Vocational guidance for schoolchildren assistance in choosing a profession. Features of teenage career guidance

The correct choice of profession by schoolchildren is the first and most significant step on the way career development. However, how to choose suitable profession a student who has not yet had time to get acquainted with all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular field of activity, and did not have time to answer the question, will he be able to realize his abilities in this particular direction?

Family business

Each family answers the question about the need to receive higher education in different ways, at the same time, in our country, for the most part, it is believed that only lazy people do not go to a higher educational institution. Therefore, often the professional orientation of older students is that the parents of the child analyze which university they can send the child to study (so that, first of all, there are enough financial resources for this), but they do not take into account the interests of the child. Will he be able to cope with the workload at the Faculty of Medicine, will he have the patience to complete his studies at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics - parents leave all these questions aside when there is a “real opportunity” to get an education in a particular specialty.

In addition, of course, only out of the best of intentions, the parents of the student are primarily considering highly paid specialties.

It should be borne in mind that not always a diploma alone allows a graduate to become a successful manager, insurance agent, or dentist. If schools produce too many graduates in a particular specialty, the level of their training decreases as well as their chances in the labor market.

Imagine that your child has already completed vocational training, you will be able to contribute to his employment? If not, look for more popular and less popular specialties.

Events for career guidance of schoolchildren

How to make the choice of a profession for schoolchildren their choice? The student can only be interested. It is worth inviting him to visit the university open days, which are held annually. Here he not only learns about the features of the specialty he is going to study, but also gets to know his teachers. If the child, in his opinion, knows what profession he wants to master, and his parents doubt his choice, you can invite him to attend preparatory courses that many faculties conduct for high school students. While studying at such courses, the student will be able to check how correctly he chose the specialty, whether it corresponds to his abilities.

Despite the fact that the career guidance program is offered, including for younger students (which is provided curriculum), real career guidance does not begin there, where the teacher talks about various professions, and where the student can see the labor process with his own eyes and get acquainted with the results (and possibly benefits) of a particular work.

Career Guidance Consultant

If the student and his family cannot finally decide on the choice of a career path, there is an opportunity to turn to vocational guidance specialists who, by conducting various tests and interviewing the student, will determine in which area he can best realize himself. However, such a definition of the type of future professional activity does not guarantee that the future specialist will be in demand and successful. Alas, finally, the correctness of the choice of profession can only be confirmed by the own experience of today's student.

AT modern world requirements for psychophysiological individual characteristics people are steadily growing, and the goals and nature of work, thanks to market relations, present people with the need for ever higher professionalism in their chosen profession, readiness for continuous professional development and personal development. In such a situation, school vocational guidance becomes more relevant than ever and should provide quality training for schoolchildren of all ages.

is a set of actions to identify in schoolchildren inclinations and talents for certain types of professional activities, as well as a system of actions aimed at developing readiness for work and helping in choosing a career path. It is implemented directly during the educational process, as well as in extracurricular and extracurricular work with students and their parents.

Preparing students for an independent, conscious choice of a profession should be an obligatory part of the harmonious development of each individual and be inseparably considered in conjunction with the physical, emotional, intellectual, labor, aesthetic education of the student, i.e. be integrated into the entire educational process, and therefore career guidance in schools is one of the most important components in the development of both an individual person and society as a whole.

Goals of school career guidance

Tasks of school vocational guidance work

  • Doing information work with students: familiarization with professiograms, information about current and future needs in the labor market, conditions and work and possible wages, further development within the chosen profession
  • Obtaining, studying and using information about the possibilities, inclinations, interests of schoolchildren in order to help them in their independent choice of profession.
  • Development and implementation of a large number various options specialized education: programs, lessons, forms, methods, excursions, etc.
  • Support for schoolchildren at risk who may have problems with employment: lagging behind in learning, from correctional classes.
  • Together with institutions of higher or secondary vocational education ensure the preparation and smooth transition of students to the next level of education.

The main components of vocational guidance for schoolchildren

Since professional orientation as a whole is a large, complex system that includes many aspects and directions, five main components can be distinguished: economic, medical and physiological, pedagogical, psychological and social.

Economic component- consists in studying the structure of labor resources of the labor market from a demographic point of view, working conditions, the unsuitability of the resulting workers, ways to increase motivation to work. It is also a process of assistance and gentle guidance towards the choice of a particular specialty, taking into account both the interests of the child and the planned needs of the market.

Medico-physiological component- assistance in choosing a profession, taking into account the individual physical capabilities or medical contraindications of the student. Acquaintance of students with the requirements of various professions.

Pedagogical component- consists in educating schoolchildren of socially significant reasons and motives for choosing a profession.

Psychological component- reliable study, identification of the psychological aspects of professional suitability, personality structure and the formation of a certain professional orientation.

Social component- consists in the study of various information related to professions or the labor market as a whole: popularity, prestige, profitability, public opinion, the degree of satisfaction with the chosen profession. Also, in the social component of career guidance, work is underway to form value orientations among schoolchildren for a conscious choice of a future profession.

Career guidance at school is undoubtedly a necessary component along with basic education, and thanks to the constant work on building an integral system, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students, children get the opportunity to independently decide on a profession, engage in research projects for the purpose of development and deeper acquaintance with the professions with the help of teachers and parents.

To be most effective, career guidance must be an ongoing process that begins as early as kindergarten, smoothly goes to school and continuously accompanies the student all the way to the graduation class, gently helping and guiding him. Thus, the starting point of the difficult path to choosing a profession is the older groups of the kindergarten, where in a playful way the child gets an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork, the diversity of the world of professions, respect for other people's work and the desire to choose for themselves the best and interesting profession. Role-playing games help both parents and the educator, and the child himself. The former get an idea of ​​the desires, inclinations and abilities of children, while the latter, in addition to just having an interesting time, begin to acquire skills and abilities that will be useful in later life, trying on one or another profession. Career guidance in kindergarten is described in more detail in our material Career Guidance for Preschoolers.

In school vocational guidance, it is advisable to single out 4 large stages that differ in goals, objectives and methods used depending on the age of students:

Primary school, grades 1-4

At this stage, the acquaintance with professions started in kindergarten continues through career guidance lessons with invited specialists, excursions, thematic extracurricular activities, matinees, etc. Schoolchildren primary school there is a formation of a value attitude to work, through direct inclusion in various types of educational and cognitive activities (game, labor, social, research), interests and the need to learn develop.

Already in primary school it is important not to miss the moment and to interest the children in the upcoming choice of profession in time. A large number of circles, additional classes on interests will be of great help. For students from grade 3, psychological games and activities can be gradually introduced.

To obtain detailed material on the possibilities and structure of career guidance in elementary school, you can refer to the article "Vocational guidance in elementary school, grades 1-4".

Secondary school, grades 5-7

With the transition of children to secondary school, career guidance continues with a variety of games: business, career guidance, psychological. This achieves an expansion of knowledge about the world of professions and provides an opportunity to take the first steps towards choosing an interesting profession for oneself. Schoolchildren begin to realize their interests and opportunities, acquire basic ideas about the directions of possible specialties, get acquainted with the requirements that various professions impose.

A detailed description of career guidance at this stage can be found in the material Career Guidance in Secondary School, Grades 5-7.

Secondary school, grades 8-9

With the approach of the first graduating class and the first serious state exams, vocational guidance works from games and excursions to targeted assistance by students of a further profile of education, which will narrow the circle of possible choice of professions and facilitate further educational and labor paths.

In grades 8-9, the active diagnostic work of the school psychologist begins, lessons are given for a conscious choice of profession. Schoolchildren study more serious specialties that place high demands on employees (Ministry of Emergency Situations, education, medicine, etc.). Extracurricular activities and in-depth hobby groups begin to play an even greater role in understanding one's own values ​​and interests and making a conscious choice of profession.

The school psychologist, together with teachers, conducts individual and group consultations on the choice of a particular profession, an adequate balance of interests, abilities, health of the child and the requirements of the profession.

The end of secondary school is devoted to a separate material "Vocational guidance in secondary school, grades 8-9".

High school students, grades 10-11

This is the most important stage of school vocational guidance, the success of which largely depends on the quality of work in primary and secondary schools. The school psychologist is further expanding consulting activities for students and their parents. Presentations of the leading universities of the city are held at the school, excursions to open days are organized.

Much attention is paid to self-development and self-training of high school students, discussion and possible adjustments of further professional plans, preferences for the chosen professions are finally formed, readiness for them is assessed.

The article "Vocational guidance for high school students, grades 10-11" offers a detailed description of the process of career guidance in high school, choosing the required exams and the necessary steps for entering a higher educational institution.

Working with students

  • Meetings with interesting people, representatives of professions, representatives of higher educational institutions and employers.
  • Excursions to enterprises, universities.
  • Extracurricular activities, hobby groups, in-depth study of subjects.
  • Assistance in determining the need for additional education and choosing courses at school or outside of it.
  • Student survey.
  • Comprehensive career guidance support throughout the entire time of schooling (consultations, testing, classes, trainings, etc.).

Working with parents

  • Individual conversations and consultations for parents of students.
  • Lectures for interested parents about their contribution to the child's choice of a profession and obtaining an appropriate education.
  • Conducting classroom and school-wide parent-teacher meetings.
  • Parent survey.
  • Creation of an initiative group of parents who are ready to help organize and accompany excursions, attract interesting people to speak in front of the class or talk about their profession on their own.
  • Involving parents to help with temporary employment of high school students during the holidays.
  • Together with parents, create and lead circles of various directions (artistic, sports, theatrical, intellectual).

Organizational and methodological activities

  • Carrying out vocational guidance work at school, creating our own and adapting existing programs for the vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
  • Assistance to teachers and school staff with the selection of material, in conducting classes, diagnostics and consultations.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of career guidance work at school

To conduct a qualitative assessment of career guidance work at school, 5 effective criteria and 2 procedural ones can be distinguished. Successful criteria include:

Sufficiency of information about the chosen profession and methods of obtaining it.

A student can make a conscious choice of a profession, only knowing about its place in the market, working conditions, requirements for knowledge and physical characteristics. If there is enough information received, the student clearly understands himself in the chosen profession and the necessary steps to obtain it.

The need for a conscious choice of future profession

If the student is active in searching for information about certain specialties without outside pressure, independently tries himself in areas of interest possible activities or made a plan for further actions, then the criterion for the need for a reasonable choice of profession can be considered fully satisfied, and the task facing schools has been completed.

Schoolchildren's awareness of the social significance of labor

In the process of school vocational guidance work, schoolchildren should be instilled with an attitude towards work as a vital value. For schoolchildren in grades 8-9, this attitude is directly related to the need for a conscious choice of profession, which directly affects the quality of their future life.

Awareness of schoolchildren of their capabilities and interests

Under the guidance of school, experienced specialists, the student eventually becomes aware of his desires, values, physical and moral capabilities and, based on them, makes a choice of a further career path. A large role here is given to school psychologists and teachers for the most correct determination of the characteristics of the child.

The presence of a plan for further steps towards obtaining a profession

The student must make an informed choice of profession, based on the variety of information received about the labor market, taking into account their own opinions and opportunities. After the perfect choice, the high school student should also have a good idea of ​​all the further steps, which, as a result, will lead him to the desired profession. The presence of such a plan indicates the success of the school vocational guidance work.

Two procedural criteria for the effectiveness of school career guidance activities can be called:

The individual nature of career guidance

Any action taken must take into account the individual interests, abilities and capabilities of each student.

The orientation of vocational guidance on the comprehensive development of the individual

Schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to independently choose a profession, try their hand at various areas and specialties, plan future steps to obtain the desired specialty, and teachers and parents can only actively contribute and help without making a choice for the child.

Expected results of school career guidance

If there is an existing system of school career guidance that accompanies the student throughout the entire period of study, students will successfully form a conscious attitude to work and logically complete the process of choosing a profession, taking into account their interests, opportunities and requirements imposed by the labor market. The result will be further successful socialization of graduates and their easy entry into the professional world.

career guidance adolescents is a set of activities aimed at helping in choosing a profession.

It is in adolescence that the process of self-determination is the leading activity on the basis of which the future of the individual is built.

Career guidance for teenagers: why is it needed

The need for it seems significant and necessary for several reasons:

  • allows teenagers to decide With future profession, thereby highlighting the goal to achieve which he will strive;
  • identifies strengths and weaknesses schoolchildren, which allows them to make the right choice of profession in accordance with the identified abilities and character traits;
  • increases students' desire to learn and enroll in educational institutions that teach the chosen profession.

Adolescents are prone to frequent changes of interests, so the career guidance program should be based on a dynamic indicator, that is, it is carried out several times, for example, once a year for three years.

Factors affecting the choice of profession

There are many such factors, but it is customary to single out several groups.


  • the whole range of professions;
  • perspective development of this or that profession;
  • social necessity in a certain profession;
  • the prestige of the profession, the status it gives;
  • material security of a specialist in the chosen field.


They reflect the social role of the student in the group of peers, the status and material security of the family. Motivation is also included in this category.

The choice of a profession can be influenced by a variety of motives:

  • material, expressed by the desire for highly paid work and benefits;
  • social when a teenager wants to take a worthy place in society;
  • moral associated with the desire to benefit humanity, while having a large circle of friends;
  • prestige motives when there is a desire to build a career, choosing a profession that is significant in the circle of relatives and friends;
  • professional and educational, the purpose of which is the deep development of the profession;
  • utilitarian, allowing you to work and enjoy all the benefits of civilization, in close proximity to home, in a clean office, etc.;
  • creative, giving free rein to fantasy and creativity;
  • aesthetic, taking into account the desire for harmony and beauty in the profession.


They include the level of development of intelligence and self-esteem, the range of interests and inclinations, the features of the course of mental processes (thinking, memory, attention, speech) and the general abilities of a teenager.

To determine the motives of this group, the best form of conducting a career guidance session will be training, where teenagers can open up to the fullest, demonstrating their skills and abilities.

Psychophysiological features

  • features of temperament;
  • specifics of the nervous system;
  • the general health of the student.

So, for example, in surgery, people with a weak nervous system have nothing to do, but they can approach the profession of an oculist, where the likelihood of an emergency situation is almost zero. Weakness of the nervous system, of course, cannot be an absolute contraindication to choosing a profession, but this should be taken into account.

As for the general condition of the body, people with disabilities should seriously approach the choice of a profession, making allowances for their own characteristics.

The above factors must be taken into account in combination, otherwise mistakes in choosing a profession are inevitable.


Career guidance for adolescents is, as a rule, a program developed for a long time and including several methods. The most common of these are the following.

DDO. Author E.A. Klimov

Differential diagnostic questionnaire. The methodology consists of 20 pairs of professions, from which the teenager chooses one in each pair.

According to the results of the testing, points are correlated with five types of professions:

  • "man-nature" - professions related to plant and animal husbandry, forestry;
  • "man-technique" - technical specialties;
  • "man-man" - professions built on communication and service to people;
  • "man-sign" - specialties in which it is supposed to work with numbers and calculations;
  • "man-artistic image" - professions based on creativity.

"Map of Interests". A. Golomshtok

The purpose of the methodology is to determine the structure of the teenager's interests.

The methodology includes 50 questions and allows you to correlate the results for the following categories of knowledge:

  • physics and mathematics;
  • chemistry and biology;
  • radio engineering and electronics;
  • mechanics and design;
  • geography and geology;
  • literature and art;
  • history and politics;
  • pedagogy and medicine;
  • entrepreneurship and home economics;
  • sports and military affairs.

Career Anchors. Author - E. Shane

The methodology includes 41 statements and helps to identify the following career orientations:

  • professional competence - the desire to become a professional in a particular profession;
  • management - the desire to manage people;
  • autonomy - the desire for independence in work;
  • stability - the desire to work in one area for a long time;
  • service - to be able to embody their ideas and values ​​in the profession;
  • the challenge is to find unique solutions to complex problems;
  • integration of lifestyles - to build a harmonious relationship between personal life and career;
  • Entrepreneurship is the creation of new services and products.

An objective picture of a teenager's professional orientation can be built using two or more test methods in combination with practical exercises and on the basis of an individual conversation with each teenager.

  1. Parents should give their child the right to choose. A teenager should feel independence and independence in deeds, thoughts and actions. His actions should be based on internal beliefs and criteria, and not on the opinion of mom, dad, grandmother, etc.
  2. The child should be taught ideals to which he will aspire, calmly and positively relate to the future. To do this, it is important to be able to listen and hear your child.
  3. It is necessary to create such conditions in which the child will be able to reveal their abilities and identify limitations. This topic is especially relevant for people with disabilities. The range of their skills and abilities is quite narrow, so the choice of profession must be approached especially carefully, taking into account all the possible pros and cons of a particular activity.

  1. If a teenager tries himself in many areas: various circles, sports sections, visiting art, dance schools, this is very good, but it is worth making sure that each type of activity goes through a full cycle. Only in this case he will be able to see all the advantages and disadvantages of each tried profession.
  2. Young people should be given the opportunity attend a variety of classes and courses. Let him not like something, something will never be useful at all, but the knowledge gained will form the foundation of knowledge on which such important qualities in the modern world as lability, creativity, sociability and, of course, high intellectual abilities will be built. .

Career guidance for adolescents is a laborious and time-consuming process. But a competent approach, patience on the part of teachers and parents will allow children to make the right choice and not make annoying mistakes that are difficult to correct, and sometimes completely impossible.

Professional activity takes up most of a person’s life, which means that the approach to it should be serious and balanced.

Video: Career Guidance

Furnishings on modern market labor today is very specific. Due to the peculiarities of the modern economy, as well as the political situation, labor itself has somewhat changed both its nature and its goals.

Now, special requirements are imposed on the psychophysiological characteristics of a person, and the level of his professional competence and endurance should be higher.

Particular attention during the educational process must be paid to the professional orientation of schoolchildren, the relevance of which has also increased several times. It should be based on a deep knowledge of the entire system and factors influencing the formation of professional intentions.

The main goal of career guidance is to help students with the choice of both the profile of education and further professional activities.

Any career guidance project sets goals in the form of developing a conscious and positive attitude towards work among young people.

Professional self-determination, free, but at the same time conscious choice, which can be based on quite solid arguments - all this is the initial goals of career guidance.

Tasks can include the following:

  • Obtaining objective and complete data about students, their abilities, preferences for successful and correct division of them into educational profiles.
  • The use of non-standard methods, as well as forms for professional self-determination, in order to give young people a wide range of options for their choice of profession. Such methods should be carried out comprehensively and regularly used in educational work. Today there is more than one innovative method, which gives the teacher a wide field for choice.
  • Support for schoolchildren who are predicted to have career guidance problems in future employment. These may include students in remedial classes, students with very poor academic performance, etc.
  • Building a system of interaction with city and district institutions of additional professional education.

Goals and objectives of career guidance for schoolchildren, depending on age

Career guidance for junior schoolchildren (grades 1-4).

The main goal of work on professional definition in the lower grades is to form a positive attitude towards work, to show its value, both for the person himself and for the whole society as a whole. It is also necessary to develop in children an interest in learning and cognition, including them in various types of educational and cognitive activities, including research, labor, play, etc.

Career guidance for schoolchildren in grades 5-7.

At this stage, each student must grasp the personal meaning, both in the cognitive experience and in the interest in professional activities. Students should already represent their own interests, form their own "I" and have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btheir capabilities. At the same time, they need to gain experience in various fields of activity: culture, technology, art, medicine, etc.

Vocational guidance for schoolchildren in grades 8-9.

This is one of the most important stages of schooling in terms of professional orientation of students. Indeed, it is in the eighth and ninth grades that teachers must clarify the educational request through extracurricular activities, as well as various courses for choosing a future specialty. There is also a need for individual consultations for an adequate decision about the future profession and other similar activities. The main goal is to help the child choose a future profile in accordance with interests, as well as abilities.

Career Orientation.

This stage is a summing up of the previous work. The career guidance program in these classes should pursue the following goal: correction and assessment of readiness for the chosen specialty, as well as the student's future plans.

Directions of work on vocational guidance of schoolchildren

Work on vocational guidance should be carried out continuously from the first year of schooling. And at the head of this whole process is the class teacher, who must carry out work in the following areas.

  • Give children the necessary professional information.

It includes basic information about professions, necessary qualities for work in this area, as well as information about educational institutions and ways to obtain appropriate education. And the task of teachers is to convey this information to the student using a variety of forms of career guidance.

  • Vocational education.

The task of the teacher in this case is to encourage students to participate in various forms of both classroom and extracurricular activities. And also to incline them to an active test of their strength and productive work. In this way, students can be allowed to develop their inclinations and develop certain skills in practice. It is very important to allow students to try themselves in various activities. To do this, the school is obliged to provide a variety of types of extracurricular activities.

  • Professional advice

Before proceeding with the consultation of students, the specialist must study their personality. Since the consultation most often has an individual character, the class teacher has the opportunity to observe the development of his students, to study the results of their both educational and extracurricular activities. Also, for a more detailed analysis, questionnaires, filling out forms with questions, compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics, as well as consultative conversations with parents are used.

The main principles of career guidance at school:

  1. Systematic and constancy. This is one of the most important principles, since for a good result, work must be carried out regularly, from the first grade to graduation. It is fundamentally wrong to start work on the professional self-determination of schoolchildren in the senior grades and give less attention to this in the junior school.
  2. Individual approach to students. A differentiated approach is the most successful and effective, since it is he who allows you to properly distribute forces, tasks and choose the right methods for each student. To do this, the teacher must always be aware of the formation of the interests of students, their values ​​and life orientations, and, of course, the level of academic performance.
  3. The right combination of group lessons with individual ones. Individual work with students is of great importance, but in combination with group consultations it becomes even more meaningful.
  4. The relationship between the school, higher educational institutions and other organizations related to employment.
  5. Career guidance should have a direct connection with real life. This means that for successful work According to the professional self-determination of students, teaching staff should:
  • Have information about the socio-economic characteristics of professions.
  • To have knowledge about the prospects of the proposed professions.
  • Know the professional requirements of the offered professions.

Stages of organizing career guidance work

  1. Passive-search period (grades 1-7)

At this stage, children make their first choice regarding a profession. From the first to the fourth grade, the teacher must develop the interest as well as the ability of the students in order to form the need for professional self-determination. In grades 5-7, it is necessary to increase the number of electives and circles, as well as to involve schoolchildren in creative activity in a collective. It is also very good if the teacher keeps a portfolio for each child from the first grade. Such a portfolio accompanies the child until graduation and helps to more fully understand in which professional direction to push the student.

  1. Active-search period (grades 8-9)

At this stage, the teacher should aim to help his students formulate for themselves specific goals and objectives that are correlated with the future profession. To do this, it is necessary to provide adolescents with psychological and pedagogical support on the path of choice. It is at this stage that real acquaintance with educational institutions, their status, and the position of the profession in the labor market begins. In grade 9, it is recommended to arrange thematic parent meetings.

  1. Stage of professional definition (grades 9-11)

The most important thing, in addition to preparing for an adequate choice with the help of additional information and consultations, is also to provide students with the opportunity to study individual subjects in depth.

Topics for class hours on professional self-determination

There is a list of topics that can be interpreted, modified, but they should still be present in the career guidance process.

1-4 grades:

  • "My interests".
  • "Every job is good in its own way."
  • "What do our parents do?"
  • "Profession of my dreams"

5-8 grades:

  • "People and technology".
  • "Beauty will save the world" - excursions to beauty salons, hairdressers, etc.
  • "On Guard for Security" - a meeting with law enforcement officers.
  • "Astronomy - a wonderful world" - an excursion to the planetarium.
  • "On guard of health" - a trip to the pharmacy, which may give rise to a desire to enter a medical school..

9-11 grades:

  • Questionnaire on the topic "The main factors in choosing a profession."
  • A conversation about the motives for choosing a profession.
  • “They studied with us” - acquaintance with successful or famous students of the school.
  • Conversation "Perspective professions".
  • "Psychological" characteristics of professions.

This is only an approximate list, in addition to which there is far more than one topic. It can be greatly expanded and edited. The main thing is to adhere to all the basic principles of career guidance and take into account the characteristics of each age period of schoolchildren.

What is Career Guidance for School Students?

Vocational guidance for schoolchildren is the process of finding an answer to the question "whom a schoolboy should be." In order to find this answer, it is necessary to examine this student in terms of his abilities, needs, values, skills and knowledge.

This is done in the presence of the parents and with the participation of the parents. This is a deep collaboration. Of course, the student will be given tasks to determine the properties of his intellect and personality.

At our ProfGuide center, all this is done not by a computer program, but by a living person. We believe that this is fundamentally valuable for making an accurate decision about the fate of the child.

At what age can you choose a profession?

At the age of 14-15, a person can determine the profession quite accurately. But let's make a reservation: if he is ready to work on choosing a profession. This means that if he has enough experience of interacting with different aspects of reality, if he is ready to disagree with the statement of an adult, if he has a habit of mental and physical labor, and if he is mentally healthy.

Is vocational guidance possible until the age of 12?

Until the age of 12, not everyone can choose a profession, and very approximately. There are two reasons. Firstly, the child has not yet studied chemistry, physics, biology at school. Secondly, he has little social experience. Therefore, at this age, the child should not be limited by driving into certain areas. Let him develop comprehensively, studying himself and the world around him.

And yet, by the age of 12, the main directions of possible development and the main limitations in abilities are already visible. It is important to carefully identify these limitations, the properties of the child - both personal and intellectual. It is possible and necessary to develop a plan for intellectual and personal development up to the age of 15, determine the specialization of the class, school, send the child to circles and sections, give a list of books to be read and a list of skills that he must master by the age of 14-15.

This is what neuropsychologist Anna Andreeva is doing, identifying the abilities of children under 12 years old and analyzing the most difficult cases.

When do consultations take place?

We can take you on any day convenient for you. Career guidance starts at 10, 13, 16 and 19 hours Moscow time.
Career guidance is possible both in the office in Moscow and online (skype, viber).

And on the Internet consultation is not worse?

A Skype or Viber consultation is no worse if the connection is good and we can see and hear each other. Usually the connection is good.

Of course! This is a very important part of career guidance. We try to find universities and colleges that suit you by location (city, country), by price, by USE scores, by a set of subjects, by whether there is a military department, a hostel, and by other parameters.

What if my child doesn't know what he wants?

It does not happen that a teenager does not want anything. He does not want only what you offer him. But for him there are very pleasant gifts of fate. You just don't know about it yet. We always find activities that are enjoyable for the child. Is always.

Usually high school students come to career guidance with complete confusion in their smart heads. Why the confusion? But from what. It is not known what to be guided by when choosing a profession. The most obvious: school subjects.

From them, perhaps, to dance? Social studies are going well - I'll go where they take it. And these are economic universities. Do you want to work as an economist? Not? And by whom? Here we understand. Or: physics and mathematics are going well - I will go to an engineering university. Do you want to work with it later? With drawings, calculations? In the design office? Or at a factory or a construction site? Not? So, we need to figure it out.

Lay out the entire "card of the child" on the table and see the strengths and inclinations (interests). Tendencies can be so strange and different that, well, it's just not understandable. neither the high school student nor his parents. Everything the child wants. And here we sit and figure it out. It has to be done, it has to be done. Consider everything from all sides, see everything and make an informed decision. There are no people unsuitable for anything. No. And in your child - a treasure. Let's look for treasure together.