Why is the size of the average check in stores decreasing. Why sales fell: causes, consequences, ways to increase Poaching customers from competitors

The research of information arrays is similar to the search for a treasure: it is not clear who, where, what and for what is looking for, but the turmoil is terrible. Businessmen ask for applicable knowledge, mathematicians demand setting goals, negotiators run between them, hoping to make money "both ways".

Unorganized mining attempts are initiated by the expectation of countless treasures. The foam of the gold rush attracts non-specialists with the anticipation of lining their pockets. The market multiplies rumors, fanning the fire of vanity. Conferences, business breakfasts and last suppers bring mothballed heroes to light.

Conversion rates are higher in Street stores and are inversely proportional to traffic: the greater the flow of customers, the lower the likelihood of purchases. Average and impulsive shoppers increase conversion, adherents and consumers of outerwear decrease it.

Average check. Depends on the region, the structure of the incoming population, the cluster and the location of the store. The younger the outlet (the later date of opening, repair or rebranding is taken into account), the higher the size of the average bill.

Stores with a separate entrance have a higher average check compared to those located in the shopping center. Beginners and snobbish buyers increase the average check, shoppers and long-term customers decrease it.

The price of the product. Conversion rate, visitor traffic and region affect. There are no differences among client clusters. Most high prices in new stores, the smallest - in the flagship. A high conversion leads to an increase in the average price.

The number of items in the check. Statistically significant influence: region, store cluster, location. Clusters of customers do not differ in the number of goods in the receipt.

Street stores sell more per visit than mall stores. Higher flow conversion - more products in the check. Shoppers, tired and average customers increase the number of purchases per visit, adherents and snobs - reduce.

client cluster. They affect all sales figures without exception. The more guests make personalized purchases that are recognized by identification or loyalty tools, the more manageable the achievement of forecasts.

Shop cluster. Affects traffic: higher rank - more incoming traffic. The conversion dependence is similar, but weaker. Reverse rules: the lower the store cluster, the higher the average bill and price.

Cluster of goods. The freshness of the trend, the novelty of the collection, dependence, the share of the basic assortment are factors that influence the purchases of the incoming stream. There are no miracles here.

Sellers cluster. The torment with the choice when buying and the struggle with doubt about success are factors in the psychological pain of buyers, which they expect to smooth out. and alignment of seller clusters to the structure of the client flow increases the full range of indicators.

Shop area. Affects traffic: a larger trading area means more visitors. Changes the level of activity: flagship stores reduce the percentage of conversion. It does not affect other indicators.

Location. Affects traffic: when placed on the street, the flow of customers is lower than in the shopping center. The conversion of visitors to the Street is higher than in the shopping center. The average check is higher in Street. The average price of the goods does not differ. The number of purchases in the receipt is higher for Street.

Floor. Does not affect the effective level of traffic when taking into account the coefficient of the difference in the rental rate. Conversion drops as the number of storeys rises. The size of the receipt, price and quantity of goods do not depend on the floor of the store.

Goal management. Sorted lists of regions, cities, shops, goods, sellers indicate mutual success without providing tools of influence. allows you to calculate indicators outlets from the structure of the client flow, identify potential and track the dynamics of progress.

Before handing over the data to the experts, ask for depersonalized presentations of previous projects to see what the placer gold of new knowledge looks like. This will help level expectations and identify snags - do not get fooled by mica and pyrite, which are passed off as a noble metal.

In battle, iron is more valuable than gold - it is better to lay down the rules for a confident increase in business than to endlessly look for the philosopher's stone of an instant miracle.

The analysis of changes in the average check allows the owner to evaluate the success of the establishment management, keep abreast of the establishment, and make the necessary management decisions in time. Analyzing changes in the amount of the average check, you can get information about whether the ongoing marketing promotions whether the work of the staff is effective, whether the customers are loyal to the institution. Almost all modern catering automation programs allow you to obtain data on the average bill of an establishment.

How to calculate the average bill in a restaurant?

Very simple. According to one of the most common technologies, the average check is calculated as follows.
The revenue for a certain period must be divided by the number of accounts or guests. Thus, we will get the average check from the turnover by tables or by guests. For greater objectivity, revenue from banquets, delivery, etc. should not be taken into account. Only revenue generated in the hall.

Why is the average check falling?

There can be several reasons for the drop in the average check:

  1. Waiters don't sell/sell poorly/badly trained and can't sell better.
  2. Expensive dishes are prepared for a long time, guests are not ready to wait so long.
  3. Theft of waiters - some orders are not carried out in the program, checks are not punched.
  4. The quality of the food or the service has gone down, or both.
  5. The pricing policy of the institution is lame.

How to increase the average bill in a restaurant?

  • Beverage offer. In many establishments with a good average check, waiters offer to order drinks immediately after the menu is served. It is logical and correct - the drink will brighten up the expectation of the main course. It is not necessary for all guests in a row to immediately offer only alcohol. Many guests know stories about bad waiters, whose main task is to immediately give the guests a proper drink, then feed him, drunk, and then, of course, shortchange him. Offer several drinks to choose from, including non-alcoholic ones. But it is worth remembering that tea and coffee are offered at the end of the meal.
  1. It is also worth remembering that guests usually remember the dish or drinks named by the waiter at the beginning and end of the phrase. That is, if the waiter has the task of selling marginal wine of a certain brand, then when discussing drinks with the guest, he twice names the brand of this particular wine.

But again - the waiter should not be intrusive in the proposals. When the waiter offers wine to the guest for the fifth time, and the guest still does not ripen, this is already an obsession. Also, the “choice without choice” move is known to most guests and leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. For example, the waiter, without even asking the guest whether he will have alcohol, offers to order their best beer right now or right after the main course.

03/31/2010 at 11:48

You're looking at the last month's turnover report and suddenly you find that revenue is plummeting and checks are plummeting. First of all, having gathered with directors at a meeting, you try to find reasons, somehow influence the situation ... Find a solution, act in accordance with the approved concept, and the result: the number of checks is critically negative. Catastrophe!

In fact, all ingenious solutions are quite simple, and the law of conservation of energy, which says the truth known to us from the school bench: “nothing arises from nothing and does not disappear without a trace”, justifies itself for years.

Step one. Studying competitors

Of course, something could change "outside". Prices and promotions offered by competitors, the opening of a new trading platform. It is very important to quickly explore the territory of shalandiz (adjacent to the problem trading platform within a 10-15 minute walk).

It is not enough to monitor prices only, it is important to pay attention to all changes in the external environment. Or maybe competitors offer all visitors a 3% discount, or a gift for a purchase, or they have something that attracts children, housewives, like a magnet?

There are many options, but there are no less options for dealing with someone else's competitive advantage. But for this fight, it is worthwhile to study the enemy well, so as not to waste time and effort on the battle with windmills.

The reasons may be the following:

- Price struggle; A method that is unprofitable to anyone, since it is much easier to lower the price than to raise it later. Hard dumping is the way, first of all, to your own decrease in profits, because competitors will follow your example, and both you and they will start to lose margins. It is important to keep an eye on the prices of "beacon" products, such as eggs, sugar, bread, potatoes. No one will keep track of the prices for all the thousands of items in your store, so the difference in the cost of "biscuit" cookies of 20 kopecks is far from critical. But knowing the cost of rating, popular and "beacon" goods from competitors is your sacred duty. If you don't want to turn into a discounter or a low-income store to operate with one goal - the lowest prices, drop the idea of ​​conscious dumping.

- Distribution of elephants; It's no secret that the current mentality of the population, especially the medium segment (of average income), is simply delighted with all kinds of promotions aimed at receiving a gift. And it doesn't matter that it can be nobody necessary thing, it is important that it is given in the hands of FREE OF CHARGE. Can you imagine, my neighbor bought 2 kilograms of washing powder and was given a dispenser bucket as a gift, this is a resonance in the world of housewives! Three out of five of her friends will go to this store for laundry detergent! It is important to track in time: where and at what time your competitors hand over the “elephants” and make a counterattack!

- Discount; A competitor store has opened, it distributes discounts to all customers - of course, it needs to attract the population! People rush to the villain who is interrupting your trade, and you are tearing your hair out, not knowing what to do in this case. Calm down, we are well aware that the competitor will have to compensate for the losses from the discount, for example, at the expense of a markup, which means that in the future its prices will be higher. And losses in profits, since discounts are distributed uncontrollably, will become tangible. There is a wonderful counter argument - your loyalty campaign, in which regular customers can take part. Whether it's sticking in funny chickens for Easter, or "harvesting" by September, and you're offering shoppers the same limited-time discount that's played in a playful way that's especially interesting to those who are regular visitors to your marketplace. . This method works for "regulars", the medium segment, but what to do with the "premium" segment? It's simple: for the so-called VIP buyers, there are "hooks" that need to be thrown in time. It is important to determine the time and goal, and there are more than enough methods to achieve it.

- Beautiful, big, bright; So they opened, a new competitor - the store is twice as large, the racks are new, the price tags are bright. And your marketplace barely contains a third of the assortment offered by the conquerors of the market space. Urgently needed a massive advertising campaign in the spirit of patriotism: “Cozy, like in your own kitchen”, “All the essentials. Proven quality over the years. And then a drawing of small gifts among regular customers. Or maybe a discount for all pregnant women, young mothers - if your area is dormitory? Play on your own advantages, on other people's shortcomings, presenting your own dignity. People are influenced by opinions, let that opinion come from you.

- Dozens of other reasons; By studying them, you will learn to understand that there are no unsolvable questions. There are questions that you have not noticed before.

People have a habit of getting used to. And often, having got used to one object of shopping, knowing thoroughly where and what is located, it is difficult for them to reorganize. For the most part, a person tends to strive to be in a familiar and comfortable environment for him. And if regular customers leave you, it means that something happened that forced them to take this step.

Step two. Exploring yourself

"We are fine. Competitors, scoundrels, promotions, dumping - so the buyers fled" - when I hear this phrase, an ominous devil amuses in my soul. Since ancient times, humanity has been striving to attribute all its shortcomings to anyone, if only not to recognize them in any case. But if we discard the desire to seem better, and face the truth?

- Shop floor inspection; Cleanliness and order, the location of price tags according to the rules of merchandising, under each “face” presented on the shelf. For the lack of price tags, I would simply fine the administrator working in the shift, and he, in turn, let him decide the issue of finding the guilty ones. With such a tough but correct approach, the issue of order on the shelves and the availability of price tags would be solved instantly. After all, not a single stock, not a single beautifully designed butt will save the trading floor, if a constant mess in prices is the norm.

- Those cute eyes opposite; Gradually, we are starting to move towards the European service system, but the farther from the capital, the further from this system and the concept of "service", as such. Looking at how sweetly and unobtrusively the seller describes to you the advantages of Mazdamer cheese over Radomer, with what zeal and care he cuts off each piece and carefully puts it in a bag - you want to throw yourself on your neck and, sobbing, kiss it. Alas, such a rush does not happen often, for the most part sellers and cashiers serve as if you come to their house at night and ask to cut a piece of cheese, carefully stored in their refrigerator. And this contingent of sellers smiles only when they see the looming face of the manager, the owner, on the horizon. Someone, according to the ancient "Soviet hardening", normally perceives a being rude behind the counter. People of a higher level, higher requirements, and, as a rule, no less high income, are used to being smiled at and responding affably. No one requires curtsies and full knowledge of the assortment, although this is a moot point, because we do not trade in cast-iron blanks, which means that it would not hurt to study with passion each department seller thoroughly the type of products that he sells. Therefore, if your store or supermarket is regularly rude, guess where the buyer will go? Correctly! All to the same hated competitors.
Didn't pack the item? Broken eggs? Did you respond harshly? The security guard searched your bag, confusing you with a recidivist, suspecting that when you bought groceries for 800 UAH, you brazenly stole a pack of Dobry tea? You can be prepared for the fact that these customers will prefer to shop at the store across the street.

And it also happens: you come to a supermarket, and there are wonderful staff who have been trained, with a high knowledge of the assortment, who attended a service training. You walk up to the grocery counter and that's it. And here, as in the advertisement “Let the whole world wait!” For the first five minutes, you stand at the counter, mentally sending waves to the sellers, as if hinting that you want to buy something. Five minutes later, you begin to attract attention in every possible way, waving your arms, or with the phrases: “Girl! Who is serving here? Invite the seller. In another five minutes, you want to throw a can of canned pineapple at a bunch of uniformed people crowded in the fish department, so that minutes of waiting will probably not be in vain. And here, when patience is running out, SHE emerges from this horde of fellow comrades-in-arms - a culinary seller. It moves slowly, like a swan princess floating on the waves. Where to hurry? Think buyer. Then she will also put a “herring under a fur coat” into the tray in such a way that you generally stop loving this salad, as such.

What do you think the buyer should do in this case? Do you think he will write in the book of complaints? No, he will write there only if all of the above happens on the same day, and that is not yet a fact. He will simply leave your store forever.

-You wrote to us; The book of complaints is a good thing, I’ll tell you, especially if someone writes to it! They write, I know that some write, but how many people simply don’t get to it, but I would like to!!! How can we find out what is really happening on the marketplace? How can we influence the situation by changing it into a quality position for us?

a) the book of complaints is standard, in an easily accessible place, for some reason it is the “easy accessibility” factor that is often absent;

B) a book of complaints on the site, with sending a complaint to the e-mail address of the person in charge.

C) a huge sign at the exit from the trading floor, or noticeable in the checkout area, stating: “If you are dissatisfied with the service, if there is something that you would like to change in the work of our store (supermarket, trading floor) - all complaints and wishes, please send to our email address ... "

Everything ingenious, as I said, is simple. People will not stir up a scandal by demanding a book and wasting time on graphomania, they are not even sure that they will get to the website of your supermarket chain or stores. But they will remember the e-mail (it's good if the address is duplicated on business cards, information sheets) and they will definitely write. It may very well happen that the information sent to you will be extremely useful and will help you find answers to some questions.

- Besides: there is such a service as "Mystery Shopper", which helps to assess the level of training of staff, the trading platform as a whole. And, of course, a survey in the hall - a survey by promoters of buyers.

Once, while working as the head of the marketing department of a supermarket chain, I was faced with a similar question: why do people leave? Why is the number of checks on this trading platform rapidly declining? I took several sheets of paper, a tablet. I took one of the merchandisers with me, and in a few hours I conducted a survey on the subject: “Are you our regular customer? What would you like to change, perhaps there is something that makes you uncomfortable? The result has outdone itself. For a couple of hours of the survey, two and a half pages of “missed” moments were revealed! (this is in the form reprinted from a pile of information). This includes service, and the work of some departments, and even those issues that I have never paid attention to before. If you want to know what your customers are worried about - ask them about it! - here it is, the main rule when working with people.

(to be continued…)

Why is the check getting shorter Why is the check getting shorter Amera Carlos 2018-10-01 http://website/upload/resize_cache/iblock/606/2560_1200_1/6063ad8eac11bb696fd46ff8d192fc52.jpg

The results of the first half of the year showed a downward trend in the average check in many grocery chains, including discounters. Experts believe that retailers have fallen into their own trap, becoming a victim of active promotions.

In the second quarter of this year, the average check of the market leader X5 Retail Group in the Pyaterochka chain decreased by 1.5% compared to the same period in 2017, to 344 rubles. Compared to the first quarter of 2018, there is also a drop of 0.7%, then the average bill was 361 rubles.

The average check in comparable Pyaterochka stores decreased by 0.8% in the second quarter of this year. If you look at the quarterly 2017 and 2018, then Pyaterochka has a trend towards a slowdown in the growth rate of net retail sales (taking into account the deduction of the return of goods, discounts and transportation costs, ed.). Growth was 31.9% in Q2 2017 and 21% in Q2 2018 (see infographic).

Analysts point out that in previous years Pyaterochka showed high growth rates both in terms of revenue and traffic, so against the backdrop of a high base it is difficult to continue to show significant growth, and even in a stagnating market.

In another X5 Retail Group network, Perekrestok, the average check in the second quarter amounted to 502 rubles against 513 rubles a year earlier (a drop of 2.3%). The average LFL check (check in comparable stores) also fell by 1.9%.

As for the third format of X5 Retail Group - the Karusel hypermarket chain, there, on the contrary, during this period the check grew by 3.3% and amounted to 762 rubles, the average LFL check grew by 2.5%.

The main competitor of X5 Magnit also received a drop in the average check for all formats in the second quarter compared to the same period in 2017: in convenience stores it fell by 3.3%, in supermarkets by 3%, and in hypermarkets by 3%. 6.3%.

In the Lenta chain, the average check, taking into account new stores, decreased by 3.5% to 1,052 rubles.

For the O'Key group as a whole, the average LFL check in the second quarter decreased by 1.8% compared to the same period in 2017. In O'Key hypermarkets, the drop was 0.6%, and in Da! it remained at the same level as last year.

Marketing Wars

Public retailers attribute the drop in the average check to the low level of food inflation. In "Magnit" they also connected this with the fact that Easter this year fell on the period before the payment of salaries.

Alexey Korenev, an analyst at FINAM Group, believes that the main reason for the decline in both the average bill and the pace of retail sales in general is the ongoing 4-year drop in real disposable incomes of the population. At the same time, the growth of nominal wages, which occasionally occurs, has little effect on the overall dynamics of income. Moreover, the trends of recent months suggest that, most likely, next year in this regard will be even worse than 2017 and 2018.

Retail market expert Natalya Kolupaeva (she has worked as an investment analyst in various banks for over 14 years, analyzes the consumer market and retail) believes that the average check is declining due to the growing level of competition between networks, and price-sensitive consumers continue to optimize expenses - they try to look for the best prices, save money, seek a compromise. People with free funds have the opportunity to eat out - in cafes and restaurants, use the increasingly popular food delivery from cafes and restaurants such as Yandex.Food and Delivery Club.

The fall in the average check on the market as a whole has nothing to do with the fall in purchasing power. This is largely a consequence of the aggressive marketing game that retailers have unleashed on the market.

But the main reason for the decline in the average check in all grocery stores is most likely caused by deep and wide promotions that retailers have become overused.

“The fall in the average check on the market as a whole has nothing to do with the fall in purchasing power. This is largely a consequence of the aggressive marketing game that retailers have unleashed on the market. Now the consumer in conditions of lean consumption migrates from store to store in order to buy goods at a discount. The number of trips to stores has increased, so some chains are showing an increase in traffic,” says CEO IA "InfoLine" Ivan Fedyakov.

Experts point out that until the end of the second quarter, there was a continuous increase in promotions in FMCG chains, the number of which reached an abnormal state. “Already in some networks, the average basket bought in the store consisted of half of promotional items. They are needed to generate traffic, the consumer saves on one product, but buys more goods at regular prices, however, when you have the same discounts on all discounts and competitors have the same discounts, this does not lead to an increase in the average bill,” notes Ivan Fedyakov.

According to Sberbank CIB, the trend that began in 2015 - consumer shopping trips in search of the best price - continues to this day. “The hunt for promo is still going on, but the consumer has begun to present more high requirements to the place of purchase,” says Mikhail Krasnoperov, Executive Director of Sberbank CIB.

Buyers migrate from one store to another in search of goods on promotions: in one they take eggs at a discount, in another - flour, and powders, which are always discounted, have generally ceased to be bought at a regular price, experts say.

If in 2017 59% of the volume of all categories in physical terms was purchased in modern format stores through promotions, now this figure has increased to 64%.

According to Nielsen Promo Pressure, the share of sales from the top 20 FMCG promotions in the first half of 2018 increased significantly compared to the same period last year. If in 2017 59% of the volume of all categories in physical terms was purchased in modern format stores through promotions, now this figure has increased to 64%.

The most promoted categories remain washing powders and fabric softeners, the share of sales of which by shares is 83% and 82%, respectively. This is followed by chocolate bars (79%), rum and shower gels (69% each). Among all categories, discount sales increase most actively in such categories as children food(the share of sales on promotions - 44% in physical terms), coffee (69%), liqueurs (46%) - an increase in the share of promotions by 11% compared to the same period a year earlier, according to a Nielsen report.

Specialized networks pull flows

Specialized chains such as Krasnoe i Beloe, VkusVill, FixPrice began to compete with FMCG retailers. “Such players increase their area by 45% and revenue by 50% per year. Krasnoye i Beloe competes with Magnit and Pyaterochka in 50% of locations,” Mikhail Krasnoperov notes.

Ivan Fedyakov agrees with him on this. “If you take second and third tier chains, there are interesting growing stories that are largely based on an effective business model. Firstly, this is the Krasnoe and Beloe chain, which in 2017 grew by 50% in rubles and has already opened 1.2 thousand stores since the beginning of this year, and, by the way, in terms of the number open stores This year, the alcohol chain overtakes both X5 and Magnit, Ivan Fedyakov emphasizes.

The expert also draws attention to the good pace of development of the VkusVill chain (trades in natural and eco-products). The company had a 54% growth in revenue last year, opened 180 stores since the beginning of this year and now has 660 stores.

Among the dynamically developing players, Ivan Fedyakov draws attention to the Yarche! (area - from 500 to 1.5 thousand m 2). It is relatively recently (since 2012) being developed by the Tomsk food holding KDV Group, but by the end of 2017, the chain’s revenue amounted to 36 billion rubles (an increase of more than 100% compared to 2016), and the number of stores increased to 550. These are universal stores that present the entire range of products, but the company relies on vertical integration and private labels.

“Strategy of the chain “Brighter!” similar to the strategy of Magnit, it left the regions (Altai, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk) and goes to Moscow very carefully, trying not to compete head-on with federal networks. But gradually the network is already occupying a prominent position in vegetable gardens, moreover, in a stagnating market,” Ivan Fedyakov emphasizes.

When the buyer does not understand where he is - in Pyaterochka or Dixie, it is not surprising that the store's revenue begins to sag.

The Krasnoyarsk network of discounters "Svetofor" is actively developing, in which the bet is made on low margins and fast turnover of goods. Svetofor has federal contracts and well-organized own logistics. Over the past 1.5 years, the network has grown from 492 (as of January 2017) to 761 stores as of July 2018.

Experts note that consolidation in the grocery market continues, regional players continue to leave the market that has been stagnating for several years in physical terms, and now stagnation has begun in money terms due to low inflation. “Many companies are not ready for this, as they have never lived in such conditions. Stagnation is characterized by the fact that the strongest wins with a business model that, on the one hand, is understandable and effective, on the other hand, is unique in relation to the consumer, who will be able to distinguish a particular store from the general gray mass. And when the buyer does not understand where he is - in Pyaterochka or Dixy, it is not surprising that the store's revenue begins to sag, ”says Ivan Fedyakov.

The valve must be closed

According to InfoLine, there are fewer openings in food retail than closings. In 2017, almost 8,000 stores were opened (Magnit and X5 Retail Group accounted for 60% of the openings) in the FMCG segment, and almost 15,000 were closed. But here it must be borne in mind that several small single outlets are closed for one open hypermarket, therefore, the sales area is practically not reduced. In the first half of 2017, the increase in retail space was 900 thousand m2 (among the top 200 FMCG), in the first half of 2018 - 674 thousand m2. There is growth, but the pace is slowing down.

Market experts believe that retailers have already fully felt the negative consequences of the abuse of promotions and must somehow get out of this price spiral.

“At least since the third quarter, we have seen that the depth and breadth of the range sold on promotions has ceased to grow, although until the end of the second quarter we saw a continuous increase in these indicators. Many vendors have built some promotional activity into their plan, so this process will continue for some time. But I would like to believe that we have reached the extreme phase of the development of these promotional activities, they cannot be developed further. Neither the supplier nor the retailer benefits from this: margins are shrinking, revenues are falling in comparable stores. The goods are beginning to be made from cheaper ingredients to reduce costs, quality suffers. Retailers should no longer unscrew this valve. In 2019, I think the trend towards a decrease in promotional activities will continue,” predicts Ivan Fedyakov.

Residents of Russia continue to save on daily purchases. For the second month in a row, the average check per trip to the store has been declining, and in May 2018 we are talking about a drop in the indicator by 1.7% compared to April.

“For the second month in a row, the average check has been declining. At the end of May, the indicator stopped at the level of 521 rubles, having lost 9 rubles or 1.7% compared to April. Taking into account the May inflation of 0.4%, the average check decreased by more than 2%, ”the materials of the Romir research center say.

According to the director of the Institute for Social Policy of the Higher School of Economics, Lilia Ovcharova, it is still difficult to draw conclusions about the decline in the well-being of citizens. The fact is that markets open at the end of spring and summer, some people move from one region to another, and some leave the country for a vacation.

“May-July are such volatile months when there are changes in consumer behavior,” the expert said.

According to Romir, five years ago, in May 2013, there was also a decrease. The average Russian city dweller spent 480 rubles for one trip to the store. Then the May index fell by as much as 7% compared to April.

True, the indicator of May 2018 showed that from the pre-crisis level of 2013, the check increased by 8.5%. Nevertheless, Ovcharova noted that today people behave very carefully in terms of consumer behavior.

The interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru added that not all incomes of the population are growing, for example, there is no increase in wages in the informal sector. “Property income is received by a relatively narrow circle of people. They do not affect the average check, ”the expert argues.

Recall that old-age pensions increased by 3.7% from January 1, and social pensions were indexed by 2.9% in April this year. According to Rosstat, the real disposable income of the population in 2018 continues to grow. The indicators increased by 3%, real wages - by 9.5%. In general, the indexation of pensions, salaries for state employees, the increase in minimum size wages.

Recall that the real incomes of Russians have been falling for the last 4 years. Last year - by 1.7%, despite the fact that the salary of Russians was growing. Rated wage then increased by 7.2%, in real terms - by 3.4%.

According to Romir, the average bill has lost weight in all cities, and especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In both capitals, residents were saving hard enough. In Moscow, for a month the check decreased by 4.7% and amounted to 690 rubles. In St. Petersburg, we are talking about the "weight loss" of the check for the month by 4.3%. If we take the annual dynamics, then in Moscow the Russians began to spend a little more compared to May last year, by 1.9%. In the Northern capital, the check decreased by 5.9% over the year.

The monthly dynamics shows that the leader in reducing spending on goods is the Central District - 6.1%. Such indicators are mainly explained by the recession in Moscow.

“The check in the Urals has significantly decreased - by 3.6%. The check suffered more modest losses in the northwest (-1.6%) of the country and the Far East (-1.5%),” the study says. In the Volga federal district the check at the end of May amounted to 431 rubles.

Interestingly, in large cities people save more than in small towns. The average check per month in cities with a population of about 100 thousand people, the check fell by 1.5%, and in cities with a population of half a million - by 2.4%. “Residents of small and medium-sized cities did not save much. In “hundred-thousanders” a check added 3.9% over the year, in half-million - 3.8%, ”the materials say.

Also, the increase in gasoline prices could also affect the revision of spending on purchases. According to Rosstat, gasoline prices in May increased by 5.6% compared to April. For the year, the growth was 11.3%.

Hypermarkets suffer losses

According to Ovcharova, the check is also reduced by the fact that many retail chains activated various discounts. “Now in our country, sellers are overrepresented, and they compete with each other by setting lower prices,” the expert said.

According to Romir, the check fell on purchases in supermarkets and hypermarkets. In May, we are talking about almost 5.5% losses compared to April. The decrease in the check in hypermarkets by May last year amounted to 5.9%. A recent study by the VTsOM says that the majority of Russians still prefer to buy products in large stores of well-known retail chains.

“Chain stores remain the most common place to buy groceries: 72% of respondents noted that most of the food is bought there,” said the head of social policy and communication technologies center . According to the data, just in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the share of respondents who prefer stores of famous brands reaches 83-84%.

A study by Romir says that at the points of sale "trading" through the counter, the check added 11.6% in a year. Non-chain retailers can offer products healthy eating or farm produce. “This format is in demand among buyers who evaluate the quality, taste characteristics and appearance goods, and pay less attention to its final cost,” comments Dina Postolenko, director of the retail real estate department at Colliers International.