Electronics engineer. Job description

These circuits, which will be used in all electronic systems of future missions, were able to work up to 4000 hours at a temperature of 500 degrees - which effectively demonstrated that they can exist in Venusian conditions for a long time. These tests were carried out in the GEER environment, which simulates conditions on the surface of Venus, including both extreme temperature and high pressure.

Back in April 2016, the GRC team tested a 12 semiconductor ring oscillator for 521 hours (21.7 days). During testing, they raised the temperature of the circuits to 460 degrees, the atmospheric pressure to 9.3 MPa and the level of CO 2 and other trace gases to supercritical levels. Throughout this process, the SiC-based oscillator showed good stability and continued to work.

Ended after 21 days due to scheduling, but could have gone on longer. Nevertheless, this result also presented a world record, far exceeding the achievements of any other missions. Similar tests have shown that a ring oscillator can survive thousands of hours at 500 degrees in terrestrial conditions.

Such electronics represent an important paradigm shift in space exploration and could enable missions that were previously impossible. NASA plans to include SiC-based electronics in the LLISSE probe. Its prototype is currently being developed to extract basic but highly valuable scientific measurements of the surface of Venus.

Other plans for a durable Venus explorer include AREE, a "steampunk rover" that relies on analog components rather than sophisticated electronic systems. While these concepts aim to rid us entirely of electronics and allow the Venus mission to continue indefinitely, new SiC-based electronics will allow more sophisticated rovers to operate in extreme conditions.

Even without Venus, these technologies could lead to a new class of probes capable of exploring the interiors of the gas giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - whose temperatures and pressures were too forbidding in the past. A probe with a tough hardened shell and SiC-based electronics could penetrate deep into the interior of these planets and pull out new data about their atmospheres and magnetic fields.

Mercury's surface would also become accessible to rovers and landers using the new technology, even during daytime when temperatures soar to 427 degrees. Even on Earth, there are many extreme places that could be explored with SiC circuits.

Maybe one day we will be able to explore even the interior of a star?

The area in which modern electronic engineers work is quite complex and responsible. The prospect of development of the electrical engineering direction of the country as a whole largely depends on it. However, there are different categories of such specialists. Some are engaged in the development of projects and technical solutions, others maintain the operational state of the equipment, others develop new approaches to solving problems of radio electronics, etc. In any case, an electronic engineer is engaged in a rather difficult job that requires constant updating of knowledge and skills. This partly determined the prestige of this profession, its demand in the labor market and the good level of salaries of such specialists.


A person who has a higher technical education can apply for the position of a category I specialist. Also, for appointment to this position, 3 years of work experience in the field of electronics category II is required. In turn, a category II electronic engineer must have 3 years of experience in an engineering position. And this is not counting the presence of a diploma of higher education. Requirements for applicants for a category III position are less stringent. Of course, in this case, it is also necessary to have an appropriate education, but work experience can be replaced by experience gained in practice during training. In the place of electronics without a category, persons who have a higher or secondary technical education can be appointed. In the first case, experience is not required, and in the second case, experience as a technician is required for at least 3 years.


For a more complete picture of what knowledge and skills an electronics engineer should have, the job description provides the following list:

  • Characteristics, purpose and features of the functioning of electrical equipment.
  • Technical and operational documents for the repair of electrical appliances and related equipment.
  • Programming languages ​​(formalized).
  • Systems of ciphers, numbers and codes.
  • Types of information carriers.
  • Advanced Russian and foreign experience in the maintenance and operation of electrical equipment.
  • Principles of drawing up applications for electrical equipment, spare parts, implementation of repair measures and the formation of other technical documentation.
  • Basic principles of programming and software.
  • Basic knowledge of economics, production and organization of labor activity.
  • Standards for labor protection, fire protection and safety regulations.

Main responsibilities

As already mentioned, the activities in this area are quite multifaceted, but, in accordance with the instructions, the duties of an electronic engineer may include the following:

  • Ensuring compliance with operational regulations, as well as uninterrupted
  • work of electronic technology.
  • Participation in the development of plans and activities aimed at optimizing the operation and increasing the efficiency of electrical equipment.
  • Preparation of the computer for operation, its technical inspection and troubleshooting.
  • Adjustment of nodes and components of radio electronic equipment, as well as its individual devices.
  • Organization of maintenance of electrical equipment, implementation of preventive repair operations.
  • Monitoring the implementation of repair activities, as well as testing electronic equipment.
  • Participation in the acceptance and development of new electrical equipment.
  • Analysis of the existing technical and electronic potential for the possibility of increasing its functionality and performance.
  • Development of regulatory materials for the operation of technical support.
  • Ensuring control and organization of storage of electrical equipment and consumables.

Rights electronics engineer

Taking into account the considerable responsibility that an electronic engineer assumes, the job description involves vesting him with the following rights in order to increase work efficiency:

  • Obtaining from the management and representatives of structural divisions and departments the data required to perform their immediate duties.
  • Involvement of employees from structural divisions to achieve the set goals. However, the effect of this right applies to cases where such a possibility is provided for in the structural unit. Otherwise, the permission of the authorities is required.
  • Submission of proposals relating to issues of their activities, for consideration by superiors.
  • Demanding assistance in the exercise of their rights and obligations.
  • Acquaintance with draft decisions that affect its activities.

A responsibility

Since the job of an electronic engineer may involve the maintenance and operation of expensive equipment, questions about his responsibility are particularly relevant. So, the specialist is responsible for the following:

  • Failure to perform or improper performance of his duties, which were enshrined in his job description, taking into account the framework defined by labor legislation.
  • Offenses that were committed in the course of their activities - within the limits provided for by law.
  • Causing material damage - within the limits determined by law.

Labor protection requirements

In accordance with the rules of labor protection, an electronic engineer must be careful about ensuring his own safety. These rules apply to several stages, including preparation before work, compliance with security measures in the process of performing official duties, after their performance and in emergency situations. A special place in the list of rules is occupied by preliminary training of specialists who must have a complete understanding of the risks and features of equipment operation.

These are the basic requirements for labor protection. An electronic engineer can only be admitted to work if he has necessary knowledge, as well as the security of the equipment itself, with which it must interact.

How much does an electronics engineer earn?

Even in the niche of technical specialties that is gaining popularity today, this profession is highly valued. However, here everything is relative. Thus, a metropolitan specialist who is familiar with the basics of programming, the design of microcontrollers and digital processors, can count on a salary of 45-50 thousand rubles. On the other hand, an electronic engineer whose salary does not exceed 20-25 thousand has fewer responsibilities, and his responsibility is not so high. As the monetary reward increases, so does the list of requirements. Competent specialists are required not only to maintain the equipment, its acceptance and installation, but also to develop technical documentation, and in some cases, user training.

Pros and cons of work

According to experienced electronics engineers, they do not have to complain about workload and problems in finding vacancies. Good experts in electrical equipment are always needed, and this is a definite plus. Accordingly, as noted above, an engineer who wants to develop in this direction will have no reason to complain about the level wages. The disadvantages faced by an electronics engineer include the need to constantly replenish their knowledge base, as the world of electrical engineering is constantly evolving. However, for those who love their profession, this aspect will be a plus.


Unfortunately, in Russia the specialty of electronics has been underestimated for a long time - at least among commercial companies. Today, this direction is going through a stage of formation, which is the reason for the high demand for good specialists and, as a result, the attractiveness of personnel in terms of earnings. At the same time, the electronic engineer himself must respond to requests, offering services that are adequate to the requirements of the management. And in terms of requirements, the boundaries are wide - it can be good motor skills on the instrumentation conveyor, and pedagogical training for teaching young engineers, as well as programming skills, knowledge of the intricacies of installing electrical networks, and much more. However, everyone can at an early stage identify a narrow niche within which to continue further development.

Twins Volodya and Yura were born on April 22, 1966. For the Soviet people, this was one of the most important dates on the calendar - Lenin's birthday. But they named Volodya not in his honor, as one might think, but in honor of his grandfather. But the brother, Yuri, was named after Gagarin - his father was the secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee and was friends with the first cosmonaut.
The brothers became famous on the very first day of their lives. When they were born, the father was at the plenum of the Central Committee. And right at the meeting they announced: "Yuri Vladimirovich Torsuev had two twin sons." The ward where their mother was lying was then simply filled with flowers ...


In early 1979, the Odessa Film Studio announced an all-Union wanted list. For the filming of the movie "The Adventures of Electronics" they were looking for two twin boys. They had to know literally everything. From playing the guitar to driving a moped. They searched everywhere: in Odessa itself, in Kyiv, in the republics and regions of the USSR. And finally, a find. The brothers Vladimir and Yuri Torsuev studied at Moscow School No. 23, who sang, danced, played the guitar, and rode a moped.
The second director of the film, Yulia Konstantinova, says: “Once it was cold at 40 degrees, except for the Torsuev brothers, no one came to the meeting. Their mother brought them. They read something, played the guitar, sang. And although we planned younger boys for the main roles , but they still approved the 12-year-old Torsuevs.


Initially, during the tests, Yura became an Electronics Engineer, and Volodya - Syroezhkin. Vladimir Torsuev recalls: “At a home council, Yura and I decided: I will play Syroezhkin, and he will play Electronics. Although in my heart I rather saw myself in the role of Electronics. We were very similar in character. But, being older than Yurka (on ten minutes), I decided to give him this role.
The guys were repainted and started filming, but something didn’t work out. And then the director changed their places - Volodya became an Electronics Engineer, and Yura became Syroezhkin. After that, the shooting went like clockwork. Before the cinema, we were generally hooligans, both of us. Do not feed the brother with bread, let him do something. Yura was even registered with the police.

The most difficult thing, according to Torsuev, was to remain serious after the “motor!” command: according to the script, the robot boy cannot smile. Sometimes the moments were so funny that the whole film crew was laughing, and I couldn’t laugh, - Torsuev sighs.


It was a holiday every day! It seems to me that the success of the film came from the fact that this is the first movie where children played on their own. They played themselves. The director did not press and allowed to argue with himself. I could tell him, for example: "How can you know how children talk at twelve? You are fifty! I know it better." And he agreed with me, a twelve-year-old boy. And one more thing - it is very important that adult actors, stars, communicated with us on an equal footing.
Filming continued for eight months. We lived alone, in a foreign city - the film was shot in Odessa - in a hotel, worked and received a salary. At first, we ourselves did not understand why we suddenly became so rich. But then they got used to it: they spent money on ice cream, lemonade, trips to the park and ... they went to school by taxi. Then this pleasure cost one ruble. They didn't buy anything significant. By the way, the school was attended in their free time, and there were reasons for this: it was Ukrainian and, moreover, English.
Yura and I didn’t think about fame, ”says Vladimir. - During the work, the picture changed seven directors and was considered ruined.


On May 2, 1980, the first episode of the TV movie was shown, and the Torsuevs instantly became famous.
- I remember, I went out of the house into the yard, and the first passer-by man told me: “Oh, I just saw you on TV!”, Vladimir laughs. - And it began. Yura and I were recognized everywhere. Fans with cameras were on duty in the bushes near the house. Parents had to change the phone number several times - they tortured me. It was impossible to enter the entrance - it was all painted. They wrote extremes: “Vova, we love you!” Or: “Vova and Yura are goats!” They threw rotten eggs at our door. We then lived at the "Start" - a cinema like that. And beyond Komsomolsky Prospekt, Usachyovka began. And it was believed there: if you catch Electronics and Syroezhkin, and even fill their physiognomy, then this is the height of coolness. A guy came up, showed a photo of a girl, asked: “Do you know this one? She left me because of you." And into a fight. We could stand up for ourselves, but a couple of times we got great ... I remember how we were photographed in Pionerskaya Pravda among mountains of letters. Yura and me weren't just recognized! It was impossible to enter the school: all the students from the first to the fourth grade immediately hung on us in clusters!
But, anyway, we did not have euphoria and "star" illness.
- Did this fame somehow backfire on you as an adult?
- I just started learning to get acquainted. After the film, the fans hung on us, there were just pitchforks. And this is exactly the age when young people learn the basics of charm, dating on the street - but anywhere. We didn't need this. Because we fought back all the time. The girls recognized us and got to know each other. I recently broke up with my wife, and it turned out that I didn’t know how to get to know each other at all. You have to study.
However, you have not been married once.
- Yes, officially I had three wives. And also civilians.
- Valeria Soluyan, for example?
- Kukushkina?!
- I read in some newspaper that after filming you had an affair with her,
and at the age of 17 she gave birth to your daughter Natasha.
- Awesome! (laughs). It will be necessary to call her, ask ... There was no novel. When we were filming in Odessa, all Muscovites lived in a boarding house, including Lera. So Lera seemed to us then quite harmful. She probably played the part too well. But Yura tried to look after Oksana Alekseeva, the girl who played Maya.
But it was all childish.
- Do you, besides your brother, see any of the guys?
- With Vasya Modest, who played Gusev, I saw each other about three years ago. He worked as a lifeguard on the beach in Odessa, was a head shorter than us. Vasily is the only one who graduated from a theater school. He starred in two films, then his acting career did not work out, and he became first a bodyguard, and then a lifeguard on the water. Oksana Alekseeva graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute. Not so long ago, she married an American and moved to the United States. Zhenya Livshits - Ryzhikov-Chizhikov - Yura met on the bus on the way to Germany. He is a musician.


And then the Torsuevs grew up, and fame passed.

Only here the Moscow traffic cops, considering my rights, were tormented: “The face is familiar ... Did it pass by orientation?” Torsuev laughs. - And checked more carefully than anyone else.


At the end of school, even before the army, the brothers entered the Polygraphic Institute, but did not study there for long. With a sentence "for immoral behavior", they were both expelled from the first year of the printing institute, although according to Vladimir Torsuev: "We were absolutely no different from other students. But we were constantly in sight." Having received a driver's license, the brothers got a job at a bakery - delivered hot buns to the shops. It was these, smelling of fresh baking, that they were raked into the army. Volodya Torsuev recalls: "We served together with Yurka in Solnechnogorsk, drove generals. And for each other, when we were "spirits", we stood like a mountain" ... Institute of Asia and Africa and begins to cram languages. However, the brothers do not get out of this. They get tired of chewing on the rock of science and never get higher education. The Torsuevs try themselves as businessmen: they sell products, open their own nightclub "Apropo", Vladimir even manages to work in a taxi, and, finally, with the departure of his brother and the collapse joint ventures he gets a job as an employee in one of the many Moscow firms.
Vladimir Torsuev got a job at the Three Te film studio with Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov. No, not an actor - he settled customs issues. But soon he and his brother were again invited to act in films.
In the drama of Nikolai Fomin "Russian Brothers" (1992), Yuri got a purely positive role - he played an riot policeman. Vladimir embodied the image of his twin brother, a fugitive criminal. The cast was wonderful: Pankratov-Cherny, Ruslanova, Gluzsky ... But the film turned out to be very mediocre.


Vladimir Torsuev recalls: “According to its plan, the film “Russian Brothers” was supposed to be a first-class action movie. There I played the role of a criminal who escaped from places of detention, while my brother plays an riot policeman, whom we meet during a fight. But when the film was edited, we just stunned.He looked so awkward.


Mikhalkov once asked about the progress of filming: "Well, how do you like it?" I say: "Such bullshit!" "Why are you filming?" asked Nikita Sergeevich. It is clear why - I was there for the shooting day I earned as much as Mikhalkov paid me a month.


Two years later, in 1994, another film was released with the participation of the Torsuevs - a detective-fiction tale "Venetian Mirror". In this mystical story, the brothers played a young composer and his double. Once again, the film was very weak...
Soon, Vladimir Torsuev left Mikhalkov’s studio, which he later regretted very much: “The devil pulled me to go into business. I would now sit next to Nikita Mikhalkov in the same studio and do my favorite movie. After all, I worked as an administrator in his studio for three wonderful years, - Vladimir recalls bitterly: “Working with Mikhalkov and shooting Electronics were the best years of my life.”




Then Vladimir got a job as an employee in one of the many Moscow firms. And Yuri disappeared for a while ... They said that he left for Germany, does not give news about himself ...
Vladimir Torsuev says: “This information was deliberately leaked to the press. We were doing business. Yura had problems, he had to leave. Now he is already in Moscow, everything is in order, but his brother still does not give interviews and tries not to shine. He works as a boss sales department of one of the dealers of the Gorky Automobile Plant.


Vladimir himself worked for eight years at the United Metallurgical Company in the customs and transport group. Having learned that a department is being created in Norilsk Nickel customs clearance, made every effort to get into the company. He currently works for Norilsk Nickel. It is almost impossible to find out in a respectable official beloved by all Electronics


"Where are the curls?" - laughs Vladimir Torsuev. - My brother and I are first of all asked this question. We lost our curls - you can’t get away from heredity. Both of our grandfathers are bald. Maybe they also burned their hair on set. After all, every week we were painted in blondes in the fashion of those years.
The film "Adventures of Electronics" evokes good memories in all Russians:
- If people recognize Electronics in me, - says Torsuev, - they immediately brighten up, it's easier to make contact. It also helps at work.

Yuri Torsuev is married. In 2002, his son Nikita was born. As Vladimir says: "I am a copy! He does not distinguish between us, he calls both of us dad."


Vladimir Torsuev was married three times.
- For the first time I got married right after graduation, for the company with my brother Yura, - says Vladimir. - Divorced right after the honeymoon and remarried after the army. The second marriage was also not very successful. So for several years I was in "free flight". In 2003, he married for the fourth time. His chosen one was 26-year-old Irina. Volodya and Irina met eight years ago. Then Irochka was only 17 years old! While the girl was growing up, Vladimir managed to get married and disperse. But, according to his confession, he never stopped thinking about his St. Petersburg lover. One fine day, Torsuev was happy to learn that she did not doubt for a moment that someday their paths would cross with Vladimir. Before marriage, Irina lived in St. Petersburg - she graduated from the North-West Academy of Public Administration. She moved to Siberia without hesitation.
- I need you here, - Vladimir Torsuev simply told his wife. And she came...
In Krasnoyarsk, Irina is working on an unusual project.
According to her husband, there was nothing like it in the city. Details not yet announced


For the first months, the Torsuevs lived in the most expensive hotel in the city, Oktyabrskaya, then they rented an apartment on one of the central streets. You can’t call a chic one-room apartment, but there is enough space for Vladimir, Irina, and their favorite dachshund. The Torsuevs are not in a hurry to buy their own housing; In his free time, Vladimir walks with his wife and dog, plays bowling, reads or rides a motorcycle.


In Krasnoyarsk, it is fashionable - even the governor Alexander Khloponin has fun like that. By the way, the motorcycle was sent to Electronics by the same brother Yuri, who once played the mischievous Syroezhkin. Wife Irina is also not averse to trying her hand at racing, and Vladimir has already promised her to buy a motorcycle - which you can’t do for your beloved wife!


In Siberia, Torsuev experienced a new round of fame. After several stories on TV news about the fact that Elektronik had moved to Krasnoyarsk, Vladimir began to be recognized on the streets. People greeted, asked for autographs, and the most daring were surprised to ask the balding ex-star: “Where are your curls?” Colleagues in the regional administration were also struck by Torsuev - they said that the “capital thing” had energy, like his movie hero. When Vladimir took three positions at once, a rumor spread around Krasnoyarsk that the restless "Moscow guest" was seen in two places at once. This gave rise to gossip: “It’s not otherwise that the twin brother Yura comes and helps!”


TV is currently preparing a show
"Heroes of the movie "Adventures of Electronics". Twenty years later".


1. "The Adventures of Electronics" (1979)
2. "Dunno from our yard" (1986-1987)
3. "Russian brothers" (1991)
4. "Venetian mirror" (1994)

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The main task of an electronics engineer is the development, installation, commissioning and start-up of equipment. He must also ensure the continued uninterrupted operation of the equipment, ensure that it is used correctly. Any technical means need to be maintained, tested, upgraded to improve efficiency and troubleshoot.

All this should be done by a professional in this field. The employee has the right to improve his level of qualification from the third to the first category. There is a good opportunity career development, in a large organization, an employee can make a career as a chief engineer.

Occupation classification

In addition to the fact that there is a division for this work, they also differ in areas of activity, namely: systematic, schematic and design specialties. The former suggest that the employee must be able to think broadly, take a systematic approach to solving various problems in the field of radio electronics.

Typically, workers in this area design the entire equipment system, taking into account the specified parameters, but without being interested in the structure of its individual elements. But circuit engineers, on the contrary, design subsystems, taking into account the structure of all elements of the circuit. In other words, their mission is to solve local problems without taking into account integrated work. But the duties of an electronics engineer in the direction of the designer include optimizing ready-made devices, creating copies of them in a smaller format, as well as solving a technical approach to cooling equipment. In addition, they develop unit housings and heat dissipation systems.

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

According to experts, the main advantage of the profession is that it is in demand, and its relevance will not disappear as long as the world uses technical means for everyday use. In addition, the work of an electronics engineer is well paid and allows a person to constantly develop, moving along career ladder. Probably, the only disadvantage of such a profession is that the employee needs to constantly monitor the development modern technologies, and every year there are more and more new methods and devices.

Salary, training and job

Basically, you can get a job as an electronics engineer in specialized research institutes, service centers, research and production organizations and repair shops. You can learn this profession in college, but to get a good job you will first have to get three years of experience.

But only the presence of higher education will allow you to get the position of an engineer. Wages are generally high, especially in big cities. In addition, the salary depends on the category of the employee, the scale of the organization where he is employed, the professionalism of the employee and what official duties electronic engineer performs. The difference between the salary of a novice specialist and an experienced professional is about four times.

Personal qualities

Employers pay more attention to applicants with an analytical mindset, spatial imagination and a broad outlook. In this work, initiative people are valued, who strive to constantly develop their professional skills and level of knowledge, who are interested in advanced technologies, both in their country and abroad.

Also, the employee is required to be able to painstakingly, accurately and carefully perform tasks, to have patience, purposefulness. Responsible and organized applicants are most valued. In addition, it is very important to be able to work with a specialized software.

General provisions

To obtain the position of an electronics engineer, you need specialized education and experience, depending on the category of employee. Thus, for the first category, it is necessary to obtain a higher technical education and work in the corresponding position of an engineer of the second stage for at least three years. For the second, the same education is important as for the higher one, and work as an engineer of the third category or in similar positions for at least three years.

For the third category, the same degree of education, but as for the length of service, it will be enough that the applicant passed during the training period. Or a person with an average vocational education, but the minimum allowable length of service must be at least five years.


The instruction of an electronics engineer suggests that when applying for a job, he must have certain knowledge. The employee must study all the guidance, regulatory and methodological materials relating to the repair and operation of electronic equipment. In addition, he must know all its technical and operational characteristics, design features, what this technique is intended for and in what modes it works. Also, his knowledge should include technical rules usage, how automatic data processing is carried out, types of storage media and programming languages.

His knowledge should include number systems, codes, ciphers, commands, programs, and more. What methods are used to develop schedules, plans, and in what order should reports on their implementation be drawn up. An electronics engineer must know how repair services are carried out, in what order applications for equipment are drawn up, obtaining spare parts and other documentation. Always be aware of the best practices of your state and abroad in matters relating to its work. In addition, he must know the basics of the economy, industrial and labor organization, as well as the norms and rules of labor protection.


The main function of an employee, according to the job description of an electronic engineer, is to ensure the correct technical operation and uninterrupted operation of equipment. He must take part in the development of plans and schedules regarding the operation, maintenance and repair of devices, as well as carry out work aimed at improving the efficiency of devices. This employee prepares electronic computers for use, performs technical inspections.

His responsibilities include monitoring the parameters and reliability of devices, conducting inspections and testing in order to notice malfunctions in a timely manner and eliminate them. The employee must be engaged in the adjustment of equipment and its individual elements, the organization Maintenance, ensuring operability, rationalization of operation, as well as carrying out planned and current repair work. In addition, he must ensure that all repair work is carried out in a timely manner.


The electronics engineer should also oversee testing, maintenance, and repairs by lower-level personnel. Job responsibilities of the employee include participation in checks of the condition of equipment, carrying out preventive examinations, acceptance overhauls devices, as well as the development of new equipment, just put into operation.

It checks the technique for the possibility of creating computer systems and its combination in order to increase the efficiency of work. He is engaged in the development of regulatory materials, keeps records of the use of equipment and analyzes the obtained indicators. The employee must deal with the preparation of applications, control the timely replacement of parts and organize the storage of equipment.


The employee has the right to receive any information and documents that relate to his activities. If necessary, he has the right to cooperate with employees of other divisions of the company or third-party specialists to resolve operational issues within his competence. In addition, he has the right to represent the interests of his company in other institutions. He has the right to the assistance of the management, providing him with a workplace and all the necessary tools.

A responsibility

The employee is responsible for failure to perform his work properly, providing management with false information about the tasks performed, for failure to comply with orders or orders from superiors. He may be called to account if he found a violation of company rules and did not take measures to eliminate them. He is responsible for violating labor discipline or committing violations of the current legislation of the country. He is also financially responsible if his actions caused damage to the organization.


The work of an electronics engineer is very interesting and provides an opportunity to constantly develop in this area. But it is not suitable for everyone, because it requires perseverance, attentiveness and painstaking work. Naturally, the duties of an employee may vary depending on the category he received, the scale of the company where he is employed, and the direction of its activities. The same applies to the remuneration of employees. Before choosing this profession, you need to seriously evaluate it and figure out whether it is interesting for a person to do this all his life.

Getting a job, you need to seriously study the job description, coordinate it with your superiors, and clarify all points before starting work. If an employee proves himself to be a true professional in his field, you can expect not only an increase in salary, but also a good career growth in the company. The main advantage of such a profession is that it is relevant in our time and there will be no problems with employment even in a small town. There is also a wide range of organizations where such a specialist can be hired.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
  • Physics - at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university

Electronics and its varieties (quantum, optical, industrial, etc.) is a very popular specialty today and will have great prospects in the future. Without it, it is impossible to work cars, household appliances and even outdoor advertising. Specialty 11.03.04 "Electronics and Nanoelectronics" allows you to study the principles of operation of electronic devices and systems used in all spheres of life. The list of subjects under study includes systems for collecting and processing data, systems for power electronics and control of various technological processes. Also, ways to create quantum amplifiers, LED emitters, lasers and other things are being studied. You can apply your knowledge in many branches of science, up to medicine.

Admission conditions

In order to enter a higher educational institution, an applicant should find out which subjects to take. A graduate of the school must pass:

  • math,
  • physics,
  • Russian language.

Examinations may also be held at the discretion of the university. foreign languages, chemistry or computer science.

Field of activity of the graduate

Education in this specialty includes a detailed study of the methods and means of human activity aimed at all types of research, as well as modeling (mathematical or computer). The bachelor will learn to understand the methods of design, design and production technologies. The student will be able to fully exploit electronic devices, their components and the materials from which they are made. In the process of learning, the student will master the skills of using vacuum, plasma, optical and other nanotechnology for various functional purposes.

Where to study

Some of the universities in Moscow that provide training in this specialty are listed below:

To date, in Russian Federation there are about 70 educational institutions where you can study the disciplines of the specialty "Electronics and Nanoelectronics".

Training period

The terms depend on the student's form of study. For a full-time period it is 4 years, and for a part-time, evening or mixed form, the time for obtaining education will be 5 years.

What disciplines will be studied

Education in the specialty requires the student to take the course of the following subjects:

  • Information Technology,
  • descriptive geometry and engineering graphics,
  • materials and elements of electronic equipment,
  • economics and organization of production,
  • metrology, standardization and technical measurements,
  • microelectronics,
  • magnetic elements of electronic devices,
  • circuitry,
  • the basics of designing an electronic component base and others.

What will be taught at the university

Students in the process of obtaining education will acquire a large amount of knowledge and skills. A university graduate will be able to:

The knowledge and skills that will be acquired by a student at a university will allow him to become a specialist in his field and successfully realize himself in any field of activity.

Where to work after graduation

Upon graduation, the graduate will be able to devote himself to science or choose any profession in his specialty. He will be able to engage in various research in the field of electronics and nanoelectronics. There is the possibility of cooperation with scientific and research centers, participation in development and production. It is organized, in particular, at factories that produce various electronic devices.

Any technical profession today in Russia is in short supply, so the employment of graduates will be successful. New factories of major world representatives are constantly opening, and also gaining popularity own production. At the beginning of a career, an electronics engineer will be able to earn, on average, up to 20 thousand rubles. For several years of work, the salary can be increased by 2-3 times. Specialists are in demand not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

Why You Should Apply for a Master's Degree

There are several reasons why you should continue your studies in a master's program, these include:

increased demand among employers - the level of knowledge gained in the master's program is highly valued at modern market labor;
a large number of budget places;
the possibility of internships abroad, student exchange programs;
There are preparatory programs for applicants.

The master's program provides ample opportunities and will allow the student to increase the amount of his knowledge and skills at times. This, in turn, will provide an opportunity to successfully realize oneself in science or build a successful career. In the future, the student gets the opportunity to enroll in graduate school.