What is marketing definition. Marketing in the modern world

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange.

Marketing- social and management process, aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of both individuals and social groups through the creation, supply and exchange of goods and services.

Marketing is to profit from .

Marketing- a market concept for managing the production and marketing activities of an enterprise, aimed at studying the market and specific consumer needs.

What is marketing? Many people think that marketing is just sales. And this is not surprising: every day we are bombarded with hundreds of commercials, newspaper ads and sales messages. However, advertising and sales are nothing more than marketing components. They exist as two essential components of marketing.

Marketing is a process that consists in predicting the needs of potential buyers and in meeting these needs by offering appropriate goods - products, technologies, services, etc.

To main types of marketing activities relate:

  • research (consumer, product, market);
  • R&D (coordinated with marketing activities);
  • planning;
  • price policy;
  • package;
  • complex marketing communications(media advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing);
  • sales activities (work with the staff of the distribution network, training, control, organization of special sales systems, measures to optimize sales in the field, etc.);
  • development of a system for distributing goods to sales outlets;
  • international operations;
  • after-sales service.

Purpose of marketing

The goal of modern marketing is not a sale or by any means (including defrauding the buyer), but .

Purpose of marketing- attract new customers by promising them the highest value, and retain old customers by constantly satisfying their changing ones.

The main task of marketing Understand the needs and requirements of each market and choose those that their company can serve better than others. This will allow the company to produce higher quality products and thereby increase sales and increase its revenues by better meeting the needs of target customers.

Marketing begins long before a company has a finished product. Marketing begins with the fact that managers identify people, calculate their intensity and volume, determine the company's ability to satisfy them. Marketers continue to work on products throughout their entire life cycle. They are trying to find new customers and retain existing ones by improving the consumer properties of the product and using sales reports and sales reports for this purpose. feedback. If the marketing specialist has done a good job of correctly understanding the needs of the client, creating a product that meets the requirements of the buyers, setting a reasonable price, correctly distributing the product and conducting advertising company, then selling such a product will be very easy.

Marketing is the social and managerial process by which individuals and groups satisfy their wants and needs through the creation and exchange of goods of value.

To explain this definition, it is necessary to consider several concepts directly related to marketing:

  • - Feeling the need to meet basic needs
  • and - a specific form of satisfaction of human needs
  • demand - the need for certain goods, expressed in the ability of a person to acquire them
  • - assessment by the consumer of the ability of the product as a whole to satisfy his needs
  • - the act of acquiring some desired product for something offered by the other party.

Marketing Principles

In modern economic practice, the relationship of the organization with the majority of market entities should be based on the principles of marketing.

Basic principles of marketing:
  1. Scientifically practical market research and production and marketing opportunities of the enterprise.
  2. Segmentation. Its meaning lies in the fact that the company identifies for itself the most appropriate market segment (homogeneous group of consumers), in relation to which it will conduct market research and product promotion.
  3. Flexible production and marketing response involves rapid change depending on changing market requirements, the elasticity of supply and demand.
  4. Innovation involves the improvement and updating of goods, the development of new technologies, the introduction of new methods of working with consumers, entering new markets, updating advertising, new, new methods of marketing.
  5. Planning involves the construction of production and sales programs based on market research and market forecasts.

Thus, marketing should be considered as economic, social, managerial and technological processes based on the following basic principles:

  • constant study of the state and dynamics of the market;
  • adaptation to market conditions, taking into account the requirements and capabilities of end users,
  • active formation of the market in the directions necessary for the organization.

Management of the organization's behavior based on the principles of marketing should ensure work in a dynamic, continuous (ring) mode, which ensures the organization's flexibility and adaptability to turbulent changes in the market environment.

The purpose of managing the organization's behavior based on the principles of marketing is to determine the promising areas of the organization's activities in the market that provide the organization's competitive advantages with minimal resources.

The main tasks of marketing:

  • Research, analysis and assessment of the needs of real and potential consumers of the company's products in areas of interest to the company.
  • Marketing support for the development of new products and services of the company.
  • Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of the markets in which the company operates or will operate, including research into the activities of competitors.
  • Formation of the assortment policy of the company.
  • Development of the company's pricing policy.
  • Participation in the formation of the strategy and tactics of the company's market behavior, including the development of pricing policy.
  • Sales of the company's products and services.
  • Marketing communications.
  • Service maintenance.

Functions and types of marketing

The main functions of marketing:

  • planning;
  • organization;
  • coordination;
  • motivation;
  • control.
Additional features unique to marketing:
  • comprehensive market research (detailed study);
  • analysis of production and marketing opportunities of the enterprise;
  • development of a marketing strategy and program;
  • implementation of commodity policy;
  • implementation of pricing policy;
  • implementation of marketing policy;
  • communication policy;
  • organization of marketing activities;
  • control of marketing activities.

Types of marketing

Depending on the scope and object of application, the following types of marketing are distinguished:

  1. Domestic marketing: the sale of goods and services within the country.
  2. Export Marketing: Additional Research into Foreign Markets and Distribution Services for Efficient Exports.
  3. Import marketing: a special kind of market research to ensure high performance procurement.
  4. Scientific and technical marketing is associated with the sale and purchase of the results of scientific and technical activities (patents, licenses).
  5. Direct investment marketing: studying the conditions for investing capital abroad and attracting foreign investment.
  6. International marketing: selling or buying goods from national enterprise another country.
  7. Nonprofit Marketing: Creating a positive public opinion about specific individuals, organizations, places, or ideas.

Demand States and Marketing Challenges

Demand can be: negative, absent, hidden, falling, irregular, high-grade, excessive, irrational.

Negative demand caused by the negative attitude of buyers to a product or service. The task of marketing under these conditions is to analyze why the market dislikes the product and whether the marketing program can change the negative attitude towards the product through its alteration, price reduction and more active promotion.

Lack of demand. Target consumers may not be interested in the product or indifferent to it. The task of marketing is to find ways to link the inherent benefits of the product with the natural needs and interests of the person.

Hidden Demand- this is when many consumers cannot satisfy their desires with the help of goods and services offered on the market (harmless cigarettes, more fuel-efficient cars). The task of marketing is to estimate the size of the potential market and create effective products and services that can satisfy demand.

Falling demand. The task of marketing is to analyze the reasons for the decline in demand and determine whether sales can be stimulated again by finding new target markets, changing product characteristics, etc.

Irregular demand(fluctuations on a seasonal, daily and even hourly basis): - rush hours in transport, congestion of museums on weekends. The task of marketing is to find ways to smooth out fluctuations in the distribution of demand over time through flexible pricing, incentives, and other incentives.

Full demand. Such demand usually occurs when the organization is satisfied with its sales volume. The task of marketing is to maintain the existing level of demand, despite changing consumer preferences and increasing competition.

Excessive demand is when the level of demand is greater than the ability to meet it. The goal of marketing, referred to in this case as "demarketing", is to find ways to temporarily or permanently reduce demand, rather than eliminate it.

Irrational demand, i.e. demand for unhealthy goods and services; cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, drugs, etc. The task of marketing is to convince such amateurs to give up such habits.

F. Kotler

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs and requirements through the exchange

Definition of marketing

according to G. G. Abramishvili

Today, marketing is a kind of business philosophy.

Definition of marketing

from Braverman A. A.

At the macro level, marketing acts as a tool for shaping the market environment. At the micro level, marketing acts as a tool for embedding enterprises in the emerging market environment and, most importantly, is a means (often decisive) that ensures investment attraction.

Definition of marketing

according to the American Marketing Association

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the idea, pricing, promotion and implementation of ideas, goods and services through an exchange that satisfies the goals of individuals and organizations.

Definition of marketing

by Evans J.R.

Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand for goods, services, organizations, people, territories and ideas through the exchange

Definition of marketing

according to Pashkus Yu.V.

Marketing is a complex concept. It includes all activities related to the exchange between people or countries, aimed at satisfying the needs and desires of consumers.

Definition of marketing

by Schwalbe H.

Marketing is the sum of all activities within the framework of the trade policy in order to create, maintain and expand the market.

Definition of marketing

Nischlag R., Dichtl E., Hersten H.

Marketing is a consistent orientation of all directly or indirectly related to the market solutions to the needs of buyers. Marketing today is understood as a market-oriented, entrepreneurial mindset that is creative, systematic, and sometimes also aggressive.

Definition of marketing

Lambert J

Marketing is both a business philosophy and an active process. Marketing is a social process aimed at satisfying the needs and desires of people and organizations by providing a free competitive exchange of goods and services of value to the buyer.

Definition of marketing

Golubkov E.P.

Marketing is the process of matching a company's capabilities with consumer needs. Marketing, in its broadest sense, is a social management process by which individuals and a group of people, through the creation of products and their exchange, get what they need.

Definition of marketing

Department of Marketing SPbGUEF

Marketing is the philosophy and tools of interaction between economic entities of the socio-economic system regarding the study, creation, reproduction and satisfaction of the demand of end consumers, their needs for goods and services in order to make a profit or achieve other results.

Definition of Marketing

Roger L.W.

Marketing does not begin where production ends; on the contrary, its task is to determine the nature and scale of production, as well as ways to profitably use the firm's production capacity and engineering capabilities, taking into account sales prospects. In other words, marketing decisions precede production and investment decisions. Marketing can be defined as the leading area of ​​economic management, whose function is to organize and manage the entire set of activities related to the transformation of the purchasing power of consumers into an effective demand for a specific product or service, as well as bringing this product or service to the final or intermediate buyer, to meet the company's established rate of return or other goals

Definition of marketing

Maffert H.

The modern generalized and at the same time broad interpretation of marketing identifies marketing with any form of exchange between two participants in the transaction. Marketing is a market-oriented management of an enterprise, which consists in planning, coordinating and controlling all activities of an enterprise related to existing and potential markets.

Definition of marketing

District U.

Marketing can also be defined as an activity involving the recognition of needs, the creation of goods and services that satisfy these needs, as well as the formation, and hence the expansion of demand for these goods and services.

Definition of marketing

Levit T.

Marketing should not be equated with the sale of goods. If the function of the trading system is to convince the buyer to buy what is already produced, the task of marketing is to supply the market with the product that the consumer really needs. Commercial efforts Sales is focused on the needs of the seller, and marketing is focused on the needs of the buyer. Sales efforts are concerned with the needs of the seller to turn his product into cash, while marketing is the concern with satisfying the needs of the customer through the product and a number of factors related to the creation, delivery and, finally, consumption of this product.

Definition of marketing

Kulakov S.N.

The essence of modern marketing: it is an entrepreneurial activity that turns the needs of the buyer into the income of the enterprise

Definition of marketing

Danilov-Danielyan V.

Everything that is the object of this discipline is a certain projection of entrepreneurial activity on the axis of the market

Marketing- satisfaction management. What other definitions of marketing exist?
Gathered a collection of definitions of marketing. The only thing left to do is to choose a definition of marketing that corresponds to the internal idea of ​​this science, which will be useful to you "in life", which will be easier to work with. Some of the collected definitions are author's, some are folk. If you know the author - let me know, I will mark the copyright holder under the statement.

So what is marketing?

Selling is what you do personally, one on one. Marketing is selling through the system."
Robert Kiyosaki,businessman, investor, writer (quote from his book Rich Dad's Guide to Investing).

Marketing- satisfaction management. (P. Chernozubenko);

Marketing is all business, considered from the point of view of its final result, i.e. from the point of view of the consumer (P. Drucker);

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through the exchange (Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing);

Marketing is the art and science of making the right choice target market, attract, retain and increase the number of customers by creating the confidence of the buyer that he represents the highest value for the company, as well as an orderly and purposeful process of understanding consumer problems and regulating market activities (F. Kotler);

Marketing - type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange (Philip Kotler);

Marketing - this is a movie in which the main character is a commodity (Jack Trout);

The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. Its goal is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will fit the customer exactly and sell itself. (P. Drucker.)

Marketing is the process by which a firm establishes constructive and fruitful relationships with the environment in which it sells its goods and services. (IBM company)

Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand for goods and services, organizations, people, territories and ideas through the exchange (J.R. Evans and B. Berman);

Marketing- activities aimed at identifying and satisfying the needs and desires of consumers through the process of exchange (G. Assel);

Marketing- the art and science of finding, retaining and nurturing clients;

Marketing- system of management, regulation and market research (I.K. Belyaevsky);

Marketing is the transformation of consumer requests into real goods. Marketing is a type of entrepreneurial activity aimed at closing deals through the development of a new product, its preparation and subsequent consumption.

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at making exchanges, the purpose of which is to satisfy needs and make a profit.
Marketing - this is the implementation of business processes in the direction of the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer

Marketing - is a management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements while respecting the principles of efficiency and profitability (Public Institute of Marketing, UK);

Marketing- "is the process of planning and implementing the idea, pricing, promotion and implementation of ideas, goods and services through exchange that satisfies the goals of individuals and organizations (definition adopted by the American Marketing Association (AMA) in 1985);

Marketing- this is the implementation of business processes in the direction of the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer. (American Marketing Association (AMA));

Marketing there is where the principle of "learn to act" is adhered to. (Armand Diane Market Academy. Marketing);

Marketing(English marketing, from market - market), one of the management systems of a capitalist enterprise, which involves careful consideration of the processes taking place in the market for making economic decisions. (TSB)

Marketing(from English marketing - sale, trade in the market) - management of the creation of goods and services and the mechanisms for their implementation as a single complex process;

Marketing- this is the study of markets and the impact on them in order to facilitate the tasks facing economic entities;

Marketing- the process of coordinating the capabilities of the company and the needs of the consumer;

Marketing is a sale to the client of a standard of living (Paul Mazur);

Marketing is a million and one things you do to help sell a product (Bob Zack);

Marketing- understand the client, see the goal, achieve it, always remembering that in the end the wallet should get fat (Sergey Vasiliev);

Marketing is an attempt to imagine what people want in order to give it to them (Shelley Lazarus);

Marketing- this is one of the tools of evolution on the scale of the market (Anatoly Matveev);

Marketing is the creative creation of long-term mutually beneficial relationships between objects and subjects of the market (Alexander Khoroshilov);

Marketing- it's a relationship (Alexander Khoroshilov);

Marketing- these are contacts (Alexander Pavlov);

Marketing- it is a solution to the problems of your customers with profit for yourself (Rendell Chapman);

Marketing is about stimulating behavior, economically beneficial for the one who stimulates it (Richard Buchanan);

Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand for goods and services, organizations and people, territories and ideas through the exchange (Evans and Berman);

Marketing- this is all that sellers do not have time to do, do not want or cannot (Igor Mann);

Marketing is simply a civilized form of warfare in which battles are most often won with words, ideas, and logical thinking (Albert Emery);

Marketing is everything and everything is marketing (Regis Mackenna);

Marketing- is to do so that they buy and then thank ;

Marketing is a business philosophy that puts customers at the center of business strategy (Prabhu Gunthari);

Marketing- it is profitable for the company to meet the needs of other people;

Marketing is a business philosophy (J.-J. Lambin and others);

Marketing is a commercial sense elevated to a method (A. Diane);

Marketing - floor o supreme management function (D. Kostyukhin);

Marketing is love for customers(paraphrased: "I never did marketing. I just never stopped loving my customers" (Cino Davidoff);

Marketing is ego money, which are made from the air in which ideas soar (Igor Klimanov);

Marketing is your own common sense plus other examples (Andrey Pozdnev);

Marketing is the study of markets and impact on them in order to facilitate the tasks facing economic entities;

Marketing is the art and science of finding, retention and cultivation of customers;

Marketing is the activity of a market entity, aimed at the implementation of interaction with other market entities.

Marketing is the ability to sell effectively.

Marketing- managing the satisfaction of demand through trade.

Marketing is the sale of goods that are not being returned to customers who are returning.

Marketing is foresight, management and satisfaction of demand for goods, services, organizations, territories and ideas through the exchange (Joel Evans, Barry Berman).

Marketing is the process of identifying, predicting and creating customer needs and desires and organizing all the company's resources to satisfy them with a large overall profit for the company and the consumer. (Bernie Goodrich, USA, 1960);

Marketing- this is the extraction of profit from the satisfaction of the consumer;

Marketing- is the process of coordinating the capabilities of the company and the needs of consumers;

Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and a group of people, through the creation of products and their exchange, get what they need (E. P. Golubkov);

Marketing- it's sales tomorrow;

Marketing- establishing the relationship between the activities of the consumer, the activities of the seller and the activities of the manufacturer (Sergey Bezzubtsev);

Marketing- this is intelligence of the consumer's brain about his needs tomorrow, as well as determining the volume of future consumption (Rais Gareev);

Marketing- this is what prevents financiers from living in peace, because they constantly do everything that, from their point of view, should not be done (Andrey Eremichev);

Marketing is a set of actions that lead to an increase in the company's profit in the future (Anna Chernobyl);

Marketing- this is a strategy and tactics of survival in the market, which, if erroneous, lead to death (Alexey Shpagin);

Marketing is any action you take to acquire or retain a customer (Rick Prendell);

Marketing- a set of tools that allows you to formalize an understanding of what the company does as a whole and how to adjust the work of all its parts to increase the efficiency of its functioning in the future (Sergey Myzdrin);

Marketing- this is a set of all actions aimed at identifying, shaping, satisfying or suppressing the needs of the consumer in order to make a profit (Konstantin Edensky);

Marketing- find a need and satisfy it (Oleg Makarov);

Marketing- all activities of a company that is market-oriented (Lolita Volkova);

Marketing is a constant search and implementation of opportunities to create additional (new) value in the market (Andrey Eremichev);

Marketing is our everything (Victor Shikov);

Marketing - this is a set of measures in the field of research of the trade and marketing activities of an enterprise to study all the factors that affect the production process and the promotion of goods and services from producer to consumer (V. E. Khrutsky);

Marketing - it is an expression of a market-oriented managerial style of thinking that is characterized by creative, systematic and often aggressive approaches (Dichtl and X. Hershgen);

Marketing - this is a type of economic activity consisting in the promotion of goods and services from the producer to the consumer;

Marketing is the search for such market niches and business lines in which the company will be the first, and the implementation of such ideas and opportunities that will make the company a leader in an era of deadly competition (Igor Klimanov);

Marketing - a system of views, a function of coordinating various aspects of commercial activity, a complex of interrelated elements of business activity, a business philosophy, the purpose of which is to alleviate crises of overproduction, and finally, the process of balancing supply and demand;

Marketing - ensuring the development and existence of the company (Zoya Tajieva);

Marketing- these are grouped and thought-out moves (strategy), as a result of which recognition will increase or sales will increase (Elbrus Gasanov);

Marketing- is the alignment of the resources of the organization with the needs of the market (B. Solovyov);

Marketing- studying markets and influencing them in order to facilitate the solution of problems facing economic entities (Igor Berezin);

Marketing- is the satisfaction of the consumer in order to mutually extract the maximum profit;

Marketing is taking action aimed at achieving the goals of the organization by anticipating the needs of the buyer or client and directing the flow of goods and services that satisfy these needs from the producer to the buyer or client (E. Jerome McCarthy);

Marketing- this is the activity of the producer, aimed at establishing, strengthening and maintaining beneficial exchanges in order to achieve its goals;

Marketing- is the process of planning and implementing the idea, pricing, promotion and implementation of ideas, goods and services through exchange that meets the goals of individuals and organizations;

Marketing - analysis and forecasting of the market situation in order to guide production and ensure the best economic conditions sales of manufactured products (T. Ryabova and E. Strelkov);

Marketing- this is the process of planning and implementing the concept, pricing policy, promotion and dissemination of ideas, goods and services through exchange in order to mutually satisfy the goals of the individual and the organization;

Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand for goods, services, organizations, people, territories and ideas through exchange.

Marketing is complex activity to create and promote the optimal product to the optimal segments.

Marketing is the process of planning and designing, promoting and realizing ideas, goods and services through exchanges that meet the goals of individuals and organizations (American Marketing Association).

Marketing - is the science of behavior that seeks to explain the relationships that arise in the process of exchange (S. D. Hunt).

Marketing - it is a social process aimed at satisfying the needs and desires of people and organizations by providing a free competitive exchange of goods and services of value to the buyer (J.-J. Lambin).

Marketing - it is a process of organizing production, promotion and marketing of products aimed at the current and future success, based on an understanding of the situation and processes occurring on the market, and built taking into account the establishment of an optimal balance of interest of all its participants (Pavel Weinstein);

Marketing - removal of barriers that prevent the consumer from buying goods (works, services) from us, and not from competitors (Dmitry Semenov);

Marketing- this is the input of correct data into the market system to obtain the planned result in accordance with the laws of operation of this system, called the laws of marketing (Alexander Belanov);

Marketing - the process of identifying, maximizing and meeting consumer demand for the company's products;

Marketing - the aspect of business activity that directs the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer or user;

Marketing - this is such a philosophy, strategy and tactics of participants in market (exchange) relations and interactions, when the effective satisfaction of requests and the resolution of consumer problems lead to the success of organizations and benefit society;

Marketing - it is the delivery of the right product to the right place at the right time at the right price in the right quantities, colors, shapes and delivering the right information to the buyer.

Marketing - it's the art of the possible (Igor Kachalov).

Marketing there is simply a civilized form of warfare where most battles are won with words, ideas and trained thinking (Albert W. Emery).

Marketing - is the process of anticipating the needs of potential buyers and meeting those needs by offering appropriate

Marketing is the art of turning the needs of people and organizations for certain types of goods and services into consumer demand. By and large, he solves the same problems as a business, he is the soul of a business. Like any other art, marketing requires mastery of certain techniques. Without this, any business is doomed to failure sooner or later.

What does marketing study

Marketing studies the state of affairs in the market, the presence of supply and demand for a particular product, pricing policy and, of course, ways to increase demand for goods and services offered by the company. Marketing is needed not only to sell a product, but also to satisfy the needs of consumers, to create products that people want to see on the shelves.

Marketing tasks

In business, marketing can solve the following problems:

  • clarification of the needs of consumers in the field of activity of the company;
  • development of new products in accordance with these needs;
  • market research and forecasting of its development, taking into account the actions of competing companies;
  • formation of the optimal assortment and prices for products;
  • creating, maintaining and increasing demand for the company's products, the successful marketing of these products.

Types of marketing

Currently, there are about twenty types of marketing, each of which has its own arsenal of methods and means.

  1. Direct marketing. Its very name implies the use of a direct, undisguised offer to buy a specific product or use a specific service. In other words, direct marketing This is an open offer addressed to potential buyers. It can be carried out with the help of mailing catalogs, price lists, offers to purchase goods by mail. Such proposals may also be made over the phone. If catalogs are not distributed by mail, but by courier or otherwise, this is also considered direct marketing. The most aggressive of the tricks direct marketing- direct sale through traveling salesmen.
  2. A good alternative to a catalog is marketing kit. This is a selection of materials about the manufacturing company or the seller company. A marketing kit may contain the history of the company, ideally a legend about it, a story about the team that works on the creation of products and the products themselves, their features and benefits, areas of application and methods of use, as well as other information that may be of interest to potential partners or clients. Of course, it must include information about the address of the company, its management and other official data. It would be nice to add here information about awards, certificates and other documents that positively characterize the organization as a socially responsible company. By the way, a marketing kit may contain a product catalog itself. All this can be collected in one brochure, you can release it as separate booklets and leaflets, putting everything in a beautiful folder, decorated with a company label.
  3. Strategic Marketing is a higher-level marketing, based on long-term planning, focused on creating such products or services that have high customer value. It is based on forecasts made taking into account the materials obtained in the course of market research. A good marketer not only sells, he comes up with what they want to buy. Therefore, the marketing department is engaged not only in sales, but also in market research, forecasting and planning. His tasks include defining the mission of the company, creating a strategy, forming a portfolio of goods and services that are in higher demand than existing competitors.
  4. Personnel marketing - this is a special area of ​​​​marketing, which is usually handled by personnel departments. It is impossible to write off the most important resource, without which there can be no production, sales, profit. This resource is human, the most complex and unpredictable. Cadres decide a lot in conditions market economy. Successful selection of personnel, "infection" with their general idea, the mission of the company, stimulation of their work play a significant role in shaping the image of the organization, increasing labor productivity, and in the successful implementation of the strategy. Personnel marketing allows you to meet the needs of the enterprise in human resources and the needs of the employees of the enterprise.
  5. Direct marketing is a broader concept of direct marketing. It also involves direct work with the target audience to expand sales markets, but the boundaries of interaction in this case are expanding, including not only the end buyer, but also distributors. Often, direct marketing and direct marketing are combined into one type of marketing. As already mentioned, it is carried out through personal sales, offers of goods and services by phone or mailing lists, distribution of catalogs. Direct offers of goods and services through social networks or "shops on the couch" also belong to direct marketing. For greater efficiency, they use a sequential series of measures of direct influence on the client: first, they send him an offer by mail, then they call him by phone to find out his opinion about the goods offered and the terms of the purchase, and only then the seller makes a personal visit to the buyer to show and sell the products that interest the client .
  6. Marketing mix (marketing mix) is a set of techniques and tools that are characteristic of different types marketing, which are used in the complex. It is often referred to as mixed marketing. The combination of various tools (development of products that are interesting to the consumer, pricing, ways of selling and promoting goods) allows you to build a flexible strategy, quickly adapt to changes in the market. The marketing mix is ​​often called the "4p" complex: product, price, place, promotion.
  7. Many have probably had to purchase goods for a certain amount in a store, receive a discount coupon or a gift to another store. That's an example cross marketing, which is based on a one-time or long-term merger of two non-competing companies: a bank and an electronics store, and an enterprise producing building and finishing materials, a grocery store and an organization selling cosmetics or household chemicals. It is beneficial for the client to purchase one product and receive a related product at a discount. Organizations also benefit from such a combination: since the client used the goods or services of one of the two cooperating companies, then the likelihood that he will purchase another product he needs in this case at a discount in another partner company.
  8. conversion marketing used when the demand for a product is below zero. That is, when potential consumers not only do not purchase a product or service, but are also willing to pay in order not to receive them. Dental services are an example. Many people, especially if they had to visit this doctor in Soviet times, agree to courageously endure a toothache, just not to end up in a dental chair. Conversion marketing was able to break this prejudice by persuading potential clients that dentistry is not painful, and healthy teeth are beautiful and prestigious. Conversion marketing is about turning negative demand into positive demand.
  9. Viral Marketing is a collective name for promotion technologies that can quickly increase the number of people covered by advertising. Thanks to the desire of people to share interesting information, the audience that has watched a video, launched a game, listened to or read a message about a product or service, grows like a snowball. Dissemination of information in in social networks according to the principle of "word of mouth" resembles an epidemic, hence the name of the type of marketing. An example of viral marketing is inviting friends to a game in order to get some bonuses in it. By posting a message on our page that we have made a successful purchase in an online store, putting a "like" under a picture containing hidden advertising, sending a friend a link to a funny commercial, we become participants in viral marketing. So a creative video posted on YouTube will not cost much, but it can attract a huge number of customers. The most difficult thing here is to generate an idea, the rest will be done by users of social networks free of charge and with pleasure.
  10. social marketing- this is the promotion of not goods or services, but any social values ​​or behaviors. “Call your parents” TV ads, roadside billboards telling the driver to slow down to avoid hitting a child are typical examples of social marketing.
  11. Differentiated Marketing is a type of marketing aimed at narrow segments target audience with specific needs. They can be interested only in products specially developed for them, which will not have demand from other consumers. Differential marketing is more expensive than conventional marketing, but the return on it is higher. An example of such marketing is the release of shampoos for different hair colors in different colors, but made in the same style of packaging: specifically for red hair, specifically for blond hair, specifically for dark hair.
  12. promotional marketing- this is marketing, which is used in the absence of demand for a product or service with the aim of its appearance. First of all, find out the reasons why the product is not in demand. Perhaps the consumer does not know about it or does not know enough. Other reasons may be high price, unattractive packaging, the presence of a more convenient or multifunctional similar product from competitors. The task of incentive marketing is to eliminate these causes. This can be done by sharply reducing the price, increasing advertising, raising people's awareness of the product, improving packaging, and other methods.
  13. With development information technologies gained considerable popularity digital marketing. This is electronic marketing that works in two directions: push (push) and pull (pull). The "push" process is expressed in sending spam. You can "pull" yourself in different ways: by placing a banner on a popular resource on the Internet, by publishing news on the company's page with keywords that are often typed in search engines.
  14. Guerrilla Marketing- This is one of the most cost-effective and common types of marketing. Its essence is to tell about yourself and the product, to make the brand recognizable without investing in expensive advertising. The use of cheap or even free channels for transmitting information (attaching a price list to a package with an ordered product, posting ads in store windows, distributing promotional business cards at the checkout) is one of the ways of guerrilla marketing. Placing a bright, memorable company label on packages, giving customers calendar cards with the image of this label will also help to make products recognizable at a minimum of costs. The participation of the company in organizing public events with its name on the poster with the names of partner companies, holding contests and lotteries, tastings, consultations and other local events will also make the company widely known and reduce advertising costs. The publication of an article about the company in the press can also bring considerable benefits.
  15. Event Marketing- the main direction of guerrilla marketing, when a company creates an event (presentation, exhibition, drawing of prizes among buyers) or participates in a major event of a district, city or regional scale.
  16. Counter marketing- these are actions aimed at eliminating the demand for one or another product, as a rule, unhealthy. An example of this is the placement of frightening pictures and warning labels on cigarette packs.
  17. Target marketing - it is a marketing activity aimed at one or more market segments to the exclusion of others. In other words, efforts are concentrated in one point. Can meet concept "concentrated marketing" it's just another name for targeted marketing.
  18. Mass Marketing- This is the production of products for a wide range of consumers, suitable for almost everyone. It is opposed to differentiated and targeted marketing. The product is positioned as universal. The most common mass marketing tools are television advertising and radio advertising. This helps to sell goods in large volume, but, as a rule, at a low price.
  19. Internal marketing is an integral part of HR marketing. Its tools include the creation of a corporate style, corporate etiquette, the formation of internal corporate traditions.
  20. trade marketing is one of the most common types of marketing. It aims to promote the product trading network. Trade marketing tools include promotions with gifts to the first buyers or those who have made a purchase for a certain amount, prize draws among buyers of goods, presentations, tastings, distribution of flyers before entering the store. trade marketing often referred to as trade marketing, but in fact trade marketing has a broader scope. It involves working not only with the end customer, but with all participants in the trading chain.

How marketing should work (video)

Marketing strategy

It is necessary to solve marketing problems in a complex, using several types of marketing at once, skillfully combining various tools. Moreover, this should be done not haphazardly, but rationally, having a good idea of ​​why one or another type of marketing is chosen, why one or another tool is preferred. Streamline the marketing process and act purposefully will help marketing strategy.

The marketing strategy is the basis of all marketing activities, a set of measures and directions of marketing activities, developed on the basis of studying the market situation and predicting the actions of competitors, based on the capabilities of the company and other important parameters. It should be the starting point in the work of any enterprise.

What is marketing?

Producing what people want

instead of trying

impose what you produce.

There are more than 1000 definitions of marketing in the world, as everyone sees it in their own way, but the essence always remains the same - the most complete satisfaction of consumer needs and, of course, making a profit. Here is the classic definition of marketing theory founder Philip Kotler:

"Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting needs and requirements through exchange."

There are many more definitions of marketing:

“Marketing is to understand the client, to see the goal, to achieve it, always remembering that in the end the wallet should get fatter (Sergey Vasiliev)”;

"Marketing is about trying to imagine what people want in order to give it to them (Shelly Lazarus)";

"Marketing is about solving your customers' problems for your own benefit (Rendell Chapman)";

"Marketing is the stimulation of behavior that is economically beneficial for the one who stimulates it (Richard Buchanan)";

"Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand for goods and services, organizations and people, territories and ideas through exchange (Evans and Berman)";

"Marketing is the process of identifying, predicting, and creating consumer needs and desires, and organizing all of a company's resources to satisfy them, with great overall profit for the company and consumer (Bernie Goodrich)";

“Marketing is the search for such market niches and business areas in which the company will be the first, and the introduction of such ideas and the use of such opportunities that will make the company a leader in an era of deadly competition (Igor Klimanov)”;

“Marketing is the removal of barriers that prevent the consumer from buying goods (works, services) from us, and not from competitors (Dmitry Semenov)”;

“Marketing is to make people buy and then thank you,” etc.

Marketing Goals

Thus, marketing (marketing, from English market - market) - in a broad sense - the philosophy of managing a firm or enterprise, according to which solving problems and meeting consumer needs leads to the commercial success of the organization and benefits society. This is very clearly seen from GOALS

1. Analytic function.

3. Sales function.

The first goal - maximizing consumption - is not in vain in the first place. In another way, it can be called "profit maximization". This goal is set by, perhaps, every commercial organization. The point is to maximize the consumption of the product by any reasonable means, as this leads to an expansion of production, and, consequently, to an increase in profits. At the same time, they try to convince the consumer that "The more, the better."

The second goal (as well as the next two) is to "take care" directly of consumers - increasing the degree of satisfaction of buyers from the purchase of goods. But manufacturers also receive indirect benefits: if the consumer gets the maximum pleasure from the purchase, he will buy this product again, possibly in larger quantities, and even recommend it to family and friends. Thus, it is in the interests of the organizations themselves to deliver maximum pleasure from the purchase, but, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this.

The third goal of marketing is to provide the widest possible choice to consumers. On the one hand, it will fully satisfy the needs of buyers in choosing the best product. But on the other hand, the expansion of production may not lead to an increase in demand, then the price of the goods will increase due to high costs, and the increase in price will entail consumer dissatisfaction. You get a vicious circle. Therefore, such a goal is set by companies confident that their product will be in great demand.

The fourth goal - improving the quality of life - is considered by many to be the main one, since it to some extent includes the first three principles. Improving the quality of life consists, firstly, in improving the quality, increasing the quantity, expanding the range, and the affordable cost of goods. And secondly, increasing the positive impact of marketing on the physical (environment) and cultural (spiritual) environment. That is, firms should aim to develop common cultural values ​​and improve the environment. True, the quality of life, as well as satisfaction with the product, can only be measured relatively and it is quite difficult.

Ideally, each firm should set itself all these four maximization goals, but this does not always work out, which is why marketing goals are also called alternative.

Marketing Functions

Marketing functions are separate areas of marketing activities. It depends on the specifics of the company's activities which marketing functions are appropriate to apply and which are not, but they can be combined into four main groups:

1. Analytic function.

2. Product-production function.

3. Sales function.

4. The function of management, communication and control.

The analytical function is the study of the external and internal environment of the company, for example: market analysis, the study of its state and dynamics; study of the behavior of consumers and product suppliers; analysis of the activities of competitors and intermediaries, etc.

Product-production - implies the creation of a new product that best meets the needs of the market and is highly competitive due to a preliminary study of the market.

Sales function - the marketing system ensures the creation of such conditions for the sale of goods so that it is always in the right place at the right time in the required quantity and quality - this is ensured by the FOSTIS policy (Demand Generation and Sales Promotion).

The function of management, communications and control should ensure a decrease in the degree of uncertainty and risk in economic activities (drawing up strategic plans) and ensure the concentration of resources on selected priority areas, that is, control over the implementation of long-term plans.