What do you need to sell smoked fish. Organization of a workshop for smoking meat and fish

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How to open a smoking shop, the business plan of which is designed to create a highly profitable project? This small business has some undeniable advantages because it is related to food production. A smokehouse for business provides good starting opportunities; the business plan for such a project does not require large investments at the initial stage. It is enough to open a mini-smoking shop for small businesses, and you can already start organizing production and marketing.

Enterprise concept

The task of the smokehouse as a business project is to supply the consumer with high quality smoked products. The main competitors of private mini-shops are not the same enterprises designed for a limited amount of final products, but large meat processing plants. Their similar products are produced in larger quantities and in a diverse range, and their cost is lower than that of private traders.

Despite this, the population willingly buys smoked products from private producers. This is due to the fact that large enterprises send meat to the smoking shop as a raw material, the shelf life of which is coming to an end. And in order to reduce losses, these meat products are smoked, thereby extending its shelf life. The end product is edible, but not of very high quality.

Another thing is a private mini-workshop, own mini-smoking sheds, in which there is compact equipment. In this case, initially purchased products are not expired, but of high quality. A relatively small volume of production allows you to experiment with taste, offering the consumer a different assortment. The plant does not offer anything like this, its efforts are focused on the production of a small assortment that may not change for years. This is also due to the fact that such products are not a priority for the plant, but only reduce losses by reducing the amount of spoiled meat.

The business plan of a mini-smoker provides that the main product of the production of such an enterprise is hot smoked meat. Moreover, the main assortment is poultry meat:

  • chicken carcasses;
  • thighs;
  • chicken legs;
  • breasts;
  • wings.

At the initial stage, it is better to focus on smoking poultry meat, but over time, the range can be significantly expanded with smoked pork products. A business plan for smokehouses can also be drawn up in the production of smoked fish.

How to start a project?

Start this project by renting a space and purchasing a special installation - a mini-smoker. It can smoke meat, fish, and other foodstuffs. Such an installation does not require much space, it can even fit in a spacious kitchen or in some kind of shed, garage.

The initial stage will require the development of smokehouse technology. Try to smoke different meats and fish, experiment with different smoking technologies. For best flavor, use fruit wood. Avoid spruce, birch and pine.

Carefully keep a record of all preparations: consumption and yield of meat, what costs for electricity, spices, etc. But spices are not always used. In most cases, they are used for the preparation of pork products. The boning itself in spices occurs after the smoking process. Let's try the received products not only to relatives and friends, but also to acquaintances. Having achieved good quality products, you can launch it on the market.

To give the products a red juicy color after the smoking process itself, a small amount of sodium nitride is added to the brine: 0.05 g per 1 liter of brine. This allows you to give smoked products a beautiful look. Otherwise, after processing, the meat becomes pale, acquires an unmarketable appearance.

To organize a smokehouse, you will need the following equipment:

  • hot smoked smokehouse;
  • meat injector;
  • cutting table;
  • freezer;
  • wood chips for smoking.

If you rent a room, it will cost 15-20 tr. The equipment will cost in the purchase of 200-250 tr. You also need to think about renting a car. If you have your own, you can use it. Otherwise, you will have to think about outsourcing transportation. In any case, the delivery of goods wholesale buyers will cost 5-10 tr. It is worth hiring one worker for production.

A month for the purchase of raw materials will go (depending on intentions and sales) from 150 tr. The cost of rent, fuel, utilities and contingencies will amount to at least another 50 thousand rubles. Fund wages for two smokers who will work in shifts will amount to 45-60 tr. Eventually monthly expenses will be 245-260 tr.

The income of the enterprise is 110-120% of the amount of purchase of raw materials, that is, sales should bring in 320-330 tr. The net profit of the enterprise before taxes is 60-85 tr. The payback of the enterprise, taking into account the necessary time to search for regular customers, is 10-15 months.

These are approximate calculations. Costs can be reduced by buying used equipment and by not hiring smokers, but doing the production process yourself. But this is not a good idea, because the owner of the project needs to do sales, look for regular customers, organize a marketing system that would allow regular sales of large volumes of prepared products.

Project promotion

Expect that the main sale will take place through stores, retail outlets and large wholesale bases. These are the main distribution channels for manufactured products. Individual individuals will not be able to provide the necessary level of sales, unless they sell personally through their network of outlets. It is not the owner of the business who should sell directly, but the hired seller or sellers. This will increase the monthly costs not only for the wage fund, but also for rent. outlet.

A smokehouse as a business does not require an expensive advertising campaign. Especially if this project is combined with the opening of a network of retail outlets. The cost for each will additionally amount to 45 tr. for rent and wages, but this increases the income of the enterprise by 1.4-2 times, which will amount to 402-510 tr. Net profit will increase to 110-180 tr.

Own retail outlets do not exclude the need to offer products to wholesale buyers. This will only expand the scope of the project, make it less sensitive to competition and provide a good opportunity to increase production.

Remember that one supplier or one way of promotion is very bad for business.

So take care of their distribution.

Scheme source: ijiza.ru

Order a business plan

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The main thing in this business is to choose a convenient place for trading. With the right approach and knowledge of your business, you will soon have regular customers, and perhaps you will be able to negotiate with restaurants and supply your products in bulk.

The business idea - smoking fish, meat, lard is very relevant. All this can be done in two ways. The first one is wholesale purchase. You can find wholesalers, buy smoked meats from them and start selling. But since the quality is not very good for everyone, it is better not to do this. Moreover, working for someone, or being dependent on someone, is not our option. We are developing a business plan for self-smoking and subsequent implementation.

First you need to find a room in which your smokehouse will be located. If you live in a private house, then almost any building will do. If you are an “inhabitant” of an apartment, you will have to rent a room. What can I say, if you wish, you can arrange a smokehouse right in the apartment.

Next, you need to purchase equipment for smoking. The most successful and convenient option is an electric smokehouse. Its cost fluctuates between 10-50 thousand rubles. Although, of course, there are more expensive options. But the "budget" is quite enough for the first time. Your task is to try, and you will always have time to expand the boundaries of your business.

Now meat processing plants offer consumers a fairly wide range of smoked meat, but among potential buyers there are many lovers of home-smoked meat. I can't complain about the lack of buyers. Homemade smoked fish is even more in demand.

The smoking installation at home takes up little space, the smoking technology is well thought out and proven. Obtaining products from smoked meat and fish does not require significant effort. The cycle of the smoking process itself is no more than fifty minutes. The UEC delivery set includes detailed and understandable instructions, the smoking technology and the process of preparing raw materials for smoking are described in an accessible way, everything is quite simple and convenient. But the manufacture of products is the first and easiest stage in this business, as, perhaps, in any business of production, implementation is much more difficult.

Realization of products. Here you can do two options. You can rent a point in the market or somewhere else. Then you will sell your products yourself, and you will control its demand. You can also learn a lot about the market and its products. Or become a supplier. You can offer your products to private entrepreneurs, cafes, supermarkets, cafes or restaurants. Smoked meats are in demand everywhere. The main thing is to monitor the quality and pricing policy of your products. Still, for example, stores will also want to earn something by selling your products. Therefore, the cheaper your product, the more likely you are to sell it.

Smokehouse scheme:

Smokehouse scheme

1. The walls of the smokehouse.
2. Top cover.
3. Smoke outlet.
4. Grid or pallet.
5. Tray for fat.
6. Wood chips or sawdust.
7. Pallet mounts.
8. Smoked product.
9. A sleeve for an output of a smoke.
10. Hearth (firewood).

The smoking shop is a business, the profitability of which is more than 50%. Especially popular are small workshops that produce products from fresh raw materials. Their main competitors are meat processing enterprises, which often use products that expire rather quickly. Taste qualities, as well as demand for products, depend on this. Before opening an enterprise, it is necessary to carefully consider the business plan of the smokehouse.


The following types of products are produced in the smoking shops:

  • salted, dried and smoked fish;
  • minced fish and deep-frozen fillets;
  • smoked and boiled-smoked pork, beef, poultry and lard;
  • smoked cheese.

Often, the shop starts its activity with poultry meat, which can be easily processed. It is on this meat that all the subtleties of production technology are mastered.

Today, smoked fish is very popular and therefore your own fish smoking workshop can become quite profitable. There is also always a demand for smoked meat products.

Market analysis

When planning the opening of your smoking shop, it is imperative to analyze the market of the city and region and choose for production exactly the type of product that is in demand. Or you should choose the type of product that will come out cheaper thanks to local crafts.

Using such a deep analysis, a businessman will understand how to choose competitive behavior and what niche to occupy. It is important that your products are not inferior to competitors in quality, and also have a lower cost. Also, the received product must be officially recognized after verification in test laboratories.

Forming your business

First of all, to open your workshop, you must be registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The choice of form directly depends on the scale for which the enterprise is designed.

If the production is small and you are going to sell products in small batches in small stores, then you can register as an individual entrepreneur. This procedure takes up to 5-7 days and the state duty for it is only 800 rubles.

If you plan to make large deliveries, then it would be best to register as entity. Do not forget that for the legal operation of the business, you will need permission from the SES, the fire department and other authorities. Also, when making bulk purchases of raw materials from a supplier, it is imperative to take a veterinary certificate and a certificate for each batch. In addition, finished products are also subject to certification. The overall organization of your case will take approximately two weeks.

Workshop room

Starting your business from scratch is always risky, and that is why you should not immediately spend finances on buying a room, but it is better to rent it.

The lease agreement must include the following:

  • the term of the proposed lease;
  • your rights and obligations as a tenant;
  • your landlord's responsibilities;
  • the amount and timing of the exact calculation of the lease;
  • the amount and terms of calculation for various operating payments;
  • termination conditions in the event of various unforeseen (which still need to be foreseen) circumstances and the end of the lease agreement.

Read also: Tire recycling as a business

The rental price is approximately $10 per sq. meter. For a smoke shop, for example, a former dining room with an area of ​​50 sq. m. depending on the scale of production.

Zoning of the premises

Any room must be divided into separate rooms in which each individual production stage will take place. The floor plan should include areas for the following activities:

  • defrosting of raw materials;
  • its cuttings;
  • production;
  • product packaging;
  • product storage (cold storage);
  • container processing;
  • storage and drying of containers;
  • content of consumables;
  • storage of packaging materials, etc.


The equipment for the smoking shop will require special equipment. Need to purchase:

  1. Washing baths, which must be written for washing what they are used for.
  2. Defrost racks.
  3. Refrigeration equipment.
  4. Cutting table.
  5. Installations for various types of smoking.
  6. Brine containers.
  7. Minced meat injector.
  8. Knives that must be in special sheaths.
  9. Chips for smoking.
  10. Vacuum packaging equipment.
  11. Change of clothes for workers, which must be changed every day.

Today on the market you can see equipment, both domestic and foreign. All of them differ in their technological characteristics.

Foreign-made equipment should be chosen if it is planned to process about ten tons of raw materials into knocks in the workshop. Smokehouses of domestic production are suitable for smaller enterprises. When loading up to 300 kg of raw materials per day, domestic smokehouses are able to ensure proper profitability. In the future, such installations can be used to assemble a whole line that will allow processing 8-10 tons of raw materials. Such a line will cost much less than an imported one, but at the same time, as some entrepreneurs note, it is less convenient to use.

Equipment processing

A prerequisite is the presence in the smoking room of the hood and good ventilation. Doors and hatches must close tightly.

If possible, slats and skewers should be purchased immediately in double quantities, since they must be processed daily. They are cleaned, washed in a 1% soda solution and scalded with boiling water. Once a week, it is necessary to process the smoking chambers.

It is also worth buying thermometers and moisture meters to measure indicators in the chambers where the products are being prepared for sale. All readings of measuring instruments are recorded in a special log.

Disinfection should not be neglected either. After each shift, cutting boards are soaked in a solution of soda ash (5%), and then dried well. Tables for cutting should be disinfected twice a day.


To work in your smokehouse, you will need to attract additional labor. To increase the profitability of the project, in the first year and a half, you can ask your relatives and family members to work in the shop. Thanks to this step, you can reduce the cost of paying salaries.

For a small workshop, two or three people will be enough. It will also be necessary to hire an accountant who will compile statistical reports, deal with tax deductions, and analyze the financial condition. An entrepreneur can take on such functions as process management, the purchase of raw materials, and the sale of products.

Feeding people is one of the oldest occupations. And also a reliable theme for business. It is not subject to any fashion or conjuncture - you always want to eat. And smoked delicacies have always been in demand, and will continue to be bought. If everything is done correctly, then the business of smoking products can become a reliable, long-term income.

To open a smokehouse, however small, you should approach it like any other full-fledged business. You need to start a smoking business, as in any other business, with market research.

Walk through the grocery stores in your city. From small specialized ones selling meat or fish to large supermarkets. Examine the range of smoked meats on the shelves - what kind of delicacies they offer, what prices. Comparing the current date and the date of production, you can roughly estimate the demand for goods from buyers. By marking the place of production, you can understand how many competitors will be near you. Buy yourself the products of your competitors and try - so you can get an idea of ​​​​the quality. And so on. The planning of any business begins with the study of demand.

You can also be more active. For example, ask sellers and administrators of trading floors what exactly sells best, and what, on the contrary, people do not buy.

Sales routes

This is an important topic, and it is worth thinking about it at the stage of market research. Consider these three options:

  1. You can sell your products yourself at the local grocery market,
  2. You can become a small wholesale supplier of a trading network operating in the city,
  3. You can open your own shop.

First option for a novice entrepreneur, perhaps the most obvious. Especially if you are planning semi-handicraft production with small volumes. You should find out what is needed in order to get a place in the shopping malls at the city bazaar; what documents will be required from you by the SES or the quality control department in the market; what are the working conditions, and so on. Talk to the merchants - maybe the owner of an already operating trading stall will agree to buy products from you. If not, how much will it cost to hire a salesperson so you don't have to stand behind the counter yourself.

Second option may be more difficult than the first. The rules for the operation of large retail chains with local suppliers depend on the specific region and are constantly changing. The fees for a supermarket to list your items on their shelves can be quite high and come with different conditions. There are nuances associated with the transportation and storage of goods that you may not know about.

Third option the most costly. Opening your own store is essentially a separate, independent business. Even if we are talking about a small trading tent. You will have to resolve issues with the local authorities about the location of the outlet, about connecting to the power grid, about water supply and sewerage, to negotiate with the fire department, and so on.

Well, it is clear that thinking about your own store only makes sense if you plan to produce fairly large volumes of products.

Estimated production volumes

By doing this general research, you can get an idea of ​​how much of your product the market around you is ready to accept. And on the other hand - what volumes you yourself can produce with your proposed investment.

Artisanal smokehouses

Home-made devices made from improvised do-it-yourself tools are quite suitable for starting a simple smoking business. It is clear that it will not be possible to give out large volumes here - it is rather home-made smoking for your own family. But if you just want to try trading smoked fish in the bazaar, then this is just for you.

Most often, an old barrel, an old refrigerator, a gun cabinet, or some kind of box are used for smoking. There is to build such a smokehouse at their summer cottage. This is the maximum fast way get started - you can make such a smokehouse in just an hour! At the same time, the costs will be the most minimal, practically none! Almost any owner has an old barrel, a shovel, a minimal set of tools.

The advantages of such a smokehouse are clear, but the disadvantages are also clear. It is unlikely that you will be able to maintain stable product quality from batch to batch. Surely there may be difficulties with the sanitary documents of the SES. Large volumes for such a smokehouse are unattainable, and so on.

At this stage, you need to decide what type of smoking you want to do - hot or cold.

The fact is that the shelf life of hot smoked products is much less than cold! This will impose a rigid framework on your entire technological chain. Hot-smoked goods will need to be sold as quickly as possible before they go bad.

In addition to a simple barrel in the yard, you can consider the possibility of capital construction.

Such a smokehouse for products is built of brick, on a prepared foundation, according to all the rules of the oven craft. It will already be similar to semi-industrial production. You can expect to get a stable quality of smoked meats, and you can plan the smoking chamber of the volume you need.

Industrial smokers

This is already an application for a real, serious business. A factory-made smokehouse for a small business will allow you to produce a stable flow of finished products, moreover, of controlled quality.

A review of all such aggregates is beyond the scope of this article. However, it is clear that it makes sense to purchase such equipment only if you are ready to invest large sums in the smoking business.

Supply of raw materials

This is as important a point in your plan as it is to market the finished product.

Main Components

It is clear that it does not make sense to buy raw meat or live fish in supermarkets - the prices there are already retail, high, they take into account all interest and markups. You will need to find a small wholesale supplier in order to be able to buy raw materials at low prices.

Find out if there are appropriate farms in your area. If you live far from major cities, these will almost always show up. Farmers are constantly interested in marketing their products, and you will certainly be able to negotiate. Farm products also have the advantage of being more trusted by people: home-cooked products are considered to be of better quality than those that have passed through factory conveyors.

There may be a large poultry farm in your city, or a meat processing plant with its own breeding farm, or a fish factory. It is worth visiting all such enterprises. Write down and compare everything you learn - price levels, conditions and regularity of deliveries, possible volumes, and so on.

Pay attention to the certificates with which suppliers accompany their products. Everything must comply with state requirements. Listen in the city to what people are saying about this or that enterprise. Your own business reputation should not be allowed to suffer from an unscrupulous supplier.

Wood, spices, and more

Keep in mind that in addition to food raw materials, you will need supplies of a different kind. Namely - chips for smoking and components for various marinades. If you yourself are not ready to harvest wood chips and sawdust for yourself, then you need to choose a supplier. Pay attention to quality - chips should not be made from rotten or dead wood, or contain debris and dust.

The recipe for marinades, in which it will be necessary to soak raw materials before smoking, must be prepared in advance in order to understand what exactly will need to be purchased and in what quantities.

Well, if you are building a semi-industrial smoking shop, then you still need to think about other, in fact, consumables: overalls for employees, gloves, detergents, and so on.

Business plan for a smokehouse

Having passed all the previous stages, it is necessary to formalize all the collected information and fix it in the business plan. Putting it all together, you can calculate the profitability of your smoking business venture. Business plan - perfect required document for any business, if you take it seriously.

It is required to fix on paper both the main provisions of your business, and as many subtleties as possible that may await you in your business:

  • What scale of production do you intend to build?
  • What kind of premises will you need to open a smoking shop, what requirements will be imposed on it?
  • What equipment will need to be purchased?
  • How will you design your business?
  • What raw materials will you buy and what suppliers will you cooperate with?
  • How will you sell your finished product?
  • What is the required investment?
  • And so on - everything that can relate to the opening of the case and its conduct.

There are many detailed instructions for drawing up business plans on the Internet, it will not be difficult to find. Of course, if you doubt your own legal literacy, you can always hire a specialist who will do this work for you.


After you have decided on the volume of output and with necessary equipment, start looking for premises for your workshop.

You will need a room equipped according to all the requirements of food production:

  • refrigerators for storage of raw materials,
  • tables for cutting and primary processing,
  • containers for salting and marinating products,
  • various scales, loaders, packaging equipment,
  • hot and cold water supply, sewerage, connection to the power grid and gas communications,
  • tools and overalls for employees, and so on.

In general, the requirements for food production are regulated in detail by state regulations. There are a lot of little things in there. For example (these are quotes):

“Floor surfaces must be made of waterproof, washable and non-toxic materials, be accessible for washing and, if necessary, disinfection, as well as their proper drainage ...”;

“Industrial premises in which the production (manufacturing) of food products is carried out must be equipped with toilets, the doors of which should not go into the production premises ...”

“Opening external windows (transoms) should be equipped with insect screens that can be easily removed for cleaning…”

(Technical regulation approved on December 9, 2011 N 880 "ON THE ADOPTION OF THE TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF THE CUSTOMS UNION "ON FOOD SAFETY")

At the same time, do not forget such a subtlety that smoking production is a constant source of smoke. And you will have to do something about it - install some kind of filters, or immediately look for a building away from residential areas.

State regulatory authorities show increased attention to food production. The topic of preparing premises for food production is voluminous, it is definitely not for this article. You can easily find all the required documents on the Internet, but it is better to contact lawyers who will tell you which papers and which departments you will need to receive.

Approximate investment

Now, having an idea of ​​​​the upcoming costs, you can accurately calculate how much money you will have to invest in starting a business.

Your main costs will most likely be for the purchase of smoking and related equipment, and the preparation of premises for it. Purchased smoking chambers will need to be brought and installed. Conscientious large suppliers can provide transport on their own, as well as send their specialists to you for commissioning.

Prices for industrial smokehouses can vary greatly. A simple smoking cabinet with a volume of up to a cubic meter can cost 20-40 thousand rubles (mid-2017 and depending on the supplier), and a large line - from half a million and more. You have to carefully choose the device depending on the volume of products for which you are pawning.

Do not forget about everything else - marinating containers, tables for preparing raw materials, dishes, tools, and so on.

The cost of renting or even building your own building can vary greatly depending on your region, local conditions, availability of communications, and so on. Therefore, it is not possible to give a fixed amount here.

After that, you need to calculate the cost of wages to your employees. Keep in mind that in order to work in food production, they must have medical records, and in addition, regulatory documents provide for the need for regular medical examinations of all personnel.

The next item of expenditure will be the purchase of the first batches of raw materials. Additional fees may apply retail chains in order to be able to sell products through their stores. You may also be required to pay state fees for registering your business, for obtaining all required permits and approvals. Consider running costs for electricity or gas, gasoline for cars, and the like.

In total, to start your own business, you will need to pay:

  • registration of all documents;
  • rent or construction of premises, together with its preparation for work;
  • purchase, delivery and installation of equipment;
  • the first purchase of raw materials;
  • possible other costs.

Recurrent costs in the follow-up process will include:

  • rent of premises / land tax + real estate tax;
  • employee salaries;
  • regular purchase of raw materials;
  • electricity, gas and water supply, sewerage;
  • taxes;
  • fare;
  • possible other costs.

The exact figures for these costs again cannot be given with certainty, they depend on your region of residence, on local real estate prices, on local salary levels, and so on. And in general, smoking as a business, its profitability and payback level also depend on your location.

Chip business

It is impossible not to mention another business related to smoking, but not directly related to it. This is the production of wood chips and sawdust for smokehouses. After all, consumers can be not only businessmen with industrial smokehouses, but also ordinary citizens who have small home smokehouses that can be used in the kitchen in a city apartment, or handicraft oil barrels in the country ...

The fact is that not all tree species are used for smoking. For example, it is categorically not advised to use conifers (because they are too resinous), and they also do not recommend using birch wood. The best results are obtained on chips of alder, oak, willow and fruit trees - apple, pear, apricot and others. Some argue that it is good to use juniper. All these subtleties you have to study.

It is clear that it is most convenient to start such a business if you already have a working sawmill. You also need to clearly understand how and where you will receive your raw materials - raw round timber of the desired types of wood. It will be necessary to remove the bark from the trees, since its presence in the smoke chips is also undesirable. Trees should not be dead or rotten, which means you will have to arrange for their culling. You will need a small sawmill along with transporters, loaders and everything else. You will need equipment for sorting chips into fractions, for drying and controlling moisture, transport and packaging materials ...

At the same time, you will have to maintain a cleanliness in your sawmill, which is not the case in ordinary sawmills - after all, your sawdust should not contain any stains of engine oil, no dust, or any foreign matter. Sawdust is not waste for you, but products!

The description of such a business is not a topic for this article. But it was still impossible not to mention him.

The holidays are indispensable without them, so why not make a smokehouse the basis of your business. Please note that there are always people near the counters with smoked fish and sausages, they buy fragrant products “with smoke”, regardless of the season. A smokehouse as a business is a good start to your business, the demand for such products will not fall, and if there is a demand, accordingly, there is income. So, where to start a smoking business.

Properly organized smoking production can bring considerable income.

Studying the market

To identify the pros and cons of smoking production, you need to study the sales volumes in the market for manufactured products:

  • study the pricing policy and assortment of suppliers in the area where you are going to open a business, or at least take a closer look at the prices on the shelves;
  • through analytical work to identify the wishes and tastes of customers;
  • study samples of products manufactured by a competitor to identify its advantages and disadvantages;
  • find profitable sales points.

Choose a place

First, decide on the format of the future business - small or full-scale production. Depending on this, the volume of products produced will be different.

Home smoking as a business can be organized in the free space of a private house - on a personal plot or in a garage.

The choice of location depends on the starting capital and experience. For large-scale production, you will have to rent a separate large room - this will be a deli production workshop. Consider the fact that it is difficult to convert an old enterprise into a full-fledged smoking shop that meets all sanitary standards and requirements of government agencies.

State regulations:

  1. Room area from 100 m 2 and more.
  2. The smoking shop should be located three hundred meters from residential buildings.
  3. Mandatory availability of cold and hot water, sewerage, ventilation system.
  4. On the territory of the enterprise there should be bathrooms, service premises, locker rooms.

Building a full-blown business from the ground up is hard, so think it through. A small business mini smoker might be a good place to start, but you can always expand over time. For those who want to immediately open a large workshop, we recommend that you take a closer look at the former canteens, which were created taking into account state standards.

Gradually you will improve the place of production

Regardless of the area, it is necessary to provide premises for the supply of raw materials, its salting, packaging, storage of sawdust, liquid smoke, containers, as well as prepared meat or fish (separate chambers for different smoked meats).

What documents are needed

If you want to open a smoking business at home, write down the list of documents:

  • document of the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • the conclusion of organizations such as Rosprirodnadzor and Rostekhnadzor;
  • document from a veterinary organization;
  • fire service permit;

Without these certificates, you will not be able to establish a business in this area. Because it concerns Food Industry, SES employees will monthly take samples of finished products.

Your products will be regularly checked by SES

Purchase of equipment

After you have found a suitable premises, decided on the scale of the business, buy equipment. His choice depends on the scale with which the "smoked business" will unfold. For large scale production you will need:

  • Tables are technological.
  • Several sinks.
  • Cutting boards and knives.
  • Smoking chambers with skewers. If planned, buy a special smoking chamber for this type of product.
  • Scales.
  • Large refrigerators, freezers.
  • Trolleys for transporting meat around the workshop.
  • Transport for the sale and delivery of finished smoked meats.

Perhaps the list is incomplete, due to the peculiarities of different production shops. We have published an indicative list of equipment. For home-based production of smoked meats (for example, if you smoke meat to order), it can be reduced, for large workshops, it can be expanded. Write about it in the comments, indicate what, in your opinion, should be in the smokehouse.

Equipment processing

In the smoking room, there must be an exhaust hood and good ventilation, and doors and hatches must be tightly closed. If possible, immediately buy slats and skewers in double quantities, since they need to be processed daily: cleaned, washed in a 1% soda solution and scalded with boiling water. Processing of smoking chambers is carried out once a week.

Maintaining cleanliness in the workshop is essential.

You will also need moisture meters and thermometers to measure the humidity and temperature in the chambers where food for sale is prepared. Meter readings are recorded in a special log. Do not forget about disinfection: meat cutting boards should be soaked in a 5% soda ash solution after each shift, then dried well. Tables where you butcher fish and meat should be disinfected twice a day. The main thing is that these rules are followed not only for the sanitary and epidemiological station. After all, cleanliness is always important, especially where food is prepared. If your smoked products are always fresh, moderately smoked, not overdried and without a bitter aftertaste, they will be bought.

Test purchase

The best option is to buy products in your region so as not to travel far. Buy in small quantities at first, as you don't know how sales will go. With small volumes, it is easier to compare prices and quality from different suppliers. Fish farms readily respond to offers of cooperation, offering favorable prices and high-quality goods. Do not buy frozen raw meat - this will immediately affect the quality of the finished or chicken legs.

How to find buyers

The main goal of any business is a good sales market, which entails a decent income. Remember that smoked meat is not clothes or utensils that can be stored in a warehouse for months. It is important to sell the meat as soon as possible, while it is fresh, fragrant, edible, after all. Otherwise, you can quickly lose customers, and also lose your business, because you do not want to work at a loss.

You can find sales points in local markets, supermarkets, grocery stores, beer bars. After all, smoked fish is more healthy and tasty than chips and snacks. To interest buyers, offer favorable prices and, if possible, a wide range. In the future, you will be able to sell products in a network of stores. Remember that at every stage of the business movement, the high quality of the product plays an important role.

Plan to launch your own project

  • choice of assortment - 3 days;
  • purchase of equipment - 1 day;
  • equipment installation - 2 days;
  • bringing the workshop into working condition, cleaning - 5 days;
  • obtaining the necessary permits - 2 weeks;
  • selection of employees - a week;
  • purchase of products - 1 day. On this day, you can start production.

Find a reliable supplier of fresh produce

Financial side

Estimated costs for a mini-format business:

  • The required amount for the purchase of equipment is 3,000-45,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products - from 9,000 rubles.
  • Payment for transport, rent of a small room, the cost of electricity per month - about 11,000 rubles.

So, the amount you need is 50,000 rubles. Payback is carried out in an average of 3 months. As you can see, it is worth basing a business on, most importantly, approach the issue responsibly, taking into account all the nuances.

Business plan for fish

We bring to your attention a business plan for a smokehouse for fish. Let's take hot smoked mackerel as an example. If you smoke and sell only this product, you can make a profit in the first month, provided that sales points are found. The cost part of medium-scale production includes the following items:

  • Room rental per month - 95,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of fish - 500,000 rubles (cost per kilogram 100 rubles).
  • Salary for employees (12 people) - approximately 280,000.
  • Electricity and other production costs - 100,000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 200,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - 300,000 rubles.

The costs amount to more than a million rubles, and now let's calculate the profit.

During smoking, the fish loses ten percent of the total mass. If you bought 10 tons of fresh-frozen products, then after smoking you will get 9 tons. By multiplying, we find out what income awaits you: we multiply 9 tons by 220 rubles (the price per kilogram of finished fish), we get the amount of 1,980,000 rubles for one month. Net profit - 400,000 rubles per month. At this rate, the business will fully pay off in a year. The main thing is to find sales outlets so that products are quickly sold. A business plan is approximate so that you understand how you can make money in this area. No one says that in the first month you need to buy 10 tons of fish, it is quite possible to start with 50 kilograms. For home business even from 5 kilograms.

Every business starts with an idea

The business of smoking meat is no less profitable. The main thing is to make a good assortment. You can smoke pork, chicken, lard - whatever you want. Before you start, explore several smoking technologies on our website and choose the least expensive one. Shops, restaurants and cafes take such products with pleasure. It is worth noting that there are a lot of smoked fish, chickens and bacon in the markets. Real smoked meat is scarce. We do not take into account balyki and loin in vacuum packs, because there is a faint smell of smoking there. Therefore, before buying equipment, there must be a well-thought-out idea. Decide what you will produce: exclusively fish or only meat, or both. If you do not have the required amount on hand, start small, for example, with the legalization of smoked products. Outside the market or among acquaintances, many smoke to order. There will be buyers, because someone prefers only factory-made smoked meats, while others prefer homemade delicacies.