What does the prosecutor do briefly. How do they become prosecutors? Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

The prosecutor is a person authorized to represent the prosecution in court, as well as to monitor the observance of the law in almost all spheres of the country's life. And all this - on behalf of the state.

prosecutor(from lat. procurare- manage, manage something, take care) - this is a person authorized to represent the prosecution in court, as well as to monitor the observance of the law in almost all areas of the country's life. And all this in the name of the state. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in law and social studies (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

There are two sides to the work of the prosecutor, as well as the entire prosecutor's office. First, the procurator is part of the adversarial judicial system. If the lawyer defends the rights of the accused, the prosecutor is on the side of the prosecution. Secondly, the prosecutor's office is a supervisory and investigative apparatus.

State prosecutor. If someone is charged with a criminal offense, it is the prosecutor who is responsible for presenting evidence of guilt at trial.

When the investigator completes the investigation of a criminal case, he draws up an indictment, where he describes his conclusions and provides evidence. After that, the prosecutor considers the case. If for some reason the prosecutor does not agree with the results of the investigation (for example, considers the evidence unconvincing), he returns the case for additional investigation. But if the prosecutor is satisfied with all the arguments and conclusions, he approves the indictment and sends the case to court. In this case, he must be prepared to defend the charge in court.

During court sessions, the prosecutor competes with the lawyer of the accused. He must state the case in such a way that the degree of guilt does not cause doubts among the judge and jury. In Russian law, there is a presumption of innocence, i.e. doubt of guilt must be interpreted in favor of the accused. This means that for success it is not enough for the prosecutor to put on a uniform and frown his eyebrows - evidence, logical conclusions, reliable testimony of witnesses are needed. If the prosecutor is not satisfied with the decision of the court, he has the right to appeal against it.

Supervision. The main direction of the work of the Russian prosecutor's office is prosecutorial supervision over the observance of the country's legislation, civil rights and freedoms. Prosecutors consider citizens' appeals, initiate criminal or administrative cases if necessary, monitor the work of the investigative bodies under their control, and the work of so-called correctional institutions.

They control the observance of laws by ministries and departments, parliament, executive power, officials, etc. To do this, they evaluate the issued resolutions and acts. If the prosecutor sees that the law has been violated, he takes prosecutorial response measures - this is how the prosecutor's protest, presentation and warning are called.
The prosecutor has the right to independently apply to the court if he considers that human rights or the interests of the state have been violated.
In addition, prosecutors are involved in legislative activities.

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You need to graduate from a law school or university faculty with a degree in jurisprudence.

To work in the military prosecutor's office, you must graduate from a military university. For example, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense (Moscow) (Military Law or Prosecution and Investigation Faculty, majoring in jurisprudence).

Dangerous job

There is a downside to so many rights: the prosecutor may be in danger, for example, when he supports the prosecution against a powerful criminal. The prosecutor may be bribed, and if the attempt succeeds, he himself turns into a criminal.


The prosecutor is not a profession, a post. In order for a budding lawyer to eventually become a prosecutor, he should start his service as an assistant prosecutor. An investigator can become a prosecutor. True, at present, almost all grave and especially grave crimes are investigated by the Investigative Committee. But the experience of investigative work is still useful in the work of the prosecutor.

The law enforcement system is subject to change. The distribution of powers between different structures and their internal structure may also change. The only thing that does not change is the need for high-level professionals.

The prosecutor's office has territorial bodies (in subjects of the Federation, districts, cities). An integral part of the Russian prosecutor's office is the military prosecutor's office. As well as specialized prosecutor's offices: transport and environmental prosecutor's offices, to oversee compliance with laws in correctional institutions.

The highest level of the prosecutorial hierarchy is occupied by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, to whom his deputies, advisers, and various assistants (seniors, on special assignments) are subordinate. Prosecutors do not have the right to join political parties, to be elected to bodies of state power or local self-government. The prosecutor can combine his main work only with teaching, research or creative activity. The reason is clear: participation in business, power structures or political parties can interfere with prosecutorial impartiality.

Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 20000—45000 ₽

Moscow 41000—80000 ₽


Prosecutor's office.

Important qualities

The prosecutor is a position that requires good intelligence, analytical thinking, tenacious memory, emotional stability, self-discipline, honesty, a high sense of responsibility and self-confidence. It is required to be able to find a common language with different people.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to know the laws well (Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Civil Code, etc.). We have to keep up with current changes in legislation.

public prosecutor

Specialty - jurisprudence

Specialization - notarial business

Required education:

Higher legal + practice in the prosecutor's office (assistant to the prosecutor) and special qualification certification - educational institutions are the same as for a lawyer, notary

Specific abilities necessary for the successful development of the profession:

The same as for a lawyer.

Major subjects of the school curriculum and additional education:

Russian language and literature, law, history, social studies, foreign languages

The nature and content of the work:

Supervision and requirement of compliance with the law from all citizens and organizations, representation of the interests of the state in relations with violators of the law, participation in judicial activities as a representative of the state.

Reading official complaints and statements from citizens, analyzing complaints, writing responses to these letters and checking the facts stated in the letters, identifying the facts of offenses and investigating them, collecting the material necessary for such work, receiving citizens who came on their own initiative, calling citizens, including heads of enterprises for conversations about revealed facts of violations of the law, imposing bans on the activities of an enterprise or certain types of its activities with the preparation of legal justification, investigation of especially serious crimes, including those that led to the death of people, damage to nature, society, reputation of the country, issuance of sanctions for search or arrest to law enforcement agencies, acting as a public prosecutor at court hearings, prompt protection of the rights of citizens.

Obvious advantages

The high social prestige of the profession, the status of a civil servant, a centralized paramilitary organization with strict vertical subordination and wearing a uniform, constant communication with different people.

Pitfalls, obvious disadvantages

A centralized paramilitary organization with strict vertical subordination and wearing uniforms, a high degree of professional responsibility, the need to comply with corporate ethics. High competition for the post of prosecutor.

Possible occupational diseases: nervous disorders, the risk of cardiovascular disease, visual impairment and the possibility of diseases caused by systematic work on the computer, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, physical inactivity, coronary heart disease, other disorders caused by a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle are possible - moderate risk

Salary fork (in rubles on average per month):

in Moscow and the Moscow region: from 30 thousand rubles;

in large regional centers: from 25 thousand rubles;

in remote and rural areas of Russia - from 20 thousand rubles.

As a matter of fact, everything that is written longer is a kind of aptitude test.

If you do not have enough strength, desire, patience and courage to read this article to the end, then it is better not to dream of a prosecutor's uniform. Yes, this test is very weak. In fact, legal documents, texts of laws are full of complex bureaucratic phrases, wordy sentences, often talk about very abstract things, full of legal terminology casuistry. After one or two pages of legal text, the average person is pulled into an uncontrollable sleep. Therefore, friend, if you do not manage to get to the end of the text, then it is better for you not to be a lawyer and, moreover, a prosecutor.

Find yourself something else to do. Something more lively and energetic. Become a skydiving instructor or a Formula 1 racer, an international flight attendant, a catwalk model or a popular TV presenter. You can go as a peacekeeper to a hot spot on the map or become a farmer who simply loves his land. You can sing to the soundtrack or do parkour mixed with mountain biking.

Not everyone can be prosecutors.

But if I did not manage to dissuade you right away, read on and do not stop until you understand everything written.

Historically, prosecutorial activity has arisen from two circumstances.

First, problems soon arose in the adversarial legal process. The usual scheme is that the defendant is represented by a lawyer, the victim is also a lawyer. Let them represent their clients and argue on the merits of the case, proving the innocence of one and the detriment of the other. But this is in a civil process. Yes, and not everything is simple here. On the territory of the school (state institution), someone arbitrarily built a garage. Undoubtedly, state property suffered damage. Or, a private firm won a big competition, one of the conditions of which is the construction kindergarten. But the garden is not being built under various pretexts. Who should go to court? Head teacher? Competition organizers? But the competition has already been held, the competition committee has completed its work and has already been dissolved. District administration, where should the kindergarten be built? But the former head of administration has already retired, someone has changed jobs. Those who are there have their own things to do. They cannot quit their jobs and prepare for the trial, send claims, collect evidence and testimonies. What to do?

It's even worse with crime. Who and on whose behalf will demand punishment for the criminal and what exactly? The victim himself? But then the punishment will turn into revenge. What if it's complicated enough? For example, in Moscow, part of the roof of the Transvaal entertainment center collapsed. Here, after all, not only the interests of the victims and their relatives are affected, but also the interests of society and the state - we are talking about the quality of construction. How to deal with this issue, what forces?
Secondly, who, after all, should protect state or public interests, act on behalf of the state or society in various situations requiring the protection of precisely these interests?
And there is such an answer - the prosecutor. Since the establishment of the prosecutor's office in Russia, and Peter I did it, the task of the prosecutor's office was to "be the eye of the sovereign", to monitor the exact and uniform implementation of laws. With the development of an adversarial trial, the prosecutor turned into a public prosecutor, showing violations of state or public interests and appropriate punishment.
The prosecutor (Latin procurare - “manage, manage something, take care of”) is the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial system.
Prosecutors are usually civil servants with a law degree and additional training in the administration of justice. In Russia, the prosecutor is an official of the prosecutor's office, whose tasks include the implementation of prosecutorial supervision and support of public prosecution in criminal proceedings. AT Russian Federation powers of the prosecutor are defined federal law on the Prosecutor's Office and Article 129 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The prosecutor participates in the consideration of cases by the courts; protests court decisions, sentences, rulings, as well as acts issued by various legal entities, if they contradict the law; takes part in law-making activities; initiate proceedings on an administrative offense. The prosecutor's office exercises its powers independently of state (legislative, executive, judicial) authorities, as well as local governments and public associations, and is not included in any of the main branches of power.
The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is appointed to the position by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the President of the country. Subordinate prosecutors are appointed by superiors in agreement with the authorities in whose territory the relevant prosecutor is to work.
The powers of the prosecutor's office are very broad. In order to ensure the rule of law, the unity and strengthening of the rule of law, the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as the legally protected interests of both society and the state, the prosecutor's office supervises:
- over the execution of laws by federal executive bodies (federal ministries, federal agencies, federal services, etc.), legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal bodies of local self-government, military command and control bodies, control bodies, their officials, governing bodies and heads legal entities, as well as compliance with the laws of legal acts issued by them (general supervision);
- for the observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen by the same bodies and officials;
- over the execution of laws by bodies carrying out operational-search activities, inquiry and preliminary investigation;
- enforcement of laws by bailiffs;
- for the implementation of laws by the administrations of bodies and institutions that execute punishment and apply coercive measures, appointed by the court, as well as by the administrations of places of detention of detainees and prisoners.
In addition, the prosecutor's office carries out criminal prosecution and preliminary investigation, coordinates the activities of other law enforcement agencies.
Prosecutors also participate in the consideration of cases by courts, challenge court decisions that contradict the law, take part in law-making activities, participate in meetings of state authorities and local self-government bodies, consider applications, complaints and other appeals.
The prosecutor, when exercising the functions assigned to him, has the right to freely enter the territories and premises of supervised bodies and organizations, to demand the provision of required documents and materials, call officials and citizens for explanations. The prosecutor (or his deputy) brings a protest against a legal act that contradicts the law (or violates the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen), applies to the court with a demand to recognize such a legal act as invalid, issues a decision to initiate a criminal case or proceedings on an administrative offense, announces a warning on the inadmissibility of violating the law, considers and checks the appeals of citizens. The prosecutor participates in the consideration of cases by the courts, while he has the right to apply to the court with a statement or intervene in the case at any stage of the process. The prosecutor (or his deputy), within the limits of his competence, brings to a higher court a cassation, private protest or protest in the exercise of supervision against an illegal or unfounded court decision (verdict, ruling, resolution). When carrying out criminal prosecution, the prosecution authorities conduct an investigation into cases of crimes referred by the criminal procedural legislation to their competence (in addition, the prosecutor has the right to take over or entrust the investigation to a subordinate prosecutor or investigator to investigate any crime). Carrying out criminal prosecution in court, the prosecutor acts as a public prosecutor.
Employees of the prosecutor's office are assigned special class ranks. The actual State Counselor of Justice is the highest class rank in the Russian prosecutor's office. This is followed by other "general" ranks - the State Counselor of Justice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. Below - the senior adviser of justice, the adviser of justice, the junior adviser of justice, lawyers of 1, 2 and 3 classes and the junior lawyer. The rank of the civil service "Senior Counselor of Justice" corresponds to the rank of colonel in the military service. And the “junior lawyer” is a junior lieutenant.
The path to the position of prosecutor begins with a law school.
Possession of a diploma legal specialty its owner is a mandatory condition. A career should be taken care of from the very beginning, gradually gaining points, knowledge and ideas about the path ahead and concrete steps to achieve it. Of course, term papers and theses must be of high quality, because a real prosecutor knows all the legislation well; pre-graduation practice should be done in some prosecutor's office in order to actually get to know the people working in it and get an idea about their activities. While still a student, you need to be interested in the prospect of an internship or work in the prosecutor's office.
At the same time, you should not think that you will immediately be offered an internship for the position of district prosecutor. That doesn't happen.
A future prosecutor needs experience in investigative work. Today, Russia has established an Investigative Committee under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. All bodies for investigating crimes were transferred to his jurisdiction. The path to the position of a prosecutor can go through the work of an investigator in the bodies of the Investigative Committee. But even in this case, spending time in smoking rooms, evading serious and complex cases from the point of view of investigation, avoiding manifestations of your consistent and firm position in relation to violations of law and order is possible only if you are the son of a prosecutor and you already bequeathed.
The last one is a joke.
To become a prosecutor, you need to have the talent of an investigator (and, alas, it is impossible to identify it with any tests in advance). It is also necessary, like a judge, to know the laws well and skillfully apply them, to be able to make speeches no worse than a lawyer, to stand firmly on a legal position, no matter how difficult the situation is; to be a skillful organizer and coordinator of the work of other people, to approach the solution of any issue in detail and in a balanced way, to take an active position in life and work - in fact, under such conditions it is not so important whose son or daughter you are.
You have purpose, desire and energy. On this path, you need to be your own main assistant and main adviser. So, everything will work out. And if it doesn't work out, it doesn't matter. After all, you will first learn not to become a prosecutor (they do not give such qualifications in law academies), but to become a lawyer. So in any case, you won't waste your time and energy.

By exercising control over the observance of the law by the executive authorities, prosecutors have the right not only to observe the work of state structures, local administration and other organizations, but also to intervene in it in the event of a violation. They are identified on the basis of incoming information in the form of complaints from citizens or statistical data.

During the investigation of the current situation, the prosecutor can freely enter any premises subject to inspection, interrogate responsible officials and citizens, including by calling them for interrogation, and upon receipt of positive results, issue a decision to initiate a criminal or administrative process.

Monitoring compliance with the legality of investigative and search activities

The activities of the police are always accompanied by dissatisfaction with citizens who are denied initiation of criminal cases or whose rights are violated as a result of conducting operational-search work. The prosecutor is obliged to identify cases of impending or committed crimes, the conduct of investigative measures for which does not meet the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Having received an application from a citizen or finding a discrepancy in the information received from the registration authorities, medical institutions, conducting a routine check on the legality of refusals to initiate criminal cases, prosecutors begin an investigation. They have the right to demand all official documents accompanying search activities, as well as to cancel illegal acts, remove guilty investigators from work, and return incorrectly formed cases for revision.

Verification of executive bodies that punish citizens

Supervision over the activities of places of temporary detention and deprivation of liberty of citizens has two directions. According to the first, the prosecutor monitors the legality of their stay in the above institutions, and according to the second, the conditions of their detention. To do this, employees of the prosecutor's office can freely enter the territory of correctional institutions, take official papers for familiarization, demand clarification of their decisions from officials and protest their actions, release persons illegally imprisoned in pre-trial detention centers, as well as solitary confinement cells and other premises of a disciplinary punishment.

How do they become prosecutors? This profession obliges its owner to have a sufficiently strong will, iron endurance, analytical mind and justice.

In order to become a prosecutor, you will first need to study at a university with a legal focus. It will also require higher education, but there are already separate universities for this specialty. For example, the Military University, where you can choose law.

Qualities a Prosecutor Should Possess

How do they become prosecutors, what qualities and knowledge should a person who wants to get this position have in his luggage? It is necessary to know the civil, criminal and other codes perfectly, regularly monitor all changes in legislation, have a good memory, be disciplined, accurate in judgments, balanced, responsible and have many more positive qualities, since a prosecutor will not work out of a conflicted and illiterate person at all.

How do they become prosecutors after training

A person who has been an investigator for a long time is usually appointed to this position, since prosecutorial work is very responsible, and without experience in it, one simply cannot get an appointment. In addition, it is necessary to pass a medical examination and submit a health certificate, which must correspond to the position. How do they become prosecutors? They are appointed to this position by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Assistant prosecutors

Even after training, one does not immediately become a prosecutor, one will have to work as his assistant for some time. At the same time, having shown their qualities, in the future you can count on receiving the position of "senior assistant". Then become a prosecutor, having previously received a certain length of service.

The assistant prosecutor prepares acts for signing by his immediate superior. He has the right to independently make decisions, for example, instructions regarding the investigation. Responsibilities include preparing procedural acts for the prosecutor and making many decisions, except for:

  • write-outs;
  • extension of the period of arrest;
  • placement in a psychiatric dispensary of the accused, who is not in custody;
  • extension of the investigation period, etc.

Powers of the Prosecutor

The activities of the prosecutor include the prevention, detection and subsequent elimination of violations of the law. No one has the right to put obstacles in his supervision. He can freely enter the supervised territory, even if it has access control.

The prosecutor has the right:

  • request any documents for verification, even those containing ;
  • appeal against acts that do not comply with the law;
  • to release citizens who were illegally detained, if there was no court decision on arrest;
  • issue a warrant of arrest or search;
  • supervise the bodies that are engaged in investigation, search and inquiry.

Prior to the trial, his powers can be divided into several groups. So the prosecutor

  • gives permission for the election, cancellation or change of punishment (search, arrest, detention, recording of telephone conversations, complete dismissal, etc.);
  • gives sanctions and direct instructions in writing;
  • takes part in the investigation;
  • may extend the investigation if necessary;
  • resolves any emerging investigative issues;
  • has the right to recuse and recuse investigators and prosecutors (lower rank);
  • removes unqualified investigators from conducting the investigation;
  • makes a withdrawal of the criminal case and carries out its subsequent transfer to the investigator;
  • transfers criminal cases to other law enforcement agencies;
  • approves and then sends to the courts the necessary indictments;
  • can both suspend and terminate the initiated criminal case.

The prosecutor in court has the additional powers of the public prosecutor and is an official who is entrusted with the functions of correcting violations of the law.

The prosecutor is obliged to comply with the rules of non-disclosure of the information received when working with secret documents.

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - higher in the prosecutor's office of the country. He heads the Prosecutor General's Office and appoints his representatives in districts and cities. He has the rank: State Counselor of Justice. The Prosecutor General has personal advisers and several assistants, including those on special assignments. He manages the entire system of the prosecutor's office, issues orders and instructions that must be carried out by all law enforcement units of the Russian Federation. Establishes the necessary staff and structure of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation within the framework of the payroll and schedule labor activity. It defines the powers of the units, their necessary structure and number. The prosecutor is responsible for all the tasks that are assigned to the department in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Powers of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation:

  • Coordinate anti-org. criminality of those bodies that are located in the federal district.
  • Monitor the proper implementation of the law of the Russian Federation by all law enforcement agencies.
  • Monitor the proper observance of the freedoms and rights of Russian citizens by all bodies.
  • To monitor the proper implementation of the law of the Russian Federation in those districts that carry out inquiry, preliminary investigation, search and operational activities. The same supervision is carried out for regional law enforcement agencies and departments that fight crime.
  • Investigate criminal cases on the most dangerous and significant crimes of the Russian Federation.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has a Scientific Advisory Council, which considers issues related to the activities of the entire structure. The position of the Council is approved by the Prosecutor General in the form of an order, and he also heads it. Decisions of the Council are advisory in nature, then sent to the relevant higher authorities for consideration.

A person holding the position of a prosecutor is an official appointed to oversee compliance with the implementation of the laws of the country in a number of areas of life of its citizens. Also, a representative of the profession has the powers of a public prosecutor, in which capacity he acts in court. Acting on behalf of the state, the employee has a clear list of rights and obligations that must be adhered to under any circumstances. Every year jurisprudence becomes more and more popular among young people. Those who are thinking about this direction should familiarize themselves with the description of the profession "prosecutor", its specifics.

The profession of a prosecutor appeared in ancient Rome, when the court system was being formed. It was built on the accusation and defense of the suspect by two opposing parties under the control of a judge.

In Russia, the first representatives of the direction arose only during the time of Peter I as a result of the ongoing reforms. Initially, such employees were more like secret service agents. Prosecutors took the side of the prosecution in court with the obligation to strictly observe the laws of the country already in the 20th century after the formation of the Soviet Union.

Brief information about the profession of a prosecutor as a public prosecutor:

  • after the investigation of the case, the documents with the conclusion of the investigator are considered by the prosecutor. In case of insufficient arguments or errors, the employee sends the case for further investigation. If the arguments are satisfactory, the documents are submitted to the court;
  • during the trial, the prosecutor tries to prove the guilt of the accused, speaking out against the arguments of the lawyer. Thanks to the operation of the presumption of innocence in Russia, the lack of evidence will be interpreted in favor of the person brought before the court. To convict a criminal, the prosecutor's evidence must be clear and irrefutable;
  • if the court renders a sentence unsatisfactory for the prosecution, the prosecutor may appeal against it in accordance with the established procedure.

In addition to participating in civil or criminal cases, representatives of the prosecutor's office supervise the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the implementation of the laws of the country. They accept appeals or complaints, initiate cases when violations are detected, control the work of accountable structures and departments, monitor the activities of correctional institutions.

Prosecutors are involved in lawmaking. They study, check, evaluate the acts or resolutions proposed to them for consideration. If there are signs of a violation of the law, the employee issues a warning, presentation or protest. If necessary, this lawyer is able to go to court himself, if signs of non-compliance with the laws of the country are obvious to him.

Where to study to be a prosecutor

The prosecutor is a highly qualified professional. Today, many universities teach lawyers, some of them do it in absentia or remotely. There is also an option to obtain a profession through the passage of specialized courses.

Regardless of which path is chosen, it will take at least 4-4.5 years to study as a prosecutor. It is important for applicants to have high USE scores in the Russian language, social studies, and history. Depending on the specifics educational institution the list of what items will have to be handed over to the prosecutor can be supplemented.


A person without a university degree in law will not be able to learn to be a prosecutor with the help of courses. This approach is intended for those who have received a legal education in a particular area and now want to move to a more narrow specialization. Also, this option is suitable for persons who, after training in the profession of "military prosecutor", decided to switch to civilian life. The duration of the courses is 3-6 months. Usually, documents issued as a result of studies indicate the receipt of a second professional education.

Higher education

To start a career as a prosecutor, you need to graduate from the law faculty of the university. There are dozens of universities in Russia, whose graduates can count on work in the chosen direction.

As an option, you can enroll in one of the following institutions:

  • Moscow State Law Academy;
  • Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • Ural State Law Academy;
  • Saratov State Academy of Law;
  • Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law.

Receipt higher education- only the first step that must be taken to acquire the desired specialty. A graduate will have to work for several years as an assistant prosecutor or gain experience in court in another way. After that, the authorities nominate him for vacant position according to the results shown, or the employee can apply for it himself.

Dangerous job

Thinking about the prosecutor's office, you should weigh the pros and cons of the profession. The main negative characteristic of a career is an increased level of danger for a lawyer. He often faces various types of pressure from criminals, violators, corrupt bosses. Senior prosecutors often risk their health and even life by taking part in high-profile legal proceedings. Constant stress, employment, a high degree of responsibility are a few more disadvantages of a career. With all this, the salary of such lawyers is an order of magnitude lower than that of their opponents - lawyers. This increases the likelihood of agreeing to a bribe, which automatically turns a servant of the law into a criminal.

Despite the presence of obvious negatives, the prosecutor is a respected, prestigious profession that can be the start of a good career. Although the income of such an employee is lower than that of a lawyer, it exceeds the average in Russia. Taking into account allowances, bonuses, seniority, the amount is decent. Gaining experience in litigation adds value to a professional. If desired, he is able to retrain as a high-level lawyer at any time.


The system of interaction between law enforcement structures is constantly changing, which leads to a partial change in the scheme of career development for lawyers. It remains roughly unchanged in terms of the fact that any representative of the executive branch is able to achieve a lot with ambition. A career as a lawyer begins as an investigator or assistant prosecutor. After gaining basic experience, the employee himself receives the position of public prosecutor, gradually rises through career ladder through the cases won.

The position of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation becomes the highest step in this direction of jurisprudence. On the way to it, an employee can hold the posts of his deputies, advisers, assistants.

When choosing such a career, it is important to understand that a prosecutor of any level does not have the right to join political parties or hold positions in the sphere of state power. He is prohibited from conducting activities related to commerce and finance. It is only permissible to combine the main position with teaching, creativity, and scientific work.


The public prosecutor works in the prosecutor's office. Initially, he can be entered into the personnel reserve in anticipation of a suitable position. At the start of a career, a lawyer is offered the position of assistant, senior assistant or deputy. It happens that the first months the worker has to serve on a voluntary basis in anticipation of distribution. Workplace lawyer may change in accordance with the horizontal development of his career. The movement takes place between the district, regional, city, general offices of the prosecutor's office.

Important qualities

To work in the prosecutor's office, you must have a number of certain character traits, otherwise promotion through the ranks will be problematic. A lawyer is required to have a keen eye, the ability to analyze, memorize and process large amounts of information. The prosecutor is a disciplined, responsible, punctual person who pays attention to any little things. Equally important are stress resistance, emotional stability, sociability, and the ability to speak beautifully.

Honesty and integrity are valued in public prosecutors, which will not allow them to break the law.

Knowledge and skills

The Faculty of Law provides only a basic education, which is enough to start a career. The prosecutor must have a good knowledge of the fundamentals of legislation, the principles of conducting a trial. The list of required skills includes understanding the features of document flow, computer literacy, knowledge of the rules for using service weapons. An employee must constantly monitor changes in legislation, improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

average salary

The total salary of the representative of the prosecution consists of a salary and additions in the form of bonuses and allowances. Initially, it is 25-35 thousand rubles, depending on the place of service, position, degree of employment. The average salary of a prosecutor with work experience ranges from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles. With a significant length of service and a good rank, the numbers can be even higher. The income of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is 500 thousand rubles a month.

The profession of a prosecutor, or a public prosecutor, requires a serious investment in a career in the form of time. It takes a lot of strength, can lead to a deterioration in physical health, mental state. With all this, the position remains prestigious and in demand.