Humanitarian professions list. Features of professions of a social and humanitarian orientation

Everyone knows that the humanitarian mindset predisposes to professions that require linguistic abilities and philosophical thoughts. Such people work in the social sphere. But what humanitarian professions in demand? This issue is especially relevant for young people after the 11th grade.

Occupation rating

Let's give examples. These are the specialties that are most in demand on the market, and therefore highly paid. Socially related professions will always be popular, so you can easily find an alternative for yourself.

Average salaries, list:

  • translator - 55 thousand rubles,
  • journalist - 40 thousand rubles,
  • lawyer - 40 thousand rubles,
  • doctor - 32 thousand rubles,
  • teacher - 32 thousand rubles,
  • manager - 28 thousand rubles,
  • psychologist - 22 thousand rubles.


It is the translator who tops the list of “the most demanded and highly paid specialties”. Moreover, this profession will remain a leader for many decades, as the trend of the modern world is aimed at erasing borders between countries and strengthening international relations. This specialty is ideal for both girls and young people. To some extent, it is universal.

The most important duty of an interpreter is to help people from different countries understand each other. Often they conduct excursions for foreigners, translate books and act as an escort when traveling abroad. To become a translator, after the 11th grade, you need to enter the Faculty of Philology. It is best if he is at a linguistic university, where they will definitely give good knowledge of foreign languages. After receiving a diploma, it will not be difficult for you to get a job in a publishing house, become a translator or try your hand at an international travel company.


The profession of a doctor will be in demand and socially useful at any time. Unfortunately, healthcare workers are not in the first place and will top the list of “demanded and highly paid specialties” only in a few years, but the very fact of being a doctor and helping relatives, friends, passers-by in difficult times is worth a lot. After grade 11, you need to study at a medical university, where students will study general and clinical disciplines for 6 years. However, the learning doesn't end there.

After 6 years, you can work as a therapist, gynecologist or surgeon. To obtain a narrow specialty, you need to go through another 2 years of residency, and only after that you can work both in city hospitals and in private clinics. If after the 11th grade it was not possible to enter a university, then you can finish a medical school, after which you can also go to a university.

Such a long learning process is mandatory, since the patient's life and health are the most important, and any mistake can be fatal. But despite the complexity of training, the grateful glances of people will be the highest reward for the efforts made. The most popular specialties are: anesthesiologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, ophthalmologist (the full list can be found on the Internet). In addition to communicating with the patient and making the correct diagnosis, the doctor is involved in filling out the documentation.


It is no less in demand. Every year more and more young couples, girls, women, widows seek psychological help. Most often, this specialty is chosen by girls. It is possible to meet males, but it is rather problematic. The task of a psychologist is to understand the state of mind of a person and, using the correct methods of behavior, find an approach and help with solving the problem. Cognition of the inner world takes place through different methods.

Tests can be used to find out individual characteristics psyche. A conversation at a confidential level will help to learn about fears, as well as make it clear how a person’s life can be improved. Having got to know the patient better, the psychologist selects effective psychological trainings. It is they who will help a person discover new qualities in himself, teach him to restrain or, on the contrary, show his emotions. In order to become a psychologist after grade 11, you need to go to the Faculty of Psychology. After graduating from high school and receiving a diploma, you will be required to undergo an annual refresher course.


It is not highly paid, but it is always in demand and socially useful. Due to low salaries, there are few people willing to teach, so there is always a shortage of personnel in schools, especially highly qualified ones. Most often, girls go to teachers, but boys are no less in demand. The responsibility of the teacher is to teach the lessons. During them, it is important not only to give new information in an understandable form, but also to consolidate what has already been received in previous lessons.

It is worth regularly assessing knowledge and doing independent or group work, which will teach children not only to think abstractly, but also to work in a team. In addition, the teacher must prepare in advance for the upcoming lessons, study additional literature, and participate in school meetings. To become a teacher after grade 11, you need to go to a pedagogical university, where you can choose a faculty. After receiving a diploma, you can work not only in schools. Other places of work include gymnasiums, colleges, higher educational institutions. Universities and gymnasiums, especially St. Petersburg and Moscow branches, are considered the most prestigious.


The complexity of the profession of a lawyer is that he must know all the laws in force. That is, with any question, he must competently explain and help find ways to solve the problem. Most often, a lawyer defends the interests of his clients in court. He must have a quick reaction, have fresh thoughts and good oratory skills. Humanitarian professions just do not require a mathematical mindset. Most of the lawyers are men.

A woman must have an iron character in order to resist men. After grade 11, you need to get a law degree in a higher educational institution. If you have talent, then get private practice won't be difficult. You can also do consultations and work in a law office. To become a judge or prosecutor, you need to undergo retraining. This is a simple task, but it requires an existing legal education and experience in the work of a lawyer.

Tourism manager

This specialty is relatively new and appeared in Russia recently. Since the manager's task is to arrange trips and meet foreigners, the demand will not decrease. This is due to the fact that countries are striving for closer communication and exchange of experience. In order to be hired, you need to know at least one foreign language. The more you know, the better paying jobs you can get. After grade 11, you need to graduate from a higher education institution. After that, it is easy to work in firms or agencies related to tourism. If you have money or connections, even after grade 11, you can open a small travel company.


Despite the fact that a journalist is not considered the most sought-after profession, the salary is quite high. Their main task is to find information that will be of interest to people. Therefore, it is important to be able to get important information in a short time. Then it can be presented in the form of an article, video or film.

Most often, a journalist chooses a specific topic for himself and works only in it. It can be politics, theater, show business or other areas. To start working, you need to graduate from a higher educational institution with a degree in philology or journalism, having entered there after grade 11. Work cannot be called an office job. You often have to be on the road to find information. In addition, it is important to check it for accuracy before publication. For better perception, you can take photos or videos, so it would be nice to have a camera.

Humanitarian professions are a worthy occupation that can be equated with a hobby. They are always in demand and are associated with communication. Journalism or advocacy is something that brings pleasure. The profession of a doctor, although difficult, is very rewarding. A short list of all these professions, as well as a comparison of wages, we tried to set out above.


Modern professions for girls and men do not differ much from each other in modern world: it is no longer customary to divide work by gender. However, prestigious female professions may differ in their own unique requirements for candidates: there are functions that are easier for a woman to perform. Work for girls can be intellectual or applied (for example, a hairdresser).

What are the professions for girls

Lots of profitable professions has a peculiar set of requirements, but they can provide stable career growth and a high salary. The following list of areas and specialties will suit both interesting job for women:

  1. Visage. Working as a make-up artist may only require the completion of special courses, however, knowledge of foreign languages ​​(to get acquainted with new trends) and constant professional development are useful for a successful career.
  2. Consulting, accounting. For the inexperienced, the job of a secretary, which is a classic example of a female profession, is suitable. Received higher education can work as economists, lawyers, tourism managers.
  3. Journalism. This field of activity is suitable for young girls who have good communication skills. It is a popular destination in many universities of the country.
  4. Technical specialties. Work can be associated with hard physical labor, unusual professions for women, or may require great perseverance, the ability to work with your hands, and concentrate. These include jobs as a seamstress, machine operator. high position they won’t offer it here, but permanent employment is guaranteed.

highly paid

Specialties with high pay are also distinguished by high requirements for applicants. Such work can be associated with a large number of stressful situations, difficult conditions labor activity. For girls include:

  • IT specialist;
  • senior store manager, retail outlet;
  • legal adviser;
  • service quality auditor;
  • doctor of narrow specialization;
  • logistics expert;
  • beautician.


Open Opportunities career development are not presented in all works. Such vacancies are distinguished by great competition, high requirements, and have many areas of growth. career ladder. The following specialties are considered promising:

  • pharmacist;
  • restaurant sous chef
  • photographer;
  • choreographer;
  • machine operator, production line.


Many specialties for girls are often distinguished by prestige. Such vacancies can be rigorously selected, it is difficult to get there, but the result is worth it. The list of professions for girls looking for a highly paid interesting prestigious job is wide:

  • lawyer;
  • economist;
  • medical representative;
  • interior designer;
  • fashion designer;
  • television or radio presenter;
  • fitness instructor;


Many courses for girls will help you get into the most fashionable specialties. Their key feature is low education requirements, but increased communication skills with clients. Interesting professions for women and fashion trends may require a complete higher education. Among them:

  • dancer;
  • singer;
  • HR manager;
  • art consultant;
  • painter;
  • stylist;
  • brand manager.


There are specializations designed only for women, or best suited to their psychology. There is not much competition for these vacancies. have a narrow focus, specific working conditions. For example:

  • nurse;
  • waitress;
  • secretary;
  • conductor;
  • dispatcher of the carrier company;
  • contact center operator;
  • teacher, educator.


A good job for women is often very popular. And girls, faced with the choice of a profession, are guided by whether it is common, fashionable. Many popular professions and good job for women, they require the ability to find a common language with the client, to attract his attention. List current professions will provide a wide range of activities:

  • actress;
  • journalist;
  • psychologist;
  • fashion designer;
  • advertising manager.

Professions of the future for girls

In the future, it is possible to change the list of popular professions for women. This means that it will become unprofitable to work as an accountant, and the position of a manager in any area will no longer be so in demand. Changes occur due to the inevitability of technological progress, the loss of relevance of many specialties, which will be replaced by computer programs. Based on this, we can compile a list of types of employment that are relevant in the near future:

  • nurse;
  • alternative energy expert;
  • breeder;
  • urbanist;
  • expert in the field of settlement of religious contradictions.

The best professions for girls

Due to some psychological characteristics and predispositions, women and men have different specializations. The best areas of activity for ladies are considered to be everything related to creativity, and some branches of technical specialties that are not associated with hard physical labor. This category includes humanitarian and creative fields of activity, office work with papers, all types of consulting that require direct communication with clients.


Specializations closely related to creativity are better suited for girls due to their greater predisposition to emotional empathy, the ability to correctly convey their own emotions. Among these professions, there are many promising areas for women with good taste in the field of modeling and art. The beautiful sex will not remain indifferent to acting. The following creative specializations can be an excellent choice for a woman:

  • actress;
  • singer;
  • fashion designer;
  • painter;
  • Art Director;
  • interior designer.


The field of activity of many girls is closely related to the production of equipment, work at the factory, setting up equipment responsible for the stable stamping of the same type of parts. This includes the work of a production operator, a system administrator at a large enterprise, a team leader, a researcher:

  • tower crane operator;
  • machine operator;
  • research institute employee;
  • assistant driver;
  • architect;
  • IT specialist.


Working with documentation, management, operating with laws, translating texts or direct speech, conducting legal consultations requires relevant knowledge, higher humanitarian education and takes a lot of time and effort. However, a significant part of the professions closely related to legal services are occupied by girls. This work requires concentration, it may differ in a tough work schedule, but in return it offers career prospects up to regional managers, directors of an enterprise, company, corporation. It can be:

  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • legal consultant;
  • simultaneous translation specialist.

Working specialties for women

Working women are not that rare. The list of specializations related to physical labor, but suitable for the fair sex, does not have a large selection. Such areas of employment will offer work immediately after graduation from school or passing specialized courses, graduating from technical schools, colleges with a reduced program. The standard working day in this area is 12 hours with a 2/2 schedule, with rare exceptions. Working girls can be useful in the following areas of activity:

  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • the hairdresser;
  • housemaid;
  • public transport driver
  • foreman.

Office professions

The office field of activity is considered one of the most suitable for women, as it provides a convenient work schedule, decent pay, great career opportunities, and communication with colleagues who mostly share each other's interests. This work may not bring pleasure, but it also does not require special skills (learn on the spot in starting positions). For more serious work, you need special education:

  • secretary;
  • accountant;
  • financial director;
  • HR manager;
  • marketing specialist.

The predisposition of the fair sex to communicate when working with people and the craving for self-expression make them excellent workers in the field of marketing, art, consulting, simultaneous translation, journalism. The following areas of employment are considered the most interesting:

  1. Journalism. Processing and collecting information, providing it to a wide audience, communicating with interesting people - all this makes this specialization ideal for girls who are thirsty for communication, striving for self-development.
  2. Psychology. The vast majority of women are characterized by explicit, empathy, sympathy. Such qualities are inherent in a good psychologist, who is able to put himself in the place of another person in order to understand his emotions, help him survive difficulties, and cope with problems that have piled up.
  3. Stylist, cosmetologist, nutritionist. The ability to take care of oneself and feel beauty is developed in girls much better than in men, so you can complete hairdressing courses. Ladies are excellent stylists, employees of beauty salons, fashion designers, interior designers.

What profession to choose a girl

The choice of specialization depends on many subjective factors inherent in any person. For women, the key features when choosing a direction of activity are:

  1. Age. In this case, the law has a great influence: it is more difficult for minors to find work even with official permission from their parents. Very young girls are reluctant to take, because they have no work experience. Until a certain age (up to 22-25 years old), it is worth considering the position of a waitress, conductor, secretary.
  2. Warehouse of character, way of thinking. Not all women are bright empaths. This means that working within a large team can be a burden for them. Closed, calm girls will suit the positions of a seamstress, an operating engineer, an IT specialist, work related to a computer. More open - the profession of an actress, singer, TV or radio host, stylist, tourism manager.
  3. Work experience, education. It will not be difficult for a person with great experience to change one position for another: employers are always ready to accept a person who is well versed in his work. A person without experience is another matter. Immediately after school, without experience, education, a girl can get a job as a model, maid, waitress, secretary, nurse.

After 11th grade

Complete secondary education will allow you to continue your education in the maximum possible number of educational institutions and choose the most interesting future specialty:

  • Medical schools. Moscow State Medical University (MGMU) them. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Medical Research University (RNIMU) named after A.I. N.I. Pirogova - nurse, doctor, pharmacist.
  • Technical universities. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Russian University of Chemical Technology (RCTU) named after V.I. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow Road Institute (MADI) - machine operator, machinist, chemical technologist, design engineer.
  • Humanitarian, law universities.Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Moscow Independent University of Ecology and Political Science (MNEPU) - legal consultant, lawyer, accountant, economist.

After 9th grade

Obtaining an incomplete secondary education imposes its own restrictions on the list of places for possible further education of girls and boys:

  • Colleges. Technical, cook, special.
  • Courses. Hairdresser, painter, machinist special. technicians, maid.

Business ideas for a girl

Starting your own business or as a partner is a good example of a successful career start. The following ideas can bring success to a girl:

  • Trade representative of cosmetic companies (Avon, Amway);
  • hairdressing salon;
  • maintaining a beauty blog on youtube;
  • dancing school;
  • creative studio for children;
  • hand-made studio.


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As you know, people with a humanitarian mindset have good linguistic abilities and a philosophical outlook on many things. Such individuals prefer to work in a social environment, which is why humanitarian professions are ideal for them. Today we will consider the most popular and highly paid specialties of this category, and you, in turn, will be able to choose an occupation to your liking and begin to learn its basics.

What professions are suitable for the humanities?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the most demanded and highly paid humanitarian professions, which we have developed according to the statistics of Rosstat and the website for the first quarter of 2015. The range of salaries was taken in Moscow.

Salary range in Moscow

Highly paid professions Demanded professions (desc)
Interpreter (average salary 50-60 thousand rubles)Interpreter
Journalist (average salary 35-45 thousand rubles)teacher
Lawyer (average salary 35-40 thousand rubles)Doctor
Doctor (average salary 30-35 thousand rubles)Advocate
Teacher (average salary 30-35 thousand rubles)Tourism manager
Tourism manager (average salary 25-30 thousand rubles)Psychologist
Psychologist (average salary 25-30 thousand rubles)Journalist


The profession of a translator is one of the most demanded and highly paid today.

The profession of a translator is one of the most demanded and highly paid today. And this is not surprising, because in the modern world the borders between states are rapidly blurring, and the intensity of international relations is only increasing.

As statistics show, this profession is popular among both girls and boys. Basically, translators are engaged in organizing and conducting excursions to various cities for foreign citizens, translating fiction and technical literature, as well as accompanying Russian-speaking groups when traveling abroad.

In order to become a qualified translator, it is necessary to graduate from the Faculty of Philology (the curriculum must include at least one foreign language). A bachelor's degree will allow you to easily get a job in an international tourism corporation, a publishing house or a specialized translation agency.


Despite the fact that last year this profession was not very popular, now the need for medical workers has increased dramatically. Statistics show that there are more girls among doctors than boys.

This profession includes many specialties. The most popular are: surgeon, dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist and gastroenterologist. In addition to direct work with patients, doctors also keep documentation. Moreover, part of the working time is allocated for advanced training.

However, such a serious work also requires quite a long preparation, which is received at medical institutes. The training lasts 6 years, but even after its completion you will not have the right to work independently. The next 2 years you will have to practice in an internship under the supervision of an experienced colleague, but only then you will get the right to work independently.

The main place of work of doctors is considered to be specialized medical institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, trauma centers and emergency stations).


Psychology is another profession in demand today. Every year, millions of couples turn to psychologists, which makes this specialty more and more highly paid and prestigious. We can say with confidence that this profession is especially popular among girls. They make up the bulk of the workers.

Psychologists analyze the state of mind of a person, and also study the laws of behavior correction. This gives them the opportunity to help people by optimizing their activities. Employees of this specialty manage to get to know the inner world of “patients” thanks to the following:

  1. Psychological diagnostics. We are talking about various tests that help to reveal the individual characteristics of the psyche of people.
  2. Consulting. This is a confidential conversation between a client and a psychologist, which, first of all, is aimed at finding and implementing ways to solve problems.
  3. Psychological trainings. This term implies teaching the "patient" to communicate, ways of emotional control and personal growth. Such group activities include psychological games and exercises, which are necessarily interspersed with discussions on the topic of what kind of experience they give to all participants.

To become a competent psychologist, you will need a bachelor's degree in psychology, as well as documents confirming that you have completed the relevant courses. Every year you have to pass exams for advanced training.


In Russia, the shortage of teachers has been felt for more than a year. Today it is very difficult for schools to find a qualified specialist. Perhaps if in the near future the government reviews wages teachers, this profession will become not only in demand, but also incredibly popular. Judging by the statistics, this specialty is chosen mainly by girls.

The main duty of any teacher is to conduct lessons, during which he not only provides the study of new information, but also repeats and reinforces the previously studied material, as well as evaluates and organizes the independent work of students. In addition, the teacher prepares for classes (a true professional should always have pre-prepared manuals, sets of individual tasks, etc.) and participates in school meetings. Along with schools, teachers work in lyceums, gymnasiums, technical schools and colleges.


A lawyer must perfectly know all applicable laws

In simple terms, a lawyer is a consultant who specializes in providing legal assistance. In particular, he defends the interests of his clients in court. Traditionally, there are many more men in this profession than girls.

To work in this area, you need to get a higher legal education. A lawyer must perfectly know all the laws in force, as well as be able to analyze various situations based on by-laws. Most often, these specialists work in law firms, provide legal advice, and the most successful ones work in private practice.

By the way, a lawyer can quickly retrain to another legal specialty and become, for example, a judge or a prosecutor.

Tourism manager

The work of a tourism manager appeared in the vastness of Russia relatively recently, so for the time being it is quite in demand. Managers arrange trips abroad for residents of their country, as well as the reception of foreign citizens. This profession is more common among girls.

The direct duty of any tourism manager is to talk with clients and consult on the choice of a particular tour. Then air tickets, hotels are booked, after which insurance and other necessary documents are issued.

To work in this area, you will need a higher humanitarian education (preferably a diploma in the specialty "Tourism"). A mandatory criterion for employment is knowledge of at least one foreign language.

Managers work in tour operators and travel agencies. Real professionals in the future can open their own travel company and start organizing trips on their own.


The work of a journalist is in last place in terms of demand, but in the list of leaders in terms of salary. Journalists search for various information for broadcasts, reports and articles, prepare and edit materials from other media. Thus, these specialists need to be able to quickly “extract” news, make forecasts for the development of certain processes, and also analyze current problems.

Usually, journalists choose a specific area of ​​activity depending on personal preferences. Some devote themselves to political or business topics, and some to theater, sports or show business. It is also worth noting that this profession is more popular among girls.

To get a high-paying position, you will need a diploma in the specialty "Philology" or "Journalism". As for the working day of a journalist, it most often takes place not in office space, but is directly related to field trips to events, various events. This is where information gathering takes place. However, do not forget that later this very information will have to be carefully studied: check the facts, select the most interesting data and give a final assessment of what is happening. According to this principle, the most interesting and exciting publications and stories are built.

As you can see, the humanities can try their hand at absolutely different areas. However, in order to create favorable conditions for advanced training and other prospects, you will need a higher education, as well as a desire to work and develop in this specialty. We wish you good luck with your choice!

When choosing a profession, two main criteria should be taken into account: personal qualities and the so-called professional suitability. Simply put, a person must not only want to work in a certain area, but also have a certain potential for self-realization in it.

"Techies" and "humanists" - the most elementary division of people according to the criterion of professional suitability. The corresponding abilities can be pronounced, but it also happens that a person has approximately the same inclination towards both the technical and the humanities. In any case, within each of these two groups of professions, there are many subgroups, and therefore the choice is quite wide.

Even the ancient Romans noticed that mala herba cito crescit (“weed grows quickly”), and in order to get a good harvest, you need to work hard, and with skill. Today, the food security of the seven billion people is provided by agronomists, gardeners, farmers, machine operators and even foresters - all those who work on the land or are professionally engaged in crop production.

The list of professions related to security can be both technical and social and humanitarian, or it can be at the intersection of these two areas. In addition, in this area there is a division into power security and information. Security in the field of IT and engineering security is especially relevant at the enterprise level, and fire and military security are, as a rule, matters of public service.

Representatives of the military professions do not "work", but carry out public service. In addition, to become a military man, you usually need to receive appropriate education from school age. The military professional sphere provides the country with people who can and are able to make responsible decisions, conduct a competent strategy, and also contribute to its technical development. In a word, the mission of protecting the state in peacetime and wartime is entrusted to their shoulders.

There are professions that can be attributed to several categories at once, or, conversely, they do not fit into any list of specialties: for example, an expert or a priest. It is about them that we are talking about in this section.

The name of the profession "engineer" goes back to the Latin word ingenium, which means "ability, ingenuity." Indeed, engineers are not only technically competent builders, oilmen, mechanics, thermal power engineers or corrosive labor protection specialists, but also creators - designers, constructors, empirical physicists involved in applied development and research.

The list of creative professions is quite wide. The list includes artistic, theatrical, pop, dance and other areas related to art. If you feel that you are creative and talented, and creativity and art are the areas where you can express yourself, then you should definitely read this section.

The specialties, to put it simply, related to the computer, include a large group of professions that are directly related to information technology. IT (in the English version IT - information technology) is a set of methods and means for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting text, video or audio data. The use and development of this harmonious system is provided by IT specialists, in other words, IT specialists: web developers, software testers, programmers, content managers, system administrators and dozens of other professionals involved in computer equipment, software and their use.

Professions associated with the sky, of course, poetically can be called the most sublime, and they are suitable for one hundred percent romantics. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the specialties of an air traffic controller, stewardess or pilot will require quite earthly and absolute dedication - it is not for nothing that cosmonauts and test pilots are awarded the title of Hero of Russia for their work.

In the 21st century, beauty and fashion have become powerful industries, which means that professionals are needed to work in them, and very different ones: makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, fashion designers. Breaking through and making a name for yourself in this area is not easy, but it is extremely interesting to work.

Light industry is understood as a set of industries that produce a huge range of consumer goods - from toys and souvenirs to household items, without which it is impossible to do in Everyday life. All this is developed and manufactured by representatives different professions: clothing designers, fashion designers, tailors, seamstresses, shoemakers, weavers, furniture makers.

Modern linguists are no longer pure humanists who compare the vocabulary of Byron's and Pushkin's poems or collect dialect expressions on expeditions to cities and villages in order to compile a dictionary of dialects of disappearing peoples. Today, the list of professions related to the theoretical study and practical application of different languages ​​includes not only a translator and linguist, but also specialists in information intelligent systems, engaged in the development of speech recognition programs, automatic text processing and other software.

So that every customer can always find on the shelves of the supermarket, in the collection of the boutique and in the salon household appliances exactly the goods that he needs, the system of purchases, transportation, warehousing should be clearly established. All this is done by sales managers, buyers, merchandisers, supervisors, brokers, brokers, logisticians, storekeepers, freight forwarders and other representatives of professions related to the field of trade.

Doctors, nurses, geneticists, virologists and other researchers in the field of medical science chose the medical profession in their time. The level of responsibility in this area goes off scale, and the knowledge necessary for work is sometimes at the intersection of such sciences as chemistry, physics, biology, and even engineering. The list of specializations for doctors is not long. Today, medical institutions are constantly in need of anesthesiologists, pediatric and adult resuscitators, narcologists and psychiatrists, as well as emergency doctors and workers in the field of medical laboratory diagnostics.

The common phrase that every cook can govern the state, in the original looks different and has an absolutely opposite meaning: it boils down to the fact that administration at all levels must be learned. The art of leadership is mastered by graduate HR, customer service or tourism managers, crisis managers, commercial and financial directors, and representatives of other administrative professions.

On the seas, on the waves - now here, tomorrow there. If you are ready to live in such a rhythm, then the professions of a sea captain, sailor, navigator, minder or diver are just for you. Work in the navy cannot be called easy, but marine specialties have long and probably forever received the status of the most romantic.

In universities, everyone studies a variety of academic disciplines; for many graduates of higher educational institutions, science becomes a profession. Historians and philosophers, ethnographers and anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists, ecologists and sociologists, art historians and cultural scientists, nuclear physicists and biochemists, meteorologists and cartographers, geologists and gemologists - they all work in different branches of fundamental or applied science.

With the development of the segment of non-state education, the level of demand for representatives of pedagogical professions has increased dramatically. In addition, the practice of private tutoring has recently become very common. Babysitting and employment in preschool institutions also require teacher education from the candidate. Modern educational, entertainment and sports studios for children and adults offer dance, language, and creative classes. In all these areas, the profession of a teacher is in demand.

Everyone loves to eat deliciously, but if at home we often get by with amateur express scrambled eggs, “built” in haste and as God puts it on our souls, then on an industrial scale, professionals are engaged in cooking and producing food: technologists Catering, chefs, bakers, restaurateurs, and even tasters and sommeliers who personally test the taste of food and make wine lists.

Civil servants are employees of executive, legislative, regional and municipal authorities, employees of the police, prosecutors, courts, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and even the military. That is, these are not only officials in the usual sense for the majority, but in general all professionals working in state civil or law enforcement agencies. Therefore, by and large, politicians and diplomats can be called civil servants.

Professions related to working with people either carry a certain social benefit, or are at the junction of two (or more) areas of activity, pursuing slightly different goals. So, if we compare, for example, the profession of a teacher and a personnel manager, then the first one works exclusively with people and for the sake of people (in general), and the second pursues corporate interests. Therefore, working with people is a very general concept, which, however, in all cases requires the employee to display highly moral human qualities.

It is not for nothing that wild and domestic animals are called our smaller brothers: just like people, they need qualified medical care, professional care, proper education and reliable protection. All this for the inhabitants wildlife and pets are handled by veterinarians, paramedics, cynologists, groomers, zoologists, trainers, huntsmen - in a word, specialists whose work involves direct or indirect contact with animals.

Any enterprise and each organization must work as a well-coordinated organism - otherwise it will not be possible to obtain sensible results and not withstand market competition. In medium-sized, and especially large, companies, employees of the administrative and economic department and, to no lesser extent, representatives of office professions: administrators, secretaries, clerks, ensure the smooth functioning of the production mechanism.

The service and tourism industry rests on the shoulders of not only the owners of service companies, hotel empires and VIP or budget travel agencies. The main "actors and performers" in it are employees of all enterprises of various sectors of the hospitality industry: head waiters, guides, waiters, tourism managers and even animators who entertain vacationers and are responsible for their good mood.

Representatives of several dozen specialties work in the field of mass media and publishing. All of them provide the publication of books, newspapers, magazines. In recent decades, many traditional professions for this field, for example, a journalist, editor or illustrator, have adapted to the characteristics of electronic media and virtual information platforms without changing their essence. Like hundreds of years ago, correspondents, columnists, reporters, proofreaders, typesetters and other professionals do everything to ensure that the reader receives high quality information - no matter what format it will be presented in.

The field of engineering and technology is suitable for people with pronounced inclinations towards the exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science. The corresponding professions are characterized by high dynamism: this is due to the constantly ongoing industrial and technical development. Graphs, lists, drawings and calculations - that's the tool base technical professions. To enjoy such work, one must not only be able to do all this, but also sincerely love the exact sciences.

Transport plays an important role in the national economy of the country. It, in turn, is greatly influenced by technological progress. Not only the scale of transportation is growing, but also the level of comfort, technical equipment of route lines, etc. People who manage and service transport are always in demand, but the choice of a transport profession is associated with a significant level of responsibility. The dynamism of this area also requires employees to constantly improve their skills.

The economy, like engineering and technology, loves precision and certainty. However, accuracy alone is not enough in her world: among other things, economic professions have their own specifics, which lies in the constant need for forecasting, positioning and analysis. Entrepreneurship as a profession combines all of the above, because market processes are subject to the laws of various economic sciences, and for a successful business, absolutely all factors in this field of activity must be taken into account.

The list of legal professions is traditionally associated with justice, but in the conditions of an emerging (developing) rule of law state, this is by no means the end of the matter. Both state and commercial organizations resort to the help of lawyers, and the scale can be very different - from an enterprise to the world stage. Activity non-profit organizations is also subject to legal norms, therefore good lawyers do not remain without work.

Judging by the fact that you ended up in a social and humanitarian class, it can be assumed that the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour preferences is outlined to a certain extent, it remains not to make a mistake in choosing specific profession, and their range is wide. Here is an extensive list: this is a librarian and a journalist, a sociologist and an editor, a teacher of the humanities in high school and a teacher of the humanities in universities, a philosopher, a prosecutor, an art critic, a theater critic, a teacher elementary school, caregiver kindergarten, lawyer, investigator, linguist, political scientist, literary critic, psychologist, tour guide, archivist, translator, archaeologist, research scientist in various fields of humanitarian knowledge, image maker and many others. Despite the diversity of social and humanitarian professions, they have some common characteristics. Let's start with the words that define this range of professions - social and humanitarian. You know that they both trace their ancestry from the Latin words socialis and humanus, meaning, respectively, "social" and "human, humane." It follows from this that social and humanitarian knowledge is knowledge about a person and social relations, about what surrounds a person, which in one way or another has a direct or indirect impact on the development of both a person and society. Professional activity in this area goes to interpersonal relationships, it is based on interaction with people. Or, as scientists say, social and humanitarian professions are associated with activities in the “man-man” system. From this it is clear that the necessary skills for a professional in this field are skills that allow you to communicate with people, establish contacts with them of various nature and duration. Mastering the art of communication, which largely determines professional success, requires knowledge of how to build a dialogue, how to win over an interlocutor or audience, how to call a closed person to frankness and, without hurting pride, without offending, stop an overly talkative one, how to direct a conversation to the right direction, etc.

At the same time, this knowledge is unlikely to help in professional activities if, at the same time, a person has not acquired the appropriate personal qualities, for example, such as respect for the opinions of others, recognition of the right of another person to his point of view, to his position and mistake, delicacy, sincerity, naturalness, flexibility and, of course, tolerance. Important professional qualities Empathy also applies to the humanities, that is, the ability to put oneself in the place of another and feel what the interlocutor or a whole group of people feels, for example, an excursion group, students in an audience or spectators in a theater hall. The success of a lecturer, artist, teacher, and journalist largely depends on the ability to penetrate into the mood of those to whom the social action is directed. Another important feature of the professions of this circle is that they carry elements of creativity, imply the ability to improvise, the willingness to discover new aspects in the familiar, the ability to show everyone a well-known subject, a phenomenon from an unexpected side. Without this new vision, it is impossible to make a discovery, write an article, a monograph, a textbook, a story, a novel, teach a lesson, give a lecture, play a role... Like no one else, a humanist must know that the world is ambiguous and diverse, that each human personality is unique and distinctive and has the right to be itself, unlike others, the right to its own destiny and its own worldview. In a school textbook, it is impossible to tell about all the skills and personal qualities necessary for professionals in the social and humanitarian field, especially since each profession, and even specialty, additionally requires its own specific skills and personal qualities. However, one more common feature should be mentioned - this is constant study, which never ends. Moreover, the field of humanities requires good knowledge from related fields. For example, it is hardly possible to become a high-class sociologist without knowledge of psychology, philosophy, political science, and, conversely, a political scientist needs knowledge of sociology and, of course, psychology and philosophy. The knowledge of psychology, political science, sociology, which social science gives, is very important for the future humanities professional, since in their totality they reveal the multifaceted world of man and human society. Without mastering the total knowledge of a number of social and humanitarian disciplines, it is impossible to become a professional in this field. Since it is impossible to talk about all the humanitarian professions, we will focus on those that are based on the knowledge disclosed in the profile course of social science.