The most profitable business in the summer of the year. Starting a New Franchise Business

Modern business trends require the entrepreneur to be constantly active, improve the principles of doing business. In order to develop and achieve a consistently high profitability of an already established enterprise or just a business idea, it is necessary to regularly analyze the interests target audience, changes in business standards.

The most relevant business ideas of 2017

Unfortunately, an interesting business idea is not enough to create a successful business. Many other factors should be taken into account: the relevance of the service to the target audience of the region, the investment opportunities of the entrepreneur, the correctness marketing strategy. Every year, important changes take place in business areas, new trends are formed depending on the needs of the population, innovative achievements in science, medicine, and industry. Traditionally, experts included the following in the list of the most profitable areas of business: real estate, education, sports, food, IT technologies, franchise business.

Creating a gastronomic trend

The provision of catering services is a business idea that, with the right approach, can be successfully implemented in any format and region. Standard approaches (opening a cafe, canteen, outlet with muffins, fast food, etc.) are unlikely to take a special place among the interesting options for organizing your business next year. Experts predict a new surge of interest in creating gastronomic trends in the city, region (examples: Altai cheese, Arkhangelsk roes, Kupinsky gingerbread). In each locality, it is possible to find a special culinary zest and interest the consumer in this. With investments, you can go even further by creating your own company organizing gastronomic and wine tours around the country, for example, like the Moscow Travel Store.

Information product based on cloud service

Information technology is getting closer every year. Everyday life almost every consumer. In the presence of vocational training and certain investments, you can create a technological product that will make good money. What services are offered in this format? There are quite a few options:

  • security services, video surveillance of the object - video cameras will be connected to the Internet, and the image will be displayed on the screen of a laptop, tablet, smartphone at any time (Ivideon company);
  • printing photos over the network (Netprint cloud service);
  • development of games, mobile applications of various subjects, etc.

driving schools

In connection with the adoption of new legislative initiatives, economic changes in the field of car training (cancellation of external exams, an increase in the minimum driver training period to 3 months and the cost of car courses), the opening of a driving school with a good curriculum, material base and teachers - a pretty good business. With the right approach, profitability can reach 100%.

Opening a pawnshop

The interest for providing a loan secured by jewelry, fur clothes, digital equipment is quite high - on average from 7 to 25% per month. The costs of organizing a pawn shop are not very high. Even 6 m² of rented area with armored doors and glass is enough for full-fledged work. You will also need to obtain a license, hire 2-3 cashier consultants, install a security system and, of course, have capital at your disposal.

Commercial rental service

In recent years economic situation in many families it loses its stability, so many people are forced to refuse to buy many things. But at certain points in life, they become simply necessary. A good way out of this situation for both the consumer of the service and the entrepreneur is to open a store for renting clothes, accessories, household items and even pets for photo shoots. One of the most striking examples of the implementation of this business idea can be considered the project of Ludmila Bulavkina “Look100” (dress rental different styles), the Rentmania online rental site, the Next2u rental service, etc.

Biofuel production

One of the most relevant ideas in the field of production remains the production of biofuels. If you create a sales market, establish the process of creating a product, the entrepreneur will receive a stable and high income. According to experts, the prospect of growth in domestic consumption of biofuels in the next few years will reach 40%. The most popular types of biofuels are:

  • fuel granules (pellets), wood briquettes, sunflower husks;
  • straw, stems or leaves of agricultural plants (cereals, legumes, buckwheat, flax, soybeans);
  • pellets from energy willow, poplar, vine.

Conducting trainings, seminars, master classes

If you have knowledge, experience, and special skills in organizing training sessions, you can create a good business. This direction has not lost its relevance for several years, and it will remain in demand in 2017. The most affordable options are holding workshops on needlework, trainings and seminars on relationships, professional growth, and spiritual development. There are a lot of topics for classes, but it is important to choose the one that will interest the target audience and organize them correctly.

Starting a New Franchise Business

A franchise gives an opportunity to a young entrepreneur or an experienced businessman to start developing his business with the support of a franchisor, following a ready-made business model. You can realize yourself in this way in any area, there are a lot of good offers: CITYCARD UNITY (mobile discount and bonus loyalty program), iCharge (for charging mobile devices), "Ministry of Stamp Products" (production of seals, stamps), "Begemotik" (sale toys, goods for children), MailBoxes (express delivery services), etc.

Advice: when choosing a franchise, it is important to carefully study the conditions of the franchisor, calculate the profitability of such a business in a particular region and for its target audience. You need to choose such an option so that the costs of starting a business do not stop the development of the business and soon bring profit to the owner.

Growing organic products

If you correctly present natural products and position them as an original product, then you can make good money growing organic vegetables and fruits in 2017. Eco-trends are becoming more and more popular every year, the idea of ​​caring for nature and the culture of eating food is being actively promoted all over the world. Many restaurants, cafes, retail chains place special emphasis on the naturalness of the products provided. With the right marketing approach to growing eco-products, it is possible to create a highly profitable business even with small investments.

Advice: you can create a business on eco-products not only by growing them, but also by selling them. An interesting and profitable option is the creation of a retail outlet and a parallel website (with the possibility of ordering online and delivery), where only ecological products will be sold.

Online delivery service

Information technology to one degree or another has long penetrated into the everyday world of every modern person. One of the most convenient and popular online services that you can earn in 2017 is the delivery service (food, orders made in online stores, etc.). This idea can be successfully implemented even in a small town, the main thing is to choose a relevant service and conduct a good advertising campaign.

How to open a business with a new idea and achieve success?

Quite often, aspiring entrepreneurs face many obstacles and problems at the initial stage. In most cases, this is due to the typical mistakes they make. And often it's not a lack of investment, a bad location, a lack of credit, poor management, or strong competition. Destructive factors are the lack of self-confidence of the entrepreneur and spontaneity in decision-making, which leads to the curtailment of business or bankruptcy. What kind typical mistakes won't even let you develop actual project and how to avoid them?

  1. Excessive ambition and self-confidence. You need to start small and sell what is and is relevant today.
  2. Inability to compete. Prepare for emotional turbulence, backlash and competition.
  3. Emphasis on the service or product, not the consumer. 90% of success depends not so much on the quality and characteristics of the product, but on the correct organization of sales and marketing.
  4. Unjustified savings on employee training, marketing. The team that manages to attract the best players wins. The potential of professionals will help the business quickly reach a new level.
  5. Independent business planning. It will not be superfluous to consult with professionals in a certain field, experienced entrepreneurs, experts in various fields regarding investment, promotion, pitfalls, and the nuances of working in this segment.

What is the most important thing in business? Correctly! The main thing is to catch the moment and the right wave to open your own business exactly when all the prerequisites for its successful promotion exist. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the market situation globally, choosing a specific period and taking into account many factors: current position cases, economic forecasts for the future, the level of competition, supply and demand. Such an event will take enough time. Therefore, we suggest that you save it by reading this article, where we have already collected best business ideas 2017 according to our analysts.

Internet business: ideas for 2017!

In 2017, the Internet business will remain the same profitable niche as before, of course, if you put all your time and effort into it. Efforts "half" business on the Internet does not forgive. Such a working rhythm is a direct way to drain your money. Keep this in mind and start getting to know the most profitable business ideas 2017 for web.

Traffic arbitrage - what is it ..? And how much does it bring?

This is pure business, because the point is to "buy cheaper - sell more expensive." What will be the commodity? As you understand - traffic, that is, visitors for a specific resource per day of time. All websites need traffic. Even very promoted, because the higher the site traffic, the more profit it brings. So, in 2017, traffic will be needed, as before, but the main thing is that traffic arbitrage, as a direction in the Internet business, is not yet sufficiently busy. The competition here is not as high as, say, among those who sell clothes through online stores, or the same copywriters who literally fight for each customer.

The scheme of such a business is not as complicated as it might seem: you buy (or attract for free) traffic - find someone who will buy it profitably - merge traffic to the buyer's resource.

There are different ways to "extract" traffic:

  • buy on special exchanges, where you can immediately sell it (KupiTraff, Popunder, Wizard TraffStock);
  • receive contextual, banner, teaser advertising through networks;
  • attract visitors to your site, and then through a referral link - merge them to the partner's site;
  • generate traffic from communities in social networks and redirect it.

Further, the received traffic needs to be resold profitably in order to cover your financial costs (if you bought it) or temporary ones (if you “mined” it for free). They pay for the traffic of “affiliate programs” or affiliate programs that can be freely found on the Internet. The more there are, the better. Everyone pays differently, but you can derive an approximate formula that will reflect your possible income: feel free to multiply the amount of money invested in arbitration by two - this is the profit that you can get from this business.

There are still few art-traders yet: someone is afraid of a terrible name, someone is not ready to devote to this business every day, because you need to do it seriously ... In any case, if you were interested in fresh and unhackneyed business ideas of 2017 for the Internet, this option You can give honorable first place.

Dropshipping! Open an online store without goods and a warehouse!

Dropshipping is a direct supply from the manufacturer to the buyer, despite the fact that you will act as an intermediary between them. Mediation is:

  • creating (or renting) a trading platform;
  • placing orders;
  • advising clients.

It turns out that a businessman does not buy goods with his own money and does not look for a warehouse. The product passes, as it were, "past him", but for the fact that he helped to complete the purchase / sale transaction, he receives the difference between the price set by the manufacturer and the price at which the product is sold on its platform.

A typical example of a dropshipping store is modnakasta in Ukraine. There are collected goods of various brands at the best price, but of course, the creators of it "twist" in such a way that they themselves will not be left with anything. But even in this scenario, the cost of clothes is cheaper than in retail stores.

Finding a supplier for your store is not a problem - there are entire databases of suppliers that even offer to use ready-made platforms. For example,

Surely you want to get an answer to the burning question - how much does dropshipping bring per month? My friend Angelina has 2 stores (one for clothes, the second for gadgets) and from them she receives a net income of 27,000 rubles per month. If you don't take specific example, but the situation in general, that is, stores that bring in a million or more per month, and there are those that do not make a profit at all. And the latter - 80%. Therefore, opening an online shop using the dropshipping system is not yet a guarantee of stable income. It is not enough to open it - you still need to promote it and win yourself a customer base.

Trading or trading on stock exchanges!

The rating called “Business Ideas 2017” will be incomplete if trading on financial exchanges is not mentioned among the options for online business. This idea will be relevant for any year, since you can always make money on fluctuations in the exchange rate (as well as other assets). The cyclical nature of the market determines its constant changes, which are a source of income for traders: if he correctly predicts their direction, he will make a profit, if not, he will lose his deposit. This is not a casino and not guessing on the coffee grounds! Trading is a science that needs to be learned. You can do it yourself (by studying information on the Internet), or you can do it with the help of brokers (taking training courses from them).

By the way, about brokers. These are intermediaries without which you will not be able to trade. They provide a trading platform through which you enter the market and make trades. Be careful, as there are many scammers among them.

Here is a list of those brokers whose reliability has been tested by time and by real traders:

  • IQ Options;
  • GO Option.

Sometimes it is beneficial to bet on young brokers, as they offer profitable terms, give a lot of bonuses, hold promotions. But there is also a risk here - it is not known how long he will last and how his activities will end. Maybe another scam? Especially for our readers, we name a young broker whose decency there is no doubt - this is It is up to you to decide which of them to cooperate with ... You can find another broker altogether - not from this list. There are a lot of opinions and tips on the forums of traders, it will also be useful to study them.

How much will you have from the implementation of such a business idea? It depends on:

  • how much you deposit;
  • for what amount will you open a deal;
  • exactly how many deals you will open, with what intensity;
  • what interest on successfully closed transactions the broker pays.

On average, your earnings, depending on the level of training and trading experience, will be as follows:

  1. Professional - 4000-5000 USD in a week (of course, only a few achieve such success and not in one day).
  2. Specialist - 1000-2000 USD during the week.
  3. Beginner - 100-200 USD in a week - already an excellent result.

As with any business, trading involves risks. This is especially important for beginners to keep in mind. The first deposit most often "merges" in 90% of cases. Therefore, be prepared for this, but do not give up - this is your invaluable experience as a trader, which in the future can lead to consistently high earnings. If you are interested, you can learn more about the profession of a trader from the article

What to sell to earn income? Business Ideas 2017!

Progress does not stand still, so the article began with the most progressive business ideas that can be implemented via the Internet. Now let's talk about the classics of the genre in business - sales. This niche will always be profitable, as people are constantly selling and buying something. The disadvantage of sales is that there is a lot of competition in this field. But you can find such an “unhackneyed” assortment that will not have competitors (or rather, there will be almost none, because there is always and everywhere competition, and monopolies have long since sunk into oblivion). You can also pick up the actual product for 2017, which will be especially interesting. Below you will find just such options.

Sale of electronic cigarettes: is there really such a demand for them?

Over the past year, there has been a real boom, which is due to the fact that people massively began to refuse cigarettes and hookahs in favor of electronic cigarettes. Moreover, today it is prestigious and fashionable. If you smoke an electronic cigarette, you are in trend. For young people, the presence of this accessory indicates that you are cool and presentable. Although it's not just about "coolness" - many people just like this thing, so they do not deny themselves pleasure. After all, e-cigarettes are smoked by those who want to quit smoking because they do not contain nicotine.

It is best to focus on an unusual (even souvenir) assortment:

  • vipers (vapor cigarettes);
  • electronic cigarettes with initials and other inscriptions;
  • smoking flash drives are a great gift for office worker quitting smoking.

Vipers today are "super" hot goods. To open a store for their sale, it will take in the region from 120 thousand to 150 thousand rubles (not Moscow prices). Such a business idea will pay off in 2-4 months. In the first months, the "dirty" income per month will be about 120 thousand rubles. Subtract the cost of goods from it - about half of the net income will remain. If you have hired a seller and are renting space, then subtract these costs from the remaining amount. But if you continue in the same spirit, then after some period the income can be twice as much. Agree that 200-something thousand rubles is not a bad income per month?

We are establishing supplies of fruits from Southeast Asia!

For some reason, such fruits on the shelves of our supermarkets (meaning ordinary ones) are very rare, although their cost is not so high. Most likely, the shortage of such fruits is due to the fact that it is difficult to establish direct deliveries, since mainly Thais (mostly fruits are imported from Thailand) work with tonnage transportation, the cargo of which starts from 1 ton or more.

You can try to negotiate with them on smaller deliveries. If you succeed, you will be on a horse! Alternatively, you can try buying fruits and berries in Vietnam. Local farmers are less spoiled by the attention of foreign investors (that is, you) and even ordinary tourists, it will probably be easier to negotiate with them.

If you can’t manage wholesale deliveries, place ads for one-time work! There are many forums where Russians who have moved to Thailand or Vietnam sit. They may agree to help their countryman or find the right person from local. In this case, you will write him a list of fruits - they are stingy - and will transfer the package through the carriers in your name.

You can offer customers the following types of fruits:

  • pattaya;
  • rambutan;
  • coconut;
  • mangosteen;
  • durian;
  • mango;
  • papaya
  • pamela, etc.

All this is a standard set in local markets, which is always in stock. The cost of these fruits per 1 kg in Southeast Asia varies from 35 to 100 rubles. Agree, this is not so much. But taking into account the fact that the dollar has grown several times against the ruble, air travel, and in general, holidays in these countries are no longer affordable for many. But sometimes everyone wants exotics, so your offer in 2017 - buy fruits and berries from Thailand - will be very relevant. Even if you double the price of the product, and then include the cost of transportation and the labor of your intermediary, it will still be more profitable than flying back and forth, and definitely more pleasant than buying weathered fruit in expensive supermarkets.

Entertainment business ideas relevant for 2017!

The further - the more people want "bread and circuses" ... The more comfortable their life is, the more they are willing to spend on entertainment. In principle, despite all the forecasts that were made after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, the economy continues to develop, and mass impoverishment of the population is not observed. Therefore, people in 2017 will be ready to pay for holidays and recreation. In this regard, pay attention to the business ideas of 2017 in the field of entertainment.

Vape bar opening!

Although the law does not prohibit smoking electronic cigarettes, including vapes, in public places, their owners still have problems from time to time. For example, not all establishments will meet the desire to smoke with a bang. And this is quite understandable:

  • some of the visitors may not like it, so the institution may lose a client because of you;
  • instead of, for example, smoking a hookah - you can say, come with your smoking tool, again - the institution is at a loss.

That is why the actual business idea for 2017 will be the opening of a vape bar, where visitors can come with their electronic cigarette and enjoy the atmosphere of your cozy bar while drinking tea or something stronger, or even cooler - they could come to rent a vape from you.

So far, this niche in the business is free. An example of the implementation of such a business idea can so far only be found in megacities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), so the possible profit will be given based on the indicators, so to speak, of metropolitan institutions. So, income and expenses will be as follows:

  1. For a vape bar, where food and drinks will be served (like a cafe), the costs will be 5 million rubles, the monthly profitability will be 700 thousand - 1 million rubles.
  2. For a vape bar like a club of interests, where games and contests will be held, the opening costs will be about 600 thousand rubles, the profitability is 1 million rubles.

Organization of quests on the street and in the room! How to do it?

Quests have appeared in the vastness of Russia since 2014, and the first to open the network of quest rooms "Claustrophobia" were three friends - Kadyrov, Kuznetsov, Kravtsov.

This is an interesting business idea, and a promising one at the same time - cinema and restaurants have long become boring for people, they want an active and outstanding vacation. You can open a quest room in the form of a room of fear, a crime scene, a meeting place with paranormal phenomena, or just a chamber-room from which you “can’t get out”. As an alternative to indoor quests, you can organize outdoor quests.

To open a quest room in a large city, you will need financial injections in the region of approximately 1 million rubles. This is if you started an independent business. Opening franchise quests will cost from 90,000 to 300,000 rubles.

Return of invested money is possible for a period of 1 to 4 months. In the best case, your monthly income will be 500,000 rubles.

Table entertainment club: what to buy for it?

If quest rooms are designed more for the public from 16 to 30 years old, then a wider audience will come to such an institution. This means that there will be more visitors - there will be grandparents with grandchildren, and parents with children, and just entire student or school companies.

All you need is:

  1. Find a room;
  2. Style it to game room(non-boring design, bright colors, comfortable furniture);
  3. Buy board games (monopoly, football, hockey, elias, twister, mafia, lotto, etc.)

Starting capital depends on the "scope" of the club and the city. If this is the capital, then it can be 300,000 rubles, and if it is a province, then 30,000 rubles. One visitor will bring you about 1000-1500 rubles a month by the standards of Moscow and 300-500 rubles by the standards of a small town. The number of visitors per month will depend on your advertising, so you can calculate the monthly income yourself.

Exhibitions: what will we exhibit?

The fact that people were massively attracted to art in 2016 can be judged at least by the record number of visitors to the Serov exhibition. Now we will also talk about exhibitions, but not necessarily paintings. A great business idea would be to organize such exhibitions where people can find someone or buy something.

For example, in big cities, restaurateurs are faced with the idea of ​​finding good chefs. You can arrange a kind of exhibition master class, where chefs will cook in front of the audience and potential employers your masterpieces, and you will receive a good income for organizing this show. Which one?

It will consist of several components:

  • the participation of cooks in the exhibition can cost from 1000 to 2000 r;
  • spectator "tickets" - 200-400 r;

For one such event, you can earn 50-100 thousand rubles. But just keep in mind that before you still need to find an equipped room and advertise the show.

Similar exhibitions can be done among hairdressers, needlewomen, florists and so on. Thus, you will act as an intermediary between the employer and his future employee, and also enable visitors to get aesthetic pleasure.

How much income can you get from anticafe?

The meaning of the anti-cafe is that here people pay not for the food and drinks they buy, but for the time spent. In fact, food is provided free of charge.

The anti-cafe hosts poetry evenings, Mafia games, various master classes, yoga classes, movie screenings, drawing lessons, and more.

Demand for anticafe in recent years is growing. 2017 will not be an exception. Even in large cities there are still not so many of them, let alone small ones ... If you open one anti-cafe in a small town, then it will undoubtedly bring big profits! And by the way, which one?

Bicycle rental - is it profitable? Seasonal Business!

It should be noted right away that this is a seasonal business, however ... The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is doing its job - today there are a lot of people who want to transfer from a car or public transport to a real exercise bike. In 2017, there will definitely be fewer of them ... Therefore, starting somewhere in May (or better in advance - April), you can start preparing for the implementation of a business idea called "bike rental". What will you need?

  • Bicycles;
  • Ammunition;
  • Garage;
  • Maintenance personnel.

The place of the starting point, where they will be concentrated, should be located on a spacious and convenient area for movement: a square, a park, an embankment, a square, large shopping centers. Place your bikes where young people like to relax, as this is exactly your target audience.

Let's talk about expenses. The minimum price of a bicycle for adults that does not fall apart on the go is 10,000 rubles. Ideally, much more. If you start with a minimum, then you need at least 6 pieces of equipment. Plus, add to this the rent of the garage and the salary of employees, if you hire them. These are your costs.

Now about income. If the cost of an hour of skiing is 100-150 rubles, and a day is somewhere around 500-800, then your profit can be from 50 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

Service industry: the most profitable ideas of 2017!

Business ideas of 2017 cannot be left without service business options. On the one hand, this is a more expensive business, since in addition to materials, premises, equipment, you will also have to pay staff. On the other hand, the demand for services never dries up (they are much more needed than entertainment), especially those that will be discussed below.

Point of issue of orders: how to open it?

The point is that you enter into an agreement with online stores, and he delivers orders to your premises for his customers, from where they then pick them up. It is better to locate your office in residential areas - it is there that it is most convenient for people to pick up their parcels. As a rule, the goods are delivered to your point by the "forces" of the partner and for his own money.

In addition to the issuance itself, you can also offer the client the following services:

  • parcel packing;
  • exchange and return of goods;
  • home delivery.

From this you will have additional profit, in addition to the percentage that the online store agrees to pay you.

All you need to implement this business idea is:

  • room;
  • racks;
  • computer with internet;
  • cash machine.

On average, this will cost you 150,000 rubles. A good income for a beginner can be considered 30,000 rubles. The longer your point will function, the more you invest in advertising, the more profitable this business idea will be.

Nail bar is the most profitable option!

Modern business women are always busy, but despite this they manage to look great. In particular, express nail salons or nail bars, as they are also called, help them in this. Usually they are located in large shopping centers and look like this - a manicurist sits at the bar and receives clients without an appointment. Such "islands" of beauty in the shopping center are very visited, because you never know when you will have a free minute ... and even when it appears, the master does not always have the opportunity to take you at that time. Therefore, nail bars have proven to be viable and promising as a business idea over the past few years.

Summer has arrived, which means it's time to consider 3 best business ideas that will quickly pay for themselves over the summer of 2017!

Opening a point for the sale of ice cream or kvass is the cheapest and most profitable option. You will need about 50,000 rubles of investment and your monthly profit will vary from 30 to 90 thousand rubles, depending on the sun and holidays.

What will the costs go to?:

  • Freezer chest: 10-30 thousand;
  • Trolley under the chest: 3-10 thousand;
  • Goods: 10-15 thousand;
  • Large umbrella from the sun: 2-7 thousand;
  • Chair: 500 rubles;
  • Rent a place: 5-10 thousand rubles

In addition, do not forget that you will have to open an IP for deducting taxes. But even so, your average income will be about 50,000 rubles. The most important thing is to find a crowded place!

Point with fried ice cream

fried ice cream- prepared on a freezer, the surface of which is -30 ° C. Yogurt, syrups and other natural products from which you can get delicious ice cream are put on it.

At the same time, one portion is cooked for about 5 minutes, and people gather to look at something new and unusual. Thus, you can secure orders for the whole day. Such outlets are often opened in shopping malls for the whole year.

Basic costs:

  • Freezer: 30-60 thousand;
  • Rent: 5-10 thousand;
  • Goods: 10-15 thousand;
  • Arrangement of a point: 20-30 thousand rubles

That is, you can spend from 65 to 115 thousand rubles on one point, not counting the hired employee. However, already in the first month, the point can bring from 120 to 180 thousand profits.

Installation of vending machines

Water and food vending machines have long been recognized as one of the most cost-effective business ideas. Where is it worth investing 250,000 rubles, which will return to you after 4 months of work!

Many businessmen noted that it was an ingenious decision to put vending machines with chips and water where people relax. It can be parks, beaches, places for recreation.

What will the costs go to?:

  • Buying a machine: 120-200 thousand;
  • Goods: 10-15 thousand;
  • Place rent: 5-10 thousand;
  • Service 7-15 thousand.

In this business, the main thing is to put the machine in a crowded place and buy popular goods that are most commonly consumed. Therefore, the first month may be the most difficult.

Barbecue boat for hire

Everyone loves to eat in nature, but imagine that you can get together with a company of 12 people and have a barbecue on the water, how do you like this idea?

A barbecue boat costs from $2,000 to $10,000 on AliBaba, which can be launched on the sea, river, lake and reservoirs (in general, wherever a lot of people rest). In this case, it will not be difficult for you to recoup your investment.

On it you can arrange not only picnics and celebrate birthdays, but are also great for corporate parties and weddings. Therefore, this attraction is always in high demand.

In addition to renting a boat itself, you can also sell meat, bread, vegetables and fruits. Well, it's better to pay by the hour.

Hello friends!
It’s getting warmer every day, which means it’s time to think about how you can make money in the summer of 2017.

As you know, summer is a time of rest. Many people save money all year round in order to spend it and have a good rest in the summer.

Entrepreneurial people, on the contrary, work hard at this time, as they understand that this is a period of good opportunities.

Our task, as entrepreneurs, is to find ways to improve the quality of pastime for vacationers. Find an opportunity to give them positive emotions, for which they will gladly pay money. This is a healthy approach to business that is fun to do! It is about the options for such a business that we will talk about today.

And so, straight to the point.

Top 3 new business ideas for summer 2017:

1. Fried ice cream

Yes, yes, you heard right, ice cream is really fried!) But it is not fried on a red-hot hot stove, but on a freezing one. Where did this name come from, since visually it looks like frying. In another way, it is also called roll ice cream or Thai.

For many years, this ice cream has been in demand among tourists in Asian countries. Recently, it has begun to appear in our countries and already exists. successful examples such business in parks and shopping centers. Most likely, such ice cream will become more and more popular in the coming years, which means that this is a good opportunity to earn both on the sale of ice cream itself and on the sale of equipment for its preparation.

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of such a business.


- Novelty. For most, this ice cream is an absolute novelty, which means that many will want to try it at least once. If they like it, they will come to you again.

- Entertainment. The name and the process of making such ice cream arouses interest among passers-by and attracts attention. Many film the process on their phones, which will provide you with free advertising on social networks.

- Variety of natural flavors. Unlike ice cream, which is sold in freezer parks, for fried ice cream, they prefer to use natural yogurt, fruits, and cookies instead of powder mixtures. The client himself chooses the ingredients and with him they are transformed into natural ice cream.

- Price. A portion of ready-made roll ice cream is sold for three times the price of a portion of freezer ice cream. And equipment for making fried ice cream costs a little less than freezers.


- Cooking method. The process of making ice cream takes place in contact with environment. If ice cream from a freezer can be sold sitting under an umbrella, then such a number will not work with roll ice cream. At a minimum, you will need to take care of a good tent that can protect from dust.

- Time for preparing. You have to pay for entertainment, and in this case it is time. One serving of ice cream takes about 5 minutes to prepare.

You can buy plates for making ice cream both from Russian suppliers and directly from Chinese manufacturers. We managed to find the websites of the leading Chinese manufacturers of this equipment. We contacted them using Google translator and took the price lists with retail prices. The cost of plates starts from $600. The manufacturer also provides for delivery to the port closest to you.

Manufacturer websites and prices:

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2. Boat barbecue

Such boats will allow you to just have a great time on beautiful reservoirs. After all, in them you can, sitting in a circle of friends, enjoy nature, communicate and barbecue.

Barbecue boat capacity up to 12 people. Such entertainment can be a great start or continuation of any birthday, party or date.

If your place of residence provides for the presence of a flow of tourists, then with the help of such a boat you can also organize interesting excursions.

In addition to making money by renting a boat by the hour, you can also make extra money by selling charcoal, marshmallows for baking, as well as fresh vegetables, meat tenderloins and sausages. In this case, on the shore you will need a place to locate the refrigerator.

The cost of such boats on the Chinese website is from 2,000 to 10,000 dollars.

3. Bench-wheelchair

If your city does not have suitable reservoirs for the previous idea, then you can give your customers a feeling of smoothness and comfort with the help of such a wonderful electric bench. One of the main advantages of such shops is that they are designed for a wide audience. Unlike Segways, there is no extreme in riding a wheelchair. It can be ridden by both young people and mothers with children and the elderly.

Most the best place there will be parks and other crowded and spacious places for renting shops.

We managed to find such shops only from one seller on Aliexpress and several options on the Alibaba website. The indicated cost is from 1000 to 5000 dollars.

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchiser in this field, then write to us through the Contacts page. Below we will place information about your offer and your contacts.
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→ 28.04.2017

Cultivation of worms (worm farming) - eco business

We open a barbecue

Top 20 Street Fast Food Business Ideas

For many, summer means a time to take a break from work. During the working months, money was accumulated, for which you can have a great rest and not think about anything. Entrepreneurial people use this time for their own purposes. After all, they know that people will have a rest, which means spending money.

For beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, the hot season means a time of great opportunity. And they are faced with the task of finding ways to improve the quality of recreation. And you also need to give them positive emotions, for which they will pay money. It's a smart approach to a business that's fun to do. What new business ideas can you try this summer?

Shall we fry ice cream? deep-fried ice cream

This delicacy is not fried in a hot frying pan, but in a freezing one. Visually, it does not look like fried. It looks more like a harvester. This is ice cream that is rolled up. Another name for this delicacy is ice cream roll. In Asian countries, such ice cream will not surprise anyone, except perhaps new tourists. Recently, the delicacy has also appeared in our countries, but has not yet gained popularity, since few people have heard about this idea.

In parks and crowded centers, ice cream goes with a bang. In the coming years, it will become the most popular, which means that you need to bring this idea to life faster than competitors. You can earn money not only on ice cream, but also on the equipment that produces it.

The advantage of this business is first of all novelty. People who see such ice cream for the first time will want to try it. If they like it, they will buy more. The second advantage of the business is entertainment. After all, the process of its preparation will arouse interest among passers-by. Perhaps people will start filming cooking and posting it on the Internet. This will be additional advertising for your business.
Ice cream has many flavors. Unlike ice cream, which is sold from freezers, fried foods do not use mixtures, but natural yogurt, cookies and fruits. The client has the right to choose the components himself. With it, the cooking process will take place. One serving takes about five minutes to cook. Well, if the seller has a knack.

What is the cost of new items? It will cost three times as much. The equipment for its preparation is cheaper than the old apparatus. But the method and time of preparation increases the price. The cooking process takes place in contact with the environment. If you can sell ordinary ice cream and sit under an umbrella, then this number will not work with the novelty. Cooking must be protected from dust and dirt. And this means that you will additionally spend money on a tent. On the Chinese site, the equipment costs from $700.

BBQ Donut Boat: BBQ Boat

Such boats are also a novelty, which is just beginning to gain the attention of vacationers. With its help, you can smartly while away the time on the water. The boat can accommodate a large company and barbecue at the same time. One such boat can accommodate up to 12 adults.

Entertainment can be an addition to the holiday, or just relaxing on a day off. If your place of residence is close to a body of water, then the business will be simply gorgeous. Popularity contributes to the original shape of the boat. It is made in the shape of a donut.

And if you live in a tourist town, then you can additionally arrange excursions on boats. In addition, you can sell charcoal, drinks, meat tenderloin and vegetables. The cost of one boat varies from 2 to 10 thousand dollars.

Electric wheelchair

You can give vacationers a sense of comfort with entertainment with the help of an unusual electric bench. The advantage of this entertainment is that it is designed for both adults and children. If you compare it with a segway, then there is no extreme here. A park and a crowded place are suitable for skiing. At night, the benches glow, which gives vacationers a feeling of attractions. The cost of one shop starts from 1 thousand dollars.

As you can see, starting a business is not that difficult. Especially when there are such wonderful ideas.