Organization of transportation and transport management of Russian Railways. Engineer (dispatcher) for the organization of transportation and management of railway transport

Transportation and management engineer railway transport is the commander of the entire rail transport system. Under his leadership, all railway services work: railway workers, wagon workers, locomotive brigades and other units. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in life safety and social studies (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

The dispatcher at his workplace performs the following tasks:

  • ensures strict compliance with the train schedule;
  • creates all conditions for traffic safety, safety of cargo and rolling stock;
  • organizes competent and rational processing of car and passenger flows.

The operational management of the transportation process in railway transport is provided by a multi-level system of dispatch management. The first level of the supervisory control hierarchy is the traffic control system. train dispatcher, which manages the movement of trains on a section of the railway, which includes a number of stations. The length of the section depends on the size of the movement and the volume of cargo work.

At large stations, the dispatching management carries out a shift shunting controller .

Train and shunting dispatchers are subordinate to a number of the same type of technological units that manage railway transport facilities.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities engineer-dispatcher for the organization of transportation contain a wide range of diverse actions:

  • organizing the movement of trains according to a schedule that coordinates the work of all departments of the railways with the rational use of the capacity of lines, devices and structures;
  • organization of work of stations on the basis of standard technological processes acceptance, departure, passage of trains, formation and disbanding of trains, loading and unloading of goods, boarding and disembarking of passengers;
  • management of work on the implementation of the transportation plan;
  • organization, formation and routing of car flows;
  • timely and rational preparation of daily and shift plans for train and freight work;
  • technical rationing of loading and unloading, the amount of traffic on the sections, the transfer of loaded and empty cars at the butt points, the required fleets of rolling stock;
  • ensuring quality indicators of operational, train and cargo work;
  • control over the fulfillment by the railway departments of adjustment tasks for the delivery of empty wagons from unloading;
  • control over the maintenance of the fleet of locomotives within the road, compliance with the work schedule of train and locomotive crews.
  • control over the fulfillment of indicators of average weight, weight and completeness of trains;
  • formation and passage of trains of increased weight and length;
  • ensuring the rational use of technical means of transport;
  • study of best practices in the field of operational management of transportation;
  • development and implementation of measures to improve the dispatching management of transportation, the introduction of automation tools in the management of the transportation process;
  • conducting technical training among subordinates.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Stable, constantly in demand job;
  • High level of salary.


  • Shift work, you have to work on weekends and holidays according to the schedule;
  • An extremely responsible job.

Place of work

Russian Railways, metro, scientific and teaching work at the MIIT university complex. Engineering training at MIIT has always been considered the most thorough and promising. Engineers educated in this specialty successfully work in other sectors of the economy.

Important qualities

  • a responsibility
  • the ability to competently and effectively organize the work of his department
  • teamwork skills
  • fast and accurate response
  • advanced forward thinking
  • analytic skills
  • spatial imagination
  • good physical and psychological shape
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • the ability to make accurate, balanced and responsible decisions
  • ability to analyze and organize information
  • the ability to find non-standard solutions and a quick way out of difficult situations in conditions of lack of time
  • ability to follow instructions clearly
  • constant striving for professional development

Training as an Engineer (dispatcher) for the organization of transportation and management of railway transport

Specialists of this profile are trained at the faculties "Organization of transportation and management of railway transport" at the Moscow State University of Communications (MGUPS) - until 1993, the former MIIT.

The Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK) provides training in the direction. A choice of continuing education courses and professional retraining(on the basis of completed higher or secondary special education) with the subsequent issuance of a certificate or diploma to students.

As a field of science, specialty 23.02.01 organization of transportation and transport management (by type), otherwise informally called now as transport logistics, is a sought-after specialty in the highly competitive labor market of the modern Russian economy.

The implementation of transport tasks by optimizing the movement of transport, taking into account the interests of manufacturers of goods, carriers and consumers are at the heart of the work of specialists. Moreover, the modern requirements for a qualified solution of these problems are in a complex relationship with the processes of not only the local, but also the global economy, with the trends of interaction within the framework of both the interregional and international division of labor and the free movement of goods and capital.

Specialty organization of transportation at the university

In total, 81 Russian civil and military universities (institutes, universities and academies) are trained, having on February 23, 2001 - a specialty code for the organization of transportation and transport management. Among them are higher educational institutions that produce specialists not only in all modes of transport: the specialty is the organization of transportation by rail transport, the organization of transportation by road transport, the organization of air transportation is a specialty, but also even in certain areas, such as, for example, land transport, air and water transportation, both freight and passenger transportation.

For admission to the university for the specialty Organization of transportation, you must provide the results of the exam:

  • mathematics;
  • in physics;
  • In Russian.

The passing amount of points is from 150 to 200 points.

The term of study for full-time education is five years, and for part-time education - one year more.

Work in the specialty organization of transportation

The main activities of graduates in the field of organizing cargo and passenger traffic:

  • improving the efficiency and quality indicators of transportation;
  • implementation of effective methods of using both technical and human resources;
  • development and implementation of effective schemes and algorithms of transport logistics;
  • development of measures for safe transportation in various conditions;
  • ensuring compliance with labor safety, sanitation, as well as fire protection of equipment and personnel.

Senior students, receiving the specialty organization of transportation, who to work with have the opportunity to choose:

  • dispatchers in large transport companies and firms;
  • logistics engineers in terminal systems (including international ones) of all types of transport;
  • specialists in car dealer campaigns and car factories;
  • specialists in transport departments of state and municipal administrations;
  • employees of state automobile inspections (officers) and other institutions that control traffic.

Graduates of universities, having a specialty in the organization of transportation, where they can decide to work during their studies, since many universities have close ties with transport companies for the employment of graduates. Therefore, the problem of choosing a place of work for transport specialists by the end of training is not relevant.

When choosing a specialty for the future, pay attention to the "Organization of transportation and transport management."

If you are not familiar with it, then the presented article will help you figure it out and decide whether it will be interesting for you to work in the field of logistics or not.

"Organization of transportation and transport management" specialty in the field of transport and transport lines.

It is a whole range of actions to organize transportation, including ensuring their safety.

In general, this work is not easy, but at the same time interesting and boring. A huge number of cars, trains move daily along the transport line of the whole country, large cargo transportation is carried out. Thousands of machines and even more people are involved in this entire network.

The specialist in the organization of transportation is directly involved in the organization of traffic. To do this, it is not necessary to be driving, for example, somewhere on the highway beyond the Urals, but it is enough to sit in an office in Moscow.

Organize clear movement, troubleshooting, scheduling, and other work requires high knowledge and responsibility from specialists in the organization of transportation and transport management. Illiterate actions of workers can lead to failure in large areas and even in the entire transport network.

The main task of a specialist is to create and operate a whole system of a transport system that will work like clockwork. At the same time, a strategically important direction is to reduce the financial costs of these activities.

The whole essence of the work tends to two directions: technical and managerial.

Technical (production) work is to develop the technical side of the process of organizing transportation. Specialists, workers and technicians maintain roads (repair, construction), set up a maneuverable conveyor belt, ensure safety and infrastructure operation.

Management (organizational) work is aimed at the command distribution of personnel, as well as the analysis of the condition and operation of roads and transport. Based on the work of managers, a work plan and tasks for technical staff are drawn up.

Organizational work includes theoretical planning and organization of work on transportation. To be specific, this is records management, contracts, scheduling, etc.

to specific work and specialist duties on the organization of transportation and transport management includes:

  • organize the transportation process;
  • organize the process of passenger transportation;
  • prepare and execute logistics documentation;
  • carry out managerial work;
  • technical maintenance of transport lines;
  • apply various innovative techniques in the development of transport lines and their maintenance.

Talking about a place future work, do not skimp. First, the acquired specialty is an excellent basis for starting your own business.

Graduates show good results when opening logistics private companies, taxis, freight companies, and so on. High financial income will not be limited to work only in Russia, but also goes beyond its borders.

Secondly, transport and transportation specialists can find their place in existing large firms(Russian Railways, national economy companies). These companies have a good reputation, provide decent wages and loyal working conditions.

Thirdly, in every large or small city, and even in a small village, there is a transportation network. Each of them needs in maintenance and regulation(bus and railway stations, fixed-route taxis). This suggests that specialists are needed everywhere.

The specialization "organization of transportation and transport management" includes a range of professions. Graduates with a diploma issued in this specialization can get jobs such as:

  • operators, dispatcher;
  • signalmen, drivers, traffic controllers;
  • traffic schedulers;
  • freight forwarders and cargo receivers;
  • cashiers, controllers;
  • mechanics, foremen;
  • stationmasters and much more.

Having successfully completed the training, a graduate with a degree in Transportation Organization and Transport Management will, in theory, be proficient in:

  • the necessary legal framework;
  • safety rules traffic;
  • first aid on the road;
  • organization of cargo transportation;
  • scheduling routes;
  • personnel management and much more.

As you can see, every graduate has the opportunity to find his place in logistics. This specialty is relevant enough. today, has growth prospects and most likely will be in demand for a long time.

Qualification: technician

Commander of the steel lines
After graduation, you must become.
So that the wheels knock more rhythmically,
There are many things to know in life.
Being a mover is honorable and difficult!
Only we have nothing to retreat.
This means that our duty is both on a holiday and on weekdays
Skip everything on the green

The specialty "Organization of transportation and management of railway transport" was opened at the Makeevka Industrial and Economic College in 1961. The first issue took place in June 1965.

Choose our specialty! If you are active, you like to find ways out of non-standard situations, you are responsible, sociable - you are a real leader, a real mover. If you are neat, diligent, you like to work with documents, communicate with people - you can become an agent of the company's transport service system.

Students of our specialty are bright, creative individuals who participate in all events: conferences, competitions, competitions held both at the college and at the external level.

The organization of the transportation process is a complex, extremely interesting and multivariate task. Difficult because several thousand freight and passenger trains move simultaneously on the railway network, that a large number of railway stations do not work on their own, but closely interacting with each other and influencing many, even distant stations, and that in the transportation tens of thousands of people are involved in the process at the same time.

It is very important to organize the movement of trains so that they leave stations and arrive at their destinations at the scheduled time. And all this must be effectively and competently managed and commanded. And it is necessary to command in such a way that locomotives and wagons stand idle for less time, and move more and faster at high speeds, so that they transport as many cargoes and passengers as possible.

This work is creative, involving a continuous search for the best, fastest and most economical solutions. Our specialty trains specialists of just such a plan.

In to
college, special emphasis is placed on those subjects that will directly serve as the basis of knowledge in future work. A simulator with automated workstations for those on duty at the station was purchased for movement students. The guys work on the simulator, while in practice they consolidate the received theoretical knowledge on the reception, departure and passage of trains, the production of shunting work at the stations and in computer classes they work out the acquired skills.

After graduating from college, graduates are expected at the stations, in passenger and cargo divisions located in the areas of the Donetsk railway. Our graduates work in the following leadership positions:

  • station attendant
  • Hump ​​duty officer
  • shunting controller
  • train dispatcher
  • Stationmaster IV and V classes

And at the beginning of their professional career, graduates master working professions

  • train maker,
  • signalman,
  • speed controller,
  • sorting yard operator,
  • station technology center operator,
  • centralization post operator,
  • cargo and baggage acceptor,
  • agent of the corporate transport service system,
  • commodity cashier,
  • ticket clerk.

Upon graduation, graduates-movers can continue their education at the faculty of "Management of the processes of transportation in railway transport" at the Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport in a reduced form of education and in other higher educational institutions.

Graduates of our specialty are truly "commanders" of railway transport. Under their leadership, all the services of the road work: railway workers, wagon workers, locomotive brigades and other units.

Organization of road safety

1. Federal law.

Adopted by the State Duma on November 15, 1995. This F.Z. defines the legal provisions, the basis for ensuring the safety of road traffic in the territory of the Russian Federation. The objectives of this F, Z, are: the protection of life, health, property of citizens.

Protecting their rights and legitimate interests, as well as protecting the interests of society and the state by preventing accidents and reducing the severity of accidents. For the purposes of this Feral Law, the following basic terms apply:

Road traffic - a set of social relations that arise in the process of moving people and goods with the help of Vehicle or without them within roads;

RTS - the state of this process, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants in road traffic accidents and their consequences;

Road traffic accident - an event that occurred in the process of a two-way road of a vehicle and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused;

Ensuring road safety is an activity aimed at preventing the causes of road traffic accidents and reducing their consequences;

Participant of the road trip - a person who is directly involved in the process of the road trip as a driver of a vehicle, a pedestrian, a passenger in a trans environment;

Organizator-th dv-I - a complex of organizational and legal organizational and technical measures and administrative actions for managing the dv-th on the roads;

road - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for two means of transportation. Road incl. one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, roadsides and dividing lanes, if any;

vehicle - a device designed to transport people, cargo or equipment installed on it on the roads.

3. Regulations by organ and without road traffic.

Dorozhnoeedv-e - a system of interaction between trans-x and pedestrian flows, streamlining this process is carried out by normative and positive, the main ones from the cat. yavl pravilador.dv-i. The first rules were signed on June 10, 1920. Since January 1, 1961 the first unified rules were introduced along the streets, along the roads of the USSR. In R.F. There is a state system of traffic safety, the essence of a cat. zakl. In persuasion or when necessary, in coercion using the power of state power. Comply with traffic laws by all institutions, as well as citizens and officials. In 1968 in Vienna, at the UN Conference on Road Development, 2 international agreements were adopted:

road traffic convention

Convention on Road Signs and Signals.

The Convention on Road Traffic contains general provisions according to the authority of the road year, requirements for trans-m means admitted to international traffic, requirements for samples of driver's licenses and the procedure for issuing them. Requirements for drivers and the procedure for joining states to the convention, in addition, definitions of the term convention on road signs are given - defines the relevant terms and designations, establishes General requirements to road signs, signals, signs and road markings. In 1973, the rules of the road were introduced, which were developed taking into account the requirements of these conventions. International normative documents for the organization and without two are developed by the following organizations: 1 committee on internal tran-tu, 2 European Economic Commission of the United Nations, 3 international standardization body iso. VR.F. regulatory documents yavl. GOST (government standard), OST (industry standard), OT (industry standards), RTM (guiding technical materials) GOST, concerning the elements of a constructive without a / m, are developed in accordance with the rules of the UNECE (single economic commission) and their action extends to all organizations producing standardized products. Do industry standards and industry regulations apply only to the industry??/

RTM for one or a group of plants or any category of trans-x facilities. Regulatory documents in the field of design and construction of a / m expensive. building norms and rules (SNIP). The countries regulate the calculated axle load speeds, the geometric parameters of roads, intersections and junctions of streets, the adhesion coefficient, the arrangement of roads, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and landscaping.

4. Licensing of activities related to the provision of no-ti dor-th dv-I.

1. In order to ensure without road traffic, the following types of activities are subject to licensing:

Forwarding services for jur. and physical persons

Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles carried out on a commercial basis

Design, construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of roads and road structures on them

Training, retraining and advanced training of drivers of trans vehicles, managers and specialists of transport enterprises directly related to ensuring the safety of road traffic, in the manner prescribed for licensing educational activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Manufacture, installation and operation of technical means and control systems of the road

Carrying out an instrumental check technical condition trans funds

Production of forms of driver's licenses, state registration plates for vehicles, certificates, reports and other special products necessary for the admission of vehicles and their drivers to participate in the road traffic

Trade in vehicles and numbered units.

5. System, driver - car - road - environment.


precipitation; fog; dust;

noise; vibration;


Psychophysiological and personal characteristics; professional qualities; level of a priori information; state (fatigue, illness, intoxication, narcotic state);


Vision, hearing, etc.

Information processing (interpretation, synthesis, analysis)


/>Width of the carriageway and shoulders;

number of lanes dv-i;

slopes; curves in plan and profile;

type and condition of pavement and shoulders;

intersections; moving objects;

non-moving objects; pedestrians;

controls and body-ii dor-th dv-i.


Dimensions (length, width, height);

color; external signals; internal signals;

6. Vehicle safety. Types of security.

Types of safety, distinguish between active, passive, post-accident and environmental safety of the vehicle. Vehicle safety incl. includes a complex of design and operational properties that reduce the likelihood of accidents, the severity of their consequences, and the negative impact on the environment.

Active safety - the property of a vehicle that reduces the likelihood of an accident.

An analysis of the active without-ty allows, with a certain degree of conventionality, to unite them into the following main groups:

St. to a large extent dependent on the actions of the driver to control the trans-means (traction, braking, stability, controllability, informativeness)

St. independent or dependent to a small extent on the actions of the driver on the control of the trans-m medium (reliability of structural elements, weight and overall parameters of the trans-th medium)

Saint-va determine the possibility of effective driver activity to control the trans-msred-vom ( workplace driver)

Passive safety is a trans-th means that reduces the severity of the consequences of an accident.

There are internal and external passive security.

Internal - determines the design capabilities of a trans vehicle to save life and increase injury, the safety of drivers and passengers in a trans vehicle at the time of an accident.

External - to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident for other road users.

Post-accident - sv-in tras-th media-va reducing the severity of the consequences of an accident i.e. those consequences that may arise after the accident itself (fire, collision with other participants)

Ecological - the property of a trans-th vehicle that reduces the degree of its negative impact on the environment, by definition, this vehicle, unlike the first 3, is associated to some extent with an accident. It is determined by the very existence and operation of the trans-gos-medium and appears throughout the life of the trans-god medium. All types of safe trans-environment are interconnected and mutually influence the final result of the transportation activity. The safety rule is set out in the requirements of the UNECE (United Nations United Economic Company).

8. Organization of the road. Main goals.

The basic principles in the organization of traffic yavl. development of measures to ensure the efficiency and safety of trans-x and pedestrian flows.

The implementation of this principle is based on:

Study of the characteristics of traffic, analyzes of accident statistics;

Identification of centers of increased accident rate;

Revealing of places of decrease in efficiency dv-I;

Development of measures to reduce the level of accidents and increase the efficiency of two-I in the identified places;

Improving the existing organ th dv th introduction of new technical means of regulation;

Forecasting, changing the parameters of the engine;

Development of elements and systems for automated control of road traffic.

The main specific activities can be listed as follows:

Construction of multi-level intersections

Introduction of forced regulation at the intersection

Prohibition of left and right turning maneuvers, U-turns, overtaking

The introduction of forced separation of traffic flows in the direction or trajectory

Prohibition of stopping three vehicles

Placement and equipment of the required number of parking lots and stopping points

Organization and arrangement of roads with timely and necessary means of information

Distribution of flows in space (additional lanes, parallel roads)

in time (offset start and end work pre-i)

Placement in space of objects of movement, as well as cargo and passenger-forming objects

Rational distribution of types of transportation during the day

Allocation of lanes for passenger transport

Organization of one-way dv-I

Prohibition of two separate types of transport means, in the area, along the highway, streets
- ensuring a high coefficient on the road

Engine speed limit

Equalization of the speed mode of the motor with the help of limiting the upper and lower limit

Operational control of the speed of the two-th flow by controlled signs, depending on the conditions of visibility and the state of the coating

Creation of transportless zones. In practice, a number of particular criteria are used to evaluate the organization of a roadway, delays in the state of the flow, and speed limits. When introducing new measures to organize a double effect, it is possible to consider measures that have changed the evaluation criteria in the right direction.

9. Organization of the work of ATP services without road traffic.

Without-tdv-i is provided:

Highly qualified drivers

The qualitative level of the technical condition and staffing of trans-x facilities

The necessary state of the road network and the organization of two

The management and control of transportation and the use of p.s.

Ensuring these conditions requires the service without two ATP:

Development of projects, plans, preventive work

Systematic control over the implementation of regulatory documents

Verification of the implementation by all ATP services of the necessary measures to ensure security without

Introduction of road accident records

Analysis of the material of the accident and violations committed by the driver

Participation in the conduct of official investigations in an accident

Cabinet organizations b.d.

Implementation of control over the training of drivers.

In turn, the service of exploitation performs the following tasks to prevent accidents:

Ensuring the normal duration of the driver's working day

Development of schedules for flights corresponding to the conditions of flights on the routes and monitoring their compliance

Examination of road conditions on ATP routes, identification of unfavorable sections on routes

Organization of medical work. employees with pre-trip screening of drivers

Organization of driver training

Ensuring and complying with the requirements of the rules of the road for the transportation of oversized, dangerous goods

Drawing up passports and route schemes and familiarizing drivers with the specifics of routes

Systematic conduct, rationing of high-speed modes

At least 2 times a year, inspections of the condition of roads and artificial structures on bus routes

Implementation of communication between the station and control points.

The ATP operation service conducts mandatory internships for newly hired drivers on the routes where they will work. When directed to other routes, the operation service is obliged to familiarize them with the features of the new routes.

10. Organization of pre-trip inspection at ATP

The absence of work on the line depends, first of all, on the technical condition of the vehicle. Before leaving the line, the person responsible for the release of the vehicle, together with the driver, is obliged to check the condition of the most important parts, assemblies and mechanisms of the vehicle, such as:


Brake system



External lighting fixtures.

In addition, the completeness of the vehicle with the necessary accessories, equipment and inventory and their serviceability are checked. A / m must be equipped with a set of serviceable tools, honey. first-aid kit, warning triangle, fire extinguisher. When directed to long-distance flights, buses and trucks are additionally equipped with a shovel, towing devices, metal trestles, a safety plug for the lock ring, and in winter time with snow chains. A / m - a tank for the transport of flammable liquids must have at least: 2 fire extinguishers, a shovel, a grounding device, technically sound drain taps and hoses (liquid leakage is not allowed).

11. Organization of a cabinet for the safety of the road-th door-I at the ATP

Methodological center for preventive work on the prevention of accidents at the ATP yavl. office without doors. The main areas in which materials and the corresponding exposition should be available in each office are:

Rules of the road

Recording and analysis data of accidents and violations of traffic rules by drivers

Best practices for trouble-free operation

Technique and tactics of driving a / mi in the conditions of transportation, typical for ATP

Fundamentals of the psychophysiology of the driver's labor

Peculiarities of operated transport means and cargoes transported by ATP

Characteristics of the road conditions on the main routes.

In large ATPs, where there are 600-700 drivers or more, in addition to the office without traffic police, a special point for medical and psychophysiological examination of drivers, as well as a class for improving the qualifications of drivers, can be created. In this class, examination devices are concentrated for programmed testing of knowledge of the rules of the road, install simulators and exhibit the entire section of driving techniques and tactics. In passenger ATPs (bus depots), it is necessary to provide drivers with advance information about the conditions of the bus on all routes, especially for drivers newly assigned to the route, as well as when the conditions change on the route. Information about routes is usually drawn up in the form of diagrams, which include stopping points, regulated intersections, places of increased concentration of pedestrian traffic, sections of the road that are dangerous due to road conditions, railway and tram crossings, etc. These schemes are used in combination with passport data of the route, data on accident schemes, as well as high-speed design modes of the engine. Part of the information developed and available in the office on no-ti dor-godv-I should be exhibited in the units most visited by drivers, in particular, in control rooms, car parking spaces along columns, etc. Here, first of all, up-to-date information is needed about the conditions of the road, traffic control and gross violations of the rules of the road. Hydrometeorological information has an important place in operational information. Its main types include: - regular information about the weather and the hydrological regime of water bodies crossed by a / m roads

Forecast of expected changes in hydrometeorological conditions

Emergency warnings about the occurrence or intensification of hydrometeorological conditions and phenomena dangerous for the sea (blizzards, snowfalls, downpours, snow avalanches).

In the work of services without doors, I am the most responsible yavl. work with drivers incl. yourself:

Carrying out all types of briefings without two-way (introductory, primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, current, unscheduled)

Organization of medical pre-trip examinations

Organization and control of the work of drivers on the line

Organization of work to improve professional qualities driver

Carrying out constant educational work to improve the transport culture of drivers. Terms of the briefing: introductory - upon admission to work, primary - before starting work, repeated - no later than 6 months. post-primary, current pre-trip - daily, current seasonal - at least 2 times a year, unscheduled - as needed.

No. 2 Means, technology and organization of PRTS works

1. Classification of packaged goods

Goods received by railway, according to the terms of reference, are stored and transported in packages formed on flat, rack or box pallets.

The choice of parameters of a rectangular packaging container is made in the following sequence. The volume of the packaging container is determined by the weight of the cargo and the loading volume. By volume, the dimensions of a rectangular container are selected. The choice of length and width must be carried out so that the area of ​​the pallet is used by 90%, the height of the container is determined by the volume and the chosen dimensions of length and width.

6. Main parameters of the cargo storage area.

The main parameters of the cargo storage area: width, length, and height largely depend on the method of storing cargo and the type of lifting and transport vehicles used.

The main ways of storing cargo are block and in-line. Block storage can be implemented on the example of stacks or racks - walk-through, dead-end, and in-line - on the example of cell racks - bare or frame.

Block(stacked) storage of piece goods is advisable for a small range of goods and large quantities of each of them. The combination of the above conditions allows you to store cargo in large blocks, eliminating the need to provide approaches to each cargo. Delivery of cargo is made from the first of each block (stack). The number of passages (passages) is determined by the number of items of cargo, so for one item, passage is not needed at all, only fire safety requires at least one pass.

Row storage with the use of caged racks it is advisable for multi-item cargo. This method of cargo storage allows for a more complete use of the warehouse volume by increasing the storage height (up to 38 m), better organization of receiving and issuing, lower requirements for floor unevenness, etc. Storage of multi-item cargoes is carried out using cell racks - bare and frame.

Frame racks with two pallets in each cell (when installed with a side along the rack) and with three or four pallets per cell (when installed with a long side to the depth of the rack) are the most rational in terms of metal consumption and cost.

7. Main parameters of the cargo release zone.

The zone for issuing cargo to external transport (road) is a set of technological sections. In these sections, the selection of goods to be issued, their picking at the request of customers or the direction of shipment, the formation of cargo transport units, temporary storage with accumulation and waiting for half the way of transport, as well as the number of lifting and transport devices for transferring goods between these sections in the process of their processing, including loading on external transport.

Technological schemes for loading vehicles with goods from covered warehouses are determined by the parameters of the latter. Overhead stacker cranes, bridge cranes, electric hoists, console cranes, manipulators, electric forklifts, electric carts can be used for loading packaged packaged cargoes. Non-packaged packaged goods processed by the piece, without pallets, can be loaded into motor vehicles with the help of electric forklifts and electric carts, mobile and telescopic conveyors, reloading manipulators.

8. Determining the cycle time of an electric forklift, overhead and gantry crane.

Overhead crane cycle time

Тц= t3+t0+((4H/Ugr)+(2*lcr/Ucr)+(2lт/Uт)Y ,

Where H is the average lifting height;

U is the speed of lifting the load;

l - average movement of the crane;

lt - distance along the crane passage. by cart;

Ut is the speed of the trolley;

Y - cycle time

9. Technologies for unloading external transport at warehouses for piece cargo.

The construction part of the unloading area in operation can be taken closed, located inside the warehouse, or open, located outside the warehouse building, with a canopy that shelters from atmospheric precipitation. The listed schemes of unloading sections must be equipped with a ramp.

11. Organization of the work of warehouses for piece cargo.

The load of the wagon is fed by an electric loader to the storage area. An overhead stacker crane transfers the cargo to a racking area or directly for loading vehicles.

The longitudinal layout of the racks relative to the axis of the warehouse provides for a more complex technological chain, as the direction of the cargo flow changes and the number of overloads in the warehouse increases. However, this layout allows you to locate the car cargo front from the end of the warehouse. When using this scheme, the freight from the wagon is fed to the storage area or to the site for inspection and repacking of cargo. From the accumulation sites, rack cranes or overhead rack cranes move the goods to the racks. This scheme provides for direct transshipment from the wagon to the car.

12. Uniform norms of time and output.

The norm of time is understood as the time required for processing (loading, unloading, moving) a unit of cargo (tons, cubic meters, packages, etc.) or the planned time spent in man-hours per unit of production. In practice, two groups of methods for determining the value of the norm of time (workout) are used: analytical and summary.

The total methods of normalization involve the establishment of a time norm for each operation or a set of operations (as a whole) without dividing them into basic elements. Of the total rationing methods, the rationing method is most often used according to the Uniform norms of output and time for wagon, motor transport and warehouse loading and unloading operations.

With analytical methods of normalization, time norms are set for each operation. In practice, analytical-research and analytical-calculation methods of normalization are used. The analytical research method is based on the analysis of data obtained directly at the workplace by timekeeping and photography of the work shift. The analytical calculation method is used to standardize the operation of machines and mechanisms in order to determine rational operating modes. Time standards are determined according to approved scientifically based standards using exact mathematical formulas.

No. 4 Passenger transportation

1.Passenger flows

The determining factors in the formation of the route network are directions, distribution over the territory of the served area and the capacity of passenger flows. The power of passenger flows is the number of passengers passing at a certain time through a specific section of the route or the entire transport network of a settlement in one direction. Only having data on the size, direction and distribution of passenger flows over the territory, it is possible to choose the route of routes, select the type of transport and type of rolling stock, and also determine the number of vehicles.

An important role in organizing the movement of passenger transport is played by the uneven distribution of passenger flows over time and along separate sections of existing routes. Therefore, in order to form an optimal or rational route network, as well as to effectively use the rolling stock and provide a high level of passenger service, it is necessary to know the directions, sizes and degree of uneven passenger flows. Graphically, passenger flows are depicted in the form of diagrams, where their values ​​are plotted along the ordinate axis, and the time of day, days of the week, months of the year are discrete along the abscissa axis, the straightened length of the route and the direction of movement are indicated. Diagrams of passenger flows on the transport network of the city make it possible to select and calculate the required number of vehicles in the directions of their movement.

2. Methods for surveying passenger flows

Surveys are carried out to identify passenger flows, distribute them in directions, collect data on changes in passenger flows over time. Existing methods for examining passenger flows can be classified according to the order of signs. So, according to the duration of the period covered, systematic and one-time surveys are distinguished. Systematic examinations are carried out daily during the entire period of movement by line workers of the operation service. One-time surveys are called short-term surveys for a particular program, determined by the goals.

According to the coverage of the transport network, continuous and sample surveys are distinguished. Continuous surveys are carried out simultaneously throughout the entire transport network of the region served. They require a large number of controllers and counters. Based on the results of the surveys, the issues of the functioning of the transport network are solved, such as the directions of its development, the coordination of the work of various modes of transport, the change in the route scheme, the choice of modes of transport in accordance with the capacity of passenger flows. Selective surveys” are carried out on separate traffic areas, conflict points on some routes in order to solve local, private, narrower and more specific tasks.

By type of survey, they can be questionnaire, reporting - static, full-scale and automated.

The questionnaire method, as a rule, covers the entire route of the served area and allows you to identify passenger flows by type of transport. It is characterized by a continuous survey and the possibility of establishing the needs and movement of the population along the boards, regardless of the existing route network, the method provides for obtaining the necessary information using pre-developed special questionnaires. The accuracy of the questionnaire survey and the reliability of the data obtained in me are determined by the nature, simplicity and clarity of the questions posed. Therefore, the form of the questionnaire should be carefully thought out according to the goal and be machine-processable, the measured questions for the survey are given below (using the example of the city of Volograd):

Passenger flow survey questionnaire

1. The number of the district of the city where you live ...

(1 - Traktorozavodsky, 2 - Krasnooktyabrsky,

3 - Central, 4 - Voroshilovsky, 5 - Dzerzhinsky, 6 - Soviet, 7 - Kirovsky, 8 - Krasnoarmeisky)

2. Way to get to work in the summer…

(1 - on foot, 2 - by bike, 3 - by bike,

4 - by car, 5 - by public transport)

3. Way to get to work in winter…

4. Time of leaving the house (for example, 8 hours 15 minutes put down 0815) ...

5. Time spent on the road to the stop (average, min) ...

6. Waiting time for transport (on average, min)….

7. Total travel time from home to work (average, min)…

8. Start time of the working day…

9. The name of the starting stop of transport ...

10. In the form of transport, the movement began ...

(1 - bus, 2 - trolleybus, 3 - tram, 4 - departmental bus, 5 - electric train)

11. Route number ...

12. Number of transfers (if none, put 0). ,

13. Name of the point of the 1st transfer ...

14. Mode of transport of the 1st transfer (put the number according to clause 10) ...

15. Route number of the 1st transfer ...

16. Name of the point of the 2nd transfer ...

17. Mode of transport of the 2nd transfer ...

18. Route number of the 2nd transfer ...

19. Time spent on transfers (total, min) ...

20. The name of the final stop when traveling back to work (write in spells) ...

21. Finishing time (h, min)…

22. Time of arrival at a stop when traveling home

23. Transport waiting time (min)…

24. Number of non-work trips per week…

25. Are you satisfied with the mode of operation of your enterprise ...

(yes - 1, no - 0)

The questionnaire survey gives the greatest effect when interviewing the population at the place of work of the main passenger generating and passenger absorbing points (with the involvement of the personnel department) of the served area, although it can be carried out directly in the rolling stock or at stopping points. The complexity is the processing of questionnaires. In order to reduce the complexity of processing, questions and answers are encoded and then processed using a computer.

The reporting and statistical method of the survey is based on the data of the ticket and accounting sheets and the number of tickets sold. In addition to the tickets sold, it is necessary to take into account the number of persons transported on monthly travel tickets, service certificates, persons enjoying the right to free preferential travel, and also those who did not purchase a ticket.

Field surveys, in turn, can be coupon, tabular, visual, silhouette and questionnaire.

The coupon method for examining passenger flows allows you to have “a formation on the power of passenger traffic along the length of the route and time of day, on the passenger exchange of stopping points, passenger correspondence, filling the rolling stock, etc.

When examining this method, preliminary preparation is necessary, which includes the development of a program and the calculation of the required number of accountants and controllers. The survey program determines the technological sequence of work with an indication of the timing. The quality of the information received largely depends on the accuracy of the work of accountants and controllers, as well as on the preparedness and awareness of passengers. In the course of the examination, the accountants at each stop, starting from the last one, issue coupons to all passengers who have entered, having previously noted the number of the stop at which the passenger entered. For each direction of movement, their coupons are used with increasing or decreasing numbers of stops and, as a rule, of different colors. coupons, and the accountants note the number of the stop at which the passenger got off.When transferring, passengers tear off the corresponding inscription on the ticket.At the final stops, the accountants hand over the used coupons for a particular flight to the controller and receive new ones.

The tabular survey method is carried out by accountants who are located inside the bus near each door. Accountants are supplied with survey tables, which, in addition to data on the bus, its output and change, indicate the numbers of flights in the forward and reverse directions, the time of their departure and stopping points. For each stopping point of the flight, the accountants enter the number of incoming and outgoing passengers in the appropriate columns, and then calculate the filling on the route sections. Accounting and registration of moving passengers are carried out separately by each accountant, and the processing of the received data is carried out jointly. The tabular method can be applied to systematic and one-time, continuous and sample surveys. With continuous and systematic surveys, the form of tables should allow the processing of survey data using a computer. For this purpose, tables are grouped, and then they are bundled according to the days of the week, routes, hours of the day when buses leave, and work changes.

The visual or visual survey method is used to collect data on stopping points with significant passenger traffic.

Accountants visually determine the filling of buses according to a conditional point system and enter this information into special tables. For example, 1 point is assigned when there are empty seats in the passenger compartment of the bus; 2 - points - when all seats are occupied; 3 points - when passengers stand freely in the aisles and storage areas; 4 points - when the nominal capacity is fully used and 5 points - when the bus is overcrowded and some passengers remain at the stop. Points are entered in the table according to the make and model of the bus. Knowing the number of seats for sitting and the capacity of a particular brand and model of the bus, it is possible to transfer points from the number of moving passengers. The visual method in the scoring of filling can be used by drivers or bus conductors who are issued with an accounting table. At the end of the shift, the tables are handed over to line dispatchers, and in the operation department they are reduced to the final one. This method is often used in sample surveys.

The silhouette method is a kind of visual method with the same areas of use. Instead of scoring the filling of buses, a set of silhouettes by types of buses is used, which is constantly with accountants who select the number of the silhouette that matches the filling of the bus and enter it in the table. Each silhouette corresponds to a certain number of moving passengers.

The survey method for examining passenger flows involves the use of accountants who, while in the passenger compartment, ask incoming passengers about the point of exit, destination, transfer, purpose of the trip and record this information. This method allows you to obtain data on the correspondence of passengers, which helps to correct routes and develop organizational measures to reduce the time of transfer of passengers.

Surveys of the operation of buses and the identification of passenger traffic are extremely time-consuming and require, as a rule, the involvement of a large number of accountants, which may be high school students, students of technical schools and universities. In addition, the processing of data collected from surveys requires a significant amount of time, and in the end, these data reflect the nature of changes in passenger flows over the past period.

Automated methods are being developed and implemented that provide information in a processed form without the participation of people. The existing methods of automated survey of passenger flows can be divided into four groups, namely: contact, non-contact, indirect and combined.

Contact methods make it possible to obtain data on passenger traffic both through the direct impact of passengers on technical means. One of these methods was developed by the Ulyanovsk Transport Association. Its essence lies in the fact that residents enter information about the needs for movement into a semi-automatic device by pressing the appropriate key. The devices are placed in passenger-forming and passenger-absorbing nodes. This method of surveys allows you to have information about the correspondence of passengers, the movement of the population and conduct a sociological survey. It can be used to optimize the bus route scheme and traffic forecasting.

An automatic system for accounting for transported passengers has been developed, which includes electrical impulse sensors mounted on the steps of the bus doors and connected to decoders that are connected to the counters of incoming and outgoing passengers. When passengers act on steps, electrical impulses from them are sent to a decoder, which, according to the sequence of signals, determines the direction of passenger movement and transmits information to the counters of entered or exited passengers, respectively. The disadvantage of the system lies in the large inaccuracies (up to 25%) of work during peak hours.

Non-contact methods include methods using photovoltaic devices. In photoelectric accounting of transported passengers, photoconverters are used, which are installed in doorways or on the outside of the bus, two for each flow of boarding and disembarking passengers. When entering or exiting, passengers cross a beam of light rays that enter the photo sensors, which record the movement of passengers. Electrical impulses from the photo sensors enter the decoding unit and, depending on the order of arrival, are sent to the register of incoming and outgoing passengers. The digital display unit sums up the number of passengers who have entered and exited at each stop. The disadvantages of this method include the fragility of devices, the complexity of setting up and adjusting photoelectric sensors.

With the indirect method of accounting for the transported passengers, special devices are used that allow you to weigh all the passengers of the bus at the same time, followed by dividing the total mass of passengers by the average (70 kg). The total mass of passengers is determined using strain gauge transducers located on the spring pads. The output signals of the transducers are fed to the input of a recorder, which records the readings on chart paper in time. Survey data are presented in the form of diagrams of passenger flows in time, the processing of which does not require large costs and time. The disadvantage of this method is the need for separate boarding and disembarking of passengers at the stopping point.

With the combined method, passenger accounting is carried out using two types of sensors - mass and photoelectric. When entering the bus, passengers step on the lower, and then on the upper contact steps. The signals from a pair of steps and the opening of the doors enter the control unit, where they are processed logically and the input counting pulses are generated, which are recorded by a recording device (digital printing mechanism, perforator or magnetic tape). The counting output pulses are formed in the reverse order of the impact of passengers on the steps. Registration of data on the number of passengers entering and exiting, the distance traveled, the time and the number of the stopping point is made after the doors are closed at the beginning of the bus movement.

Automated surveys of passenger flows provide a constant and continuous receipt of information on the volume of traffic at a relatively low cost and without the involvement of accountants.

The listed methods for studying passenger flows can be conditionally divided into three groups depending on the method of obtaining the necessary information, namely: methods based on counting the number of passengers carried; methods for obtaining information using instruments (automated) and analytical (calculation) methods for predicting the probable magnitude of passenger traffic.

When choosing a survey method, its labor intensity and necessary costs are taken into account. In any case, the reliability of the data obtained and the possibility of their use in the organization of transportation is necessary. Successful solution of the issues of rational organization of passenger transportation and efficient use of rolling stock is impossible without a systematic study of the nature of changes in passenger traffic in the transport network.

The work on the survey of passenger flows in any way and regardless of the duration and breadth of coverage should be carried out according to a pre-compiled and approved plan. The plan is developed taking into account specific conditions and must be realistic in terms of deadlines, scope of work and the number of performers. The plan usually consists of three parts: preparation for conducting the survey; work on the implementation of the survey and statistical processing of the collected information.

To manage the conduct of surveys, motor transport enterprises and transport associations allocate a part of their employees as inspectors. During mass surveys, the population is notified about the beginning and goals of surveys two to three weeks in advance. During surveys, it is necessary to avoid disturbances in the operation of other modes of transport by clear coordination of their management. The study of passenger flows makes it possible to identify the main patterns of their fluctuations in order to use the results of surveys in planning and organizing transportation. In other words, the nature of the change in passenger flows on routes and in general for a particular locality is subject to a certain pattern, so the systematic identification of the distribution of passenger flows over time, route length and directions is the main task of the operation service. Passenger flows characterize the load of the transport network in the directions of movement in a certain period of time (hour, day, month).

As noted earlier, passenger flows are schematically depicted in the form of diagrams and determine the intensity of the route, road section, line. The nature of the change in passenger flows by hours of the day, days of the week, months, route length and directions is shown in Fig. 4.12. Passenger flows are not a constant value, i.e. they are uneven. The degree of unevenness of passenger flows is estimated using the coefficient of unevenness ηn. It is determined by the ratio of the maximum capacity of the passenger traffic Qmax for a certain period of time to the average capacity of passenger traffic QWed for the same period:

ηn. = Qmax/ QWed

There are coefficients of unevenness by hours of the day, days of the week, months of the year, as well as by sections of the route and directions. The coefficient of non-uniformity in directions is the ratio of the maximum capacity of passenger traffic per hour in the busiest direction to the average capacity of passenger traffic in the opposite direction. The value of the coefficient of non-uniformity for large cities of Russia is in the range: by the hours of the day ηn = 1.5 - 2.0; on days of the week ηн = 1.1-1.25; in directions ηн= 1.3-1.6.

The results of surveys of passenger flows are used both to improve the organization of passenger transportation on existing routes, and to reorganize the transport network as a whole. Based on the survey materials, it is also possible to establish the main technical and operational indicators of the operation of buses: traffic volume, passenger turnover, average passenger travel distance, filling of buses and their number on routes, flight time and number of work shifts, speed, intervals and frequency of movement, mileage during the order. These data serve as the basis for improving both the route system and the organization of traffic and the operation of buses in general.

3. Bus safety: active, passive, post-accident, ecological

The safety of the car should be considered as one of the main operational qualities, since the life and health of people, the safety of vehicles and luggage depend on it. Safety is a complex indicator determined by the structural qualities of the car (stability, reliability of the body: control, braking properties, etc.) and , as a rule, is divided into active, passive, post-accident and environmental safety.

Active safety is the property of a car to reduce the likelihood of a traffic accident (RTA). It is characterized by the possibility of changing the nature of the car's movement in the initial phase of an accident. To evaluate it, specific indicators for the mileage Tank are used, which are equal to the ratio of the number of accidents that occurred due to the unsatisfactory operation of a particular mechanism Nm, to the mileage L:

Tank = Nm / L

Passive safety is the property of a car to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident. Passive safety manifests itself in the period when the driver cannot prevent an accident (the climax phase). The passive safety of the car, which reduces the degree of injury to passengers and the driver, is called internal, and the one that reduces the likelihood of damage to other road users is called external safety.

To assess passive safety, the bp indicator is used, which determines the severity of an accident:

Bp= Σ ni Kpt/m,

where ni is the number of injured drivers and passengers in each accident; Kp is the coefficient of severity of injuries in this accident: m is the total number of drivers and passengers involved in the accident.

Post-accident safety is the property of a car to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident after the vehicle stops (final phase), i.e. the ability to quickly eliminate accidents and prevent the occurrence of new incidents.

Environmental safety is the property of a car to reduce the negative consequences of the impact of car operation on road users and the environment. If the above types of safety are manifested during an accident, then the environmental hazard is associated with the daily operation of the car and is aimed at reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases, reducing noise, and reducing radio interference when the car is moving.

4. Transport process and its elements in passenger transportation

The transport process in passenger transportation is the process of moving passengers, including the sale of tickets and the formation of passenger flows, the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, as well as the supply of vehicles. As a result of the transport process, passengers are delivered to a certain distance ιep, while transport work P is performed, equal to the product of the number of passengers transported Q travel distance:


The transport process in the transportation of passengers can be represented as a system. The input of the system is the need of the population for transportation and the availability of a certain number of rolling stock. The output of the system is the timely delivery of passengers to their destinations. Feedback consists in the receipt of information from the line on the movement of rolling stock, compliance with the schedule, intervals of movement and the correspondence of the number of rolling stock to the needs of transportation. Restrictions are compliance with the specified speed limit, ensuring the comfort of travel and the fulfillment of financial indicators. The process is what solves the problem of timely, high-quality delivery of passengers to their destinations. A problem is a situation characterized by a difference between the desired and the existing output. The existing exit is provided by the existing transportation system. The desired output is provided accordingly by the desired system. The problem is the difference between the existing and desired systems.

5. Performance of buses and cars - taxis.

Vehicle performance is the main general indicator of the use of the vehicle in the transport process. The performance of a vehicle is the amount of transport work done per unit of time.

To determine the performance of the bus Wrtime, it is necessary to know the transport work performed for the flight Рр and for the flight tр.

At each particular moment, a certain number of passengers Qf is on the bus, which may be less or more than the nominal capacity q. The degree of capacity utilization is estimated by the filling factor γ. Static filling ratio


γd = Qf ιep/ qL = Рf/ Рvoz

those. the dynamic filling ratio (capacity utilization) is determined by the ratio of the work actually performed to the possible, provided that the capacity is fully used.

So, the actual number of passengers on the bus is Qf = qγs. But during the trip, passengers on the bus change: some get off at intermediate stops, while others enter. For each trip, the bus transports significantly more passengers than its nominal capacity. The indicator characterizing the degree of renewal of passengers per trip is called the passenger shift coefficient ηcm. It is determined by the ratio of the total number of passengers carried for the flight Qrot from the start to the final stop to the nominal capacity of the bus q: ηcm = Qр / q.

The shift coefficient can also be determined by the ratio of the route length ιm to the average travel distance of passengers ιep:

ηcm = ιm /ιep

It shows the number of passengers carried by the bus in one passenger seat per flight.

Taking into account the turnover of passengers, their total number per flight

Qр = qγс ηcm

The transport work for a flight Рр is determined by the product of the number of passengers and the average trip distance:

Рр = Qр ιep = qγс ηcm ιep, but ηcm = ιm / ιep

then Рр = qγιм

The time during which this work is performed, i.e., the time of the voyage

tp = td + top = ιm/vt + tos.

Then the hourly productivity of the bus, passenger-km/h,

/>/> Pp qγιm

Wp = tp = ιm / vt + tos

Analysis of the above formula shows that the passenger-kilometers performed at different distances (intercity and urban transportation) are not equivalent. This non-equivalence can be eliminated by using the performance adjustment method by converting it to the planned passenger-kilometre. However, in road transport, a method of planning and accounting for transport work has been adopted according to two meters - passenger-kilometers and the number of passengers. It is not difficult to obtain a formula for calculating productivity in passenger-hours. To do this, you need the number of passengers transported per flight Qp divided by the flight time:

/>/> Qp qγс ηcm

WQ = tp = ιm / vt + tos

The transport process of light passenger transportation (taxi) consists of non-repeating cycles, including: the supply of a taxi car to the parking lot (mileage without passengers); waiting for boarding; movement with passengers; paid downtime.

The moment of disembarkation of passengers with turning off the taxi determines the end of the previous and the beginning of the next cycle of transportation (ride). The total taxi mileage L includes the mileage Lop paid by the passenger, the unpaid mileage lhop (when a taxi is served after the passenger has disembarked until a new landing) and zero lh: L = Lop + Lnp + Ln. +Lxop.

The average travel distance of taxi passengers is determined by the ratio of the mileage with passengers Lsp to the number of trips P:

Ιaverage = Lpop/P.

The ratio of the mileage of taxi cars by passengers L to the total mileage L is the mileage utilization factor β:

One of the most important indicators of the efficiency of using a taxi is the coefficient of paid mileage βp, equal to the ratio of the paid mileage Lop to the total L:

The time of one trip (completed cycle of the transport process) of a taxi consists of the time of movement td and the idle time tpr. The driving time depends on the paid and unpaid trip mileage and technical speed vt:

td \u003d (ιop + ιnop) / vt.

A simple taxi tpr for a trip includes paid tp and unpaid tnp time: tpr = tp + tnp.

Given the above, the time of one taxi ride

/> ιop + ιnop ιop

/>te = vt + tp+ tnop or te = βpvt + tp+ tnop

/> and the number of trips per hour,

/> 1 βп vт

/>Zch= te = ιop + βp vt(tp+ tnop)

The productivity of a car - a taxi determines the income for 1 hour of work ... Since for each trip, on average, a taxi makes a paid mileageιop and has a paid downtime tp, then for each hour of work, a paid mileage and a paid downtime (something other than productivity Wι and Wt):

/>Wι = ιop + βp vt(tp + tp)

/>Wt = ιop + βp vt(tp + tp)

Thus, the performance of a taxi car depends on the average paid trip, paid mileage ratio, technical speed and idle time (paid and unpaid for each trip). The structure of the formulas is the same as for buses, therefore the nature of the influence of individual factors on performance is the same.

11. Types of urban transport

The metro is a rail type of urban passenger transport with a separate track device of a tunnel, ground or overpass design. This is the most powerful type of urban passenger transport with a capacity of 48 pairs of trains per hour and a carrying capacity of 40-50 thousand passengers per hour. The metro, as a rail transport that requires significant capital investment, is used in major cities in areas with a stable passenger flow. It is effective in cities with a population of over 1 million inhabitants and only on routes with a passenger flow exceeding 21 thousand people. per hour. The metro operates in six cities of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg. Thanks to the metro, the problem of mass high-speed transportation of passengers is being solved, which is not possible with silamulic transport. The Moscow Metro operates 20 hours a day with an interval of 80 seconds during peak hours and a technical speed of more than 40 km/h.

A tram is a street rail type of transport with a common or separate trackbed, mainly ground-based. The carrying capacity of the tram is in the range of 12-15 thousand. passengers per hour. In terms of carrying capacity, this is the second type of urban passenger transport after the metro. The tram is economical in terms of operating costs and an environmentally friendly type of urban transport. However, its maneuverability is low compared to other street modes of transport; malfunctions cause traffic jams and congestion, it creates noise. Therefore, in the 1950-1960s. the importance of the tram as a mass public transport began to decrease, and in many cities the tram industry began to be curtailed. However, the high-speed tram systems that appeared in Russia and abroad are the most appropriate type of mass passenger transport in large cities with a population of up to 1 million inhabitants. The first high-speed tram lines were laid in Volgograd. The Volgograd tram has some features that distinguish it from a number of similar inventions. Part of the light rail route (3.34 km long) runs underground (metrotram). The ground section 9.5 km long connects 15 stations located near large city-forming objects. The tram has a separate track and is removed from residential buildings. The entire route of 13 km can be driven in 25-27 minutes. Here, for the first time, an automatic speed control system and automatic locomotive signaling were used, which allow speeds up to 80 km / h. In 1995, the length of tram tracks for high-speed traffic in Russian cities was 64.2 km. In some cities, in order to switch to high speeds, work is underway to reconstruct the tram track. The design of the rolling stock is also being modernized.

A trolleybus is a railless mode of transport with power supply from an overhead contact network. Its carrying capacity is 8-9 thousand passengers per hour. Trolleybuses are inexpensive to operate, simple and reliable, environmentally friendly, and have high dynamic qualities. However, the construction of a contact network requires certain costs, it clutters up the streets and worsens their appearance, communication with the contact network limits maneuverability and does not allow rolling stock to operate with different traffic modes.

It is advisable to use a trolleybus in cities with a population of more than 150 thousand inhabitants on lines with stable passenger flows of at least 2-2.5 thousand passengers per hour as both the main and auxiliary mode of transport. The rolling stock used can have medium, large and extra large (articulated type) capacity.

A bus is a trackless street type of transport with an autonomous power supply, which has high maneuverability and does not require the construction of special track devices. The carrying capacity of bus transport is 9-10 thousand passengers per hour. The bus provides the ability to easily change the route network in accordance with fluctuations in passenger flows and organize routes in new residential areas. The bus is the only mode of transport in small towns and working settlements with relatively small passenger flows and auxiliary to the supply and delivery routes in large and largest cities. The main disadvantages of bus transport are associated with the complexity of an autonomous internal combustion engine, with significant operating costs, relatively small capacity of vehicles, pollution environment, high noise level.

Due to the advantages of bus transport over other modes and despite its inherent shortcomings, it has become widespread. Bus service is organized in our country in more than 1,500 cities and urban-type settlements. In recent years, the average distance traveled by passengers has reached 6 km.

It should be noted that bus transport mainly gravitates towards urban transportation and is predominantly urban transport. In this regard, when organizing work on the transportation of passengers, auto enterprises primarily carry out urban and partly suburban transportation of passengers.

12. Types of bus schedules. Methods for scheduling city buses

The bus route schedule is the main document for the operation department, on the basis of which the work of all parts of the operational and technical services is built.

A correctly drawn up route schedule should provide: the shortest waiting time for bus passengers and trips to their destination; normal filling on all stages of the route; high regularity throughout the entire period of movement; high speed of communication while maintaining the safety of travel; efficient use of buses, normal working hours for drivers; consistency of movement intervals for departure at nodal stops; fulfillment of planned indicators of work of transport enterprises.

Due to significant fluctuations in passenger traffic by season and day of the week, traffic schedules are drawn up for the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods of the year, as well as separately for working, Saturday and Sunday days. In addition, especially for intercity and suburban routes, there are special schedules for holidays and pre-holiday days, fairs, public events. The start and end of the movement of buses on each route is determined by local conditions, taking into account the distribution of demand for transportation.

The main type of schedule is a summary route schedule for each route in tabular or less graphic (intercity routes) form. The route schedule contains the names of the end points, data on the length of the route, the date the schedule was introduced, the type and number of rolling stock, times!

the beginning and end of the movement, the accepted mode of work of drivers, differentiated standards for the time of the flight by periods of movement. The schedule provides for the organization of the movement of buses from both ends of the route. For each exit of the buses, the schedule must include the time of departure from the ATP, zero mileage, the start and end points of the movement, the time of arrival at the ATP, the number and duration of shifts, flights, the time of arrival and departure from the board at the final points. The required number of flights, the frequency and intervals of movement are calculated in accordance with the data of chronometric observations and the distribution of passenger flows separately for peak hours, decline in passenger traffic and duty hours. Particular attention is paid to determining the required number of flights during peak hours, taking into account the normal filling of buses. (g= 1) proper quality of passenger service.

Scheduling is an extremely important and very time-consuming job. Numerous searches for a fully automated method for scheduling traffic have so far been unsuccessful. A semi-automated method with software has been proposed that is significantly less laborious and more convenient for the scheduler. The computer calculates and prints the time grid of flights "Stencil", taking into account the differentiated norms of travel time. A schedule is applied to the grid for all exits, and this information is entered into the computer. Printed out is the timetable for the final destinations, the operational table of buses on the route, the timetable for the stops for each exit.

Based on the route schedule, a bus or work schedule is compiled for each exit. The schedule indicates: the time of departure from the accident and arrival at the starting point of the movement, the duration of the shift, the time of lunch and rest (if any), the name of the checkpoints and the time they pass for each flight. The work schedule is issued to the driver according to the exit number on the line to monitor compliance movement on the route.

For each control point (station), a station (dispatching) schedule is compiled in tabular form, where all bus flights are entered vertically, and the time of arrival and departure for each flight is horizontally. The timetable is kept at the CCS or handed out by the line dispatcher of checkpoints to monitor the regularity of traffic.

A variation of the station is the information schedule at the stopping and final points for passengers. In the information schedules of intermediate points, only the time of arrival is indicated, and at the final points, the time of arrival and departure of buses.

The graphical embodiment of the schedules are traffic schedules that give a visual representation of the movement of buses on the route. They are built for intercity and some suburban routes when transporting over long distances. The summary schedule of the movement of all buses on a specific route (Fig. 4.25) is a plan for the work of production units serving the route.

Depending on the multiplicity of the bus turnover time and the time of day, the traffic schedule can be stable sliding. A stable schedule is obtained when the turnover time of the bus is a multiple of the time of day. If the turnaround time is not a multiple of the time of day and there is no way to vary the downtime at the end points, then a sliding traffic schedule is obtained. The time of advance or delay in each subsequent day is determined by the remainder of dividing the turnaround time by 24.

No. 5 Transport equipment, maintenance and repair.

1. Purpose of technical support.

Daily maintenance - carries out general control aimed at ensuring traffic safety, maintaining a proper appearance, refueling (fuel, oil, coolant) for some types, sanitization of the body is suitable. This service is carried out after the car returns to the line, when entering the line (by the driver). TO1, TO2 seasonal maintenance is intended to reduce the wear rate of the units and mechanisms of the car by timely detection and elimination of faults and prevention.

For each type of maintenance, a standard mileage is provided. It also provides for the labor intensity of operations in man/hour per 1000 km., as well as days of downtime in maintenance and repair of 1000 km.

Special norms provide for costs by types of maintenance, unit costs RUB / 1000 km divided into wages, materials and spare parts. Special workshops workshops carry out repair of components and mechanisms of vehicles, as well as painting and bodywork, maintenance of ATP in an organizational manner.

Modes Maintenance and repair.

Maintenance modes are the basis of the technology and organization of car maintenance. The maintenance and repair system is characterized by the number of types (stages) of maintenance and repair, a list of operations typical for each type of maintenance and repair, and the complexity of individual types. The number of steps actually depends on the frequency of individual types of work. Based on the large number of studies, a rational frequency of individual widows was selected, which combines them into groups, and the “regulation on technological maintenance and repair” fixed them in a regulatory document.

Maintenance and repair of machines is carried out according to a planned and preventive system, in which maintenance is carried out necessarily after the machine has completed a certain amount of machines, and repairs are carried out if necessary, if breakdowns and malfunctions are detected.

Maintenance of the equipment is carried out together with the maintenance of the base machine.

Maintenance and repair includes: daily maintenance, MOT - 1, MOT - 2, CO, current TR, KR (capital).

Maintenance control - dynamic, adjusting, fastening and lubrication - refueling work.

Maintenance period - 1 - 1500 - 2200 km.

TO - 2 - 6 t. Km. Up to 12 t. km.

The main maintenance operations - 1 are lubrication and fastening work. TO - 2 provides for in-depth control of maintenance, machine units and carrying out adjustment operations.

The state of maintenance - 2 includes all operations of maintenance - 1. Seasonal maintenance is performed twice a year, the first time in spring at t + 5 or more, autumn - winter less than t + 5. Seasonal maintenance includes work related to the conservation of the chassis and special maintenance, before setting the machine for long-term storage and depreservation before putting it into operation.

The complexity of operations is carried out with daily TO-1 and TO-2 ranging from 1 hour to 40 hours.

With a total number of vehicles over 300 units. standards are reduced by 100%.

With a decrease in the number of cars from 100 to 200 and from 100 to 50, the standards increase by 10 - 30%. The labor intensity standards for the cold climate zone have been increased by 20%. To work in the Far North.

The weather level of the technical service for receiving cars of the new model is 9%.

Availability and quality of design documentation 8%.

The first three factors determine the system of organization of maintenance and repair, which consists of more than 60%.

In this regard, it is possible not only to maintain the machine qualitatively, but by improving the system, we can get additional quantitative advantages.

2. Strategy for ensuring the performance of vehicles.

Consider the entire set of the most typical failures and malfunctions of vehicles (400–700), depending on conservation and operating conditions, they can first of all be divided into two groups: preventive and non-preventive. The latter includes failures and malfunctions that cannot be foreseen (sudden) or inappropriate prevention for economic or other reasons (29 - 32%) of failures. For them, the second strategy operates, which concludes that they are eliminated as they arise.

WhereX - operating time; f (x) is the density distribution of the probability of failure.

If as a criterion for comparing the accepted costs, then for the second strategy, the unit repair costs. GI = C/X: ∫x - ∫(x) dx

C - one-time costs for eliminating failures.

x - x min and x max - average min and max time to failure. The advantage is simplicity, but the disadvantage does not determine the state of the product, which can fail at any time, while difficulties arise in planning and performing maintenance and repair. For a preventive set of failures and malfunctions, both the first degree of maintenance work and the second strategy of restoration work can be applied.

The selection of preventive failures and malfunctions from this part is based on the specified efficiency criteria.

For example: security; cost minimization; reduction in consumption of fuels and lubricants; increase in the level of working capacity.

Thus, the first strategy provides for the prevention of failures and malfunctions, restoring the original state of the product before a certain state is reached. This strategy is implemented through preventive maintenance, diagnostics, replacement of parts, assemblies and mechanisms. With this strategy, the requirements for carrying out maintenance are established, in which the parameters of the technical condition are brought to the norm, i.e. recovery.

I -1 - planning the impacts of T.O. by operating time with bringing the parameter of the technical condition to the norm.

I - 2 - planning the control of technical condition parameters according to the operating time with bringing to the norm, depending on the actual and permissible value of the technical condition parameters.

In general, the second strategy consists of two parts, control and executive. dn = dk + R * dn

dn is the cost of preventive maintenance

dk is the cost of the control and diagnostic maintenance operation.

R is the repeatability coefficient of the executive part of maintenance operations.

Consider??? method (I - 1) for which the cost of prevention is equal to the cost of the executive part, it is possible to determine the dependence of the appearance of failures on the operating time.

Economically probable using which you can determine the feasibility of performing this operation not with optimization for it, but with a given frequency of core information. To do this, you can use the preventive operation map. Using the map, determine the operating time zone in which the unit costs for a preventive strategy remain lower than the costs for a failure.

1 – the unit cost boundary corresponds to the strategy for eliminating demand failures (II).

2 - unit costs during maintenance according to the parameter of the technical condition i.e. with preliminary control (I - 2).

3 - unit costs during maintenance by operating time (I - 1).

4 - measurement of the permissible deviation of the technical condition parameter during maintenance on (CI - 2).

Looking at the map of preventive operations and establishing: the frequency of monitoring the parameter of the technical condition, we must ensure that the parameters of the technical condition Uf > Udo.

Prevention is carried out if Uf2< Уф.

However, if the periodicity of the core operation is located in this zone, then the change in the periodicity for this operation is permissible and was 40%.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out together with TO - 2 and additionally consists of 50% for the Far North; 30% - cold climate and 20% under normal operating conditions.

4. Methods for the formation of types of the TO and R system. Economic and probabilistic method, natural grouping.

Types of maintenance are the basis for determining the scope of work on the technical operation of vehicles. There are certain standards that include specific values ​​for the frequency of impacts, labor intensity, lists of operations, and a number of other values. After identifying the totality of the impacts of TO, they group by type. This makes it possible to reduce the number of car rides for maintenance and repair, however, the grouping is inevitably associated with deviations in the frequency of maintenance of a given type from the optimal frequency of maintenance of individual operations, then the following methods are used to determine the frequency of a group of operations:

1) grouping by core operations;

2) grouping by technical and economic operations;

3) economic and probabilistic method. Using this method, it is possible to determine the expediency of performing this operation not with the optimal for it, but with a given frequency of the core operation. To do this, you can use the preventive operation map, using the map to determine the operating time zone, in the cat. The unit cost of a preventive strategy remains lower than the cost of correcting a failure.

1-unit cost boundary corresponding to the demand-based failure elimination strategy,

2-unit costs, when carrying out maintenance according to the parameter of the technical condition, i.e. with preliminary control.

Strategy I-2 (CI-2) - with a control parameter of the technical condition.

3-unit costs during maintenance by operating time (CI-1).

4-changing the permissible deviation of the technical condition parameter during the maintenance of the strategy (CI-2).

Considering the map of mathematical operations and setting the frequency of monitoring the parameters of those. state we must ensure that the state parameter yf natural grouping.

To determine the periodicity of maintenance by natural grouping, it is necessary to consider possible maintenance operations and periodicity.

5. Methods for the formation of types of maintenance systems.

Types of maintenance is the basis for determining the scope of work on the technical operation of the car. There are certain standards in the regulation, including specific values ​​for the frequency of impacts, labor intensity, and a number of other values. The structure of the maintenance and repair system is determined by the level of reliability and quality of cars, the purpose and technical operation of the car, the operating conditions of the available resources in an organized manner - technical limitations.

For operational rolling stock, the level of influence of individual elements of the structure of the maintenance and repair system on the costs of ensuring operability without organizationally planned costs should be:

The list of maintenance and repair operations and their frequency from 80 to 87% The number of steps from 13 to 20% technical support the main definition of the effectiveness of the maintenance and repair system lists (what to do?) and frequency (when to do?) are correctly defined. However, this is very difficult because of the huge list of 8-10 types of work and from 150 units. up to 280 specific operations on service objects that require preventive actions. Each type has its own rational frequency, therefore, after allocating the entire set of maintenance impacts, grouping into groups, this creates the opportunity to change the number of runs for maintenance and downtime in To and R. However, the grouping is inevitably associated with a deviation of the frequency of maintenance of this type from optimizing the frequency of maintenance of individual operations. Natural grouping To determine the periodicity of TO natural grouping, it is necessary to consider possible TO operations, and periodicity in their implementation. For example, the entire set of non-tearing fasteners of modern trucks show two types of needs for resuming the maximum tightening (3-5 tons. Km. And 10 - 15 tons. Km.). Brake mechanisms show a fairly close frequency of regulation 910 - 15 tons. Km.). Valve mechanisms (9 - 14 t. Km.), Wheel alignment angles (9 - 12 t. Km.). You can select the entire set of these operations and assign its periodicity in execution.

Other grouping methods are possible, such as linear programming and T.O. possible grouping by types of T.O. However, there should be no more than 2 - 3 species, because increase in costs associated with the organization of the production process. When putting things in order in the organization and carrying out preventive work, it is necessary to carry out a single maintenance service, and then move on to the rational structures of the T.O. system. and P providing optimal cost and performance.

6. Ways to store cars.

Storage vehicles can be placed on open platforms, under a canopy and, in some cases, in open heated or unheated premises.

Trucks are most often stored in an open area. The site must be lit, planned and have a hard surface. The same requirements apply to the organization of car storage under a canopy.

Covered storage spaces for cars can be of manege and box type. In the mannezh parking lot, cars are placed in one common room without partitions and they are used to store all types of cars. In the storage area, each car is assigned a permanent place and only serviceable cars and trailers can be stored in it. The storage area should have several exits that should not be cluttered. This requirement must be observed to ensure fire safety.

If the indoor premises are heated, then special equipment for warming up car engines in the cold season is not required. On open areas, equipment for individual or group heating of car engines should be installed, which makes it easier to start it in the cold season.

Arrangement of cars. Cars and trailers must be placed in the storage area so that there is free access to them, and, if necessary, their quick exit from the zone. Depending on the number of rows, the angle of installation of cars and on the conditions of exit and entry into the storage area, the following methods of arranging cars are distinguished:

Number of rows (single-row, double-row and multi-row);

Installation angle (rectangular and oblique);

According to the conditions of entry and exit (dead-end and straight-through).

7. Maintenance and repair standards and their correction.

Standards are called T.O. and R. Optimal.

Ex 50… 75% from the beginning of operation to kr in a temperate climate in the first category of operation with a moderately aggressive environment.

D1, R1, R2, R3

P1-flat (up to 200 m)

P2 - slightly holly (200 - 300m)

P3 - holly 300 - 1000

Outside the suburban area more than 50 km from the border of the city.

Number of cars 200 - 300 in three compatible groups.

Depending on the operating conditions, there is an adjustment of K1, other factors, modification of the rolling stock and features of the organization of the rolling stock. K2: 1. Labor intensity T.O. and R

K2 \u003d (1.0 - 1.25)

2. Mileage to kr. K2 \u003d (1.00 ... 0.75)

3. The consumption of spare parts increases from 1 to 1.3.

Natural and climatic conditions affect the change in the periodicity of T.O. K30.72…1.0, tfr 0.9 –1.43; tcr1 0.63 ... 1.1 (mileage up to one cr) of the spare part 0.9 ... 1.54.

Reflects the dependence of the labor intensity of technical and repair work and the duration of stay in T.O. and P depending on the mileage of the rolling stock.

It takes into account the level of design of the rolling stock of the ATP and the variety of brands of the fleet.

K5 - takes into account the storage conditions of the rolling stock and changes from 0.9 to 1.

The effective coefficient of obtaining by application, and the coefficient also takes into account the mileage to cr. And the frequency of maintenance should not be less than 0.5. During operation in conditions different from the conditions of change, reliability, durability, as well as labor and material costs to ensure performance. Thus, the above method of the coefficient (1 out of 2) resource has the goal of adjusting the standards depending on the level of reliability of the car operating in various conditions. The second type of operational correction has the goal of improving the vehicle's performance by changing the composition of maintenance operations, taking into account the design, operating conditions of the vehicle and the features of the ATP. Carrying out only after the implementation of the regulations, the provisions based on objective data, as well as the results of these works D1 and D2. For example, frequently repeated maintenance operations can be transferred to T.O. they are not characteristic operations of T.O. are generally excluded.

Considering the periodicity of T.O. (ιto), operating time in case of technical repair (ιт), coefficient of variation from ι (Vι), relative cost coefficient (СI-2/CII = Kn)

8. Appointment of repair work.

Repair in accordance with the nature and purpose of the unit for capital and current.

Capital is designed to regulate the restoration of vehicles that have lost their working capacity, as well as components and assemblies and provide them with resources until the next current repair, while the total resource and product should be 80% of the resource before the first cap. Repair (RK1). The unit is directed to RK1 in cases where the base and main parts need repair requiring complete disassembly. For the engine, the base part is the cylinder block, the main camshaft, cylinder head, etc. The unit is sent for repair when the performance of the unit cannot be restored by current repairs. The main parts that ensure the performance of the actual properties of the unit and assemblies must be repaired at a level close to or equal to the quality of new products. Operability and repair - performance of the base parts determines the full service life of the unit and the conditions for its decommissioning. In addition, during a major overhaul, ensuring the restoration to the level of new products or close to it, mutual docking of the dimensions and functions of the properties of all units as a whole, as well as the appearance of the car. taking into account the mileage and costs for T.O. and R.

A passenger car is sent for overhaul if the body is repaired, a truck if it is necessary to repair the frame, cab and three more basic units.

The main overhaul trend is to replace the complete overhauls performed in automotive repair plants by. For aggregate repairs, they can be carried out at the ATP.

The current repair is intended to eliminate the malfunctions that have arisen, as well as to ensure the established standards for the mileage of the car and their units until the next overhaul, while the following work is carried out: disassembly, assembly, metalwork, welding, dimming, painting and replacement of parts and assemblies that have reached the limit state of non-basic ones requiring current and overhaul . It is necessary that the last mileage after the current repair (reliability) is determined by the mileage until the next T.O.2.

The current repair in the current system is regulated by the specific labor intensity ttr =< чем чел.ч./тыс.кам.; дни простоя в Т.О. и Р dТО иР = дн./1000км; затраты на текущий ремонт с разбивкой наэлементы руб./ 1000км, величина удельная.

Regulations on T.O. and R and the corresponding practice testifies to the expediency of regulating a number of current repairs as preventive repairs (failing to affect safety and large losses during elimination). Associated refurbishment of combination with T.O. low labor intensity operations are carried out.

10. Labeling of gasoline, diesel fuel and their main indicators.

Liquid (motor gasolines, diesel fuels, alcohol);

Liquefied compressed gases (propane, butane, ethylene, hydrogen).

Petrol. AI 95

WhereAI - octane number (isooctane), 95 - unleaded gasoline.

Diesel fuel. Requirements for diesel automotive fuels:

Minimum soot (fuel in the cylinder must burn without residue);

Fuel must be well pumped;

There are three types of dis. fuel:

1. summer, applies from 0 and above;

2.winter, apply -25 (becomes cloudy at -30, -35);

3. arctic fuel -55 (high content of kerosene).

11. Regulations on T.O. and R rolling stock

This document is the fundamental regulatory document for the technical support and repair of vehicles in the country.

On the basis of which the planning and organization of technical support and repair are carried out, resources are determined for the design and repair of auto enterprises, the development of a number of other production regulatory and technical documents. For operational accounting of changes in the design of vehicles and their operating conditions, the provision provides for two parts.

In the first part, the basis for the technical support and repair of rolling stock is given, the system and technical policy on these issues in road transport are determined. Establishing the type of maintenance and repair, initial standards, regulation of these types, class-I is given operating conditions and methods for correcting standards, principles for organizing the production of maintenance and repair at ATP, typical lists of maintenance operations and some other materials.

The second part includes specific regulations for each basic machine model produced in the country and for its modification.

12. Production and technical base of ATP.

The production process To and P at the ATP in general terms can be represented by a linear schedule for the performance of work and the work of the produced units.

Depending on the number of vehicles of their types, the type of cargo being transported and other factors, the production building may be different in area and location of zones and sections.

New ATPs are developed and built according to standard designs through design bodies with reference to a specific land plot. Technological equipment, depending on its purpose, is divided into four groups:

1. Lifting and viewing equipment provides, during maintenance and ongoing repairs, convenient access to units, assemblies and mechanisms located below and on the side of vehicles (inspection ditches, overpasses, tipping hoists and garage jacks).

2. Equipment for lifting and moving units, components and mechanisms of motor vehicles (mobile cranes, crane - beams, cargo carts, conveyors).

3. Special equipment designed to perform maintenance operations (harvesting and washing, lubricating and filling, fixing, diagnostic, adjustment).

4. Specialized equipment designed to perform technological operations of TR (dismantling and assembly, metalwork - mechanical, forging, welding, bodywork, assembly).

The main production units can be different in number, depending on the number of vehicles, the availability of technological equipment and the production program for the execution of work.

In addition to the main workers directly related to the implementation of maintenance and repair, the number of which is calculated depending on the number of car parks, their wear and tear and operating conditions, there are administrative, managerial, production and auxiliary staff.

13. Vehicle maintenance technology.

According to the standards, the main share of labor costs for maintaining vehicles in a technically sound condition is associated with the implementation of current repairs.

Cars and trucks the ratio of labor costs for repair and maintenance.

TR– 55% - 65%

EO– 15% - 20%

TO2– 10% - 15%

TO1– 10% - 12%

For buses:

TR– 40% - 50%

EO– 25 – 03%

TO2– 15% - 18%

TO1– 10% - 12%

More than half of the labor costs are spent on maintenance, and maintenance, and especially during current repairs, requires the performance of a certain type of work that is different in content.

Control, adjusting, fixing, hoisting and transport, cleaning and flushing and lubricating and refueling.

For current repairs: dismantling and assembly, forging, welding, painting, battery, volcano, tin,

At the same time, many of the works are not compatible and must be performed at different production sites, workshops, even in mechanical cases, when the work can be combined, they are carried out by different performers.

Cleaning and lubricating - are included in the SW and are divided into works:

Body cleaning;

car wash;

Periodic polishing to create a stable protective layer on the surface of the car.

At the same time, the use of cleaning and washing works maintains the sanitary condition of the car, contributes to the preservation of paint and varnish coatings and allows timely detection of a malfunction.

14. Motor transport enterprises: purpose, types, process flow diagram.

Transportation of passengers and cargo in cities and towns, as well as intercity transportation, is provided by ATP. They plan transportation, ensure the implementation of the transportation plan in all respects, maintenance and repair of vehicles and trailers, obtaining the necessary operational materials and storage of rolling stock. ATP solves issues related to the most rational organization of the transport process and the systematic growth of labor productivity, increasing the profitability of transportation by reducing the cost, safety of operation of vehicles and trailers, and also maintains operational, statistical and accounting records.

Depending on the type of vehicles, motor transport enterprises are divided into:

Freight, having in its composition only trucks - tractors and trailers;

Passenger, p. With. which consists only of buses;

Serving the population with both passenger and freight traffic;

Special, incorporating vehicles intended for only one type of transportation.

VATP has the following departments and services:

Maintenance service;

Technical service;

traffic safety service;

planning department;

Department of technical supply;


Administrative and economic service.

15. Auto service enterprises: purpose, types, process flow diagram.

They are specialized enterprises of motor transport, performing only production.

These include:

parking garages;

Hotels for autotourists, motels;

Camp for car tourists, camping;

Gas stations;

Passenger and cargo bus stations.

Service stations perform both certain types of maintenance and repair work and the entire scope of work, including the supply of spare parts, operational materials.

The production capacity of the station is estimated by:

1) the number of cars attached for permanent maintenance,

2) the number of car arrivals per day,

3) the number of working posts.

In general, maintenance stations are divided into:

Small up to 10 posts;

Average 11-30 posts;

Large over 30 posts.

Garage - parking - yavl. car storage companies. They perform the function of maintenance and supply of operational materials. Parking garages are designed for storage of cars of individual owners. They can be:




Open areas are built for temporary storage of vehicles in places of their large accumulation, for unloading the streets and squares of the city.

gas station- is an enterprise for the supply of fuel, oils, greases, water, antifreeze and sometimes air for tire inflation.

Fuel is divided into:


Tire repair shops or factories,

battery charging stations,

Specialized shops.

Specialized workshops and workshops carry out repairs of vehicle components and mechanisms, as well as painting and bodywork, maintenance of motor transport enterprises in an organized manner.

16. Maintenance.

Maintenance is designed to keep the car in working condition, reduce the intensity of wear of parts, prevent the occurrence of malfunctions and identify them for timely elimination, compliance with the frequency and high-quality performance of maintenance in the prescribed scope ensure the constant technical readiness of the car and reduce the need for repairs.

If a malfunction of the mechanisms, extraneous noises, knocks or vibrations, as well as violations of adjustments and other malfunctions are detected, the driver must immediately take to their elimination, regardless of the priority period of maintenance.

Maintenance is to be carried out at the points or areas of maintenance of equipped premises, provided to the serviced personnel with the necessary conditions for work.

The absence of the necessary equipment and complex stationary or mobile maintenance facilities is not a reason to change the volume, frequency and conditions for car maintenance.

17. External car care.

External care is carried out by cleaning the body, washing the body of the bottom, under-soil space, wiping, drying.

Car cleaning consists in removing dust and debris from the body and cab of the car. In wiping the seats, glass and fittings, as well as the engine and brushes.

The bodies of special-purpose vehicles intended for the transport of patients, products, are periodically disinfected, washing floors and walls, for this purpose stationary vacuum cleaners, brushes, rags and special cleaning materials are used.

Moykakuzov is carried out with warm or cold water (25 - 30˚С).

It is necessary to reduce the destruction of the body color so that the difference in t of water and the surface of the body is no more than 18 - 20 ˚С.

When washing weakly coherent dust-like contaminants with a jet of water, it is necessary to use a brush or a flexible one, this is due to the fact that particles up to 30 microns in size remain in a ton of water film and when it dries, a gray matte coating remains.

In a jet wash, the water consumption per car is 600 - 1200 liters. At a water pressure of 1.5 ... 2.0 m / Ta.

Therefore, to reduce water consumption (by 2-3 times), special detergents are used that reduce the surface tension of the film of the water-washed surface and dissolve the oil deposits of the formed emulsion and suspension that is easily washed off with water.

The cleaning solution is applied with a washing gun. After that, the surface is rinsed with clean water, while the consumption of detergents ranges from 40–50 g/l when using synthetic powders 7–8 g/l of water at t–35–40 ˚С.

In accordance with the adopted law, all water users are required to take measures to reduce water consumption and stop the discharge of necessary wastewater into water bodies, therefore, water purification and recycling systems are being created at the ATP. Purity of purification of the water supplied to the sink for the second time must comply with the standards of drinking water.

After brushing, the body is rinsed and dried. To facilitate the subsequent drying and giving shine to the body, it is possible to carry out hydro-alkaline, i.e. body coating with solutions containing a special substance, such as cellulose wax, from the bottom of the car body is washed off with a stream of water.

18. Washing methods, their classification and assessment of the efficiency of water consumption, energy and time.

According to the method of execution, they are distinguished: manual, mechanical and combination.

Hand washing is carried out with a hose, with a spray gun or with a washing gun. Water pressure low 0.2…0.4 MPa and 1.5…2.0 MPa (high)

Mechanical washing is carried out using a special installation according to its design and conditions of use is divided into:

a) according to the design of the working body (jet, brush, jet-brush).

b) by the relative movement of the car and the working bodies of the installation (travel mobile).

c) according to the method of control (manual, automatic).

d) according to the condition of use (stationary and mobile).

Combined combine a device for jet washing of the bottom of cars. And mechanical washing with brushes of the outer parts of the body.

Mechanization of the washing process significantly reduces the washing time from 10 - 20 minutes. up to 2 - 3 minutes. However, technical and economic calculations show that washing trucks in comparison with the manual method gives a difference of 1.5 - 3%. Beneficial mechanical washing of cars and buses by reducing the cost of water consumption.

Washing equipment and its classification, characteristics and evaluation parameters.

To ensure convenient access when washing the lower parts of vehicles on a post-hand wash, side ditches of a narrow type, wide ditches with a track bridge, overpasses and lifts are used. For washing trucks with access to book parts, sites 1.25 - 1.5 times larger are often used. The site should have ditches for draining wastewater, and the floor should be made with a slope towards the receiving trawl located in the center. The car moves on the washing platform with the help of a conveyor, less often self-propelled. A waterproof wall is installed between two washing posts.

At the manual washing station, a system for supplying pipes and hoses with washing guns was installed, and piston, cyclonic, centrifugal pumps are used to create pressure for a truck 150 - 200 l, 200 - 300 l for buses.

When working with low-pressure water, the consumption is reduced by 2-3 times.

In a mechanical jet installation, nozzles or nozzles installed in fixed or movable pipelines, collectors that supply water or washing solution are used as a working body.

When using a washing solution, such an installation can be used for washing passenger cars.

UKB– 1152V

Pie = 20 ... 30 auto / h.

R = 1200 - 1800 l / avt with rotating washing nozzles

In some designs of washing installations there is a device for drying cars with blown air.

Brush washing installations are rotating brushes with water supply (buses, cars) and washing solution.

Differences: - mobile;

Stationary through which the car moves.

Movables represent a U-shaped arch moving with the help of an electric drive along the rail track laid at the washing station. On the portal, two vertical and one horizontal rotary brushes with electric wires and blowing after washing are mounted. Washing is carried out in 1-2 approaches of the quarter by working organizations, washing time is 5-6 minutes. Applying to service stations of low power. Large ATPs use brush installations M - 130 60 avt / h; M - 133 60 - 90 car / h; M 130; M - 131 - washing disks; M - 132 - installation for drying.

Buses: M – 123 60 avt/h 5 brushes

M - 128 80 - 120 auto/h 7 brushes

For external washing of KAMAZ, an M-127 jet-brush machine is used.

For washing parts and assemblies with oily contamination, washing machines M-136, M-317 are used. They are stationary dead-end chambers into which parts and assemblies are loaded. And the cleaning of parts is carried out with an alkaline washing solution from the collector to the nozzles. Washing time 10 - 15 minutes, with heavy soiling 20 - 30 minutes. The lower part of the device is a glass for washing solution, filters and devices for heating the solution are also located here.

19. Ecological significance of wastewater treatment after car washing.

Cleaning device from mechanical impurities, oil refinery products and detergents. When washing the first car in wastewater, there can be from 5 to 10 m of dirt and 5 - 10 g of oil and fuel. In order to prevent the ingress of oil products with sewage into natural reservoirs, sinks equipped with mud settlers and oil traps are needed. The cleaning principles are based on the density difference between oil, gasoline, water and dirt particles. The circulating supply system consists of a wastewater tank inlet from where water is fed to filters, where it is cleaned of particles.

Filters made of porous materials or vibrating. Oil products are removed by the flotation cleaning method, i.e. apply to air bubbles and further entrapment. The second method of coagulation is clotting or falling into a precipitate using coagulants or substances that promote this clotting.

Recently, filters have been used with high adsorption and iodine capacity for oil products. Typical crystal installations with a capacity of 10, -30, -60, -90, -110, m 3 / h have been developed.

Drying, polishing and anti-corrosion treatment.

Wiping the body dry, you remove moisture from its outer surface using flannel and other materials. Trucks wipe only the cab, glass, hood, headlight and fenders. When using a mechanical dryer, the sironco and senatto types are used.

The disadvantage is a large energy consumption due to the low thermal conductivity of air, therefore, the heat utilization coefficient decreases. A promising method is the use of infrared lamps, panels of dark infrared radiation, which has low heat loss during its dissipation.

Polishing of the car body is carried out to ensure long-term storage of the paintwork. Polishing is the process of surface treatment of the body, as a result of which irregularities and microcracks are smoothed out. The first sign of aging is the loss of gloss after 2-3 years up to 40%. The main purpose of polishing is to create a protective layer on the body surface that protects metal surfaces from aggressive environmental influences. Therefore, it is recommended to expose new and old bodies once every 1.5 - 2 months. Treatments with polishes based on waxes, water repellents, emulsifiers and solvents.

Car corrosion control.


As studies show the body of a car after 3 - 5 years of operation, the total area of ​​​​foci from 150 to 300 thousand square meters can be subject to corrosion. cm2. At the same time, 56% of the foci cannot be stopped in the future. Corrosion is different in the nature of destruction into general and local, which differs into slot, point, sublayer. According to the type of corrosion of the environment, corrosion is divided into atmospheric, soil, acid, salt, water.

According to the course of the process, on the chemical direct effect of active substances, electrochemical due to the formation of a galvanic cell steel AE, steel - copper.

Corrosion protection of the bottom and wings of cars is distributed with bitumen-scientific mastics with the addition of epoxy resin and rubber edges. At the same time, it should be noted that bituminous mastics are very resistant to the environment, but not shock resistant, not frost resistant, resistant to temperature extremes.

20. Lifting inspection and transport equipment.

Universal inspection eliminates the possibility of performing work at the same time from below, from the side, from above there are inspection ditches.

Narrow ditches. Ditch length (narrow) > vehicle length by 0.8 - 0.5 m. Depth 1.4 - 1.5 m for cars, 1.2 - 1.3 m for trucks. The ditches must have a ladder entrance located outside the working area for safe entry of the car from the side of the framing with flanges, and from the end of the entrance with bumpers, alignment of the direction of the wheels. The height is not more than 15 cm. To fix the final position, the width of the narrow ditches is 0.9 m. 0.9 with reinforced concrete flanges, 1, m with metal ribs. Lateral ditches are made with a depth of 0.8 - 0.9 m with a width of 0.6 m, the width of the trenches is from 0 to 2 m, with a depth of not more than 2 m, the railing is 0.9 m, and transitional bridges are installed through the ditches outside the working area from the side of the trench . There is one exit for 2-3 ditches. In wide ditches, the length per m is 1.2 m > L vehicles. They have more space and the possibility of using technical equipment. In the niches of the walls there are lamps, fans, heaters. Disadvantages - the difficulty of ensuring normal working conditions, the restriction of movement, lighting, the inconvenience of working with devices, the impossibility of re-equipment.

Trestle bridges are a track bridge located above the floor level at a distance of 0.7 - 1.4 m with frames for entry and exit at an angle of 20 - 25˚. They can be stationary, mobile, dead-end and winding. It is possible to use overpasses with a shallow prudent ditch. Elevators are classified according to the method of installation into stationary and mobile, according to the type of lifting mechanism into mechanical and hydraulic, according to the type of drive into manual and electric, according to the place of installation, floor and ditch, according to the design of the support frame on the lift of each rack. The control is carried out using a push-button switch hlift 1.8 - 2 m t under 45 - 60 ˚С. Elevators are installed without a special foundation on a flat surface and are attached to the floor with anchor bolts.

Aprakidyateli- designed for lateral inclination of a passenger car Max load capacity 2 t.; tilt angle up to 90 ˚. Garage jacks with a lifting capacity of 1.5 to 12.5 tons can be used as lifting and viewing equipment.

For lifting and transport equipment at large enterprises, one can note electric hoists on monorails with a carrying capacity of 250 - 1 tons. Suspended crane beams 1-3 tons, electric cars.

24. Diagnosis and regulation of work on the car as a whole.

Carry out to determine the level of the indicator of the operational properties of the car:

Power indicators

fuel efficiency

traffic safety

Environmental impact

Detection of a decrease in these indicators is carried out in-depth diagnostic, determination of specific corrections, a regulator of the mechanism and the implementation of final control.

Diagnosis is possible during sea trials and with the help of stands. Sea trials are carried out as an inspected check of brakes and linear fuel consumption. Station diagnostics are more effective with the help of special stands that allow you to set.

Control-diagnostic and adjustment works.

Adjustment work designed to restore the performance of systems and components of the car without replacing component parts, this is possible using various mechanisms and control units that allow you to bring the parameters of the technical condition to the norm. Many of the most important characteristics(fuel consumption, power, tire wear and braking distance) in most cases depend on timely and high-quality diagnostics and repair work.

Two types of headlights are used in our country: symmetrical Amer. Systems up to 30% (a) and the European asymmetric system (c).

Graphically, these headlights can be viewed in Fig. For asymmetric headlights, for a special side shield, the left part of the beam is cut off and thrown to the right, which achieves a double effect of reducing the likelihood of blinding drivers of oncoming vehicles and increasing the intensity of illumination of the road.

1 - light spot


2.6 - device screen

4.5 - luminous flux

7 - the border between lighting and dimming the surface

8 - reference boundary

25. Devices for checking fuel equipment.

To test carburetors, the model 489 A installation can be used, which allows you to simulate the starting work of carburetors on a car and determine the aerodynamic resistance in the starting pipelines. The fuel pump is checked on the car with certain instruments (M - 527 B) (K - 436) that determine the Max pressure, the tightness of the intake valves and the tightness of the connections. For diesel use, the K 261 device determines the rotational speed of the crankshaft of the movement, the camshaft of the fuel pump, the rotational speed, the beginning and end of the action, the rotational purity regulator, the fuel injection characteristics.

Flowmeters use to determine the amount of fuel produced through the device for a certain prom. time or mileage.

Flow meters are:



Rotometric (mono).

The first two devices work discretely and in order to determine the fuel consumption at some time interval, it is necessary to consume a certain portion of fuel and recalculate the specific indicators per unit of path or time.

The principle of operation of the flow volume is based on the fact that the fuel passes through the risks 4, the 3-way valve 2 is fixed, it allows you to switch the fuel in the locked position, into the flask and the carburetor. The principles of operation of the weight flow are exactly the same, only in place of the volumetric flask, the use of a certain weight volume. Weight flow meters have greater accuracy and stability of indicators, since the weight portion is less susceptible to changes under the influence of temperature, parametric pressure, fuel temperature, its density and other indicators . The third type of flow rate is a continuous-acting device that indicates the instantaneous fuel consumption at any given time. (KN 12371) consists of the following parts: a body, a spinner with wavy installation blades mounted on the axis of the reinforcements in bearings, each blade tightly and with a minimum clearance notes to the body and has a certain volume. When the turntable rotates, each blade takes a certain amount of fuel and brings it to the exhaust channel. The flow meter has two counters, one of which shows the rotation speed of the spinner, which corresponds to the instantaneous fuel consumption, and the second determines the total number of revolutions, which makes it possible to determine the total fuel consumption (the device is not effective at low fuel consumption).

№6 Economics.

Physical workers employed in the manufacture of labor products, according to the method of participation in the production process, they are divided into main (directly engaged in the manufacture of products), auxiliary (provide the main workers with everything necessary for the implementation of labor processes)

Employees are slaves providing management of production at the enterprise. They are divided into managers (those who perform management functions); specialists (workers cat are busy preparing production); technical performers (workers cat-e ensure the work of specialists and managers); students (those who work under the guidance of mentors prior to the assignment of imqualification); junior service personnel (works on general maintenance of the premises).

2.Economic essence and structure of working capital.

Circulating assets -a set of cash assets funded for the creation of revolving production funds and circulation funds that ensure a continuous circulation of cash assets.

Circulating production assets are objects of labor (raw materials, materials, fuel, fabricated products), unfinished production of future expenses. OPF enter production in its natural material form and are consumed in the process of manufacturing products, transferring their value to the created product.

The value of pro-s wed is determined by the level of pro-va and the duration of the pro-th cycle of manufactured products.

Circulation funds consist of finished products in the field of sales and monetary funds in the enterprise. The main purpose of the funds is to ensure the continuity of circulation with monetary funds. therefore, the rationing of working capital is the basis for the rational use of the households of the firm.

4. Determining the financial results of the enterprise's activities.

Income - an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of cash. Expenses - a decrease in economic benefits as a result of the disposal of an activity. The difference represents the financial results of the business activity of the enterprise. Determination of the financial results in the form of calculating the profitability threshold, the margin of safety and the impact force of the prod-th lever. The profitability threshold is the break-even point when revenue is at least equal to costs. - to be above this threshold. The margin of financial strength is the difference between the actual volume of production and the break-even point, which characterizes stability, the provisions of production.

5.pricing in branches.

Price - monetary expression of the cost of goods, services.

The cost is determined by supply and demand. The state regulates the price by establishing taxes and duties within the limits of profitability. The main function of prices is to balance supply and demand, the impact on production, consumption and sales. Pricing is a process that takes into account the tasks of the pre-I, the results of marketing research, the actions of competitors, consumer psychology and legislation. Price setting stage: 1 pricing task; 2 definition of demand; 3determination of the costs of production; 4 price and competitor analysis; 5 choice of pricing method; 6 price fixing. The main task of the price-I: survival, maximum profit, market leadership.

6. Use and formation of financial resourcespred-I.

Finance - a system of money circulation, which depicts the formation of the use of the distribution of money funds in the circulation of media. Finance performs 2 functions: distributive, i.e. formation of the use of income and funds pre-I; control-reporting on finances.

The following principles underlie the formation of financial resources:

1 independence in the field of finance; 2 self-financing of current activities; 3 self-sufficiency of financial resources; 4 reservation of financial services; 5 loan; 6 taxes. Financial resources are formed at the expense of own sources and loans.

Own sources - income from the main activity of the sale of property in operating activities. The use of financial resources is carried out in the main direction: 1 current costs for production and households; 2 investment related to technical re-equipment and reconstruction; 3 investment in securities; 4 payments to the state; 5own reserves

7. Methods of planning the household activity of the enterprise.

P lanirov-e is one of the methods of management. The plan is divided into strategic and tactical. strat-th is a set of main goals and main ways to achieve. tactical - definition of types and volumes of resources.

To solve problems, there are strategies: intershop and shop planning.

Currently engaged in the preparation of a business plan, which includes the following sections:

1. resume, 2. Nature of production, 3. State of affairs in the industry, 4. Production plan, 5. Organizational plan, 6. Cost calculation, 7. marketing plan, 8. risk assessment, 9. Legal plan.

The main indicators for drawing up a plan: output, sales volume, capacity, costs, profit, profitability, market capacity, competitiveness.

When developing, use a method that allows you to measure the needs of resources with their availability.

8. Operative - production planning.

OPL- this is the development of work plans for workshops, sections, jobs for short periods of time. It is divided into groups: calendar - this is the main type provides for the development of tasks, schedules for pre-th, workshops, participants, teams, jobs for short periods of time. Dispatching - centralized management of the work of all organs of the pre-I, on the basis of a schedule plan, as well as accounting, control of production. Inter-workshop operational plan-ie-establishment of interconnected monthly, planned targets for individual workshops.

Inside the workshop O.P. – establishment of planned targets for production sites and workplaces for short periods of time. Here, the planned target for the production of ready products is converted into a specific task for each worker.

9. Organizational stage and measures of state regulation of business activities ..

H and at the stage of organization of the enterprise, constituent documents are developed - this is a charter or a constituent agreement, or both. The composition of constituent documents is determined by legislation, depending on the form of ownership and organizational - legal form. AT founding document it is indicated: location of the enterprise, its name, management procedure.

The charter is the main document, it does not indicate: full or abbreviated name, type of activity, organization and management of the enterprise, formation and disposal of property, procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the enterprise

After the development of documents, the enterprise is registered with the state administration and entered into the state yriestor. The date of entry is the date of commencement of activities, the actual start of activities will begin with the opening of a bank account.

Measures: the charter is regulated by the production of household activities, the order of relations with the environment (supplier, consumer, state).

Charter of Regulations by State and Municipal Administration. Depending on the form of ownership, the state controls income and payment of taxes, the purpose and quality of products and services, sanitary condition, compliance with state standards, labor legislation and the interests of hired personnel.

10. The main types of taxes paid by enterprises.

The main place in the taxation system is occupied by value added tax, it is identical to the concept of enterprise income: it includes wages of employees and profits, all organizations are payers of value added tax. VAT is paid by all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, that have the status of a legal entity. Excise tax is one of the types of tax that represents an indirect tax on the sale of goods, it includes the price of goods and is withdrawn to the local and state budgets. Individual entrepreneurs and those whose goods pay moves through the customs border of the Russian Federation.

Corporate income tax and organizations - acts as a direct tax, i.e. its value depends on the profits of the enterprise, all Russian enterprises of all forms of ownership pay. The tax on property of the enterprise is very insignificant in the revenue part of the budget. Unified social tax - credited to state non-budgetary funds (pension fund, social insurance fund, and medical insurance).

11. The structure of road transport management.

/>O the organizational structure of the enterprise is a list of departments of services and divisions of the management apparatus, their systemic organization, the nature of subordination, as well as a set of coordination and information links, the distribution order functional management at various levels and divisions of the management hierarchy.

Types of organizational structures: 1. Linear - this type of structural organization is characterized by simplicity and one-dimensionality of communication and direct subordination of the lowest level to the highest. One-man management is prevalent in such a structure, each hand, each slave is subordinate to only one superior person. 2. Functional - specializing jobs are grouped around resources, the finance department manages such a resource as money and tangible property, the information department - data, the personnel department - personnel, such a division stimulates professional specialization and allows more economical use of resources. Linear-functional - the performance of narrowly specialized functions, intertwined with the system of subordination and responsibility for the performance of tasks. Such structures are more efficient. 4. Divisional - works are grouped around the final result: product, services, client, etc. 5. Matrix - project - members of the project team are subordinate to both the hands of the group and the hands of the functional divisions, whose work is permanent. 6. Project - a temporary structure created for solving a specific problem, for this, employees and volunteer organizations are assembled in one team, the team must implement the project within the established time frame, given results within the established costs.

12. Characteristics of the enterprise avtomob th transport.

The nature of transportation by cars is determined by the ATP division: 1. Freight - the implementation of the transportation of goods. 2. Passenger - transporting passengers. 3. mixed-transportation different types transport. 4.specialized-carrying out special-purpose cargo.

No. 7 Commercial logistics.

1. Logistics systems and types of logistics operations of trade logistics.

The logistics system is an adaptive system with feedback, which performs logistic functions, consists of several subsystems and has developed links with the external environment. Examples: individual enterprises or firms, commercial and industrial complexes, financial and industrial groups, infrastructure of the economy.

The goal of logistics systems is to reduce the total logistics costs along the entire path of material flow. The task of the logistics system is the delivery of products just in time in the right assortment and quantity, to the right place at the minimum level of logistics costs with a sufficiently high level of quality. The logistics system consists of links. Links: enterprises-suppliers, manufacturing enterprises and their divisions, marketing, trade, intermediary organizations, transport and forwarding enterprises.

2. Information systems and flows in logistics, their types.

An information system is an organized set of interconnected computer technology, reference books and necessary programming tools that provide the solution of certain functional problems.

Requirements for automated information systems:

1. scalability, i.e. the ability of the system to support both single and multiple users.

2. distribution - the ability of the system to provide joint processing of documents by several territorially separated divisions of the enterprise.

3. modularity - the ability of the system to provide users with the ability to configure and select system functions based on the specifics and complexity of the enterprise.

4. openness - when the automation system is integrated into other information systems and has open interfaces for new proposals, data.

Tasks of the information system in the enterprise:

1. continuous provision of the governing bodies of the logistics system with reliable and up-to-date information

2. Ensuring that bottlenecks can be provided in a timely manner.

3. providing the opportunity to redistribute the resources of the enterprise.

4. ensuring the possibility of estimating the timing of the execution of consumer orders.

5. Ensuring the profitability of the enterprise by optimizing logistics business processes.

Information flow is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary for the management and control of a logistics operation. In logistics, there are types of information flows:

1. depending on the type of systems connected by the flow: horizontal and vertical.

2. depending on the place of passage: external and internal.

3. depending on the direction in relation to the logistics system: input and output.

The advanced information flow contains information about the order, an information flow that contains quantitative and qualitative parameters of the material flow. When the material flow follows the information flow - information about the acceptance of the goods in terms of quantity and quality. The information flow is characterized by indicators:

1. origin

3. transmission and reception speed

4. flow intensity.

1. changing the direction of flow,

2. limiting the transmission rate to the appropriate reception rate,

3. limiting the amount of flow to the value of the throughput of a separate section of the track.

4. depending on the direction in relation to the logistics system: input and output.

The advanced information flow contains information about the order, an information flow that contains quantitative and qualitative parameters of the material flow. When the material flow follows the information flow, information about the acceptance of the goods in terms of quantity and quality. The information flow is characterized by indicators:

1.source of occurrence

3.transmission and reception speed

4.flow intensity.

Information flow can be managed:

1.changing the flow direction,

2.Limiting the transmit rate to the corresponding receive rate,

3. limiting the volume of flow to the value of the throughput of a separate section of the path.

3. List and describe the principles that must be followed when building logistics information systems.

1. The principle of using hardware and software modules. A hardware module is a unified functional unit of radio-electronic equipment, made as an independent product. A software module can be considered an independent software element that is unified to a certain extent and performs a certain function in a common software.

2. The principle of the possibility of a phased creation of the system.

3. The principle of a clear establishment of the junction.

4. The principle of system flexibility in terms of the specific requirements of a particular application.

5. The principle of acceptability of the system for the use of human-machine dialogue.

Intracompany Information system logistics is organized using local networks that play the role of communications at various levels of the system. Along with the exchange of data between separate groups of computers, there are prerequisites for the use of peripheral computers and 3 main types of topology of computer storage networks are possible:

1) star-shaped structure - all participants have a central computer that connects them to each other. The disadvantage of the system is the failure of the central computer or communications emerging from it.

2) Ring structure - each participant is connected with 2 neighbors, with the help of intermediate links it is possible to communicate with all stations of the computer network, Disadvantage - when the station fails, it becomes inoperable.

3) U-shaped structure - each section is connected to the other sections. During the communication of two sections, the network with

becomes inaccessible to others. Advantage - if any station fails, the network remains operational.

For non-production data transmission, common territorial networks are used.