in China during the day registration is required, as well as contacting the local labor office for work permit. Then in within a month applying for a residence permit. The document is usually issued one year with the right to extend. In most cases, a medical examination and a certificate of no criminal record are required.

How to find a job in China. Job search.

One of the most effective ways to start looking for a job in the Chinese labor market is to register and actively communicate in various in social networks . For example, you can find available jobs in China for Russians or Ukrainians in 2019 using the professional social network Depending on the region in which you want to work, it will be useful to visit local networks. These are available in Shanghai, Beijing and some other major Chinese cities.

Help in finding employment in China can be provided by friends or relatives with experience in this country, and preferably those who are currently there. However, far from foreigners have such connections. You can contact your employer directly. For example, in such large companies in China as FAW Group, China National Petroleum Corporation or SAIC Motor. Especially if there is confidence in their competitive advantages. Moreover, a lot of Chinese vacancies are not in the public domain.

Popular Job Search Sites in China

International Resources for Finding Jobs in the Chinese Job Market
Chinese newspapers in English

These were the main ways to find work in China without intermediaries. You can find a large number of recruitment agencies on the Internet, but this employment option should be used very carefully, that is, contact only trusted companies under the patronage of friends or acquaintances. For international students, there are various exchange programs or internships in Chinese companies. In the end, you can visit China as a volunteer and gain invaluable experience for further employment.

Jobs and salary in China in 2019

The Chinese labor market is quite diverse. However, without knowledge of the local language, the list of vacancies that foreigners can apply for is significantly reduced. With a sufficient level of English proficiency, you should pay attention to the branches and representative offices of international companies in China.

Among the professions that are in demand in China, we can distinguish information technology specialists, skilled technical workers, medical personnel, financiers, as well as the field of tourism, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals. In addition, management personnel and sales managers are required.

If we take vacancies in China for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other citizens of the CIS countries in 2019, then first of all, these are teachers and teachers of English or Russian at local schools, universities and private educational institutions. Women with a proper appearance can work as TV presenters, models, dancers, in various fields of entertainment or services, even in a circus.

In principle, work in China in the above professions is also available for men from the post-Soviet space. Musicians and translators are also very often required. Salaries in these areas are quite scattered, on average $600 to $1500 per month, if we get lucky.

In general, the average salary in China in 2019 is 6,872 yuan per month ( about 995 dollars). Much depends on the region, for example, in Beijing this figure reaches $ 1,300, in other large cities in the region 1000 dollars. Official minimum wage varies in China from 1000 to 2480 yuan per month ($145–$360) depending on the province.

The People's Republic of China is an intensively developing East Asian country, the second largest economy in the world. High GDP growth rates and a growing market size contribute to attracting foreign labor. The chances of finding a job in China among CIS citizens are quite high, but the employment process has its own specifics, including those associated with the peculiarities of the Eastern mentality.

First of all, employment in China attracts with a large labor market capacity. The relatively low cost of food and lodging also matters. Employers often pay for their foreign employees housing, transport, paperwork. The Chinese are hospitable to foreigners, including Russian speakers. Therefore, it is not so difficult for people from Russia and the CIS to find work in China.

Working in China is a great opportunity not only to earn money, but also to gain invaluable experience of life, communication and advanced training abroad. There are always a lot of vacancies, especially for skilled workers. Only about 5% of the working-age population are medium and high-level specialists.

The standard working day for a Chinese person can last from 10 to 14 hours, and the annual paid vacation rarely exceeds 10-15 days. Also, an immigrant can be repulsed by the difference in mentality and everyday life in the East.

The economy of modern China

About 700 million working-age people live in China, which is a key factor in the country's economic development. The unemployment rate here is quite low - no more than 4.5%. Due to the β€œone family – one child” demographic policy carried out until 2015, the population is rapidly aging. By 2035, 30% of China's population will be over 60. Therefore, the issue of attracting foreign specialists is very acute.

Salaries in China today

There is no minimum wage at the state level. Each province and major city sets its own minimum wage. On average, it is $150-375, the level depends on the province and city. The average salary in the country is $985 per month, which is much higher than in the countries of the former USSR and even some of the new members of the European Union (Romania, Bulgaria, etc.). Wages are growing at a faster pace, and this has recently made it less profitable to locate assembly plants here. Most of all they receive in the south-east of the country, less in the north and in the center. Salaries in megacities can be several times higher than in rural areas. Most highly paid professions in the field of finance and IT.

Income tax in China is calculated on a progressive scale, that is, it depends on the amount of income received. The rate varies from 3% (salary less than 1,500 yuan per month) to 45% (over 80,000 yuan).

Popular Chinese cities for work

Among the most attractive cities for immigrants in mainland China are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Kunming, Qingdao, Nanjing, Sanya, Haikou, Gonglin. All of these cities are multi-million cities with a developed financial and technological infrastructure. The largest number of vacancies for highly qualified specialists is also concentrated there. There are many international companies in megacities where English is in demand, and wages are much higher. In these cities, there is a large market for affordable housing, public transport is developed.

Demanded vacancies in China for Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs

English teacher in China

This profession is at the peak of popularity among foreigners in China. Learning English starts with elementary school, so there are a lot of vacancies all over the country. You can work in educational institutions of any level - in kindergartens, schools, universities. In China, teachers from Europe, Australia and the United States are in demand, who have the opportunity to earn good money here.

According to Chinese law, only native speakers can teach English. However, their salary is too high for most educational institutions (about $3,000). Therefore, non-English-speaking teachers are invited (among them there are many migrants from Russia), and some other specialization is prescribed in the contract. A plus when interviewing for a vacancy will be the presence of an academic degree and pedagogical education.

The teaching load here is minimal - up to 20 hours a week. The amount of wages directly depends on the institution. The biggest salaries are in private schools (about $2,000). private tutor salary kindergarten(with English teaching) 25-30% lower. Teachers, like tutors, are most often paid by the hour. Examples of such educational institutions are large networks of English First, Fluent English, Sino.

The Russian language is no longer taught in Chinese schools almost anywhere. But the departments at the universities remained, and Russian-speaking teachers work there.

Working as a pilot on China Airlines

Air travel is one of China's fastest growing economic sectors. Pilots from the Russian Federation and the CIS can find a job here with a high probability. The requirements of the medical flight commission for health are lower, working conditions are better (rest time is strictly regulated). The salary level for a co-pilot is about $8,000, and for an aircraft commander, $15,000. Boeing 737 pilots get more than others, so getting on wide-body aircraft is almost impossible. Airline workers and their families will be able to legally reside in China and fly for free.

The popularity of the pilot vacancy in China has already led to the fact that Russian airlines are experiencing an acute shortage of flight personnel.

Work as an engineer

There are jobs in China for engineers of almost any specialty. The most demanded are technologists, programmers, designers, specialists in the field of quality control. The average salary is $1.5 thousand. Engineers with high qualifications can receive from $4 thousand. The main requirements for employment are the presence of specialized engineering education, knowledge of spoken Chinese and English.

Working as a model

There are always jobs in China for models. European appearance in many countries of the East is considered prestigious and attractive. The Chinese are willing to pay 30% more in this business than candidates with an Asian appearance. At the same time, it is not necessary to have high growth, the main thing is photogenicity. The safest employment option is through trusted agencies. You can also work as a freelancer, but then the very real risks of fraud or involvement in illegal activities will have to be controlled independently. On average, models earn about $200 per show, and $100 for catalog shoots.

There are also many vacancies in show business in China. Dancers and dancers, musicians, gymnasts, circus performers are desirable candidates, especially those with experience and good looks. It is important to remember the rules of safe employment through the formalization of labor relations.

Table: demanded professions in China

The data on remuneration in the table are provided conditionally, based on average values ​​for the industry and regions.

How to find a job in China

Social media is the most popular search method. In social networks (Vkontakte, Fb, Telegram, etc.) there are many thematic groups about working in China. You can also register in the professional network Separately, it is worth mentioning wechat. This is one of the social networks where a huge amount of work is offered in thematic groups. Most of the major agencies use this particular social network.

Job seekers often use specialized sites, such as:

Among foreigners,, an English-language site, is especially popular, where you can find offers from various industries.

Students can complete an internship through exchange programs and then get a permanent job. The same applies to volunteers.

Some applicants make a list of companies where they want to try to get a job in advance. In this case, you can visit their official websites and leave your resume there. Relatives and friends permanently residing in China can help. In addition, you can use the help of recruiting agencies, but there is a big risk of facing fraud. It is better to find an agency in advance, check its reputation, and establish contact. It is worth finding out in advance who buys tickets, applies for a visa, selects housing. It is important to understand who, when and in what amount will pay wages (agent or employer).

A less risky option is a network international recruitment company. Let there be no Russian-speaking manager. Correspondence with anonymous agents on social networks (including Vkontakte and Chinese WeChat) poses the greatest risk. More than half of the groups are created by scammers, you need to be prepared for this. Subscribe only to popular groups with a long history. To do this, just score in the search "Work in China". But even in this case, there may be scammers among subscribers.

The ideal option is to get a job directly with the employer so as not to give part of your income to intermediaries. By the way, the standard scheme for employment in China is when the agent receives part of your salary from the employer. You cannot know for sure about this, as it is a trade secret. The agency should not take a commission from you, especially in advance. Beware of those agents who ask you to make an advance payment for the selection of vacancies. The agent receives a commission from the employer for the search for personnel.

Being directly in China, it is easier to get a job, because you can immediately go through an interview with an employer and show your skills. In this case, it is advisable to look for vacancies in periodicals, for example, in China Daily, South China Morning Post, etc.

Job options in China

Employment in China is possible in the following ways.

  1. Permanent - under an indefinite contract.
  2. Temporary - by contact for a certain period. As a rule, temporary vacancies are related to construction (quality control, installation work, drawings).
  3. Seasonal. Usually students are hired for the season, they are paid from $600 to $1000. Usually this is work in the field of agriculture, restaurant business or tourism. But there are plenty of other options as well. It is impossible to work on a student visa in China, but in practice this stops few people.
  4. Volunteer activity. Volunteers are usually paid for housing, food and medical insurance. The work usually involves charitable work. Panda care is very popular in nature reserves and zoos.
  5. Au Pair is an international program for students aged 18-30, in which they have to work with children in Chinese families and teach them English. A monthly stipend of $100-300 is given out.
  6. An internship in China is an opportunity to learn or improve the Chinese language, improve your English, and gain invaluable work experience. Young people aged 18-30 who graduated no more than 2 years ago are allowed to the internship. You can work in different areas - design, tourism, hotel business, industry, Information Technology. Duration - from 3 months to a year. Interns receive a stipend ranging from $400 to $1300.

How to write a resume for a Chinese company

A resume for work in China is compiled according to a standard scheme, including the following blocks:

  1. The name of the vacancy for which the applicant is applying;
  2. Full name and contact details of the applicant;
  3. Brief autobiography;
  4. Information about education;
  5. Key professional skills.

Some employers accept resumes in Russian, but this is rather an exception. Also, some employers ask you to send a video with a story about yourself, your skills and justify your choice of profession.

The interview is conducted in Chinese or English, you need to prepare for it in advance. You need to come to the interview in strict business attire, answer questions in a friendly and unambiguous manner. And most importantly, smile sincerely: in the East, this is a weighty argument.

The official recruitment process

The recruitment process in China is as follows:

  1. Finding an employer, successfully passing an interview;
  2. Conclusion of a contract;
  3. Obtaining a work permit;
  4. Visa application.

Where to apply for a visa to China

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is one Embassy of China. It is located in Moscow at Druzhby Street, 6. Phone number: +7(499)951‑84-43. The Consular Section receives visitors on weekdays from 9 am to 12 pm.

You can also apply for a visa in Russia at the consulates general of China:

  1. In Vladivostok . Address - Krygina street, house 3, phone - (423) 249-50-37, working hours - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 12:30.
  2. In Ekaterinburg . The address is Chaikovskogo street, 45, phone number is (343) 253-57-78 and 253-57-84, working hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 to 12.
  3. In Irkutsk . The address is Karla Marksa Street, 40, phone number is (3952) 78‑14-46 and 78‑14-40, working hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 12.
  4. In St. Petersburg . Address - Griboedov Canal Embankment, 134, phone number - (812) 714-76-70, (812) 495-17-71, opening hours - on weekdays from 9 to 18.
  5. in Khabarovsk. Address - Sovetskaya street, building 1, building 5, telephone - (4212) 30-61-63 and 30-25-90, working hours - weekdays from 9:30 to 18.

Work Permit

For employment, you must first obtain a work permit for a particular type of activity. You cannot use it to work in another specialty, but in practice there are exceptions. Permission is issued only by employers on the basis of the documents provided by the applicant.

The list of documents for a work permit in China includes:

  • Educational documents (diplomas and certificate) confirming qualifications;
  • Notarized translation into English or Chinese of educational documents;
  • Copy of the international passport;
  • Certificate of successful completion of the medical examination;
  • Confirmation of 3 years of work experience in the specialty in the form of a copy of the work book with translation (if available);
  • Written references from previous employers;
  • CV in English or Chinese;
  • One passport size photograph.

The above documents are sent to the personnel department of the Chinese company by e-mail. The permit is issued within 10 working days.

Work visa to China for Russians

Most residents of the CIS countries work in China on tourist or business visas. However, there is always the risk of being deported. To get a work visa, you need an invitation from the employer. It is better to take care of this in advance. The application process can take up to 3 months. It is necessary to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. International passport;
  2. Employment agreement (contract) from a Chinese employer;
  3. A written invitation from a Chinese company on official letterhead;
  4. Working permit;
  5. 3 photographs 35 by 45 mm;
  6. Certificates and diplomas of education;
  7. Certificates of knowledge of languages ​​(English, Chinese);
  8. V2011B and V2011A applications;
  9. Health certificate from a medical institution (you can use the one that was required for a work permit);
  10. Certificate of no criminal record.

The visa fee is 2-4 thousand rubles. Its size depends on the urgency of the document. Non-urgent consideration - 5 days, urgent - 1-2. With a set of documents, you should contact the Chinese Embassy or the Consulate General in the cities of the Russian Federation.

Upon arrival in China, you need to register with the police, re-pass the medical examination and apply to the Migration Bureau.

Chinese visa to Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China. This is one of the largest financial centers in the world, a busy transport hub. Tourists from Russia and other CIS countries need a visa to visit this city, it is issued upon arrival for a period of 2 weeks. You need a separate work visa to work in Hong Kong. It is requested from the diplomatic missions of the PRC. The period for consideration of documents is up to 6 weeks.

Working in China without knowing the language

Most Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs and other residents of the former USSR come to work in China without knowing Chinese. Sometimes they work for years in the tourism, entertainment, sports, restaurant business, using English and a limited set of Chinese phrases.

Learning Chinese and speaking it fluently is not an easy task. If the applicant does not know him at all, then it will be quite difficult to find a prestigious job in China. This is due to the fact that not all Chinese speak English. This task becomes even more difficult when the candidate knows neither Chinese nor English. Difficulties arise already at the stage of applying for a job. More than half of Chinese contracts are a simple verbal agreement. But even if there is a written contract, it will be difficult to study it, check its execution, and even more - it will be difficult to achieve justice without a language. In any case, we recommend that you insist on drawing up a contract in English.

In hopeless cases, it makes sense to look for a local employer from Russia. For example, a company that works with Russian tourists and for which the Russian language will be of value. If you speak only English, then vacancies can be found in the field of tourism, show business, computer programming. But teaching English to children without communicating with them in Chinese at all will be problematic.

The ideal option is to pre-register for Chinese language courses in your home country. They can be taken in person or online. Similar courses are easy to find on the Internet. The cost of a conversational intensive is 25-50 thousand rubles. for 3 months of training. This will help you make a career faster, you just need to overcome the prejudice against a phonetically distant language.

Consequences of illegal work

The Chinese authorities take illegal labor immigration seriously. For every working foreigner, a case is filed with the police immediately after he starts working. If the police have doubts, they begin surveillance. In cases where an immigrant is convicted of illegal work, an educational conversation is held with him. The first time he is fined $800, the second time he is fined 1600, and the third time he will be deported. Employers face fines of up to $12,000.

In recent years, checks have become more stringent. There are cases when illegally working on a tourist visa ended up in jail, followed by a ban on entering China. Therefore, it is better to immediately apply for a work visa and carefully approach the paperwork.

Often, our compatriots are faced with cases of fraud when applying for a job in China. Usually scammers present themselves as recruitment agencies extorting money for job searches. If the manner of communication with the applicant is questionable, and firm guarantees of employment or a refund are not provided, then this is most likely a fraud.

Video: how to go to work in China