Russia after the crisis: in which sectors of the economy growth is possible. The most promising technology industries A promising field of activity

Experts predict that this year will be a real test for small and medium-sized businesses. But if you minimize all the risks, you can adequately survive these difficult times. The promising small business directions in 2019, which we will discuss in this article, will help you stay afloat and at the same time receive a stable income.


Promising areas of business development in Russia are ideas that are aimed at the region where they will be implemented. This is especially true for the manufacturing sector.

  • food products;
  • Essential goods;
  • medicines;
  • building materials.

These are the most promising areas of business in a crisis, for the development of which you can get a grant.

natural products

A healthy lifestyle is in trend, so the demand for natural food is growing every day. If you decide to open a family business and are looking for the most promising lines of business, grow organic vegetables and fruits, raise poultry or cattle, fish farming and more.

Natural products are goods with a short shelf life. They do not contain preservatives or any other chemical additives, so they spoil quickly. If you want to implement this, you need to take care of the markets. Organic vegetables should reach stores directly from the garden, and meat should be delivered to consumers 2-3 hours after slaughter. If you cannot find wholesale buyers, try to sell products online in a store with home delivery by pre-order.


In the lives of people who are engaged in sewing, knitting, pottery and other handmade, sooner or later there comes a moment when all family members are sheathed and tied, the house is filled with furniture, and the cabinets in the kitchen are crammed with original dishes. If the desire to create is not appeased, it means that the time has come to turn your hobby into a source of income.

Handmade is a fairly promising area for small business. People who decide to devote themselves to art can carry out private orders, create educational projects or produce a product and sell it in an online store.

Almost all masters strive to strengthen their own significance, including financially, so they pass on their experience to their students. One group master class for one participant costs several thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the most promising direction for small businesses is online master classes. To increase profitability, you can sell creative materials in parallel. By the way, at this stage of development, you can try to get help for small businesses from the state. If you manage to convince officials that the business is really worthwhile, they can allocate you a certain amount for the development of the enterprise.


Speaking specifically about the most promising business areas of 2019, the catering industry, the intermediary sector, tourism services, as well as everything related to housing and communal services, can become a good investment.


Some believe that Russia is a country of endangered villages. Indeed, in the countryside it is difficult to find Good work or start your own business. But if you find a promising direction for business development, you can earn a decent income. For example, you can do rural tourism.

Many city dwellers prefer to spend their holidays in nature. People who do not have a dacha rent houses in the countryside for the summer season and try on the role of a peasant. Agrotourism is a great idea. Entrepreneurs who are engaged in such a business find houses for rent, help the owners to make repairs and carry out advertising campaign. This promising area of ​​small business in 2019 will begin to gain momentum, so it needs sociable businessmen who are interested in making money.


This new promising line of business has many advantages. According to experts, a recruitment agency is one of the most accessible activities. Most often, such a business is opened by beginners who do not have entrepreneurial experience. In order to organize a recruitment agency, you will need a small start-up capital and a few assistants.

Nowadays, many companies are faced with the problem of finding qualified personnel, so this service is in great demand. The profitability of the business is 15-25%. Full payback occurs in 1–1.5 years.


Thinking about what direction of business is promising in our country, one cannot help but recall mediation. Such activities are characterized by high profitability with minimal financial investment.

The intermediary has information that the customer or contractor does not have. Thanks to this, he manipulates pricing and makes a profit. This simple work allows you to earn good income.

The most common ideas in mediation are:

  • Rental and sale of real estate;
  • Renovation of apartments;
  • Advertising;
  • Car sales and more.

Many people earn money by hard work, not even suspecting that they can be "made out of thin air." Start with essential goods and gradually build a system that will provide you with a stable income.

Private utility service

Such a promising direction of medium business allows entrepreneurs to earn good money on housing and communal services. According to statistics, out of 6,000 housing maintenance offices operating in our country, only 6% are private enterprises. This market segment is practically free, so any newcomer can achieve great success in this area.

You can provide the following services:

  1. Household cleaning;
  2. Cleaning of entrances;
  3. Lawn mowing;
  4. Repair of sports and playgrounds;
  5. Plumbing and electrical services.

The only drawback of this business is late payment for services. outstanding payments for utilities sometimes reaches 25-35%. In case of non-payment, you can rent basements and compensate for this expense.


If you think about it, pay attention to the sales area. Small costs at the start, quick payback and ease of organizing business processes attract many novice businessmen.

The most promising ideas in the field of trade:

  • Food;
  • Shoes and clothes;
  • Medicines;
  • Essential goods;
  • building materials;
  • Present;
  • Eco products.

If you choose the right niche, the business will thrive and bring in a good income.


Vending business is the sale of goods through self-service machines. Vending is one of the most accessible and promising types of business. To make it profitable, you need to purchase several vending machines. The next stage is the choice of the direction of activity. This could be a sale.

  • Coffee and tea;
  • chewing gum;
  • Chips;
  • chilled drinks;
  • Children's toys and more.

The payback period for one machine is 1–1.5 years. The highest profitability is distinguished by devices with which you can sell goods with a large margin. For example, a 300–500% markup can be placed on brewed coffee. But chips or children's toys charge no more than 20-30%.

For this business to become successful, it is necessary to organize a network of vending machines around the city. Choose the most passable places in your locality, determine which product is in demand among the population and get down to business. For example, in a university or hostel, a vending machine for coffee and tea will be very popular. With the same success, you can place several payment terminals and an ATM in shopping centers. In a couple of years, with success and a competent approach, you will become a wealthy person.

Fitness clothing store

Many modern women are willing to pay more for fitness clothing than for an exclusive evening dress. Companies that produce sportswear are trying to make their customers as comfortable as possible, so they are constantly developing new models. If you're interested, open a small fitness clothing store.

Such a product is in demand in almost all cities of Russia. In every locality there are people who go in for sports and lead an active lifestyle. If you want your business to grow and bring in a good income, you need to be well versed in the specifics of sportswear. Constantly replenish the assortment with new products, and you will not lack customers.

In addition to clothing, you can additionally allocate a separate area for the sale of sports goods: dumbbells, hula hoops, yoga mats, jump ropes, balls, etc. All this inventory will certainly be in demand and bring you additional income.

Social projects

Of course, any social project does not bring profit as quickly as various high-tech startups. But its implementation does not require specialized knowledge. In addition, such projects can safely count on. In addition, they are supported by various foundations. For example, the Internet Initiatives Development Fund offers 800,000 rubles to any team that can come up with an interesting Internet idea containing social aspect. For this, he takes only 7% of the shares. If you are thinking about it, pay attention to such interesting offers.

The most promising line of business in 2019 in this area is projects aimed at helping the elderly. In our country, the number of pensioners will soon exceed 40 million people, so any developments that relate to medical care or entertainment for the elderly will be popular in the future. All kinds of developing centers for children are also in demand, where kids can play, communicate and play sports. Another promising area of ​​business in 2019 in the social sector is the processing of garbage and waste. This niche is almost free, so you can achieve great success in this segment.


Unfortunately, many aspiring entrepreneurs do not have large start-up capital, so they are looking for. It can be healthy fast food, various flexible media projects, or the use of franchises. Such promising areas of small business in Russia are available to many beginners, both in terms of knowledge and financial investments.

Franchises attract many segments of the population. This is a ready-made business product that makes a profit from the first day of work. You don't have to create and market it. Franchise networks have their own customer base. This promising direction of small and medium-sized businesses is perfect for start-up entrepreneurs, since franchise owners independently find a place for the future enterprise, develop the design of the premises and form an assortment.

Franchising is the most promising line of business in a crisis. You don't have to test the idea because it's proven in practice. Franchise can be purchased in various fields of activity. There are more than 1.5 thousand of them in our country. Experts recommend that novice franchisees focus on well-known projects that are easier to attract customers to. The cost of franchises ranges from 150,000–15,000,000 rubles.

Educational projects

This promising line of business in Russia is suitable for people who are not strong in creativity, but at the same time have good pedagogical abilities. We are talking about mass education - courses, circles or studios. The subject of study can be any:

  • Cooking;
  • Internet technologies;
  • Psychology of communication;
  • Foreign languages ​​and more.

If an entrepreneur hires teachers, he needs to obtain a license for educational activities. To spend money on obtaining permits, hire teachers registered as individual entrepreneurs.

Managers are traditionally considered leaders in terms of salaries in Russia. According to the recruiting portal Superjob, offers for top managers - directors of organizations and heads of major business areas - start from 220-250 thousand rubles.

The upper bar is usually hidden behind the wording "by agreement". This means that the salary depends on the qualifications of the applicant and will be supplemented by a bonus system for achieving certain results.

In some positions, the earnings of managers are close to a million rubles.

In second place are highly qualified specialists in the field of IT. Recruiters assure that this direction is more promising. A specialist in the development of mobile applications, who has proven experience, can, after 3–4 years of work in the industry, claim a salary that a manager grows up to in 10–12 years.

Also among the highest paid professionals are airline employees. Managers (for example, the technical director) are offered from 300 thousand rubles, the commander of the aircraft - from 350 to 470 thousand rubles or more, the head of the flight attendant service - from 150 thousand rubles. In addition, airlines usually pay employees annual performance-based bonuses.

Recently, Aeroflot introduced lump-sum payments for the employment of flight personnel: the aircraft commander receives 650 thousand rubles, the co-pilot - 350 thousand rubles.

The highest paid vacancies in July in Moscow

  1. Marketing director / head of marketing department in a pharmaceutical company - up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. Financial director of a group of companies - from 260,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Director of accounting, reporting and tax planning - up to 230,000 rubles.
  4. Head of the Procurement Department - from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.
  5. Director of external logistics - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  6. Lead Python / TeamLead developer - from 140,000 rubles.

Top 10 industries with the highest average earnings according to Rosstat

  1. Financial and insurance - 68,593 rubles (the average salary of the highest paid workers in the industry is 253,668 rubles).
  2. Mining - 66,973 rubles (197,326 rubles).
  3. Fishing and fish farming - 64,425 rubles (266,058 rubles).
  4. Activities in the field of information and communication - 57,601 rubles (207,307 rubles).
  5. Scientific research and development - 57,516 rubles (176,438 rubles).
  6. Professional scientific and technical activities - 56,250 rubles (199,302 rubles).
  7. Production of coke and oil products; chemicals and chemical products; medicines and materials used for medical purposes - 53,341 rubles (183,803 rubles).
  8. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 47,354 rubles (132,395 rubles).
  9. Construction - 45,941 rubles (139,270 rubles).
  10. Metallurgical production, finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment - 44,162 rubles (116,307 rubles).

Who has the best prospects

Good salaries can be received by both non-narrow (as, for example, pilots) and not the most experienced (as managers with long experience) specialists.

Superjob analyzed the offers of employers for employees with qualifications of at least an average level and work experience from one to three years.

Here is what the top 10 professions with the fastest growing salaries look like.

  1. Oracle Developer.
    Annual salary increase: 21%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–120,000 rubles.
  2. Foreign exchange specialist.
    Annual salary increase: 20%.
    Average earnings: 55,000–70,000 rubles.
  3. Chief designer.
    Annual salary increase: 19%.
  4. Head of software testing department.

    Average earnings: 120,000–165,000 rubles.
  5. Lawyer in international law.
    Annual salary increase: 18%.
    Average earnings: 80,000–120,000 rubles.
  6. Head of Internet projects.
    Annual salary increase: 17%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  7. Java programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 14%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–130,000 rubles.
  8. Tax Lawyer.
    Annual salary increase: 13%.
    Average earnings: 70,000–110,000 rubles.
  9. PHP programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 12%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–120,000 rubles.
  10. Systems Analyst.
    Annual salary increase: 11%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–140,000 rubles.

As for the prospects, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation found out that the most demanded employees today are skilled workers in the metalworking and machine-building industries, high-level specialists from the fields of science, culture, construction, transport (in particular, pilots) and lawyers.

The most profitable companies do not always pay the most in taxes. In Russia, however, this unspoken principle is respected. But in less profitable industries, the level of the tax burden is sometimes even higher than the amount of money that the company can afford to distribute among the owners or keep in the form of retained earnings. Therefore, before starting a business in a particular area, it is useful to find out what part of the earnings will inevitably have to be given to the fiscal authorities. The data collected by the Expert magazine will help clarify the situation.

Oil refining and banks

First of all, the prevailing role in the Russian economy of oil and gas companies is obvious. The total annual profit is over 2.5 trillion. rubles, taxes - more than 600 billion rubles. Against this background, the performance of firms engaged in other activities look barely noticeable. And if, looking at the overall graph, it is still possible to understand which industries, except for the oil industry, are in the top 5, then it is no longer possible to draw more detailed conclusions - the shares of industries turn out to be too microscopic both in income received and in taxes transferred. .

The second place - both in terms of earnings and in terms of deductions to the budget - is firmly occupied by banks. Their combined annual earnings in Russia are comparable to the tax deductions of the oil and gas industry. As for fees from credit institutions, the Russian treasury is replenished annually by about 200 billion rubles. Despite the fact that in the near future the country will continue the policy of consolidating the industry and cleaning it from weak players, it cannot be unequivocally concluded that in past years banks suffered from excess competition. High incomes are another proof of this.

Transport, chemistry, metals

In addition to the oil industry and banks, the top 5 profitable industries also include: transport, chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as mechanical engineering. For three, they bring about 800 billion rubles to business owners, and tax payments for the same period amount to approximately 250 billion rubles.

If we exclude the oil and gas industry from the illustration, it becomes possible to consider several other industries that are outside the first five lines. So, the sixth, seventh and eighth places are taken respectively by telecommunications, retail trade and non-ferrous metallurgy. The profits of telecom operators and Internet providers exceed 160 billion rubles, retailers and non-ferrous metal businessmen - 100 billion rubles a year.

Diversified holdings

True, ranking by the amount of fees paid discards non-ferrous metallurgy a few lines down - as it turns out, companies in several industries bear a greater tax burden. For example, ferrous metallurgy, the profit of which is approximately equal to the taxes paid. And diversified holdings and the electric power industry are completely forced to pay significantly more money to the treasury than they keep for themselves in the form of dividends and retained earnings.

Promising business: 3 defining factors + 4 main directions of promising business in Russia with specific examples.

The vast majority of people who think about the "career" of a businessman cannot decide on the field of activity.

In search of fresh ideas and current trends, they turn to the Internet for help.

Those who do not have a favorite business that they want to turn into a source of income, try to determine promising business areas in Russia and the world.

This is quite justified, because if there is no demand, there will be no profit.

To find promising ideas, no need to turn to fortune tellers.

It is enough to conduct a competent analysis of existing trends and get acquainted with the forecasts made by both various government services and experienced businessmen.

Before moving on to specific ideas, it is worth clarifying what exactly is meant by promising areas.

Understanding this point is important so that in the future you yourself can calculate a diamond among a pile of coal ...

Promising areas of small business - how developed are they?

In the US and European countries, the contribution from small and medium-sized businesses to the country's GDP is 50%. Unfortunately, in Russia this figure is much lower and amounts to only 20%.

Purpose of small business in Russia:

  • eliminates unemployment;
  • diversifies the market with a wide range of products;
  • increases the capital of the country;
  • develops scientific and technological progress.

In countries where promising areas make such a significant contribution to the GDP of the state, they do their best to support the entrepreneur, offer them preferential terms and special programs for development.

In Russia, state support is currently implemented poorly.

However, some areas are developing especially actively. High demand from entrepreneurs creates high competition, which is sometimes very difficult for a newcomer to break through.

Based on this, we can conclude that novice “businessmen” should look for promising directions in new niches.

Promising business: 3 determining factors

It’s not often that an entrepreneur starts looking for a business idea from scratch. More often there is some specific occupation that a person wants to make a source of income.

How to determine if it is promising?

1. Will it be profitable to sell the goods?

The main factor that determines whether a business is promising or not is consumer demand.

The entrepreneur must analyze the market to answer three questions:

    Is there a demand for this product at the moment?

    Has the entrepreneur chosen a “fashionable” direction?

    According to preliminary forecasts in Russia in 2017, sports, the purchase of trendy clothes and travel will be in fashion.

    What is the ability to acquire products from a potential audience.

    If the average income of a family of three in the region of business creation is 60,000 rubles. then buy outerwear for 30,000 rubles. for each member of the family will be simply impossible.

    To determine whether you have chosen a promising direction, you need to start from the specific location of the case.

After all, if in large cities of Russia it is now a trend to walk in the park with a cup of coffee or ride a Segway, then in the outback no one will support such a trend.

And a promising idea in all respects for Moscow in Chelyabinsk will turn out to be unprofitable ...

2. Do you like the chosen direction?

A promising business can only be if the entrepreneur has chosen a direction that he knows, and the field of activity is to his liking. Without sincere interest, the case will become hard labor for you.

It's no secret that entrepreneurial activity takes a significant part of time and effort. Imagine if at the same time you will be engaged in an unloved occupation!

If your only goal is to make money, the chosen idea a priori cannot be promising.

3. How long will it take to receive the first money?

Business is not an area where you can think far ahead with 100% certainty. Therefore, when a business idea does not imply a quick first income, its prospects are called into question.

It is worth clarifying that we are talking not just about time periods, but about the stages that an entrepreneur goes through before receiving income.

The more effort you need to invest in the implementation, the more time and money you will spend. Ultimately, most business options with a complex “design” turn out to be unprofitable.

Remember the age-old principle: the simpler, the better.

Well, now let's go directly to the main topic and determine the promising areas of business in Russia for 2017.

Promising business areas

Promising business in Russia is primarily based on meeting basic human needs.

Here it is enough to recall the well-known "Maslow's pyramid". Its foundation is what the most promising business lines are based on.

Let's analyze some niches in detail.

1. Promising business in Russia: food

Regardless of whether there is a crisis in Russia or not, the basic human need is the need to eat normally.

Bread, milk, eggs will always be in demand, regardless of people's income.

Promising areas of small business in the field of food:

  • sale of natural dairy products;
  • sale of meat of various animals;
  • egg trade;
  • mini-bakeries that bake products (including gluten-free ones);
  • breeding animals for sale.

It is not necessary to develop a huge enterprise for the sale of goods.

It is worth starting to sell products through a small one, and then, if the chosen direction justifies itself, move on to the next stage of development.

As for the trends in the chosen direction of business, the topic of eco-life has been “on horseback” for several years now.

People tend to buy natural products, they began to carefully monitor the composition of goods, many refuse from certain “harmful” products.

2. Repair or construction

Despite the difficult financial situation in the country, the construction business is developing. The population, despite the crisis, seeks to improve their housing by making expensive repairs.

Many people invest in buying real estate, as the process of inflation makes such investments the most stable and promising. Those who cannot afford such deposits take out a mortgage.

Pay attention to the statistics:

Some promising areas of small business in the field of construction and repair:

  • production of cabinet furniture;
  • renovations;
  • production of paving slabs;
  • production of foam blocks.

But before taking these examples as an axiom, a novice entrepreneur needs to analyze the market in his own city and determine the demand for these areas of small business for the selected area.

And, of course, developers who are building new housing remain “on horseback”. We will not take a closer look at this niche, because. this direction goes beyond small business.

3. Provision of services to the population

A whole storehouse of promising areas for business.

Let's analyze the main ones.

a) Cosmetology.

The desire to look beautiful will always be present in people, regardless of the financial situation in the country.

According to experts, the profitability of this area of ​​small business, on average, is more than 30%.

P.S. Economy-class services, such as express hairdressing salons, remain very popular.

b) Computer maintenance.

Thanks to the development modern technologies Almost every family has a computer, and some even have two. Therefore, the demand for their services is only growing every day.

But in order to build a business in this area, you need to have knowledge and experience (even if you yourself do not plan to fulfill orders, but only manage the process).

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the organization of labor and the recruitment of employees of the company.

Three criteria that make a computer business profitable:

    With high-quality repair of equipment and a high level of service, the “word of mouth” effect is launched, which attracts customers and, accordingly, increases profits.

    Monitor how your employees are doing their jobs.

  1. Establish the ability to deliver some failed computer parts on order to customers.
  2. Try to conclude contracts with large companies for the maintenance of office equipment - this will create a stable source of profit.

c) Interior design.

This is another promising line of business.

A big plus for start-up entrepreneurs is that this field of activity at the initial stage does not require huge financial investments, but only knowledge and skills.

You can start by creating a website on the Internet, and develop your business to a large-scale design services firm.

d) Blacksmith shop.

Surprised? But in vain!

Forging, made in an artistic style, has recently become quite in demand.

The original forged product will be a highlight of any interior or even an original gift.

This direction can be chosen as a small family business.

The father and sons work in the workshop and create forged masterpieces, and the mother is engaged in the sale of goods and the search for new customers.

We bring to your attention a video that describes 7 cool, and most importantly cost-effective, business ideas for 2017:

4. Promising areas of business on the Internet

It's no secret to anyone that with the help of the global network you can earn good money.

Shopping on the Internet has ceased to be a curiosity for people, as it was 10 years ago. Now this direction is considered one of the most promising.

Benefits of doing business online:

  • greater coverage of the target audience;
  • the speed of the process;
  • work non-stop.

Business on the Internet can be both an independent project and a “reflection” of an offline business.

The most promising type of employment is still online shopping.

Pay attention to statistics recent years:

Inspiring, isn't it?

The article introduced you to a number of promising areas for business, which are now not only in demand among the population, but also have every reason for further development.

But it is worth understanding that promising business is not a panacea. Even the most popular idea may not “enter” in your particular region. Besides, the idea is 1/10 of the work.

Everything else is a detailed business plan, your personal desire for success and hard work.

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Once upon a time, the younger generation was taught: "All works are good - choose according to your taste." Many people have not got rid of the idea of ​​equality of employment until now. Often the best professions are determined on the basis of a direct survey of the population, although the labor market has long been the subject of special studies. For example, the American magazine U.S. News & World Report's regularly lists best professions, focusing on an integral indicator that includes the prospects of the profession (projected demand for it), the feeling of satisfaction that it brings, the ease/difficulty of mastering, prestige and, of course, the income received. Many would like to become a movie star or an astronaut, but these are hardly professions that the average person can realistically master. The choice comes from mass, public occupations, the owners of which have reason to be satisfied with the chosen career.

Let's start with the 2009 U.S. News & World Report's list of jobs in the near future. Of course, it differs from the one that can be compiled for Russia. But most of the positions no longer look exotic; economically, the world is becoming more and more united. We think that the prospects of this labor market will be of interest to our readers.


In a high-tech society, engineers are increasingly in demand. With an average income of an American engineer of $80,300 a year, the prospects for the profession look good. Only India and China need to be feared, where thousands of qualified engineers are willing to work for a fraction of what their counterparts in developed countries receive. But if Asian talent intensifies competition in the private sector, the public sector remains stable. (But in Russia, as a result of the collapse of the system of special and higher technical education, the shortage of engineers has to be replenished by inviting specialists from other countries).

A promising direction is energy efficiency. The main areas are building materials, heating systems, transport. In the US, the transition from gasoline to hydrogen is expected to create 675,000 jobs over the next 25 years. Hyundai has already announced the launch of a hydrogen-powered vehicle in 2012.


Usually, future parents book a genetic consultation to make sure that the birth of a child is not associated with unforeseen risks. However, genetics consultants deal with the full range of problems associated with the likelihood of developing a hereditary disease. Both doctors and holders of biology faculty diplomas come to this profession. Their work is free from the responsibility that the attending physician has to take on. The final decision on family planning is made by future parents, the consultant's task is to convey to clients medical information that is not always clear to them and help them choose the right strategy. 90 percent of genetic consultants in the US are satisfied with their work. In America, a master's degree in one of the accredited programs and an exam in the American Society for Genetic Counseling (American Board of Genetic Counseling) gives the right to it. The average salary is $67,000 per year.


In the US, members of this profession always find work and do not complain about the lack of respect for their work. In Russia, the path of a priest seems even more promising, because the state supports the course towards the revival of spirituality.

There will always be critical moments in our lives - the birth of a child, marriage, personal crises, and finally death ... Millions of people in such situations need the support of a priest. Strictly speaking, this is not a job - this is life. The help of a clergyman may be needed by people at any time of the day or night, and his duty is to give them this time without a trace. It is believed that a successful priest is an inspired speaker, but in fact it is much more important to be an inspired person, encouraging people to discover the best sides of their nature. The “earthly” side of the church ministry, living conditions differ depending on the confession, place of service, etc. If you are seriously thinking about such a vocation, it is better to ask the advice of a priest who inspires confidence in you. It seems that the priests are the least likely to change the once chosen path.


Demand for US hospital electronics technicians will not be satisfied soon. The technician not only repairs these devices: he installs them, adjusts them, and teaches them how to use the new medical equipment. He is in charge of various equipment: from defibrillators and laser scalpels to tomographs. You need to understand both the hardware and the software product.

The advantages of the profession are rapid development (training usually takes two years) and a labor market that does not know recessions. People will always be treated, and it is unlikely that such a specialist will ever hear the word “reduction”. The downside is that it's a stressful job. You can be called to the hospital at any time. And you can leave only when the threat to the patient's life has passed. And if the “artificial lungs” fail during the operation, you will have to fix the problem. And fast. Average Technical Specialist with 8 years of experience in an American hospital receives $ 49,000 a year. Specialists hired by the equipment manufacturer earn noticeably more - up to $90,000. If you transfer this work to Russian realities, the difference can be significant - something like between a district hospital and the interiors in which Dr. House and his retinue make their diagnoses. And yet nothing will stop progress, the need for such specialists will be more and more acutely felt in our country.


This specialty will always be in demand in America. No politician running for elected office would dare demand cuts in school spending. In absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, the United States now spends more on the school system than any other G8 country. And yet, American students show very average results compared to their peers from other countries, so the question of the effectiveness of school education is acute.

The duties of the methodologist include reviewing textbooks, developing programs, conducting classes with teachers. He does not experience stress and pressure, familiar to school teachers. The annual income is not so great (on average $55,000), but it is considered very stable. In Russia, methodologists-instructors in information technology.


One of the professions far from Russian realities is a fundraising specialist, raising money for charitable purposes. In our country, activities of this kind are still very limited by a wary attitude towards any "reception of money from the population." But the situation is changing rapidly, quite a lot of fundraisers are already successfully operating through the Internet. Even with a weak economy (or because of it?), employment experts in the US agree that fundraisers will be hired more and more.


The demand for people who can competently, beautifully and logically formulate other people's thoughts - in the range from a speech at a birthday party to a book - is growing. Of course, this activity does not bring moral satisfaction, especially to people with talent and ambitions. But it gives a rich experience based on meetings with a variety of people. It also brings in money. In the USA, an experienced “invisible author” (ghostwriter) earns $55,000 a year.


Deals with hearing disorders - diagnosis, treatment and correction (selection of hearing aids and their adjustment). One of the medical specialties caused by the increase in life expectancy. In the US, growing demand for it is being driven by the aging baby boomer generation. By the way, the most famous American with a hearing aid is Bill Clinton.

Russian companies are looking for people with higher education (“preferably medical, psychological or pedagogical”) for the position of audiologists. At the same time, part of the salary is a percentage of sales of hearing aids. In the USA, they emphasize that the best prospects open up for holders of the Au.D degree. (Doctor of Audiology), the path to which takes a long 8 years. It seems that in our country this is a profession at the intersection of medicine and sales, while for Americans an audiologist is a real doctor. And if the average American audiologist earns $62,000 a year, then the holder of a doctoral degree can count on an income of $85,000 and more.


In the United States, the popularity of firefighters rose after September 11, 2001. In terms of prestige, their work is now inferior only to the work of a scientist and a doctor, but does not require higher education: firefighters are trained in just two years. And in Russia, this profession is of some interest - firefighters have high salaries by Russian standards, plus benefits. However, working conditions cannot be called easy and safe. No wonder doctors point out that the percentage of cardiovascular diseases among representatives of this profession is above average. However, the degree of satisfaction with their work among firefighters is very high - only priests are higher (data from surveys by the National Opinion Research Center).


A private company can go bankrupt and go out of business, the state - never. As a last resort, it will raise taxes or print more money. A path for those who appreciate reliability, constancy and bonuses like paid ballots, vacations "under the Labor Code", etc. And although there are fewer and fewer people who want to devote their whole lives to a public career, this work is a good school and a launching pad for a career in business. A typical American official (career experience of 8 years) earns $58,000 a year. How much does ours have? Any figure will cause controversy, so let's not even try to calculate.


Studies have repeatedly brought the profession of stylist / beautician to the first place in terms of the sense of satisfaction that work brings. A stylist/beautician feels like a creator several times a day. And he constantly feels his “advancement” in fashion matters. The advantages also include the widest circle of acquaintances. Alas, the stylist spends almost all day on his feet (an occupational disease is varicose veins), and you can count on a decent income only after a circle of regular customers has formed. According to official figures, the annual salary of a stylist in the United States is less than the national average - $ 33,000 (excluding tips and the fact that, having gained experience and acquired a clientele, a stylist often begins to work for himself). For this reason, it is difficult to estimate the income of many homeworkers in Russia. Only one thing is known for sure: a doctor, an undertaker and a hairdresser will never be left without work.


The high demand for this profession is associated with health care reform in the United States. So far, society and the government have more questions than answers. Should all insured people get the same coverage, or can those who pay more opt for more expensive treatments? If 47 million Americans get health insurance for the first time in their lives, won't that create months-long waiting lists for doctors' surgeries? Health experts are looking for answers to such questions. Their services are needed by the state, non-profit organizations, the medical industry, insurance companies. The work of experts is paid very highly: from $59,000 to $125,000. In Russia, labor protection and protection of the reproductive health of citizens are considered promising areas. The demand for child health professionals will grow.


All over the world, university teaching rates are being cut, made part-time or temporary, and "teachers" are being stripped of their former benefits. But administrative positions in universities remain inviolable, and the average salary of an administrator in an American college is confidently kept at around $61,000 per year.

It is believed that competition in this area is less fierce than in the academic environment. There are high hopes for administrators. The need to survive makes educational institutions look for more effective management schemes. Russia has yet to build a new system of university management. And it is not always possible to predict what challenges you will face. In particular, in Russia they began to open programs for teachers and administrators of higher education on conflict management in a multi-ethnic student environment.


He not only breaks flower beds and designs alpine slides on the estates of the rich, as is commonly believed. In fact, a landscape architect can participate in the transformation of a former industrial zone into a harmonious urban environment. It is indispensable for the improvement of streets and roads, the restoration of historical landscapes and protected areas. It is also in demand in ecological construction, for example, in the creation of now fashionable "green roofs", which are planted with plants.

As we wrote quite recently (see "LB", September 2009, "Key to start"), no economic crisis unable to change the deep settings of modern consciousness. One of the basic values ​​of our civilization is ecology, so landscape architecture will be in demand. In the US, an experienced specialist earns an average of $62,000 per year. In Russia, the demand for ordinary landscape design.


Modern librarian is a specialist in the “query language”, armed with computer knowledge, a navigator in the ocean of information and a skilled cataloguer. Moreover, in the United States, a wide variety of organizations are now acquiring their own libraries (often special ones) and needing librarians (no less special ones): colleges, law firms, hospitals, legislatures, large companies, non-profit organizations, etc. This is where new jobs, while in the usual public and school libraries, new vacancies rarely open. The average annual salary of a librarian in the US reaches $47,000. In Russia, work with catalogs and databases has not yet developed into a separate service.


This is not to say that our ideas about good work are rapidly changing. Nevertheless, in 2009, four specialties fell out of the list of 30 best jobs in America at once.

Until recently, this career was the ultimate dream for many. Perhaps it remains. But the economic crisis has practically destroyed the possibility of such a career.

A person who "makes Hollywood smiles" is no longer a symbol of prosperity and stability in the eyes of Americans. It became known that representatives of this profession often have a syndrome of emotional burnout. In addition, the dentist almost inevitably earns problems with the spine: he is on his feet all day and has to work in uncomfortable positions.

In the publishing business going through difficult times - a course on reduction, attraction of work of volunteers and low-paid freelancers. Sometimes editing is even outsourced to a "cheaper" country.

The system of higher education in the United States is designed in such a way that the long-term path to a permanent professorial position (tenure) is difficult and not all university teachers go through it. Funding for many research projects is being cut, demands for results of applied significance are increasingly being voiced, and the feeling of job satisfaction is declining.

Professions that made the list of the best in America for the first time in 2009: health expert, physical therapist, veterinarian.


Alas, the demand for this profession suggests that the world is not becoming calmer. Installation and maintenance of security systems are becoming more complicated. A professional should understand video surveillance and access control systems, alarm systems, modern locks and communication devices. There are no educational institutions in this area, specialists are trained in the course of work in a few months. It is clear that success awaits a person with "smart hands". In the US, the average salary of specialists in this field is $43,600.


He appears when no one is looking for him, begins to answer a question that he was not asked, and waits for a payment for an answer that is already known without him. There is some truth in this joke: like it or not, business consulting is in demand. And it depends on the professionalism of the consultant whether they will tell jokes about him or, on the contrary, will remember him with gratitude. One of the features of a career is a rapid rise. A recent university graduate advises corporate bosses, who listen to him. It seems almost miraculous, if you don't know that consulting companies select employees according to almost the only criterion - the gift to be persuasive. And the young talent will be provided with all the necessary information by well-informed workers whom the customers do not see. Salaries in business consulting are very high: they start with six figures, and by the age of 40 they reach their maximum values ​​... To be more precise, the average salary of a specialist with 8 years of work experience is $138,000.


This is a mediator, a dispute resolution specialist who knows how to manage the conflict and at the same time respect the interests of both parties. Mediation is an interdisciplinary business science that requires knowledge of economics, law, psychology and information theory. The mediator does not decide who is right and who is wrong - he negotiates, stops the aggression of the participants, identifies on the basis of what a compromise can be formed, and upon reaching an agreement controls the acceptance of obligations by the parties. In an economic downturn, a mediator is hired as a cheap alternative to lawyers. In the United States, he is often invited by couples starting divorce proceedings. The average annual income is $59,700.


Their demand is growing due to the aging of society against the backdrop of increased living standards. Of course, there will always be a doctor at the center of the health industry, but in the US, getting an M.D. is very difficult and very expensive. There are diplomas that are obtained at a lower cost. Steady demand is predicted for highly qualified nurses (average annual salary - $60,200), occupational therapists ($63,800), physiotherapists ($70,200), paramedics ($86,200).

Let's also mention optometrists (diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, selection of glasses and contact lenses) and pharmacists. The average annual income in these two professions is the same - $103,000.


It is believed that American officials, their work brings considerable moral satisfaction. What about the material? Its size varies considerably - from $0 (member of the municipal council) to $400,000 (US President). Due to the well-known Russian specifics, we will not even talk about how much richer opportunities such a career provides in our country.


The development of urban areas requires specialists working at the intersection of architecture, construction, economics, sociology and regional politics. The planner sees the future of the area or city. The scale of work is no less than a microdistrict. Promising varieties of this work are planning traffic flows and planning for corporations. In the US, the average salary for a planner is $62,500.


The position of a psychologist-teacher appeared in Russian schools about 10 years ago, and now it has become common. Some schools have several specialists. Their duties include psychological diagnostics, remedial classes, counseling parents and teachers. The problems faced by a child psychologist are common to schools around the world: from autism and aggression to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The need for psychologists will grow. In the US, their work is well paid: $60,700 a year.

And don't forget the holidays!


Optimizing and automating a company's business processes by improving the architecture of computer networks remains an attractive and well-paid occupation. Plus - the rapid growth of qualifications, minus - frequent trips, because such a specialist is needed by the company only for the time of the planned modernization. Educational establishments Russia is already training specialists in this field. In the US, the average annual salary for a senior analyst is $83,900.


Busy with the ergonomics of the devices used. Most often it finds application in the development of electronics, communications, user interfaces. Responsibilities include interviewing potential users, identifying their needs and making recommendations to developers. Looking from the side is an enviable job. Who else gets paid to play with new gadgets all day or to figure out what the perfect running shoe should be? People come to this profession from different fields - from psychology and design to computer science. In the US, an experienced usability professional earns $96,200 a year.


Veterinary incomes are on the rise. To clarify: the income of veterinarians treating small animals. In difficult times, people need to experience peace of mind - and for many, the devoted look of a pet provides it. Getting a diploma and a license takes years of hard work, but there is no shortage of people who want to become veterinarians. Is it because they experience less stress than "human" doctors? An interesting detail: in the US, 80% of future veterinarians are girls (the average salary in the industry is $79,800 per year).


Even a cursory glance at this list shows that more than half of it consists of professions associated with ideas about a decent standard of living. No matter how it changes economic situation, a modern person strives to look good, wants his children to be taught by competent specialists, and in old age he is cared for professionally. The second big group of the best professions are the specialties caused by technological innovations - from security systems to business schemes. It is obvious that every year technological growth will strengthen the division of labor and cause the emergence of new engineering and management specialties.

10 MOST PROMISING FIELDS OF ACTIVITY, or Who is good to be in Russia?

The forecasts of Western experts give an idea of ​​what professions will soon be in demand in the world. And what awaits the domestic labor market? What types of activities, in the opinion of our HR specialists, should be targeted in Russia?


Medical professionals will always be in demand. Recruitment team leader personnel center UNITY Anna Krylova names pharmaceuticals and medicine as one of the fastest growing and promising industries in Russia.


According to the forecasts of Svetlana Getmanova, a Heidelberg CIS specialist, in the next 5-10 years, the profession of a psychologist will become one of the most popular in our country: “Sooner or later, we will begin to be more relaxed about going to a specialist for advice on our problems. Finally, let's stop confusing a psychologist with a psychiatrist."


Our lives are getting faster, hardly anyone will dispute this. Naturally, in an accelerating world, specialists in the field of transport will be in demand. To do everything, you need to move quickly.


The same reasoning is true in relation to computer, Internet technologies and telecommunications, that is, to areas where we are talking about the speed of transmitting and receiving information. Today, the work of virtually any company is impossible without IT specialists. And computer scientists will still be held in high esteem by us - at least in the next decade. Although in developed countries their functions are transferred to more "cheap" China and India. In Europe and the USA, for example, it is unlikely that anyone will consider a promising career as a programmer. “But in Russia they still have somewhere to turn around: we have a big country, we need to get to every village,” says Svetlana Getmanova.


A specialist in the field of social management and mass communications, business coach Oksana Silantyeva believes that in the next decade in Russia there will be an increased demand for professional managers high level. Such a specialist should not only be a manager, but also be well versed in the area with which his work is connected.


All interviewed personnel officers are confident in the future of professions related to nanotechnology. After all, the application is inexhaustible: mechanical engineering, computer technology, food industry, the medicine. Nanotechnology is used in the manufacture of computer hard drives, dressings, internal combustion engine components, long life tennis balls, metal cutting tools, antistatic coatings for sensitive electronic equipment... To name but a few. And a country that has made a breakthrough in this area is predicted to be a world leader. It is clear that attempts will be made, and no matter how much money you allocate for this from the budget, no matter how effective super-managers you entrust this business, you cannot do without specialists. As, however, and at all times.


Anna Krylova advises to pay serious attention to biotechnology. Such specialists are already being used in a wide variety of fields - from medicine and pharmacology to mining and Agriculture.


“Now Russia's agriculture is in ruins,” Svetlana Getmanova regrets. - But it is impossible to imagine that this will continue forever. In the near future, we can predict the demand for qualified specialists in agriculture and food production.” Yes, and the Russian government puts this sector of the economy in the category of priorities.


“The idea of ​​responsible consumption and production, ecology is just beginning its journey in Russia,” says Vladimir Vainer, director of the Gran Prix Center for Advertising Research. “We will have to move from declarations to real programs.” If not the social responsibility of business, then the growing attention of the state to environmental protection will make environmental specialists in demand in Russia.


Stanislav Kulikov, General Director of the PetroStimul recruiting company, is convinced that working professions will soon be among the most in demand in Russia. At some enterprises, the management is already ready to pay skilled workers a salary comparable to the salary of a middle manager. Yes, and the prestige of working professions began to slowly rise.


And about professions that are in demand at all times. Business consultant Pavel Ponomarev recalls: hairdressers, civil servants, builders, workers in the entertainment industry, catering and (not to mention at night) funeral homes can be safely attributed to them.

Mikhail Solomatin, Irina Sinyatkina