Gas electric welder profession code. What you need to know about the profession of an electric welder of manual arc welding and about the features of applying for a job

The profession of an electric welder of manual welding is considered especially harmful and especially difficult. The assignment of this activity to the above categories occurs strictly in the manner prescribed by law and is due to certain requirements both for the execution of documents when hiring an employee, and for taking actions when an employee retires.

It must be remembered that the names of all professions are set in a special directory: "The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers" (hereinafter referred to as the Directory; ETKS). This act, applicable to an indefinite circle of persons, contains a closed list of works and professions of workers. This means that it is possible to hire a welding employee only for that profession and for that job, the names of which are in the directory. There should be no other names in the employee's work book. The profession code "manual arc welder" is set in OKPDTR.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 established that the directory exists for:

  • correct assignment of qualification categories;
  • drawing up plans for the training and advanced training of employees in all sectors of production, agriculture;
  • streamlining the tariff-qualification characteristics containing the characteristics of the main types of work according to the professions of workers, depending on their complexity and the corresponding tariff categories;
  • establishing requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of workers.

Today, there are 72 editions of the Handbook in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as " General provisions". The division into releases occurs depending on the areas of production and types of work. Thus, a similar profession name may appear in several editions. However, the content of the rights, duties and responsibilities of a particular profession will differ depending on which edition it is contained in (for example, electric and gas welder, electric manual welding welder, welder, welder on machines, electric welder of manual and partially mechanized welding).

Certification of welding production specialists

Certification of welding production specialists is carried out to establish the compliance of their level of knowledge and practical experience with the standards; Usually there are 4 such levels:

  • The first is a certified welder;
  • The second is a certified master welder;
  • The third is a certified technologist-welder;
  • The fourth is a certified welding engineer.

Certification of welding specialists exists separately from the system for assigning and upgrading qualification ranks, that is, if after certification a specialist was assigned any of the above levels, this does not affect his rank in any way.

In Russia there is a list government agencies and organizations that certify welding specialists specifically for labor activity at facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia:

  • Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;
  • National certification committee for welding production;
  • head certification centers;
  • certification centers;
  • certification points.

Each organization has its own individual powers in the field of certification of welding personnel.

There are several types of certifications:

  • primary (carried out in the absence of any level of certification);
  • periodic (carried out in order to extend the validity of attestation certificates);
  • extraordinary (carried out after the removal of the welder from work before the admission is made again).

The rules for certification of welders and specialists in welding production are approved by the Decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated October 30, 1998 N 63.

Certification of specialists can be carried out not only by the state. bodies and organizations, as well as other commercial structures on a fee basis. In the welding industry, the professionalism of employees is very important; today this specialty is common and in demand. Therefore, there are various private training centers qualifying for certification of welders of various types and levels.

Pension provision for welding specialists

For work with harmful working conditions, labor legislation provides for a number of benefits, among which the preferential pension is of paramount importance.

Preferential pension provision is an opportunity for a welder to retire earlier than the term generally established by law. This right is enshrined in Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2016) “On Insurance Pensions” (as amended and supplemented, effective from January 1, 2017).

For specialists in welding production, the features of pension provision are established in List No. 2, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 08.22.1956 N 1173. This list contains a list of industries, workshops, professions and positions with difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a state pension on preferential terms and conditions at a discount. Initially, this list did not specify each individual category of welder; this was done by adopting a Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of 01/26/1991. It introduced a specification for the welding method:

  1. electric welders of manual welding;
  2. electric welders on automatic and semi-automatic machines engaged in welding, at work using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3, as well as on machines.

Job / work instructions for specialists in welding production

This document for such professions is almost the most important document in the organization. It is necessary to familiarize the employee with him against signature when hiring or transferring to another job before the actual execution of his duties by him official duties. The employee must know what rights and obligations he has and for what actions this or that type of legal liability will arise.

The job (work) description of an electric and gas welder, as well as the job description of a manual welding electric welder, must be approved by the head or the person acting in his capacity and contain the following main blocks of information:

  • general provisions containing requirements for the level of education of the employee; the procedure for his appointment to a position, dismissal from office; to the immediate supervisor of the employee;
  • the “must know” section, which contains information that a specialist of a particular category should have;
  • section "functional duties";
  • a section indicating the rights of the employee;
  • section on liability;
  • setting the working hours.

Thus, for each category of profession in the organization, a job description must be approved. The legislation does not establish standard forms or necessary conditions to be included in the instructions. The employer is given the right, depending on the specifics of the activity, to choose the necessary amount of rights, duties and responsibilities that are characteristic of the corresponding type of production. In this case, one should rely on information that has already been established by regulatory enactments. For example, the rights of an employee common to all are provided Labor Code; what the welder needs to know is already indicated in the ETKS and so on.

Remember that the norms of the law are not subject to change by local regulatory legal acts of a particular enterprise.

Labor protection instruction for manual welding electric welder

Instructions on labor protection exist in the organization for a certain type of work. If the enterprise carries out several types of activities, then for each, an instruction on labor protection for the corresponding category of personnel should be developed and approved.

The employer notifies the employee before the start of the actual performance of his labor duties with instructions in a special registration journal. The log must contain the signatures of the person who conducted the briefing and the person who passed the briefing. The instruction must be approved by the head legal entity, must contain the visas of the required officials.

As a rule, the labor protection instruction for a manual welding electric welder should contain the following information:

  • a list of requirements that are necessary for the admission of a specialist to work (for example, the presence of a mark on knowledge testing in a special document);
  • requirements for the need to undergo medical examinations (indicating specific dates, frequency);
  • additional requirements for passing introductory briefing on labor protection, introductory briefing at the workplace;
  • requirements for overalls and footwear depending on the season; places of the welding process;
  • a list of situations, cases, facts, weather conditions under which it is forbidden to carry out welding work (for example, a thunderstorm, a certain wind strength, etc.)
  • a list of information that determines the nature of the work depending on the stage (before, during and after work).

The instruction can and should contain the most accurate information regarding the performance of work, depending on the characteristics of the field of activity of the enterprise. The main rule in the implementation of a dangerous and harmful type of employment is that any incident is always easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences.

Other Features of Hiring a Welding Specialist

In accordance with Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a manual welding electric welder has a reduced working time - no more than 36 hours per week. Also, according to Art. 117 of the Labor Code, employees of this profession are entitled to additional annual paid leave, which must be at least 7 days.

Requirements for registration of welders in Belarus

In the Republic of Belarus, there is a similar regulatory framework that regulates labor and related relations between employers and employees of welding professions. Belarus also has issue ETKS number 2 and in the section "welding" the position of a manual welding electric welder is defined. Requirements for instructions on labor protection and job descriptions similar to Russian ones. Certification of this profession is also carried out as a state. bodies and organizations, as well as private commercial companies. The Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus also provides for early retirement for workers employed in hazardous working conditions, additional vacation days and reduced working week. The only difference is that these issues are established in other regulations issued by the Belarusian state authorities.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Part No. 1 of issue No. 2 ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2008 N 645)

Electric and gas welder

§ 45. Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category

Job Description. Manual oxygen cutting and cutting with petrol-cutting and kerosene-cutting machines of light-weight and heavy steel scrap. Manual arc, plasma, gas, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steels. Oxygen and plasma rectilinear and curvilinear cutting in the lower and vertical position of the welded seam with metal, as well as simple and medium complexity parts made of carbon steels by manual marking, on portable stationary and plasma cutting machines. Tacking parts, products, structures in all spatial positions. Preparation of products, assemblies and connections for welding. Cleaning seams after welding and cutting. Ensuring protection of the reverse side of the weld during welding in shielding gases. Surfacing of simple details. Elimination of shells and cracks in simple parts, assemblies, castings. Heating of structures and parts during straightening. Reading simple drawings. Preparation of gas cylinders for work. Maintenance of portable gas generators.

Must know: device and principle of operation of serviced electric welding machines and apparatus for arc welding of alternating and direct current, gas welding and gas cutting equipment, gas generators, automatic and semi-automatic electric welding machines, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, reducing devices and welding torches; rules for using the applied burners, reducers, cylinders; methods and basic techniques of tacking; forms of seam cutting for welding; rules for ensuring protection when welding in shielding gas; kinds welded joints and types of seams; rules for preparing the edges of products for welding; types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings; basic properties of electrodes used in welding, welding metal and alloys, gases and liquids; permissible residual gas pressure in cylinders; purpose and brand of fluxes used in welding; purpose and conditions for the use of instrumentation; causes of defects in welding and ways to prevent them; characteristics of the gas flame; scrap dimensions according to the state standard.

Work examples

1. Tanks of transformers - eyeliner for automatic welding.

2. Cradle beams, suspension bars and bolsters of all-metal cars and electric section cars - welding of reinforcing squares, guides and centering rings.

3. Shoes of lifeline racks - cutting on the ship.

4. Rolling beams - welding of points, capturing strips along the marking.

5. Strikers and patterns of steam hammers - welding.

6. Box bolts, column bolts and center bolts - surfacing of working places.

7. Details of side awning frames - tacking and welding.

8. Details of metal containers - hot straightening.

9. Diaphragms of frames of platforms and metal gondola cars - welding of ribs.

10. Foals - welding.

11. Rivets - cutting heads.

12. Frameworks and details of brake platforms of freight cars and window frames of passenger cars - welding.

13. Casings and fences, lightly loaded units of agricultural machines - welding.

14. Casings of oil pumps and filters of automobiles - surfacing of shells in castings.

15. Header brackets, brake control rollers - welding.

16. Brackets for attaching the muffler to the car frame - surfacing of cracks.

17. Mounting brackets for mining equipment - welding.

18. Arms of subframes of dump trucks - welding.

19. Gutter covers for undercar lighting - welding.

20. Corner sheets of the inner and outer sheathing of the tram - welding of cuts.

21. Steel scrap for charge - cutting.

22. Linings and linings spring - welding.

23. Small flasks - welding of ears.

24. Steel flasks of small sizes - welding of ears.

25. Small steel and cast iron castings - elimination of shells in unworked places by melting.

26. Pallets for machines - welding.

27. Profits and letniki on steel castings up to 300 mm thick - cutting.

28. Frames of transformer tanks - welding.

29. Frames of bed mattresses, armored and rhombic nets - welding.

30. Receiving pipes - fusing of safety nets.

31. Car fender reinforcements - welding.

32. Hydraulic clamps for dump truck mechanisms - welding.

33. Non-critical foundations, small units made of low-carbon and low-alloy steels - semi-automatic welding on a rack.

§ 46. Electric and gas welder of the 3rd category

Job Description. Manual arc, plasma, gas welding, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys and of medium complexity of parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon steels in all positions of the weld, except for the ceiling. Oxy-plasma straight and curved cutting in various positions of metals, simple and medium complexity of parts made of carbon and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys by manual marking on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines in all positions of the weld. Manual oxygen cutting and cutting with petrol-cutting and kerosene-cutting devices to specified dimensions with the release of non-ferrous metal waste and with the preservation or cutting out of machine components and parts. Manual arc air planing of simple and medium complexity parts from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Surfacing of shells and cracks in parts, assemblies and castings of medium complexity. Preliminary and concomitant heating when welding parts in compliance with the specified mode. Reading drawings of varying complexity of parts, assemblies and structures.

Must know: installation of serviced electric welding and plasma cutting machines, gas welding equipment, automatic machines, semi-automatic devices and a plasma torch; requirements for the weld and surfaces after air planing; methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades; properties and significance of electrode coatings; the structure of the weld; methods of their testing and types of control; rules for preparing parts and assemblies for welding and welding; rules for selecting the metal heating mode depending on the brand of metal and its thickness; causes of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures to prevent them; basic technological methods of welding and surfacing of parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys; cutting mode and gas consumption during oxygen and gas-electric cutting.

Work examples

1. Fittings made of tin bronze and silicon brass under test pressure up to 1.6 MPa (15.5 atm.) - defects are deposited.

2. Beater and cutting drums, front and rear axles of a tractor trailer, drawbar and frames of a combine and header, harvester augers, rakes and reels - welding.

3. Sidewalls, transition platforms, footboards, frames and sheathing of railway cars - welding.

4. Balancers for spring suspension of the rolling stock - manual cutting according to the marking.

5. Road buoys and barrels, artillery shields and pontoons - welding.

6. Crankshafts of engines and camshafts of automobiles - welding of defective semi-finished forgings with special steels.

7. Shafts of electrical machines - fusing necks.

8. Silencers - welding.

9. Internal combustion engines (fuel and air systems) - welding.

10. Car parts (oil heater neck, box crankcase, crankcase cover) - defect deposits.

11. Parts made of sheet steel up to 60 mm thick - manually cut according to the marking.

12. Freight car body frame parts - welding.

13. Details of the rocker mechanism - welding of holes.

14. Bronze brake discs - shell fusing.

15. Blanks for manual or automatic arc welding - cutting without bevel.

16. Frames for panels and control panels - welding.

17. Track rollers - welding.

18. Complete casings, heating boilers - welding.

19. Casings of elastic couplings - welding.

20. Brake pads for trucks, casings, axle shafts of the rear axle - welding.

21. Structures, components, parts for gun mounts - welding.

22. Cases of electrical explosive equipment - welding.

23. Load-lifting cranes - surfacing of slopes.

24. Bodies of dump trucks - welding.

25. Rear axles of cars - surfacing of shells in castings.

26. Facing of a car radiator - welding of cracks.

27. Level regulator floats (fittings) - welding.

28. Projectors - welding to the ship's hull.

29. Profits, sprues for castings of complex configuration with a thickness of more than 300 mm - cutting.

30. The frames of the drawbars of a steam locomotive - surfacing.

31. Frame profile windows of the driver's cab - welding.

32. Pantograph frames - welding.

33. Locomotive frames - welding of conductors, flooring sheets, parts.

34. Reservoirs for non-flammable liquids and brake systems of rolling stock - welding.

35. Shaped cutters and simple dies - welding.

36. Bulkhead shaft seals - fusing of the body and pressure sleeve.

37. Machine beds of small sizes - welding.

38. Racks, bunker grates, transition platforms, stairs, railings, decking, boiler lining - welding.

39. Rear wheel hubs, rear axle and other car parts - malleable iron soldering.

40. Joints and grooves of sections, deck partitions, partitions - automatic welding on the rack.

41. Ventilation pipes - welding.

42. Copper exhaust pipes - welding.

43. Chimneys up to 30 m high and ventilation pipes made of carbon steel sheet - welding.

44. Connected fire tubes in boilers and superheater tubes - welding.

45. Pipes of general purpose - cutting bevel edges.

46. ​​Pipes of the brake line - welding.

47. Non-pressure pipelines for water (except for main ones) - welding.

48. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and heat supply - welding in workshop conditions.

49. Automobile tanks - automatic welding.

50. Brass (open) gasifier balls - welding.

51. Gears - welding of teeth.

§ 47. Electric and gas welder of the 4th category

Job Description. Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of medium complexity of parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys and complex parts of assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon steels in all spatial positions of the weld. Manual oxygen, plasma and gas straight and shaped cutting and cutting with petrol and kerosene cutting machines on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines, in various positions of complex parts from various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys according to marking. Oxygen flux cutting of parts made of high-chromium and chromium-nickel steels and cast iron. Oxygen cutting of ship objects afloat. Automatic and mechanical welding of medium complexity and complex devices, assemblies, pipeline structures made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of critical complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Manual electric arc air planing of complex parts from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Welding of cast iron structures. Surfacing of defects in complex parts of machines, mechanisms, structures and castings for machining and test pressure. Hot straightening of complex structures. Reading drawings of various complex welded metal structures.

Must know: the device of various electric welding and gas cutting equipment, automatic and semi-automatic devices, features of welding and electric arc planing on alternating and direct current; the basics of electrical engineering within the scope of the work performed; types of defects in welds and methods for their prevention and elimination; basics of metal welding; mechanical properties of welded metals; principles of selection of the mode of welding by instruments; brands and types of electrodes; methods for obtaining and storing the most common gases: acetylene, hydrogen, oxygen, propane-butane, used in gas welding; gas cutting process of alloy steel.

Work examples

1. Equipment, vessels and containers made of carbon steel, operating without pressure - welding.

2. Equipment and vessels for chemical and petrochemical industries: tanks, separators, vessels, etc. - cutting holes with beveled edges.

3. Pipeline shut-off valves made of non-ferrous metals and alloys under test pressure over 1.6 to 5.0 MPa (over 15.5 to 48.4 atm) - deposition of defects.

4. Transformer tanks - welding of branch pipes, welding of boxes for terminals, cooler boxes, current settings and tank covers.

5. Rudder stocks, propeller shaft brackets - hardfacing.

6. Cylinder blocks of car engines - surfacing of shells in castings.

7. Crankshafts - surfacing of necks.

8. Bronze and brass inserts - surfacing on steel bearings.

9. Headset and bodies of burners of boilers - welding.

10. Details from sheet stainless steel, aluminum or copper alloys - gas-electric cutting with beveled edges.

11. Parts made of cast iron - welding, surfacing with and without heating.

12. Parts made of sheet steel with a thickness of more than 60 mm - manual cutting according to the markup.

13. Parts and assemblies made of non-ferrous metals - welding followed by pressure testing.

14. Carriage retarders - welding and welding of units under operating conditions.

15. Cast iron gear teeth - hardfacing.

16. Products from non-ferrous alloys thin-walled (covers of air coolers, bearing shields, fans of turbogenerators) - welding with brass or silumin.

17. Large cast iron products: frames, pulleys, flywheels, gears - fusing of shells and cracks.

18. Chambers of impellers of hydraulic turbines - welding and surfacing.

19. Structures of blast furnaces (casings, air heaters, gas pipelines) - cutting with beveled edges.

20. Frames of industrial furnaces and boilers - welding.

21. Crankcases of large motors and housings of mechanical transmission of diesel locomotives - welding.

22. Lower crankcases - welding.

23. Coils of poles of electrical machines from strip copper - welding and welding of jumpers.

24. Gas exhaust manifolds and pipes - welding.

25. Rings regulating hydraulic turbines - welding and surfacing.

26. Housings and bridges of the drive wheels of the harvester - welding.

27. Cases of compressors, low and high pressure cylinders of air compressors - cracking.

28. Rotor housings up to 3500 mm in diameter - welding.

29. Cases of stop valves for turbines up to 25,000 kW - welding.

30. Cases of brush holders, segments of reversers, rotors of electric motors - hardfacing.

31. Fastening and supports for pipelines - welding.

32. Brackets and fastenings for locomotive pivot bogies - welding.

33. Sheets of large thicknesses (armor) - welding.

34. Masts, drilling and operational towers - welding in workshop conditions.

35. Aluminum furniture - welding.

36. Fundamental plates of large electrical machines - welding.

37. Struts, axle shafts of aircraft landing gear - welding.

38. Heaters - welding of a holder, a hot-water pipe with a holder, a cone, rings and flanges.

39. Bearings and bushings, axle boxes, drawbars - fusing along the frame and fusing cracks.

40. Pistons of pneumatic hammers - build-up of shells and cracks.

41. Dust and gas pipelines, fuel supply units and electrostatic precipitators - welding.

42. Spool frames, pendulums - welding.

43. Porthole frames made of aluminum alloys - welding.

44. Frames of conveyors - welding.

45. Air trolleybus tanks - welding.

46. ​​Reservoirs for petroleum products with a capacity of less than 1000 cubic meters. m - welding.

47. Rail butt joints - welding in operational conditions.

48. Rails and prefabricated crosses - welding ends.

49. Single and twisted metal meshes for pulp and paper production - soldering the ends with silver solder.

50. Crusher beds - welding.

51. Beds and housings of electric machines welded-cast - welding.

52. Cast iron beds of large machine tools - welding.

53. Beds of working stands of rolling mills - welding.

54. Air-cooled turbogenerator stators - welding.

55. Tubes for sensors with a radioactive isotope - welding.

56. Pipe elements of boilers, armor plates, etc. - hot editing.

57. Pipelines of external and internal water supply and heating networks - welding at installation.

58. Pipelines of external and internal low-pressure gas supply networks - welding in shop conditions.

59. Drill pipes - welding of couplings.

60. Technological pipelines of the 5th category - welding.

61. Half-timbered houses, communications, lanterns, runs, monorails - welding.

62. Milling cutters and complex dies - welding and surfacing of a quick cut and hard alloy.

63. Brass refrigerators - welding seams for hydrotesting at pressures up to 2.5 MPa (24.2 atm.).

64. Cylinders of car blocks - shell fusing.

65. Automobile tanks - welding.

66. Balls, floats and tanks made of special aluminum alloys - welding.

§ 48. Electric and gas welder of the 5th category

Job Description. Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of various complexity of devices, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under pressure. Manual arc and plasma welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Oxygen and plasma straight and horizontal cutting of complex parts from various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys according to manual marking with cutting edges for welding, including the use of special fluxes from various steels and alloys. Oxygen cutting of metals under water. Automatic and mechanical welding of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads. Mechanized welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Manual electric arc air planing of complex parts from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Welding of structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld. Welding and surfacing of cracks and cavities in thin-walled products and in products with hard-to-reach places for welding. Heat treatment with a gas burner of welded joints after welding. Reading drawings of varying complexity of welded spatial metal structures.

Must know: electrical circuits and designs of various welding machines, automatic, semi-automatic and power supplies; technological properties of welded metals, including high-alloy steels, as well as deposited metal and metal subjected to planing; selection of the technological sequence for applying welds; the influence of heat treatment on the properties of the weld, the rules for cutting metals under water.

Work examples

1. Blast furnace embrasures - surfacing of shells and cracks.

2. Equipment and vessels made of carbon steels working under pressure and alloy steels working without pressure - welding.

3. Fittings of open-hearth furnaces - welding during the repair of existing equipment.

4. Armature of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures (foundations, columns, ceilings, etc.) - welding.

5. Pipeline shut-off valves made of tin bronze and silicon brass - surfacing under test pressure over 5.0 MPa (48.4 atm.).

6. Tanks of unique powerful transformers - welding, including welding of lifting hooks, jacking brackets, stainless plates operating under dynamic loads.

7. Beams and traverses of crane trucks and balancers - welding.

8. Span beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of less than 30 tons - welding.

9. Center beams, buffer beams, pivot beams, bogie frames of locomotives and wagons - welding.

10. Cylinders, caps, spheres operating in vacuum - welding.

11. Drums of boilers with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.

12. Blocks of building and technological structures made of sheet metal (air heaters, scrubbers, casings of blast furnaces, separators, reactors, gas ducts of blast furnaces, etc.) - welding.

13. Cylinder blocks and water collectors of products - welding.

14. Large crankshafts - welding.

15. Lead baths - welding.

16. Gas holders and tanks for oil products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m and more - welding in workshop conditions.

17. Gas and oil pipelines - welding on the rack.

18. Details of gas welding equipment - soldering with silver solders.

19. Parts of especially critical machines and mechanisms (charging apparatus for blast furnaces, propellers, turbine blades, rolls of rolling mills, etc.) - surfacing with special, hard, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials.

20. Details of complex configuration of critical structures - cutting with cutting edges for welding without additional machining.

21. Spherical and spherical bottoms - cutting oblique holes without subsequent machining.

22. Details of critical machines, mechanisms and structures of forged, stamped and cast (propellers, turbine blades, engine cylinder blocks, etc.) - defect build-up.

23. Red copper coils - welding.

24. Caissons for open-hearth furnaces operating at high temperatures - welding.

25. Caissons of open-hearth furnaces (hot repair) - internal welding.

26. Manifolds of complex configuration of 20 or more parts made of stainless and heat-resistant steel with a check for macrostructure and radiography - welding.

27. Columns, bunkers, truss and truss trusses, beams, flyovers, etc. - welding.

28. Stainless steel bellows expansion joints - soldering.

29. Designs of radio masts, TV towers and power transmission line supports - welding in stationary conditions.

30. Cases of cutting, loading machines, coal combines and mine electric locomotives - welding.

31. Head bodies, traverses, bases and other complex assemblies of presses and hammers - welding.

32. Cases, covers, tees, knees, cast iron cylinders - surfacing of defects.

33. Rotor housings with a diameter of more than 3500 mm - welding.

34. Stop valve housings for turbines with power over 25,000 kW - welding.

35. Covers, stators and lining of hydraulic turbine blades - welding.

36. Masts, drilling and operating towers - welding during installation.

37. Bases from high-alloyed drill pipes for drilling rigs and three-diesel drives - welding.

38. Castings of aluminum and bronze, complex and large - fusing of shells and cracks.

39. Support plates for walking excavators - welding.

40. Complex molds - welding in hard-to-reach places.

41. Frames and components of cars and diesel engines - welding.

42. Pivot and diesel locomotive frames - welding.

43. Reservoirs for petroleum products with a capacity of 1000 and less than 5000 cubic meters. m - welding on installation.

44. Rotors of electrical machines - welding of short-circuited rings, rods, welding.

45. Complex beds, aprons of large lathes - welding, cracking.

46. ​​Joints of reinforcement releases of elements of load-bearing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures - welding.

47. Tubes for impulse control and automation systems - welding.

48. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.

49. Pipelines of external and internal low-pressure gas supply networks - welding at installation.

50. Pipelines of external and internal gas supply networks of medium and low pressure - welding during installation and in workshop conditions.

51. Technological pipelines of III and IV categories (groups), as well as pipelines of steam and water of III and IV categories - welding.

52. Lead pipes - welding.

53. Units of under-engine frames and cylinders of shock absorbers of aircraft landing gear - welding.

54. Brass refrigerators - welding of seams for hydrotesting under pressure over 2.5 MPa (24.2 atm.).

55. Engine cylinders - fusing of inner and outer jackets.

56. Tires, tapes, compensators for them from non-ferrous metals - welding.

§ 49. Electric and gas welder of the 6th category

Job Description. Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of particularly complex devices, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure. Manual arc and gas-electric welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration. Automatic welding of various structures from alloyed special steels, titanium and other alloys on automatic machines of a special design, multi-arc, multi-electrode automatic machines and automatic machines equipped with television, photoelectronic and other special devices, on automatic manipulators (robots). Mechanized welding of apparatus, assemblies, pipeline structures, building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, when performing welds in the overhead position and on a vertical plane. Welding of experimental structures from metals and alloys with limited weldability, as well as from titanium and titanium alloys. Welding of complex structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld.

Must know: variety of titanium alloys, their welding and mechanical properties; kinematic diagrams of automata and semi-automatic devices, principal arrangement of electronic control circuits; rules for training robots and rules for working with robotic systems; types of corrosion and factors causing it; methods of special tests of welded products and the purpose of each of them; main types of heat treatment of welded joints; bases on metallography of welded seams.

Work examples

1. Beams of working platforms of open-hearth shops, structures of bunker and unloading racks of metallurgical enterprises, crane beams for heavy-duty cranes, booms of walking excavators - welding.

2. Span beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons and more - welding.

3. Boiler drums with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.

4. Air separation units of oxygen workshops - welding of non-ferrous metal parts.

5. Gas holders and tanks for oil products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m and more - welding during installation.

6. Main gas and product pipelines - welding at installation.

7. Parts and assemblies made of non-ferrous metals operating under pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.

8. Capacities and coatings spherical and drop-shaped - welding.

9. Vacuum containers, caps, spheres and pipelines - welding.

10. Locks for drill pipes and couplings - double seam welding.

11. Working wheels of gas turbine compressors, steam turbines, powerful blowers - welding of blades and blades.

12. Ammonia synthesis columns - welding.

13. Structures made of light aluminum-magnesium alloys - welding.

14. The design of radio masts, TV towers and power transmission line supports - welding during installation.

15. Structures made of low-magnetic steels - welding.

16. Boxes of steam turbines - welding and welding of shells.

17. Stator housings of large hydrogen- and hydrogen-water-cooled turbogenerators - welding.

18. Cases of heavy laser engines and presses - welding.

19. Steam boilers - straightening of bottoms, welding of critical units with a one-sided butt weld.

20. Paws and flutes of drilling bits, drilling steam conductors - welding.

21. Rotor blades and turbine stators - soldering.

22. Oil and gas pipelines - welding during the elimination of gaps.

23. Piping of oil and gas wells and wells of contour filling - welding.

24. Wiring of impulse turbines and boilers - welding.

25. Tanks and structures made of two-layer steel and other bimetals - welding.

26. Reinforcing bars of reinforced concrete structures of detachable forms - welding.

27. Span structures of metal and reinforced concrete bridges - welding.

28. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.

29. Pressure pipelines, spiral chambers and impeller chambers of hydroelectric turbines - welding.

30. Pipelines of external gas supply networks of medium and high pressure - welding during installation.

31. Technological pipelines of I and II categories (groups), as well as pipelines of steam and water of categories I and II - welding.

In the practice of applying the legislation on early retirement, there are many difficulties due to the existing inconsistencies in the lists, the variety of professions and positions, as well as the large number of industries they contain. Difficulties are also caused by the fact that the work on organizing preferential pension provision at some enterprises and organizations is not at a sufficiently high level.

Unfortunately, until now the leaders and personnel workers many enterprises, with unfortunate frivolity, refer to the maintenance of work books. By their illiteracy when filling out work books, they deprive workers of the right to early retirement, lay the foundation for a conflict.

It is not uncommon for enterprises to enter arbitrary names and positions in the staff lists that do not correspond to the nature of the work performed and the Lists of privileged professions in accordance with which the right of the insured person to appoint an early labor pension is determined.

According to Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.04.2003 No. No. 225 "On work books", the names of professions in them must be entered in accordance with ETCS(Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory), and the names of positions - from E a single nomenclature of positions of employees . Lists of preferential positions and professions are also compiled in strict accordance with these documents. Therefore, the basis for granting a pension benefit is work in specific profession(positions) directly provided for by Lists No. 1, 2 of industries, jobs, professions and positions giving the right to preferential pension provision.

Section XXXIII "General Professions" of the List of 01/26/1991. No. 1 named electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic machines, as well as on automatic machines using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3.

In addition, a prerequisite for the appointment of an early labor old-age pension is the periods of work performed continuously throughout the day.

In connection with this, when determining the right to an early retirement pension insured persons who have periods of work as an electric and gas welder (gas and electric welder) I confirmation of full employment and specification of the type of welding performed.

When deciding on the appointment of an early retirement pension for this category of workers, difficulties often arise in confirming the type of welding, which is associated with the indication of the name of the profession in the work books - electric gas welder without specifying the type of work performed. To assign an early pension, a clarifying certificate of the enterprise of the established form is required, confirming permanent employment as an electric and gas welder in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic or automatic machines. At the same time, electric and gas welders working on automatic machines are assigned a pension under List No. 2, provided that they are constantly employed in work using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3.

Electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding or on semi-automatic machines, early retirement is granted without any additional conditions. For them, it is enough to perform the work provided for this profession in the ETCS (Issue 2). Here it should be noted that the tariff and qualification characteristics for the profession "Electric and gas welder" provide for both welding and cutting, and surfacing. Surfacing work does not deprive the worker of the right to early retirement.

Semi-automatic or automatic welding in an argon or other inert gas environment does not give the right to a pension under List No. 2. For contact (press) welding welders, an old-age pension is assigned on a general basis.

The clarifying certificate should indicate the documents on the basis of which it was issued (orders, personal cards, personal accounts for accrual wages, books of fixed assets, etc.). In the absence of an enterprise required documents confirming the nature of the work, an early retirement pension cannot be assigned, other norms for establishing the right to the appointment of an early labor old-age pension are not provided for by the pension legislation.

Press service

Branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Nalchik, st. Chernyshevsky 181 "a",