Office decoration for the new year. How to decorate the office for the new year

“How to decorate an office for the New Year 2017?” Now is the time to ask this question. We spend most of our time at work. New Year's Eve is no exception. Therefore, it is so important in your office to properly tune in the right way. At the same time, the office decoration rule is somewhat different from. In this case, certain requirements apply. And if you receive clients or business partners in the office, and the rules provide for business style in everything, then in this case you should be extremely careful when decorating the office. Finally, we should not forget that those decorations that are appropriate at home are completely unacceptable in the office. In addition, if you share an office with colleagues, then their opinion should also be taken into account.

At the same time, the requirements for the office that are set at your workplace do not oblige you to completely abandon New Year's decorations!

Key rules for decorating an office

When decorating an office in the New Year's style, you should follow the basic rules so as not to turn the office into a farce. Among them, we note two main ones:

  • abandon the large-scale use of tinsel;
  • try to avoid snowflakes;
  • .

All this is yesterday.

In addition, it is imperative to coordinate your ideas with management. Otherwise, it may regard your actions as disrespectful. But such decorations will be welcomed even in the most strict office:

  • miniature table tree;
  • a laconic wreath of spruce branches on the door;
  • elegant accessories with gilding or copper.

Tip: for inspiration, we advise you to turn to the experience of Western companies in creating a New Year's atmosphere. This allowed them not only to cheer up and get in the mood for a festive mood, but also to increase sales and strengthen business retention.

With the help of jewelry, you can show loyalty to the company and increase your reputation in the eyes of partners and customers. Hang toys with your company logo on the Christmas tree. Put on the reception table with tangerines, which each guest can treat himself to. This will not require excessive capital investment and labor costs, but what an effect you will achieve!

Tip: perhaps the main rule of decorating office interior- Less is better. Therefore, the main style that should be followed is minimalism. After all, the main thing is that jewelry should not distract from work. They are obliged to tune in to a festive mood and help to relax during breaks.

How to decorate an office for the New Year 2017: decorating the entire office

The easiest and most effective way to decorate an office is to resort to professional services designer. In this case, you will get a beautiful, festive decor, and not separate, scattered and unsightly decorations. It makes sense to resort to this method if your office is focused on expanding your client base, raising your reputation and strengthening your market position. In this case, it makes sense to contact one of the many holiday agencies that will take care of decorating the office in their own hands.

Typical decor options offered by holiday agencies for office decoration:

  • variety of artificial Christmas trees;
  • spruce or pine branches, decorated with rowan branches, tangerines, cones or other decorative elements;

  • from needles (which will look great in doorways);
  • New Year's compositions from fir branches, bows, tangerines and flowers in baskets;
  • light garlands and figurines;
  • balloons inflated with helium;
  • elements of New Year's decor made of foam and felt;
  • fabric for drapery.

One of latest trends- creating a selfie zone. As a rule, this trend is more relevant for cafes and entertainment venues, but why not take advantage of their experience? This will create a positive environment in the workplace, and if you are busy with customer service, it will also captivate their number. In this case, the likelihood that they will take your advertising leaflets with them increases. They will definitely remember you for a long time and distinguish you from competitors.

At the same time, ordering holiday decor from professionals, whatever one may say, requires certain investments. This is perhaps the only disadvantage of this design option.

How to decorate your office

However, if your office is more focused on working with documents than with clients, then you can decorate your office for the New Year with your own hands. Besides the fact that it will cost you much less, it will also unite the team. Free team building, so to speak. If the whole team is involved in this pleasant activity, the effect will undoubtedly increase.

In addition, you can always order individual design services. For example, you can limit yourself to a designer garland and decorate it. For the rest, do it on your own. Or you can order arch from bright balls of New Year's colors.

If traditional New Year ideas seem too stereotyped to you, then you can show your imagination and create a truly unique festive interior. An option for the most daring is a comic figure of the boss, placed under the Christmas tree. However, this idea will work if your manager is endowed with a sense of humor. Such a figurine can be created using wire, cotton wool, New Year's accessories and other handy materials, or you can use any (for example, ready-made figures of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden). Add to the figure the features inherent in your boss - and you're done.

We decorate the office for the New Year, as in the photo, and enjoy the New Year's Eve!

Office decoration options

So that the decor does not seem like “the creation of the hands of young schoolchildren in preparation for the New Year tree”, it is worth considering the concept of decoration in advance. It is worth considering the choice of a unifying theme, etc. You can prepare for the Year of the Rooster by decorating the office with New Year's balls or adjacent shades - cranberry, fiery red, etc.

Tip: for decoration, it is better to choose one, maximum two colors, so that workplace didn't look chaotic.

An interesting option is to decorate the office with the help of balloons designed in a color palette that matches the company's symbols. At the same time, with the help of festive balls, you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the ceiling, hanging them on the New Year's rain. In this way, they can be combined into whole compositions.

If you want something more original than Christmas balls, then the ceiling and tree can be decorated with Christmas red and white candy sticks, or tangerines. Even sweets will do. Remember how the police officers decorated their office in the popular TV series Commissioner Rex. They decorated the office Christmas tree with sausage sandwiches. Of course, we do not offer you such an extreme option (sooner or later the sausage will go bad and will exude not the most festive aromas). We only advise you to think that you can make truly original jewelry on your own. How to decorate an office for the New Year 2017 - look at the photo.

office tree

What is the New Year without a Christmas tree? Perhaps even more stringent requirements are imposed on the decor of an office beauty than on Christmas tree decoration. Of course, it should be an artificial model that will serve your team for more than one year. Therefore, saving on it is not worth it.

Get creative with decorating your Christmas tree and decorate it with elements that refer to the specifics of your office. If you are associated with photo services, then voluminous paper toys with photographs imprinted on them will do. If the work of your office is related to real estate or tourism, then why not hang toys in the form of figurines of the most famous world attractions - Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, etc. on spruce branches? It's a good idea to hang your company's products on the Christmas tree in a smaller size. If you are a crystal manufacturer, then crystal toys will be a great decoration for an office beauty!

However, not every office can accommodate even a small Christmas tree. Alternatively, you can use miniature desktop options. To create a fragrant atmosphere, buy pine branches with cones in advance. They can simply be placed in elegant holiday vases and decorated with New Year's decorations. You can hang Christmas wreaths on the doors, which are easy to make yourself. The image of a Christmas tree can also be depicted on the wall - with the help of branches or tinsel.

Ideas for "wall trees"

Let's figure out how to decorate your office for the New Year with a wall-mounted Christmas tree. For the wall version of the Christmas tree, you can use the following ideas. A great option is to create a warm, cozy and fluffy Christmas tree from pompoms. They can be attached to a strong thread or fishing line and, giving it the shape of a Christmas tree, attach it to the wall. If your office keeps up with the times and respects the current fashion styles - Scandinavian and minimalist - then the idea of ​​​​a Christmas tree made of clothespins will be very appropriate. To do this, you will need ordinary clothespins and decorative elegant ribbons. Next is a matter of taste. Attach the clothespins to the tape and use it to create the shape of a Christmas tree, adapting it to the wall.

Tip: Deliberately rough wooden clothespins in combination with a satin ribbon will look unusual and bright.

Another option for a mini-Christmas tree in the absence of sufficient space in the office is to use it as one. houseplants. They can also be decorated with tinsel or light miniature toys: -it all depends on the size of the plant. The main rule is not to choose small indoor plants that may not withstand the entire load of decorative elements.

You can use a more practical option - a Christmas tree-shelf. If there are present in your office, then they themselves can become an interesting decoration. It is enough just to move the books in the form of spruce branches, and decorate the last shelf with a star. Put the books one on top of the other on the lowest shelf - and you get a trunk.

It is not necessary to decorate the ceiling itself if you do not want to suffer with its return to its original state. Enough to hang a few festive wreaths

An original idea for decorating not only the ceiling, but the entire office is helium balloons. It is preferable to use soft, noble tones so that the room does not look overly cluttered. The recommended color scheme is silver and blue shades. You can attach photos of employees or pictures from past cooperatives or events that took place in the office during the year to the ribbons. This will undoubtedly bring the team together even more.

Tip: balloons inflated with helium will last a maximum of one week. Therefore, do not inflate them in advance.

You can also attach a wreath to the ceiling, framing it, for example. However, here we must not forget about safety precautions. Some designers manage to hang a real Christmas tree from the ceiling, but you still shouldn’t build such a Christmas tree on your own.

The ceiling can also be decorated with twinkling stars that glow in the dark. You can buy them in almost any interior store.

Now you know how to beautifully decorate an office for the New Year. A little imagination and joint work - and you will definitely get a festive office decoration that is in no way inferior to the masterpieces of professional designers. In such a festive atmosphere, you can also celebrate the upcoming holidays together with a friendly team.

The direct animal will appreciate your desire to beautifully decorate the workspace for the New Year 2020 with your own hands . That's right: do not invite a fashion designer, do not hire specialists from a holiday agency. And as in childhood: with his own hand, albeit not very skillfully, but diligently.

Find out in advance which of your colleagues knows how to craft, draw, make all sorts of crafts. Firstly, it's great if the decoration becomes a common cause: it really unites the team. And secondly, your office will be visited by clients and partners on the eve of the holiday - therefore, it is necessary that at least part of the decor is done with high quality.

It is clear that there is no time to implement complex ideas. That's why…

Advice! Choose simple, proven options, but get creative with them. To decorate the office by 2020, you will definitely need:

  • indispensable tree;
  • Christmas wreaths;
  • Christmas balls;
  • "rain";
  • homemade tinsel;
  • beautiful candles;
  • bells;
  • images of cute pigs.

What to make a Christmas tree

The queen of the New Year 2020 is, of course, a Christmas tree. If your office is too small to install a tree, or it's just not accepted in the office, don't worry. We offer 3 alternatives. Small Christmas trees look charming, which can be placed on the table and shelves. It is not necessary to buy them. It is much more pleasant to build a Christmas tree to decorate the office with your own hands - and this is done easily. For example:

  • take a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • we turn a cone out of it;
  • fix with glue and cut evenly along the bottom edge;
  • wrapped in green fluffy tinsel.

Voila! - a tiny fluffy Christmas tree is ready. Decorate it with a Christmas star and small snowflakes, it will come out beautifully.

An ingenious solution is to build a kind of Christmas tree from objects that are “profile” for your organization. For example, librarians and publishers use books, doctors use inflatable rubber gloves. Turn on your imagination and act!

Are there plants in the office? Great, they are also waiting for the transformation. An official ficus or other flower for offices will become the bearer of the New Year's atmosphere if you decorate it with several balls and tinsel. It will turn out like a Christmas tree, for which you do not need a special place.

Decorate the office ceiling

Another ergonomic solution is to arrange a “New Year's” ceiling in the office. Garlands and balls on threads of different lengths, attached to this plane, look rather restrained, but very impressive. Again, the usable working area does not occupy at all.

By the way, about a special place. A creative approach will help you decorate even the smallest work area in your office. Just a few touches:

  • a table entwined with tinsel;
  • a wreath or spruce branch with a couple of balls on the wall;
  • funny mouse figurine on the table or on the shelf;
  • in a secluded place - an aroma lamp with pine or fir essential oil.

And you will feel like in a New Year's fairy tale!

So what else do we have? Window? Let them be decorated with snowflakes! Of course, cutting an intricate snowflake is a very painstaking work. But…

Advice! In the team there are employees who have children growing up. Believe me, they will be flattered if you invite them to participate in the festive preparations. And they will be proud that mom or dad has their crafts at work.

Are snowflakes too childish for you? Well, a win-win move in 2020 is to decorate the office windows with an electric garland. Let yourself quietly shimmer with multi-colored lights and please not only your employees, but also those who will pass by: let them smile, looking at your shining windows.

How to decorate an office in a formal style?

If a frivolous design is not in the style of your office, choose a discreetly elegant path: Christmas wreaths on doors and other vertical planes, graceful compositions (say, a spruce branch with two or three toys in a beautiful vase), small New Year's picture cards, figures of Santa Claus … You can create a holiday without violating strict corporate traditions.

Advice! Whatever style you prefer, remember: the decor of the office for the New Year 2020 should be to the taste of the White Rat. The following colors are relevant for decoration:

  • all shades of yellow - well, of course!;
  • brown;
  • mustard;
  • golden;
  • saffron;
  • Orange;
  • sand;

Therefore, ceramic vases and candlesticks, warm-colored candles, shining sun balls, and golden garlands will be very topical this year.

And finally: remember that the main thing is the state of the holiday in the soul. Joy, the expectation of a miracle returned from childhood, the desire to make funny and touching surprises, to give happy moments to those who are nearby ... Do not hesitate: you will be able to create the brightest and kindest New Year's atmosphere. And you will be happy in 2020, because how will you celebrate the New Year ...

An omnipotent and ubiquitous crisis looms over the business environment like a sword of Damocles, forcing many companies to slash holiday spending. But is this a reason to abandon the festive decor of the office altogether? Of course not!

Firstly, employees spend at least a third of their lives at work, and when everything around is shining and shimmering in anticipation of a holiday, something new and positive, one should not miss this opportunity to raise the spirit and mood in the team.

Secondly, if your office is focused on visiting its customers, decoration becomes completely mandatory - according to research, decor has a positive effect on sales, stimulating customers to spontaneous purchases.

Of course, the services of a professional decorator are not cheap, but if you have a large company and your products and services are oriented to the level of the upper middle class, this is indispensable. In other cases, it is quite possible to decorate the premises with the forces of your own employees.

Idea for the manager - announce a competition between departments for the best decoration of the room, or for the best snowflake or garland and assign a nice prize to the winner, but do not forget incentive awards for others. It's still a new year!

So, how can you decorate an office in an interesting, fast and inexpensive way?

Do not overdo it with the brightness of colors - it is best to focus on such color combinations as blue and silver, red and gold. Of course, you can also use the corporate colors of the company.

Remember school labor lessons and cut out snowflakes that you can use to decorate office windows and walls. And they can also be hung from the ceiling one by one or in whole strings! Paper can also be used to make garlands and small paper tabletop Christmas trees.

By the way, about Christmas trees - if you didn’t get a real or artificial forest beauty, use your imagination! For example, a Christmas tree can be made from a garland and hung on the wall. Removing it will be easy. Or here's another idea - purely office tree from stickers!

Aerobatics is a Christmas tree associated with the scope of your company. Fold a Christmas tree from books, collect from inflated medical gloves, wrap an unnecessary camera tripod or a wooden stepladder with a garland or tinsel, make a cone from bottles or put it together from the remnants of woodworking ...

A beautiful reception is glass bowls filled with colored Christmas balls. The same balls can be hung with paper clips and threads or ribbons from the ceiling.

Whatever you choose for yourself - remember that it is important to strike a balance between the working and festive atmosphere and maintain style. Good luck with that, and Happy New Year!

In December, despite the snow outside the window, for most of us, the busiest time at work comes: we finish the unfinished business, reduce debits with credits, and make plans for the next year. So you can completely spin and forget about the most anticipated - the New Year's holiday.

A festive mood at work will not hurt. We will try to help you with ideas from which your room will turn into a real festive hall 🙂

We decorate the office from improvised materials

How to let the holiday into your office? How to decorate your workplace creatively, quickly and inexpensively with your own hands? All you need is a little imagination and handy materials.

And depending on the activities of your campaign and improvised materials, the New Year's design may look like this:

And another option:

The simplest and most recognizable symbol new year holidays is a Christmas tree, and the simplest material at hand is paper. We will.

How to quickly make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands

You can make this beauty in just 10 minutes if you have paper (preferably green) and a pencil at hand. Watch and repeat according to our scheme:

You will also need a spool of thread for the base or a piece of plasticine.

This is a great office option to create a festive mood at your workplace!

A little creativity and from such a simple-looking Christmas tree you get such a completely worthy New Year's composition.

More options for simple Christmas trees made of paper to decorate the office.

By the way, such a wonderful New Year's wreath of clothespins will become a festive decor and at the same time a bulletin board.

And these simple decorations look stylish in an office interior.

10 office Christmas decoration ideas

We make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper with our own hands step by step

Your office is the face of the company! It is very wonderful when there is something unique in the interior. This can easily be done with corrugated paper and cardboard, and it still takes a little imagination.

Watch in this video a master class of 5 step-by-step options for making Christmas trees from corrugated paper for the New Year 2019:

Ideas for decorating windows in the workplace

Many office decorators are tempted to lavishly decorate their windows with snowflakes, garlands, stickers, designs, and stencils.

When decorating windows, it is important not to forget that this is a source of natural light.

A beautiful New Year's composition of fir branches and candles on the windowsill will create a festive mood.

So, how to decorate a window in an office with simple materials? You can glue stencils on glass, you can draw, you can decorate with garlands

Hang cones, spruce wreaths:

And you can place a New Year's composition on the windowsill:

How to decorate a window sill for the New Year - do-it-yourself decor options

Garlands for office decoration

The favorites of the New Year's decor are garlands. It is important that they are not too long and do not interfere with movement.

Since there is often no place in the office to install a Christmas tree, decorating the walls is a great solution. This type of outfit does not take up space and can look very stylish and festive. New Year's garlands from improvised materials look original and unusual.

Garlands of cones are always relevant. They can always be found in the forest or in the park. They need to be thoroughly dried and painted. Special loops are attached to them, which can be bought at a needlework store.

They paint the cones with acrylic, you can use an aerosol can, or just acrylic paint.

Garlands are very easy to make with a sewing machine. We cut the elements and put them on a thread, or it is better to sew them on a typewriter.

Here's what can happen, simple and beautiful!

Felt garlands look very cozy.

Or at least like this:

25 ideas for DIY Christmas garlands made from improvised materials

So, the festive mood in the office is guaranteed!

And for ideas on how to beautifully serve dishes for the New Year's table 2019, take them in my other articles, for example in this one:

Happy New Year 2019 to you!

Good afternoon friends!

Only a few weeks left before the main night of the year. New Year 2019 is rushing towards us at full speed! On the eve of the New Year holidays, it is customary to decorate houses and apartments.

What do you think, is it worth decorating the office? Of course. A joint New Year's decoration of the workspace will raise the pre-holiday mood and the efficiency of the team and save you from the routine.

The best option, how best to arrange it, and at the same time not spend a lot of time and not deplete the company's budget - office decoration and do-it-yourself design.

How to decorate the office in the New 2019 Year of the Pig with your own hands

Only three wishes that will help make the workplace festive and business-like:

  • decorate the office taking into account the interests of the entire team;
  • know the measure, do not need a lot of garlands and tinsel. And no more than 3-4 color shades, consonant with the theme of the Year of the Pig;
  • choose discreet decor options;

New Year's decorations from improvised materials

Let's start with the front door. A Christmas wreath will serve as a wonderful decoration for her.

To make such a wreath, you will need the simplest materials at hand: for the base - wire or cardboard, and then - satin ribbons, Christmas balls, fir paws, cones, sweets, voluminous paper crafts ... there are no strict restrictions and rules. Only your good mood and boundless imagination. Decorate in your own way, add your favorite elements.

To cajole the Mistress of the 2019 Yellow Earth Pig, we decorate the desktop with the symbols of the year.

We make a cute pig from improvised materials: paper and colored cardboard. We put gift boxes with small souvenirs on the table of each employee. Let these souvenirs with the image of a pig protect his workplace all year round.

It is not necessary to put a live New Year's beauty in the office or buy a large artificial one. There are many ways to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, from paper, beads, ribbon.

Use bright boxes or books wrapped in gift paper. Lay them in the form of a pyramid and you will have an impromptu Christmas tree. Decorate with a star, snowflakes, Christmas balls or a garland. And it will become a kind of symbol of anticipation of the coming New Year.

Paper decoration ideas

Decorating an office for the New Year is a fairly easy, but extremely exciting activity. Everyone does what he does best.

Openwork charming 3D Christmas trees made of thick colored paper. We cut them out with a sharp construction knife on thick cardboard.

We make a Christmas tree "Droplets"

  • First, we make the base of the Christmas tree - a cone. If the Christmas tree is planned to be large, we make a cone from a sheet of drawing paper.
  • In the center of the wide side, mark the center, draw lines from it to the two lower corners, cut it off (leave an allowance for gluing).
  • We cut off the semicircular base, glue it, check whether it stands exactly.
  • On this basis, you can make several options for Christmas trees. Both big and small.
  • Glue drop needles onto the prepared frame. We make needles from strips of green (or any other) paper, glue their ends and get a drop. Simple and beautiful!

Arrange such Christmas trees on all tables, turn the office into a small festive forest.

A good idea for decorating is a sweet Christmas tree. We are building a tree of sweets, which will be pleasant to eat during tea drinking, by the whole team after the holidays.

Snowflakes always cause delight and there is not a single person who has not cut out this Christmas decoration at least once.

According to the presented templates, each snowflake will turn out beautiful and unique.

Decoration with paper pom-poms. Original, effective and not expensive!

It is very easy to create various new Year decoration using a figured hole punch. We collect garlands from flowers, Christmas trees, snowflakes and other figures, cover them with sparkles. We decorate doors and windows, it is also appropriate to place such garlands along a wall or furniture. The more tender they are appearance, the more beautiful and airy the design will turn out.

Paper garlands. In modern interiors, they are increasingly rare. And in vain ...

It is very easy to make such a decor with your own hands. We take a braid or ribbon, a linen rope as a basis. We attach any elements: sweets, natural materials, snowflakes, etc. After finishing work, cover with sparkles and other decorative elements.

Volumetric decorations for the office for the New Year

Large volumetric balls of thread look amazing.

These balls of thread are very easy to make and very elegant.

To make balls of thread, we need:

  • balloons
  • threads
  • PVA glue

for decoration:

  • glitter spray
  • beads
  1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size. Using a brush, coat with glue and wind the threads on top.
  2. Let it dry completely, blow off the balloon and carefully remove it.
  3. Spray the finished thread craft with glitter spray. We decorate with beads.

In glass vases we lay out the filler from natural stones and beads, Christmas tree decorations and artificial snow. Inexpensive jewelry will add charm and sophistication. So, without resorting to the help of florists, we make elegant and festive New Year decorations for the office with our own hands.

Walls and windows also need decoration. We decorate them with delicate Christmas trees, light snowflakes, balls and garlands. Existing stencils will help fulfill all your original ideas, and make it easier to apply artificial snow on glass.

And under the ceiling we let inconspicuous garlands or hanging balls, stars and other holiday accessories.

In an office decorated by common efforts, it will always be cozy and comfortable, and the interior decorating everything around will emphasize the solemnity and approach of the holiday.

Happy 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig to everyone!