One of the oldest working professions is a lumberjack. Features of the profession of a feller of the forest Is it easy to work as a feller of the forest

feller- a specialist involved in the organization and conduct of logging operations. The main duty is felling the forest. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physical education and work and household (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

This work is not easy, it is on the shoulder of real men! The feller of the forest is the leader who coordinates the activities of the entire brigade and sets the pace. He spends most of his working time outdoors, quickly solving the following difficult tasks:

  • performs professional felling of trees;
  • is engaged in the preparation of brushwood and other similar works, using gasoline-powered saws;
  • provides guidance and assistance to lumberjacks;
  • repairs saws and other tools;
  • performs a single felling of trees - from site preparation to skidding.

Most often, the feller works together with the lumberjacks, the latter being his assistants. The feller of the forest is obliged to carefully treat valuable species of wood, carefully use tools and other equipment, monitor compliance with the rules of labor hygiene and safety. He must know the rules for the operation of gas-powered saws, wood specifications, as well as:

  • rules for culling, storage, transportation, disposal of timber;
  • fire fighting rules;
  • basics of first aid.

There are a number of medical contraindications for working in this area:

  • diseases of the organs of hearing and smell;
  • some neurological diseases;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Healthy, strong, trainable men with good eyesight and hearing, practical thinking are allowed to work.

How to become a lumberjack?

This area is open to all people with a completed secondary education who gravitate towards the professions of "man-nature". Get necessary knowledge and skills can be training centers, which open training programs for workers. It is also desirable to take training courses on labor protection.

Where to study as a lumberjack?


In the center you will find programs for fellers. The duration of training from scratch is 320 hours, the cost is 3000 rubles. Professional development takes 72 hours.

TOP-5 courses for fellers

  1. Training center "Stroy Attestat".
  2. Training center "MinMax".
  3. DPO "IPOPB".
  4. University "Synergy".
  5. Courses based on Attek Group.

Pros and cons


  1. The feller works both independently and in a team, in the latter case, he actually performs the function of a foreman.
  2. The profession is in demand, fellers cannot be replaced by special equipment or automation systems.
  3. Outdoor work.
  4. Career prospects, the opportunity to continue education at a college or university in order to get a more relaxed and highly paid profession.
  5. The level of remuneration is average, but you can qualify for bonuses, allowances for overfulfillment of the plan.


  1. Working conditions are difficult, because it is necessary to cut down the forest during rains, frosts, and sultry heat.
  2. Fellers spend most of their time in the forest, often working in hard-to-reach places located hundreds of kilometers from the city.
  3. After 40 years, occupational diseases develop.

Where do lumberjacks work?

Fellers, of course, work in logging companies, carry out orders within the city, eliminating the consequences of natural disasters. They can also be part of teams that are engaged in felling trees as part of preparing the territory for development: residential buildings, industrial complexes, laying railway or highways. Some fellers, having a lot of experience, open their own business related to wood or landscaping.






direct submission

To the cutting area master


Additional submission

Head of lumber station


Gives orders



The employee replaces


The employee replaces





work experience





specialty work


Additional requirements


3.1 External documents:

3.2 Internal documents:


  1. Logger's rights

The feller of the forest has the right:

  1. Working conditions of a lumberjack
  1. Terms of payment

staff labor.

9 Final provisions





(surname, initials)



(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the feller.

1.2 The feller of the forest belongs to the category of technical performers.

1.3 The feller of the forest is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the lumber station.

1.4 Position relationships:


direct submission

To the cutting area master


Additional submission

Head of lumber station


Gives orders



The employee replaces

duly appointed person


The employee replaces


  1. Qualification requirements for a feller:



Initial vocational education


work experience

no work experience requirement



device and rules for the operation of various types of petrol-powered saws and a felling hydraulic wedge;

rules and schemes for organizing the mechanized development of cutting areas;

rules for selecting trees for felling;

technical requirements for harvested assortments;

ways of rational cutting of whips into assortments;

rational methods for performing a set of works on felling trees, pruning branches, marking and bucking whips, hilling assortments;

standards and specifications for timber;

point rules for saw chains and other cutting tools;

rules for the preparation of jobs in the cutting area;

requirements for the use of protective equipment;

methods and techniques for the safe performance of work;

the procedure for notifying the manager of all shortcomings discovered during work;

rules for providing first (before medical) assistance to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

internal rules work schedule;

rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;



specialty work


Additional requirements


  1. Documents regulating the activities of a feller

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (chief of the lumber station); Regulations on the lumber station, Job description of a feller, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job Responsibilities of a Forest Clerk

4.1. The feller of the forest before the start of the working day:

Passes in the prescribed manner periodic medical examinations;

Passes in accordance with the established procedure briefing on labor protection and safety;

Receives a production task, gets acquainted with the technological map of the production of works;

Checks the serviceability of tools and fixtures;

Checks the availability of first aid before medical aid;

4.2. In the process of work, the feller of the forest:

Performs only the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

Complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

Uses overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

Receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe techniques and work methods;

Complies with the terms of use technological equipment, fixtures and tools, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work;

Gets acquainted with the working area of ​​work, marks it with warning and prohibition signs;

Carefully treats valuable wood and business use;

Conducts maintenance and current repair of various types of gas-powered saws, felling hydraulic wedge and other auxiliary tools, replacement of saw chains, cleaning, lubrication and refueling;

Immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings found during work;

Provides first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning in emergency situations and sudden illness

4.3. During the working day, the feller of the forest:

Carries out felling of trees, harvesting of brushwood, firewood and other assortments from small forests and shrubs with various types of gasoline-powered saws in accordance with established standards and specifications;

prepares workplace near cut down trees with a single felling of trees;

Performs cutting of trees and stumps flush with the ground when performing preparatory work on the laying

skidding trails, logging mustaches to cutting areas, arrangement of logging points and upper warehouses;

With the help of gearless gasoline-powered saws, he performs a set of works at logging sites for single felling of trees, pruning, marking, cross-cutting and hilling of assortments;

4.4. A lumberjack at the end of the working day:

Cleans the chainsaw and accessories from dirt and wood residues;

Removes and cleans the saw chain, carburetor screen and


Places the saw and tools for storage or prepares them for transportation;

Checks for the presence of sawn, but not mundane, hung trees, lands them with a tractor;

Removes dirt from overalls and footwear, if necessary, places for drying and storage;

Performs hygiene procedures, performs an examination (self-examination), makes sure that there are no ticks on the body and clothes, removes them if present;

  1. Logger's rights

The feller of the forest has the right:

5.1. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

5.2. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

5.3. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the execution of its official duties and right.

  1. Responsibility of the feller

The feller is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of a lumberjack

7.1. The mode of operation of a feller is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the work of a feller are determined in accordance with the Regulations on paymentstaff labor.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies,one of which is kept by the Company, the other - by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be specified in accordance with the changeStructures, Tasks and Functions structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to the present job description made by order of the director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


Historically, the profession of a lumberjack arose in connection with an increase in the need for wood as a building material, when mining and metalworking began to develop. In ancient times, growing communities needed more and more wood for heating, construction, fortifications, and shipbuilding. Until the beginning of the 20th century, lumberjacks worked closely with now virtually extinct professions such as coal miners. (charcoal producers) or raftmen. Since ancient times, lumberjacks have been working with an ax or saw, but technological progress has significantly changed their work, which is now carried out using chainsaws or complex machines.

lumberjack job

Before felling a tree, bushes or snow are removed around it. The lumberjack cuts trees into gaps between other trees or into places free of forest, since it is impossible to fell a tree on a forest wall. Trees with a diameter of more than 8 cm land in the direction of the natural inclination of the trunk, wind direction or the largest crown mass (with a preliminary sawing of the tree). After the tree is felled, the branches are cut off: from the butt to the top, while the lumberjack stands on the opposite side of the trunk from the branch. Tense branches are cut off after all adjacent ones are removed. If the tree is on a slope (along a slope of 20° or more and across a slope of 15° or more), then it is secured before cutting branches, and the lumberjack stands on the upland side. It is forbidden to cut branches while standing on a fallen tree or saddling it. After that, the trunks are stacked.

Trunks are transported along prepared (with stones removed, filled with pits) technological corridors, or portages, in a semi-suspended or suspended state by skidders. Sometimes horses are used for skidding, savvy and calm. Typical instruction on labor protection "Forest thinning and selective sanitary felling" prescribes not to haul horses on a slope of more than 30 °.

After that, cutting areas are cleared of branches and logging residues.

In this article, we will consider the prospects and features of such modern professions working class as a feller and a loader driver. On the modern market these areas of work are quite demanded and relevant.

You can get training in these professions in our service! The term of study is from 2 weeks. If you have a group of more than 3 people, Our teacher will arrive at the place you specified anywhere in Belarus.

Brief description of professions

  1. Loader driver is a specialist who operates a loader and other mechanisms, the purpose of which is to perform load-handling and loading and unloading operations. At the same time, such a specialist must be fully responsible for the safety of all processed goods. Therefore, they must be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
  2. feller is a profession that requires good strength qualities, as well as a high level of skill. This is the foreman, who is the main link of the brigade. After all, he, with the help of a special tool (chainsaw), must cut down the tree, as well as drop it in the direction of skidding, on the auxiliary trails of the cutting area.


To functional duties driver, in addition to direct control of the loader, also include:

  • Careful control over the condition of the loader at the beginning of each working day;
  • Performing current work, as well as maintenance in order to establish the trouble-free operation of the loader, as well as other devices;
  • Professional installation and dismantling of removable load-handling devices;
  • Strict observance of existing current instructions regarding the operation of the loader.

As for such a working-class profession as lumberjack, professionals in this industry must have great strength and a high level of endurance. Today, a feller must not only cut trees professionally, but also competently plan and organize the entire work process. After all, with poor planning and the occurrence of errors, you can come to irreparable consequences. Therefore, such a specialist must know all existing rules and laws.

Pros and cons of professions

The profession of a forklift driver is in demand all year round. in different areas modern industry, as well as road construction works, Agriculture and housing and communal services. And this can be attributed to the undoubted advantages of this direction.

The disadvantages of the profession include:

  • It is often necessary to perform work in different weather conditions in polluted open air;
  • Work is performed in a permanent sitting position;
  • When performing tasks, you have to feel constant noise and vibration.

To the feller of the forest with experience and relevant skills and knowledge pretty easy to find a job. After all, experienced specialists of such a plan are worth their weight in gold.

The disadvantages of the profession include the fact that the feller has to constantly be in a rather stressful situation. After all, he is responsible for the entire process, from its planning to its implementation. It is obvious that the noise level also represents a disadvantage of such work.

Career training opportunities

Pretty today is very popular professional training retraining and advanced training in these areas. Anyone can not only get an appropriate certificate that allows them to work in these industries, but also improve their professional level by taking additional education courses.

Upon completion of this training, get a new rank and corresponding bonuses for yourself - the opportunity to improve your own skill level, level wages, as well as move along career ladder. And thanks to the service professional retraining everyone can master new profession , as well as gain new knowledge and skills in a related profession.


For friends!


Mining and working with metal pushed the ancient man to discover the profession of a lumberjack. The masters of that time came to the conclusion that wood could become a good building material. The need for construction was due to the rapid growth of the community. Wood was used for heating, shipbuilding, construction of houses, fortifications. Previously, lumberjacks actively cooperated with coal miners and raftmen (raft drivers). Before the invention of chainsaws and wood harvesting machines, people felled trees with a saw and an axe. Now the profession of a lumberjack is not particularly in demand. But among amateurs and professionals, it is so popular that some time ago national and world lumberjack championships were established.

Description of activity

The lumberjack is engaged not only in professional felling of trees, but also in the further transportation of processed trunks. In this case, there are many nuances that are important to consider: weather conditions, serviceability of tools, accurate calculations, felling rules. The lumberjack almost always works outside, despite the cold and heat. The profession is one of the physically difficult ones, but there are still those who want to work on felling the forest.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:

Job responsibilities

In a nutshell, the duty of a lumberjack is to cut the trunk, cut down the tree and take it to its destination. But behind these seemingly simple actions lies a colossal work. Before starting work, lumberjacks clear the area around (snow, bushes), calculate the angle of fall of the trunk (into the gap between other trees so as not to hurt them), cut off the branches and only then stack the trees. After all these actions, the trunks are transported to the base.

Features of career growth

The lumberjack is more of a vocation than a profession, and not everyone can master it. But even with a low demand, as well as a rarity of a vacancy, one cannot deny its importance on a global scale. A person who has mastered such a complex matter in detail, of course, receives valuable practical skills and knowledge that can be useful in a higher position in the future.

Employee characteristic

It is important for a lumberjack to have good health and be hardy, because working with a tree is many hours of physical labor in any weather conditions. The technical mindset is also important, since the profession is associated with mathematical calculations and physics (for example, determining the angle of fall of trees or wind direction). It is terrible to imagine what will happen if the calculation is incorrect and the tree begins to roll onto other trunks or towards the person himself. In such work, everything is not always smooth and sometimes the situation gets out of control, so a lumberjack must have determination and courage in his blood.