Hydroponics business plan: how much to invest reviews. Hydroponics business plan: an effective and low-cost business Greenhouses hydroponics business plan 0 5 ha

Anyone who claims that the business of growing agricultural products in a greenhouse and selling them is unprofitable is mistaken. There are many areas in this type of activity that provide a good income.

In our time, when supermarket shelves are littered with genetically modified products with a large number of various flavor enhancers and dyes, the production of fresh and healthy herbs, vegetables and fruits becomes very profitable.

This is especially true of seasonings that a person uses daily in his diet.

These are well-known and necessary onions, dill, parsley, celery, lettuce. Growing greenery is a profitable business, but, like any other business, you need to be able to properly organize it. There is no need to think about the sales market here: it is the market itself, shops, canteens, restaurants, any food outlets that use greens for cooking. It will be especially in demand in winter. Therefore, for the most part, the business is greenhouse. What does an entrepreneur need to know to start a profitable business? First of all - information about the product that he intends to produce. In our case, it is green.

Growing products for sale

  • dill;

What is remarkable about this annual plant of the umbrella family? First of all, its unpretentiousness. It is easy to grow as open field, as well as in the greenhouse. Fragrant stalks and seeds of dill not only add spice to any dish, but are also a remedy for some inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. And the presence of a large number of vitamins and useful trace elements has made this product indispensable for any national cuisine. Fresh dill is especially in demand in winter.

  • bow-feather;

This is the most profitable crop. She gives three crops a year. Even from a small plot of 5-20 acres of land on growing onions, you can get a good income, and, in comparison with other types of fresh herbs, the largest. But when selling a bow, there is one feature that needs to be taken into account: in different regions, preferences regarding appearance and the quality of this product is different. For example, in the south, they are more willing to buy a thin but dense feather, so that the bundle does not bend under its own weight. That is, the onion should be quite short, have a rich green color, a slight wax coating, which indicates that the plant was grown without using excessive amounts of chemicals. These requirements are met by such a variety as the Volcano. It can be successfully grown in the winter in a greenhouse.

  • parsley;

The most popular varieties of this green are leafy. They contain as much carotene as carrots, and vitamin C in parsley is no less than in lemon. This herb also has healing properties. It normalizes the work of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, helps to restore vision, strengthens the gums, helps with diseases of the digestive system, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. When growing this type of fresh herbs, it should be noted that the germination rate of parsley seeds of any variety is only 70%. Therefore, the seeding rate should be increased. The same must be done when growing parsley in the winter in a greenhouse.

  • celery;

Nowadays, there are more and more people who adhere to proper nutrition. For them, celery is simply indispensable, which is why he gained fame as a "glamorous" plant. Why is he so attractive? Because it is a storehouse of vitamins of groups A, B, C, P, K. Its roots contain up to 14% protein. But the main thing is not in the presence of vitamins and amino acids, but in their amazing balance, which makes celery a strong anti-aging, cleansing and restorative agent. This type of green is extremely useful for those suffering from cardiological diseases, as it can effectively strengthen the heart muscle.

  • salad;

This cold-resistant and unpretentious plant is especially beneficial for growing in a greenhouse in winter. It is not demanding on lighting, so it allows you to save a lot on electricity. The benefits of leaf and head lettuce varieties are enormous. The presence of a large amount of vitamin E in it makes it an indispensable dish for those who want to maintain their beauty and youth for a long time. A lettuce growing business plan is one of the most profitable among other areas of farming.

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Greenery business: what is its specificity?

Those who have a plan to start growing greenery in a greenhouse and selling it should take into account one indisputable fact: this is profitable if production is located in the southern regions of the country. It has been calculated that it is more profitable to pay for the transportation of products to the northern territories than to work there, incurring huge expenses for electricity, gas, and heating. Where there is little sun and heat, growing greens, vegetables and fruits is very expensive and therefore unprofitable.

Recently, all agrotechnical enterprises are trying to transfer their business to the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The land is cheaper there, it is warm and the daylight hours are much longer. The good news is that the government of the Krasnodar Territory subsidizes those who decide to start their agricultural business on the lands of this region by 50%. And if the entrepreneur is supported by the authorities, it makes his life much easier.

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Features of running a greenhouse business

First of all, in order to grow plants in a greenhouse, they need to provide enough heat and light. In northern latitudes, this is quite expensive. Therefore, entrepreneurs act as follows: they install wood-burning stoves on their plantations and purchase solar panels to provide electricity to the economy. However, they are not cheap. You can also design solar photocells yourself, but for this you need to have skills in working with such material.

The business plan for growing greenery in a greenhouse is relevant and cost-effective. These products do not require as much light and heat as, for example, flowers and vegetables. She is more unpretentious, and she does not need constant care. It is estimated that it is 5 times more profitable to grow it than vegetables. The greenhouse business has another feature: it is seasonal. During the ripening of vegetables and herbs among local residents, it freezes. But in winter he has no competitors. Usually such a "green" greenhouse serves nearby settlements.

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Hydroponics: pros and cons

The cheapest technology for growing greens is hydroponics. The plan to create such an agricultural industry is quite feasible. If the system is computerized, then this will free the farmer from many troubles. The growth rate of plants in hydroponics is several times faster than in natural conditions, that is, soil. With the help of water circulation, it receives all the substances it needs, and it remains only to provide the optimum temperature and a sufficient amount of light.

Hydroponics is good for everyone, but there is something that completely crosses out all its undeniable advantages: the taste of the grown product. Or rather, its absence. Therefore, the plan for the implementation of such greenery for the first time will be successfully implemented, but there are serious doubts about further sales. The consumer in our time is literate enough to remember the name of the manufacturer, whose products did not suit him. And who likes a tasteless onion or dill without its inherent aroma? Therefore, you should think carefully before betting on a hydroponics business.

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Greenhouse for growing greens: glass or polyethylene?

Farmers' disputes about which material is more profitable and more convenient to use in the construction of a greenhouse do not subside, despite the fact that only two options are being considered: glass and polyethylene. When compiling a business plan for growing greens in a greenhouse, this issue cannot be ignored. Consider the pros and cons of each of these methods of arranging a greenhouse. Glass is best not to arrange in areas where there is a lot of hot sun. The fact is that this material does not scatter the sun's rays, like polyethylene, but concentrates, so plants can get burned. But glass has an advantage: it perfectly transmits light. However, its disadvantage is that it does not retain heat well, and the cost of heating the greenhouse will be significant.

As for polyethylene, there is no need to worry about sunburn on plants: it is impossible with it. The bad news is that in areas where the daylight hours are short and the weather is mostly overcast, the polyethylene traps the sun even more, so lighting costs will increase here. Of course, when starting a business, a farmer first of all considers these two ways of arranging a greenhouse, since they are the most inexpensive and affordable. However, in addition to glass and polyethylene, there is also polycarbonate, double-glazed windows (which have recently become much cheaper due to ever-increasing competition), and, finally, acrylic. Therefore, when drawing up your business plan, these options should also be considered.

The use of fresh vegetables and herbs in any season of the year in different parts of the country has ceased to be a luxury. These products are not in short supply and have an affordable price even for people with an average material income. Consumer demand explains the interest of farmers in greenhouse complexes and methods of growing crops. Modern technologies have simplified this work and made it possible to collect excellent crops without losing a single piece of territory. A novice agrarian may be interested in a hydroponic greenhouse business plan, from which you can start a successful business.

This example allows you to determine the investment at the initial stage, the costs during the operation of the complex and the profitability of the business.

Special system

A hydroponic greenhouse is a system that fully provides the plant with water and nutrients.

  • The period of maturation of the culture is reduced.
  • Economical water consumption.
  • The quality of the soil does not affect the yield.
  • There is no problem of dirt on the crop.

To start the greenhouse you need special equipment and containers. Containers are selected taking into account the culture that will grow in the greenhouse. A special substrate (crushed stone, gravel, grass) is placed in them and liquid is poured, which is replenished as needed through hoses.

The hydroponic greenhouse complex will operate all year round. Cultures can change. During the cold season, heating and lighting fixtures are required. Devices will compensate for climatic and light differences.

Hydroponics allows you to start a business in any soil. There is no need to search for fertile land, which is often derelict and requires effort to cultivate when choosing a traditional greenhouse farm. It is possible to bring down the price for a plot with depleted soil when renting or buying.

Object characteristic

Kind of activity: Agriculture, growing crops in a greenhouse in commercial purposes.

OKVED: 01.13 Growing vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles; 01.19 Growing cut flowers in buds.

Legal form: LLC

Taxation: USN

Location of the facility: Hydroponic greenhouses will be located in the village, which is no more than 70 km away from the regional center. This will reduce transportation costs for the purchase of consumables for the greenhouse and for the sale of goods. The land plot is not of particular value to the administration, because the soil is unsuitable for cultivating an agricultural crop. At the initial stage, the site will be leased with the possibility of redemption as soon as the first profit is received. There are buildings on the territory that can be used as a storage room for seeds, fertilizers, inventory. One building can be converted into a cold warehouse for storing and packaging products before shipping to customers. The territory needs to be surrounded by a fence, to bring communications (water, light), to equip access roads.


Daily from 8.00 to 18.00


  • Growing herbs in a range of hydroponics.
  • Growing vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • Growing cut flowers in bouquets.
  • Growing strawberries.
  • Sale of products in small and large wholesale.
  • Retail sales of products.

Investment stage of the project

To start activities, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a hydroponics greenhouse with calculations, draw up documents for the legalization of the economy, and equip the selected territory. Any greenhouse business depends on the climatic conditions of the region in which it is located. The same parameter determines the amount of investment and profitability. Our project is focused on the middle zone, where the warm season gives way to prolonged cold and lack of sun. To ensure productivity, insulation, heating, lighting, and ventilation will be required to prevent condensation. All costs are reflected in the table:

Item of expenses Amount, rub.
Collection of documents, registration of LLC 30 thousand
Rent land plot for a year presumably 20 thousand (more precisely, according to the results of the auction)
Purchase of industrial greenhouses 150 thousand
Installation of the foundation and assembly of the structure 70 thousand
Industrial hydroponic system (sowing area 60 sq.m.) 1 million 200 thousand
Fertilizers, mineral complexes, substrate 50 thousand
Pots, seeds 10 thousand
Installation of communications (water supply, electricity, ventilation) 50 thousand
Packing, label, container for product transportation. 10 thousand
Arrangement of a warehouse with racks for storing products before shipment. 100 thousand
Total 1 million 700 thousand

The total investment amount may differ from that stated in the table depending on the area of ​​greenhouses, their number and the choice of hydroponic system. Hydroponics is the most expensive expense item. Its cost varies from 50 thousand to several million rubles, depending on the modification. If the greenhouse industry is focused on mass production, then there is no need to save on equipment, which determines the rate of ripening and the amount of crop.


The hydroponics greenhouse is supposed to function all year round. The demand for greens, vegetables, flowers and other plant crops has no seasonality due to the improvement in the living conditions of modern people. The term of installation of the greenhouse is determined by climatic conditions. A frame can be installed on frozen ground if the foundation is laid in advance and communications are carried out. Therefore, we plan to start work for the warm season - spring or autumn, in order to sow the desired crop in a timely manner. In our case, we start planning the timing from early spring, choosing a suitable site in advance and arranging a lease.

Procedure / Month 01–02 03 04 05 06
Preparation of a business plan, search for a territory for a greenhouse complex +
Registration of LLC +
Applying for a loan or grant +
Drawing up a lease agreement. Obtaining funds for the implementation of the project. +
Application for a greenhouse and hydroponic system. +
Installation of greenhouses and equipment. +
Making communications. Setting up equipment and communications. +
Recruitment +
Finding Clients + + + + +
Arrangement of the adjacent territory. +
Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, substrate. The first sowing of culture. +
Harvest of the first harvest (greens). Seeding the next crop. +
Shipment of the first batch of goods. +

The advantage of a hydroponic greenhouse over the classical method is the speed of crop maturation, regardless of the type of crop. If you alternate greens, vegetables, flowers, seedlings, taking into account the ripening conditions and order, you can make a profit from a particular crop every month.

Personnel appointments

Hydroponics works in automatic mode, but requires human control:

  • Mineral solutions must be loaded into the system in a certain proportion, taking into account the characteristics of the culture.
  • Seeds cannot get into the cells on their own either.
  • The climate in the greenhouse must be controlled.
  • Collection of products cannot be carried out without the participation of employees.

The business needs specialists:

Job title Quantity Salary, rub Total, rub.
Director 1 25 thousand 25 thousand
Technologist (specialist in the technique of growing crops in hydroponics) 1 15 thousand 15 thousand
Plant breeder (monitors the growth and condition of plants) 3 10 thousand 30 thousand
Hardware Wizard 1 15 thousand 15 thousand
Handyman 2 10 thousand 20 thousand
Total 10 105 thousand
Deductions 30 thousand
Monthly expenses 135 thousand

The owners of the business will be in charge of administrative work and sales of products. As the economy develops, it is possible to supplement the staff with a sales manager and a supplier. You can invite people to the harvest season, paying for their services at an hourly rate.

When recruiting employees, special attention should be paid to specialists with specialized education in the agricultural or biological direction, so that a person understands the principle of growing a particular crop.

Performance planning

To assess the profitability of a hydroponic greenhouse business, it is necessary to make calculations of the profitability of the farm in the first year of operation. Various crops will be grown that coexist well in the same area. Greens and salads ripen quickly.

The first batch of the crop can be sold a month after planting. Industrial hydroponics for 6 tiers can serve up to 4 thousand pots at the same time. Suppose that in a greenhouse of 100 sq. m. (useful area of ​​the racks) will simultaneously be sown with onions, dill, several types of lettuce, parsley, cucumbers and flower seedlings for the season of street planting in flower beds.

The first income will come from greens and salads, the share of which is 2,000 pots. The cost of each type is different and can be set per piece or per kilogram. For calculation, we take the average price of 70 rubles per item. The proceeds will be 140 thousand rubles.

By the gardening season, flower seedlings grow (petunias, marigolds, asters and others), which are sold out very quickly. Prices for each type are different - from 30 to 150 rubles per root. Let's assume that the income will be about 250 thousand rubles.

Then the crop of cucumbers will ripen, which can provide an income of up to 700 thousand rubles a year or more. You can read more about the yield and profit in the field of growing cucumbers on our portal in the thematic business plan.

For a year, a hydroponic greenhouse allows you to grow some crops in several stages:

  • Greens up to 10 batches - revenue of about 1 million 400 thousand rubles.
  • Cucumbers in 3 stages - revenue from 700 thousand rubles.
  • Flowers for seedlings 1 season - from 250 thousand rubles.
  • Cut flowers in bouquets - up to 500 thousand rubles.

Total - 3 million 50 thousand rubles.

During the year, the enterprise will have expenses for salaries of employees, payment of utility bills, purchase of seeds, fertilizers, preventive work, taxes and much more. To determine the net profit and profitability of a hydroponic greenhouse, we will enter all the parameters in the table:

At the stage of opening the greenhouse, funds were invested in the amount of 1 million 700 thousand rubles. If the greenhouse makes a profit of 50 thousand rubles a month, then the economy will become self-sufficient in 3 years. To speed up the process, you need to consider the range of products. In the early years, you can focus on crops that do not require long growing periods and large investments in maintenance.


Hydroponic greenhouses have many advantages, which attracts the attention of farmers. Confused only by the cost of hydroponics. For industrial crop production, it is impossible to save on equipment. This is the basis of the methodology. There are nuances in the intricacies of using a hydroponic system, in which even specialists do not always manage to navigate. At the initial stage, it is better to choose a combined greenhouse option, using classical and modern methods at the same time and evaluating the pros and cons.

Nowadays, a lot of people want to earn and increase their income. An excellent solution in the field of earnings is hydroponics.

What is hydroponics

This is know-how in the field of crop production - an industry in which the cultivation of plants is carried out without soil. The plant receives all the nutrients not from the soil, but from an aqueous solution specially created for this purpose. To get started, you need some experience in growing plants. Have you ever grown seedlings, you know how to do it - then the start is given, it is important to acquire only certain knowledge in business and you are a novice businessman.

Large plots of land are not necessary for you, experience in crop production and knowledge of how and what to grow is much more important.

Business plan development

First of all, you need to decide on the following questions:

- the type of plant that you will grow and sell;
- markets for your products;
- growing conditions;
- the number of plants grown;
- competitor analysis.

Farming and Hydroponics: Features and Differences

If we take agriculture, then where can we get a large number of properties to grow, say, several dozen tomato bushes? With hydroponics, everything is simple - in the presence of a small area, we achieve maximum yield.

Benefits of hydroponics

Due to the fact that a businessman has a lot of time before the start of the season, he will be able to sell the harvest before the start of the sowing season;
- the grown crop is stored for a long time, besides it is natural, the cultures do not contain chemicals;
- minimal costs - water and fertilizers go to a minimum;
- adequate nutrition of the roots;
- plants are not susceptible to diseases;
- lettuce and strawberries can be brought to the level of productivity you need in the shortest possible time;
- fruiting in some plants is higher when grown using hydroponics technology;
- the absence of weeds or their minimum presence.

Artificial lighting system

A high level of uniformity of light hitting the plant is achieved;
- increase in productivity due to the increase in lighting;
- reduction of the vegetation period;
- the equipment pays off quickly.

Choice of cultivation technology

If you have the knowledge, the appropriate equipment, and the desire to earn money, you can grow plants using the hydroponics technology that is convenient for you:

1. Rack growing method:

- with this method of cultivation, the greenhouse is used in the most efficient way;
- microclimatic conditions are at the optimum level;
- minimal labor costs;
- high performance.

2. Watering mode "high-low tide":

- in this mode, uniform nutrition of crops is observed;
- manual labor is not used;
- automation of labor and control of irrigation;
- multiple use of nutrient solution;
- applicable to all cultures.

Search for a sales market for products

To get started, study the market, ask competitors about the prices of seedlings and products, you can open your own store and sell vegetables, or you can arrange direct deliveries of vegetable crops to restaurants and places. Catering. The main thing is that you sell the harvest on time, and the buyer knows how much and when he buys from you. Calculate everything, because you don’t need to work at a loss either.

Choosing a crop for growing hydroponically

We choose a culture according to our strength, evaluate ourselves and our experience in growing adequately, because lack of awareness is the collapse of your business idea.

You will not be able to control the entire process of plant development, hydroponics is your assistant in strengthening the roots of the plant, and you need to create conditions for the maturation and development of the plant:

- temperature regime;
- lighting level;
- the duration of the light in the room and its brightness;
- consideration of plant genetics.

You can’t do business from scratch, the area in which you will realize your plans will contribute to the success of your business:

- climatic conditions, it is possible that greenhouses will have to be insulated;
- provision of water supply;
- provision of equipment, in particular, you may need a hydroponic installation.

Our company produces turnkey hydroponic systems, just send us a request and we will offer a set of optimal equipment for doing business with modern technology growing plants - hydroponics.

To create a hydroponic enterprise, you need to open a small business, whose activities are based on intensive crop production. And the successful development of the project is impossible without a carefully drawn up business plan.

All the important nuances that need to be mentioned in this document will be discussed in our article.

Market and competition analysis

One of the most important components of the plan is the assessment of the market for the sale of products, depending on the characteristics of the general state of the industry. Only then can you start talking about the needs of the market that the company can satisfy.

This section should include the following information:

  • market sales statistics;
  • classification of users and distributors;
  • assessment of the annual consumption of products.

You can download a sample business plan here for free.

The results of the market analysis should answer a number of questions that every novice entrepreneur inevitably faces:

  • what is the size of the market;
  • what stage is inherent in it at the present time (there are 3 main stages: growing, static or declining);
  • what share the company will be able to take;
  • what can contribute to an increase in market share over time;
  • whether there are circumstances that may interfere with the intention to enter the market or expand its activities on it;
  • who is the main competitor of the company, what are its main advantages.

You can see the organization of this activity in the following video:

Production plan

Hydroponics is growing plants through the use of a soilless system, while the food is carried out using a special aqueous solution.

The hydroponic system can be "passive" or "active". The first option involves the delivery of the nutrient solution to the roots only due to capillary force without the use of mechanical action.

Otherwise, such a system is called "wick". And any "active" system is based on the fact that the nutrient fluid is moved by special pumps.

Many of them have a parallel aeration system and oxygenate the nutrient solution.

A hydroponic system is usually based on one of the following principles:

  • Technology based on nutrient layer, is the best known and most commonly used. The pump pumps the solution into the container where the cultures are located. The nutrient solution is evenly distributed over the bottom of the container in which the roots of the plants are located, and then flows into the same reservoir from which it comes again. This method does not involve the use of a substrate. To anchor the plants, you need a pot with slits so that the roots grow freely. In this case, the roots are enriched with oxygen due to moist air located above the surface of the nutrient layer. With this technology, you can significantly save on the replacement of substrates after the harvest has been harvested. The biggest drawback of the system is the fact that during a power outage, the pump turns off, resulting in drying of the roots and death of the plants.
  • At periodic flooding the substrate and the root system are periodically flooded, then drained. This vicious circle is controlled by pumps controlled by a timer.
  • floating platform can be called the simplest system. Plants simply need to be fixed on a platform that floats on top of the nutrient solution. The root system is constantly in it, you only need to carry out its regular aeration or recirculation (mixing). This method is recommended for those who plan to grow small plants that consume large amounts of liquid (for example, lettuce).
  • Drip irrigation is the most common hydroponic technology, which is based on a pump that transfers a nutrient solution through lines and tubes directly to the substrate.
  • Using aeroponic system nutrient suspension is sprayed onto the root system. The use of this method allows you to provide the roots with a maximum influx of oxygen.
  • At the core wick system the principle of capillary forces lies, that is, the solution is supplied to the roots with the help of wicks, and as a result, the plant receives the whole complex of necessary nutrients.

Plants such as anthurium, ficus, shefler, philodendron, hibiscus, etc. can be grown through hydroponics. In addition, you can grow cucumbers, eggplants, strawberries, peppers and greens.

To start such a business, you should stock up on the necessary number of special hydropots. Each includes a decorative and inner vessel. Plastic is used to make the inner vessel.

The bottom and walls should be equipped with special holes that provide the root with oxygen and minerals.

The space of the inner container must be filled with the substrate in which the plant will be planted in the future.

The substrate is expanded clay, the granule size of which is from 2 to 16 mm.

It is chemically neutral and has a porous structure, which makes it possible to achieve good water and air permeability. The inner vessel must also be provided with a liquid level indicator.

The pot is placed in an outer vessel that contains a liquid nutrient solution. The outdoor container must meet the characteristics of waterproof, stable, comfortable and beautiful.

The most common is the plastic version, but you can also find ceramic, wood and metal.

The liquid level indicator is a plastic tube inside which is a scale showing the level of the nutrient solution in the outer vessel.

Financial plan

The document must contain information about the funds needed to start.

So let's get started:

  • a finished greenhouse, in which plants can be grown all year round, will cost about 30 thousand rubles;
  • seeds - 5 thousand rubles;
  • garden tools and fertilizers - 4 thousand rubles;
  • heating system - 12 thousand rubles;
  • 50 meters of polypropylene pipes - 12 thousand rubles;
  • fuel - 10 thousand rubles;
  • drilling a well necessary for irrigation - 2 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electrical energy - 15 thousand rubles;
  • pay wages assistant - 120-180 thousand rubles. in year;
  • rent - 100 thousand rubles.

organizational plan

Even the ordinary cultivation of greenery for sale requires an official registration procedure. The most suitable option is to acquire the status individual entrepreneur. The optimal system of taxation is the ESHN. The unified agricultural tax involves the payment of 6% of net income.

If you plan to hire staff, then you should register with the pension fund and the FSS.


The prosperity of this business can be ensured by selling your own products at the best prices.

Sales channels include:

  • Wholesale vegetable bases. The main advantage is fast implementation. However, the purchase price is distinguished by a low level, therefore, one cannot count on getting a high profit.
  • Wholesale warehouses offering pickup. The purchase price is slightly higher than at the wholesale base.
  • Dot practicing retail . This is exactly the place where you can get the maximum income.
  • Processing company: restaurant, cafe, cannery or other business.

Risk Analysis

The specific and main problems are:

  • death of plants as a result of a power outage;
  • pest infestation, as well as the development of various diseases and fungi as a result of landless content;
  • the complete evaporation of the substrate or its too strong concentration has a detrimental effect on plants.

Careful control of activities allows you to avoid the above troubles and quickly reach a decent and stable level of income.

Source: http://ZnayDelo.ru/biznes/biznes-plan/gidroponika.html

Indoor hydroponics business (March 2018) - how to open from scratch, examples and a ready-made plan with calculations for beginners

The hydroponics business is becoming more and more popular - growing crops in special liquid substrates containing all the necessary nutrients.

  • Where to start a business?
  • 1. What to grow
  • 2. Where to sell products
  • 3. Where and how to grow
  • 4. Production management
  • What documents are needed
  • Do you need permission

How much can you earn in hydroponics?

Hydroponic cultivation differs from traditional methods in that it does not require large material and labor costs in the process, but at the same time it has a high profit. What is the cost of saving?

  • there is no need for cultivation, fertilization, watering the land;
  • there are no costs for pest and weed control, plants get sick less;
  • plants grow faster and bear fruit better, because all nutrients are supplied in full to the root system;
  • there is no factor of influence of weather conditions;
  • the use of small areas is expected;
  • crop rotation is not required;
  • water consumption for irrigation is several times lower than when grown in open ground.

Hydroponic Installation Diagram

Hydroponics has its own specific risks. First, the hydroponic business requires a large initial capital investment. Secondly, the dependence on the power supply is great: when the light is turned off, the supply of the nutrient medium stops. This threatens to kill the plants.

Thirdly, the technical side is of great importance: it is extremely important to keep the equipment in working condition. Highly skilled workers are required to work in such enterprises. Fourthly, it is necessary to have an uninterrupted supply of water.

Hydroponic cultivation as a business will be successful if all the details of production are thought through and logistics issues are resolved.

How much can you earn? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. We can draw conclusions, knowing that at low cost, the yield in hydroponic production is many times higher than when cultivating in traditional ways.

Where to start a business?

Organizing a business requires planning. The business plan should include the following aspects.

1. What to grow

The priority is the question of choosing a crop for cultivation. It:

  • ordinary vegetables - most often tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers;
  • greens: parsley, dill, cilantro, lettuce, onion;
  • berries (usually strawberries), except for large bushes;
  • flowers;
  • seedling;
  • medicinal herbs.

Hydroponic installations are successfully used for grain germination, solving the issue of providing animals with green fodder in winter. Like a business in any industry, hydroponics must take into account the needs of the market in a given region. The future harvest also largely depends on the variety chosen.

The principle of growing strawberries hydroponically in a greenhouse.

2. Where to sell products

You can sell products to shops, wholesale depots and markets. But then it will have to be sold at a low price, which is not beneficial for the farmer. It is better to open your point of sale. It is not bad to establish links with the processing plant, restaurants, cafes. In any case, it is necessary to solve the problem in such a way as to do without intermediaries.

3. Where and how to grow

Knowing which culture to take as a basis, you need to choose a room. You can use any, but unsuitable will require extra costs associated with lighting. The best option is a greenhouse.

Therefore, in order to maintain the required temperature in the cold season, it is necessary to insulate the building or provide heating inside.

It has been verified that heating costs will be reduced by a third with high-quality thermal insulation.

4. Production management

It is necessary to combine theory and practice. Solving problems that arise during the production process, monitoring the operation of all systems, establishing and maintaining relationships with business partners are the tasks of the manager. Success in business depends on how competent his actions are.

5. Financial analysis of production

It is necessary to take into account the estimated and actual expenses and incomes, which will help to make proper planning for the future.

What hydroponics equipment to choose?

Hydroponic technology is based on irrigation. It is they who determine what equipment will need to be ordered. There are passive systems, where the process goes on independently, and active ones, when the substrate is supplied using a pump.

Aeroponics scheme

  • Wick - the easiest passive way of growing. The supply of nutrient medium is carried out through the wicks independently. There is no outside interference, so the system is cheap and simple. Substrate container and wicks required.
  • The most common is drip irrigation. With the help of a pump, the nutrient liquid is supplied to the roots in drops. Mostly vegetables are grown in this way.
  • Flow hydroponics is more often used for growing greens. In the channels where the roots are located, a life-giving solution circulates.
  • Drip-flow or combined. The device is complex, but progressive. Carries out the cultivation of delicate crops, berries for example. With this system, plants can be arranged in tiers.
  • Aeroponics. She has a great future. There are no soil and liquid medium. Plant roots hang freely in an opaque empty container, into which a liquid substrate is periodically supplied in the form of aerosols or fog. In addition to the pump, you need a sprayer and a timer.

Successful cultivation of plants requires solving three problems: lighting, watering, temperature control. The correct selection of lamps, sufficiently powerful and reliable, is necessary.

To heat greenhouses, you can purchase a fan heater, a convector or a stove for heating with wood (a fan is needed to evenly distribute warm air).

If long and frequent power outages are real, then an autonomous generator will have to be provided.

How much money do you need to start a business

In order to organize own business in hydroponics, a decent investment is required. Even if you decide to create a small farm with retail outlet with it, you will need from 10-25 thousand dollars.

The main expenses of the hydroponic business:

  • construction of a greenhouse or rental of the corresponding premises;
  • hydroponic installation;
  • seeds and substrate;
  • shields, containers;
  • lighting;
  • systems for water treatment and space heating;
  • backup electric heaters;
  • refrigeration units;
  • fuel storage tanks;
  • power generators.

In addition to the listed costs, you need to pay for business registration, conduct advertising campaign, as well as to solve all administrative issues that also require certain financial costs.

What OKVED for business should be indicated in the registration documents

If you decide to engage in intensive agriculture using hydroponic technologies, then for the project in question it is best to apply the OKVED code 01.13.

What documents are needed

The list of required documentation that each organizer of this business must prepare includes the standard papers of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as permits from the SES, fire inspection and (in some cases) local authorities.

In addition, you need to conclude agreements with all counterparties, obtain laboratory test reports confirming the quality of the grown products and sign labor contracts with staff.

The last document must contain a clause on non-disclosure of information related to hydroponics.

Which taxation system to choose

At the initial stage of organizing a business, it is best to pay a single agricultural tax or work on the simplified tax system (your contributions to the budget will not exceed 6% of gross income). If in a year or two you reach a level where the volume of grown products will allow you to conclude contracts with supermarkets and large wholesalers, then it is more rational to pay taxes on a common basis.

Do you need permission

No matter what crops you plan to grow, your hydroponic business does not require expensive licenses or permits.

Source: http://VIPidei.com/proizvodstvo/vyrashhivanie/biznes-na-gidroponike/

hydroponics business plan

The root system is constantly in it, you only need to carry out its regular aeration or recirculation (mixing). This method is recommended for those who plan to grow small plants that consume large amounts of liquid (for example, lettuce).

  • Drip irrigation is the most common hydroponic technology, which is based on a pump that transfers a nutrient solution through lines and tubes directly to the substrate.
  • When using an aeroponic system, a nutrient suspension is sprayed onto the root system.

Otherwise, such a system is called "wick". And any "active" system is based on the fact that the nutrient fluid is moved by special pumps. Many of them have a parallel aeration system and oxygenate the nutrient solution.

  • The technique based on the nutrient layer is the best known and most commonly used. The pump pumps the solution into the container where the cultures are located. The nutrient solution is evenly distributed along the bottom of the container in which the roots of the plants are located, and then flows into the same reservoir from which it comes again. This method does not involve the use of a substrate.

Hydroponic greenhouse business plan

  • Plants are in a nutrient water solution, which means that they do not need fertilizer and are not able to die from drought even under extreme agricultural conditions;
  • There is no need to use chemicals - in the absence of soil, the risk of diseases and pests is reduced to zero;
  • Some plants produce better and faster when used hydroponically;
  • Grown in this way, vegetables and herbs are stored longer and are less damaged during transportation;
  • Since hydroponics can be set at any height, some crops can be raised to the desired height beforehand for easy harvesting and no risk of rot;
  • This business is not seasonal - the hydroponic system allows you to harvest all year round, and there is always a demand for vegetables and herbs.
  • So, the hydroponic business has obvious advantages.

hydroponic business

When starting a business in hydroponics, you must remember that everything depends on the correct assessment of your abilities, skills and knowledge of this area. If you decide to open a hydroponics horticulture business, it is important to know the following aspects 1.

It must be remembered that hydroponics also requires a lot of work. Hydroponics will not total control over plants. In order for the business to develop actively, good theoretical and practical skills are required, experience in the field of crop production is desirable.

Before starting your hydroponics business, it is recommended to study the features of the system.
2. It is necessary to determine exactly what result you want to get from production. It is important to know exactly why you want to go into hydroponic production.

Hydroponics is just a growing technology, and in business it is important to profitably sell your product in the future.

How to make money with hydroponics

As a result, hydroponic greenhouses have many advantages, which attracts the attention of farmers. Confused only by the cost of hydroponics. For industrial crop production, it is impossible to save on equipment.

This is the basis of the methodology. There are nuances in the intricacies of using a hydroponic system, in which even specialists do not always manage to navigate. At the initial stage, it is better to choose a combined greenhouse option, using classical and modern methods at the same time and evaluating the pros and cons.

Indoor hydroponics business


Planning a hydroponics business The planning sequence is a cyclical process that must follow certain basic rules.

In a business plan for creating a hydroponic enterprise, there should be several main points: - product sales market - type of plants grown - growing environment - production management - financial analyzes work, taking into account the acquired skills and knowledge, repeat this process of developing production until the best plants, the best environment and growing system are selected.

Key Benefits of a Hydroponic Growing Business 1. Yields are usually much higher than growing in soil.

Forum of farmers and summer residents

Devices will compensate for climatic and light differences. Hydroponics allows you to start a business in any soil. There is no need to search for fertile land, which is often derelict and requires effort to cultivate when choosing a traditional greenhouse farm.

It is possible to bring down the price for a plot with depleted soil when renting or buying. Characteristics of the object Type of activity: Agriculture, growing crops in a greenhouse for commercial purposes. OKVED: 01.13 Growing vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles; 01.

19 Growing cut flowers in buds. Regulatory legal form: LLC Taxation: STS Location of the object: Hydroponic greenhouses will be located in the village, which is no more than 70 km away from the regional center.

In order to start a hydroponic business, you need to open a small business in the field of intensive crop production. In order for a business to develop rapidly, it is necessary to draw up a business plan correctly.

The basis of hydroponics is that the plant is grown in a soilless system, fed through a special aqueous solution. For many, hydroponics is a hobby, a passion. If you grow not many plants right at home, then you can use little equipment.

But crops grown in hydroponics are in great demand on the market, so it is very profitable to move from a hobby scale to a small, later large, business. The difference between hydroponics as a hobby and hydroponics as a business is the scale of production, the business is to get not only a good product, but also a profit.

Various crops will be grown that coexist well in the same area. Greens and salads ripen quickly. The first batch of the crop can be sold a month after planting.

Industrial hydroponics for 6 tiers can serve up to 4 thousand pots at the same time. Suppose that in a greenhouse of 100 sq. m. (useful area of ​​the racks) will simultaneously be sown with onions, dill, several types of lettuce, parsley, cucumbers and flower seedlings for the season of street planting in flower beds.

The first income will come from greens and salads, the share of which is 2,000 pots. The cost of each type is different and can be set per piece or per kilogram.

For calculation, we take the average price of 70 rubles per item. The proceeds will be 140 thousand rubles. By the gardening season, flower seedlings grow (petunias, marigolds, asters and others), which are sold out very quickly.

The road to a new life. Yekaterinburg - hot key

  1. Purchase of a hydroponic system and other equipment - from 5 thousand rubles;
  2. Filtration and testing of water quality - 5-7 thousand rubles;
  3. Purchase of consumables 15 thousand;
  4. Business registration - 800 rubles;
  5. If necessary - rent or purchase of a site for the installation of greenhouses, plus the cost of the greenhouse itself - up to 50 thousand. rub (rent + greenhouse);
  6. Staff salaries - 20-30 thousand;
  7. The cost of electricity and water supply - 15 thousand rubles.

According to statistics, the profitability of a hydroponics business can reach 40%, and the initial costs pay off in up to six months.

It is worth hiring people who are knowledgeable in agribusiness. Hydroponics can become family business. Sales market One of the main factors determining the success of the agricultural business is the availability of points of consumption.

Before you grow vegetables in hydroponics, you should start looking for distribution channels. This will determine the amount of production required. What are the options for this area of ​​activity:

  • Markets and vegetable bases. You can sell greens and vegetables on your own, or you can rent them out at purchase prices. The second option is faster and more convenient, but less profitable;
  • Warehouses of wholesalers. This point of sale brings a little more profit than selling vegetables to dealers in a vegetable base. In addition, wholesalers will carry out self-delivery, respectively, the entrepreneur will not have to purchase transport;
  • Cafes and restaurants.

Crop grower (monitors the growth and condition of plants) 3 10 thousand 30 thousand Equipment foreman 1 15 thousand 15 thousand Handyman 2 10 thousand 20 thousand Total 10 - 105 thousand Deductions - - 30 thousand Monthly expenses - - 135 thousand

The owners of the business will be in charge of administrative work and sales of products. As the economy develops, it is possible to supplement the staff with a sales manager and a supplier. You can invite people to the harvest season, paying for their services at an hourly rate.

When recruiting employees, special attention should be paid to specialists with specialized education in the agricultural or biological direction, so that a person understands the principle of growing a particular crop.

Performance planning In order to evaluate the profitability of a hydroponic greenhouse business, it is necessary to make calculations of the profitability of the farm in the first year of operation.

Source: http://zppress.ru/biznes-na-gidroponike-biznes-plan/

Hydroponic growing business plan

The hydroponic enterprise belongs to the category promising business in the field of crop production, which is very important in our country. Hydroponic cultivation of watermelon and other crops can be carried out year-round.

Benefits of the type of activity

In the hydroponics system, the classic soil is replaced with a special substrate. Compared to the traditional and well-known to all gardeners, growing plants in the soil, the technology based on hydroponics has a number of undeniable advantages, which are obvious to all growers:

  • the plant is provided with all the substances and vitamins necessary for growth and full development;
  • the culture grows stronger and healthier, and the flowering intensity indicators increase several times;
  • soilless environment is characterized by the absence of pests, does not support the development of diseases such as rot and fungal infections;
  • there is no need to use chemicals for preventive and protective measures;
  • the root system of plants does not experience a lack of oxygen, and is also not able to experience a negative impact from an overdose or lack of fertilizers;
  • with a minimum cultivation area, it is possible to obtain maximum yield all year round, even at home.

A properly developed and competent business plan allows you to optimize production and get a decent profit when growing vegetable or berry products for the purpose of further sale. When developing a plan, it is very important to consider the main points that are presented:

  • a place for growing plants;
  • botanical and varietal characteristics of the cultivated crop;
  • features of the sale of finished vegetable or berry products;
  • analysis of the flow of funding and expenditure.

Hydroponics: growing seedlings (video)

Liquid fertilizer costs

Hydroponic growing technology involves the use of liquid fertilizer. Qualitatively and properly prepared nutrient solution allows you to fully provide the grown plant with the elements necessary for full growth and development.

Any type of nutrient solution for hydroponically grown plants must contain all the nutrients necessary for growth and development.

Name Purpose Compound Mode of application
Etisso Hydro Vital Liquid type of complex fertilizer, enriched with trace elements and buffer components, which allows you to equalize pH values nitrogen 5.2%, phosphorus 5.0%, potassium 4.2%, trace elements and vitamins 10 ml of fertilizer per 10 liters of water
Spezialdunger Hydroculture Suitable for growing any plants in hydroponic systems Nitrogen 4.5%, phosphorus 4.5%, potassium 6%, trace elements 30 ml per 20 liters of water
Flora Duo Bloom Mineral type of two-component concentrated fertilizer with the presence of bioactive additives and stimulants N, P, K, SO, MgO, Fe, Zn, B, Mn and Mo 25 ml per 10 liters of water
Flora Duo Grow-HW The presence of bioactive additives and stimulants allows you to adjust the pH and is suitable for use in hard water N, K2O, CaO, MgO, Fe, Cu, Zn, B, Mn and Mo According to the manufacturer's instructions

Quite often, when growing plants in hydroponics, Kemira-Hydro fertilizer is used.. When choosing a fertilizer for a nutrient solution, consider molar mass nutrient elements. It is imperative to control the indicators of nutrients in order not to exceed the concentration of micro- and macroelements introduced into the substrate.

The equipment involved in hydroponic growing can vary.

You can use ready-made schemes and make a system with your own hands, or you can use an industrial high-performance installation, which most often becomes the choice of greenhouse owners.

Before choosing equipment, it is necessary to evaluate the different options, as well as consider both the advantages and disadvantages:

  • when growing low-growing plants, the most acceptable choice is to use a recirculating NFT system or flooded-drained gravel channels, periodicals;
  • crops that are too tall or too demanding to care for should preferably be grown on non-recirculating systems based on the use of the substrate.

As a rule, it is necessary to prepare the area for accommodation in advance, in accordance with the business plan and the developed schemes.

An important role is given to the preparation of a quality substrate, which can be represented by: perlite, vermiculite, expanded clay, mineral wool, coconut fiber, chemically neutral fibers in the form of nylon, polypropylene, nylon or foam rubber.

Self-manufacturing of the system is based on the use of the following necessary components:

  • pump or pump and compressor;
  • trays or pallets;
  • planting pots;
  • lamps for lighting in the winter.

To install a hydroponic system, it is advisable to use a special metal cabinet or make racks. When purchasing a ready-made system, you must carefully study the attached instructions.

The main structure and system of production cultivation includes a heating and cooling system, special shields, a water treatment system in the form of a collector and storage.

It may also be necessary to purchase backup systems, represented by electric generators for the continuous operation of the recirculation system.

The drip irrigation system delivers a nutrient solution under the base of the plants at a predetermined interval. Such systems are optimally suited for growing cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.

Flow-through hydroponics systems are characterized by the movement of a nutrient solution through the channels with the root system of plants located. Such a system has proven itself in the cultivation of lettuce, basil, parsley, fennel, dill and other green crops.

Drip-flow irrigation in hydroponics is most often used in the cultivation of strawberries and garden strawberries.

Also read: Azarina: varieties and features of cultivation

Expected profit

How much to invest Money and how much profit can be expected are the main questions for growers who begin to master hydroponic growing technology.

To calculate the profit, it should be remembered that most crops grown in such conditions have the maximum yield that can be obtained from each square meter, regardless of the number of plants planted.

As practice shows, there are no significant differences in planting density between hydroponics and classic soil. With an increase in planting density, crop loss and a decrease in overall yield can be observed.

DIY hydroponics (video)

It is also important to remember that cultivating early maturing varieties requires consideration of the turnaround time.

Therefore, with year-round cultivation in hydroponics, it is necessary to pre-calculate the profit for the entire year based on average yields.

It should not be forgotten that an important aspect of crop production is product quality, labor costs and packaging costs for further sale.

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