Important achievements in the summary. How to describe professional achievements and results in a resume? Let's take an example of infatuation above

Why is it important to describe achievements and performance?

  • The labor market today is not in favor of the applicant: there are few good vacancies, but there are many more competent candidates. It is the results of work and achievements that help to stand out from the general flow.
  • In most companies, employees perform the same tasks. Therefore, the description of responsibilities in the summary of different candidates is almost the same. The individuality of the resume is given precisely by the different results of the work.
  • It is possible to determine the level of competence of a particular candidate at the stage of reviewing a resume only by describing his work. And the achievements here are the best proof.

How to correctly reflect achievements:

  1. we remember KPI (for each position they are individual) or tasks;
  2. describe in active verbs: implemented, developed, initiated;
  3. we make a logical connection between our actions and results: implemented - it allowed;
  4. we use numbers, preferably in comparison: it was - it became.

Let's look at examples for positions with common KPIs.

Examples of achievements for positions where it is difficult to digitize the results of work.

job titleKey KPIsAchievement examples
1 CFOAccountingOrganized from scratch the maintenance of accounting, tax, operational and management accounting.
Setting up a budgeting systemImplemented a budgeting system for business areas, which increased the transparency of accounting.
Optimization of the financial flow management systemImplemented a payment calendar based on 1C UPP and carried out a number of measures to strengthen payment discipline, which made it possible to obtain financial resources to generate additional income.
2 Purchasing DirectorProcurement optimizationorganized procurement activities without any additional Money This was achieved through successful negotiations with suppliers to increase the delay and improve other conditions.
Business process automationInitiated and managed a project to automate the ordering system, which allowed to reduce labor costs for information processing.
3 Chief Engineer enterprisesModernization projectsImplemented a number of projects for the modernization and reconstruction of the enterprise: modernization of the access control system and installation of a fire extinguishing system, alarm and video surveillance.
Development of regulatory documentsDeveloped and implemented everything regulations on labor protection and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, safety traffic which made it possible to reduce the legal and financial risks of the enterprise.
4 LawyerDevelopment of document formsDeveloped forms of contracts: contracts, deliveries, purchase and sale, etc., which made it possible to minimize labor costs for preparing documents.
An experience judicial practice Case no.... - collection of debt under a supply agreement in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. (In this paragraph, it is desirable to describe several diverse cases, but no more than three for each place of work.)
5 Assistant SecretaryProjects or additional responsibilitiesShe initiated the participation of the company in charity events and sponsorship. Implemented the project of the head of the floristic design of the office.
Workflow optimizationShe initiated the creation of a workflow database based on Excel, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
6 Sales AnalystDevelopment of reporting formsDeveloped a reporting system for tracking orders and selling goods, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
Development of analysis toolsDeveloped mathematical models of sales planning, based on the efficiency of the sales staff.

Each person has their own set of values. That is why someone your achievements in life may seem insignificant. But it's not about them, it's about you.

Why do we constantly have to turn to others, listen to other people's opinions, think every minute about public feedback, being afraid to make an unnecessary awkward movement? The main thing that your achievements in life were important to you.

Everything depends on ourselves. For some, a gold medal at school, a red diploma at the institute, the title of employee of the month, and someone does not consider this to be indicators of success.

Let's try to figure out what life is in general, professional achievements.

Achievement is most often called a certain positive result, success in something. But this is where the single concept of achievement ends. And then there is a lot of controversy.

Firstly, they single out qualitative and quantitative categories of success, achievements, because, according to some, nothing better than numbers fixes success.

The numbers always speak for themselves. Many at the mention of the phrase " your achievements in life» want to hear specific data about , favorably distinguishes a person. For example, the advantages of the job seeker among other applicants.

Employers are often asked to bring concrete examples, confirming the words of the candidate, and talk about achievements in a particular field of activity.

Most of all they are interested in statistical data on the work done earlier. For example, the number of attracted customers, the percentage increase in sales volume of the department, how many deals were made.

But for many, not only dry numbers are important, but also what the person himself considers his own achievements.

People's opinion about their achievements reveals to others a part of their inner world, theirs. Based on such information, one can understand how a person evaluates his strengths, how confident he is, whether his self-presentation skills are well developed.

Secondly, some evaluate achievements by their quality, or rather by their scale. So, for example, occupying a managerial position for 2-3 years of work at an enterprise - this will be, in the opinion of "connoisseurs of quality", an achievement. Getting into the top list the best entrepreneurs region” is also a qualitative achievement.

But, as you know, you cannot please everyone, so we need to decide what achievements are for ourselves and achievements in the eyes of the public, because these are often completely different concepts.

In the column " your achievements in life"Under the mark" personal ", you can safely enter everything that is important for you. For example, a self-developed business plan, a good productive idea, getting yourself into great physical shape.

Yes, in our time, even a healthy lifestyle can be a personal achievement. And if we talk about, then here professional achievements will be more suitable and will be appreciated by others, both qualitative and quantitative.

Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on one's own opinion here. The second category of achievements is necessary when applying for a job, when assessing the competitiveness of your business (if most of the activity depends on you), when determining the quality of work of a division of an enterprise, a company.

So, your achievements in life can be very diverse, and there can be as many as you see fit, but exactly as long as it is about your personality without being tied to society.

In other cases, when evaluating your achievements, you will have to proceed from the generally accepted scale of success.

One of the problematic points for applicants is the “Achievements” column. You should not listen to the installation laid down from childhood that boasting is not good, this is not the case. It is better to look at examples of professional achievements in the resume and build on them, focusing on your personal experience.

Possible options

It is almost impossible to find a sample of achievements, but there are main points that you can focus on when filling out this column. For example, for the sphere of trade, such formulations are suitable:

  • increased sales volume in excess of the established norm by 15% over the last six months of work as a salesperson;
  • retained all major customers during the crisis period;
  • ensured the expansion of the sales market through the development of a network of branches in regional centers, which contributed to an increase in the company's profit by 11%;
  • conquered the niches previously occupied by competitors in large retail chains, increasing sales by 1.3 times;
  • developed a new tactic for finding buyers, which allowed attracting more than 50 new clients in a year of work, 6 of which are large;
  • repeatedly ranked among the top three in terms of customer service quality as a call center operator according to the results of organized surveys.

For people whose work is related to paperwork, accounting, planning, you can use the following example:

  • successfully passed 3 tax audits as a chief accountant;
  • accelerated the document flow at the enterprise by introducing and developing an electronic database together with the programming department;
  • organized a successful transition of a large enterprise from version 1C: Accounting 7.7 to 8.3;
  • found a discrepancy in the cost of production, due to which its price was overstated and made the product uncompetitive, correcting the error led to a revaluation of the cost and the resumption of sales;
  • increased the efficiency of the planning department by 80% due to the introduction of automation of calculations, this made it possible to reduce the staff of economists by 2 times.

Specialists in the field of computer technology, depending on their specialization, can choose what to write from the following list:

  • increased the efficiency of the company by establishing the functioning of servers, thanks to which the number of emergency failures was reduced by 3 times;
  • conducted an effective analysis technical support company and was able to reduce 20% of the funds allocated for the purchase of new equipment;
  • a team under my leadership developed the company's online store and promoted it to the TOPs of search engines;
  • created a program that allows you to optimize the workflow at the enterprise;
  • provided the possibility of control, limited access to resources, the subject of which is not related to professional activities.

Competent wording

When pointing out your achievements, do not forget that they should not reflect your daily duties, but exactly what goes beyond them. They should show that the specialist took the initiative or carried out the instructions of the head, which went beyond his previous experience.

When describing achievements, it is important to understand that a potential employer must see the problem and your actions. The result is also important.

For example, this wording can be traced in such variations:

  • implemented a satellite control system for sales agents, which increased sales efficiency by 23% per year;
  • trained new employees in 2 weeks in such a way that allowed them to immediately reach the level of sales established in the company;
  • conducted customer service training, explained the main functions of the manager, thanks to this, the number of purchased tourist tours increased by 18% compared to the same period last year;
  • managing the delivery department, I was able to achieve a 2-fold reduction in order processing times through the introduction of a logistics system and staff training;
  • organized and conducted a full-scale study of the market of fermented milk products in the city, which made it possible to introduce a new product;
  • negotiated successfully and the supplier provided a discount, and the company was able to save more than 7% of the amount allocated for the installation of new software.

Such wording allows the future employer to see your achievements in work, for a resume they should be formulated briefly and clearly.

Is it worth adding credit to yourself?

If you want to get a position, then keep in mind that employers are interested in selecting professionals. If you have nothing to brag about, you are drastically changing the scope of your activity or are getting a job for the first time, then it is better to skip this column altogether.

Please note that the recruiter is able to check any achievements, be it:

  • 40% increase in sales due to a change in negotiation strategy;
  • introduction of accounting automation at retail outlets;
  • development of new products as a technologist;
  • the introduction of a new labor incentive system that increases the productivity of workers.

An employer is unlikely to want to hire a person who attributed to himself non-existent achievements in the resume, thereby trying to increase the likelihood of employment.

Blurry phrases in resume

The recruiter wants to see real achievements in the resume, not general wording. There is a list of phrases that are better not to use. Among them:

  • improving the efficiency of the department;
  • created a new department and adjusted its work from "0";
  • conducted training for new employees;
  • did their job well;
  • for 4 years of work did not receive a single reprimand;
  • ensuring sales growth in the established region;
  • keeping records in the assigned area.

Such wording will not attract a personnel officer. They just make it clear that the person went to work and did the assigned tasks. These are not at all the achievements that can be indicated in the resume and which the employer should pay attention to. This column requires specifics indicating the programs implemented, the percentage of sales increase, the number of attracted customers, the level of profit growth of the enterprise, which can be attributed to the list of your achievements.

The whole set of ups and downs of a successful person reflects such a concept as “professional achievements”. They most fully and capaciously reflect the results achieved by him in a particular job. They show the employer what the candidate for the position is capable of. But it can be difficult for an applicant to reflect his main professional achievement in a resume. It is often the main criterion for compliance with a particular position, so everyone needs to know the basic rules.

Professional achievements can become the main criterion for eligibility for a position

Concept definition

The best answer can be given if we compare this word with the concept of purpose. They show what results a person expects, that is, they are turned to the future. In order to achieve the goals, they should be described in detail in the form of specific tasks, which should be comparable with the abilities of the person, the resources available to him and the realities of life. After a certain time has passed, we can say whether the planned has been achieved. Achievements in the work are turned to the past and show the results obtained. They can be expressed in specific numbers and indicators.

Relationship between responsibilities and achievements

Responsibilities - a set of actions that must be performed in a particular position. The main ones are fixed in employment contract and job description, they require strict implementation. Otherwise, appropriate sanctions will be applied. If you did well in your previous position, this does not make you better than other candidates for the position. And if you have gone beyond the outlined circle of your powers, then this will already be considered your achievements in work. They are expressed in qualitative and quantitative indicators, which are of decisive importance for a manager looking for a new specialist.


Achievements are divided into personal and professional. They are of great importance in life, determining its vector and success. Personal and professional achievements in the resume are required to be indicated.

  • conquering a mountain peak;
  • victory in a sports marathon;
  • winning an art competition.

They are an example of the implementation of certain of your personal qualities, some of which may be of interest potential employer in relation to work.

Personal achievements can have a sporting character

Professional success

Professional achievements - those that show the implementation of the goals and objectives set in the professional field by you or your manager. They may be a consequence of the manifestation of a set of qualities necessary for work. This means a lot not only for you, but also for the manager.

Your achievements mainly affect the improvement of the situation in which you work, or a group of people who are directed by the activities with which you have to deal.

They can change, this shows that the specialist is growing, his competence is increasing, he is making a breakthrough in his career.

Achievements in professional activity, which depend on a particular employee, can be illustrated by the following examples:

  • company's profit in rubles/dollars;
  • percentage increase;
  • increase in the number of concluded contracts;
  • increase in the number of attracted customers.

A professional achievement is considered to be an increase in the company's profits.


Personal and professional achievements are closely linked. They can play a major role in hiring, if properly described in the resume.

  • they are the result of efforts for the benefit of the company (letters, thanks, diplomas);
  • this is a methodology developed by you personally, important discoveries made that have benefited a certain or indefinite circle of people (cured from diseases, made qualitative changes in the lives of other people);
  • this is a title, an academic degree, with the help of which it was possible to achieve the best results in work.

Potentially significant personal professional achievements can be considered their knowledge, skills, experience, which theoretically can affect the position of other people for the better, i.e. their theoretical value is tangible.

A diploma is an important personal achievement for work

Description of success in resume

The most important stages in applying for a job are the interview and writing a resume. The main factor determining the likelihood of being invited to an interview is a well-written resume. For the interviewing manager, it is important what your achievements will change the position of the organization for the better. Any applicant should be able to answer this requirement.

You can describe your professional achievements in a resume in different ways, but personal ones must also be mentioned. You yourself need to decide which of them are the main ones and deserve the attention of a potential leader, and which ones are not.

The main requirement: they should not conflict with each other and with information about personal qualities, experience, skills and abilities.

Common Mistakes

  • no specifics, a lot of introductory phrases and words from which it is not clear what you mean;
  • a lot of unnecessary data that do not carry a semantic load, divert attention from the main thing;
  • contains information that is not related to the purpose of the resume, for example: an applicant for the position of administrator reports that he has a musical education;
  • many specific terms and clericalisms;
  • boring tone, copying dozens of similar resumes, behind which there is no individuality.

Style orientation

  • resume should be written in the language of business, so that the employer sees you as a serious person, aimed at solving important problems;
  • there should be no negative wording showing a decrease in indicators, a similar example is filing complaints with certain authorities at the previous place of work, the best thing is to omit this fact;
  • try to avoid nouns and verbs in the passive form.

Mandatory to indicate

Indicate not only the result obtained, but also its absence. Examples include the prevention of divorces, accidents, deprivation of parental rights, abandonment of children. Such results are common in the social sphere.

They must be indicated in relation to each place of work, this will allow you to objectively assess your abilities. You should not attribute to yourself achievements that did not exist or that were not reflected in further activities. Deception can be revealed if the manager asks for confirmation or you cannot cope with the tasks that he will set for you.

Your personal qualities must be indicated reasonably: do not overpraise yourself, this will not give the proper effect in the workplace.

Moderation is key when writing a resume.

Lack of success

It can be difficult if it turns out that there is nothing to write about in the resume. This problem is faced by people applying for low-skilled positions that involve routine duties. They can be advised to focus on the smooth performance of the necessary functions.

Section for writing

If there is no separate space for professional achievements in the resume form, then you can enter them in the section on duties and functions, or expand the section on personal qualities.

You can attach copies of diplomas, certificates, letters of thanks to your resume. A cover letter is required.

Examples in professions

Each area of ​​activity implies its own results, which may differ significantly from each other, be opposite.

Representatives of a particular specialty often find it difficult to answer this question, so their guarantee for successful employment is reduced.

The difference will be traced between retail and wholesale trade. The one who does wholesale sales, may indicate the following:

  • sales growth;
  • sales team management;
  • the expansion of the customer base;
  • attraction of new suppliers;
  • development of a new system of sale and purchase.

Increasing sales is a professional achievement of a salesperson


The main tasks of the secretary are to ensure the smooth functioning of the office, to help the manager, to be ready to answer any of his questions. What is the achievement here? In addition to ensuring the smooth operation of the company, you can specify:

  • obtaining certificates proving professional development;
  • development of a system that simplifies certain processes in the company;
  • participation in the development of corporate ideas.

Young specialist

It is problematic for them to describe the results, it is possible to focus the attention of the future employer on professional goals and the steps taken for this (training in courses, private lessons, improving skills). It is necessary to indicate information about the internship, practice, victory in olympiads, competitions during study.


Describe your key skills. Start by presenting the type of activity in which you are better and consider yourself qualified enough. State why you consider yourself an expert in this field. Do not include your functional responsibilities from previous jobs and do not indicate your personal qualities. Only purely professional achievements, they should look like a product description with all the useful features. At the end of this section, describe in detail your main achievements that will be most important for this particular employer. This can be a company benefit expressed in numbers: an increase in sales by a certain percentage or a reduction in costs by a specific amount. You can make the desired impression on the employer with specific facts, they will confirm your desire to bring financial benefits to the organization.

The next item will be a description of professional experience. Here, describe in detail your working biography, start from the last place of work. In addition to the profile of the organizations and their previous position, this paragraph should detail achievements for each place of work. If was career within any company, this is also worth mentioning. If you have little experience, in the descriptions, focus on good theoretical training in the area of ​​​​the intended functional duties. At the end of the description of each of your previous jobs, indicate the reasons for moving to another organization. Here, name such reasons as a change in the field of activity, lack of professional growth, etc. In no case do not write about conflict situations with management or with the team, as well as the fact that you chronically did not fulfill too high plans. This will negatively affect your opinion.

Additionally, about your professional image, you should list your computer skills, foreign languages. In the additional information section, indicate the presence of a passport, open visas, the possibility of long-term business trips and the availability of a car that you are ready to use for official purposes.

The final finishing touch are descriptions of personal qualities and your interests outside of work hours. Don't write about standard qualities like communication skills and stress resistance. Indicate your real advantages: patience, ability to smooth out conflict situations, pedantry, etc., depending on which of them will be a priority for this position. And in the description of your interests, mention those that characterize you as an educated and erudite person.

Tip 2: How to evaluate the personal and business qualities of your subordinates

Before each leader in a given situation, the question arises of the need to characterize his subordinate. An assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee is needed when introducing him, compiling a description, recommendation, certification sheet. How not to miss the main thing and write a review about the employee in detail and correctly?


Professional and personal "portrait" should be disclosed as objectively as possible. It is important to take into account all the opinions: both you as your immediate supervisor, and employees of the personnel department (personnel service), and colleagues.

Indicators that will help assess the business and personal qualities of a subordinate are quite diverse. In the first place, as a rule, is professional. When drawing conclusions on this position, take into account the employee's work experience, the level of his knowledge in the field of core activity, as well as the degree of familiarity with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts governing this activity. At the same time, your assessments can be very positive (“great experience”, “high level”, “deep knowledge”); medium ("sufficient"); below average “not familiar enough with…”, low (“does not have experience and skills in the field of…”).

It is important to remember that the business qualities of a person also mean organizational skills and the ability, under certain circumstances, to take on leadership functions. How strong is your subordinate in this?

Significant in assessment business qualities will be performance characteristics. How active, proactive is the employee in the performance of their immediate duties? Does he effectively and creatively organize his work process, does he perform tasks with high quality and does he meet the deadlines? Mark the punctuality and discipline of the employee with the appropriate scale.

Business qualities include the ability of a subordinate to establish productive working relationships with both management and colleagues and clients. Note dedication, ability to work in a team, learning ability.

All positive assessments of your employee were probably marked with various kinds of rewards. Take them as the basis for evaluating business qualities, whether it is a victory in a professional competition or effective public work. Surely the subordinate had other achievements (suggestions for improving working conditions, assistance in preparing a presentation or meeting with partners, and so on).

You can judge the personal qualities of a subordinate taking into account your perception of this person, as well as an adequate assessment of his communication style with colleagues. When describing personal qualities, it is important to note the degree of conscientiousness, goodwill of a person, his responsiveness, sociability, commitment, hard work. It is also appropriate to characterize the subordinate as a family man.

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The most difficult thing for a leader is to protect himself from bias in assessing the business and personal qualities of a subordinate. If there is such a problem, contact the Human Resources Department (Human Resources) for assistance. Think about the objectivity of the wording-characteristics together with other experts.

Useful advice

If it is necessary to characterize a subordinate not in a personal (oral) presentation or recall, but in a written version, pay special attention to the logical construction of your judgments, the correct placement of accents. Separately, you can provide up-to-date information about the ownership of an employee information technology. Evaluate the quality of an employee that is significant in the current conditions - stress resistance.

To select a worthy candidate for office or production, you need to evaluate professional quality applicants. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible, which will help to understand whether this person will cope with this work.


The first stage of the assessment is to view the resume of the applicant for a particular position. If you saw that it was compiled correctly, completely, not loaded with unnecessary information, but specifically described all business and professional qualities, pay attention to this applicant. Good resume will indicate the ability of the compiler to express his thoughts in writing, the ability to analyze and highlight the main thing.

The next stage of candidate verification is a telephone interview. Make an approximate list of questions, from which try to pay more attention to professional qualities, as well as the ability and ability to work in a team. During the conversation, find out from the applicant the true interest and desire to work in your company.

To begin with, invite the applicant to familiarize yourself with the website of your company (if it exists), to understand the nuances and specifics of the company. Give him a few hours to do this. At the end of the appointed time, call back and find out how he has learned the basic policy of the company, how he presents his future work What salary would you like to receive?

Be sure to ask why he wants to work for you. If the candidate says that he sees a development prospect in the company, mentions the products that your company produces, then this is very good. If someone says that he wants to try a new field or heard about big earnings, then such a specialist is clearly not suitable for you.

During a telephone interview, you will understand how the candidate reacted to the study of information about your company. If he could not specifically answer a single question, it means that he is irresponsible and not interested in the proposed work. If the applicant thoroughly spoke about the products, pointed out their strengths and weaknesses, suggested the possibility of improving individual processes, then this is an experienced professional and this should not be lost in any case.

After a successful telephone interview, invite the applicant to your company for a personal meeting. Here also make a special questionnaire, combining the topics in such a way as to find out the availability of the required knowledge, biographical data, his competence and desire to work.

Only by collecting all the necessary information, you will be able to determine the professional qualities of the applicant and find out if he is suitable for your company.

When concluding an employment agreement, set probation where his professional qualities are fully manifested.

Character - these are the personality traits of a person that determine his behavior, actions and thoughts. Sometimes it is very difficult to give an adequate description of your character, because in this case it is quite difficult to remain objective.


People have subjective opinions about themselves. Unconsciously or consciously, every person exaggerates or underestimates the qualities of his character. That is why it is very important to tune in to objectivity, look at yourself from the outside, imagine that you are being described by an outside observer who needs to give you an adequate and honest assessment.

One of the defining properties of character is considered to be the attitude towards other people, and it is with him that the description should begin. Think about how you relate to others? Do you tend to be indifferent to what is happening in their lives, or maybe, on the contrary, you are too sensitive to events that practically do not concern you. Do you consider people useful or useless, how do you treat your friends and enemies? What happens in your family, how close are your relationships with relatives? All this information allows you to more or less objectively assess this part of your character.

Attitude towards work and work - the second important property character. Imagine that you are watching yourself at work. Answer yourself how much you love work, how much you can work, do you prefer a sedentary job or one where you have to move a lot? Do you love the process of work itself, or is it just a way of earning money for you? How comfortable do you feel in the role of subordinate or boss? Are you ready to take responsibility for your work or do you think that nothing depends on you? The answers to these and other related questions will allow you to assess the relevant traits of your character.

Next, you need to describe your attitude to things. Think about how carefully you treat objects, whether you love jewelry, value gifts. Describe in detail how important things are in your life.

Only after that you can proceed to the description of those character traits that speak of your inner world. After answering the previous questions, you should already have a fairly objective idea of ​​what kind of person you are. Now you can rate yourself. Answer yourself whether you can call yourself good-natured or spiteful, forgiving or vindictive, how religious you are, how you treat members of the opposite sex, how romantic, devoted, faithful, obligatory you are. Do not be afraid of "negative" answers to your questions, getting a complete objective idea of ​​​​your character will only benefit you, it will help you understand yourself to a greater extent.

Each person has talents and abilities, some are noticeable from childhood, and they are easy to develop. And something is found only at a conscious age, for example, the ability to foresee economic events, a flair for good deals and lucrative contracts. Whatever skills you have, you need to develop them.


First you need to identify your strengths. Note that you are doing better than others. At the same time, it is important that this activity gives you pleasure, be a joy. Search in the most different areas not only at work. Perhaps you are a born leader or organizer, you can cook or sculpt from plasticine better than others. You can even find a few skills that distinguish you from others, and it is with them that you have to work.

Every quality needs to be improved. For example, you are a good speaker, you can and know how to speak in front of an audience. It may or may not be required at your place of work. But it is important to study this direction in order to become an even greater specialist every day. It is necessary to read books that help develop these skills, gain theoretical knowledge that will be useful in future use.

If there is a base of skills, you need to work with them in practice. The use of technologies and methods obtained in lectures or books will allow you to see the shortcomings and eliminate them. Each quality is lost over time if it is not used. You need to train it regularly to get results. To do this, find an interest club where your knowledge will be needed and useful. You may not immediately start earning money on this, but you need to start somewhere.

If the best qualities are manifested in athletes, the coach begins to observe this and, if possible, improve these data. From the outside, it is always clearer what is happening, how the training is progressing. Therefore, find your specialist who will help you. Today there are many trainings and seminars that allow you to develop a variety of abilities. Look for the ones that will make you very efficient. Sometimes it takes several years of practice to be successful.

Be sure to set goals. No matter what quality you develop, you need to understand where you are striving. Think about how much better they should become during the year? If you have an understanding of what you are striving for, it will be easier to go. You can break this path into stages to track the results. It is important to establish not only the stages of development, but also the time frame in which they must be achieved, this will stimulate and help.

A person is a flexible person, therefore, if you value work, then you should not show your shortcomings, since any of them can be overcome by doing this for a period of 8 hours. When compiling a resume, you should not even think about the shortcomings. When an interview is held and the employer asks about availability negative aspects character, boldly say that you are completely deprived of them.

The feeling of curiosity is inherent in a person, and if you declare yourself as an employee who has no flaws, the employer will certainly show a desire to check how honest you are. If you declare yourself as a flawless worker, then being in the close ranks of the organization of your dreams, do everything so as not to become a cause of disappointment to someone who has placed high hopes on you.

If the deficiencies column is required

In this case, you should act according to the circumstances, the main of them is career objective. If you are aiming for the position of a creative director, then a reasonably indicated “flaw” called restlessness will play in favor, but the quality of hyperactivity is completely inappropriate for office worker who spends the whole day in front of a computer. This personality trait is much more relevant for a sales representative, on whose activities the company's profit depends.

We were taught to be honest as children, but a resume is a white sheet of personality that you can write yourself, and then only follow and match a certain set of qualities. You are too soft, but you want to get a job in the personnel department, then indicate the quality of straightforwardness among the negative characteristics, because you will have to inform negligent employees that the organization no longer needs their services.

It is worth remembering that a resume is an opportunity to get a job, and not to reveal the negative sides of one's character, so you should not point out slowness, irascibility, isolation and lack of punctuality, otherwise someone will come who will put a more reasonably composed resume on the director's desk.