Salary indexation for police officers c. Information about the increase in salaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to the "May" decrees of Vladimir Putin, already in 2018, police officers should receive salaries in the amount of 150% of the amounts in 2012. At the same time, they were promised the preservation of all additional payments and benefits. But unfortunately this economic situation is unlikely to translate these orders from the category of hopes into reality. The salaries of police officers have not been indexed over the past 5 years.

The budget for 2018-2020 includes an indexation of 4%. The salary will be increased by the specified percentage annually. However, the Committee State Duma for Defense considered this amount of indexing to be insufficient, since during the period when the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not increase, the average level of prices for everything rose by almost 50%. Representatives of the Defense Committee will insist on a 10-25% increase in police salaries. In the meantime, the bill contains information that the salary may increase by 7%, and the total amount of wages by 5.5%.

Police salary increase from January 1, 2018, latest news: police work deserves encouragement

Police officers face life-threatening situations every day while protecting the law and order of the country. That is why police salaries have always been above average. But for different regions of the country, the salary is also different. The most standard trend is the indexation of the salary of police officers, which takes into account the level of inflation. The government has also developed special conditions for law enforcement officers.

It should also be noted that by decree of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, new standards were adopted regarding the certification of police officers, and their attitude to work and achievements will directly affect the formation of the final salary. Of the negative aspects of the reform, it should be noted that:

- employees who do not pass certification will be fired;

— employees who will be absent from the workplace for more than 4 hours without giving a good reason may lose not only the bonus, but also part of the salary;

- all additional payments related to the complexity and intensity of work will now be charged by decision of the immediate supervisor of the employees of a particular unit.

As positive aspects of the reform, one can name new benefits that will be put into effect before the beginning of 2018:

- queue for free service housing;

– the opportunity to receive expensive medical care free of charge, including a unique surgical intervention;

- additional 10 days of vacation;

- the opportunity to get vouchers to the sanatorium for yourself and family members.

The government also promised to use funds to improve the working conditions of police officers. The money will be used to carry out repair work in the areas, purchase new equipment and equipment, as well as pay for advanced training courses for law enforcement officers.

Police salary increase from January 1, 2018, latest news: features of the Russian police salary increase program

The old special program to increase salaries for public sector employees was put into effect in 2012. It ends on January 1, 2018. To date, the State Duma has already formed new program, which comes into force immediately after the end of the old one, which will provide an increase in the salaries of policemen by one and a half times. But the order for its launch has not yet been signed.

Since last year, serious purges have begun in the ranks of law enforcement agencies, as a result of which the total number of employees has decreased to 900 thousand people. It is the reductions and optimization that make it possible to save money to increase wages. Despite the economic crisis, the treasury's reserves are steadily increasing with newly received funds, which gives a good opportunity to provide material support to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the form of raising their wages.

Police salary increase from January 1, 2018, latest news: actual salary scheme in 2018

Next year, when calculating the salaries of law enforcement officers, several key factors will be taken into account: salary, length of service, rank, labor discipline, merit, region. All of the above positions, except for the salary, are individual in nature, that is, they are set depending on the specifics of the service, the place of its performance, the risk to life, etc. paper documentation.

As for the region as an important factor, it should be clarified that police officers working in Moscow earn more than fifty thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - more than forty, and in a settlement with a population of less than half a million, they earn less than twenty-five thousand rubles. These salaries can hardly be called worthy, because the usual average salary in Russia is about 32,000 rubles, and we are talking about simple labor that is not associated with the risk of spoiled health, night service and other aspects of police work. Naturally, when calculating the salary of police officers, negative aspects of work are also taken into account. That is, malicious violators of labor discipline remain without bonus payments.

Increasing the wages of police officers is of interest not only to the employees themselves, but also to potential applicants within the framework of this profession. Young people planning to enter the law faculties of universities, as well as future graduates graduating from faculties in 2018, are interested in the features of police service, as well as the amount of remuneration for work.
If in 2017 the issue of increasing the salaries of police officers already has certain solutions, in particular, such points as the timing of salary increases and percentage increases. But the question of what will be the increase in the salary of the police in 2018 has not yet been fully answered.

What do raises depend on?

In many ways, the increase is made up of the characteristics of professional activity, as well as the growth of the base rate - the official salary. As a rule, when officials talk about increasing the salaries of workers public sector professional activity, it implies an increase in the salary.
About what will be the increase in police salaries in Russia, the latest news is not yet spoken. Only the possibility of wage growth is mentioned. It is not uncommon in the news to suggest that this expected growth will occur concurrently with law enforcement restructuring. Perhaps the optimization of professional activities changes in work structural divisions, will be associated with a reduction in the number of employees.

Reform and employee salaries

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been going on for more than a year, among the changes, all citizens note one fact - this is the renaming of the police to the police.
And, a sign that this is not just a renaming, but a personnel reform is the moment that policemen can become policemen only after passing the certification.
True, what is its meaning, many did not understand. And many experienced employees could not pass it. Accordingly, the question of whether there will be a reduction in the police in 2018 is decided by itself.
And since the new structure means that salaries should be new. In general, the reform completely affects the financial issue - from wages to pension payments. The question of what will happen to the police salary arose at the beginning of 2016. In addition, a large reduction is coming this year. Thus, according to the decree of the President, by the end of this year, the number of employees of internal affairs should be about 900 thousand people. It has already started in October 2016 and will continue for exactly one year.

According to the same decree, the reduction should mostly concern management structures. And three federal entities it will not touch at all - Yamal-Nenets, Chukotka and Crimea.

Such a massive reduction in staff should automatically lead to an increase in police salaries in 2018 in Russia. And should be approximately:
For police officers with an experience of 5 years or more - at least 25 thousand rubles;
Experience from 10 years - 28 thousand;
Experience from 15 - 30 thousand;
Junior officers with work experience of 5 years or more will have a salary of at least 32 thousand;
And senior officers, for example, a major with 15 years of experience, will receive no less than 40 thousand.

There will be another increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 in Russia:

  • For work with the so-called "secret" (secret documents). For operatives, it is quite significant, but district police officers receive much less for almost the same work;
  • For the intensity and complexity of their activities;
  • In addition, there are various types of financial assistance and bonuses.

Employees of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate have a so-called 10% Moscow allowance.
At the same time, police officers lost the following benefits: 13 salaries, no compensation for payment kindergarten. Also, there are no refunds for travel to railway transport. Plus, employees can receive financial assistance only once a year.
Also, free medical care can be counted as benefits, however, only if the employee received health problems during the performance of official duties. Plus additional leave to the main one due to difficult working conditions.
As for the annual indexation of police salaries, according to the previously existing norms of relevant laws, it was carried out at the rate of inflation following the results of the previous year. That is, the amount of indexation was determined taking into account inflation. Now, the bill of the Ministry of Finance has excluded this concept from all relevant laws. Now the annual increase in wages is determined by the relevant bill when the budget for the next year is adopted.

What else influences the salary of policemen?

  • Salary. It is its value that is subject to annual indexing;
  • The total work experience of the employee;
  • Seniority for service in the authorities. As already mentioned, the larger it is, the higher the salary;
  • The rank of the employee (the same, the higher it is, the more the employee will receive);
  • Regional coefficient. Each subject has its own, by the value of which the salary according to the tariff scale is multiplied.

It’s worth immediately “calming” those who want to join the police and make a career there. It is very difficult to become a police officer now, because previously it was enough to have any higher education, now it does not roll. What is needed now is education. legal focus and compulsory military service.
Whether employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect an increase in their wages, no one can say unequivocally. In everything, according to the management, the notorious crisis, to which everyone refers, is to blame.

But, in any case, indexation is included in the draft budget and it is planned for next year in the region of 5%. And the state can afford to increase the salaries of state employees, which include police officers, by such an amount. After all, despite the continuation of the crisis, the economy, albeit at a slow pace, is still recovering. And this means that the budget is gradually filling up, and additional finances can be safely spent on the above goals.

In 2018, the term of the “May” presidential decrees expires, according to which the salaries of representatives of the budgetary sphere of activity should increase significantly. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that the question of whether will there be an increase in police salaries in 2018, enjoys relevance among the population, and there is something to discuss here.

Police officers today are among the most in demand in the state, because it is they who ensure security in the state and almost daily risk their own lives in the fight against crime. The police is a law enforcement agency, and only those people who can boast of having the necessary education, as well as a number of professional qualities, among which responsibility, a developed physical form and a wide range of knowledge about all areas of life are especially valued (in this work it is difficult to predict when and what knowledge will need to be used in practice).

Any person who plans to connect his own life with this field of activity must prepare for the fact that the work will take him a huge amount of time. Often, the work schedule is notable for the lack of norms, because it is quite difficult to catch criminals or, for example, fight terrorism from “nine to six”. Particular attention should be paid to this information, because the question of whether What will happen to the salary of a police officer worries the public is not in vain. Today, for the performance of such work, police officers receive fairly modest salaries, although the authorities are making attempts to increase them. Therefore, one logical conclusion can be drawn - in order to become a really good and responsible policeman, you need to love your own profession very much and give yourself to it to the maximum.

How is this job paid?

Rosstat specialists published information that today the average income of an ordinary police officer is about 20-25 thousand rubles, and this amount usually includes allowances for performing dangerous work, as well as a number of bonus payments. In today's social conditions, the amount of 25 thousand rubles does not seem too big to anyone, and it becomes even more difficult to live on it if only one person provides the family with money. Naturally, in such conditions, the question of whether it is planned to increase in police salaries in Russia, and the latest news, concerning this issue today are characterized by one word - ambiguous.

Why are they ambiguous? The answer is simple, because the opinions of experts on this matter today vary greatly, because some say that the president is doing everything to fulfill his "May" decrees of 2012, which contain information about increasing the salaries of state employees by 200%, while others say the fact that there is simply not enough financial resources in the state budget to change the material allowance of representatives of budgetary spheres of activity.

In modern times, the income of a police officer depends on several extremely important factors, which include:

Experts believe that police officer rate for 2018 in the Russian Federation will increase only through annual indexation, because for an additional increase in the wages of this category of citizens in the state treasury simply Money. However, it is also worth taking into account the fact that the next presidential elections are scheduled for this year, which Vladimir Putin naturally wants to win. In the event that the public concludes for themselves that he has not kept his promises, and the financial situation of state employees in the country has not changed much, the people will simply refuse to vote for him, and he will lose. Consequently, salary increase for police officers like other categories of state employees) is in the interests of the president, because otherwise he will not have to count on winning the elections.

Are there any planned cuts among state employees?

No less relevant than the situation with wages is the information that will there be a reduction in the police force in 2018. Today, cuts scare almost all state employees who survived the wave of optimization measures carried out throughout 2016 and 2017 and did not lose their jobs. However, all state employees can no longer worry about the planned reductions in the workforce, because in the near future only those people whose enterprises are being liquidated can be laid off (no one cancels layoffs due to poor-quality performance of duties). No one is planning to cut police officers yet, and for the reason that there are already very few of them left, a further reduction in the working staff of the organization can lead to a deterioration in the activities of the entire organization.

In general, experts provide approximately the same forecast to police officers for 2018, but since information on this issue is constantly changing, it is recommended to monitor it regularly.

Recent years have been marked by numerous reforms for the Russian law enforcement agencies. The changes affected a wide variety of aspects of this profession, ranging from changing the name from “police” to “police”, and ending with all sorts of optimization measures regarding the structure and number of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During all these years of reforming, only one thing remained unchanged - the size of salaries, employees law enforcement sphere.

For more than five years, the financial allowance of the police has not been subject to indexing measures, although the authorities regularly hear words that the police salary will soon reach a level that will make this profession incredibly prestigious. However, the run-up to 2018 was marked by some positive developments in this aspect.

The government announced that public sector workers will finally receive a pay increase thanks to indexation. However, do not rejoice ahead of time. Despite media assurances that police salaries will be increased by almost 150%, today we are talking about an increase in the framework of recorded annual inflation. However, the final amounts depend on additional factors, so let's look at the forecasts for 2019.

How is the salary of a police officer formed?

The total amount that a police officer can receive for a working month consists of several main components:

  • salary - this part is a fixed component of the monetary allowance. It is she who is subject to the indexation procedure, which is planned to be carried out by the financial departments of the country;
  • the allowance, depending on the rank of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his class - can reach a value of 5-10% of the salary;
  • allowance for employees studying at universities - up to 20% of the salary;
  • regional coefficient - this value depends on the territorial unit of the country where the police officer is serving;
  • additional payment, the percentage of which is directly dependent on the length of service. It must be remembered that the percentage of this surcharge grows along with the length of service - with a length of service of 2-5 years, the surcharge is 10%, with 5-10 years of service - 15%, with 10-15 years - 20%, with 15-20 years - 25 %, at 20-25 years old - 30%, and if a person has served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 25 years or more - 40%;
  • additional payment for conditions of increased complexity, riskiness or lack of a normalized work schedule - can be up to 40% of the amount of the fixed salary of a police officer;
  • bonuses or payments dedicated to the receipt of a state award, or for conscientiousness in the performance of duties. For example, the last of these additional payments is up to 25% of the salary.

It should be noted that as a result, police officers employed in different services, positions and divisions receive unequal amounts of financial allowance. Only the amount of the fixed salary remains the same value.

Analysis of the financial allowance of the police

The authorities have repeatedly heard statements that the Russian policeman lives quite well. Averaged statistics gave the following data on the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • privates who worked in the ranks of the police for 5 years, on average in the country were charged 25 thousand rubles;
  • officers - 36 thousand rubles with experience up to 15 years and 42 thousand with experience over 15 years;
  • heads of departments - about 100 thousand per month.

However, the Russians are well aware that the average data do not reflect the reality - regional coefficients lead to a significant differentiation of police salaries, so, if in the capital this indicator can still be called acceptable, then in small towns, employees of internal affairs units are forced to live on very modest amounts. .

What will be the salaries in 2018-2019?

To compensate for all the years during which the indexation of salaries was not carried out, the policemen should increase their salaries not by 4%, but by 10-25%

According to media reports, earlier the President of the Russian Federation promised to implement the "May decrees", according to which police salaries should reach 150% of the 2012 salary level. At the same time, all types of additional payments and benefits from the list adopted for police officers should have been preserved.

However, the latest news shows that such a grand increase in salaries is not to be counted on - in the budget for the next three years, only an increase in financial allowance is planned, taking into account inflation. Throughout 2017, the State Duma proposed to include in the draft budget an increase in salaries and compensations for police officers by 5.5-7% from the current level, however, it was decided to index the financial allowance of the military, security forces, guardsmen and representatives of internal affairs bodies by 4% in 2018 .

The Committee protecting the rights of police officers has already expressed its dissatisfaction with this decision - according to representatives of the above body, salaries need to be increased by at least 10%, or even 25%, in order to compensate for the money lost over 6 years without indexation. So far, there is no need to talk about the indicators for 2019 - they will be known only after the country's budget is adjusted. To increase the salaries of the above categories of Russians, amounts have already been allocated from the expenditure side of the Russian budget:

  • 67 billion rubles - for 2018;
  • 83.9 billion rubles - for 2019;
  • 148.4 billion rubles - for 2020.

Most of the planned amounts will be spent on increasing the salaries of the military, and a fairly substantial part of the money is completely designated as “secret expenses”. The amounts allocated for police officers look much more modest:

  • for investigators employed in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and the FSB, in order to increase salaries, the following will be allocated: 1.15 billion rubles in 2018, 1.45 billion - in 2019, 2.66 billion - in 2020;
  • for those who carry out operational activities, the following budget expenditures are planned: 1.4 billion rubles in 2018, 1.7 billion in 2019, 3.1 billion in 2020.

It also became known that the time for indexing measures will be shifted from winter to autumn - in 2018, salaries will be increased on 01/01/2018, but the next increases will take place no earlier than 10/01/2019 and 10/01/2020. And it’s not a fact that in 2019 and 2020 policemen will expect a 4% salary increase – specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development have already published reduced inflation expectations, adjusting them from 3.8% to 2.8% in 2019.

It looks like the minimum salary of a police officer will be 20,000 rubles from 2018, while officers can count on 45,000 rubles a month (including most of the bonuses). If we consider the draft law, which outlines the predicted increase in salaries depending on the region, then in regions with a population of 2.5 million inhabitants, the following amounts are planned:

  • 17.16 thousand rubles - salary for investigators, security officers, experts, specialists and inspectors;
  • 18.2 thousand rubles - for senior investigators, detectives, experts, specialists and inspectors;
  • 19.24 thousand in national currency - for those who hold the position of an investigator or detective for especially important cases, as well as an inspector for special assignments;
  • 20.28 thousand rubles - for those who serve as the head of the department;
  • 20.8 thousand rubles - for the deputy heads of the department;
  • 22.36 thousand in national currency - for heads of departments;
  • 24.96 thousand rubles - for the deputy head of the department;
  • 26 thousand rubles - for the heads of departments;
  • 29.12 thousand rubles - for the deputy head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 29.12 thousand rubles - for the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The salary of police officers directly depends on the size and population of the city.

If we talk about salaries for 2018 for those who work in territorial units with a population of less than 2.5 million Russians, then the bill contains the following information:

  • investigators, detectives, police experts, specialists and inspectors will be charged 16.12 thousand rubles each;
  • senior investigators, detectives, police experts, specialists and senior inspectors - 17.16 thousand in national currency;
  • investigators or detectives dealing with particularly important cases, as well as inspectors on special assignments - 17.68 thousand rubles;
  • police officers holding the position of head of the department - 18.2 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads of departments - 19.76 thousand rubles;
  • heads of police departments - 21.32 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 26 thousand rubles;
  • heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 31.2 thousand rubles.

Slightly lower salaries are planned for 2018 for those who serve in the district police departments:

  • investigators, detectives, police experts, specialists and ordinary inspectors can count on a salary of 15.6 thousand rubles;
  • senior investigators, detectives, experts, specialists and inspectors - 16.12 thousand in national currency;
  • police officers who are heads of departments - 17.16 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads of departments in departments - 18.2 thousand rubles;
  • deputy chiefs and heads of departments of departments of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 19.76 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads and heads of departments of departments of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 21.84 thousand rubles;
  • heads of departments - 24.96 thousand in national currency.

For representatives of junior and rank-and-file police officers located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as the capital and Leningrad regions, increased salaries are planned for 2018. They are expressed in the following numbers:

  • 13.52 thousand rubles - for the police;
  • 14.04 thousand rubles - for senior policemen;
  • 14.56 thousand rubles - for junior inspectors;
  • 15.08 thousand rubles - for deputy platoon commanders.

If a police officer representing the junior and ordinary staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works in a city with a population of more than 100 thousand, he can count on the following salary amounts in 2018:

  • police officers - 11.44 thousand rubles;
  • senior police officers - 11.96 thousand rubles;
  • junior inspectors - 12.48 thousand in national currency;
  • deputy platoon commanders - 13 thousand rubles.

Lower salaries are planned for those who serve in localities with a smaller population:

  • police officers can count on a salary of 9.36 thousand rubles;
  • senior police officers - 9.88 thousand rubles;
  • junior inspectors - 10.4 thousand rubles;
  • deputy platoon commanders - 10.92 thousand rubles.

And finally - salaries for those who have a special rank:

  • ordinary police officers can apply for a salary of 5.2 thousand rubles;
  • junior sergeants - 6.24 thousand rubles;
  • sergeants are prescribed a salary of 6.76 thousand in national currency;
  • senior sergeants - 7.28 thousand rubles;
  • foremen - 7.8 thousand rubles;
  • warrant officers were assigned a salary of 8.32 thousand rubles;
  • senior warrant officers are entitled to 8.84 thousand rubles;
  • junior lieutenants approved a salary of 9.88 thousand rubles;
  • lieutenants - 10.4 thousand rubles;
  • senior lieutenants were given a salary of 10.92 thousand rubles;
  • captains - 11.44 in national currency;
  • majors - 11.96 thousand in rubles;
  • lieutenant colonels - 12.48 thousand rubles;
  • colonels - 13.52 thousand in national currency;
  • major generals - 20.8 thousand rubles;
  • lieutenant generals - 22.88 thousand rubles;
  • colonel generals - 26 thousand rubles;
  • police generals Russian Federation assigned a monthly salary of 28.08 thousand rubles.

By adjusting these values ​​and adding 3.8-4% to them due to indexation, you will get the expected salary of police officers in 2019.

To find out how much your salary will increase by 2019, multiply your current salary (without allowances, additional payments and bonuses) by 0.038

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was announced back in 2009 and continues today. This year, the vast majority of law enforcement officials would very much like to know if and when they will have an increase in wages.

When the militia was disbanded, law enforcement officers came under the jurisdiction of another department - the police. All employees had to go through a re-certification procedure - a kind of re-examination for the right to occupy a particular position. As a result of recertification, many people were left without work, having failed tests for compliance with job responsibilities.

The salary of the police in 2018 depends on the salary and certain allowances

Today, the salary of police officers is formed in several parts, one of which is a mandatory salary, plus various kinds of allowances in the form of either remuneration for promotion, or allowances according to an officially established coefficient, or the employee is given money for seniority, and there are also additional payments for special hard and difficult work.

The salary is a fixed amount, and the rest of the payments depend on the current legislation. This year, it became known about an innovation introduced for employees of the Ministry of the Interior, whose service requires special risk and in which there are moments of danger - they will receive a higher salary.

To date, employees from the rank and file, who do not have the rank of officer, as well as length of service, but have served for five years, the standard salary is 25 thousand rubles. The state pays an officer a salary of 36,000 rubles for the same period of service, and after serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 15 years or more, the salary is 42,000 rubles.

Increase in the salary of the police from May 1, 2018. Judging by the latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the salary of the Russian police in 2018 will increase slightly

The difference in income is also felt among the officers and leaders of the unit. The person in charge of law enforcement in the country is entitled to a salary of 80 thousand rubles. With all the bonuses for seniority and other aspects, the amount becomes more impressive and can reach up to 100 thousand rubles.

But in comparison with other more developed countries, such as the United States, the work of a policeman is more prestigious there, because the most ordinary law enforcement officer receives a monetary reward, which in Russian rubles will look like 120 thousand rubles.

This year, the leader of the state, Vladimir Putin, announced that all police officers would receive a pay increase. But if initially it was about raising it by 150%, today it is already obvious that this will not happen. The expected results from optimization, which the country's leadership hoped so much for, did not happen.

At present, we are talking about raising the salary of an ordinary policeman to 27,000 rubles, and the payment will be 29,000 rubles for those who have worked for 10 years. For 15 years of service, the salary will be 33 thousand rubles.

The thirteenth salary will not be due to lack of funds in the budget for such payments. Free travel in public transport for law enforcement officers is also impossible today.

Junior Lieutenant minimum wage laid down in the amount of 33 thousand rubles. Currently, Vladimir Putin ordered for each of the police officers to consider his salary and, in any case, increase it from May 1.

Police salary increase from May 1, 2018

In 2009, the Ministry of the Interior announced the launch of a reform that continues to this day. In 2018, many people who belong to the police are interested in a sore point - how and by how much in 2018 the salary of all workers who defend the country will be raised.

After the disbandment of the "militia", a new department appeared, which changed its name - now it is the "police". Also, all employees underwent re-certification - a kind of exam for compliance with the position held. As a result of inspections, a lot of people lost their jobs, because their recertification results did not correspond to their position.

Increasing police salaries in Russia latest news. How is the salary determined?

At the moment, the salary of police officers is formed from several parts, such as the salary itself, then certain allowances paid due to promotion, the officially established coefficient is also paid, money is paid for the length of service, then the coefficient of work intensity and its complexity is added to the salary.

The salary is fixed, the rest of the allowances are paid in accordance with the current legislation. In 2018, information appeared that all employees who work in the Ministry of the Interior and are associated with daily activities that involve special risks, as well as some moments associated with danger, will receive a higher salary.

Salary of police officers today

Today, employees who belong to the rank and file, but do not have an officer rank and length of service, who have worked in the Ministry for 5 years, receive from the state 25 thousand rubles of a standard salary. If an officer is already working under the same conditions, then his salary is 36 thousand rubles. After 15 years of service in the police, law enforcement officers need to receive 42,000 rubles of salary.

The difference is also felt between the income received by officers and heads of units. A person who manages the process of maintaining order in the country receives a salary of 80 thousand rubles. If we take into account all the seniority bonuses and other aspects, the amount becomes more impressive and amounts to 100 thousand. Nevertheless, if we compare this amount with the salaries of countries that are developing a little better, for example, with the United States, it is prestigious to work as a police officer there, and even the most ordinary servants of order receive an amount that, in terms of Russian rubles, is 120 thousand.

Raising the salary of the police in 2018 in Russia, the latest news for today. When will the police get a pay rise?

In 2018, the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced a salary increase for all police officers. If earlier it was said that it is possible to raise salaries by 150%, now it becomes clear that this is practically impossible, because the optimization carried out did not give the results that the country's leaders had hoped for. As a result, an ordinary policeman will be able to receive 27,000 rubles in 2018, and an employee who has been working for more than 10 years will receive 29,000 rubles.

A police officer who has worked in the authorities for 15 years receives a salary of 33 thousand. No one will return the thirteenth salary, since there are no funds for this in the state budget. In public transport, law enforcement officers are now also not allowed to ride for free. If a police officer receives the rank of junior lieutenant and rises to the rank of captain, he is entitled to a salary in the minimum equivalent of 33,000 rubles. Now Putin has proposed to consider the salaries of all police officers, and in any case raise salaries.

Certification of police officers

Recall that from 2018, the amount of wages, as well as the very opportunity to stay in the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will directly depend on the success of the certification. The attestation procedure assumes that it will be carried out by representatives of a specially created commission, represented by security officers, specialists from anti-corruption units, immediate supervisors of police officers and psychologists.

As a result, each police officer will receive a review, which will list all his achievements and blunders for the reporting period, as well as the features of the professional, psychological and physical training of the employee. Some experts have already said that such tough measures will lead to cuts in the ranks of police units and allow the state to find funds for higher salaries. Also, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs says that these events will increase the motivation of workers and the quality of their service.

Among other things, violators of instructions and norms of labor legislation will be punished by the ruble. For example, in a decree signed by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is said that police officers who were not at their workplace without good reasons more than 4 hours, may lose the bonus or even part of the salary.

Separately, we draw attention to the fact that payments accrued for the special complexity or tension of the work performed by a police officer will be made only by decision of the head of the unit in which the police officer works. So it is quite possible that most of the police officers will work for a salary with a bonus for seniority and rank.

To receive decent salaries, police officers will have to pass certification

New benefits for police officers

In addition to the system of fines and increased requirements for police officers, they are also entitled to some benefits. Benefits as of 2018 include:

  • the opportunity to get on the waiting list for official housing on a free basis;
  • the right to receive free care in medical institutions (including complex surgery);
  • the right to receive ten additional vacation days;
  • the opportunity to issue a ticket to a sanatorium-type institution (both for the policeman himself and for members of his family).

Information about the increase in salaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Indexation of salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may happen as early as 2018. Moreover, this will be done in a variant that does not affect budget money.

Those employees who can prove their professional suitability for further service in the police will receive various amounts, whose value will be determined both by the starting salary and by rank, length of service, the complexity of their work, as well as the regional coefficient.

Sources in the circles of the department talk about a roughly similar accrual scheme, but it will start with an increased starting rate, and the rest of the bonus accruals will be added to it:

  • ordinary workers will receive a salary of 27,000 rubles and will be able to increase the current amount over time by receiving education, transferring to more high position and earned experience;
  • officers will receive from 50,000 rubles, after which this salary can be increased by achieving merits, experience and earned titles;
  • the salary of the senior command staff will be approximately 100,000 rubles.

The salary of the police in Russia is increased by presidential decree, the given amount of potential salaries does not take into account the benefits / charges due to the security forces. The state budget already provides money for the indexation of all salaries of state employees by 3-4%. Prior to this, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, there was a moratorium on the indexation of salaries of state employees.

This year, the inflation rate roughly corresponds to the forecasts of the State Statistics Service, and even has a slight downward trend. Therefore, it is planned to allocate certain funds for indexing the salaries of employees of budgetary institutions.

In 2018, in addition to increasing salaries, it is also planned to carry out personnel reshuffles. A number of police officers will be reduced, including those who cannot be certified. However, the reduction will occur not only at the expense of those who are fired due to professional unsuitability.

Potentially, the following measures can be applied in the course of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • a number of responsibilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be transferred National Guard and other institutions;
  • some of the employees who are not directly involved in law enforcement will be fired from the ranks of the police;
  • departmental polyclinics may be closed, where previously employees were often selected for professional suitability for bribes;
  • the reduction in the number of employees will be carried out through the dismissal of unsuitable and corrupt personnel;
  • if they create the Ministry of State Security, the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reduced.

Reducing the number of police officers is necessary not only because of savings from the state budget, it is long overdue. The increase in the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at one time was due to a sharply negative criminogenic situation, rampant crime and banditry. Recently, the situation has come to a certain balance, and now the state wants to take not the quantity, but the quality of the training and work of law enforcement agencies. The incentive system for employees who improve their professional level implies good bonuses for good training.

Existing education reimbursement benefits through tax payments, will enable police officers to constantly improve their own level of knowledge and skills, as well as to apply for the next ranks.

The government planned this year to find money for the successful completion of the police reform and to increase the prestige of work in the country's law enforcement agencies. How promises will coincide with reality, we will see very soon.

