Training courses for stacker of medical products. Medical product stacker training courses Medical product stacker

Job Description. Manual performance of individual operations for packing medical products into cassettes or other special containers supplied for filling with medicines. Container marking in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications. Provision of a workplace with packaging for laying. Transportation of filled containers to subsequent stages of the process. Manual storage and labeling of medical products.

Must know: technical requirements presented to the packing of medical products in a special container; stacking techniques; appointment of medical products arriving for stacking; types of special containers for laying.

§ 164. Stacker of medical products of the 2nd category

Job Description. Laying on semi-automatic or manual devices or medicines for medical purposes in compliance with the rules of asepsis or sterility. If necessary, rubbing or wrapping products in paper, cotton wool or other material.

Must know: rules and methods for completing and stacking medical products, working under aseptic and sterile conditions; rules for working on serviced equipment; technical requirements for laying medical products; accounting rules.

§ 165. Stacker of medical products of the 3rd category

Job Description. Laying of sealed medical products on machines of various designs with simultaneous production of packaging for packing and labeling of products. Maintenance of the machine in compliance with technical requirements.

Must know: device and principle of operation of the serviced equipment, rules and methods of its regulation; mode of operation of the used machines for stacking medical products.

The issue was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2009 N 286

Stacker of medical products

§ 163. Stacker of medical products of the 1st category

Job Description. Manual performance of individual operations for packing medical products into cassettes or other special containers supplied for filling with medicines. Container marking in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications. Provision of a workplace with packaging for laying. Transportation of filled containers to subsequent stages of the process. Manual storage and labeling of medical products.

Must know: technical requirements for packing medical products in special containers; styling techniques; appointment of medical products arriving for laying; types of special containers for laying.

§ 164. Stacker of medical products of the 2nd category

Job Description. Semi-automatic or manual laying of medical products or preparations in compliance with the rules of asepsis or sterility. If necessary, wiping or wrapping products in paper, cotton wool or other material.

Must know: rules and methods for completing and stacking medical products, working under aseptic and sterile conditions; rules of work on the serviced equipment; technical requirements for laying medical products; accounting rules.

§ 165. Stacker of medical products of the 3rd category

Job Description. Laying of sealed medical products on machines of various designs with simultaneous production of containers for packing and labeling of products. Maintenance of the machine in compliance with technical requirements.

Must know: device and principle of operation of the serviced equipment, rules and methods of its regulation; mode of operation of the machines used for stacking medical products.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Stacker of medical products» serve for billing of works and assignment of tariff categories in accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code Russian Federation. Based on the above job characteristics and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for a stacker of medical products is drawn up, as well as documents required for interviewing and testing when applying for a job. When compiling work (job) instructions, pay attention to general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see

In our company you can be trained in the profession of "Stacker of medical products". Our talented teachers will help you successfully pass the certification and obtain the necessary documents for work in this field. Also, teachers will answer all your questions and help you understand incomprehensible topics. Training can be done remotely, studying well-prepared materials written and compiled in accordance with all Federal regulations. You can learn the features of the profession "Stacker of medical products", without looking up from your work. The educational center Attek will do everything possible to make you satisfied not only with communication with our specialists, but also with the time spent studying the material on your own and in the training center.

Course program

As part of the training, you will learn

technical requirements for packing medical products in special containers; styling techniques; appointment of medical products arriving for laying; types of special containers for laying.

Document upon graduation

Students who successfully complete the training receive a Certificate.

Why is it so important to get trained?

The production of medical devices requires strict compliance with current legislation and safety regulations. The specialists of our training center are well aware of the responsibility that lies with the manufacturer. Therefore, we organize really effective training for employees of such enterprises. It allows you to ensure the safety of personnel in the production process, as well as create a high-quality product that will be in demand on the market.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the imposition of a fine is provided for:

According to paragraph 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the admission of an employee to the performance of his labor duties without undergoing appropriate training and knowledge testing entails a fine:

For officials in the amount of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles

For persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, in the amount of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles

For legal entities in the amount of 110,000 - 130,000 rubles


  • Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses

Attek provides discounts when ordering:

  • 2 listeners - 3%
  • 3 listeners - 5%
  • 5 or more listeners - 10%
  • When you re-apply, the discount will be - 15%
  • Stoletov Igor Sergeevich. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Has a second higher education medical focus. He trained at the enterprises of Germany and France, engaged in the production of medical equipment and products. The owner of three patents for inventions of medical products and the author of numerous scientific publications.
  • Kosintsev Sergey Egorovich. Specialist in the field of laser equipment. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Medical Academy, did an internship at medical device manufacturing enterprises in Poland and China. He is currently working on his Ph.D. thesis and is leading a project to develop a model of a modern glucometer at the Institute of Medical Technologies.

Our small business decided to expand the market, and then we discovered that this required going through a number of bureaucratic procedures. We decided that it would be more efficient to entrust this work to a specific employee, and in order to acquaint him with modern requirements, we sent him to the Attek center for training. Now we are already working in thirteen regions and plan to expand further.

Vasily Verotenkov

We recently recruited a student who presented a very interesting medical device project. We analyzed his proposal and decided to try to implement it. True, for this we had to turn to a training center to obtain the necessary knowledge for our employees. But now we have already carried out preliminary work and are preparing for a serial launch.

Kirill Varilov

Our company is engaged in the disposal of medical devices. The equipment in this industry is quite complex and expensive, but we have found a way to solve our problems faster, more efficiently and cheaper. When the technology was developed, we quickly expanded, trained new employees at the Attek center and became the market leader in our region.

Alexey Vasiliev

Our new client offered us a lucrative contract, which includes work on the registration of medical devices manufactured by him. For us, this is a fairly new area, but we could not refuse. Therefore, we turned to the training center in order for our employee to be quickly and efficiently trained in all the subtleties in this area. Now we have our own specialist in this area, and we have received three more major contracts.

Evgeny Petrovich

We have a large-scale production of medical consumables, which are produced on modern equipment. All new employees undergo special training on working with it. To do this, we involve specialists from the Attek center. They know the material well and give only really necessary knowledge. Behind last years We have not had a single accident at work.

Vasily Gennadievich

Azimut - Saint-Petersburg - About the company: Retail sale of mainly food products, including drinks, and tobacco in non-specialized stores Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores... Salary: 47,000 rub. Place of work: St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Russia Work schedule: Any Responsibilities: pack the products of our company work with invoices not a conveyor seat sedentary work in a warm warehouse Requirements: we consider all applicants without work experience we conduct training work is not difficult an excellent option for additional income also citizens of the CIS, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia the presence of a health book or the desire to issue Working conditions: work schedule is different full day 5/2,3/3 or 2/2 (time is negotiated, part-time work from 4 hours a day, wage high! 300 ru. per hour per day or 350 rubles. night... - Full-time - Full-time

Update, PFC - Novosibirsk - Production pharmaceutical company "Renewal" - the largest Russian manufacturer of drugs ( trademark RENEWAL) in connection with the opening of a new production site, is opening a vacancy for a stacker of medical products in a workshop for the production of liquid medicines. Responsibilities: inspection of ampoules; marking on ampoules; packaging of ampoules in secondary and transport containers; keeping records of packaging material and packaged ... products; product quality control Requirements: work experience in production is desirable attentiveness perseverance high efficiency good vision (lenses are possible) Conditions: on-the-job training (mentoring system works); piecework wages (official, on time); work schedule: 2 day shifts / 1 day off / 2 night shifts / 3 days off (from 8:00 to 20:00 day shift and from 20:00 to 8:00 night shift); official transport; place of work: st. Station... - Permanent Job - Full Time

Finished product stacker (marshmallow marshmallow)

St. Petersburg - Leningrad Region - Responsibilities: Stacker of goods (finished, weighed products) in boxes or vacuum packaging Manual assembly, not a conveyor Accounting for assembled boxes (working with documents) Fixed schedule 5/2,2/2 or individual Calculation on the card ( for a period of a month, payment every day) Salary is not piecework, hourly 280r / h Employment on the day of treatment (for visitors there is a hostel) Work experience is not required Possibility of part-time jobs, career growth ... - Permanent work - Full employment

Finished product stacker

Kotletar - Kostroma - Responsibilities: - Packaging of finished products, forming pallets. Conditions: - Sliding work schedule - Official employment - Delivery by official transport, corporate sports, discounts on products. - Comfortable working conditions: shower, locker room, place for eating/resting, providing overalls, passing a medical examination at the expense of the employer .... - Permanent work - Full employment

Stacker of medical products

Tatkhimfarmpreparaty - Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan - Responsibilities: packaging, dosage of semi-finished products and finished products or its individual components in containers according to a given volume, weight or quantity. packaging of products and products according to specifications. wrapping material marking. movement of containers, packaging material and packaged products inside the warehouse manually or using lifting and transport equipment. accounting of packaged products. maintenance of established documentation. Must know: the range of stacked ... products; the procedure for filling out packaging documents and accounting for packaged products and goods; packing rules, dosage of semi-finished products, finished products or its individual components on automatic line; arrangement of automatic packing line units and interaction of their parts; Conditions: registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; social package; work schedule: 3-shift, 5/2 subsidy for food 90 rubles. per day, the center of culture and recreation "Rodnichok" Currently, JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty" exists in ... - Permanent job - Full time

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0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Stacker of medical products of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete or basic general secondary education. Obtaining a profession directly in production. Training. Work experience as a stacker of medical products, 2nd category, at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- the principle of the structure of the equipment of the machine, which is used for marking and stacking;
- rules and methods of its regulation, the established mode of operation;
- types of defects in the manufacture of packaging, marking and packing;
- causes of marriage and ways to eliminate it;
- requirements for labor protection when working with mechanisms.

1.4. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category manages the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Concludes on machines of various designs sealed medical products with the simultaneous manufacture of containers for packing products and labeling.

2.2. Serves the machine in compliance with technical requirements.

2.3. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.4. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The Grade 3 Medical Product Stacker has the right to take action to prevent and correct any irregularities or nonconformities.

3.2. A stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of its official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. A stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the requirements of this job description obligations and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and the legal orders of the management.

4.5. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The stacker of medical products of the 3rd category is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.