Profession - librarian. Librarian - a modern profession What does a librarian do

The librarian is very ancient profession which has existed for more than four thousand years. The emergence of this kind of activity is attributed to the Sumerian culture, because they were the first to use clay catalogs.

The first librarians of antiquity were scribes who collected clay tablets a very long time ago, several thousand years ago, even before our era. This profession used to be considered an exclusively male craft. There are references to librarians who worked in Egypt at the Ptolemaic court.

Profession librarian - description

Now, in our time, a modern librarian must know, understand and understand programs and technologies. Must be proficient with a computer and equipment for recording and reproducing sound and images.
The essence of the work is not only the reception and distribution of books. He is a librarian who protects books, he knows both the secrets of classifying and arranging books, and the rules for compiling directories and catalogs. Paper is a very fast-wearing material, a librarian knows the secrets of how to store a book and how to look after it.

A librarian is a specialist who lends books, classifies publications, monitors the safety of funds and their replenishment, etc. Libraries are usually public institutions. Libraries exist in schools, in secondary and higher educational institutions, in enterprises, and so on.

Disadvantages of being a librarian

Librarians work full time. Therefore, there is no opportunity to earn money somewhere. There is some career progression. Some specialists are engaged in servicing readers. More experienced employees are engaged in the formation of the fund and ordering new literature. This profession has its downsides. The salaries of librarians are often low. Over time, the salary increases little. There is nothing special in this profession. career development. Some employees are engaged in science.

Profession librarian - duties

The idea of ​​the average reader about the work of a librarian is often reduced to the obligation to lend out books. But this is far from true. The main work, most often remains unnoticed.

Employees do:

  • ordering new literature,
  • book arrangement,
  • creation of bibliographic products,
  • management and marketing issues,
  • fund development,
  • cataloging and systematization of literature,
  • and other activities.

In the West, the profession of a librarian is quite relevant.

Where to get a job as a librarian

To be a specialist - a librarian with a profile diploma, you need to graduate from a library technical school, or enter the appropriate faculty at the institute. In order to get a job in this specialty, it is not necessary to have a specialized education. Often, a lot of knowledge is obtained by employees in the process of work.

How to find a job

To search for job offers, you can use site with vacancies, newspapers or other sources. Today, employment sites have become widespread. Thanks to such services, you can get acquainted with numerous job offers.

Employment portals are equipped with special tools to make it easier to find vacancies. Jobs can be sorted by city or professional area, etc.

In addition to job search portals, job seekers use newspapers or magazines. There are many newspapers that post job offers.

In addition to all of the above methods, there is still the opportunity to contact the employment center. This is a state organization that provides employment services under certain conditions. For more detailed information you need to contact the regional branch of the CZN.

Librarian- a very ancient profession, it is more than four and a half thousand years old! The first librarians were scribes who compiled collections of clay tablets. Note that this was an exclusively male profession.

Librarians at one time worked such famous personalities as the fabulist Ivan Krylov, mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, writer Vladimir Odoevsky. In the 19th century, in order to get into the service of the main library of Russia - the Imperial Public Library - it was not enough higher education. Knowledge of French, German, Latin, Greek was required. Even junior library staff had to speak three foreign languages.

Profession Librarian is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession in the labor market. Librarians have lost their demand among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.


Work in the library It's not just about giving and receiving books. A librarian is a keeper of books, literally and figuratively. He knows the secrets of classifying books, compiling bibliographic reference books and catalogues. Over time, most of the materials from which a book is made (paper, fabrics, glue) age and wear out. The librarian knows perfectly well the conditions under which books should be stored, especially ancient copies, audio and video recordings.

A modern librarian is well versed in modern information technologies: he owns a computer, all types of office equipment, video equipment and other equipment.

But work with the library fund is only one direction of his activity. Another direction is work with readers. The librarian advises visitors, helps them in the search and selection of literature.


The majority of respondents believe that the profession Librarian can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession Librarian despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

Librarian An information processing professional in the library and information sciences who organizes and manages information services and materials for all who require that information.

A librarian is a library worker, a specialist in the field of fiction, popular science, special literature. The profession of a librarian is aimed at working with readers. The librarian serves visitors to the reading room, selects and gives them the necessary literature, completes the library fund - forms orders and purchases books, carries out technical processing of new incoming literature, compiles catalogs, fills out reader's subscriptions, organizes exhibitions of books, magazines, newspapers, monitors the safety of the library fund .

In cultural and educational institutions, it ensures the selection of literature necessary for readers, the rapid fulfillment of their requests. Gives literature on loan and to reading rooms, examines the requests of readers in order to assist them in choosing literature. Participates in the acquisition of the library fund, the processing of literature and the compilation of catalogs, in the work of accounting and storage of the fund, in the promotion of books, in the research and scientific and methodological work of the library. Conducts individual conversations with readers, assists them in choosing books, magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book exhibitions, completes the book fund, keeps records of the library fund, etc.

The librarian must know the content of fiction, popular science, special literature, the methodology for conducting individual conversations, the forms and methods of holding conferences, exhibitions, etc., the rules for accounting and processing the book fund. A librarian must know the rules for compiling catalogs, special library computer programs, have communication skills with people, a good memory, love to read, and also have such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, organization, concentration, patience, tact, emotional stability, a tendency to perform monotonous work.

Professionally important qualities librarian:

high communication skills, tact, emotional endurance, good memory.

Medical restrictions:

Neuropsychiatric disorders. Allergic to book dust. Respiratory diseases. Very poor eyesight. Low intelligence.

Qualification requirements:

Library College or the corresponding faculty of the Institute of Culture.

As a rule, librarians work in state libraries or libraries of higher or secondary educational institutions, primary or secondary schools, media centers, libraries within businesses or companies. In the West, some librarians may be self-employed, working as information specialists, catalogers, and other specialized areas.

The salary level of a librarian is usually low. Career opportunities for a librarian are present up to the position of a librarian.


The survey data show that for work in the profession Librarian you must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Librarian(adjacent or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Librarian.


Directions of training and specialties of universities

Specialties of colleges and technical schools

  • (Basic training)
  • (Advanced training)


A librarian has many different responsibilities. The main ones are: serving library visitors and filling out library cards. He takes part in the creation of the library fund: he makes orders for the purchase of new literature, processes it, and compiles catalogs. Do not forget about registration and filing periodicals. Also, the direct duties of the library staff include monitoring compliance with the conditions for storing literature. In the rooms where books are stored, the air temperature is maintained from +15 to +18 ° C and relative humidity of 50-60%.

Public events are held periodically in the library, exhibitions, thematic meetings and discussions, literary evenings are organized. The scripts and plan for these events are written by the library staff.


Mostly mental work

Profession Librarian- this is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information. In work Librarian the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.


The profession of a librarian is not a career one. There is an opportunity to become the head of the media library, coordinator educational project, site editor or organizer of remote support of the educational process. You can reach the rank of head of any department or head of the entire library.


Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Librarians have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend on the person at all, just a profession Librarian does not have a career path.


Librarian is a highly intellectual, erudite person, a connoisseur of fiction, popular science, special literature. Years of work make the knowledge of a librarian almost encyclopedic. Librarians interact a lot with readers. This requires high communication skills, tact and emotional endurance. To easily navigate the labyrinths of shelves and thousands of books, you need a good memory. When compiling catalogs and reference books, it is important to be careful and painstaking. And working with rare items from library archives will require accuracy and responsibility.



According to the respondents, the profession Librarian more suitable for women. It is very difficult to imagine in the role Librarian a man, although there are no such factors that would categorically forbid men to work Librarian.




Similar professions: Bibliographer, Documentologist, Literary critic, Manager, Manager information resources, Teacher

Briefly about the profession


The librarian is the most beautiful profession in the world. And if you put your soul into work, you can achieve a lot. The library profession is located at that point in human existence, in which stinginess and generosity, past, present and future, the world of books and the world of people, where one goes into another, requiring great efforts to maintain measure and balance, come into contact every day.

Conducting reader conferences, literary evenings require a librarian to have a high speech, ethical culture, and oratory skills.

Individual work with readers presupposes the librarian's knowledge of psychology and pedagogy. This is a librarian-teacher, a librarian-psychologist who conducts bibliotherapy sessions. After all, it was not in vain that in his poem Lev Oshanin said: “Good healers of human souls.”

AT last years librarians have to conduct sociological, marketing research, in connection with this, such specialties as a librarian-marketer, a librarian-sociologist, a librarian-researcher have arisen.

Information technology" href="/text/category/informatcionnie_tehnologii/" rel="bookmark">information technology: owns a computer, all types of office equipment, video equipment and other equipment.

Professionally important qualities : high communication skills, tact, emotional endurance, good memory.

Personal qualities : The librarian must be able to express his thoughts simply and convincingly. But the most important quality for a librarian is love for the book, without which the professional activity of a specialist is impossible.

Education: Higher or secondary specialized library education.

Place of work : Basically, librarians work in state and municipal libraries, libraries of educational institutions and schools, media centers and libraries of individual enterprises.

Features of career growth : The profession of a librarian is not a career one. There is an opportunity to become the head of the media library, the coordinator of the educational project, the editor of the site or the organizer of the remote support of the educational process. You can reach the rank of head of any department or head of the entire library.

v Zimina, A. "Keeper of culture and kindness": (profession - librarian) / A. Zimina // Education of schoolchildren. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 40-45; 2007. - No. 1. - S. 31-39.

v Nikolaeva, T. Lord of the books: [for some reason, many profession librarian seems boring and gray, but in fact, working with literature is an interesting activity, and the introduction of computer technology in libraries allows you to expand the scope of this profession!] / T. Nikolaeva // Marusya. - 2010. - No. 2 . – S. 38-39.

v Quail, from wisdom: is it easy to be a generalist: [ librarian- collector, keeper and conductor of human thought] / V. Perepelitsa / / Library business. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 12-13. - (There is such a profession).

v Nishina, I. (Lalya). One day in the life of a schoolboy librarian I: essay / I. (Lyalya) Nishina // Neva. - 2011. - No. 9. - P. 148-157.

v Neshcheret, M. Professionalism as a way of life: [professional and personal qualities which must have bibliographer] / M. Nescheret // Independent library lawyer. - 2010. - No. 1. - S.

v Oleneva, : on the issue of status: [features of the profession bibliographer a] / // Bibliography. - 2002. - No. 6. - P. 3.

Library work -
Seemingly simple and quiet work.
Far from lush honor
Librarians live.
But their calm domain
Peaceful life is not promised.
The reader's inquisitive gaze
He conveyed his excitement to them.
For different tastes, different opinions
You need a special string.
Need for speed of movement
And the speed of the mind is needed.
You need a detailed conversation
That in a sign of consent - a nod.
Then you are a modest adviser to people,
And that is a serious teacher.
Hidden in books is the essence of knowledge.
Read - the pages come to life.
library vocation
Seemingly simple and quiet work.

Compiled by:

Is it easy to be a LIBRARY? : a reminder about the choice of profession / comp. ; issued , . – Kem, 2012.

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Information and bibliographic department

Is it easy to be a LIBRARY?

“The library is something like a magical study. The best souls of mankind are bewitched there, but they are waiting for our word in order to come out of their muteness. We must open the book, and then they will wake up.”

Jorge Luis Borges

The librarian is very important and the right profession. The word librarian comes from the word "bible", which means "book".

The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among the books.

We have a huge number of libraries in Russia. The most important Russian State Library is located in Moscow, which contains millions of books, ancient and modern. There is a Historical Library in the capital, which presents books related to history; in the Scientific and Technical Library, specialists can read books on science and technology.

But I would like to tell you about the work of a librarian in a children's library.

Have you ever visited a children's library? Tell us about this visit.

No matter how many books you have at home, the library has an immeasurably larger selection of books! Imagine that you have come to the library with your mother.

What is the job of a librarian?

The librarian lends books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, advises which book to read. After all, the book helps the young reader "to build a life." The librarian talks about children's writers, their new books, introduces the latest issues of children's magazines.

The librarian arranges colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of a writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings.

Perhaps the biggest holiday for children's books is Book Week, which takes place in the spring.

And the warm spring sun, and the covers of elegant children's books - everything pleases little readers, instilling in them a love for Her Majesty the Book.

book week

We came to the holiday

Book week.

How beautiful are the books

The artists are dressed!

smooth covers,

Bright pictures -

Cockerel in boots

Pink pigs.

The walls decorate

Asterisks, flags.

The poet reads to us

New verses.

About the cat

And about the sparrow.

Sparrow Gosh -

He is such a prankster!

kind and good

The Book Festival is out!

Correctly! The most important property of his soul is a disinterested and endless love for books! Magnificent memory - after all, the librarian must perfectly remember where this or that book is located. Sociability, knowledge of literary works, their authors. In addition, the librarian must have endurance, the ability to listen, tact and attentiveness to the reader.

Have you ever been to a library?

Name your favorite book. Who wrote it?

What is the job of a librarian?

What qualities should a librarian have?

Would you like to become a librarian?

Librarian- this is an employee who takes part in the acquisition of the library fund, the creation of catalogs, reference and information funds, the promotion of literature and reading, and, of course, serves library visitors. The latter includes assistance in choosing books and periodicals, and filling out required documents(in paper and/or in electronic format), and holding thematic events. This profession can be classified as "man-man" or "man-sign system". The profession is suitable for those who are interested in the Russian language and literature (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description: what is a librarian?

Once upon a time, libraries were the main source of information on any subject: people came to them for fiction books, for scientific materials, for the preparation of essays, term papers, theses, dissertations and much more. Now a significant part of such data can be found in electronic form, using the Internet. Therefore, the popularity of libraries has somewhat decreased, but this does not mean that vacancies for a librarian have ceased to exist.

Features of the profession

Different libraries attract visitors in different ways. For example, large institutions with an impressive fund of literature of various genres can provide readers with those publications that are not found in the public domain. Many libraries have begun distributing free Wi-Fi within their walls and have equipped comfortable and cozy reading rooms where people can not only read books, but also work on a laptop. Not to mention that most institutions now have electronic catalogs and even computers that visitors can use. At the same time, the average duties of a librarian can be described as follows:

  • Acquisition of the library fund and care for it. We are talking about the safety of books, audio and video materials, compliance with the rules for their storage, timely replacement of worn-out publications, etc.
  • Keeping records of the library fund, as well as file cabinets and other reference and information services.
  • Processing of new literature coming to the library (introduction into the electronic database and paper catalogs).
  • Making orders for the purchase of new books in accordance with the needs of the institution.
  • Servicing visitors and filling out their reader's subscriptions.
  • Maintain order in the reading room.
  • Conducting seminars, exhibitions, lectures, meetings with writers and other events, one way or another related to literature.

Almost all modern libraries, especially in large cities, use modern computer equipment in their work. In some cases, it is duplicated by the maintenance of paper catalogs and subscriptions, in other institutions a complete transition to electronic technologies has been made. Therefore, the modern version of what a librarian is is slightly different from the image associated with this profession 10-15 years ago. Today, such a specialist requires a good command of computer resources and quick learning to use new software.

Pros and cons of being a librarian


  1. The ability to read a lot of books, broaden your horizons.
  2. Work in a relaxed, pleasant environment.
  3. Opportunity to engage in scientific activities simultaneously with the main work.
  4. Communication with interesting people.


  1. modest wage.
  2. A fairly large proportion of monotonous work.
  3. Poor funding (especially in small towns) and, as a result, the scarcity of the fund, a small number of visitors.

Important Personal Qualities

A librarian should be a diligent, calm, balanced person, able to maintain concentration for a long time while performing the same type of monotonous actions. He must also have developed communication skills, analytical skills. This work is suitable for moderately active people who do not need to constantly be on the move for a comfortable feeling. Also, erudition and the general level of intellectual development are important for a librarian.

Where to study to be a librarian

There are several options for where to become a librarian. For example, if we are talking about secondary education, then you can pay attention to the specialty "Library Science" (code 51.02.03). For admission to the college, a certificate of completion of the 9th grade of the school is sufficient, applicants are selected by the average score. Education lasts from 2 to 5 years, depending on the year of admission and the form of education (full-time, part-time, evening).

In universities, librarians are suitable for the specialties “Library and Information Activities” (code 51.03.06) and “Document Science and Archival Science” (code 46.03.02). For admission, you must pass the exam in the Russian language, literature, history, social science or foreign language. Full-time education lasts 4 years, in all others - 5 years.

Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) offers curriculum intended for a wide range of students with higher or secondary specialized education. Educational course will allow you to master this profession in the shortest possible time, learning in a comfortable, remote mode.

On this course, you can get the profession of a librarian remotely in 5 months and 9,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— Certificate of conformity to the professional standard worth 10,000 rubles. as a gift!
— The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.


This institution offers librarian training in 5-month courses. They include 700 academic hours of classes and are intended for those who already have a secondary or higher professional education in a related branch (for example, philological, historical). Training is conducted in a remote format, due to which it is available in any locality, without interruption from other classes.

Best Universities for Librarians

  1. SPbGIK
  2. MIREA

Place of work

Librarians work in municipal libraries, in libraries of schools, colleges, universities, research institutes. They can also work in the Houses of Culture and various out-of-school children's institutions.

Librarian salary

The level of income of such specialists is most often not high. An exception may be advanced libraries in large cities that receive good funding and/or are very popular with readers and provide paid services. However, librarians are employees of state institutions, so their not the highest salary is compensated by the presence of a full social package.

Salary as of 08/06/2019

Russia 10000—40000 ₽

Moscow 18000—60000 ₽


An ordinary librarian can eventually take a leadership position, start completing the collection, and become the head of the library.

Professional knowledge

  1. Librarianship.
  2. Bibliography.
  3. Library funds.
  4. Library and information service.
  5. Document management.
  6. Management of library and information activities.
  7. Reference and search resources of the library.
  8. Marketing of library and information activities.
  9. Theory and history of literature.
  10. Domestic literature.
  11. Russian language and culture of speech.

Notable librarians

  1. Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke of Kyiv, who became the creator of the first library in Russia.
  2. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, creator of the first school libraries in the times of Ancient Russia.
  3. Johann-Daniel Schumacher, a German who created the first public library in Russia and was the first to receive the official status of "librarian".